View Full Version : Treasure Generator

Morof Stonehands
2019-10-12, 02:03 PM
Hello all,

Over the last year I have been working on making a treasure generator for 3.5e. I never really liked just having the DMG being the only book used for treasure generation, so I built my own spreadsheet that uses everything. It's not 100% finished, but it's in a mostly completed state, and I would like to share it with you all here. Hopefully someone else will get some use out of it as well.

It has no item descriptions in it, so you'll have to have the source to find out what the item does. Fortunately, you can filter sources, so you can decide which books/web articles you want to use!

Let me know what you all think, and if any one has any comments, questions, critiques, or anything else, let me know so I can fix/add/change what ever it may be!


Updates made:
Spells and powers added

Spell Compendium
Complete Psionic
Complete Arcane
Complete Champion
Complete Mage
Complete Scoundrel
Complete Warrior
Book of Exalted Deeds
Book of Vile Darkness
Fiendish Codex I
Fiendish Codex II
Lords of Madness
Dragon Magic
Drow of the Underdark
Exemplars of Evil
Expanded Psionics Handbook
Epic Level Handbook
Heroes of Battle
Heroes of Horror
Libris Mortis
Manual of the Planes
Magic of Incarnum
Miniatures Handbook
Planar Handbook
Races of Stone
Races of Destiny
Races of the Dragon
Races of the Wild
Savage Species
Tome of Magic
Player's Handbook II
Weapons of Legacy

It is now easier for people to add in their own homebrew items/spells. Instructions are on the Design Notes tab for how to do it.
Weapon and Armor enhancements now match the item they are placed on (no more Keen Mauls!)
Added more non-magic goods examples
Added some more stores for multiple item generation
Descriptions for items such as potions and wands can be turned on/off. Generated descriptions will be stored so all items of the same type will look the same ( i.e all Potions of Invisibility will be the same)

2019-10-13, 01:21 AM
1. This looks amazing.
2. Is it specifically for Microsoft Excel, or does libre/Google sheets work?

Morof Stonehands
2019-10-13, 06:23 AM
Thank you!

As I understand it, Google Sheets and Libre have slightly different macro language, and since there are a lot of macros and Visual Basic applications in the generator, it might not be compatible with the non-Excel spreadsheets.

2019-10-13, 10:10 AM
Oh my gods you've even included generateable runes as possible magic items! Have all the Internets, citizen!

2019-10-13, 10:42 AM
I feel obliged to point out that my firewall took offense at the file, prompting me to block its download. The download site was already marked as risky but that was separate from the scan of the file after its download finished.

Morof Stonehands
2019-10-13, 10:48 AM
I feel obliged to point out that my firewall took offense at the file, prompting me to block its download. The download site was already marked as risky but that was separate from the scan of the file after its download finished.

That’s weird, I’m not sure why. Maybe because it’s got macros and things? I know when you open an excel file with macros it gives you a warning about trusted sources. As for the site, I’ve never really uploaded anything to the internet before, it just happened to be the first site google suggested. Are there better, more reliable sites?

Uncle Pine
2019-10-13, 10:53 AM
This is awesome! Bookmarked. :)

2019-10-13, 11:57 AM
I was talking to a friend last night trying to get it to work (because I don't have Microsoft) he stated that there might be a way to convert the file to Google Sheets while retaining the macros. If this is true you can copy your original (so anything it does, doesn't screw with your work), attempt it on the copy, if that works you upload it to Google drive as a Google sheet, make a copy make link shareable as a view only, and you can post the view only link here. Then when we access it we won't be able to generate treasure, but we'd be able to make a copy and add it to our own Google drives, and work with it fully from there.

But that's a big if! I'd expect the conversation thing to be either a Save As function where you change the file type, or an Export To function where you select the program.

And honestly, if you can't convert it I'd be willing to buy excel to access this

Morof Stonehands
2019-10-13, 06:27 PM
This is awesome! Bookmarked. :)

Thank you, glad you like it!

