View Full Version : Crypt of the Everflame IC

2019-10-06, 08:19 AM

It is the fourth day of Neth (http://www.pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Neth#Months), and the winter winds are beginning to blow. On this day, nearly two centuries ago, Ekat Kassen and his men set out from the town to defeat Asar Vergas and his band of mercenaries. That tale is etched into the mind of each man, woman and child born and raised in Kassen, and is the cornerstone of the town's identity.

Having spent the morning preparing in your own way, you now await the summons to the centre of town at noon, from where you will begin your quest. Finally, the bells atop of the Temple of Erastil (http://www.pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Erastil) toll their midday song, echoing through the quiet town. As the peals begin to fade, the first of the townsfolk make their way into the square, dressed in black, as if attending a funeral. They slowly fill the square, moving quietly across the cold, hard ground, their eyes downcast and mournful. After a few moments, a murmur passes through the crowd as it slowly parts to let Mayor Uptal through. He leads the way with a tarnished silver lantern. Behind him, an old pony drags a cart laden with backpacks and supplies.

Once he reaches the centre of the crowd, Mayor Uptal stops and calls out to the assembled townsfolk.

"Once again the winter winds blow through the Fangwood, marking the end of another harvest. There are wolves in the woods, howling at our walls, and serpents in our shadows, waiting to strike. Just as it was a hundred and seventy four years ago, when Kassen himself left these walls to protect us, so it is today. Where are the heroes? Where are the brave folk that will venture out to Kassen's tomb and retrieve the flame to keep this community safe for another winter?"

The mayor pauses, looking at you.

2019-10-06, 01:04 PM
Elissa stood in the crowd, her armor weighing uncomfortably under her clothing, long sword strapped across her back. She's been preparing for this moment for the last several months, but now that it's here... she is nervous. Her father places a hand on her shoulder, and she gives him a small smile before stepping forward. She sees Sir Dramott watching her, and keeps her head up and her eyes straight ahead, doing her best to keep her legs and pace steady. "I will go." She doesn't say any more, for fear her voice might crack.

Queen of Sheba
2019-10-06, 05:11 PM
Gwynvieve pulls her dark green cloak about herself a little more securely as the windy heralds of winter blow past her. The young woman, an outsider despite her occasional visits to the town of Kassen, stands alone in the crowd. Gwyn had asked her parents not to see her off, certain as she was that the townies wouldn't be hugging their parents goodbye when the time to answer the call came. The day was meant to mark the beginning of adulthood for those sent to retrieve a piece of the everburning flame, and she hadn't wanted to be embarrassed in front of her soon-to-be companions by her parents' affections. But seeing another young woman step forward to answer the Mayor's call with (who Gwyn assumed was) her father behind her, Gwyn feels a pang of regret for asking her parents not to be there.

Her own emotions reflecting the somber mood of the crowd—though for different reasons—Gwynvieve steps forward, drawing her hood back and causing her wildly curling red hair to spill down around her shoulders as she does. "I will, too," she answers, moving through the crowd to the center of the square. Standing alongside the Mayor and the other woman, Gwyn greets the latter with a nod and a subdued smile.

2019-10-07, 06:22 AM
Phillip came prepared for the weather, bundled up in heavy hide clothing lined with fur. The high collar of his jacket was pulled up to protect against the wind and to better conceal his face. He glances around when the mayor prompts the crowd to join in this rallying cry for heroes and waits for a few others to pledge before he does.

After adjusting his weapons, a battle axe and warhammer that hang from loops on his belt and a shortbow strung over one shoulder, he merely steps forward to stand beside the two women silently. He gives the mayor a nod and stands wordlessly with the group.

2019-10-07, 01:03 PM
Standing a bit apart from the crowd, towards the front, is the tall, slender elf known as Alabaster Kraine. He doesn't quite mean to stand apart as he does - he knows the people of the town are comfortable with him, seeing as he's lived here for a few months, now. But it's more a matter of he doesn't really have anyone to stand with. Nonetheless, wrapped in his ebony-hued cloak, hood up, he has placed himself at the front of the crowd. He knew that he would be one of the volunteers. He had decided weeks ago.

Bringing up his gloved hands to lower his hood, Alabaster steps forward after Philip. "I will go," he speaks, ignoring the chill of the wind and the fact that the tips of his long ears have already started to redden with the cold. He steps up beside the others, offering them a nod and a cordial smile.

2019-10-09, 10:42 AM
As you declare your intent and step forward, one by one, mayor keeps a solemn look on his face and slowly nods in approval. He then pauses, taking a look around as if waiting for someone else to step in. Nobody does.

"Ahem. Your task won't be an easy one. We have prepared some supplies to help you with this quest." - the mayor waves towards the cart - "But first, who will you nominate to carry the lantern? Who will have the honor to light it with the flame?" - he holds up the tarnished silver lantern he is carrying and waits for you to answer.

In the cart are five medium-sized backpacks, all looking more or less similar. It seems they all contain something, though you will have to open a backpack to see what's inside. Let's call them backpacks 1 through 5.

2019-10-09, 07:47 PM
Elissa looks at the others gathered to enter the tombs. She returns the nods and encouraging smiles of Gwynvieve and Alabaster--neither of whom she really knows, though she has seen them around town a time or two. Phillip she was a bit more familiar with--at least familiar enough to know his brutish appearance didn't match his temperament. She'd be glad to have him along.

"Well," she says to her new companions, "Any takers?" She doesn't feel presumptive enough to claim the honor without offering it to the others.

Queen of Sheba
2019-10-09, 08:22 PM
Gwyn turns and favors the two men who volunteer with the same small smile she had given the other woman. She doesn't get a good look at the first man, but when the second draws back his hood to reveal long, tapered ears, Gwyn's eyes briefly widen before she remembers her manners and flashes the elf an apologetic simper. It was funny for her to think of elves as ever being adolescents; she supposes somewhere in the back of her mind she must have thought them fully grown and possessing all of their grace and wisdom from day one. Just as she's wondering how they'll all relate given the age disparity, the Mayor begins talking again and Gwyn's idle musings are cut short.

When the Mayor asks who will bear the lantern, Gwyn looks toward each of her companions, waiting to see if any of them would step forward. As an outsider, regardless of the close relationship between Kassen and The Grove, Gwyn wants to be helpful, but is concerned that accepting the honor might not sit well with the townies. On the other hand, her fellow "adventurers" also look as though they may have their hands full later with the various weapons they all carry, whereas Gwyn plans to use her staff mostly to poke at metal objects. "I could hold it..." Gwyn hesitantly offers. "I mean, I'm no fighter. Not like you three, anyway. So if it makes your all's job easier... I could hold it."

2019-10-10, 12:52 PM
The honor of carrying the lantern was something which Alabaster assumed someone from the town would want. It surprises him, then, that one of the townies offers the honor to anyone of the group, looking around at the others instead of volunteering for herself. And then, it's the other girl that steps forward and offers to take it. Being that he has no particular investment in wanting to carry the torch first (he's sure eventually they would all get a turn, at some point) he keeps quiet, and nods his approval to the young women of the group.

2019-10-10, 07:35 PM
Removing one of her gauntlet-clad hands from her quarterstaff, the ominous-looking Zion Watchtower reached out and grabbed the lantern. ”It is an honor I carry this Lantern. It means so much to me that I can finally prove myself by venturing to the Crypt to retrieve the Everflame. Though I am burned from last year’s incident, I will lead the group as a symbol that no matter what happens, anybody can overcome adversity with a little grit and determination.”

2019-10-11, 11:20 AM
Having handed you the lantern, Mayor Uptal turns to face the crowd and, somewhat theatrically proclaims: "I present to you the brave heroes who will follow in Kassen’s footsteps to retrieve the Everflame! Some of them may not return, but I say to you that their sacrifice shall not be forgotten." Then he turns back to you. "Please don't forget to take the supplies we have prepared for you. You will need them on your quest. Then go, brave heroes, and do not return until you have the eternal fire!"

With that, the mayor points to the south, the direction of Kassen’s tomb.

2019-10-11, 11:59 AM
Immediately, Zion begins to head that way, gesturing with her gauntlet-clad hand for the others to follow. Her pentagram-like birthmark visible to anybody paying attention as she faces the group, she says, ” Well, I’m not one just to loiter around, so I say we should get moving!”

2019-10-12, 07:50 PM
Elissa takes one of the backpacks from the cart and shoulders it, without checking its contents--time for that later. She smiles at the others in her group. "Aye, let's be about it. Quicker we head out, quicker we get back home." Weapons and gear at the ready, she takes a few steps in the direction they're going to take and pauses for the others.

Let's say she grabbed backpack 2. Since you numbered them, I assume the one you take does matter.

Queen of Sheba
2019-10-12, 11:06 PM
Thankful to have the question of who should carry the lantern answered by the arrival of a fifth volunteer, Gwyn turns to give the newcomer the same smile she had given all the others. But her smile falls on seeing the lantern bearer, replaced instead with a look of uneasy surprise at the large, vaguely unsettling mark this new woman bears upon her forehead. Gwyn knows better than to gawp, really, but the sight is so unexpected that she finds herself doing just that regardless, and her eyes widen even further after the other woman grasps the lantern with one severely burned hand. It reminds her uncomfortably of the time she nearly melted a pair of leather gloves onto her own hands after trying to conjure flames while wearing them. Since then Gwyn has always gone barehanded; she'd rather risk harm from accidentally touching metal than having her hands look like... well. When the woman turns to face them, Gwyn quickly drops her gaze down to the backpacks lying in the cart, hoping that her momentary lapse in manners hadn't been noticed.

Well, had she known that supplies would be provided, she wouldn't have bothered bringing so much of her own stuff with her. Still, it was better to have and not need, and so Gwyn shuffles supplies from one pack to another before shouldering her now heavier burden and setting off with the group. She waits until they are a ways away from the crowd before trying to make conversation so as not to disturb the town's somber atmosphere. "So that stuff the Mayor said about some of us maybe not making it back... that was just him being ceremonious, right? I mean, no one has ever not come back before, right?" she questions the group, more curious than anything. Although she had grown up knowing of the tradition that The Grove and Kassen shared, not being able to witness all the previous years' ceremonies left the young woman a bit fuzzy on the details. "I'm Gwynvieve, by the way. Gwynvieve Thornweaver. But you all can call me Gwyn."

Gwyn will take backpack #4.

2019-10-12, 11:28 PM
Thankful to have the question of who should carry the lantern answered by the arrival of a fifth volunteer, Gwyn turns to give the newcomer the same smile she had given all the others. But her smile falls on seeing the lantern bearer, replaced instead with a look of uneasy surprise at the large, vaguely unsettling mark this new woman bears upon her forehead. Gwyn knows better than to gawp, really, but the sight is so unexpected that she finds herself doing just that regardless, and her eyes widen even further after the other woman grasps the lantern with one severely burned hand. It reminds her uncomfortably of the time she nearly melted a pair of leather gloves onto her own hands after trying to conjure flames while wearing them. Since then Gwyn has always gone barehanded; she'd rather risk harm from accidentally touching metal than having her hands look like... well. When the woman turns to face them, Gwyn quickly drops her gaze down to the backpacks lying in the cart, hoping that her momentary lapse in manners hadn't been noticed.

Well, had she known that supplies would be provided, she wouldn't have bothered bringing so much of her own stuff with her. Still, it was better to have and not need, and so Gwyn shuffles supplies from one pack to another before shouldering her now heavier burden and setting off with the group. She waits until they are a ways away from the crowd before trying to make conversation so as not to disturb the town's somber atmosphere. "So that stuff the Mayor said about some of us maybe not making it back... that was just him being ceremonious, right? I mean, no one has ever not come back before, right?" she questions the group, more curious than anything. Although she had grown up knowing of the tradition that The Grove and Kassen shared, not being able to witness all the previous years' ceremonies left the young woman a bit fuzzy on the details. "I'm Gwynvieve, by the way. Gwynvieve Thornweaver. But you all can call me Gwyn."

Gwyn will take backpack #4.

”Gwyn, it is a pleasure to meet you. You are nicer already than the girls who did this to my arms, so that’s a plus. I get mocked all the time because of this birthmark on my forehead, those girls just took it a step further and tried to burn me alive in the church crematorium. I got out, though, thank the gods. While we walk, maybe we can take turns learning about each other. I recognize some of you, being how Kassen is a small town, but I don’t recall ever working closely with any of you. Please jog my memory if I’m wrong.”

2019-10-12, 11:48 PM
Bast will take #3, then.

Alabaster sets off with the others, leaving the town behind without looking back. What point is there to looking back, after all? It isn't like he's got anyone to wave to, and besides, there was a much more interesting path laying ahead of them than what they'd left behind. He listens to Gwyn introduce herself, offering a smile as she does so, and is about to reassure her when Zion speaks first. The girl is... strange, to say the least. But she isn't the only one with odd marks on her face. The tattoos around Alabaster's eyes and jaw have drawn plenty of attention since he left home, so he does the polite thing and doesn't ask about Zion's. Just as he'd prefer no one ask about his.

"Alabaster Kraine," he says, giving the others in the group a wink. "But, please. Call me Bast." His Common is accented, his vowels coming out taller and posher-sounding than the accent held by most of the lowland folk around here. It's distinctly elven; musical and a bit more lilting than how humans commonly speak their native tongue. Even so, there's nothing condescending in his tone, which usually seems to pair itself with those of the elven race when they speak. Instead, he gives off a much more relaxed aura despite his seeming formality. "I suppose I'm indubitably new to Kassen, so maybe I'm not the authority to ask, but this trip is quite safe as far as I'm aware," he assures Gwyn.

I'm picturing Alabaster with a British (Londoner) accent. Common wasn't his first language and he learned from highly intellectual elves, so he uses big words here and there, but he's really quite relaxed. :smallwink:

2019-10-13, 03:43 PM
Phillip picks up and shoulders the two remaining backpacks since one seemed to have been left behind, and follows the group out of town. Once they'd made it far enough away that they were out of eye sight of the ceremony and the gathered crowd, he finally speaks. "My name is Phillip. These woods can be dangerous, so we must be cautious and observant as we make our way. We should stop and make sure our supplies and effects are in order. I hope everyone has brought some food. We will move much slower if we have to forage along the way." The heavily scarred half-orc gathers his long, stringy, white hair in his hands and ties it behind his head now that he was only among his traveling companions. The right side of his face is severely scarred, leaving one of his eyes completely dead and white in the socket. It becomes apparent why he lets his hair typically hang in front of his face but having a good eye on your surroundings seems more important at the moment.

