View Full Version : poker hands as magic items

2019-09-23, 07:33 PM
I have an idea to use playing cards as rewards in game and allow players to build "poker hands" of cards that do interesting things.

Each of the suits has a different effect:

Spades = slashing damage
Clubs = bludgeoning damage
Hearts = healing
Diamonds = ????

As you can see, I can't quite figure out what Diamonds should do, which is why I'm posting here.
I could just make is another damage dealing suit, (ranged magical damage?), but that seems a bit unimaginative. I've loosely based the types on tarot suits (spades = swords, etc), and Diamonds seems to be Coins/Pentacles and associated with wealth, but I don't want to have an effect that just generates piles of gold coins. Clearly my imagination is failing me here. Does anyone have an suggestions for how the Diamonds suits could be used?

BTW, in case anyone's interested, the way I'm using these hands is simply to sum the face value of each card in the hand, then add a bonus value to the total based on the rank of the hand being played, then divide by 2.
The hands need to be legitimate poker hands.
A single card could be played by itself for it's fave value. For example, the 10 of Spades could be played as an action to deal 5 (10/2) slashing damage. A 10 of Hearts would heal 5 points of damage.
A pair of 10s' could be played for 16.5 (17 if rounding up) points (10 + 10 + 13 (the "pair" hand bonus) / 2).
Better hands generate better bonuses.
I think I worked it out so that the maximum damage that can be dealt (by a King high straight flush) is 199, which could be game breaking if it weren't for the fact that it would be so damn rare to get such a hand.

Cards are acquired as rewards for good game play and taking chances (not playing it safe all the time), and they would typically be acquired one at a time so it would take a while to build up a hand of 5 cards. Max 5 cards at any one time. "Hands" don't have to be played with all five cards at once. If you had a weak pair in your hand and wanted to make some space in the hope of gaining some better cards later, you could just play the pair and hold onto the rest of your cards.

I also considered using tarot cards for this just becasue they are more "mystical" and they have cool artwork, but I haven't worked out how to use the Major Arcana. I saw a cool adaptaion of the Deck of Many Things on reddit (I can't post links yet). Perhaps I could do something like that.

2019-09-24, 10:38 AM
Diamonds could boost AC/defense?

Maat Mons
2019-09-24, 05:03 PM
If you're interested in suit equivalents from non-French decks, here are some.

Hearts: Cups, Roses
Diamonds: Bells, Coins, Tiles
Clubs: Acorns, Clovers
Spades: Leaves, Pikes, Shields, Swords

2019-09-24, 09:02 PM
Diamonds could boost AC/defense?

I like this idea. It could create done kind of magic shield that soaks up X amount of fame before failing. Plus it could still work with the damage types to provide resistance.

2019-09-25, 06:48 AM
I have a final(ish?) draft of this deck of cards I'm calling the Deck of Wonders.
I've published it on GM Binder: https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-Lpbb2HSQiSPTOSMEoYj

I used @thisdude9001 idea for using Diamonds as a defence suit.

I should add that I plan to add a section for the Major Arcana for when using a tarot deck.