View Full Version : Oh My God Atomic Robo

2007-10-16, 06:06 PM
So, yeah. sorry for the ALL CAPS RAGE, but I kinda wanted to get everyone's attention.

if you didn't know already, Atomic Robo is a print-only comic book thats being made by Brian Clevinger (8 bit Theater) And Scott Wegener. put briefly, it is the tale of a Robot built by Nikola Tesla as he lives through the 20th century, fighting nazis in WWII and hijinks in the present day.

I preordered back in june when they first opened, and I just got the first issue today.


seriously. the only downside is that its jarringly short if you aren't used to comic books, but its only about $2 bucks an issue. MORE than worth it. Go to any local comic book store and get them to order copies before the first issue runs out.

2007-10-16, 06:48 PM
Aye, I am definitely glad I preordered a copy. But I don't see myself picking up any more individual issues. It had potential, but it is obvious that Clevinger wrote this in the style of a webcomic, rather than a print comic. One or two days between installments is quite different from one or two weeks, and the individual issue just felt jarring.

I figure, it will probably sell well enough to get a TPB (a good many 8-bit fans probably pre-ordered the entire series already), and I will grab it then.

Don't get me wrong, it is still a GREAT comic (better than a lot of Marvel/DC stuff). But it really isn't a one-shot in any sense of the phrase.

2007-10-20, 06:40 PM
I haven't read it.. After all of his ranting about the thing... Brain won't stop talking about it. It's annoyed the hell out of me.

Heck, I'm accually glad that he's talking about his cat. That gives me another 2 weeks before I have to see him write 50 pages on how cool the book is.

I'm not saying that Atomic Robo is stupid, I never read it. I'm just sick of him talking about it.

With everyone talking about it I might give it a go... Though being nerdy as I am I never got interested in any comic books. (Besides Calvin and Hobbes, thats the ONLY one.)
I won't talk any more:smalltongue:.