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2019-10-07, 10:13 PM
For reference this is taken from Paper Chase written by Keith Herber, Mark Morrison, John Sullivan, L.N. Isinwyll, with Mike Mason, Dan Kramer, and Chris Spivey, thank you!

Paper Chase
“Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places”
—H. P. Lovecraft, The Picture in the House

Welcome to your second scenario of Call of Cthulhu, the Horror/Investigative roleplaying game of mystery wherein you, an ordinary person, shall encounter and confront the terrifying alien forces of the Cthulhu mythos. Now that you've gotten some experience under your belt concerning the rules and the way the game operates, we will enter into our first freeform scenario. This is still something intended for a beginner, so it's not going to be incredibly complex or puzzling, but nevertheless, it is time to begin... welcome, to Paper Chase.

Ossipee, 12:44 PM, September 4th, 1921.

You've done it... you've made it. You're... alive. After hours of following the trail you collapse as in front of the first signs of a civilization not trying to sacrifice you in some time.

The flames flicker over you, covering the grass, scorching your legs, and your face as you cannot scream, for your mouth has been utterly charred over. As you awaken in a grassy field, a butterfly resting on your head flits away into the cloudy blue sky above. You look around you. You are not in Emberhead anymore. You're somewhere else, somewhere... safe. As you rise to your feet and dust off your dirty clothes you realize... you're entirely without papers, you have barely anything except your wallet and a bit of cash (apparently the villagers who searched you did it incredibly poorly). But, surely the Gazette will be fine with you arriving a couple days late, I mean, you were nearly sacrificed by an insane tiny village on the top of a cliff.

As you think that in full you realize just how crazy that really sounds. It would almost be a better excuse to say that your dog ate your ticket. Who would believe you?

You slowly trudge into the city, thick dark circles are under your eyes, duster needing quite a bit more than a good cleaning, and your shoes are ruined at this point... they were new as well. You wanted to give a good first impression to the editor in chief, even if your first day was not even until the 2nd. People seem to give you a wide berth as you search for something, a telegraph, a phone booth, anything that would allow for you to contact the hospital and beg for them to excuse your absence. Eventually, you find one.

Outside Ossipee, 6:19 PM, September 4th, 1921.

A god-darned interview? They're revoking their previous offer? They have no right! You angrily slam your foot into the side of the motor-coach, you made sure to get onto one with plenty of other people this time. The haughty woman to the left of you gives you a stern glance as you do this and shifts away from you. This wasn't at all how everything was supposed to go, but eventually, the twisting and winding turns of the road begin to allow for you to drift off. At least this driver is better than Silas.

Rochester, 8:15 PM, September 4th, 1921.

It's pouring rain, but all you can think of are the faces, of May, Silas, Mr. Winters, even little Ruth, they were all, to some extent involved in... ritual sacrifice, and for what? The bus lets some passengers out and others on as it continues towards Arkham.

Portsmouth, 1:11 PM, September 5th, 1921.

As you board the train to Newburport and then to Arkham you happen to glance in a mirror. What happened? It's been nearly a couple days since that whole dream occured, but was it a dream? Some aspects are fading now, so could it be. Was it just a festival with some weird rural townsfolk. "Altitude sickness." You think to yourself, maybe. At least, that's the rational explanation for everything that happened, but sometimes Occam's razor must come into play.
A cart comes by offering snacks, you go to by some chocolate BB bars when the sudden lightness of your wallet hits you and you sit back down.

Newburyport, 4:27 PM, September 5th, 1921.

It's a small communal village, you do not wish to explore further.

Arkham, 7:30 PM, September 5th, 1921.

You've arrived. You're nearly 3 days late from whatever hallucination-induced nightmare you experienced combined with calling every transportation company known to man. As you finally step off of the train, with nothing on you but a couple scraps, you cannot help wonder. Why? Was it worth it? Why didn't you just go back. And, at the same time, you just cannot explain it.
As you're looking around, aiming to hopefully find a hostel, or at least a comfortable park bench, a man comes up to you. He's in his late fifties with several tufts of white hair, and has a scholarly look about him. As you approach you eye him curiously, "Hello there, my name is Mr. Rupert Merriweather. I was just walking by the station when I happened to notice a certain look in your eyes. I don't normally say this to people I just met, but, you look like you could use someone to talk to. Would you be willing to go to a cafe and talk with me for a moment?"

The man seems friendly enough, as you were hoping oh so long ago the citizenry of Arkham would be. And yet, part of you has been scarred by the events prior. Can you truly trust this man?

2019-10-07, 11:36 PM
Well, with that introduction he's definitely "eccentric"; I'm half-expecting him to offer to read my aura over coffee. But those mountain folk I just escaped would make Caligula look like a pillar of normalcy...so I can deal with a half-hour's worth of conversation with an honest fool, or an ambitious huckster. And I need to get the lay of the land anyway. Plus maybe he'll offer to buy a coffee or a sandwich, so I don't have to dip further into my dwindling reserves.

I agree to go chat with him over coffee.

2019-10-07, 11:52 PM
The man smiles as you accept his invitation, "Splendid, there's a place just around the corner here. They have the most wonderful cookies. And don't you worry, I'm the one who's inviting you, no need for talk of bargains or bones or greed."

Rupert is right, it's merely a short walk as you find a wonderful little cafe with a couple of lights on. At least here people actually go out after dark, like a normal town. "So, what brings you to Arkham, Mr...?" As you're seated a waiter comes by and hands you a small menu of food and drink associated with french cafes.

2019-10-07, 11:59 PM
"Ah, pardon my manners --I'm a bit out-of-sorts. My name is Izzy Laskov. I came here for a job at the paper... though I'm not sure it's still open." I order a cookie and a cafe au lait.

2019-10-08, 12:03 AM
Rupert looks saddened by your story. "Why that's just terrible! What happened? I'm sure that they'll give you a chance though, why if you just freshen up, I'm positive that they'll be able to squeeze you in. Believe it or not, I'm actually friends with the editor there, Mr. Flemming, his name is. I'm sure I can put in a good word for you, after all you seem to be a nice enough young man."

The cookies are quite tasty, they are rather crispy and have a nice *snap* to them. Mr. Merriweather also eats them from his own order, enjoying their crisp and delicious nature. Meanwhile, the coffee is nice and warm, and rather refreshing after several long days of riding/driving.

Mr. Merriweather dabs at his mouth with a napkin. "Well, what section of the paper were you planning on covering, Mister Laskov?" He chuckles to himself. "While the gazette is no Boston Globe, I'm afraid, it is a rather nice and efficient newspaper nonetheless!"

2019-10-08, 12:18 AM
"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure. Prior to this, I've only freelanced; the portfolio I submitted when applying contained op-eds I'd written for a smaller paper; as well as a few one-off bits of reporting I'd done for the Providence Journal. New business reviews, sports games none of their regulars wanted to cover. A couple of general interest pieces on local immigrant cultural events."

"Basically, I'll do whatever they need me to. Just trying to get experience, at this point. Having a regular beat to cover would really help me make a name for myself as a writer. I like to think it's that flexibility that opened this door; every big paper has *some* coverage hole to fill these days."

2019-10-08, 12:23 AM
Mr. Merriweather nods along, taking a couple of bites from the cookies he ordered as he does. "Why that's truly fascinating. Being a student of history myself and having analyzed cultural events for quite some time, I always take an interest in journalists. Why, who know what shall be read when we're all ancient memories lost to the ages, eh?" He chuckles to himself as his remark lands.

He then looks down at his watch. "Oh my, would you take a look at the time. I feel absolutely dreadful that I've stopped you from going to... erm... where are you staying, if you don't mind my asking?"

2019-10-08, 12:33 AM
“I’m looking for a place, as a matter of fact. Hopefully something along the line of a hostel, as my funds are quite low after a rather ...harrowing trip through the mountains. You wouldn’t happen to know of a place, would you?”

(If he’s seems interested, I’ll tell him a cliff’s notes version of the events. In a low voice, hoping not to sound like a lunatic to any of the other cafe patrons.)

2019-10-08, 12:39 AM
Mr. Merriweather nods, "Well, my friend, I consider myself a good judge of character, and I value good-heartedness, and it seems quite clear from our conversation that you are just trying to make it in the world, and, in fact, I do know of such a place. There's a hotel on the corner of High and Garrison. Tell the man there, Mr. Erving, that I requested personally for you to head there. We go quite a ways back, and I'm sure he'd be willing to offer you a place there until you can get back on your feet, which I am certain will happen in no time at all." He doesn't seem to pressure you about your other statement though, only nodding along, almost like he understands everything you mean from your simple original note.

He then stands up from his chair and sticks out his hand, ready for a firm handshake. "Well, it has been excellent meeting you Mr. Laskov. I am very glad to find another man concerned with the search of the truth such as myself, and I look forward to what I hope shall be many more conversations with you!"

2019-10-08, 12:49 AM
I’ll head over to the place he mentioned.

2019-10-08, 12:55 AM
Mr. Merriweather then stands and gives a wink as he finishes his statement, only to walk off into the darkness.

Note that there's generally going to be a one-month or so time-skip between scenarios to allow for me to describe external events and how they pertain to the game at large.

Arkham, 9:18 PM, September 5th, 1921

You walk up and down the unfamiliar streets, searching for High and Garrison, until you eventually find it: The Greatview Inn. Stepping inside feels like a literal breath of fresh (this place must be air conditioned during the hot summer days), and as you meet with the receptionist, and subsequently mention Mr. Merriweather's name, she smiles and nods. "He's a rather kind man isn't he. He always helps out around town, of course his son won't have any of that. Anyway, here's your room!"

Arkham, 10:58 AM, September 6th, 1921

You rush up the steps to the doors of the Arkham Gazette. You cannot be late for this interview, especially after that... the event led you to miss your first day. In fact, you wonder if they'll even let you on at all, after all, you were already asked to submit a story, which obviously did not pan out. Nevertheless, there must be something you could work out.

Arkham, 11:47 AM, September 6th, 1921

Well, that was it. It's strange, they asked questions, but while they did, your mind was on something else: Emberhead. You cannot seem to get it out of your mind. Eventually, you figured the library, being one of the greatest in the country, would have some answers, and while it does, it's not enough to satiate you.

Arkham, 12:38 PM, September 10th, 1921

You're writing a rather interesting story about the newest developments at Miskatonic University, apparently, they're now categorizing the study of politics as a science. It's unclear how this "Poli-Sci" field will pan out, but nevertheless it is most certainly intriguing. You pause for a moment, though, and think to yourself. You got the job. Apparently "Professor Merriweather," as he is called here, happened to recommend you, which cemented your position as a Junior Journalist. You realize that you're working with people roughly around your age (maybe several years younger), but for some reason, you feel nearly twice as old as them. Maybe it's because of what you experienced, or maybe it's just you, either way, you're unsure.

Arkham, 6:27 PM, September 14th, 1921

You've managed to find a rather cramped apartment next to the university on Lich St. Despite its size, it's rather cozy, and it is not like you had too much to set down when you got here.
Every now and then, Mr. Merriweather (or Professor Merriweather apparently) calls you up and asks if you'd like to head to the cafe and chat about the study of ancient cultures. It's here where you realize that Mr. Merriweather is quite knowledgable concerning the mystic tales and folklore of ancient cultures. Perhaps he happened to study it a very long time ago. Even though that's not your particular forte either, you also discuss a myriad of other topics concerning everything from your work to advances in philosophy, etc... Either way, the conversations surely serve to brighten your day and are intellectually stimulating.

Arkham, 10:35 AM, September 22nd, 1921

You've managed to make some friends, as you're covering a story about Dr. Leiter, a new up-and-coming professor of colonial history at Miskatonic University, and the reports about his classes are stellar. You happen to interview a co-worker of his, Dr. Jones, professor of archeology and history.
As you're waiting for him to arrive at the interview, you've happened to pick up a new book: Pagan Tales: A Deep-Dive into the Pagan Influences on New England culture. Suddenly a voice cuts through your reverie nothing how "Many of the small villages oriented their main thoroughfares and roads to perfectly align with the sun during such days as the summer solstice. I've managed to explore the burnt ruins several of them, and it was all rather common."
You look up to see a comfortably-dressed man in a Fedora. He's not too tall but he gives you a smile and shakes your hand. "Jones, Nevada Jones, and you must be Mr. Laskov!" Soon you get to discussing and Dr. Jones notes how Dr. Leiter is certainly well-read on all of the different colonial subjects, describing his knowledge of very obscure knowledge about life back then. The interview eventually concludes and you're glad that it went as well as it did.

Arkham, 4:05 PM, September 26th, 1921

You're reading in Orne Library (the main library on Miskatonic's campus), when suddenly a *tap tap* grabs your attention. As you raise your gaze from "Fire Rituals: from the Wicker Man to the Fourth of July, Why We Love Them" you notice that Mr. Merriweather happened to stroll up to your table. You also notice he has a cane, and has used it to rap on your desk. "Why I hadn't expected for you to be reading such a book as that? What, are you planning on capturing me and burning me alive? Should I be worried?" Your chuckle sounds false in your mouth, but Mr. Merriweather continues. "You know, I used to be part of a club here, an extra-curricular society if you would."
He stares off in the distance towards the myriad of bookshelves in the Miskatonic Library. "We used to have such fun gallivanting around, ah vigor. To be young and spry again, eh Mister Laskov." He then looks back to you, "Anyway, us old fogies fizzled out and stopped coming, but the club we originated from, now that's still going." He then strokes his chin, "You know, I think they're having a meeting this Friday night. You should go! I'm sure you'll meet some new people that way."
He then looks at his watch and gasps. "Well, I'd best be headed off, Agnes will chew my ear out if I stay out to late, and Bertrand..." The man looks down then looks back with a bright smile. "Ah, I don't need to worry you with the details of my social life, farewell Yitzhak! (Mr. Merriweather probably would've asked where your name comes from, of course, if you would not share such information, feel free to disregard this and he would just say Izzy)"

Arkham, 3:15 PM, September 30th, 1921

You head towards Room U35. You're honestly quite unsure what you're doing. What even is this "Club" anyway? Either way, you stand here at a crossroads, shall you open it? Or depart and focus on living the rest of your life, you have a job, a home, some friends, it could most surely stay that way.
However, should you decide to open it, your life will surely be changed... forever.

Oh boy, that was long, but I hope you read all of it and enjoy. Again, I know it's very railroady, but that's kinda how I have to run the in-between segments, just to actually have everything make sense and ensure that the game does not drag on forever.

2019-10-08, 01:06 AM
No problem! I don’t mind the railroading at all, especially in a solo game

I head in! If these people are half as knowledgeable as Rupert, I’m sure I’ll find them interesting.

2019-10-08, 01:14 AM
You open the door to see three people sitting in a cleared-out lecture hall, but with several chairs surrounding a table. "Well, I'm still not sure this is entirely our area of 'expertise', Lois. I'm a risk-taker, fair and simple, but that doesn't mean I'm inclined to go rushin' off after the first person who calls wolf!" A young African-American woman says to one of the other members. She wears fashionable clothing and seems to be filled with a sort of youthful vigor.
"Lois," apparently the other student, flares up for just a moment. "Well ex-cuse me for believing there could be things in the world that God made other than us humans. Why, imagine the possibilities!" She is a young Italian woman with an athletic build and a stylish bob of dark brown hair.
"Now now, settle down. While I'm unsure if this would truly be an exploration into the unexplained, the money would still go a long... oh! We have a visi-, Mister Laskov is that you?" As the third member of the group, you recognize to be Dr. Nevada Jones, your previous interviewee, in a similar set of casual clothes to the ones he wore for your interview. "Lois, Jessie, this is an... acquaintance of mine, Izzy Laskov. He works for the gazette, and we had an intriguing conversation a couple of days ago." He then turns back towards you. "Is there something I can help you with Mister Laskov?"

2019-10-08, 01:24 AM
“Oh! Dr. Jones, a pleasure to see you again! Rupert Merriweather suggested I come meet this...I believe he called it a ‘club’? He rushed off before giving me any explanation, though.”
I turn toward the other two, “I hope you’ll pardon me for the interruption, it sounded like quite a lively discussion I barged in to.”

2019-10-08, 01:55 AM
Dr. Jones looks confused, "Professor Merriweather? I'm surprised he even knew about us." He strokes his chin for a moment as Jessie happens to notice you standing in the doorway.
"Come in! We're always accepting new members, isn't that right Professor Jones?"
"Hmm...? Oh yes, of course, forgive my absentmindedness." Dr. Jones tips his fedora in your direction. They then soon jump back into the debate they were having, seemingly accepting your apology by continuing.
"Anyway, I say we go for it, what's the harm? We investigate it over the weekend, see what we turn up, and if there's nothing... well. Then that's it, case closed!" Lois seems to be very focused on whatever this debate is.
"Sorry Mr. Laskov for involving you in this, but let me explain. We received word from a friend of mine, Mr. Kimball, that he had a rather unusual break-in. Normally he'd contact the police, but it's rather strange and all, and given the nature of this society, I thought I should broach the topic of sending one of our number out there to explore."
Jessie's eyes then dart back towards you, "Professor Jones, does... Mr. Laskov, you said, even know what this society is?"
All eyes then await your response.

2019-10-08, 01:59 AM
“I’m afraid I don’t.”

2019-10-08, 10:17 AM
Lois laughs and then adds, "Well, sort of Mr. Laskov, this a society of discovery. We explore the unexplained. I guess afterwards we might tell stories about it, but it's been here quite a long time, with different students and staff members leaving and joining."
Jessie nods in confirmation, "We deal with whatever strangeness lies upon God's great earth-"
As Professor Jones cuts her off "Now Jessie, we're getting ahead of ourselves." He then looks back to you, "Now, we certainly have a wide variety of mysterious things in this world. However, in the end, much of the strangeness is more mundane than we originally anticipated." He looks then back towards Jessie and Lois, "Hence why I do understand Jessie's-"
"But Professor, why not have a look, I'm sure that there's something there. I highly doubt an alumni of this university such as Mr. Kimball would deceive us in such a way. It doesn't make any sense." She then turns towards Jessie, "And Professor Jones said we could use the mone-"
"Wait a moment, you're busy this weekend with James, I have a paper to write on the Emancipation Proclamation, and Professor, you said you had a gosh-darned load of papers to grade!"
The professor then strokes his chin, "That is true, Jessie, maybe I can..." He then turns towards you. "You know, Mr. Laskov, I know you just met this little... Society of ours, but how would you like to go on an expedition to explore the unexplained? I'm not sure what you're doing this weekend, but I'm certain you would be well-compensated for your efforts."

The two students also look towards you, Lois stares at you with pleading eyes while Jessie merely seems to be gauging your reaction. You do recall that you have nothing going on this weekend, and it's been a rough month trying to manage things here, maybe a sort of "vacation" could be just what you need.

2019-10-08, 01:04 PM
“That sounds fascinating! I have a great interest in the ‘unexplained’ myself. And I don’t have anything this weekend that can’t be moved to another time. How can I help?”

