View Full Version : Magic item idea: the Streaking Glove

2019-09-20, 11:40 PM
I asked my players suggestions to create custom magic items according to their desires (especially if they go shopping), and one of my player came up with an idea that I nicknamed the Streaking Glove.

Basically, every time you hit someone, you get a +2 bonus to your next attack.

Everytime you miss your attack, you get a - 1 penalty to your next attack.

You can't take off the glove while not resting a long rest. The thematic behind the glove is that it's a technomagic glove created by ancient duelling schools meant to train swashbucklers.

The player originally suggested a +1/-1 bonus/malus, but I thought à +2/-1 would make it a potentially beneficial object.

Eventually, the user could increase the setting to +3/-2, +4/-3

What do you think? Too complicated? To broken?

2019-09-20, 11:48 PM
Obviously the glove should cast Invisibility on the wearer's clothes.

2019-09-21, 12:05 AM
I asked my players suggestions to create custom magic items according to their desires (especially if they go shopping), and one of my player came up with an idea that I nicknamed the Streaking Glove.

Basically, every time you hit someone, you get a +2 bonus to your next attack.

Everytime you miss your attack, you get a - 1 penalty to your next attack.
That leads to extreme series of hits/misses. Once you miss on the high AC enemy you can keep missing.
On the other hand, when you hit something, you can then keep the +4 bonus for the indefinite period? E.g. can you hit the tree, get the bonus and then wander for 6 hours and be nearly sure to hit enemy? +4 is as potent as advantage... and they stack.

I would give this item some restrictions:
1. Both attacks (before bonus/malus and after) have to be made using the glove (unarmed attack?)
2. Second attack do not generate bonus/malus.
3. Energy gathered in the item needs to be used in the next round or the item destabilises and loses bonus/malus.

Another idea:
Give it charges and make this effectively the "Bless Self for the specific value and only for attack" :)

Last remark: I would not use this item, as for me in the way you presented it, it feels more like cursed item. Maybe make it that way? Name it the Glove of Uncertain Guidance and make the bonus/malus equal. Do not allow removing it even with Remove Curse. The only way to get rid of this Glove is to willingly take it off after 5 consecutive hits in no more than one minute.

Or something. :)

2019-09-21, 12:12 AM
That leads to extreme series of hits/misses. Once you miss on the high AC enemy you can keep missing.
On the other hand, when you hit something, you can then keep the +4 bonus for the indefinite period? E.g. can you hit the tree, get the bonus and then wander for 6 hours and be nearly sure to hit enemy? +4 is as potent as advantage... and they stack.

I assume "someone" means it has to hit a creature. Though yeah, this still fails the "bag of rats" test. (Carry a bunch of cheap, harmless pets, hit one of them to activate the bonus.)

Probably should only make the glove activate in an appropriately CR'd encounter. Or only after initiative is rolled (for trivial 'encounters' like killing a pet rat, initiative need not be rolled at all).

2019-09-21, 01:29 AM
If I allowed it, I'd make it "melee only" (so it doesn't stack with Archery Fighting Style), stays at +1/-1 or +2/-1 (+4 is too much), and only applies to the next round (avoiding most of the Bag of Rats).

2019-09-21, 08:56 AM
That leads to extreme series of hits/misses. Once you miss on the high AC enemy you can keep missing.

Yes. That's the point, hence a streaking glove, because you are always on a streak of hits or misses.

On the other hand, when you hit something, you can then keep the +4 bonus for the indefinite period? E.g. can you hit the tree, get the bonus and then wander for 6 hours and be nearly sure to hit enemy? +4 is as potent as advantage... and they stack

It's +2, would only work after attacking a significant enemy, and the bonus wouldn't stack with itself, ever.

3. Energy gathered in the item needs to be used in the next round or the item destabilises and loses bonus/malus.

I actually like that idea. The bonus and malus only apply from within the same fight.

I assume "someone" means it has to hit a creature. Though yeah, this still fails the "bag of rats" test. (Carry a bunch of cheap, harmless pets, hit one of them to activate the bonus.)

Probably should only make the glove activate in an appropriately CR'd encounter. Or only after initiative is rolled (for trivial 'encounters' like killing a pet rat, initiative need not be rolled at all).

Fully agreed. It's a training glove after all, so no shennanigans to abuse the mechanics.

Although I could make it "once you activate, it stays active for the entire fight".

If I allowed it, I'd make it "melee only" (so it doesn't stack with Archery Fighting Style), stays at +1/-1 or +2/-1 (+4 is too much), and only applies to the next round (avoiding most of the Bag of Rats).

100% agree with that.


At every fight you can activate the gloves as a bonus action. They grant +2 bonus to melee attack by default on your next attack. Whenever you hit, your next attack keeps the bonus.

The moment you miss, you lose the bonus and now has a - 1 malus to melee attacks. That malus stays until you hit an enemy.

The glove stays activated until the end of combat.