View Full Version : Armor Proficiencies Spread out Over Class Levels Instead of Front Loaded at Level 1

2019-09-26, 09:03 PM
Dipping into high-armored classes for armor proficiency is seen as mandatory, giving an increase in survivability which is otherwise unattainable in a single level.
The cludge "fix" of not granting most armor proficiencies via multiclassing simply locks players into taking a class at first level which may not fit their character concept. I don't like my players feeling like they need to play through level 1 without spellcasting ability to make their sorcerer or wizard work the way they want.
Mage Armor should not feel like a slot-tax for single-classed wizards and sorcerers

Proposed solution:
Armor proficiencies are no longer restricted by multiclassing
The Wizard and Sorcerer classes are proficient with Padded Armor at level 1. Padded Armor is added to their starting equipment list.
At level two those classes gain proficiency with Leather Armor
At level three those classes gain proficiency with Studded Leather Armor
Mage Armor replaces your armor's AC calculation with its own while active, but is not restricted to being cast only on an unarmored character, nor does donning armor end the spell.
Classes and subclasses with Medium Armor proficiency instead the following proficiencies at level 1: Light Armor, Hide, Chain Shirt, Scale Mail
At level two, those classes/subclasses gain proficiency with Breastplates
At level three, those classes/subclasses gain proficiency with Half Plate
Classes and subclasses with heavy armor proficiency instead get the following proficiencies at level 1: Light Armor, Hide, Chain Shirt, Scale Mail, Ringmail, Chainmail
At level two, those classes/subclasses gain proficiency with Breastplates and Splint Mail
At level three, those classes/subclasses gain proficiency with Half Plate and Full Plate
The requirement for the Moderately Armored feat is changed to the following: "Proficiency with all Light Armors"
The requirement for the Heavily Armored feat is changed to the following: "Proficiency with all Medium Armors"

It's my belief that this progression will not hinder single-classed players: in my experience, players cannot usually afford a major upgrade to their armor until third level or later anyway. Sorcerers and wizards get a mild boost to their AC with a progressive light armor proficiency, and the ability to qualify for Moderately Armored by the time they reach level 4.

Players who take one level in a class for armor proficiency will receive a reduced benefit for doing so: a level in fighter or paladin will give a player proficiency up to Scale Mail or Chainmail, but heavier armor requires more levels of investment.

2019-09-26, 09:37 PM
While reducing the power of multiclassing for armor seems like a worthwhile goal, a big component of your fix is (by level 3) giving d6 casters light armor. This is just a straight buff to those classes, and effectively nerfs many other things, like dragon sorcerer's AC, mage armor, or the armor proficiencies of other casters. It doesn't feel like a necessary change and messes with base class balance, giving bonuses to classes that really do not need the boost.

The restriction on armor at low levels isn't so much a bad solution as a rather complicated one that doesn't really make any sense. It does reduce the power of class dips for armor in a way that doesn't unduly impact martials, though, so on that front you're fine.

2019-09-26, 09:38 PM
Its not bad, my question here is, if the root of the problem is MA feeling like a slot tax, why not just fix that instead of changing the whole system?

Maybe just make MA a cantrip that makes your AC calculation different, or gives you a flat bonus, or just give both classes a free cast of it 1/lr