2019-10-08, 01:11 PM
Three smiles grow onto the faces of the club members. "Sounds mighty fine Mister Laskov, and maybe you could write about our club some time too, bein' a reporter and all! Anyway, about the case, Thomas Kimball, an alumnus of Miskatonic has been burglarized."
Lois then chimes in "But this wasn't any ordinary burglary, no. For the burglar only stole books. There were a variety of other valuables within the house, but the burglar only took a couple of his uncle's favorite books." Her voice then takes on a lower pitch, masked in mystery. "And the strange part is that his uncle, Douglas Kimball, vanished nearly two years ago without a trace."
Professor Jones then smiles as the two students retell the story, and cannot resist adding in a piece of his own. "Now Izzy, Thomas has no idea if the two events are even related in the slightest, but apparently his uncle was a rather mundane fellow. Nothing ever happened to him, and the fact that these two strange events occurred in the past couple of years and are associated with his uncle brought our attention." He then raises his hand to note, "We've helped people in the past, Izzy. The Arkham Police Department sometimes calls on us, but Thomas lives in Arnoldsberg, a couple of hours drive from here. I wouldn't expect any help, so I'm afraid you'll be on your own for this investigation. But it shouldn't be too bad right? Just try your best and see what you can find."
He then hands you a coach ticket towards Arnoldsberg, "This was included in the request, I hope you don't mind a couple hours' drive. Ths coach should leave tomorrow morning. Hopefully, that'll offer you enough time to return on Monday." The Society smiles, happy to have a new member of their group.

2019-10-08, 02:37 PM
“I’m happy to check it out—a break from the city would be quite nice right now. But isn’t the simplest explanation that the disappeared uncle came back to get some books he missed? I’m my opinion, both the vanishing and the sneaking back for books are quite understandable.” I smile at my own half-joke, hoping the club doesn’t think I’m being weird.

Assuming that revelation doesn’t dissuade them, I head out and promise to let them know what I find.

2019-10-08, 02:55 PM
Jessie nods, "Now that's what I first thought as well. I do not believe that this is something truly 'unexplained.'" You begin to realize this is probably what they were debating when you entered.
Lois shakes her head, "But look, if that was the case, then why didn't he just ask for the books? How come nobody saw him leave? Or come back? Doesn't make sense ta me, and tha's why it's unexplained, right?"
Dr. Jones shakes his head, "Look, to be honest, you might be right Izzy. However, I do understand what Lois is saying." The engineering student beams brightly. "Something is not right here, and while it might be as simple as that, I think it's well-worth investigating." He then smiles warmly. "After all, when Thomas contacted me he was a bit of a wreck. I think that at least bringing him some peace of mind about what happened would just be the right thing to do, and he was willing to offer a little bit of a bonus, so that's certainly something that could help out."

2019-10-08, 02:59 PM
“That makes perfect sense. And don’t worry, I’ll keep an open mind. I know there are things in this universe that can’t be accounted for with a simple explanation.” I wink and put on my hat. “I’ll let you know what I find. “

2019-10-08, 03:02 PM
Eventually, after the discussion is all said and done, everyone returns back to conversing about the newest developments in the world. They all chatter for a bit, inviting you in to converse as well, and you cannot help but feel... appreciated. You have coworkers, yes, but this is something a bit... different. It feels like you're almost like you're in Providence again, with all of your friends, but that's for later. What is most striking is that to be honest, the Society is incredibly informal. The members are just normal people who like to sometimes try and solve a couple of mundane mysteries every now and again, and you cannot help but feel calmed by this fact. Maybe the world is more normal than whatever happened at Emberhead would suggest.
Eventually, the time comes for you to depart, and thus, you all go your separate ways, but the Society is most certainly anxious to hear a report of what happened next Friday!

Are you ready to depart?

2019-10-08, 03:09 PM
Ready! This time, though, I purchase a Swiss Army knife to bring along.

2019-10-08, 03:12 PM
Arkham, 10:15 AM, October 1st, 1921

(Quick Recap Boxed Text:) You have been contacted by Thomas Kimball of Michigan. It seems his house has been burglarized and some of his uncle's favorite books have been stolen. The mystery also has the added wrinkle in that his uncle inexplicably disappeared without a trace more than a year ago. Mr. Kimball would like you to find out who stole the books, return them if possible, and, if somehow these two events are related, discover the whereabouts of his uncle and whether he is still alive.

You board the coach, and you can't help but be slightly trepidatious considering that the last one you went on led to... well... you're not really sure exactly what happened. You are grateful, however, to notice several passengers have gotten on in addition to you. Anyway, it's time for a new journey.

Just Past Ossipee, 12:18 PM, October 1st, 1921

The coach crests over a hill with some slight difficulty, but eventually manage to crest it and make it through what appears to be the charred ruins of a town. It probably burned down in some kind of forest fire maybe several decades earlier. It is at this moment when you realize exactly where you are. You're in Emberhead.
However this doesn't make any sense. You remember being here a month ago. You're not entirely sure what happened then, but you're certain that you were definitely there. However, you have little time to ponder this utterly confusing turn of events, when suddenly, you're gone. You've headed down the hill. The charred ruins of what must have at one point been Emberhead stand alone, fading off into the distance.

Arnoldsberg, 2:39 PM, October 1st, 1921

You exit the coach, thank the driver, and begin to look around. You've been dropped off on what you presume to be the main thoroughfare of the town, which, while most certainly not that large, is still respectable. You happen to notice an actual police department (you silently thank whoever/whatever you would thank in this scenario), a real library (as opposed to one in the "village hall"), and even a newspaper, as a young boy eagerly runs up to you handing you a copy of the Arnoldsberg Advertiser for but a couple coins.
You pull out the rest of the letter, as you eventually find yourself wandering the streets of Arnoldsberg until the rural (if it could be called that) elements fade away, and as you reach 218, Aylesbury St. You don't see too many other houses except this one for a couple hundred feet or so, as you notice the most likely reason: it's right next to the graveyard.
As you knock on the door, you hear a voice from inside shout: "One moment please!"
Eventually, a young man opens the door, he looks around almost as if he expected several people but then extends his hand warily from the doorstep. "Hello there, I'm, well, I'm Thomas Kimball. Are you a member of... The Society?" He lowers his voice, as if it was some deep dark secret that the two of you were discussing in a crowd.

2019-10-08, 03:31 PM
I nod and smile warmly. "Dr. Jones asked me to come. I'm Izzy." I offer a hand to shake. "He gave me the basics of what happened, but I'd like to hear your full account if you have a few minutes."

2019-10-08, 03:33 PM
As you make your statement towards Thomas, he shifts slightly. "Well, uh, yes. I'd, well, I'd like for you to look into the theft, and if maybe you could shed any light on my u-uncle's disappearance." He then realizes that you're still standing outside on the porch, and the second aspect of your statement springs to mind. "Oh, come-come in, come in, I'm so sorry. The break-in just has me a bit flustered is all, and it's not like the police are going to pay any attention to some missing books. Can I, um, g-get your bags?" (presumably you have a briefcase or something similar for the overnight investigation).

2019-10-08, 03:40 PM
“Oh, yes, thank you.” I hand him my bag and follow him in. I try to get a read on his change of composure —did I come on too strong? Or was it something else?

(If it’s a roll: [roll0])

2019-10-08, 04:13 PM
That would indeed be a Psychology roll.

You're honestly not sure, although Dr. Jones did mention how he was rather distraught concerning the whole thing, and it's possible that him actually discussing what's going on has him a bit frazzled.
You see that the house is quite charming, it's rather large and spacious, with a wide variety of elegant furnishings. "This, well, this used to be my uncle's house you see, and to be honest."
He then gestures for you to follow him and leads you down a hall to a room that looks rather unlike much of the rest of the house. It's cluttered and piled high with books of all shapes and sizes, and on all subjects, their only common trait is that it appears that at some point, they all were well cared for. "This, well, this was my uncle's study, I-I couldn't really bear to clean anything up, so most of it has been left a-as is. However, if you notice..." He points up towards one of the bookshelves and you see six clear dust outlines where presumably several books were. "A-a couple days ago, I heard something a s-sound from this room in the middle of the night, like someone shuffling around, only to discover these spots m-missing."
He looks at you utterly confused. "I-I have no idea what anyone would want with my uncle's books, but the burglar d-didn't even take any of our, well, our actually valuable, um, valuables. S-so I didn't want to bother the police."

2019-10-08, 04:26 PM
“Very strange indeed. Do you know what the books were?” I ask, while scanning the room to see if dust disturbances can tell me anything else... were other books or objects moved? Potential footprints or handprints? I also take mental note of any potential entrances or exits from the room, including fireplaces, vents, and windows.

2019-10-08, 04:34 PM
Thomas shrugs sadly, "I have no idea which of his titles we-were taken, although, I do most certainly notice their absence, of course."
As you're about to begin your investigations Thomas suddenly shouts from behind you. "Oh! I'm so s-sorry, I almost forgot. You can use this room here while you remain here." He leads you to a rather spacious but comfortable room decently furnished, and sets your bags down inside. "I'm also of course, willing to pay if you're able to find any information concerning either the br-break-in or my uncle. E-erm, before you leave would you like anything to drink, or eat? I don't know how long the drive is, but Mary just made s-some wonderful lemonade."

If you wish to do anything in the interim, let me know. Otherwise, I'm going to let you progress into the study.

Arnoldsberg, 3:02 PM, October 1st, 1921

You head into the study and immediately find yourself overwhelmed by the sheer volume of books. They are of all shapes and sizes and it could take a whole day to dig through the entire pile, and there is most certainly no record of his books, at least, one that you can obviously find. Instead light from the window falls upon many of them that are simply piled haphazardly for Kimball the elder (whom Thomas informs you to be Douglas) to simply grab whatever book fit his fancy. Simply looking through a few books allows for you to realize that Douglas Kimball was quite a well-read man. There are books upon almost every single subject, from numerology to theses concerning the tenants of the Christian church.