Phillip sets the two remaining bags on the ground and stops. "We should go through all of the bags and account for what we have. We don't know which bag holds what, and as it stands your bag could be holding something not useful to yourself but important for someone else." With that, he crouches down and begins to open and root through the two bags he was carrying.

2019-10-13, 06:08 PM
Elissa shrugs at Zion's question. "Not much to tell, really. I'm William Ardt's daughter--I've been helping him out trapping in the woods since I was a little girl. I'm here because... well, because it seemed like the thing to do."

"Phillip's right, though," she says, nodding to the half-orc. "Need to keep our eyes open. I think that stuff about some of us not coming back was exaggerated... but the woods can be dangerous. I've got a few days of food, at least." She opens the backpack and examines its contents as she walks.

2019-10-13, 10:09 PM
Realizing it would be a good idea to take stock of his supplies, Alabaster takes his pack off of his shoulder as well. As he opens it, his eyes light up for a moment - literally - as he seeks out any sparks of magic in his pack. Really, he should have checked for this sooner... just in case.

Alabaster has constant Detect Magic within 60 feet, so if anyone's got anything magical, he knows about its existence - though he will still have to make checks to find out what it is, of course.

Queen of Sheba
2019-10-13, 11:34 PM
Gobsmacked is as fitting a word as any to describe what Gwyn feels when the burned woman relates her story. At a loss for words, she looks around at the others helplessly, half thinking that the tale, almost outlandish in its awfulness, is merely a prank these townies have decided to pull on her as a grover. But their faces betray no hint of mischief and eventually Gwyn realizes that the event is something the marked woman actually had to endure. "It... would be hard not to be nicer than that," Gwyn ends up saying after a long pause, the thought of that occurrence being the standard by which the other woman judged other people leaving her both sad and concerned. "That's horrible. I'm sorry that happened to you, uh... I didn't actually get your name."

Bast's smile puts Gwyn at ease after the rocky introduction, and she returns the friendly expression with one of her own, along with a traditional Elven greeting. Unfortunately, it comes out more butchered than not thanks to the rather unmusical country accent that colors her words. "Sorry, my accent's atrocious. I don't get to practice my Elven very much, I'm afraid."

Then, just when she thought she was done making a fool of herself in front of her new companions, Phillip finally introduces himself. If her handling of Zion's startling appearance was clumsy, Gwyn is downright cloddish when she sees the half-orc's face for the first time. She feels herself physically recoil and blurt "Oh ...mercy" before she can restrain herself. Not a second later, the color in Gwyn's cheeks threatens to rival the vibrant shade of her hair. Mortified by her own reaction to Phillip's injuries, she quickly ducks her head and begins checking through her pack to avoid the daggers she knows he must be shooting at her. "I... I brought some food, too, if anyone needs it. I don't have any meat, though. Just nuts and berries and a bit of sweetbread." Gwyn hazards a glance up at Phillip, wanting to apologize but not wishing to make him any more uncomfortable by drawing more attention to things. Maybe she could find a moment in private with him later that day. "But I'm happy to share."

And that was about my reaction when I first saw Phillip's picture. :smallbiggrin:

Also, Bast would be able to detect three magical auras radiating from a case that hangs off of her back hip.

2019-10-14, 11:23 AM
You grab the backpacks and leave the town accompanied by the cheers of the crowd, or at least of as much of a crowd as the town can muster. There is not much in the way of farmland outside of Kassen, the forest starts almost immediately outside of the walls. A few children follow you for some short distance, but you send them back while the town is still in view. You walk the trail southwards for some time. The weather is somewhat windy and somewhat cloudy, but nothing out of ordinary. When you lose the last signs of town behind a smooth turn of the trail, you stop to check the backpacks.

5 days’ worth of rations
a small tent
a winter blanket
a full waterskin
50 feet of hempen rope
a piece of map (http://roleplayer.narod.ru/img/Trail_map_piece_1.png)5 days’ worth of rations
a small tent
a winter blanket
a full waterskin
a grappling hook
a piece of map (http://roleplayer.narod.ru/img/Trail_map_piece_2.png)5 days’ worth of rations
a small tent
a winter blanket
a full waterskin
a labeled potion of cure light wounds
a torch
a piece of map (http://roleplayer.narod.ru/img/Trail_map_piece_3.png)5 days’ worth of rations
a small tent
a winter blanket
a full waterskin
a small bottle of local brandy
a torch
a piece of map (http://roleplayer.narod.ru/img/Trail_map_piece_4.png)5 days’ worth of rations
a small tent
a winter blanket
a full waterskin
a box containing tinder and three tindertwigs
a torch
a piece of map (http://roleplayer.narod.ru/img/Trail_map_piece_5.png)Now is the time you get your first "loot". As we all know, with every (property) right there is a corresponding record-keeping responsibility. So, please, every time you are taking anything, from anywhere, mark it on your sheet (ideally with a #nnn mark, where nnn is the number of post where I describe the stuff or you describe yor character taking the stuff or something along the lines). If you did not mark it, you did not take it. And, consequently, do not have it. (and if nobody marked it, nobody has it, so please keep an eye on each other regarding the most important stuff)

Weather: (1d8)[4] (more is better)

2019-10-14, 01:28 PM
”Zion Watchtower is my name. I tend the crypts, graves, and mausoleums at the Church of Erastil. I am also the one who cooks the food for the annual Feast of Legends (https://www.feastoflegends.com) upon each group’s heroic return from the Crypt of the Everflame. Upon my return, I’ll be promoted to head grave-keeper and will select a new grave-keeping apprentice. My master is growing old, but he cannot retire till I’ve come of age and can take over. All I’ve brought with me is my Armor and some annointing oil. You see, after my encounter with those girls last year, I developed some powers—namely, the power to conjure fire from my palms and to make undead creatures not harm me—I really don’t talk about my powers much but I think I should mention that now, as I’m sure some of you are wondering why I’m unarmed. I can also heal people just by touching them.”

2019-10-14, 02:23 PM
"It's always good to have a healer around," Bast says, giving Zion a smile. Her story is quite a sad one - attempted murder is not something to scoff at, and the way the girl just brushes it off her shoulders as she does... despite being permanently scarred from the event... it is saddening. Strange as the girl appears, she seems quite sweet. Bast hadn't realized humans could be quite so cruel. "As for what I capable of... I'm adroit with a crossbow, and I was born with the ability to see magic... like this here," he says, pulling out the potion of cure light wounds from his backpack. "This will come in handy... though, while we're telling each other about ourselves and our... relative quirks, I suppose I should tell you all that magic can be a little... volatile, in my hands. Those of you that cast spells shouldn't feel any affect from it, but if we come across something like a scroll or a wand, keep it well away from me," he says, his tone a little self-depreciating as he gives a little smile - like he's laughing at an inside joke. Rooting around in his pack a little more, he pulls out the scrap of map, turning it over in his hands. "Hey, any of you others have something like this?" he questions as he repacks the items from the town into his own backpack, leaving the pack itself sitting aside.

Bast will be taking everything in Backpack 3 except the backpack itself - so if anyone wants that backpack, it's up for grabs. I also had him pull out and specifically hold up the CLW potion so if anyone wants to trade for it, you know it's there. Since Bast is a ranged fighter, he could probably be easily convinced to trade the potion to one of the frontliners.

All of the contents of #3 are noted on my sheet now.

Queen of Sheba
2019-10-15, 03:56 PM
In answer, Gwyn holds up a similar bit of parchment (http://roleplayer.narod.ru/img/Trail_map_piece_4.png) for the others to look at. "Huh... I suppose it would be nice to know where we're heading. Guess I just figured you townies would know the way to the crypt by now and I could just follow you," the girl admits with a bashful smile. Although none of her companions had yet to undertake the quest to retrieve the Everflame until now—obviously—Gwyn had always imagined the crypt as a popular meeting-place for folks of their age to indulge in a bit of youthful mischief and adventure. After all, she's always assumed that life in Kassen had to be more exciting than her quiet existence back in The Grove.

As talk turns to what each person in their group is capable of, Gwyn is surprised to find she and Zion are more alike—at least in terms of abilities—than she had initially assumed. It's a smart idea, knowing what each other's strengths and weaknesses are on the off chance they do run into any trouble. So when the time for Gwyn to share comes around, she does so freely. "Well, when I help bring back the Everflame—or, if I make it back," Gwyn corrects herself with an amused snort before continuing, "I'll officially be initiated into my community's druidic order." Her tone is not what one would expect from someone eager to undergo such an important rite. For a few moments, the girl's typically open expression becomes a faraway look, as if her mind is in another place. Distantly remembering that she had been in the middle of saying something important, Gwyn blinks, chasing away her idle ponderings and coming back to the matter at hand. "Anyway, I've had some training in the things you might expect. I'm a fair healer, least when it comes to bumps and scrapes and such. I, uh... Oh, I can speak to animals. And I can get along in the wilds well enough, too; know how to stay dry and which berries are safe to eat and whatnot," she says, bringing the hood of her emerald cloak up to shield her from the wind and help conceal her vibrant red tresses. Like Elissa and Phillip had said, one never knew where danger might be lurking in the Fangwood Forest; it was best to try and keep it from spotting you before you spotted it. "But mostly, I shoot fire out of my hands, too," she says, giving Zion a conspiratorial wink.

Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2000555) is updated!

2019-10-17, 07:43 PM
"No, the crypts aren't really somewhere most folks go on a regular basis..." Elissa looks at Gwyn's fragment, then digs around in the pack and pulls out her own, comparing the two. "Hmm... seems like a piece or two missing." She glances at the others. "Probably the rest of the map is in your packs..."

2019-10-17, 07:48 PM
"Unless I find a place to set my lantern down, I'll need one of you to check my bag. I remember hearing a legend warning the lantern shouldn't touch the ground. I'm not sure how true it is, but I'd rather not find out."

2019-10-19, 05:34 PM
Phillip ignores the startled reactions his face is eliciting. It's happened his entire life, and finds that if he doesn't engage about it or acknowledge it, it's typically for the best. Wordlessly he goes about fishing out the contents of the two packs he is carrying. At the prompting of the dark haired, armored woman he takes the two pieces of the split map and lays them out on the ground so he can better get a sense of what they are. He looks up at his newfound companions and gestures to the map, indicating they should find where their pieces go as well.

2019-10-19, 11:41 PM
Bast kneels down beside Philip and glances at the pieces of the map. "Right... this shouldn't be too hard to figure out," he hummed.

To put the map together correctly: [roll0]

2019-10-20, 02:11 AM
You have all the pieces and, there being just five of them, they fit together easily. Soon you look at laid up on the ground complete trail map. You have to use some twigs and stones to keep the pieces from being blown away by occasional gusts of wind. Phillip is pretty sure he can get the group as far as the lake with no problem at all, after which the trail becomes mostly this map's invention.


2019-10-20, 10:23 AM
”That Gorge looks pretty deep on the map. How do we plan on crossing it?”

2019-10-20, 01:04 PM
"Ropes? Grappling hooks?" Bast suggests in response to Zion's question. "Maybe we'll get lucky and there's a bridge, it's just not drawn on the map."

2019-10-20, 06:54 PM
"Ropes? Grappling hooks?" Bast suggests in response to Zion's question. "Maybe we'll get lucky and there's a bridge, it's just not drawn on the map."

”Has anybody brought anything like rope?”

2019-10-20, 08:25 PM
"This was in my backpack," Elissa says, holding out an iron grappling hook, "and I packed a rope. Dad always said, never go into the woods without one if you can help it. Depends on how wide that gorge is, though--but folks do this every year, surely it's manageable somehow, right?"

Being something of a woodsman, would Elissa recognize any of the nearer areas--the Broken Glade or the Grey Lake--as being particularly dangerous or treacherous? Or would she have to roll for that?

2019-10-21, 07:19 PM
After looking over the map in detail the scarred half-orc hums to himself, deep in thought. "I can get us to the lake without any problems. My hunts have taken me that far. I also have rope and a grappling hook. Seems like we might have to climb across, if everyone thinks they can manage. I can't think of any other way, or any other supplies that could help but I'm sure we can figure something out when we get a better look in person. These wilds can be treacherous. There's all manner of wild beasts and... some things worse still out there." Absentmindedly, Phillip rubs his hand along the disease scars on his face before realization sets in and he quickly pulls his hand away.

Finally his gaze trails up from the map and to his traveling companions. "I don't think this map is to scale. The size of Kassen compared to the distance to the lake seems off. Perhaps this gorge wont be as big of an obstacle as we assume. I think only seeing it in person can tell us for sure... We shouldn't dawdle. As dangerous as these woods can be, they're doubly so at night."

2019-10-21, 07:40 PM
Bast nods, straightening up. "I'd say you should take the map then, Philip. I'm not so familiar with this area, so it will be good to have a guide who actually knows where they're going," he says with a smile. "That being said, if we're going to be along this trail for a bit, I could do a little scouting. I'm rather adept at not being seen or heard when I don't want to be. Do you hunters and trappers think that a good idea?" he asks, looking not only at Philip, but Elissa and Gwyn, as well.

2019-10-22, 06:52 PM
Elissa shrugs. "It's probably not a bad idea. Better to find whatever's hiding out here before it finds us."

2019-10-22, 11:20 PM
Bast gives a nod. "All right, then. I won't venture too far ahead, maybe forty or fifty feet," he assures the others, hefting his backpack once again. Maybe he won't be the stealthiest he can be with all his gear, but having a pair of eyes on the trail ahead certainly won't hurt.


EDIT: Well, at least I'll see everything that sees me.

2019-10-23, 12:20 AM
"I'm fairly adept at scouting as well. I'll join you." Phillip says to the elf without ever fully looking him in the eyes. Drawing his battleaxe and leaving his shield flung over his knapsack, he keeps pace with Bast, moving through the forest quietly and alert.

Perception: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

Edit: Epic fail.