I was talking to a friend last night trying to get it to work (because I don't have Microsoft) he stated that there might be a way to convert the file to Google Sheets while retaining the macros. If this is true you can copy your original (so anything it does, doesn't screw with your work), attempt it on the copy, if that works you upload it to Google drive as a Google sheet, make a copy make link shareable as a view only, and you can post the view only link here. Then when we access it we won't be able to generate treasure, but we'd be able to make a copy and add it to our own Google drives, and work with it fully from there.

But that's a big if! I'd expect the conversation thing to be either a Save As function where you change the file type, or an Export To function where you select the program.

And honestly, if you can't convert it I'd be willing to buy excel to access this

I’ll give it a try and see what I can do. The more people who can access this, the merrier!

2019-10-18, 01:30 AM
Alright; I have purchased Excel, and I'm using this now. Questions!

How do these buttons actually work? I can't make heads or tails of how it all functions and can't figure out how to say add my own custom spells into the list or a homebrew shield type. How would I adjust the chance that an armor has different material types?

Even IF the answer to all those questions was a simple "You can't," I would still use this as it is an invaluable tool for me

Morof Stonehands
2019-10-18, 02:49 PM
Alright; I have purchased Excel, and I'm using this now. Questions!

How do these buttons actually work? I can't make heads or tails of how it all functions and can't figure out how to say add my own custom spells into the list or a homebrew shield type. How would I adjust the chance that an armor has different material types?

Even IF the answer to all those questions was a simple "You can't," I would still use this as it is an invaluable tool for me

Make sure you have your macros enabled to get the buttons to work. Then just make sure the drop downs near by are set to what you need it should all work after that.

Adding in your own spells to the generator requires you to go to the Spell & Power Item sheet. Scroll down and you’ll see sections for spells/powers based on what item they fill. Add it to the appropriate column.
I.E. You want to add in a 4th level spell that could fit into a scroll. Find the section labeled scrolls, count over 5 columns, since scrolls start at level 0, and just type it into the end of the column. You’ll need to do this for all possible items that you’d like your spell to be generated in. Wands, potions, schema, etc. note that not all items take the same spells and levels of spells.

Armor material chances, if I’m not mistaken, are 5%, per what the DMG says. To make it a higher percent chance that any given armor will be made of a special material you’ll have to go into the VBA code for the generator sheet. Find any code listed along the lines of ArmorMaterial and edit the number it checks to see if something appears. It’ll be look something like
If armormaterial>=5 then blah blah blah. Just change the number 5 to whatever you like.

Add a custom shield to the list requires you to go to non-magic armor sheet and add in the shield following the the same format as the one already listed.

I’m not near my computer at the moment otherwise id have more specific directions to edit them.

As stated in the OP still a work in progress, so somethings may not be exactly perfect.

2019-10-21, 12:32 AM
Let me know what you all think, and if any one has any comments, questions, critiques, or anything else, let me know so I can fix/add/change what ever it may be!

1. This Excel Document is incredible. While there are things that may be polished, for absolute functionality it is a beast. Has a d% built in so you don't have to pull out the dice, but the generator isn't tied to the D% button for those that actually like rolling. Change what CR the encounter you are rolling loot for and it will auto populate the correct tables. I believe the table matches the one from the MiC, but it might be the ones from the DMG. I personally used the MiC before Morof posted this. It has a coin roller built in so you don't have to pull out a bunch of D4s, but again the table is right there and tells you how many dice to roll and what the multiplier is if you want to roll it yourself. In addition it has "realistic" rolls, where it randomly determines the different places. I have a few critiques in this area and the next.
After you do your coins there is the Goods. Just glance up at the goods and it tells you what table your supposed to be looking at. Just hit the dropdown, go to the table, and it shows all the different goods of the correct value.
Finally the Items. The meat of any random generator. And my god is this a meaty bit. There are a dozen different categories to choose from, including the one that is best: All categories; but you could choose to roll staves, wondrous items, rings, etc. You select the item level that your supposed to be rolling on (consult the table, or choose it yourself!) And then it gives you what item with a page number (so far they have matched my books page for page). Doesn't tell you what the item does, but that is what your book is for.

