View Full Version : Adventure plot idea for low to high level campaign

2019-10-11, 11:16 AM
I'd like some ideas to flesh this out or maybe just let someone else take my idea and make it their own.

In an old campaign there was a player who became a Lich, DM said that's what finally happened to him after he gained so much power. Now that old character will be the nemesis of maybe a new one.
His plan is to get more power so he doesn't have to worry about dying from somebody destroying his phylactery or whatever. The idea is to become some kind of demigod or such.
This plan revolves around influencing the Kua-Toa into worshiping him as one of their gods, since the Kua-Toa have the unique ability to create their own gods.

My plan was to have him create carefully staged encounters/plots/scenarios where he "saves" them from some disaster/monster/encroaching settlers/pesky adventurers etc... and also use things like illusions, enchantments/charms and modify memory spells on the Koa-Tua to get them to see him as some type of divine protector.

He might even go so far as to start kidnapping humanoids to turn them into Kua-Toa and use the techniques above to get the end result. Just enough to get an active worshiping cult going, and that's when the adventurers come in. They're hired or whatever to investigate missing people, rising population of Kua-Toa and mysterious events.

Could even start as a low level campaign and stretch out to high level.
