View Full Version : Needing undead antagonist villain ideas, high level

2019-10-02, 10:46 AM
I am running a long standing campaign (8 years now), and my workings will require a martially focused undead nemesis type character to confront the party (currently all between lvl 13 and 16 four players total). Looking for ideas, all books available. I have no problem doing legwork just looking for some thoughts. Needs to be a BA in combat, intelligent, even have a code for combat. Obviously needs to be pretty high in CR. The party is fairly optimized so this villian should be quite a challenge. Any input appreciated, thanks for your time.

2019-10-02, 10:59 AM
I am running a long standing campaign (8 years now), and my workings will require a martially focused undead nemesis type character to confront the party (currently all between lvl 13 and 16 four players total). Looking for ideas, all books available. I have no problem doing legwork just looking for some thoughts. Needs to be a BA in combat, intelligent, even have a code for combat. Obviously needs to be pretty high in CR. The party is fairly optimized so this villian should be quite a challenge. Any input appreciated, thanks for your time.

You could look to Eberron for examples. Karrnathi Zombies are fairly intelligent for a zombie. You could just raise the INT, and then add class levels (gets you better stats than advancing the zombie's HD). Remember that all their class level HD are d12s. That nets you a cadaverous undead-type who is good in physical combat. Honestly, on that note, you could just add class levels to ANY default undead type. Mohrgs, Wights, Ghasts...they all are intelligent enough to have class levels. There was also the "True Ghoul" template in one of the Age of Worms issues of DUNGEON Magazine.

Alternately, the Death Knight Template, found either in MM2 or Fiend Folio, I forget which. Problem is, it's 3.0. But I believe the free 3.0->3.5 update packet (pdf should be availabel somewhere) updated it. Death Knights in canon lore were formerly honorable warriors who retained their code in undeath. They could either be lone warriors or commanders of lesser undead, but they always behaved honorably in combat (never ambushing or attacking with surprise, etc).

2019-10-02, 11:02 AM
Draco lich would work nicely. Even high level would most likely be wiped out.

2019-10-02, 11:05 AM
How high level are we talking here?

2019-10-02, 11:14 AM
Does the villain need to be specifically undead, or just undead-related? Necromancer with a code reminds me of a build I made for a Villainous Competition (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19308582&postcount=40) a few years back.

2019-10-02, 11:32 AM
Vampire lord: https://www.realmshelps.net/monsters/templates/vampirelord.shtml

just screams "BBEG" while being undead.

it also doesn't have alot of the weak points that normal vampires do as well.

2019-10-02, 11:42 AM
First off you should go with an undead template over undead hd, the undead hd are bad. Death Knight or Gravetouched Ghoul are both decent options. You could laso look at BoVD Bone and corpse creatures, and modify them with the variations they present if you are looking for a unique undead.

From there you could honestly go with a melee cleric using DMM persist to turn it into a power house pretty easily. Otherwise a Crusader tripper is never a bad option either, nor is barbarian/warblade tripper.

2019-10-02, 12:47 PM
Depending on just how much of a bad*** you want them to be, a Hunefer might work:


2019-10-02, 12:50 PM
How high level are we talking here?

I would like the villain to give named demon princes pause. Something uniquely powerful but not having a divine spark. Perhaps an ability or item that let's him strike above his weight class

2019-10-02, 01:28 PM
Vampire lord: https://www.realmshelps.net/monsters/templates/vampirelord.shtml

just screams "BBEG" while being undead.

it also doesn't have alot of the weak points that normal vampires do as well.

This. When I read the post this came to mind right away. Very flexible, as you can use whatever variety of base humanoid that you want.
Such creatures also tend to have plans for escape if things go badly, so it can be a reoccurring foe.

2019-10-02, 01:37 PM
Angel of Decay from Libris Mortis? (pg 85)

2019-10-02, 11:28 PM
I would like the villain to give named demon princes pause. Something uniquely powerful but not having a divine spark. Perhaps an ability or item that let's him strike above his weight class

Ok, so that opens up the epic levels, but rules out atropals, Atropus, and hunefers

Dungeon Magazine #100 has the stats for the Githyanki lich queen Vlaakith (githyanki lich Wiz 25)

Failing that, how about throwing together a Dread Necromancer 20/Archivist 3/True Necromancer(however many levels you need). (Dread Necromancer Lv.20 grants lichdom)

2019-10-02, 11:51 PM
Slap some class levels on and Undead warlord (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/undead/undead-warlord/).

These dudes are rad because they can't be killed unless they're defeated in an honorable 1 v 1 combat (killing it any other way causes it to reform 24 hours later). This provides a unique antagonist that just will NOT. STOP. COMING. until somebody in the party mans up.

You can throw this guy at the party as basically a very scary Terminator like figure. Maybe they never even defeat him at all, merely stave him off long enough to complete their goal.

2019-10-03, 12:06 AM
Thanks all for the great ideas, I have a concept in place now

2019-10-03, 12:11 AM
With any undead, especially a boss, give it the benefits of having been created by someone who specializes in making strong undead. A Desecrate modified by Fell Energy Spell with an evil altar present grants +6 hp/hd. If he was created with a necromancy spell (or a ritual with very ambiguous methods that could only be considered a necromancy effect) say the creator had Dread Necromancer 8+ (+4 enhancement to Str and Dex, +2 hp/hd), Wizard 1 with Enhance Undead (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/specialistWizardVariants.htm#necromancerVariants) (redundant enhancement bonuses, +2 hp/hd), and the full Corpsecrafter line of feats in LM (+2 hp/hd, +2 turn resistance, +2 natural armor, +2 initiative, +2 land speed, +1d6 cold damage on natural weapons, explodes on death). Also consider including the Spellstitched template in CA for only +1 CR.

Blood Fiend (Fiend Folio) is basically a vampire demon, that turns other evil outsiders slain by its energy drain into more blood fiends. The 3.5 update booklet changes their DR to 15/Good, but otherwise just update the skill points and feats per HD. It's CR 14 at 12 HD out of the box, so add Evolved Undead at +1 CR per, advance its HD at +1/4 CR each, and/or add non-associated class levels at +1/2 CR each until it's the desired strength. As a large size bruiser-type with a few special abilities I'd give it a Cha or Wis based spellcasting base class for 12 levels at +6 CR. Maybe even give it Ardent 2/ Ur-Priest 2/ Psychic Theurge (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040925b) 8, for 9th level spells and 7th level powers with Practiced Manifester. Give it a Monk's Belt with (Improved, Greater) TWF and Beast Strike so it can full attack with level-draining unarmed strikes.

An enemy like that would likely have a cult following and powerful lieutenants. Throw in a Dread Necromancer mini-boss, take some pointers from this "ruthless" advice (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?408757-Could-use-some-advice-on-how-to-challenge-a-high-powered-stealth-group#15) but increase the levels/CRs/bodycount.

2019-10-03, 12:16 AM
What do you think of Death Knight Paladin 12->Ex-Paladin 2/Blackguard 10->Ex-Paladin 2/Blackguard 10/Divine Crusader 1/Ordained Champion 3 OR Bone Knight 3/Bone Knight +4? Definitely melee oriented with very limited spellcasting from Divine Crusader & Blackguard. You can DMM your Divine Crusader spells (Strength domain spells for buff). Alternatively, if you wish, take Death/Destruction domain to channel SoD spells through melee attack. Undead already benefit a lot from high Cha, and this character would get 2x cha modifier to all saved (one from Paladin class feature regained via Bone Knight, one from Blackguard). If you want to use ELH, this character could eventually qualify for Epic Spellcasting if you want, but you can always just keep his Epic spells melee-oriented?