View Full Version : What's your opinion of the blood hunter

2019-10-07, 09:01 PM
I really like the blood hunter class but I want to know wether to continue using the character in later campiagns. I'm a wood elf and dex Is my highest score and my blood hunter Order Is Lycan.

2019-10-07, 09:44 PM
We don't have nearly enough details, but it boils down to this. You said you like the character, so you should keep playing them! The game is way more about having fun than any sort of optimization or anything.

2019-10-08, 01:00 AM
Thematic glass cannons that deliver pain faster than they receive it. Most of the time.

One of our party- a half-elf (drow)- was also order of the lycan for a very long time. Find a frostblade or flametongue, stack with your rite, and enjoy the power rush. Just keep your friends close and your enemies closer!

'Cause you'll want your friends to be able to rush to your side, but also safely behind enemy meat shields so you don't maul them with failed wis saves.

2019-10-08, 08:23 AM
I had a great time playing a Ghostslayer Blood Hunter in Curse of Strahd. A combat machine who specialized in killing the undead was a great fit for that campaign.

2019-10-11, 10:47 AM
I had a great time playing a Ghostslayer Blood Hunter in Curse of Strahd. A combat machine who specialized in killing the undead was a great fit for that campaign.

We're starting a new evil campaign soon for my group and I'll be a Lycan-Order BH for it.

2019-10-11, 10:58 AM
All of the classes and subclasses designed by Mercer seem to be on the weaker end to me. I'd probably compare bloodhunter to PHB ranger, maybe a little weaker.

2019-10-12, 01:43 PM
All of the classes and subclasses designed by Mercer seem to be on the weaker end to me. I'd probably compare bloodhunter to PHB ranger, maybe a little weaker.

I'm... amused by how bad the Order of the Mutant is in comparison with the other subclasses. Which is a shame, because I love that kind of character thematically - it's just that the penalties are way too punitive.

Overall, the action economy is a little too bonus action heavy for my tastes. It'd be nice if, say, the Crimson Rite buff didn't immediately end every time you let go of your weapon (disarming a Blood Hunter is very effective), but that isn't what we got.