You briefly look around through the piles of stacks. With the exception of the six aforementioned spots (made obvious by the dust marks, and are from a wide variety of different places in the study), you find nothing except a rather intriguing story concerning sea creatures deep below the ocean who could communicate with people. You expect you could spend a whole day rifling through these books and dig up absolutely nothing. On the other hand, you might be able to find something, but in all honesty, it probably would take the rest of the day. You strangely see absolutely no fingerprints.

The door itself doesn't seem to have been locked, but as you're checking over the window you realize that the lock itself is in rather poor condition and one could easily have simply opened it up from the outside by applying a little force.

2019-10-08, 10:42 PM
I’ll take a look outside the window. If it’s on the first floor, I look for any disturbed foliage, scuffmarks on the window ledge, or any other signs.

2019-10-08, 11:50 PM
The study is, in fact, on the first floor. As you peer out the window the first thing you notice is that the window's locks are loose with age, and with enough force, someone could probably force them open.
You then peer out to the world outside of the Kimball residence.

Please give me a Track and a Spot Hidden roll.

2019-10-08, 11:53 PM
Track: [roll0]
Spot Hidden: [roll1]

2019-10-08, 11:54 PM
You've succeded in the Spot Hidden skill.

You do in fact notice several scratchings on the window, which could indicate that someone forced their way from the outside in. However, as for tracks, there are none to be found. You do notice that the ground outside of the Kimball residence is not conducive for leaving trails.

What to do next?

2019-10-09, 12:03 AM
I’ll take a closer look at the scratches. If I don’t see anything there, I’ll head back inside to find Thomas or Mary.
By the way, when I was checking the study, was I able to determine how big the missing books were? Like, we’re they big, heavy tomes? Or closer to a journal size?

2019-10-09, 12:08 AM
You check back first at the scratches. Nothing else of interest appears to be present other than the fact that someone probably forced the window open; you subsequently check on the dust markings. None of them appear to be either massive tomes or journal-size, more an arrangement of moderately-sized ones (of course there is variance, but it's not pronounced). Mary isn't home yet, but you easily find Thomas having a quick drink of lemonade and some animal crackers. Albeit he appears to be slightly more at ease now that you are on the case. He extends the plate of crackers and a cup to you. "Would you like anything, erm, Izzy? It really is, um, quite nice."

2019-10-09, 12:18 AM
I have some lemonade. Ask him a few questions: How long after he heard the noise did he see the room? Was it the next morning?
I’d then like to chat with him about his uncle, and ask about his uncle’s disappearance.

2019-10-09, 10:55 AM
The lemonade tastes great! It's just the right combination of sweet and sour that makes people love lemonade.

He thinks for a moment before answering. "Well, I, uh, heard the sound right away, so I went down as fast as I could... but there wasn't, well, there wasn't anyone there!" He pauses for a moment, letting that sink in, before continuing. "I thought I must have been, er, dreaming, but I checked in the morning just to be sure, and that's when I found the books missing."
He shakes his head, "As for Uncle Douglas, he was a bit of an... eccentric. He almost always had a book in his hand, and from what I heard he was a man of routine, normally just staying inside to read." He then squints, presumably trying to picture his uncle in his mind. "He was... balding, with, um, white hair. I think he was average height, and he always wore those spectacles of his. Round, very round."
He shrugs his shoulders, "I'm sorry I don't remember more. In fact, I barely knew what happened with his disappearance. There was some family gathering that he was hosting, but when we all arrived here, nobody was present." At this point you see that he's beginning to look a little bit fraught. "We asked around, contacted the police, filed a missing person's report, all of that, but, well, nobody had seen him!"

You get the sense that all of these events are rather confusing for Thomas, evidenced by his eyes darting back and forth, and nervous fidgeting. You're beginning to get the idea that Thomas does not have the strongest of willpowers.

2019-10-09, 10:30 PM
Hey, so how do the spoilers work? Like I try the roll, and then open the spoiler if I get it? I’d assume so, but just checking

Psych roll: d100

2019-10-09, 10:31 PM
Hmm, that was weird. Trying again with a psych roll (first one didn’t display for me): [roll0]

Edit: Ahh I get it. You can’t edit in a roll after the post is made.

2019-10-09, 10:32 PM
Hey, so how do the spoilers work? Like I try the roll, and then open the spoiler if I get it? I’d assume so, but just checking

Psych roll: [roll0] IGNORE

Yeah, that's how they work. I wanted to save time instead of "Make a Psychology roll" and then you succeed, and then I make a post detailing the results and nothing else.
Also, you cannot edit in dice rolls, you have to make them in your initial post.

2019-10-09, 10:44 PM
Ok, cool. So 50 to pass, 25 to hard pass. Missed em both. I think I’ll stick to italics for out of character messages; and figure out some colored bold for speech and colored italics for thoughts

So you didn’t live here at the time, I take it? Who else was arriving for the party? Also, I’d love to get a copy of the police report. Would that be alright with you? Do you know what time the station closes?

2019-10-09, 10:50 PM
He thinks to himself, "Well, um, well, I think it was basically the whole Kimball family, Mary and I, of course, father, mother, uncle Douglas, obviously," he gives a sort of false chuckle "a couple of, of cousins? I think, some nieces and nephews, it was rather, um, large." He nods and gesticulates in order to help him find the words. While he hasn't calmed down entirely, you get the feeling that nonetheless, the stuttering has mostly gone away. "There's normally a, um, officer or two in quite late. There's virtually no crime here, except... well... but anyway, I think they should be open...?"

2019-10-09, 10:52 PM
Great. Would you be willing to head over with me? I think they’ll be more likely to share with a family member.

If he answers no, I’ll ask him to write and sign a note giving them permission to share anything they can with me. Then head out.

2019-10-09, 11:03 PM
Thomas shakes his head nervously, "No, I really have to get back to my accounts, maybe I've spent too much time..." He scribbles something on a piece of paper, "This should, um, help though." You see it's essentially confirming that you are helping Thomas out, along with his signature.
He then begins to put the plates and cups away (unless you're not done with your lemonade) and bids you adieu as he heads up the stairs to his room.

2019-10-09, 11:08 PM
Heading out to police station.

2019-10-09, 11:12 PM
Arnoldsberg, 4:29 PM, October 1st, 1921

You head out of the Kimball residence and walk over towards the Police Station. You begin to pass by the other couple of houses in the neighborhood. A couple people look at you strangely, as it is a small town and your not exactly a resident, but there's no maliciousness behind their gaze. You soon pass by the graveyard and eventually makes it to the center of town with all of its trappings as a small village community (as I said before newspaper, cafe, general store, library, police department, etc...).

Speaking of which, the police department is not entirely full to the brim, but the occupants are nevertheless quite busy, filling out and reading over forms. As you enter the desk officer looks up for a moment from his work only to return to it, asking "Hello, sir... is there something I can help you with? I apologize though, we are quite busy this week."

2019-10-09, 11:17 PM
I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you’d be so busy! Is everything ok?

While he’s not looking at me, I cast a quick glance at the paperwork to see if I can make anything out.

2019-10-09, 11:30 PM
He glances up for a moment and then looks back down to continue writing away.
You notice the desk officer is filling out a stack of papers. You can't see the ones below, but you do see the title: "Arnoldsberg Police Department Summary Incident Report"
He then pipes up, "Well, state just passed down a couple new laws that're retroactive, so we've all got to go back and then change all of our previous logsheets reports to fit the new format." He sighs, "And this's all got to be done by Monday..." (for reference today is Saturday)

2019-10-10, 12:51 AM
Spot hidden [roll0]

2019-10-10, 12:56 AM
Ah, bureaucracy. I understand Well I believe my request will be quick.

I explain to him that I’m a friend of the family and show him the note; and that they’ve asked that I take a look at the police report of the uncle’s disappearance.

2019-10-10, 01:49 AM
The officer looks at the note, sighs "Well, at least there's no breaking protocol for this..." He then goes over to a filing cabinet, searches for a moment and produces a single document with a clipped photo attatched. "Report was filed..." He looks down through the report checking it over, "Photograph was circulated..." He shows you the attatched photo of (presumably) Douglas Kimball.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/91880283/DdfHdG1wjtx-DuXeLViEFA/max.png?1568502602 (the quality is intentionally poor)
He then allows for you to glance through the report some more as well. "I hope that's all, I'm afraid I don't have much more time for too many other questions..." He begins to return to his work.
You recognize several instances of laws used to allow for the local force to go outside of their normal jurisdiction in order to conduct a thorough search. Apparently they went above and beyond, and a wide net was cast around the neighboring towns to try and see if anyone found the man, but nothing turned up.

2019-10-10, 01:53 AM
Law roll: [roll0]

2019-10-10, 01:54 AM
Law roll: [roll0]

Well... you basically rolled a 20, as that was essentially what you needed.

2019-10-10, 01:59 AM
Do I see the name of a lead officer on the report? And a date?

Well, there’s still some daylight left. Maybe the newspaper office I saw would have a record?

I head over there to see if I can dig up a copy from their archive..Maybe the day of the disappearance, and three days before and after? I’ll try to play up the professional courtesy angle—though I’ll make it clear I’m just there to help a friend, not to write a story.

2019-10-10, 02:06 AM
Do I see the name of a lead officer on the report? And a date?

Officer Henstridge, July 27th, 1920

Arnoldsberg, 5:02 PM, October 1st, 1921

You head to the Arnoldsberg Advertiser and see that, while rather small, it is still sizable considering the population of this small town. As you enter you find yourself immediately overwhelmed by the sheer amount of activity going on in the small building. Even compared to the gazette, it seems quite clear that things are rather chaotic in this place (albeit not necessarily productive). However, as you enter, one of the workers, comes up to you and remarks in one long breath. "Why hello there, I'm Artie Mallory, and I'm afraid that I can't just let anyone stroll in here, we're busy you know, but why don't you come back tomorrow, I'm sure that you'll be able to... ask any questions or do whatever it is you want to do when we're much less busy, thanks, bye!" She then starts to turn away from you to resume her work.
However, as mentioned, you quickly catch her and explain that you're a fellow journalist hoping to help out a friend.
Artie looks towards a door that leads to what presumably is the basement, or the newspaper's morgue. "Well I suppose you can use our morgue, and any notes we have on cases should also be attached to the article in question... hope that helps!" She then rushes off without a second's notice, leaving you to sort through a massive amount of files of newspapers in years past (which are not in the most organized of morgues).

