View Full Version : seeking pre-made/pregenerated 3.5 PC character sheets

2019-10-08, 11:38 AM
Good afternoon friends. I'm starting a 3.5 game for my young sons (grades 2 through 7) and their friends. The style will be an "open-table" dungeon delve, by which I mean that players can drop in an out, session by session; I also anticipate a moderate death toll.

Therefore, I'd like to have a stock of pre-made character sheets ready, for players to choose from, so they can jump right in. I've searched online, but can't find what I would have expected would be common - collections of ready to go character sheets, with basic equipment, and for spell-casters, ideally, spell sheets to like HeroForge makes.

If need be I'll sit down with Heroforge for a couple of hours and make them myself, but it feels like it would be re-inventing the wheel.

So, before doing that, I'm posting here first to ask the forum community for help - either links or sheets (PDF format?) would be welcome.

Thanks, Eph

2019-10-08, 12:16 PM
Most of the pathfinder adventure paths have 4 premade character cards on pdf. starting at level 1-17. if your looking for just pick a character and play those might be the best options for you. since most level one classes are almost identical to 3.5