View Full Version : Spirit Tongue: Where are you?!?

Matron Mother
2019-10-08, 12:32 PM
So, just to give a little background, I'm a DM who undertaking writing my own book to be added to the D&D Wiki 3.5 section that is encompassing a completely different world with maps, races, feats, diseases, kingdoms, et cetera. Its a huge undertaking and very exciting, but I'm hitting some snags along the way like the fact I can't source anything from Pathfinder or D&D Tools on D&D Wiki without getting my hand slapped.

Feel free to check out my work on D&D Wiki called "Tales of Vorrelia" Yes that is also a play on the word Vore, and yes it is adult content. There are lots of link extensions for all the work I've been making and feedback is appreciated!

So, I'm currently working on a new race called the Synpyre (yes its a play on the words Sin, Pyre, and Vampire for a reason), and I've gotten to the point where I'm discussing their official languages.

The first language wasn't hard to find, called Necril which is the language of the Undead and makes sense for them to have it, but the other language that I wanted them to have is known as Spirit Tongue, which while I'm pretty sure both work in the same manner, I just wanted them to have it in case this race travels to other realms like Toril where the influences of the gods are greatly different then on the world they originated from.

The problem is nowhere all of a sudden, can I find descriptions concerning the language Spirit Tongue, which is odd, because I used to never have that problem before. I know the language originated from Oriental Adventurers and after skimming over a pdf of it I couldn't find much descriptions on it there either, just what races actually use the language. Very annoying.

If anyone could come up with a description of how the language functions or can point me in the direction of where to find more info on that language (they had more info on Aklo and Umbral for goodness sakes!) that would be AMAZING!

2019-10-08, 02:00 PM
Okay, first off, you're grossly overestimating everyone's ability to immediately deduce a made-up name's etymological origins. Second, not every language in D&D is going to have detailed descriptions. That said, Oriental Adventures is based on the Rokugan setting. Have you looked at any of the supplemental material for Legend of the Five Rings? I know it has its own lore that's separate from D&D.

Matron Mother
2019-10-12, 11:00 AM
Okay, first off, you're grossly overestimating everyone's ability to immediately deduce a made-up name's etymological origins. Second, not every language in D&D is going to have detailed descriptions. That said, Oriental Adventures is based on the Rokugan setting. Have you looked at any of the supplemental material for Legend of the Five Rings? I know it has its own lore that's separate from D&D.

Haha, that's just my humor, meant no offense by it XD

Sorry it took so long to reply to this, but I really appreciate the reference to LOTFRs as that's something my friends used to play with and I had completely forgotten about. It's been very helpful, and yeah, I probably should keep in mind that I'll have to come up with a lot of my own provision when working on my book.

Thanks for the assistance! :smallbiggrin: