View Full Version : (IC) Old Anteirobrahd-by-the-Spiral

2019-09-25, 09:20 PM
Old Anteirobrahd mostly existed already when we found it. It has stood by the Spiral for as long as anyone can remember (written history only seems to go back about three hundred years or so). The black tar streets of Coppershroud Alley and Mugger's Pinky are built upon ancient soil, but beneath that? Bones. Rats who grew fat on the starving children of an empire which rose and fell before the city was even named. Trade comes in from Capricornius-Tempo to the north, and the peasantry whisper that the elfs still hold dominion over the waterfall-lands and Lunarshards to the south-east.
But what else is out there?
Monsters. Technology from a foreign culture, rusting in the dirt. Riches, coins of Occultum, Orichalcum, and solid Octarine. Those who don't find death inside the city will surely find it outside.

A bald vulture crows atop a slanted cottage. It is watching a starving man pushing a cart of half-rotted vegetables. Here in Old Anteirobrahd, the sun is bleeding to death on the horizon, and the sky is a home for buzzing summer insects. In Southern Old Anteirobrahd, the cult-mongrels of the Scriptorium Bowery sing shrill riddles as they go about the gloom, slipping stiletto dirks between ribs. In the Bitterwalks, a bard plucks staccato on a foreign instrument, inviting the moon's presence. The vermin run from whipping balls of tumbleweb, blown from the infested avenues of the Street of Leng. Beneath the city, in the Olive Undercity, bizarre merchants with grey skin curse the new rulers of the city, the Selecum Secretis, saying rosaries for the Old Queen, the Pallid Emperor, and the Dragonking.

The Alchemist's Guild is a collection of ramshackle cottages of grey stone, fading red roofs, and Gothic wrought iron fences. Smokes from the myriad chimneys, some greasy, sparkly, some thin and streaky, coalesce in the evening clouds, mixing into all manner of curious shades. This guild is a mixing pot of experimental chemistry, and it offends all the senses.

Brother Mickelin, a respectable senior alchemist, has invited Quelle the elf inside his cottage to observe his nightly experiments. He is a lean man, with receding grey hair and a beak nose. He wears a uniform typical of the senior alchemists, a satin periwinkle blue robe; a pointed hood sits unworn on a nearby recliner.
Brother Mickelin was once known to Quelle's master, Gilan Anderbar, and has informed the elf that his door is always open, out of respect for Gilan. The halfling Django is also here, looking for work, maybe a bit out of place, surrounded by odd instruments and strange reagents. A copper plated fireplace crackles in the corner. A swordfish skeleton hangs in the ceiling. Flasks of neon purple liquid simmer on the shelf.
Mickelin is mixing a thick brown sludge with a handful of dry beans, in a pot over the fire. He has promised to discuss paying work with the halfling after completing the latest iteration of this compound. He seemed a bit tense this morning, but certainly the presence of other people, even near strangers, is putting him at ease.

Outside Brother Mickelin's run down cottage, about a block away, the cleric Alden Trask walks the cobbles of the Eyeless Road. The odd vagrants of the Southern City are here, of course, but they are thin in number. Few prefer the streets by the Alchemist's Guild as their regular haunt (the often foul smells of chemistry drive them away) but lately and on this afternoon, the numbers are even fewer than normal. The few that are here have wide eyes, and are staring down all passerbys with mute apprehension. There is a group of peasants; two middle aged men, a woman, and an old doberman, sitting on the stairs of an abandoned hut. There is a couple holding hands; a pair of young adult men, one with a single green iron pauldron on his shoulder and a sword at his belt, the other trying to get a fire started in a barrel.

2019-09-25, 10:21 PM
Quelle watches the alchemist's work with keen interest. It was lucky he was still alive; Master Gilan was older, for a human, and though she respected his great knowledge and skill, there was always a worry in her mind that he or any of his acquaintances could drop dead without a moments notice. Brother Mickelin, I'm curious as to what you hope to achieve with this mixture. She tried to keep her questions minimal and relevant. Anderbar had drilled in the importance for magic-users to be able to get to the heart of a problem quickly and that started with asking the right questions without getting sidetracked by meaningless banter.

2019-09-25, 11:01 PM
Django sighs and hums showing little to no interest in Quelle and Master Gillian, in reality he is taking mental notes of every item that might be worth something to someone else.

"So, Master Gillian, you where telling me about this job and downpayment... can we continue so I get started?"

2019-09-25, 11:47 PM
Without looking up from his mixture, stirring it with a wooden spoon, Brother Mickelin responds. This mixture is a curative, for a disease affecting a commune of peasants. Highly infectious. Not to worry though, the guards have them restricted to the Red-Liberty Triangle. They're calling it Greyspit. As if the folk in this district don't have enough to worry about.
Looking about, Django spots a few things of value. The three bottled purple liquids on the shelf look interesting. There is also a miniature tank, inside is a preserved fetal creature floating in a sickly yellow solution. Django spots the old man's coinpurse, but this is on a table in his line of sight. When the halfling speaks up, Mickelin turns around, a frown on his face. Ah, yes. Quite. I did have a problem I suspect you'll be able to help with. As for the down payment, I ordinarily wouldn't be so soon to part with my gold, but if you're in the company of Quelle, then I suppose you're trustworthy. Mickelin pauses, and looks out the window towards the street. I'm waiting on a delivery. It's of a sensitive nature.

2019-09-26, 08:15 AM
Ah, yes. Quite. I did have a problem I suspect you'll be able to help with. As for the down payment, I ordinarily wouldn't be so soon to part with my gold, but if you're in the company of Quelle, then I suppose you're trustworthy.[/COLOR] .[/COLOR]

Thank you Maese Michellin, alas, rather than thinking of your gold as losing it, you should think in an alchemical way, you are just transforming it

2019-09-26, 05:47 PM
Aldern walked down the deserted street, shivering in his thin tunic. He sees the couple, noting the sword one of them carries. He meanders down the street, eventually ending up at the barrel they are lighting. He pulls a handkerchief, decorated with the symbol of an ancient empire, down from where it was tied around his lower face.

“Would the two of you object if I were to warm my hands by the embers you’re kindling?”

2019-09-26, 09:01 PM
Brother Mickelin turns back to face the halfling's remark. A glimmer of recognition passes over his face, before he throws back his head and lets out a snort of laughter. He narrows his eyes. You, you're alright. Very well. I'm waiting on a delivery from the, ah, Undercity. The merchant's man was supposed to arrive two days ago, and I've never had any problems with him before. I wouldn't dream of going down to the Undercity, and I would be willing to pay a premium for the retrieval of my order, it is vital to my research. 70 gold pieces for the retrieval, and I can give you 25 now. However, before I send you away, I insist you take Quelle and ideally a few others with you. I could not consent to send a man to the Undercity alone, especially not a creature as sharp witted as you.
A puff of amber smoke issues from his pot.

On The Eyeless Road, in the dying evening shadows cast by the eyeless sculptures atop brick pillars that line the street, Alden approaches the the pair by the fire. The golden haired man kindling the fire says nothing. He looks up at you, with the hollow eyes of a trauma survivor, and keeps tending to the fire. The man with the green pauldron rests his hand on his sword at your approach, but after appraising you (and your lack of weaponry) he gives you a look of perhaps pity, and gestures for you to approach. Please, be my guest sir. The southern streets grow cold at evenings, and there's safety in numbers these days, haven't you heard? The man smirks at what he clearly intended as a good natured joke, but his partner by the fire makes a sound like a whimper, and the man looks down, ashamed.

2019-09-26, 09:47 PM
The Undercity can be a bit dangerous, but me and Quelle have the right people to make the retrieval and be back sound and safe

Its 25gp enough to equip our Party?

Maese Mickellin, could you please provide us the details about your order and courier so we can quickly get our group together and depart?

2019-09-26, 09:48 PM
Quelle nods and gives the halfling a smile I'll be happy to accompany him, Brother Mickelin. She rests her hand on the handle of her flail Can't be too careful. Where might we find more allies?

2019-09-26, 10:11 PM
Can't be too careful. Where might we find more allies?

Our Aldern is just outside, we where looking for something else down the road, he will join Us.

2019-09-26, 10:41 PM
25 gp isn't too much, really only enough for a suit of leather, or maybe a few daggers, maces, clubs or pole weapons, so it should do on a budget.

Mickelin coughs. Three able bodied folk should be fine, but there are always men-at-arms looking for work around Bitterwalks, if you fear the odd folk in the city beneath, and I wouldn't blame you if you did. Mickelin sidles over to his coinpurse, counts out a handful of golden coins, most of them scratched and grimy, and hands them to Quelle. My merchant goes by the name, 'The Ravishment of Many Shades'. These odd monikers are oft the way of the people in the Undercity. He wears a woven cloak of maroon, hemmed with dusty teal tassels. You can find him in an avenue called Your Senses Are False. He was supposed to have a servant deliver a locked coffer, containing curios relevant to my studies.

2019-09-26, 11:01 PM
Aldern holds his hands over the crackling fire, letting the warmth return to his fingers. He snickers at the swordsman's joke, and then smiles sympathetically at the blonde one by the fire.

Safety in numbers, and strength as well. At the very least you two have a sword, a fire, and one other person. That already counts for something.

His face turns somber again, as Aldren’s glance drifts to the stones of the street.

I assume the thing we’re seeking safety from is whatever lives beneath the roads. Being the penniless fool I am, I’m actually seeking out whatever this thing is.

2019-09-26, 11:27 PM
The man by the fire looks over his shoulder at another group of vagrants. As long as me and Madog are together, I know things will be okay.

Madog side eyes Alden, also holding his hands to the fire. Well you're in good company then sir, we're all fools here, with not a copper to our names. Madog looks in the direction of the northern city, a dreamy expression on his face. Then, he whispers. Of course, there used to be a lot more of us. We're trying to stay away from Sanker Street, down the road. More people are going missing around there. This road seems safer.

2019-09-27, 10:39 AM
25 gp isn't too much, really only enough for a suit of leather, or maybe a few daggers, maces, clubs or pole weapons, so it should do on a budget.

Mickelin coughs. Three able bodied folk should be fine, but there are always men-at-arms looking for work around Bitterwalks, if you fear the odd folk in the city beneath, and I wouldn't blame you if you did. Mickelin sidles over to his coinpurse, counts out a handful of golden coins, most of them scratched and grimy, and hands them to Quelle. My merchant goes by the name, 'The Ravishment of Many Shades'. These odd monikers are oft the way of the people in the Undercity. He wears a woven cloak of maroon, hemmed with dusty teal tassels. You can find him in an avenue called Your Senses Are False. He was supposed to have a servant deliver a locked coffer, containing curios relevant to my studies.

Quelle, please split the coins, Ill go get Aldern and buy some gear and supplies for us, could you please go find the men-at-arms @ Bitterwalks? I know the good ole Ser Fallen of grace of the far awayland hangs around and is always looking for adventure.

After Quelle hands me the coins Ill go out to check if Aldern has find somehting else of the rumor we both have been investigating.

2019-09-27, 12:00 PM
Quelle, please split the coins, Ill go get Aldern and buy some gear and supplies for us, could you please go find the men-at-arms @ Bitterwalks? I know the good ole Ser Fallen of grace of the far awayland hangs around and is always looking for adventure.

After Quelle hands me the coins Ill go out to check if Aldern has find somehting else of the rumor we both have been investigating.

She hands Django enough coins to arm the four of them and taps the handle of her flail again I'm already armed so don't worry too much about a weapon for me. Unless you somehow have enough for an extra polearm I suppose. We'll meet at Bitterwalks? She nods respectfully to the old alchemist Thank you for tonight's demonstration, Brother Mickelin. I'm hoping to learn even more in the future. We'll retrieve your delivery as quick as we can. She waits for Django to confirm their meeting spot before leaving.

I'm not as familiar with prices, but I assume we won't want more than one or two men-at-arms, if we take any. I'm hoping we can say Quelle knows about how much coin to give Django and still be able to hire some muscle for the night.

2019-09-27, 12:36 PM
She hands Django enough coins to arm the four of them and taps the handle of her flail again I'm already armed so don't worry too much about a weapon for me. Unless you somehow have enough for an extra polearm I suppose. We'll meet at Bitterwalks? She nods respectfully to the old alchemist Thank you for tonight's demonstration, Brother Mickelin. I'm hoping to learn even more in the future. We'll retrieve your delivery as quick as we can. She waits for Django to confirm their meeting spot before leaving.

I'm not as familiar with prices, but I assume we won't want more than one or two men-at-arms, if we take any. I'm hoping we can say Quelle knows about how much coin to give Django and still be able to hire some muscle for the night.

@Luccan: I understand there is another player that is a fallen knight/warrior? I supposed DM batsharkgrapple was sending us to get his character.

@DM batsharkgrapple: Could you please half decently equip us with that gold?maybe we can speed up the process that way. Guess cheap 2nd hand equipment should do, specially considering atm we are half naked and with DC high letality we might be avoiding combat for a bit

Alright Quelle, we meet at Bitterwalks pub then, we need to fill our stomach and plan before leaving

I say my goodbyes to Maese Mickelsen, and head out to the street looking for Alden... he is already talking to some bums, I notice one of them has a sword, I put one of my nasty huge nails under my sleeve and quietly approach the group from behind, considering they are all looking at the fire, they have little chance to spot me and I listen to their conversation.

2019-09-27, 05:10 PM
Aldern starts talking in a whisper as well, but this time it’s an excited whisper. A company indeed, my friend, us copperless vagrants have to help each other out. Trying to avoid those streets is a sound strategy, but I think the key to staying safe here is knowledge. If we find out what’s causing the disappearances we can figure out how to protect ourselves.

He leans in towards them and runs his hand through the patchy hair covering his chin, voice starting to take an almost conspiratorial tone. I’m thinking of an expedition, to find out what’s really happening with these disappearances. I don’t think anyone here has coin to offer, but if you know anything that can help me down there I’ll make sure to tell you two anything I find out.

2019-09-27, 07:47 PM
We have a few more players, but I haven't heard from them recently. They'll jump in whenever they can. Unless you want some hirelings, I'd say the three of you will do.

Here's a list of some of the stuff you can afford. Keep in mind what your class' proficiencies are. Halflings can't use weapons that aren't small, Clerics can't use edged or pointed weapons, and Elfs can use anything.
Battleaxe, 7gp, 1d8.
Handaxe. 4gp, 1d6. Small.
Club. 3gp, 1d4.
Staff. 5gp, 1d6.
Mace. 5gp, 1d6.
Warhammer, 5gp, 1d6.
Dagger. 3gp. 1d4. Small.
Halberd. 7gp. 1d10.
Short Sword, 7gp, 1d6. Small
Sword, Normal. 10gp. 1d8.
Sling. 2gp. 1d4. 30 bullets are 1gp.