Please give me a Library Use roll (due to the disorganization).

2019-10-10, 02:13 AM
Entering the morgue, I take a deep breath.

Nothing in the world smells quite as right as the printed word.

I flashback to the days spent digging through the Yeshiva library for references to some old commandment or philosophy, as I start orienting myself to their system...

Library Use:[roll0]

2019-10-10, 02:15 AM
Oh, is that one away, or two away from a hard success? If it matters, I’ll go ahead and use luck points to bring it down.

2019-10-10, 02:17 AM
Oh, is that one away, or two away from a hard success? If it matters, I’ll go ahead and use luck points to bring it down.

Technically it is one away, however... using luck is a variant rule which I'm not implementing yet (that was actually my one fear as they cover variant rules and treat them as standard).

2019-10-10, 02:17 AM
Lol ok, no problem

2019-10-10, 02:22 AM
Arnoldsberg, 5:48 PM, October 1st, 1921

It takes you a little while to actually understand the system of organization (which you dub the Artie Mallory system), but eventually, you're able to look through everything and... there really isn't that much there. For a paper that seems to print almost everything such as the Advertiser you're surprised that there's not more information. There's a small "Have You Seen This Man?" ad on one issue, another that contains a brief explanation for the ongoing search for Douglas Kimball, "Officers have gone door to door, circulating Mr. Kimball's photo far and wide in search of anyone who might recognize this man." and yet one more that simply notes the eventual conclusion of the search and the lack of results.
You're pondering over this when Artie peaks her head in and once more quickly fires off a sentence, "We're closing up about now so you'd best on be getting out of here, don't want to get stuck down here as you'd have to wait until morning, ahaha..." She then departs, presumably cleaning up and heading home, leaving you outside as the sun is setting on Arnoldsberg.

2019-10-10, 02:26 AM
Welp, I’ve learned my lesson about being out after dark. I head back to the house. If there’s still a little bit of light to spare, I’ll detour though the graveyard on the way back, see if I note anything interesting. Since I’m supposed to be keeping an open mind...

2019-10-10, 09:43 AM
Arnoldsberg, 6:02 PM, October 1st, 1921

There's a little bit of light left, so you check out the cemetery. As you enter you notice it's reasonably well-tended, although the vegetation is quite abundant, with lots of tall bushes and ancient trees dotting the spaces between the gravestones and tombs. It's quite clear the cemetery has been here for many years. You spot a gardener who is digging a variety of weeds at the far side of the cemetery. As you begin to explore he turns and waves a curt hello and then returns to his work. You begin to look around the cemetery, quickly canvasing it while there is still light.

Please give me an Extreme Spot Hidden roll.

2019-10-10, 01:42 PM
Extreme Spot Hidden: [roll0]

2019-10-10, 01:45 PM
Hmm, one away... I guess I’d like to push that? I’m not sure how that would work in this situation, though... I’ll do a little more research on pushing rolls and come back to update.

2019-10-10, 01:48 PM
Wow... again, very sorry, but... sometimes that's just how the dice fall.

Arnoldsberg, 6:29 PM, October 1st, 1921

There really is not too much here, and what is here is old and weathered, you spend a little bit of time poking around the weeds and other vegetation, but nothing truly springs out at you. At this point, twilight has passed and it's starting to get dark. The gardener is also looking rather strangely at you poking around in the garden.

Pushing a roll is generally offered by the keeper, but theoretically, you can do it. For spot hidden it might be taking more time to observe the area, digging up the vegetation, etc...

2019-10-10, 01:51 PM
Ah ok. Yeah I’m this case I’ll pass on the push, especially since Izzy doesn’t know there’s anything to find.

I’ll head back to the house. Is Mary there?

2019-10-10, 02:49 PM
For the record, I will oftentimes offer a roll even if there is nothing to find. This is not because I'm a horrible mean person (even though I am :smallbiggrin:), but... well... actually I probably don't have to explain this all to you :smalltongue:

You enter the home and see Mary taking a meatloaf out of the oven and Thomas setting the table for three. "Why hello there, you must be Izzy. Thomas and I just wanted to thank you so much for all of your work in this case, it's really given him some piece of mind." Mary looks over as you enter with a sweet smile and her hair neatly done back in a bun. Thomas nods in affirmation of his wife's sentiment. "Anyway, dinner is practically served Yitzhak, so why don't you go on and have a seat at the table. I'm sure you've had a hard day's work, what with the driving and investigating and all." Her pronunciation of your name is quite surprisingly apt, and she informs you that one of her best friends (Nechama) is Jewish so she had a little bit of experience with that growing up.
Thomas finishes his task and sits down at the table as well (presuming you do), he seems even more at ease now that he's in the company of his spouse. "So, did you happen to find anything Mr. Laskov?" He looks at you with hopeful eyes.

2019-10-10, 03:01 PM
Well, I was able to take a look at the police report; I also stopped by the newspaper and dug through their archives for any potentially relevant information around the time of the disappearance. I’m sorry to say, nothing really stood out as relevant. But I’ll continue to think on it tonight; I often find patterns can come together better after a good night’s sleep.

Mary, I’d like to get some of your recollections of the disappearance itself, and of the theft the other
night. Would you be willing to share what you remember?

2019-10-10, 11:34 PM
Thomas looks down, slightly defeated but then raises his head. "You, um, you know, I actually remembered something." He then glances over towards his wife "I think my uncle might have had a journal of some kind. I remember seeing him write in this little black book of his it said Death Note. I haven't seen it since, but maybe that could help?"
As you begin to question her, she nods along, "Why of course. Thomas and I were sleeping, and, um, from what I recall, Thomas suddenly got out of bed. I was a bit confused and all, he said to check on something and headed downstairs... he came back upstairs, and... I think that was it. I'm afraid I was a bit tired in the moment as well, so my recollection is not the greatest, but... in the morning we awoke, and Thomas passed by the study and suddenly cried out that books were missing and we'd been robbed. Honestly... that was it, he happened to pick up the alumni paper, saw an ad for your society, and thought that this qualified as something 'unexplained.'" She looks over towards her husband, who's nodding along all the while to corroborate his wife's tale.
"As for the dissapearance, well, we were headed over for a family gathering, remember Thomas?" She lightly elbows him, which causes for the slightest grin to form on his face. "Now that was when we had the whole tie debacle. Eventually, when we managed to arrive, everyone in the family found out he was missing, given nobody was answering the door. We offered to check things out, have a look around, and now, well... we've sort of just... moved in."

2019-10-11, 01:57 AM
I’ll finish dinner, asking some questions about the uncle’s life —where his money came from, what kind of things he talked about, etc.

If nothing that seems useful comes up, I’ll head to the study after dinner and start looking around for a little black journal.

2019-10-11, 11:44 AM
Thomas nods along as you ask said questions, "My uncle rarely talked, preferring to stay and, well, read, really, but whenever he did come out, he would always tell the most, erm, the most wonderful of stories."
Mary adds in a bit of clarification for you, "He was a fledgling author you see, but I'm not sure if he ever published anything." She looks towards his husband for confirmation and Thomas shakes his head as a response.
As you ask about his financial situation Thomas grimaces slightly, "I'm a bit ashamed to, well, to admit that much of my money comes from my family. I still make, of course, an honest living, mind you, but I believe, at least I think, that Douglas lived off of my grandfather for most of his life."

Arnoldsberg, 7:02 PM, October 1st, 1921

You then eventually head into the study and try and sort through the myriad stacks and bookshelves, hoping that maybe with some proper organization, a clue can be discovered!

Please give me a Spot Hidden roll.

2019-10-11, 03:04 PM
Spot hidden: [roll0]

2019-10-11, 03:15 PM
Arnoldsberg, 12:39 AM, October 2nd, 1921

You've spent almost six hours pouring over and cleaning up all of the books in Douglas Kimball's study, hoping to discover information. Thomas pokes his head in now and again to see how everything is going, but you feel like you're barely making any progress. Nothing here hints to what the burglar actually stole or Douglas Kimball's own whereabouts. Even more time passes as moonlight shines high through the window. You feel weariness wash over you as you're about to turn in and resume your search in the morning when you notice it, there's a key. Looking around the room, you suddenly realize that underneath one of the masses of books is actually a desk, removing the books you find a lock... and put the key inside.

It's not a distinguished book per se, but unlike literally every single other book in his study, this one does not have a title. It's rather small and appears to be... a journal. You've done it, but you can barely keep your eyes open, you'll read this in the morning.

Arnoldsberg, 12:06 PM, October 2nd, 1921

With a brief skim it seems quite clear that Douglas did not lead a very interesting life (despite the length and thoroughness of his entries), and yet, every book that he read seemed (according to what he wrote) to give him immense pleasure. It was as if he was living out a myriad of interesting lives all at the same time, or at least, that's how he describes it in his journal. Eventually, you reach the end, wherein you find the following two pages.

