View Full Version : Encounter ideas for my campaign

2019-09-27, 10:48 AM
First time poster but long time reader here. I would greatly appreciate feedback and suggestions on some encounter ideas I am trying to develop for the current campaign I am running.

The party is currently in the process of trying to purify three shrines. My idea is for the first to force them to face their past, the second - their present, and the final one, their future.

Thus far, my thought for the first shrine is to have them encounter incarnations of all the various NPCs they have wronged in the past and even a couple PCs who left the party. (This group is kind of murder hobo-ey and has at times caused more problems that it has solved, and has left a fairly significant trail of corpses of the innocent) My hope is that they will try to engage some of these characters in dialogue and maybe even try to reconcile. I'm viewing this as something of a ring event where there are waves of foes. Some I am sure they will fight. But if they actually try to RP and reconcile, they will pick up some of those they have wronged as allies for the remaining fights. Any thoughts on how to improve on this? Or is this a fatally flawed design that is going to be wasted on a group that tends to kill everything it sees?

The second shrine will force them to face their present and what their true natures are. My idea is to somewhat break the fourth wall and make them choose between being murder hobos who want nothing but combat and loot, or characters who want to develop and advance the story. The challenge is how to convey this. My first thought was to have them standing outside two rooms with doors ajar. One will be filled with weapons and obviously magical treasures. The other would have maybe a library or an old man sitting alone reading from a book. I am unsure of how to convey this option in a visual format. Any ideas on how to do that? Or any ideas on how to improve this idea in its entirety? I was thinking that if they choose the room with magical items, that will throw them into a standard dungeon crawl that will be very challenging. If they choose the story element, we will have a substantive RP session that will reveal some important elements in the story that will benefit them immensely.

Finally, the last shrine will have them face a dark vision of their future. The party has a wizard who has gone down a somewhat evil path that has caused some of the other players to be concerned. He had a demon arm grafted to his body and he trapped the soul of an evil hag in a doll and he frequently brings it out to have disturbing conversations. My idea is to show them a dark future that involves this wizard an evil demi-god of sorts. There would be some dialogue involved, but it essentially would be a tough fight against a powerful foe.

Any suggestions for improving or fleshing out these encounters further would be greatly appreciated. I have a week or two before we get to any of this stuff. These are rough draft ideas at this point, but I'm hoping with a little help from folks here to have them solidified and ready for action when we play again. Thanks in advance for any help you give!

2019-09-27, 11:24 AM
I am not very good at this but here is my take on this

Ok for the fist shrine I suggest that the murdered npcs are willing to talk to the party to make them admit that they are murderhobos. If the party fights then the ghosts ( I suppose they are many) just explode after they are killed dealig negligable damage. If the party talks and can't defuse the situation the ghosts attacks them. My advice is to taint the PCs if they fail some of the explosions saves and they get a course that reduces Con, so instead of purifying the shrine they will take that burden on their shoulders (in the form of the course). This way the adventure can continue either way.

For the second shrine that choice while cool in design won't work on most party. If the choice is between treasure and RP I am pretty sure the treasure is almost always the first choice. So why not bring a double choice? First the setting and second the choice between murderhoboism and heroism.
The setting:
1) A gate into an arena, a great number of gladiators, monsters, soldiers and whatever you want that try to please the roaring crowd.
2) A weak looking npc that reads, is dying in his bed or a similar situation
The choices: into the arena the host of the event stops the fighting after the party steps in and announce the show is about to begin for real: everyone is given a collar to wear. Then 2 other groups enter one composed by demons/devils/monsters-of-choice and the other by unarmed slaves chained one to the other. Thay have to fight to retrive all the collars. They can protect the helpless slaves or use them as a distraction to get a few good hits on the distracted monsters. A good and a bad resoult.
The old person ask them what is that brought them here, after a little dialogue this person reveals that the work of his life is almost done and the party has to choose if they want to help the man with the last piece (go out and kill something to get his claws or something similar, strong if they actually want to help the man or rather weak if they want to kill him or steal the artifact/potion or what you perfer) or to steal his work, in this case it turn into a strong opponent to beat them a little.

For the third shrine prepare two encounters (just to be sure), one against any member of the party that are evil and an older version of the "good" party members if any t help them and one where the party is being honored with a monument in a kingdom after years of heroic work. The first one changes based on how they purified the first shrines, the second is aviable only if they repent themselves and try to be good (probably never happening but still)

I hope there is anything usefull in here. Good luck with the preparation

2019-09-27, 02:32 PM
Very good input. I sincerely appreciate it and will certainly use some of what you have suggested!

2019-09-29, 06:59 AM
Very good input. I sincerely appreciate it and will certainly use some of what you have suggested!

Happy to help. And forgive me for the broken english