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2019-10-11, 06:09 PM

Train travel is a staple of Northern life. It is the safest, though not always fastest, way of moving between the Five Cities and their outlying settlements. The great, steel behemoths of the Pre-War rumble along the ancient tracks, carrying ponies and supplies for a reasonable price. The train-ponies take pride in their work, and some who are born into it live their whole lives on the tracks. Yet for the rest of the Frozen North, the trains are merely effective transports, which they use for all manner of reasons.

“All aboard!” the conductor calls gruffly. The platform of the Rainbow Resort is almost deserted at this hour. The sun has set, so it is very, very cold, and the only light is from the lights softly flickering above. The conductor’s call signals that, if you aren’t already onboard, now is a good time. The train keeps its own time, and the ponies are all too ready to leave any stragglers out in the cold wind and darkness.

The rumble of the engine grows louder as it prepares to leave the station. Within five minutes, the Rainbow Resort, and everything that kept you there, will be left behind. For some, this is a welcome change. For others, it is difficult. Perhaps it is nothing special at all.

In addition to the five that will become the focus of this story, six people of different species shuffle aboard, bearing bags and other luggage with them. This particular train consists merely of a single engine, a passenger car, and a luggage car, which is fairly standard for a Northern train. It is expensive to keep the cars and engines maintained, after all. Inside the passenger car, another conductor stands guard, eyeing each passenger with an appraising eye, always on the lookout for trouble.

Alright everyone! Here we are, setting off on a new adventure. Time to give us those character descriptions and inner monologues as you get a chance to meet each other and a few NPCs. You'll all be in the same traincar, so that'll be fun. Just watch the tracks ahead.

Yes, there are several jokes to be made about railroading here, and I see the irony of starting a sandbox game on a train.

2019-10-11, 07:08 PM
Doc stood on the station platform with a pensive look on his face and a train ticket folded under his scarf. Was this it? Just like that he was going to... oh heck, why shouldn't he run? She's dead, it's all gone, and Doc has no clues as to who done it. Get out and regroup elsewhere. He sighed, for Doc had no plan of action here and no friends he could turn to. He was far from home. Up a frozen creek and... well a paddle wouldn't help in a frozen creek, right?

Doc needed more relatable metaphors.

He walked up to the conductor and handed over his ticket to get hole-punched or whatever they did. Once accepted, Doc stepped on board and looked for a quiet seat somewhere. He sat down and felt the outside of his pack. He had some food, medical equipment, weapons that were wrapped up in a blanket... was this all he had right now? Damn, life came at you fast. He stuffed the gear under his seat and then wiped his blanket on the end of his scarf. He watched others climb on board.

Wait, what if one of them was responsible for the night before?

2019-10-11, 10:06 PM
A charcoal pony in a matching khaki ushanka hat and overcoat ignores any offers of help with a rather large all black case carried diagonally across her back on her way to the train.

Not that many ponies offered a hoof in the first place. And she was thankful for it.

Really, Pepper Burst wanted to hide the fact she had wings folded up under the sleeping back draped across her back under the case. A casual observer would assume she was padding her back against the weight of her luggage, but it was all just a quick and cheap attempt to be more incognito. It seemed to have worked as she trotted on board the train without looking back, her expression a deadpan affair. Of course, anybody on board would realize she was a pegasus the moment she unloaded her cargo, but she cared more about having a (mobile) place to hole up in more than that particular recognition. The trains always leave on time, she told herself. The resort security wouldn't get here soon enough to tamper with that.

Of course, the deadpan but silently fretting pegasi doesn't realize she didn't bother to put her luggage into storage. It's now sitting next to her as if it were her traveling companion in the seat to her left. With the sleeping bag slipping, she twitches her wings but keeps them folded as she slouches down in her seat, forelegs stuffed in pockets, eyes dimly studying the carpet patterns rather than dart around suspiciously.

2019-10-12, 08:22 AM
It seemed to have worked as she trotted on board the train without looking back, her expression a deadpan affair.

Doc glanced in her direction as she boarded. A charcoal mare, carrying lots of stuff. >.>

'Hmm, she's carrying a bit much if she were an assassin,' Doc thought to himself. 'Assuming whoever they were wanted to off me. They probably didn't or I'd be dead. Maybe they just wanted to drive me out of town? Reckon they might want to send someone to watch me in case I double back... nah, she's probably just a passenger. Kinda cute one. Wait, focus dummy. You're trying to keep your wits about you, not check out the passengers like that. Shoot, quit staring!'

He turned away from looking at the new passenger and instead pretended to fiddle with his jacket, ensure his pockets were secure.

Of course, anybody on board would realize she was a pegasus the moment she unloaded her cargo

Second glance. 'Pegasus? Last night's incident was a... earth pony, wasn't it?' Doc thought to himself. 'Maybe you should introduce yourself? You could figure out her motivations if you talk to her. Yeah, that might help whittle down potential pasengers top be antagonists. Good plan.'

Doc cleared his throat. "Evening. You look loaded for a long adventure."

2019-10-12, 09:00 AM
Two heavily clothed ponies stand on the station platform a comfortable distance away from the train. Not a single hair or eye exposed to the night air underneath the layers and layers. Their eyes covered by protective goggles. The short red jacket pony has a walking stick and a loaded backpack. The larger green jacket pony has a heavily stylized carved stone staff. The staff wouldn't be out-of-place at the prestigious local magic school. The two mares have been making quiet chit-chat since they've arrived. The conductor's final call causes a puff of condensation to billow up from the red pony.

Rime Verse, the short red pony, says apologetically, "I have to go or I'll miss my train."

The green pony convincingly says, "You should stay. There is plenty for you here."

"You know I can't. If I don't leave now I'll never get another chance."

"You can. I could really use your help."

Rime sorrily says, "I have to go." She looks towards the train.

The green pony steps forward and hugs the smaller red pony. "I love you."

A light blue magic holds the red pony's stick. Rime hugs the pony back. "I love you."

"You stay safe out there and make sure to come back to us."

"There isn't anything out there that I can't handle. You keep Dad and Mom out of trouble. I'll send mail."

The hug pulls apart. Rime grabs her walking stick out of the air.

The green pony teases, "I somehow don't doubt that you'll fill up our mailbox." She raises her head toward the train. "Go on."

Rime turns toward the train and walks with her stick. She looks back. "Good luck."

The two part while waving goodbye.


Rime hurries along before she misses the adventure. If the conductor asks her to show her ticket she will; otherwise, she will board the train. Underneath the better lighting, she is wearing arctic clothes. She has a nice warm poofy red jacket on. Rubber Boots. Clear goggles. A scarf. Her hood rim is fuzzy. Her walking stick isn't some piece of trash she picked up off the floor but it isn't anything special.

She looks towards the rumbling engine as if it is interesting. The seats in front of her seem to give her pause and she looks around. She decides to sit at one of the double seats and saves the second seat with her stuff so no one can sit next to her. She pulls back her hood, takes her goggles off, and unwraps her scarf. She is a unicorn. Her coat is white. Her mane is black. Her eyes are a light blue, almost a shade of gray.


Her horn lights up and her tugs the rubber boots off her forelegs. Then, she pulls off the shoes underneath that. Then, one of her hoof warmers. Rime begins looking around the cabin and taking note of every pony. Very literally as she pulls out a book and pen from her bag with magic. She begins writing down everything as she looks around the room. Her staff in hoof while she levitates her writing instruments. She waits for the conductor to take away her bag.

Doc catches Rime's eye when he speaks. She watches him and takes notes. The pony he is talking to gains her attention as well. She looks Pepper Burst over and writes down some information.

2019-10-12, 11:03 AM
Doc catches Rime's eye when he speaks. She watches him and takes notes. The pony he is talking to gains her attention as well. She looks Pepper Burst over and writes down some information.

"Uh, howdy?" Doc says, with some hesitation.

'She's taking notes? Why? Is she a spy? Reporter?' doc thinks to himself. 'Wait, maybe she's an investigator; I left the fire and didn't report it. Aww horseapples. Did I break the law leaving the crime scene? Or maybe, i'm a suspect? Why would the town suspect... but I'm new? Craaaap, and she's cute too. Buh, look away. It's gonna be fine. Just.... be smooth.'

He glances back, to check if she answers.

2019-10-12, 11:10 AM
Pepper's green eyes twitch at Doc using the term "loaded", bringing her head up slowly. Up close, she has a faint, lighter blue sock about her face that stands out from the dark gray of her hide but her dour expression mars the effect.

"No, I'm just headed to the next town over because I like their grocery store better than the one across the block." she drawls, not feeling flattered by Doc's small talk, but at least unwilling to tell him to go screw. "Like my shopping cart?"

She finally removes the sleeping bag and bundles it around her ominous black case, as if it were cold, flexing her wings only slightly before leaning back in the seat, wishing the train would start already. It takes a moment before she realizes Doc may still be standing nearby. "And is bird watching a hobby of yours? You seem pretty good at it."

2019-10-12, 11:57 AM
Rime transcribes what Doc said. Her magic hastily writing. "Hello, fellow passenger." Is he trying to brush her off? Her eyes narrow on him when he looks away and glances back. "It's a cold dark night to be traveling so lightly. You must have a story. What is your name? Do you often travel?"

She keeps an eye on the passengers as they move around and notes what they are doing, especially if they draw near. She isn't letting anyone sit with her. Her focus switches to Doc or Pepper when they talk. Pepper's shopping lines get filed into her journal. Her eyes focus in on the shopping cart when attention is drawn to it. Very interesting. She looks back to Pepper as she questions Doc.

2019-10-12, 11:58 AM
"And is bird watching a hobby of yours? You seem pretty good at it."

"It's a cold dark night to be traveling so lightly. You must have a story. What is your name? Do you often travel?"

"Ah, no, no... I'm just a bit perceptive," he answers, a sheepish expression on his face now. He looks away a moment to scratch behind his head. "Sorry for bein' rude there. Call me Doc, since I'm a doctor by trade and my friends back home aren't all that imaginative with nicknames."

He lifts a flap in his bundle to expose the medical symbol on the doctor's bag he has. He looks to the unicorn, replying, "I'm just traveling a bit, offering my services. Not much of a story really; I just go around and heal anyone who's got some caps for it. I make enough to get by."

2019-10-12, 04:10 PM
The conductor accepts everyone's tickets with a businesslike nod and ushers them towards their seats. "We'll be leaving shortly," he says, "Pillows and blankets will be provided for those who wish to sleep. The train will be travelling overnight, after all. Additionally, there are beds available, for an extra fifty caps."

The other seats begin to fill up with the other passengers. Towards the middle is an elderly unicorn with a well-kept mustache and an old-fashioned overcoat that has a single rip along the shoulder. He seems content to stare out the window for now. A little further up are two mares, a mother and her daughter, who are wrapped in coats and scarves. At the very back is a griffon ghoul, covering most of his form in a grey-white cloak, one that would blend well into the snow. At the very front is a young, fresh eyed colt with the biggest smile and shining eyes. He grips the seat's hoofrests and seems on the edge of squealing in excitement. And last is a a well-suited mare wearing a derby and sporting a jagged red line, like that on a business chart, as her cutie mark.

"This is my first train ride!" the colt declares to everyone, "I'm so excited! There's no way I can sleep!"

"Well," the ghoul mutters from the back, "There goes any hope of the rest of us sleeping."

2019-10-12, 04:21 PM
An angry mare wielding a rifle, looked around with shifty eyes.
'Where is the damn house wrecker?! I want her head on stuffed on my wall! Anypony!?"
She smelled the samned sugar powder and mint, but couldn't find the wretched thief!


Trotting so softly, that might as well, floating, was a reindeer.
A rare sight already, but her beauty was something beyond. Her coat was white as snow, and soft as dreams, with blue and silver patterns, and majestic antlers. Her limbs slim, long and elegant, and wore striped socks om her hind legs, and as she went into the train car everypony can smell sugar powder and mint. She wink at the conductor, naturally giving a random piece of paper.
This reindeer has an accent, that make her even more diffrent in the scene.
"The ticket quality isn't what it used to be. But at least the company k'here is!" she said cheerfully, and shamelessly added a peck, and with no luggage at all bounced cheerfully to take a seat.

"Why to sleep, when we can make this into a FESTIVAL?! A FESTIVAL OF THE FIRST TRAIN OF....' the reindeer happily agreed with the colt, amd looked at him, expecting him to give her his name.

2019-10-12, 05:04 PM
"This is my first train ride!" the colt declares to everyone, "I'm so excited! There's no way I can sleep!"

"Why to sleep, when we can make this into a FESTIVAL?!' the reindeer happily agreed with the colt.

Doc glanced over at the colt, then the reindeer, then to the reindeer again, and finally closed his eyes a moment to blink. Oookay, d-did Doc commit some kind of atrocity and the cosmos was punishing him for it? He chanced a peek out of the corner of his eye again. Yep, that reindeer was real.

He was thinking he'd agree with the ghoul in the back. No one is sleeping tonight.

2019-10-12, 05:35 PM
The conductor makes as if to challenge Oddy, but cannot get the words out before she plants a peck on his cheek. His face brightens considerably and he forgets exactly what he was going to say. She gets on the train with no problem whatsoever, and the conductor's eyes follow her 'bouncing' with a stunned expression. He shakes his head and mutters to himself, "Uh, yeah. Tickets sure have...declined in..." He gulps and stares after her. "...Quality."

The colt blinks several times and gasps as Oddy approaches him. A massive smile comes across his face. "A FESTIVAL?!" he repeats, "Ooh! Ooh! What sort of festival?" He gasps. "A train festival!"

Pretty much everyone's eyes are on Oddy at the moment. The business-mare's eyes, however, are especially keen. They seem to be sizing her up.

2019-10-12, 05:44 PM
"EXACTLY!" the Oddy said happily, bouncing, without her slitted hooves touching the floor.
"Come on everypony and deer!" she turn.
"Wouldn't you wish, your first train ride was a festival too?! If only each of us would give or do a single thing, this will be a festival! Who can sing? Who can play an instr'ument?" she bounce toward every passenger.
To Rime she point at her horn with a gasp of awe. "You are an unicorn! And a very lovely one! You must k'have some SPECTACULAR spells to show off!"
"Maybe YOU k'have a snack?' she point at Doc.
And then to Pepper. "YOU might have accesories! Come on! Don't be shy!'

2019-10-12, 06:18 PM
"Maybe YOU k'have a snack?' she point at Doc.

Doc's ears shoot up straight when she points to him. "Uh...no, no thanks. I reckon maybe we should keep the rukus down? You know, on account that it's getting late and some folks might want to sleep?"

2019-10-12, 11:43 PM
Of course it might be seen as shy if a pony covers her face with her hat, but Pepper seems ready to somehow cram her entire body into it from how hard the motion is. Or shove a pillow between her ears if she ever gets one; the train can't take off fast enough for her sake.

"Fresh out of favors, snow ball," she says to Oddy, desperately looking like she wants no further attention brought to herself. "I'm just trying to get through this train ride and then I've got work to do..."

2019-10-13, 12:10 AM
Doc's ears shoot up straight when she points to him. "Uh...no, no thanks. I reckon maybe we should keep the rukus down? You know, on account that it's getting late and some folks might want to sleep?"

"Ho ho ho! Aren't you thd nail of the party! K'here!" the reindeer pushed a colorful wrapped gift to the Earth Pony hooves

Where did she pulled it from... she doesn't carry bags, and doesn't really wear anything besidd long triped socks.
"Come on!" she grabbed his cheeks and pushed him to look at the colt. "Don't you wish this colt have an AMAZING festival, with random people happy around him?' and she ruffled his mabe and cooed. 'It will make ME happy. And when I am happy.. I more.. aporachable. You know?' she wishpered softly into his ears, and then hopped back to convince the next festival challenged.

Of course it might be seen as shy if a pony covers her face with her hat, but Pepper seems ready to somehow cram her entire body into it from how hard the motion is. Or shove a pillow between her ears if she ever gets one; the train can't take off fast enough for her sake.

"Fresh out of favors, snow ball," she says to Oddy, desperately looking like she wants no further attention brought to herself. "I'm just trying to get through this train ride and then I've got work to do..."

Well, resisting Oddy is exactly the way to bring attention! So it's a success if this what Pepper wanted!
"Wow, then! Aren't you lucky!' the "snowball' reindeer hugged the charocal pony.
'It is a holiday miracle! What are you working at? When were the last time, you SANG in work? Please! Tell us!"
She sat on her hind legs, with wide admiring eyes.

2019-10-13, 07:54 AM
[COLOR="#008080"]"Come on!" she grabbed his cheeks and pushed him to look at the colt. "Don't you wish this colt have an AMAZING festival, with random people happy around him?' and she ruffled his mane and cooed. 'It will make ME happy. And when I am happy.. I more.. approachable. You know?' she whispered softly into his ears, and then hopped back to convince the next festival challenged.

"Uhh..." Doc blushed a little, but he didn't debate the question. Instead he debated the merit of renting one of those beds in the other car for ten caps. He looked down at the gift he was given, one hoof unconsciously straightened out his mane again. Doc shook the gift a little and listened.

A gift from a very beautiful and overly friendly reindeer? Oh yeah, she was dangerous. He slowly unwrapped the gift and took a peek inside.

2019-10-13, 08:57 AM
It's a plushie of herself!

(Well th3 doll's antlers are golden instead of silver for some reason)

2019-10-13, 09:13 AM
Pepper's eyes bulge as she tries to ward off the hug, thrashing in Oddy's grip.

"Cease and desist!" she growls, perhaps in vain, and it takes all of her mental strength not to say she's going into the "venison" business (as threatening a passenger no matter how deserving probably constitutes getting thrown off the train...) before sourly smoldering at the reindeer. Horseapples, but she'll need to actually give this cretin an answer. "I'm going... into bounty hunting. Not much singing there." she says flatly, hoping it will scare her off or at least hold little interest to this party maniac.

2019-10-13, 09:26 AM
The colt, for his part, is enjoying being shoved in people's faces and generally having a fuss made over him. This is all very exciting for him! "I'm Two Bit, by the way," he tells everyone, "It's nice to meet you all. Have you been on trains before?"

The mustachioed stallion gets up and walks towards the conductor. "So how much for one of those beds, young stallion?"

"Uh..." the conductor manages to pry his eyes away from Oddy's form long enough to pay attention to the other passenger, "fifty caps, sir."

The stallion grumbles and begins digging through his saddlebags. Meanwhile, the suited mare is chuckling quietly and watches Oddy with a bemused expression.

With a lurch, the train begins to pull out from the station. They are on their way now. "Well," the griffon ghoul mutters from the back, "If I'm going to be stuck here with all this, then I'm at least gonna enjoy myself." He begins digging through his bag and pulls out flask. His eyes light up at the mention of bounty hunting. He holds up the flask towards Pepper. "Hey! A comrade in arms. Want some? It's good stuff. Even works on ghouls."

The mother looks at him with disapproving eyes while the daughter's eyes are fixed in awe on Oddy.

2019-10-13, 09:29 AM
Sensing hostile feelings, Doc gets up and tries to mediate between the charcoal pegasus and the reindeer. "Ah, excuse me, miss reindeer, but maybe you're getting a bit too familiar with everyone here. I'm sure most of us enjoy a gift and a little celebration, but some of us have had a rough few days and just want a quiet trip. How about we compromise? Keep the party at the front end of the car there and the rest who need a little space stick to here in the back area?"

2019-10-13, 09:41 AM
Pepper's eyes bulge as she tries to ward off the hug, thrashing in Oddy's grip.

"Cease and desist!" she growls, perhaps in vain, and it takes all of her mental strength not to say she's going into the "venison" business (as threatening a passenger no matter how deserving probably constitutes getting thrown off the train...) before sourly smoldering at the reindeer. Horseapples, but she'll need to actually give this cretin an answer. "I'm going... into bounty hunting. Not much singing there." she says flatly, hoping it will scare her off or at least hold little interest to this party maniac.

The reindeer doesn't seems phased. Though, she does make a mental note, that, this charocal gruff pony might hunt for her.
Oh well. Just more fun and shengians! At least Oddy hasn't seduced her husband.
She think.
She let go of the hug, and instead, try to drag her into a dance.
"What about a victory dance? I also know few victory songs-" she pauss tapping her beautiful chin.
"We are the champions, my friends
And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions of the woOoOrld!!!"

She pause and give Pepper a mint candy.
"This I would sing, if I were a bounty huntress!'

Oddy gasp, cheerfully, hugging both the griffon ghoul and Pepper.
'You have your own sub party INSIDE the BIGGEST TWO BIT TRAIN FESTIVAL EVERRR!"
She give both bounty hunters, colorful plastic cups, for their drinks and a party hats for both.

This seemed to be her kind of compromise, and she dragged Doc into the middle of the chaos she cheerfully have created

She give Two Bit a hug, and a wrapped gift- inside a wooden train toy, and for the little filly another gift of a "barbie bambi'- pretty plastic reindeer doll, who happens to be white with golden antlers, and have set of few dresses.

To the mare in suite, another gift with a colorful notebook.
She jump and dance around with closed eyes from pleasure.

2019-10-13, 10:01 AM
Rime’s magic unbuttons her jacket pocket and she passes the conductor her ticket. “I would like my pillows and blankets prepared and my luggage brought to my bed.” She grabs fifty caps and hovers it to the conductor accepting payment. “Do you have private rooms available?”

Rime looks over the shown off medical bag. She smirks. “A doctor called Doc. How fitting yet questionable acceptable. A doctor that travels. You must never run out of business.” She has little doubt that a doctor would be able to make caps. “I imagine you would.”

Her light blue magic holds her pen/journal still. “I am Rime Verse. You may have heard of my family and I. Now that I’ve graduated I’m traveling around writing. You wouldn’t have happen to run into any big stories have you?”

There are so many interesting passengers. The train is packed with all walks. She hasn’t seen such a diverse crowd in a long time. Leaving was definitely the right choice. She never had a doubt. There is so much out here for her.

Out of the corner of her eye she first glances the reindeer. Her attention captured. She looks at the most beautiful person she has ever seen in her life. The only thing that could compare is her teacher under the effects of a beauty spell. She isn’t detecting that type of magical aura on the reindeer. Her beauty appears real if not natural.

A festival so late and on a train? How absurd. Still, a small gathering with the reindeer would make a good holiday story. The colt and reindeer are in high enough spirits.

Oddy has Rime’s full attention when she points at her horn. “Why thank you for noticing.” Rime straightens up as her ego is stoked. “I do know magic.” Not every unicorn knows spells. “I normally wouldn’t use my magic for tricks and fillies. I may perhaps…” She is convinced. “do a simple thing for the festival.” Why did she agree to help? Now is a better time to document her travels than helping put together a party.

2019-10-13, 10:42 AM
Friggin handlers. Roxy grumbles as she heads towards the exit of the baggage car. Getting all huffy when she wanted to make sure her back, while not as packed as some, was properly situated. Her eyes lingered on other bags here and there... Fingers twitchy as is they wanted to undo the fastenings. It would be so easy to go through some of them, if not for the watchful eyes of that one griffon. Spoil sports the lot of them. There was even a bag that seemed to be stuffed with a great many long objects that seemed just utterly delectable.

The sand dog reaches the door goes through, momentarily between cars as the train starts to make its departure. Great Roxy had spent longer than she meant to which meant all the good seats were probably taken. Grumbling anew she opens the last door to... Chaos. The center of it all may not have been pink and dealing out cream pies to everyone but the amount of attention on the reindeer still had Roxy having mild flashbacks to yesterday.

"...Whats all this then?" Roxy stands perplexed, wearing clothing that seemed ill suited to the cold yet unbothered by the cold she was probably letting into the car while she's in the doorway.

2019-10-13, 11:03 AM
Pepper puts up a fight this time, grabbing onto the arm of her seat with her forelegs and refuses to be completely pulled into a dance even as Oddy tugs and tugs. The fact the train is moving is the only thing keeping her from going ballistic.

"Nope! No, no no! I'm fine! Having a shot of whiskey's my idea of a party right now, I'll sit th-this dance out! Now get off me!" She's interrupted by the peppermint assault and a second hug, but manages to get free, shoving Oddy away and crumpling into her seat with an angry huff.

"This had better be loaded..." she mutters to the ghoul griffon, reaching for the flask if it's still being offered and pouring herself a generous shot into the provided cup. She turns in her seat to look at the living impaired creature. "If you're a bounty hunter what were you doing in the Resort? Vacationing?

2019-10-13, 11:17 AM
The griffon ghoul smells of death and decay up close. That's not unexpected, though. All ghouls do. His cloak, mercifully, keeps most of the smell from wafting over the room. Perhaps it is enchanted. Only one person in the room at the moment can tell.

He chuckles. "Heh. A hug. That's a first." He takes another sip from his flask. He slowly removes the party hat, however, and sets it aside. It looked very out of place on his skull-like visage anyway. With a nod, he pours Pepper some. "Let's move back a bit. Give Ms. Bouncy here some room to show off her flank." Of all the males in the room, he is the one that seems least affected by Oddy's stunning looks. "Nah. I don't do vacations," he says in answer to Pepper's question, "I do, however, find that clients are much more willing to pay in full when you show up in person and well-armed." He extends a claw to shake. "Name's Quoth."

As for the drink, it is almost strong enough to be classified as paint stripper.

And so, Oddy and the many members of the car's passenger list that HAVEN'T managed to escape her orbit have a space in the middle of the car to set up their party. The mustachioed stallion has escaped to one of the beds upstairs on the car's second level. The mother and daughter, with varying degrees of eagerness, are following Oddy's leave. Two Bit is having the time of his life. The businessmare is watching all this as the gears inside her head whir and turn over. The Conductor...is watching Oddy jump around with barely concealed glee.

When Roxy enters, Quoth raises his flask. "Heh. Can't you see? We're having a party!" He seems sarcastically amused at the prospect. "Want to try your luck at holding the reindeer's attention long enough to try something? Seems to be a line forming."

2019-10-13, 12:42 PM
This seemed to be her kind of compromise, and she dragged Doc into the middle of the chaos she cheerfully have created
She jump and dance around with closed eyes from pleasure.

"Now hold up (https://i.imgur.com/wNVvkwK.jpg?fb) there, miss," Doc calls out to the reindeer. "If you're wanting to dance with me around, then we're gonna do this proper."

Doc opens a flap in his pack and pulls out a small transistor radio. He turns it out and tries to find a proper slow song.

"Come here, let me show you how we dance in Manehattan." He holds out a hoof to invite the reindeer to join.

2019-10-13, 02:05 PM
If Rime's luggage has been moved to her room, she will lay on double seat instead of sitting. She watches the people around her get up and leave. She seems content to sit by herself and observe the car. A few moments pass before she shifts to sit. The car is too warm for her two jackets. She peels the layers off and folds them into a pile. She removes her red jacket, the warm black vest underneath, her second pair of blue pants, and her black rubber boots. That leaves her wearing her pictured scarf, blue shirt & pants, and blue shoes. If anypony took her stuff to her room, she asks the same pony to take her clothes to her room as well.

Everything sorted one way or another, she stands up and approaches the businessmare. She takes the closest open seat next to her. "Hello." She gives the mare a small smile. "I haven't heard your name yet." She looks her over and the colorful book she was gifted. Doc put on the Neo-Classical Station? A treat in the cold night. Her posture lightens up under the music.

2019-10-13, 07:06 PM
Doc tunes up the radio, bringing up the Neo-Classical Station. The song is already in progress, but it does seem to be a ballroom song of some kind. Good for dancing! The exact name of this genre of music is lost knowledge to most Wastelanders. Is it a Waltz? A Salsa? Are those even different things? Who really knows? Point is, the music is live and it's time to dance.

Two Bit looks between them. "Oh! My parents do this all the time at parties!"

Rime's stuff gets transported downstairs to her private bed. There are only two of those left, thanks to her and the stallion. However, she has other things on her mind. The business mare looks up as she approaches. Her smile is matched with a wider, brighter one full of clean, white teeth. "Hey there! Name's Opportunity, Golden Opportunity, and I'm knocking!" She makes a rapping motion with her hoof, as if hitting an invisible door, and chuckles. "And let's see! You're one of those students, right?"

2019-10-13, 09:50 PM
From the looks of things, Pepper probably needed a stiff drink. She takes a generous first sip but otherwise nurses it with some measure of discipline, not minding the smell apparently of a nearby ghoul. Based on the raiders she'd fought in the past, BO can be worse on an alive creature than a dead one--it just depends on how hard they try.

"Call me... Glint. Glint Eastwind." she says hastily, nudge-shaking the claw with her free hoof before pulling off the party hat stuck to her actual hat.

"I'm new the the bounty scene; kinda figured--hoped-- that it was mostly checking wanted posters and following leads..."

2019-10-13, 10:06 PM
Rime chuckles. Her smile a little fuller. She shifts her staff to her shoed hoof and reaches out to shake hoofs. Her book and pen floating at her side. "I am Rime Verse." She takes a proper seat with her walking stick in hoof. "You may have heard of me."

Her book floats down so she can see as she writes. "Oh? Do I look like a student?" She looks herself over and ends with her eyes on her staff. "I am no longer a Rainbow Falls School of Arcane Sciences student. I graduated. Top of my class. I am an alumni now." There is pride in her voice. "How about you? What brings you to traveling by train in the middle of the night?" Could it be opportunity? Rime is braced for the answer.

2019-10-13, 10:09 PM
"Huh... Not even a minute into the trip and already prancing about? That's gotta be a record somewhere in there." The sand dog says with a bark like chuckle. Well at least this looked like it was going to be less messy than the last "party" that popped up around her. Roxy finally steps fully into the car and closes the door behind her, then leans against the side of Quoth's seat. The smell pricks at her snout a bit but hey, sometimes you did up worse smelling things.

"Ah bounty hunting... The time honored tradition of legally knocking some sense into, or out of, somebody."

2019-10-13, 10:36 PM
Quoth's face brightens. "Glint Eastwood! Like the old movies. I like that. It's a good one." He chuckles. "Picked up the name 'Quoth' as some sorta marketing deal. Supposed to make me sound more intimidating and competent. Quoth the Griffon, something or the other. Reference to some Pre-War poem. Pony who thought of it for me was very impressed with himself, I'll tell you that." He sips his drink. "Told me I needed a dark cloak to go with it, but black sticks out too much in the snow."

"Yeah. Gotta be, what, an Academy Record at least." He slides over a bit so Roxy can sit down. "Well aren't I lucky tonight," he chuckles wryly, "Got actual female company. And you all aren't staring too much at my missing bits, which is almost polite of you.

He considers Pepper and Roxy's statements for a moment. "You can get by with bounty-boards," he says, "But the steady work's in bandit hunting. You can knock over a camp of them and prove it? You get paid decently well. And, if you had a bounty on somepony in the camp, you get paid twice for the same job." He taps the side of his skeletal beak. "And that's the key. Getting paid as often and as much as possible."

By the way Opportunity's eyes light up in recognition, she has indeed heard of Rime. "Oh ho!" she says, leaning in slightly, "No simple student, then. No indeed. Both graduated and, it appears, a pony of some skill! There seem to be quite a few of those around here tonight, between you, the doctor, the bounty hunters, and our gift-giving friend over there."

She chuckles. "Oh, you know, I go where opportunity takes me. And right now, it's leading me towards Neighagara Falls."

She leans in close and whispers. "Now tell me, have you ever tried chocolate before?"

2019-10-14, 10:40 AM
About time somepony recognizes her. Has everypony been living under a rock? Rime smiles at the cheer. She flatly boasts, "Rainbow Falls has no simple students. The school only accepts the best. Ordinary ponies wouldn't make it far. The competition is fierce and many fail to meet the school's standards. A lot of the students are royalty and from notable families. Families interested in continuing their success." She pauses. "Yes. Skilled..."

She looks over the people. "The group is very interesting. Very colorful. I'm not so sure about Doctor Doc, but medical skills are a sorely desired skill and much-needed. I am sure many ponies would appreciate having him around. The bounty hunters carry themselves well." She looks over to the three of them. "An odd bunch but they don't seem to know each other. There are a lot of them though." The mother and fillies don't interest her.

She looks over to the happy reindeer. She says in a disbelief, "Have you seen the reindeer?" She gives an approving look. "Pony. I've never seen anything like her."

The repeated joke has her smirk. "Do you have family there? Business?"

As the mare leans in closer yet again Rime matches her movements. She whispers, "Yes, I have had some before. It is very good. The way it melts in my mouth feels amazing."

2019-10-14, 11:22 AM
Oddy laugh with pleasure.
"Now this is a pony who get it!" she take Doc's hoof and dance with grace and energy of a fairy with atomic reactor.
"What is your name, sweetie?' she spin in his forelegs, trusting him to catch her before she fall

2019-10-14, 12:08 PM
Doc catches her, noting she's going faster than the music calls for, but he'll just go with the flow for now.

"My family calls me Vardo, but i prefer Doc to my friends," he answers. "So what do I call you, other than an atomic powered beauty?"

2019-10-14, 12:33 PM
Oddy giggle.
"Clever. You are only the second to come up with this.' she gotten up in a spin, and spinned Doc back.
"Doc is cathhy. Oddy Ire!' she said with a gasp

2019-10-14, 12:45 PM
The music continues, shifting from the slower tune into a more energetic one (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPp3Qh-GRqs) that better matches the mood. Two Bit crouches down on one of the seats and begins to push his toy train along, making little 'choo-choo!' noises. Quoth's beak cracks into a smile, but he looks away and hides it behind a swig of his flask.

Opportunity nods in fervent agreement. "Oh yes. A fine establishment. Top quality. There is absolutely no competing with it." Of course, there aren't any other schools of magic around, so there literally is no competition. Lowering her voice, she says, "I've heard stories about reindeer before. I understand that they visit the Junction quite often for some reason. Never laid eyes on one myself before now." She chuckles and shakes her head. "If they all look like that, I should think they'd soon drive us pony mares out of the market."

She eyes Rime cannily. "Yes. Business," she says, "A unique opportunity has opened up down there. Tell me, have you heard of the rumors from Scav Town about the Crystal City?" While speaking, she reaches into her pocket and pulls out an unopened chocolate bar. "Oh, and I figure that a mare of your refinement would appreciate something like this. For the low price of, say, fifteen caps?"

2019-10-14, 01:16 PM
Oddy giggle. "Clever. You are only the second to come up with this.' she gotten up in a spin, and spinned Doc back.
"Doc is cathhy. Oddy Ire!' she said with a gasp

"Oh dear?" Doc repeats as he spins and back to her. "Oddyire... That's an interesting name, though I confess you're the first reindeer I've met. What brings you onto this train?"

2019-10-14, 01:33 PM
The reindeer snickered when Doc said her name. It never gotten old! It proven that at least her mother had humor, even if not much many other positive qualities
"A very angry and jealuse wife.' she said with a smile. "Thankfully she doesn't shoot as good as her husnand.' adding jokingly(?)
"And it seems that I was destined to make Two Bit happy!" and just like that, collect Two Bit with one swipe in between her antlers.
"Come on ladies!' she waved to Rime and Opuurtonitty. "We are doing a train!" and waved Doc, to hold her back.

2019-10-14, 02:10 PM
Doc had to wonder if her answer was humor or if she was a homewrecker. With a pretty face like that, he imagined that she could get away with a lot. That made her a troublemaker and somepony he'd probably not want too close to his wallet.

Better safe than robbed.

He decided to join the train dance, but he put his hooves on her gently to be polite (and cautious). "I reckon you travel around a bit and hear a few rumors, then?" Doc asked Oddy. "Maybe you know some place looking for a trained physician?"

2019-10-14, 03:06 PM
"Chooo! Chooo!" she say loudly
And she look back at Doc.
"Well, anywhere
If you are looking to be paid, it's a diffrent question.' she chuckled.

2019-10-14, 05:09 PM
"What wouldn't I want...?"

Oh. Is-Is she thinking he wants...? Tarnation, this isn't the conversation he needs right now. Doc breaks off from the dance. "Think I'm already worn out from the dancing. T'was a lovely time, miss." He returns to his seat and slumps down into it. He lifts up the gift Oddy gave him and raises an eyebrow. He then sets it down, face down, on his backpack.

2019-10-14, 10:01 PM
Roxy nods along. "Yep yep, black might be intimidating but I find white on white works quite well for that. They think the snow is rising up to get them." Roxy raises the arm she isn't leaning on as if to pantomime leaping out at someone with a snarl on her face before returning to that half-smirk she had been wearing before. Indeed she aught to blend in well between her white fur and the light grey to white clothing she wore.

The sand dog was taking a little bit of a liking to this fellow, little to well spoken, but seemed to have good advice. Now if only he'd share some of that booze... Doc's hurried move for his seat catches Roxy's eye and she looks up. Was that the hint of a blush?

2019-10-14, 10:46 PM
Pepper wishes suddenly she'd thought of a better pseudonym. Still nursing her drink, and trying hard not to cough when she takes too big of a sip, her tolerance for the atmosphere has improved with the train actually being in motion. She also takes mental notes on the advice this 'dark' bird gives, but her police training and general paranoia seems to be going off. it's probably not as easy as he's making it sound...

In fact, she calls him out on it:

"It all sounds easier said than done," she grunts, before nudging Quoth and trying to get him to offer a swig to the Sand dog, "I've worked with groups before and sometimes you only win if you have more guns than the other pony."

"Maybe it's this turpentine you're serving us talking, but do you do anything else aside from wipe out bandits? Doesn't seem like a beginner's task."

2019-10-14, 11:46 PM
Rime's book floats closer to Opportunity so that Rime can see and write. A large portion of Rime's view taken up by Golden Opportunity. The pen on paper softly scratches letters into the pages as they talk. "What reason would they have for visiting the Junction so often? How very interesting. I'll have to keep an ear out for anymore news. I've seen reindeer several times during my years at school. Their ability to fly is a very discussed topic. It is a curious ability under close inspection." Rime doesn't need to take another look at Oddy since the mare is practically burned into her mind but she does anyway. "Believe me, they don't all look as fine as her." She chuckles at Opportunity's joke. "A few stallions would be out of luck as well." Rime gives Opportunity a testing glance.

She nods along to Opportunity's traveling reasons for now but might want to revisit the topic latter. A weaker smirk shows this time for the name pun but an acknowledging smirk nonetheless. She answers her Scav town question, "I've never been there myself. The rumors are persistent." Rime eyes the bar. Is this were all that acknowledgement was leading? "There are many mares with a weakness for sweets." Rime gives her a business-like smile. "Fifteen is too much. It is a festival. Why not give me a festival discount? Those don't come up too often." Rime genuinely smiles at her. She digs into her pocket and holds up a single wrapped candy. A light magical aura shines off the candy "I'll even throw in one of my special candies since this is a festival." She looks towards Oddy when she calls the two of them then looks back. "How about it? Would you like to dance with me?"

2019-10-15, 12:00 AM
When Oddy snatches up Two Bit, Quoth half-rises from his seat for a moment. However, the colt giggles and laughs, delighted. He sits back down, eyeing Oddy with a wary gaze, but sitting still for now. The young colt slides down the reindeer's neck and straddles the back of her neck with his hind legs while holding onto her horns with his forelegs. He points dramatically forward. "Choo-choo!" he repeats, giggling.

The ghoul returns his attention to his companions. He grins at Pepper. "Well see, that's why a lot of ponies end up dead. They charge in, guns blazing, and confront the problem head on. Me? I take a different approach. For one, I'm not so good with a gun. The one eye puts the kibosh on that. Gotta get close before I can shoot someone reliably. So what I do is hole up somewhere nearby, sneak up on 'em one at a time, and it's over before they look up. It can take a few days of stalking, but so long as I pick my spot well and have enough stuff to keep me awake, I can clear a small camp by myself." His grin turns a little vicious. "Towards the end, they get all paranoid and sometimes start shooting each other."

"Pfft. Course I do. Bandit hunting is good pay, but it's bad for the nerves. Gotta keep alert every moment so they don't get the jump on you." He nods towards Two-Bit. "Right now, I'm being very well-paid to escort that little tyke down to his parents in Neighagara Falls." He eyes Oddy once more, keen eyes searching for any sign of ill will. "Very well paid..."

Opportunity glances back over at Oddy as well, but for a different reason than Quoth. She chuckles wryly. "Rime, if that doe wanted, she could have every pony this side of paradise bowing down to her. Face that launched a thousand boats, or something like that." Her eyes linger for a moment, focusing here and there as she reviews what she noticed earlier. She takes a sharp breath and looks away, cheeks blushing slightly. "Yep! Not much more to add to that."

Her smile widens at Rime's response. "Ah, of course, of course." She chuckles and taps the side of her nose. "I see you are savvy as well as well-educated. Let's go with 9 caps, then. I am sure you'll find that price more than fair." She gladly accepts the candy and tucks it away for now with a wink.

"I don't want to spread too much misinformation," she continues, "But they say that the city is starting to 'wake up', whatever that means. Practically speaking, a lot of old, sealed up ruins have suddenly opened up. I heard of a report about some military depots appearing around Neighagara Falls, right near the border with Equestria. I'm headed down there to get in on that action. Aaaand I wouldn't mind picking up a small team to help do the heavy lifting. And, of course, the administration."

She laughs and rises. "Well, why not? Let's dance!"

2019-10-15, 12:43 AM
She blow a kiss toward Doc.
"Of course, Dockie sweetie
" she said soothingly.
Oddy's mother blamed her for having thrill at poking hornet nests.
It wasn't the exact truth.
Ironicly, Oddy yearned for honesty. She wanted to see creatures and scenes for what they realpy are, for better and ill.
For example, she felt that in the essence, such excitment for a foal, should be a celebration. By her action she simpy peeled one layer of the honest reality.
Such behavior was also a test for the virtue of ponies, she didn't wanted to force ponies to celebrate, just to take out the silly restraints.
Sometimes, she helped villans to discover the good inside of them and sometimes...
Eh. She managed to turn a normal housewife, into a head huntress.
Her ears perked as she collected an intresting intel.
She noticed Oppuprtinity reaction to her and a little bit leaned back into her.
She led the train in circles, already seeing the potentiap benefits of her kindness.

2019-10-15, 06:00 AM
Doc blushed a bit at the blown kiss toward him. Maybe if it were a different day, one where he hadn't lost Lin and his dream. Sigh...

He knew he'd get over it with some time. He just needed a couple days to mourn and figure out a plan b. Doc pulled out his canteen from the pack pocket and sipped from it as he looked out the train car window. Suppose he could go back to the institute? Nah, there wasn't work to be had there. More likely, his prospect was to go to one of the small towns and peddle drugs n' band-aids for caps. Again.

2019-10-15, 08:27 AM
Pepper arches an eyebrow, looking over at the little colt. "Kid's got some VIP parents, huh?" she rubs her chin with the underside of her hoof.

"Don't suppose you know of anypony at our destination who's always looking for work, do you?"

2019-10-15, 09:42 AM
Rime puts a hoof to her mouth and chuckles at Opportunity's praise of Oddy. "I think you are right about that. She would leave many mares speechless." She lightly laughs.

The ego stroking is doing wonders for Rime's coat. Charmed Rime happily says, "Like recognizes like." Her light blue magic surrounds nine caps in her pocket and retrieves it for Golden Opportunity. "Nine caps is very acceptable." Rime will give Golden the caps and tuck the bar away on one of her outer pockets so her body heat doesn't melt it. She smiles as the candy is taken. "You will want to eat that candy in the next twenty-four hours." She hints at an unknown but she looks like she doesn't want to go into details.

She hushes her voice and whispers, "A city waking up is a new rumor to me. Sealed ruins would be like stable treasure." Her eyes light up at the prospect. "Places that sound ripe for looting. I wouldn't be surprised when the news gets out it spreads like wildfire and there was a rush. Oh, the adventures ponies will have and tell for generations." She nods and hms along to the military deports around Neighagara Falls. "That sounds like opportunity." She smirks when she hears Golden Opportunity is scouting people. "You have my interest. The ponies you mentioned earlier." She comments, "They do seem like good candidates."

Rime raises alongside her. "Exactly. Let's dance!" She snaps her book closed and rests it on her chair. She uses two instances of telekinesis to quickly remove her winter clothes. She isn't going to dance bogged down in heavy warm clothing. At this point she only has her scarf and necklace hidden underneath. "Come on!" She trots to the train line while lightly laughing. Her puts her hoofs on the back of the last pony. She mimics Oddy without raising her voice, "Chooo! Chooo!"

2019-10-15, 12:14 PM
Quoth chuckles. "On the grand scale? They're a cut above the average, yeah. But they're good parents and are willing to shell out a lotta caps to keep their son here safe." To the second question, he shrugs. "I've got some contacts," he says, "At this point, I've been at this for over fifty years. Ponies tend to come to me with contracts if I can afford to stick around long enough. Still have to do some searching, but that won't help you."

Opportunity pats her pocket where the candy now sits. "I'll be sure to do that." The seven caps go into a different pocket. "Indeed." She lowers her voice. "That rush you mentioned is what I'm afraid of. Need to get there fast before everypony else loots all the best stuff. But let's continue this conversation later, hmm?"

And so, the two of them join the train dance. The teenage mare half-rises to join as well, but her mother pulls her back into her seat and whispers some harsh words to her in a low, quiet voice. The young mare's face falls and she looks down. The older mare resumes looking around with a vaguely disapproving look at everyone and everything. At least Two Bit is having a lot of fun!

The train has been moving for a bit now. Between Oddy's antics and Quoth's long speeches, a good amount of time has passed. They are a good ways out from the Resort now, heading south and west towards Neighagara Falls. As Doc looks out, he catches glimpses of a massive city down below and in the distance through the falling curtains of snow. It is silent and dark, but still has the ragged remains of its grandeur and a hushed sense of awe. The Crystal City sleeps.

Yet as he watches, something else catches his eye. A bright light, descending from up above. Descending quite fast, actually. And headed this way. It's getting closer. Actually, 'plummeting at extreme speeds' is a more accurate description of what's going on. And is that a pony in the middle, tumbling over and over themselves? Oh Sun and Moon, they very well could hit the train!

2019-10-15, 05:33 PM
Yet as he watches, something else catches his eye. A bright light, descending from up above. Descending quite fast, actually. And headed this way. It's getting closer. Actually, 'plummeting at extreme speeds' is a more accurate description of what's going on. And is that a pony in the middle, tumbling over and over themselves? Oh Sun and Moon, they very well could hit the train!

Doc's brow furls as the object comes closer. Seriously, wut? He gets up and turns to all the passengers.

"Y'all will want to get down and hold onto your butts! Something fast is aiming to hit us!"

2019-10-15, 07:36 PM
Oddy's eyes widen.
She grab Two Bit with one foreleg, jumping and covering him and with her second foreleg grab the pony behind her- (Opportunity? Rime?)
To fall on the floor as well.

2019-10-15, 08:06 PM
Rime agrees with a whisper, "Fine idea. We can continue this conversation when we are ready."

She joins Oddy's small dance party as the second pony in the conga line. A light pink blush coloring her cheeks as they dance.

Rime echoes Doc's call with a shout, "Incoming!" She adds which side Doc was watching.

(Rime was the one behind Oddy)

Rime is getting pulled to the floor one way or another by Oddy. She might as well try to shield Golden as well. She tries to protect her with her body from the unknown incoming danger.

2019-10-15, 08:17 PM
Doc grabbed his shield from under the chair and dove over the seats to protect the mother and daughter from possible shrapnel if the object smashes the windows.

2019-10-15, 09:32 PM
Sadly, Pepper doesn't have the same altruistic impulses as some of the others. The two non-ponies are professionals; they can fend for themselves. She hits the deck and then, perhaps shockingly, pulls her heavy case down over her as a barrier.

On the other hoof, if either of both of her drinking buddies try to find shelter, she may well pull the closest down with her, once she's situated.

2019-10-15, 10:22 PM
"You've got more patience than me." Roxy snorts. "Then again I usually just dig deep enough to let my buddies in quietlike for the rest for that sort of thing." Buddies that Roxy didn't have access to just this moment which puts a brief damper on her mood. Still hard to stay down with all the upbeat commotion in the cabin. Well off parents hiring a ghoul griffon... Well seemed like said parents had a good eye if Quoth's demeanor was anything to go by.

When the call goes out Roxy follows Pepper's example and leaves the two to fend for themselves. Diving for a spot along the wall most likely to be hit, hopefully avoiding soon to be broken glass, and far enough away to be free of danger. Curling into a ball as only a dog can do to present as small of a target.

2019-10-15, 10:36 PM
Rime's horn flares to life and brightly glows light blue. Magical energy radiates around her horn. Her iris grow larger with a creeping metallic color. The color quickly being replaced with a gray. The magic spreads away from her face and down her neck. Her mane and scarf transform to match her new coat. She shields Golden with her metal body.

2019-10-15, 10:43 PM
The train begins to brake, wheels squealing under the pressure. The train begins to slow down. The other ponies in the car throw themselves to the ground in panic. Two Bit ends up under Oddy, Golden under Rime. Quoth actually leaps forward and lands beside Oddy and Two Bit, standing over them in a low, protective posture. The mother and daughter hide behind Doc. The conductor crouches down in the doorway.

The ball of light draws closer and closer as the seconds tick by. The figure in the middle tumbles head over hooves, wings and legs flailing about in an effort to right itself. Mere seconds before striking the side of the car, their wings snap out and they brake rapidly. All four hooves land on the side of the car with a solid 'BANG!' They are only there for a moment, though, before they push off and shoot back towards the clouds, a bubble of magic encircling them and a war-cry filling the silence left behind.

In response, the clouds above the Crystal City rumble. Lightning flashes between them, out of place in a blizzard. As the figure charges once more, a trail of brilliant purpleish blue trailing behind, a rumble of thunder shakes the windows. A blinding flash fills the horizon. A bolt of lightning descends and strikes the flying pony head on. Like a shell out of a cannon, they blitz past the train and strike the cliffside above the track a good 150 yards (137 meters) farther up. The ice and snow collapse, forming a small avalanche that covers the track. The train pulls to a stop a mere 20 yards (18 meters) away, unharmed but stopped for the moment.

Quoth is the first to speak. "Okay. What the hay was that?"

2019-10-16, 12:27 AM
"And adventure! So it zeems!" Oddy said with an excited gasp.
Most importantly not let the children panic.
She had NO idea what is going on, but from exprience, if you ACT as if you are in the control of the situations, many times you actually are.

"Now, we are working together, to make sure all of us will be fine.
She gotten up.
"Is anypony HURT?' she yell, and look at Two Bit to make sure he is fine

2019-10-16, 04:59 AM
Doc checks on the two charges behind him. "Are you two alright?" he asks them.

2019-10-16, 05:57 AM
Rime holds her ground as the train breaks. She isn't sure who is on top of who at this point. The loud impact and car juddering has her redouble her efforts to protect Golden. Aside from that, the pony pile is a real mess. What in the world is going on? Outside sounds like a couple of weather unicorns, no or pegasus, dueling. She hears the most recent crash ahead of the train and feels the train lurch. The ghoul is protecting her and Oddy. She stirs. And, people are in her way! She snaps, "Get off me!" She tries to push the people protecting her away. Her horn lights up and begins floating her clothes within reach.

Hopefully, she is standing at this point. She asks Golden, "Opportunity, are you alright? Somepony hit the train!" She begins dressing as clothes get pulled near her. Whatever clothes she puts on don't transform to metal. Her staff must have rolled away somewhere but it won't be hard to find with its magic aura.

Rime currently looks very different. On her flank is that magic diamond, light blue, a lot of magically talented ponies tend to get and white feathers flaring on each side of it. (It looks a lot like the magic wings in the picture below.)

This is the best image I could find. I imagine she is a little less shiny and, uh, looks like Rime. Not some super ripped pony.


https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/6a118b10-3dc8-45c5-8041-fe06fe701f0c/dctiqmq-6ec6660a-b863-4e7b-9a66-a090aaf4045d.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_1182,q_80,strp/_chill__by_heddopen_dctiqmq-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMT g4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7 ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTE4MiIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzZhMTE4Yj EwLTNkYzgtNDVjNS04MDQxLWZlMDZmZTcwMWYwY1wvZGN0aXFt cS02ZWM2NjYwYS1iODYzLTRlN2ItOWE2Ni1hMDkwYWFmNDA0NW QucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJu OnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.VepAduLCYQ2 vBjrEll9E0vNzule11jHSN1RjrXydNSQ

2019-10-16, 06:57 AM
Two Bit giggles a bit at Oddy's antics, though he's the only one not shaken by this. "Did you see?" the colt whispers loudly, "That blue pony had wings and a horn!"

Quoth curses, then realizes his mistake and looks down at Two Bit. After all, everyone knows the rule of 'don't curse in front of children, at least not right in front of them'. The ghoul quickly amends his words to, "I mean, oh boy, that's going to be...fun."

Fortunately, it seems that no one is hurt. There might be a slight dent on the outside of the train from the impact, but that will buff out. The only damage, so to speak, is that everyone's thoroughly shaken.

"Yes, we're fine," the mother says to Doc. She looks him over critically. "And it's nice to see that there is a stallion with manners aboard this train. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Quoth gets off Rime with a semi-sarcastic smirk and a placating gesture. "Sheesh, as you wish, your highness." She can stand up without any issues.

"I saw," Opportunity says grimly and rises to her hooves. She begins straightening her suit.

2019-10-16, 08:46 AM
"Ok! No blood spilled! A good start!" Oddy say cheerfully.
"I am going to see, if I can k'help the driver." she declare.
"I know sweet birdy k'here will protect Two Bit, and maybe-" she add a nuzzle.
"Can defend the others as well." she looking at Roxy and Pepper.
'If one of you, brave warriors of the Wasteland is willing to accompany me, I'll be VER'R'RY greatful!" she winked and blowed a kiss

2019-10-16, 09:31 AM
Doc nodded to the mother. "Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier. Ponies apparently fall darn quick in these parts." That was a light attempt at humor to lighten the mood. "Name's Vardo, though most friends just call me Doc, after my profession. Not the most imaginative, but I don't mind either name."

He'll pause if she decides to give her name.

Doc gets up. "Alright, well if anyone is hurt I can tend to you. No charge. I think some of us should check who it was that crash landed like a kettle pot off the stove."

2019-10-16, 09:34 PM
Roxy pokes her head out of a window to view the dent from another angle. With how quickly that pony had been traveling it was a wonder that they didn't splat against it entirely, much less rebound. "Well whoever that was they're probably toast, frozen toast soon enough." And frozen toast wouldn't mind if someone took advantage of what they left behind...

"Roxy will go take a peek at the slide and what remains of the would be canonballee while the rest of you straighten things out here." The sand dog makes for the door to investigate. "Either way looks like it's on me to try and dig out the tracks."

2019-10-16, 09:39 PM
The sand dog makes for the door to investigate. "Either way looks like it's on me to try and dig out the tracks."

"I'm going with, on account that if whatever hit us is still vaguely alive, they'll need medical attention," Doc says.

2019-10-16, 10:11 PM
Rime huffs at Qouth's attitude. "There is fun to handle so let's focus on that, hm?." She doesn't have time for this person.

She is still putting on her winter clothes.

She pauses and points to the conductor that ducked in the doorway. "You, go get me my luggage. I'm going outside to check on wings and horn. I need my things."

She points at Roxy. "You, whatever you name is. Doc and I are going with you."

She holds out her hoof and summons her staff to her with a glowing blue magic.

2019-10-16, 10:13 PM
"No blood, yep. I think she chipped the paint, that's all," Quoth mutters. He pats Two Bit on the head with his not-quite-skeletal claw. "Yeah, I'll keep an eye on the kid."

The conductor, now recovering his wits, stands by the door. "Er, Miss Oddy? The engineer should be fine. We didn't hit anything and aren't stuck. It was a controlled stop. Perfectly routine. Do it all the time. I'm sure if you'll wait a minute or so, he'll talk over the intercom." He blushes. "B-but, if you wanted, I could take you to see him, given the, er, strange things that just happened."

"Worthy," the mare says, "Truly Worthy, from the Reformed Church of the Sun and Moon. This is my daughter, Sunshiner." She scowls. "Her father named her, you see." Sunshiner waves meekly at Doc, but doesn't say anything. "We are unharmed, but the two heavenly sisters will reward you for your Kindness and Generosity." From this short conversation, Doc cannot think of a single mare he's met to whom the words 'Kindness' and 'Generosity' would seem more foreign. The elder mare is a hard, uncompromising pony, stuck firm in her principles and unwilling to bend them for even the slightest moment. Or at least, that is the impression that her severe, harsh attitude radiates off like newly-detonated uranium.

Moments later, clad in some warm clothing, Doc, Rime, and Roxy plunge out into the snow and advance the short distance up to the side of the snowfall. There is no immediate sign of the pony that caused it. She could have been splattered across the cliff right before it collapsed. However, there is always the chance that she wasn't.

I need Roxy, Rime, and Doc to make Perception Checks with a -1 penalty, and Search Checks for if those fail and they keep looking.

Rime can also use magic, if she so wishes and has the right spells

And with sharp eyes, they manage to spy out a single blue hoof poking out from under a snowdrift, weakly twitching.

2019-10-16, 10:27 PM
Doc nods to Ms. Worthy. He is actually a bit of a fan for Luna, though he'd have to talk later about it. Right now he needed to go check on what hit the train. "Thank you for the blessing. Could use it out there."

He takes his medical bag and his pistol with him when he goes out, butting up and keeping his scarf on tight.

And with sharp eyes, they manage to spy out a single blue hoof poking out from under a snowdrift, weakly twitching..

Doc uses his flashlight to illuminate the hoof. "Well I'll be a son of a sailor. Our starchild might not be all dead. Let's dig the pony out before we have a popsicle." He'll illumnate the path to the hoof, looking for a god route to the pony so they could start digging.

2019-10-16, 10:50 PM
"I'm going with, on account that if whatever hit us is still vaguely alive, they'll need medical attention," Doc says.

She points at Roxy. "You, whatever you name is. Doc and I are going with you."

Drat. There goes a free pass and that unicorn seemed a bit on the bossy side to boot. Still perhaps whoever it was would be greatful and bestow a reward and neither looked like they'd do well for rooting around in the snow. "Suit yourself, and the names Roxy. Don't forget it."

Outside Roxy's eyes flick about before landing on one patch of snow that's colored just a shade to blue for ice. "Heck, I'm impressed. Whoever that is must got a hard head. Anywho~" Roxy cracks her knuckles. "Stand clear if you don't want to get buried." Then starts digging a path up to their quarry. Zig zagging if necessary to gain height.

2019-10-16, 10:52 PM
spin, spin... spin...


The black case opens after a combination lock is aligned as "Glint" roots around inside, all manner of mechanical noises escaping as she assembles something.

The Pranci SPAS 12 gauge shotgun she pulls out looks damned impressive, outfitted with a small but impressive looking scope and two cylindrical add ons at the tip of the barrel. Composed of gray plating and parts, it nearly matches her own charcoal coat, And, as it so happens, it came onto the train loaded, judging by the way she pumps a round into the chamber, all with her own hoofs before she slots it into some contraption she threw on over her coat.... an honest to Celestia battle saddle. The gun flips back, it and the "third arm" folding under her wings with mechanical ease and then with her teeth she tosses on a bandoleer of shells. The case gets closed with a snap.

"Yeah, uh, don't go near my luggage while I'm gone; it's not safe for you." she says in passing, not caring if this draws any stares, hoofing it past the other passengers and heads out with Doc and his entourage.

"You ponies are amateurs. You all need someone to ride shotgun in a situation like this."

2019-10-17, 01:57 AM
Oddy summon a pistol, from the same mysteriouse space which she keep summoning gifts from.
"I see.' She need the conductot, peck him once. "Make sure they are ready to go again, when we are ready.'
She try secretly pass a note to the teen mare, while her mother is distracted.

There an emoji style kissing face of Oddy.
"Oh Dear! You are amazing!"

Little thing. But sometimes they do the diffrence. She could go more overboard, but not every one can fight their annoying mothers.
She simply walk on the air from behind.
"Well, it seems we have a new thrill! How engaging! And were there a talk about alicorns..?'

2019-10-17, 05:58 AM
"You ponies are amateurs. You all need someone to ride shotgun in a situation like this."

"Yeah, I lost mine in a fight the other night. Someone went rifling through my stuff," Doc replies to the pegasus, tongue-in-cheek. More serious he adds, "Much obliged to have another pair of eyes along tho. Whoever this is, they're not quite dead yet, so can't be too cautious right now."

"Well, it seems we have a new thrill! How engaging! And were there a talk about alicorns..?'

"Uh, nothing past what Ms. Worthy said back in the train car. Why you ask?"

2019-10-17, 06:02 AM
Rime slides into her pants. The mechanical noises from Pepper draw Rime's attention. What type of spell is that pegasus casting? The warm red vest goes over her eyes and mane and blocks her sight for a second. The next thing she sees is Pepper with this massive fancy looking gun with tons of doodads. The round clambering is louder than she expected. Rime's attention focuses when Pepper shows the battle saddle. Somepony is ready for a fight. Rime supports Pepper, "Yes, yes. No pony steal anypony's luggage while we are outside."

What a cocky pegasus. Rime smirks at Pepper. "You are exactly what we need. Lead the way and be ready to shoot."

"Roxy isn't a name I would forget." She introduces herself to the entire crowd, "Rime Verse, here, ready to seek the unknown."

Rime gets her shirt, pants, puffy vest, and shoes on and follows the others out the train door. She steps onto the train's offloading step and hops off into the snow. Her boots make a satisfying crunching sound where she lands. She rights herself and points towards the collapse. She walks with her walking stick through the snow along the tracks. The other group members flashlights lighting the way. She spots the hoof before Doc uses his spotlight.

"What is impressive is how much of a nuisance they've managed to be. They covered the tracks."

Rime gets closer with Roxy and points her staff towards the pony. Her horn glows and the magic disappears in a small flash.

She answers Oddy. "The colt did say this pony had wings and a horn." The metal statue puts on a serious, stern expression. "That would be very bad."

Tells the caster if the subject has hostile intent, and what the degree of hostility is. Can be cast on one person or a whole area. If cast over an area, this spell will only detect that someone is hostile, without telling who.

2019-10-17, 06:38 AM
Oddy kept her smile.
"Well, just trust the k'holiday spirit! And eventually miracles will come! And you seem like a great miracle weaver!' she say to Rime.

Then turn to Doc.
"Well, I am intrested in legends. Maybe they just misunderstood, you know?'
And walked cheerfully, half meter above ground, humming a holiday song.

2019-10-17, 09:17 AM
Then turn to Doc. "Well, I am intrested in legends. Maybe they just misunderstood, you know?'
And walked cheerfully, half meter above ground, humming a holiday song.

"Like, what legend?" Doc asks her. "Know something peculiar up in these parts?"

He remains where he is, out of Roxy's way and providing her light for digging. Earth ponies prefer to keep their hooves firmly on the ground, so Oddy's little aerial scamper just seems weird.

2019-10-17, 09:20 AM
"Indeed," Truly Worthy agrees with a self-satisfied nod. Oddy's note slips past her notice and into Sunshiner's hooves, who takes one look at it and hides it away from her mother's gaze.

The conductor's cheeks burn red. "O-of course, Ms. Oddy!" he says.

Between Roxy's newly dug path, Oddy's ability to just walk on air, and Pepper perhaps serving as a ferry to anyone who, for one reason or another, doesn't want to walk up on their own, the party can safely approach the downed pony. Rime's spell does, in fact, detect hostile intent, but it is very low: the hostility is reserved for anyone considered a threat. It's not directed at them in particular. It's unclear if the buried pony is even aware of their presence.

Arguably, this is a good thing, as upon closer inspection their hoof is twice the size of a regular pony's and has a uniform, almost ethereal blue coloring to the pelt.

2019-10-17, 09:25 AM
Now that a path has been dug out, Doc can go up and get a closer look.

"Huh. Whoever they are, they sure are a big one. I'm gonna check for a pulse to make sure that twitching ain't just dead nerves."

Doc slowly puts a hoof to the leg and presses against where the arteries should be to read a pulse. He starts counting in his head against his watch.

Physician [roll0]

2019-10-17, 09:46 AM
It's a close call, but Doc does detect a pulse. More than that, however, the pony reacts to his touch and weakly tries to bat his hooves away. They're not only still alive; they're also at least partly conscious.

2019-10-17, 09:49 AM
She asks Oddy, "Are you celebrating a holiday today?" She smiles a metal smile at the compliment. She chest may have puffed but her vest and clothes would block any noticeable difference. "Why thank you. I am fascinated by your abilities as well."

Rime will stay out of the way of any of Roxy's digging.

"Yes, I can see that," She agrees with Doc. "The pony is alive. I can feel them. They will defend themselves but I do not feel they are aggressive towards us." She 'hms' and focuses on what she felt. "They may not be aware of our presence or formed a feeling towards us yet."

"We should dig them out quickly before this whole mess becomes comedic."

2019-10-17, 09:54 AM
"They may not be aware of our presence or formed a feeling towards us yet."

"Don't be to sure just yet. Look how they're batting at my hoof. This one is still conscious and knows somepony is touching them."

2019-10-17, 10:08 AM
Oddy smile with pleasure.
"Why yes! It's the Golden Stripe Day of the zebras! They painting their foals with gold and painting together beads and make each other rastas and-" she stop, perking her ear.
She hop around on air, looking around, also giving a good look at the injured's uniform, trying to study the situation as much as possible.


IQ/perception 13

2019-10-17, 10:27 AM
Your roll is right! 11 vs 13! Nice!

MetaRime: "Yes, I know she moved before I posted. I got ninja'd by Milt."

Rime sighs. "Well, yes, of course they are aware of us now that you've touched them."

"A pony's natural response when trapped is to struggle." What happened with Quoth on the train causes a slight bitterness to her words.

She says to Oddy, "That sounds like a lovely holiday." Rime says very smitten with Oddy.

It's hard to look away from Oddy but a pony needs dug out. She shouts at the pony stuck in the snow. "We are working on freeing you! Can you hear us!?"

She repeats to the group, "Hurry. You must hurry. The train will have supplies for digging snow. Roxy has her claws. I will cast what spells I can."

Rime holds her staff in both hoofs and drives it down into the snow (trying not to hit the pony and get it near their head). Her horn burns. A small magically lite gust surrounds Rime and causes her clothes to flap away from her body. She tries to give the struggling pony an easier time breathing. Only if the spell worked on the flu then it would be perfect.

Let's get you some more air.
[roll0] vs 15 (Create Air)

Manufactures air where none exists. When cast where there is already air, it produces an outward breeze lasting about five seconds. When cast in a vacuum, it instantly creates breathable air. When cast within earth, stone, or other material, it fills any empty spaces with air, but does not burst the stone. When cast underwater, it makes bubbles! When cast on a one-yard-radius area, the spell creates about 45 cubic feet of air every second for five seconds; each cubic foot of air will last a single person at rest about a minute. However, in some environments the air created will rapidly dissipate into vacuum or bubble away. This spell cannot be cast inside a living being.

2019-10-17, 11:48 AM
What Oddy (and Pepper, since they are both flying) sees is this: there is a large, discolored patch of snow covering a pony. If shifts occasionally as she struggles underneath it, though at the moment only one fore-hoof is able to reach the surface. A little ways further off, however, Oddy sees a helmet half-buried in the snow. It is an old-style helmet, pre-dating even the war. It is the kind once worn by Princess Luna's Night Guard, which were more for ornamentation than decoration. When the War began in earnest, those sorts of helmets were phased out in favor of better protective gear.

Rime's spell seems to breath new life into the trapped pony's struggles. A voice calls out to them from under the ice. It is muffled and the words are hard to make out, but it is very loud.

2019-10-17, 12:05 PM
"Ms. Black Marvelouse Bounty K'huntress-" Oddy turn to Pepper

"Ther'e is another' pony down k'here!' her accent become thicker, and maybe hint a slight panic.
She gallop down, trying to use her telekenesis to dig as much snow as possible

2019-10-17, 12:23 PM
Doc assists digging out the pony here, pulling back snow from around the leg and working his way to the head so the pony can breathe without magical assistance.

2019-10-17, 02:54 PM
Pepper doesn't offer to help remove the pony--if that's what they are-- from the snow, hovering a ways back so she has a good line of sight for her shotgun, should she have need of it. The helmet, should Oddy reveal it, seems rather odd to be here, let alone worn by anybody and she tries to think of any story, any reason someone would wear an old antique like that...

[roll0] History? Untrained? I'm not expecting much but I may as well try to think of something.

Maybe criminology as well, in case this is an art/antique smuggler or some crap; who knows, she may (probably not) bag a bounty on her way into town! [roll1]

2019-10-17, 03:12 PM
Rime tugs her staff out of the snow. She is pretty sure she broke a rule from staff care 101. Don't smash your staff into weather. Thinking about a replacement is a good idea but finding wood fitting enough for her may prove an issue. Unless she returns back home for the replacement.

Oddy's call and subsequent heading has Rime looking down at the helmet. Nothing she can do will compete with a sand dog digging. Roxy is the perfect mare for the job, and Rime is more than happy not to dig through the snow. Rime climbs down the snow toward Oddy. "Careful. The helmet is enchanted! Hold it closer for I can examine it."

[roll0] vs 14 (Thaumatology)

2019-10-17, 04:33 PM
As everypony starts digging, the two sleuths get to work on this odd helmet. Pepper, though unclear on what exactly it is, knows that it looks like an antique and a remarkably well-preserved one at that. It's the kind of thing a smuggler would want to pawn off, thinking that it is the real deal. She cannot, however, determine if it is real just from looking at it, only that it's the sort of thing a criminal would want to sell if they got their hooves on it.

As for Rime's investigation, she can tell that whoever enchanted this helmet had to have an extensive and powerful reservoir of both magical power and knowledge, far more than any of her teachers.

Assuming Roxy helps, the diggers are quickly able to shovel enough snow aside to reveal an 'air pocket' created by Rime's spell around the mare's head. The moment they break inside, a blue, ethereal mane bursts out and shields the area in darkness. The hoof fades away and the snow shifts downwards as the mane climbs higher and higher. It forms a dark shape, vaguely in the form of a pony, and re-solidifies into a tall, elegant mare of unsurpassed beauty, beauty that equals if not exceeds Oddy's. She is twice the size of anyone here, with a long, tapered horn and sleekly-angled wings. Her eyes shine with a fierce intelligence, slitted pupils expanding and contracting as they adjust to the light. When she opens her mouth, she reveals a maw full of sharp fangs.

"Ponies of the Crystal Empire!" she declares in a loud, booming voice, "I have come to--" Her hooves touch down on the snow, which immediately fails to support her weight. With a shout of surprise, she falls flat on her face and lays there, groaning. Upon closer inspection, her back is badly burned, right between the wings. Voice dripping with sarcasm and a bit of heated anger, she says, "And so I reach the end of my journey. Face down. In the snow. Oh, today has just been fantastic." She shifts to stand up and her legs give out underneath her. "OW!"

2019-10-17, 05:35 PM
a tall, elegant mare

unsurpassed beauty

equals if not exceeds Oddy's

twice the size of anyone here

sleekly-angled wings
10/10, would fraternize with danger. XD
Doc is unable to physically move himself from awe of her presence. At least, not until--

With a shout of surprise, she falls flat on her face and lays there, groaning. Upon closer inspection, her back is badly burned, right between the wings. Voice dripping with sarcasm and a bit of heated anger, she says, "And so I reach the end of my journey. Face down. In the snow. Oh, today has just been fantastic." She shifts to stand up and her legs give out underneath her. "OW!"

This snaps Doc out of his stare. He reaches down to touch her upper leg. "That last bolt of lightning did you some real harm. Don't get up on your own. We got a warm train car right here, so let us get you inside and I can take a proper look at your wounds there. Roxy, you want to help me carry her inside?"

2019-10-17, 07:55 PM
Roxy rolls her eyes unseen, digging through the snow as she is, at Pepper makes her remark about being amateurs. This was rich coming from the pony who had been asking about bounty hunting just a little bit ago. Aside from one or two particularly strong toss of snow over her shoulders in Pepper's general direction though she doesn't reply. This dog's got a task and ain't noone going to deter her.

"Alive and not making much effort by the looks of it. Or just out of it." Roxy remarks when they reach the unknown pony. When the unknown pony bursts out of the snow however the sand dog skitters sideways, fur on her back rising, and holds her claws outward. Big. Pretty. Aaand trapped in the snow again. Roxy can't help but give a low chuckle at the alicorns predicament. Clearly this pony had a lot of power by that cloud thing she did yet it was hard to take them seriously while they were down in the snow. "There's worse ways to end the day, at least you're alive aren't you? I can getcha into somewhere warm to boot." She jerks a thumb back at the train.

2019-10-17, 10:58 PM
How lucky! She hasn't even arrived at her destination, barely out the front door, yet she has already found a powerful artifact for the school. With this helmet she will easily be able to defend against any attempt to have her return. Her name will reverberate through the school! Rime sharply turns to Oddy. "Oddy. Protect my helmet. I have questions for the pony."

Rime climbs the pile of snow that holds the group and the alicorn. Her walking stick poking holes into the snow. When she gets to the top she examines the downed alicorn. "I would like to hear her finish what she was saying first" Rime asks the pony, "Who are you?"

2019-10-17, 11:17 PM
The alicorn grits her sharpened teeth and tries to stand once more. "No. I am perfectly capable of..." Her legs tremble from the strain and give out once more. She falls and buries herself a little deeper in the snow. Head down, she raises a fore-hoof. "I, ahem, accept your generous offer for help, loyal subject."

She looks up when Rime approaches and seems vaguely offended at the question. "What?! Do you not recognize me? I am the great and terrible..." She trails off. A hoof travels up to her head. She pats her bare mane, and her eyes widen in horror. "Where is my helm?" She begins looking around quickly, eyes casting about for it. She sucks in a deep breath and shouts out, "WHERE. IS. MY. HELM!" A shimmering shield of magic appears around her, forming a bubble of force better than most armors in the Wasteland. "Return it at once!" she demands, "Of find it if you don't have it! I NEED that helm!"

2019-10-17, 11:38 PM
"Calm down, lady. It didn't get very far..."

Pepper lowers closer to the ground but remains off it. She's seen raiders of all three pony flavors and a few off the menu creature raiders, but never a combination of all three ponies in the form of this alicorn. And based on her own experiences it's never a good sign when someone flips their wig over something so obsessed over. And that it would probably be a bad idea to fire or even level her shotgun at that shield. She looks around for Rime. and mouths "give it to her" or otherwise pantomimes such an action to the unicorn with a strong hint of urgency.

This won't end well otherwise. She can feel it in her feathers.

2019-10-17, 11:56 PM
Why would she have asked who she was if she recognized her? This alicorn has a few screws loose. "What were you-" She gets cut off by her question. Rime doesn't want to lose her precious artifact.

Rimes stares daggers at the magical shield. It's powerful magic. What a pony would expect from an alicorn.

She looks to the group to gauge their reactions. Her eyes meet with Pepper. She follows her lips. The pegasus had the right idea, and Rime hated the very idea. She pouts to Pepper. Rime definitely has the helmet and doesn't want to give it to the alicorn.

She sighs. She calls Oddy, "Oddy! The mare wants her helmet. Give it to her." The alicorn isn't going to answer any questions until she gets her helmet back.

Just a little fluff roll. Rime wants to study the shield while she can see it.
[roll0] vs 14 (Thaumatology)

2019-10-18, 01:04 AM
Oddy hummed a strange zebra song, looking over the helmet.
"Just a moment, sweetie. She may be a true beauty, yet

'' she answer Rime, and levitate the helmet to her foreleg.
"Just making sure, she actually own it. Rude and powerful ponies tend to steal from the weak.'

Her pupils dissapear as her eyes glows with light, and her foreleg which touched the helmet as well.

Using the psychometry ability on the helmet

2019-10-18, 05:54 AM
Doc studies the shimmer of the magical barrier this pony erected. He has never seen such a spell before. All the unicorns he knew mostly had just 2-3 little tricks related to their talent, like serving drinks or something. He holds his hoof up to get her attention.

"Ma'am, I can't exactly help you up while you have a shield between us. Don't worry, your helmet is coming along with you. Just lower the barrier and let us get you inside where it's warm so that I can tend to your wounds."

Diplomacy [roll0] vs. 10

2019-10-18, 07:04 AM
Oddy places a hoof on the helmet and concentrates. Immediately, she is overwhelmed by a whirlwind of rage, jealousy, and darkness. It infests the helmet, bound to it and radiating off of it. The darkness blots out every light. The rage seeps into her heart. And above it all, she hears a proud voice shout.

"Remember this day, ponies, for it was your last! From this moment forth, the night...will last...Forever!"

Then, the helmet is ripped out of her grip by the alicorn's much stronger telekinesis. "Mine," she snarls and floats it over to herself. The shield fades away and she firmly places the helmet on her head. Her mane takes on a faint purple hint, her eyes seem to flare up with light, and a smudge, like a half-formed picture viewed through incorrectly prescribed glasses, appears on her flank, almost like cutie mark.

"That's better," she says, "Now, you have a train waiting for me?"

2019-10-18, 07:45 AM
Oddy is wide eyed.
"Oh deer...' she pause.
"This k'helmet belonged to Nightmare Moon! Deer friends...' she turn to the others.
"Are you sure we should take her to the train?"

2019-10-18, 08:17 AM
"This helmet belonged to Nightmare Moon! Deer friends...' she turn to the others."Are you sure we should take her to the train?"

Doc seemed a bit skeptical. "The helmet belongs to Nightmare Moon? Are you certain?" Doc asked the deer. "I mean, if it were, are you supposing that this mare here is THE Nightmare Moon of legend? Seems a bit hard to swallow; moreover I don't feel right letting her freeze dead our here."

He helped the alicorn get up to a sitting position and imposes himself for her to lean on. "Ma'am, what's your name? Where did you come from?"

2019-10-18, 08:21 AM
"We reindeer, k'have unique gift related abilities. Something like your lovely cutie marks mine, is to see the k'history of objects, and if they were stolen. I couldn't see much... but it originaly belonged to Nightmare moon". she say with certainty. She trot on air toward the alicorn.
"K'how in the world have you gotten this k'helmet?'

2019-10-18, 08:22 AM
Pepper pauses. This is altogether wrong on so many levels, but she hazards a risk, seeing as how this pony has just been relatively polite if a bit touchy...

"Well... she's not Nightmare Moon, is she? Are you?"

2019-10-18, 08:46 AM
The alicorn's slitted pupils narrow. She snorts and a puff of steam escapes her snout. "I may be wounded," she says, "I may be on the verge of collapse, but I assure you, if you help me now, I will remember you later and look favorably upon you. If you turn your backs on me..." Her voice darkens. "I will remember that too."

With Doc's help, she sits up. Tossing her mane proudly, she says, "Once, I was a unicorn named Nix. It was not my given name, but the one I chose for myself. I found it more appropriate than..." She frowns. "I do not remember much of my life as a unicorn. Most of my memories are from my time in Unity with the Goddess." Her lips curl in distaste. "A pretentious and entirely false name! She was nothing more than a puffed-up showmare with little magical talent, save what she stole from real unicorns."

"Now, I am neither Nix nor part of the Goddess." She draws herself up as best she can, taking on an imperious, commanding aspect. "But when she shattered into a million pieces, when I reclaimed myself, I stole this helmet from the deepest part of her vaults. I claimed it as my inheritance and compensation for the life she stole from me. With it, I shall forge a new destiny."

She grins at Pepper, baring her teeth. "Why don't you tell me, pegasus? Am I Nightmare Moon?"

2019-10-18, 08:48 AM
Nightmare Moon... Well that name didn't ring much of a bell for Roxy or at least she didn't grow up hearing tales. Maybe she heard the name once or twice in bars but almost always connected to someone being angry. Just like the alicorn being angry over missing her helmet. Note to self, don't take from big pony. "Who cares, we in to deep at this point. I'll carry you in but no funny magic business yes?"

2019-10-18, 08:52 AM
Doc is trying to unpack all this and it is taking a moment. "So, you're, well were, one of those Unity alicorns? And now you are free and looking to start over with your life, did I get that right?"

He will help Roxy with carrying.

"Well, if your name isn't Nix anymore, what would you like us to call you?"

2019-10-18, 09:21 AM
Pepper seems willing to risk something, because:

"Nahhh. So, look, don't get hussy with me. I'm a smart-arse but I know a thing or two about leaving an awful job with a hefty severance package in tow. You're okay. We're okay."

She lowers down onto the snow for a moment with a shrug. Putting herself level with Alicorn as a show of respect, possibly.

"Besides, if you're not here to kill us, I really don't see any reason to stand around freezing our tails off any longer."

2019-10-18, 09:26 AM
"She wield a dark artifact, and she k'has been engaged in battle! Possibly with good guys!' Oddy say, with only a slight smile

2019-10-18, 09:48 AM
"She wield a dark artifact, and she k'has been engaged in battle! Possibly with good guys!' Oddy say, with only a slight smile

"Uh... reckon she engaged with a bolt of lightning and lost there," Doc says. "I gotta agree more with the pegasus."

2019-10-18, 10:36 AM
She doesn't know if what Oddy says is true but Rime believes Oddy knows something similar to the truth once Oddy mentions she knows through her gift giving magic. The reindeer can see the history of objects? That is a very useful talent. She adds supporting evidence, "I can confirm the helmet is very old and powerful."

The alicorn may cause them more trouble at far greater a cost than any benefit her favor will provide. The group may have made a mistake by rescuing her. They might have been better off letting her sleep in the snow. A good deed never goes unpunished. Rime takes a breath and calms her mind. The future has yet to be seen. She can still turn this mess around.

She says to the alicorn. "You have suffered greatly with unimaginable struggles." They are already dug in too deep. "Let's get you inside and near some warmth." Rime moves to lend her a shoulder and carry her inside. "As true as your tell many ponies could never believe such a history unless they witness the truth with their own eyes. I can help you. I know some magics that will reveal you have spoken the truth. Let me cast my spell on you."

I have eyes and spells.
[roll0] vs 12 (Body Language)

Rim wants to cast Truthsayer
Information; Resisted by Will
Tells whether the subject is lying or not. May be cast in two ways:
1. To tell whether the subject has told any lies in the last five minutes.
2. To tell whether the last thing the subject said was a lie.
May also give an indication of how great the lie is. If caster is not touching subject, calculate range as for a Regular spell.

2019-10-18, 10:39 AM
After a moment, the alicorn's horn stops glowing. She nods slowly. "No magic 'funny business'," she promises, "Cross my heart and...whatever the rest of that rhyme is."

She relents to half-walking, half being carried by Doc and Roxy. "Not merely my life," she declares, "A fresh start for everypony. And others, of course. But you have the bare essence of it. I am far more than a mere alicorn now." She hesitates. "Names are...a complicated business."

She laughs, almost good-naturedly, at Pepper's comment, though there is a hard edge even so. "Hardly!" she says, "I am here to restore order and civilization, not go around murdering ponies. And others."

"It was an automated defense system," she counters, "As a point of warning: do not try and FLY above the Crystal City, not even the outskirts. It seems whatever automated systems remain don't like it."

Her eyes snap to Rime the moment she mentions casting a spell on her. She leans down and, in a hissed, threatening voice, says, "If you even think of treachery..." The threat hangs there and Rime knows she will go through with it. She is not hostile to them, but seems to expect them to try and kill her. Her entire body is tightly wound, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. Even crippled, she would be a formidable opponent.

2019-10-18, 10:59 AM
"There will be no treachery. Just a nice warm train ride to town where we can sleep off our troubles," Doc says. He glanced up at the cloud cover. Yeah, up there is nothing but death and broken promises. Ain't worth looking into.

As he helps the mare inside the train, he adds. "While I get a good look at you, why don't you tell us about your ideas for starting over?"

2019-10-18, 11:17 AM
The alicorn was charming in her own way. And, another recorded holding beauty. There is so much weird stuff happening. The alicorn seemed genuine and kind. Very different from the rumors Rime has heard but the alicorn did say a hive mind was broken? It is all very interesting. She should take notes before any of the details slip away to time.

Rime looks up towards the clouds with Doc. Tonight is a beautiful full moon.

Rime gives the alicorn an intimidated smile. Those eyes, fangs, and voice striking fear into her. "There will be no treachery or funny business." She rings some fear out of her smile. "Cross my heart and hope to die." Rime raises the shoulder touching the alicorn to add some physical comedy. "Lean on me, and I'll support you with my magic." Rime isn't lying. She wants to cast a simple truth detecting spell but she doesn't want the alicorn to resist her magic.

2019-10-18, 09:10 PM
They near the train, the alicorn stumbling slowly towards the door and gritting her teeth each time she takes a step with her left forehoof. "Well," she says, voice tense, "It would be...easier to talk if I wasn't in so much pain right now. Moon and stars! BUCK!" Her face flushes. "I'm sorry. That was not fitting for a pony of my station."

She looks down at Rime and gives a subtle nod. Even if Rime were lying, she is not likely to detect it right now due to the pain lancing through her legs each step.

If no one stops them, they will enter the train.

2019-10-18, 11:15 PM
Old and powerful helmet... Tempting. It wooooould be so easy to draw her pistol with he free hand while the alicorn wasn't looking but then corking a pre-injured person for profit never jived with Roxy. Most of the talk of Unity and such goes well over her head. Sand dogs were mostly interested in what they could get to not what hadn't been seen in generations. "Rough bounce, rough landing, pain is to be expected. Lucky you landed in the snow or you'd probably be in even more pain. Also is why sand dogs dig. Everyone expect something from sky, noone expect from ground." Roxy chuckles again. Oh good memories of scaring people and getting away with loot from guarded areas.

2019-10-18, 11:36 PM
"I'm sorry. That was not fitting for a pony of my station."

"No worries, miss," Doc assures her. "Cursing is just the body's natural way to relieve stress."

"Also is why sand dogs dig. Everyone expect something from sky, noone expect from ground."

"Reckon I'll have to watch where I step more often."

Once inside the train, Doc is gonna want everyone carrying the alicorn to help put her on one of the long sofa chairs so he can get a proper examination going. "If someone could fetch a bowl or bucket with some warm water and a couple rags, that would be much appreciated. Could someone assist me with holding my light while I work?"

2019-10-19, 05:20 AM
The alicorn's slow gated walk looks absolutely rubbish. Rime can feel pain herself just by watching the Alicorn. A little grimace each time the alicorn lets her pain show. "Hey, Doctor Doc. Do you have anything for pain? I think she could use something to help her out."

She jokes with Roxy, "It can be hard to miss the snow. It always seems to be laying around." The old saying is that humor is the best medicine for pain. Let no one say that Rime doesn't have a good bedside manner.

The alicorn's nod to Rime draws a smile from her. "You'll have a strong supporter after my spell." Her horn glows. Rime's metal eyes reflect a pool of water. The ripples in the pool reflecting lies and their magnitude.

The group shouldn't pop in unannounced even if she expects that somepony has already seen them from the train. She shouts out, "We found an injured pony! We're carrying her inside. Clear the door and a path! We need room to maneuver!"

Rime will direct/help carry the alicorn towards the other long chair. No pony or alicorn will take Rime's seat! She will defend her extra seat with teeth.

Rime volunteers to Doc. "I can hold the light."

Information; Resisted by Will
Tells whether the subject is lying or not. May be cast in two ways:
1. To tell whether the subject has told any lies in the last five minutes.
2. To tell whether the last thing the subject said was a lie.
May also give an indication of how great the lie is. If caster is not touching subject, calculate range as for a Regular spell.

2019-10-19, 08:48 AM
Rime volunteers to Doc. "I can hold the light."

"You know, it's funny you called me Doctor Doc earlier. My friends back home call me Doc cause they didn't want to say Doctor Wagon. Yet you turned all that on its head. Heh heh." He is genuinely amused by being called doctor Doc. That is actually the first anyone has ever called him that.

Doc moves the light up into position and allows Rime to hold it in that position so he can work. He first checks the nastiest injury--the alicorn's back. "Alright miss, I'm gonna take a good look at your wounds and do what I can to fix you right up. Just relax and let me know if any spot particularly hurts. Alright?"

Diagnosis [roll0] v. 11
First Aid [roll1] v. 15

2019-10-19, 11:15 AM
Oddy follow from behind lost in thoughts.
A non evil alicorn? This open a lot of possibilities...

Yet, she own a dark artifact.
She bounce on air cheerfully from behind, looking behind her tail, to make sure they ain't followed.

Oddy pull a small colorful scarf. It isn't much, in the Frozen North, but it fashionable, at least.
"I am sorry for being a bit k'hostile, Ms. Alicorn, sweetie. I was afraid." she offer the scarf with a warm smile. The scarf has her scent:mind and sugar powder.
'My name is Oddy Irre. I am not sure, what is your taste yet but I k'hope you can enjoy the scarf.'

2019-10-19, 11:34 AM
Together, they help her stumble onto the train. Quoth takes one look at her and his undead face goes even paler. "What the-?" he exclaims. With one claw, he shoves Two Bit behind him. With the other, he draws out a miniature, one-handed chainsaw: a ripper. He holds it up in a defensive posture and snarls.

Worthy looks horrified and clutches her daughter close. Sunshiner herself, however, stares in awe. Their concerns are, however, defused when the alicorn stumbles and lets out another curse.

She stretches out on the seat, wings splayed out to the side, mane and tail waving gently in an invisible breeze, and just taking a moment to rest. As Doc and Rime tend to her, Quoth slowly steps over to Pepper, Roxy, and Oddy. "So," he says, "We're just taking in alicorns now?"

Doc, however, is getting very distracted. The alicorn is everything he ever dreamed of. He cannot really concentrate on his duties, only on her. His eyes are constantly drawn away from her injuries and downwards at the toned muscles laid out before him.

You know what? A Healing Potion/Stimpack will fix her right up! Yep. Thaaaat'll do it. Stab her with a needle, she'll be right as rain.

The alicorn looks at the scarf and grunts. "It's...very nice," she says non-noncommittally. She takes it and sets it down beside her, but otherwise ignores it.

2019-10-19, 11:53 AM
You know what? A Healing Potion/Stimpack will fix her right up! Yep. Thaaaat'll do it. Stab her with a needle, she'll be right as rain.

Doc (right brain): "If I said of it, I must of meant it."
Doc (left brain): "No! stop! We're being tricked!"

"Alright miss, can you count backwards from 10 for me? There's a point to it, I promise." Doc takes out a stimpack and before the alicorn gets far into her counting he gives her a shot of the healing liquid. He tries a medical trick he picked up in his training to make the medicine more effective.

IQ (Healer advantage to add +3 hp) [roll0] vs. 12

And yes, the pun was intentional.

2019-10-19, 11:55 AM
When her gift isn't getting the reaction she expected, Oddy sigh.
Maybe she is too injured.
'Don't worry! She is simply k'hurt a bit. Everything is under control!" to the worried ponies and ghoul

She push her head to Doc's ear.
"It is under control. Right?'

2019-10-19, 12:35 PM
The pool in Rime's eye shimmers. The magic on her horn disappears in a flash as Rime gains her split second insight into the truth.

Rime enters the train with the group and stomps off the snow on her boots. The snow on her clothes shouldn't be an issue as it melts away. She uses her staff to ward away anyone that gets in their path. Anyone that dare attacks them will get a nice thwack. None seem ready to attack yet. A lot of ponies are upset with seeing an alicorn; however, Rime can not fault them if they've heard the same rumors as her. Rumors that may not be entirely accurate anymore. She does help put the alicorn down and holds the Doc's light with her telekinesis.

She speaks loud enough so that everyone that was with the alicorn can hear. "She only spoke the truth. That fact has been told." Rime looks at the alicorn. "She did not lie." Wow. It is so hard to believe. Everything she said was the truth. That is a lot to take in. What an absurd story. And, she at the very least believes everything she said is true.

Rime chuckles with Doc. He seems sincere. "What can I say?" She half jokes, "I'm naturally charming. It runs in my family." She asks him, "Do you miss your friends and family back home. Is your home in Rainbow Resort?"

She keeps her eyes on the alicorn and watches over her. "Are you hungry?" Rime floats a piece of candy out of her pocket. "I have some special candy." Rime smiles to try to encourage her through this difficult time.

2019-10-19, 01:59 PM
Despite everything, Oddy cannot shake a bad feeling about this mare. An alicorn that is willing to talk is a step in the right direction, but she senses a darkness within her.

The alicorn rolls her eyes and begins counting. "Ten. Nine. Eight. Sevvvffffffffff! GAH!" Her body dissolves back into the misty form it took to escape the snowdrift and she quickly drifts away from Doc and towards the upper back corner of the traincar. "Ah yes," her voice echoes from within the cloud, "A 'point'. How very unfunny." She slowly re materializes, though this time she is able to stand on her own hooves. She looks about the car at each person present.

She takes Rime's candy on her telekinetic glow, examines it, and sets it down next to the scarf. "So then," she says, voice sliding into a lower, dangerous tone. "Now that I am back on my hooves, I suppose any chance of killing me has come and gone."