If you would like a transcript...August 25th,
Dear diary, it has been an incredibly frustrating day. It seems like you remain my constant companion throughout these troubled times. Well, you and my other books of course. I am truly uncertain about what would ever happen if I were to somehow leave them. The people of this town have very little if any imagination. They simply exist and go about their monotonous lives, living in insolence. Not only that, but despite this, they nevertheless demand things of me. Even now I am sure that there is going to be some sort of family gathering in merely a few weeks. Nevertheless, I have had the most intriguing experience. I managed to discover something, a creature, unlike any animal known to my fellow men, moving about the cemetery throughout the night while I read. It seemed to pay me no mind, but I saw it slip down the network of tunnels below the cemetery. I cannot help but be astounded and amazed by such a revelation. I must admit, it is simply possible that I have been dreaming, I was reading Bram Stoker’s Dracula, but I think this would be an excellent source for some inspiration for a book.
Douglas Kimball

August 30th, 1920

Dear diary. I have been thinking about it, and I am now reaching a decision. There is little here right now, and in all honesty, I feel that I should join with my friends below. I am sorry to say goodbye to these entries, but the demands of society are becoming too much. It is time for me to depart. I never got to finish Dracula… Goodbye.

Douglas Kimball

You happen to ask Thomas for more information about Douglas' disappearance and you realize that the final entry is dated the day before Douglas vanished.

Arnoldsberg, 12:37 PM, October 2nd, 1921

You have just finished a most marvelous lunch of tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches (which apparently were popular in the 1920s), courtesy of Thomas (who appears to actually be a decent chef himself). As while you're eating, he happens to ask. "So, Izzy, did you happen to find anything?" You notice he seems to be more at ease now that you're on the case. As he awaits your answer he leans in closer.

2019-10-11, 03:24 PM
English: [roll0]

It looks like the date/time markers in the prior post may be off? I’ll just assume it’s just after noon on Sunday when I finish the journal and lunch, and Thomas asks the question.

2019-10-11, 03:26 PM
Yes, the final timestamp was intended to be PM, my bad!

2019-10-11, 03:43 PM

I tell him about the journal, and the passages about somethings living in passages under the graveyard.

I know it sounds very strange... but believe it or not, I’ve seen stranger. I’m planning to see if those tunnels do exist; and if so, I want to see what’s down there.

2019-10-11, 04:10 PM
Both Thomas looks slightly aghast as you mention the cemetery. He does, albeit with the stutter returning to his voice, remark that "I-I remember my statistics professor always said that you s-should look at the data f-from multiple perspectives, observing something from the outside before mak-making any conclusions." He gestures towards the center of town. "Maybe-maybe there could be some information about it these tunnels in-in the library? The newspaper here reports on basically everything." He struggles to give a forced chuckle as he holds up a copy of the Arnoldsberg Advertiser which contains the headline of: "Cow has a Calf!" and other similar scandalous (/s) stories.
He then looks straight at you, "B-but, these things can't exist, right? I thought my uncle was eccentric, b-but strange creatures? That... we sh-should've had someone go and take care of him..." He trails off and looks down defeatedly.

2019-10-11, 04:15 PM
To be honest, it’s highly unlikely he’s discovered a new primate or something similar. But it seems he did plan to go to these tunnels at the time of his disappearance.

Checking out the library for information on the tunnels is a great idea. I’ll head there first before searching the graveyard. If I do find any tunnels, I’ll let you know before I head in.

2019-10-11, 04:19 PM
Thomas nods, albeit the shakiness and fear is obvious.

2019-10-11, 04:25 PM
I’ll head to the library.

2019-10-11, 04:32 PM
And see if I can find: 1) anything written by the Uncle; 2) his check-out record; 3) Any newspaper articles about tunnels or strange creature sightings; 4) Any books about local tunnels or local strange creature sightings.

2019-10-11, 07:48 PM
Arnoldsberg, 12:48 PM, October 2nd, 1921

You head out of the house and pass by the other couple of houses in the neighborhood. A couple of people look at you strangely, as it is a small town and you're not exactly a resident (you are also Jewish, and the Jewish population made up 0.7% of NH in 1920, so Jews are not exactly a... regular sight), but there's no maliciousness behind their gaze. You soon pass by the graveyard and eventually makes it to the center of town with all of its trappings as a small village community (as I said before newspaper, cafe, general store, library, police department, etc...).

You head into the library, which, while rather small, is still sizable considering the size of this small town. Several townsfolk are milling around, reading books, piling them into a stack, checking some out, and so on and so forth.

2019-10-11, 08:37 PM
Ok. I’ll start by finding a librarian, and seeing if they can help me figure out how to search for old newspaper articles.

2019-10-12, 02:45 AM
The librarian nods and points you out towards their section of periodicals. They're then called away, and satisfied that their work is done, they head off to help someone else in need. Meanwhile, it's time to sort through the papers in the best part of Call of Cthulhu... reading!

Arnoldsberg, 4:01 PM, October 2nd, 1921Arnoldsberg, 2:20 PM, October 2nd, 1921Arnoldsberg, 1:01 PM, October 2nd, 1921
You search for some time until eventually, you find it! Although... you're not entirely sure what it is. You were searching for anything related to Douglas Kimball, the graveyard, or tunnels and this just... happened to catch your eye, given the title it's quite understandable, but when you had an actual read you realize there might be something there other than simply sensationalist journalism.
However, you realize something. Given your new occupation as a journalist, and from your time in the Advertiser morgue, you saw several notes there from certain stories. Could it be possible that this clipping also has notes as well?Arnoldsberg, 3:42 PM, October 2nd, 1921

You've searched and searched and searched, and it's getting a bit late. The crowd has mostly left at this point and it's really just you and a couple of stragglers. They'll probably close up soon, but you still haven't found anything. Nevertheless, you're positive that maybe with a bit more time...

You may Push the roll if you so wish. I don't want to do too many layers of spoilers, so if you want to Push the roll, just make the roll and I'll make an appropriate post. Of course, you don't have to push the roll. Feel free to do whatever you want.

2019-10-12, 03:06 PM
Library use: [roll0]

2019-10-12, 03:15 PM
Top drawer! I’ll want to make sure to leave with enough time to swing by the newspaper archive before it closes.

I then head over to the library’s (hopefully existent) card catalogue, and see what I can find in terms of books. Local tunnels, graveyard info, or (just in case) anything Written by the uncle.

2019-10-12, 04:16 PM
Arnoldsberg, 2:49 PM, October 2nd, 1921

Nothing seems to spring out at you per se, nor do you notice anything written by Douglas Kimball himself after briefly looking over the catalogue. However, you maybe could find something with several hours more of searching? Then again, you didn't find anything with a cursory inspection so is there anything to find? Plus you wanted to check out the Newspaper...

If you would like to spend several more hours here searching through the shelves make a Library Use roll, you may, and the results will be listed below. However, it is important to note that this is not required, and you are fully free to head somewhere else.

Arnoldsberg, 4:58 PM, October 2nd, 1921

Nothing, you've found absolutely nothing, and by this point, a librarian calls out that the library is closing... you shake your head in frustration. Not wanting to get locked inside, you depart.

Well, that was upsetting... where to next? Arnoldsberg, 4:58 PM, October 2nd, 1921

Nothing, you've found absolutely nothing, although... maybe there might be more if you could just spend a little bit more time here? Then again, it's getting late and the library is probably closing soon.

You may Push the roll if you so choose; otherwise, you can simply leave and go try and do something else.

2019-10-13, 12:18 AM
I’ll head over to the newspaper, to check for notes related to the “nude cavorting in the graveyard” clipping.

2019-10-13, 12:25 AM
For the record, I'll be using the 36 you rolled earlier as I don't want to have too much rerolling.

Arnoldsberg, 5:33 PM, October 2nd, 1921

You return to the newspaper, and head down below. Given the state that the morgue is in, you take quite a bit of time searching through to find the information regarding the previous article. Eventually, after skimming over a set of notes relating to: "Local Donor Gives One Book to Library!" you manage to uncover a set of notes appears to have some intriguing information...
Artie comes by right as you finish reading, and she fires off "Oh! You're still here; I was almost going to close up on you, so it's a good thing you didn't stay too much longer; hope you found what you wanted, as I'm happy to help out a fellow journalist; anyway, I'm locking everything up so you better head out!

2019-10-13, 12:41 AM
I’ll head back to the house. If there’s still daylight, I’ll pass through the graveyard again, this time looking for anything that could House an entrance to underground tunnels; a mausoleum, large bush, maintenance house, etc.

(Spot hidden roll, if needed: [roll0] )

If there’s no daylight; or I don’t find anything, I’ll head back to the house.

2019-10-13, 12:43 PM
You pass by the graveyard once more. The gardener is even more confused as most people don't come to the graveyard, much less twice in one day. Nevertheless, you poke in several of the many mausoleums and still find nothing.

Arnoldsberg, 6:29 PM, October 2nd, 1921

As you enter, both Mary and Thomas are preparing for dinner: a nice meal of mutton, potatoes, beets, and a roll. Thomas looks over in your direction, "How's the investigation going? Were you, um able to find anything about those... tunnels?" You see him muster up the courage to actually mention such things. Mary, not having heard about these tunnels previously looks over at her husband like he's in an even worse state than he already is.

Trying to lighten the mood, Mary comments: "Would you like to have some dinner, we prepared for three, of course."

2019-10-13, 03:12 PM
Nothing about the tunnels, unfortunately. I fear that may be a dead-end. But I’d like to review the journal and my notes, and think on it overnight. Maybe some other path will appear.

Mary, dinner sounds wonderful. Thanks to the both of you for your hospitality. I apologize I’ve been able to find so little.

2019-10-13, 08:05 PM
Reminder that the motorcoach leaves tomorrow morning.

Mary shakes her head, "You've been most kind to Thomas and I, Yitzhak, and from what I've heard, you've managed to uncover his uncle's journal." She looks towards her husbands, "Although I too find the portions you described to him... strange, at the very least, despite whatever ramblings happened later in his life, we have something to remember him by, isn't that right, Thomas?"
Thomas nods, agreeing with his wife, "Yes, and well, with you on the case, and actually finding things out about what's happened, things have somewhat settled down. My uncle is simply gone from this earth, some burglars stole his books, and that's that... Plus with his writings I'll at least have something the family can share as his 'goodbye' message." However, as he finishes, he realizes something. "You know, um, Yit... Izzy, I realized that maybe it's possible that the thief might return... just to, I don't know, comfort us," He puts his arm around his wife's shoulder. "If it's not too much trouble, I mean, um, could you maybe watch the house? Just in case whoever stole such items returns for more valuable ones?" Mary looks rather surprised at her husband's bold endeavor, but a slight smile replaces it, her husband is finally regaining his inner strength from the traumatizing events from the past.
"Of course, you don't have to. I'm sure that Thomas only means that it would give us a great amount of security if you were to help us in this way." She nods, trying to make sure you understand.

2019-10-15, 01:15 PM
I’m not sure what you mean. Watch the house, as in stay here? For how long? I’m afraid my return ticket is booked for tomorrow morning...

2019-10-15, 01:27 PM
Thomas shakes his head, "Oh, sorry, um, you misunderstand me. I mean a, um, sort of from maybe the outside?" (huh, apparently stake-out wasn't really popularized until the 1940's). He looks confused, unsure if he's clearly getting his point across.
Mary shakes her head. "I think what Thomas means is just observing the house during the night to make sure that this burglar doesn't return. I don't know if this single event will help, but..." She looks towards Thomas, who smiles faintly. "I hope it will."

2019-10-15, 01:38 PM
Ah, I understand now—that’s a dilly of an idea! I’d be happy to.

I’ll ask if I can brew up some coffee; and if there’s a chair and a dark-colored blanket they wouldn’t mind me using. I’ll then go scope out a good vantage point of the window (and the graveyard). If there’s a place with cover, even better.

What’s the light situation outside? If I recall from the prior night, it was a new moon. No streetlights out here in the countryside, I presume?

2019-10-15, 01:49 PM
You see the couple breathe an audible sigh of relief. Maybe finally they'll have some peace and quiet. The dinner turns lighter, as both appear to be more comfortable now that your investigation is coming to a close. The conversation picks up with a recounting of rather humorous moments Mary has had while serving as a serviceboard operator ("The things people say over the phone, why I'd imagine much less embaressing events would occur if they realized everything they said could be heard by anybody." [huh...]).
Nevertheless, eventually dinner winds down. You manage to get a nice cup of coffee, an aluminum folding chair, and a kerosene lantern just in case you need to see in the dead of night (also yes October 2nd, 1921 was apparently a new moon, and there aren't really any streetlights, especially this far from the center of town).

Arnoldsberg, 7:15 PM, October 2nd, 1921

You wait outside, looking towards the study and the graveyard. Ever so slowly, the evening shifts to night, and the outside grows darker. However, the night grows ever longer, the lack of moonlight sends everything into pitch black, and you begin to become bored and distracted, this stakeout seems like an eternity.

Please give me a Constitution roll with a bonus die because coffee!

2019-10-15, 02:41 PM
Constitution: [roll0]
Bonus: [roll1]

2019-10-15, 02:42 PM
Constitution: [roll0]
Bonus: [roll1]

Oy Vey! What’s in this coffee?

2019-10-15, 03:58 PM
Well... that's an extreme pass so you're incredibly alert.

This coffee is clearly the bee's knees, as you feel buzzed (heh) and rush off to do your work, observing the cemetery, the household, but especially the window to the study. You watch... and you watch... and you watch...

Arnoldsberg, 9:48 PM, October 2nd, 1921

The energy from the coffee keeps you up for several hours, as you stave the boredom off by reciting the Torah (random example). Suddenly, your watching proves useful... you see a figure, it must have snuck past your vision in the dark of night, but you see it now with the flash of your lantern as it leaps out of the window carrying a stack of books, and begins to rush off towards the graveyard...
https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/89722748/j6DlNCUsaSgGjrtE4GIUWA/max.png?1566317608 (ignore the moon)

What do you do?

2019-10-15, 10:48 PM
I grab the lantern (still unlit) and try to quickly and quietly follow the figure. If it’s moving too fast for me to follow quietly, I’ll burst into a run. I want to make sure I see exactly where it goes, if it’s going to duck into a tunnel.

2019-10-16, 01:44 AM
Oh... I had assumed that you had flashed your lantern in order to get a better view of the movement you were seeing (given that otherwise it would just look like some movement in the bushes). Erm... for now we'll say that you were able to see this because some candlelight was left on in the study?

You creep up towards the creature, until realizing that it knows the layout of the cemetery like the back of its hand and also is moving quite quickly. You're going to have to rush after it, but you still do your best to keep silent along with avoiding the lush vegetation of the graveyard which the figure seems to navigate with ease (you also notice the figure, although disappearing into the darkness, is headed towards the rear of the cemetery where the mausoleums and larger tombs are).

Please give me a combined Hard Stealth and Dexterity roll where you must succeed on both (but still one single d100 roll).

2019-10-16, 01:49 AM
Ah, my apologies! I missed that you said I’d seen it via the lantern. But yes, this works.

Izzy tries to channel the speed and sure-footedness of the Maccabees; fully aware that his life of quiet study in the hearts of big cities was probably not the best preparation for this moment.


2019-10-16, 01:52 AM
Welp, that's a fumble.

Summoning the strength of your heritage... you trip over a root you fall to the ground with a sudden CRASH. You also hear the sound of a certain glass item you're holding shattering. The figure turns, and for a moment the far-away light from the study illuminates the figure's glasses as it breaks off into a sprint, dashing almost out of view. There's almost certainly no way that you're going to catch all the way up to it at this point, and to be honest, it's escaping from your weak human vision (if only you were a dwarf! :smalltongue:).

2019-10-16, 01:56 AM
"Wait!"I call after him."I must speak with you!"
If he doesn't respond to that, I follow it with"I can bring you new books!"

2019-10-16, 02:00 AM
As you call out the figure pauses for a moment and is about to turn around disregarding your initial cry when you make your second declaration. It's interest seems piqued as it halts for but a moment; however, you're able to just barely see it shake its bald head as if coming to some sort of conclusion. It turns and heads off, albeit seemingly saddened by this "conversation." You get to your feet and try and get closer, but the distance is still great. At this point the figure seems to have reached its destination, and you realize that it's only a matter of time before it makes its escape...

What do you do...?

2019-10-16, 02:06 AM
I run after him, or in the direction I last saw him heading if I can't see him.

"Your family! I just need to know what to tell them--they're going to keep looking otherwise... "

2019-10-16, 02:08 AM
Well, looks like ya' figured it out (admittedly you also figured it out in the beginning, but shrug).

The figure moves away from the mausoleum door, as it eventually ends up sitting on a tombstone and pulls out one of the books, seemingly waiting for you. As you approach, it comes fully into view.


As you then fully see it in its entirety, it sets down its book and says simply: "Let us speak." It is at this moment that you are certain, this... creature, with its rubbery-skin, hoof-like feet, canine features, and terribly sharp claws, is (somehow) without a doubt, Douglas Kimball.

Please give me a Sanity roll.

2019-10-16, 02:22 AM

As I gasp for breath...I hold my hands slightly up, palms open, in a "I'm not holding anything I'm not a threat" motion...

"What.... what are--"

--hold on, that's not the way to get him to talk to you--

"I...I know you don't like company, so I'll keep this brief. My name is Yitzhak, and, um... I too, have spent most of my life, dedicated to the written word... I found your journal... Will you talk with me for a short while?"

2019-10-16, 02:24 AM
Heh, can't even preview with a roll, huh?

here goes for real, Sanity roll: [roll0]

2019-10-16, 02:46 AM
That is sadly a failure, which means that Izzy has lost 2 sanity, and because you failed the roll, I take an involuntary action for you.

You let out a sudden, ear-piercing scream as she sees the inhuman creature standing in front of you. This... creature is Douglas Kimball? The man who loved books? The uncle to someone whose house he's staying in, he had a family... how could it be...?

Eventually, you manage to calm yourself down, while Douglas simply raises an eyebrow during your screams and mental exchange. He gives you a moment to gather yourself and calm down, only to finish by plainly asking: "Are you done?"

As I gasp for breath...I hold my hands slightly up, palms open, in a "I'm not holding anything I'm not a threat" motion...

"What.... what are--"

--hold on, that's not the way to get him to talk to you--

"I...I know you don't like company, so I'll keep this brief. My name is Yitzhak, and, um... I too, have spent most of my life, dedicated to the written word... I found your journal... Will you talk with me for a short while?"

The thing that once was, or is Douglas Kimball, smiles a toothy smile, inside you see a row of horribly sharp teeth, and you cannot help but think of if a wolf's mouth was somehow transfused into a humans... The thought makes you nauseous.
It responds to your initial attempt at communication first. "Do not worry... such is an appropriate response I have expected amongst your kind, but have no fear. I am still me; although, speaking of which... who are you?"

As you then try and restart the conversation the creature looks at you like a dingo watches a human baby (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doMJc_2eBE0). "Splendid to make your acquaintance, Yitzhak. Hebrew, I believe? If I'm not mistaken the meaning translates to something along the lines of laughter, no?" You notice that despite its obvious physical changes, its enunciation is spotless. This creature clearly has a near-perfect understanding of the English language. "But it is glad to finally meet a peer. Nevertheless, your query. I would be happy to talk for a while, although I must leave before the rising of the sun, so hopefully your definition of short while is equivalent to what I presume to be under... eight and a half hours or so by my estimate."

Give me a Psychology roll.

2019-10-16, 03:39 AM
Psychology: [roll0]

2019-10-16, 09:58 AM
You gather that this creature has not spoken in a full-on conversation in an incredibly long time.

I was going to make this a spoiler, so that my post wouldn't just be this, but then I sorta... fell asleep.