Next up we have the Armor/Shield/Weapon generators. Simply select the enchantment value of the item, and hit generate. You can make it so that it only rolls simple/martial/exotic/melee/ranged/light/medium/heavy weapon/armor/shield if you want. As per the DMG each item has a 5% to have one of the many modifiers, which include all the materials, dwarvencraft, and other templates like Glorborn! It has a Curse generator, an artifact generator, a spell/power item generator (for wands/potions/etc), and an intelligent item generator. My favorite part is the Magic Mart generator! I personally have never used a magic mart in game simply because figuring out what items the NPC would realistically have would have been a serious chore.

Alright enough Fanboying.
2. Suggestion #1. Coins. I love the realistic values. I think it might be more realistic to drop a handful of the coins that you roll for lesser or greater versions of coins. So instead of 3d4x100 GP pulling out 572 GP we can drop 3 GP to pull out 30 silver, subtract 7 silver to give us 70 copper, subtract 4 copper and now we have the line: 569 GP, 23 SP, and 64 CP. What this may look like (to my brain, I have no idea how coding this stuff works). Take the total amount that we rolled. Subtract 1d10 from the initial value to get the amount of lower valueX10 (so in the example we rolled a 3). Subtract 1d10 from that value (if gold) to get how much copperX10. Subtract a d10 again just so we don't have a totally obvious amount of copper/silver. You can do a similar thing going up, but I think that would be more complicated.

3. Critique #1. Goods. I still have to select from the list, which is still quite paltry. The list being paltry is not your fault at all, however according to MiC:
You can either roll dice to determine its value or use the given average value. Repeat if you have multiple goods. You might want to choose a type of gem or art from the sample goods list for a flavorful description. they are Sample Goods. Meaning we are supposed to add more to this list. I would like to see either more samples (although I can understand your not wanting to do this to keep it all RAW) or instead of having an INDEX which is rather difficult to find have another Sheet designated for us to easily add more samples.
Secondly it is either roll or avg. I'd like to see the dice for each treasure type included, just so we can get those rolls there without having to consult the table in the book.

4. Comment: In Magic of Faerun there are a number of Gems which when wands are created out of them have different effects. Certainly a fun little thing that could be added to the randomness of the wands or just as random loot.

5. Critique #2. Editing. Figuring out how to use this tools is simple, and straightforward. Simply select sources and then use The Generator. However adding homebrew, changing the formulas, and the like is not straightforward. I still can't get my homebrew shield to work, and even if I did, I assume I'd have to either include it as part of another book (which its not) or create a whole new Source which would require delving into the code (which I fear I may have to do to get my homebrew shield to work regardless). It would be nice if there was a simple sheet that I could go to labeled Homebrew that I just needed to input relevant text into (like for the custom shield adding the shield bonus, the armor check penalty, etc) and it would automatically add it in where it needs to as a Source: Homebrew.
This is not a critique on the function of the generator, but a critique on the making it usable at each individual table.

I just want to end this off with a big:


Morof Stonehands
2019-11-21, 01:35 PM
1. This Excel Document is incredible. While there are things that may be polished, for absolute functionality it is a beast. Has a d% built in so you don't have to pull out the dice, but the generator isn't tied to the D% button for those that actually like rolling. Change what CR the encounter you are rolling loot for and it will auto populate the correct tables. I believe the table matches the one from the MiC, but it might be the ones from the DMG. I personally used the MiC before Morof posted this. It has a coin roller built in so you don't have to pull out a bunch of D4s, but again the table is right there and tells you how many dice to roll and what the multiplier is if you want to roll it yourself. In addition it has "realistic" rolls, where it randomly determines the different places. I have a few critiques in this area and the next.
After you do your coins there is the Goods. Just glance up at the goods and it tells you what table your supposed to be looking at. Just hit the dropdown, go to the table, and it shows all the different goods of the correct value.
Finally the Items. The meat of any random generator. And my god is this a meaty bit. There are a dozen different categories to choose from, including the one that is best: All categories; but you could choose to roll staves, wondrous items, rings, etc. You select the item level that your supposed to be rolling on (consult the table, or choose it yourself!) And then it gives you what item with a page number (so far they have matched my books page for page). Doesn't tell you what the item does, but that is what your book is for.