2019-10-23, 11:26 AM
You walk the trail in roughly southwardish direction. This close to the town, the trail is easy to follow. The forest is relatively open, especially now that the leaves are falling from the trees, with some trees still having some and other trees having almost none, depending on the species of the corresponding tree. It is difficult to hide, especially on the trail, as you normally need some cover or concealment and those are some distance from each other and some distance from the trail, but at least Bast and Phillip do not make an excessive amount of noise.

The group walks for about two hours when you notice a green-skinned humanoid coming to the road from behind the bush to the east. He is armored in some studded leather, has a greatclub in his hand and a quiver of javelins behind his back. He has certainly noticed you.


It's an orc.

grass and trail - normal ground
bush - concealment and difficult terrain
deciduous tree - half cover against melee if you stand in that square (these are not very thick trees, mostly without the leaves)
conifer tree - something like spruce: cover, concealment and difficult terrain

Only Bast notices the two in UV29. He also nothices very thin smoke above the bush E28H30.

2019-10-23, 11:54 AM
Bast swiftly unslings his crossbow and readies a bolt in it with a swift motion. The orc is blocking their way forward, but this doesn't necessarily seem like a 'shoot first, ask questions later' scenario... even if Bast can see an ambush waiting for them, too. "Hail," he says to the orc, a frown on his face. "Would you and your friends like to explain what you're doing here?" he questions, cutting his eyes pointedly over towards the bushes where the other two orcs are hiding.


EDIT: Oof. Drawing a weapon probably doesn't help your diplomacy, lol.

Queen of Sheba
2019-10-23, 01:08 PM
Gwyn, who had been enjoying the stroll through the forest—perhaps a bit too much given the dangers that lurk in the woods—has her wandering mind abruptly snapped back to the present when the commotion ahead disrupts the companionable silence the group had fallen into. Squinting, she can just make out the shape of another person on the trail ahead of Bast and Phillip. "Could be trouble," she tells Elissa and Zion, shifting in place as she waits to find out how the men decide to handle the situation. Seeing Bast ready his crossbow, Gwyn amends her previous statement—"Definitely trouble"—before hustling forward to stand just behind and to the left of Phillip. Gwyn eyes the orc warily but gives him a tenuous smile nonetheless, hoping that the situation can be resolved peaceably. But for the most part she allows her presence to speak for itself; if he and "his friends" had been planning anything untoward, then the numbers are not on their side. "Everything all right up here?"

2019-10-23, 01:33 PM
Zion attempts to creep around to the side of the trail unnoticed. She would have to maintain a moderate range in this fight—close enough to hit with her magic but far enough to evade being hit.


2019-10-23, 07:13 PM
Elissa narrows her eyes and follows Gwyn forward. If this did turn ugly, she'd need to be closer to be of any use. She doesn't draw her weapon from across her back, but it's certainly in sight of the (half-?) orc.

2019-10-24, 11:54 AM
"Doing? If it's not clear, my young elven friend, we are robbing you." There is harsh laugh from behind the bushes to the east of the speaker and two more orcs show up. One of them seems to particularly like the joke. "Yeah, them elves. A bit slow on the uptake." This is met with even more laughter. "So, it's the time they send some fresh green lads with some fancy silver lantern to some old crypt or something. Why, we thought, we shuld just seize the opportunity!" Yet more laughter follows. "Just don't touch any more weapons and we might settle it nice and quiet."


grass and trail - normal ground
bush - concealment and difficult terrain
deciduous tree - half cover against melee if you stand in that square (these are not very thick trees, mostly without the leaves)
conifer tree - something like spruce: cover, concealment and difficult terrain

2019-10-24, 12:23 PM
Zion continued to move in a way to stay hidden yet be closer to the orcs.

2019-10-24, 04:40 PM
Bast frowns immediately as it becomes clear just what sort of encounter this is going to be. "How about no?" he answers, firing his crossbow from his side at the speaking orc.


EDIT: How did I know that was going to happen?
As his bolt flies well clear of his mark, Bast puts on a poker face and pretends he totally meant to do that as he knocks another bolt. "Warning shot," he growls. "Back off."

2019-10-24, 07:33 PM
Elissa strides forward, drawing her sword from across her back and settling into a ready stance. "You'll get nothing but steel from us," she replies coldly, glaring down the orc. Privately, she's sizing them up--three of them against five, but she has no idea how the others will hold up in combat--or how she will, for that matter. These folks looked far more ready to do violence, but perhaps a show of resolve would scare them off for easier prey.

Moving down to W13

Intimidate check just to see what happens: [roll0]

2019-10-24, 10:55 PM
Phillip strides forwards, getting closer to the pack of orcs and readying his shield as he moves. "You're fools to attack us. You're outnumbered and out matched. Come if you wish to die!" Phillip roars in the bestial Orcish language as he readies his battleaxe to strike the first orc to approach him.

Move Action: Move 30 feet toward the nearest orc and draw his heavy shield.
Standard Action: Ready an action to attack the first orc to come within melee range

Attack Roll: [roll0] (Power Attack)
Critical Confirmation [roll1] (Power Attack)
Damage: [roll2]
Critical Damage: [roll3]

2019-10-25, 11:09 AM
Alabaster reloads his crossbow and takes aim. As the one to initiate this with his first shot... he decides to let another bolt fly at the orc at the front of the pack. Their attempts to negotiate and intimidate have been feeble so far. If this is going to come to blows, Bast wants to take the upper hand quickly.


2019-10-25, 10:03 PM
Elissa continues to press forwards, sword at the ready for one of them to charge.

Move to U16

Readied (power) attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Queen of Sheba
2019-10-27, 05:41 PM
Gwyn is disappointed but not surprised to learn the orcs have less than friendly intentions toward their little group. But at least her companions don't disappoint, becoming ready for battle with what seems to her like practiced ease. Although she hadn't wanted things to descend into violence, she at least feels better about their chances of walking away from the encounter relatively unscathed after the strong rebuff Bast, Elissa and Phillip give the orcs. With a resigned sigh, Gwyn brings her free hand up to eye level. She focuses on the warm, pleasant feeling that's simmered beneath her skin since she first crossed the forest's threshold, draws the sensation up through all her limbs to centre on her own palm where a small ball of flame suddenly manifests. Gwyn's green gaze slides from the fireball sedately hovering above her open hand to the orc who seems to be the ringleader of the trio. "Not too late to rethink this, you know? No lantern's worth dying over..." she says in a last-ditch attempt to convince the orcs to leave them in peace. Standard action: Cast produce flame (https://www.aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Produce%20Flame) SLA.

2019-10-28, 11:39 AM
Phillip and Elissa move forward, getting ready for the orcs to attack. Just before Elissa obstructs his line of fire, Alabaster lets fly another bolt, this one hitting the nearest orc for 5 damage. Zion concludes that it would take too much time for hear to sneak around at the orcs now that the conbat has started, so she hurries forward instead, taking a position just behind the fighters. As she is seen openly carrying the lanters, her appearance is met with cheers from the orcs. Gwyn probuces a handy fireball and makes one last attempt to negotiate, which receives a less enthusiastic response. "Or so we thought!" exclaims the lead orc "You seem quite eager!"

The lead orc charges. He gets a hit from Phillip for 7 damage, but that does not stop the momentum of the greatclub swing, which connects with Phillip's right shoulder before he could interpose the shield, dealing 13 damage and possibly breaking the collarbone, by the feel of it. Another orc also charges, but this time Phillip is able to interpose the shield, barely stopping the forceful swing. The third orc, left with no path to charge, advances, taking to the party's right flank.

Orc charge with greatclub: (1d20+7)[20] for (1d10+4)[13]
Orc charge with greatclub: (1d20+7)[17] for (1d10+4)[7]


grass and trail - normal ground
bush - concealment and difficult terrain
deciduous tree - half cover against melee if you stand in that square (these are not very thick trees, mostly without the leaves)
conifer tree - something like spruce: cover, concealment and difficult terrain

Phillip is staggered (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/Gamemastering/conditions/#Staggered). So is the lead orc in U20.

In other news, Bast definitely senses some magic aura(s), but would need to concentrate to learn more.
=> Party (everyone, any order)

2019-10-28, 12:03 PM
As Bast picks up on the auras, he hones in on them like a bloodhound catching its scent. As he aims his crossbow and fires once again, in the back of his mind he's searching for the auras to identify them.

Standard to attack, move to focus on the auras, free to reload.

Attacking the orc in Q19!


2019-10-28, 06:42 PM
Briefly, Elissa's heart leaps into her throat as the orcs charge--despite her bravado, she hasn't been in a proper fight before... and that greatclub swing on Philip had made a sickening crack. She shook off the fear, tightened up her stance, and pressed forward beside Philip. Sir Dramott's voice echoed in her head, and she fell into the patterns of her weapon drills.

Move up to T19

Power attack vs the orc in T20: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Queen of Sheba
2019-10-28, 09:05 PM
The lead orc's retort—witty as it is—only earns him a flat look from Gwyn. But the expression on her face quickly changes to one of mingled horror and awe when he lands a devastating blow on Phillip. How is he still standing?! Gwyn wonders as she rushes to the half-orc's side. "On your left! the young woman says by way of warning as she lobs the ball of flame in her hand at the mouthy bandit leader.

Move: 30 ft. to W17
Standard: Throw fire
Ranged Touch Attack (Into Melee): [roll0]
Fire Damage: [roll1]

2019-10-29, 06:30 PM
Phillip grunts in pain from the forceful blow while his vision blurs. It seemed these thugs knew a thing or two about fighting, and wounded as he was, he wouldn't survive another hit like that. Throwing his shield up to block while making a distracting swipe with his battleaxe he falls back behind the new formed line of allies.

Being staggered, Phillip takes the Restricted Withdraw Action (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/Gamemastering/Combat/#Restricted_Withdraw) to prevent AoO's from the orcs and moves to W15.

2019-10-31, 11:59 AM
Bast barely misses the orc standing behind a maple tree to south-west. Elissa moves in and hits a somewhat off-balance orc across the chest for hefty 14 damage. The orc, despite a deep bleeding wound, remains standing, clenching his club. Gwyn also moves closer to the action, but still a few feet from the nearest orc that he targes by a small thrown ball of flame. The orc leans a bit sideways behind Phillip and the ball of flame flies past. Zion steps to just behind Elissa's left shoulder and casts Burning Hands at two orcs. The flame from Zion's fingertips goes very nearly past Elissa and hit the two orcs for 5 and 5 fire damage. This seems to be too much for the already wounded orcs, who scream in pain, drop their weapons and finally fall to the ground, smoldering and motionless. The remaining orc charges Elissa, misses wide and throws down the club. "Okay, okay, you've won!"

Since Zhentarim seems to be taking his time and we know Zion's actions anyway, I thought I'd rather move it along. Mark one spell as used.

Gwyn's attack is both into melee (-4 to hit) and through soft cover (+4 to AC). A miss anyway.

Burning hands CL2: (2d4)[5]
Orc ref vs DC16: (1d20)[11]
Orc ref vs DC16: (1d20)[10]

Orc charge with greatclub: (1d20+7)[10] for (1d10+4)[8]

=> Party (everyone, any order, unless you spare him insread)

2019-10-31, 12:08 PM
Now that combat appears to have ended, Bast takes a longer moment to focus on the auras he's spotted. At the same time, he moves cautiously towards Philip, rooting around in his bag for that potion he has. Looks like the half-orc needs it.

Standard to focus on the magic auras, move to Philip - and I don't think I have enough actions left to give him the potion of CLW, but if I do, then I do!

2019-10-31, 08:02 PM
"Drop your weapons. Now." Elissa demands, holding her blade at the ready and keeping an eye on the orcs for signs of further mischief.

Readied action to strike if they reach for a weapon (other than to drop it).
Though she doesn't consciously realize she's doing it, move action to detect evil on them--starting with the nearest one, then the other two as time allows.

Queen of Sheba
2019-10-31, 09:13 PM
The smell of burnt hair and charred skin turns the vegetarian woman's stomach, forcing Gwyn to step back from the bodies before she loses her breakfast. In spite of her own predilection for conjuring flame, she has never actually wielded such magic against living beings before; the odor is a new and thoroughly unpleasant experience for the young woman. Her watery gaze flicks away from the two downed orcs to track the final one's charge toward Elissa. His last-ditch attempt to bash the other woman does not leave Gwyn feeling particularly sympathetic toward his sudden surrender and she has no qualms about saying as much. "What, now? After you just tried to brain one of us, now you want to ask for mercy?" she asks, her tone incredulous.

Shaking her head but leaving the others to sort out the orc's fate, Gwyn turns to attend to Phillip's wounds. This time any sign of uneasiness in her expression is due to the foul smell of half-cooked orcs and not the sight of her companion's pox-scarred face. Gwyn's hand hovers over the half-orc's mangled shoulder, giving him a moment to brace himself before channelling the restorative energy through him.

Move: 5-foot-step to W16
Standard: Healing hex on Phillip
Healing: [roll0]

Edit: ...Good as new! :smallredface:

2019-11-01, 09:31 AM
Elissa detects absolutely no evil about the orc. Which is not particularly surprising giving how detect evil (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/detect-evil) works as the orc does not seem like he's a priest or something. Meanwhile, Alabaster detects something funny. All three orcs, both alive and dead, shine one solid aura of moderate Illusion. "Keep that potion away." says the orc "You might need it for later." then he grins "I'm here just to test your resolve, that's it. And mercy's good thing, I like it." Then all three orcs disappear, leaving behind only a lingering aura.

Upon a closer inspection, the damage Phillip has suffered does not seem particularly real either. Gwyn's cure seems to do the trick of bringing him back to full health. There is still a quickly forming bruise, though.

Your disbelief rolls so far:
Phillip will: (1d20+3)[4] and (1d20+3)[7]
Elissa will: (1d20+2)[12]
Alabaster will: (1d20+1)[6]
Zion will: (1d20)[6]

2019-11-01, 12:50 PM
"They were not real," Bast murmurs, able now to see the auras for what they were. He lets out a breath. It was a test, wasn't it? "They were illusions," he announces to the others. "I saw that they had magic upon them, but I did not focus quickly enough on it... I'm sorry, I won't make that mistake again."