I'll post what hirelings cost, and which ones we find this evening to choose from, in my next post.

Before leaving the Alchemist's Guild, the elf and halfling agree to meet at an old haunt, The Sunken Squall, for some stew, and to scope out the place for hireable muscle. Before heading to the Lilac Markets down by the docks, however, Django decides to investigate the strangers that Aldern is speaking with.

Outside, on The Eyeless road. Django creeps up in the shadows, seemingly unseen.

At the cleric's words, Madog and his partner turn to each other. The man by the fire seems deeply unnerved, and proceeds to have a staring contest with the ground. Madog however, pulls a bit closer to Aldern, and whispers. Sanker street. I know of at least three who have disappeared. The beggar who used to live in the abandoned Cafe. The other two I don't know much about, I think one was only a child. Madog gestures to a nearby sewer grate. There's something else. A manhole on Sanker Street. We think that might have something to do with the noises beneath the street.

2019-09-27, 08:52 PM
Warhammer, 5gp, 1d6. --->Aldern

Halberd. 7gp. 1d10.--->Quelle (can work as 10ft pole, right?)

Short Sword, 7gp, 1d6. Small---> Django
Sling. 2gp. 1d4. 30 bullets are 1gp.-->Django

If we can afford basic dungeonering gear with the remaining GP we get it, else I understand that Undercity is a populated area, right? So that would do

I wait until I'm sure that the vagrants have give Aldern all the info we require and then I openly approach them and salute

2019-09-27, 09:04 PM
Dungeon goods

2019-09-28, 05:08 PM
Guess we won't take the halberd, anyway Quelle has a nice Flail. And we take:

3 short cloaks
Tinder box
10ft pole
2 slings

And we are set to go

2019-09-28, 11:25 PM
Manhole on Sanker, I’ll make sure to check that out. Many thanks for the tip, if I make it out alive I’ll tell you all what I find. he says with a friendlier joking tone. After a bit more time, enough to get warm and make a bit of small talk, Aldern pulls his handkerchief over his lower face and waves goodbye.

May the blessings of the Black Quartz protect you.

When he finishes talking to them, he rejoins the rest of his group if he can find them and tells them that he found out that people have been disappearing near Sanker street and a manhole might be the sources of the noises people have been talking about.

2019-09-29, 02:52 AM
While waiting at the Sunken Squall, Quelle keeps an ear out for any more on the rumors she has heard in town, as well as anything that might be said about "The Ravishment of Many Shades" or "Your Sense Are False". If some ill fate had befallen either recently, it would be good to have warning.

2019-09-29, 05:36 AM
The two most commonly recruited hirelings are:

Non-combatant humans who serve as torch-bearers, porters, potion-testers, door-spikers, etc. Suggested rate of pay: 5sp/day.
Zero-level human men-at-arms. Suggested rate of pay: 1gp/day.
In rare instances, the party may also recruit:

Zero-level demi-human (dwarf, elf, or halfling) men-at-arms. Suggested rate of pay: 3gp/day.
First level human henchmen (fighter, cleric, or magic-user). Suggested rate of pay: 1/3 share of employer's treasure.
After stopping by the Lilac Markets and picking up equipment, the group heads to Bitterwalks.
The Sunken Squall, like most of the derelict taverns, cafes, and beer holes of Bitterwalks, is an emblem of the South of Old Anteirobrahd; dirty, foul, and tense with an air of violence. A gusty gale blows through the tavern occasionally. Outside, the sounds of blows, shouting, and gurgling from the fighting pits outside.

Ale is flowing free tonight, as much as you want (within reason) to celebrate the return of a veteran adventurer who has been questing for three years, August St. Morrdum. Though August is not currently present. If your tastes a bit fancier though, a few bottles of Black Damascus are open (a fine black wine flavored with squid ink). 1gp/glass. They say the owner of the coastal vineyard that produced this wine went mad, rampaging on his servants with a shiv of sharpened bone.

Quelle keeps a pointed ear out for rumours, and because of the free flowing libations, rumours are everywhere, to the point where you definitely miss plenty. None about the Undercity though, and its mysterious merchants and sinister avenues. The people above dont often speak about the people below.

"Fransworth has the Greyspit. That's another one stuck at Red-Liberty Triangle. What a waste."
"Your nephew Carter, he's built firm and strong? He should sign up with Lady Callisthe at the White Stemmed Rose, for that march. I hear she's rewarding each loyal soldier with a ring of gold and jewels."
"Did you hear about that bloody great beast those brutes at the White Stemmed Rose paraded in from the wastes beyond? Such unnatural things belong outside Anteirobrahd."
"The wild queen wishes to kill me. Her children wish to eat me."

As for hire-able folk, you scout the place out:
Werson, Man-At-Arms, Armed with Club & Dagger, wearing Leather. Asks for 1gp/day. An ambidextrous fortune seeker.
Ardash, Torchbearer. Has a dagger and not much else, save for a small mirror which he often inspects himself with. Asks for 5sp/day. A stable boy who wants to see the big city.

2019-09-29, 08:09 AM
I provide the cloak, sling and warhammer to Aldern and while listening to his story. Then we go to rendesvpuz with Quelle.

2019-09-29, 01:49 PM
When the others arrive, Quelle speaks quietly over her ale Not much to say of these offerings, as far as extra hands go. We shan't be long below, I think, and I don't favor taking a farm boy with us. It might be good to keep Werson in mind for future endeavors, though. I've not heard anything about Mickelin's merchant, either, though I suppose that's no surprise. She shares the other things she heard as well, though with less care towards secrecy. I hope Mickelin's mixture is effective. This Greyspit sounds foul.

2019-09-29, 02:39 PM
I agree, as good as the extra help would be I don’t think we need it for this first delve. If I do well in my adventuring, the Monument Below will grant me the power to heal others, and that should be good for the morale of anyone I hire.

Aldren holds the hammer, feeling it’s weight in his hands. He sips at his ale while contemplating the new equipment they have.

So this is part of the payment for going into the undercity and finding a package that an alchemist was supposed to get. Do any of you know how to get into the undercity, or is the manhole I found the only lead? Because as much as I want to deal with the disappearances, getting paid gets us the resources to do that.

2019-09-29, 03:38 PM
I give Quelle her cloak, sling and torch while hearing her info. I agree with both of them, the 3 of us should do for this errand.

I believe we need to set our way to the Olive Entrance to get access to Undercity, considering its below the city, most likely won't make a difference if its day or night, so we might as well leave now, unless anyone in our group thinks otherwise.

2019-09-29, 10:17 PM
The group ruminates on the next course of action, whether to pursue the missing people, related to the sewer manhole in Sanker Street, or the retrieval of Brother Mickelin's package from a merchant in the Undercity.
There are a couple of entrances to the Undercity known to the group. They're like open secrets, usually behind false bricks, basement hatches in abandoned buildings, or holes beneath the great arching roots of garden trees.

While the group is discussing plans, a section of the wall on the other side of tavern, rotted milk-wood, collapses violently! People curse and shout, fleeing from the area. A combatant from the slag pits outside has burst through the wall. He is a well built figure with olive skin and long oily black hair. He wears a leather kilt and two leather straps making an 'X' on his chest. On his head is a spiky cage-like helm, severely inhibiting his vision. He has a wickedly serrated dagger strapped to each hand. He seems enraged or blinded by battlelust; The fighter swings blindly, howling in rage!

2019-09-29, 10:20 PM
Party Surprise [roll0]
Berserk Fighter Surprise [roll1]

Berserk Fighter HD [roll2]

I'm doing individual initiative by the way, so everyone go ahead and roll d6 + dex

2019-09-29, 10:28 PM
Quelle leaps to her feet and grabs for her flail Get back! she yells to the other patrons.


2019-09-29, 10:55 PM
Initiative 1d6 [roll0]

Django quickly moves away to hide among patrons (light footed), he will try to get behind the berserker.

2019-09-29, 11:16 PM
Time to find out how well this new hammer works! Aldren eyes the berserker cautiously and takes a few steps back, unsure if he can survive a hit from one of those serrated knives.


2019-09-30, 12:05 AM
The bartender shouts and hollers for someone, anyone to come help. Tvarkin has gone mad! There are distant shouts from the pit, far off voices approaching.

With the party surprised, like most of the tavern, Tvarkin, battle mad, swings wildly twice in the direction of a random bar folk.

Knife 1 [roll0]
Knife 1 damage [roll1]
Knife 2 [roll2]
Knife 2 damage [roll3]

Random Bar Folk's HD [roll4]

Rounds until help shows up [roll5]

Quelle draws their flail and shouts for the patrons to flee. Django runs into the slimming crowd. Alden draws their hammer, taking a few cautious steps back.

2019-09-30, 12:08 AM
The old man falls, cut roughly, onto the floor. Tvarkin turns to the rest of the Sunken Squall and snarls and shouts like a wild pig. He advances, swinging his daggers like a blender.


Rounds until help arrives: 3

2019-09-30, 06:58 AM
Initiative [roll0]

2019-09-30, 10:27 AM
Just for future reference guys, this is how I'll do things when we're in initiative. Everyone declare what you're going to do, then in the same post roll Initiative, and any other attack and damage rolls you might be making, like how I did for Tvarkin a couple posts back. Then, once all the NPCs and players have stated their actions, I'll narrate what happens and the order it happens based on initiative, and we'll begin a new round (we reroll initiative each round)

2019-09-30, 11:42 AM
Quelle rushes the crazed pit fighter, hoping to strike before he can hurt anyone else


2019-09-30, 12:48 PM
Just for future reference guys, this is how I'll do things when we're in initiative. Everyone declare what you're going to do, then in the same post roll Initiative, and any other attack and damage rolls you might be making, like how I did for Tvarkin a couple posts back. Then, once all the NPCs and players have stated their actions, I'll narrate what happens and the order it happens based on initiative, and we'll begin a new round (we reroll initiative each round)


While hiding, Django prepares his sword and will wait for the right moment when Mad Tvarkin engages anyone, so he can hurts his Achilles tendons.

Roll for initiative [roll0] Still since Django is waiting he cancels racial bonus initiative, that I forgot to add in the past rolls anyway =P
THAC [roll1] Unseen Attack from above or behind & the target cannot count any shield bonustowards their armour class.
ShortSwordDmg [roll2]

2019-09-30, 03:21 PM
Aldren looks at the old man, a look of concern on his face. Then he raises his hammer above his head and charges directly towards the berserker.

Initiative: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2019-09-30, 08:47 PM
Tvarkin hops over the murdered patron, and charges to meet with Quelle and Aldren, not at all noticing the Halfling.
A bald man in overalls hurls a beer stein at the brute.

Initiative [roll0]
Dagger vs Quelle [roll1]
Dagger 1 damage [roll2]
Dagger vs Aldren [roll3]
Dagger 2 damage [roll4]

Rounds Until Help arrives: 2

Random Patron's attack [roll5]
Beer stein [roll6]
Random Bar Patron Initiative [roll7]

2019-09-30, 09:53 PM
Aldren swiftly charges forward, bringing down their mighty hammer. Tvarkin dodges backwards, and the hammer throws sparks when it slams the cobbled ground.
Quelle also charges, inserting themself between Tvarkin and other patrons, Swinging their mighty sea urchin flail. None of the urchins make contact, with only once glancing the mad fighter's helm.

Django, unseen by the helmed brute, severs the tendons in Tvarkin's feet. The brute shouts madly and dire, and falls to his knees, allowing a random patron's thrown beer stein turned missile to sail over his head, shattering on the wall.

Tvarkin swings madly, like a bull in a red velvet room, indiscriminate of who he butchers.
His second swipe misses Aldren, but his first dagger plunges into Quelle's thigh, spraying blood all over the floor.

Tvarkin is at 8/14 HP
Quelle is at 3/6 HP

2019-09-30, 10:03 PM
Aldren exclaims in shock, as the dagger was an inch from running him through, but hefts his hammer up again to swing at Tvarkin. Its a bit heavier than the stuff I normally use, I prefer to get a bit of practice before I’m thrown into a life and death situation

Initiative [roll0]
Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2019-10-01, 12:41 AM
Watching Quelle get hurt by the berserker is too much for Django, being that the berserker is already knelt, Django will finish him, attacking between the pauldron (if he Is wearing one) and the neck.

Roll for initiative [roll0]
THAC [roll1] Unseen Attack from above or behind & the target cannot count any shield bonus towards their armour class.
ShortSwordDmg [roll2] backstab + height is full damage or x2? Dont have the book @hand

2019-10-01, 12:46 AM
Quelle cries out in pain. The wound is fierce, but she holds her ground That will be your last strike, wretch! She swings again, aiming for his head.

Initiative [roll0]
To hit [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2019-10-01, 01:06 AM
The wounded brute whips his spiked helm around at Django, who has so far used his size against him, howling madly.

Everyone has a +4 to hit Tvarkin while he's prone, and he has a -2 to hit, so I've included that
Tvarkin Initiative [roll0]
Spiked Helm Bash to hit [roll1]
Spiked helm damage [roll2]

Morale check (Tvarkin needs an 8 or above in this mad state to break morale) [roll3]

Rounds til help arrives: 1

2019-10-01, 01:19 AM
Django's sword goes right through the soft of the mad brawler's neck. He rasps and gurgles, adrenaline and perhaps some cocktail of arena drugs keeping him tenuously alive.
Seeing an opening, Aldren brings down their hammer, cracking him horribly in the left shoulder. Tvarkin's left arm goes slack, and a crazed blankness takes his face beneath the helm.
Quelle, seeking revenge for the wound dealt to her, swings the flail with great acuity! The wickedly barbed echinoderms riddle the muscled beast with holes.

Before striking the Halfling, Tvarkin's morale is broken. He lets out a modulating, wounded cry, like a beached whale. He screams out for MERCY! MERCY! (with his brute tone, demanding it, rather than asking for it) and throws his hands over his head on the ground.

Tvarkin 1/14
Quelle 3/6

We're basically out of Initiative now. Judging by sounds you here, help arrives in 6 seconds, so whether you spare him is up to you.

2019-10-01, 07:08 AM
Aldren quickly rushes to the old man that Tvarkin stabbed. I don’t think he was shown much mercy.

He tries to see if the old man is dead or just injured, thinking that to be more important than whether to show the brute mercy.

2019-10-01, 07:37 AM
Django pushes Tvarkin face down to the ground, and while removing the berserker daggers -with both the intention of disarming Tvarkin and to increase our group arsenal- says "true, he didn't show mercy, but we can't afford to explain our selves to authority, his ludist or one of his fellows gladiator, we need to heal Quelle and continue our quest, besides, if Tvarkin has any honor left he owes, big time, agree?" Guido pokes Tvarkin ribs with one of the daggers and ask again "Right?"

Guido then proceeds to check Tvarkin for concelead weapons and other goods he might be carrying, and of course put everything in his owns pockets.

2019-10-01, 11:16 AM
Aldren quickly rushes to the old man that Tvarkin stabbed. I don’t think he was shown much mercy.

He tries to see if the old man is dead or just injured, thinking that to be more important than whether to show the brute mercy.

"Aldren, it seems that oldtimer is gone, could you please bless our Quelle? this brute" Django pokes Tvarkin in the ribs with one of his former daggers again "scratched her bad"

2019-10-01, 11:32 AM
Quelle presses her hand to the wound, attempting to staunch the flow somewhat.Django is right, we don't need any trouble that might come from taking justice into our own hands. Besides which- She grunts in pain Besides which, who knows what drive him mad. Perhaps it would be best to not remain too close or spill any more of his blood.

2019-10-01, 12:39 PM
I would heal that wound if I could, but the secrets of the ancient physician arts are beyond my current knowledge. I would help if I could.

as a level 1 cleric I can’t cast spells yet.

2019-10-01, 12:51 PM
I'll be fine for now. I have a protective spell I can cast on myself, if need be. I had not thought his strikes would be so accurate in his enraged state.

2019-10-01, 01:24 PM
I would heal that wound if I could, but the secrets of the ancient physician arts are beyond my current knowledge. I would help if I could.

as a level 1 cleric I can’t cast spells yet.

Its true! Sorry completly forgot about lvl 1 RC priest!

Worry not! Quelle is managing on her own!

2019-10-01, 07:56 PM
Aldren rushes to the old man. His wispy grey hair is dipped in the scarlet lifeblood gathering in the cobbles like a macabre paintbrush. He is not breathing and has no pulse.

Tvarkin grunts as the halfling stands over him, searching him. All he says, You will regret killing me. I fight well. Whether this a declaration of loyalty, a threat, or a half-dying madness from this dim brawler remains to be seen. Django takes the brute's weaponry. These serrated daggers tear flesh on a well placed stab. These daggers crit on an 18-20.
Django also finds a grisly whip, made from the bones of a human spine.

The door to the tavern slams open, and in come four people. They are not wearing the lacquered grey mail of the Southern guard, rather they are two pit fighters, their master, and a squire. The two pit fighters are in the lead, one amazonian woman, one herculean man, both dressed similarly to Tvarkin. The woman wears a buffalo skull helm, the man wears a golden alligator mask.
The master is a lean man in a swooping violet robe, and greased back black hair. His squire is a young lady in pastel blue and green tunic and cloak. She holds a incense burner shaped like a totem pole, the smoke of which the master is breathing in.

The master calls out with an effete, but confident voice. Everyone alright in here? He approaches Quelle and Aldren, keeping his distance from Tvarkin. Black hells, it's Tvarkin. What happened here?

2019-10-01, 08:19 PM
Quelle takes a steadying breath, testing her cut leg Your man went mad and started attacking patrons here. We convinced him it would be unwise to continue... Could someone make a bandage?

2019-10-01, 09:10 PM
Black hells, it's Tvarkin. What happened here?

"Hello there!"

Does Django recognize the lanista? Can Django know if they are Tvarkin friends or foes?

2019-10-03, 05:57 AM
The group looks at this collection of unfamiliar faces.
At Quelle's request, the herculean pit fighter approaches her. He tips up his golden alligator mask, revealing hard brown eyes and oily black curls. He studies the wound in Quelle's thigh for a moment, then produces a bandage, and roughly but expertly binds the wound.

The young lady squire in pastels looks around at the carnage of the tavern with doe eyes. She speaks, You are in the presence of Pit-Master Alumina-menthus, savage broken fist of the Moonpale Walkway.
Alumina-menthus, who seems too senior and soft-spoken to be 'savage', gives a curt nod to Django, and responds to Quelle.Ah yes, So I can see. Tvarkin's work speaks for itself here. He looks around to the street, a bit nervously. He lowers his voice a bit. Perhaps we could speak more privately, outside? If it will put you at ease, I will keep my fighters here, and only take my squire Phee.

2019-10-03, 06:57 AM
For Django, this situation looks like opportunity for either compensation, gold or a powerful ally. Django gives a look and a nod to his friends and wait for their decision.

2019-10-03, 11:34 AM
Thank you Quelle says to the pit fighter who bound her wound. She follows Django outside to speak with the man.

2019-10-03, 12:59 PM
Aldren eyes the pit-master suspiciously, unsure about whether he can be trusted. Quell was already injured, and Aldren didn’t like the idea of leaving someone in his group alone with the pit-master and his squire.

He brushed himself off and put is hammer back on his belt. Would you mind if she brought a second person with her as well? If neither Quelle nor the pit-master objects, Aldren follows them out.

2019-10-03, 06:41 PM
The alley outside The Sunken Squall is misty with rain in the evening. Phee the squire tips the ashes from her totem censer. Smells like sugar-tobacco and carrots.
From out here the group sees the broken section of wall which leads to the slag pits, one of the hundred fighting pits outside taverns in Bitterwalks. Here is a hemispherical pit in the ground, surrounded by trash and stained with blood. Empty weapon barrels fill with slow rain, overflowing. Everyone has abandoned it after Tvarkin's rampage.

Pit-Master Alumina-menthus speaks. There's a chance the guards may soon be here. News travels with the wind here in Anteirobrahd, sometimes swift, sometimes slow, so who could tell how long we have. Tvarkin is my man, and I want to sort this out as quickly as possible. I'm already at odds with the authority in this part of the city. If you would assist me, I would be willing to make reparations.

2019-10-03, 06:44 PM
The alley outside The Sunken Squall is misty with rain in the evening. Phee the squire tips the ashes from her totem censer. Smells like sugar-tobacco and carrots.
From out here the group sees the broken section of wall which leads to the slag pits, one of the hundred fighting pits outside taverns in Bitterwalks. Here is a hemispherical pit in the ground, surrounded by trash and stained with blood. Empty weapon barrels fill with slow rain, overflowing. Everyone has abandoned it after Tvarkin's rampage.

Pit-Master Alumina-menthus speaks. There's a chance the guards may soon be here. News travels with the wind here in Anteirobrahd, sometimes swift, sometimes slow, so who could tell how long we have. Tvarkin is my man, and I want to sort this out as quickly as possible. I'm already at odds with the authority in this part of the city. If you would assist me, I would be willing to make reparations.

Quelle raises an eyebrow He killed a patron. What exactly are you asking us to do? Her tone is more incredulous than rejecting.

2019-10-03, 06:52 PM
Alumina-menthus peers inside. The buffalo skull helmed woman is standing with a sandal on Tvarkin's back.
My champions Latimer and Ulauren will, ah, relocate the body. Perhaps you could tell the guards that Tvarkin in his batte-rage caused mere structural damage. Which of course I will be paying the owner for. Tvarkin is my prized combatant, I would very much like to retain him.

2019-10-03, 06:59 PM
Her tone is more incredulous than rejecting.

Django completely agrees with Quelle! Actually, he is almost as interested in knowing what sort of idea the PitMaster has as in how much the party purse weight will increase in the next couple hours, almost....

The last post wasn't up when I wrote this one, ignore it I guess.

2019-10-03, 07:38 PM
Pit-Master Alumina-menthus surveys Aldren and Django's incredulous looks, and the damp red bandages around Quelle's thigh, and takes a deep ragged breath.
I can offer you monetary compensation. Understand that I do not carry around large quantities of coin, but I can offer you each one of these. And of course, a favor from me, should you need it in the future.
The senior pit-lord snaps his finger, and his squire Phee pulls up her pastel blue sleeve, holding her cape over her forearm to shield the precious bracelets from the rain.

On the girl's wrist is a collection of 7 silver bracelets. On each bracelet is a precious jewel, in the likeness of a planet in the solar system, including the Sun.

Yellow topaz, for the Sun. A symbol of radiance, hope, light.
Blood ruby, for Kophao. A hell planet of glittering magma. Passion, War, Fire.
Amber for Ceseomia. A lush desert paradise. Overcoming adversity. Patience.
Emerald with specks of blue cobalt for Terran. Adapting. Goodwill. Narcissism.
Dark Jade for Decutis. A gas giant jungle planet. Predation. Poison. The Circle of Life.
Opal, for Monov. Honesty. Honor. Loyalty.
Amethyst, for Yuggoth. Eldritch secrets. Insects. Arcane knowledge.

These are easily worth 200gp each.

2019-10-03, 08:10 PM
"I'm having a hard time deciding between red and green one, can you decide for me?" Django puts his wrist waiting for the squire's desition. "How can we contact you?"

2019-10-04, 02:02 AM
Quelle's eyes travel the bracelets, examining the first and third most closely. However, when her gaze sets on the final bracelet, something in her demeanor shifts. A covetous look crosses her eyes. The amethyst... My master had a powerful telescope. Tracking Yuggoth's position through the night sky was a favorite pastime of ours. She accepts the Amethyst bracelet, secreting it under her sleeve. She looks to the Pit-Master The deal is struck. I do hope Tvarkin can control his outbursts in the future, else the taverns shall need thicker walls.

2019-10-04, 07:02 AM
Seeing Django isn't certain which jewel he wants, and sensing her master's anxiety, Phee hands Django the silver bracelet with the Blood ruby, for Kophao. She then hands an eager Quelle the amethyst bracelet, for Yuggoth. Seeing the elf's choice, the young squire shares a secret conspiratorial smile with her. (a student of the arcane, perhaps?)

Pit-Master Alumina-menthus answers Django. Come to the slag pits around these parts, and ask about for 'a glass of gin, bathed in the light of an eclipsed moon'. You should be put into contact with me shortly after that.

A peal of lightning colours the thickening clouds green for a moment. He looks to Aldren. From the hole in the Sunken Squall, Latimer and Ulauren emerge. The man, Latimer, has the corpse wrapped in a khaki blanket over his shoulder.
After the last of you have chosen your bracelet and the deal is agreed to, we should head inside. My fighters are removing the man's body, gods give him rest.

2019-10-04, 09:12 AM
Aldren looks annoyed at Quelle getting to the ‘eldritch secrets’ one before he could, and swears to his ancient god under his breath. He looks grimly at the corpse being carried out. ”A philosopher I knew once asked me the cost of a life, saying that was the unanswerable question that plagued humanity. He clearly didn’t leave the academy much.

Aldren refuses to look the pit-master in the eye as he reaches for the emerald bracelet, willing to go along with this deal but clearly uncomfortable.

2019-10-04, 11:32 AM
Roughly ten minutes later, inside the Sunken Squall, we are alone with the guards, Alumina-menthus, his squire Phee, his fighters Latimer and Ulauren, and the bartender, shrunken away in a corner righting fallen furniture. Tvarkin is not present, having been sent away at the same time the corpse was disposed of.

The four guardsmen wear the uniform typical of the Southern guards, a type of varnished grey chain mail, grey open-faced barbuta helms, equipped with spears and bows. The leader is a grisly man, bald, with a red-wine birthmark over both his eyes, missing half his bottom lip, yellowed teeth poking through. The leader also has concrete thorns and ivy wrapped around his spear. He introduces himself as Simon Au Conteau, and asks everyone for their story about what happened here.
Never a night off. Never. Here I thought I could have an easy shift, have a drink to celebrate August St. Morrdum's return from the mountains.

He asks for Alumina-menthus' story first, and the pit-master delivers it as practiced. Structural damage only.
Simon then sends the pit-master and his retinue away outside with a couple of his guard, so only the party remains. So, what did you witness here?

if anyone would also like to do anything in the ten minutes before the guard arrive, feel free.

2019-10-04, 09:43 PM
Django nods to the guard and tells the story that was agreed.

Inside his head he congratulates himself on the choices made... he started the day with a handful of nails and a cursed apple and is about about to start an adventure with his bestest friends besides the fact that he has made 225gp in one day and probably another 55gp to split among friends... good choices indeed!

Django can't help but smile while daydreaming at the prospect of getting a black leather armor just like the one his former master had... and a small crossbow of course, every rogue that respect himself has one! Ohh the possibilities....

"Hey, Mr. Boss guard, you look tired, fancy and apple?"

2019-10-05, 12:57 AM
Quelle looks somewhat shamed at Aldren's comment, muttering what sounds like He's already dead... Once inside again she sits resting her leg near a suitably bloodied and broken piece of furniture or wall. She cleans her flail's heads during the wait, stowing it away when they come in.

2019-10-05, 08:42 PM
Guard Captain Simon nods as the crime scene narrative is told.

When Django offers an apple, the grizzled man stops and frowns. He removes his helm, showing the extent of scarring on his head. A little network of wounds and terrors.
What then, have me off with a poisoned apple? There are a thousand mendicants and fools who would be made princes in the street for killing a captain. I was born at night sir, but it wasn't last night. His face takes a tight, horrified quality. I was there when the Medicalis Arcana came out from the Undercity, when Phazmis Yurrin unleased his prion plague. My squad was first response when those Bast cultists sailed across the sea and unleashed their killer animals on the docks.
Another guard murmurs, struck with grief. Tigers. Tigers red with blood prancing up and down the Chaplain Lane.

If no one raises any last objections, the guards take a note of the report, briefly speak with the tavern owner, and vacate the area.

2019-10-06, 02:15 PM
"Made prince? Never heard that! Quite Interesting...." with out feeling offended or intimidated Diango puts his apple away " my friends and I have to go back to work, if we aren't needed anymore, with your permission we leave now. I wish you a life free from the royal pauper assassins!"

2019-10-06, 07:40 PM
When the guards leave, Quelle stands You're right. We've spent more than enough time here. Let's finish our current job before we have to worry about something else. She walks as normal as possible, not wanting to show any weakness in Bitterwalks or the Undercity.

2019-10-07, 05:50 AM
The party leaves behind the Sunken Squall, out of the Bitterwalks, out into the thin mists of rain outside. They leave behind the mad Tvarkin's sensless murder, some content, some not, accepting bribery from the master Alumina-menthus to lie to grisled Captain Simon Au Conteau.

Now, the party continues their investigation into the alchemist Brother Mickelin's missing coffer, which was supposed to be delivered two days prior, by a man called 'The Ravishment of Many Shades', who lives on an avenue called Your Senses Are False. To get to the Olive Undercity, the party travels to an entrance they are all aware of. (hard life in the city among the peasants breeds knowledge of the dark things beneath)

The party travels through the rainy Southern city. They come to a dead end street behind an abandoned bakery, and happen upon a broken, long dry well. From the well grows a gnarled and leafless tree, which gestures 'come hither' with ash-grey branches. At the base of the well are crab-orange bushes which dance and rustle in the rainy wind. Parting the bushes, the party discovers a grimy staircase down, built into the well.

The descent into the stairs quickly becomes a journey through utter darkness.

What is our marching order? The stairs only have room for single file. There's no light, meaning only Quelle can see naturally, if you want to go back and buy some light.
You know the journey down to take roughly an hour.

2019-10-07, 07:53 AM
I don’t enjoy this darkness, I’m not quite fond of the idea that any creatures down here could attack us. Aldren states as he trudges down the corridor blindly. He considers it for a second and says Most of us can’t see in the dark and I don’t think any of us fancy standing in the front and being the first to get cut down. Seeing how we’ve just come into a bunch of wealth, I think we could buy a torch or lantern and perhaps hire a warrior who could defend us.

2019-10-07, 10:26 AM
Guess we won't take the halberd, anyway Quelle has a nice Flail. And we take:

3 short cloaks
Tinder box
10ft pole
2 slings

And we are set to go

We do have torches, I say we send Quelle to the front so we dont hurt her night vision,
Django can go 2nd and Aldern 3rd? Is that ok with you all guys?

Quelle should take the 10ft pole.

DM, is this a dungeon or just and under city?

2019-10-07, 10:30 AM
that marching order works for me

2019-10-07, 11:35 AM
I can accept that, though I'm hoping we avoid fights Once the human and halfling have readied their torches, Quelle takes the ten foot pole and proceeds down. She'll test the steps ahead of her with the pole, not trusting the old staircase to not give way at any moment.

2019-10-07, 01:22 PM
I can accept that, though I'm hoping we avoid fights

Yeah, I agree, we should avoid combat as much as we can, or at least until we get lvl 3

2019-10-07, 09:16 PM
Right so Quelle first with the 10ft pole, Django 2nd, Aldren 3rd, no torches lit?
@OdeMx, this isn't a dungeon persay but there's still a chance for random encounters on the way down to the Undercity.

2019-10-07, 10:37 PM
I can accept that, though I'm hoping we avoid fights Once the human and halfling have readied their torches, Quelle takes the ten foot pole and proceeds down. She'll test the steps ahead of her with the pole, not trusting the old staircase to not give way at any moment.

Yes we ready and lite the torches and go after Quelle! Down we go!

2019-10-07, 11:48 PM
Random Encounter Checks
Turn 2[roll0]
Turn 4[roll1]
Turn 6[roll2]

2019-10-08, 12:15 AM
Travel down the staircase down passes long and arduously. It is a monotonous trek down the unknowable living history of Old Anteirobrahd. The black stone of the city changes to wood a third of the way down, before changing into worked and carved ground. In the walls, you see esoteric symbols which catch the torchlight. Depressions in the walls and ceiling where ancient fossils were excavated. The lonely, inky purple nothingness of it all puts your nerves on end. The party's minds wander in odd directions in lieu of other stimulus. What people built these stairs? And why? Here there are scorch marks, for some purpose. Here there is a symbol, like a crude lizard with six legs, another mystery forever lost. And what is man? What is our purpose here on these eternal stairs.

At the end of the staircase, Quelle sees the pale green light of the Undercity first. The torches flicker out at the bottom of the staircase. You have arrived.

The Undercity is a sprawling collection of obsidian black structures. Some building shapes looks familiar, but most are utterly different. The gutters are stuffed with the trash of long centuries. Almost everything glows olive green, providing illumination, and the sharp obsidian edges of the structures crackle softly occasionally, like a firecracker going off underwater. You hear a dreadful constant sound, the irregular ticking like of a geiger counter. It smells like ozone down here.

Ahead is a street sign, all green copper and dangling fetishes. It says the party is currently on a street called 'Avoid Sleep Here'. The sign indicates 'Your Senses Are False' is at the end of the current street.

Nearby, a rat the size of a bus sits in an alley. It watches the party's movements lazily.

2019-10-08, 02:35 PM
Django can't stop looking the behemoth rat, hand in sword pummel and eyes on rat he says "Guess we better 'Avoid Sleep Here' and move fast to our 1st stop, I'm sure that rat is friendly!"

Django Walk fast, fast, fast away from the rat! And urges his friends to do the same.

2019-10-09, 06:06 PM
The party traipses down Avoid Sleep Here. Footsteps on the black stone echo out and take on a life of their own. The gargantuan rat flicks it's whiskers and cleans itself.

On Your Senses Are False, there is music. The sound is tinny and blown out, and the tune creates a bittersweet feeling of love lost. The source seems to be a strange egg-shaped device, on a stool nearby a pair of figures. The pair wear heavy ratty hooded cloaks. They are at a table, playing some strange game with dice and irregular shaped cards.

There is a building with an open storefront further on. The area is lit by two tiki torches, flickering with forest green flames which draw the eye. Inside the store, you see textiles (brilliantly woven rugs and wraps, with garish patterns that put you in mind of mazes, Galaga games, and nocturnal eyes), camouflage pattern backpacks, stacks of tinned food, pottery which makes you slightly uncomfortable to look at (shaped into clearly human forms, but somehow bereft of all humanity), and a clay flask with two spouts.
The woman running the store looks bored, resting chin on hand. She has a third eye symbol carved into her forehead, and wears a bandanna over her mouth made of glittering moss-coloured silk.

Even further ahead, is the Ravishment of Many Shades' abode, detailed by Brother Mickelin. It is a low obsidian rectangle. You see smoke rising from the chimney.

2019-10-09, 06:12 PM
It appears... calm. Quelle looks to her companions Shall I knock?

2019-10-09, 07:32 PM
It appears... calm. Quelle looks to her companions Shall I knock?

Please do! You are the most appropriate

2019-10-09, 07:35 PM
Quelle knocks on the door and listens for any sounds of someone coming.

2019-10-09, 09:43 PM
Ahh, the undercity... Aldren says as he drinks in the green light and the black obsidian buildings. He walks with a boldness down here, as if he knows he is in danger but plunges onwards anyway. It seems the wildlife is particularly active today.

As the party approaches the door to the Ravishment Aldren ties the handkerchief around his head, pushing his messy hair out of his face and displaying his holy symbol proudly. He hums softly to the music on the street.

2019-10-09, 11:59 PM
Quelle raps her knuckles on the stone door. A quiet shuffling from the residence is heard, someone is coming to the door, and taking their time doing it. The man who answers the door wears a woven cloak of maroon, hemmed with dusty teal tassels. His head is hooded. His fingers wrap around the frame as the door creaks open. His skin is a dull grey, like a drowned man. His fingernails and long and lacquered violet.

From inside the house, Aldren and Quelle recognize the stink of the arcane. Cunning Django also recognizes a man rich in material wealth when he sees one.

He speaks in an off-pitched monotone. If you come seeking the Ravishment of Many Shades, then you have found him. He eyes Aldren's holy symbol and nods respectfully. What business do you have with me?

2019-10-10, 01:05 AM
Quelle raps her knuckles on the stone door. A quiet shuffling from the residence is heard, someone is coming to the door, and taking their time doing it. The man who answers the door wears a woven cloak of maroon, hemmed with dusty teal tassels. His head is hooded. His fingers wrap around the frame as the door creaks open. His skin is a dull grey, like a drowned man. His fingernails and long and lacquered violet.

From inside the house, Aldren and Quelle recognize the stink of the arcane. Cunning Django also recognizes a man rich in material wealth when he sees one.

He speaks in an off-pitched monotone. If you come seeking the Ravishment of Many Shades, then you have found him. He eyes Aldren's holy symbol and nods respectfully. What business do you have with me?

Quelle gives a smile to the odd man. The arcane smell intrigued her, but that could wait for a later time. Greetings. I hope we aren't disrupting your evening, Ravishment of Many Shades. We are here on behalf of Brother Mickelin of the Alchemist's Guild. He was expecting a delivery from you two days ago, but apparently your man never arrived. We're here to pick it up ourselves.

2019-10-10, 05:35 AM
The Ravishment of Many Shades pauses for a moment, chewing on Quelle's introduction. His eyes often linger in the direction of Aldren's holy symbol.

That.. is unexpected. You are welcome inside to discuss this further.

For anyone who goes inside, they see the odd wonder that is The Ravishment's living room. All manner of strange instruments occupy shelves and tables. Astrolabes, bookcases, fossils, and assorted artifact bric-a-brac.
A large glass terrarium sits up against the far wall. Inside is a collection of fungus colonies. Muddy blues, mustard yellows, neon greens.
On another wall is something that might be a painting or a mirror. It is covered with a dusty drop cloth. Occasionally you hear muted sounds from its direction, odd sounds like little explosions, electronic beeping, and faraway screams.
Also present is a medium sized buffalo. It moos at the arrival of new people, and chews lethargically on a bale of grass.

It troubles me that Mickelin's lockbox has not arrived. I sent it with my servant Sedent two evenings prior. Sedent knows the city well, he raised himself on the streets as a boy, peeling gold from statues in ruins to sell at the markets. He taught himself the old tongues before he was grown.

2019-10-10, 04:31 PM
Alchemy doesn't make much sense to Django, but missing stuff and lousy messengers are his speciality, so he decides to join the conversation.... "And where is good ol'Sedent now? He was supposed to deliver Maese Mickelin goods two days ago... what did he told you about that delivery?"

2019-10-10, 07:42 PM
The Ravishment idly runs a hand over a coelacanth fossil.
I haven't heard from Sedent since his departure. I suppose he may be at his apartment in The Street of The Glutton.

Ordinarily the details of my mercantile business are confidential, but this one is with you. He points a couple of fingers at Aldren. This one knows the old way of the Undercity. The Sphinx. The crypt of Ebalshar, the crawling chaos and all that rot. Creatures of the old way are bonded.

The delivery was a potent mycological colony; a fungus. The Tarzetta Morel. One of my explorers discovered it in a dungeon beneath the the fortress of The Knife Lord, deeper in the Undercity. Supposedly the fungus has curative properties, in expert hands. That is all I know, I care not for its function, only for my gold, which I have already received.

2019-10-11, 07:16 AM
Mr. Ravishment, aren't you worried about your messenger whereabouts and your payed goods delivery? Doesn't that kind of things hurt your reputation and business?

2019-10-11, 10:34 AM
You raise a salient point, halfling. If you will go now, to The Street of the Glutton, I will walk with you. He raises a palm to his buffalo. Eieethwen, you will watch the house.

The buffalo, in a soundless instant, morphs into a type of sentient bloodstain, which pools on the floor. After a minute or two, the bloodstain appears in a few different places at once, weeping down walls and ceilings like a scarlet mold.
Then the Ravishment waits until the party is ready to investigate his servant Sedent, or if they have any further questions. The ravishment retrieves a peculiar dagger from a secret compartment in a bookcase. It has a handle of exquisite coral, and a blade sharp enough to almost be two dimensional.

2019-10-11, 02:44 PM
Aldren holds open the door for the party to leave. Before e speaks, he nods at Ravishments acknowledgement of his patron. This will be a boon to both of us. We will complete our job and you will retain both your reputation and your servant.

Before the party leaves, Aldren nudges Django with his foot and discreetly looks towards the terrarium of fungus. Hopefully they will be able to complete their job with the help of this wizard, but he could be lying to them.

2019-10-11, 03:30 PM
Quelle examines the room during the conversation, interested in the various oddities about. When the buffalos melts, she watches intently as it appears through out the room. The elf follows last, giving the arcane study one last look as they exit.

2019-10-11, 08:23 PM
The walk through the hive that is the Undercity is not a pleasant one. With every sight, there is a muted sensation of a great something about to occur. Violence, perversion, occult and heretic worships. On Only Cats See the Truth, you witness a strange type of maypole dance, where the naked performers silently twirl and bow their heads. What they are bowing to is unknown.

You pass discrete merchants hauling iron crates, moon priestesses moving in great congregation with their eunuch censer-swingers. On the Inverted Path, there is a large Dragon Dance going on, a small crowd has assembled to watch the moving and dancing of a great centipede puppet.

On the Street Of The Glutton, a disused street with only few buildings, and these ones are mostly abandoned. The Ravishment guides you towards to location of Sedent's apartment, but then you hear an astonished gasp from him, and he stops walking.

The entire building is covered in a great uneven dome. The dome is a colour like rancid mayonnaise, flecked with holes large and small. The entire living structure breathes, and sways with a nonexistent wind. There are several man-sized holes near the base of the great fungus.

This.. is the Tarzetta Morel. It is.. considerably more than your man Mickelin's delivery.

2019-10-11, 08:56 PM
Gods above... Quelle curses, observing the mass of fungus. She turns to ravishment Does it spread this fast?

2019-10-11, 09:50 PM
Speaking truthfully, I have not an idea. The Ravishment puts a hand into his maroon cloak and retrieves a glass capsule about the size of a grapefruit. When my explorer discovered the initial specimen, a walnut sized hard lump at the core of the Tarzetta Morel, he sealed it into a capsule like this. It's a precaution I take with all discoveries from the deep past, you never know what dangers they come with.

A christmas beetle the size of a house cat crawls out of one of the fluted holes near the top of the mass, then darts back inside another.

The fungus must have gotten out somehow.

2019-10-12, 06:53 AM
The fungus must have gotten out somehow.

Django ask everyone to gather close and speaks his mind "hey, I dunno the rules down here, but I'm worried that if we show too much interest we could get easily blamed for this... what you think if we get a sample like the one our employee wanted and forget about this whole mess? Goods delivered, face saved, problem solved! We get paid and go home"

2019-10-13, 02:18 PM
Aldren marvels at the humongous fungus. It consumed an entire building! What a marvel of life! he stares upwards in wonder. Then, his senses coming back to him, he ties his kerchief around his face to block any spores and mutters a prayer of protection under his breath.

That’s a fine plan Django, but there is one obstacle we must overcome if we wish to succeed: containment. We see here that a simple lockbox is not enough to hold this being. We must find a safe container for them.

2019-10-14, 03:27 AM
Quelle glances between her two companions and back to Ravishment It has taken, at most, two days for the fungus to spread this far. Can we truly do nothing to stop it while it consumes other buildings and perhaps even lives? I've my doubts that The Ravishment of Many Shade's man is still alive in there. She looks up, towards the city above At the least, I think we should ask Brother Mickelin's counsel on this. He planned to use the fungus himself, perhaps he knows something of its growth and how to stop it?

2019-10-14, 08:14 AM
Once again Django is happy about his choice of friends,
while his instinct made him think about a quick and fast solution to collect gold, their friends provided ideas that might still get them the gold and the opportunity to get even more "You both are right! We can't contain or transport that fungus and our job was to find about the cache and Mr. Ravishment and unless he has a better idea, we should get back to master Mickelin and be done with this.

So, Mr Ravishment, do you have anything that you want us to tell or deliver for our master?"

2019-10-14, 07:13 PM
The Ravishment Of Many Shades breaks from his reverie. Sedent seems to be occupying his mind, for there is a morose aspect about him. You are journeying back to the surface? Very well then. It is understandable that you do not wish to take responsibility for this. You must tell Mickelin that he will not receive his delivery. The core of the fungus he reqested, that hard lump I mentioned, is probably somewhere inside. Perhaps if your alchemist was desperate for the core of the Tarzetta Morel, he could send me a premium, and I could see if any swordboys were glad to go into these apertures in search of it. The Ravishment gestures to the man-sized holes at the base of the fungus.

The Ravishment steps back, and observes his glass capsule. He speaks softly now. Perhaps an accident? I don't know how it could have gotten out, these capsules are designed to contain fungal matter. And what now of the street? Old gods, black sphinxes and cracked stones, give me wisdom.

2019-10-14, 07:42 PM
Perhaps an accident? I don't know how it could have gotten out, these capsules are designed to contain fungal matter. And what now of the street? Old gods, black sphinxes and cracked stones, give me wisdom.

Django carefully tries to read The Ravishment Of Many Shades expresions... is he really worried or just trying to make us think that? A merchant that worries about people instead of gold or saving reputation is something new for Django! Is it possible to profit from this situation or is Django feeling empathy? he honestly cant tell...

Does the Ravishment shows genuine worry? Do We need to make a check to know or can we just RPG out to know?

2019-10-14, 07:47 PM
Quelle looks at the massive fungus again with unease, before addressing Ravishment with a sympathetic look I do not suppose we might borrow that container to help establish what may have gone wrong? If it can't be used to safely contain the fungus, I'll gladly return it to you myself. And if something can be done, well... I won't volunteer my friends here, but I'll do what I can. But I simply don't feel qualified to deal with this growth without more information.

2019-10-14, 09:54 PM
The Ravishment nods once. You bear the tempered wisdom of your kind, elf. You may have the container. I also have two more on me, which you may also have just in case. Keep them, they may come in handy.

Django is a shrewd judge of character, from merchant to mark, from charlatan to cleric. What Django reads from The Ravishment seems to be feeling genuine guilt, possibly over the uncertain fate which may have befallen his servant Sedent. In any case, The Ravishment goes to return to his dwelling on Your Senses Are False.

I will study the mycological tomes in my shelf, see if I cannot find some conclusion. I have a basement you are welcome to stay in for the time being, if you wish. He pauses. I do not know what disease on the surface Mickelin hoped to cure, but I hope unearthing this growth from beneath the Knife Lord's keep is worth it.

2019-10-15, 07:08 AM
I have a basement you are welcome to stay in for the time being, if you wish. .[/FONT][/COLOR]

Since Quelle already said she wanted to help, Django quickly accepts The Ravishments offer, its a great oportunity to inspect around for his personal quest, probably getting information from the host, free lodging and why not? maybe some proffit or treasures! ohh the Wonders The Ravishments can show him, its a great offer!

2019-10-15, 08:59 PM
Many thanks for the lodging, and wisdom be with you, my friend. Aldren says as he re-enters the strange house. He walks down to the basement with his compatriots, musing aloud.

I think it would be quite bad form to return to our employer without completing our mission, especially when we were paid in advance. I think the best course of action would be to maybe hire some of the warriors up above and descend into the fungal mound to find the core. If we are able to retrieve what Mickelin asks of us despite this, I’m sure we’ll develop quite a reputation with the Alchemists.

As he talks, Aldren turns a strange rose over and over in his hands, always making sure he is touching part of it.

2019-10-15, 11:44 PM
I think it would be quite bad form to return to our employer without completing our mission, especially when we were paid in advance.

I believe our mission was just to find the whereabouts and status of the box and the Ravishment, and we already have that info, everything we are doing now is extra. Ravishment and Mickelin should sponsor us

2019-10-15, 11:49 PM
Brother Mickelin is a friend of my teacher. I'm sure he'll accept our explanation, particularly if this can still work out for him. I said I would help how I can; if that means retrieve the core, it means retrieve the core. But getting killed going in without preparation when we know someone who should have knowledge of our obstacle won't benefit anyone.

2019-10-16, 01:49 AM
In The Ravishment's basement, the group continues their discussions about what to do regarding the steadily growing Tarzetta Morel, that ancient fungus which hides away Brother Mickelin's much desired component.

The basement is covered in an eternal dust. There are three serviceable bunk beds here. The Ravishment explains that when he took apprentices, they would stay here in exchange for chores. There is an empty desk and bookshelf here.

Even if you decide not to stay, The Ravishment allows you to stay here and make your minds up about what you'll do. The old merchant, in the meantime, will busy himself pouring over his biological tomes. The answers he seeks, if he finds them at all, will probably take many hours, maybe a few days. He says the party is welcome to wander the Undercity streets, explore his oddities (Perhaps you may have the gold for something which strikes your fancy) or assist in his research, if you wish.

The purple rose feels cold in Aldren's hand. In the folds of the purple petals, there is a mystery. An enigma. A riddle wearing the face of a paradox. Aldren has heard rumors of the rose's capabilities, it's supposed powers to prevent the death of its bearer. While the cleric is unsure of the truth of this matter, Aldren does feel a type of divine spark from it.

2019-10-16, 09:42 AM
He says the party is welcome to wander the Undercity streets, explore his oddities (Perhaps you may have the gold for something which strikes your fancy) or assist in his research, if you wish.

"Mr. The Ravishment, actually we are kind of short on gold, I was wondering if you might be interested in buying this nice bracer I'm wearing"

2019-10-16, 11:40 AM
The Ravishment places a sash of silk into his tome, to mark his place. His buffalo familiar lazily reclines with a thud. The wizened merchant looks down over his desk at Django.
A fine jewel, crafted by an astronomer I'd wager. Amulets of these sorts are popular fashion in the city above, but these are far more appreciated here.

He cranes his head around the room, presuming Django is following along.

Over at the tank, you see some fungus.
The muddy blue one is called Frigid Polecaps. Grown on the old shells of Rimebeetles. Chew on it for a few seconds, and your breath will become wrought with a cold intensity, allowing you to unleash a devastating breath weapon. I would trade you two doses for that jewelry.

The yellow ones are Raptoriats. Strong stuff. When ingested, they induce a euphoria so potent it almost crosses the line into torture. I would give you four for the bracelet, but I would caution you against casual use.

The neon green fungus is called Anterbroc-Wille. It hosts a symbiotic bacteria, which feasts on the skin of animals who ingest it, as a defense mechanism. Fortunately, it has rather the opposite effect on humans and demi-humans, instead transferring the upper layer of skin into a nigh-impenetrable alloy. You won't enjoy this permanently, though, it falls off in ten to forty minutes. I would give you one dose.

He looks over at the covered mirror.
This is a dangerous one. I would prefer to trade it to someone trustworthy. I don't fully understand its function or properties yet. It is unwise to touch it, and it is distressing to look upon.

Lastly, I have this bottle of ancient tequila. I'm not sure how old this bottle is exactly, I was saving it for a celebration which may now never come, but you see that scorpion inside? Its species went extinct before the time of the Pallid Emperor, two hundred or so years ago.

2019-10-16, 12:15 PM
Wow! I wish I could take and try all of them! Do they taste nice? How long will the fungi last if I store them in my pocket? Can I admire that dagger you carry? I need a decent weapon, a black leather armor and a decent cloak that can help around the shades, is it possible to find that stuff down here?

2019-10-16, 07:26 PM
The Ravishment goes a little cross eyed under his hood at the barrage of questions. He's a little bemused at the enthusiasm, but he masks it with a grouchy, know-it-all matter-of-factness.
Settle down, settle down. If you want to mix and match, the Antebroc is still too valuable and I would only trade one for the bracelet, but I could give you one Frigid Polecap and two Raptoriats. I'll even throw in the tequila for free. If you or one of your companions have your heart set on the mirror, we could make some tea and discuss it.

Do they taste 'nice'? We speak of ancient fungus, fungus which in all likelihood has not known consumption since Man was a different species, evolutionarily speaking. I'll put it like this: these are things you eat to enjoy their anomalous chemical effects, not to have a pleasant dining experience.

And I would of course include one of my capsules with each trade. It will keep the fungus fresh for decades.
He clams up a little at the mention of the dagger, and is unwilling to show it off. My coral-hilted dagger is quite special to me. But if you're looking for arms and armour, seek out The Thought of Benedictions. He sells weapons and armour in a building on this street. There is a brass snake statue out front. Remember this, though, you must compose a short free-verse poem to be considered entry.

2019-10-17, 08:03 AM
Rally? A poem? I know hundred of them, I was raised with a traveling troupe, i know poetry, plays, monologues and I'm probably the best puppeteer in the whole World, I need to meet Maese The Thought of Benedictions, a man that only negotiates with poets! I need to meet him right now! anyone want to join me? we can drink that free tequila when we get back!

Django covers himself with his short cloak and starts walking out the store completely sure that everyone is as interested as him in meeting The Thought of Benedictions.

2019-10-17, 07:12 PM
Aldren gets up from where he was sitting and prepares to follow Django out. As he climbs out from Ravishments basement, he asks a question. On the topic of merchants, is there any place here that jewelry or gems can be exchanged for coin? If we are to be making purchases I would prefer do do so with coinage instead of barter.

Upon hearing Django’s boast, Aldren chuckles a bit, stroking the stubble on his chin. Hundreds of poems and plays, you say? I did not realize I was in the presence of such a man of culture.

2019-10-17, 09:10 PM
Seeing the group is interested in using their free time to explore the merchants of the Undercity, The Ravishment gives you a list of merchants he is aware of, and directions to find them.

The Widow Platinum trades gold for jewelry, art, textiles.
the Preceptor of the Awake sells assorted goods.
The Thought of Benedictions. He sells weapons and armour in a building on this street. Remember this, though, you must compose a short free-verse poem to be considered entry.
the Preponderancy of the Transcendent God sells artifacts dug up from the past. Very expensive.
Esh the Charnel is an occultist, who supposedly deals with.. unwholesome things. Requires a tooth, half a pint of blood, or a lock of hair from a group before he does business.
the Vault of All Excellences sells animals.
If you are looking for hired men, go to the Moody Amore. It's a tavern.

2019-10-17, 10:53 PM
The Widow Platinum trades gold for jewelry, art, textiles.

As always, Aldren is right, let's go get us some Gold, The Ravishment already said we are getting more gold down here than back home, so we better get the best out of our hard earned goods!

2019-10-18, 11:14 PM
The Widow Platinum is a simple enough affair. Past a garden filled with wild purple thorns, you find an obsidian structure filled with silver fountains and circuit board sculpture.
The Widow Platinum is a plump woman in a sparkling grey gown and a reflective silver mask. She doesn't talk often, only speaking to establish prices. A stern looking woman in neon green chainmail stands by her at all times, her gauntlet clad hand resting on the pommel of her rapier.

We'll just sort of cruise through this, what did everyone want to sell?

2019-10-19, 07:24 AM
I want to sell the Bracelet and the golden apple

2019-10-19, 07:38 AM
Aldren takes his rose out again in the purple-thorned garden, to compare them. He mutters to himself that it’s probably just a coincidence but investigates anyways. He is careful not to touch any of the thorns directly though, as he is wary of both poison and guards.

When he enters the Widow Platinum he does so wearing the bracelet obviously, wanting to display it once before parting with it.

selling the Emerald bracelet. Also looking at some plants and muttering, because that’s what cleric/academics do.

2019-10-19, 09:05 AM
The Widow Platinum has her accountant and murderer-for-hire Claria, Killer of the False Moon, inspects the bracelets of anyone who offers their's, and trades them for 200 gold pieces each.
Claria looks the apple over, and The Widow doesn't seem interested in buying it, not a purchaser of fruit, and not a student of the arcane.

2019-10-19, 10:51 AM
Quelle seems reluctant to give up the gem at first, but she recognizes their need for coin and will sell it.

2019-10-19, 11:25 PM
Django sells his bracelet and heads to buy new armor and weapons!

2019-10-20, 03:53 AM
With the amulets pawned off to the Widow Platinum, her appraiser and throat-slitter Claria escorts you to the door; the textiles and esoteric artworks the Widow sells are intimately revealing of the nature of man, and beautifully horrifying, but hold no practical use for adventure. (and would certainly cost several thousand)


You reach the end of Your Senses Are False, and come to the fortress of The Thought of Benedictions. Here, is a tall brass tower, which glows alight with web-veins of hot pale light.

The door is red iron, billeted with grey studs. The door has no handle or knob, and no hinges. It makes the party feel uneasy. Surrounding the door are grotesque statues. Grasping hands, hyper realistic beetles with human teeth, and a winged, horned gargoyle. A wooden sign dangles above the door on rusty chains:

Here, speak your truth.

2019-10-20, 07:50 AM
Here, speak your truth.

Django clears his throat, very theatrically remove his cloak fold it across his left arm and shoulder, just like those old broken statues of what appear to be city patricians, or elders? or nobles? or royals? Old statues of forgotten times... with his right he touches his hearth and then extends the arm and with a voice, different to his daily voice, he begins his poem:

A sharpened dagger stabbed in his heart,
Ripping in two, ripping apart.
It took only a few words, but her words cut him deep,
Stealing emotions, making him weak.
A two sided mirror true in reflection,
A double edged knife cutting connections,
A place in his heart forever reserved
For the one that he loved but didn't deserve.
She twisted the dagger; it tore him apart.
She stole what was left; she stole a broken heart.

He quickly puts his cloak back and those whonpayed attention might think that a tear was rolling across his cheek, (but only those that rolled a 20 noticed that) he is blushing and with his generic halfling voice speaks a "Hello there?" To the door.

2019-10-20, 08:55 PM
The gargoyle statue's eyes glow red, as it animates! It speaks in a voice like gravel scratching glass.
Lovely meter. I have judged your words as pure, and your purity as true. You may enter.

The gargoyle hops off his plinth and hobbles over to the door. He places a gnarled claw on it, and whispers something in an otherworldly language. The door ripples and melts away, like so much candle wax, revealing a hallway, lit with glowing opalstone candelabras.
Inside, you will find the Thought of Benedictions.

The Thought of Benedictions is an incredibly thin man. His dark skin is accentuated by bands of cosmic gold, and he wears a satin poet's shirt, blue like the summer ocean. His foyer is decorated with stained glass windows, each one depicting a death. One catches your eyes particularly, an armored man holding a spear, atop which is impaled the head of a snake-man.
The merchant turns to the party, accompanied by his gargoyle. He smiles, revealing a prominent gap in his front teeth.
Hunting big game tonight? If you have sought me out to purchase my fine arms and armour, I suspect you will leave here a bit lighter in coin, but a tad heavier in sharpened steel and boiled leather, kukuku. Gggh'gh'thgtgh, you may resume your post. The gargoyle leaves, as The Thought of Benedictions shows you his wares.

Battleaxe. 10 gp. Double headed, green steel. The end of the haft is a wavy dagger-blade.

Handaxes, x3. 6gp each. One rimmed with silver, one garlic infused metal, one with orichalcum.

Plenty of arrows. 3gp for 20.

Blackwood longbow. 60gp. The string is the heartstring of a basilisk, and hums sinister when plucked, causing all foes in the area to check at -1 morale.

Shortbow. 30gp. Inlaid with pearl.

Greathammer. Base 1d8 damage, two handed. 12gp. Double ended. Shaped like a fist on one end, on the fist are rings of silver, cold iron, and orichalcum.

Polearm. 15gp. The head is a bladed sun which can spin on an axis. The sun can be filled with pitch and ignited, creating a spinning pinwheel of flame.

Mace. 20gp. The flanged head is made of ultrahard purple quartz. Crits on a 19-20.

Mace. 18gp. Flanged with silver and cold iron.

Daggers, x5. 3gp each.

Plenty of burning oil. 4gp each.

Short sword. 10gp. Shaped like a dragon tongue. Perfect for smearing poison, enemies struck save at -2.

Sword, normal. 58gp. Damascus steel. Weighted like a feather. Several blood grooves, like holes up its length. Handle is a golden scorpion. Hits and damages like a +1 weapon, though is not magical.

Two handed sword. 15gp. Vicious serrated blade of orange steel, patterned with blinking and unblinking eyes, deals double damage on a critical hit.

Staff. Made of petrified wood. Has a chain where a lantern can be hung. 6gp.

Shields, x7. 10gp each.
Chameleon sigil.
Inverted tower sigil.
Three eyed skull sigil.
Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath sigil.
Half moon, half sun sigil.
Three concentric rings sigil.
Green dragon sigil.

Leather armour. 22gp. Vantablack, smells of boysenberry. Has a hood of softest silk. Thieves gain a +10% bonus to their hide in shadows skill, halflings gain the same to their hiding in dungeons skill.

Leather armour. 25gp. Bright and orange like a tropical bird. Feathers. Scarf. +4 CHA when dealing with ostentatious nobles and the like.

Leather armour. 22gp. Patterned like a manta ray.

Scale Mail. 50gp. Mauve and magenta scales. On the breast is a stone which sparkles like a black moon. +2 on saves vs. mind affecting magic.

Chain Mail. Teal chains. A cloak of griffon feathers. 60gp.

Chain Mail. Black. Comes with a free bladed gauntlet. The fingers of the gauntlet look like leaping preying mantises. 60gp.

Plate Mail. 100gp. The Thought of Benedictions will paint this armour any colour you wish.

2019-10-20, 10:37 PM
Master The Thought of Benedictions, thank you for letting us in, as soon as we knew about your love for poetry we came straight here, could you please now delight Us with one of your poems?

Plenty of arrows. 3gp for 20.

Shortbow. 30gp. Inlaid with pearl. (includes matching Quiver?)

Short sword. 10gp. Shaped like a dragon tongue. Perfect for smearing poison, enemies struck save at -2. (includes Scabard?)

Leather armour. 22gp. Vantablack, smells of boysenberry. Has a hood of softest silk. Thieves gain a +10% bonus to their hide in shadows skill, halflings gain the same to their hiding in dungeons skill. (so Hide in dungeons is 43% or 3 in d6? but in bushes remains 90% or goes 100%?)

Master The Thought of Benedictions, can you direct us now to a placewhere we can buy nice spelunking gear please?

2019-10-21, 12:18 AM
That was a touching poem, Django Quelle pays the gruesome images little mind, instead interested in the gargoyle's movement. Was it enchanted stone or some strange being from a group of similar beings? She tried to remember what Master Anderbar had taught her about magical constructions, elemental beings, and spirits to puzzle it out. Her attention snaps back as The Thought of Benediction speaks
Thank you for allowing us entry. I think we'll find just what we need. She examines the weapons and armor. She gives both the long bow and polearm appreciable looks before moving to examine the armor. At first, the teal chain mail seems to catch her eye, but she turns to the leather armor as Django selects the dark suit and her gaze falls on the Manta Ray pattern. A look of longing crosses her face; unlike the more avaricious expression she gave towards the bracelet earlier, this seems to be honest yearning for something familiar.

I believe these selections shall do. Thank you

Manta ray patterned Leather
Blackwood Longbow
20 Arrows
Burning oil
Green Dragon shield
Should be 114 GP

2019-10-21, 03:52 PM
Aldren nods as the statue animates, and actually applauds Djangos recitation. He seems to genuinely appreciate hearing it. That was quite a poem, and you read it better than many I know who have actually studied poetry. I apologize for poking fun at it before.

When allowed entrance, Aldren immediately heads to the hammers section, frowning as he passes the blades and axes. It’s interesting to consider: The gods forbid their followers from spilling blood by blade, but left in a fairly obvious loophole. Was this a mistake, or a test of cleverness?

As he muses, Aldren looks over the various hammers. He eventually decides on the largest one, remembering his fight with the berserker. Then he walks over to get some armor. He places one finger on the gem embedded in the mauve scale and then picks it up. He brings it over and paid for it, along with some containers of burning oil. He keeps his smaller hammer, just in case.

He turns to his companions as he shops. Thats the upside to buying in the undercity. The goods always have some personality.

Greathammer. Base 1d8 damage, two handed. 12gp. Double ended. Shaped like a fist on one end, on the fist are rings of silver, cold iron, and orichalcum.

Scale Mail. 50gp. Mauve and magenta scales. On the breast is a stone which sparkles like a black moon. +2 on saves vs. mind affecting magic.

Plenty of burning oil. 4gp each.

66 gold spent, 134 left

2019-10-21, 09:13 PM
Yes, I should mention, the swords come with scabbards and the bows come with quivers. For Django's hiding skills, the +10% bonus only applies to the hiding in dungeon skill, making it 43%, so I think it'd be best to check it with a percentile now instead of a d6.

The Thought inspects the goods and takes the coins as he does.
A fine cloak, elf maiden. His voice drops to a whisper. Maybe sometime you should wear it, walk out to the reflecting pools in The Wooden Avenue down the street and inspect yourself. Or if you leave the city, go to the edge of the Whispering Sea and ask for directions.

He hands over the greathammer to Aldren, drooping a little from its weight. Ah, ah, a fine weapon. You see these bands of silver and whatnot? They are fashioned in this way deliberately. Certain creatures, cursed by the gods surely, will be wounded by these precious metals. I'm glad you think my weapons have personality, I think of them sort of like children. I hope they're going to good homes. If you are all to return, in say, a week or so, I will have restocked. I will require a new poem for my collection, although, before you enter, kukuku.

The Thought prances away and returns with several plates of expensive fine cheeses, sun dried tomatoes, and grapes, and terrible cheap wine. Some food, to celebrate these exchanges. If anyone wants to eat, they can forgo rations for today. It's about 11 in the evening.

You asked me for some of my verses, my short friend? I always honour that request. This is a piece from my upcoming collection, 'The Rue Mertile'. Ahem:

winter makes graves for leaves
time makes wolves of dogs
snow is falling time
i thumb my nose at the kind gods of flame
and fire
who would say nay and end it all

He shys a little. Not as traditional a meter as yours, halfling. I hope it was to your tastes. As for other merchants, The Thought of Benedictions doesn't offer anyone new you haven't heard from The Ravishment of Many Shades. He recommends The Preceptor of the Awake for affordable plain jane dungeon gear.

2019-10-22, 03:26 PM
The Thought prances away and returns with several plates of expensive fine cheeses, sun dried tomatoes, and grapes, and terrible cheap wine. Some food, to celebrate these exchanges. If anyone wants to eat, they can forgo rations for today. It's about 11 in the evening.

Halflings can't resist food!

That was a lovely poem! I truly hope we can discuss your upcoming collection some other time.

And the food was great also, we have to seize the day and get ready for a job, I'll come some other time. You like puppet shows? I am the best puppeteer in the whole world!

Could you please direct us to The Preceptor of the Awake?

2019-10-23, 02:35 AM
Quelle ponders The Thought's words as she partakes of the food he brings out. She had heard of the gardens where her people met with each other and the dwarfs, but perhaps there were further secrets for her kind in the city. The Thought was clearly a mage, so perhaps it was instead only for those tuned to the arcane destinies of the world. She responds to Aldren's earlier comment

It does seem odd. I've heard of wounds caused by such weapons that took days to die from, where a blade might have cut the cord of fate far sooner. Perhaps it is to temper an understanding of both mercy and justice?

As she finishes, she thanks The Thought for the food -and your words. I shall keep them in mind.

2019-10-23, 05:04 PM
After purchasing instruments of violence and defence from The Thought of Benedictions, and finishing off an excellent charcuterie, the group travels back into the Undercity proper. On the way back through the staturary, the party sees that Gggh'gh'thgtgh the gargoyle is once again no more than a statue.


Suddenly, as the party is walking, a sewer grate slams open. It slams open above a small house, in the undercity's "ceiling", from part of Anteirobrahd's sewers which are between the Undercity and the city proper. A dark shape quickly falls from the open grate, bounces on the corner of the building's roof with a sick thud and then tumbles out of sight into an alleyway nearby. It looked like a person? And no one else around witnessed it.

2019-10-23, 08:53 PM
Suddenly, as the party is walking, a sewer grate slams open. It slams open above a small house, in the undercity's "ceiling", from part of Anteirobrahd's sewers which are between the Undercity and the city proper. A dark shape quickly falls from the open grate, bounces on the corner of the building's roof with a sick thud and then tumbles out of sight into an alleyway nearby. It looked like a person? And no one else around witnessed it.

Django quickly looks to Aldren and ask him:
Aldren, Do you think we Should go look if that fellow is ok or thats the way people in a hurry get back home? what say you? If you ask me, that person thing landed bad and someone might need to pick of his stuff, but Im not from around here...

2019-10-24, 09:47 PM
Aldren rushes into the alleyway, no time to reply to Quelles philosophical response. Instead, he rushes over as soon as he sees the man fall. Black gods, the dissapearances. Does anyone know where this corresponds to in the city above??

His mind races as he hopes he can get to the fallen person in time, and hopes that it isn’t anyone he knew.

2019-10-24, 10:13 PM
Django puts his new armors hood on, very cautious and keeping a safe distance he follows Aldren, not because he is affraid, no! Its because he knows the ways of the thieves, that fall could have been just a distraction by an acrobat to ambush the group!

2019-10-24, 10:17 PM
Quelle follows Aldren down the alley, hoping to catch any waiting foes with her superior vision

2019-10-25, 10:37 AM
Aldren, swift as faith is true, rushes to the alleyway the man-shape fell to, followed closely by Quelle. Wary of an ambush, Django waits at the mouth of the alley.

On the cobbles, in a state near death, is a man, or at least the better half of one. From his upper thighs down, he is missing his legs, replaced with wispy, corroded strands of flesh. He wears mustard yellow leather, and has a left arm composed of rusted tungsten clockwork. In his right palm, he has something clutched.

He is mumbling something, barely audible.

2019-10-26, 10:46 PM
Aldren sits by the man, internally cursing that he has not yet received the gift of healing. Cursing how cheap life seems to be, two deaths today that he could not prevent. He presses all those emotions deep down though, he needs to be there for this dying man.

He kneels down and presses his hand to the fallen mans shoulder and takes his more reassuring tone. Im here. I’m listening. Just stay with me.

Aldren listens closer to the dying mans muttering trying to understand his words while comforting him. He carried no medical supplies and had no idea how to treat the strange clockwork-necrosis combination. He briefly considered the Rose but knew that he could not afford using it on a complete stranger, so instead he tried to distract the man from his death and pain and record his last words.

2019-10-27, 06:17 AM
The corroded man raises up his left arm; the clockwork limb clicks and whirs, half broken. With difficulty, he places it around the back of Aldren's head. He whispers, half in the grave. That black crap. The sludge, in the sewers, it lives. It burnt my skin, like acid. It lives!

Then, his right arm goes limp as he loses consciousness. From it, tumbles a silver coin, which rings harmonically as it contacts the cobbles. (made from a sort of magnetized iron) On one side of the coin is a full moon, on the other is a waning moon. The last thing he says, as the coin tumbles out, The thief's only loyalty in life is to the devil and himself.

1 in 6 chance he lives. [roll0]

2019-10-29, 12:54 PM
Django gets closer "I think that fellow is done, did anyone found the other half of him? I dunno many people around here, but I dont want to be around when guards start asking questions and we can't provide many answers, so let me check his pockets and let's get back to the Ravishment"

2019-10-29, 01:02 PM
Quelle places a hand on Aldren's shoulder He's gone. I don't know what rites you would give him, but I'll help how I can. She examines the coin, wondering if she's seen that symbol before.

2019-10-29, 08:30 PM
With the man gone, Django wastes no time inquiring as to the contents of his pockets.
Django finds a piece of ragged parchment with a half-drawn map on it. Looks like this man was mapping the sewers he was exploring. He also finds 13 silver pieces, and an empty vial.

Quelle observes the coin. She does not recognize this make of coin, or any symbols. It is certainly not a common coin for currency use. On the side of the full moon, in the elvish language, is the inscription Said the thief to the moon. On the side with the waning crescent, also in elvish, are the words I'll extinguish your light soon.
What is peculiar about this is that when Aldren glimpsed the falling coin, though distracted by the death words of the poor unfortunate man from the sewers, he could have sworn the words on the coin were inscribed in the common tongue.

2019-10-30, 08:06 AM
Aldren breathes to calm himself after Quelle touches him. You are correct, he still needs his rites.

He places two fingers on the mans chest to confirm his death, and then whispers an ancient burial prayer in his ear. Life, death, and the beyond. You approach the answer to the impossible riddle. With it, be at peace.

He closes the mans eyes and asks Django for One of his coins. For the gatekeeper. If he receives the coin, he places it under the tongue of the dead man. Aldren doesn’t know what this man believes and hopes this burial rite is better than none.

He stands up and says He looks to be a mercenary and a delver just like we are. Do you think the ‘thief’ he mentioned could be the same one the coin does?

He concurs with Django though, and turns back to the street. This mystery will have to be solved somewhere else.

2019-10-30, 10:03 AM
He closes the mans eyes and asks Django for [COLOR="#0000CD"]One of his coins.

