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2019-10-13, 02:52 PM
{This is the game thread for Erfman the Barbarian. Each player shall be a facet in Erfman's mind, and when there are non-objections for a given action, they are processed, all new players are welcome}

2019-10-13, 02:53 PM
Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Compilation of Game Thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255897#p255897)

Erfman the Barbarian



Erfman the Barbarian
Level 1 Dollamancer (Novice)
Hits: 6 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8 Juice: 100/100
Upkeep: 150s
Purse: empty

There was only darkness, no sound, no light, nothing... not that you had any eyes to see or any ears to hear or any form whatsoever... you existed only as a possibility of what could be in the endless void of nothingness! Then suddenly *pop* you existed, you had arms, you had legs and there was enough light to see the world around. Thoughts began to form in your head about who you were as you took in the sights of the world around you. You stood in a room made out of strong stone walls illuminated by a large glowing portal that stood immediately in front of you. You were in the portal room of your sides capital and last remaining city. You were a caster, a Dollamancer no less... as the knowledge of your discipline began to seep in to your head the sound of conflict could be heard. The clashing of blades, the sound of units fighting for their lives. Suddenly the portal in the room flicked out and you were bathed in darkness once again. Had you croaked already? There was an almighty rumble like the sounds of an earthquake as the walls around you came crashing down. The one slight blessing was as the walls and ceilings crumbled the light returned. But alas then you felt it... you were alone... newly popped and your side was no more... you were now a barbarian!


Looking around the Hex all that is left of the city is ruins, rubble and debris litters the area and the only other units in the hex seem to be collapsed upon the ground. The portal is gone leaving only the stone beneath it's base. Two large chests also stand out.

You check over the bodies of the four units in the Hex, there are two pikers and two gobwins. Based on their clothing the two Pikers do indeed belong to your fallen side the gobwins however do not wear the livery of the side. One Piker and one Gobwin are croaked, you claim their bodies and from the Piker you take the spear and armour due to your innate dollamancer senses telling you they are in better condition than the Gobwin gear. The remaining piker and Gobwin are incapacitated.

2 actions used up

*Erfman ponders what to do with the incapacitated units.. but first, food!*

Taking a piece of fruit you very carefully eat it making sure to save the seeds and claim them once you are done. A feeling of being satisfied washes over you. (Your upkeep for the turn has now been paid)

1 actions used up.

Wary of traps you suddenly recall a simple dollamancer spell 'Wires and fires and snares oh my!' Casting for the first time you are filled with a rush of euphoria as your dollamancer senses become extremely sensitive. Checking over the chests you can not detect any mechanisms on the chests other than their hinges and their locks. The first chest is unlocked but the second chest is locked. Carefully opening the first chest you are surprised to find it is much much larger on the inside than it is on the outside. It is however unfortunately empty... or more accurately it was empty, as you stare in to the chest the two bodies that you have claimed and the fruit seeds appear at the bottom of the chest.

2 actions used up. 25 juice used.

*Erfman then ponders what to do concerning the locked chest, but is distracted by thoughts of Golem creations!*

On Golem creation.

The more complicated Golem you attempt to make the higher chance of failure there will be. It will also take longer and cost more juice to make.

Golems will not have a maintenance cost in schmuckers but upon creation will be bestowed with a certain amount of juice by the caster. Each turn its upkeep cost will be taken from this pool. When this pool is empty the golem will become inactive and will have to be recharged with juice before it will become active again.

In order to create a golem the caster will need material resources (wood, cloth, etc) and will use both juice and move. If the caster does not have the necessary resource some resources may be paid for in schmuckers instead.

A simple Golem for a novice caster will take an entire turn to make.

Non speaking units such as Golems must be given specific instructions and may auto-engage if unled. Their actions however can be used to complete tasks.

Erfman ponders on what to do with his remaining 3 actions..

The chest is about three foot by two foot on the outside and appears to be made of metal and magically reinforced wood. The lock appears to be made from iron. You can not be certain but you believe the chest may have been made through a combination of dollamancy and carnymancy. Inside the chest widens out until it is about the size of a small room.

The piker appears badly battered and bruised mostly likely due to a large amount of blunt force trauma.

Deciding that your top priority was to save the only unit from your former side that you had seen so far you remove the clothes from the croaked Gobwin and using all your remaining juice you begin to fabricate some magical bandages. You have some trouble with the spell as such actions seem to more naturally lean towards Healamancy than Dollamancy but you are able to create the bandages none the less. You have only enough bandages to treat one unit so you decide to use them on the piker quickly wrapping him up like a mummy.

Congratulations Bob the Piker has been stabilized and next turn you may give him orders

With no bandages left you are unsure what to do with the Gobwin and briefly your morals war with themselves. Deciding the Gobwin should at least give you some benefit you step forward with your newly claimed spear in hand and quickly croak the defenseless unit before feeling a rush of experience wash over you.

You have croaked a Gobwin and gained experience

Your attention then turns to the locked chest. You rush over and begin poking at the locked chest but unsurprisingly it has no effect. Realising you have neither the time or the juice to try anything more complicated you decide to save the chest for later.

You then go in to a daydream about all the wonderful golems or items you could make but you again realize you do not have time to do this this turn.

Realising it will not be long to end of turn you glance about for anything else you might have time to do. Dashing over to the chest you retrieve the seed before making a hole in the ground with your spear and dropping the seed inside. You then carefully crouch down and fill in the hole with soil.

"You have planted a seed"


Turn 2



Erfman the Barbarian
Level 1 Dollamancer (Novice)
Hits: 6 Combat: 3 (2+1)Defence: 3 (2+1) Move: 8 Juice: 100/100
Upkeep: 150s
Purse: empty
Equipped: Piker armour, Piker spear

Level 1 Piker
Hits: ? Combat: ?Defence: ? Move: 8
Upkeep: ?


Piker corpse (nude) x1
Gobwin corpse (nude) x1
Crude Gobwin axe x1


You now have Piker bob in your service. Bob also has 8 actions.

"Hello Bob,
How do you feel about your upkeep Bob?"

"Hello sir. My upkeep is currently unpaid sir!" Bob replies standing at attention.

"So Bob, can you tell me what happened here? I'm newly popped myself, how about you? How old are you?"

"and the chest, do you know what's inside this chest?

"I'm afraid I don't know sir, all I know is not long ago we had five cities then suddenly one by one they began to fall until we only had one left" Bob replied with a grave expression on his face. "I'm fifteen turns old sir, popped here in this very city though I've never left it's walls... not that it has walls anymore" the unit answered.

"The chest sir? I'm only a piker sir, I never got told any of the important stuff. Maybe a warlord would know?" Bob replied as he began to fidget obviously uncomfortable at being asked so many questions, usually all he got asked to do was poke his spear at enemy units.

While talking with your new minion Bob you begin to carefully extract the seeds from the two remaining fruit using the blade of your spear which was actually a lot more difficult than you expected. You give half of the fruit to bob and instruct him to eat it which he does but he reports that he feels no different. You then give him the second half of the fruit and once he is finished he reports feeling satisfied. With your 'army' fed you decide to eat your own piece of fruit and once finished you feel satisfied.

Erfman and Bob have both eaten a piece of fruit. Upkeep for the turn has been paid. You gain 2 fruits seeds.

Erfman 2 actions used

Feeling well fed and confident you tell Bob to stand back and you crack your knuckles as you step towards the chests. Summoning up a decent amount of juice you begin to work your magic on the chest. "Open says... Errr me?' you invoke as the mechanism within the lock begins to spin and the chest pops open. Rushing over you glance inside to find the bottom of the chest is covered by a thin layer of coins (300 schmuckers) and on top sits a single gem and a rolled up scroll.

"Congratulations you have opened the chest! EXP gained"

Erfman 2 actions and 25 juice used.

Looking at the scroll, it appears to be a moneymancy scroll. It is labelled liquidate.

You order Bob to go scout out the Hex to the North (while retreating immediately if hostiles are encountered). With a quick salute he hurries off disappearing past the hex boundary leaving you alone once again.

While Bob is away you turn your attention to the seeds from the fruit that you had saved earlier. Digging two holes with the point of your spear you drop a seed in to each before carefully covering them over with soil and patting them down.

You have planted two seeds. Erfman has used 2 actions

Deciding to use up the last of your juice you begin working on constructing a crude humanoid shaped doll from the wooden debris in the hex. Using all of your remaining actions and juice you are able to create the units form however you have not yet granted it motion.

You have created the shell of a crude wood Golem. Erfman has used 2 action and 75 juice

A short while later Bob returns from his scouting mission seemingly unharmed. "Sir the northern hex had some old trees in it and a flying unit that I think was feral. It did not seem to notice me so I immediately retreated as ordered." Bob reports.

Bob has used 4 move.

"Do you think you could croak the feral? And do the trees have rations in them?"

"I didn't see any fruit on the trees sir..." Bob replies before taking on a thoughtful look. "It was a fairly small Feral sir... I might be able to croak it on my own." Bob then finishes.

"Too small to act as mount Bob?"

"Definitely too small to be a mount..." Bob replied before being ordered to scout out the next hex. The young Piker then dashed off to the Northeast as ordered disappearing past the hex boundary. Bob seemed to take quite a while scouting out the next hex and for a while you began to wonder if something had gone horribly wrong!

Eventually Bob did return though he did so in an awful rush with a slightly pale face and a tight grip on his trusty spear as he returned in to view. "Gobwins!" he panted out giving a one word warning.

End of turn 2

Off turn

Almost as soon as your turn ended you became aware of a strange sensation, slowly you began to realise this was the feeling of a hex being contested as slowly a lone Gobwin crept in to view with axe in hand.

Bob meanwhile readied his spear and prepared to fight. He had been popped to defend this hex and defend it he would. "Your orders sir?" Bob obediently asked though it was clear he badly wanted to engage.


"Don't engage yet. Stack with me and wait for him to attack! So you get your piker defense bonus!" you order deciding not to do anything rash but at the same time ensuring you are ready to defend yourself.

You quickly form a stack with Bob and you instantly feel a slight increase in your combat as you do so. "How many Gobwins did you see Bob?" You then whisper to your subordinate.

"I saw three sir, though there was an old ruined building and there could have been more inside..." Bob whispered back without taking his eyes off of the Gobwin.

Turning to the Gobwin you put on a large smile and wave your greeting while confidently exclaiming "Hi!" You then turn serious taking on a stern expression. You have entered a hex that belongs to me, surrender or leave and pinky swear you will not return for 10 turns!" You demand.

The Gobwin smiled widely and raised a hand as if to wave back though when you issue your demand his smile transforms in to a scowl. "You men are funny, always making jokes...." the Gobwin replied with little amusement in his voice as he carefully studied the hex his eyes lingering in particular on you and Bob and the two chests. "You want us to go? Ok we'll go but is going to cost you..." the Gobwin then replied. "Give us 500 schmuckers and we will leave you alone..." the Gobwin offered as he developed a slightly sinister grin.

The Gobwin is dressed the same as the two that you found in this hex earlier. They do not seem to be wearing the livery of any side that you know off...

"There's a gem in this chest. Come here." (referencing the bigger-on-the-inside chest)
(silent order to Bob)
If he comes, stab him.


"Yeah that's clever of you just hand over the money and everyone will be happy!" The Gobwin replied as he stepped forward to receive what he had been promised. Alas the poor Gobwin did not get what he had been hoping for...

Battle begin

Round 1

Acting on your silent command Bob engages and lashes out with his trusty spear. The Gobwin lets out a yelp of surprise as he hops back but Bob had managed to land a glancing blow dealing a single hit.

Seeing that the surprise attack had failed to bring down the Gobwin you fall in with Bob and thrust your own spear forwards. Just like Bob you manage to land a glancing blow and the Gobwin loses another hit.

Howling with rage and with blood lust in his eyes the Gobwin retaliates with an almighty swing of his axe that catches Bob in the side causing Bob to grunt in pain as he loses 4 hits leaving him dangerously close to croaking. (1 hit left).

Round 2

Badly wounded it is now Bob's turn to howl with rage as he slams the tip of his spear in to the Gobwin's shoulder dealing 2 hits but the little devil still remains standing.

Hoping to bring the Gobwin down before it gets a chance to finish Bob off you make a thrust with your spear once again however this time you are far off the mark.

Stalking towards Bob like a hungry dwagon the Goblin brings his axe down in a powerful overhead swing but at the last moment Bob is able to step aside.

Round 3

You and Bob then both act as one advancing with spear tips raised and you thrust your weapons forwards. You each catch the Gobwin in a shoulder and he loses a further two hits before he slumps down upon the ground and collapses.

Congratulations you have croaked the Gobwin. Erfman and Bob gain Exp.

Turn 3


Erfman the Barbarian
Level 1 Dollamancer (Novice)
Hits: 6 Combat: 3 (2+1) Defence: 3 (2+1) Move: 8 Juice: 100/100
Upkeep: 150s
Purse: 300s
Equipped: Piker armour, Piker spear

Level 1 Piker
Hits: 5 Combat: ? Defence: ? Move: 8
Upkeep: ?


Piker corpse (nude) x1
Gobwin corpse (nude) x1
Crude Gobwin axe x1
Moneymancy scroll of 'Liquidate'
Crude Wood Golem shell


With the beginning of a new turn the wounds that Bob sustained in the fight with the Gobwin vanish leaving him as good as new once again. More surprisingly with the beginning of a new turn a bush pops in to existence.

What do you do?

As soon as the battle is over with the Gobwin you quickly claim the croaked Gobwin's corpse as bounty and the body slowly fades away and appears inside the chest. After heartily congratulating Bob on a job well done you then began to question Bob about his stats."You can't see my stats oh thats weird... I had thought that all command units could see the stats of their units..." Bob replied scratching the back of his head. "I have 5 Hits, 5 combat, 5 Defence and 8 move... oh and my upkeep is 20 schmuckers" Bob then revealed.

Erfman has used one action

Deciding that the most important action was to secure yours and Bob's upkeep you order Bob to harvest the fruit on the bush. Bob sets to work and begins to pluck all three pieces of fruit from the bush leaving it bare. Bob then carefully cuts up two pieces of fruit and saves the seeds. The first piece of fruit he offers to you to eat while he eats the second himself. You both feel a wave of satisfaction once you have eaten the fruit.

Bob 4 actions used.
Erfman and Bob have each eaten a piece of fruit. Their upkeep for the turn has been paid.
1 piece of fruit and 2 seeds added to the inventory

With upkeep paid you next turn you attention to scouting and once again send Bob off to scout. This time Bob heads off South East and scurries out of view

Bob 4 actions used.

While Bob is exploring you head back to the now unlocked chest and pick up the gem. Holding it out infront of you you carefully study the Gem before using natural moneymancy you convert the Gem to schmuckers and you feel your purse swell by 300s.

Erfman has used 1 action.
Purse increased by 300s

Finally you head back to your unfinished Golem and set to work completing it and granting it motion. It might not be the most attractive looking Golem but it is the most advanced piece of dollamancy you have performed to date and it requires all of your concentration.

Erfman has used 6 actions and 25 juice.
Erfman has completed a crude wood golem. Next turn it will be able to act.

Bob does not return!

End of Turn

Off turn

Alone in the Hex not including your newly created Golem you suddenly get a feeling of the Hex being contested. You begin to nervously glance about with spear raised but you see no sign of enemy units. This continues for several long tense moments however just as suddenly as the sensation began it vanishes and the Hex is uncontested once again.

Turn 4


Erfman the Barbarian
Level 1 Dollamancer (Novice)
Hits: 6 Combat: 3 (2+1) Defence: 3 (2+1) Move: 8 Juice: 100/100
Upkeep: 150s
Purse: 600s
Equipped: Piker armour, Piker spear

Level 1 Piker
Hits: 5 Combat: 5 Defence: 5 Move: 8
Upkeep: 20s

Crude Wood Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 4 Defence: 2 Move: 4
Juice Charge: 100/100
Upkeep: 10 juice


Piker corpse (nude) x1
Gobwin corpse (nude) x1
Gobwin corpse (dressed) x1
Crude Gobwin axe x1
Moneymancy scroll of 'Liquidate' x1
Small Fruit x1
Fruit seeds x2


With the beginning of a new turn two new bushes pop in to existence filled with fruit. The fruit from the harvested bush however does not seem to re-pop. Bob has still yet to return...

What do you do?

Satisfied with your first fully functioning Golem you issue a silent command and the Golem trundles off and retrieves one of the crude Gobwin axes from the large chest. Equipped and ready you then set the Golem to work to begin harvesting fruit from one of the bushes. Once the Golem has picked clean the first bush (picking 3 fruit) it then begins extracting the seeds from the fruit. The seeds and spare fruit are added to the growing supplies in the chest while one piece of cut up fruit is passed over to you.

Golem has used 4 actions.
1 piece of deseeded fruit and 3 seeds added to the inventory

With your fruit rations prepared you tuck in to your meal and once again feel the feeling of being satisfied as your upkeep is paid. You then turn your attention to a new project the construction of a luggage Golem. You first begin by harvesting wood from the hex and turning it in to a large number of doll like legs before bringing them over to the chest. As the chest is already enchanted you struggle converting it in to a moving Golem and your control over your Dollamcy almost slips but you are able to grant it the barest amount of mobility.

Congratulations you have created a Crude Luggage Golem.
Erfman has used 8 actions and 60 juice.Upkeep paid.

While you are working on the construction of The Luggage you notice Bob return. He briefly reports that the South East hex is a hill hex and contained a feral unit. He then makes his way over to the Crude Wood Golem who hands him over a fruit. Bob tucks in to the fruit and his upkeep is once again paid.

Bob 2 actions used

Bob then sets to work on the remaining routine tasks that you want performed. Bob first begins by heading over to the treasuring chest and 'claiming it'. Nothing seems to happen so with a shrug Bob picks up the chest carries it over and manually puts it in to The Luggage.

Bob 1 action used

Bob then heads over to the last bush with fruit on and begins picking fruit. Once removed Bob then cuts up the three pieces of fruit and removes the seeds.

Bob 4 actions used
3 deseeded fruit and 3 seeds added to inventory

With his last action Bob then digs a hole with his spear tip and adds another seed.

Bob 1 action used

End of Turn

Off turn

You once again get the feeling of the Hex being contested however you see no sign of enemy units. This time the contested feeling does not go away...

Turn 5


Erfman the Barbarian
Level 1 Dollamancer (Novice)
Hits: 6 Combat: 3 (2+1) Defence: 3 (2+1) Move: 8 Juice: 100/100
Upkeep: 150s
Purse: 600s
Equipped: Piker armour, Piker spear

Level 1 Piker
Hits: 5 Combat: 5 Defence: 5 Move: 8
Upkeep: 20s

Crude Wood Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 5 (4+1) Defence: 2 Move: 4
Juice Charge: 90/100
Upkeep: 10 juice
Equipped: Crude Gobwin Axe

The Luggage
Crude luggage Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 1 Defence: 3 Move: 8
Juice Charge: 60/100
Upkeep: 10 juice
Special: Carnyed - Bigger on the inside


Piker corpse (nude) x1
Gobwin corpse (nude) x1
Gobwin corpse (dressed (Gobwin clothing, Crude Gobwin axe) x1
Moneymancy scroll of 'Liquidate' x1
Small Fruit x1
Fruit seeds x7
Deseeded fruit x 4
Treasury chest


The feeling of a contested Hex remains into the beginning of your next turn.

What do you do?

Deciding that what you need most was something to help you with your Dollamancy creations you come up with a quick design for a 'Craftman's Hammer' in your head before setting about collecting the resources that you will need. You first head towards the piles of rock and stone and with a raw application of juice you are able to retrieve a piece of rock roughly the size required for the head of a hammer. Meanwhile your Wood Golem reacts to a subconscious command and sets about collecting the wood that you will need for the handle. With supplies collected you quickly order Bob to harvest all available fruit before you and the Golem climb in to the Luggage Golem. It is a rather strange experience as you first have to squeeze yourself to fit through the opening but soon find yourself falling before landing on the wooden floor with a slight disorientating thud. Momentarily stunned it takes a while to readjust to your new surroundings.

Erfman 1 action used. Crude Wood Golem 1 action used.
1 unit of stone and 1 unit of wood added to inventory

Bob meanwhile sets about collecting the three fruits from the bush before he too follows after you and squeezes in to the chest.

Bob 2 actions used.
3 fruit added to inventory

With everyone now inside The Luggage your golem obeys your command and starts moving south east and out of the hex. From you position inside the cavernous chest you are hardly aware of the movement though it does not help that when the lid is closed it is pitched black inside. You eventually become aware that the Luggage has stoped moving.

The luggage 4 actions used.

How do you get out of The Luggage



The walls of The Luggage are surprisingly high and even when climbing on top of the wood Golem you are still unable to reach the top. A piece of quick thinking however allows you to give a silent command to The Luggage to tip itself over and you are all rather unceremoniously regurgitated out and dumped on to the floor.

Scrambling to your feet you issue a silent command to form a stack as you take in the second hex you have ever seen since being popped. You are in a Hill Hex and you are being watched by a feral unit. Slowly approaching you throw out a piece of fruit and the feral Billy Goat begins to eat but other than that nothing seems to happen. Feeling brave you continue to approach and by the time the Billy Goat has finished it's meal you are mere inches away. Holding out a second piece of fruit to the Billy Goat you allow the feral to eat as you pat it on the back.

"Congratulations you have tamed a feral Billy goat. Erfman has used 2 actions and 2 fruit. Erfman has gained Exp"

With no hostile units in the Hex you feel safe enough to temporarily break stack and begin to colonize the hex. Sending out Bob, the Piker quickly digs four holes with the tip of his spear before dropping a single seed in to each. With that done Bob then sets about separating the seeds from the fruit he picked earlier in the turn.

Bob 6 actions used. 4 seeds used and 3 seeds gained

The wood Golem meanwhile deseeds the final fruit that was stored in the Luggage.

Wood Golem 1 action used

Erfman has 5 actions remaining do you want to save these for the off turn?

Crude Wood Golem has 2 actions remaining.

Deciding that it would be better to use your Wood Golem for protection rather than using armor you strip off your set of Piker armor and order the Golem to wear it. The armour however does not fit but such problems are trivial for a dollamancer and with the tiniest slivers of juice you are able to modify the armour so that it fits perfectly.

Erfman 1 action used.

Playing on the side of caution you then decide to save your juice and actions for the off turn just in case... Before the turn ends however your stomach grumbles in protest and you share a quick meal of fruit with Bob.

2 pieces of fruit consumed. Erfman and Bob upkeep paid.

End of Turn 5

Nervous that hostile units may enter the Hex you set your wood golem on guard while you and Bob attempt to get some rest. You sleep fitfully as the wind passing through the Hill hex wails like crazed feral units. Several times you awaken thinking that something is invading the hex but each time it is a false alarm.

An hour or so before dawn you are woken by your golem having at some point managed to fall asleep. The hex is still uncontested and everything is safe. Rolling your neck and cracking your fingers you set to work on your latest masterpiece. You can see the hammer in your minds eye and as you let your juice flow you begin to bring your creation to life.

Over an hour later you are finally done as you release your last drop of juice. Looking down with some pride you stare at the deceptively simple looking hammer.

Erfman 4 actions, 100 juice 1 unit of stone and 1 unit of wood used

"Congratulations you have created the 'Craftman's +1 Hammer'

'Craftman's +1 Hammer'

As well as being made to be surprisingly strong despite the simple materials that it is made from and it's simplistic appearance, the hammer can also be used as a focus for Dollamancy powers. In the hands of the Dollamancer it allows him to create items and golems more quickly (25% less actions required) as well as allowing him to create more advanced and complex creations.[/quote]

Turn 6


Erfman the Barbarian
Level 1 Dollamancer (Novice)
Hits: 6 Combat: 4 (2+2) Defence: 2 Move: 8 Juice: 100/100
Upkeep: 150s
Purse: 600s
Equipped: Craftman's +1 Hammer

Level 1 Piker
Hits: 5 Combat: 5 Defence: 5 Move: 8
Upkeep: 20s

Crude Wood Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 5 (4+1) Defence: 3 (2+1) Move: 4
Juice Charge: 80/100
Upkeep: 10 juice
Equipped: Crude Gobwin Axe, modified Piker armor

The Luggage
Crude luggage Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 1 Defence: 3 Move: 8
Juice Charge: 50/100
Upkeep: 10 juice
Special: Carnyed - Bigger on the inside

Billy Goat
Hits: 7 Combat: 8 Defence: 2 Move: 20
Upkeep: ?
Special: ? ?


Piker corpse (nude) x1
Gobwin corpse (nude) x1
Gobwin corpse (dressed (Gobwin clothing, Crude Gobwin axe) x1
Piker Spear
Moneymancy scroll of 'Liquidate' x1
Fruit seeds x7
Deseeded fruit x 4
Treasury chest


You think it would be possible to harvest wool from the goat feral.

You once again climb back inside the luggage and order Bob and the Golem to follow you. Having done this once before you find the act slightly easier than you did before though you once again hit the ground with an abrupt thud due to the large drop. Safely inside you then order The luggage and Billy to head back to the home hex.

Inside The Luggage it is hard to tell whether you are moving or not and time seems to pass strangely however eventually you are suddenly overcome by a lurching sensation as you are abruptly ejected from The Luggage and dumped on to the ground.

Climbing to your feet your feet just as you are getting your bearing you hear a panicked cry from Bob. "Your orders Sir!" You hear the young Piker cry as you spot two Gobwin's charging towards you from different directions.


Seeing the Gobwins rapidly approaching you issue a mental command to stack up and you immediately feel your attack rise as you form a 5 unit stack. Bob meanwhile raises his spear in compliance with your orders and waits for the attacking Gobwins to be in range.

"Hi!" you then call out "wait, dont attack! we want ally, can pay your upkeep" you quickly add but the Gobwins seem to ignore you and continue their charge.

Round 1

The Gobwins do not stack up and attack as separate units striking from opposite sides one going for Bob and the other going for you. Bob easily evades the strike however you are not quite quick enough... fortunately at the last possible moment your wood golem steps in and takes the hit losing a single hit.

It is now your turn to fight back and you order your forces to converge on the Gobwin that had just attacked you. With your stack bonus and the caster bonus you are granting your golems it is not even close and you hack and bludgeon the poor Gobwin in to pieces.

Round 2

The lone Gobwin does not back down after seeing his comrade slaughtered but instead lashes out with a wild swing of his axe. Your wood Golem once again steps forwards and takes the hit losing another hit. It is at this point however that the Gobwins unleash a surprise and a third Gobwin bursts out from beneath the ground and slams it's axe in to your Golem's chest dealing another two hits.

Panicked by the sudden appearance of a third Gobwin literally popping out of the ground you tightly grip the handle of your hammer and thrust it forwards as you cry "Hoboken!" A blast of raw shockamancy flies forwards and strikes the Gobwin in the shoulder however your Hoboken must still be fairly weak as it only stumbles backwards slightly (taking 2 hits).

Bob, Billy and the Golems meanwhile surround the other Gobwin. It is slammed in to by both Billy and the luggage before being pierced by both spear and axe as Billy and the Golem land their hits. The Gobwin then drops to the ground croaked.

Round 3

You are once again left with one remaining Gobwin though this time you carefully watch the ground for signs of more. The Gobwin wildly swings it's axe but it seems more to keep everyone back as it misses everyone.

You then whisper "Capture" and everyone rushes forwards and dog piles the Gobwin. After a brief struggle your Golem ends up on top with the Gobwin pinned to the ground.

"Congratulations you have won the battle and have taken a Gobwin prisoner."


"Congratulations you have levelled up! Erfman is now level 2"

Erfman the Barbarian
Level 2 Dollamancer (Novice)
Hits: 6 Combat: 5 (2+1+2) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2) Juice: 175/200
Upkeep: 150s
Purse: 600s
Equipped: Craftman's +1 Hammer

With the battle over you turn your attention to Woody, your damaged golem, and channeling some juice your perform a minor patch up to repair the worst of the damage leaving him a lot better condition than when you began.

Erfman 2 actions and 25 juice used. Woody 3 hits restored

Now that he has been repaired Woody switches place with The luggage and trundles off with his axe to chop some wood.

Woody 4 actions used. 6 Units of wood obtained

Bob meanwhile is ordered off to attempt to harvest some wool from the Billy Goat. Despite not having the proper tool for the job Bob as always makes do with with his trusty spear and the luckamancy seems to be with him this turn as he some how manages to harvest some wool.

Bob 2 actions used. 1 unit of wool obtained.

Once released from her torture Billie then trots off in search of something to eat. Finding one of the fruit bushes she then begins tucking in to the leaves.

Billie 10 actions used. Billie's upkeep has been paid due to her Self sufficient special

Erfman 8 actions and 150 juice remain
Bob 6 actions remain
Woody 0 actions remain

What is a craftsman without resources with which to craft? Not much atleast as far as you were concerned. With that in mind you set about ordering your units to gather resources. With a slightly depressed look Bob set his faithful spear aside as it would be no good for gathering stone and instead picked up one of the crude Gobwin axes. While the axe was still not the ideal tool for the job with a great deal of effort the young Piker was able to begin hacking off more manageable sized chunks of rock from all the rubble and debris.

Bob has used 6 actions. 3 units of stone obtained.

You then turn your mind to the wonderful creations that you could make this turn. You breifly consider making a pair of Craftman's gloves but you are unsure of what to make them from so you instead turn your mind to other ideas. Finally you settle on making a simple saddle for Billie the Billy Goat. You first start with a piece of wood that Woody the Golem had gathered and channeling your Dollamancy through your hammer you set to shaping it to the correct size and shape. You then turn your attention to the wool that Bob was able to gather from Billie herself. Using your Dollamancy you are able to make the wool start knitting itself together until you have a piece large enough to cover the wood of the saddle. Drawing deeply on your growing skills as a dollamancer you then begin to strengthen the wool so that it becomes as tough and durable as leather. After some time you are finally able to step back and admire your creation.

Erfman has used 2 actions, 25 juice, 1 unit of wood and 1 unit of wool. 1 Woolly saddle obtained.

Once you are done Bob makes his way over and picks up the saddle and begins securing it to Billie. It is a perfect fit. With a saddle on her back Bob then climbs in to the saddle. After a nod of approval Bob and Billie then trot off disappearing south east out of the Hex and back towards the Hilly Hex. Billie is able to enter the Hex without penalty and only uses two move in doing so. The Hex is exactly as you left it so Bob directs his mount to move on and continue his scouting.

The next Hex Bob scouts is the Hex directly South of the home hex. This is another Hilly Hex but unlike the last it is occupied by a hostile unit. The Gobwin charges fourth swinging its axe at Bob but the swing is wild and misses. As ordered Bob directs Billie to retreat though he jabs at the Gobwin as he does so though he also misses.

Rather than head back the way they came Bob and Billie instead gallop off in to the Hex South West of the home hex, fortunately this Hex is uncontested. Bob takes a quick note of the resources available before directing Billie to head home due to her now low amount of move remaining.

Billie has used 8 move.

Hunger strikes! Before the end of the turn you and Bob quickly eat a piece of fruit to satisfy your hunger.

2 pieces of fruit consumed. Erfman and Bob's upkeep has been paid


End of Turn 6

Off Turn

You once again leave Woody on guard while you and Bob attempt to get some sleep. This turn you manage to sleep for several hours before Woody the Golem wakes you up so that you may complete your work before dawn.

Woody then takes over pinning the Gobwin prisoner while you set to work improving The Luggage. With The Craftman's hammer in hand and a stack of wood to your side you set to work with your improvement. With your growing knowledge of dollamancy you are able to improve the articulation in the legs of the luggage so that they are able to move more smoothly you also make it so that the legs are retractable so that the luggage can pull them back inside making it appear as the luggage is nothing but a normal chest. Next you sharpen pieces of wood in to large wooden teeth that you place within the chest. Like the legs these teeth are retractable so that they can be hidden but they give the luggage some bite to it's attack. Finally you climb inside the luggage taking all of the wood with you to start the hardest part of the upgrade. You start by shaping the wood into long thin planks that can be used as walls and floors, this in itself was not to hard but designing it and setting it up in a way that would allow the walls and floor to move so that The Luggage could form rooms and platforms within itself was quite complicated and you end up using all the wood that you had available.

Erfman has used 6 actions, 125 juice and 5 units of wood used.
The Luggage has been upgraded from a Crude Luggage Golem to a Luggage Golem

Once you are done you then direct Woody to throw the Gobwin prisoner inside the luggage and The Luggage quickly forms a small room around the Gobwin effectively trapping him inside.

Turn 7


Erfman the Barbarian
Level 2 Dollamancer (Novice)
Hits: 6 Combat: 5 (2+1+2) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2) Juice: 200/200
Upkeep: 150s
Purse: 600s
Equipped: Craftman's +1 Hammer

Level 1 Piker
Hits: 5 Combat: 5 Defence: 5 Move: 8
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Piker defence

Crude Wood Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 5 (4+1) Defence: 3 (2+1) Move: 4
Juice Charge: 70/100
Upkeep: 10 juice
Equipped: Crude Gobwin Axe, modified Piker armor

The Luggage
Luggage Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 5 Defence: 3 Move: 16
Juice Charge: 100/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Special: Carnyed - Bigger on the inside, Dollamancy - moving parts, Capture

Level 1 Billy Goat
Hits: 7 Combat: 8 Defence: 2 Move: 20
Upkeep: 25
Special: Self Sufficient, Mountain Capable, Mount
Equiped: Woolly Saddle


Piker corpse (nude) x1
Gobwin corpse (nude) x1
Gobwin corpse (dressed (Gobwin clothing, Crude Gobwin axe) x1
Piker Spear
Moneymancy scroll of 'Liquidate' x1
Fruit seeds x7
Deseeded fruit x 2
Treasury chest
Gobwin Prisoner
Stone x 3


2019-10-13, 04:05 PM
The crude axes' head are made of metal and the handle is wood.

Feeling refreshed at the start of a new turn you decide your first order of business should be dealing with the Gobwin that you captured last turn. With a purpose you stride towards the luggage and issue it a mental command to let you in. The Golem obediently opens its lid and you climb inside. This time however instead of clumsily falling to the floor your foot touches a wooden platform and you slowly descend downwards as you disappear inside the cavernous chest. Everything seems empty at first before a wooden wall suddenly slides back revealing a small square room. As you approach the planks on the wall slide apart better resembling bars so that you can see the Gobwin inside without him being able to get out.

"Hi. Why are you folk attacking us?" You exclaim by way of greeting.

The Gobwin looks up and glares at you from within his cage. "You croak Gobwins, Gobwins croak you!" he spat back grumbling under his breath. "Not that we had much luck with that..."

"You can't keep me here! Gobwin chief send more Gobwins to come and get me, might as well let me go now!" The Gobwin then declared.

"Gobwin, are you Allied with any side? I don't see a side's livery on you" you question.

"No the Gobwins have not been allied since the fall of Fanon!" the Gobwin replied.

"Bob? What was the name of our side?" you whisper to Bob as soon as the Gobwin makes it's statement.

"Our side was called Fanon sir ruled by the great King Headcannon..." Bob whispers back.

Your eyes widen in surprise and you spin round to stare at the Gobwin. "That was our side!" You exclaim in excitement.

"The alliance croaked when the side croaked..." The Gobwin declared with a shrug of it's shoulders "and you still croaked Gobwins..." the Gobwin added with a frown.

"Can't we stop this circle of violence? We only croaked after being attacked. Look, I'll give you upkeep for two turns, and you go tell your Chief that I have a plan for feeding his entire tribe, that I will only discuss with him." you declare as you hand over two pieces of fruit.

The Gobwin looks down at the fruit and then back up at you with a thoughtful expression on his face. "Only the chief can decide but let me go and I will tell him..." the Gobwin replied.

With an agreement of sorts made you issue a silent command and the wooden planks slide back releasing the Gobwin. The two of you then step on to a wooden platform and are slowly lifted out of the luggage. Having no move availiable to leave the hex the Gobwin stands awkardly to the side and hopefully out of the way.

Gobwin prisoner has been released and 2 deseeded fruit given away

With a quick command you send Bob and Woody to collect up the Gobwin equipment and they claim the two axes just lying about.

2 crude axes gained

You then order Woody to harvest the fruit from the bushes and he plods along collecting up all six pieces of fruit.

Woody 4 actions used 6 fruit gained

At the same time you decided to test if The Luggage is any good and harvesting and you send it to collect some stone. It shuffles over to the rocks and attempts to take a bit. The rocks however are unfortunately stronger than The Luggage's wooden teeth and they crack without breaking the stone. The Luggage is however able to scoop up a few of the smaller stones.

