View Full Version : Which Classes Would You Find Most Interesting to Read About? 5e Version

2019-10-12, 11:34 PM
I'm planning on trying NaNoWriMo this year, and have been hit with a bit of writer's block. To that end, I've put together a set of surveys to try and get a bit of inspiration, and to also see if there are any trends in what people are interested in a main character.

This survey focuses on D&D 5e. The classes are the official classes, plus the Artificer (since it will be official next month, in some form) and the Bloodhunter, which is on D&D Beyond. The Mystic has been excluded as it isn't official or scheduled to be. For the Ranger, you can assume Revised or Original when looking at the archetypes. Feel free to refer to UA for any other content suggestions, however (i.e. Archetypes that haven't been published yet).

And who knows? This may inspire to realize what you find interesting.

Feel free to discuss below what you find interesting and why, as well!

The 5e Survey is here. (https://forms.gle/qvrCt4Yedo8KjYok7)

The 3e/3.5/PF1e Thread is here (including some discussion on why I am doing the survey further down on the first page): http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?600421-Which-Classes-Would-You-Find-Most-Interesting-to-Read-About&p=24200118

The 4e Thread is here: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?600442-Which-Classes-Would-You-Find-Most-Interesting-to-Read-About-4e-Version&p=24200107

2019-10-12, 11:46 PM
Hmm suppose it's too late but you'd probably get better results with a "pick all that interest" survey format.

2019-10-13, 01:48 AM
Hmm suppose it's too late but you'd probably get better results with a "pick all that interest" survey format.

Thank you for the suggestion. Believe it or not, I did consider that option. However, part of this is an effort to find some ideas that force me to work with outside constraints; with too many ideas, I can bypass those constraints. And I'm not particularly interested in being super scientific this time, as much as just getting ideas and trying to force my brain into spinning up its motor with ideas that don't belong to it. However, perhaps next time, an ordered list or thermometer survey (either the type of therm. that allows you to distribute 100 points among the options, or where they rate the classes on a scale) would be in order, especially if it was to actually gather hard data. This is more a straw poll to get some ideas and put some pieces together.

(And if someone really wants to suggest two or three options, they can probably find a way fairly easily...)