2019-11-01, 02:52 PM
Phillip watches in astonishment as the three orcs rapidly disappear, fading from reality. His hand reflexively goes to put pressure on the "wound" he had sustained that had now seemingly been healed, if it had truly existed at all. His eyes meet with Gwyn's only for the briefest moment before he looks back down at the ground. He gives her a curt nod and mutters "My thanks." Realizing that there may be something more than these simple illusions afoot Phillip scans the area for any movement or sounds. "What sorcery is this? Show yourself."

2019-11-03, 06:01 PM
Elissa slowly lowers her weapon. She stares at where the orcs were a moment ago. "A test?" She looks at the others. "By the town leaders, I suppose?" She sheathes her blade. "Well... plenty out here that could still be a threat. Best not to assume everything we run into's another illusion." She scans the forest, briefly wondering if whoever made the illusion was still here... but she doubts they'd show themselves if they were. "Come on, let's keep going. Lots of ground still to cover."

2019-11-04, 09:53 AM
No one reveal themselves at Phillip's request. You hear the normal sounds of an autumn forest (that is not much) and the only movement seem to be that of the bare trees gently swaying in the wind. Seeing no other obvious options, you move onward. You follow the trail without encountering any more orcs, illusions, or other disturbances. The trail leans west as you pass the Broken Glade, you turn left as it splits in two. The trail gets thinner after the split, but Phillip is pretty sure it is the trail you have to follow. Soon you are back into the woods, but you are still quite some way from the Gray Lake when the sunlight begins to fade.

Camping, anyone? You could make it to the Gray Lake today, but it would be well after dark. Otherwise, describe your procedure for the evening and night, complete with guard shifts, if any.

2019-11-04, 08:49 PM
"I'd rather not be moving out here after dark," Elissa says, glancing to Phillip to gauge his opinion as well. "I say we find somewhere fairly safe off the road and rest for the night."

Elissa will definitely take a watch--probably the first or last watch, especially if there's not much moonlight out. Inferior human vision and all.

2019-11-05, 09:04 PM
Alabaster had been set to go all night if needed, but then he remembers that, ah, yes, sleep was required for those who were not elven. He curses his own ignorance and forgetfulness on the matter before looking to the others. "I do not require sleep - elves like me, we trance through the night, and remain aware of our surroundings. If you all would prefer it, I can keep the watch all through the night. Though, I certainly would not mind some company," he says with a little smile.

Queen of Sheba
2019-11-05, 10:41 PM
Gwyn's copper eyebrows briefly hike up in surprise at Bast's revelation about the sleeping habits of his people, but she files that bit of impressive information away for another time while shaking her head at his suggestion. "No reason for you to shoulder that burden all by your lonesome," she demurs, punctuating her opinion with a barely stifled yawn. "You're entitled to as much rest as any of us. Or however much you can get," Gwyn adds with a teasing smile. "As for me, I can see pretty well by starlight, so it wouldn't be any trouble for me take watch in the middle of the night."

2019-11-06, 11:18 AM
You decide it's time to camp. It does not take long to locate a campsite of your choice some distance off the trail. You have set up your tents and are still dining when you hear a howl off in the distance. Over the next hour the howls seem to get closer, then cease.

Survival 10 to locate a sufficiently level campsite, your choice of:
1. Open (only bare deciduous trees around)
2. Closed (bushes all around)
3. Anything in between
If you don't want to choose, finding an adequate campsite is automatic, but you are familiar enough with this type of landscape to take 10 on survival, so it's automatic anyway.

Also, make your choice of burning/not burning a fire throughout the night.

1. Alabaster/Elissa
2. Alabaster/Zion
3. Gwynvieve*
4. Phillip*
*But feel free to push Bast in the shoulder if you notice something (I believe trancing is -5 to perception, not standing up, and wrapped in something warm, but otherwise pretty good to go)

It's still the first watch right now, I'm not yet advancing the time further pending your decisions.

2019-11-06, 01:22 PM
Hearing the howls, Bast gives an involuntary little shudder. He'll never regret leaving home leaving home, but in a moment like this, when he can feel danger drawing in, he can't help but be a bit rattled. "You all hear that?" he asks.

Considering Bast isn't the survivalist, he'll leave it to the others to decide where we set up camp.

2019-11-06, 02:10 PM
”This was a test today—but by who?”

Zion looks around, trying to see if she sees anything out of the usual.

Seeing nothing, she helps the others set up camp.

2019-11-06, 08:00 PM
"Wolves." Elissa looks about, though the dark trees show no signs of the predators. "They usually won't come near larger groups... unless they're desperate. Still, best we stick together. The more of us there are, the more likely we are to scare them off."

Elissa keeps an eye out for a good camping spot, helping the others set up as she does so. Once they begin settling down for the night, she sits near the fire with Bast. "Been quite a day, hasn't it? I figure things'll just get harder from here." She shivers a bit and pulls her cloak tighter around her.

Survival to find a campsite: [roll0]
Perception during the watch: [roll1]

2019-11-07, 10:29 AM
Your camp has a good location surrounded on two-thirds of its perimeter by a thick bush and has a clear view on the other third. You place a fire near this "entrance", post the guards and go to sleep. Some time passes when Elissa notes two glowing eyes in the dark creeping up slowly. Seems like a medium quadruped or maybe a small biped, Elissa does not see well enough in the dark outside of the radius illuminated by the fire.

Something stealth: (1d20+6)[13]
Alabaster perception: (1d20+7)[12]
Elissa perception: (1d20)[13] (I used your first roll)
Something or Elissa: (1d2)[2]

Something init: (1d20+2)[7]
Elissa init: (1d20+2)[13]
=> Elissa

2019-11-08, 07:03 PM
Elissa draws her sword and stands up. "Hey, Bast," she calls to the elf, not loud enough to wake the others. "Got something over here." Watching the pair of eyes, she kicks a rock in the creature's direction, hoping to scare it off.

2019-11-09, 12:27 AM
An ear twitches, and Bast opens his eyes to blink up at Elissa. "Is there?" he asks, his voice similarly lowered as he picks up his crossbow and stands. "Should we wake the others? What is it?"

2019-11-09, 12:33 AM
The eyes disappear into the dark. Alabaster, looking in the direction pointed, sees one fleeing wolf*.

Some time passes without a further incident and Elissa goes to sleep, replaced by Zion, then, a bit later, Bast notices more wolves some 250 feet from the camp. They are spread out and slowly advancing. Bast counts three of them.

*You can make one shot at the retreating wolf. I rolled it to speed the things up and it's a miss, but you still can choose to either make it or not.
Alabaster crossbow: (1d20+2)[4] for (1d10)[8]

Wolf stealth: (1d20+6)[14]
Wolf stealth: (1d20+6)[7]
Wolf stealth: (1d20+6)[14]
Alabaster perception: (1d20+7)[23]
Zion perception: (1d20-2)[0]
=> Alabaster

2019-11-09, 02:09 AM
Bast doesn't load an arrow for now, seeing the wolves run off. But he stays alert and with his hand on his crossbow through the next few hours. When he sees the wolves edging closer again, he turns to nudge the others that are sleeping. "They're back in numbers," he tells Elissia.

2019-11-09, 05:44 AM
Bast wakes up everybody while Zion stands ready, but not able to see anything in the dark. When Bast turns back to face the wolves, he sees them about hundred feet from the fire, widely spread out.

The nudging is going to take a while (one round per nudger per tent). Let's say, as follows, unless Zion takes part too:
Round 1: Elissia - can also do two rounds worth of actions before this round, starting unarmed inside the tent
Round 2: Gwyn - can also do one round worth of actions before this round, starting unarmed inside the tent
Round 3: Phillip starts unarmed inside the tent
=> Party

2019-11-09, 09:00 AM
Elissa straps on her belt with her knife and pulls her sword from its scabbard before exiting the tent. No time for the armor, unfortunately. She faces outwards from the fire, though she also can't see very far into the darkness. "Can you tell how many?" she asks, a trace of nervousness in her voice. Seems they hadn't been scared off after all...

2019-11-09, 12:48 PM
"Three, I believe," Bast says, indicating where he can see the eyes watching them.

2019-11-10, 07:16 PM
Zion readies a spell as standard action and moves to light up one of the wolves’ world.

Queen of Sheba
2019-11-11, 08:39 AM
"What is it? More orcs?" Gwyn groggily asks, grabbing her spell component pouch before clambering out of the tent. It was a neat trick the townies had pulled off earlier, getting them to fight the illusory bandits; and funny, too, once it became clear that they were never in any real danger. But if this late-night call to arms is simply more of the same, Gwyn is far less likely to appreciate it a second time given the interruption to her sleep. After getting to her feet, Gwyn rubs the bleariness from her eyes before scanning the section of the darkened forest Bast pointed towards. "Oh, I see... They must be starving to wander up so close to us like this." Though her group might have plenty of rations to spare, Gwyn thinks it a poor idea to teach the wolves to associate humans (well, humanoids) with food. Better to turn them away and let nature take its course.

And so the "druid-in-training" clears her throat as she prepares to communicate with the wolves, the tongue of the wilds a gift that comes easily to her now. She issues a low warning growl before the vocalizations that sound suspiciously like barking, followed by a keening set of howls. "Hey! Hey! There's no food here! Ooooooonly pain! Gooooo away!"

Round 1
Full: Sleeping
Round 2
Move: Grab spell component pouch
Move: Exit tent
Round 3
Move: Stand up
Standard: Use Feral Speech (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/witch/hexes/hexes/common-hexes/hex-feral-speech-su/) hex
Free: Talk to puppies

2019-11-11, 12:55 PM
The wolves pause their advancement, wait for some short time, them begin to back up. Assuming you want to neither shoot not chase, that pretty much ends your tonight's interaction with them. Some time on her shift Gwyn hears more wolf howls at the distance, but this time they are getting progressively further away. The weather remains somewhat windy throughout the night, but not terribly so. Good morning.

This is the time to write off consumed rations, one per person.

2019-11-11, 01:05 PM
As Gwyn makes the wolves retreat, Bast lets out a sigh of relief. "Good to have you with us," he tells the fiery-haired girl, patting her shoulder once before settling down. He remains alert enough through the rest of the night, and has his crossbow in his lap as he trances, but thankfully it is not needed. When morning comes, he rises with the others, snacking a bit on his rations for breakfast as he helps clear camp.

2019-11-11, 03:19 PM
Phillip awakes and begins his morning routine of stretching and readying his gear and belongings. One the others are awake, have eaten, and have cleared camp he takes another look at their map.

"We still have quite a lot of ground to cover and I'm not overly familiar with the wilderness coming up. We all need to keep our eyes and ears open and our wits about us if we're going to find this place. Last nights encounter with the wolves could become more and more frequent the further we get from town and the deeper into their territory we travel. If everyone is ready, Bast and I can lead the way again."

2019-11-11, 03:54 PM
Bast nods at once when Philip speaks. "I can take point," he agrees. "Though the farther in we get, the less useful I will be at finding the path, I fear. So long as someone directs us which way to go, though, I am keen to use my senses to our advantage," he said.

2019-11-12, 12:13 PM
Bast and Phillip lead the party to the Gray Lake. It is still early in the day when the trees begin to thin, revealing a field of short green grass that leads to the shores of a wide lake reflecting the overcast sky above. A mist seems to be constantly rising from the lake only to be blown away by the wind. Near the shore of the lake, a dark form lies next to the water.

The mist thing seems OK. It's always like this.

Queen of Sheba
2019-11-13, 04:42 PM
Gwyn can't help the awe-filled gasp she gives at the idyllic scene that greets them at the lake. "Wow... It's so beautiful here." She makes a slow circle, taking in all the splendour the tranquil little glade has to offer before the form near the lake catches her eye. "Hey. What's that down there?" Gwyn starts to make her way over to the figure without waiting for a response. The idea that there may be more trickery afoot by the town's leaders does cross her mind, but it isn't enough to outweigh her concern that the shape might be someone who needs help.

2019-11-13, 07:20 PM
Elissa also takes in the sights--she's never been this far out before. The lake is beautiful, tranquil... but they can't afford to let their guard down too much. "Be careful," she tells Gwyn, following her at a short distance towards the dark shape.

K (Local): [roll0]
Perception to pick out any details about the shape: [roll1]

Paladins: not known for their skill points :P

2019-11-13, 07:25 PM
"Ladies, please, let me take a look. I can move quietly through this haze," Bast insists, moving in front of Gwyn and Elissia. His eyes glow faintly as he draws closer to the figure, seeking out the presence of magic.


2019-11-13, 07:44 PM
Zion has nothing to say, but is present and will respond if somebody addresses her.

2019-11-14, 10:54 AM
Upon a somewhat closer examination, the dark figure lying near the water turns out to be a very dead man. He has a huge bite marks all over his torso and is in a stage of some initial decomposition.

Seems like a city type, judging by what's left from his clothes. Neither from Kassen nor a woodsman. Besides, you would know if someone was missing from Kassen as it was clearly some time ago.There is abnormal number of dead flies around.He seems to be dead for well upwards of a month.Probably should have been very thoroughly eaten in that time.You have a solid hypothesis about what might have caused the bites (I'll tell).Nope.You have not yet searched the body nor came close enough to do so. The Elissa's and Bast's rolls above cetrainly apply to these spoilers.

Queen of Sheba
2019-11-14, 04:52 PM
A heavy leaden weight settles in Gwyn's stomach as the realization that the figure was someone who needed help sinks in, spoiling the joyous feelings she had initially felt upon discovering the meadow. "I don't... think this is part of the trial." While still staying behind Bast as asked, Gwyn gets as close a look as she can at the body. The man is no grover, that much is certain, but the young woman also doubts that he was from Kassen. His clothes were a little too urban to be from their part of the Fangwood, a little too impractical. The lack of surprised gasps from her townie friends only makes Gwyn more sure of her assumption. The normally talkative young woman is quiet as she continues to study the corpse, but, if her furrowed brow is anything to go by, her mind is hard at work trying to piece together what happened to this poor soul.

Survival: [roll0]

2019-11-14, 05:20 PM
"Does anyone know how to determine a cause of death?" Bast asks, swatting at the swarming flies. He makes a bit of a face. "I think something might be up. There are a lot of these buggers about, aren't there?"

2019-11-14, 08:44 PM
Elissa also becomes quiet, whispering a short prayer. She also studies the body from a short distance, crouching down opposite of Gwyn.

