View Full Version : Pathfinder Multiple Dirty Tricks in a round?

2019-10-05, 04:30 AM
So, blinding people is fun. So is inflicting a bunch of debuffs on them, in comedic fashion.
It is not made certain that you can, in fact, only clear one condition with a single action. If the DM rules you can, then he basically said "screw anything relating to this combat maneuver."

Savage Dirty Trick (Barb 6) and Quick Dirty Trick (BAB 6) both allow for you to (once per turn) replace a melee attack with Dirty Tricks. Of course, Savage only works once per rage (but is also empowered), but if you've got a skald to let you rage dance, then you can turn it on and off with no penalty, and refresh the SDT.

And The Superior Dirty Trick feat makes it so that one chosen condition (each time the feat is taken) takes a full round action to remove. So yeah. It actually sticks. Pretty nice.

So that's two per turn. Any more?

Well, glad you asked. Bounty Hunter Slayer exists. You give up your sneak attack damage to be able to play Dirty Tricks. So that's as many attacks as you can get off in a turn, and you still keep your basic damage. It does like...completely invalidate Quick Dirty Trick (unless you have no flank partner)...which is probably a good thing, since that's just a feat tax. So we can replace that feat with Two weapon fighting for more attacks.

We could go Master of Maneuvers Monk...but...since we are multiclasing so hard, it's really nothing beneficial.

You can also full progress Slayer for....Oh... it's actually only 1/3 SA progression rather than 1/2 lvl + 0.5. Well, you can ...wow really? It doesn't even get a Sneak attack by the time it unlocks this. Well, take that extra level in slayer, and then multiclass to rogue...and lose out on a level of BAB for your sneak attack to Dirty Trick conversion. well then take another 2 levels of rogue to do that, and you net a +1 bonus...for 3 levels.

OK, know what? Add in Spheres of Might's Scoundrel , and now it's based on skill ranks rather than BAB, so you can a +3 for 4 levels...when lore master fighter can get you +2 for 3. Well! Take that as well!
Oh and since we already have SoM, add in the Fencing sphere for a +1 die / 5 BAB, and a dip in the Conscript class, specializing in Scoundrel, which lets you treat your HD as +1 for the purpose of that sphere, including the skill progression, which is being used in the place of your BAB, so +1 for 1 level. Easy. (Oh, and Scoundrel also lets you batter the opponent as a swift action for a -2 to their CMD.)

And Combat Hustle talent grants +2 to CMB for *each* threatening ally.

Anyway, as to the point of that, CMD progresses at roughly 2*CR, while BAB only progresses at 1*LvL. So...yeah. You need to squeeze every last bit of progression to your CMB to even pretend to have a chance at using it. Let alone inflicting a lot in a round.

From Spheres of Might, we can take the Double Dip trick from Scoundrel sphere, which lets us inflict 2 conditions (though it requires spending martial focus, and both can be removed in one action).
We can also take the Blustering Shenanigans trick to let us free action Intimidate to try and shaken them when we dirty trick.
Vagabond Nick talent will let us add 1/2 Sleight of Hand ranks to our damage for each dirty trick. So...like...barely even losing that sneak attack.
Focusing Thievery talent also lets us do a skill check when we use our dirty trick, in order to entangle them as well.