2019-10-16, 11:01 AM
I chuckle nervously.

"8 hours should more than suffice. And yes you're absolutely right, Yitzhak translates to 'He will laugh'."

"How did you accomplish this... transformation? And why?"

"Where did you go?"

"Are there others like you?"

2019-10-16, 11:21 AM
The creature nods, "I surmised as much." As you begin to ask the questions he follows you, but you cannot help but shiver as he clacks his claws together while you speak.
Once you finish, the creature that was at one point Douglas Kimball, but still might be, straightens its back and clears its throat. "I'm afraid, my good sir, that I was just too tired of my mundane existence among... well... all of you. The only thing which I desired was to be left alone and to read my books." It subsequently looks down at the pile of books which it "stole."
"I wished for this, and yet no matter what would happen, everyone would be constantly making demands on me, sending me mail, bills, and whatnot." It then looks towards the mausoleum into which it was heading towards. "So I ventured below, and now life is splendid. I need not for money, suits are not required for a dinner, I don't have to meet people, although yes there are 'others' per se, and being around the others is fine at mealtimes, but most importantly... I may read whenever I want." The creature smiles as it makes that last declaration, showing a row of massively sharp knives for teeth, and you get a feeling that if it wanted to, it could most likely bite a chunk of your head off.

2019-10-16, 11:52 AM
"That's great! I'm glad you found a place you are happy with. But, why do you appear so different?"

2019-10-16, 12:01 PM
The creature takes on a puzzled complexion, it's pointy ears wiggling seemingly of their own accord. "A byproduct of my prolonged exposure to the world below, I presume." It then stares at you pointedly, its features becoming rigid as it bores into you. "You mentioned, Yitzhak, something concerning my family? I presume Thomas noticed my 'intrusions,' then?" It subconsciously stamps its hooves. "I had hoped he would not discover my 'thievery,' but that seems all for naught if they are apparently searching for me..."

2019-10-16, 12:13 PM
I wither a little under his inhuman stare.

"Yes. They asked me to come out to investigate the missing books, as well as to look into your disappearance."

2019-10-16, 12:16 PM
It turns towards the house, appearing to have almost a slight twinge of longing. "He cannot know, nothing can change my mind on this."


It then turns back towards you, "You know, I've just been weary. I've been... alive for more than half a century, and the only time I felt like I was living when I was reading. The mundane world which my nephew so dutifully lives in, was not intended for me."

It looks towards the tomb again, "I cannot visit this place anymore. This..." it holds up the books that it... "stole" from itself. "Was my final foray into my, no Thomas' home. It is not mine anymore. The others have said that we must move, too much commotion, too much fuss." Only to turn back towards you, "I am afraid I must now depart. There is much to see out there in the world below, and I think..." It chuckles as it begins to stand up and collect its books. "I believe that I shall author a novel; finally I feel that I have done something in this life worth writing about."

It then gets to its hooves "It was a pleasure speaking with you, the one who laughs, and although your devotion to humans, including my nephew is admirable. I'm afraid it is something that I was never able to muster." He slowly begins to walk off, before noting: "As much as you would like to, I beg of you, do not tell him that I am still alive. It is better if he thinks me dead and gone. If he is concerned about the books, simply say that there was a burglar who returned, but you scared him off, I doubt he'd notice the absence of these additional tomes." It shakes the books as evidence. "It is for the best, I assure you."

It then begins clopping off towards the tomb.

2019-10-17, 12:38 AM
I don't follow, but I watch and note where he's heading for as long as I can see him.

"Shalom aleichem, fraynd," I say softly.

I brush myself off, pick up the pieces of the lantern that I can find, and head back to the house. I quietly pack up my things, and --too wound-up to sleep-- sit on the bed to reflect on what I'd found.

I intend to share the story the creature suggested with Thomas and Mary when they wake up. That the thief had been a mere cat burglar. I gave chase, and while I didn't get a good look at the young man's face in the dark, I have no doubt that he has been scared off.

I'm not accustomed to lying, especially to honest people; but I know it's for the best, so I practice the lie. I intend to leave as soon as possible after telling them, to minimize any awkwardness.

2019-10-17, 12:44 AM
The creature nods in affirmation... "Maybe I shall find you if I ever return to this land, Yitzhak."

You look towards Douglas, or at least, what was Douglas, if it is not him anymore, as he departs (huh, pronoun change). He clops over towards the tomb, laden down by his books, and then creeps inside the mausoleum. A few brief moments of silence pass until you hear a heavy THOOM, the sound of rock falling on rock, from within. Neither Douglas, nor what he called "The Others" shall be returning anytime soon.

With an utterly confused mind, you mull over the events that just occurred as you walk towards the Kimball residence. A man, an absolutely normal man, has become a... creature, that lives below the surface of the earth and looks like... that? This alone should be impossible, but the facts are plain to see, and a conclusion must be made. There are other creatures on this earth... you are not alone.

With the truth of the situation, albeit, the unpleasant truth, you lose 1 sanity point. However, this truth also gives you more insight to the world at large (as instead of reading an ancient grimoire about strange mythos creatures you’ve basically talked with one), granting you 3 points in the Cthulhu Mythos skill (this also decreases your feasible maximum sanity down to 96).

You arrive at the home, weary from the tumultuous experience your mind has just undergone... will you ever be the same again?

Arnoldsberg, 8:29 AM, October 3rd, 1921

You hear the sound of the upstairs door opening as the words of Douglas, or whatever it was, play in your head like a radio jingle. As you stumble into the dining room, you see Mary and Thomas look up with your arrival. Mary looks at your rather bedraggled condition and notes, "I see someone didn't sleep well last night." Meanwhile, Thomas looks at you.

His eyes implore you, with every ounce of his being, hoping that you've uncovered something, something that will put his mind at rest, to give him hope that his life is not as crazy as he thinks. Of course, will the truth give him that solace? Your reverie is abruptly halted as Thomas asks, simply, and quite plainly: "Well, did you find anything?"

I didn't want to deprive you of this moment so...

2019-10-17, 01:01 AM
I grimace, hopefully convincingly."Yes and no."

"The thief, as it turns out, was just a common cat burglar. He attempted to steal from the book collection again last night-- why that was his target, I can only guess. But I chased him off. As you can see, I'm not much of a threat... and yet, he was quite spooked. Ran like the wind as soon as he realized he'd been spotted. I can only assume he hadn't thought his prior theft noticed. I wasn't able to get a good look at his face in the dark, and he was much too fast for me, unfortunately. But the good news is, given how frightened he was, I'm quite certain he won't be back."

"Ah, the other bad news,"I put on an embarrassed expression, "...in my sad attempt at a chase, I managed to drop the lamp you gave me. My sincere apologies."

2019-10-17, 01:03 AM
No need to roll anything, this somewhat matches up what Thomas had been expecting.

Thomas breathes a sigh of relief, albeit, it seems to be full of grief as well. However, clearly a lot of the stress and tension from his fear of the home intrusion has also departed. "Ah, so this has nothing to do with my uncle then... I thought... maybe." His wife holds his shoulders. "I'm sorry to have involved you in all of this. But, it seems like you've solved everything, even recovering some of my uncle's writings!" He then fishes something out of his pocket. "Here, you've earned it. It's a bit less than expected... to cover the damages from the lamp, of course, but still... Thank you." He hands you a mixed amount of bills equaling up to around $8.

Mary then looks at you as well. "You've brought my husband and I some much-needed solace. Thank you so much. If there's anything else we can do for you, just let us know." However, right as she finishes, she suddenly realizes something, "My, the coach to Arkham I believe leaves at nine! Here, this should be enough to cover the return trip. Safe travels!" She hands you a dollar give or take, enough for the coach ride.

2019-10-17, 01:22 AM
Oh! I'd best get going. Thank you for your hospitality, and I'm glad I was able to help. The next time you're in Arkham, please do let me know.

I smile and tip my hat; then grab my bag, and hurry out the door.

2019-10-17, 01:23 AM
You depart from the Kimball house, boarding the motorcoach soon after. It's a bit of a drive back to Arkham, but nevertheless that gives you time to collect some of your thoughts. You faced a harrowing encounter yesterday, chilling you to your core, and yet, Douglas spoke of leaving humanity forever, and you cannot help but feel some solace in this simple truth. This is one monstrous being, at any rate, who is not planning on returning. Thus, Thomas Kimball can sleep soundly again, without fear of further burglaries.

This calm means that you may roll 1d6 and add it to your current sanity.

Time passes. The motorcoach drives over hills and bridges as you look out and see the wonderful landscape of New Hampshire. However, amongst the natural beauty of the world, you cannot help but wonder... what else is out there?


Congratulations! You have survived this adventure as well. You may keep your investigator sheet and use it in the next Call of Cthulhu scenario. If I have noted that you have succeeded in any skills, you will have a chance to improve them through experience (I believe you succeeded in Law, Psychology, Spot Hidden, and Library Use rolls).
The End.

2019-10-18, 11:25 AM
Regained sanity: [roll0]

Skills used:
Law [roll1]
Psychology [roll2]
Spot Hidden [roll3]
Library Use [roll4]

2019-10-18, 11:28 AM
Ok so IIRC, that’s a gain in Law and Library Use since they’re failed rolls. So a d10 each for the gain?

Law: [roll0]
Library Use: [roll1]

And then do I update my sheet myself? (If so, was anything —like the sanity loss from earlier—already noted?)

2019-10-18, 11:51 AM
Ok so IIRC, that’s a gain in Law and Library Use since they’re failed rolls. So a d10 each for the gain?

Law: [roll0]
Library Use: [roll1]

And then do I update my sheet myself? (If so, was anything —like the sanity loss from earlier—already noted?)

Your sheet should be updated in full at this point at the same link I sent to you previously. Now all we have to do is finish that final question and we'll be good to go!