View Full Version : Player Help Looking for conjure animal/wild shape quick reference ideas

2019-10-03, 03:47 PM
I an in a group new to 5th. The group has a druid and I have a ranger
Now a lot of time is wasted by the druid looking up what beast shape to use and it will get worse when conjure animal is used. I dread the dasy when we both use it at same time

I looked at those spell cards deck for monsters on amazon but I read a review saying it doesn't have the beasts for conjure animals/wild shape so that is out

How do experienced players handle this? Write everything out on index cards?

2019-10-04, 12:27 PM
I use a Google doc with all the options and did write everything on index cards too.

2019-10-04, 01:28 PM
Not mine, but a printable version that should fit your needs pretty darn well.