The Luggage 4 actions used, pebbles obtained.

While this is going on you set to work on crafting a few mundane items. You first take the the spare treasury chest and begin to modify and reshape it with a small amount of juice and in no time at all you have converted it in to a bucket.

Erfman 1 action, 10 juice and 1 treasury chest used. 1 bucket and metal parts obtained

Next you take the spear head from a Piker's spear and one of the Crude Gobwin axes using your juice you remove the bladed edge from the crude axe and sharpen it before attaching it to the spear head and reforming it as a set of shears.

Erfman 2 actions, 25 juice, 1 Piker's spear and 1 crude gobwin axe used. 1 set of shears, 1 pole and 1 Gobwin axe scrap obtained

Your new creations are handed over to Bob and he takes them over to Billie and sets to work milking a shearing her. Bob finds it much easier to obtain wool with the shears than he did with just the blade of his spear.

Bob 2 actions used, 1 unit of milk and 1 unit of wool obtained

While Bob is busy you set your attention on creating a magical Mcguffin. Collecting together the leftover over metal from the chest, the Gobwin axe scrap and another Crude Gobwin axe you set to work melting the metal down and reforming it as a set of shoes for Billie. As there is so much reforming required the amount of juice used is rather large and it is a rather complicated procedure but eventually once you are done you are left with a set of magical goat shoes.

Erfman 3 actions, 75 juice, metal parts, Gobwin axe scrap and crude Gobwin axe used. Goat shoes of retreat obtained

Handing over your creation to Bob he slides the shoes on to Billie.

You all then climb in to The Luggage and you head north. Once the Luggage arrives you all climb out and take a look around. As Bob reported there are a few dead looking trees and a flying feral unit though it currently seems to be ignoring you.

The Luggage 2 move used

Before Bob and Billy head off to scout Bob deseeds the collected fruit and then taking one of the crude Gobwin axes he sets about collecting wood.

Bob 6 actions used. 6 deseeded fruit, 6 seeds and 3 wood obtained.

Mounting Billie, Bob then sets off due North to scout. The pair seem to be gone for quite a while but eventually they return in an awful hurry and Bob quickly reports what he found.

Billie 14 move used


Erfman 4 action and 90/200 juice remain.

It should be possible to create an item that grants tunnel capable

Super hex map


The small object next to the tree seems to be a mushroom.

Bob reports that when he was scouting the uncroaked moved to attack him and he would have been caught if not for the goat shoes of retreat.

You were popped with goggles but they currently have no function... Perhaps you can change this.

Erfman 4/10 move remains
Bob 0/8 move remains
Woody 0/4 move remains
The luggage 10/16 move remains
Billie 6/20 move remains

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Compilation of Game Thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255898#p255898)

Erfman can not seem to make a decision so we shall let the dice decide what he does this turn...

Deciding to see just what a non-humanoid unit like the unit can do you issue the Golem a couple of commands. The Luggage first shuffles towards the feral unit, the carry-on bird ruffles it feathers slightly but otherwise does not react. The Luggage then regurgitates up one of the Gobwin corpses and spits it out infront of the Feral. The feral begins to peck at the croaked unit for a while before flying off and landing in one of the croaked looking trees.

The luggage 4 actions and 1 Gobwin corpse used. The taming attempt was not successful :(

The Luggage next shuffles off to the downed tree and attempts to harvest some wood. It wooden teeth however are not strong enough to cut through the trunk.

The luggage 2 actions used. Harvesting was unsuccessful

Finally having been thoroughly unsuccessful so far The Luggage shuffles over to the mushroom and with a single bite swallows the mushroom

The luggage 2 actions used. 1 mushroom obtained

Deciding to gather up some extra wood incase you need it for your crafting in the offturn you pick up one of the crude Gobwin axe and set to work on chopping some wood.

Erfman 1 action used. 1 Unit of wood gained

Deciding to save your actions and juice for crafting in the offturn you then end turn and retire in to The Luggage.

End of Turn 7[/quote]

Off turn

You leave Woody on guard while you and Bob climb inside the luggage and make yourself comfortable for another night of sleep. You are only sleeping for about an hour however when you are suddenly awoken by a deep booming voice that seems to reverberate around the inside of your head.

"So you did not disband when your side was croaked! How unexpected..." The deep malevolent voice boomed causing your head to ache. "No matter your side was pitiful and they cowered before my might. You too shall soon know the power of the dark one. I shall give you three turns to surrender and turn yourself over to me else I shall send my minions to come and get you and I shall not be pleased..." the voice continued as you began to feel as though you were being watched. "In the mean time I shall leave you with a gift..." the voice declared in a sinister tone.

Immediately after the deep booming voice falls silent you hear a second voice inside your head, this voice is feminine and can be heard as barely a whisper.

"Do not despair son of Fanon. The dark one is distracted, he is fighting many wars and can not bring his full forces against you. Do not surrender he shall make you but a pawn... I will help you when I can..." the voice then faded away.

As you return to your senses you realise that Bob is still asleep nearby having not been disturbed in the slightest. Suddenly you get the feeling of a contested hex and you hear something moving inside the dark interiors of The Luggage...

What do you do?

"Bob, stand ready!" You call out as you start sending out a series of mental commands. Bob quickly scrambles to his feet picking up his spear as he does so and begins to peer about in the darkness. "Sir?" he questions in confusion.

The Luggage is next to respond to your orders and you hear the sound of wood sliding over wood as the position of the walls begin to shift. The lid of the chest then pops open and a small amount of light creeps in though it is soon blocked out as the forms of Billie and Woody squeeze through the opening.

Needing to be able to see you spend a small amount of juice (10) and create a small floating ball of light that hovers just above your head. With the powerball giving off light you are finally able to see down the long hall like expanse that makes up the interior of The Luggage. While you can not see any hostile units you can see a small square that has been sealed off by The Luggage. You quickly form a four stack with Woody, Bob and Billie. (You can not stack with The Luggage while inside it) and you reassuringly feel your combat value rise.

Thwack, Thwack, Thwack! the sound of metal striking wood suddenly reverberates around the chamber. Whatever has been trapped within the walled off section is quite apparently trying to get out.

On your mental command the planks surrounding whatever is making the noise slightly slide back revealing what is trapped within.


(Please note the Gobwin has a lifeless look in its eyes and a slack jaw and the man is nude)(the Gobwin is also obviously smaller but I can't resize it from my phone)

The two figures groan slightly as they swing their axes taking chunks out of the wooden planks that are trapping them in place.

Also check whether the gobwin and human corpses are still there (one which had equipment, the other which was naked).

All your items are in the area that is currently boxed off...

Almost as soon as you think of it the walls of The Luggage suddenly slide backwards and slam in to the back wall pining the two shambling figures as it does so. The uncroaked let out a long anguish filled groan before their heads slump to the side completely limp. Bob then looks at you expectantly waiting for orders.

Combat begins

Round 1

Moving as one you and Bob both step forwards you raise your hammer and Bob raises his spear then in burst of sudden motion you strike. You feel the uncroaked's skull completely cave-in under the force of your strike and with a single strike the unit is croaked once again. Bob meanwhile is not quite so lucky and although his spear pierces the uncroaked units neck the uncroaked seems unphased (only takes 1 hit) and attempts to snap at Bob's hands as he pulls his spear free.

As you begin to think the worst is over and that you can all begin to focus your attention on the last uncroaked unit something begins to happen with the slumped body of the Gobwin and a semi-transparent form begins to rise.


The form lets out a haunted wail as it releases a blast of croakamantic energy that slams in to Bob and sends him flying backwards (Bob takes 2 hits)

Your orders

Round 2

Seeing that your opponent seems to lack the proper body of a normal unit you decide that the safest plan of attack is to attack with magic. You briefly consider handing your Craftman's Hammer off to Bob but you realise that with your caster bonus boosting Golem's in your stack that Woody would actually have the higher combat value. You quickly hand your Hammer to the Wood Golem before pointing at the ghostly unit and shout "Hoboken!" A blast of raw shockamancy erupts out of your finger tips and slams in to the enemy dealing 3 hits. (25 juice used 55/200 remains)

Woody meanwhile steps forwards with the Hammer and takes a mighty swing but the Ghost merely drifts out of the way and avoids the hit.

The ghostly unit lets out another wail and releases a blast of energy that strikes the floor as everyone jumps back. The Luggage however does seem to shudder in response.

At this point you issue a silent command for The Luggage to capture the ghost and a piece of wall rushes forward. As the wood makes contact with the ghost however it merely passes straight through and the spook seems completely unphased.

Round 3

"Hoboken!" you cry once again as you bombard the ghost with shockamancy for the second time in quick succession dealing another 3 hits. (25 juice used, 30/200 juice remains). While the ghost is distracted woody swings fourth with the hammer once again, this time there is a brief flash of light as the Hammer connects and the ghost loses a further 3 hits.

With a pained cry the ghost retaliates and a dark blast of energy slams in to woody hurling him in to a nearby wall as he loses 6 hits. Woody struggles back to his feet but his wooden shell looks blackened and withered where he was hit.

The Luggage then attempts to hit the Ghost with the captured uncroaked but other than a really long groan from the uncroaked all that seems to happen is the uncroaked sandwiched between two pieces of wood passes through the ghost.

Round 4

Getting slightly panicked now you hastily cry "Hoboken!" for the third time blasting the ghost for 3 hits once again but it still remains floating in the air a short distance away. (25 juice used, 5/200 juice remains) Woody charges back in and swings the hammer but just as he is about to make contact he is struck with another blast of croakamantic energy and hurled backwards where he lands on the ground in a heap and does not get up. (Woody takes another 4 hits and is now on 0 hits and disabled)

Round 5

Seeing the hammer lying on the floor Bob charges forwards and snatches up the hammer. Turning to face the ghost he then charges once again but the spook infuriatingly drifts back out of the way.

With little juice remaining you try directing your power ball towards the Ghost. Other than lighting up the ghost and making it easier to see it seems to have little effect.

Wailing the ghost turns his attention on to Bob and fires off another blast, before the blast can hit however Billie leaps infront of the Piker and takes the blast instead losing 3 hits.

Round 6

Getting slightly worried now Bob swings the hammer once again and there is a flash of light as the hammer connects. The Ghost then releases a much longer piercing wail as it's form appears to blur and fade before it drifts straight through the walls of the chest. (The ghost has retreated)

Before you can relax however the sound of snapping wood draws attention to the last uncroaked. While you were distracted it seems to have broken free....

Your orders?

Stack status

Erfman - Hits: 5/5 Juice: 5/200
Bob - Hits 3/5
Woody- 0/10 (disabled)
Billie - 4/7

Round 7

The uncroaked shambles forwards making a bee line straight for Bob, before it can strike however Billie runs inbetween and is then struck by the axe losing 3 hits leaving her on a single hit.

With a silent command you order The Luggage to capture the uncroaked once again and a section of the wall slides forwards and slams into the shambling unit. The planks however do not quite manage to pin the uncroaked and it ends up only losing 1 hit.

Taking advantage of the uncroaked's moment of distraction you then order the luggage to let you out. The floor beneath your feet begins to rise as you, Bob, Woody and Billie are swiftly ejected from the chest.

Once outside you use the last of your juice to ensure that Woody will survive the turn but you are unable to bring him back to his feet. You quickly restack with Bob, Billie and The Luggage as you look about for any sign of the spook but you see none. What you can hear however are the sounds of the uncroaked shuffling around inside The Luggage.

You are unable to detect the Spook, it may be hiding under a veil or it may have left the hex....

Your orders?

Round 8

Moving as a stack you slowly make your way around the hex looking for any sign of the spook. Despite your best efforts you are not able to spot anything until you suddenly hear a ghostly wail followed by a pained squawk. The feral unit that had been perched upon one of the trees suddenly falls to the ground croaked. Looking up you suddenly spot the Spook floating amongst the branches however before you can act on this information the Carry-on bird struggles back to its feet with a lifeless look in its eyes.

While this is going on on the outside, inside The Luggage it is attempting to recapture it's prisoner. You can just about make out the sound of the uncroaked shuffling about before you hear a loud crash of wood. (Uncroaked loses 1 more hit)

Round 9

The uncroaked Carry-On bird leaps in to the air and flys straight towards your stack. The uncroaked however doesn't seem to consider a treasure chest a threat much to its misfortune as as soon as it is in range the lid of The Luggage flies open before slamming back down on the uncroaked's head removing it from it's shoulders leaving a headless bird flapping about for several long moments before it collapses on to the ground. The Spook meanwhile phases out of sight.

Round 10

You and your stack furiously look around for the spook but there is no sign of it that is ofcourse until it appears right infront of your face. Reacting on instinct you thrust out your borrowed spear but it passes straight through the enemy unit. The spook then let's out a horrifying shriek and you are blasted backwards as you are thrown across the Hex losing 4 hits in the process.

"It's hammer time!" Bob then declares as he steps forwards displaying some latent natural affinity for rhymamancy or perhaps dance fighting as he swings the Craftman's Hammer round. "Can't touch this!" he quickly follows up as he slams the hammer in to the Spook with a flash of white light that cause the unit to melt away in to a mist like substance before disappearing.

"Ding! Congratulations Bob has leveled up and is now a level 2 Piker!"

(You still have an uncroaked shambling around inside the luggage but combat is essentially over. Erfman has 3 actions left to use before the start of the next turn but no juice!)

Not one to waste anything you quickly claim the twice croaked corpse of the Carry-On bird. With little else left to do and too excited to sleep you pick up an axe and set to work chopping wood. With only 1 hit left your body is covered in wounds and the physical activity feels twice as hard but through your effort you are able to collect a decent amount of wood.

Erfman 3 actions used. 4 units of wood and twice croaked Carry-On corpse gained.

Dawn swiftly approaches!

Turn 8


Erfman the Barbarian
Level 2 Dollamancer (Novice)
Hits: 6 Combat: 5 (2+1+2) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2) Juice: 200/200
Upkeep: 150s
Purse: 600s
Equipped: Craftman's +1 Hammer

Level 2 Piker
Hits: 5 Combat: 7 (5+2) Defence: 5 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Piker defence

Crude Wood Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 5 (4+1) Defence: 3 (2+1) Move: 4
Juice Charge: 60/100
Upkeep: 10 juice
Equipped: Crude Gobwin Axe, modified Piker armor

The Luggage
Luggage Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 5 Defence: 3 Move: 16
Juice Charge: 80/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Special: Carnyed - Bigger on the inside, Dollamancy - moving parts, Capture

Level 1 Billy Goat
Hits: 7 Combat: 8 Defence: 2 Move: 20
Upkeep: 25
Special: Self Sufficient, Mountain Capable, Mount
Equiped: Woolly Saddle, Goat shoes of escape


Moneymancy scroll of 'Liquidate' x1
Powerball x1

Twice Croaked Gobwin corpse x1
Twice Croaked Piker corpse
Twice Croaked Carry-On bird corpse x1

Fruit x0
Deseeded fruit x 3
Fruit seeds x13
Bucket (filled with milk) x1
Mushroom x1

Stone x3
Pebbles x1
Wood x8
Wool x1

Crude Gobwin axe x2
Shears x1
Pole x1
Gobwin clothes x1


Map explored so far

With the beginning of a new turn your wounds suddenly heal and you feel healthy, clean and refreshed. Moments after this Woody climbs back to his feet and stands at the ready. Popping open The Luggage you peer inside and can see the uncroaked that you left standing idle and staring off in to the distance. The claimed corpses of the uncroaked Gobwin and uncroaked Carry-On bird meanwhile look incredibly desiccated and shriveled.

What do you do?

Can we resize the The Luggage?no the external proportions of The Luggage can not be altered.


"Bob! Congrats!! What does that special do?? Didn't you already have bonus when defending??" You ask Bob.

"I don't know what you mean sir I've always had that special... maybe the Titans were lazy and didn't let you see it straight away..." Bob replies with a confused look on his face. "What does it do? Well when I am defending while using a spear I get to add my Defence on to my combat value..." Bob explained slowly seemingly surprised that you did not know this already.

Battle commences

Round 1

Deciding the most important matter to take care of was the uncroaked trapped inside The Luggage, you therefore all stack up and prepare your respective weapons. Upon your command The Luggage then ejects the uncroaked infront of you where it looks rather confused for the couple of seconds before it is slammed in to by a powerful blast of Shockamancy as you cry "Hoboken!". The Titans seem to favour you this day as your Hoboken deals 6 hits and sends the uncroaked flying backwards where it lands in a crumpled heap and does not move again. You all then stare at the twice croaked corpse nervously apprehensive at the possibility of a Spook appearing but after a long while of staring nothing seems to happen...

Erfman has used 25 Juice, 175/200 Juice remains. Exp gained!

You all pile back in to The Luggage and with a silent command you order The Luggage to take you back to the home hex. This time the journey is much more pleasant thanks to the powerball hovering in the interior of the chest giving off light and allowing you to see.

The luggage has used 2 move

You all pile out and find that the hex has not changed except that the Gobwin that you left here has now gone and two of the bushes once again have fruit on. You order Bob to collect the fruit and he rushes off to return a short while later with an armful of fruit.

Bob 4 actions used and 6 fruit gained.

With your larder restocked you all once again pile in to The Luggage before this time ordering it to head North East to where you believe a number of Gobwins will be.

The luggage has used 2 move

You all pile out for the second time this turn and you quickly look around the hex. The most obvious thing that you see is an old ruined wooden building, a rickety old fence surrounding a disused field and a bale of what looks like hay or straw. Dotted around the Hex are Gobwins and you spot at least three with their axes held at the ready.

"We come in peace and with gifts! Is your Chief here and available to talk?" You call out in greeting.

"Gobwin chief no here, Gobwin chief is at Gobwin cave two Hexes south of Fanon's capital site!" the Gobwin calls back. "We will not attack you this turn as we have orders not to attack until you talk to Gobwin chief" The Gobwin continued. "This last this turn and the next but no longer..." The Gobwin finished.

What do you do?"

Erfman 10 actions and 175 juice remains
Bob 6 actions remain
Woody 4 actions remain
Billie 20 actions remain
The Luggage 12 actions remain

I was hoping for a ruins that was a little more on the treasure-popping side and less on the kinda-useless side...

The hex you are currently in is not actually a 'ruins hex' it is just in a state of ruin due to being recently destroyed much like your city hex has been....

Climbing back in to the luggage you set off once again this time heading south, as you are entering a Hill hex the journey takes longer however once you arrive you are rewarded by the sight of four bushes filled with fruit.

The Luggage has used 4 move

With of a wave of the hand you send Bob and Woody out to collect fruit. A short while later they both return with their armsfull of fruit.

Bob 4 actions used, Woody 4 actions used. 12 Fruit gained.

Bob and Woody then climb back in to The Luggage and you once again set off to the south. This half of the journey takes even longer still and seems particularly rough and bumpy.

The Luggage 8 move used used

Climbing out of The Luggage you are rather suprised to find that you are in a mountain hex. Once again there are a number of Gobwins that are watching you carefully.


Erfman 10 actions and 175 juice remains
Bob 2 actions remain
Woody 0 actions remain
Billie 20 actions remain
The Luggage 0 actions remain

What do you do?

Crafting Requirements while using the Craftman's Hammer

Upgrade Woody 3 actions 50 Juice
Build a new wood Golem 6 actions 100 juice
Create Motion-tracking goggles 3 actions 100 juice
Create a generic +1 axe 3 actions 50 juice
Create a generic +1 spear 3 actions 50 juice

Deciding to take care of upkeep first you send Billie off to forage while you and Bob sit down and split a single piece of fruit and the milk between you.

Billie has used 10 actions. Milk and 1 piece of fruit consumed.
Erfman, Bob and Billie upkeep paid.

Once Billie returns from foraging you set Bob to work shearing her wool and collecting more milk.

Bob has used 2 actions. Wool and milk gained

Your own actions and juice you once again decide to save for crafting in the offturn.

End of turn

Off Turn

Once your turn is over you notice that the Gobwins in the Hex begin to group together and begin to chatter in their Gobwin language before one suddenly dashes off and leaves the hex to the south west. A fair amount of time passes before a Gobwin enters the hex from the south west and the Gobwins group together for the second time. Once huddling together the Gobwins one by one begin to disapear off down an old mine shaft.

Once night falls you and Bob retire in to the luggage to get some sleep. Occasionially throughtout the night you hear noises most likely made by the Gobwins but you do not awake fully until Woody wakes you to begin your crafting.

(now the dice have decided what you do next)

With a number of ideas floating you struggle to focus on which tasks to focus on. You eventually decide that having more units would be the most help so taking the Craftman's Hammer and some wood you set to work creating a new Wood Golem. Using what you learnt since making Woody and the extra ability that the Hammer grants you, you set to work improving upon Woody's design. After a fair amount of time you stand back and admire your new creation.

Erfman 6 actions, 100 juice and 3 units of wood used. Wood Golem created

You next turn your attention to upgrading Bob's spear so that incase you run in to another Spook he will be able to help fight it off. It is a relatively simple task but with an application of some juice you are able to modify it not only increasing the sharpness of the spear head but making it so that it will be able damage units that lack bodies made of normal stuff.

Erfman 3 actions and 50 juice used. Piker +1 Spear obtained

With the last of your juice you set about recharging your Golems.

1 action and 25 juice used

Dawn approaches

Turn 9


Erfman the Barbarian
Level 2 Dollamancer (Novice)
Hits: 6 Combat: 5 (2+1+2) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2) Juice: 200/200
Upkeep: 150s
Purse: 600s
Equipped: Craftman's +1 Hammer

Level 2 Piker
Hits: 5 Combat: 8 (5+2+1) Defence: 5 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Piker defence
Equipped: Pikers +1 Spear

Crude Wood Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 5 (4+1) Defence: 3 (2+1) Move: 4
Juice Charge: 55/100
Upkeep: 10 juice
Equipped: Crude Gobwin Axe, modified Piker armor

Wood Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 9 Defence: 4 Move: 8
Juice Charge: 100/100
Upkeep: 20 juice

The Luggage
Luggage Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 5 Defence: 3 Move: 16
Juice Charge: 80/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Special: Carnyed - Bigger on the inside, Dollamancy - moving parts, Capture

Level 1 Billy Goat
Hits: 7 Combat: 8 Defence: 2 Move: 20
Upkeep: 25
Special: Self Sufficient, Mountain Capable, Mount
Equiped: Woolly Saddle, Goat shoes of escape


Moneymancy scroll of 'Liquidate' x1
Powerball x1

Twice Croaked Gobwin corpse x1
Twice Croaked Piker corpse x1
Twice Croaked Carry-On bird corpse x1

Fruit x18
Deseeded fruit x 2
Fruit seeds x13
Bucket (filled with milk) x1
Mushroom x1

Stone x3
Pebbles x1
Wood x5
Wool x2

Crude Gobwin axe x2
Shears x1
Pole x1
Gobwin clothes x1


Map explored so far

A new turn begins and you once again feel refreshed and ready to go. The Gobwins are discretely watching you with interest particularly after you animated a new unit in the early hours.

What do you do?

"What happened southwest of here? Is your chief still in that hex?" You question one of the Gobwins as they go about their business.

"Gobwin chief there, he wait for you!" the Gobwin quickly replied before scurrying off.

Changing up your usual routine slightly you begin the turn by continuing on with your crafting. You start working on one of the crude Gobwin axes and using your skills as a Dollamancer and some juice you are able to refine the weapon, sharpening and strengthening it.

Erfman 3 actions and 50 juice used. A crude Gobwin Axe is now a Gobwin Axe +1

Next you set to work enhancing the goggles that you were popped with, this work is a lot more tricky than a simple weapon and you easily spend twice as long working on them. The crafting process pushes at the limits of your skills as a Dollamancer but eventually you are successful.

Erfman 3 actions used and 100 juice. Motion Goggles created.

Motion Goggles

These Goggles when worn by a Dollamancer allows him to better understand how a Golem should move. This allows the Dollamancer to create more advanced Golems and spend 10% less juice on their creation. They also have the added benefit of doubling the Dollamancer's chance of spotting a hidden or veiled unit.

With your new Goggles strapped upon your head and your Craftman's hammer in hand you set to work upgrading Woody. You gather together the resources that you think you will need in this case being wood, some stone and a crude Gobwin axe and you set to work improving your masterpiece. Using stone you are able to increase Woody's sturdiness and durability however thanks to the knowledge you have gained since popping you are also able to increase the fluidity of the Golem's movement. Next you begin deconstructing the Gobwin's axe and you use it to increase the offensive capability of the unit. When you are done you step back and Woody has been completely transformed.

Erfman 3 actions, 50 juice, 1 unit of wood, 2 units of stone and 1 crude Gobwin axe used. Woody is now a Reinforced Wood Golem. Woody is now a Heavy unit! Modified Piker armour no longer fits Woody.

While you were working your new Wood Golem Jessie acting on your silent instructions plants a single seed.

Jessie 1 action and 1 seed used

The Wood Golem then begins to deseed the fruit in your stores, a very mundane and tedious process but what are Golems for....

Jessie 7 actions and 10 fruit used. 10 deseeded fruit and 10 fruit seeds gained.

Once you are finished working on Woody he too then joins the deseeding process.

Woody 6 actions and 8 fruit used. 8 deseeded fruit and 8 seeds gained.

You then take a break a sit down with Bob for a quick bite to eat each eating one of your many fruit.

2 fruit consumed. Erfman and Bob upkeep paid

Work done and well fed you decide its time to head off to negotiate so you all climb in to the Luggage and set off. Mountain travel is somewhat bumpy but you eventually arrive and you all pile out.

The Luggage 8 move used

You are greeted by the sight of another mountain Hex there however is a cave in the side of a cliff face and two Gobwins stand on guard. As you approach a different looking Gobwin makes it's way out of the cave who you presume to be the Gobwin chief.

"We come in peace and with gifts! Is your Chief here and available to talk?" you call out in in greeting.

"I am Bowie Chief of the Gobwins!" A slightly larger Gobwin calls back as he seems to size you and your companions up.

"Heya Chief, I'm Erfman, son of Fanon.

I'm am deeply regretful of the deaths that came to gobwins by my hand; I am newly popped and only the night before last encountered our true foe, the master of the uncroaked;

I have seen him animate the corpses of our fallen while not even being in the same hex! And I've experienced the terror that are the Spooks that appear after such Corpses are re-croaked, how their howling shrieks scour the flesh from our bones and how the allies they fell rise again to fight against us." you begin.

"I know of the Dark One! He for who the rules do not apply. I have heard it whispered that he has mastered three disciplines of magic. He is a fearsome foe to face!" the Gobwin chief replied in a hushed tone.

"I plan to rebuild Fanon's capital, and scour this menace clean from the face of the Erf.
I am a Dollamancer with a scroll that turns an item into schmuckers, I plan to upgrade a magical item over the turns and when sufficiently enhanced to liquidate it to rebuild Fanon city." you explain.

"I offer you peace for now, and alliance when Fanon is again a force to be reckoned with!" you offer.

"Though you may not have meant to you have wronged the Gobwins so peace will not be free. For peace we will require tribute of 5 pieces of fruit per turn" the Gobwin Chief replied. "As for an alliance to restore that which was croaked will be more costly. The price shall be 1,000 schmuckers and then the Gobwins shall wear the colours of Fanon once again" the Chief declared.

"In the meanwhile, if you find metals or gems in your forays underground and gift them to me, I pinky-swear promise to return your gifts ten-fold when Fanon is rebuilt." you finish with a serious look.

"Gem's or ore that we find we would be willing to trade Dollamancer. What we want in return are weapons capable of hurting the Spooks!" the Gobwin chief counter offered.

What do you do?

Erfman 1 action and 0 juice remain
Bob 10 actions remain
Woody 2 actions remain
Jessie 0 actions remain
The luggage 8 actions remain
Billie 20 actions remain

the negotiations continue...

"Oh, trading is indeed our preference as well. And if provided with the weapons I'm able to guarantee the upgrading of one weapon per turn to Spook-killing quality." You offer Bowie the Gobwin chief.

As a show of good faith I have such an example of Spook-killing weapon right here *handle axe* which I gift upon you in hopes of future continued mutual gifts." you then add as you hand over the upgraded Gobwin axe.

The Gobwin takes the axe and swings it around a few times before being seemingly satisfied with the weapon.

"This axe will damage Spooks and also will increase damage against mundane units. We would upgrade more for 250 schmuckers each, and we can do three per turn.." you then declare.

"We are Gobwins not moneymancers we can not simply make schmuckers appear out of thin air!" The Gobwin chief responded. "We will give you Gems to the value of 100 schmuckers for each axe that you supply us and each turn that you provide us with an axe you need not pay us tribute in fruit." the chief counter offered.

"Chief, the sooner we have Fanon city up and running again the better, I would think.
If you would gift unto me all the gems you may have stored we can rebuild Fanon all the sooner and start MAKING schmuckers out of thin air to feed all the gobwins.
Not only that, but the axes seem to be your only real way of defense against the Spooks, my presence makes it possible for you to fight and destroy, instead of only croaking or hiding. I'm offering you something of incredible worth, if you had no way to damage the Spooks until now.
But if you wish to set a price: how about you gift me enough ore to make 2 axes, or gems of 200 schmucker worth per upgrade,
and the gobwins always come to me to receive the fruits and/or axes." You declare.

"Very well we have a deal for each axe that you upgrade we shall give you gems to the value of 200 schmuckers or enough ore to craft two axes." The chief agreed.

"If you are reluctant to gift unto me the gems you may already have, because you fear for the upkeep of your people in the following turns, I have already with me many fruits, and can get more if you were to trust me with your gem hoard." you then add.

"We have no gem hoard we use them as soon as we find them we have a few that we found this turn and some ore but that is all..." the Gobwin chief replied

"If you accept the trade deal, then we will create a bush in the ruined farm hex to the northeast of the capital three turns after the trade. As a gesture of goodwill, last turn we started the process in the mountain hex northeast of us, and a bush will pop there soon.." you t hen finish.

Any more orders for this turn?

Erfman 1 action and 0 juice remain
Bob 10 actions remain
Woody 2 actions remain
Jessie 0 actions remain
The luggage 8 actions remain
Billie 20 actions remain

"Fantastic Chief! We'll be moving out before end of turn, is there any axes, gems or ore you would like us to have before of that?" you declare.

" I can give you a gem worth 200 schmuckers and two units of metal ore this turn however we will expect two axes next turn" the chief offers.

"Since I'm newly popped, all these hexes and hex types are new to me; do you have a map of the grounds Fanon used to occupy? Could you show me a map of the surrounding hexes or draw it on the floor, and tell me what each hex type is supposed to mean?"

"No the Gobwins do not keep maps but I can tell you this much, south of here the mountains become impassable, you can move two hexes to the east of here but beyond that the mountains are again impassable. North of the mountains to the east you will reach sea hexes. West of here you will find a river. To the North and to the west of here are where the cities of Fanon once were and the direction that the dark one came from. That is all the Gobwins know"

"Very well Chief, give us the 2 regular axes, the gems and ore and we'll work extra hard to upgrade them both tomorrow."

The chief hands over the gem, the ore and the axes

[quote="wiz"]While the Gobwins are not looking you quickly bend down and plant a single seed in the tough mountain ground.

Erfman 1 action used, 1 seed used.

After having recieved the Gem, ore and Axes from the Gobwins you all climb back in to the luggage and set off towards your home hex. The ride is bumpy and constantly down hill but you eventually arrive and you all pile out.

The Luggage 6 move used

With a quick order you set Woody and Bob to planting as many seeds as possible.

Woody 2 actions used, Bob 10 actions used. 12 seeds used

Bob then mounts up and sets off on a scouting mission on Billie heading off to the west. He is gone for a while but soon returns with his report.

Billie 8 move used

Left to her own devices Billie then sets about foraging up some food

Billie 10 actions used. Billie upkeep paid


Erfman 0 action and 0 juice remain
Bob 0 actions remain
Woody 0 actions remain
Jessie 0 actions remain
The luggage 2 actions remain
Billie 2 actions remain

2019-10-13, 04:11 PM
End Turn?[/quote]

Deciding to use every single action possible you order The Luggage and Billie to attempt to harvest some fruit. The Luggage goes first and with an almighty chomp the luggage begins pulling at the branches of the bush. The luggage is perhaps a little too efficient as not only is the fruit removed but large amounts of leaves and branches are ripped off too.

The luggage 2 actions used. Fruit bush branches obtained

Billie meanwhile attempts to be much more delicate but picking fruit with your teeth is not ideal and she ends up accidentally taking a couple of bites out of the fruit.

"Billie 2 actions used. Damaged fruit obtained."

End of turn 9!

Off Turn

You suddenly tense up as a feeling of a contested Hex washes over you though you soon relax once a single Gobwin with a sack thrown over it's shoulder plods in to view. The Gobwin looks in your direction gives you a brief nod of acknowledgement before scurrying over to an area of cracked earth. Slamming his axe in to the ground a small area of floor crumbles away and the Gobwin hops down in to the new hole.

Before you can do anything else a deep booming voice suddenly reverberates around the inside of your head. "Tinker! I hope you have considered my very generous offer!" The voice Boomed. "I grow impatient, turn yourself over to me now! the malevolent voice demanded "Or do you require more convincing... the voice continued in a sinister tone.

What do you do?

"Ummm sorry for croaking your Spook..." you respond trying to take a diplomatic route.

"You need not worry I have more where that one came from many many more!" the dark one replied ominously.

"Uh, what exactly am I going to be doing? " you then question.

"Building your toys ofcourse!" the voice booms. "I have a side or two that I could use them against..."

"And I don't even know where you are.." you finally state.

"I am everywhere!" the voice declares. "All you need do is turn to the dark side.... Did I mention we have cookies...." the dark one replies.

"Hmm.. Working on toys does sound appealing.. I would be willing to join you given some signamancy enforced conditions.." you exclaim.

"Oh as easy as that... I don't need to torture you in to agreeing?" the voice replies sounding somewhat disappointed. "Very well, send me your terms...." the voice then booms.

*Thinkagrammed imagined contract: Declaration of employment between Erfman and the Dark One
Section 1 – Terms of contract

This magically Signed document shall be held by both signed parties in accordance with their respective naming policy. (Henceforth, "the contract".)
The contract stands in continuous effect for all signatories from the moment this contract is Signed by those parties until expiry or severance of the contract.
Orders issued prior to the contract by either Party may not cause any violation of this contract unless those orders are expressly against a named signatory.

Section 2 – Identification

Party of the first part, The Dark One, is a side under the rule of The Dark One with a capital city at the time of Signing _______, at coordinates ______________
Signatory unit for The Dark One shall be ________, action in capacity as _______.
Party of the second part, Erfman, a unit formally of Fanon popped at ______ at location ______.
Signatory unit for Erfman shall be Dollamancer Erfman acting in capacity as Barbarian Dollamancer.

Section 3 – Statements

This contract is made in recognition of these facts.
Both parties have initiated hostile actions against the others interests
Both parties have initiated hostile actions against the other directly
Both parties have initiated hostile actions against material owned by the other party, excluding the self (henceforth, "property")
Both parties agree to act, henceforth to their mutual benefit and to prevent all hostilities by each Party for a period of 50 turns from the Signing of this contract.
That during those 50 turns Erfman shall be bound by the contract to operate, in accordance with the contract, to further his sides interests.
That in addition to this, The Dark One agrees to provide certain considerations to Erfman, in exchange for Erfmans assent to this contract.
That both parties shall be bound to automagically enforced Penalties for breach of this contract.

Section 4 – The Contract

Erfman shall act at the direction of The Dark One except where said actions could cause harm to those units identified as Erfmans, or any material property of theirs. This includes all units currently paid for by Erfman or those for which Erfman has contributed to their upkeep since popping. (Henceforth, the "warband")
Erfman agrees not to act in a subversive manner against the property of The Dark One. Doing so on either party will result in triggering a breach of terms.