Quoth shifts uneasily. Golden subtly reaches into a pocket of her suit. Two Bit looks confused. The conductor has disappeared, probably running to get the chief engineer.

The mare chuckles, a slight maniacal edge to it. "But! I was not lying earlier when I said I bore you no ill will. In fact, I will make up for how my crash spoiled your trip. Observe!" Out of her mane crawl shapes, shadows in the form of pegasi. They have no features and are uniformly black, but they are large and strong. "Go," the alicorn says, "And clear the tracks for this train. I expect you to be done in ten minutes." The shapes salute and leap through the windows, passing through them unimpeded by mortal concerns such as solid objects.

She seats herself at the back, draping languidly across several seats, and lets out a yawn. She is still wounded, but something about her seems to have greatly magnified the healing power of the stimpack.

2019-10-19, 02:08 PM
"Ten. Nine. Eight. Sevvvffffffffff! GAH!" Her body dissolves back into the misty form it took to escape the snowdrift and she quickly drifts away from Doc and towards the upper back corner of the traincar. "Ah yes," her voice echoes from within the cloud, "A 'point'. How very unfunny." She slowly re materializes, though this time she is able to stand on her own hooves. She looks about the car at each person present.

She takes Rime's candy on her telekinetic glow, examines it, and sets it down next to the scarf. "So then," she says, voice sliding into a lower, dangerous tone. "Now that I am back on my hooves, I suppose any chance of killing me has come and gone."

"Reckon I wouldn't have patched you up if my intention was to kill ya," Doc points out. "I mean, yeah that needle hurt, no doubt, but it did the job of getting you up again." Doc looks the empty stimpack over and puts it away, adding in a softer tone,

"I appreciate that you didn't kick me in the face like the last patient did." >.>

He pulls out a small bottle of pain pills to show Rime, then glances over to Oddy, "Yeah. Reckon I got it under control."

2019-10-19, 02:25 PM
Roxy shrugs at Quoth after she finishes helping the alicorn to a seat. "She could have easily taken out the train when she hit the side earlier no? Not sure running her over with the train would have done much anyway after that scene. This one don't seem like others." And thankfully despite her theatrics it seems the alicorn was still keeping to her word. What a wonder that was in this wasteland. Roxy sticks her head out to follow the progress of the shadow things that were sent out to clear the snow then flops onto a seat to relax after a minute. "Looks like I don't have to dig us out. Nice little trick that."

2019-10-19, 02:26 PM
Well, Oddy know her next target.
To get close. And if needed.. well.

Holiday miracles are also about punishment.
Oddy nod to Doc, and peck his cheek. "Well aren't you a k'hero?' and clap her hooves. Why not praising him? He seems a bit down.
Oddy pull a pillow with Christmas-ish desgin, levitating under the alicorn's head. "It is an incredible power! We are so lucky to k'have you k'here!" she considering give a hug, but she might be a jumpy one. So she simply sit near her.
"What kind of k'holiday miracle did you just do?" she ask wide eyed and admiring

2019-10-19, 03:24 PM
Holiday miracles are also about punishment.
Oddy nod to Doc, and peck his cheek. "Well aren't a k'hero?' and clap her hooves. Why not praising him? He seems a bit down.

Doc's ears shoot up straight at the peck-n-praise. His cheeks blush. "Err, thank you, Oddy."

He picks up his gear and quietly retreats to his backpack so he could put things away. He's very organized and clean with his medical things.

2019-10-19, 03:52 PM
Rime switches to holding the light in a hoof instead using magic. A flashlight? in one hoof. A staff in the other.

Her eyes grow large when Doc stabs her. The alicorn had a much grander reaction than she expected. Doc must have jabbed her good.

The alicorn's magic made her uneasy.

Rime points at the candy with her staff. "You will want to eat that in the next twenty-four hours." She shrugs at the chance to kill her being gone.

She smirks when the alicorn says she is no liar. "I know." She points to herself. "A supporter that knew the truth."

She stares at the pegasi and mist. The interesting magic never stops.

Rime nods to Doc. "It would seem you do."

Rime starts preparing a spell

2019-10-19, 04:56 PM
"Sometimes ponies insist on a 'challenge'," the alicorn replies to Doc with a humorless, toothy grin.

Quoth steps closer to Roxy and sits down near her. He lowers his voice below the whistling of the wind outside. "I still don't have t' like it," he says, "We might want to 'check her work' after she's done. Even if she don't mean harm to us, she could have got it wrong. More magic a person has, less practical knowledge can fit in their head."

The alicorn's eyes narrow as Oddy approaches, and she studies the deer with a careful expression. "Holidays. I suppose you mean Hearthswarming, eh?" she says, patting the pillow. She grins again and leans forward, putting her face uncomfortably close to Oddy's. "I'm more of a Nightmare Night fan myself."

She returns to a normal posture and half-closes her eyes. "If it is a miracle, then it's one that soon the entire Crystal Empire soon will know. Thanks to your kindness, I shall be able to save your 'Frozen North'."

She looks to Doc and gestures with a hoof. "Come closer, my savior," she says, "I would give you a gift, since that seems the be the way of things around here."

Rime get a nod and a grateful smile.

2019-10-19, 05:04 PM
Oddy manage not badge or express her fear.
She didn't dealt with alicorns before, but had to deal with some shady ponies.
"Well, 'earthwarming is my favorite. But I guard k'hundreds of k'holidays. Nightmare Moon Night is one of them.' she answer with a smile.

Oh. Saving ponies medicaly. She wished she could do that. Doc seemed to have an advantage. But she might be able to use him.
For now.. just gathering intel.
"Do alicorns celebrate k'holidays? I don't think I have found a book about it, in the Great Holiday Library.' she ask, with curiosity

2019-10-19, 05:05 PM

Having silently watched the events unfold, the pegasus mare seems a bit more withdrawn now. A partly ethereal alicorn casting shadow magic and showing signs of erratic behavior that may pan out for the worse in the long run? Big damn deal; Pepper'd been expecting to shotgun her way out of the Rainbow resort after what she did--this too-tall princess is Future Pepper's problem. But something about Doc's present behavior seems to sour her mood even further; the stallion displaying --albeit more doofusly-- the same habits and traits all those meatheads on the force she hated often pulled. Competency going out the window in an effort to scope out any fetching or even partly fetching female, ego and hormones taking over their thinking... She almost wishes some of those poor mares who tried to seduce their way out of trouble put more over on them--they deserved it.

Still, with all the excitement passing, and Pepper's escape assured, she seems to come down from the slight panic and willingness to play as nice with the other ponies. With the open lid of her luggage blocking the view, she takes time to restore her shotgun and bandolier back into her case with the utmost care (though she slips a rather large pistol into a waiting holster under her coat...) and then with a huff takes her seat back. The Sand Dog and griffon were alright, even competent, but the rest? Hopefully she won't have to ever see this group ever again as she rests her head on a hoof and stares out the window.

2019-10-19, 05:50 PM
Doc looks up from his bag. "The way around here? Well, I wouldn't say that kindness is common, but... I mean, you are welcome." Doc gets up and trots over to the alicorn. "I'm just doing what I thought was the right thing."

2019-10-19, 07:23 PM
"I see. How...quaint. To answer your question, no. None of our own," the alicorn answers Oddy, "Though there are a few I am personally fond of." She looks Oddy over. "Why the interest? Is this some sort of test? Are you trying to see if I meet some standard or the other?"

One of her very large wings extends from her body and wraps around Doc's shoulders and draws him close to her. Her eyes meet his, filled with unnerving softness. "Which is still more than most would do," she says, "So tell me, Doctor, is there anything I can do for you in return?"

Golden taps Rime on the shoulder. "Soooo..." she says, "You walked out and walked back in with an alicorn. That's...interesting. Will she be joining us or..."

2019-10-19, 07:59 PM
One of her very large wings extends from her body and wraps around Doc's shoulders and draws him close to her. Her eyes meet his, filled with unnerving softness. "Which is still more than most would do," she says, "So tell me, Doctor, is there anything I can do for you in return?"

Doc considers the question as he looks into her eyes. 'wow, she's... big. Her wing is longer than my sleeping bag. Should I ask for something? A favor? Maybe I outta jus' be modest and get a hug or something? A kiss? Say kiss on the cheek. You know you want a kiss.' Yeah, she is beautiful. A cosmic-scale the likes Doc had never seen before in his life. This would be every straight stallion's fantasy come true right? Yeah... but that right there is the trouble, isn't it? She's a fantasy. Doc is an earthpony. And earthponies were grounded folk who knew when not to get in over their heads. This alicorn? Yeah, way above Doc's level. He needed to yank his reality check and act like it.

"Well, I weren't expecting anything. I mean, it wouldn't be kindness if I did, right?" Doc finally answered, a modest smile on his face. He couldn't take advantage of this opportunity. "Your thanks is appreciation enough I reckon. I'm just glad to be of service."

S-should he pull himself away? Can he pull himself away? Doc glances at her wing and does some fancy math in his head. He's still got a pleasant face on. He's just leaning a little into the wing to see if she'd let him go free or not.

2019-10-19, 10:19 PM
"Might have been better to deal with her outside." Roxy murmurs back. "But perhaps the cat's curiosity got me. We'll just have to hope that what she says is true." She glances out the window again, not that she could probably see the shadow creatures from this angle. When she looks back she gets an eyeful of Doc's predicament which brings a smirk to her muzzle.

"Feels like it's already paying off on entertainment." Roxy says jerking a head towards the earth pony's bashfulness.

2019-10-20, 12:15 AM
Oddy was a bit wierded out about the alicorn.
It wasn't her beauty. Sure. She maybe never seen such a beauty before, not even in the mirror, but the alicorn seemed to escape nuances and reading between the lines- or did it too bluntly.
It.. was challenging. And she seems all over the little obliviouse doctor.
She could use it, maybe. It was her normal way of thrill, to map the heart of a pony, lot the treasure and get out.
But what treasure she seek to loot? Oddy didn't knew. Maybe a way to kill her, maybe to honestly be her friend. Who know?

Sort of honesty won't hurt the situation. It usually doesn't.
"Well, you are a very unique mare in my eyes.
I k'have never met anydeer like you, so I am curiouse. Who are you, what motivate you-" and she getting closer from her other side, sitting.
"And I would like you, to like me, like I like you." she smile charmingly.

2019-10-20, 11:45 AM
She returns to a normal posture and half-closes her eyes. "If it is a miracle, then it's one that soon the entire Crystal Empire soon will know. Thanks to your kindness, I shall be able to save your 'Frozen North'.""You said something like that earlier. You were a little out of it, but you addressed the Frozen North. What do you mean by saving?" Rime is open to listening to her, but she has dealt with people trying to 'save' the north. They normally aren't kind ponies, or ponies Rime would want to 'save' her. She doesn't think badly of the alicorn, but past experiences have left her a little cynical. "We have a lot going on up here. How long exactly have you been up here, or even freed from that puffed-up showmare?" The alicorn seems new to the Frozen North. Rime is not new to her homeland.

Golden taps Rime on the shoulder. "Soooo..." she says, "You walked out and walked back in with an alicorn. That's...interesting. Will she be joining us or..."Between all the ponies talking to the alicorn, a little side conversation never hurt. Rime somehow isn't surprised by the shoulder tap in all the attention stealing excitement. She turns her iron head to face Golden. "That is something isn't it?" Rime never would have gotten herself into this mess if it wasn't for the other rescuers. "Doc found an injured pony out in the snow and insisted on patching her up." Rime seems perturbed. "I don't know if she will be staying with us. It's the middle of the night, and she hasn't fully recovered. For her, the best course of action is to spend the night with us. She is friendly, and I don't see the harm in it." Rime lights up like a sand dog finding a juicy diamond. She can feel the scoop of her life! An opportunity is knocking. "She has already told us some very interesting stories. It would give me a chance to write some fantastic material."

2019-10-20, 12:06 PM
"No pleasant dreams? No impenetrable pelt? No ability to make your enemies flee in terror at the mere sight of you?" the alicorn asks. She shrugs. "Well, never let it be said that I did not honor a request from a good-hearted pony. Rare as those are, it will not come up often, I am sure." She is not holding him tightly. He can slip out of her grip if he really wants to. It is pleasantly warm, though.

After a moment of hesitation, the alicorn extends her other wing and wraps it around Oddy's shoulders. "Very well," she says, "What motivates me. Hmm. I desire to bring order back to the Wasteland. Yes...that sounds right. Wouldn't you agree that life would be better if the raiders were gone and the towns worked together?" She speaks both to Oddy and Rime. "It won't happen on it's own. Somepony needs to make it happen. And I..." She puts a hoof to her chest. "I have the power to do so. Therefore it is my responsibility." She looks between the mare, the doe, and the stallion currently around her. "And why not start with the four of us? Will you join me?"

"Fantastic material," Golden agrees, "When you're done, come find me. I have some things to discuss with you." With that, she slips away and approaches Pepper, a smile on her face. "Hello!" she says brightly, "You seem like a mare prepared for trouble. How'd you like a job?"

Quoth mutters to Roxy, "If you can call this entertainment, sure. Just wait for the other horseshoe to drop."

2019-10-20, 01:56 PM
After a moment of hesitation, the alicorn extends her other wing and wraps it around Oddy's shoulders. "Very well," she says, "What motivates me. Hmm. I desire to bring order back to the Wasteland. Yes...that sounds right. Wouldn't you agree that life would be better if the raiders were gone and the towns worked together?" She speaks both to Oddy and Rime. "It won't happen on it's own. Somepony needs to make it happen. And I..." She puts a hoof to her chest. "I have the power to do so. Therefore it is my responsibility." She looks between the mare, the doe, and the stallion currently around her. "And why not start with the four of us? Will you join me?"

"Well, I wouldn't mind less raiders around," Doc answers with a thoughtful glance to the alicorn's warm wing. He then motions to his cutie mark. "But, I reckon my calling lies elsewhere. I'm just a wasteland doctor. Not really a liberator or anything heroic. In addition, there's some personal business I gotta take care of. Thanks for the offer though. I appreciate that you think that highly of me."

He slips out of her wing, bows his head, and then returns to his seat to finish packing. Doc didn't want to strike a 'deal with the devil'. He only just met this alicorn and while her offers of worldly fame and fortune were tempting, he had to keep himself humble. He had a mission already. He needed to find who was responsible for burning his place down and getting his cousin shot dead.

Sigh. He did miss Linseed. He hadn't even a moment to properly mourn her yet.

2019-10-20, 05:50 PM
Such lofty goals. Pepper occasionally looked back towards Princess Picturesque and the others, faintly thinking it would be nice to believe in the alicorn, but she certainly can't bring herself to do so. Just keep focusing on the scenery, she tells herself, until she's interrupted in her act of doing nothing.

"Depends on the trouble. Depends on the job, too." she finally faces Oppurtunity, offering her a seat in front of her as she's still leaving the seat next to her occupied by her gun case. "What did you have in mind?"

2019-10-20, 06:12 PM
"An appetizer then. I don't like being in over my head but that went out the window the moment she hit the side of the car I think." Course Roxy did enjoy conflict to some degree. Facing the unexpected and overcoming it. She flicks an ear at the mention of ridding the wasteland of raiders. Some would call her gang raiders though technically they were protecting their little town... Never mind that they were collecting protection money with the other hand. "Even hurt she still threw out spells like they were nothing."

2019-10-20, 09:41 PM
"Well," the alicorn smiles at Doc, "At the very least, I shall remember you. And when my armies march, I will make sure they don't burn your house down." She pauses. "That sounds harsher than I meant. I don't plan to burn anyone's house down, but there is always some resistance. I am sure I will have to make an example of a few raiders before the rest fall in line."

Golden chuckles and says, "A mare with a head on her shoulders. Good." She leans in and lowers her voice. "I'm putting together a team, see, to raid a newly-discovered Pre-War depot. Places like them are popping up all of the sudden and I want to be one of the first to get inside one. I know the location of one near Neighagara Falls, but I need someone good with a gun and ready to run security on the operation. You seem well-equipped for the job."

"Which just means she's even more dangerous," Quoth mutters, "Look. Promise me something. You see someone about to do something that antagonizes her? Step in and stop it. I'll back you up. And if I see something, you back me up. Don't need her burning half the train down because someone slipped a whoopee cushion under her. Deal?"

2019-10-20, 10:44 PM
"Well," the alicorn smiles at Doc, "At the very least, I shall remember you. And when my armies march, I will make sure they don't burn your house down." She pauses. "That sounds harsher than I meant. I don't plan to burn anyone's house down, but there is always some resistance. I am sure I will have to make an example of a few raiders before the rest fall in line."

"Heh yeah, usually how raiders respond. They usually respect a sign o' strength," Doc agreed with a nod. He buckled the last buckle on his pack and stuffed it under his seat again. Then Doc plopped himself down. He loosened his scarf a bit, now that he was sitting still and felt that it was warm enough. His glasses had a smudge. Doc removed them to wipe with a cloth in his pocket.

Vowing not to burn down his house. Obviously she didn't know, but that was a rather uncanny moment right there. Life has a dark sense of humor.


He looked through his glasses around the train car to get a list of where everyone sat, while at the same time inspecting the lenses for more smudges. Oddy and Rime were with the alicorn. Roxy was over there with the ghoul griffon. Doc exhaled on the left lens to fog it up and then he wiped it down again. The pegasus and... whoever that mare was in the other corner. That just leaves the mare Worthy, her daughter, and the colt.

Doc put his glasses on and pocketed the cloth.

His stomach made a gentle motion to tell him that he was hungry. Doc reached down to his pack and pulled out a thermos. He opened it and inspected the contents inside. It was a mixture of instant mash, cram, and beans. Just like mama used to make back home. Currently his leftovers were a bit cold, but he didn't mind. Doc could eat just about anything. And this meal was a lot of calorie energy packed into a small container. That made it ideal as winter food. He took a spoon from a small pocket in his pack, put the loop over his hoof and slowly ate a few bites of the leftover meal.

2019-10-21, 11:12 AM
This was exactly the material Oddy's targets were made from. Arrogant bastards who think they can take everything and justify it with commoner bully's excuses

Oddy smiled.
"It does sound like a noble cause." the doe almost purr under the alicorn's wing.
'And coming from an alicorn! If we play the cards right, you will be worshipped as goddess!" Oddy sounded more and more excited.
'It might take some time, but your vision is very possible. We can make it work!"


Body Launguage 13

Detect lies 13

Oddy think this is yak ****.
Oddy only wonder, if Allie has convinced HERSELF.

2019-10-21, 12:50 PM
Sometimes, a pony just wants to be alone and sit for a minute. Collect his thoughts. Come to terms with everything that has happened. And, though it may not mean a lot of NPC interaction, most ponies can take a hint and leave Doc alone with his thoughts.

As he sits, he recalls a story he heard about the War. The Zebra Empire of Maregypt declared war on Equestria because they did not believe that Luna was really reformed. They expected her to turn back into Nightmare Moon and betray the world once more. Though the details have been lost to time, a some ponies still hold grudges against any zebras for that reason.

What would those same zebras think if they were in the room with him right now?

"Nobility goes without saying," the alicorn says to Oddy, "It is simply what must be done. That is noble enough for me." A snarl comes over her face. "No goddesses! The Wasteland does not need any more of those! What it needs are ponies willing to act, dare great things, and accomplish more." She shrugs her wings and gestures to herself with a hoof. "Nyx never could have dreamed she'd ever become this! But now, now I am..."

She pauses. ""In a way, it is true. Yes, indeed. I suppose I am Nightmare Moon! With my magic and this helmet, all of her former power is mine. But I am Nightmare Moon reborn. A Nightmare Moon that remembers what it was like to be both a pony and the scourge of ponies, a terror that razes villages at the command of a..." She snarls. "A true monster. No! I choose a third path. I will be the guardian of the wasteland, the unifier and savior of ponies. All shall feel the night's warm embrace. Those who love and serve me willingly will be rewarded and receive blessings untold. Those who oppose me..." She chuckles and her horn glows brightly. "Not even the secrets kept in the darkest places shall record their names."

Truly Worthy has been listening all this time and chooses now to speak up. "But can you raise the moon?"

The alicorn's head snaps towards her. "Pardon?"

"If you are truly Nightmare Moon, reborn and reformed or not, then you should be able to raise and lower the moon," the mare continues, "Can you?"

The alicorn shifts forward slightly. "I said I had all of her power, did I not?"

Oddy, however, thinks otherwise. The way she nervously holds herself when answering that question reveals the truth to her. This mare may honestly believe she is the princess of the night reborn, but it seems she has a bit of a ways to go before she can live up to the title.

2019-10-21, 01:42 PM
What would those same zebras think if they were in the room with him right now?

Help help get me out of this coffin?

"If you are truly Nightmare Moon, reborn and reformed or not, then you should be able to raise and lower the moon," the mare continues, "Can you?"

The alicorn shifts forward slightly. "I said I had all of her power, did I not?"

A full tummy always helped Doc think straight.

"As the trained physician on this here locomotive, I suggest we not venture down this road of debate. Someone is gonna get hurt, and that's more work on me," Doc interrupted with a calm, but firm and professional tone. Although, he did not look up from his meal. "Allie ought to be resting after surviving that lightning bolt in the back, so let's not pester her into showing off her powers until the mornin'. Let her heal up in peace. It's also getting late. Conductor, you got spare blankets for the filly and colt? Foals need their sleep or it's gonna stunt their growth."

It was an honest concern, and also an attempt to end the path this conversation was gonna go. No need to test the alicorn's power (and patience) right now on this train.

2019-10-21, 03:12 PM
Oddy nodded and made voices of admiring Ooh!
She was a perfect fangirl in this regrad.
"I am sorry, if I were insensitive about godk'hood.'

Children were always her first worry. But Doc seemed to care about them well enough.
If she want to prevent madness and slaughter of children in the future, she need to be in the grace of this alicorn. Either to direct her to use her power wisely, either to end her.

Oddy never killed before. She think. (She had to shoot few times to defend herself... but she never checked if she got a hit. At those situations to escape and survive were enough)
But alicorn going "unifying" everypony, and deleting them from history books...
Is a worthy first target to give her the gift of death.

"You can forgive a mortal like me, for such mistake. Can't you? You are looking quite godly, after all.' she cooed.
"But.. why to call yourself Nightmare Moon? You don't k'have to be a copy of some old forgotten goddess.' she rolled her beautiful eyes.
"Why bring up again old silly grudges, that could antagnoize zebras and some ponies? I think you should be your own mare.' she tapped her.
"Why not call yourself... Iremia*, for example? You want to bring peace... but would it by fear... or love?' and added a wink.

*Iremia is calm in greek. So it sound alicornish, and may give diffrent vibe to her night related powers.

2019-10-21, 07:39 PM
Rime says to Doc, "It's about time the train ponies returned." Rime calls out, "Conductor. We need you in here!"

Rime will put her backpack back in her seat. She will take her book though. She looks around for a place to sit and decides on a special place. She sits next to the alicorn and smiles up at her. Her book flips open again and she takes some notes.

2019-10-21, 09:29 PM
Worthy looks like she is about to protest, but her daughter puts a hoof on her shoulder, and she quiets down. She's disgruntled, but quiet. Satisfied, the alicorn nods to Doc and then has her attention stolen away again by her two admirers. Her other wing, the one Doc abandoned, now wraps around Rime. "I shall, er, forgive you, yes." The alicorn seems slightly uncomfortable with Oddy's (seeming) overwhelming admiration. It is not a response she is used to.