"You're probably right, I don't think he's from here. No idea what someone would be doing this far out... As far as a cause of death, well, I think those bite marks are a safe bet, don't you?" Elissa pushes down her distaste and leans in closer. "Poor fellow's been dead a good while... a few weeks, at least, maybe more than a month. Although... I would think something would have--well--eaten more of him by now. Just laying out here in the open like this...

2019-11-15, 10:17 AM
Putting it all together, Gwyn thiks she has a solid guess at what might have killed the man. Was a giant freshwater serpent, by the look of it. The bites seem about right, the body is by the lake, and these are decidedly venomous, which would explain both the dead flies and the fact the body has been left uneaten. These serpents are cold-blooded and should be about to camp for the winter by now, if they haven't already (they are not really active throughout the winter). That said, they are somewhat territorial, so it would not be good to bother one in it's territory.

Queen of Sheba
2019-11-15, 04:04 PM
With the help of Bast and Elissa's deductive contributions, Gwyn is able to arrive at the likely conclusion for what happened to the man. "Get back, get back!" she suddenly warns the pair, taking several steps away herself as her eyes sweep the placid-looking lake for a disturbance. "I think it was a giant freshwater serpent that killed him. Their bite packs a potent poison, which would explain why nothing's been feeding on him. Look; even the flies that tried to are dead." Gwyn slowly shakes her head but still keeps a wary eye on the lake as she does. "They usually aren't active when it gets this cold out. 'Course the weather was a different story a month ago. We might be safe from it now, but they're known to be territorial, so we should definitely proceed cautiously."

Having given them all the information she could about the potential threat, Gwyn turns to her townie allies. "What should we do? I mean, he wasn't a townie but we can't just leave him here... right?" As she looks over her companions, her gaze briefly stops on Zion. The other woman did have the most experience with such funereal matters, after all.

2019-11-16, 10:07 PM
Zion stepped forward and began performing a funeral ceremony for the dead man.

I’m leaving the details of the ceremony to your imagination.

2019-11-17, 02:00 PM
Phillip stands respectfully silent as last rites are given to the fallen man. He didn't know him, and judging by the look of him he was some sort of city folk which seemed strange to Phillip. He wasn't sure why there would be a city dweller this far into the wilderness at this time of year. The weather was hardly suitable to taking a dip in the Gray Lake. The fact that this body was so poisonous after a bite that every bit of it was so toxic it killed vermin was also somewhat unsettling, but Phillip was no expert on such things, so heeding Gwyn's wisdom he never comes close to touching the body.

"As heartless as it may seem, I think the best we can do is say a prayer that his soul moves on to whatever afterlife he's entitled to and move on. I think it unwise to touch him, it seems his body is still toxic... enough so to kill these flies at least. Unless someone has a way to neutralize the poison we may just be condemning one of ourselves to an equally terrible fate." Phillip can clearly see how much this is affecting Gywn. He bows his head and mutters "I'm sorry. We could tell the town elders about this on our return to Kassen. They might know more about where he was from and get word to his relatives. For now though, I do not wish to linger here too long in case this serpent is riled by our presence, as unlikely as that may be. We still have a lot of ground to cover."

2019-11-17, 09:11 PM
Elissa frowns--she doesn't like the idea of just leaving the man laying on the ground here--but she nods reluctantly. "Philip's right. It's too dangerous to stay here. Let's see if we can get a bit more distance behind us before nightfall." She takes a few steps away from the water, looking southward.

2019-11-17, 09:22 PM
Having finished the last rites and prayers to various deities, Zion places coppers on the man's eyes, gathers what kindleling she can find, and casts Burning Hands so the body was cremated properly and laid to rest.

Queen of Sheba
2019-11-18, 12:53 PM
Touched by the sincerity of Phillip's regret, Gwyn glances up, her surprised gaze falling on the top of the half-orc's bowed head. A few moments of stunned silence follow before the young woman finally finds her voice. "No... no, you're right. This is out of our hands for now," Gwyn agrees with a stiff nod. Once Zion has finished administering last rites to the corpse, Gwyn feels a little better about their decision to leave him behind. With a resigned sigh, the young woman shoulders her pack and gets ready to set back out. The serenity and beauty the lake initially promised is now long gone and, feeling somewhat disenchanted, Gwyn is all too eager for them to continue their journey.

2019-11-20, 11:08 AM
Zion prays for the fate of the man's soul, then you leave the body in peace and move on.

You walk southwards from the lake. There is barely a trace of the trail here. You suppose it might be frequented more often by animals than by fellow humans, and not much even that. Then, when you reach what seems to be the older part of the forest, with lots of old dry and fallen trees, there no longer even seems to be the semi-straight trail to follow. In the afternoon it started to "rain". The amount of actual water falling down from the sky per minute is miniscule, but the rain goes on and on and does not seem like stopping.

The evening is nearing when you hit the gorge. It's not as big, or as steep, as could be seen on the map. Rather, it's more like a broad walley. Still, with all that water falling down from the sky, the slopes are pretty much wet, and probably slippery.

I'm not sure whether Zion specifically mentions Asmodeus or any other god(s), but I suppose there would not be much of consequence either way. I suppose you did not spend that one casting of Burning Hands, knowing beforehand that one would not be enough.

Anyone without a cloak risks becoming somewhat wet, somewhat cold, and rather uncomfortable. The cloak comes automatically with some outfits. Choose whether you have it if you did not explicitly specify an outfit.

You won't miss the gorge, but make two DC 10 survival checks (rolled; one person leads, more than one can help) to reach it roughly where the crypt should be.

Queen of Sheba
2019-11-20, 08:26 PM
Gwyn draws the hood of her cloak up at the first sign of a drizzle, having no interest in knowing what it would be like to tromp through the forest near nightfall, soaking wet. Although the rain thankfully never picks up as much as she had expected, it is constant enough to give her pause when they finally reach the gorge. "I know none of us probably fancy sleeping outside in the rain, but maybe we'd best wait for things to clear up in the morning before we try crossing this thing," she suggests, tilting her head back to look at the others from underneath the overhang of her hood.

Survival: [roll0]
Survival: [roll1]

2019-11-21, 10:08 PM
Elissa shivers as the chill drizzle soaks into her cloak. "Resting for the night's probably a good idea, yeah. Don't think we should try and cross in the dark." At least the tents will keep them somewhat dry during the night.

Survival rolls!

I'm good to lead or assist, as appropriate. I figure Phillip's probably at least as good or better at the survival skill.

2019-11-22, 10:25 AM
Gwyn leads the party to about the right spot of the Serpent Gorge, she thinks, and Elissa does not have major corrections, but by it's getting late so you camp for the night under the cover of old forest near the gorge, assigning the guard duty just like the yesternight. Nothing untoward happens during the night, except for the drizzle, which continued up to about the midnight. The morning seems marginally less cloudy than the morning before, which is a good sign, but the morning air is still humid, with even some mist down below. Consequently, the ground is mostly as wet as it was in the evening, maybe a bit less so.

Mark one other day's worth of supplies as consumed.

If you go down the gorge right now, it's DC 8 Climbing OR Acrobatics, rolled thrice per person, to reach the bottom. Those trained in either can take 10. It might get better by noon (Survival 10 for an informed guess). You can help one another the usual way if you tie yourselves with a rope in whatever arrangement, but if a fail's still a fail after all of the help, all those tied together will suffer the consequences.

2019-11-22, 07:18 PM
After a particularly miserable night's sleep in the cold and wet conditions Phillip awakes eager to make it to the crypt today. "Things are still wet it seems, but it doesn't look that difficult to make our way down. I'll go first, just take your time and try and step where I step." Phillip makes his way to the bottom of the Serpent Gorge without incident. He moves slowly and cautiously on the wet ground until he reaches the bottom. Turning back to the group he shouts up at the others. "See, nothing to it. Just be careful and I'll try and catch you as best I can if you slip." Phillip wasn't particularly fond of trying to catch a falling comrade decked out in armor and adventuring supplies, and frankly wasn't sure he'd be able to even if he tried, but it seemed like the reassurance may at least give them the courage to make the climb down.

Phillip takes 10 on all three climb checks with a result of 16.

2019-11-23, 09:29 PM
Spry on his feet, Bast has no trouble hopping down the gorge to join Philip.

Also taking 10 in Acrobatics, for an 18 on all three rolls.

Queen of Sheba
2019-11-24, 08:02 AM
In the morning, Gwyn surveys the gorge with a slight frown pinching her features. Although the rain had let up some time during the night, the terrain was left a little too wet for her liking. But before she can suggest waiting a few hours for things to dry up, Phillip and then Bast make their way down the slope with ease. Deceptive ease, Gwyn might say. Despite druids generally being outdoorsy folk, the young woman has spent little of her life running, jumping and climbing and more time studying and meditating in preparation of taking over her father's role in their community. But that is a complaint for another time. For now, the crypt awaits.

"Alright, I'm coming down... Spirits preserve us." Gwyn tries to emulate the elven grace Bast demonstrated as he picked his way down the slope, and she does so; for the first few steps at least. Afterwards, her worries about taking a tumble and fear that she can feel the wet ground giving way beneath her feet have her making the rest of the way down in a manner best described as erratic. But make it Gwyn does, stumbling to a stop at the bottom of the ravine before turning and shouting words of encouragement back up to Elissa and Zion. "See? ...Nothing to it."

2019-11-24, 08:58 AM
Elissa frowns as the others scrabble down the cliffside with little difficulty. It's going to be a tough climb, especially in her armor. "I... I'm not sure I can make it down on my own. Hang on." She retrieves the rope from her pack, finds a good place to tie it off, and hangs it over the side. Taking a deep breath, she lowers herself off the cliffside, hanging onto the rope for all she's worth, and slowly starts letting herself down. While she doesn't have any slips like Gwyn does, her hands are still white from clamping down on the rope by the time she reaches the bottom.

Not sure what the rope'll do to the DC. And if there's nowhere for her to tie it off to... I guess she just takes her chances.


EDIT: whew, high enough to make it with or without the rope. Still, let me know so I know whether to mark it off.

2019-11-24, 11:34 AM
The last to climb down, Zion carefully made a slow descent using the rope.

”I am glad we all made it”

2019-11-25, 12:31 PM
When everyone is safely down the gorge, you start looking for the entrance to the crypt. You think it should be somewhere on the southern side of the gorge not too far from where you are. You pick a direction at random and start walking west, looking at the southern side. You walk for about an hour along the somewhat wet and somewhat misty bottom of the gorge finding largely nothing then decide to turn back and check the other way before you go too far from your original guess.

After about eighty minutes of walk in the opposite direction, by wich time the morning mist has largely disappeared, you see, after the next turn of the gorge, a scene not quite up to your expectations. The crypt is there, all right - an archway of stone set into the side of a small hill at the bottom of the valley, with moss having overgrown many of the details, but not the keystone of the arch carved with a flame symbol with a stylized rune in the middle, the short tunnel leading to a pair of massive wooden doors, one of which is slightly ajar... but before all that is a pair of horses and a trio of ponies lying slaughtered next to the archway, each corpse still tied to a post set into the ground nearby, with a swarm of flies hanging lazily in the air above them.


Assuming you get your hands on the rope (your sheet does not list any, but you might be able to borrow it before Elissa is away), the gorge is too high for one 50-foot piece. So, given that you are absent to comment either way, let's go with the next best use for the rope, namely to pack all our gear, including that heavy and clunky armor, and haul it down one rope length, then descend, then haul it down some more etc. Anyway, a success. Takes some time to get armored back, but you are in no hurry.

Zion acrobatics: (1d10+1)[9]
Zion acrobatics: (1d10+1)[8]
Zion acrobatics: (1d10+1)[11]

Direction (right/wrong): (1d2)[2]

2019-11-25, 09:41 PM
Elissa grimaces at the stench of the decaying corpses. "Well, it looks like we're here... were these from an earlier group exploring the tomb, maybe?" She cautiously approaches the dead animals, looking for injuries or signs of decay.

I'd like to see if I can tell a) what killed the horses and b) how long they've been dead.

Survival? [roll0]
If a Knowledge (Nature) or Heal check is more appropriate, there'd be no modifier.

Queen of Sheba
2019-11-25, 11:22 PM
A feeling of giddiness comes over Gwyn upon spotting the entrance to the crypt in the distance, the young woman even chuckling quietly about knowing they'd find their way eventually. But the joyful feeling is fleeting, readily extinguished by the discovery of the dead horses still tethered to the hitching post. With a weary sigh, Gwyn crouches down beside Elissa and inspects the carcasses. "Thinking it might be those wolves that did this? Or something worse?" she asks the trapper's daughter, hoping for the former even as an unsettling suspicion in her gut tells her it's the latter.

Knowledge (Nature) [roll0]
Heal [roll1]

2019-11-26, 12:32 AM
Bast approaches the dead beasts alongside the druid and the paladin, eyes lighting up briefly as he seeks out any magical auras in the area.

2019-11-26, 10:11 AM
The dead horses actually do not stink that much and have not considerably decayed. A closer examination performed by Gwyn reveals them to be killed about two days ago, with crude blades, claws or some such. You see no signs of them being eaten. There are some scattered bones underneath one of the horses. There is no magic anywhere around.

Queen of Sheba
2019-11-26, 02:30 PM
"That's odd... Take a look at this," Gwyn says, pointing out a long, ragged gash on one of the carcasses. "This here looks like it was done with a blade, and not a particularly well-made one at that. But these"—she indicates a series of shorter slashes grouped together—"Look like claw marks to me. There's no bite marks, though." Her examination complete, Gwyn settles back on her heels and shares a confused glance with her companions. "I don't know what to make of it. Except that it seems senseless as all get-out to butcher a bunch of horses hitched up to a post," the girl fumes before falling into a sullen silence. Gwyn lays a hand on one of the ponies, hoping that its little spirit was running free in a plain somewhere, when she notices the bones underneath one of the bodies. Wordlessly, she pries one out from underneath the horse for closer inspection. "Any of you see any tracks leading to or away from this mess?"