Next up we have the Armor/Shield/Weapon generators. Simply select the enchantment value of the item, and hit generate. You can make it so that it only rolls simple/martial/exotic/melee/ranged/light/medium/heavy weapon/armor/shield if you want. As per the DMG each item has a 5% to have one of the many modifiers, which include all the materials, dwarvencraft, and other templates like Glorborn! It has a Curse generator, an artifact generator, a spell/power item generator (for wands/potions/etc), and an intelligent item generator. My favorite part is the Magic Mart generator! I personally have never used a magic mart in game simply because figuring out what items the NPC would realistically have would have been a serious chore.

Alright enough Fanboying.
2. Suggestion #1. Coins. I love the realistic values. I think it might be more realistic to drop a handful of the coins that you roll for lesser or greater versions of coins. So instead of 3d4x100 GP pulling out 572 GP we can drop 3 GP to pull out 30 silver, subtract 7 silver to give us 70 copper, subtract 4 copper and now we have the line: 569 GP, 23 SP, and 64 CP. What this may look like (to my brain, I have no idea how coding this stuff works). Take the total amount that we rolled. Subtract 1d10 from the initial value to get the amount of lower valueX10 (so in the example we rolled a 3). Subtract 1d10 from that value (if gold) to get how much copperX10. Subtract a d10 again just so we don't have a totally obvious amount of copper/silver. You can do a similar thing going up, but I think that would be more complicated.

3. Critique #1. Goods. I still have to select from the list, which is still quite paltry. The list being paltry is not your fault at all, however according to MiC: they are Sample Goods. Meaning we are supposed to add more to this list. I would like to see either more samples (although I can understand your not wanting to do this to keep it all RAW) or instead of having an INDEX which is rather difficult to find have another Sheet designated for us to easily add more samples.
Secondly it is either roll or avg. I'd like to see the dice for each treasure type included, just so we can get those rolls there without having to consult the table in the book.

4. Comment: In Magic of Faerun there are a number of Gems which when wands are created out of them have different effects. Certainly a fun little thing that could be added to the randomness of the wands or just as random loot.

5. Critique #2. Editing. Figuring out how to use this tools is simple, and straightforward. Simply select sources and then use The Generator. However adding homebrew, changing the formulas, and the like is not straightforward. I still can't get my homebrew shield to work, and even if I did, I assume I'd have to either include it as part of another book (which its not) or create a whole new Source which would require delving into the code (which I fear I may have to do to get my homebrew shield to work regardless). It would be nice if there was a simple sheet that I could go to labeled Homebrew that I just needed to input relevant text into (like for the custom shield adding the shield bonus, the armor check penalty, etc) and it would automatically add it in where it needs to as a Source: Homebrew.
This is not a critique on the function of the generator, but a critique on the making it usable at each individual table.

I just want to end this off with a big:


Hey thanks for all the critiques/suggestions, I really appreciate them. And now that I am back to my computer, I can fully address them all!
1. I'm taking a look into the coin roller, it is something that I want to do for sure at some point.
2. I did add the goods value dice roll to the sheet, which can then be rolled on said coin roller. New items were added to the sample goods list. I think they are a bit more beefy now, and easier to read.
3. Gems fall under goods on the treasure table, I'll double check to make sure I got all the varieties though. As for the wand modifications, I'll leave that to each DM to decide if they want to utilize those rules. For now though, I think they'll stay separate. Partially charged wands will be added though.

4. A bit more for your shield. Based off the last post I am assuming it is a non-magic type shield. If it is not showing up when randomly generated, then you need to go into the code, to the section titled "ArmorChoose". This is the function that randomly generates a shield/armor for the Non-named Armor/shield button. You'll see two lines as "c = Int((106 - 3 + 1) * Rnd + 3)". The number 106 has to be changed to 107, in order to extend the range of possible numbers to include your new line on the chart. Every time you add a homebrew item, each section that uses those tables needs to have their range edited to encompass the new items. That should do it!