Considerations and Compensation
The Dark One agrees to give a two-turn grace period in which no obligations are realized to allow Erfman to fulfill other contractual obligations.
The Dark One agrees to provide 1,200 Schmuckers to Erfman to be used to claim the capital site of Fanon. Failure to do so writhing three turns of the Signing of the contract will result in the Darin one paying 1,200 Schmuckers to Erfman.
The Dark One agrees to disclose the details of the fall of Fanon within 3 turns of the contracts Signing.
Erfman agrees to operate in the best interests of ______ and to spend no less than 50% of his juice, but no more than 75%, as directed by The Dark One, to create dollamancy items and/or golems (henceforth, "toys"), and hat these will be delivered by portal to the Capital of the Dark One.
Erfman agrees to utilise the powers fo DOllamancy to the benefit of _____ unless doing so would place Erfman or the warband in a position to suffer harm.
The Dark One agrees, to the best of his ability, to ensure the tower of Fanon is optimised for Dollamancy.
Erfman agrees, that in exchange for an additional 5 turns to the terms for occurance, that The Dark Once, at Erfmans discretion, shall provide the hired barbarians for a linkup to push the boundaries of magic for the betterment of the side ______ and/or the warband.
All Dollamantic units shall enter as part of the warband.
Neither Party may, under any circumstances, hire, coerce, suggest, or in any way attempt to get any other side to cause damage to the other.
Erfman shall be free to explore Dollamancy, unless in breach of other sections of the contract.

This contract shall be in continuous effect across all turns of all sides for the duration of 50 turns from the Signing of the Contract. The span of effect shall not be altered except by mutual assent of both parties in Signed amendment or automagically as dictated by the contract.
Upon the completion of the contract the city of Fanon shall be turned over to Erfman and neither side may enage with one another for the duration of 100 Turns.

The Parties agree to be bound by the universal principles, forces, actions and consequences of Signamancy, whereby the inherent magic of the contract shall serve as the sole mechanism for detecting, determining, and penalizing a breach or default of the contract's terms.
Parties should be clear on both the wording and the intent of the contract as to their particular obligations and restrictions at the time of Signing, as these shall constitute the basis upon which a breach is automagically adjudged.


Breach of terms
The Penalty for breach of terms (as dictated by Section 4, Terms) shall be, on the part of The Dark One, remuneration into a fund to be paid to Erfman at the completion of the contract of 50,000 Shmuckers, or one half of the treasury, whichever is the lesser.
The Penalty for breach of terms (as dictated by Section 4, Terms) shall be, on the part of Erfman, an addition of 5 turns per breach to the Span of the contract.
The Penalty for breach of obligations (as dictated by Section 4, Considerations and Compensation) shall be the automagical disbandment of the offending party in one turn. (That's so that we have a lifeline to re-negotiate.)
In the event that a breach seems unavoidable or desirable, either Party may propose an alternative remedy. If, within 1 turn, both Parties are in full agreement, this remedy may be adopted in place of a penalty.

The Parties agree that breach or default of any part of the contract shall not constitute a termination of the entirety of the contract. Obligations, restrictions and penalties shall remain in place for the duration of the contract, even in the event of a breach or default of one or more of its parts. The contract is not rendered void by the subsumation of either side as a colony. Neither Party may transfer their obligations to another part under any circumstances.

Actions Not Considered
Any actions not determined by the contract shall not cause the nullification of the contract.
This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to its subject matter and supersedes any other agreements between those parties written or oral.

Authorised Sigantures
This the contract is activated and executed by the will of the parties
The Dark One ______ for ________
Erfman, Barbarian Dollamancer

The Dark One has received the contract and is carefully reading it

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Compilation of Game Thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255899#p255899)

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You certainly have a high opinion of yourself Tinker!" the voice booms within your head. "As you have amused me I shall be generous.... I shall offer you the following terms!"

Declaration of employment between Erfman and the Dark One

Section 1 – Terms of contract

This magically Signed document shall be held by both signed parties in accordance with their respective naming policy. (Henceforth, "the contract".)

The contract stands in continuous effect for all signatories from the moment this contract is Signed by those parties until expiry or severance of the contract.

Orders issued prior to the contract by either Party may not cause any violation of this contract unless those orders are expressly against a named signatory.

Section 2 – Identification

Party of the first part, The Darkside, is a side under the rule of The Dark One with a capital city at the time of Signing The Dark Lands.

Signatory unit for The Darkside shall be The Dark One, acting in capacity as Overlord.

Party of the second part, Erfman, a unit formally of Fanon popped at Fanon City.

Signatory unit for Erfman shall be Dollamancer Erfman acting in capacity as Barbarian Dollamancer.

Section 3 – Statements

This contract is made in recognition of these facts;

Both parties have initiated hostile actions against the others interests
Both parties have initiated hostile actions against the other directly
Both parties have initiated hostile actions against material owned by the other party, excluding the self (henceforth, "property")

Erfman agrees to turn to the Dark Side and act as a unit of said side for a minimum of 100 turns from the Signing of this contract. That during those 100 turns (and any extensions) Erfman shall be bound by the contract to operate, in accordance with the contract, to further the Dark Ones interests and obey all orders given by the Dark One.

That in addition to this, The Dark One agrees to provide certain considerations to Erfman, in exchange for Erfmans assent to this contract.

That both parties shall be bound to automagically enforced Penalties for breach of this contract.

Section 4 – The Contract


Erfman agrees to turn to the Dark Side and act as a unit of said side for a minimum of 100 turns from the Signing of this contract. That during those 100 turns (and any extensions) Erfman shall be bound by the contract to operate, in accordance with the contract, to further the Dark Ones interests and obey all orders given by the Dark One. Any attempt to Turn from the Darkside during the span of the contract shall cause Erfman to automagically disband.

All units currently under Erfman's command shall turn to the Darkside with Erfman and shall form the warband.

Erfman shall act at the direction of The Dark One. Erfman agrees not to act in a subversive manner against the property, units or interests of The Dark One. Doing so will result in triggering a breach of terms.

The Dark One agrees to provide 1,200 Schmuckers to Erfman to be used to claim the capital site of Fanon. Failure to transfer the funds within three turns of the Signing of the contract will result in the Dark One paying 1,200 Schmuckers to Erfman. These schmuckers must be returned to the Dark One in full upon the point that Erfman leaves the Darkside.

During the span of the contract Erfman's purse shall remain separate from the Darkside's treasury. All schmuckers produced by Fanon during the span of the contract shall be retained for use by Erfman. All maintainence costs and expenses incurred by Erfman, his warband or units he chooses to add to his warband (popped, crafted tamed or by any other means) will be paid for from Erfman's purse. No extra funds may be claimed from the Darkside except with express permission of the Dark One.

The Dark One agrees not to disband Erfman. Breach of this clause will result on the automagical disbandment of the Dark One.

The Dark One agrees not to disband any members of the Warband.

The Dark One agrees to disclose the details of the fall of Fanon within 3 turns of the contracts Signing.

The Dark One agrees to provide no less than 2 Flesh Cookies per turn to Erfman.

Erfman agrees to operate in the best interests of the Dark One and to spend no less than 50% of his juice, but no more than 75%, as directed by The Dark One, to create dollamancy items and/or golems (henceforth, "toys"), and that these be handed over to any designated unit upon the order of the Dark One.
Erfman agrees to utilise the powers of Dollamancy to the benefit of the Dark One.

The Dark One agrees, to allow the tower of Fanon to be optimised for Dollamancy at Erfman's own expense.

Erfman agrees, that in exchange for an additional 10 turns to the span of the contract, that The Dark One,on a single occasion, at Erfman's discretion, shall provide a hired barbarian caster for a linkup to push the boundaries of magic for the betterment of the side. If a barbarian caster is available they must be provided within 10 turns of the request.

Neither Party may, under any circumstances, hire, coerce, suggest, or in any way attempt to get any other side to cause damage to the other.

Erfman shall be free to explore Dollamancy, unless in breach of other sections of the contract.

Erfman agrees to croak all non allied Gobwin units in a 5 hex radius of Fanon city by 10 turns from the signing of the contract or be in breach of contract. Each turn after the 10th turn with Gobwin's within this radius shall count as a new breach.


This contract shall be in continuous effect across all turns of all sides for the duration of 100 turns from the Signing of the Contract. The span of effect shall not be altered except by mutual assent of both parties in Signed amendment or automagically as dictated by the contract.

Upon the completion of the contract Erfman shall be given the opportunity to purchase the city of Fanon and neither side may engage with one another for the duration of 20 Turns. Any cities conquered by Erfman during the span of the contract shall immediately be handed over to the Dark Ones control at the point of conquest.


The Parties agree to be bound by the universal principles, forces, actions and consequences of Signamancy, whereby the inherent magic of the contract shall serve as the sole mechanism for detecting, determining, and penalizing a breach or default of the contract's terms.
Parties should be clear on both the wording and the intent of the contract as to their particular obligations and restrictions at the time of Signing, as these shall constitute the basis upon which a breach is automagically adjudged.


Breach of terms

The Penalty for breach of terms (as dictated by Section 4, Terms) shall be, on the part of The Dark One, renumeration into a fund to be paid to Erfman at the completion of the contract of 5,000 Shmuckers.

The Penalty for breach of terms (as dictated by Section 4, Terms) shall be, on the part of Erfman, an addition of 10 turns per breach to the Span of the contract and a debt of 5,000 schmuckers to be paid at the end of the contract.

In the event that a breach seems unavoidable or desirable, either Party may propose an alternative remedy. If, within 1 turn, both Parties are in full agreement, this remedy may be adopted in place of a penalty.


The Parties agree that breach or default of any part of the contract shall not constitute a termination of the entirety of the contract. Obligations, restrictions and penalties shall remain in place for the duration of the contract, even in the event of a breach or default of one or more of its parts. The contract is not rendered void by the subsumation of either side as a colony. Neither Party may transfer their obligations to another part under any circumstances.

Actions Not Considered

Any actions not determined by the contract shall not cause the nullification of the contract.
This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to its subject matter and supersedes any other agreements between those parties written or oral.


The Fund as defined under breach of terms shall consist of a private treasury held automatically and without rights of withdrawal or conversion. On each breach, half shall be made available in Schmukers to the purse of Erfman immediately using the natural Moneymancy of the capital city The Dark lands. Upon the completion of the contract this shall be immediately deposited in the form of schmukers into the treasury of Fanon to be at the disposal of Erfman for whatever purposes he deems fit.


The contract shall be magically bound by Signamancy issued by an independent qualified barbarian Signamancer provided from the Magic Kingdom at the expense of The Dark One.

Any and all attempts to discuss the contract with entities not identified as the undersigned or members of the described Warband shall be automagically restricted. Any attempts by a third party to subvert this by asking questions which must have singular answers will result in this clause being nullified and the undersigned being automatically notified of the others subversion.

Authorised Sigantures

This the contract is activated and executed by the will of the parties

The Dark One Overlord for The Darkside

Erfman, Barbarian Dollamancer

"Accept now and I shall have a signamancer activate the contract!"

What do you do?[/quote]

"If I may, it will vastly expedite the transfer if we have a portal right here in Fanon, so I think it is in our best interest to have the capital of Fanon as an independent side."

Declaration of employment between Erfman and the Dark One

Section 1 – Terms of contract

This magically Signed document shall be held by both signed parties in accordance with their respective naming policy. (Henceforth, "the contract".)

The contract stands in continuous effect for all signatories from the moment this contract is Signed by those parties until expiry or severance of the contract.

Orders issued prior to the contract by either Party may not cause any violation of this contract unless those orders are expressly against a named signatory.

Section 2 – Identification

Party of the first part, The Darkside, is a side under the rule of The Dark One with a capital city at the time of Signing The Dark Lands.

Signatory unit for The Darkside shall be The Dark One, acting in capacity as Overlord.

Party of the second part, Erfman, a unit formally of Fanon popped at Fanon City.

Signatory unit for Erfman shall be Dollamancer Erfman acting in capacity as Barbarian Dollamancer.

Section 3 – Statements

This contract is made in recognition of these facts;

Both parties have initiated hostile actions against the others interests
Both parties have initiated hostile actions against the other directly
Both parties have initiated hostile actions against material owned by the other party, excluding the self (henceforth, "property")

Erfman agrees to act as an ally (with no contractual obligations) and act as an allied unit of Darkside for a minimum of 100 turns from the Signing of this contract. That during those 100 turns (and any extensions) Erfman shall be bound by the contract to operate, in accordance with the contract, to further the Dark Ones interests and obey all orders given by the Dark One, with his own consideration to priority. So that there is a provision for Erfman being incapacitated, or otherwise unable to function, Erfman can delay orders for up to five (5) turns.

That in addition to this, The Dark One agrees to provide certain considerations to Erfman, in exchange for Erfmans assent to this contract.

That both parties shall be bound to automagically enforced Penalties for breach of this contract.

Section 4 – The Contract


Erfman agrees to have the side with the capital site located where Fanon once was be an ally of Darkside and act as an ally of said side for a minimum of 100 turns from the Signing of this contract. That during those 100 turns (and any extensions) Erfman shall be bound by the contract to operate, in accordance with the contract, to further the Dark Ones interests and obey all orders given by the Dark One, with his own discretion as to priotity of orders. So that there is a provision for Erfman being incapacitated or otherwise unable to fulfill orders, Erfman may delay orders by up to five turns.

Erfman agrees not to act in a subversive manner against the property, units or interests of The Dark One. Doing so will result in triggering a breach of terms.

The Dark One agrees to provide 1,200 Schmuckers to Erfman to be used to claim the capital site of Fanon. Failure to transfer the funds within three turns of the Signing of the contract will result in the Dark One paying 1,200 Schmuckers to Erfman. These schmuckers must be returned to the Dark One in full upon the point that Erfman leaves the Darkside.

During the span of the contract Erfman's purse shall remain separate from the Darkside's treasury. All schmuckers produced by Fanon during the span of the contract shall be retained for use by Erfman. All maintainence costs and expenses incurred by Erfman, his warband or units he chooses to add to his warband (popped, crafted tamed or by any other means) will be paid for from Erfman's purse. No extra funds may be claimed from the Darkside except with express permission of the Dark One.

The Dark One agrees not to disband Erfman. Breach of this clause will result on the automagical disbandment of the Dark One.

The Dark One agrees not to disband any members of the Warband.

The Dark One agrees to disclose the details of the fall of Fanon within 3 turns of the contracts Signing.

The Dark One agrees to provide no less than 2 Flesh Cookies per turn to Erfman.

Erfman agrees to operate in the best interests of the Dark One and to spend no less than 50% of his juice, but no more than 75%, as directed by The Dark One, to create dollamancy items and/or golems (henceforth, "toys"), and that these be handed over to any designated unit upon the order of the Dark One.
Erfman agrees to utilise the powers of Dollamancy to the benefit of the Dark One.

The Dark One agrees to allow the tower of Fanon to be optimised for Dollamancy at Erfman's own expense.

Erfman agrees, that in exchange for an additional 10 turns to the span of the contract, that The Dark One,on a single occasion, at Erfman's discretion, shall provide a hired barbarian caster for a linkup, in addition to his own presence, to push the boundaries of magic for the betterment of the side. The barbarian caster must be provided within 10 turns of the request. For every turn the barbarian caster is not provided, there will be a penalty of 5,000 Schmuckers paid immediately from the Dark One to Erfman. The Dark One's presence is still required, regardless of whether or not the caster is there.

Erfman does not need to take any orders from the Dark One that causes Erfman to spend units, Schmuckers, or resources that are not juice.

Neither Party may, under any circumstances, hire, coerce, suggest, or in any way attempt to get any other side or unsided units to cause damage to the other.

Erfman shall be free to explore Dollamancy, unless in breach of other sections of the contract.

Erfman agrees to croak all non allied Gobwin units in a 5 hex radius of Fanon city by 10 turns from the signing of the contract or be in breach of contract. Each turn after the 10th turn with Gobwin's within this radius shall count as a new breach. If Gobwins remain without knowledge of Erfman, or enter without Erfman's knowledge, there will be no penalties activated. If a Gobwin enters, Erfman has the next three turns with no penalties from the contract to deal with the situation.


This contract shall be in continuous effect across all turns of all sides for the duration of 100 turns from the Signing of the Contract. The span of effect shall not be altered except by mutual assent of both parties in Signed amendment or automagically as dictated by the contract.

Upon the completion of the contract, neither side may engage with one another for the duration of 20 Turns. Any cities conquered by Erfman during the span of the contract shall immediately be handed over to the Dark Ones control at the point of conquest, unless doing so would be in breach of the contract.


The Parties agree to be bound by the universal principles, forces, actions and consequences of Signamancy, whereby the inherent magic of the contract shall serve as the sole mechanism for detecting, determining, and penalizing a breach or default of the contract's terms.
Parties should be clear on both the wording and the intent of the contract as to their particular obligations and restrictions at the time of Signing, as these shall constitute the basis upon which a breach is automagically adjudged.


Breach of terms

The Penalty for breach of terms (as dictated by Section 4, Terms) shall be, on the part of The Dark One, renumeration into a fund to be paid to Erfman at the time of the breach of 5,000 Shmuckers.

The Penalty for breach of terms (as dictated by Section 4, Terms) shall be, on the part of Erfman, an addition of 10 turns per breach to the Span of the contract and a debt of 5,000 schmuckers to be paid at the end of the contract.

In the event that a breach seems unavoidable or desirable, either Party may propose an alternative remedy. If, within 1 turn, both Parties are in full agreement, this remedy may be adopted in place of a penalty.


The Parties agree that breach or default of any part of the contract shall not constitute a termination of the entirety of the contract. Obligations, restrictions and penalties shall remain in place for the duration of the contract, even in the event of a breach or default of one or more of its parts. The contract is not rendered void by the subsumation of either side as a colony, but in the event of the destruction of either side or signatory, the contract is voided. Neither Party may transfer their obligations to another part under any circumstances.

Actions Not Considered

Any actions not determined by the contract shall not cause the nullification of the contract.
This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to its subject matter and supersedes any other agreements between those parties written or oral.


The Fund as defined under breach of terms shall consist of a private treasury held automatically and without rights of withdrawal or conversion. On each breach, half shall be made available in Schmukers to the purse of Erfman immediately using the natural Moneymancy of the capital city The Dark lands. Upon the completion of the contract this shall be immediately deposited in the form of schmukers into the treasury of Fanon to be at the disposal of Erfman for whatever purposes he deems fit.


The contract shall be magically bound by Signamancy issued by an independent qualified barbarian Signamancer provided from the Magic Kingdom at the expense of The Dark One.

Any and all attempts to discuss the contract with entities not identified as the undersigned or members of the described Warband shall be automagically restricted. Any attempts by a third party to subvert this by asking questions which must have singular answers will result in this clause being nullified and the undersigned being automatically notified of the others subversion.

Authorised Sigantures

Thus the contract is activated and executed by the will of the parties

Erfman, Barbarian Dollamancer

Reasoning: First off, there should be a provision for our incapacitation. Second, the portal is faster. Infinitely faster. Thus, we have to have the capital city. Third, I just had to correct "this" to "thus". Any benefits provided are outweighed by doubling the contract length, in addition to the expenses in hunting down a gobwin tribe. Also, seems like the Dark One is a Thinkamancer, so we can have him link up and stuff, or at least have him use his ridiculous arsenal of magic to help our understanding.

"This is not up for negotiation! You shall Turn or you shall be turned by force!" the voice boomed in apparent anger moments before the Hex was suddenly hit by a wave of croakamantic energy that washed over the entire hex making you, Bob and any living unit shudder as it did so.

*Bing! Contract updated*

Declaration of employment between Erfman and the Dark One

Section 1 – Terms of contract

This magically Signed document shall be held by both signed parties in accordance with their respective naming policy. (Henceforth, "the contract".)

The contract stands in continuous effect for all signatories from the moment this contract is Signed by those parties until expiry or severance of the contract.

Orders issued prior to the contract by either Party may not cause any violation of this contract unless those orders are expressly against a named signatory.

Section 2 – Identification

Party of the first part, The Darkside, is a side under the rule of The Dark One with a capital city at the time of Signing The Dark Lands.

Signatory unit for The Darkside shall be The Dark One, acting in capacity as Overlord.

Party of the second part, Erfman, a unit formally of Fanon popped at Fanon City.

Signatory unit for Erfman shall be Dollamancer Erfman acting in capacity as Barbarian Dollamancer.

Section 3 – Statements

This contract is made in recognition of these facts;

Both parties have initiated hostile actions against the others interests
Both parties have initiated hostile actions against the other directly
Both parties have initiated hostile actions against material owned by the other party, excluding the self (henceforth, "property")

Erfman agrees to turn to the Dark Side and act as a unit of said side for a minimum of 100 turns from the Signing of this contract. That during those 100 turns (and any extensions) Erfman shall be bound by the contract to operate, in accordance with the contract, to further the Dark Ones interests and obey all orders given by the Dark One (as long as it is physically possible to complete those orders).

That in addition to this, The Dark One agrees to provide certain considerations to Erfman, in exchange for Erfmans assent to this contract.

That both parties shall be bound to automagically enforced Penalties for breach of this contract.

Section 4 – The Contract


Erfman agrees to turn to the Dark Side and act as a unit of said side for a minimum of 100 turns from the Signing of this contract. That during those 100 turns (and any extensions) Erfman shall be bound by the contract to operate, in accordance with the contract, to further the Dark Ones interests and obey all orders given by the Dark One (aslong as it is physically possible to complete those orders). Any attempt to Turn from the Darkside during the span of the contract shall cause Erfman to automagically disband.

All units currently under Erfman's command shall turn to the Darkside with Erfman and shall form the warband.

Erfman shall act at the direction of The Dark One. Erfman agrees not to act in a subversive manner against the property, units or interests of The Dark One. Doing so will result in triggering a breach of terms.

The Dark One agrees to provide 1,200 Schmuckers to Erfman to be used to claim the capital site of Fanon. Failure to transfer the funds within three turns of the Signing of the contract will result in the Dark One paying 1,200 Schmuckers to Erfman. These schmuckers must be returned to the Dark One in full upon the point that Erfman leaves the Darkside.

During the span of the contract Erfman's purse shall remain separate from the Darkside's treasury. All schmuckers produced by Fanon during the span of the contract shall be retained for use by Erfman. All maintainence costs and expenses incurred by Erfman, his warband or units he chooses to add to his warband (popped, crafted tamed or by any other means) will be paid for from Erfman's purse. No extra funds may be claimed from the Darkside except with express permission of the Dark One.

The Dark One agrees not to disband Erfman. Breach of this clause will result on the automagical disbandment of the Dark One.

The Dark One agrees not to disband any members of the Warband.

The Dark One agrees to disclose the details of the fall of Fanon within 3 turns of the contracts Signing.

The Dark One agrees to provide no less than 1 Flesh Cookies per turn to Erfman.

Erfman agrees to operate in the best interests of the Dark One and to spend no less than 50% of his juice, but no more than 75%, as directed by The Dark One, to create dollamancy items and/or golems (henceforth, "toys"), and that these be handed over to any designated unit upon the order of the Dark One.
Erfman agrees to utilise the powers of Dollamancy to the benefit of the Dark One.

The Dark One agrees, to allow the tower of Fanon to be optimised for Dollamancy at Erfman's own expense.

Erfman agrees, that in exchange for an additional 10 turns to the span of the contract, that The Dark One,on a single occasion, at Erfman's discretion, shall provide a hired barbarian caster for a linkup to push the boundaries of magic for the betterment of the side. If a barbarian caster is available they must be provided within 10 turns of the request. For every turn the barbarian caster is not provided, there will be a penalty of 5,000 Schmuckers paid immediately from the Dark One to Erfman. (this will not count as a breach if there are no barbarian casters available or willing to come)

Erfman does not need to take any orders from the Dark One that causes Erfman to transfer units, Schmuckers, or resources to the direct control of the Dark One other than those stated in the contract.

Neither Party may, under any circumstances, hire, coerce, suggest, or in any way attempt to get any other side to cause damage to the other.

Erfman shall be free to explore Dollamancy, unless in breach of other sections of the contract.

Erfman agrees to croak all non allied Gobwin units in a 5 hex radius of Fanon city by 10 turns from the signing of the contract or be in breach of contract. Each turn after the 10th turn with Gobwin's within this radius shall count as a new breach. If Gobwins remain without knowledge of Erfman, or enter without Erfman's knowledge, there will be no penalties activated. If a Gobwin enters, Erfman has the next three turns with no penalties from the contract to deal with the situation.


This contract shall be in continuous effect across all turns of all sides for the duration of 100 turns from the Signing of the Contract. The span of effect shall not be altered except by mutual assent of both parties in Signed amendment or automagically as dictated by the contract.

Upon the completion of the contract Erfman shall be given the opportunity to purchase the city of Fanon and neither side may engage with one another for the duration of 20 Turns. Any cities conquered by Erfman during the span of the contract shall immediately be handed over to the Dark Ones control at the point of conquest.


The Parties agree to be bound by the universal principles, forces, actions and consequences of Signamancy, whereby the inherent magic of the contract shall serve as the sole mechanism for detecting, determining, and penalizing a breach or default of the contract's terms.
Parties should be clear on both the wording and the intent of the contract as to their particular obligations and restrictions at the time of Signing, as these shall constitute the basis upon which a breach is automagically adjudged.


Breach of terms

The Penalty for breach of terms (as dictated by Section 4, Terms) shall be, on the part of The Dark One, renumeration into a fund to be paid to Erfman at the completion of the contract of 5,000 Shmuckers.

The Penalty for breach of terms (as dictated by Section 4, Terms) shall be, on the part of Erfman, an addition of 10 turns per breach to the Span of the contract and a debt of 5,000 schmuckers to be paid at the end of the contract.

In the event that a breach seems unavoidable or desirable, either Party may propose an alternative remedy. If, within 1 turn, both Parties are in full agreement, this remedy may be adopted in place of a penalty.


The Parties agree that breach or default of any part of the contract shall not constitute a termination of the entirety of the contract. Obligations, restrictions and penalties shall remain in place for the duration of the contract, even in the event of a breach or default of one or more of its parts. The contract is not rendered void by the subsumation of either side as a colony. Neither Party may transfer their obligations to another part under any circumstances.

Actions Not Considered

Any actions not determined by the contract shall not cause the nullification of the contract.
This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to its subject matter and supersedes any other agreements between those parties written or oral.


The Fund as defined under breach of terms shall consist of a private treasury held automatically and without rights of withdrawal or conversion. On each breach, half shall be made available in Schmukers to the purse of Erfman immediately using the natural Moneymancy of the capital city The Dark lands. Upon the completion of the contract this shall be immediately deposited in the form of schmukers into the treasury of Fanon to be at the disposal of Erfman for whatever purposes he deems fit.


The contract shall be magically bound by Signamancy issued by an independent qualified barbarian Signamancer provided from the Magic Kingdom at the expense of The Dark One.

Any and all attempts to discuss the contract with entities not identified as the undersigned or members of the described Warband shall be automagically restricted. Any attempts by a third party to subvert this by asking questions which must have singular answers will result in this clause being nullified and the undersigned being automatically notified of the others subversion.

Authorised Sigantures

This the contract is activated and executed by the will of the parties

The Dark One Overlord for The Darkside

Erfman, Barbarian Dollamancer

Erfman wars with himself and almost accepts turning if only the Dark One would agree to Link with him.

But the Dark One does not agree to personally being involved in the linkup.

"You have one turn to decide then these terms will be off the table" the voice booms before fading away.

Turn 10


Erfman the Barbarian
Level 2 Dollamancer (Novice)
Hits: 6 Combat: 5 (2+1+2) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2) Juice: 200/200
Upkeep: 150s
Purse: 600s
Equipped: Craftman's +1 Hammer, Motion Goggles

Level 2 Piker
Hits: 5 Combat: 8 (5+2+1) Defence: 5 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Piker defence
Equipped: Pikers +1 Spear

Reinforced Wood Golem
Hits: 22 Combat: 10 Defence: 6 Move: 8
Juice Charge: 70/100
Upkeep: 30 juice
Special: Heavy

Wood Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 10 (9+1) Defence: 5 (4+1) Move: 8
Juice Charge: 80/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Equipped: modified Piker armor, Crude Gobwin Axe

The Luggage
Luggage Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 5 Defence: 3 Move: 16
Juice Charge: 60/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Special: Carnyed - Bigger on the inside, Dollamancy - moving parts, Capture

Level 1 Billy Goat
Hits: 7 Combat: 8 Defence: 2 Move: 20
Upkeep: 25
Special: Self Sufficient, Mountain Capable, Mount
Equiped: Woolly Saddle, Goat shoes of escape


Moneymancy scroll of 'Liquidate' x1
Powerball x1
Gem (200s)

Twice Croaked Gobwin corpse x1
Twice Croaked Piker corpse x1
Twice Croaked Carry-On bird corpse x1

Fruit x0
Deseeded fruit x 18
Fruit seeds x17
Bucket (filled with milk) x1
Mushroom x1
Damaged Fruit x1

Stone x3
Pebbles x1
Wood x5
Wool x2
Metal Ore x2
Branches from a Bush x1

Crude Gobwin axe x2
Shears x1
Pole x1
Gobwin clothes x1


Map explored so far

What do you do?

With a wave of the hand you send your newest Golem Jessie off to collect fruit. It slowly plods between the bushes as it methodically one by one collects each piece of fruit.

Jessie 6 actions used. 8 Fruit gained

Bob meanwhile is busy taking care of his mount and using the shears he gives Billie a nice trim and collects the wool.

Bob 1 action used. 1 unit of wool gained

As a rewarded for his work you offer Bob a piece of fruit. Bob raises an eyebrow as the fruit looks as though you have already attempted to eat it but being the obedient Piker that he is Bob eats the fruit without complaint.

1 damaged fruit eaten. Bob's upkeep has been paid

You then set to work on your own task for the morning and pulling out two of the crude Gobwin axes you begin to channel your juice as you work on making the crude implements in to precise weapons of war.

Erfman 6 actions, 90 juice and 2 crude Gobwin axes used. 2 +1 Gobwin axes gained

Once done you decide to investigate the new hole. Hopping down you are immediately greeted by a Gobwin with a large sack slung over its shoulder.

"You have chief's axes?"The Gobwin calls out as soon as he sees you. "Chief want to order same again" the Gobwin then adds.

"200 Schmuckers and ore again?"

The Gobwin nods as it hefts the sack causing it to clank slightly as it does so. "Same deal. Gem and two chunks of ore for two Spook croakers!" The Gobwin confirms.

"Oh good! Yes yes, here are two Spook-killers! Do you have 2 non-magical axes with you as well? So we can start working immediately."

The Gobwin drops the sack on the floor and pulls out a large gem, two chunks of ore and two axes and hands them over before taking the +1 axes off of you and shoving them in the sack.

2 +1 Gobwin axes given away. 1 gem (200s), 2 chunks of metal ore and 2 crude Gobwin axes obtained

With a quick order you send Bob off to scout while you and the Golems climb in to The Luggage. You first set off south east and when you arrive at the hill hex you find it is full of fruit.

The Luggage 4 move used

You send Woody out and the now rather sturdy Golem takes his time collecting the fruit before returning to the Luggage.

Woody 8 actions used. 12 fruit gained.

Avoiding the mountain hexes where possible you head southwest spotting only a lonely Gobwin before you head south towards the Gobwin cave.

The Luggage 12 move used

Soon after you arrive Bob joins you from the west of the hex with his arms full of fruit and reports what he saw on the way here.

Bob 2 actions and 7 move used. 3 fruit gained.
Billie 12 move used.

Waiting in the hex for you you spot the Gobwin chief and a number of Gobwins.


Erfman 4 actions and 110 juice remains
Bob 0 actions remain
Woody 0 actions remain
Jessie 2 actions remain
Billie 8 actions remain
The Luggage 0 actions remain

2019-10-13, 04:14 PM
(South of this Hex the mountains become impassable)

"Hello Chief, we bring Dire News. The Dark One's voice boomed in my head threatening to come this turn to get me and Turn me by force! I'm able to enchant one more Axe today, and I think the gobwin in Fanon hex should be comming up with the other two I already did this turn, I fear that any gobwins out of this hex come the Dark One's turn may be easy prey for his minions, and will be croaked and risen again to fight us. Do you think it is a good idea to recall all Gobwins to this hex this turn? I'm ending turn here today (and I have many fruits with me if needed)."

"Though we have been given the opportunity for us all to join up with the Dark One, ensuring upkeep is paid and enough made available for the future after the terms of service have been completed. Do you have any opinions on this?"

" I thank you for the warning. Our turn is before the Dark One's so I can recall the Gobwins but not all of them will have the move to reach here in a single turn." the Gobwin chief replies.

"The Dark One can not be trusted he first came to Fanon in a guise of peace but he betrayed Fanon without remorse. He croaked Prince Redshirt and captured Fanon's Thinkamancer Lady Shipping in a surprise attack while Fanon were providing magical aid to the Dark One... This was the beginning of Fanon's fall..." the Gobwin chief revealed.

"How many hexes can the gobwins travel? Are you impaired by Mountain terrain? Do you think all gobwins that would not be able to reach this hex, be able to reach the hilly hex north of here? Or Fanon-city hex? If so we could divide our combined Spook-killing weapons between this hex and that secondary base hex, so that all gobwins (the ones here, and the ones in the secondary base hex) have a fighting chance if attacked. There are two Spook-Killers with a gobwin in Fanon-city; I can make one more here, and here we already have your Spook-killer and three more in the form of my Hammer, Bob's Spear *point to bob* and my Juice that I can turn into ranged Hoboken attacks"

"Now, then we stand ready with 1000s to oficialize our Alliance, which, before the rebuilding of Fanon city, I shall take to mean that I shall guarantee the production of enough fruit to feed all gobwins now in your tribe; And when Fanon is rebuilt all gobwins upkeep shall be automagically paid from the city's production, and a large chunk shall be allocated to re-populate your tribe.
Given this, will you let me keep the non-gem schmuckers for you for now, set aside the gems I have to give you, put as many gobwins as possible to mining, and ear-mark all gems found for trading with me [or outright gifts] to ensure Fanon-city is rebuilt as soon as possible?"

"And Chief, do you have (or had in the past) any other way of fighting the Spooks?"

The Gobwin chief blinks in response to the rapid fire questions. "Most Gobwins have a move of 8 and we are encumbered just as badly in a mountain hex as your average unit. Either of those two locations should be reachable" The Gobwin chief replies.

"The schmuckers and the gems will be consumed by the natural signamancy of forming an alliance with natural allies such as the Gobwins. Without the schmuckers there will be no alliance and without an Alliance you will not be able to pop any more Gobwins." the chief explains. "Once an alliance is formed we shall wear the colours of Fanon once again and do as you command. If you wish us to spend our turns mining for gems then mine we shall..." the chief continues.

"Effective ways? Not so much... sometimes the luckamancy is with us though...."

"On another topic, do you know what this mushroom is?" you suddenly question.

The Chief glances at the mushroom before giving it a brief sniff and scrunching his face up in a grimace. "Arkenfiend mushroom!" he declares with a certain amount of confidence "It can do powerful things to a units mind..." the Gobwin declares before falling silent.

"OK Chief, I think we both will be better off if we hold off on officiating the Alliance so that we rebuild Fanon-city sooner.
In the meanwhile, I'll upgrade another Axe now and I suggest gathering all Gobwins here and in the hex north of here; And having 4 Spook Killers in the hex North of here; And I ask that you direct your gobwins to mining and save all gems found to trade with me."

The Chief gives a slight grunt in acknowledgement of your statement but does not comment.

Retrieving a couple of pieces of fruit you sit down to eat and feed a piece of fruit to Billie.

2 pieces of deseeded fruit consumed. Erfman and Billie upkeep paid.

Deciding to use up the last of your Golem's actions you order Jessie to begin deseeding fruit.

Jessie 2 action and 3 fruit used. 3 deseeded fruit and 3 seeds gained.

You then send Bob and Billie off on another short scouting run. After a little they return with not much to report.

Billie 8 moved used


Setting to work on improving another axe you find that enhancing the weapon has become second nature to you and you are suddenly struck by inspiration.

Congratulations you have rolled a critical success while creating the axe!

Erfman 3 actions 45 juice and 1 crude Gobwin axe used. 1 Animated +1 Gobwin Axe gained.

Animated - Through the miracles of Dollamancy this weapon has been granted a small degree of independent motion. The weapon now has two modes that can be activated upon command. Attack and Defend.

Attack - the weapon will fly straight towards the wielder's target and attempt to deal damage before returning to the wielder's hand. (This counts as a ranged attack)

Defend - the weapon will fly straight towards a designated unit and intercept attacks increasing the units defence

"Congratulations through continued experimentation in the discipline of Dollamancy you have begun to mix the fields of accessory creation and Golem creation and have gained an adept level understanding of Dollamancy."

Erfman 1 action and 65 juice remain

"Chief! Check this out! Adept at level two!" you exclaim proudly as you release your grip upon your newly improved axe and mentally will it forwards. The axe flys out of your hand and streaks towards a small pile of rocks, the axe does not strike the rocks however but merely begins to circle the rocks as it spins head over handle. With nothing to defend the rocks from the axe merely continues its slow orbit around the pile of rocks.

