View Full Version : DM Help Adding Magic to Non Magic Creature

2019-10-10, 04:34 PM
So I was running a game for some friends new to 5e. I had this idea for how to play it involving some normal non magic creatures that were getting magical powers from an object. Does anyone see any potential problems from giving low level cantrips (maybe even treating it as a spell) for a normally non magic wild animal? Like a wolf? Or a ram? I’ve found some basic stats for these NPCs and they balance well for low level players, but the idea for the story is that natural creatures are getting magical powers. So throwing a few lighting wolves or sheep or whatever in...makes sense for the plot. I don’t see any issues right now for it. But is there something anyone thinks I’m missing?

2019-10-10, 04:35 PM
Sounds good to me, go for it.

2019-10-10, 05:11 PM
You can do whatever you want in 5e. Seriously.

2019-10-10, 07:47 PM
Please tell me you can capture these creatures in crystal spheres and use them to battle other such captured creatures.

2019-10-10, 11:58 PM
Well, you may have to recalculate CR (if you care about that, like if you're using XP instead of milestones) if the spell offers more damaging option, but that's about it. Flying creatures with ranged attacks may be troublesome (they shouldn't be, but it's surprising how many characters lack ranged options. Or maybe it's just my group).