View Full Version : DM Help Using Sidekicks in a One-on-One game

2019-09-28, 01:07 AM
Hi everyone!

In the near future I will DM a solo game with one player. I don't know the character the player will play yet but they will be around 3rd level.

In order to make the game maybe a bit less deadly I was thinking about letting them find a sidekick early in the game (actually I was thinking of letting them reactivate a warforged warrior who could help in encounters but wouldn't need too much roleplaying).

Would you use the UA sidekick rules* for that? And if you would - would you have the sidekick be the same level as the player character? How do you balance encounters with a sidekick? Do you treat them as a full party member when deciding what CR an encounter should have? Any other tips?

Thanks in advance!

*) BTW: Have the rules changed from UA to Essentials?