"Can my axe do that?" the chief questions in surprise, apparently impressed by the display.

Your newly acquired Adept status filling you with confidence you decide to try something that you have never done before and attempt to duplicate the animated axe's special ability in to another axe. You begin a spell with the upmost confidence but soon realise that you both don't have the time as well as do not know the proper words to complete the spell and it fizzles out wasting the juice that you were about to use.

Spell failed! Erfman has wasted 1 action and 25 juice

End of Turn 10!

Off Turn

Once your turn is over it is apparently the Gobwin's turn as Gobwins begin entering the Hex from multiple directions and soon there is a full 8 stack though they do not remain in sight for long as they disappear in to the Gobwin cave leaving only your party and the chief.

Eventually the Gobwin's turn ends aswell and some one else's begins...

By now it is getting rather late in the day when your goggles suddenly detect movement in the hex and your attention is drawn to a rather stealthy unit. A lone small black flying unit (a Waven) has entered the air space of the mountain hex and appears to be watching you from above.

What do you do?

"Sorry Chief, I've only got one of these right now. But y'know, if you wanted to test it out for me, say, on that little birdie up there, maybe I could lend it to ya for a turn!" you offer and even before you can blink the Gobwin chief snatches the weapon off of you and hurls it towards the Waven with all his might. The weapon spins end over end and seems to pick up speed as it flies straight towards the Waven. The little flying unit is too slow to react and the bird is cleaved in two before abruptly exploding in to dust. The axe meanwhile curves around as it adjusts it's course and begins flying back towards you and the Gobwin chief. The chief then holds his hand out and deftly catches the handle of the axe with a rather satisfied look.

Bowie the Gobwin chief gains some delicious experience

Just as you are about to search the hex for anymore hidden units a voice booms within your head once again.

There you are Tinker! Imagine how disappointed I was to find that you were not home! the voice booms. This is your final chance, turn to me now and accept the contract or suffer the consequences..." the Dark One declares as a mental image of the contract pops in to your head.

What do you do?

After much careful thought you finally reply:

"I'm sorry Dark One, but you've shown yourself not to be someone whom I can have absolute trust in and who reacts emotionally rather then rationally. I am convinced turning or even dealing with you is not in my best interest nor in the interest of those I must speak for. If you wish to convince me otherwise, do not overreact to this rejection, and perhaps we can talk again in a few tenturns." you exclaim slowly and calmly.

Fool! the voice booms within your head. You are fated to serve me, all you have done is increased the pain and suffering of you and the ones around you! The Dark One continues. I shall be seeing you very soon..."the Dark One then finishes as he falls silent.

"Son of Fanon I must warn you a stack of uncroaked now occupies what was Fanon and the Dark One intends to send a warlord to claim the capital site. You must act quickly!" a female voice hastily whispers inside your head.

"Chief, I believe a stack of the Dark One's minions now occupy Fanon site, and a Warlord and more should be underway for later turns.
Upon my turn I shall march there to clean them up, and I'm able to carry along with me in my Luggage golem here *pat The Luggage* any valiant Gobwins that would like to join me in vanquishing them. Who will join me?! Will you come with Chief?" you declare.

I can send a few Gobwins with you but you will need to pay their upkeep. We have already left the mines unmanned at your advice but we must stick to the mountain hexes if we want any hope of finding more gems in the coming turns... The Gobwin chief replies.

"That's fine. We have upkeep for a lot of gobwins."

Turn 11


Erfman the Barbarian
Level 2 Dollamancer (Adept)
Hits: 6 Combat: 5 (2+1+2) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2) Juice: 200/200
Upkeep: 150s
Purse: 600s
Equipped: Craftman's +1 Hammer, Motion Goggles

Level 2 Piker
Hits: 5 Combat: 8 (5+2+1) Defence: 5 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Piker defence
Equipped: Pikers +1 Spear

Reinforced Wood Golem
Hits: 22 Combat: 10 Defence: 6 Move: 8
Juice Charge: 40/100
Upkeep: 30 juice
Special: Heavy

Wood Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 10 (9+1) Defence: 5 (4+1) Move: 8
Juice Charge: 60/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Equipped: modified Piker armor, Crude Gobwin Axe

The Luggage
Luggage Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 5 Defence: 3 Move: 16
Juice Charge: 40/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Special: Carnyed - Bigger on the inside, Dollamancy - moving parts, Capture

Level 1 Billy Goat
Hits: 7 Combat: 8 Defence: 2 Move: 20
Upkeep: 25
Special: Self Sufficient, Mountain Capable, Mount
Equiped: Woolly Saddle, Goat shoes of escape


Moneymancy scroll of 'Liquidate' x1
Powerball x1
Gem (200s) x2 [400s total value]

Twice Croaked Gobwin corpse x1
Twice Croaked Piker corpse x1
Twice Croaked Carry-On bird corpse x1

Fruit x20
Deseeded fruit x 19
Fruit seeds x20
Bucket (filled with milk) x1
Arkenfiend Mushroom x1

Stone x3
Pebbles x1
Wood x5
Wool x3
Metal Ore x4
Branches from a Bush x1

Crude Gobwin axe x1
Animated +1 Gobwin axe x1
Shears x1
Pole x1
Gobwin clothes x1


Map explored so far

What do you do?

"Oh Bob! Did you remember last turn to the 'claim a fruit, make a cut to mark it, and leave it behind to see if it appeared in The Luggage?
If so, take a look inside The Luggage, to check if that fruit appeared there will you?" You question Bob.

"I did sir but the fruit stayed with me until I returned to the same hex as the luggage..." Bob replies.

"Hmm, Chief? Before I leave for the battle, since we have time, I think I'll make another Axe and another companion like these Golems here. But I'm thinking If I could make it capable of burying it could also help with mining in the future. For that end, could one of your Gobwins show me how it's done? Could they show me a little burying around that would be done when attempting to mine for Gems? (and if you can't because it not being your Turn, could they mock show me, take me to the tunnels and point and mimick?)" you say to the Chief.

"Follow me!" The chief replies before leading you inside the Gobwin caves along with one of the Gobwins. You find yourself in a series of long winding tunnels and the chief leads to you the end of one before nodding to the other Gobwin. The Gobwin raises his axe and begins swinging it like a pick as he surprisingly quickly begins cutting in to the wall and expanding the tunnel.

"Uuuh, what Bob? I didn't follow. What and when exactly did you do, and what and when exactly happened to the marked fruit?"

"Also, how many fruits can you and Billie carry? Do you think if I make a bag that would be useful?" you question of Bob.

"I did as you instructed I marked a fruit and claimed it but it did not disappear and it stayed with me. Once I got back in to the same hex as the Luggage however it vanished in to the chest." Bob explains.

"Hmmm I recon I could carry about 4 fruit and still be able to ride and fight" Bob replies.


"Oh wow! You're cutting that wall like butter! Bob outside once tried to cut some rocks for me and had quite the trouble. When you cut looking for Gems, do you cut at random, or are you following a pattern or a sense?" You question the Gobwins.

"We try to dig so that we mine from one point and then spread out to the next but whether there are gems there we know not so is random if we find any" The Gobwin chief explains.

"If you want to take Gobwins with you take them from the Hill Hex north of here, these Gobwins will stay to mine and protect the Gobwin caves!" the chief then declares.

Aware that you have already been paid and wanting to arm your Gobwin friends you set to work on enhancing more axes. The work is easy though you do realise that you only have one axe to enhance fortunately one of the Gobwins in the Hex offers their axe to be enhanced aswell.

Erfman 6 actions, 90 juice and 2 Crude Gobwin axes used. 2 +1 Gobwin axes gained.

Two Gobwins in the Hex then immediately claim the weapons.

2 +1 Gobwin axes Given away

Bob meanwhile is sent away on a retrieval mission, taking an armful of fruit and climbing on to Billie he rides off to the west where he finds another Feral Billy Goat.

Bob 2 move used
Billie 2 move used

Carefully approaching Bob offers the Feral unit a piece of fruit which it happily munches in to, as soon as it is finished however the goat goes to wander off so Bob pulls out a second piece of fruit. The goat snatches the piece of fruit of Bob and again attempts to wander off. Not sure what to do Bob pulls out a third piece of fruit and this time once the goat is finished it expectantly waits in place. With his final piece of fruit Bob holds his hand out and while the Goat is eating Bob leans forwards and softly strokes the goat.

Bob 2 actions and 4 deseeded fruit used. 1 Feral Billy goat tamed

With his job done Bob rides back on Billie with the new Billy Goat in tow.

Bob 2 move used
Billie 2 move used
Unnamed Billy Goat 2 move used

Erfman 4 actions and 110 juice remains
Bob 4 actions remain
Billie 16 actions remain
Unnamed Billy Goat 18 actions remain
Woody 8 actions remain
Jessie 8 actions remain
The Luggage 16 actions remain

As you are about to march of to war you decide that it would be a good idea to sit down and eat first as you are not sure when you will next get a chance. You and Bob both take a fruit and slowly eat your meal. Meanwhile you send the two Billy goats off to forage for their own meals.

2 Deseeded fruit consumed. Erfman and Bob upkeep paid.
Billie 10 actions used, upkeep paid.
Unnamed Billy Goat 10 actions used, upkeep paid.

Deciding that it would be best if as many of your 'warband' as possible had weapons that could hurt spooks you set to work Enhancing Jessie's Axe.

Erfman 3 actions, 45 juice and Crude Gobwin axe used. +1 Gobwin axe gained

Now Ready to head off to battle you bid the chief goodbye and you all pile in to the Luggage and The Luggage marches north one hex where you are met by the sight of a four stack of Gobwins waiting for you.

The Luggage 4 move used

The Luggage raises you up to the entrance, and opens the lid wide, so That you can stand inside The Luggage with half your body showing out.

"Gobwins! We march to WAR! We shall bring devastation to the eight DARK ONE's Minions that now occupy Fanon-site. Your Chief gave you leave to join the fight, and I can carry you all in this Luggage Golem of mine. Come ALL! Climb aboard, there is upkeep for ALL of you inside!" you declare.

The Gobwins rush forwards and follow you inside the luggage hopping down the steps in the side of the wall as they form.

"Come along, each take a fruit for your upkeep of the coming Turn"

Spotting the 4 fruit that the Luggage has put aside the Gobwins greedily rush forwards and each Gobwin grabs a piece.

4 deseeded fruit given away

Once everyone is inside you order the Luggage to continue its march while you remain with your head poking out of the chest.

The Luggage 2 move used

As soon as you begin to cross the hex boundary you spot the enemy waiting for you. In addition to the assembled uncroaked your goggles also detect a small black unit flying above the hex.


Immediately the full stack of uncroaked begin marching towards you!

The following weapons are currently being wielded:

Erfman +1 Animated Gobwin Axe
Bob +1 Piker's Spear
Woody +1 Craftman's Hammer
Jessie +1 Gobwin Axe

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Compilation of Game Thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255900#p255900)

Round 1

Spotting a Waven hovering above the hex you quickly launch your axe forward with a quick flick of the wrist and it homes in on your target with unnatural accuracy. The axe strikes the Waven head on and the bird explodes in a cloud of dust.

You quickly hop down from the Luggage and are able to catch the axe by the handle as it returns to you.

The Luggage meanwhile tips itself over and begins ejecting its passengers who sprawl over the ground... perhaps not the wisest decision as before they can stand the uncroaked are upon them.

A poor unfortunate Gobwin finds itself with two swords straight through its chest as it is croaked in an instant.

A second Gobwin barely escapes as it scrambles to its feet taking three hits in the process as two of the uncroaked focus on it.

The rest of the uncroaked seem to focus in on your Golems, the powerhouse that is Woody seems to have little trouble deflecting the uncroaked's blades though he takes 2 hits in the process. The less sturdy Jessie however is not so lucky and is quickly cut down like a piece of fire wood under the storm of blades and is disabled.

Scrambling together you hastily form a stack with Woody and The Luggage upfront screening for the living units in the back. Three of the Gobwins swarm together and with a combined effort they managed to dust one of the uncroaked. At the same time Woody and Bob mounted on Billie slam in to another of the uncroaked and smashes it to pieces. Finally The Luggage clamps on to the arm of a third uncroaked dealing a single hit

Erfman's Warband

Stack 1
Erfman: 6 hits 65/200 juice
Bob (mounted): 5 hits
Billie: 7 hits
Woody: 20/22
The Luggage: 10 hits
Billy Goat: 7 hits
Gobwin 1: 2/5 hits
Gobwin 2: 5 hits
Gobwin 3: 5 hits

Jessie: disabled
Gobwin 4: croaked

Dark One's Uncroaked

Stack 1
Uncroaked 1:
Uncroaked 2:
Uncroaked 3:
Uncroaked 4:
Uncroaked 5:
Uncroaked 6: 1 hit taken

Uncroaked 7: dusted
Uncroaked 8: dusted
Waven: dusted

Round 2

Upon your command Woody breaks formation and charges right in to the midst of the uncroaked stack. All six remaining uncroaked turn their attention on the reinforced Golem and begin raining down blows upon him. The stone reinforcent seems to have been a wise decision as despite overwhelming odds Woody only takes 6 hits.

Hopelessly surrounded Woody lashes out with the Craftman's hammer connecting with one of the uncroaked's head knocking it cleanly off its shoulders and dusting it in the process.

The rest of your warband then surges forwards Bob, The Luggage and the Billy goats striking the flanks while the Gobwins perform hit and run strikes at the centre.

Through their combined effort you are able to dust another two uncroaked while a third has sustained 3 hits.

Deciding to save your juice you hurl the animated axe forwards though you are careful to avoid your own units, perhaps due to this you completely miss hitting anything and the axe returns to your hand

Erfman's Warband

Stack 1
Erfman: 6 hits 65/200 juice
Bob (mounted): 5 hits
Billie: 7 hits
Woody: 14/22
The Luggage: 10 hits
Billy Goat: 7 hits
Gobwin 1: 2/5 hits
Gobwin 2: 5 hits
Gobwin 3: 5 hits

Jessie: disabled
Gobwin 4: croaked

Dark One's Uncroaked

Stack 1
Uncroaked 1:
Uncroaked 2:
Uncroaked 3:
Uncroaked 4: 3 hits taken

Uncroaked 5: dusted
Uncroaked 6: dusted
Uncroaked 7: dusted
Uncroaked 8: dusted
Waven: dusted

Round 3

With a mental command you send your axe flying forwards and it begins to rapidly orbit around Woody making the sturdy Golem even more difficult to strike. Three of the uncroaked however try their best and two manage to score glancing hits dealing a further 2 hits. Woody however is unable to keep the attention of the fourth uncroaked and it lunges towards the nearest Gobwin dropping it with a single strike.

Woody then retaliates landing a blow against the already damaged uncroaked and dusts it with a powerful strike.

The Luggage meanwhile clamps on to the arm of the advancing uncroaked and the two remaining Gobwins take revenge for their fallen friend quickly dusting the uncroaked with a pair of rapid strikes.

Bob mounted on Billie then leads a charge with the other Billy goat and they slam in to one of the remaining two uncroaked. The horns of both goats slams in to the uncroaked's torso as Bob pierces it's skull with his spear causing it to crumble to dust.

Erfman's Warband

Stack 1
Erfman: 6 hits 65/200 juice
Bob (mounted): 5 hits
Billie: 7 hits
Woody: 12/22
The Luggage: 10 hits
Billy Goat: 7 hits
Gobwin 2: 5 hits
Gobwin 3: 5 hits

Jessie: disabled
Gobwin 1: 0/5 hits - incapacitated
Gobwin 4: croaked

Dark One's Uncroaked

Stack 1
Uncroaked 1:

Uncroaked 2: dusted
Uncroaked 3: dusted
Uncroaked 4: dusted
Uncroaked 5: dusted
Uncroaked 6: dusted
Uncroaked 7: dusted
Uncroaked 8: dusted
Waven: dusted

[How much juice it will take to heal you Golems to full will depend on the dice]

Round 4

Woody manages to keep the last uncroaked busy with both opponents not managing to land a solid blow against the other... Woody however is not alone and while the uncroaked is distracted it suddenly finds itself assaulted from all directions and is swiftly dusted.

Congratulations you have won the battle!
Erman has levelled up and is now level 3
Bob has levelled up and is now level 3
Billie has levelled up and is now level 2

Erfman now has 165/300 juice!

(Dynamic stack bonus, good to know - which means in the beginning of the fight we had more than 9 units in stack (one mounted) and thus had a Stack bonus penalty, instead of max right?)

Actually due to the chaos of being ejected from The Luggage the majority of the units began unstacked. By the time you stacked up you were already down to 9 units (i.e. a max stack)

- Inspect the Incapacitated Gobwin to determine if he is mortally incapacitated or if he will recover at his Start of Turn. Ask "Is he going to be OK?" to the other Gobwins while doing it.

The Gobwin is unable to respond. There is a chance he will survive to the next turn but there is also a chance he will croak.

- "How do you deal with your fallen? How do you honor your fallen?" to the Gobwins. Pondering how to word "may I undress them and claim their clothing and axes?" in a considerate way. Perhaps, "we should undress, clean their wounds, arrange them laying side by side facing the Sun-rise, covering them with leaves, for them to properly await their last Start of Turn."

"Ummm they usually just depop?"..." one of the Gobwins replies seemingly confused by the question.

A single casting of a 'Stitch up' ( minor Dollamancy Golem repair) spell will cost 25 juice. At your current skill level you estimate Jessie and Woody would each require on average 1-2 castings to bring them back to full hits.

Channeling your juice you stand over the prone form of Jessie and begin to work your magic. Under your direction the deep gauges in Jessie's form begin to seal up.

Erfman 25 juice used.
Jessie 8 hits restored.

Stripping off the clothes of the croaked Gobwin you begin to unravel the individual threads until the clothes resemble nothing but a pile of string. Using your juice you then begin to weave the multitude of threads back together until a roll of bandages sits infront of you.

Erfman 1 action and 50 juice used. Stabilising bandages gained

As you are out of actions for the turn Bob collects the bandages off of you and tends to the incapacitated Gobwin wrapping it up like a mummy.

Bob 2 actions used. Stabilising bandages used

You then head over to Woody and Begin to channel your juice once again. The chunks and chips taken out of his form quickly begin to repair themselves under your direction

Erfman 25 juice used.
Woody 8 hits restored.

Erfman 0 actions and 65 juice remains 6/6 hits
Bob 2 actions remain 5/5 hits
Billie 6 actions remain 9/9 hits
Unnamed Billy Goat 8 actions remain 7/7 hits
Woody 8 actions remain 20/22 hits
Jessie 8 actions remain 8/10 hits
The Luggage 10 actions remain 10/10 hits

You move to the Gobwin corpse, kneel down and put your hand on it's shoulder "You fought valiantly.. Thank you." you exclaim as you claim the corpse with equipment and fruit in pocket.

Nude Gobwin corpse gained, crude Gobwin axe gained 1 deseeded fruit gained.

"Hmm, hey *talking to Gobwins* do you still have actions left-over from your turn? Would you spend them mining this Hex?" you question.

"No actions left this turn but not long to Gobwins turn... We can dig then..." one of the Gobwins replies.

Looking around, Erfman notes that the large rocks are made up of piles of rubble from the city of Fanon. He notes that he may scramble up it but will probably not have a very stable footing.


"Hey! How about digging troth's here-here-and-here *pointing to blue locations* so (IF THEY COME FROM THE NORTH) they are forced to attack us from this narrow passage" (talking to the gobwins)
"Do you think the 3 of you are able to dig this much? In one Turn? Let's say.. 2 steps wide (so it's not easy to jump), and 1 of my body-lengths of depth"
"What about if it was here, here and there?" *purple locations*

"Oh and don't worry about the trouble of removing rubble from the hole while you dig (hmm, is that a problem? Or does the rock you dig through disappears?) we can do this" *claim a rock and watch it disappear (into The Luggage)*

"Hmmm should be doable..." The Gobwin exclaims with a thoughtful look. "You just want us to dig a trench [i]between the rocks right?" the Gobwin questions in return.

"Oh, do you have to remove rubble from the hole while you dig or does the rock you dig through disappears?" you question.

"The dirt and rock gets spread out as we dig. We can save what we dig through if you want." One of the Gobwin replies.

You end turn allowing the Gobwins to start their turn and they set to work digging out the trench that you indicated.

Do you wish to claim the dirt the Gobwins have produced?

New zoomed in map


Inside black Hex represents where the keep would be if the city was restored.
Outside grey Hex represents where the city wall would be if city was restored
Brown area is the trench dug by the Gobwins

"Did you get lucky and find any Ore or Gem in those dig locations? =)" You question.

"No Gems but they are rare outside mountain hexes and usually deeper down than these trenches." The Gobwin replies

Erfman 0 actions and 65 juice remains 6/6 hits
Bob 2 actions remain 5/5 hits
Billie 6 actions remain 9/9 hits
Unnamed Billy Goat 8 actions remain 7/7 hits
Woody 8 actions remain 20/22 hits
Jessie 8 actions remain 8/10 hits
The Luggage 10 actions remain 10/10 hits

Pondering, Erfman estimates that to build a single section of wall it would cost the following:

Mud wall 5 units of dirt (5 actions)

Wood wall 5 units of wood (6 actions)

Stone wall 5 units of stone (8 actions)

High stone wall 10 units of stone (16 actions)

And that we would need at least 4 sections of wall to cover the entire length of the trench so that would cost as follows:

Mud wall 20 units of dirt (20 actions)

Wood wall 20 units of wood (24 actions)

Stone wall 20 units of stone (32 actions)

High stone wall 40 units of stone (64 actions)

[on this occasion I will allow you to use the dirt dug out from the trench so no additionial harvesting actions required]

With the large amount of mud and dirt that the Gobwins have extracted from the ground you set Bob, Woody and Jessie to work piling the dirt up to form crude defensive mud walls along the north eastern and north western sides of the hex.

Bob 2 actions used, Woody 8 actions used, Jessie 8 actions used, 18 units of dirt used


End of Gobwins turn

The Dark sides Turn!

Almost as soon as the Gobwins turn is over your goggles detect movement entering from the north of the hex. A single small black unit flitters in the sky above the hex.


What do you do?

The Waven hovers in mid air and seems to be staring straight down at you. Without an further delay you hurl your axe forwards and send it flying through the air. The axe once again seems to have unnatural accuracy and strikes the Waven right between the eyes causing it burst in a small cloud of dust. Your axe then circles round coming back to your hand.

Everything falls still and quiet and nothing seems to happen for a good long while. The entire hex then seems to shake as the ground rumbles and a wave of croakamantic energy floods the hex. The next moment the hex is filled with the sounds of squawks and shrieks as a mass of black clouds drift in to the hex.




(Just to be clear the wave of croakamantic energy came from outside of the hex the swarm of Wavens then entered the hex from the north)

Round 1

Multiple stacks of Wavens was not what you are expecting but you quickly come up with a plan and order the majority of your warband in to the trench while you order Woody to stay behind and guard the stairs.

As the only unit with a weapon capable of attacking at range you are the only one currently capable of attacking. You therefore line up a shot and unleash your axe towards the cloud of Wavens. Your axe streaks forwards and to your great surprise you do not just hit one Waven but four and they all burst in a cloud of dust.

It is then the Wavens turn to go on the offensive and they all suddenly dive bomb downwards heading straight towards your warband. Woody does his best to screen for the stack but he is soon completely swarmed as a full 8 stack focuses their attention on him. Although his reinforced frame is rather sturdy the constant barrage of pecks take their toll and Woody loses 6 hits.

The remaining 3 stacks then dive in to the trench and appear to focus on living targets as one goes for you, one goes for Bob and one goes for the unstacked Gobwin. It is absolutely chaos and it is hard to tell what is going on as beaks seem to be coming at you from all directions. In the chaos you somehow only lose a single hit perhaps due to the fact that only the half stack focuses on you while Bob is not so fortunate and takes 2 hits and the Gobwin worse still takes 3 hits.

It is then your warbands turn to retaliate and the Gobwin's smirk due to the fact that being in the trenches allows them to use their tunnel fighting special. Your stack completely obliterates a stack of Wavens filling the air with dust. The lone Gobwin meanwhile seems to bounce off the walls of the trench as he one by one picks apart the Waven stack that attacked him until the entire stack is dusted.

Erfman's Warband

Stack 1
Erfman: 5/6 hits 65/200 juice
Bob (mounted): 3/5 hits
Billie: 9 hits
Woody: 14/22
Jessie: 8/10
The Luggage: 10 hits
Betsy: 7 hits
Gobwin 2: 5 hits
Gobwin 3: 5 hits

Stack 2
Gobwin 1: 2/5 hits

Dark One's Uncroaked

Stack 1
4 x Wavens

Stack 2
8 x Wavens

Round 2

Finding the Wavens to be a very different kind of foe to what you have encountered previously you decide to reorganise your stack formation. "wow.. you Gobwin rock at this! If you wish to unstack you may, otherwise carry on as before!" you call out. "Wounded Gobwin! You've gained your valor this battle, jump in The Luggage!" you then quickly add.

The wounded Gobwin gives a quick nod before charging straight towards The Luggage and dives head first into the chest. The two Gobwins in your stack meanwhile break off and form their own seperate stack. Woody meanwhile responds to a silent command and begins to plod down the stairs in to the trench.

"Blackbirds dusting in the mid of day
Break your booping wings and just decay
All your Unlife,
You were only waiting for your moment of demise." You sing out as you hurl your axe forwards once again. You feel a strange drain on your juice but you can't quite seem to control what the juice is actually supposed to do and it fizzles out (25 juice lost). Your axe meanwhile flies true and as you glance up you spot 4 less Wavens.

Despite their rapidly plummeting numbers the waves do not let up. Woody is able to draw the attention of the largest group and in doing so only sustains a single hit. A half stack meanwhile focuses on you once again the razor sharp beaks find soft flesh and you lose another 2 hits.

The Gobwins however rush to your rescue and in a matter of moments the Wavens that were attacking you are nothing but dust.

With you relatively safe your stack then converges on the final stack of Wavens and make short work of them. Before you can relax however you spot Woody gesticulating in the direction of the hex boundary. Looking up you spot a new stack slowly marching towards you.


Erfman's Warband

Stack 1
Erfman: 3/6 hits 40/200 juice
Bob (mounted): 3/5 hits
Billie: 9 hits
Woody: 13/22
Jessie: 8/10
The Luggage: 10 hits
Betsy: 7 hits

Stack 2
Gobwin 2: 5 hits
Gobwin 3: 5 hits

Stack 3
Gobwin 1: 2/5 hits (in The Luggage)

Dark One's Uncroaked
Uncroaked Piker 1
Uncroaked Piker 2
Uncroaked Piker 3
Uncroaked Piker 4
Uncroaked Archer 1
Uncroaked Archer 2
Uncroaked Archer 3
Uncroaked Archer 4

Round 3
"Spearman and Bow-man uncroaked! Stay in trench to avoid arrows!" Erman screams as he directs Woody to the front.

Woody takes up a defensive position on the stairs while you and Jessie hussle down the trench in order to line up a perfect shot. Once you are happy you unleash the axe once again and it flies out of the trench. This time however before it can reach its target it is intercepted by one of the uncroaked pikers and is swatted out of the way.

The uncroaked meanwhile hold their ground taking up a defensive position, the front rank of Pikers readying their spears and apparently screening for the archers. The archers then pull their bowstrings back and unleash a volley of arrows all aimed at the only easy target. Woody stands strong against the storm of arrows but once it is over he has a couple of arrows sticking out of his wooden frame and has lost 3 more hits.

As far as you can tell the uncroaked seem far from mindless and it is almost as if they are being guided by some unseen hand.

Erfman's Warband

Stack 1
Erfman: 3/6 hits 40/300 juice
Bob (mounted): 3/5 hits
Billie: 9 hits
Woody: 10/22 (screening for all)
Jessie: 8/10 (screening for Erfman)
The Luggage: 10 hits
Betsy: 7 hits

Stack 2
Gobwin 2: 5 hits
Gobwin 3: 5 hits

Stack 3
Gobwin 1: 2/5 hits (in The Luggage)

Dark One's Uncroaked
Uncroaked Piker 1 (screening archer)
Uncroaked Piker 2 screening archer)
Uncroaked Piker 3 screening archer)
Uncroaked Piker 4 screening archer)
Uncroaked Archer 1
Uncroaked Archer 2
Uncroaked Archer 3
Uncroaked Archer 4

Round 4
"Gobwins! Can you dig under them? They are about 10 steps away from here", Erfman says while at the same time realizing that Woody's Combat score would probably make him a more effective axe thrower.

Making your way over to Woody you quickly trade weapons before ducking back down in to the trench to make sure that you are not an easy target. Woody then turns back to face the uncroaked stack and quickly hurls the axe forwards. The axe flies straight towards one of the uncroaked Piker's where it slams in to the shoulder of one of the Pikers dealing 3 hits before it returns to Woody.

While this is going on you begin to channel your juice and focus on stitching Woody back together. There are a number of holes in his wooden frame but once you are done Woody is as good as new. (13 hits healed and 25 juice used)

The uncroaked stack meanwhile continues to hold as the archers release another volley. You quickly jump back as the arrow storm once again rains down on Woody a few of the arrows finding their mark and dealing another 3 hits.

The Gobwins meanwhile begin digging in to the side of the trench and slowly begin to stealthily make their towards the uncroaked, it takes their entire round but by the end of the round they are in position directly under the enemy stack.

Erfman's Warband

Stack 1
Erfman: 3/6 hits 15/300 juice
Bob (mounted): 3/5 hits
Billie: 9 hits
Woody: 19/22 (screening for all)
Jessie: 8/10 (screening for Erfman)
The Luggage: 10 hits
Betsy: 7 hits

Stack 2
Gobwin 2: 5 hits
Gobwin 3: 5 hits

Stack 3
Gobwin 1: 2/5 hits (in The Luggage)

Dark One's Uncroaked
Uncroaked Piker 1 (screening archer) 3 hits dealt
Uncroaked Piker 2 (screening archer)
Uncroaked Piker 3 (screening archer)
Uncroaked Piker 4 (screening archer)
Uncroaked Archer 1
Uncroaked Archer 2
Uncroaked Archer 3
Uncroaked Archer 4

On tunneling in and out of combat

Out of combat tunneling can be made permanent and will cost actions.

In combat any tunnels made will be temporary and will collapse after a certain amount of time

Round 5
"Gogo! Pull as many archer uncroaked into the tunnel and dust them!" Erfman whispers into the tunnel, while at the same time mentally ordering Woody to throw the axe at same piker uncroaked*

Woody once again unleashes the axe and hurls it towards the uncroaked stack though this time the axe strikes a piker squarely in the chest and it is promptly dusted.

The archers retaliate with a volley of their own however as they do so the ground suddenly caves in beneath two of the archers feet. The volley this time is particularly accurate and woody starts to take on the appearance of a porcupine as he sustains a further 6 hits.

The two archers as they fall in to the tunnell are met by the Gobwins axes and are quickly dispatched.

The remaining uncroaked seem to hesitate for a moment before abrubtly breaking stack. The two archers back away from the hole in the ground while the 3 pikers advance on Woody.

Erfman's Warband

Stack 1
Erfman: 3/6 hits 15/300 juice
Bob (mounted): 3/5 hits
Billie: 9 hits
Woody: 13/22 (screening for all)
Jessie: 8/10 (screening for Erfman)
The Luggage: 10 hits
Betsy: 7 hits

Stack 2
Gobwin 2: 5 hits
Gobwin 3: 5 hits

Stack 3
Gobwin 1: 2/5 hits (in The Luggage)

Dark One's Uncroaked
Stack 1
Uncroaked Piker 2 (engaging Woody)
Uncroaked Piker 3 (engaging Woody)
Uncroaked Piker 4 (engaging Woody)

Stack 2
Uncroaked Archer 1
Uncroaked Archer 2

Round 6
"Gobwins! Keep repeating manouver!"
"Everyone else climb out to the middle of the Hex, Golems screening for living, Bob be extra careful! Position yourselves like this! *point*point*"
[Luggage - Woody - Jessie]
[Betsie - Bob/Billie - Erfman]

The remaining two uncroaked archers pull their bow strings back and fire off their arrows straight down the Gobwins hole. One of the Gobwins then yelps in pain and surprise as an arrow slams in to its shoulder dealing 3 hits. The Gobwins quickly retaliate as they cave in the ground beneath the archers feet dropping them in to the hole with them. The two Gobwins converge on one of the archers and the archer is quickly dusted leaving only one more.

Your stack meanwhile begins to fall back and retreat up the stairs and out of the trench with Woody covering your retreat. While Woody is holding the uncroaked pikers back they begin thrusting their spears forward dealing a further 2 hits to Woody as they score glancing blows. Reorganising your stack you form a defensive wall of Golems at the edge of the trench with You, Bob and the two Billy goats safely behind. Fighting back your Golems give as good as they get and deal 3 hits against the central Piker in return.

Erfman's Warband

Stack 1
Erfman: 3/6 hits 15/300 juice
Bob (mounted): 3/5 hits
Billie: 9 hits
Woody: 11/22 (screening for all)
Jessie: 8/10 (screening for Erfman)
The Luggage: 10 hits
Betsy: 7 hits

Stack 2
Gobwin 2: 2/5 hits
Gobwin 3: 5 hits

Stack 3
Gobwin 1: 2/5 hits (in The Luggage)

Dark One's Uncroaked
Stack 1
Uncroaked Piker 2 (engaging Woody) 3 hits taken
Uncroaked Piker 3 (engaging Woody)
Uncroaked Piker 4 (engaging Woody)

Stack 2
Uncroaked Archer 1

The mechanics of screening are rather complicated and are highly dependent on the positioning of units (ie the formation that you are in currently is very good for screening) but as a rule of thumb each unit that you are screening for and each unit you are screening against decreases the chance of being able to successfully screen by 5%.

If a unit successfully screens then the attackers attack must be made against the screeners defence and not the unit it is protecting. If the attack is successful the screener takes damage and if it fails no damage is taken.

Woody does not have any damage reduction but his high defense means that he is not sustaining that many hits.

2019-10-13, 04:27 PM
Round 7

The uncroaked archer fires off a shot at the wounded Gobwin but his brave friend pushes him out of the way taking an arrow to the shoulder in his friends place sustaining a single hit.

You meanwhile reshuffle your stacks swapping out Betsy for the luggage and trading weapons with Woody. As soon as you have the axe in your hand you unleash the weapon and it begins to circle around Woody in a defencive orbit. The lid of The luggage then pops open and the Gobwin springs out like a jack in the box. "Gobwin, come on out, you can go help the others in the tunnel" you command and the Gobwin immediately hops in to the trench and takes off down the Gobwin tunnel. Stacking up the three Gobwins then set upon the lone archer and swiftly dust it with rapid swipes of their axes.

One of the uncroaked Pikers meanwhile gives an almost quizocal look as it almost seems to study the axe spinning around Woody then as one the three pikers thrust forwards with their spears the central Piker managing to get around the spinnng axe and score a single hit. Woody then retaliates and dusts the offending Piker with a solid blow from the craftman's hammer. Jessie meanwhile also scores a glancing blow against another of the Pikers dealing a single hit.

Stack 1
Erfman: 3/6 hits 15/300 juice
Bob (mounted): 3/5 hits
Billie: 9 hits (screening for Bob)
Woody: 10/22 (screening for Billie)
Jessie: 8/10 (screening for Erfman)
The Luggage: 10 hits
Betsy: 7 hits (screening for Gobwin

Stack 2
Gobwin 1: 2/5 hits
Gobwin 2: 2/5 hits
Gobwin 3: 4/5 hits

Dark One's Uncroaked
Stack 1
Uncroaked Piker 3 (engaging Woody) 1 hit taken
Uncroaked Piker 4 (engaging Woody)

Round 8

Badly out numbered the uncroaked seem to have little chance of victory now but they fight on regardless. A spear head once again gets past Woody's defence and he sustains another hit.

With the stack of archers defeated the Gobwins do not have a target so they sprint back down their tunnel where they are greeted by the sight of the uncrokeds backs. The three Gobwins quickly move in to a flanking position and take advantage of the enemies lowered defence and in a coordinated move dusts the nearest piker. Woody, Jessie and Betsy then take full advantage of the situation and they rain down blows upon the final uncroaked and it to is rapidly dusted.

Congratulations you have won the battle! Delicious experience gained!

Stack 1
Erfman: 3/6 hits 15/300 juice
Bob (mounted): 3/5 hits
Billie: 9 hits
Woody: 9/22 (screening for all)
Jessie: 8/10 (screening for Erfman)
The Luggage: 10 hits
Betsy: 7 hits

Stack 2
Gobwin 1: 2/5 hits
Gobwin 2: 2/5 hits
Gobwin 3: 4/5 hits

Dark One's Uncroaked

The Darkside ends Turn!

Turn 12


Erfman the Barbarian
Level 3 Dollamancer (Adept)
Hits: 6 Combat: 6 (2+2+2) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2) Juice: 300/300
Upkeep: 150s
Purse: 600s
Equipped: Craftman's +1 Hammer, Motion Goggles

Level 3 Piker
Hits: 5 Combat: 10 (5+4+1) Defence: 5 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Piker defence
Equipped: Pikers +1 Spear

Reinforced Wood Golem
Hits: 22 Combat: 12 (10+2) Defence: 6 Move: 8
Juice Charge: 10/100
Upkeep: 30 juice
Special: Heavy
Equipped: +1 Animated Gobwin Axe

Wood Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 11 (9+2) Defence: 5 (4+1) Move: 8
Juice Charge: 40/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Equipped: modified Piker armor, +1 Gobwin Axe

The Luggage
Luggage Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 5 Defence: 3 Move: 16
Juice Charge: 35/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Special: Carnyed - Bigger on the inside, Dollamancy - moving parts, Capture

Level 2 Billy Goat
Hits: 9 (7+2) Combat: 8 Defence: 2 Move: 22 (20+2)
Upkeep: 25
Special: Self Sufficient, Mountain Capable, Mount
Equiped: Woolly Saddle, Goat shoes of escape

Level 1 Billy Goat
Hits: 9 Combat: 8 Defence: 2 Move: 20
Upkeep: 25
Special: Self Sufficient, Mountain Capable


Moneymancy scroll of 'Liquidate' x1
Powerball x1
Gem (200s) x2

Fruit x20
Deseeded fruit x 10
Fruit seeds x20
Bucket (filled with milk) x1
Arkenfiend Mushroom x1

Stone x3
Pebbles x1
Wood x5
Wool x3
Metal Ore x4
Branches from a Bush x1

Crude Gobwin axe x1
Stabbers Sword x8
Pikers Spear x4
Archers Bow x4
Shears x1
Pole x1
Gobwin clothes x0


Map explored so far

What do you do?

Remembering that riding a regular mount costs the rider Move, while being transported in The Luggage does not,
*Erman studies how could he make The Luggage Mountain Capable, maybe making its legs longer and similar to the goat's, and make it able to hop from ledge to ledge as he has seen the Goat's move in Mountains*
and estimates that by using a unit of wood you could extend the legs and remodel the joints so that their design is based off the structure of the Billy Goat legs. You estimate this would take 3 actions and 50 juice.

Erman then turns to the Gobwins and exclaims: "Say, wow! You really rocked in this tunnel/trench fighting! What exactly does your Tunnel Fighting special gives?"

"When fighting in tunnels our base combat value is increased by 7" the Gobwin replies.

"Hmm, and another important question. Your mining skills... would they allow you to carve stone shapes or gear, if needed?"

"Our tunnelling ability does not grant us any special bonuses for crafting but we might be able to help you craft simple items..." the Gobwin replies.

Assisted crafting: Additionial units may help a caster with a construction task. For every four actions that the helper uses the caster saves one action. The total amount of actions required may not be decreased less than 50% of its orginal value in this way

*Erfman's jaw drops* "Oh wow!..

What's your stats by-the-way?"

"Ummm I'm not sure I should say... maybe you should ask the chief...

Pondering if he could transport The Luggage between hexes Erfman turns to his companions:
"Woody and Jessie, come here. Try to lift The Luggage and carry it around a bit" You order to which your Golems immediately comply reaching taking one side of The Luggage before lifting it up and carrying it around the hex.

"Hmm, Bob, give me a hand? Let's see if WE can carry it around" you then add and Bob this time helps you to lift The Luggage and carry it around for a while.

"Last test, let's see if The Luggage gets heavier when people climb aboard. Woody, climb aboard will you? Bob, let's try lifting it up again" you finally suggest. Woody climbs inside and you and Bob once again lift the chest though it feels no different than before.

Suddently, Erman does a double-take! And exclaims to the Gobwins:
". . . where are my manners!? I'm sorry we've not been properly introduced, I'm Erfman the Barbarian, Son of Fanon, and this is Bob the Piker. You gained much honor on this past battle, and should be remembered for it. Will you tell me your names?" you say as you turn to the Gobwins while Bob gives a small wave as you introduce him.

"I'm Durp and this is Burp and Lurp" one of the Gobwins replies.

In the meanwhile, pondering if he would ever use the scroll of Liquidate, Erman estimates Jessie would maybe only provide 100 schmuckers or less...

While you decide on the big plans for the turn you set Bob to work on the mundane harvesting duties.

Bob retrieves the shears and sets to work shearing the Goats getting a small amount of wool from both Billie and Betsy.

Bob 1 action used. 2 units of wool gained

Bob then starts going around the bushes and collecting all the fruits from each.

Bob 6 actions used. 9 fruit gained

(Assuming no one objects to WurmD's proposed actions...)

"Hey Gobwins, we're going to meet with Chief, wanna come with?" you offer to which the Gobwins shrug their shoulders though they decide it is probably safest if they go along with you rather than be left on their own to defend Fanon. You all then climb in to The Luggage and set off to the south with your head poking out the top so you can see where you are going. As soon as you enter the Hill hex your goggles alert you to the presence of an enemy unit and you spot a lone Waven hovering above the hex.

What do you do?

You release the bane of all Wavens and once again the poor defenceless unit is quickly dusted.

Waven dusted. Exp gained

Deciding that now would be as good a time as any to upgrade the luggage you all pile out of the chest.

Bob splits off and sets about planting seeds but he is only able to plant 3 before he runs out of actions.

Bob 3 actions used. 3 seeds planted

Jessie meanwhile sets to work with helping you upgrade the luggage by first retrieving some wood from inside the Luggage and then cutting it to size. You meanwhile begin to channel your juice and focus on the more delicate and intricate details such as the joints that will grant the Luggage motion. Between the two of you you make swift work of the upgrade and though at first glance the Luggage does not look any different you know that you have done a good job.

Jessie 4 actions used. Erfman 2 actions and 50 juice used. 1 unit of wood used. The luggage has gained the mountain capable special.

You all pile back in to the Luggage and set off once again this time entering the mountain hex that is home to the Gobwins.

The Luggage 2 move used

As soon as you arrive you immediately realise something is up. All the Gobwins appear wounded and are standing in a defencive stance in a small semicircle facing inwards towards the entrance of the Gobwin caves.

As all climb out, Erfman starts to declaim:

"Hear me Gobwins! We return victorious!! And the Gobwins *gesture to the 3* had as much a hand in this victory as us."
"Where of you? Where you attacked? What befell here?"

"Over there in Fanon there were a full stack of skeleton uncroaked waiting for us. They were swiftly dusted, albeit taking a Gobwin life with them."
(I wonder if the Gobwin saved by our bandages will chime in)
"Later on, in the Dark One's turn we were assaulted by 3 stacks of Uncroaked Wavens, and after that 4 uncroaked pikers and 4 uncroaked archers."
"Your Gobwins were instrumental in the dusting of all of those. They had dug a trench to better defend Fanon and while fighting in the trench they rocked ass!"

"Did your miners find anything for us this past turn?"

"Chief, it occurred to me that you have to cover upkeep every turn. How have you been doing so? From mining?"

"How many Gobwins do we have here? Is this the whole tribe?
I have here with me that many upkeep-sustaining fruits, I can give them to you now, and thus guarantee the upkeep of your entire tribe this following turn, which would allow you to not spend any of the Gems you might find mining this following turn." *motion to the Luggage to approach*

The chief stands in the centre of the semicircle flanked by six injured looking Gobwins he gives you a tired look as you begin to speak.

"Mining was going well, we found a very large gem..." the chief begins slowly "But then we came to a passage that we did not dig... we had come upon the pit of a feral Dwagon Wurm! Before we knew it two Gobwins had become the Wurm's lunch and the rest barely made it out without being croaked. The Wurm then tried to snatch us up but we forced it back underground but we could not croak it." the chief recounts.

"We have but 10 Gobwins left, mining is one way that we pay our upkeep. I will give you gems to the value of 25 schmuckers for each piece of fruit but be warned until the Wurm is croaked any further gems may be hard to come by." the chief explains.

"Huh.. I'm unsure we'd fare better against such a foe at this time.

As a workaround, what about the mines in the NE hex? Would moving the whole tribe there and mining there be viable? At least now you'd be on the lookout for Dwagon Wurm tunnels and retreat at the first breach onto such a tunnel"

*Says Erfman while he mentally orders the Luggage to open wide, and for Jessie and Woody to start bringing the 10 deseeded fruits up.*

"We could try but that may be too close... Once awoken their hunger is rarely sated..." the chief replies in a grim tone.

"Here Chief, Upkeep for all this coming turn." you declare as you retrieve ten pieces of fruit of fruit from the luggage and hand them over.

The Chief accepts the fruit with a curt nod before quickly handing out the fruit to the gathered Gobwins. He then pulls out a few small gems and hands them over.

10 deseeded fruit given away. Gems worth 250 schmuckers received.

"And now watch, this is the secret of farming:" you add as you give a mental order Jessie to deseed a fruit. "First you carefully save the seeds of these fruits".

Jessie 1 action and 1 fruit used. 1 seed and 1 deseeded fruit gained.

You then give a mental order to Jessie to plant a seed. "And then you dig a small hole, and put the seed in it" you explain.

Jessie 1 action and 1 sees used

"A fruit bush should pop some turns from now, already loaded with fruits. And harvested fruits seemingly repop every two turns. There does seem to be a limit to the number of bushes in an Hex, so we should plant them in many hexes." you continue to explain.

"Will you and your tribe come down the mountain with me to Fanon? The Dark One's minions will keep coming, but our combined forces have already proven to be a formidable foe to the uncroaked.
Also, there seems to be ore and gems under Fanon. Do you think two hexes away might be enough away for mining the next turn in relative safety?" you suggest.

The chief takes on a thoughtful look. "It is no longer safe to mine this hex and if we cannot mine we cannot pay upkeep so we must move!" the chief declares. "If there is food to harvest then we shall come to Fannon but know that the chance of finding gems outside of mountain hexes is low and we still may draw the attention of the Wurm..." the chief continues.

Wiz, could Erfman estimate how much apples would Liquidate for? Or say a crate of 50 apples?

The moneymancy is beyond you. You have no idea of how the mechanics of the liquidate spell works...

Remaining actions

Erfman: 8 actions 250 juice
Bob 0 actions
Woody 8 actions
Jessie 2 actions
The Luggage 10 actions
Billie 22 actions
Betsy 20 actions

"Chief, do you have further information about the Dwagon Wurm? Does it have weaknesses or does it like particular things or food? We would like to tame it so it can assist you in mining." You question of the Gobwin chief.

"The Dwagon Wurm is a heavy unit with the tunnelling special. Its scales are as hard as steel and it's teeth as sharp as swords, it has a corrosive breath that melts the very rocks and it feasts on gems!" the Gobwin chief recounted.

"Also, we have dusted many lone Wavens in the past few hexes, do you know more about them?" you add desperate for any information that you can get your hands on.

Bowie gives a noncommittal shrug. "They are small flying units. The Dark One uses them as scouts and spies. Like most of his units the Dark One seems to croak and uncroak them before sending them out to do his bidding..." The Gobwin chief replied.

"Besides this hex and the luggage, there is no other place members of the tribe have been spread out to, correct?"

"We have suffered greatly in recent turns, in this single hex is all that remains of the once great Gobwin tribe!" the chief replies.

After some conversation the Gobwin's agree to come back with you to the Fanon capital site and one by one they begin climbing in to the luggage. Once everyone is inside you set off north returning to the Hill Hex.

The Luggage 2 move used

You order Woody and Jessie out of the Luggage and they continue planting seeds.

Jessie 2 actions used, Woody 1 action used. 3 seeds planted

The two Golems then climb back in to the Luggage and you set off once again. Heading north east you come to the next Hill hex and to no great surprise you spot yet another Waven in the air above the hex.

The Luggage 2 move used

You unleash the animated axe once again quickly dusting the Waven before you order Woody out of the chest once again. You set Woody to work collecting fruit but before he can collect it all he runs out of actions and is forced to return to the luggage.

Woody 7 actions used. 10 fruit gained

You Bob and Billie then climb out of the Luggage and you sit down for a meal each eating a piece of fruit.

3 deseeded fruit consumed. Erfman, Bob and Billie upkeep paid

Now well fed you send Bob and Billie off to scout with orders to meet you back at Fanon while you return to the Luggage.

Back in the Luggage you then head north with your head poking out of the lid.

The Luggage 2 move used

As soon as you enter the farm Hex your goggles alert you to the presence of a single Waven... Your attention however is quickly drawn away as you focus on the stack of 4 skeletal uncroaked charging towards you with swords drawn.


Round 2

Safely protected by a wall of Golems you pluck the axe out of the air and halt it's protective circuit before redirecting and sending it flying in the direction of an uncroaked. Your target however swats the axe away with a backhanded stroke of its blade and the axe flies back to your hand.

The rest of your stack then takes the opportunity to engage with Betsy charging head first in to the ranks of the enemy and slamming in to one of the uncroaked. Woody and Jessie then capitalize on this slamming their weapons into the stunned unit quickly dusting it.

The uncroaked however are far from defeated and immediately retaliate. Two of the uncroaked stabbers swipe at Woody while a third swipes at Jessie. The sturdy Woody deflects the majority of attacks taking only a single hit while Jessie is not quite so lucky and is struck by a solid blow that digs deeply in to her torso stealing away 4 hits.

The Luggage meanwhile remains stationary as the Gobwin chief creeps out accompanied by three of his healthiest gobwins. The Gobwins circle around the hex before disappearing out of sight.

Erfman's Warband

Stack 1

Woody 20/22 hits (screening for Erfman)
Jessie 6/10 hits
The Luggage 10 hits (unloading units)
Betsy 7 hits
Erfman 6 hits 250/300 juice

Bowie's Gobwins

Stack 1

Bowie the Gobwin Chief: 5/15 hits
Gobwin 1: 3/5 hits
Gobwin 2: 3/5 hits
Gobwin 3: 4/5 hits

The Darkone's uncroaked

Stack 1

Uncroaked 2
Uncroaked 3
Uncroaked 4

Stack 2


Round 3

"Take them from below! Archons, hit them from above!" You cry as you hurl your axe forwards swiftly taking out the Waven and converting it in to nothing but dust in the wind.

Your stack meanwhile continues to engage the uncroaked with both Woody and Jessie scoring a single hit.

The uncroaked however fight back each targeting one of the front rank. Woody takes a hit to the arm loosing another 2 hits while Jessie is successful in blocking the attack against her. The unarmoured Billy goat however is not suited to this kind of fight and finds her flank raked by a blade as she loses 4 hits.

The ground then suddenly crumples as one of the uncroaked disappears from sight and the clanging of metal can be heard.

Erfman's Warband

Stack 1

Woody 18/22 hits (screening for Erfman)
Jessie 6/10 hits
The Luggage 10 hits (unloading units)
Betsy 3/7 hits
Erfman 6 hits 250/300 juice

Bowie's Gobwins

Stack 1

Bowie the Gobwin Chief: 5/15 hits (underground)
Gobwin 1: 3/5 hits (underground)
Gobwin 2: 3/5 hits (underground)
Gobwin 3: 4/5 hits (underground)

The Darkone's uncroaked

Stack 1

Uncroaked 2 2 hits taken
Uncroaked 3

Round 4

You once again hurl the axe forwards this time striking the injured uncroaked dealing a single hit though it still remains standing. On your command Betsy then backs away and your two Golems double team the injured uncroaked finally finishing it off.

The last uncroaked stands it's ground and makes another swipe at Woody connecting with the Golem's shoulder chipping off a further two hits. The uncroaked then vanishes as it falls through the ground and you are greeted by the sound of clashing metal once again.

It all falls silent and after a few moments Bowie and his Gobwins climb out of a hole in the ground.

Erfman's Warband

Stack 1

Woody 16/22 hits (screening for Erfman)
Jessie 6/10 hits
The Luggage 10 hits (unloading units)
Betsy 3/7 hits
Erfman 6 hits 250/300 juice

Bowie's Gobwins

Stack 1

Bowie the Gobwin Chief: 5/15 hits (underground)
Gobwin 1: 3/5 hits (underground)
Gobwin 2: 3/5 hits (underground)
Gobwin 3: 4/5 hits (underground)

The Darkone's uncroaked


You have won the battle. Exp gained!

What do you do?

With the battle over you wander around and collect up the fallen swords of the enemy.

4 Stabber swords gained

"Great going Chief! Aw man! My next golem is GOING to have to have Tunnel Fighting! You guys ROCK at it. Plus SEVEN combat? That's AMAZING! What's a Gobwins base stats anyway?"

The chief stares at you for a moment as if sizing you up and considering whether you can be trusted with this information. " 5 hits, 7 combat and 3 defense with both the tunneler and tunnel fighting specials...." the chief finally replies.

"Also, how can we restore your great tribe to glory again? Can more Gobwins be popped onto Erf by more rations or do you need other things?" you question.

"More Gobwins can only be popped with schmuckers... there's a low chance we can pop them in the wild but we mainly rely on being gifted schmuckers by our allies to pop units" the chief explains

You once again all climb in to the Luggage this time heading back home to the Fanon hex.

The Luggage 2 move used

You are not back for long when a badly wounded Bob comes charging back in to the hex.


Erfman 6/6 hits 250 juice 8 actions
Bob 1/5 hits 0 actions
Woody 16/22 hits 0 actions
Jessie 6/10 hits 0 actions
The Luggage 10/10 2 actions
Billie 2/9 hits 2 actions
Betsy 3/7 hits 20 actions

(All Gobwins except Bowie are level 1)

Turn 12 - update


Erfman the Barbarian
Level 3 Dollamancer (Adept)
Hits: 6 Combat: 6 (2+2+2) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2) Juice: 300/300
Upkeep: 150s
Purse: 600s
Equipped: Craftman's +1 Hammer, Motion Goggles
Exp: 184/400

Level 3 Piker
Hits: 5 Combat: 10 (5+4+1) Defence: 5 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Piker defence
Equipped: Pikers +1 Spear
Exp: 34/400

Reinforced Wood Golem
Hits: 22 Combat: 12 (10+2) Defence: 6 Move: 8
Juice Charge: 10/100
Upkeep: 30 juice
Special: Heavy
Equipped: +1 Animated Gobwin Axe

Wood Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 11 (9+2) Defence: 5 (4+1) Move: 8
Juice Charge: 40/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Equipped: modified Piker armor, +1 Gobwin Axe

The Luggage
Luggage Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 5 Defence: 3 Move: 16
Juice Charge: 35/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Special: Carnyed - Bigger on the inside, Dollamancy - moving parts, Capture

Level 2 Billy Goat
Hits: 9 (7+2) Combat: 8 Defence: 2 Move: 22 (20+2)
Upkeep: 25
Special: Self Sufficient, Mountain Capable, Mount
Equiped: Woolly Saddle, Goat shoes of escape
Exp: 34/200

Level 1 Billy Goat
Hits: 7 Combat: 8 Defence: 2 Move: 20
Upkeep: 25
Special: Self Sufficient, Mountain Capable
Exp: 72/100


Moneymancy scroll of 'Liquidate' x1
Powerball x1
Gems (value = 650s)

Fruit x36
Deseeded fruit x 0
Fruit seeds x14
Bucket (filled with milk) x1
Arkenfiend Mushroom x1

Stone x3
Pebbles x1
Wood x4
Wool x5
Metal Ore x4
Branches from a Bush x1

Crude Gobwin axe x1
Stabbers Sword x12
Pikers Spear x4
Archers Bow x4
Shears x1
Pole x1
Gobwin clothes x0



What do you do?

"Bob, good job on getting away safely. What can you tell us about the enemy? Anything special?" You question of Bob once he gives his report of what he found.

"Not much sir I was busy fleeing... but I think the Warlord is the only living unit... he was the one that spotted me and he stacked up with a stack of archers and they opened fire on me.... Bob begins. "Most of the units are units that we have faced before though there was a big heavy unit that I recon has siege and there were two small bandaged units that looked quite strong... perhaps knight class units..." Bob continues. "The other interesting thing that I noticed was actually in the hex before the enemy camp... there was this weird pillar thing that the uncroaked were guarding it seemed to be pulsing with energy..." Bob revealed.

"Chief Bowie. The enemy is literally one hex away. A warlord of the Dark Side, with three uncroaked the likes of which we have not fought before. One Heavy, and two wearing many bandages, perhaps some uncroaked healamancy in them. This is in addition to a stack of archers, a stack of pikers, and two stacks of stabbers... and anything else not scouted that he could pull in in a single turn's move." Erfman pauses, letting those Numbers sink in.

"Chief, there is an army of Uncroaked coming. We need full disclosure. If we can build Fanon now, more of us all will survive this battle. The Dark One wants us both exterminated, so we have to stand together. How many gems and shmuckers do you still have? Can we borrow them to rebuild Fanon, we will pinky swear to repay you two, no threefold so you can restore your tribe! Any other special items? And how many shmuckers are needed to pop a Gobwin?" You then question turning to Bowie the Gobwin chief.

"We have one gem left..." the Gobwin chief replies gravely. "It is worth 300 schmuckers... if we were to give it to you you must pinky swear that you will pay upkeep for every single Gobwin in the tribe... also if you plan to pay us back threefold you will have to pop a minimum of 36 Gobwins once we are allied for it costs 25 schmuckers to pop a Gobwin" The chief continues.

"We pinky swear to feed all Gobwins here in the following turns." Erfman says gravely.

Bowie accepts the pinky swear and hands over his last gem with a grim expression.

300s Gem gained

Retreat action

An attacking force may retreat (leave the hex) during any round of combat however it takes a full round to do so and the opposing force will get a round to attack.

The Goatshoes of retreat allows the wearer to retreat before any attacks are made that round. This action is automatically successful against unled stacks but command units and their stacks have a chance to act before the retreat action


This spell may only be used on items, units or structures that you own or are in possession off.

HA!! TEST IF UNITS CAN CARRY OTHERS across hex boundaries:
- All Aboard
- tie Luggage to Betsie,
- have Betsie drag The Luggage to Farm hex
- Check how many move Betsie spent

As soon as you come to the hex boundary you are stopped as though there is a invisible wall there...

Can we pop any non soldier type units? (IE, Couriers, Sappers, Farmers, or Beast units)

Not at this time

What is currently in the storehouse?

Absolutely nothing

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Compilation of Game Thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255901#p255901)

"Chief Bowie... do any of your gobwins still have actions for this turn?" Erfman asks, knowing those actions would be a wasted resource if not used up before the gobwin turn starts.

"No they were all used for mining..." the chief replies.

"Hmm, Bob can be carried by Billie, even when out of Move.."

".. hmm.. we can carry items when crossing hex boundaries.."

"I wonder what's happening here.. What's the difference between Bob and The Luggage? The Luggage is a Golem? The Luggage is not humanoid?"

":D Let's test! Jessie is a light, humanoid Golem, let's see if she can ride Betsy in her saddle ^_^"

*order Jessie to mount Betsy with Billie's saddle, and for both to go the Farm Hex and back*

Betsy trots out of the Hex with Jessie on her back and a short while later returns.

Betsy 4 move used[/quote]

"Woodie and Jessie, please support The Luggage weight, atop Betsy, so we tie it properly."
*use 1 wool to make rope*
*Evaluate if enough to properly tie Luggage atop saddle*
*if need more, use more wool to continue the initial rope, making it longer*
*tie Luggage, with the lid open*
*after well supported, Betsy lean against a rubble or trench wall, such that we can All Aboard*
*Be carried to The Farm Hex*

Once again as soon as you reach the hex boundary you are greeted by a force like an invisible wall.


Erfman 6/6 hits 250 juice 8 actions
Bob 1/5 hits 0 actions
Woody 16/22 hits 0 actions
Jessie 6/10 hits 0 actions
The Luggage 10/10 2 actions
Billie 2/9 hits 2 actions
Betsy 3/7 hits 16 actions

"Chief, what's your hits at?" You question.

"Five out of fifteen that Dwagon Wurm almost got me... the chief replies.

Concentrating hard you begin to gather juice as you study the items in your inventory one by one and slowly estimate the value of each.

25 juice used. Mass valuation cast!
Congratulations you have cast your first cross class spell!


Moneymancy scroll of 'Liquidate' x1 [50s]
Powerball x1 [0s]
Gems (value = 650s) [650s]

Fruit x36 [5s each]
Deseeded fruit x 0
Fruit seeds x14 [2s each]
Bucket (filled with milk) x1 [10s]
Arkenfiend Mushroom x1 [50s]

Stone x3 [10s each]
Pebbles x1 [1s]
Wood x4 [5s each]
Wool x5 [5s each]
Metal Ore x4 [15s each]
Branches from a Bush x1 [1s]

Crude Gobwin axe x1 [10s]
Stabbers Sword x12 [10s each]
Pikers Spear x4 [5s each]
Archers Bow x4 [5s each]
Shears x1 [10s]
Pole x1[5s]
Gobwin clothes x0

Craftman's +1 Hammer [300s]
Motion Goggles [300s]
Pikers +1 Spear [100s]
+1 Animated Gobwin Axe [300s]
+1 Gobwin Axe [100s]
Woolly Saddle [15s]
Goat shoes of escape [300s]

Promotions that Erfman is aware of

Normal unit -> Knight 100s
Normal unit -> Warlord 600s

Knight -> Warlord 500s

Warlord -> Chief warlord 500s

Any unit -> Heir 1000s

Light unit -> heavy unit 100s

Mount -> Warmount 100s

Pulling out the Moneymancy scroll of liquidation you very careful unfurl it and begin reading over the text. The juice stored in the scroll has a rather unfamiliar feel to it but as you begin the incantation and release the juice from the scroll it seems to have a mind of its own and the juice moves of its own accord. With the spell on the tip of your tongue and the juice at your fingertips you direct it towards items in your inventory. The items shimmer for a brief moment before vanishing out of existence as you feel a sudden surge in your purse.

1 Action and Moneymancy scroll of Liquidate used
The following items are liquidated
Jessie's +1 Gobwin Axe [100s]
Goat shoes of escape [300s]
Pikers Spear x4 [5s each]
Archers Bow x4 [5s each]
Shears x1 [10s]
Pole x1[5s]
Stabbers Sword x8 [10s each]
Bucket (filled with milk) x1 [10s]
Wood x4 [5s each]
Wool x5 [5s each]
Fruit x12 [5s each]
650s gained

"Chief, Bob, we're ready to found the city, and I'm wondering, if the city does not have a tunnel zone, what are the consequences of that? Could the Gobwins still not create tunnels with their actions?" You question

"There is already a tunnel zone in this hex." The Gobwin chief replies. "The Gobwins have been using it even after the fall of Fanon..." he reveals pointing to the hole and the cracks on the floor of the hex.

*Erfman then meditates a little focusing on what he feels the city should be/have*:

- Trenches outside the walls (if only walls it's really easy for siege to walk up to it and break it down)
- Crenelation on Walls and Tower with cover above the head (so there are hiding places besides where we can throw axe where neither direct arrows nor shower-of-arrows can reach)
- Workshop with materials usable in dollamancy
- Special Tower

"Chief, what does the Arkenfiend mushroom do exactly to the mind of a unit?" You question.

"I can't say for certain... I've heard tales of many things. One of my Gobwins ate one once and he ended up attacking his stack mates and we had to croak him in the end... I've heard other stories though of them being used to drug units and make them do as their told... I think you'd really need to ask a caster though to learn more..." Bowie replies.

Erfman walks to the middle of the hex. He holds and liquidates gems with the innate moneymancy of those items... He understands the act better then he did before. "I, Erfman the Dollamancer, Unit of the side Fanon, do refound it here, upon it's capital site." He claps his hand, and wills the claiming of the site. "In this, the city of [name to be decided], we shall thrive again."

"2000s used. The city site has been claimed!"

The entire hex seems to shake and everything around you seems to become somewhat hazy before you lose sight of all the rubble that was littering the hex. The small dirt walls that you had begun to build suddenly shoot up and through some natural dirtamancy seems to harden in to stone as the trenches the gobwins had begun start to snake around the hex. Next buildings suddenly start popping in to existence around you and then walls suddenly erupt out of the ground surrounding you in all directions. Soon the daylight is blocked out and you find yourself standing in a large bare stone room.

Turn 12 - update

Side: Name to be determined

Capital: Name to be determined

Income: 500s / turn
Production: 50
Units available to pop;
Stabber (20) 5/10/4/8
Piker (20) 5/5/5/8 [Piker Defence]
Archer (20) 5/11/3/8 [Archery]
Scout (7) 2/2/2/8 [Scout]
Tower: Level 1, Juice Charge: 0
Dollamantic converter: The tower is able to convert schmuckers to power Golems. Dollamancy Golems may pay upkeep in schmuckers or juice.
Caster Bonus: Spells cast while in the tower are cast at caster level +1
Walls: Level 1
City Zone:Dwellings
Dollamancy Workshop - (Dollamancy crafting time reduced by 10%)
Dungeons: Level 0
Cells: 1 (crude cavern, low security) Capacity 0/2

Treasury: 0s



Erfman the Barbarian
Level 3 Dollamancer (Adept)
Hits: 6 Combat: 6 (2+2+2) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2) Juice: 300/300
Upkeep: 150s
Purse: 0s
Equipped: Craftman's +1 Hammer, Motion Goggles
Exp: 186/400

Level 3 Lancer (Knight)
Hits: 15 Combat: 24 (17+6+1) Defence: 6 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 40s
Special: Piker defence, Lancer, Knight
Equipped: Pikers +1 Spear
Exp: 34/400

Reinforced Wood Golem
Hits: 22 Combat: 12 (10+2) Defence: 6 Move: 8
Juice Charge: 10/100
Upkeep: 30 juice
Special: Heavy
Equipped: +1 Animated Gobwin Axe

Wood Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 9 Defence: 5 (4+1) Move: 8
Juice Charge: 40/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Equipped: modified Piker armor,

The Luggage
Luggage Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 5 Defence: 3 Move: 16
Juice Charge: 35/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Special: Carnyed - Bigger on the inside, Dollamancy - moving parts, Capture

Level 2 War Goat
Hits: 23 (20+3) Combat: 15 Defence: 4 Move: 22 (20+2)
Upkeep: 40
Special: Self Sufficient, Mountain Capable, Heavy, WarMount (1 rider 1 passenger)
Equipped: Woolly Saddle
Exp: 34/200

Level 1 Billy Goat
Hits: 7 Combat: 8 Defence: 2 Move: 20
Upkeep: 25
Special: Self Sufficient, Mountain Capable
Exp: 72/100


Powerball x1

Fruit x24
Deseeded fruit x 0
Fruit seeds x14
Arkenfiend Mushroom x1

Stone x3
Pebbles x1
Wood x0
Wool x0
Metal Ore x4
Branches from a Bush x1

Crude Gobwin axe x1
Stabber Swords x4


What do you do?

Can we benefit from the workshop and tower bennies on a singular project, or will we have to get a dirtamancer to move the workshop into the tower for that later for that, and we have to choose right now?

The tower bonus is more designed as a combat bonus while the workshop is designed as crafting bonus. But you could in theory build a golem shell in the workshop and then have it brought up to the tower to animate it.

What is the schmucker to juice ratio the tower gives us?


Can we pop units with this turn's production?

You can place your orders this turn but they will not pop until the start of your next turn.

Whats the cost for the city to be level 2?

To upgrade to level 2 the base cost will be 4,000s

As your first action as overlord of a side you decide to reward your faithful units. Reaching in to the treasure you set the few schmuckers that you have left aside for unit promotions. "Arise Sir Bob I hereby promote you and your faithful steed to Knight and warmount!" You declare as you feel the treasury drop to zero and see Bob's stats jump up in front of your eyes.

200s spent. Bob promoted to Knight. Billie promoted to warmount

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187256#p187256)
Erfman's ascension to ruler filled him with new knowledge: Units can be mixed in city production, and unit production values roll over.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187264#p187264)
Erfman looks at the top of his tower, and sees that the tip represents part of the tower for the city and is part of what is providing the caster bonus.

He also notes that the obelisk that is being guarded by uncroaked however is not identical to this.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187407#p187407)
Exploring your new city you begin to head down a set of stone stairs that leads to what should be the dungeons and tunnels beneath the city as this is where you believe the portal should be located. As soon as you arrive at this level you notice it is incredibly bare and empty as if this section of the city had been given no thought what so ever during its construction.

The portal room itself doesn't even have a door and you are able to enter the open doorway completely unhindered. In the centre of the bare stone room is a yellow rectangular shaped portal standing on a smooth stone baseplate. Something seems off about the portal however it is incredibly faint and occasionally flickers as though it can barely get the juice to sustain itself.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187418#p187418)
Thinking on how to use the mushroom, Erfman ponders that to make a syringe it will take 2 actions to grind up the shroom in to powder and dissolve it in water. This can be performed by a mundane unit but careful they don't inhale...

A syringe would take a unit of metal to make and would cost 1 action and 25 juice. This would need to be done by Erfman.

On thinking of building a exploding gas granade..
It would take 2 actions for a mundane unit to grind up the shroom.

You could make a pressure can that will burst on impact out of 1 unit of metal. It will cost Erfman 2 actions and 50 juice.

Thinking on the new golem design
You could make it a Garrison unit and it would be confined to protecting the city, and have higher stats

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187429#p187429)

*Erfman ponders given the limit of his abilities what would probably be more survivable, Heavy or not Heavy in terms of total Hits and Defense*

A heavy unit would certainly have more hits than a light unit. Defence could be made to be fairly high on either a light or heavy unit. A heavy would be more likely to survive an encounter.

The downside of being a heavy? You can not enter the tunnel zones of the city. You cannot ride a mount.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187475#p187475)
Erfman looks at Bob, his knight and friend, and Bowie, the almost allied chief. "The golem I'm envisioning... It should be able to rend apart stacks the warlord isn't in. With Bob, Billie, and Woodie, we should be able to muster a stack that can beat back the seige heavy without any loses, Titans willing. Bowie, do you think you and your gobwins could pull their warlord under ground and croak him quickly. Negating his tactical level orders and his leadership bonus as soon as we can might be key to this battle." you question.

"10 Gobwins with tunnel fighting against 1 warlord?" Bowie questions. "If we're able to surprise him AND we are lucky we might be able to croak him in a single round" The Gobwin chief replies with a serious look.

2019-10-13, 04:29 PM
Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187483#p187483)
"Hmm, how many Hits do Warlords usually have? (Bob, Chief?) Do you know?" you question.

"Stat wise warlords are usually similar to a knight just with leadership and command and the odd extra special..." Bob replies.

Erfman nods appraising. "Wonderful. We can guard the hole to keep him from bringing in infantry to stack with him..." He continues to think over the tactics. "I know Heavies can't normally enter tunnels. Would a repeat performance be possible on their siege unit?" you question digging for information.

"Hmmmm a heavy would be a lot more difficult... I'm not even sure we would be able to get it down to the tunnels... would be hard to make a big enough hole in time aswell unless we had something set up in advance..." the chief replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187498#p187498)
"Chief! But we CAN set something up in advance , What if we make the gate easier to reach (by filling in the trench in front of it)? Then we'd KNOW that that Siege would probably gonna come try to knock it down, and we can pre-dig a hole in front of it" you excitedly declare.

"Hmmm that just might work... ofcourse we would need to hide the hole somehow else the enemy would just go around it..." Bowie replies with a thoughtful look.

"Bob... you now have the Knight and Lancer specials. What is it that they do?" You then question as you turn to Bob.

"The Knight special is what improves my stats sir so I guess you can see what it does..." Bob replies. "The Lancer special well if I successfully perform a mounted charge with a lance or a spear any hits that I deal are doubled. Ofcourse I can only use it when I first engage a stack." Bob explains with a big grin on his face.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187514#p187514)
Having re-established Fanon and promoted your units you decide to end turn so that the Gobwins can better help you with preparing your defences for the coming battle.

End of Turn

Gobwins Turn

The Gobwins sigh in relief as their wounds all magically heal and they are once again on full hits. Selecting three Gobwins at random you request that they follow you and you head to your shiny new workshop with The Luggage in tow. Once gathered in the workshop you begin to explain to the Gobwins your designs for a new golem and how you need them to help. The Luggage regurgitates up four pieces of metal ore which the Gobwins scoop up and take over to the workshops small forge and begin to heat and work the metal with the tools in the workshop. You work together like a well oiled machine and after many hours work you finally have the shell of your new golem constructed. At this point you silently summon Woody and Jessie who begin the hard task of carrying the new rather heavy droid up to the tower. Once in the Tower you begin to cast drawing on all your knowledge and skill as an adept Dollamancer as you grant the unit motion.

Erfman 6 actions and 180 juice used. Gobwins 24 actions used. 4 metal ore and 4 stabber swords used.
Heavy Dervish Golem obtained


Heavy Dervish Golem
Hits: 30 Combat: 43 Defence: 6 Move: 0
Juice Charge: 200/300
Upkeep: 100 juice
Special: Garrison, Heavy, Dervish Dance

Dervish dance - The unit may activate a dervish dance that lasts for a single round. During a dervish dance the units defence is increased by +1 and its attack becomes an area of effect dealing damage to all units within range. The unit cannot be in a stack when dervish dance is activated or risk injuring its own units. The following round after a dervish dance is activated the unit is temporarily immobilized and its defence is reduced by -2

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187517#p187517)

Pondering if it would be safe to walk out of the city during the battle Erfman walks to the gates, mentally orders Portcullis to go up, and drawbridge to come down
*Erfman steps at the brim of the gates, standing underneath the portculis*
*Erfman steps back and orders drawbridge to come up as fast as possible, and portculis down!*

Both the drawbridge and portcullis respond to your silent command. Lowering the portcullis or drawbridge is a fairly quick however raising them again is somewhat slower.

"Huh, Bob (Chief?) how does stacking work? How far away can we be, and still be stacked receiving stacking bonus and leadership bonus?" You question.

"We have to remain fairly close sir, no more than a few paces from the next unit in the stack and we all have to engage the same enemy stack unless ranged weapons are being used..." Bob replies.

"Let's test, here, Bob stack with me, now let's walk in separate direction and see when we lose our stacking bonuses" you then suggest. You stack up with Bob and feel the addition of your stack bonus and then you begin to walk away as Bob does likewise. You make about three strides then just as you are about to take your fourth you feel your stack bonus fade away.

Actions remaining

Erfman 1 action 45 juice
Gobwins 56 actions

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187523#p187523)
Pondering if once the drawbridge was down an enemy could keep it down
"Hey Woody, you're our Heavy, hop onto the drawbridge. Now a full stack and me, let's join him. Now let's see if this drawbridge can rise with our weight."

The drawbridge shudders rises a few centimeters and then stops. You can hear the sound of chains and wood groaning under the weight.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187525#p187525)
The main locations being the following.

Outside the city.
On the walls.
Inside the courtyard. (ie where the little building are)
In the Garrison (this is essentially the lower part of the tower).
In/on the tower. (this is essentially the upper part of the tower).
In the dungeon (this is directly under the garrison)
In the tunnels.

If the Garrison is taken you lose the city. The Garrison may be taken in the following ways;

Walls ->Courtyard-> Garrison
Tunnels ->Dungeon->Garrison

Flying units may also choose to land in the courtyard bypassing the walls
There are also trap doors that connect the tunnels to the courtyard.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187537#p187537)

"Chief, you think it would be worth trying to improve some sections of the walls in some way?" you ask the Chief.

"Were not dirtamancers so there's not much we can do without resources.... what did you have in mind?" Bowie asks in return.

"How many actions to attempt to prepare a fall-in trap that is triggered by Heavies? Is this something that you are able to do?" you then ask.

"Digging a pit is not a problem, a single Gobwin could probably dig one big enough in a single turn (8 actions), now if you want to hide that its a pit were going to need some wood to cover over the hole which we could then disguise with dirt. We could put a support beam in strong enough to support light units that would snap if a heavy stands on it. Guess we'd need two to three units of wood for that and it would take another Gobwin his turn (8 actions)." The Chief replies after thinking through the possibilities.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187551#p187551)
"Chief, how have you been detecting where an enemy is to suck them down?
Will you be able to distinguish the Warlord from the other Uncroaked? Do you need him to speak to be able to distinguish him?" you question.

"We usually use the vibrations that a unit makes as they use move to home in on them. It may be difficult to tell the difference between one light unit from another and another doubly so if they are stacked up together..." Bowie replies with a slight frown.


So I wondered when someone would ask about the mechanics of combat and how damage is calculated. For anyone familiar with LTDaves erfworld empires games I am using the same combat mechanics used in those games.

The Core of the Combat System is the Defence value. This number represents the average chance of a unit getting hit. That chance is equal to: 1 / (Defence x 2).
So a unit with a defence of 1.0 will take on average 50% hits. A unit with defence 2.0 has that number drop to 25%, and defence 3.0 to 16.66%. A stack with defence of 6.0 (the highest natural number) will only take an average of about 8% hits.

This means that the most damage a unit can deal in a round is equal to its combat value (plus any modifiers such as stack bonus, leadership bonus, equipment bonus etc) though it is very unlikely for them to be actually roll full damage.

So how does that convert to dice rolls?

The number of dice that I roll is equal to the units combat score, the type of dice that I roll is equal to the defending units defence x2 so if two scouts were fighting. (Hits:2 Combat:2 Defence:2) I would roll 2d4 (2 being the combat value of the attacker and 4 being the defence value of the defender x2). Any dice that rolls a 1 is a hit. (example below)


Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187585#p187585)
"Also, how many attacks can a unit do in a round, or even how many targets can a unit target in a round?" You question as you think further on the mechanics of combat.

"A stack is limited to attacking only one other stack per round unless they have ranged but a stack or even an individual unit can choose to divide their attacks against as many individual units within that stack as they wish though it's usually wiser to just focus on one unit and bring them down as quickly as possible..." Bob replies.

"Julliane, Woody, Jessie, Luggage, let's do some mock combat shall we? Julliane, aim to hit with the flat of your blades, so no damage is inflicted. Woody, Jessie, Luggage, come at her from 3 different angles, but hold your attacks, just defend yourselves. Julliane, now try attacking the 3 of them in sequence, as fast as you can, without activating your Dervish Dance." you instruct.

Your three older Golems step forwards and form a small ring around your new Golem each taking a defensive stance though it is hard to tell with the luggage as it just resembles a chest. Juliane then raises all four of her blades as she begins a flurry of strikes attacking all three of the Golems at once. The Luggage is tapped five times by a blade while Woody and Jessie are only tapped once. The Golems then come to a stop and wait for further instruction.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187619#p187619)
Seeing that they were going to be defending the tunnel zone of the city Chief Bowie set about organising his Gobwins to sure up the defences underground sealing up all the tunnel entrances with dirt walls bar one.

Gobwins 20 actions used

The gobwins then move on to filling in the moat directly in front of the city gate and extending the tunnels so that they pass directly underground at that point making it easier to later dig up under that point.

Gobwins 8 actions used

The remainder of the Gobwins then head off to forage, two Gobwins head south west while one Gobwin heads south east. The one Gobwin in the south east hex collects the last two remaining fruit before heading back to the Fanon Hex. Of the two that headed south west one plucks three seeds from a bush before carefully extracting seeds from two of them and handing them to his companion. The other Gobwin then carefully plants the seeds before they both head back to Fanon.

Gobwins 22 actions used. Gobwins 3 fruit and 2 deseeded fruit gained. 2 seeds planted

The Gobwins have 6 actions remaining, and are about to end turn.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187627#p187627)

"Chief, I now have a ruler sense that can pinpoint the location of all my units, and can send mental orders to them even when out-of-sight.
Do you also have such a sense for your gobwins? And can you send orders as well?
If you do, do you think it would be better for you to stay on top of the Walls with me at first, so you can correct the gobwin's position underground to improve the chances of sucking-in the Warlord on the first try?" You question.

The Chief nods as you speak. "I can roughly sense where the Gobwins are and issue them orders without speaking. While I could possibly direct them from up here we would likely make a much more powerful stack if I was with them..." the chief replies.

Erfman then notes that the bushes were depopped as the city rose from the ground..

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187666#p187666)

Odd questions: Can we pop garrison units for lower production or upkeep?

How many actions do garrison units (like Julienne) have per turn?

Hmmm I suppose you should be able to... I will let you pop a Garrison for a 5 less than a normal unit. i.e if it costs 20 to pop a standard Stabber it will cost 15 to pop a Garrison Stabber.

In theory as a Garrison unit has 0 move it has 0 actions but I will be generous and say a Garrison unit has 2 actions that can only be used on non movement related tasks.

The Gobwins end turn!

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187670#p187670)
The Darkside's Turn!

With the beginning of the Dark One's turn the tension begins to rise as you expect to be attacked at any moment. You organise your forces sending all the Gobwins to the underground tunnels, hiding The Luggage in the Garrison, stationing Bob, Billie and Betsy in the courtyard while you, Woody, Jessie and Julianne take to the walls.

You do not have to wait long until you sense enemy units entering the airspace. Looking up you at first see nothing but your motion goggles eventually help you to pick out four little black specks in the sky. Wavens seem to be entering the hex from multiple directions, one from the north, one from the east, one from the south and one from the west. The Wavens spread out staying seperate from each other sticking to single stacks as they just hover over the hex.



Darkside stack 1

Waven 1

Darkside stack 2

Waven 2

Darkside stack 3

Waven 3

Darkside stack 4

Waven 4


Stack 1

The Luggage 10/10


Stack 2

Bob 11/15
Billie 16/23
Betsy 3/7


Stack 3

Erfman 6/6 45 juice
Woody 16/22
Jessie 6/10
Julianne 30/30


Gobwin stack 1

Chief Bowie 15/15
Gobwin 1 5/5
Gobwin 2 5/5
Gobwin 3 5/5
Gobwin 4 5/5
Gobwin 5 5/5
Gobwin 6 5/5
Gobwin 7 5/5

Gobwin stack 2

Gobwin 8 5/5
Gobwin 9 5/5

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187675#p187675)

Round 1

At your command Julianne unleashes the axe and sends it flying up in to the air where it homes in on one of the single Waven stacks where it dusts the tiny flying unit with the greatest of ease before it drops back down and heads back towards Julianne.

While this is happening ground units begin to cross the hex boundary. The easiest to be seen is a large lumbering heavy unit carrying a massive club however flanking this unit on both sides are a number of uncroaked carrying large planks of wood. As the heavy lumbers forwards a second stack follows closely behind. This stack is a stack of uncroaked archers clad in black.



Darkside stack 2

Waven 2

Darkside stack 3

Waven 3

Darkside stack 4

Waven 4


Stack 1

The Luggage 10/10


Stack 2

Bob 11/15
Billie 16/23
Betsy 3/7


Stack 3

Erfman 6/6 45 juice
Woody 16/22
Jessie 6/10
Julianne 30/30

Outside walls

Darkside stack 5

Uncroaked Ogwe
Uncroaked piker 1
Uncroaked piker 2
Uncroaked piker 3
Uncroaked piker 4
Uncroaked piker 5
Uncroaked piker 6
Uncroaked piker 7
Uncroaked piker 8

Darkside stack 6

Uncroaked archer 1
Uncroaked archer 2
Uncroaked archer 3
Uncroaked archer 4
Uncroaked archer 5
Uncroaked archer 6
Uncroaked archer 7
Uncroaked archer 8


Gobwin stack 1

Chief Bowie 15/15
Gobwin 1 5/5
Gobwin 2 5/5
Gobwin 3 5/5
Gobwin 4 5/5
Gobwin 5 5/5
Gobwin 6 5/5
Gobwin 7 5/5

Gobwin stack 2

Gobwin 8 5/5
Gobwin 9 5/5

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187691#p187691)

Round 2

"Bob! They are coming for the north Wall! Run to the tunnel mouth and yell for a gobwin to come up, and then come right back (don't worry if they don't listen)" You cry as you are being attacked from a direction you had not planned for. Bob gallops off and then let's out a yelp of surprise as you and Jessie seemingly seem to start throwing stones at him. Thinking you don't think he's going fast enough Bob (feels rather downcast and) tries his best to speed up.

Woody meanwhile is having much better luck and the piece of stone that he managed to wiggle free from the wall actually hits a Waven and it goes up in a cloud of dust.

"Woody, Jessie, move down now, and hold the line when the Wall is breached" you then order and the two Golems obediently begin their climb back down to the ground. You meanwhile follow after Julianne as she skirts around the top of the wall in order to get close enough to throw the axe at the invaders. Once close enough she hurls the axe at the Ogwe and despite one of the uncroaked pikers attempting to block the attack the axe slams in to the top of the Ogwe's head dealing 8 hits. The Ogwe however barely seems to notice and continues to lumber forwards as the axe wiggles it's way free and flys back to Julianne's hand.

The uncroaked archers meanwhile halt in their approach, pull their bowstrings back and release a volley of arrows. While the majority of the arrows merely bounce of the city walls a number find their mark striking the screening Juliane chipping away 9 hits.

The uncroaked pikers meanwhile throw down the large wooden planks that they had been carrying bridging the trench infront of the city walls. The Ogew then lumbers over the improvised bridge and with an almighty swing slams it's club into the city walls causing the entire walls to shake and debris to be thrown up from the point that the wall was struck. While cracks begin to snake their way out from the impact point the wall still holds strong.

Back in the city a Gobwin by now has answered Bob's call and dashes over joining the units in the courtyard.

There is suddenly a loud boom as the ground shakes and a cloud of dirt rises up from the trapdoor leading to the tunnels.

Back underground the Gobwins ready themselves as approaching forms can be made out approaching through the dust cloud.



Darkside stack 3

Waven 3

Darkside stack 4

Waven 4


Stack 1

The Luggage 10/10


Stack 2

Bob 11/15
Billie 16/23
Betsy 3/7
Woody 16/22
Jessie 6/10
Gobwin 9 5/5


Stack 3

Erfman 6/6 45 juice
Julianne 21/30

Outside walls

Darkside stack 5

Uncroaked Ogwe 8 hits taken
Uncroaked piker 1
Uncroaked piker 2
Uncroaked piker 3
Uncroaked piker 4
Uncroaked piker 5
Uncroaked piker 6
Uncroaked piker 7
Uncroaked piker 8

Darkside stack 6

Uncroaked archer 1
Uncroaked archer 2
Uncroaked archer 3
Uncroaked archer 4
Uncroaked archer 5
Uncroaked archer 6
Uncroaked archer 7
Uncroaked archer 8


Gobwin stack 1

Chief Bowie 15/15
Gobwin 1 5/5
Gobwin 2 5/5
Gobwin 3 5/5
Gobwin 4 5/5
Gobwin 5 5/5
Gobwin 6 5/5
Gobwin 7 5/5

Gobwin stack 2

Gobwin 8 5/5

Darkside stack 7

Mummy 1
Mummy 2
Uncroaked Stabber 1
Uncroaked Stabber 2
Uncroaked Stabber 3
Uncroaked Stabber 4
Uncroaked Stabber 5

Darkside stack 8

Uncroaked Stabber 6
Uncroaked Stabber 7
Uncroaked Stabber 8

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187732#p187732)

wai.. wa wat? They just BLAST BAM, and are in the tunnel-zone?

The enemy in the tunnels are currently at the entrance to the tunnels having blown down a mud wall that the Gobwins constructed.

I think there was some dirtamancy...

Are mummies uncroaked that can cast!?

The explosion that you heard actually makes Erfman more think Shockamancy than dirtamancy.

Wiz, can we get the impact of being on the walls defense-wise and attack-wise for the units? The same for being in the courtyard, specifically near the wall where the ogre attacks, but to the sides.
Also, how long does the wall have in rounds? Given this tempo?

If your on the walls and doing nothing but trying to hide behind cover then you are pretty much safe. If your trying to attack then you are at +2 defence.

If your in the courtyard but pressed firmly against the walls you are pretty much safe from archer fire. If your standing in the open again you are at +2 defence.

You reckon the walls will survive atleast another couple of good hits.

Wiz, can the Gobwins create a cave-in in the tunnels? That could block the underground assault force. They'd have to retreat the hex to get back into the fight or dig themselves out which would probably cost a few combat rounds.

They may indeed attempt to do so

Wiz, when Bob Double Damage attacks, Billie will also get her attack in?

Billie would still get to make her normal attack.

.. if mechanics allow (Wiz?) then sure
but I don't see how Woody can go help Bob, isn't Billie faster than Woody?

I will allow the mounts on account of their speed to reach the archers in a single round. Woody and Jessie would take 2.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187747#p187747)

Round 3

You duck behind the cover provided by the wall as you start giving out orders both silent and vocal. In response to your silent command the portcullus rises up and the drawbridge drops down. "Bob Billie! Waste those archers! Betsy help them. Avoid the pikers! Woody help him, screen for him and engage archers" you call out "Julliane, hit the Ogwe in the head again" you quickly add.

Julliane once again hurls the axe forwards in response to your orders and the axe once again slams in to the Ogwe's head with a sickening thwack as the Ogwe loses another 8 hits. Before Julliane can duck back down to safety however the archers release another volley of arrows and Julliane has another 7 hits picked off.

Bob meanwhile has charged out of the gates mounted on Billie and accompanied by Betsy and circled round the city walls. The three stack then lead a brave charge as they slam straight in to the archer stack dusting three of the uncroaked archers before they were finally brought to a stop. Woody and Jessie who were following behind in a two stack make it half way round the city limits.

The Ogew with two large chunks cut out of it's head continues it's assault upon the walls and brings it's massive club down upon the wall once again making the wall shudder as the cracks spread further and a large crater is formed upon the top of the wall. The Piker's meanwhile upon seeing units approaching raise up their spears and take a defensive stance.

Back underground upon seeing the force that they are faced with Bowie decides to make a tactical retreat. Selecting two brave Gobwins he sends them to break stack and engage the approaching warlord while the rest of them retreat.The two Gobwins charge forwards with battle cry and swing their axes at the warlord but before thier blows can land they are intercepted by an uncroaked and they end up croaking the stabber instead. The Warlord and the Mummys then descend upon the two brave Gobwins cutting them to shreds.

The two Gobwins sacrifice however gave Bowie and the rest of the Gobwin time to back away and hack at the side of the tunnel bringing it down in a shower of mud and dirt blocking the tunnel.

Seeing the amount of damage that your Golem has taken you begin to channel and focus your juice towards Julianne as you work out all the chips and dents from her frame repairing 9 hits. (25 juice used)


Darkside stack 3

Waven 3

Darkside stack 4

Waven 4


Stack 1

The Luggage 10/10


Gobwin Stack 2

Gobwin 9 5/5


Stack 3

Erfman 6/6 20 juice
Julianne 23/30

Outside walls

Stack 2

Bob 11/15
Billie 16/23
Betsy 3/7

Stack 4

Woody 16/22
Jessie 6/10

Darkside stack 5

Uncroaked Ogwe 16 hits taken
Uncroaked piker 1
Uncroaked piker 2
Uncroaked piker 3
Uncroaked piker 4
Uncroaked piker 5
Uncroaked piker 6
Uncroaked piker 7
Uncroaked piker 8

Darkside stack 6

Uncroaked archer 1
Uncroaked archer 2
Uncroaked archer 3
Uncroaked archer 4
Uncroaked archer 5 1 hit taken


Gobwin stack 1

Chief Bowie 15/15
Gobwin 1 5/5
Gobwin 2 5/5
Gobwin 3 5/5
Gobwin 4 5/5
Gobwin 5 5/5
Gobwin 6 5/5

Darkside stack 7

Mummy 1
Mummy 2
Uncroaked Stabber 1
Uncroaked Stabber 2
Uncroaked Stabber 3
Uncroaked Stabber 4

Darkside stack 8

Uncroaked Stabber 6
Uncroaked Stabber 7
Uncroaked Stabber 8

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=187984#p187984)

Round 4

The enemy archer stack is in complete disarray having been charged by your 'cavalry', they turn their attention away from the walls and begin to fire on their attackers. While the shots are hasty and wild some arrows find their mark. Bob ends up with an arrow in his thigh and loses 2 hits while one strafes down Billie's flank inflicting a single hit. Betsy meanwhile is a lot less fortunate and she is struck right between the eyes and is dropped down croaked.

His momentum lost Bob fights on regardless and the nearest archer finds Bob's spear piercing its skull and it is quickly dusted. Billie then rams in to the next closest archer dealing 2 hits which Bob follows up with a glancing blow that deals a further hit.

With Bob wrecking the archer stack and reinforcements on their way the pikers break stack. A 4 stack heads towards Bob while the other 4 stack heads off to intercept the approaching Golems.

Bob soon finds four spears coming at him from behind and he has barely enough time to dodge and he takes a glancing blow losing 1 hit. Billie at the same time is struck and loses 3 hits of her own.

The half stack of pikers that intercepted the Golem's meanwhile lash out landing blows on both Woody and Jessie dealing 2 and 1 respectively. The two Golems fight back though they are unable to land a single hit.

The Ogwe now left on its own hefts it's massive club once again slamming it in to the wall for the third time. The wall shudders as large chunks of stone begin to fall free and the wall itself now seems completely covered in cracks. One more strike would likely be enough to cause this section of the wall to collapse.

With the wall still standing, and after toying with the idea of asking Julienne to jump, Juliane holds her ground and hurls the axe at the Ogwe. The axe slams in to the heavy's shoulder briefly causing it to stumble back as it is dealt a further 8 hits.

"Gobwin join your chief!" you call as you pickup on of the many pieces of rubble from the wall. Hurling it towards one of the Waven's you do not even come close. The bird gives you a look before swooping down and flying in to the tower while the second Waven remains high in the sky flying over the hex.

The Gobwin meanwhile dashed back to the trapdoor and bolts back under ground rejoining the Gobwin stack. The sound of grunting and digging can be heard as the enemy stack attempts to force their way through the collapsed tunnel. In preparation for a fight Bowie meanwhile splits his stacks and set the Gobwins to work digging in to the side of the tunnel to set up ambush points so that once the uncroaked get through they will find themselves flanked by Gobwins.


Darkside stack 3



Darkside stack 4

Waven 4


Stack 1 - hiding

The Luggage 10/10



Walls - badly damaged

Stack 3

Erfman 6/6 20 juice
Julianne 23/30

Outside walls

Stack 2 - Engaging DS 1+6

Bob 8/15
Billie 12/23

Stack 4 - Engaging DS 2

Woody 14/22
Jessie 5/10

Darkside stack 5 - attacking walls

Uncroaked Ogwe 24 hits taken

Darkside stack 1 - engaging stack 2

Uncroaked piker 1
Uncroaked piker 2
Uncroaked piker 3
Uncroaked piker 4

Darkside stack 2 - engaging stack 4

Uncroaked piker 5
Uncroaked piker 6
Uncroaked piker 7
Uncroaked piker 8

Darkside stack 6 - engaging stack 2

Uncroaked archer 1
Uncroaked archer 2
Uncroaked archer 3
Uncroaked archer 5 4 hits taken


Gobwin stack 1 - Digging in and setting up ambush points.

Chief Bowie 15/15
Gobwin 1 5/5
Gobwin 2 5/5
Gobwin 3 5/5
Gobwin 4 5/5
Gobwin 5 5/5

Gobwin stack 2 - Digging in and setting up ambush points.

Gobwin 6 5/5
Gobwin 9 5/5

Darkside stack 7 - digging for freedom

Mummy 1
Mummy 2
Uncroaked Stabber 1
Uncroaked Stabber 2
Uncroaked Stabber 3
Uncroaked Stabber 4
Uncroaked Stabber 6

Darkside stack 8 - digging for freedom

Uncroaked Stabber 7
Uncroaked Stabber 8

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=188036#p188036)

Round 5

With an almost desperate need to bring the Ogwe down quickly Julianne once again hurls the axe fourth this time burying it in the massive units shoulder dealing 8 hits yet again but still the bulky unit does not drop. Feeling slightly desperate you silently order Bob to disengage from his current fight and charge the Ogwe down. As Bob gallops off the archers open fire once again and Bob and Billie find themselves pelted from behind losing another 2 and 4 hits respectively. Bob does not let the pain distract him and he lets out a cry of "For Fanon!" as he charges. Billie's head then slams in to the back of the Ogwe's leg dealing a respectable 4 hits while at the same time Bob's trusty spear pierces the Ogew's chest. The heavy wobbles for a second before toppling to one side and falling in to the trench with an almighty crash as he is dusted.

The pikers that Bob disengaged from meanwhile stack up with the archers and take a defencive stance infront of them. The other half stack meanwhile attempt to block Woody's and Jessie's path. The pair of Golems however force their way through dealing 3 hits to an uncroaked in the process though Woody also loses a hit in return. The two Golem's then stack up with Bob and his mount.

Back underground meanwhile the enemy warlords stack had just managed to scramble and force their way through the blocked tunnel though as they emerge they suddenly find themselves pressed between two stack of Gobwins. The Gobwins recklessly hurl themselves at the uncroaked aiming for the warlord though every strike is seemingly intercepted by an uncroaked minion. The Gobwins do succeed however in dusting 4 of the uncroaked and damaging a fifth. ( 2 hits dealt)

Regaining control of his stack the enemy warlord restacks with his remaining forces and goes on the offensive. In a flurry of blades 3 Gobwins are swiftly croaked with a fourth left close to croaking. (4 hits dealt)


Darkside stack 3




Stack 1 - hiding

The Luggage 10/10

Darkside stack 4

Waven 4



Walls - badly damaged

Stack 3

Erfman 6/6 20 juice
Julianne 23/30

Outside walls

Stack 2

Bob 6/15
Billie 8/23
Woody 11/22
Jessie 5/10

Darkside stack 1

Uncroaked piker 1
Uncroaked piker 2
Uncroaked piker 3
Uncroaked piker 4
Uncroaked archer 1
Uncroaked archer 2
Uncroaked archer 3
Uncroaked archer 5 - 4 hits taken

Darkside stack 2

Uncroaked piker 5
Uncroaked piker 6
Uncroaked piker 7
Uncroaked piker 8 - 3 hits taken


Gobwin stack 1

Chief Bowie 15/15
Gobwin 1 5/5
Gobwin 2 1/5

Gobwin stack 2

Gobwin 6 5/5
Gobwin 9 5/5

Darkside stack 7 - flanked

Mummy 1
Mummy 2
Uncroaked Stabber 1 2 hits taken
Uncroaked Stabber 7
Uncroaked Stabber 8

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=188164#p188164)

With that tunnel collapse and blast digging, is there an opening in the court yard near where the conflict is going on?

No the tunnel has only been partially collapsed it does not come all the way to the surface.

Can we dispose of the corpses so they don't get uncroaked?

Only if you want to spend actions physically destroying them.

How far from the gate (in turns running for billie or erfman)is the nearest tunnel entrance?

There are trapdoors in the courtyard that lead to the tunnels Erfman could enter them in a single round. It would take Billie a turn to get in to the courtyard and next turn Bob would be able to enter. (Not Billie though as she is a heavy)

Alternatively there are tunnel entrances at the hex boundary Bob could get to one of these this round.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=188266#p188266)

New map for the tunnels


Red X is Warlords stack G is Gobwins, Squares in the tunnels lead to the trap doors in the courtyard. Circles in the Dungeon are staircases to the Garrison

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=188271#p188271)

Round 6

With the Ogwe now taken out of the equation you turn your attention to the next biggest threat and given that you have walls protecting you you decide that that is the archers who can fire over the walls so you order Julianne to focus on them next.From her perch upon the damaged walls Julianne hurls her axe straight towards the archers, unfortunately for your plans there is a row of screening pikers and the axe strikes one of them instead and it is a piker that you end up dusting not an archer. Finding themselves under attack the archers retaliate and fire a volley of arrows back towards Julianne. The damaged wall provides less protection than it once did and Julianne ends up losing 3 hits as an arrow bounces off her frame.

You meanwhile pick up a stone and hurl it at the Waven hovering over the hex but once again you badly miss your target. You and Julianne then fall back and climb back down to the courtyard making your way over to the city gates.

Bob and his stack meanwhile enact a fighting retreat and manage to dust two of the pursuing pikers as they retreat. A piker however lands a lucky blow against Woody and deals 3 hits. The four stack make it halfway back to the city gates though they are pursued by the remaining two Pikers.

Back underground Bowie is performing his own fighting retreat as the two Gobwin stacks attempt to split off in separate directions. As they do they manage to dust two more of the uncroaked stabbers but once again the Warlord and his mummies launch a devastating counter attack croaking two more Gobwins. Bowie however is able to get away and reach one of the open stone archways that leads to the dungeons.


Darkside stack 3




Stack 1 - hiding

The Luggage 10/10

Darkside stack 4

Waven 4


Stack 3

Erfman 6/6 20 juice
Julianne 20/30

Walls - badly damaged


Outside walls

Stack 2

Bob 6/15
Billie 8/23
Woody 8/22
Jessie 5/10

Darkside stack 1

Uncroaked piker 1
Uncroaked piker 2
Uncroaked piker 3
Uncroaked archer 1
Uncroaked archer 2
Uncroaked archer 3
Uncroaked archer 5 - 4 hits taken

Darkside stack 2

Uncroaked piker 5
Uncroaked piker 6 1 hit taken


Gobwin stack 1

Chief Bowie 15/15
Gobwin 1 5/5
Gobwin 2 1/5

Darkside stack 7

Mummy 1
Mummy 2
Uncroaked Stabber 1 - 4 hits taken

Maps of where units are
Red cross = enemy stack
B = Bob's stack
E = Erfmans's stack
Redcross = warlords stack
G = Bowie's stack

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=188299#p188299)

Round 7

You give a silent order for everyone to gather in the dungeons before purposefully striding towards the Garrison with Julienne in tow . At your presence the doors swing open and you step inside. You find yourself in a large stone entranceway with a stone staircase heading up, two doors upon the north wall and a door to both your left and right that you know will lead you to stairs down to the dungeons. You also spot something else...one of the Wavens perched upon the bannister calmly watching you. As you approach the Waven gives you one last look before taking flight and flying out of reach.

Choosing one of the side doors you quickly hurry down the stairs ending up in the dimly lit rough dungeons. "Chief! We're here! Stack up!" you cry and Bowie and a pair of Gobwins enter from the tunnels and join your stack.

Back above ground the pair of Uncroaked Pikers pursuing Bob and his stack give up the chase and turn back to rejoin the other uncroaked.

Putting on a bit of speed Bob breaks stack and races ahead charging through the gates of Fanon and straight in to the garrison. He then charges down the same set of stairs that you used, enters the dungeon and joins your stack.

Woody and Jessie meanwhile plod along eventually making it back through the gates and as they do so the portcullis slams shut behind them.

The Warlord in the tunnel meanwhile pulls back and begins heading down the tunnel back the way he came.


Darkside stack 3





Stack 1 - hiding

The Luggage 10/10

Darkside stack 4

Waven 4


Stack 2

Woody 8/22
Jessie 5/10

Walls - badly damaged


Outside walls

Darkside stack 1

Uncroaked piker 1
Uncroaked piker 2
Uncroaked piker 3
Uncroaked archer 1
Uncroaked archer 2
Uncroaked archer 3
Uncroaked archer 5 - 4 hits taken

Darkside stack 2

Uncroaked piker 5
Uncroaked piker 6 1 hit taken


Stack 3

Erfman 6/6 20 juice
Julienne 20/30
Bob 6/15
Billie 8/23
Chief Bowie 15/15
Gobwin 1 5/5
Gobwin 2 1/5


Darkside stack 7

Mummy 1
Mummy 2
Uncroaked Stabber 1 - 4 hits taken

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=188485#p188485)

"Chief Bowie, you've seen those new bandaged uncroaked fight, what can they do?" Erfman asked, as the group ascends the stairs.

"They're a lot stronger than your average uncroaked but they've not really done anything special..." Bowie replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=188507#p188507)
Round 8

With the enemy warlord seemingly heading out of the tunnel you decide to head outside and head him off. Your group marches back up the stairs and as soon as you reach the Garrison you once again spot a Waven watching you from a dark corner of the room. With some annoyance you mentally command Julienne to deal with it and the many limbed Golem quickly hurls the axe which flies straight at the Waven instantly dusting it. Your group then heads back outside to the courtyard where they meet up with Woody and Jessie. As one big stack you then march out of the city and begin to head towards the enemy. As you do the last remaining Waven flies over head and seems to keep a careful eye on you.

The uncroaked meanwhile seem to be reorganising themselves as if they are preparing for something.


Darkside stack 3





Stack 1 - hiding

The Luggage 10/10



Walls - badly damaged


Outside walls

Stack 3 - halfway to enemy

Erfman 6/6 20 juice
Julienne 20/30
Bob 6/15
Billie 8/23
Chief Bowie 15/15
Gobwin 1 5/5
Gobwin 2 1/5
Woody 8/22 - screening
Jessie 5/10 - screening

Darkside stack 1

Uncroaked piker 1
Uncroaked piker 2
Uncroaked piker 3
Uncroaked piker 5
Uncroaked archer 1
Uncroaked archer 2
Uncroaked archer 3
Uncroaked archer 5 - 4 hits taken

Darkside stack 2

Uncroaked piker 6 1 hit taken




Darkside stack 7

Mummy 1
Mummy 2
Uncroaked Stabber 1 - 4 hits taken

2019-10-13, 04:31 PM
Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Compilation of Game Thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255902#p255902)

Round 9

As your large stack moves forward Woody takes the axe off of Julienne so that she can draw her four blades. At your signal Woody then hurls the axe skywards dusting the final Waven before the axe returns to his hand. Woody then moves to the front of the group along with Jessie so that they can screen as they approach the enemy stack.

As soon as you round the corner and the uncroaked are in sight they release a volley of arrows straight towards you. You recoil in surprise instinctively closing your eyes but when you open them you realise that you were not their target as Woody is now full of arrows. (8 hits lost) the Golem seems to freeze before suddenly falling flat to the ground and staying perfectly still.

You begin to wonder if confronting the enemy outside the safety of the walls was such a good idea but Julienne rushes forwards in accordance with your orders and you are now committed to the assault. As Julliene charges a sudden urge to sing takes over you.


Ah Julienne can dance if she want to, she will leave her friends behind
Cause her friends don't dance and if they don't dance
Well they're are not safe around her at this time
I say, we can stay where we want to, A place where they will never bind
And we can act like the Dark One lives in our loo
Leave the real one far behind,
And we can dance

Ah Julienne can dance if she want to, she will leave her friends behind
Cause her friends don't dance and if they don't dance
Well they're are not safe around her at this time
I say, we can stay where we want to, A place where they will never bind
And we can act like the Dark One lives in our loo
Leave the real one far behind,
And we can dance


Ah we can stay when we want to the knight is young and so am I
And we can dress real neat from our hats to our feet
And surprise 'em with the victory cry

I Say we can act if want to if we don't nobody will
And you can act real rude and totally removed
And I can act like a better King
I say she can dance, she can dance everything out control
She can dance, She can dance She is doing it wall to wall
She can dance, She can dance and remove your hands
She can dance, She can dance everybody takin' the chance
Dervish dance
Oh well the Dervish dance
Ah yes the Dervish dance


She can dance if sge want to, we've got all your life and mine
As long as we abuse it, never gonna lose it
Everything'll work out right
I say, she can dance if she want to she will leave her friends behind
Cause her friends don't dance and if they don't dance
Well they're are not safe around her at this time

I say she can dance, she can dance everything out control
She can dance, she can dance she is doing it wall to wall
She can dance, She can dance and remove your hands
She can dance, She can dance everybody takin' the chance

Oh Well the dervish dance
Ah yes the dervish dance
Oh well the dervish dance
Oh well the dervish dance
Oh yes the dervish dance
Oh the dervish dance yeah
Oh it's the dervish dance

It's the dervish dance
Well it's the dervish dance
Oh it's the dervish dance
Oh it's the dervish dance
Oh it's the dervish dance
Oh it's the dervish dance"

While the song is rough and a bit flat in places due to your inexperience you suddenly begin to feel your words drawing power and your juice begins to dwindle. Julienne meanwhile seems to speed up as she closes the gap with the enemy. The pikers however were ready for her and as soon as she is in range they thrust their spears forwards moving as one. With her four blades Julienne was able to redirect the spears but still took 5 hits as their points scraped her frame. Julienne then seemed to speed up as she threw the spears off and ducking under the pikers defenses she rapidly began to slash at the enemy as she spun around and began moving in time with your words. With a spin and a slash an uncroaked's arm was removed from it's body and then another and then a head. Not a single piker escaped the storm of blades and 3 were left as nothing but dust while the fourth was left with a large slash across its torso (2 hits taken). With the piker's defensive line well and truly broken Julienne then ploughed in to the archers. They didn't stand a chance and in moments they were reduced to nothing by the rhythmic blur of blades.