Now, Gwyn's no forensic anthropologist, but would it be possible for her to determine what sort of creature the bone came from? Knowledge: [roll0] (+8 for Nature, +4 [and untrained] for Local)

2019-11-26, 06:34 PM
"It wasn't an animal, that's for sure..." Gwyn had made more of the wounds than she had, but based on what she'd said--even if she was wrong about some of the injuries being caused by weapons, if it was wolves they wouldn't have left the horses here to rot. "Looks like this is where things start getting dangerous. Keep your eyes open." She unfastens the ties on her greatsword's sheath and checks it to make sure it's ready to draw in a hurry. She takes a deep breath to steady her nerves, looking towards the entrance to the crypt. "Well... this is what we're here for, right?" Cautiously, she starts making her way towards the crypt.

2019-11-27, 11:33 AM
Gwyn thinks the bones would constitute a lower part of some medium-sized humanoid's leg, complete with a foot, if properly assembled. They are not new. The arrangement suggest that there might be more under the horse. The crypt is silent. The door is barely opened and does not seems like it's going to move. Inside, there seems to be some sort of hall, which is dark.

Str 15 if you want to move the horse.
Str 15 if you want to open the door.
Escape Artist 10 to squeeze through the door without opening it.
You expect it would be enough light coming from the outside to see normally inside the hall if you open the door. Otherwise, it would be dim light and require Elissa to almost stick her head there to make out details of what's on the other side of the door because of the difference in brightness.

2019-11-27, 11:59 AM
"Lis, let me look ahead. I'll be quieter that you are in that armor," Bast says, stepping forward and laying a hand on the paladin's shoulder. He attempts to slip in the doorway as stealthily as possible, alert for any movement inside the crypt.


2019-11-27, 12:43 PM
Inside, Bast sees a long chamber with risen platforms on either side. A faded painting of Kassen is on the far wall. The room appears to be the site of a gruesome battle, with two bodies piled in the center and a number of skeletons scattered around. Bast berely hears an echoing wail in the distance beyond this chamber. There is no magic in sight.

These are (or, rather, were) Gerol and Vark, friends of the mayor.

Dead men are lying in L8M9. There are of 8 medium humanoid skeletons lying on the floor and the stairs around them. There are some bags in J5.

2019-11-27, 12:53 PM
"Oh, no," Bast whispers, stepping back outside the crypt to join the others quietly. "Ah, everyone, bad news. Gerol and Vark... they're dead," he said, bright blue eyes wide with worry and no small amount of fear. He had thought this trip wasn't supposed to be all that dangerous. And yet... "...they're in there."

2019-11-28, 12:20 AM
Elissa's eyes widen as well. Dead? She'd always sort of figured a lot of the dangers of the crypt were legends to frighten young folks, but, well--she'd known there would be some danger, but being confronted so abruptly with the possibility of death was enough to shake her. But they'd come this far...

"Any sign of-- of what killed them?" She doesn't put her head in to check for herself just yet.

2019-11-29, 03:03 PM
"I didn't look close enough," Bast confesses, trying to brace himself between the frame of the door and putting both his feet against the heavy stone barring the way in, attempting to use himself as a lever to wrench it open further. "Someone help me with this?" he requested, struggling against the weight.

I highly doubt Bast can make a strength check of 15, so consider this an Aid check for whoever comes to help him get this open! Unless a miracle roll happens...
EDIT: Haaa, so close!

2019-11-29, 03:17 PM
Elissa slides into the gap in the door and puts her shoulder into it as Bast pulls from the other side.

Strength check: [roll0]

Edit: oof

Queen of Sheba
2019-12-02, 09:40 AM
The old bones slip from Gwyn's fingers after Bast breaks the unfortunate news, the mystery of why parts of a humanoid skeleton were found under a dead horse no longer seeming important after such ill tidings. "I'm... so sorry," she says to the others, unsure of how well any of them knew the two and thus how deeply they may be affected by the loss. Quietly, Gwyn considers what this turn of events will mean for their mission. Surely the lives lost are more important than completing the town's rite of passage. Then again, perhaps the true measure of one's maturity is the ability to persevere in the face of unforeseen circumstances. Regardless of whatever path her companions decide to take, Gwyn will support them.

With that in mind, the young woman moves to add her rather inconsiderable strength to that of Bast and Elissa's in an effort to wedge the crypt door open.

Strength Check (Aid Another) [roll0]

2019-12-02, 11:41 AM
The door does not budge. You try harder and after some huffing and puffing manage to get it open. While you are thus occupied only Gwynvieve notices some quiet, but numerous, rattling coming from the hall beyond. The skeletons lying there around the two dead men... or, more precisely, six out of eight of those skeletons, are no longer just lying. They get on their bony feet before anyone could react, and turn towards you.

Alabaster perception: (1d20+7)[8]
Elissa perception: (1d20+0)[13]
Gwynvieve perception: (1d20+4)[22]

Skeletons init: (1d20+6)[23]
Alabaster init: (1d20+4)[21]
Elissa init: (1d20+2)[3]
Gwynvieve init: (1d20+2)[8]

=> Gwynvieve (surprise round)

Queen of Sheba
2019-12-02, 03:57 PM
Gwyn perks up at hearing the sounds of movement over the rumble of the massive stone door sliding across the ground. "Do you hear that?" she asks the two beside her. Then, without waiting for an answer, she calls out, "Hello?... Is anyone still alive in there?" Horror and understanding dawn on the young woman simultaneously as the bones of long-dead Kassenites rise up again. Without taking her eyes off of the undead in front of them, Gwyn turns her head to call out over her shoulder, "Uhh... Phillip? Zion? We could use your help in here."

Gripping her quarterstaff in one hand, Gwyn lays her other on Bast's shoulder. "Be careful. Don't let them surround you two," she says, a small surge of power flowing through her touch at her words.
Casting guidance (https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Guidance) on Bast.

2019-12-03, 09:49 AM
Rattling, the skeletons all move towards the entrance where there is only enough space for two of them to attack. They do so. Pushed and shoved by the rear ranks they don't even manage to touch neither Elissa nor Bast, but the swings of their bare bone "hands" do seem dangerous enough.

Skeleton vs Elissa: (1d20+2)[10] for (1d4+2)[3]
Skeleton vs Bast: (1d20+2)[13] for (1d4+2)[6]


Assume Phillip and Zion are anywhere north of row 1.
=> Party (everyone, any order)

2019-12-03, 12:39 PM
Zion used her ability to command undead to try to keep the skeletons from attacking, using up one of her uses of negative energy for the day.

"These skeletons were animated with dark magic. Luckily, I am cursed with dark magic as well, as unlikely as I ever thought it would be I'd feel grateful for my curse."

Mythweavers is not pulling up for me, so I'll roll OOC later on.

2019-12-03, 08:26 PM
Elissa steps back, her heart jumping into her throat--skeletons? Walking? Panic rose up, she thought about fleeing--but the thought of facing her father and Sir Dramott, of leaving her comrades in danger, steadied her. She drew her sword, steadied her hands, and waited for the skeletons to approach. With a shout, she brings her sword down on the first one to come close, and... something happens. It's as if her mind clears in the moment before her strike, as if something else is guiding the blade... and as if the blade alights with pale, white fire as it strikes.

Using smite evil--it's not the wisest to burn it on a skeleton, but this is effectively her finding out she has this ability. Pretty much an instinctual reaction right now.

Power Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (double paladin level to damage because undead scourge--applies to all attacks vs a smited undead, not just the first)

Queen of Sheba
2019-12-06, 09:21 AM
Gwyn's hands nervously tighten their hold on the staff as the skeletons close in on them. The prospect of putting herself within reach of their bony claws is a daunting one, but she'll not stand idly by while Elissa and Bast weather the brunt of the undead assault. "If one of you step back, I can try taking a few of them out with a spell," she mentions, feeling a bit more courageous after watching Elissa obliterate one of their attackers.
Ah, that pesky DR 30/— skeletons have... :smalltongue: Anywho, I'll delay for now.

2019-12-06, 03:08 PM
Bast's eyes widen as the skeletons rush forward, and he makes a move for his crossbow when he hears Gwyn speak. His initial thought is that she shouldn't be any closer to these things than he is, but... he's certain she knows what she's doing. "Be my guest," Bast says, moving out of her way as he aims his crossbow and fires, bringing another bolt up to replace it immediately.

5' step back at Gwyn's request, and then drawing crossbow and firing!


Bast does have blunt bolts but right now doesn't know to use them, so that's just a regular bolt, and the one that he's loaded after it is regular, as well. Does anyone have Knowledge Religion and can tell Bast to switch? :smallredface:

Queen of Sheba
2019-12-07, 09:59 AM
Gwyn gives a determined nod as Bast steps aside, hoping it comes across with more confidence than she actually feels. The young woman leans her staff against the crypt wall before raising her hands up, thumbs and pointer fingers meeting to form a triangle and palms facing outward. The blue of her eyes is replaced with opaque white as she taps into the deep magic of the earth, siphoning a pittance of that energy to bolster her spell. A few words in the lilting language of the fey tumble from Gwyn's lips, and the palms of her hands begin to glow brightly! But the light quickly dims, and only a weak tongue of flame comes sputtering forth from her outstretched hands.

Gwyn looks down at her hands in confusion for a moment before doubling over with a sharp gasp as the ley energy rebounds.

Casting burning hands (https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Burning%20Hands) in squares M3, L4, M4, L5 & M5. [roll0] (DC 15 Reflex save for half damage)

Fort Save (vs DC 11) [roll1] Edit: Staggered for 1 minute

2019-12-07, 11:48 AM
Zion channels divine energy and a wave of stumbling rolls over the skeletons, touching most of them, but having a lasting effert only on the farthest one which suddenly stops trying to advance towards you. Elissa brings her sword down on a skeleton, driving the blade all the way down to the pelvic bone, with lots of rib and other fragments flying everywhere and the remaining bones falling down forming a shapeless heap on the floor. Bast steps back and shoots at one of the skeletons, trying not to accidentally hit Elissa. As a result, he misses them both, the bolt hitting the far wall of the chamber. Gwyn casts a spell blasting a cone of fire at the skeletons. The nearest one is burned for 3 damage, the other two are barely affected and the two further back out of range of the spell. Phillip gets closer drawing his axe, but then suddenly stops and throws up violently.

The skeletons, except the last one, advance and attack. Two try to get their claws into Elissa, but of a total of four attacks just one even manages to scratch the scale the paladin is wearing. One other skeleton tries to get to Gwyn and has more succes, clawing the woman across the chest for 4 damage.

Skeleton M4: will (1d20+2)[16] ref (1d20+2)[6]
Skeleton L5: will (1d20+2)[8] ref (1d20+2)[18]
Skeleton M5: will (1d20+2)[20] ref (1d20+2)[18]
Skeleton L6: will (1d20+2)[5]
Skeleton M6: will (1d20+2)[12] - only this one remains under Zion's control and may be commanded

Skeleton vs Elissa: (1d20+2)[9] for (1d4+2)[6] and (1d20+2)[16] for (1d4+2)[5]
Skeleton vs Elissa: (1d20+2)[8] for (1d4+2)[5] and (1d20+2)[3] for (1d4+2)[6]
Skeleton vs Gwyn: (1d20+2)[10] for (1d4+2)[3] and (1d20+2)[17] for (1d4+2)[4]

=> Party (everyone, any order)

2019-12-07, 01:26 PM
Elissa is a bit shocked as the skeleton in front of her crumbles. What had happened to her sword when she swung? No time to worry about that now, there were more of them to deal with. She makes a sweeping cut at the skeleton which attacked Gwyn. She catches a glance at Bast reloading his crossbow. "Don't think those arrows are going to do much but get stuck in their ribcage," she calls to the elf. "Got anything else?"

Just a regular power attack, no smite this time: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The default DC for identifying weaknesses is 10+CR, so I think a 12 K(Religion) will be good for a CR 1/3 skeleton. If not let me know and I'll edit that part out of my post.

2019-12-07, 09:12 PM
Zion casts burning hands on the approaching skeletons after they advanced far enough for her controlled skeleton to be out of range. If there are any skeletons left standing after the spell, Zion commands her skeleton to attack one of the other skeletons.

Damage [roll0]
Reflex save for half

2019-12-08, 08:38 AM
Elissa smashes another skeleton, this time less spectacularly as the skeleton is only half a skull short of ducking under the blow and gets said well-burned skull knocked off and rolling across the chamber. The rest of charred bones suddenly stop being animated and fall down on the floor. Zion quickly moves into the freed space and casts a spell. Two skeletons try to hit her, but only get in one another's way. A cone of flame, directed sideways to south-west hits the stone wall and two skeletons, which disassemble into two heaps of charred boned. The southmost skeleton does a strange thing then - it steps to it's only colleague left standing and claws it with full force across the neck, breaking the link between its skull and the rest of the bones, which seems to be enough to end the animation as the whole assortment falls to the floor.

Skeleton AoO vs Zion: (1d20+2)[6] for (1d4+2)[3]
Skeleton AoO vs Zion: (1d20+2)[9] for (1d4+2)[3]
Skeleton reflex: (1d20+2)[17] - success, but was already burned by Gwyn, so had enough in total
Skeleton reflex: (1d20+2)[3]
Skeleton vs skeleton : (1d20+2)[20] for (1d4+2)[6] and (1d20+2)[12] for (1d4+2)[5]

Unless someone wants to attack Zion's skeleton in M5, the combat is over.

2019-12-08, 10:52 AM
To the skeleton, Zion says ”Come with us. You could be useful later. Maybe I can find out who you are and can lay you properly to rest.”

Queen of Sheba
2019-12-09, 10:32 AM
Wide-eyed in surprise and a healthy amount of fear, Gwyn nods her thanks to Elissa when the other woman finishes off her undead attacker. Then, a few moments after the last hostile skeleton collapses, the jittery, buzzing energy Gwyn felt surging through her suddenly fades away, leaving her keenly aware of the wound on her chest. The young woman grimaces while inspecting the bloody mess the skeleton's grasping claws had made, and, with a hiss of pain, Gwyn presses a hand aglow with healing energy to the injury and watches as the flesh knits back together, leaving only faint pink lines. "Well, that explains what happened to the horses and your town-kin... but what in the Blight would make the old settlers of Kassen wake from their rest in the first place?"

Healing Hex [roll0]

2019-12-09, 07:15 PM
Elissa returns the nod of thanks, the adrenaline of the short fight draining from her system leaving her somewhat shaken. "I... I don't know why the dead might be rising. Maybe there will be something further in..."

She gives the skeleton which Zion controlled a nervous glance. "You have... control of it? Are you sure it can't break loose or something?"

