View Full Version : DM Help The Watch at Gralhund Villa (WD:DH SPOILERS)

2019-09-23, 04:04 PM
We will be wrapping up the Gralhund encounters in the next sessions, where the group will meet Yalah and Urstol.

I'm trying to put myself in the mindset of these characters, and having a hard time at it. Judging by the situation, and no obligation to tell the truth, how do Urstol and Yalah approach the characters? If these NPCs learn that the players are after the stone as well, how does that effect their interaction with the PCs?

My ADD is killing me, trying to wrap my head around the whole aftermath.

Let's say things go as expected; Urstol is defeated and Yalah feigns innocence. The Watch then shows up and questions everyone. I'm guessing Yalah gets out of it scot-free and Urstol jailed, since it is obvious he is behind the mayhem at Gralhund.

The Watch knows Urstol was a victim of the blast, but has no evidence that helps with finding out who was responsible for the Fireball. Am I right?

My head is spinning and I'd love for someone to tell me whether I'm on the right track or not.

Then of course you introduce players into the whole mix, which will have a huge impact on how The Watch approaches the whole situation. What will Barnabus think about the characters being at Gralhund when he arrives at Gralhund Villa?The players know about the Nimblewright, but don't have any evidence, so they are have to continue on conducting their own investigation.


Questions bolded for TLDR purposes.