You meanwhile were beginning to feel drained as the rhymomancy tried to draw more juice from you then you had available. (20 juice used) You are confident that if you had more juice your improvised rhymomancy would have had more of an effect.

Once Julliene came to a stop there was only one piker left in the stack that she had engaged and a second who had stood a short distance away separate from the rest. Seeing this Bob broke stack and charged down the second piker. The Piker seemed to be expecting this and raised his spear dealing Bob 1 hit though the combined efforts of Bob and Billie dusted him in return.

Your stack then moves in on the lone survivor of Julienne's assault and between Jessie, Bowie and the Gobwins the uncroaked is quickly dusted.






Stack 1 - hiding

The Luggage 10/10

Darkside stack 7 - searching

Mummy 1
Mummy 2
Uncroaked Stabber 1 - 4 hits taken



Walls - badly damaged


Outside walls

Stack 2

Julienne 15/30 - immobile, defence -2

Stack 3

Erfman 6/6 0 juice
Chief Bowie 15/15
Gobwin 1 5/5
Gobwin 2 1/5
Jessie 5/10 - screening

Stack 4

Bob 5/15
Billie 8/23

Stack 5

Woody 0/22 - disabled





Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=188587#p188587)

Hmm, how long would it take Stack 3 to rush from here, through tunnels, into the Garrison?

(checks map) If you were to sprint straight through the tunnels you could actually reach the Garrison in one turn... Billie however can not go through the tunnel.

Wiz, what's Erfman estimate of getting to the garrison if the north wall had a hole?

If the wall had a hole in it you could get to the Garrison in one round.

Also, from the top of the walls could we see the garrison and fire into it?

From the top of the walls, you can see the garrison however the only openings would be arrow slits so quite hard to see or fire on a target.

"Bowie, can you sense where there are tunnels?" you question.

"I know where the tunnels are why?" Bowie replies.

"Could you take the gobwins to dig into the tunnel system from here, and try to pull under one a unit in the warlord's stack next round?" you add.

"I can dig in to the tunnels but the dungeons are directly under the Garrison so I can't dig in to the Garrison from the tunnel zone..." Bowie replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=188620#p188620)

Round 10

Heading in to the the tunnels you pass the remains of what was the dirt wall that has been completely blown to pieces and you notice a number of scorch marks all over the place. Sprinting through the tunnels you dash past a large number of dusted uncroaked and the croaked corpses of Gobwins having to take care not to trip over the bodies. Reaching the dungeons you dash straight through the open archway and head for the staircase that leads back in to the Garrison. Quickly hurrying up the stairs you eventually pass through a door and in to the large entrance way of the Garrison finding it completely empty... The double doors to the Garrison then flies open and Bob mounted on Billie trots in.

Now all inside the Garrison you suddenly notice the sounds of something being smashed coming from upstairs...

Garrison map
You are the green X
From left to right; Ground Floor, 1st Floor, 2nd Floor
circles are staircases between floors






Stack 1 - hiding

The Luggage 10/10

Stack 3

Erfman 6/6 0 juice
Chief Bowie 15/15
Gobwin 1 5/5
Gobwin 2 1/5
Jessie 5/10 - screening
Bob 5/15
Billie 8/23

Darkside stack 7 - searching

Mummy 1
Mummy 2
Uncroaked Stabber 1 - 4 hits taken



Walls - badly damaged


Outside walls

Stack 2

Julienne 15/30

Stack 5

Woody 0/22 - disabled





Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=188740#p188740)

Round 11 (part 1)

"Warlord where are you?! I'm down here!" you yell while holding your position in the entrance hall of the Garrison. The sound of smashing from upstairs then abruptly comes to a stop and everything goes quiet.

A few moments pass and then a single uncroaked shuffles in to view at the top of the stairs and looks down at your group. The uncroaked then stands there and begins to gnash it's teeth together making a series of clicking noises.

"Why don't you come up and leave your friends down there and then we'll talk!" the Warlord shouts down from somewhere unseen.

"Warlord! Have you come to croak me or capture me?" You call back up.

"Capture if possible or croak if not for if the Dark One can not have you then no one shall!" the warlord replies. "Now I suggest you turn yourself over or else I have orders to burn the entire Garrison to the ground!" the warlord threatens.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=188749#p188749)

"Wow.. Burn it to the ground? As in.. Inferno?.. Won't that croak you too?" you exclaim in surprise.

"If I am croaked then the Dark One shall raise me and I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine!" the Warlord declared in reply.

"... but.. how did you end up being so Loyal to the Dark One? What's your story? Were you popped in the Dark Side or turned?" you then question.

"The Dark One is my master why would I not be loyal to him. He is the most powerful ruler on Erf, his power is absolute, he can do things that no other unit can!" the warlord declared reverently. "You would be wise to turn, opposing him will only bring you pain..." the warlord continued while remaining out of sight.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=188775#p188775)

"Did opposing him bring you pain, before he had this loyalty magically installed upon you? It isn't normal you know, devoutly kissing the boots of a man who will pop units just to croak and uncroak them." You call out.

"Blasphemer I have never opposed the Dark Ones will nor would I ever think to do such a thing!" The Warlord shouted back seemingly offended. "And what makes you think I have ever had such a spell cast upon me!" the warlord continued an undertone of anger in his voice.

"I can see why you would think the Dark One is powerful. But, I can prove myself more powerful then even he. I can create movement and action where it is not. He can only give it after life has left a form." you then argue.

"The Dark One can not only grant mere movement he can grant life itself!" The Warlord responded. "With life the Dark One also gifts strength and power. He is so much beyond you that you are not even worth comparing. But I can understand your ignorance for you have yet to see the Dark One in all his magnificence!" the warlord finished.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=188784#p188784)

"Your master is the ruler of a domain and subjects that only live a few turns past their decay. Once Life is gone, even he can only cheat Death for a few turns before the resurrected, mindless husk he restored crumbles to Dust. I offer you a choice, and true Life!" you declare.

The warlord bursts out in to laughter. "Oh how little you know, the Dark One's servants do not decay they are eternal. My master is no mere amateur he is a master of the art of croakamancy such limitations do not apply to him!" the warlord responds. "He has overcome croaking itself!" the Warlord continues.

"Shall we show them how mindless we are..." A second sinister sounding voice then rasps.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=188792#p188792)

Round 11 (Part 2)

Verbally stalling the Warlord you delay long enough for Julienne to join you in the Garrison.






Stack 1 - hiding

The Luggage 10/10

Stack 3

Erfman 6/6 0 juice
Chief Bowie 15/15
Gobwin 1 5/5
Gobwin 2 1/5
Jessie 5/10 - screening
Bob 5/15
Billie 8/23

Stack 2

Julienne 15/30

Darkside stack 7 - searching

Mummy 1
Mummy 2
Uncroaked Stabber 1 - 4 hits taken



Walls - badly damaged


Outside walls


Stack 5

Woody 0/22 - disabled





Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=188804#p188804)

Round 12

With a vicious hiss two of the bandaged uncroaked come charging in to sight with their eyes glowing yellow in the gloom. As they charge down the stairs the uncroaked stabber joins the charge and all three race towards you. Julienne then steps forwards blades a twirling to meet the charge instantly dusting the uncroaked though the two Mummies charge straight past her though Julienne lands a number of hits as they do so (3 and 6 hits dealt).

As soon as the Mummies make their way past Julienne Chief Bowie then hurls the animated axe and it homes in on one of the mummies. The bandaged unit is struck losing a further 3 hits though the undcroaked doesn't seem to feel pain and continues charging on.

Both Mummies seem to be homing in on you personally though Jessie and a brave Gobwin move in front of you to protect you from the attack. To your great surprise Jessie only takes a single hit and the Gobwin is completely unharmed. The Mummies jaws then drop and extend to an unnatural degree as a thick putrid cloud of brown gas is released that envelopes your stack. Jessie is completely unaffected by the gas while the living units begin to feel somewhat queasy. You and the Gobwins however are affected worst of all and begin to splutter and cough uncontrollably.

Bob then leads a counter attack quickly impaling one of the mummies through the head and dropping it to the ground dusted. You, Jessie and the two spluttering Gobwins then focus on the remaining Mummy though in your coughing fit you fail to hit anything. Fortunately the Gobwins are much more effective dealing 4 hits each while Jessie lands a single hit of her own.






Stack 1 - hiding

The Luggage 10/10

Stack 3

Erfman 6/6 0 juice - diseased
Chief Bowie 15/15
Gobwin 1 5/5 - screening - diseased
Gobwin 2 1/5 - diseased
Jessie 4/10 - screening
Bob 5/15
Billie 8/23

Stack 2

Julienne 15/30 - immobile, -2 defence

Darkside stack 1 - searching


Darkside stack 2

Mummy 2 - 12 hits taken



Walls - badly damaged


Outside walls


Stack 5

Woody 0/22 - disabled





Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=188932#p188932)

Round 13

Dog pilling the last remaining Mummy is a bit of a scramble and your stack find themselves getting in each other's way as they attempt to make their attacks but none the less you are able to swiftly dust your opponent though you and the Gobwins break out in to another fit of coughing as you do so.

The enemy Warlord then strides out confidently standing at the top of the stairs with an axe in hand. He takes one step forwards before abruptly stopping. "Yes the objective has been achieved..." he suddenly declares. "Are you sure?" he then questions. "Very well, his will be done!" the Warlord then finished before looking down at your stack.

"I surrender!" he then declares to your complete surprise as he lets the axe drop to the floor and manacles appear on his arms and legs.

Congratulations you have won the battle. Exp gained. Durp and Burp the Gobwins have levelled up to level 2!

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=188937#p188937)

You feel a strange tingle in your head that announces the beginning of a Thinkagram. "Greetings Erfman son of Fanon, I am Lady Shipping of the Darkside speaking on behalf of the Dark One. You are holding one of our warlords against his will I must insist that you release him immediately, the information that he carries is far too valuable to be left in your hands..." a soft and gentle voice declares inside your head.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=188968#p188968)

""Uuh.. As a gesture of good faith, and for continued negotiations, would you share the details of this sickness that currently ails me? I breathed in the brown noxious fumes expelled by the bandaged uncroaked.." you question.

"Certainly" Lady Shipping replied via thinkagram. "Unfortunately I believe you have been infected with a bout of Mummy rot. It is one of the Dark Ones favourite creations. It will cause your signamancy and stats to degrade over the coming turns much as a standard uncroaked would normally degrade. Ofcourse the Dark One keeps a supply of the cure but it is not something he gives away freely..." she explains.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189018#p189018)

"Dear Lady, any important information your Warlord could have gathered, we would have gladly shared anyhow, so there was really no need for the troops sent. May I ask the Warlord's name? He has been rather uncooperative, but of course has not been harmed. As for the Mummy rot, I find it hard to believe it has such dire consequences. Would your Ruler pinkyswear on this? If not, we cannot consider this a reasonable negotiation." you transmit back across the thinkagram.

"If the information the warlord possesses is dangerous. We would be happy to remove the threat of its dissemination, in exchange for the cure for the mummy rot. (Provided the pinky swear is accepted)." you add.

"My good man, as I am sure you realise this was not an information gathering mission beyond the Dark One wishing to test your strength" Lady Shipping replied. "The Warlord ah yes I believe his name is Grim it does not surprise me that he is not being cooperative though I must advise you against using other means to force his cooperation. The Dark One would be most displeased if you attempted to torture, turn or otherwise manipulate the mind of his unit..." Lady Shipping continued rather politely. "You have MY word the Mummy rot is something to be concerned about though I doubt the Dark One would agree to a pinky swear preferring you see the results yourself..." the Lady added somewhat seriously. "Oh you misunderstand... the Dark One has no desire to negotiate but my Loyalty demands that I do whatever possible to keep the units of my side safe..." she then added.

"how much time do we have? Do units with mummy rot always croak at the end?"you then question slightly worried.

"By three turns the degradation is usually quite apparent by ten it can be crippling. Whether a unit croaks or not is usually dependant on the strength of their will" Lady Shipping replies in a somber tone.

Your units meanwhile begin scavenging round the hex collecting up all the weapons of the uncroaked and destroying the bodies.

8 swords, 8 spears, 8 bows, 1 Ogwe club and 8 units of wood gained

Betsy meanwhile is harvested

5 rations of meat and goat hide gained

Searching upstairs you discover a large number of chests smashed to pieces.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189051#p189051)

"If you care so much for the lives of what I have to assume is one of a handful of living units among the Dark Side, it behooves me to tell you he was exposed to the gaseous attack of the mummies. If I were to pinky swear to giving it to him, would you ship over a unit of this cure?" you fib.

"I do care greatly for the lives of those from MY side and I wish it were that simple but I can not disobey orders, I can not send the cure outside these walls..." Lady Shipping replied with a hint of regret.

"Dear Lady, it gives me much joy to hear a former unit from old Fanon again. Could we possibly hold this conversation face to face? If you wish, I will pinkyswear on your safe passage to and from new Fanon through the Magic Kingdom, that way it would be easier to speak, caster to caster. I swear no harm or hinder will be laid upon you."

"This would also be an opportunity for you to confirm the healthy nature of the warlord. We extend hospitality to you, pinky swearing to pay your upkeep if you would visit my new court for a turn."

"If this is impossible, could you provide a visual display for this conversation? I so long to see a fellow caster." you continue.

"I am afraid that the city I reside in has no portal and I must conserve my juice... In fact this gram will not last much longer. I must remind you the Dark One insists you release Warlord Grim and he demands that you hand yourself over. I also add that should you choose to turn, Grim will be able to lead you to Darkside Territory..." Lady Shipping replied.


"Bowie, have you heard of anything with a similar effect, and know of a cure for it?" you ask turning to the Gobwin chief.

"I've heard of ferals with poisonous bites and the like, things that usually debuff your stats somewhat rotten..." Bowie replied. "Most units don't last long afterwards but those lucky enough sometimes get seen by a healomancer or florist... If the sides willing to pay that is..." Bowie replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189061#p189061)

Turn 13

Side: Fanon

Capital: Fanon City

Income: 500s / turn
Production: 50
Units available to pop;
Stabber (20) 5/10/4/8
Piker (20) 5/5/5/8 [Piker Defence]
Archer (20) 5/11/3/8 [Archery]
Scout (7) 2/2/2/8 [Scout]
Tower: Level 1, Juice Charge: 0
Dollamantic converter: The tower is able to convert schmuckers to power Golems. Dollamancy Golems may pay upkeep in schmuckers or juice.
Caster Bonus: Spells cast while in the tower are cast at caster level +1
Walls: Level 1
City Zone:Dwellings
Dollamancy Workshop - (Dollamancy crafting time reduced by 10%)
Dungeons: Level 0
Cells: 1 (crude cavern, low security) Capacity 0/2

Treasury: 500s



(King?) Erfman
Level 3 Dollamancer (Adept)
Hits: 6 Combat: 6 (2+2+2) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2) Juice: 300/300
Upkeep: 150s
Special: Caster, Command, Infected
Purse: 0s
Equipped: Craftman's +1 Hammer, Motion Goggles
Exp: 315/400

Sir Bob
Level 3 Lancer (Knight)
Hits: 15 Combat: 24 (17+6+1) Defence: 6 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 40s
Special: Piker defence, Lancer, Knight
Equipped: Pikers +1 Spear
Exp: 115/400

Heavy Dervish Golem
Hits: 30 Combat: 43 Defence: 6 Move: 0
Juice Charge: 100/300
Upkeep: 100 juice
Special: Garrison, Heavy, Dervish Dance

Reinforced Wood Golem
Hits:0/ 22 Combat: 12 (10+2) Defence: 6 Move: 8
Juice Charge: 0/100
Upkeep: 30 juice
Special: Heavy
Equipped: +1 Animated Gobwin Axe

Wood Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 10 (9+1) Defence: 5 (4+1) Move: 8
Juice Charge: 20/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Equipped: modified Piker armor, crude Gobwin Axe

The Luggage
Luggage Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 5 Defence: 3 Move: 16
Juice Charge: 12/100
Upkeep: 23 juice
Special: Carnyed - Bigger on the inside, Dollamancy - moving parts, Capture, Mountain Capable

Level 2 War Goat
Hits: 23 (20+3) Combat: 15 Defence: 4 Move: 22 (20+2)
Upkeep: 40
Special: Self Sufficient, Mountain Capable, Heavy, WarMount (1 rider 1 passenger)
Equipped: Woolly Saddle
Exp: 115/200

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 0/100


Chief Bowie
Level 2 Gobwin Chief (Knight)
Hits: 15 Combat: 23 (19+3+1) Defence: 4 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 100s
Special: Natural Ally Chief, Command, Knight, Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe
Exp: 181/200

Level 2 Gobwin
Hits: 5 Combat: 10 (7+2+1) Defence: 3 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Infected
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe
Exp: 31/200

Level 2 Gobwin
Hits: 1/5 Combat: 10 (7+2+1) Defence: 3 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Infected
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe
Exp: 31/200


Powerball x1

Fruit x24
Deseeded fruit x 0
Fruit seeds x14
Meat rations x5
Arkenfiend Mushroom x1

Stone x3
Pebbles x1
Wood x8
Wool x0
Metal Ore x0
Branches from a Bush x1
Goat Hide x1

Piker Spears x8
Archer Bows x8
Stabber Swords x8
Ogwe Club x1

[Warlord Prisoner - Grim]


What do you do?

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189065#p189065)

As the Thinkagram fades

You notice that the tower allow you to see the surrounding hexes.

With the start of a new turn the cleansing happens and all your wounds vanish leaving you and all your units at full hits except Woody who remains immobile. For the first turn ever however you find yourself at turn start in a city and a number of things occurs all at once. The damage from the battle including the damaged walls magically repair themselves, schmuckers pour in to your treasury and seven new units pop in to existence in the Garrison and look to you for guidance.

"You, Scout, welcome to this Erf, to the side of Fanon. State your name, and describe the Scouting special." you declared by way of greeting.

"I am Scout Suresh your majesty. The Scout special has two main abilities it allows a unit to enter 'stealth'. When a unit is in stealth an opposing unit must make a spot check in order to notice it. The scout special also allows a unit to make a retreat action before the first round of combat starts if they are on their turn and have the move to do so" the scout replies while standing to attention.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189079#p189079)

We need an estimate on the amount of resources needed to repair woody, and fix the farm.

10 wood should be sufficient to repair the farm.

EDIT: How many actions does a tower take to build? and how many resources?

A simple wooden look out tower would take 20 units of wood and 24 actions

Wiz, we knew fixing the Farm costed 200$, do we now know more? What a farm will do when fixed?

Each turn a farm will produce rations. It can also produce certain usable resources.


"Scouts gather around."

"You'll have to scout the highest number of surrounding hexes, and the farthest possible, to forestall impending threats. You are Fanon's the first line of defense, and even more important, you are Fanon's prime source of information."

"Now, in this side of Fanon, we prize original thinking, and individual initiative, so let's have your first go at it:"

"You'll have to scout farther and farther away from the Capital, think of ways to transmit your hard earned information back to the Capital. Brainstorm, go." you declare.

"Um magic?" One scout shouts out. "How about a mount relay?" Another suggests. "What about messenger birds?" Another calls out

"You did not pop with any weaponry, do you have proficiency in any?" You then question.

"Scouts mostly try to avoid combat..." Suresh answers "Though I guess were capable of using most melee weapons..." He adds

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189129#p189129)

*Erfman ponders on a design for a cloth crow, that carries messages in its belly*
What cost estimates in Wool/cloth, Juice and Actions? And how high a Move could it have?

The cheapest bird you could build would be as follows

Messenger bird
Hits: 1 Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Move: 12
Upkeep: 4
Special: Flight

Or you could build a better version

Messenger bird
Hits: 1 Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Move: 16
Upkeep: 12
Special: Flight


Messenger bird
Hits: 1 Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Move: 20
Upkeep: 20
Special: Flight

All designs would use 1 unit of wool and if built in the workshop with the Craftman's hammer take 4 actions. Juice cost would be 50 or 75 or 100 to build depending on the design chosen. Since they are a simple design you may also make up to 4 at once for no additional action cost though the juice cost will increase.

Nods sagely. "Messenger animals, mount relays, some magic like thinkamancy or hat magic, these are all good ideas. While they are a little out of our means currently, I want you all to be sure to note when ever you see a living feral." you instruct

"Yes sir!" the scouts chorus in return.

"I've been thinking about the offer your boss gave me. But I was wondering, which direction and how long would it take for us to get to the city? If it takes too long, it will all be for naught." You question turning to the prisoner.

"I could take you to one of his cities..." Grim replies somewhat warily. "There's one only two turns move from here maybe one if we used a mount..." Grim then adds purposefully omitting the direction the city is in.

"So, this was the Dark One's plan? To have you fight, lose, and then get captured? How do you know he hasn't forsaken you? It's obvious that life isn't important to him." you the probe.

"Don't be ridiculous the plan was to capture the city or at the very least weaken you by croaking your units and destroying your dolls!" Grim scoffed. "And his reserve objective was achieved!" Grim then smirked. "The plan wasn't for me to surrender..." Grim then half muttered to himself. "But I guess the plan changed since the messenger..." Grim began to ramble before suddenly realising what he was saying and quickly shutting up.
Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189168#p189168)

Thinking about how caster help from the magic kingdom would be crucial you instruct a Scout to help.
Scout Gopher went and fetched a piece of wood and carved "Now Hiring, Inquire Within" in to its surface and then with a sudden bout of inspiration he flipped the sign over and carved the exact same message on the reverse side. Heading to the dungeon and then the portal room he very carefully slid it through the portal. The wood seemed to shudder slightly before disappearing in to the portal and out of Gopher's sight.

1 unit of wood used

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189172#p189172)

Julienne and Jessie begin the slow task of carrying the prone form of Woody up to the tower while you have Bowie and Bob escort the Warlord Grim to the dungeons. The cell is little more than a hollowed out chamber carved out of the hard earth. In the centre of the cell is a single metal ring protruding from the ground. As the Warlord is pushed inside his chain snaps to the ring and he is secured in place. Bob then sets about stripping him off his possessions.

Helmet (Magical)
Dark breastplate (Mundane)
Sword (Mundane)
Red glowing gem (Magical)
Small leather case (Mundane)

Marching up the tower you look over the damage caused to your Golem with great sadness. Channeling your juice you begin to form a repair spell but as you do so you begin to feel the towers bonus boosting your power. Funnelling the juice in to Woody you watch as the damage begins to fade away.

Erfman 25 juice used 14 hits restored.

With the Golem's shell now in a good enough condition to function you turn your attention to powering him and you begin to charge him with your juice. As your juice enters his frame Woody suddenly sits up.

Erfman 35 juice used

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189244#p189244)

With a silent command you send Julliene to guard the prisoner while you sit down to inspect his belongings.

Laying out Grim's possessions in front of you, you carefully examine them. You first pickup the red Gem and find that it is warm to the touch. Focusing your caster senses on the gem you realize it is charged with shockamancy and every so often the energy inside it seems to pulse.

You next pick up the helm and find that it is sturdy and well made. Weaved in to its construction however are traces of croakamancy and thinkamancy.

Finally you pick up the leather case it is surprisingly well crafted for a mundane item though it's lining is rather thick. Opening the case you find several sheets of blank paper and a quill inside.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189252#p189252)

"Hey Grim, catch!" you declare as you motion to throw the red glowing gem at the prisoner. Grim's eyes widen in surprise as what colour that he had quickly drains from his face. With a intense look of concentration Grim then yanks his hands up as if his life depended on it.

"If I should throw this red gem at you, would it explode?" You then question.

Grim grunts in response to your dirty trick and refuses to answer but his reaction is likely all the response you need.

Wiz, *Erfman ponders if he would be able to design a golem so cheap that it would only have 1 Juice upkeep, while it not being a Garrison unit*
*While also pondering if he would be able to give a golem the capacity for speech, if not sentience"

You reckon you could build a Golem with a 1 juice upkeep but it would not be very good in battle.

You are unsure of how to give a golem the ability to speak or have sentience. You would likely need the help of a Thinkamancer...

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189261#p189261)

*Erfman ponders on his limited skills, and ponders if he could incorporate into a golem a record-and-play-sound mechanism, such that the Golem itself won't have speech, but be able to record a sound, and play it back afterwards on command*

That could possibly work...

Wiz, it was well established that you can't attack across hex boundaries.
Now, could the catapult idea work?
Can objects be tossed across hex boundaries, in our own turn? (if we don't know Erfman is very curious, and would like to go out and test, with a piece of rock)

In general I am going to say no. Perhaps if you discover or obtain some rare special you might be able to...

Did any paper and quill pop in our throne room or bedroom?

Yes these are available to you in the city.


Erfman sets down to write on a piece of paper a test message, in several sizes:

"Jessie, could you copy this onto this other piece of paper?" you then request. Obediently Jessie picks up the quill and slowly copies down the message.

You then move on to the Warlords case full of paper. You pull out the paper and the quill leaving the fat case empty and begin to write on the paper. 'Master, am captured by the caster. Caster seems inclined to go through portal end of turn, has no knowledge about our presence two hexes away NNW. Further instructions? The words appear on the page as you write them but nothing remarkable seems to happen.

"Scout Bond. It's important to the side to discover the secrets of this magical artifact. Would you like to be the first to try and figure it out? If so, put it on, and see if you feel anything different."

You then have one of the scouts try on the helmet. "What do you want me to do now Sire?" the scout then questions.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189265#p189265)

A scout hurries in carrying a plain white envelope with a wax seal. "Sire this just came through the portal..." the scout declares as he holds out the envelope.

(If you open it)

Inside the envelope is a letter that reads as follows.

Dear residents of the city beyond the yellow portal,

I am came across the sign that you pushed through your portal and I presume that due to your chosen method of communication that your side does not have its own caster. Do not worry I will not hold such a fact against you. My name is Dotti Crosst and I am a signamancer, now you are rather fortunate for if you wish I can organise the provision of services from the magical kingdom all for a minimal fee. I urge you to respond quickly as there is only so much time I can spend loitering at your portal.

Yours sincerely
Dotti Crosst, Barbarian Signamancer

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189301#p189301)

"Scout Bond, Let's spar at another time. For now keep it up, stay with me, and tell us if you notice anything unusual." you order.

"Yes Sire" Bond replies as he moves to your side.

You then pick up a quill and start writing a reply to the letter you received from the Magic Kingdom.

Dear Dotti Crosst,

This is King Erfman of Fanon. This city and side are newly refounded and are in need of some services from the magical kingdom. Most urgent for us is the treatment of a non-contagious disease debuff known as Mummy Rot by a Healomancer or Florist, and the reduction or delay of cost associated with formally allying with a Tribe of Natural Allies which I believe falls under signamancy. Additionally, should there be any casters who have trouble making upkeep this turn, please send them our way. If they are willing to provide their juice and expertise, no matter the extent of either, fully to the Kingdom of Fanon, we are willing to provide for their continued survival to the extend this small side can.

Yours truly,
King Erfman of Fanon

Once your letter is finished you head to the portal room and carefully post it through the portal. The portal ripples and shudders slightly before the letter disappears from sight.

A short while later another pristine envelope with a wax seal is spat out of the portal and drops on to the hard floor.

Picking up the envelope you quickly tear in to it and pull out the letter before unfolding it and reading its contents.

Greetings your highness,

It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance even if it is only through writing. Now I am sorry to hear that your city has been afflicted by a disease. Healomancers are popular casters so it may take some time to locate an available one. Would you like me to open negotiations for a cure or for the service of a Healomancer themselves?

Oh you are in need of the services of a Signamancer? Now that is most fortuitous indeed. A natural ally contract is certainly something I could provide. All I would need to know are the details of the natural allies since you have already included those of yourself and your side and then I could put a contract together. You and the chief would then just need to sign on the dotted line and hey presto you have yourself some natural allies. All I would charge for this service would be a very reasonable price of 450 schmuckers.

Now full blown recruitment that might be a little more tricky. I can certainly put the word out for you but casters are often very reluctant to even consider such a notion for sides they have not had any previous dealings with.

Yours Sincerely Dotti Crosst, Barbarian Signamancer.

2019-10-13, 04:33 PM
Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189512#p189512)

Sitting down you begin to write out a reply.
Dear Dotti Crosst,

It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well. Though this conversation has been limited to writing, it is the first I have had with a caster that hasn't been about that caster's side or their attempts to croak or capture me, and I must say, this is a far more pleasant discussion.

I am unsure as to the best way to handle this contract, as I have not employed mercenary units before, let alone mercenary casters. My self and two units from the gobwin tribe I wish to ally myself with have been afflicted by this disease, and it seems the side I'm fighting employs it regularly. As such, an immediate cure would be useful and prudent, but a source of the cure or contract to buy it at a set price given enough turn's notice would be exceptional. I have heard that a Florist might be capable of creating such a cure, if the Healomancers are difficult to deal with.

I do believe there was a touch of fate for a signamancer to have found the initial missive. Additionally to the contract with the gobwin tribe and the other casters, there is a matter of the currently rather bare signamancy of this city and it's lacking in selection of units it can produce. I believe that these are associated, and that it could be remedied with unit-actions of labor, directed by a signamancer or dirtamancer, should you with to have a more extended contract with us. I would ask you consider taking payment in meals and upkeep over a number of turns, as our treasury is currently dwarfed by most purses.

Should the idea of turning to an unknown side be a hard thing to sell to the casters, present it as an open-ended contract. One turn of juice and labor for a turn's upkeep, until such time they choose to return to the magic kingdom, turn to Fanon, or renegotiate.

PS: the Gobwin tribe's chief is called Bowie

Yours Truly
King Erfman of Fanon

With your reply written you post it through the portal once again. After a while of waiting yet another sealed envelope arrives back.

Dear King Erfman,

Sounds like your kingdom has been having some interesting turns.

Well how to handle contracts is something I can certainly help you with. If finances are an issue then I would recommend you purchase the final product that you are after as open ended services are generally a lot more costly. Once we have finished here I shall contact a couple of Healomancers who I have done business with in the past, if we are fortunate one of them shall be able to produce what you need.

If you wish to retain my services then I would be willing to be your agent within the Magic Kingdom for the mere price of my upkeep. I shall enclose a contract for such in case you are interested, I shall also enclose a contract that will seal your Alliance with the Gobwins all you need to do is sign it along with the Gobwin chief.

I will present your proposal as such but you will likely have to be patient or wait until your side has a better reputation with the Magic Kingdom as a whole until casters will consider joining your side.

Yours Sincerely

Dotti Crosst, Barbarian Signamancer

Contract 1
I King Erfman of Fanon hereby hire Dotti Crosst as my agent in the magic Kingdom and agree to pay her upkeep until either I or Dotti Crosst formally notify the other party of their desire to end the contract. During the duration of the contract Dotti Crosst must work towards obtaining goods or services on behalf of King Erfman from Barbarian casters in the Magic Kingdom, recruiting for the side of Fanon or spreading word to increase the reputation for the side of Fanon. Dotti Crosst has no obligation to leave the Magic Kingdom during this time and any additional services provided during this time by Dotti Crosst must be paid for separately. Payment of upkeep must be given in advance or payment shall be collected directly from the treasury of the Side of Fanon.


Dotti Crosst, Barbarian Signamancer. Dotti Crosst

King Erfman of Fanon. ...................

Contract 2
King Erfman of Fanon and Chief Bowie of the Gobwins do hereby agree to form an alliance. King Erfman agrees from this point on to provide upkeep for the entirety of the Gobwins of the Gobin tribe led by Chief Bowie and to treat them as though they were units popped by the side of Fanon. Chief Bowie agrees that from this point on the Gobwins shall serve as though they were units of Fanon.

If upkeep is not provided in advance for the entirety of the Gobwins then this upkeep shall be taken directly from the treasury of the side of Fanon.

While this contract is in effect any attempt by a Gobwin unit to turn or form alliance with another side shall result in the autodisbanding of that unit.

This contract shall be in effect for as long as Fanon remains a side. The contract can only be terminated early if the current ruler of Fanon and the current chief of the Gobwins agree to dissolve the contract.

Upon the signing of this contract a sum of 450 schmuckers will be transferred from the treasury of Fanon in to the purse of Dotti Crosst, Barbarian Signamancer this will be a one off payment.


King Erfman of Fanon. ...................

Chief Bowie of the Gobwin tribe ..................

"Bowie, hey, we have a signamancer here who says he can create a contract to officiate our Alliance by 450$. Do you think a Signamancer Alliance would be just as good as a natural magic one?" You ask turning to Bowie.

"Signamancy is Signamancy whether its natural or done by a caster. A contract done by a signamancer would be just as binding! We would be willing to sign in order to restore the tribe to greatness!" Bowie replies

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189513#p189513)

Carefully examining the leather case you find a single loose thread. Delicately pulling it back you reveal a secret compartment inside the lining of the case itself. Inside the lining is a couple of pieces of paper with information on you and some of your units and a folded map.



Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189517#p189517)

how many rooms / beds there are:

1 - Portal room
2 - Dungeons
3 - Armoury
4 - Bunk room (16 beds)
5 -
6 -
7 - Bunk room (16 beds)
8 -
9 -
10 - Throne Room
11 -
12 -
13 -
14 - Map room
15 -
16 - Royal Bed Chamber
17 -
18 -
19 -
20 -
21 -
22 -
23 -
24 -
25 -
26 -
27 -
28 -
29 -
30 -
31 - Tower Roof

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189570#p189570)

Sitting down you write out a reply to Dotti once again before signing the two contracts that she enclosed. As you sign the contracts they seem to shimmer for a moment as you feel a tingling sensation spread through your body. Once the sensation is over you realize that your treasury has dropped by 450 schmuckers and that you can now sense the Gobwins as units of Fanon.

With that done you post your letter through the portal once again along with a single piece of fruit and then you patiently wait for a reply.

Dear Dotti Crosst,

The kingdom is only a singular turn old, since it's refounding. The turns before that were my own, as a barbarian. As such I know what it's like to look at one's purse and wonder how many turns it can be stretched out. I hope to offer those casters in a similar position a chance to endure, to grow, to heal from those lingering damages that malnutrition and penny-pinching upkeep can cause. I understand that we're currently an unknown, and as such there is a low base line trust level which must be overcome. I would hope that a contract ensuring they can return to the magic kingdom at anytime, and will be ending turn in the capital and remaining out of combat unless we pay them a bonus to be negotiated at that time would help with such a matter.

I agree you're probably right when it comes to the Healomancers, though I thought it might be more juice efficient for them to manual cast the curative rather then fabricating one, even before calculating in the tower bonus the city would offer. Should you know of one willing and available, but not familiar with the disease in question, they would of course be welcome to come here and examine the afflicted units.

On the more general, I can understand purchasing a particular product might be more economically feasible then an open contract. There is just the problem that I'm not familiar with what a caster of every discipline can best do, and as such I would want to discuss with the caster to find a good way to employ them.

Sincerely yours,
King Erfman of Fanon

PS: Encased goes one upkeep sustaining fruit, they have kept me alive for many a turn now. Will these fruits delivered thusly cover the clause "Payment of upkeep must be given in advance"? If so would it be agreeable for you, each day, to post a missive through our portal giving notice you are on the other side awaiting, and then we send through another fruit?

Sure enough after a short while you get a letter in return.

Dear King Erfman,

Payment in rations will be acceptable however please do make sure to try and provide some variety as a diet of a single item can get very monotonous and monotony can effect ones signamancy.

Now I must go in search of a Healomancer, I shall return to the portal the same time tomorrow.

Until then take care.

Dotti Crosst

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189606#p189606)

Now that we're allies with the gobwins, does the portal still appear dangerous to us?

Allying with the Gobwins has not affected the portal in any way

Can we get an estimate on the amount of stone, wood, and actions needed to build a stable? I believe building one would let us pop goats.

20 wood, 24 actions

"Hey Scout Bond, currently if you spot a flying waven, could you croak it? Do you have any way of hitting a flying target?" You question.

