View Full Version : Ideas for a Satyr Godling of Nature and Music?

2019-09-21, 08:04 PM
My character Maximillian has a lover-slash-cohort, Pan, a Chaotic Good satyr who is heavy on the casting, somewhat of a nature-themed bardic character, almost like a bard/sublime chord, but with a mix of arcane and druid spells (and enough skill points to add to Perform and nature-based skills), and I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to build him. He's fluffed to be an immortal fey godling of shepherds, music, sensual sexuality, and wild places, heavy on the mythological Greek version of his namesake (https://www.google.com/search?q=wiki+pan+greek+myth&oq=wiki+pan+greek+myth&aqs=chrome..69i57.4591j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8). (Note, not all of the links on that page are SFW.)

I have 20 (non-gestalt) levels to play around with, but I want to focus more on him being a godling with nature casting and ranger/druid and bardic flavor than his being a satyr. Refluffing another race with low LA and RHD (or just using a race with a lot of viable power in exchange) is entirely acceptable, as are dips, so long as they promote the overall idea of the build.

I'm thinking something like a bariaur from the Manual of the Planes (refluffed to be a satyr-like biped) with some low- (or no-) LA template to change him to fey (or I could just leave him as an outsider, since they're also immortal, and most gods are outsiders already). Maybe a non-shapeshifting druid/bard/sublime chord/fochlucan lyrist or somesuch? It'd be nice to be able to meld the arcane bardic casting with the divine druid casting through some means, using Southern Magician or something, and combining the spell slots granted from all the classes to be interchangeable.

It's a high-power build I'm looking for (fitting for a true godling who is the lover and adventuring companion to a level 21 epic spellcaster/skillmonkey with a lot of martial capability on the side), though nothing seriously cheesy, such as infinite loop hacks. I'm willing to entertain unusual build strategies for him (including early entry stuff), so long as we get something fitting for his abilities.

He's also more into sneaky archery and daggers, a light skirmisher, than a true martial powerhouse.

Any suggestions on this?

2019-09-21, 09:33 PM
How about a neutral good satyr with chaotic leanings? He could be a regular satyr but with a major celestial bloodline, have some bard levels, one level of generic spellcaster to account for the druidic magic and to pick up sneak attack, then go into Fochlucan Lyrist to advance both spellcastings. He can be a shoo in for Godkissed membership before too long.

2019-09-21, 10:39 PM
How about a neutral good satyr with chaotic leanings? He could be a regular satyr but with a major celestial bloodline, have some bard levels, one level of generic spellcaster to account for the druidic magic and to pick up sneak attack, then go into Fochlucan Lyrist to advance both spellcastings. He can be a shoo in for Godkissed membership before too long.Generic spellcaster actually looks pretty great for this, since it's hard to get two different types of spellcasting and evasion. I dunno about the celestial bloodline, though. I know it has the "godling" thing, sorta, but it's also kind of useless, outside of general bloodline shenanigans.

I was halfway considering looking into taking the stupid racial requirements off of chameleon and pushing the class farther than it was intended via legacy champion, but I think I like the generic spellcaster idea.

I'm definitely still open to other ideas, however.

2019-09-22, 12:57 AM
You could refluff a half-satyr as full satyr. There's a half-satyr template in Dragon #313 for +1 LA, but I'd actually go with a level of the half-fey savage progression. Either way would let you chameleon to your heart's content, since you could use a human as the base creature.

2019-09-22, 01:20 AM
Y'know, the saint template is looking pretty good for "godling," assuming a bit of a refluff as personal divine power instead of...whatever else I could think of. With LA buyoff (+1 for half-satyr human, or bariaur, or whatever, and +2 for saint), I think that would work fairly well. Though half-satyr is looking kinda meh, really. Half-fey looks better.

