View Full Version : Player Help Balancing Homebrew Magic Item

2019-09-28, 05:02 PM
Hello Giants!

Four of us have decided to take turns at DM'ing, and we will be creating a hodgepodge world that will probably get a little out of hand. We have decided that each of us will create a Legacy Magic Item that will grow with us through the different tiers, and we're using this (https://dmrule.com/2018/04/03/legacy-weapons-creation-guidelines-for-5e/) page as a guide. I'd like some feedback. These are intended to be a little strong, but I want to make sure I'm not going too far overboard.

My character will be the only full caster. He is a half-elf Knowledge Cleric 1/Lore Bard X, and I'll eventually take Ritual Caster: Wizard. We are determined to go to level 20 because none of us ever has.

Short backstory: My character served as a bladelock defending Baba Yaga's covens. He rebelled and was punished by being turned into a familiar. A collar he wore gave him just enough power to serve his chainlock master. But the master died, and something went wrong, and my character is sort of free now. The collar is still present, and though medium sized again, my character still appears fey like at times.

Yaga's Collar
Legacy Magic Item
Sentient, Requires Attunement

Baba Yaga has often employed warriors to guard her covens, granting them unnatural powers to fulfill their duties. Some have rebelled against her and are chained forever as a familiar to one of her followers. Occasionally, at the untimely death of their lesser master, one may find a sort of freedom from their bondage if they are not summoned quickly by another. But the collar always remains to mark them out as a servant of the Queen of Witches.

Common (level 1)
•The servant can always get someone's attention when attempting to make a bargain.
•The collar gives unnatural knowledge to its servant. The servant learns one cantrip from the Warlock Spell List. Charisma is your casting stat for this spell.
•Upon awakening at dawn, the collar is always found fastened around your neck. The servant then takes on an obvious physical characteristic of a fey creature as determined by the collar. This characteristic may change each dawn.

Uncommon (level 5)
•The servant learns one Warlock spell of level 3 or lower.
•When casting a spell learned from this collar that causes damage, the servant may add their charisma modifier to one damage die.

Rare (level 9)
•The servant learns one Warlock spell of level 5 or lower.
•The servant now adds +1 to their spell save DC and attack modifier.

Very Rare (level 13)
•The servant may choose one warlock invocation that has no prerequisite.
•The servant adds +2 to their spell save DC and attack modifier.

Legendary (level 17)
•The servant learns one Warlock spell of level 9 or below
•The servant masters the power of the collar and breaks free from its influence. They may cast the spell Alter Self at will into the form of any fey creature.

2019-09-28, 05:19 PM
I should add - everyone at our table is happy with it, so ultimately it's ok. I just want another set of eyes to make sure there's not some weird, over powered interaction I don't see.

Party: Paladin (UA Heroism), Rogue (Arcane Trickster), Monk (Kensai?), Me (Lore Bard). Only 3/4 will be playing at a time.

(N.B.: I'll not be taking Eldritch Blast, but even if I did, the Cha to damage would not go to each hit - just one. And the agonizing blast invocation has a prerequisite, so it's off the table.)

2019-09-28, 07:40 PM
looks fine to me! I love the reference to babbayaga