View Full Version : 3rd Ed 3.5 Ronin Homebrew/Bard

2019-10-02, 08:37 AM
I have been thinking about a combat bard with an oriental theme. So i was looking at the Ronin Homebrew class


We start at lvl4. So I was thinking 1Ronin/3Bard.
Race Catfolk
Feats Weapon Finesse and Lingering Song. At level 6 I will take Snowflake Wardance.

However it seems Ronin is a bit over powered.

Confidence (Ex): A ronin is supremely confidant in his abilities, and may add his Charisma bonus to his Dexterity bonus to modify his Armor Class. This only works when he is wearing armor lighter than heavy and not using a shield. As with normal Dexterity AC modifications, positive modifiers are lost when the ronin is flat-footed.

I was thinking to change it that Confidence only works when wearing no armor.

Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level and higher, a ronin can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the ronin is wearing medium, light, or no armor. A helpless ronin does not gain the benefit of evasion.

That seems okay

Ronin's Ire (Ex): A ronin can bring his full wrath down upon his enemies. Starting at 2nd level, a ronin may designate one opponent as the receiver of his ire. The confers several benefits. First, a ronin automatically has the Edge on the subject of his rage, even if their base attack bonus is higher than his own. Additionally, he gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls and +1d6 bonus to all attacks (not spells) against any creature that is designated as the subject of his ire. This damage bonus increases by another d6 every time he gains the ability again, and stacks with any extra damage from Cheap Shot damage. Every time he gains this ability, he can select one additional creature to receive his ire, to a total of 4 receivers at one time at 20th level. Switching the subject(s) of his ire is a swift action.

Not sure what to do with this. My party will never use "the Edge".

As weapon of choice I will take Whip Sword or Chainblade.

This character might have done a 100 times before but it seems like fun to me.

Anyone with tips or ideas.

Alignment will most likely be "not good".