"I have not officially renamed myself," the alicorn says, "But I do have the power of Nightmare Moon!" She glances at Worthy, who glowers back. "To hide the connection would be deceitful, yes?"

"Fear and love," she answers, "Those I save will love me for it. Those who would destroy them will fear my wrath if they try."

The Conductor pops his head back in and says, "You called? Blankets and pillows, yes. We have those. Anything else?"

2019-10-21, 10:01 PM
The Conductor pops his head back in and says, "You called? Blankets and pillows, yes. We have those. Anything else?"

"Just the comforts, thank you kindly."

Doc quietly slides off his seat and, while his attention is still mostly on the food in his thermos, slinks over quietly to Worthy. He sits down next to her. "Hungry?" Doc asks her. He wiggles his thermos slightly. "It's instant mash with cram and beans. Gives you those extra calories to keep warm in this weather. Not bad tasting either."

In a hushed whisper, as he stirs the food like he's offering it to her, Doc adds, "I apologize for cutting you off; no one gonna win an argument against narcissism. Trust me, I learned the hard way." He lifts up his right hind-leg a bit to show a scar where someone broke his leg once a few years back. "For what it's worth, you weren't wrong; a little skepticism is good. And if you're willing to forgive my transgression, I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about your Reformed Church. I could use a little faith right now."

2019-10-21, 10:35 PM
Roxy has to clamp a paw around her muzzle to keep quiet. The image of the alicorn sitting on a woopie cushion sending her into mostly muffled giggle fit and it takes a few moments for her to settle down. "Yes... Yes that's fair enough." Roxy has to wipe a tear from her eye as she continues the conversation in a low voice. "Right now that would be disastrous wouldn't it? Oh the look on her face though if someone did... Ah. All this talk of unification though, what do you think of it? Dunno about her story but that power is certainly something." The sand dog tilts her head towards Quoth. Unification seemed like a concept far away much like a sunny day in this part of the wasteland. There were times where it might come close but then something breaks it up.

2019-10-21, 11:06 PM
Oddy nod and give an excited nuzzle.
"It does sound powerful, yet fair! But..." she pause tilting her thinking.
"But if what legends told me didn't lied- (which they could k'have) with Nightmares powers, killing ponies would be such a waste!'
She pause. "The nightmare magic can terrorize everypony into obdience. Riiiight?'


2019-10-22, 12:26 AM
The Conductor soon returns with a set of sheets and blankets. He clears his throat. "There is one bed still available for anyone that wishes to purchase it."

Worthy does not seem pleased to have Doc approach, however that attitude swiftly changes when he reveals his true reasons for acting as he did. "I take your point, kind sir," she whispers, "And yes. Wisdom must not be wasted on foals." She reaches into her bag and pulls out a printed pamphlet, slightly wrinkled. She smooths it out and shows it to him, explaining what appears on the front. "In short," she says, "We believe that, though they no longer walk among us, the princesses remain with us in spirit and watch over those who live out the virtues of Harmony. How else do you explain that we have survived this long, when the world is full of so many dangers? The princesses protect."

Quoth's face darkens and his good eye glowers over at the alicorn. "I like it about as well as I like a face-full of fresh pony dung, that's what," he mutters back, "I think it amounts to 'tyranny, with extra steps'. Course, I'm not exactly volunteering to go up and confront her alone, if you know what I mean. Got enough enemies as it is."

Meanwhile, the alicorn continues to talk with her adoring fangirl. "Oh. They can kill alright. They are very good at instilling fear too. They are nightmares, after all. But that is no different than a pistol." She grins. "My weapons just pack a little more punch, you see. But at the end of the day, it is how you use the tools you are given that make your actions right or wrong, not the tools themselves."

2019-10-22, 12:44 AM
"Of course, I wouldn't expect any less wisdom from a royalty like you!" Oddy coed.
"So... k'how will it work? Are you going to anounce your presence at the first town you find, and demand everypony to bow before you?' she asked, sounding a bit ditzy and silly. Completly NOT a threat. Just a pretty doe who shower her with praises and attention.
"You know, I am sure it will work with ease. Just few ponies to slay as an example.. right?' she smile with starry eyes.
"So what would be your first commands? I am sure everypony will be sooo motivated to serve you, Princess... mmm.. Iremia?' she end her blabbering with a questioning tone, to make sure Allie aprove of this name.

2019-10-22, 05:54 AM
Worthy does not seem pleased to have Doc approach, however that attitude swiftly changes when he reveals his true reasons for acting as he did. "I take your point, kind sir," she whispers, "And yes. Wisdom must not be wasted on foals." She reaches into her bag and pulls out a printed pamphlet, slightly wrinkled. She smooths it out and shows it to him, explaining what appears on the front. "In short," she says, "We believe that, though they no longer walk among us, the princesses remain with us in spirit and watch over those who live out the virtues of Harmony. How else do you explain that we have survived this long, when the world is full of so many dangers? The princesses protect."

The bed sounds nice, but Doc will let someone more with the need to have it. He'll just ensure the two children have a warm blanket to sleep under.

Doc reads the pamphlet over. "I reckon that'll explain my close calls. Does your orthodox say anything about an afterlife or what comes after? I, uh, well recently I had a cousin die and I'm still grappling with that; working on getting closure. I thought it might help to talk about it with someone."

2019-10-22, 08:20 AM
When she gets hugged she stores her staff nearby and holds her book in her hoofs. She is no longer using her telekinesis. She turns to a new page and continues logging her first day out in the wasteland away from Rainbow Resort.

She compliments the alicorn, "I imagine ever since you became an alicorn you've been very powerful."

Rime gets the conductor's attention before he can disappear on her. "Yes, over here. You may have noticed that you have an extra passenger. Will we be needing a ticket for her?" Rime cheerily asks the alicorn, "Would you like me to reserve a bedroom for you?"

2019-10-22, 12:29 PM
The alicorn's wing slips off of Oddy and she inches away from her. "You are...very intent on me killing things, aren't you?" she says, seeming a little creeped out, "Is there someone you want me to kill or something along those lines? I mean, there are many levels of violence and displays of power I can do that don't end in someone dying. Broken bones, unconsciousness, maybe a light concussion... There are a lot of ways to bring ponies into compliance besides wholesale slaughter. That's reserved for those who truly oppose me and everything I try to accomplish."

Worthy face turns to one of sadness and what compassion she can offer. She is a hard mare, but not entirely made of stone. "I am sorry," she says, "Yes. Yes it does. We believe that, in the death of their physical forms, the princesses ascended to their full potential and have created a new land for their little ponies in the realm of the spirit. When we die, those who have lived their life according to the principles of that land will find their spirits drawn there. Those that did not may seek it, if they wish, though they will be stumbling around in the dark without the internal guide to direct their path. You could say they lack the correct 'moral compass'."

The Conductor's face pales. "N-no ticket required for her! And if she wants the last bed, and you're willing to pay, that's no trouble at all!"

"I cannot stay long," the alicorn says, "There is nothing radioactive around here."

2019-10-22, 12:47 PM
Oddy is geniounly surprised. It take her out of balance.
It didn't added up. She smiled again, and partial honesty might save the situation.
"I am sorry. But many powerful ponies speaking about union, and usually it translated into very k'harsh violence.' she paused.
"I was wrong. You really are diffrent.' she fold her ears looks guilty.
"I was used for so long, that all powerful ponies k'have one train of thought... I was wrong to assume you might be the same." she apologized.

Her ears perked. "What kind of radiation do you need? Maybe I can k'hop and bring you something?'

2019-10-22, 01:42 PM
Worthy face turns to one of sadness and what compassion she can offer. She is a hard mare, but not entirely made of stone. "I am sorry," she says, "Yes. Yes it does. We believe that, in the death of their physical forms, the princesses ascended to their full potential and have created a new land for their little ponies in the realm of the spirit. When we die, those who have lived their life according to the principles of that land will find their spirits drawn there. Those that did not may seek it, if they wish, though they will be stumbling around in the dark without the internal guide to direct their path. You could say they lack the correct 'moral compass'."

Doc snorted, but it was a friendly one. "Stumbling around in the dark? Yeah, that's my cousin alright. I mean, Linseed was a good pony at heart. Rather bright if she applied herself, but... well, when she fell on hard times, she turned to drugs for dealing with the stress. Didn't take long for her life to just fall apart like it did."

For once he actually put the thermos down. Doc leaned back and studied the ceiling. "I spent a few weeks with her, trying to help her get clean, but... it didn't take. She was shot one night in a fight with someone. Dunno the details, just that she didn't live through the night. I do miss our arguments. Funny thing to say, but... she was my cousin. Shared the same stubborn streak."

"I just hope she finds her own way. I did what I could to help her. Just hope it was enough."

2019-10-22, 04:10 PM
The atmosphere is getting so heavy in this place, and in general being unaware that at least one other pony on board has been offered the same job, Pepper briefly shoves her hat down further along her brow. She caught snippets of the conversations here and there and generally seems not to want much to do with them. The alicorn is going to have a harder time of things than she is--assuming word gets out of what Pepper did-- and she... honestly didn't give much thought to any afterlife until recently. Pepper would much rather focus on living now; she certainly had to live in the moment of protecting Rainbow resort from raiders with little time to ponder the theological rammifications of her actions. Certainly-- she thinks with a moment's flash of worry-- that some day she too will be brought to task. Not by her former employers, but by any ethereal watchers who were not happy with some of the things she condoned, let alone did, during her time as a security mare. Just what kind of demons were there for ponies who did things they later were to realize were bad, if not evil? Dammit, she doesn't need this kind of crap to think about.

It's no wonder then that she leaps for the chance to be employed again mere hours after torpedoing her last occupation. She needs something, anything to get her mind off this crazy train. She responds promptly to avoid seeming even more rude than before. "Well, i imagine everypony's tired,so I won't mince words: You acting on behalf of private enterprise or an authoritative organization? Any clue at all to the contents of this strong hold? Wait. I don't suppose there are, but do you have a dossier on any of the parameters? Any other teams working to trying to get in? Has anyone already tried? And how many ponies are on the team you're in charge of sending in?

2019-10-22, 06:04 PM
Rime smirks at the free ticket. "Good! I'm sure she is happy to hear the ticket is provided free of charge." Alicorn is leaving soon? That isn't good at all. She holds up her pen. "One moment on renting that bed."

She says to the alicorn. "Oddy is right. We could figure something out that'd let you spend the night here."

2019-10-22, 08:41 PM
Roxy scratches her chin. "Well there's the trick, get in buddy buddy like and if things do look like they're going in that direction... Maybe you'll be close enough to do something about it. I don't exactly like the sound of someone ruling over others with an iron fist, or hoof as the case may be, either but if it settles things down... Bah I don't know." That was the question wasn't it? Would things be better? Loss of freedom for stability? Roxy wouldn't mind less bloodshed in some parts of the wasteland but that also meant troublesome rules and such and penalties to go with them. Penalties that would probably be quite difficult to outrun. She keeps watching the alicorn alongside Quoth. "At least she's acting like she talks so that's something."

2019-10-22, 10:03 PM
"Yes. And someone kills them for it," the alicorn says, "I found a book, you see, about how to be an effective leader. It's a bunch of rules, one of them being that murder creates just as much problems as it solves. The cover was a bit...half burnt, but the pages were still there."

"Any kind," she answers, "With radiation, I heal faster. All this will be gone by morning if I can find a good source of it. Which is why I will need some tonight. I must be fully healed as soon as possible."

Worthy's face is somber. "I see." She puts a hoof on Doc's shoulder for a moment, a gesture of sympathy. "She sounds like she will find her way eventually. It just might take her longer than it would for one such as you."

Firestarter leans forward. "Excuse me?" she asks quietly, "May I...have some of that?" She gestures to the thermos.

If anything, this is the response Golden Opportunity expects. She chuckles and answers Pepper. "I represent myself. As such, I can't pay a lot up front, but can cut you in on an even share of the loot. So far, the team is me and Rime Verse, but I hope to bump that up to at least six. That's sizeable enough that any other groups won't ignore us but not so large as to cut too much into our respective shares." She shrugs. "I have no idea what the situation is like right now. My source said the depot was known only to him, but that information is two days old now, and it's a bit of a gold rush. Scratch that. Pristine, pre-war hardware is probably worth more than gold."

Quoth sighs. "Well, at least there's that. Watch her corrupt us all into her mind-slaves in our sleep tonight." He shifts in his seat. "But yeah. What's the worst that could happen, right?"

2019-10-22, 10:27 PM
Worthy's face is somber. "I see." She puts a hoof on Doc's shoulder for a moment, a gesture of sympathy. "She sounds like she will find her way eventually. It just might take her longer than it would for one such as you."

Firestarter leans forward. "Excuse me?" she asks quietly, "May I...have some of that?" She gestures to the thermos.

Firesarter's voice pulls Doc's eyes back down. He wipes his spoon clean on his scarf. "Sure can, young lady. Here you go," he says with a smile. Doc gives her the thermos and offers the spoon if she wants.

He turns to Worthy. "Well, it is nice to finally talk to someone about my cousin. Hard for a stallion to find comfort for his feelings; the wasteland generally tells us to just suck it up. So, thank you a bunch for listening. Does your group take donations? I can toss you a few caps for your cause.

Doc reaches into a pocket without waiting for an answer from Worthy and pulls out an even 23 caps.

2019-10-23, 08:05 AM
"I suppose I'll take you up on this job. Call me... Glint." Pepper lies, rubbing her chin gently with her hoof.

"But it sounds like we should get there as soon as possible, and make no assumptions of whether your horse whisperer informant kept their mouth shut. I don't know much about the Law over at the Falls but is there any chance they'd send their own team to grab everything? What do we do if they get involved?"

Vaults could have guns. Pepper's shotgun is no Saturday Night special (nor is her pistol for that matter) but compared to the ordinance she had to abandon, any surplus could be welcome, but more importantly, she needs to establish herself and a successful raid like this could lead to more job offers. All I need is some breakfast and a place to leave my 'luggage' and I'll be ready."

2019-10-23, 09:14 AM
Rime says to the conductor. "Put a pin in that thought. She may leave soon. I'll have to get back in touch with you later to work out any arrangements." She gives him a polite dismissing smile.

She says to the alicorn, "Before you leave, Oddy and I want to have a private conversation with you in the baggage car." She looks around the car. "It's busy in here. To be expected in a passenger car, and it is what it is." Rime slightly nods. "Let me know you are leaving before you leave."

2019-10-23, 02:06 PM
Firestarter's eyes light up and she eagerly accepts the food. She's so eager, in fact, that Worthy has to remind her, "Don't eat it all, dear. Leave some for the generous stallion."

"Sorry..." the unicorn filly mutters.

"We do," Worthy says, "And give them, sometimes. Far be it from us to discourage Generosity." She smiles almost-warmly when he pulls out the caps and graciously accepts them. Firestarter returns his thermos as well, still with a good bit of food left in it.


"Welcome aboard, Glint," Golden says with a warm smile.

"Well, the Falls does adhere to the commonly accepted 'First Come, First Served' rule. So we have to get their first or find a way to convince whoever gets there before us to leave before they've taken everything," she says, "If the local government gets involved, we make them our customers instead of selling it on the open market. We retrieve what they ask, they pay us, and we sell whatever's left over at a markup."

"I have tents and supplies in the luggage car. We can grab rations at the Falls."


The conductor is all too eager to be dismissed. He leaves Rime and Oddy to their conversation.

The alicorn frowns and scrutinizes Rime's face. "I see," she says, "Well in that case, you will lead the way, correct?"

The train begins to move forward once more. The way ahead is now clear.

2019-10-23, 03:05 PM
Doc doesn't seem like he would be bothered if the filly ate all the food in the thermos. He has more in his bag he can make.

"No worries, you are welcome, little one," he says when he gets the thermos back.

When the train lurches, Doc's ears rise up. "Ah, seems we're moving again. Excellent," he comments. Continuing his conversation with Worthy, "I do find that kindness is often too rare in the world. Big reason I became a doctor was to help others. 'Course it seems you need to get your name out there or no one can tell you apart from every two-cap snake oil salespony. I don't even peddle in the chem business."

2019-10-23, 09:22 PM
Quoth sighs. "Well, at least there's that. Watch her corrupt us all into her mind-slaves in our sleep tonight." He shifts in his seat. "But yeah. What's the worst that could happen, right?"

"We'll just have to find out won't we?" Pesemist much? Then again the decaying bunch of feathers managed to stay (un?)alive for as long as he did so perhaps he had the right idea. "Assuming she doesn't turn us into puppets this affect your gig at all?"

2019-10-24, 01:55 AM
Oddy hop cheerfully, blowing a kiss to the lucky(?) conducter.
"I am sure, the three of us could figure out somethimg. If a pony own it, I can get it for you!' Oddy said with a smile.
Just as easily she decided to doom the alicorn, she decided to help her

"And if you geniunly want to be a good leader, I'l try and k'help.'

2019-10-24, 06:51 AM
Rime smiles at alicorn, "Thank you for clearing the tracks. I'm sure Roxy appreciates not having to dig us out at night."

The journal gets put down, and Rime holds out her hoof. She pulls her staff to her and uses the staff to stand up.

Good. Rime was right about Oddy. "Oddy. Let us go." She looks to the two. She pleasantly says, "This way please." She will lead them to some privacy.

2019-10-24, 12:17 PM
Worthy nods in approval. "Chem dealers do Sombra's work. They lure otherwise good ponies in and bring out the worst in their hearts. Much of our relief efforts go to the victims, though no matter how many we help, there is always another Dash or Rage dealer to lead yet more astray."


"My 'gig' is to see the kid safely to Neighagara," Quoth replies, "Got paid for a job at the Resort, have a job lined up in Neighagara, so this is just me getting paid for a trip I was already going to take. So long as this whole...thing doesn't interfere with us arriving, shouldn't affect that."

He pauses. "Actually, if you're willing to get your claws a bit bloody, I could cut you in on an opportunity to get paid twice more."


"Whether or not I am good or bad, history will decide," the alicorn answers, "I will do what I can, when I can, where I can. That is all anyone can expect of me."

She sizes Oddy up and down, eyes lingering here and there. "Yes..." she says, "I suppose you could get almost anything you want. Assuming, of course, there is anything radioactive around here."

She will follow Rime into the privacy of the next car, which is much colder than the one they were just in. The alicorn's form blends into the dim lighting, half-melding into the shadows. She raises an eyebrow. "Now what?" she asks.

2019-10-24, 12:38 PM
"Yeah. When I attempted to treat my cousin, I was working on some derived drugs to help addicts ease off their addiction, rather than try quitting cold turkey. Might consider continuing that if I can get myself access to a decent lab somewhere." Doc thinks about all the research he had and how notes are very flammable on paper. Damn.

He sees the unicorn lead the alicorn out of the train car. This gets Doc's curiosity. He looks back to Worthy. "Not gonna guess what they're up to, but at least they're not doing it here. Pretty sure that alicorn just has a delusion of grandeur and isn't powerful enough to be someone like Nightmare Moon."

2019-10-24, 01:14 PM
"Well... it might sound random..' Oddy think,
"Aren't ghouls radioactive?"

2019-10-24, 03:19 PM
Rime opens the passenger car door and walks outside into the windy cold night. The tracks speed past underneath them. She leads the way to the baggage car and opens that door as well. The pony keeps going until she is in the baggage car. She says to Oddy while rubbing her coat, "Would you close that door behind you?"

She says to alicorn, "One second. I am sure there is light around here somewhere. We're not caveponies." Rime pulls out her flashlight and runs her hoof over a smooth side, missing the switch. She frowns. "Why-" She tries again, presses the switch, and looks happy for a second. She looks around for the light switch.

Rime clears her throat and looks at the massive pony in front of her. "I think... you are a good pony. You trusted me, a complete stranger, when you were at your most vulnerable. You did not have to let me cast Truthsayer on you. I think that says a lot about your character. That you can see the good in other ponies and their actions. That is why I'm going to do you a favor." She playfully warns, "Don't go telling anypony I'm nice out in the Frozen North because I don't want to have to deal with ponies trying to take advantage of me."

She takes a breath and contemplating exhales. "I think you of all people deserve somepony telling you. You are a good pony that deserves that. You may not know because you are new up here. I went to the magical school for gifted unicorns." She pauses to let that sink in. "I have more experience with magicks than most ponies will ever experience in ten lifetimes. I've seen the slow effects of what magic can do to a pony. I've seen ponies driven mad with wild magics." She says very confidently, "That is why I'm telling you that your helmet is cursed."

"I know you don't want to hear this, and you can feel a fight brewing inside of you. Are those even your feelings? When we freed you from the snow you went looking for that helmet like a raider missing their rage. You may not realize how that magic controlling you but that piece of metal has hooks in you. It is corrupting you from the inside and bending you to its will. That thing isn't some puffed-up showmare in what it will do to you. It will consume you entirely until there is nothing left. You will lose yourself again, and may never see the light again. That true monster you thought was gone; it isn't gone. It is working on you, shaping you against your will until controls you. Don't give into the helmet."

"Oddy. Tell her what you felt when you picked up the helmet. What you saw with your gift. Help her."

2019-10-24, 05:08 PM
Worthy's eyes narrow. "Weakened doses?" she says, "How interesting. I suppose some do need help when their own will is not enough." She smiles, but it is a tighter one than before. She is not fond of the idea, but appears willing to admit its utility. "I suppose you are a doctor, so you would know best."


The alicorn frowns, brow knitting together under her helmet's nose-guard. "I am not sure," she says, "I have not met many that didn't want to devour me. I blasted them to pieces and made sure they'd trouble no one else."

Rime finds a light by the door and turns it on. The bulb flickers at every rattle and shake that rocks the car, but does provide enough light to bring the alicorn's form back into a semblance of focus. She sits down as Rime begins to talk, attention focused mostly on her, but watching Oddy out of the corner of her eye. Her frown becomes a bit more pronounced as she goes on. "I...do not know that spell," she admits, "But I have not felt compelled to say anything that I would not otherwise after you cast it?" Her look turns to worry. "Am I being controlled? If I cannot sense it...that has dire implications for the future."

That statement makes Rime's next point a bit ironic. The pupils of her eyes narrow and her lips curl into a snarl. But, she pauses and looks to Oddy, to see if she dares agree with Rime.

2019-10-24, 07:11 PM
Worthy's eyes narrow. "Weakened doses?" she says, "How interesting. I suppose some do need help when their own will is not enough." She smiles, but it is a tighter one than before. She is not fond of the idea, but appears willing to admit its utility. "I suppose you are a doctor, so you would know best."

"For some, their will isn't enough; they need a little help to break their addictions. It's still just experiments at this stage though," he explains. He leaves it at that because he didn't want to circle back around to his cousin. Instead he pulls the topic to lighter fare. "But that's a project for another day. In the morning I need to see about a job. Maybe there's a caravan or something hiring out for a doctor. Been a while since I was traveling again. How about you--take a lot of train rides?"

2019-10-24, 09:43 PM
"Pick up, drop off, easy gig indeed." Roxy tries to rack her brain about how often trains get hit in raids. She'd figured it would bring farm more attention than it was worth.

At the mention of her potentially getting paid Roxy perks up. "Getting paid for what I do? I'm all ears." Flicking her ears about for emphasis, and to amuse herself.

