View Full Version : I have been given a companion!

2019-10-01, 05:08 PM
Playing in a 5e campaign. We are all level 10 now. Soon everyone else will level up. I have been given the opportunity to acquire a companion who will be level 2 or 3, in place of me leveling up to 11.

I am currently a Sorcerer Warlock (Sor 3 War 7).

What kind of a build should I do for my companion? Race, profession, class? What is going to be able to survive the best while also buffing me (and maybe my allies)?

PS I also have a familiar through the ritual ability form warlock... if that is relevant.

2019-10-01, 05:12 PM
If say a bard with inspiration, a shepherd druid with healing and totems.

Personally I'd rather have the level myself. Too much book keeping

Also if your dm does xp they take a share, and if they do checkpoints your friend might be leveled kinda slowly...

2019-10-01, 05:14 PM
Go for Zealot Barbarian because your companion is going to be dying a lot. Another option is a Druid who will wildshape into a rodent and happily hide in your backpack while maintaining concentration on a spell to buff you.

I could be mistaken, but I can't see such a low level character surviving very long, seems like a bad deal.