Django gives 5 silver coins to Aldren, 4 to Quelle and keeps 4 for himself "There, use that 5th coin for the dead man... but hurry up Brother! And please Hand me that odd coin, let me check if it has a secret bottom, many assassins and thieves use them like that and I believe this corpse used to be guilded, if I stand correct we shouldn't treat that coin lightly, we didn't produce this corpse and don't need it in our tab, finish your rites and let's hurry to our base or maybe keep shopping as if nothing happened so we don't raise suspicion!!!"

Our base is of course the Ravishment joint, Django is already feeling comfortable down here! If every day is like today, life will be great!

2019-10-31, 11:20 PM
Troubled by the man's sudden death, the group continues on to the Preceptor of the Awake, to purchase spelunking gear.
The Preceptor the Awake's marketplace is rather mundane, a small collection of wooden stalls patrolled by clerks and hired goons.
The Preceptor is a woman in a suit of grey chain, purple lips, and a roughly shaved head.
Anything mundane is here, and there is a table with some assorted junk. A finely carved stick
snapped in two, a rolled up rug, a wind up spider (a child's toy), a dented tin cup, and a jammed-shut pocket watch.

if anyone wants to buy any adventuring gear here, go ahead, its all list price.

2019-11-05, 01:28 AM
Aldren focuses his purchases the supplies he thinks he will need to prevent any further deaths as they explore. He will buy:

-one inventory slot full of rations
-one inventory slot of caltrops
-nonmagical healing supplies like bandages
-glass vials (number depends on how expensive they are)

2019-11-05, 01:42 PM
Django buys:
-Lantern and Candles
-Dry rations
-small bell
-some string/threadball

And ready to go to any place the Party decides!

2019-11-05, 02:07 PM
Quelle looks briefly around the market, before buying a few items that seem useful in tandem with her allies' purchases. She buys a sturdy looking Backpack, a length of Rope, a week's worth of Rations, 3 Waterskins (one for each of them), and a mirror.

We may want to consider hiring help at this point. I don't want to worry about lugging this all around in a fight, if it comes to it. What's our plan of action?

2019-11-05, 02:50 PM
What's our plan of action?

Django tells Quelle and Aldren:

Ok gang, we head back to Ravishment or try to understand sewer map? I'm up to anything you guys decide!

Maybe we could check with the Ravishment if he already found something, probably we have only been out of his shop for a couple hours and he might needs more time, if that's the case, maybe we could look into Clockwork arm dead man sewer map?

About hirelings, idk... if we take warriors or adventurers stronger than us, me might end up naked and gearless in the middle of a dungeon... if we take torchbearers, they will prolly drop/lose our stuff while running away from danger

tbh I'm hooked with the story and RP so far, so What ever you both decide I'll agre.

2019-11-06, 02:03 AM
While purchasing mundane goods from the Preceptor, a woman with the keen eyes of a starving falcon, the group discusses their plans.

The Ravishment of Many Shades may or may not be done researching. As for hirelings, the Ravishment mentioned a nearby tavern called The Moody Amore. Aldren has familiarity with the Undercity, and knows that the working folk of the olive undercity are generally cheaper than the mercenaries above, but they always come with eccentricities.
Also, who is keeping the moon-sigil coin on them?
And, if we decide to check out the sewers first, here is the man's map. If we go to the tunnel he fell from, his body will likely be there still; the undercity doesnt have a regulated guard.
The orange path is the path he took.

2019-11-11, 05:03 PM
Django suggest, that maybe there is the other part of clockwork arm dead rogue inside the cloacks, maybe they can find the rest of the map there?

2019-11-12, 01:06 AM
That seems unlikely. What we have simply appears to be incomplete, not torn. I would see the mold dealt with sooner than later, but I won't go it alone. Aldren? the elf turns to their human companion.

2019-11-12, 06:20 PM
Aldren pores over the map with the rest of the group. This sludge that ate him might be the same thing causing people in the streets to disappear. I happen to know an entrance to the sewers, and solving that could net us some goodwill and is morally a high priority.

He considers for a second, hand on his chin. We do have an obligation though. I wouldn’t be against delving into the fungus, although perhaps we could hire a torchbearer and a mercenary or two. We can afford to do it.

what would the bandages and glass vials cost?

2019-11-12, 07:17 PM
Aldren pores over the map with the rest of the group. This sludge that ate him might be the same thing causing people in the streets to disappear. I happen to know an entrance to the sewers, and solving that could net us some goodwill and is morally a high priority.

He considers for a second, hand on his chin. We do have an obligation though. I wouldn’t be against delving into the fungus, although perhaps we could hire a torchbearer and a mercenary or two. We can afford to do it.

what would the bandages and glass vials cost?

we'll say 5gp per vial, 2gp per spool of bandage.

2019-11-15, 06:51 AM
So what did you guys decide?

2019-11-18, 02:47 AM
Deciding that the dead man from the sewer is a less pressing matter than the slowing expanding Tarzetta Morel fungus, the group heads to the Moody Amore to recruit hirelings.

The group follows the Ravishment of Many Shade's directions to what looks like the ruins of a Greek temple. The stone here is night purple, all the columns and palisades. There is a sound of shrill music and singing, echoing from deep inside the structure. The party ascends a steep set of stairs and heads inside.

The majority of the rooms are in disrepair and are unused. Only one room is lit up with oil lanterns, but small groups of drinkers are split away from the tavern, hanging in the dark corners and disused rooms.

The bartender is a squat dwarf with a shaved head and a wispy white beard. Mounted on the wall behind him is a heavy crossbow, large enough to be a personal siege weapon. Beneath it is a brass plaque, with a dwarfen inscription. On a table next to the dwarf is a piece of blue transparent pottery, filled to the brim with grimy silver pieces. Here, you drop a donation of coins, and the dwarf pours you gin and his wife serves you preserved beetroots and sourloaf bread.

An albino man sits at a table sipping gin. He's maybe about 30 years old, with red pupils and dyed red hair. A boa constrictor sits curled around his right arm. Occasionally, he retrieves food from a burlap bag and feeds it to the snake. He already carries his own silver lantern and other assorted travel gear, a torchbearer.

A sturdy looking woman sits against the wall, writing something on parchment. She seems frustrated, often crossing things off and cursing. She is maybe in her late twenties, with blonde hair plaited and wrapped around her throat. She has thighs which could crush a watermelon and pronounced muscles. She wears leather rmour, and a nasty looking scimitar is at her belt. A man-at-arms.

A man is laughing and smoking opium from a hookah with a few other friends, who clearly adore him, hanging on his words and snorting at his jokes in between puffs. He is in his early twenties, and his clothes and demeanor reek of the high gothic, black leather, slashed sleeves, a maroon velvet cape, oiled back black hair, and a tattoo of a gecko under each eye. A honey badger is sleeping on his lap, wearing leather barding. He carries adventuring gear like a 10' pole, torches, and travel rations. A torchbearer.

A dark elf sits, timidly wringing his wrists in an isolated, shadowy corner of the room. His skin is night black, his waist length white hair in stark contrast. He wears an open green blouse and tight grey pants. His skin is tattooed white with accurate anatomical charting of the bones and organs beneath, like a living body map. He carries a fine rapier, and a heavy backpack sits by him. He seems very anxious, though in the Undercity, no one is paying him much attention.

Another figure that is not having attention paid to it, is a 7ft tall humanoid figure in impossibly thick bronze plate armor. The make of the armor is unlike anything you have ever seen before, with strange tanks and coiling lengths of wire, strange instruments and hoses. The figure is hunched over, tinkering at a section of its greaves which it has removed from its shin.

2019-11-18, 09:43 AM
Django jumps to a bar stoll, donates a silver piece and salutes the dwarf "Best of the day to you and your kin govnor! how is the day going so far? thats quite an interesting weapon you have there! have you tested it against a deep troll? did it work? you had to mount it or you carry it around? wish I can be around next time you test it!"

2019-11-21, 05:13 PM
Quelle gives the bartender a nod and motions to her companions What do you think? A warrior will ask for more and won't want to be burdened with supplies, but the extra muscle may be necessary later.

2019-11-21, 06:33 PM
What do you think? A warrior will ask for more and won't want to be burdened with supplies, but the extra muscle may be necessary later.

Well Quelle, to be honest, I already want to be friend with WhiteSnake and that Sturdy woman, what is she writing? mind if I go find out? maybe she is a playwright! its settle then, Ill go talk to her.

Guido jumps from his stool and heads to talk to the Sturdy lady

2019-11-21, 11:01 PM
Aldren smiles as Django pesters the barkeep. He looks around the room, seeing a few candidates that he might hire. I’m somewhat curious about the tattoos on that Elf, and he seems to at least have a sword.

Before he moves; he turns to Quelle. Are you ok with adding a dark elf to our retinue? My education does not cover the Dark Elves, but some rumors say that there are ancient grudges between Elf varieties.

If Quelle doesn’t have a problem with Dark Elves, Aldren will pull up a seat at the corner table and start making conversation.

2019-11-22, 10:55 AM
The Dwarf audibly grinds his teeth in frustration at the halfling's erratic line of questioning. He pours Django a vase of gin and silently begs him to leave him alone.
The group is brought beetroots and a decanter of lemon gin, a delicacy in the Undercity. Quelle and Aldren discuss their choice of companions, Aldren waiting on Quelle's response about the tattooed dark elf, while Django shoots off to speak with the frustrated lady.

The lady looks down at Django from the corner of her eyes. She sighs (a long tortured sigh, like an emperor after a brutal but necessary massacre) and places the quill down.
Is it possible I could help you with something?

2019-11-22, 11:36 AM
Is it possible I could help you with something?[/COLOR]

"Hello, My name is Django! And I believe we can help each other, but only if you are interested of course! You see, while scrying the patrons around, deciding if there are any warriors and torchebearers that might be interested in work, I couldn't help to notice that you as quite decent character and also able to write, so you must be an educated lady, also I noticed that you are having some trouble with what ever you are writing, so I wonder if you are interested in work and maybe I can help you with your text, if you are not interested in a job, well, I'm already here so I can still help you"

2019-11-22, 09:45 PM
Aldren smiles as Django pesters the barkeep. He looks around the room, seeing a few candidates that he might hire. I’m somewhat curious about the tattoos on that Elf, and he seems to at least have a sword.

Before he moves; he turns to Quelle. Are you ok with adding a dark elf to our retinue? My education does not cover the Dark Elves, but some rumors say that there are ancient grudges between Elf varieties.

If Quelle doesn’t have a problem with Dark Elves, Aldren will pull up a seat at the corner table and start making conversation.

Quelle thanks the barkeep and his wife, before answering Aldren's question Historically the relations between our peoples have been... tense. The lands of my immediate forbears, however, have never been in direct conflict with our underground cousins. Truthfully, I couldn't care either way about one strange drow. Particularly one that looks so readably worried. Perhaps we should see how he feels about me, though. I wouldn't want any of our companions to be frightened of me. The elf gives a somewhat smug smile and will join Aldren in meeting with the drow.

2019-11-24, 07:45 AM
Everything the woman says to Django is a hiss through bared teeth. Though her attitude makes her seem contemptuous and sarcastic, there's something odd about it all. Being such a shrewd judge of character, Django can ascertain that she is either incredibly antisocial or unwilling to make friends, but seems to be fighting that instinct.
Hello Django. My name is Saria of Clenne. I am indeed interested in helping you, because that is what good, friendly people do. I am indeed looking for work, thank you for asking. Thank you for the compliment on my character, my first impression of you is also good. I do not need help with my text at the moment, many thanks, but I would be interested in meeting the rest of your friends. Perhaps you could bring them over, I could pay for a table of food.

Quelle and Aldren approach the tattooed dark elf, to inspect his demeanor before striking up a conversation. He is just in the process of raising a fork to his mouth when he freezes like a deer in headlights. He looks at Aldren, with a measure of fear, and at Quelle, with a measure of confusion, and then speaks, slowly, still holding the morsel of food near his mouth.
Ahhhm. Hallo?

2019-11-24, 08:07 AM
Hello Django. My name is Saria of Clenne. I am indeed interested in helping you, because that is what good, friendly people do. I am indeed looking for work, thank you for asking. Thank you for the compliment on my character, my first impression of you is also good. I do not need help with my text at the moment, many thanks, but I would be interested in meeting the rest of your friends. Perhaps you could bring them over, I could pay for a table of food.

Django is about to call his Aldren and Quelle, only to notice they are already approaching another warrior, directs his attention to Saria and joins her "Well, it seems they are interested in that Warrior, but I will gladly break bread with you and I am all ears! please do tell me your experience, your knowledge of the area, what you think about the dark elf my friends are talking to, your equipment and what will you expect from us."

2019-11-24, 07:31 PM
Aldren sits on the other end of the table, smiling. Well hello, the name is Aldren. My compatriots and I are here recruiting help for an expedition, and he gestured broadly to his tattoos and weapon you give the impression of someone interesting to bring along.

The Dark Elf seemed scared but not dangerous, but he carried a weapon so he had to be a bit competent. Aldren wasn’t primarily concerned with the Elf’s competence though, recruiting him was just an avenue to solve the mystery of his strange tattoos.

2019-11-29, 08:18 AM
Django is about to call his Aldren and Quelle, only to notice they are already approaching another warrior, directs his attention to Saria and joins her "Well, it seems they are interested in that Warrior, but I will gladly break bread with you and I am all ears! please do tell me your experience, your knowledge of the area, what you think about the dark elf my friends are talking to, your equipment and what will you expect from us."

Saria's eye twitches. She puts two fingers up, to order food from the dwarf bartender's wife. She flips over her scroll of writing before inviting Django to sit. I came from a small village called Clenne, just between Trance Paleolithica and the Oldberg. This scimitar was given to me by my sister Gwen twelve years ago, and I have been training with it ever since. Honestly, I don't know the city that well. I traveled to Anteirobrahd two months ago and bribed an undertaker to show me the Undercity. I came seeking out some natural wonders, an eternal library, a sphinx of immense size, and a ossuary. My circumstances have since.. changed. I now need company. I am happy to join your group in your travels, the more the merrier.
The dark elf? A foul people. Hanging is too good for their kind. But just the one won't be too much of a problem, we could use him. The trouble is when there's more than one.

Aldren sits on the other end of the table, smiling. Well hello, the name is Aldren. My compatriots and I are here recruiting help for an expedition, and he gestured broadly to his tattoos and weapon you give the impression of someone interesting to bring along.

The Dark Elf seemed scared but not dangerous, but he carried a weapon so he had to be a bit competent. Aldren wasn’t primarily concerned with the Elf’s competence though, recruiting him was just an avenue to solve the mystery of his strange tattoos.

The dark elf puts both his wrists on the table, as if to illustrate that he is not reaching for his rapier or backpack.
Help? For zis expedition? I am being more than happy to join. I will bring my own food for eating, and I am having stipend of miz gold, and do not want more! Expedition means we are going away from here then, yez?

2019-11-29, 12:04 PM
I came from a small village called Clenne, just between Trance Paleolithica and the Oldberg. This scimitar was given to me by my sister Gwen twelve years ago, and I have been training with it ever since. Honestly, I don't know the city that well. I traveled to Anteirobrahd two months ago and bribed an undertaker to show me the Undercity. I came seeking out some natural wonders, an eternal library, a sphinx of immense size, and a ossuary. My circumstances have since.. changed. I now need company. I am happy to join your group in your travels, the more the merrier.
The dark elf? A foul people. Hanging is too good for their kind. But just the one won't be too much of a problem, we could use him. The trouble is when there's more than one.

So you are on a personal Quest? Sounds quite interesting! Whjat would you expect if you join us?

2019-11-30, 03:01 PM
Quelle, sat next to Aldren, speaks up Are you looking to get out of the city? Or just this tavern? It wouldn't do to lead the man on. If they were going to deal with the fungus and then the sewers, they'd need to be upfront.

2019-12-01, 01:27 AM
Aldren sees the Elf’s enthusiasm, and Quelles wise decision. He raises a hand to clarify further.

Having your own supplies is promising, but I’m not quite sure if our journey will take you as far as you want. Our current plans are exploring that fungal growth down the street, and a delve into the sewers.

He starts to speak in a hushed voice, giving his best you can trust me look. I presume that you have something here to get away from.

His guess was, based on the anatomical tattoos and desire to escape, that the Elf was some sort of escaped test subject. He didn’t know though, and as much as he wanted to help he didn’t yet know what danger taking the Elf along would entail and what skills he brought to the table.

2019-12-02, 03:43 AM
So you are on a personal Quest? Sounds quite interesting! Whjat would you expect if you join us?
Saria arches an eyebrow. I suppose you could call it a personal quest. In fact, speaking personally, my pressing desire now is to make some decent friends. As many as possible, actually. I would be happy to accompany such a shrewd halfling and your fine looking companions on your quest. I can lend my skill at arms. I wouldn't ask a coin for it, after all, what are friends for?

Quelle, sat next to Aldren, speaks up Are you looking to get out of the city? Or just this tavern? It wouldn't do to lead the man on. If they were going to deal with the fungus and then the sewers, they'd need to be upfront.

The dark elf's eyes widen slightly at the mention of leaving the city. Ahm. I am thinking out of Anteirobrahd. But maybe just out of this tavern is being good for now? He does a quick perfunctory sweep of the room with his head, clearly looking for something.

Aldren sees the Elf’s enthusiasm, and Quelles wise decision. He raises a hand to clarify further.

Having your own supplies is promising, but I’m not quite sure if our journey will take you as far as you want. Our current plans are exploring that fungal growth down the street, and a delve into the sewers.

He starts to speak in a hushed voice, giving his best you can trust me look. I presume that you have something here to get away from.

His guess was, based on the anatomical tattoos and desire to escape, that the Elf was some sort of escaped test subject. He didn’t know though, and as much as he wanted to help he didn’t yet know what danger taking the Elf along would entail and what skills he brought to the table.

The dark elf's eyes soften. Maybe he was a little unwilling to spill his secrets to an elf like Quelle, the enemies of his kind. Trust.. you? Ahm, I will tell you my troubles then. My businesses are already maybe hurting so many already, I am thinking is not being good to deceive you two.
My name is Jashuan'Koliicvan. You call me Jash, if easier. It was name given to me by human friend, Sedent. You see, I was having bad things done to me all of life in Veins of Earth, in the deep country. So I escape up here to human underworld. But I am having no monies. I am being hungry and scared for many cycles. Then human lady approach me, ask if I want job. And she does not beat or tattoo me like drow ladies beneath, so I say yes, give Jashuan job please. Job turns out to be getting many mushrooms from tunnels in Veins. I am being hesitant to go back there, but I do not go alone. I go with many kind folk, who are protection. There is dwarf, Grey Angus. Nice boy-man Sedent, who is giving me nickname, and another human who is always wearing black and did not give name.

We are making many gold for many trips to tunnels, and Jashuan is.. happy. I am knowing I was doing wrong, but is taking mushroom hurting drow? No. But they are angry at fungus theft and is sending much bad lizard man after us. Now I am not hearing from Dwarf, or Sedent, or even human in black. I am fearing for worst. I have not heard for job-lady either, I am thinking she is no good for either.
Jashuan lays his head on the table, grieving. .

2019-12-02, 07:18 PM
Saria arches an eyebrow. I suppose you could call it a personal quest. In fact, speaking personally, my pressing desire now is to make some decent friends. As many as possible, actually. I would be happy to accompany such a shrewd halfling and your fine looking companions on your quest. I can lend my skill at arms. I wouldn't ask a coin for it, after all, what are friends for?

Guido, with all his experience along his traveling troupe, has learned that people that doesn’t ask for a coin in return usually are more expensive than regular openly greedy people, but also there are the honest people that are really in need of a group, just like himself… “All right Saria! Let’s promise to look after each other and share the bread and goods, then we join the rest of the group and start to meet each other!”

2019-12-08, 01:28 AM
Quelle glances at Aldren uncomfortably, the smile fading from her face. Hunted by other drow? If anything she had heard of dark elves in the past was accurate, his friends were dead at best. She slides a drink to the man and speaks A chance to clear your head in a different environment may be just what you need, Jashuan'Koliicvan. Would you be interested in joining us for a time?

2019-12-10, 05:44 AM
Guido, with all his experience along his traveling troupe, has learned that people that doesn’t ask for a coin in return usually are more expensive than regular openly greedy people, but also there are the honest people that are really in need of a group, just like himself… “All right Saria! Let’s promise to look after each other and share the bread and goods, then we join the rest of the group and start to meet each other!”
Nothing would make me happier than a promise of friendship. Saria of Clenne eagerly joins Django.

Quelle glances at Aldren uncomfortably, the smile fading from her face. Hunted by other drow? If anything she had heard of dark elves in the past was accurate, his friends were dead at best. She slides a drink to the man and speaks A chance to clear your head in a different environment may be just what you need, Jashuan'Koliicvan. Would you be interested in joining us for a time?

Jashuan takes the gin and stomachs it, grimacing all the while. Absolutely, I am thinking many yes. I will join you and your many, capable looking friends. As a sign of gratitude, the dark elf retrieves a bundle of mauve coloured fungus, not unlike a bunch of asparagus. He places the bundle of seven on the table in front of Quelle and Aldren. Ahm, this is a type of fungus from deep country, called Mheghange. Chew on for many good feelings.

Mheghange acts as a nonmagical potion of cure light wounds.

2019-12-10, 10:17 AM
Django takes Saria of Cleane to the other table and merrily introduces her to the group, then lightly questions Joshuan and welcomes him to the group.

"Ok, brothers, lets feast to thank the gods for the blessing of meting each other! after this we depart to adventure and glory, so godspeed!"

2019-12-16, 12:01 AM
We are back on the Street Of The Glutton, a disused street with only few buildings, and these ones are mostly abandoned. The Ravishment arranges to meet you outside the fungus. He is holding a sheath of parchment, his research conducted on the fungus so far. He looks disapprovingly at the dark elf in your company, muttering. You are here to collect the core of the fungus to complete your courier job for the alchemist on the surface city, Brother Mickelin.

Aldren the cleric of the Sphinx, Quelle the Elf, and Django the Halfling, you are joined by Saria of Clenne, a burly woman with a scimitar who knows how to fight (who seems unusually friendly despite her standoffish nature) and Jashuan, a dark elf with a rapier and his own spelunking gear (who is on the run from his own kind). His eyes widen as you enter the street, he seems to recognize it.

The entire building is covered in a great uneven dome. The dome is a colour like rancid mayonnaise, flecked with holes large and small. The entire living structure breathes, and sways with a nonexistent wind. There are several man-sized holes near the base of the great fungus.
A Labrador sized christmas beetle hovers around the apex.

The fungus may have grown a few inches.

There are two viable entrances to the apartment complex you can see. You could also attempt to make one. It seems dark inside.

2019-12-17, 01:06 PM
Guido stares at the building "lets split and take an entrance each group? and try to meet inside, you guys ok with that?"

2019-12-19, 12:24 AM
By the Seven Guardian Gargoyles, this Drow has bad luck. Aldren felt sympathy for his plight but worried that the Dark elves would see him as an enemy too. The Veins of the earth sounded appealing though, who knew what secrets could be buried there.

Aldren snaps out of his reverie when they arrive at the fungus. It appears to be... growing. He listens to the hafling’s plan and shakes his head. There is a proverb, as old as Delvere have existed: Never split the party. Nonetheless, if we are to do so I will take Jashuan with me.

He realizes that taking Jash with him after recruiting him might be showing too much interest, so he quickly adds: Since I am a front line warrior who can attempt first aid. Saria is also a warrior and would be better placed with the other two. This configuration is the most strategic.

2019-12-19, 01:31 AM
I hesitate to ignore such ancient wisdom, but perhaps we will have a better idea of the danger as we approach Quelle looks to the apprehensive drow Something troubles you about this fungus?

2019-12-19, 07:15 AM
I hesitate to ignore such ancient wisdom, but perhaps we will have a better idea of the danger as we approach Quelle looks to the apprehensive drow Something troubles you about this fungus?

Jashuan's eyes are watering. It's hard to tell whether with sadness, anger, or something in between. Not fungus, elf. I am seeing many fungus in Veins beneath. It is the street, and house. The Ravishment of Many shades peers up from under his hood, with a Hrrmph? and the drow lowers his voice, barely audible. We are on street where friend Sedent lived. We are sometimes coming here for cacao biscuits and tea after fungus raid in Veins. And now Sedent is going missing and mushroom is growing on house.. Jashuan is breaking out in a hot sweat.

2019-12-19, 10:37 AM
Django suddenly realizes that the Man Boy Sedent is the same that used to work for the Ravishment, was The Ravishment the hooded figure? “So you guys have a friend in common, you never meet before?”

2019-12-22, 03:58 AM
Django suddenly realizes that the Man Boy Sedent is the same that used to work for the Ravishment, was The Ravishment the hooded figure? “So you guys have a friend in common, you never meet before?”

Jashuan seems confused at this statement. The Ravishment seems a bit cross, upset Django would imply that his apprentice would pal around with evil elf-folk.
It does seem certain that the Sedent who lived at this building is one and the same.

2019-12-23, 09:56 AM
Jashuan seems confused at this statement. The Ravishment seems a bit cross, upset Django would imply that his apprentice would pal around with evil elf-folk.
It does seem certain that the Sedent who lived at this building is one and the same.

Django speaks to the whole group "Ok Brothers, apparently Sedant had a life that even when both Master Ravishment and Jashuan where close to him, neither of them knew about. Before we enter, I think is important to update Master Ravishment on Sedant side job..." Django proceeds to quickly update the Ravishment on the fungus raids with the other group, and after that continues "Master Ravishment, after this information, is there anything else you need to ask Jashuan or can you deduce what might have caused this? I dont know, but what are the odds that Sedant was serving a 3rd master and his fungus got out of control or this is some kind of revenge from the other master?"

2019-12-28, 01:35 AM
Django speaks to the whole group "Ok Brothers, apparently Sedant had a life that even when both Master Ravishment and Jashuan where close to him, neither of them knew about. Before we enter, I think is important to update Master Ravishment on Sedant side job..." Django proceeds to quickly update the Ravishment on the fungus raids with the other group, and after that continues "Master Ravishment, after this information, is there anything else you need to ask Jashuan or can you deduce what might have caused this? I dont know, but what are the odds that Sedant was serving a 3rd master and his fungus got out of control or this is some kind of revenge from the other master?"

Quelle places a hand on Django's shoulder All questions worth pursuing, but is it relevant right now? Unless it enlightens us on the destruction of this fungus... She turns to Jashuan and gestures toward the fungus I know it's not what disturbed you, but do you recognize it at all? She nods back to the group I'll defer to The Ravishment of Many Shades on whether or not we should discuss this now, as this effects him the most, and I apologize for any impertinence. I urge you to put aside any distaste to consider any signs that Sedent may not have been as forthcoming as you believed. A separate contracter could be a threat to you personally.

2020-01-05, 09:23 PM
Django speaks to the whole group "Ok Brothers, apparently Sedant had a life that even when both Master Ravishment and Jashuan where close to him, neither of them knew about. Before we enter, I think is important to update Master Ravishment on Sedant side job..." Django proceeds to quickly update the Ravishment on the fungus raids with the other group, and after that continues "Master Ravishment, after this information, is there anything else you need to ask Jashuan or can you deduce what might have caused this? I dont know, but what are the odds that Sedant was serving a 3rd master and his fungus got out of control or this is some kind of revenge from the other master?"

The Ravishment's eyes water with anger at the suggestion his servant was colluding with another. I have not a clue what might have caused this. Somehow the fungus got free of its capsule. I had thought the boy Sedent was loyal to me, I had no knowledge of his loyalty to drow. He spits on the cobbles. I couldn't begin positing of a third master. No, the boy was good. He had some bad habits and was fond of the pipe, but what boy isn't? He was an expeditious courier.

Quelle places a hand on Django's shoulder All questions worth pursuing, but is it relevant right now? Unless it enlightens us on the destruction of this fungus... She turns to Jashuan and gestures toward the fungus I know it's not what disturbed you, but do you recognize it at all? She nods back to the group I'll defer to The Ravishment of Many Shades on whether or not we should discuss this now, as this effects him the most, and I apologize for any impertinence. I urge you to put aside any distaste to consider any signs that Sedent may not have been as forthcoming as you believed. A separate contracter could be a threat to you personally.

Jashuan gulps and nods. It is Tarzetta. It is growing quickly. Jashuan drops his voice to a whisper, out of earshot of the Ravishment and Saria of Clenne. This angry man back here in cloak is fungus man, yeah? Woman who hired me and Sedent, one who sent us into Under-veins for rare mushrooms? Sedent is always getting extra gold because he is bringing rare mushroom from elsewhere, too. I am thinking he is knicking it from angry man here.
The dark elf's ears twitch, he looks up at a beetle on the fungus. Then, louder, I am not thinking my people are doing this. They poison or cut throat, or bring you down to Matron Mother for flaying.

2020-01-10, 01:35 PM
Django nods to Saria and instructs her to proceed entering the building. "Lets get done with this!"

2020-01-14, 07:02 PM
Seeing Django and Saria ready themselves, Quelle slings her new bow off her back and knocks an arrow Well, we'll learn little standing around, I suppose She'll follow the others and if they split up go with Jashuan.