2019-10-24, 10:17 PM
Oddy nod. "Our sweet and pretty sage k'here is right.' she sat closer to the two of them.
"As I told Rime.. every deer has an unique ability related to gifts, some'ow. Mine is seeing the 'istory of an object and judge, if it is stolen or not." Oddy pause.
"The short moment k'had with your k'helmet was terrifying. There is a lot of darkness there. But, I think I can learn more, if you will allow me to research it for a minute or two." Oddy say, now more concerened then flirty.

2019-10-24, 11:03 PM
"I am sure it will not be hard to find work as a doctor," Worthy says, "The problem will be finding enough ponies that can pay well-enough for you to support yourself. Sadly, those in the most need can least afford it."

"Oh!" She chuckles. "Hardly! We only travel when there is a strict need to, you see. We prefer to stay settled. Moving around a lot can be dangerous."


Desperate or brave raiders do make a habit of holding up trains, however most of them have armaments along the sides. Auto-turrets, machine gun emplacements, and places for the passengers to fire out and join in on the fun if they want. Raids quickly turn to routes and ponies into pincushions.

Quoth leans forward. "Just so happens someone offered me a hefty sum to turn the kid over to them instead. And it just so happens that person has a bit of a bounty on their heads." He grins. "See what I'm getting at? I approach them, you stab them from behind. I'll take the payment he had for me, you turn in the body for the bounty. Sound like a deal?"


The alicorn's eyes glow cold blue. "NEVER!" she snarls, "You shall not touch it! No one shall! It is mine. I claimed it!" She backs away from them both, horn glowing. "I see through your lies," she snaps, "You want it for yourself!" Her horn glows dangerously bright. "WELL YOU WON'T HAVE IT!"

2019-10-24, 11:18 PM
Oddy doesn't flinch. She actually hop forward.
"I am not taking the k'helmet. I don't k'have reasom to think you k'have stolen it.' she pause.
"I can touch it, while it's on your so very lovely head." another hop.
"Would it be ok? You can tie me, or what ever you need to do to orevent me, from stealing while checking the k'helmet, we just want to make sure YOU are safe."

Diplomacy IQ+2

2019-10-25, 05:47 AM
"Oh!" She chuckles. "Hardly! We only travel when there is a strict need to, you see. We prefer to stay settled. Moving around a lot can be dangerous."

"Yeah, I reckon it can be dangerous, especially when you got a little one with you," Doc agrees, with a nod to Firestarter. "So, if you don't mind me asking, what need does tonight's trip entail? Business?"

2019-10-25, 08:40 AM
The alicorn regards Oddy for a long moment. Her eyes horrid glow begins to fade, but the shadows of her mane writhe and two more shadows crawl out of it. One steps towards Rime, interposing itself between her and the alicorn. The other lays hooves on Oddy, lightly restraining her. "Alright," the alicorn says in a low voice, almost a growl, "You may touch it." She lowers her head and offers the top of her helmet to Oddy, coincidentally aiming her very sharp horn right at the deer's chest.


And in a much less dangerous place, Doc's nod draws a small smile from Firestarter. Worthy pats her on the head. "We are headed down to join the local congregation in Neighagara Falls. They are in need of more hooves and I volunteered." She smiles, but it's tinged a bit with bitterness. "The congregation at the Resort is very large and we recruit many members from there, but few of them are willing to get their hooves dirty doing the sisters' work."

2019-10-25, 08:49 AM
"Thank you, my beauty.' Oddy say confidently.
"I apreciate this trust. I promise, I simply want to ensure your safety."
She touch the helmet, her eyes glow again in white.


Using psychometry

2019-10-25, 08:52 AM
Doc's nod draws a small smile from Firestarter. Worthy pats her on the head. "We are headed down to join the local congregation in Neighagara Falls. They are in need of more hooves and I volunteered." She smiles, but it's tinged a bit with bitterness. "The congregation at the Resort is very large and we recruit many members from there, but few of them are willing to get their hooves dirty doing the sisters' work."

"Get their hooves dirty? Do you mean construction stuff, like housing, or are we talking about... mercenary work?" Doc asks.

2019-10-25, 10:27 AM
Rime can't help but puff up at being called attractive and wicked smart. At least somepony recognizes her worth while she gets stared down by a super powerful alicorn. Completely unrelated, she says, "Thank you, Oddy." She knew she could depend on Oddy to help. There is a good reindeer underneath all the good smiles and giggles. A book like its cover.

Rime stands by the shadow pony and doesn't try to get around it. She would ignore it if she wasn't aware of the danger it represented.

Talking to alicorn, "There is no bucking way that I would ever wear that helmet. I have the knowledge and experience to recognize that helmet is super cursed. I know what type of magic enchants that thing. More importantly, Odd felt what was inside that helmet. She felt first hoof the darkness and horror contained in it waiting to unleash itself upon you and the world."

She stands tall (even though she is short) and strong. "We're not lying. We helped an alicorn despite everypony saying alicorns are dangerous. We dug you out. We returned your helmet while you were wounded and buried in snow. We've been kind and nice trying to help you. I gave you one of my special candies!" That registers as being super kind for Rime. "Look at us. Look at Oddy. Look at yourself. We're good ponies trying to help you. That helmet is twisting your senses and feelings. Don't let it control you and take your mind. If you react this way to us, what is that helmet going to make you do when you encounter a stubborn or unwilling village? It'll twist your mind to raze the village, to conquer with corrupted logic, and hurt good innocent ponies. That isn't you. You want to help ponies. That helmet is going to hurt you. It is not safe."

2019-10-25, 10:48 AM
"We will see what your friend says," the alicorn states with a slight growl.

Oddy's power does not dive as deeply this time around, at least not at first. It seems to be more resistant to her than before. But she pushes back, past it, through sheer concentration and, within fifteen seconds, falls past and deeper into its history.

Armies march. Shadows gather. The last of the sunlight fades. The seas and mountains are wrapped under blackened heavens. All bow down before the throne of night. All worship and adore their true queen. Such is a natural thing. Oddy too, should bow. Bow. "Bow! KNEEL BEFORE ME, YOU SWINE! YOU ARE DIRT! YOU ARE DUST! A MERE MORTAL! I AM NIGHTMARE MOON, ETERNAL QUEEN OF THE NIGHT! LUNA IS DEAD, BUT I REMAIN! I SHALL ALWAYS REMAIN!"

She comes out of it and almost falls over.

Roll 3d6 vs. your Will. If you fail, then Oddy is frightened.

"I mean literally dirty," Worthy says, "As in, helping those less fortunate than them. Or even setting up chairs for meetings. Such work is 'beneath them'. The worst of them hide it behind a guise of 'honesty', claiming it would be a lie for them to serve with a smile since it doesn't make them happy."

2019-10-25, 11:19 AM
"I mean literally dirty," Worthy says, "As in, helping those less fortunate than them. Or even setting up chairs for meetings. Such work is 'beneath them'. The worst of them hide it behind a guise of 'honesty', claiming it would be a lie for them to serve with a smile since it doesn't make them happy."

Doc shakes his head. "They reckon putting up some chairs is dirty? Them folks outta see me open a pony up to remove a bullet," Doc says with a chuckle. "Second thought, maybe they shouldn't. Having a scalpel between my teeth and someone's life in my hooves... Eh, I'm probably just bragging now."

He shakes off the guilt, playing it cool. "Some folks just don't know what real work is. I reckon you do; juggling between an advocate of the two sisters and a mother. You're the one I should tip my hat off to. Well, if I had a hat. Guess I could tip my hoodie."

Doc pulls up his hood, tips, and then folds it back down.

"Am I guessing right that the father isn't the dependable kind?"

2019-10-25, 10:43 PM
Desperate or brave raiders do make a habit of holding up trains, however most of them have armaments along the sides. Auto-turrets, machine gun emplacements, and places for the passengers to fire out and join in on the fun if they want. Raids quickly turn to routes and ponies into pincushions.

Quoth leans forward. "Just so happens someone offered me a hefty sum to turn the kid over to them instead. And it just so happens that person has a bit of a bounty on their heads." He grins. "See what I'm getting at? I approach them, you stab them from behind. I'll take the payment he had for me, you turn in the body for the bounty. Sound like a deal?"

Roxy tilts her head, letting her ears flop as she considers. Technically that wasn't getting her paid twice but she could see the value in such a double dipping. Putting the colt in danger wasn't ideal but her digging could potentially work them out of a rough spot. "I was wondering why someone was paying you to guard the kid and not have them along for the ride. Got someone out to get em. Still I wouldn't have taken you for one to put their charge in danger considering how protective you are of the kid." She leans closer as well. "Spill the beans on who this bounty is and you might have a deal."

2019-10-26, 10:03 AM
Worthy snorts. "Oh, they would pass out at the sight of blood, especially their own." She chuckles at his tip of the hoodie, however her good humor evaporates at the mention of Firestarter's father.

"I was young and foolish," she says, "I should have seen him for what he was earlier." She puts a foreleg around Firestarter and gives her a hug. "She is the only good thing he left me. The rest was wild parties, spending everything we had and more, and worse. He got us so into debt that he ran off to escape his creditors. They tried to get me to pay, but I had a friend with an extensive knowledge of the law. He didn't get the debt cancelled, but divorced me from it and my husband, making me no longer culpable." Her eyes burn. "He is a lying, no good, 'free spirit' who cares nothing for his family and only for the next thrill!"


Quoth raises an eyebrow. "He won't be in danger," he says very clearly, "Understand? He will be in sight, but nowhere near this. We will meet this guy on the train platform, you'll pop up and gank him, and Two Bit will never get anywhere near harm."

He gestures vaguely with a claw. "Some local gang member. They want him for a ransom deal. There's a reward on their gang, so it should be worth something."

2019-10-26, 11:30 AM
"I was young and foolish," she says, "I should have seen him for what he was earlier." She puts a foreleg around Firestarter and gives her a hug. "She is the only good thing he left me. The rest was wild parties, spending everything we had and more, and worse. He got us so into debt that he ran off to escape his creditors. They tried to get me to pay, but I had a friend with an extensive knowledge of the law. He didn't get the debt cancelled, but divorced me from it and my husband, making me no longer culpable." Her eyes burn. "He is a lying, no good, 'free spirit' who cares nothing for his family and only for the next thrill!"

"I see. Apologies, that was much worse than I had imagined," Doc said. "A stallion that can't even answer their duty as a husband and father is just scum. You both deserve much better, and I hope you do find it. I'm glad that you at least have friends helping out. Reckon that nopony can really get through life without a bit of friendship. I think that was something the sisters preached? I wanna say at least Celestia did."

"Well, if I ever cross paths with that no good stallion in my traveling, I'll be sure to give him a good uppercut for you."

2019-10-26, 12:48 PM

Oddy gasp, backing off, her pupils shrink and she pant.
'Tma! Chistaya tma! Udzos! Chisti udzos!!!"* she yell in reindeerish crushing into the wall of the cart, shaking with wide eyes of scared...

Pure darkness! Pure darkness! Pure horror!

2019-10-26, 01:17 PM
Rime clears up the misunderstand. "Oddy and I met today. We've hardly said more than a few words to each other. We simply both desire to help you." Oddy seems nice and good.

Rime raises an eyebrow and watches Oddy work her magic over the fifteen seconds. Observing her magic under a less stressful environment would be something that interests her. The ability to learn a object's history would be terribly useful. The fear that encompasses Oddy was stronger than Rime expected. The helmet seemingly bites back. She warns Oddy, "Careful dear. Take a breath. You are no longer touching the helmet." She doesn't try to move past the shadow pony. She stands unflinchingly with her staff in hoof.

She looks to alicorn. Her eyes focusing on her. "Do... you speak reindeer?" Rime seems troubled by Oddy not telling them what she saw. "Oddy, talk to her. She needs to hear you speak." She says to the alicorn, "Oddy could use your voice as well. She likes your voice." She asserts, "You talking will help calm her."

What is in your heart, Alicorn?
[roll0] vs 15

Sense Emotion
Know what emotions the subject is feeling at the moment. It works on any living being, though it tends to be most useful on sapient beings. This will also tell how loyal the subject is to the caster (see Loyalty of Hirelings, p. B518).

2019-10-26, 01:52 PM
Oddy take deep breathes, her mane frizzled. There a certain charm to a terrified doe.
Either if you have instinct to defend her, or to devour her..

She shakingly getting up.
"....I think... that the original Nightmare Moon still in k'helmet." she say slowly, between pants.
with terrified glare Oddy mimicked the terror she has just heard, even loud, her eyes stared beyond, stoll fixated on the scene she has witnessed.

2019-10-26, 02:01 PM
Worthy chuckles bitterly. "Thank you, but I think I have had enough of marriage for one lifetime. Besides, I am too old for most stallions." She nods. "Indeed. It was one of the chief teachings of the Revered Princess Celestia and, to a lesser extent, the Sublime Princess Luna." She chuckles and pats him on the knee. "Make it a hard one. For me."


Fury. Rage. Overpowering anger. That is all Rime senses from the alicorn. "No," she snarls, "No! It's not true. I don't believe you! This power is mine now! She may have had it once, but I am in control now! I thought you might understand, since you seemed more intelligent than the average pony. But I see now that you too, are blinded."

The darkness grows deeper, despite the failing power of the light. "I see now that nopony will believe me until I demonstrate a little."

2019-10-26, 02:27 PM
Oddy squeak.
"NYET!" she gasp.
And taking a deep breath.
"I mean, there is no a need to! I know that you are powerful! Do you really need this cheap toy, to prove it?" she hopped forward, not touching the floor.
She gave side glance to Rime, gesturing for her to RUN.
"True alicorns don't need some trinkets. Do they? You are powerful, you arw worthy of YOUR own name!'
She hopped again, and looked into her eyes.
"Do you want to be simply another clone, or an original princess true to k'herself?"
Oddy gave another side glance to Rime and without words shaped the word
"RUN", and then looked again at Allie/Iremia.


Diplomacy 15
Charisma 4

2019-10-26, 03:21 PM
Worthy chuckles bitterly. "Thank you, but I think I have had enough of marriage for one lifetime. Besides, I am too old for most stallions." She nods. "Indeed. It was one of the chief teachings of the Revered Princess Celestia and, to a lesser extent, the Sublime Princess Luna." She chuckles and pats him on the knee. "Make it a hard one. For me."

"Heh, that's fair. And yeah, I'll give him my best swing if opportunity gives me the opening," Doc says with a confidence.

He looks to Firestarter, and gives her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about our grownup talk. You have years before you gotta worry about our stuff; play lots, read plenty of books, and make friends with good ponies who treat you fair. You're only young once, so don't waste that time you got."

Doc looks back to Worthy. "Hows her health been? Any concerns?"

2019-10-26, 10:04 PM
"Sounds good to me; I'll just follow you when this damn train disembarks," Pepper says to Oppurtunity, waving her away unless the mare has anything else to add or go over. "You should get some REST," she says this somewhat loudly so other ponies can here her, as she makes herself as comfortable as possible stretched out over two seats and a gun case.

...Scratch that...

Pepper sits up and grabs a second pillow from the conductor the next time he swings around and sandwiches her head between the two she has, sleeping with her head/upper shoulders on top of the gun case. The following Worthy comes from were those Namby Pambies, as most of the other security bucks and mares called them, simply because they never got into trouble. No domestic disturbances, no loud rich pony parties getting out of hand... they just were there at the resort.

Sure a few of their foals (and rarely their parents) would get into cider or misdemeanor problems and all, but for a group that stayed remarkably out of trouble, Pepper sees the motor mouth (and Doc by proxy) as particular trouble regarding her getting any decent kind of sleep. It always comes down to something, she thinks, figuring the trio (and not anything of far more dire importance that may be happening in the next car over) will be such culprits as she tries to settle in...

2019-10-27, 10:48 AM
The alicorn takes a deep, calming breath and reins herself in. "You know something?" she says, "I think I have learned a lesson here today. In order to be trusted, you must prove yourself worthy of trust." She pokes Oddy in the chest. "So that is what I'm going to do! I shall leave now, but you will see me again within the month! When I return, I will have proof that this power is mine now. Do you understand?"


Firestarter smiles weakly at Doc and nods, but doesn't say anything in response. Worthy pats her on the head and gives her a quick hug again. "She has been pretty healthy," she says, "But, well, the last few months it seems like she's been on the verge of a cold. Sneezing, stuffy nose, sore throat. They come and go."

She glances over at Pepper with a disapproving glower. "Perhaps somepony should speak without being passive-aggressive, hmm?"

For her part, Golden nods and backs off from the mare with the heavy weapons. "Well! Sleep well. I'll talk to you in the morning."

2019-10-27, 11:11 AM
Tip tap tip tap. Roxy drums her fingers on a thigh. Shouldn't be any of her gang members... In theory. Stealing kids was one way to get a really bad rep but you couldn't always control every single member of the pack. "Sounds good. Lots of witnesses though if right on the platform... Maybe provoke him and we can even make it look like self-defense." She says giving a slow nod. Maybe the ghoulified griffon was just using her to get rid of a rival but sometimes this was just how the wasteland rolled.

2019-10-27, 11:14 AM
Rime's raider rage comparison becomes all the more apt. She knew the alicorn wouldn't give in easily, but the helmet has more of a hold on her than she imagined. Rime is doing her a favor. She wants to help. She isn't going to run away from anything she wants no matter how challenging. She will get what she wants or the alicorn will exhaust all Rime's goodwill. Either way, she is seeing this conversation to the end without half-flanking it. "Oddy, ease yourself. The three of us are simply talking."

Rime sincerely says, "Please, listen to us." Rime supports herself by putting both hooves on her staff and looks at it in a sad remembrance near the shadow pony. "My sister is very gifted with magic. She is really good at everything. She took her precious time to tutor her little sister on magic, and I appreciate that. I do. When I was a little filly I wasn't always the most thankful. I wanted to learn magic on my own. My schedule had a difficult section of magic coming up in a few weeks so I went to the school library to check out the books ahead of the class. I studied hard by myself. And, I did it. I learned the spell without anypony else even knowing. My sister was going to be so impressed. I brought her to the ballroom and cast my spell. It didn't go like I hoped. My spell grew beyond my control and burst into flames. The whole room caught on fire. There was smoke everywhere. The whole complex could have caught on fire. I'm lucky no pony got seriously injured or died." A pained expression appears. "I can still remember my sister's panicked screams... I wish I let her help me."

2019-10-27, 11:41 AM
"Colds usually don't need need more than a few days to take. Hmm." Doc glances over at the pegasus. He nods at Worthy's comment. Doc will give the filly a look see, and speak softer. "Mind if you open up wide for me?"

Diagnosis [roll0]

2019-10-27, 11:43 AM
"Oh dear.." Oddy folded her ears in sympathry toward Rime.
"... I used to be a tool of a cynical and heartless entity. I believed that my actions bring happiness..." she paused.
"But I was used. As most reindeers are, to selfish and souless ends. And this entity, wasn' some old helmet.."
Oddy paused trying to hug the alicorn from one side, and gesturing to Rime to join.
"I was alone. I have chosen a certain path to fight it...' she pause again.
"But if I had anydeer or anypony to trust... maybe I could have chosen a better path. Please. Lets us help you!" she begged

2019-10-27, 12:04 PM
How contradictory. A happy mare doesn't mean a happy history. The room appears to have hit a sappy wound. "I'm sorry, Oddy. That you were betrayed. I wish you had family or anypony that could have helped you." She notices Oddy's beckoning, but Rime is being held up by a guard shadow. The alicorn doesn't need anypony trying to bypass her physical defenses. Her gaze switches from Oddy to the alicorn.

2019-10-27, 12:18 PM
Quoth smirks. "That was the plan. Even with the lower standards of today, there are those who would try and shoot back if they saw a pony get killed in broad daylight. However, if that pony looked liable to turn violent..." His smirk turns to a grin. "Well, everypony would just nod their head and say it was well-deserved."


Firestarter hesitates, but at a nod from Worthy, opens her mouth wide. "Ahhhhh..." she says quietly. Her throat is a little red, but not all that much. To be honest, this sounds like allergies more than a cold. Persistent, annoying symptoms that won't go away? Check.


The alicorn sighs. "I can see there is no changing your minds tonight. Well, I won't hold that against you when we next meet." She turns and heads towards the back door. "When I return, I hope you will put aside all this talk of me needing 'help' with my power. Though I would dearly love your help with my goals, I do not need you trying to take from me my greatest tool."

2019-10-27, 12:25 PM
"I will.. help you, in what ever you wish." Oddy said silently, with a seriouse tone.

2019-10-27, 12:30 PM
"Hmm, could be allergies. Happens when you move between places and the weather is a bit different. Even if it's still cold out. I might have something for it."

Doc goes back to his bags and quietly gets some antihistamine from his medical kit. He comes back and gives Firestarter the medicine and some water from his canteen.

"Here, this will clear the sniffles and help you sleep," he explains quietly.

2019-10-27, 01:34 PM
"You are strong. You have your own strength. Remember that."

Rime takes a slow breath as the conversation sets on a conclusion. A sad, worried look on her face. "Thank you for at least hearing us. I know what we said was difficult. I hope for your sake the two of us are wrong, but I fear that we aren't mistaken. The helmet has an affinity for the night. Be on guard at night and when you sleep. Take it off and take a break from it when you feel your possessions are safe. If you can never take it off consider why. Its effects will be strongest when you are stressed or emotional. Not many ponies are willing to have their life changed in the Frozen North. Don't let the helmet trick you into killing ponies or razing their homes." She apologizes like the alicorn is going off to die. "I am sorry we couldn't help you."

"I can speak to you using spells, but I will not be able to hear you. Expect me to 'mail' you. I do not have a way for you to contact me. I am traveling now and do not know were I will be in a month. My school will be able to reach me. Do you know how to send your speech or teleport? I would like to have a way to talk to you. If you need help seek my family in Rainbow Resort. They will help you. You have a difficult road ahead trying to change the Frozen North alone. They will be able to point you in the right direction. Towards helpful ponies perhaps."

What is in your heart, Alicorn?
[roll0] vs 15 - (She is getting further away; yards away; ignore -2 for the staff)

Sense Emotion
Know what emotions the subject is feeling at the moment. It works on any living being, though it tends to be most useful on sapient beings. This will also tell how loyal the subject is to the caster (see Loyalty of Hirelings, p. B518).

2019-10-27, 08:55 PM
The alicorn looks to them both. "If you would help me," she says, "Then, pave the way for my return. Let ponies know of my cause so that they will welcome me when I show up."

She frowns. "I...do not know any spell of that sort," she says, "I...might be able to send you messages in dreams. I have had no cause to explore that aspect of my power, though. And...I may visit your family, if there is a way to do so without getting too many bullets sent my way." She spreads her wings wide. "And now! I am going to go find some radiation and heal. I shall see you within the month."


"Thank you," Firestarter says softly and takes the medicine.

Worthy reaches for her pocket. "I think I know the answer, but don't want to presume, so let me ask: do I owe you for that?"

2019-10-27, 09:16 PM
Worthy reaches for her pocket. "I think I know the answer, but don't want to presume, so let me ask: do I owe you for that?"

"Friendly company on this train ride has been payment enough. That's something I cannot buy," Doc whispers to her. He nods to Firestarter. "You are welcome. Now, you should get some rest, and I think shall retire to my seat as well. It's been a pleasure to meet you both."

Doc pulls up his hoodie again, tips it, and then pulls it back. He picks up his things and quietly shuffles back to his seat to relax a bit. Helping the filly left him with a feeling of accomplishment. It's a good feeling for his soul.

