View Full Version : WoD Character Idea Questions for Continuity

2019-09-28, 05:13 PM
So I came up with an idea for a Malkavian character, and I would like to know more about the connection between Vampires and their Thralls. Could a member of one clan have their thrall sired into another clan, or is there something that prevents this?
Example; A member of Clan Ventrue has their thrall become a Malkavian.

2019-09-28, 05:22 PM
There's nothing physically to stop this from happening BUT the Thrall 'belongs' to the Ventrue and the Malkavian who sired him is effectively stealing him from the Ventrue. This is not just going to piss off the Ventrue but he has every right to haul the Malkavian in front of the Prince and demand punishment and/or recompense from the Malkavian

2019-09-29, 12:34 PM
Or the trall could have been a payment for services rendered, or as part of a future arrangement. Theft may be the most common cause of such situations, there are other ones.

2019-10-02, 05:59 PM
So, then this scenario would be fully possible? A Ventrue Thrall is sired by Malkavians, the Thrall then develops a derangement that creates an unbreakable loyalty and infatuation with the Ventrue who created said Thrall. If a kidnapping scenario happens, due to a Malkavian being wronged by a Ventrue (personal vendetta). The Thrall would've attempted an escape, killing anyone in the way, to get back to the Ventrue that they're 'attached' to. A dependent personality disorder with violent reactions to rejection and a fear of being a disappointment and abandoned for it.