View Full Version : Pathfinder Greater Numerical Alchemy

2019-10-06, 01:57 PM
Does Greater Numerical Alchemy (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/investigator/investigator-talents/paizo-investigator-talents/numerical-alchemy-greater-su/) basically turn an Alchemist into a spontaneous spellcaster who can, with enough time and money, know every Investigator spell?

1. See upcoming danger
2. Swift Action - Mix Extract
3. Standard Action - drink extract

Ugh. Reading hard.

2019-10-06, 02:08 PM
Am I missing something?

1) GNA reduces the mix time to a standard, not a swift. So you'll need two standard actions to mix and then drink.
2) You still need whatever you're mixing to be in your formula book, so "know every investigator spell" is going to be dependent on that limitation.

2019-10-06, 02:23 PM
Am I missing something?

1) GNA reduces the mix time to a standard, not a swift. So you'll need two standard actions to mix and then drink.

You missed nothing. I misread that a week ago (or confused it with potion gluttony or accelerated drinker) and have had the incorrect conclusion ever since.

Thank you for quickly setting me straight.