2019-10-27, 11:16 PM
Oddy fold her ears sadly.
"But... by what name we should tell about you?'

2019-10-28, 08:04 AM
Rime nods to her not knowing teleport. It seems there are many spells even alicorns do not know. Alicorn is in way over her head. "I will see what I can do to facilitate communication. Expect 'mail.' Be careful using the helmet." She hesitantly admits, "I do not sleep well. You may have trouble contacting me through dreams. Oddy is the better choice."

She turns to Oddy. "Oddy, do you have peaceful sleeps?"

"My family is wonderful. They would be interested in meeting you. You really should meet them since you are serious about turning around the Frozen North. At the very least, they can set you up with some ponies so that you are not alone in your travels. Big dreams require helping hoofs no matter what the dream. You need friends. I will send them a message in the morning informing them about you. Good luck with finding your radiation."

2019-10-28, 08:15 AM
"And we should be getting some sleep as well," Worthy says, "Good night, doctor, and thank you for your kindness."

As Doc steps away, though, he finds himself face to face with another earth pony. Golden Opportunity steps right up to him, a warm smile on her face. "Good evening, doctor," she says brightly, "Name's Golden Opportunity. I'm Opportunity and I'm knocking." She chuckles. "Anyway! I'd like to offer you a job, if you're interested."


The alicorn thinks about it, then smiles. "Call me...Iremia," she says.

"Yes...friends," she says, feeling the word out with her mouth, "I suppose a good leader would need some of those. Very well. I will seek them out first, then! If you can send messages to them, tell them to expect me in two days. That should give them time to clear the way for my arrival. If I need to contact you, I will find Oddy's dreams, if I can."

Her form blends into the shadows and begins to disappear. "Until we meet again, my friends! Stay safe and warm. And don't let the raiders kill you." With those cheerful words and thoughts, she vanishes (literally) into the night.

2019-10-28, 08:34 AM
Oddy wave her for good bye with a wink.
After Iremia dissapear, she smile.
"Well! That was quite the eventful Golden Stripe day!' she say cheerfully.
"I usually dream about the holidays I have studied. Imaging that I can take part in them" she answer cheerfully.
"Well, what do you think about all that?'

2019-10-28, 09:09 AM
As Doc steps away, though, he finds himself face to face with another earth pony. Golden Opportunity steps right up to him, a warm smile on her face. "Good evening, doctor," she says brightly, "Name's Golden Opportunity. I'm Opportunity and I'm knocking." She chuckles. "Anyway! I'd like to offer you a job, if you're interested."

You can tell the universe has a sense of humor because Doc keeps finding himself face to face with pretty mares that just want something out of him, ON A TRAIN. Geez, why does this never happen in a bar? Like, how is a stallion supposed to buy a mare a proper drink before he listens to business proposals?

Doc blinks, not expecting yet another encounter. He nods his head to the seats, still somewhat bewildered at the sudden mare in his face. Not that this thought was a complaint other than the lack of a bar.

Maybe Doc was just tired.

"Alright well, I reckon you're not asking for an exam so... mind if we sit down before you give me your sales pitch?"

2019-10-28, 09:58 AM
"Iremia is a beautiful name."

Rime smiles when Iremia decides to make some friends before setting off on her mission alone. Good news indeed. "I am relieved that you will be seeking aid. I can sleep more soundly over the next two days. A good leader can not work alone. I will let them know you will be arriving. My family will be expecting you. I will send you the arrangement details." She smiles at Oddy, "Oddy, you let me know if Iremia contacts you."

Rime lifts a hoof off her staff and waves. "Goodbye, Iremia! Stay warm! Safe travels friend!" Rime's horn glows and a scroll pops into existence near her. She raises a stamp in her hoof and seals the blue wax with Iremia's picture. The scroll pops out of existence to find Iremia. Rime sends her a warm fuzzy happy feeling not much different from a hug. Oddy isn't the only pony hugging Iremia today.

Rime chuckles at Oddy's cheer. "That was the most eventful Golden Stripe day I have ever had." She smiles. At the center of her eyes, the cold metal fades away to reveal Rime's light blue gray irises. The metal receding from her form and disappearing down her neck and up her limbs until the magic is entirely gone. "Those sound like lovely dreams." She thinks about what has transpired over the last twenty minutes. "You were able to reach Iremia and help her. I was right to ask you to come back here with us. I appreciate you helping me and her. My favor would have been wasted if we had not worked together."

"Iremia has struggled greatly in her life. I fear her struggles are not yet over. She has heard that the helmet will possess her in time. Our time together was so little yet I feel connected to her. I am more hopeful than I was before we entered this room that Iremia will be alright. The world out there is cold. She is a kind pony. I hope the world and ponies show her mercy, and she doesn't lose that kindness... She needs to meet my family." Rime slides her hoof into her scarf and pulls out a fancy looking necklace. She holds the cross shaped pendant in her hoof. "May Iremia find a good, happy life."

"You though." Rime points her staff at Oddy. "I have plans for you. We are friends, and so you will travel by my side for the foreseeable future. We will form a traveling group with merry times and interesting tales. I have much to explore in the Frozen North. Much to experience. And, I already have a lead to my next story. Golden Opportunity and I are putting together a group that will explore some strange ruins in Neighagara Falls." She puts her necklace away. "Will my friend be joining me on my adventures?"

Happy thoughts!


Send your thoughts to a subject in a one-way communication. Transmission proceeds at only talking speed, though the caster may also send simple pictures (the time required is equal to the time it would take the subject to copy the picture on paper or parchment).

When figuring the distance penalty, use the long-distance modifiers (p. 14). If caster and subject don’t know each other, there is an additional -4 penalty.

2019-10-28, 03:10 PM
Oddy smile. "Well, aren't you a decisive one?' Oddy chuckle.
Oddy didn't wanted to show how terrified she was.
She can't remember when the last time she was so honest with somedeer beside her mother.

"I was worried she will define herself as Nightmare Moon. I am k'happy she still k'has her own identity, even if still undefined as clay-but yes. I can see goodness in there."
And yet, if Iremia will succumb to the Nightmare...
Oddy will end her.
"Well, usually I am not the doe to settle down...' she tilt her head.

"And I k'have never explored ruins before..' she tapped her chin.
"But the name of the mare who offer it, making it sound promising, and beside-" she hopped closer to Rime.
"I get time to spend with YOU.' he muzzle very close to Rime's.

2019-10-28, 06:09 PM
Rime chuckles. "A decisive pony gets what she wants." She flips her words. "A foolish pony loses everything."

She looks to were Iremia left. "Me too. Everypony needs a name or else me referring to them gets very awkward. I'm glad somepony else can see her good nature." She looks to the ceiling. "She would do well in my school. My family will have to make up for lost time. I hope she makes it to them safely. I am worried about her, but let us not spend all night worrying."

"I am not asking you to settle down. The opposite! I want you to travel with me and experience the world. The ruins are very promising. What does promising meant to you Oddy?" Rime smiles at Oddy when Oddy puts her muzzle close. She looks into those magical eyes.

"You have given other ponies presents tonight. Let me give you something to show my thanks." Rime interjects a piece of candy between the two by hoof. She puts it at Oddy's eye level. "Candy. If you are not going to eat it tonight, you must eat it within twenty-four hours."

Rime's candy is special. It is temporarily enchanted with a food/flavor enhancing spell. The spell is strong enough to make dirt and gross things taste delicious. It looks extra good to eat too! The piece of candy may be the best candy Oddy has ever tasted.

2019-10-28, 06:17 PM
Oddy chuckle.
"Well, it will be a nice change of pace." she agreed.
And maybe let some angry wives (and husbands) to cool down.

"Promising? emm... well, it is a nice fantasy, that it can be enjoyable to entertain.'
she take the candy. 'Why to delay satisfaction, to a time, that I might not be able to?" and pop in the candy, closing her eyes with a humm of pleasure.
Well, Rime had some powerful family.

2019-10-28, 06:45 PM
"I wanted to hear those exact words! Good! Welcome aboard the crew." Rime lowers her empty hoof and smiles at her enjoying the candy.

"Exactly. Why wait." Rime grabs a hard candy piece from her bag and pushes it into her mouth. She 'hmms' alongside the reindeer. "It is soo good!"

Rime walks to the light switch. "Let us get out of here. It is cold in here, and I paid good money to be warm."

"What is your dream performance? Do you stand in front of a crowd and sing your heart out? Do you make them laugh or cry?" She opens the door to the cold night air and walks to the passenger car.

2019-10-28, 07:52 PM
"Well, big crowds is a rare thing for me..' Oddy trot the air alongside Rime.
She wishper to her ear.
"My shows are more... intimate.'

2019-10-28, 08:02 PM
"Of course!" the pretty mare says and sits down beside Doc. She leans in slightly, keeping her voice low and quiet so as not to disturb her sleeping security guard.

"Well I'll be quick, then," Golden says, "I'm putting together an expedition to explore an old ruin. We could use a doctor. Pay is an equal share of whatever we find. Sell it, keep it, do whatever." She looks up and says to Quoth and Roxy. "We could use you too. Security and excavation."

"Sorry," Quoth says, "Already got a job lined up." He jabs a claw towards Roxy. "She might be available, though."

2019-10-28, 08:17 PM
"Of course!" the pretty mare says and sits down beside Doc. She leans in slightly, keeping her voice low and quiet so as not to disturb her sleeping security guard.

"Well I'll be quick, then," Golden says, "I'm putting together an expedition to explore an old ruin. We could use a doctor. Pay is an equal share of whatever we find. Sell it, keep it, do whatever."

Doc studied her face as he considered the pitch. He whispers, "So, pay is completely dependent on what we find... not a great prospect, but on the other hoof, there's something more to it if you're looking to hire an actual doctor and not just bringing a box of stimpacks. "What kind of ruin are we looking into?"

2019-10-28, 09:18 PM
Another pony born to struggle. "With a little more work I am sure you will bring in a larger crowd. Do no-"

Oddy's whispering causes her ears to shoot up in a panic. She turns around and pushes Oddy with her hoofs back into the baggage car. A blush on her face, she asks with a fluster, "Oddy." She pushes her candy to the side of her mouth. "What do you mean by that?"

Rime is secretly casting Sense Emotion and (in several seconds) Mind-Reading on Oddy. You may or may not want to make a will check for Oddy to resist Mind-Reading.

Sense Emotion
[roll0] vs 15
Know what emotions the subject is feeling at the moment. It works on any living being, though it tends to be most useful on sapient beings. This will also tell how loyal the subject is to the caster (see Loyalty of Hirelings, p. B518).

[roll1] vs 13
Regular; Resisted by Will
Read a subject’s mind. Works on any living being, but is most useful on sapient creatures. Detects only surface thoughts (what the subject is thinking at that moment). This spell will not work on sleeping or unconscious subjects. The subject is not aware his mind is being read, except in the case of a critical failure.

2019-10-28, 10:32 PM
Roxy gives Quoth a thumbs up. Seems the ghoul has all their feathers lined up in a row... So then one would hope that they will fall in the way he expects.

Yet another potential job seems to come to the fore, Roxy perks a ear towards Golden. "If it's diggable then I can get in and if someone's in the way I can get rid of them. Exploring a ruin... Well could be good. Could be bad. Only one way to find out."

2019-10-28, 11:41 PM
"Untouched depot," Golden says, "Full of pre-war goodies. Still, those places tend to have good defenses. Even if they don't, accidents happen. A doctor would be very welcome."

She chuckles at Roxy's enthusiasm. "Indeed!" she says, "And if it's nothing, you all will get free meals and a bit of exercise over the course of a couple days. You won't be any worse off than you already are." She smiles. "But let's hope it doesn't come to that."

2019-10-29, 04:59 AM
Another pony born to struggle. "With a little more work I am sure you will bring in a larger crowd. Do no-"

Oddy's whispering causes her ears to shoot up in a panic. She turns around and pushes Oddy with her hoofs back into the baggage car. A blush on her face, she asks with a fluster, "Oddy." She pushes her candy to the side of her mouth. "What do you mean by that?"

Rime is secretly casting Sense Emotion and (in several seconds) Mind-Reading on Oddy. You may or may not want to make a will check for Oddy to resist Mind-Reading.

Sense Emotion
[roll0] vs 15
Know what emotions the subject is feeling at the moment. It works on any living being, though it tends to be most useful on sapient beings. This will also tell how loyal the subject is to the caster (see Loyalty of Hirelings, p. B518).

[roll1] vs 13
Regular; Resisted by Will
Read a subject’s mind. Works on any living being, but is most useful on sapient creatures. Detects only surface thoughts (what the subject is thinking at that moment). This spell will not work on sleeping or unconscious subjects. The subject is not aware his mind is being read, except in the case of a critical failure.

Oddy giggle cheerfully, getting her muzzle near Rime's, her breath smell of mint and sugar powder.
"What ever you dare to imagine.. and-" she got her lips almost touch Rime's, and teasingly backed off.

Oddy is amused and enjoying herself. She feel certain attraction and curiosity toward Rime.
How ever her mind is actually more calculative... it seems.
"Heh. She is an adorable one. And pretty too. She seems resorucful, and she k'has strong family. I can gain quite a lot from k'her.'

2019-10-29, 05:52 AM
"Untouched depot," Golden says, "Full of pre-war goodies. Still, those places tend to have good defenses. Even if they don't, accidents happen. A doctor would be very welcome."

She chuckles at Roxy's enthusiasm. "Indeed!" she says, "And if it's nothing, you all will get free meals and a bit of exercise over the course of a couple days. You won't be any worse off than you already are." She smiles. "But let's hope it doesn't come to that."

An untouched depot. Well that could be very rewarding if it has stored away sealed cases of medical supplies. 'course his right ear was instead twitching at the 'free food' part. Doc wasn't an adventurer, but a gamble like this would put him in a much better financial position than his current plan of just sitting in a street corner peddling band-aids or whatever. And he did see some of the lower levels at the Amethyst Institute, with their disabled gun turrets and robots, so he might be able to infer what kinds of danger may lurk there... assuming they were built by similar groups.

And hey, if this lass is hiring the big sand dog, that's at least worth partial cover.

"Alright, I reckon you got yourself a doctor." Doc held out his hoof to shake.

2019-10-29, 06:23 AM
Mint is such a rare commodity. Rime could hang the plant all around her room and bath in the smell. The sugar fragrance brings back many fond memories of a rare treat on special holidays in a good atmosphere. The quick panicked reaction is short lived as embarrassment and excitement rise to the surface. "I-I am not imagining anything. That is why I asked." Rime has her answer.

Rime is happy her friend is amused and enjoying herself. That is what Rime wants from her friend. The fact that she knows her thoughts are genuine puts her at ease and in an accepting mood. Oddy's thoughts deepen the blush on her cheeks. No one outside her family has ever called her adorable. Scary, maybe, but not adorable. Pretty she has heard, but so much so she assumes the simple flattery is a being polite. That Oddy thinks Rime is clever is wonderful news to her ears! Oddy is ambitious. An admirable trait. A good quality in a high quality pony.

After Oddy backs off Rime guards her lips by placing her staff in front of them. "Oddy Irre you are a fascinating reindeer." She chuckles. "I was not expecting you to answer so honestly." She swallows and sucks on her candy as she builds courage. "I, " she switches her thought mid-sentence, "you have interesting life goals. Let us see where these ruins take us, and what adventures they bring. I am sure they will provide interesting writing material." Rime was in the middle of leaving the room, but the door hangs open now. She isn't so sure anymore she wants to leave and drag the conversation into the passenger car.

2019-10-29, 06:51 AM
Oddy chuckle.
"You seems in k'hurry" she pull Rime back with telekensis by her tail.
"Are you loyal to anypony in practicular?' she tilt her head with an amuse.

2019-10-29, 07:45 AM
As soon as Oddy grabs Rime's tail a shining blue magic surrounds Rime's horn and casts a bright light on everything in the car. "The other car needs me!"

For the first time, Oddy sees Rime lift up a hoof and trace a magic pattern in the air. She chants with red cheeks in ancient ponish. Her words are sharp and warp into reality. If Oddy knew about magic she would know that Rime hasn't mastered whatever spell she is casting. She still needs to chant and gesture to cast her spell. That could give Oddy a pretty good idea of Rime's skill level and show Rime may not be as good as she appeared.

A blue flat magic diamond appears above Rime's back and two massive white wings flick out on both sides. The wings wrap Rime into a winged cocoon and squeeze her smaller and smaller until she pops out of existence. A few feathers are left behind and fade into nothingness.

She pops into the passenger car in a feathery burst. The feathers fall away and quickly disappear in the air. She teleports onto her seat with her face red and looking forward at the wall/window.

2019-10-29, 07:52 AM
Rime popping into the car with feathers around her surprised Doc. "Stars and moon..." he whispers to Opportunity. "Did they pluck the alicorn like a holiday goose or something?"

2019-10-29, 07:56 AM
Oddy bursted into a chiming laughter. She hopped into the other car.
She simply laughed to a tearing point.

2019-10-29, 12:16 PM
Golden's grin widens from a salespony's into a genuine one. "Fantastic," she says, oozing warmth and excitement, "In that case, I suggest we all rest up tonight. We'll spend one day gathering supplies and then set out the very next." She shakes his hoof with gusto, like a pony on too much coffee.

She leaps back when Rime appears right next to her, but she recovers quickly and chuckles. "And here is the magical expert that has so graciously agreed to work with us." She declares. "Though the doctor does bring up a good point. How did the...conversation with the alicorn go?"

2019-10-29, 12:44 PM
She shakes his hoof with gusto, like a pony on too much coffee.

"Though the doctor does bring up a good point. How did the...conversation with the alicorn go?"

Doc would like to know where she's getting her coffee, and how he can get in on this supply.

"And why is Oddy laughing like a mad mare?" he adds.

2019-10-29, 01:14 PM
Oddy take a deep breath, slowly calming down.
"Rime is an adorable mare. And for this question, I'l keep it at that, because ai might die laughing, if I'll k'have to tell it all.'
She pause
'As for Iremia... there is k'hope for k'her. The k'helmet still dangerouse. But for now she is in control, and k'has good intentions. She to for now.' Oddy explained.

2019-10-29, 02:33 PM
Rime puts a hoof to head and has to let her dizziness settle before she can even address anypony. She can hear Oddy laughing and does her best to hide her frustration. A pony laughing at her! If it was anyone else... She'd give Oddy a piece of her mind right here and now, but explaining what happened would only embarrass her in front of the entire passenger car.

Rime uses her telekinesis to gather her things around the car. She left some stuff were Iremia was sitting. She wants to appear busy, but ponies address her quickly. Her cheeks are beet red. She tries to maintain some social grace when answering Golden, "The conversation with the alicorn, Iremia as she referees to herself, was a success. She refuses to take off the helmet, but she will maintain contact with me. I expect to hear from her within the next two days."

She smiles at Golden and Doc. "From the sound of things, you have joined the group. Very good. A pony with your skills is a welcomed addition." She looks to Golden. "Oddy has agreed to work with us as well." She looks to Oddy. "She is a very charming reindeer. She will prove helpful."

She can't put off Doc's question any longer. "Oddy pulled a prank on me." She glares at Oddy. "And, do not dare tell a soul what you did! You will never speak of it for as long as you live!"

2019-10-29, 03:00 PM
"Ooookay. Yeah, I signed up for the crew. Opportunity needed to meet her Affirmative Action clause and have at least one stallion who has his wits about him to act as a voice of reason," Doc said with flavored sarcasm.

2019-10-29, 11:15 PM
Oddy tilt her head. "Rime, darling. I wasn't pranking you..'
She smile. "We still can get back there..' she wink and turn to Doc.
"If that make you feel like an empoeered stallion.." she wishper and draw her face near to his.
'Sure. Be a "voice of reason'. I think it will be a golden source for chaos and pleasure."

2019-10-30, 06:32 AM
"If that make you feel like an empowered stallion.." she wishper and draw her face near to his.
'Sure. Be a "voice of reason'. I think it will be a golden source for chaos and pleasure."

Doc's eyebrows furled together. "I can't honestly tell if you're joking or not," he whispered back to the reindeer.

2019-10-30, 07:13 AM
Rime smirks and covers her mouth. "A doctor and charming. Your patients must love you as long as you are not stabbing them with needles. Skilled too. You certainly put the fight back in Iremia. " She chuckles at the friendly ribbing.

The blush on Rime's cheeks isn't entirely gone yet. She says to Oddy in a calmer voice. "Never speak of it again." She watches as Oddy and Doc whisper back and forth next to them. How flirtatious. Oddy grabs her tail seconds ago! and the reindeer has already moved to another pony. Rime stands up.

"I have had enough excitement for one day." She calls out her conversation partners. "Golden Opportunity. Oddy. Doctor Doc. Enjoy your evening. I am retiring to my room." She walks to the stairs with all her stuff in hoof if no pony stops her. She disappears into the sleeping car.

2019-10-30, 07:15 AM
Oddy giggle.
"From my exprience... ponies who try to reason everypony else, usually ending up bullying them." she say with a smile and then pause.
"And those ponies I punish. So... chaos and pleasure."

2019-10-30, 07:33 AM
Doc nods to Rime, but turns his attention back to Oddy.

"You're the first mare I've met that thinks common sense is an oppression. Pretty as you are, I don't envy the doctor who is going to be patching you up when you walk into gunfire."

2019-10-30, 07:54 AM
Oddy laugh.
"I didn't meant that. Just that, I k'have met more then one pony who claimed to be a "voice of reason'. Many meant by that, that resisting them, is unreasonable, because they k'have guns, or some flashy destructive spells.' she explain.
"I claim to be prettier then everypony else, but nor smarter nor more reasonable. I do what I judge to be right at the moment."

2019-10-30, 08:06 AM
Doc smirked. "Well, if that is the case, you ain't gotta worry. I rather work with you than push you around. Just... think about your actions before you leap into them. That's all I'm sayin."

2019-10-30, 08:43 AM
And so, the passengers, few of whom knew each other when they boarded the train, start to settle down for the night. It has been a long day, an eventful day, but it is only the beginning of a grand adventure. The slight rocking of the train car and sound of cold wind blowing outside lulls the Wastelanders towards sleep.

Two Bit and Quoth descend to the lower deck, where the ghoul keeps watch outside the colt's room all night. He drinks quite a bit of Sparkle-Cola and flips through a book to while away the hours.

The Conductor approaches Oddy and, nervously shivering, says, "Miss? All the bunks are rented, but if you wanted to share, er, have mine, I wouldn't mind. I promise I wouldn't, er, do anything. Unless you wanted me to, that is."

Other than that, though, things are uneventful for the rest of the night.


Morning's arrival is heralded by a slightly lightening of the sky. Now, the passengers can see a good mile out into the blizzard instead of just a few hundred feet. The perpetual storm still casts a shade of blue-ish gray across the land, choking out any warmth and making light a precious commodity.

But inside the train, the smell of breakfast, hot and sizzling, wafts into the cabin as a hostess-mare slips inside with a cart full of food, the prices of which are written on the side. Most of it is mushroom-based or, for slightly inflated prices, preserved pre-war goodies.

2019-10-30, 09:08 AM
'Mmph... don't wanna...' *sniff* *sniff*

And Doc wakes up to the smell of food. He yawns and puts on his glasses. "Praise Celestia, just what the doctor ordered to start the day."

He ignores his messy mane and instead goes for his pouch of caps to buy some mushroom foods. Do they have coffee? Hot water at least? Doc wants some of that too.