Knowledge (Local) regarding rumors about undead in the crypt: [roll0]

2019-12-09, 07:45 PM
Elissa returns the nod of thanks, the adrenaline of the short fight draining from her system leaving her somewhat shaken. "I... I don't know why the dead might be rising. Maybe there will be something further in..."

She gives the skeleton which Zion controlled a nervous glance. "You have... control of it? Are you sure it can't break loose or something?"

Knowledge (Local) regarding rumors about undead in the crypt: [roll0]

"It's a long story, but when those girls tried to burn me alive last year, something offered me a deal to get out of the crematorium incinerator safely--and I've had resistance to fire and the ability to control undead every since then. To my knowledge, undead I control don't break free. I think I sold my soul, though."

2019-12-10, 08:26 PM
"Oh, that's... that sounds awful." Elissa isn't entirely sure what to say in response to that. "Well... I suppose we better push onward?" She shoulders her greatsword, still giving the skeleton an uncertain glance.

2019-12-10, 10:40 PM
"Awful things happen to me. Story of my life. I say when 'when life gives you lemons, make lemonade'."

2019-12-12, 09:31 PM
"I have never heard of a lemon before. Are they grown around here?" Bast asks, the only thing his mind can compute after seeing something so horrific. And to think his sharp bolts had done nothing to aid the group... he would have to make himself more useful, later. He clears his throat and while the others are investigating the bodies, he moves a few more feet into the room, searching for any sort of other threats, or at least a way forward.

[roll0] with an additional +1 for finding any traps.

2019-12-12, 11:02 PM
"I have never heard of a lemon before. Are they grown around here?" Bast asks, the only thing his mind can compute after seeing something so horrific. And to think his sharp bolts had done nothing to aid the group... he would have to make himself more useful, later. He clears his throat and while the others are investigating the bodies, he moves a few more feet into the room, searching for any sort of other threats, or at least a way forward.

[roll0] with an additional +1 for finding any traps.

”In my youth, my father would say that. He came from a tropical clime, and down there, there were these yellow sour fruits that produced a sour juice nobody liked unless it was mixed with sugar. When the juice was mixed with sugar, it made a beverage called lemonade.”

2019-12-13, 11:32 AM
There does not seem to be a way froward. There do seem to be a way left and a way right, though, or at least corresponding doors, both closed, accessibe from the risen platforms on both sides of the chamber. There are a pair of backpacks on the western platform in the corner near the door. Nothing seems obviously trapped. There is occasional echoing wail in the distance beyond this chamber.

As per the map:


Queen of Sheba
2019-12-17, 10:58 AM
After retrieving her staff, Gwyn goes to follow Bast into the antechamber but pauses when the distant wailing reaches her ears. "Might be more of your townsfolk," she suggests after a glance at the faces of her companions confirms that she's not the only one to hear the plaintive cry. "If it is, we'd best hurry. Any idea which way the sound is coming from?" The cavernous crypt is so unlike any environment Gwyn's ever been in that she doubts her own senses to lead her in the right direction. While the group decides on what to do, the fiery-haired young woman draws a scroll out from a satchel at her hip, unfurls it, then reads aloud the arcane inscription found within. The sigil on the scroll glow brightly for a few moments before disappearing from the page; at the same time, a translucent energy in the shape of a suit of armor manifests around Gwyn before similarly vanishing from sight.

Gwyn will use one of her scrolls of mage armor (https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Mage%20Armor) (1 hour). Will mark it off my sheet and update AC accordingly!

2019-12-18, 10:21 PM
Elissa is uneasy at the wailing, but she agrees with Gwyn's assessment. "Might be. No idea where it might be coming from, though..." Cautiously moving to the platform with the backpack, she presses an ear up against the door, trying to determine if the wailing sounds louder on the other side.

Perception? [roll0]

2019-12-18, 11:37 PM
Zion commands the skeleton to go to the front of the group.

2019-12-18, 11:40 PM
"If we tarry, whatever is calling out might not be calling for much longer," Bast says, concern furrowing his brow. "How many horses were outside?" he asks, unable to remember if it was two or three because he had tried not to look too closely. If it was three, though... there were only two bodies in this room. "We should move!"

Queen of Sheba
2019-12-19, 09:09 AM
"Two horses and three ponies, I think," Gwyn supplies, storing the now blank roll of parchment away. "I agree; whichever direction we pick, we should be quick about it. Their packs are over by that door,"—she motions to the western door—"so seems to me we ought to try going that way." Gwyn takes the stairs up to the western platform, but rather than going through the door, she kneels beside the discarded packs instead. "I don't mean any disrespect—I know you all knew these men—but they might have had something on them that could help us navigate this place. Maybe a map or instructions on what sort of traps might be set up," the young woman explains as she goes through the packs, understanding how the sight might very well look to her townie companions.
Gwyn will see what's in the two packs before moving forward.

2019-12-19, 10:44 AM
Elissa presses an ear against the western door trying to determine whether the wailing comes from behind it. This does not seem to be the case. Gwyn checks the backpacks. One of them barely contains two large pillows. The other contains 2 days worth of rations, a full waterskin, 2 smokesticks and two wrapped bundles containing 20 blunt arrows each, with all of the arroweads wrapped in thick felt, held together by twine.

2019-12-19, 08:11 PM
"Don't hear anything behind the door." She looks at the contents of the packs which Gwyn is searching. No maps, unfortunately. "Why would they leave their packs here? Maybe... maybe the rest were captured here?" Cautiously, she tests the handle of the door. "Whatever happened, we can't stay here any longer. Let's go." If the door is locked, she'll ask if anyone knows how to pick locks as well.

2019-12-20, 09:55 AM
The door turns out to be unlocked. Behind it is a room just slightly smaller than the first. It is not illuminated by anything other than whatever light gets here from the first room and is therefore dark. In the center of it is a large pool of clear water, fed by a fountain on the wall above it. The fountain is in the shape of a stone statue of a weeping maiden holding the slain body of Kassen, but his head has been broken off and is nowhere to be seen. A voice booms out from the darkness, saying "Magic is the key". The voice slowly fades, leaving a dreadful silence.

There are two doors leading south.


2019-12-20, 03:20 PM
Zion tells the skeleton, "Go open the far door."

As the skeleton shambles along, Zion tells the others, "Get ready."

2019-12-21, 04:45 AM
The skeletorn goes towards the far door and tries to open it... and tries to open it... and tries to open it... The door does not budge.

2019-12-21, 10:48 AM
"Magic?" Elissa glances towards Gwyn and Zion, then steps carefully into the room, sword at the ready. She doesn't pay too much mind to the skeleton's struggles with the door just yet. "Any idea what that might mean?"

2019-12-21, 12:40 PM
Zion says “Maybe there is a magical artifact in here, or maybe one of us needs to cast a spell of some sort.”

2020-01-03, 06:31 AM
The skeleton, obeying Zion's mental command, approaches the other door and tries to open it... tries to open it... tries to open it... having zero success either.

2020-01-03, 05:03 PM
After the skeleton tried both doors, Zion casts burning hands on the door.

”Magic is the key?”

2020-01-04, 09:34 AM
Zion blasts a cone of fire at the eastern(?) door leading south out of the room. The surface of the door becomes charred, but is still seems to be reasonably strong. It does not magically open by itself or some such.

Burning hands: (2d4)[5]
Strong wooden door normally has hardness 5 (not applicable against fire) and 20 hit points. Now it has 15 hit points left.

2020-01-04, 01:37 PM
Zion blasts the door with fire once more.


She also orders the skeleton to attack the door.

2020-01-05, 02:48 AM
The skeleton attacks the charred door. At first you think it does not make any progress, but it does - occasionally scratches on the charred surface go as deep as the underlying wood, clearly damaging it some.

It would take the skeleton about three minutes to damage the door enough for you to get through. I think it would be the perfect opportunity to wait for fellow players. I can run this game if we are down to three, but no lower. Anyone still present with us?

2020-01-09, 12:11 PM
The skeleton claws at the door for some time. Eventually long splintery holes start to appear here and there and then eventually the remains of the door fall down. Behind the door is what appears to be a dark corridor, with a similarly dark hooded figure standing near the now battered-down remains of the door. "Nah-nah-nah. That was too easy. That's not how this one is supposed to be played. How about I cut your numbers in half? And we'll sit and watch, won't we, mistress Watchtower?" The figure snaps its fingers. There is a sound of bones falling to the floor as the skeleton collapses, an elusive feeling of the reality beng altered...

2020-01-09, 12:13 PM
...and a slight deja vu as all of you, namely Elissa, Gwyn and Bast, enter the room to the west of main hall. The room is just slightly smaller than the first. It is not illuminated by anything other than whatever light gets here from the first room and is therefore dark. In the center of it is a large pool of clear water, fed by a fountain on the wall above it. The fountain is in the shape of a stone statue of a weeping maiden holding the slain body of Kassen, but his head has been broken off and is nowhere to be seen. A voice booms out from the darkness, saying "Magic is the key". The voice slowly fades, leaving a dreadful silence. There is a strong smell (and some sight) of smoke, probably of burned wood. There are two doors leading south of the room. Of those, the eastrn door is lying in pieces, burned and battered. Before it lies a heap of bones seemingly constituting a complete set of a medium-sized humanoid, complete with a skull. Behind it is what seems to be a dark corridor, in which only Bast can really see.


2020-01-09, 01:19 PM
"Magic is the key?" Bast echoes, something wary in his tone as he gets the strange feeling of his palms itching despite the gloves he is wearing. His lips curve downward in a frown. Knowing his track record with magic, he isn't entirely sure that he will be able to help much here, if magic is required. That seems much more like Gwyn's area of expertise, taking the three of them into account. But there are a few things he can assist with - namely, having a good look around the place. His eyes illuminate briefly in search of the magic he is so wary of as he takes a look around. It's a bit dark, though - probably too dark for the humans to see much. "Shall we illuminate a torch, ladies?" Bast questions as he approaches the fountain, staring first at the statue, then into the water. "Careful now, there's a pool here," he adds, unsure if the women can see it. He hasn't much experience with human vision, after all.

With detect magic active, as always!

Oof, well, that could be better. All right if I take a ten for perception (giving me a 17) after that brief glance around?

Queen of Sheba
2020-01-09, 05:55 PM
Gwyn blinks rapidly as she feels the strange haze she had fallen under suddenly clear. She startles at the disembodied voice that echoes throughout the room, despite having an inkling that such thing would happen, oddly enough. "Didn't we just...?" she begins to ask, only to trail off when she finds she can't quite put into words the bizarre experience she half-remembers. "Nevermind."

Nodding her agreement with Bast, Gwyn retrieves a torch from her pack and rummages through the remaining packs for a tindertwig; striking the latter against the stone floor, she touches the burning tip to the linen-wrapped end of the torch, bringing much needed illumination to the chamber. "That's better. Now, what's this about a magic key." With a simple incantation, Gwyn's sight becomes attuned to magical emanations and, aided by the light shedding from the torch, she helps search the chamber for signs of magic.

I'll go ahead and cast detect magic myself. Also marking a torch off of my character sheet.

Perception: [roll0]

2020-01-10, 12:11 PM
Bast and Gwin quickly find two only sources of magic present in the room. One is a part of the statue, namely, the maiden's face. It shines two auras: one you both recognize as faint illusion, the other is moderate area the school of which you don't recognize. The other source of magic is a key on the bottom of 40-feet-deep pool, one among maybe a hundred other keys that otherwise seem very alike, and the only one magical. It radiates a faint aura, but you don't recognize the school.

Bast know (arcana): (1d20+8)[28] vs the statue, aura 1
Bast know (arcana): (1d20+8)[19] vs the statue, aura 2
Bast know (arcana): (1d20+8)[11] vs the key
Gwyn know (arcana): (1d20+8)[25] vs the statue, aura 1
Gwyn know (arcana): (1d20+8)[12] vs the statue, aura 2
Gwyn know (arcana): (1d20+8)[9] vs the key

2020-01-10, 01:17 PM
Bast sees the two auras, and frowns as he looks down into the water at the assortment of keys. At least it's plain which one they're after, right? Bast glances over to the two girls, then back down into the water. "Looks a bit deep," he observes, leaning over a bit and touching the water with the tips of his fingers. He doesn't sense any magical aura on the water, so he figures it's safe enough to touch. "Are either of you strong swimmers?" he asks. But then again... he knows he is likely the only one who could drop down there and be sure to get the right key, since he cannot turn off his ability to see the magical auras.

2020-01-11, 04:18 PM
Elissa frowns as the odd feeling passes. They had been here before? She shakes it off. "I'm... a passable swimmer, I suppose. Not in this armor, though." She glances around, not the most eager to remove her armor in the middle of a place like this. She peers down into the pool. "Not much use with magic either. Are we just supposed to guess which key we need?"

2020-01-11, 05:07 PM
"Oh, not guess, I can see which one is the right one to grab... so thence I suppose I should be the one to go get it, yes?" Bast asks, looking down into the water again. "The pool doesn't seem dangerous, and my armor doesn't slow me. I suppose I can fetch the key," he says. He slips his feet into the water first, hoping that his swimming skills don't fail him now. He's not... a terrible swimmer, but with magic items involved, he's not quite as confident as he usually is... ** he dives into the water, grabbing for the magic key and intending to surface right after.

**is for that if Gwyn has anything to say/do before Bast dives in, such as any hexes or spells she wants to put on him to help, that's where it goes. Putting this in before I make the roll just in case, but looking at our sheets I think Bast will have the best change at getting the key, since he doesn't have to spend any actions for Detect Magic, that's just how he sees the world. So, swim check! If I can take a 10, that's a 14. Otherwise...


2020-01-12, 05:04 AM
Bast takes a deep breath and dives down the pool. The water is calm and clear, so nothing prevents Bast from quickly swimming all the way down. He grabs the key, which, when observed up close, seems to bear some faintly shining monogram that Bast does not recognize. With the key, Bast swims all the way up and takes another deep breath when he's back to the surface. Seems easily done. The only downside is that Bast is now all wet.

Bast can hold his breath for 10 rounds while actively swimming. He takes 10 on swimming and, as he neither turns off his special sight nor loses sight of the key, completes the task in 7 rounds or so.