2019-09-22, 09:09 PM
Y'know, the saint template is looking pretty good for "godling," assuming a bit of a refluff as personal divine power instead of...whatever else I could think of. With LA buyoff (+1 for half-satyr human, or bariaur, or whatever, and +2 for saint), I think that would work fairly well. Though half-satyr is looking kinda meh, really. Half-fey looks better.

You could also keep the half-fey (or half-satyr), and have the base be an elf with the otherworldly feat to make it a native outsider.

2019-09-22, 09:28 PM
You could also keep the half-fey (or half-satyr), and have the base be an elf with the otherworldly feat to make it a native outsider.Saint turns you into an outsider, so there's that.

Are there any no-LA or +1 LA creatures that grant satyr-like abilities? Right now I'm considering maybe refluffing Athasian human (http://thedarksun.wikidot.com/human) saint with a level in half-fey savage progression (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20040213a). Plenty of really fantastic fey-like abilities for +3 LA, which, I believe, can be bought off by level 20. And he'd be an immortal (fey) outsider, which would be great for a godling.

Now I just need to figure out how I can get the most out of generic (divine) spellcaster / bard / sublime chord / fochlucan lyrist (or something at least somewhat similar) while actually meeting the crazy, insane, and nutso combined prereqs, and still having some nature theming going on. Maybe there's an easier way to get the bardic-nature-skirmishing-spellcaster fluff while also remaining quite powerful?

This'd be easier with gestalt, which would also work rather well with a godling (divine powers, yo!).

2019-09-23, 02:02 AM
Saint turns you into an outsider, so there's that.

Are there any no-LA or +1 LA creatures that grant satyr-like abilities? Right now I'm considering maybe refluffing Athasian human (http://thedarksun.wikidot.com/human) saint with a level in half-fey savage progression (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20040213a). Plenty of really fantastic fey-like abilities for +3 LA, which, I believe, can be bought off by level 20. And he'd be an immortal (fey) outsider, which would be great for a godling.
If you want +0? I think the faun from Deities and Demigods was updated to +0 LA. It has a Charisma penalty, though.

2019-09-23, 09:05 AM
If you want +0? I think the faun from Deities and Demigods was updated to +0 LA. It has a Charisma penalty, though.Why would they do that? Fauns/satyrs are supposed to be charismatic ruffians, yet all the ones not in the MM have Cha penalties.

2019-09-23, 09:15 AM
If you're willing to be neutral-good-with-chaotic-leanings or chaotic-neutral-with-good-leanings so you can take Druid levels, Arcane Hierophant (RotW) and Green Whisperer (Dragon #311) both advance both Druid and Bard casting, meaning you don't to have to dip into Rogue or similar to get evasion for FL. Druid 3/ Bard 2/ GW5/ SC1/ AH9 would get you 9ths on both sides.

2019-11-06, 12:37 AM
If you're willing to be neutral-good-with-chaotic-leanings or chaotic-neutral-with-good-leanings so you can take Druid levels, Arcane Hierophant (RotW) and Green Whisperer (Dragon #311) both advance both Druid and Bard casting, meaning you don't to have to dip into Rogue or similar to get evasion for FL. Druid 3/ Bard 2/ GW5/ SC1/ AH9 would get you 9ths on both sides.I like this; I think I'll go with it.

Green whisperer is a great find; it apparently progresses both bardic and druid casting, which is great for this build (and it's something I somehow missed the first time I read through the class).


[edit] He's a refluffed athasian human saint with a level in the half-fey savage progression (to symbolize his being both a godling and a satyr, respectively), and he's got all of the 3 effective LA (+2 for saint and +1 for the level in half-fey) paid off.

There's not much there in the way of class features, but it does fantastically in spellcasting. Even better when converted to spell points (as always).

2019-11-07, 08:37 AM
If you want +0? I think the faun from Deities and Demigods was updated to +0 LA. It has a Charisma penalty, though.

Where was the update?