Again, if anyone has any suggestions critiques I'm all ears!

A new updated sheet, with the updates I talked about at the beginning of this post will be uploaded soon, once I finish up the section I am working on!

2019-11-21, 05:23 PM
About your 106 -> 107 issue with the code, there are two solutions. Both involve putting a number in a cell and referencing the cell instead of having your value hardcoded.

You can make the top row of your item lists the count of the columns. Leave it manual entry and put a how-to note in the sheet. Reference the top row for your count multiplier and add 1 to get the actual row number.

You can put in a new page. Cells on that page (remember to label things on the page) will be the count of rows in particular columns. The macros will reference their cell on this page to get the multiplier.

I did something similar with the AD&D treasure tables back about 25 years ago. The program read lines from text files, the first line was a count of items. These days I'd just read the file into a variable size array and count the array, sort of what the second oprion is doing.

Morof Stonehands
2019-11-24, 09:43 AM
About your 106 -> 107 issue with the code, there are two solutions. Both involve putting a number in a cell and referencing the cell instead of having your value hardcoded.

You can make the top row of your item lists the count of the columns. Leave it manual entry and put a how-to note in the sheet. Reference the top row for your count multiplier and add 1 to get the actual row number.

You can put in a new page. Cells on that page (remember to label things on the page) will be the count of rows in particular columns. The macros will reference their cell on this page to get the multiplier.

I did something similar with the AD&D treasure tables back about 25 years ago. The program read lines from text files, the first line was a count of items. These days I'd just read the file into a variable size array and count the array, sort of what the second oprion is doing.

Hey thanks for this idea, I’ll have to try it out!

2019-11-24, 10:04 AM
Is this specifically using the MIC tables for determining loot? Or are there custom tables that include loot from more varied sources? If it's just MIC, then this (http://paulmurraycbr.github.io/MICGenerator.html) resource already does that for you.

I'm not particularly fond of downloading things, as I don't use a computer at the table, a google sheet or webapp that I can access on my phone or tablet would be far more desirable, so for now, this would be a no-go for me. I'll keep an eye on this thread for if/when a google sheets version is released.

Morof Stonehands
2019-11-24, 10:57 AM
Is this specifically using the MIC tables for determining loot? Or are there custom tables that include loot from more varied sources? If it's just MIC, then this (http://paulmurraycbr.github.io/MICGenerator.html) resource already does that for you.

I'm not particularly fond of downloading things, as I don't use a computer at the table, a google sheet or webapp that I can access on my phone or tablet would be far more desirable, so for now, this would be a no-go for me. I'll keep an eye on this thread for if/when a google sheets version is released.

It contains every item from every source(to the best of my knowledge), over 6000 items. I use MIC’s item level system to determine how each item is distributed in the generator. The generator lets you select which sources you have available so it will only generate items from those books/magazines/web articles. It has all the weapon/armor enhancements along with the weapons and armor to generate random magical weapons/armor. It contains all alchemical/non-magical/artifact and unique items. It has a spell generator which lets you place spells in randomly generated scroll/potions/wands/etc that are appropriate for each item. It has a shop inventory maker that limits the items based on community size and a coin roller for money.

I’m still adding in things currently, and it’s not perfect by any means but it’s a start!

2019-11-24, 03:55 PM
Hello all,

Over the last year I have been working on making a treasure generator for 3.5e. I never really liked just having the DMG being the only book used for treasure generation, so I built my own spreadsheet that uses everything. It's not 100% finished, but it's in a mostly completed state, and I would like to share it with you all here. Hopefully someone else will get some use out of it as well.

It has no item descriptions in it, so you'll have to have the source to find out what the item does. Fortunately, you can filter sources, so you can decide which books/web articles you want to use!

Let me know what you all think, and if any one has any comments, questions, critiques, or anything else, let me know so I can fix/add/change what ever it may be!


This is beautiful.:smalleek:

2019-11-24, 07:07 PM
I just found my computer's next bookmark. This is amazing. God speed, sir.