2020-01-12, 01:31 PM
Bast pulls himself back up out of the pool, shaking the water out of his eyes and hair with a quick few jerks of his head. "I think I have got it," he says, holding up the key for the girls to see. "It has got some symbol on it. Do either of you know what it means?" he asks.

2020-01-12, 01:55 PM
Elissa leans in to examine the symbols on the key. If this is something magical one of the other two will probably be more use, but maybe if it was made with divine magic she might have seen the symbol in one of Father Rantal's books...

Knowledge (Religion): [roll0]

Queen of Sheba
2020-01-13, 12:16 AM
Torch in hand, Gwyn peers into the pool after Bast dives in, her own chest tightening in anticipation as the elf descends into the depths. It isn't until he breaks the surface of the water that she's able to let out the breath she'd unknowingly been holding. Ordinarily, such a simple task might not pose a threat, but given the circumstances they had faced so far, it is obvious to Gwyn that their trial is far from ordinary.

Careful to keep the burning end of the torch away from her companions, the young woman leans in to look at the key in Bast's palm, paying no mind to the few drops of water inadvertently flicked her way. "Well, whatever it is, I hope the key at least opens this other door. I would hate to think you went through all that for nothing," Gwyn says, allowing herself a faint smile before she remembers their dire situation and whatever levity she might have felt disappears. "Speaking of, any ideas about which door we should take next? I'm inclined to pick the one with the skeleton in front of it myself."

Knowledge (History) [roll0]

2020-01-13, 09:45 AM
Elissa is unable to see any symbols on the key, which, from the look of it, seems designed to fit a high-quality lock but has only rudimentary decoration. Gwyn, though, with her magical sight, can both see the faintly shining monogram, R.B., and recognize it as belonging to Raffolk Brayte, a wizard who survived the battle, to commemorate which the Everflame was put here, and was actively involved in this commemoration.

Queen of Sheba
2020-01-13, 06:55 PM
A few moments pass in quiet contemplation for Gwyn before the young woman is able to recall the significance of the two initials. "R.B.? Magic is the key... I think this might have belonged to one of the early settlers. There was a wizard back then named Raffolk Brayte who fought alongside Kassen. He was one of the few survivors of the battle that took place here, and one of the key figures involved in commemorating this crypt." After sharing her scant knowledge of the early townie with Elissa and Bast, Gwyn's focus shifts to their next move, knowing that somewhere in the ancient crypt someone's life is likely in peril. Standing in front of the broken-down eastern door, Gwyn lifts the torch high and peers down the once lightless corridor.

Perception: [roll0]

2020-01-14, 09:27 AM
The corridor turns out a bit more than was seen at the first glance. Namely, it begins with a room. A small stone bench sits in the center of this dusty room. On the eastern wall is a faded mural depicting the hero Kassen defeating the mercenaries at the entrance to this crypt, with his blade piercing the chest of the mercenary leader. These figures stand alone in the center of a scene of carnage, with dead villagers and mercenaries all around them. Gwyn takes a notice of how both the Kassen and the mercenary leader are depicted as wearing very similar oddly-shaped golden necklaces, each hanging from a very similar golden chain. Gwyn is not sure whether the slight difference between the depicted necklaces is intentional or not.


Queen of Sheba
2020-01-16, 10:04 PM
Gwyn slowly moves further into the room without fully realizing it, intrigued as much by the minute details she can spot in the mural as by the odd design of the room. It's almost like a viewing room... It is an interesting mural, but does anyone really need to sit down for a while to admire it? Or maybe the founders built it as a place where we "adventurers" could rest safely?...Depends on what's at the end of this hall, I reckon. Looking back toward the room where her companions wait, Gwyn calls out, "I'm going to see what's around the corner," before turning and descending deeper into the bowels of the crypt.

Moving to F17!

2020-01-17, 01:01 PM
The corridor turns east and almost immediately ends with a door. There is no apparent keyhole in the door, but the handle is somewhat strange. It is not a usual nailed-on-two-sides handle, but a solid brass on one shaft sticking out of the door.

2020-01-17, 01:48 PM
Shaking his head and flinging water droplets from the ends of his silver hair, Bast takes a moment to wring out his clothing as Gwyn explores. He keeps an eye on her as she ventures forward, and after drying himself off as much as he can - he can only be glad it isn't too cold in the crypt - he follows her. "Anything interesting?" he calls.

Queen of Sheba
2020-01-17, 04:16 PM
Gwyn spooks at hearing Bast's voice a lot closer than she had been expecting. "Criminy..." she sighs, throwing the elf a sidelong glance that has no real heat behind it. How he manages to sneak around dripping wet without the telltale squelch squelch of sodden boots most folks had to endure is beyond her. "I've met mice who make more noise than you, you know? Anyway, I wouldn't call it 'interesting', but the handle on this door is a little funny-looking. I wouldn't mind a sharper pair of eyes than mine giving it a look-see to see if it's safe."

Perception: [roll0]

2020-01-17, 10:03 PM
Eyes alert for magic, Bast steps closer to the door. "If it is just a mere lock, I might be able to open it - but it does seem strange," he agrees, looking the door over.


2020-01-18, 03:08 AM
You don't learn anything new about the door just by looking at it, extept for the facts that it's not magical and should be opened by pushing. Bast tries to push it lightly. It seems locked even though you don't see a lock. Bast tries to handle the handle. It seems like it would rotate when a moderate amount of force is applied and would try to return back into original position, probably being driven by some unseen spring. Might be a just way to open it and/or might be a trap.

2020-01-18, 11:06 AM
Elissa lingers a moment at the mural, taking in the scene. She'd heard about the battle, of course, but seeing it like this... She's almost taken aback when she realizes the others aren't still there, and hurries the rest of the way down the corridor. "Unless you decide breaking it down's our best bet, I won't be much help, I'm afraid." She lets the other two work on the door, keeping both hands on her sword in case there's something unfriendly on the other side.

2020-01-18, 01:43 PM
Bast hums, kneeling by the door. "Let me see if I can open this thing... it may be trapped, so stand clear, just in case I do something wrong here..." he says, taking his time with the door.

Taking a 20 on disable device for a 28 to open the door!

2020-01-20, 09:43 AM
With everyone else safely (?) behind the corner, Bast looks the door all over. He does not see any trap this side of the door, but pretty much feels one around. Not having a better idea, he pushes the handle down to rotate it and opens the door. Both the handle and the door feel to be driven with springs trying to return them to their original positions. Behind the door is a circular room about 35 feet wide. A single pillar in the center of the room supports this wide, domed chamber. The pillar is surrounded by a pit, but a stone bridge crosses the pit on the south side. There are many, many, dark deep holes all around the pillar. There are two doors leading out of the room - one on the eastern side, with a handle just like the one Bast is still holding, and another on the southern side, with a conventional handle and a keyhole.

2020-01-20, 02:10 PM
Looking into the room, Bast winces a bit. "This doesn't look very safe," he says to the others, motioning them to come closer to the door, but not letting them in the room. "We'll need a good amount of light... see the pitfalls in the floor?" he asks.

Queen of Sheba
2020-01-21, 12:18 PM
At Bast's beckoning, Gwyn draws nearer to the entryway, lifting the torch up to illuminate the majority of the room beyond. "Huh... I see. And that pillar looks like it might be trouble, too," the young woman points out. After getting a good look at the chamber, she takes a step back and glances from Elissa to Bast. "Well, there's two more doors we've yet to check. Should we try one of them and see if they lead somewhere that looks a little less hazardous?"

2020-01-21, 01:20 PM
Elissa glances about somewhat nervously. "I suppose so... Sooner we're out of here, the better." Cautiously, she starts making her way into the room, keeping an eye out in case there are more skeletons or the like about. "What d'you suppose they put a bridge to the pillar there for?"

2020-01-21, 05:36 PM
"Let me go first," Bast suggests. "I can see better than you two can," he pointed out, advancing carefully into the room as well.

2020-01-23, 10:06 AM
Gwyn stays in the corridor while Elissa, and then Bast, move into the room. As Bast releases the door, it, driven by a spring, returns to its original position, where it clicks.

Turning back, you notice a certain lack of handle on this side of the door. Then, with a loud springing noise, arrows start flying in all directions from the holeds in the pillar. Bast takes two, for 7 and 6 nonlethal damage - he notices that the first arrow is blunt and its head is wrapped in felt and then takes the second one in the head and passes out. Elissa takes one arrow too, for 3 nonlethal damage, but so far remains able to react.

Arrow (1d20+10)[25] for (1d8-1)[7] nonlethal vs Bast
Arrow (1d20+10)[14] for (1d8-1)[1] nonlethal vs Bast
Arrow (1d20+10)[29] for (1d8-1)[6] nonlethal vs Bast
Arrow (1d20+10)[18] for (1d8-1)[3] nonlethal vs Elissa

More and more arrows keep on flying.You hear a lot of thuds from behind the door that just closed itself, including some thuds at the door.
=> Party

Queen of Sheba
2020-01-23, 11:56 AM
Gwyn is halfway down the hall, lighting the way back to the pool room for the group—or so she thought—when she hears the door slam shut behind her and whips around to find herself suddenly alone. Heart racing, she runs to the door and tries to open it again, fearful of what the ominous thudding might mean for her friends on the other side. "Hey! What's going on?!"

This might be a bad time to bring it up, but I was referring to the doors we passed back in the pool room and in the antechamber where we fought the skellies. :smalltongue:

2020-01-23, 02:51 PM
Bast doesn't have time to react. The arrow strikes his temple and he drops to the ground limply, eyes closed and completely unconscious.

Bast is currently at -5 HP. He does have a Potion of CLW on his body.

2020-01-23, 08:47 PM
Elissa raises her arm to fend off the strikes, then sees Bast unconscious on the ground. She pulls his unconscious body a bit closer to the door and further from the ledges--thanking whatever divines had been watching that he hadn't fallen in when he collapsed. "Gwyn? You there? We're all right, but the door doesn't have a handle on this side." She examines Bast's injuries. Looks to be bruises, nothing more serious, would probably be fine in a few hours, but she wasn't thrilled about minding an unconscious person in the crypt for that long. Especially if Gwyn couldn't get the door open. She rummages around in Bast's pack, looking for the curative potion she remembered him mentioning was in his pack. "Hope you weren't saving this," she mutters, pouring the liquid down the elf's throat.

I think any healing immediately restores all nonlethal damage, does it not? If I do need to roll for the actual amount of healing let me know and I'll roll it in the OOC.

2020-01-26, 04:59 AM
Elissa lights a torch and gets a potion of healing into Bast. While at it, she is hit by more blunt arrows for 4, 1 and 2 nonlethal damage. Bast is hit for 3 and 5 more before the potion takes effect, bringing him back into consciousness.

Arrow (1d20+10)[11] for (1d8-1)[6] nonlethal vs Elissa
Arrow (1d20+10)[16] for (1d8-1)[2] nonlethal vs Elissa
Arrow (1d20+10)[19] for (1d8-1)[4] nonlethal vs Elissa
Arrow (1d20+10)[24] for (1d8-1)[3] nonlethal vs Bast

Arrow (1d20+10)[28] for (1d8-1)[1] nonlethal vs Elissa
Arrow (1d20+10)[30] for (1d8-1)[2] confirm (1d20+10)[12] for (1d8-1)[5] nonlethal vs Elissa
Arrow (1d20+10)[12] for (1d8-1)[6] nonlethal vs Elissa
Arrow (1d20+10)[21] for (1d8-1)[5] nonlethal vs Bast

Elissa has 10 nonlethal damage. Bast is prone and just fully cured. The door is still closed. More and more arrows keep on flying.You hear Elissa's voice and can recognise what she's saying. Also, you hear a lot of continued thuds from behind the door, including some thuds at the door.
=> Party

2020-01-26, 11:09 PM
"Oh, chert," Bast curses in Elven as he comes to, seeing the arrows flying. There doesn't look to be a way out of the room easily, so he does the only other thing he can think to do - look for a way to disable the trap. Pressing low to the ground, he crawls forward, searching for a mechanism to make the arrows stop flying.

EDIT: Looks like this is where we are slowly bruised to death, gg guys

2020-01-27, 11:22 AM
Bast crawls forward towards the pillar launching waves upon waves of arrows. The pillar is surrounded by a pit. There are no arrows flying inside the pit. Bast dives in and... so far is alive. The floor of the pit seems to be solid stone.

2020-01-27, 09:57 PM
"Bast, where are you going?" Elissa shouts. She hears Gwyn on the other side of the door. Staggered by that last wave of impacts, she knows she only has a moment to decide what to do. "Fool elf..." she mutters under her breath, as she crawls forward after him and drops into the pit. "Alright... now what?"

Getting out would have probably been the smarter thing to do... but by far the less paladin-like :smalltongue:

2020-01-28, 02:37 AM
"We look for a way to turn this thing off," Bast says, inspecting the pillar in front of them.

2020-01-28, 09:44 AM
The pillar whirrs somewhere at the bottom and rotates a little, then clicks all over in unison and multiple arrows fly in all directions above your heads. Bast is pretty sure he can prevent the pillar from rotating by applying some hard and pointy thing between it and the floor. A dagger or piton would do. Bast is not so sure if it will stop the arrows coming. Still, as far as he sees, the arrows are not magical, so their supply within the pillar must be finite, right?

2020-02-29, 12:28 AM
I didn't realize it was my post! Sorry for the delay, everyone!

Seeing a potential way to turn off the device and end the hail of arrows, Bast inches his way towards it and attempts to shut the thing down.


2020-02-29, 04:55 AM
Alabaster takes a piton from his backpack and drives it into the uneven gap between the slowly rotating pillar and the bottom of the pit. This jams the pillar and stops both its rotation and continued release of more arrows. You wait some time to see if something else happens or if the pillar overcomes the jam. Nothing happens.

I didn't realize it was my post! Sorry for the delay, everyone!I did not hurry you because it seems Queen of Sheba is not back with us. I will PM her and we'll see if it makes any difference.

Climb DC 10 (taken or rolled) to get out of the pit.

2020-02-29, 10:10 AM
Elissa glances up as the arrows stop flying. "Well..." she says after a moment. "That seems to have done it. Good work, Bast." She attempts to scrabble her way up to the top of the pit, although her armor doesn't make it easy.

Yay armor check penalties!
Climb: [roll0]