View Full Version : You've been turned into a monster! What is it?

2019-09-24, 04:13 AM
Hi all

So a little while ago I made a "you get turned into an animal" thread. Its only fair this one shows up..

Q: through hijinks, you and you party have been turned into an assortment of monsters!

1) if you had the choice, which would this be for your current pc? (The happy choice)
2) assuming its more of a curse, which would it be? (The unhappy about it choice)

- anything in the monster manual is go. If you wanna be that guy that says terrasque so you can crush everyone then you do you x3

-assume you keep all of your memories and alignment but would still get any urges and needs the monster has (aka, if you become a mindflayer you gonna start wanting brains)

-either or both options are welcome. Your choice can be based on whatever reason you see fit.

Mine for kosh:
Happy choice: Satyr.
Hands down. He lived with some for 5 years and more or less considers himself one at heart

Unhappy choice: a displacer beast.
He hates them. Nearly died to one as a kid.

Let's see what kinda monsters we are gus

2019-09-24, 04:51 AM
This is fun :D

I'm thinking about the different consequences of turning into different beasts.

- Character dies undramatically.
- Become the campaign's new main villain
- Character dies dramatically
- Character becomes an NPC
- Character remains unchanged (reincarnation)
- Character gets stronger

UNDRAMATIC: Any ooze. I'd like to see what the party decides to do with me xD. Will they keep me as a pet? Expect me to continue adventuring? But me in bottles and try to reverse the curse later, or will I simply be placed under the house, doomed to eat sewage until I finally become big enough to climb up out of the toilet to terrorize them.

VILLAIN: Let's go with Ghost. I'll quickly learn how to use my etherial and possession abilities, and with the inherent rageful jealousy ghosts often feel towards the living, I'll rally up all the lost souls and start a war with the everyone who can still enjoy the sweet taste of life. It'll be a combination of possessing high-priority targets to distrupt the ruling class and planned raids against minor settlements to increase the number of shadows, wraiths and specters under my command.

NPC: I'd be an awakened Tree. I'll aid the adventurers on their heroic quests from a base of some sorts. When they have moved on to creater adventures and other planes, I will remai. In that garden I will live out my immortality, ready to give advice and guide young adventurers who seek glory. I'll grow thousand of years old and carry the wisdom of the ages. At some point I'll outlive everyone born before me, and probably be regarded as a pseudo mayor in whatever settlement I decided to put down roots. It'll be an interesting scenario for other groups to run into; the town run by a tree.

PLAYABLE: Both Animated Armor and Polar Bear sound like fun ^^

Now excuse me, I have to go homebrew some monsters as playable races

2019-09-24, 06:24 AM
Vampire. Ideally with a soul thereafter so I get my good alignment back. </Buffy>

2019-09-24, 06:36 AM
Good: Werewolf.
Not just because they're immensely cool, but also because the character belongs to a Clan of Northerner Folk called the Wolf Clan. :smallbiggrin:

Bad: Death Knight.
I dunno, as an Ancients Paladin that guy just seems to embody everything the Oath stands against.

2019-09-24, 08:02 AM
Good: were tiger
My Ranger would probably be good with this.

Grey ooze.

2019-09-24, 08:37 AM
I could see being an obnoxiously lawful ooze. Odo is my spirit animal.

The worst would be any kind of undead, just due to oversaturation. Like, "oh, eek, another stupid zombie," and some ten-year-old takes me out, or even the more powerful varieties like a lich or vampire would ultimately suck. I'm bored of them, and imagine it as a truly boring existence.

2019-09-24, 08:44 AM
1) Flail Snail

2) Flail Snail

2019-09-24, 08:53 AM
1) Flail Snail

2) Flail Snail

That's one way to give your paladin Flail Snail Scale Mail I guess.

2019-09-24, 10:29 AM
That's one way to give your paladin Flail Snail Scale Mail I guess.

I just want the party to carry me in a pail so I can stay out of jail for I have no bail whatever that may entail.

2019-09-24, 12:15 PM
I just want the party to carry me in a pail so I can stay out of jail for I have no bail whatever that may entail.

Have the bard regale us with what sounds like an amusing tale.

2019-09-24, 12:19 PM
Have the bard regale us with what sounds like an amusing tale.

Alas, nevermore for his entrails I flailed and impaled as he could not prevail against this flow which ails. MC Snail.