Morof Stonehands
2019-11-25, 01:10 PM
This is beautiful.:smalleek:

Thank you!

I just found my computer's next bookmark. This is amazing. God speed, sir.

Thanks, hope you get good use out of it!

Morof Stonehands
2020-02-23, 08:45 PM
Now that the forums are back I can finally share my my updates to the generator. As always, let me know if anything doesn't work, something is wrong, or something isn't there that you'd like to be!


Updates made:
Spells from the Spell Compendium, and powers from Complete Psionic have been added in.
It is now easier for people to add in their own homebrew items/spells. Instructions are on the Design Notes tab for how to do it.
Weapon and Armor enhancements now match the item they are placed on (no more Keen Mauls!)
Added more non-magic goods examples
Added some more stores for multiple item generation

The OP is updated with a new link to version 2 and the updates I made as well.

2020-02-23, 09:27 PM
O.o I will look the moment I'm home. I'm really excited! Thank you again!

Morof Stonehands
2020-03-15, 04:43 PM

Added spells (that weren't in Spell Compendium) from the following:

Complete Arcane
Complete Champion
Complete Mage
Complete Scoundrel
Complete Warrior

New link to download the generator, also updated in the OP

https://sabercathost.com/i522/Morof_Stonehand_s_3.5e_Treasure_Generator_v2.1.xls m

Let me know if there are any suggestions or fixes!

Thanks for looking, and enjoy!

2020-03-15, 05:32 PM
Just wanted to chime in here, that all the stuff done has been thoroughly enjoyable for me! But at this point I feel like I don't have any more useful comments to make. Still following the thread, and loving every update.

2020-03-15, 06:21 PM
Just popping in here to keep an eye on things. This will be very nice to have

Morof Stonehands
2020-03-16, 06:06 PM
Just wanted to chime in here, that all the stuff done has been thoroughly enjoyable for me! But at this point I feel like I don't have any more useful comments to make. Still following the thread, and loving every update.

Glad you like it! And thanks for the feedback earlier

Just popping in here to keep an eye on things. This will be very nice to have

Hope you enjoy the generator, and let me know if you’ve got any feedback!

Morof Stonehands
2020-05-18, 05:14 AM
Made another large update to my generator, posting a new link to the most recent generator, both here and in the OP.

What was added:
Descriptions for item such as wands, potions, dorjes, etc. can be generated when rolling to see what spell/power is inside. The description will be saved, so all items of the same spell will look the same (i.e. all potions of invisibility look/smell the same.) This can be toggled on/off.

Spells/powers from the following books were added and can now be generated when filling items:
Book of Exalted Deeds
Book of Vile Darkness
Fiendish Codex I
Fiendish Codex II
Lords of Madness
Dragon Magic
Drow of the Underdark
Exemplars of Evil
Expanded Psionics Handbook
Epic Level Handbook
Heroes of Battle
Heroes of Horror
Libris Mortis
Manual of the Planes
Magic of Incarnum
Miniatures Handbook
Planar Handbook
Races of Stone
Races of Destiny
Races of the Dragon
Races of the Wild
Savage Species
Tome of Magic
Player's Handbook II
Weapons of Legacy


As always, hope you enjoy.
If you have suggestions/comments/critiques, or notice mistakes, please let me know!

2020-05-18, 01:07 PM
I hope to try it out again soon! My other computer died and Microsoft is making me buy a whole extra excel copy even though I just bought it less than a year ago. And buying photoshop is taking precedence (and you know, the new computer...)

2022-11-14, 09:20 PM
Sorry for the necro, but anyone have an alternative link? OP's link sadly is not working anymore.

2022-11-15, 02:20 AM
Maybe PM the OP? He's still active on the forum.

2022-11-15, 09:17 AM
Metamagic Mod: thread re-opened.

Morof Stonehands
2022-11-16, 08:58 AM
Thank you, truemane!

The OP has been updated with a working google drive link to download from.

If anyone else accesses it, let me know if something doesn't work, or is missing, or if there is a suggestion! I haven't updated it in a while, but I will hopefully do some more soon!