View Full Version : Where to go after a Module

2019-10-05, 10:35 AM
So I plan on running my players (in an E6 game) through Might of the Medusa. It ends with the PCs having what is basically an Artifact staff, having killed a Medusa, having annoyed a Demon Goddess, saved a really crappy town's Nobles and inadvertently pissed off the dregs of said town.

So where do I go from here?

Giving a bit more detail, the Medusa has been taking the babies that the town will occasionally leave out in the desert as offering to the Demon Goddes (so she doesn't wipe out the town, even though she actually can't do that) and using them in a ritual to immolate one of the Nobles. She hates the town because she's actually a really, really mutated child from that town who grew up and is hell bent on revenge. The Demon Goddess is just helping her because it sounds like a good time.

A fair portion of the lower class in this town actually worship the demon goddess outright (becuase why the hell not right?) and as such are rather pissed at hte PCs because they stopped the Medusa. They aren't all in this large interconnected cult or anything, but they do talk to each other.

I was thinking that the PCs would need to stop a rebellion, or help it I have no idea where they would go with this, but I've never done much with this sort of thing so ideas would be great.

2019-10-05, 12:41 PM
Does the cult have a leader ?

If yes it's a revolution, if not it's just a riot.

Of course the PCs may choose to fill this role, or they may try to stop the thing ?
Then there are the rulers and the town guard - who would probably try to stop this also.

Sounds fun.

2019-10-05, 12:44 PM
What characters are your players playing?

2019-10-05, 01:56 PM
Does the cult have a leader ?

If yes it's a revolution, if not it's just a riot.

Of course the PCs may choose to fill this role, or they may try to stop the thing ?
Then there are the rulers and the town guard - who would probably try to stop this also.

Sounds fun.

Possibly? Its not terribly fleshed out. Depends on if anything survives the Module. So not likely.

What characters are your players playing?

Currently, the only one guaranteed is a Dwarf Druid. He follows a Nature God who is trying to slowly repair the world after a massively destructive god war.

2019-10-07, 06:23 PM
The remaining plots seem to be the saved noble, the dregs, and the demon goddess.

We could have the dregs rise up into an organization of a guild or a gang. If all the dregs are wiped out then the nobles won't have anybody to lord over. The demon goddess can influence the nobles or directly lead the dregs. Of course the demon goddess might want to get back the artifact that can destroy her...