View Full Version : Draconic bloodline sorcerer: how noticeable are those scales?

2019-09-24, 10:45 PM
I’m going to be playing a sorcerer soon, and the scales are the only thing that’s keeping me from choosing this bloodline.

In this world, arcane magic is feared and sorcerers much more so than wizards.

Scales would be a dead giveaway that I’m not “just a wizard”

2019-09-24, 10:53 PM
It's largely left up to you, but how about being a Dragonborn or Lizardfolk?

2019-09-24, 11:01 PM
It's largely left up to you, but how about being a Dragonborn or Lizardfolk?

Oh, that’s not an option. I didn’t include that in the OP, but I’ll be playing a half elf.

2019-09-24, 11:08 PM
I would invest in disguise kit proficiency via background in that case, but there's nothing really concrete on how visible they are. Most would probably agree that it's noticeable if they are thick enough to protect you however.

Edit: Unless you could just pass it off as how your Mage Armor happens to look?

2019-09-24, 11:11 PM
Maybe try to pass them off as the result of a curse?

2019-09-24, 11:13 PM
I’m going to be playing a sorcerer soon, and the scales are the only thing that’s keeping me from choosing this bloodline.

In this world, arcane magic is feared and sorcerers much more so than wizards.

Scales would be a dead giveaway that I’m not “just a wizard”

Wear long pants and sleeves.

2019-09-25, 12:06 AM
Elven heritage and shimmering scales accentuating your features? Claim you're descended from merfolk (or tritons), and that should do fine. It can be very elegant looking, so playing into that and showing it off could be enjoyable.

Bonus points if the character doesn't know how to swim and is deathly afraid of water but has a bunch of fanciful sea stories to sell the charade.

Granted, I don't know how accepting the populace is of exotic parentage if magic is an issue. But scales are usually going to indicate genetics or environment more than sources of magical power. Saying your grandfather/grandmother was a dragonborn is also fine, though a bit less fun than the fabulous mer hero imho.

2019-09-25, 01:18 AM
You should probably ask your dm how long the scales are and how much covering up you'll need to do.

2019-09-25, 01:20 AM
Don a fake scale armour.

2019-09-25, 02:03 AM
Parts of your skin are covered a thin sheen of dragon-like scales. You probably won't be able to get through a strip search unnoticed, but it should be trivial to say that they're only visible on parts of the body that are normally covered with clothes. Many armors are effective only covering the torso instead of more extensive coverage.

Alternately, since it's all fluff, ask your DM if the draconic features only come to the fore when you start calling on sorcerous power. It'll be harder to pass yourself as "just a wizard" to people who you've been fighting, but since you probably won't be making a habit of casting spells in public you should have an easier time handling mundane town interactions.

2019-09-25, 02:36 AM
Honestly, this just sounds like a great RP opportunity to me!

I say embrace it, make it a feature of your character that they never wear short sleeves or always wear scarves, even when it is warm.

2019-09-25, 05:34 AM
Thanks a lot guys. This’ll be fun.

2019-09-25, 07:02 AM
Ask your DM territory.

I personally played a character on whom they were subtle enough that unless they were closely examined they looked more like a tattoo/body art, while I know another player who had an entire half of their body basically be draconic which they usually hid under a cloak.

2019-09-25, 09:20 AM
Honestly, this just sounds like a great RP opportunity to me!

I say embrace it, make it a feature of your character that they never wear short sleeves or always wear scarves, even when it is warm.

Or go the extra mile! Wear mystical garbs that cover everything (think of the female krogan from mass effect 3), emphasizing an exotic heritage from a far away culture

2019-09-25, 09:28 AM
Don't forget to pick up alter self for when you want to minimize risk. Though you can do a lot more things with it anyway.

2019-09-25, 09:33 AM
Due you're not a wizard, you're a sorceror! Everyone knows those crazy guys turn blue, grow wings and explode for no reason. If scales are the only thing that happens, most anybody will be tremendously grateful.

Alternatively, as a far more hardcore alternative, you could ritualistically remove any scales you grow, leaving you covered in innocuous scar tissue- just make sure no one casts any really powerful healing magic on you.

2019-09-25, 03:27 PM
Or, you could take proficiency in Deception, and try to convince everyone that you hate Sorcerers because when you were young one came to town and LOOK WHAT HE DID TO YOU!

2019-09-26, 07:41 AM
My highly deceptive Yuan-ti Pureblood Bard has convinced many many npc's that "a wizard did it". Can't trust them dress wearing book worms, cursing innocent people left and right, amirite?! Nothing like us honest folk, earning a proper living!" *suggestion* you will serve me a meal fit for a king, for free, of course

2019-09-26, 08:20 AM
If arcane casters are scarce then just call it a skin condition like eczema, something you have had for a long time.

If it ever gets noticed says something like ... "sometimes I get these scaly patches. Hot dry weather seems to make it worse. I've had it for ages but I haven't been able to find a good treatment. Do you have any suggestions of creams or salves I could try?" roll a deception check (make sure you take deception as a skill :) ).

It is only on parts of your skin and it doesn't need to be very noticeable though that is up to you and your DM to figure out. However, the yuan-ti purebloods might arguably have more snake like features but the books also clearly state that they can easily pass as humans and are used as spies within human society. This would tend to mean that the features are present but are either mostly unnoticeable or can be passed off as some ailment or other condition. The situation should be similar for a dragon sorcerer but again ask your DM since they might have other ideas.

Capac Amaru
2019-09-29, 07:28 AM
When I played a draconic sorcerer, the only real sign that couldn't be explained as a bronze skin tone were some barbs on his chin, that he grew a big bushy beard over to keep secret.

2019-09-29, 03:41 PM
Don’t cover them up, just tell people you are half elf half draconian, one of your parents was a dragon in elf form.

2019-09-29, 03:44 PM
Had a player once that said the scales were only noticeable around his genitals. Yeah... one of those.

2019-09-29, 05:13 PM
Had a player once that said the scales were only noticeable around his genitals. Yeah... one of those.

Damn, he must of got his nuts targeted a lot for that to be enough to provide 13+Dex AC :P

2019-09-29, 05:30 PM
Damn, he must of got his nuts targeted a lot for that to be enough to provide 13+Dex AC :P

He argued that all of his skin was tougher, but only certain areas were visibly changed with the silver dragon scales. We didn't care enough to argue it. Nobody wanted to watch him when he went off to "drain the dragon" or to "polish the silver."

2019-09-29, 06:20 PM
You could just play into the fear of magic and sorcery and scare the hell out of everyone.

2019-09-30, 05:52 AM
I fluffed the scales as being at the base of my neck, right where the hair ends. But as it was in the same color & tone as my half-elf's long long hair it just looked natural and like a part of her hairdo.