2019-11-07, 10:53 AM
So interestingly enough, Green Whisperer doesn't actually require you to ever have taken any levels of bard but will give you bard casting. Technically you could go druid 5 (with Greensinger Initiate feat) Green Whisperer 5 and have 10 levels of druid casting with 5 of bard. The only downside is then you don't get Bardic knowledge and Bardic music from green whisperer, though if you are just looking at Arcane Hierophant and not Fochlucan Lyrist that isn't an issue.

alternatively Druid 4/bard 1/Green Whisperer 3/Arcane Hierophant 2/Sublime Chord 1/Arcane Hierophant 10/Green Whisperer 4 gets you to 9s for both sides.

2019-11-07, 11:06 AM
So interestingly enough, Green Whisperer doesn't actually require you to ever have taken any levels of bard but will give you bard casting. Technically you could go druid 5 (with Greensinger Initiate feat) Green Whisperer 5 and have 10 levels of druid casting with 5 of bard. The only downside is then you don't get Bardic knowledge and Bardic music from green whisperer, though if you are just looking at Arcane Hierophant and not Fochlucan Lyrist that isn't an issue.

alternatively Druid 4/bard 1/Green Whisperer 3/Arcane Hierophant 2/Sublime Chord 1/Arcane Hierophant 10/Green Whisperer 4 gets you to 9s for both sides.Err... Green whisperer only has 5 levels, and you can only get 10 levels of arcane hierophant pre-epic.

2019-11-07, 11:13 AM
Err... Green whisperer only has 5 levels, and you can only get 10 levels of arcane hierophant pre-epic.

I am entering them in based on what level you will be hitting so Druid 4/bard 1/Green Whisperer 3/Arcane Hierophant 2/Sublime Chord 1/Arcane Hierophant 10(you are taking levels 3-10)/Green Whisperer 4 (you are taking the fourth level here)

2019-11-07, 11:42 AM
I am entering them in based on what level you will be hitting so Druid 4/bard 1/Green Whisperer 3/Arcane Hierophant 2/Sublime Chord 1/Arcane Hierophant 10(you are taking levels 3-10)/Green Whisperer 4 (you are taking the fourth level here)That's not how that notation works, and it's confusing for everyone else. Might wanna do the normal notation so you don't go through this every time you try to explain stuff.

2019-11-07, 11:46 AM
That's not how that notation works, and it's confusing for everyone else. Might wanna do the normal notation so you don't go through this every time you try to explain stuff.

yeah don't normally share many builds, at least not ones that dip back and forth will keep that in mind for the future.

2019-11-07, 04:58 PM
You changed styles in the middle. If Green Whisperer 4 indicates the 4th level of green whisperer, then shouldn't starting with Green Whisperer 3 mean that you skipped levels 1 and 2 of the class?

2019-11-07, 05:12 PM
You changed styles in the middle. If Green Whisperer 4 indicates the 4th level of green whisperer, then shouldn't starting with Green Whisperer 3 mean that you skipped levels 1 and 2 of the class?

no more than saying druid 4 or Arcane Hierophant 2 would mean I skipped druid 1-3 or Arcane Hierophant 1, I simply twook 3 levels of Green Whisperer consecutively then another as the last level of the build.

2019-11-08, 11:54 AM
alternatively Druid 4/bard 1/Green Whisperer 3/Arcane Hierophant 2/Sublime Chord 1/Arcane Hierophant 10 8/Green Whisperer 4 1 gets you to 9s for both sides.Actually, no, it doesn't. Green whisperer explicitly advances bard, not other classes that combine with bard, so you'd end up with more bard casting instead of sublime chord that way.

In short, it just doesn't work the way you thought it did.

2019-11-08, 12:07 PM
Actually, no, it doesn't. Green whisperer explicitly advances bard, not other classes that combine with bard, so you'd end up with more bard casting instead of sublime chord that way.

In short, it just doesn't work the way you thought it did.

well then finish it off with a level of Mystic Theurge, pretty easy fix...