View Full Version : Odd question that came to me this morning - movement plus double dashing?

2019-10-01, 04:01 PM
So if a player has the ability to dash as a bonus action, say from the rogue's Cunning Action or the Expeditious Retreat spell, can they use their movement, then use their action to dash, then use their bonus action to dash a second time in the same turn for 90 feet of movement in a single turn? I know it's not practical, but is it legal to do this?

2019-10-01, 04:05 PM
Yup. It works just fine.

2019-10-01, 05:00 PM
So if a player has the ability to dash as a bonus action, say from the rogue's Cunning Action or the Expeditious Retreat spell, can they use their movement, then use their action to dash, then use their bonus action to dash a second time in the same turn for 90 feet of movement in a single turn? I know it's not practical, but is it legal to do this?
Double-dashing 30' is 90' in all cases. It seems very practical when you want to move fast.

I'm not sure, but Tabaxi double the speed to 60' iirc, so double-dash tabaxi is 180', right?

2019-10-01, 05:04 PM
Double-dashing 30' is 90' in all cases. It seems very practical when you want to move fast.

I'm not sure, but Tabaxi double the speed to 60' iirc, so double-dash tabaxi is 180', right?

Yep, unless you have an extra 10 ft. of movement like from Barbarian lv. 5 for a base move speed of 40', which would, with tabaxi's racial feature, become 240' in a single turn. I had the idea of chasing someone while having barb 5 / fighter 2 / rogue 2+, using doubled triple movement to catch up to them, using action surge, then trying to tackle them. >:)

It'll likely never come up, but would make for a rather interesting turn (and possible end to) a chase scene.

2019-10-01, 06:52 PM
So if a player has the ability to dash as a bonus action, say from the rogue's Cunning Action or the Expeditious Retreat spell, can they use their movement, then use their action to dash, then use their bonus action to dash a second time in the same turn for 90 feet of movement in a single turn? I know it's not practical, but is it legal to do this?

That is precisely how it works, and you can get pretty nuts with it if you want. My personal best build for a speedster was a Tabaxi Monk18/Fighter2 with Mobile, Boots of Speed, Haste from a Wizard, and a special magical whistle that gave you a fly speed equal to double your current movement speed. As an AL player, you can get those items pretty easily. X3 At my max I'd have a base speed of 70 thanks to Monk 18 and Mobile, then I can double that several times with Haste, Tabaxi Speed, Boots of Speed, and the Whistle to get a fly speed of 1,120. Then I can Dash, Bonus action Dash, Action Surge Dash, and Haste Dash to move a grand total of 4,480 feet every other round.

2019-10-02, 04:36 AM
That is precisely how it works, and you can get pretty nuts with it if you want. My personal best build for a speedster was a Tabaxi Monk18/Fighter2 with Mobile, Boots of Speed, Haste from a Wizard, and a special magical whistle that gave you a fly speed equal to double your current movement speed. As an AL player, you can get those items pretty easily. X3 At my max I'd have a base speed of 70 thanks to Monk 18 and Mobile, then I can double that several times with Haste, Tabaxi Speed, Boots of Speed, and the Whistle to get a fly speed of 1,120. Then I can Dash, Bonus action Dash, Action Surge Dash, and Haste Dash to move a grand total of 4,480 feet every other round.

By my calculations that's about 227.5 m/s or about 2/3rds the speed of sound :P

Edit: Similar to the cruising speed of a Boeing 737

2019-10-02, 10:56 AM
Actual situation:

Tabaxi monk: I don't want to be where that monster can get at me. I use all my movement to get away from him.
Me: Place yourself anywhere on the map. Or off it. Whatever. The rest of the party, if you happen to be looking in the right direction, you have a glimpse of a cat-colored streak zipping across this street, up the side of that building, and out of sight. I don't think there's a sonic boom, but maybe.
Cleric with 25ft move: This is why I have abandonment issues.

2019-10-02, 05:41 PM
Actual situation:

Tabaxi monk: I don't want to be where that monster can get at me. I use all my movement to get away from him.
Me: Place yourself anywhere on the map. Or off it. Whatever. The rest of the party, if you happen to be looking in the right direction, you have a glimpse of a cat-colored streak zipping across this street, up the side of that building, and out of sight. I don't think there's a sonic boom, but maybe.
Cleric with 25ft move: This is why I have abandonment issues.

LOL! I love it!

2019-10-02, 06:15 PM
Actual situation:

Tabaxi monk: I don't want to be where that monster can get at me. I use all my movement to get away from him.
Me: Place yourself anywhere on the map. Or off it. Whatever. The rest of the party, if you happen to be looking in the right direction, you have a glimpse of a cat-colored streak zipping across this street, up the side of that building, and out of sight. I don't think there's a sonic boom, but maybe.
Cleric with 25ft move: This is why I have abandonment issues.

pure awesome

2019-10-03, 10:42 AM
pure awesome
You misspelled "purr".

2019-10-03, 01:19 PM
Current Max Speed I believe is:

Tabaxi (for feline agility)
Wind Walk: 300ft.
Longstrider spell: +10 ft.
Haste spell: Double speed
Expeditious Retreat: Doesn't boost your speed, but allows you to Dash as a bonus action.
Dash action x3 (Bonus, Action, and Haste Action): Quadruple speed
Total: (300 + 10) x 2 x 4 = 2480 ft per round. or 4960 ft (for 1 round, with feline agility)

563 mph
907 kph (for the rest of the world)

2019-10-03, 01:33 PM
And that is how you speed run a dungeon x3

2019-10-04, 02:12 PM
So if a player has the ability to dash as a bonus action, say from the rogue's Cunning Action or the Expeditious Retreat spell, can they use their movement, then use their action to dash, then use their bonus action to dash a second time in the same turn for 90 feet of movement in a single turn? I know it's not practical, but is it legal to do this?

I've done it, with a Rogue with Mobile, for 120' / round. It works fine.... Except that I also had a DM who decided that keeping that up for an extended run (across a large battlefield) justified a few levels of exhaustion. Your DM May Vary.

2019-10-04, 02:14 PM
I've done it, with a Rogue with Mobile, for 120' / round. It works fine.... Except that I also had a DM who decided that keeping that up for an extended run (across a large battlefield) justified a few levels of exhaustion. Your DM May Vary.

X3 I have to wonder what that DM would think of my speedster that goes from 0 to 4000+ feet in a round

2019-10-04, 02:17 PM
Double dashing hasn't been used since the Gamecube.

Yeah that works.

2019-10-04, 02:17 PM
Our Rogue actually argued against this.....

Apparently being feared means they aren't so keen on double dashing. :smallsmile:

2019-10-04, 02:49 PM
Don't forget to toss in a couple of fighter levels, for an Action Surge for another Dash.

And you can also get speed bonuses from classes and feats.

2019-10-05, 12:59 PM
I've done it, with a Rogue with Mobile, for 120' / round. It works fine.... Except that I also had a DM who decided that keeping that up for an extended run (across a large battlefield) justified a few levels of exhaustion. Your DM May Vary.chase rules are in the DMG, and they do eventually result in exhaustion.

Not saying that your DM was using those rules, but rules exist for repeatedly using the Dash action causing exhaustion.