"No Sire we do not have any ranged weapons nor do we have the archery special..." Bond replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Compilation of Game Thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255903#p255903)

Turn 13 - in progress

Side: Fanon

Capital: Fanon City

Income: 500s / turn
Production: 50
Units available to pop;
Stabber (20) 5/10/4/8
Piker (20) 5/5/5/8 [Piker Defence]
Archer (20) 5/11/3/8 [Archery]
Scout (7) 2/2/2/8 [Scout]
Tower: Level 1, Juice Charge: 0
Dollamantic converter: The tower is able to convert schmuckers to power Golems. Dollamancy Golems may pay upkeep in schmuckers or juice.
Caster Bonus: Spells cast while in the tower are cast at caster level +1
Walls: Level 1
City Zone:Dwellings
Dollamancy Workshop - (Dollamancy crafting time reduced by 10%)
Dungeons: Level 0
Cells: 1 (crude cavern, low security) Capacity 0/2

Treasury: 50s



King Erfman
Level 3 Dollamancer (Adept)
Hits: 6 Combat: 6 (2+2+2) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2) Juice: 300/300
Upkeep: 150s
Special: Caster, Command, Infected
Purse: 0s
Equipped: Craftman's +1 Hammer, Motion Goggles
Exp: 315/400

Sir Bob
Level 3 Lancer (Knight)
Hits: 15 Combat: 24 (17+6+1) Defence: 6 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 40s
Special: Piker defence, Lancer, Knight
Equipped: Pikers +1 Spear
Exp: 115/400

Heavy Dervish Golem
Hits: 30 Combat: 43 Defence: 6 Move: 0
Juice Charge: 100/300
Upkeep: 100 juice
Special: Garrison, Heavy, Dervish Dance

Reinforced Wood Golem
Hits:0/ 22 Combat: 12 (10+2) Defence: 6 Move: 8
Juice Charge: 0/100
Upkeep: 30 juice
Special: Heavy
Equipped: +1 Animated Gobwin Axe

Wood Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 10 (9+1) Defence: 5 (4+1) Move: 8
Juice Charge: 20/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Equipped: modified Piker armor, crude Gobwin Axe

The Luggage
Luggage Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 5 Defence: 3 Move: 16
Juice Charge: 12/100
Upkeep: 23 juice
Special: Carnyed - Bigger on the inside, Dollamancy - moving parts, Capture, Mountain Capable

Level 2 War Goat
Hits: 23 (20+3) Combat: 15 Defence: 4 Move: 22 (20+2)
Upkeep: 40
Special: Self Sufficient, Mountain Capable, Heavy, WarMount (1 rider 1 passenger)
Equipped: Woolly Saddle
Exp: 115/200

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Equiped: Magic Helm (unidentified)
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 0/100

Chief Bowie
Level 2 Gobwin Chief (Knight)
Hits: 15 Combat: 23 (19+3+1) Defence: 4 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 100s
Special: Natural Ally Chief, Command, Knight, Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe
Exp: 181/200

Level 2 Gobwin
Hits: 5 Combat: 10 (7+2+1) Defence: 3 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Infected
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe
Exp: 31/200

Level 2 Gobwin
Hits: 5 Combat: 10 (7+2+1) Defence: 3 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Infected
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe
Exp: 31/200

In the Magic Kingdom

Dotti Crosst
Level 2 Signamancer (Novice)
Hits: 6 Combat: 3 (2+1) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2) Juice: 200/200
Upkeep: 150s
Special: Caster, Command
Exp: 100/200


Powerball x1
Shockamancy Gem x1

Fruit x23
Deseeded fruit x 0
Fruit seeds x14
Meat rations x5
Arkenfiend Mushroom x1

Stone x3
Pebbles x1
Wood x7
Wool x0
Metal Ore x0
Branches from a Bush x1
Goat Hide x1

Piker Spears x8
Archer Bows x8
Stabber Swords x8
Warlords sword x1
Ogwe Club x1
Dark Breastplate x1

Leather case x1

[Warlord Prisoner - Grim]


What do you do?[/quote]

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189643#p189643)

Assembling in the dinning hall you all sit down as you have Jessie bring out food for everyone. As the King you get the best meal being served delicious Goat meat while Bob, Bowie, the two Gobwins Durp and Burp each get a piece of fruit.

1 meat ration and 4 fruit consumed. Erfman, Bob, Billie, Durp and Burp upkeep paid

The scouts meanwhile sit at their own table and tuck in to their own rations.

7 fruit consumed or 49s paid. Scouts upkeep paid

You then head down to the workshop and using the metal from one of the stabbers swords and a dollop of juice you refunction them as a set of shears.

Erfman 1 action and 25 juice used. 1 Stabber sword used. 1 set of shears gained.

Bob then collects the shears from you and gives Billie a quick trim out in the courtyard.

Bob 1 action used. 2 units of wool gained

You then send Woody out with a handful of seeds and with his powerful hands he digs holes and plants seeds around the hex.

Woody 4 actions used. 4 seeds planted

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189691#p189691)

"Suresh, take this +1 Axe, do you feel comfortable using it if needed?" *check his stats*

Suresh takes the axe and as he does so you watch his combat go up by 2. "I could use it if I need to Sire" he then replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189708#p189708)

Experience will be divided between all living units that take part in a battle. Units that stay inside the Luggage will not count as taking part nor will units that for example stay hidden inside the garrison during a city battle.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189738#p189738)

[soooo many actions to process]

Deciding it is better to work smarter rather than harder you set to work with one of the scouts designing and building a tool that will make the harvesting of fruit more efficient. You end up with a claw device on a long pole that simultaneously picks and deseeds the fruit with the seed being deposited in a small removable compartment.

Erman 1 action used and 25 juice. Scout 4 actions used. 1 pikers spear and 1 stabbers sword used. 1 Harvesting Claw obtained.

With the Device created you then hand it over to the scout and order him to test it out. Gingerly he picks the claw up by its handle places the mouth of the claw around a piece of fruit and depresses the trigger contained within the handle. You then hear a slight clunk as the seed is removed and deposited.

Scout 4 actions used. 16 fruit deseeded. 16 seeds obtained.

When the scout is finished you then send him off to keep watch of the portal.

Calling in a second scout you then begin to work on a new unit that will help the scouts with their scouting. The scout sets to work preparing the wool getting it ready to be knitted. Once it is prepared you each take a ball of wall and begin knitting the form of a small bird. Once you have 2 knitted birds you head up to the tower and grant them motion with your juice.

Erfman 2 actions and 50 juice used. Scout 8 actions used. 2 units of Wool used. 2 knitted messenger birds created.

With your rations for the day eaten and some projects completed you then leave Julienne guarding the prisoner, one scout in the portal room and one scout in the Garrison while the rest of your units follow you in to the luggage. The luggage then sets of southwest in to the next hex.

The Luggage 2 move used

Climbing out of the Luggage you see that the hex has two empty bushes and some stone, and a Waven flying high above! You swiftly dust the Waven.

Then, calling out Bob, Durp the Gobwin and one of the messenger birds you begin giving out orders.

Bob takes a handful of seeds and begins planting.

Bob 2 actions used. 2 seeds planted

Durp meanwhile takes his magical axe climbs on to the rock and begins hacking the rock formation to pieces though he has to stop on a number of occasions due to going in to a coughing fit.

Durp 6 actions used. 9 units of stone obtained

While everyone was busy the messenger bird went on a quick scouting run though she soon returns and flies up to you and begins pestering you until you pull out the map. She then taps twice on the mountain hex where the river starts.

messenger bird 12 move used

Continue on with plan or adapt plan?

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=189920#p189920)

Erfman feeds Billie a deseeded fruit

1 fruit consumed. Billie upkeep paid

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190024#p190024)

Climbing back in to the luggage you all head north in to the next hex where you find two trees and a fruit bush.

The Luggage 2 move used

Poking your head out of the Luggage you spot a lone Waven flying over the hex. With a quick order you have one of your units dust it with the animated axe.

You then begin ordering out your units and giving them specific tasks.

Bob ends up with the harvesting claw and he makes quick work of collecting up all the fruit from the bush.

Bob 2 actions used. 3 deseeded fruit and 3 seeds gained

Jessie is then given the task of chopping down one of the two trees with a Gobwin axe. With a fair amount of effort she is able to bring the tree down. Before chopping the tree up in to small manageable pieces she removed what looks like a large acorn from one of the branches. She then continued chopping.

Jessie 6 actions used. 9 wood and 1 acorn gained.

With the tree now gone Jessie then carefully plants the acorn in its place.

Jessie 1 action used. Acorn planted

Woody meanwhile is assigned to seed planting and he carefully plants 3 more fruit seeds in the hex.

Woody 3 actions used. 3 seeds planted

Erfman 6 (10-4) actions 140/300 juice
Bob 7 (10-3) actions
Julienne 2 actions
Woody 1 (8-7) actions
Jessie 2 (8-6) actions
The Luggage 12 (16-4) actions
Billie 22 actions
Suresh 8 actions
Gopher 8 actions
Bond 8 actions
Scout 1 0 (8-8) actions
Scout 2 0 (8-8) actions
Scout 3 8 actions
Scout 4 8 actions
Bowie 10 actions
Durp 4 (10-6) actions
Burp 10 actions
Messenger bird 1 0 actions (12-12)
Messenger bird 2 12 actions

Move on to next hex?

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190102#p190102)

Climbing back in to the Luggage once again you head north west entering a hex with another tree and two bushes.

The Luggage 2 move used

You then send out two scouts. The first begins collecting fruit with the harvesting claw while the second goes on a short scouting run.

Scout 3 4 actions used. 6 deseeded fruit and 6 seeds gained

The second scout then returns reporting nothing of interest from his round trip

Scout 4 8 move used

Climbing back in the luggage you then set off north east entering a forest hex for the first time the tightly packed trees causing The Luggage some difficulty with moving.

The luggage 4 move used

Climbing out of the Luggage you realise the bushes here do not have fruit and every so often you think you hear something. Perhaps the sound of a twig snapping, or the groaning of wood but perhaps they are just the natural sounds of a forest hex....

What do you do?

Erfman 6 (10-4) actions 140/300 juice
Bob 7 (10-3) actions
Julienne 2 actions
Woody 1 (8-7) actions
Jessie 2 (8-6) actions
The Luggage 6 (16-10) actions
Billie 22 actions
Suresh 8 actions
Gopher 8 actions
Bond 8 actions
Scout 1 0 (8-8) actions
Scout 2 0 (8-8) actions
Scout 3 4 (8-4) actions
Scout 4 0 (8-8) actions
Bowie 10 actions
Durp 4 (10-6) actions
Burp 10 actions
Messenger bird 1 0 actions (12-12)
Messenger bird 2 12 actions

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190146#p190146)

You all start to climb out of the luggage as you begin your sweep of the forest hex searching for whatever is here. Bob goes in the lead with his arms full of food hoping that the combination of fruit and meat would cover the dietary preference of whatever unit you find. After a fair amount of time searching Bob hears the sharp snap of a twig snapping and he dashes forwards to investigate. Finally he spots something moving in the undergrowth.


Holding up a fruit he tosses it lightly forward but the figure reacts poorly to the action and immediately darts in to the undergrowth once again letting the fruit fall harmlessly on to the forest floor.

Bob 2 actions used. Taming attempt failed!

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190151#p190151)

Bob heads deeper in to the forest hex in search of the strange plant like woman. It takes a little while but he eventually finds her though this time she is not alone. She stands there with wide fearful looking eyes as she cowers slightly but infront of her stands two powerful looking protectors.


The two muscular looking hogs snort loudly releasing a small cloud of steam and paw at the ground kicking up dirt looking as though they may charge at any moment.


Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190161#p190161)

With a silent order you command Bob to surrender, he then obediently places his trusty spear on the ground before he kneels down on the floor with his face down and his arms extended and his hands full of fruit. In response to his act of surrendering vines suddenly appear and wrap around his wrists and ankles binding him in place.

"My ruler wishes to speak with you peacefully..." Bob then declares as he tries not to struggle.

Surprised by the act the plant woman quirks an eyebrow and shuffles forwards placing a hand on the back of each of the hogs as she does so. The hogs in response then seem to calm down and become more placid and relaxed.

Meanwhile you turn to Bowie and question the Gobwin Chief. "Bowie, have you ever seen a unit like her before? Is she dangerous and do you have any idea how to communicate with her? Also, does she control those two creatures?" You quickly ask.

Bowie merely shrugs his shoulders. "I dunno but I reckon all units can be dangerous!" Bowie declares. "It certainly looks like she is charge of those Hogs..." he then adds.

Keeping a curious eye trained on Bob the plant woman then hops forwards until she is directly infront of the Lancer. Leaning down she then places her hand on the side of Bob's face and directs him to look up, tilting his chin until he is looking up at her. She then leans forwards and plants a delicate kiss on Bob's lips. Bob's eyes then roll to the back of his head and he slumps to the ground in a heap.

"We don't mean you or yours harm. Can we please talk rather then engage? I would much prefer peace then war between us." You had just begun to say as Bob slumped to the ground. The woman looks across at you and quizzically tilts here head to the side.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190163#p190163)

[What do our ruler senses tell us about Bob's condition and hits?]
Bob is on full hits...

Erfman waits for a reply, but when one doesn't come, he looks at her curiously. "Can you understand me? ... Can you speak Language?, or write, perhaps?" He asked, wondering if communication with her would be very difficult.

The strange plant woman gives a gentle nod before two quick shakes of her head.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190182#p190182)

Erfman considers for a moment. "Will my unit awaken before the end of the turn?" you question.

The Dwyad has a thoughtful look for a moment before shrugging her shoulders followed by nodding her head quickly followed by shrugging her shoulders once again and then shaking her head. She then taps the side of her own head before pointing at her chest.

"Will he recover naturally by the beginning of the next?" you then question.

The Dwyad nods before putting her hands together and briefly closing her eyes and resting her head on her hands. Her eyes then bolt open and she stares at you as if expecting you to have done something while her eyes were closed.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am King Erfman of Fanon. The city over there-" Gestures to the horizon. "- is mine, refounding the side of Fanon in it's old capital. I wish I could ask your name... Are you newly popped, perhaps in your first tenturns?" you then begin in an attempt to introduce yourself.

The Dwyad looks blankly at you and shrugs her shoulders.

"Did you have any dealing with the Kingdom of Fanon?" you then ask to which the Dwyad shakes her head.

Once you are done talking she points at you and pats the ground next to her, she then points at the other units nearby and vigorously shakes her head before tracing a line on Bob's neck with her finger.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190199#p190199)

"I will order my friends to stand down while I sit by you to talk. I promise me and my friends will not attempt any violence unless we are attacked. Can you promise me the same? I must admit you and your friends frighten me somewhat, especially after you put Bob to sleep." you begin to which the Dwyad merely nods in reply with a gentle smile on her face and lightly pats the ground once again.

"Bowie, please only intervene if I am personally attacked" you order before heading forwards. As you sit down the Dwyad's trunk bends and she too sits upon the ground.

"Are you a Natural Ally?" you then question. In response she ***** her head to the side before pressing both hands to her chest and then reaching out and extending her arms in both directions.

"Is this your forest, your home?" you then add getting a simple nod in response.

"Were those dead hexes also your forest before the Dark One came?" you continue once again getting a nod.

"The Dark One destroyed my home as well... I'm out to cleanse the taint of the Dark One from this world. Would you like to aid in this quest? I need both protectors of these woods (my NW border) and friends to come with me wherever I go." you press on however before you finish she reaches out and lightly places a finger on your lip. Once you stop talking she then places both hands on either side of your head before staring deeply in to your eyes, her own wide brown eyes carefully studying you.

Seemingly satisfied she then releases your face and slightly leans forwards and forms a pout with her lips. She then points at you before pointing at her lips and then waits expectantly.

Kiss the girl song

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190239#p190239)

You lean in and rather hesitantly press your lips to the Dwyad's, the Dwyad then kisses you back with a surprising amount of passion. When it is all over you are left feeling a little dazed and it takes you a moment to realise that you can now see her stats.

Level 1 Dwyad
Hits: 5 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8 Juice: 50/50
Upkeep: 100s
Special: Natural Caster (Flower Power / Datamancy), Forest capable

Congratulations the Dwyad has turned to Fanon!

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190243#p190243)

"What about the Hogs? Should we let them run free, or would you ask them to join us as well?" You ask.

The Dwyad gives you a sweet smile before patting her lap. The two hogs then run over like obedient puppies and she strokes each of their backs. For some strange reason you then give each of the pigs a big wet kiss which they return by licking you with slobbering wet tongues coating your face in sticky saliva.

(The Hogs will follow suit and turn aswell. Stats to follow later, but FYI they have both the forest capable and heavy specials.)

Bob meanwhile gives off a slight snore as he continues his pleasant dreams.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190250#p190250)

"Do you want to dally here a bit more?" you question.

The Dwyad just looks back at you and smiles.

"These are my creations, Jessie, and The Luggage" you declare as you point to your golems.

"Let's put Bob to bed inside The Luggage" you then suggest.

The Dwyad shakes her head slowly stands up and then hops over to Bob. Placing her hand on his shoulder she then gives a gentle shake and Bob slowly comes round looking a little dazed and confused.

"Take a look inside The Luggage it's huge inside! " you suddenly comment. "Do you think the Hogs fit inside The Luggage?" you add.

The Dwyad gives a nod and then leads the two hogs over to the Luggage. It is quite a squeeze but they are both able to get inside.

You then turn to one of the scouts and begin giving out orders. "Scout, if moving takes 4 of your Move, come right back so you don't become stranded" you instruct.

You send a Gopher of on a quick scouting run though it is not long until he returns. "Sire movement took 4 move so I returned after 1 hex. There were four uncroaked in the dead forest hex" Gopher reports.

Gopher 8 move used

Erfman 6 (10-4) actions 140/300 juice
Bob 5 (10-5) actions
Julienne 0 (2-2) actions
Woody 1 (8-7) actions
Jessie 2 (8-6) actions
The Luggage 6 (16-10) actions
Billie 22 actions
Suresh 8 actions
Gopher 0 (8-8) actions
Bond 8 actions
Scout 1 0 (8-8) actions
Scout 2 0 (8-8) actions
Scout 3 4 (8-4) actions
Scout 4 0 (8-8) actions
Bowie 10 actions
Durp 4 (10-6) actions
Burp 10 actions
Messenger bird 1 0 actions (12-12)
Messenger bird 2 12 actions

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190266#p190266)

"Do you think you would be able to cure an illness, mummy rot, some friends and I have contracted?" you ask the Dwyad.

She has a thoughtful look for a moment before bending down digging a small hole with her finger and then pretends to put something in it and covers the hole back over. She then looks back up with a hopeful look and stares straight at you.

Eventually you all climb back in to the Luggage and set off once again this time heading southeast.

The Luggage 2 move used

The next hex is rather barren, not only is the ground dry and lifeless but all the trees that were once here have been cut down. Seeing that the only thing of interest here is the tent you claim it taking it inside the luggage.

Tent gained

"Can your flower power heal this hex of it's decayed signamancy?" "If so, we'll try it tomorrow, today there is more pressing matters ahead." you ask of the Dwyad.

The Dwyad once again had a thoughtful look before pinching her fingers together and nodding. She then spreads her arms wide and with a frown shook her head.

Erfman 6 (10-4) actions 140/300 juice
Bob 5 (10-5) actions
Julienne 0 (2-2) actions
Woody 1 (8-7) actions
Jessie 2 (8-6) actions
The Luggage 4 (16-12) actions
Billie 22 actions
Suresh 8 actions
Gopher 0 (8-8) actions
Bond 8 actions
Scout 1 0 (8-8) actions
Scout 2 0 (8-8) actions
Scout 3 4 (8-4) actions
Scout 4 0 (8-8) actions
Bowie 10 actions
Durp 4 (10-6) actions
Burp 10 actions
Messenger bird 1 0 actions (12-12)
Messenger bird 2 12 actions

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190290#p190290)

"Dear Lady of the Woods, do you have a name? For some reason, during our kiss, the name 'Mahogany' was gently pushed in my mind, would that be your name?" you ask.

The Dwyad gives you a gentle smile before quickly nodding her head.

"Do you mean that you would have to grow what you need to make a cure? Or that it would take many turns, like growing a plant?" you question.

Scrunching up here face in thought the Dwyad holds up a single finger.

Erfman nods. "It's all right if it takes many turns, if you have to start small, both in area and the plants you use, and work your way up to fully healing this hex..." you then add trying to reassure her.

"Does the herb we would need grow naturally here, or do we have the seed for the herb or plant already in our possession? If so, could you show us where to find it?" you then question.

The Dwyad frowns for a second then points at you followed by her eye and then digs a small hole in the ground and then mimics placing something in there before looking at you in expectation.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190294#p190294)

Stats of the Hogs

Level 1 Hog
Hits: 30 Combat: 10 Defence: 3 Move: 8
Upkeep: 40s
Special: Heavy, Forest capable, Feral Rager

Feral Rager - The closer a unit with this special is to being croaked the more dangerous they become. Each time the unit loses a hit its combat value is raised by that same amount

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190295#p190295)

"Scout Bond (with helmet), please scout the obelisk hex ahead. If you success in your stealth, and Uncroaked don't begin to move to attack you, attempt to mentally order 1 Uncroaked to move away. After that, or if the uncroaked start to move to engage, retreat." You instruct.

Bond salutes and scurries off across the hex boundary. After some time he returns. "Sire there was a full stack of uncroaked guarding the obelisk. They didn't notice me so I attempted to use the helmet as instructed but when I did two spooks came out of the Obelisk and seemed to be making spot checks so I immediately left the hex" Bond reports.

Bond 4 move used

Erfman 6 (10-4) actions 140/300 juice
Bob 5 (10-5) actions
Julienne 0 (2-2) actions
Woody 1 (8-7) actions
Jessie 2 (8-6) actions
The Luggage 4 (16-12) actions
Billie 22 actions
Suresh 8 actions
Gopher 0 (8-8) actions
Bond 4 (8-4) actions
Scout 1 0 (8-8) actions
Scout 2 0 (8-8) actions
Scout 3 4 (8-4) actions
Scout 4 0 (8-8) actions
Bowie 10 actions
Durp 4 (10-6) actions
Burp 10 actions
Messenger bird 1 0 actions (12-12)
Messenger bird 2 12 actions
Mahogany 8 actions 50/50 juice
Hog 1 8 actions
Hog 2 8 actions

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190324#p190324)

"Bowie, Bob, how does stack bonus work? How much do you get with a 2-stack, 3-stack, 4-stack, 5-stack, 6-stack, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ?" you question.

Both units look at you in puzzlement as though they had never thought of such a thing before. You therefore begin forming stacks having other units stack with you and you begin to notice the following pattern as you increase units to your stack.


Furthermore, we notice the Warlords armour is about as good as Bob's. Yes it would be better than Bowie's and increase his defence by 1.

"Bowie, want me to resize this black armor for you? You'd look BAD-ASS in it " You offer.

Bowie gives a big smirk and nods his head.

(Ok looking back it seems I charged you 1 action to resize a set of armour. As Erfman's actions seem more precious than juice I will charge you 10 juice instead)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190338#p190338)

"Which of these do you feel comfortable with to wield in battle?" You ask Mahogany as you show her the inventory. With a thoughtful look she selects a spear and takes a handful of fruit seeds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190348#p190348)

Forming a max stack with Bob, Billie, Bowie, Burp, Durp, Mahogany and the two hogs you slowly march forwards heading for the hex boundary that will take you to the hex with the obelisk. As you approach you feel no small amount of trepidation, the last fight you had with a spook had been tough and now you go to fight two at once.

As you cross the hex boundary the large pillar like obelisk immediately come in to view, it is pointing to the heavens and is currently pulsing with dark energy that radiates all over its surface. Two Spooks hover around its peak looking darker than the last time you saw one as they seem to draw in and feed upon the energy that the tower is producing.

At the obelisks base stands a lose ring of skeletal uncroaked each with a jagged blade drawn. As you enter the hex there heads all seem to turn as one to look straight at you.

All units 2 move used

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190426#p190426)

Round 1

With a cry of "For Fanon!" Bob leads the front rank of your stack in a charge against the defensive line of the uncroaked stabbers. As soon as Bowie is close enough he hurls his axe up in to the air where it flies straight towards the pair of hovering spooks. His aim is true and the axes flies straight through one of the spooks dealing 5 hits as it does so.

Bob mounted on Billie then slams in to the uncroaked stack, so powerful is the pairs charge that two of the uncroaked are brought down by their charge and crumble in to a pile of bones. The two Hogs then slam in to the enemy stack knocking an uncroaked back as they slam their heads in to it dealing 3 hits.

The second rank then more cautiously follow up behind the first, Mahogany reaches over the back of one of the Hogs and lunges with her spear though she misses her target completely.

You meanwhile take the oppertunity to take a swipe at an uncroaked that does not seem to be paying attention and you land a glancing blow dealing a single hit.

Durp and Burp then edge round the flanks slashing with their axes managing to deal four hits between them dropping another uncroaked.

Back at the top of the Obelisk one of the Spooks fades from sight completely while the second seems to begin drawing energy from the tower and syphoning it into itself.

The uncroaked then fight back with a barage of sword swipes aimed towards your stack. Both hogs find thier sides slashed as they each lose a single hit. Bob meanwhile is able to tug at the reigns and pull Billie away from harm though he is hit by a glancing blow as he does so losing 2 hits. Finally Bowie is thankful for his new armour as the majority of the swipes bounce off or are deflected by the armour though he loses 3 hits.

Erfaman's Warband

Hog 1 29/30 hits
Hog 2 29/30 hits
Bob 13/15 hits
Billie 23/23 hits
Bowie 12/15 hits
Mahoganny 5/5 hits 50/50 juice
Erfman 6/6 hits 130/300 juice
Durp 5/5 hits
Burp 5/5 hits

[Dark Ones Uncroaked]

Stabber 1 - dusted
Stabber 2 - dusted
Stabber 3 - dusted
Stabber 4 - 3 hits dealt
Stabber 5 -
Stabber 6 -
Stabber 7 -
Stabber 8 -

Spook 1 - 5 hits dealt - syphoning energy
Spook 2 - veiled

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190474#p190474)

Round 2

With only one Spook in sight Bowie hurls his axe once again clipping the Spooks etheral form for a second time dealing a further 2 hits, the Spook however seems to completely ignore this and continues to draw energy from the obelisk as it now starts to throb with dark energy much like the tower is.

A haunted gut wrenching wail then announces the presence of the second Spook. Your eyes widen in shock and surprise as you realize the wail came from behind you. Before you even turn round you are slammed in to by a blast of foul energy and hurled forwards in to the middle of the uncroaked. The uncroaked raise their blades ready to croak you and your turns since popping flash before your eyes. At the last moment however Bob wades in and dusts the uncroaked that was about to separate your head from your shoulders. There is then a chaotic melee as blows are exchanged between your stack and the enemy stack. Between the Gobwins and the Hogs efforts your stack manages to dust another uncroaked. Bob and Bowie however suffers 1 hit each in return and one of the hogs is sliced for 2 hits.

Erfman's Warband

Hog 1 27/30 hits
Hog 2 29/30 hits
Bob 12/15 hits
Billie 23/23 hits
Bowie 11/15 hits
Mahoganny 5/5 hits 50/50 juice
Erfman 1/6 hits 130/300 juice
Durp 5/5 hits
Burp 5/5 hits

[Dark Ones Uncroaked]

Stabber 1 - dusted
Stabber 2 - dusted
Stabber 3 - dusted
Stabber 4 - dusted
Stabber 5 - dusted
Stabber 6 -3 hits dealt
Stabber 7 -
Stabber 8 -

Spook 1 - 7 hits dealt - syphoning energy
Spook 2 - levitating out of melee range

2019-10-13, 04:36 PM
Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190560#p190560)

"Mahogany can you cast a Hoboken?" you ask. The Dwyad gives you a sad look and shakes her head.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190578#p190578)

Round 3

Bowie once again hurls his axe up towards the Spook however this time you support him as you cry. "Hoboken!" your blast of raw shockamancy flies through the air and slams into the spook with a fizzling noise dealing 6 hits. Your blast is soon followed by Bowie's axe which chips away a further 2 hits as it flies through the Spook.

For good or bad you finally seem to have drawn the Spooks attention and it drifts away from the obelisk. The Spook begins to glow with dark energy as it lets out a deafening wail. Darkness then seems to explode out of the Spook and washes over the entire hex in a wave. You are just about to start wondering what exactly that did when the piles of bones upon the ground of the dusted uncroaked begin to move and reform. Out of the five already dusted uncroaked four climb back to their feet.

The second Spook then seems to rush towards your stack however as it gets close instead of charging at you it flies in to one of the uncroaked and disappears inside. The bones of that uncroaked begins to darken and a black energy can be seen inside the sockets of the skull.

With the uncroaked reforming your stack begins a desperate attempt to smash them to pieces once again.

Leading the counter attack Bob swiftly dusts one of the uncroaked with a spear through the skull. The raging Hogs meanwhile completely batter another one to pieces while the Gobwins also chop one down to size.

The dark uncroaked strides straight towards you with a menacing aura leading the remaining uncroaked your way. Fortunately for you Bob and the two Hogs block their path.

The dark uncroaked swings it's sword opening up a large cut in the side of a Hog dealing 4 hits. The second Hog suffers a similar fate as it is struck by a regular uncroaked losing 3 hits. Bob and Billie do not escape harm either as two uncroaked focus on them as well. Billie is slashed for 4 hits, while Bob is struck by a glancing blow losing a single hit

Erfman's Warband

Hog 1 23/30 hits
Hog 2 26/30 hits
Bob 11/15 hits
Billie 19/23 hits
Bowie 11/15 hits
Mahoganny 5/5 hits 50/50 juice
Erfman 1/6 hits 105/300 juice
Durp 5/5 hits
Burp 5/5 hits

[Dark Ones Uncroaked]

Stabber 1 - possessed -
Stabber 2 -
Stabber 3 -
Stabber 4 - 1 hit dealt
Stabber 5 - dusted
Stabber 6 - dusted
Stabber 7 - dusted
Stabber 8 - dusted

Spook 1 - 15 hits dealt - levitating
Spook 2 - possessing uncroaked

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190590#p190590)

Round 4

Ignoring the newly reanimated uncroaked you focus all of your attention on their animator. "Hoboken!" You cry releasing a second blast of raw shockamancy. At the same time Bowie hurls his axe with a grunt of effort. Both attacks slam in to the Spook each dealing 5 hits, the Spook shudders and then explodes in a cloud of black.

Back on the ground the remainder of your stack clash with uncroaked. The Hogs are steadily growing more wild as erratic as the battle goes on and they trample one of the uncroaked dusting it. Billie meanwhile slams in to another of the uncroaked and while Bob is only able to deal a glancing blow for one hit the force of Billie's headbutt is enough to dust. Burp and Durp meanwhile team up against another uncroaked and while they manage to hit it they only deal 3 hits and it is left standing.

The dark uncroaked meanwhile is still standing strong and attempts to fight his way past Bob in order to get within striking range of you. Bob however is having none of it and he is able to deflect away every single strike. One of the Hogs meanwhile blocks the path of an ordinary uncroaked though he is forced to use his body in order to do so and ends up losing 3 hits as he is struck by a sword.

Erfman's Warband

Hog 1 20/30 hits
Hog 2 26/30 hits
Bob 11/15 hits
Billie 19/23 hits
Bowie 11/15 hits
Mahoganny 5/5 hits 50/50 juice
Erfman 1/6 hits 80/300 juice
Durp 5/5 hits
Burp 5/5 hits

[Dark Ones Uncroaked]

Stabber 1 - possessed -
Stabber 2 - dusted
Stabber 3 - dusted
Stabber 4 - 3 hits dealt
Stabber 5 - dusted
Stabber 6 - dusted
Stabber 7 - dusted
Stabber 8 - dusted

Spook 1 - dusted
Spook 2 - possessing uncroaked

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190637#p190637)

Round 5

With only two opponents left you push in on the uncroaked surrounding them. The wild Hogs slam straight into one uncroaked quickly dusting it from the force of the blows.

With just the one opponent left your best warriors close in. Bowie lands a telling blow smashing ribs with his axe and dealing 4 hits which is then immediately followed up by Bob who deals a single hit though it is enough to drop the uncroaked.

While the body of the uncroaked drops the Spook remains in place now surrounded by your stack. You focus on the warlords helmet and while you can sense the presence of the Spook a little more strongly than normal nothing else seems to happen. Burp and Durp then lunge in only managing to land a single blow between them dealing 2 hits. The Dwyad's spear meanwhile passes straight through the spook doing absolutely nothing.

The Spook then wails releasing a blast of croakamantic energy at you. Bob however moves infront and attempts to bat it away with his spear. While he prevents you from being harmed he takes 2 hits in the process.

Erfman's Warband

Hog 1 20/30 hits
Hog 2 26/30 hits
Bob 9/15 hits
Billie 19/23 hits
Bowie 11/15 hits
Mahoganny 5/5 hits 50/50 juice
Erfman 1/6 hits 80/300 juice
Durp 5/5 hits
Burp 5/5 hits

[Dark Ones Uncroaked]

Stabber 1 - dusted
Stabber 2 - dusted
Stabber 3 - dusted
Stabber 4 - dusted
Stabber 5 - dusted
Stabber 6 - dusted
Stabber 7 - dusted
Stabber 8 - dusted

Spook 1 - dusted
Spook 2 - 2 hits dealt

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190649#p190649)

Round 6

With the Spook surrounded you and Mahogany back away slightly with the Hogs following suit in order to screen for you. The rest of your stack crowds around the Spook and begin a barrage of attacks attacking from all sides. Bob manages to plunge his spear in to the Spook's ethereal form dealing 2 hits, Bowie has a run of bad luck and completely misses though his Gobwins are much more fortunate and are able to deal 5 hits between them.

Having survived the onslaught the Spook begins to float upwards as it inhales, levitating out of reach the Spook lets out another ghostly wail as it fires a blast of energy down towards Bowie. Most of the damage is absorbed by Bowie's armour but he still loses 2 hits.

Erfman's Warband

Hog 1 20/30 hits
Hog 2 26/30 hits
Bob 9/15 hits
Billie 19/23 hits
Bowie 9/15 hits
Mahogany 5/5 hits 50/50 juice
Erfman 1/6 hits 80/300 juice
Durp 5/5 hits
Burp 5/5 hits

[Dark Ones Uncroaked]

Stabber 1 - dusted
Stabber 2 - dusted
Stabber 3 - dusted
Stabber 4 - dusted
Stabber 5 - dusted
Stabber 6 - dusted
Stabber 7 - dusted
Stabber 8 - dusted

Spook 1 - dusted
Spook 2 - 9 hits dealt - levitating

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190664#p190664)

Round 7

With the Spook hovering overhead you leave the job of dusting it to Bowie. With a grunt of effort the Gobwin chief hurls his axe however this time the spook merely drifts out of the way. Getting a bit eager to end the fight quickly and you order one of the Hogs to launch Durp at the Spook. Durp climbs on to the Hogs back and then the Hog bucks with all its might launching the gobwin in to the air. The Spook however has other ideas and as soon as the Gobwin gets close it lets out a frightful wail launching Durp backwards and dealing him 2 hits. As Durp then hits the ground he loses a further hit.

Erfman's Warband

Hog 1 20/30 hits
Hog 2 26/30 hits
Bob 9/15 hits
Billie 19/23 hits
Bowie 9/15 hits
Mahogany 5/5 hits 50/50 juice
Erfman 1/6 hits 80/300 juice
Burp 5/5 hits

Durp 2/5 hits - unstacked

[Dark Ones Uncroaked]

Stabber 1 - dusted
Stabber 2 - dusted
Stabber 3 - dusted
Stabber 4 - dusted
Stabber 5 - dusted
Stabber 6 - dusted
Stabber 7 - dusted
Stabber 8 - dusted

Spook 1 - dusted
Spook 2 - 9 hits dealt - levitating

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190673#p190673)

Round 8

Battered and bruised Durp hurriedly scrambles to rejoin the stack. Bowie meanwhile growls in annoyance as he throws the axe once again, his aim is slightly better this time and he clips the Spook dealing 1 hit. The Spook however takes offense at this and turns its attention on to Bowie with yet another shriek it releases a blast of croakamantic energy that slams in to the Gobwin chief dealing 3 hits.

Erfman's Warband

Hog 1 20/30 hits
Hog 2 26/30 hits
Bob 9/15 hits
Billie 19/23 hits
Bowie 6/15 hits
Mahogany 5/5 hits 50/50 juice
Erfman 1/6 hits 80/300 juice
Burp 5/5 hits

Durp 2/5 hits - unstacked

[Dark Ones Uncroaked]

Stabber 1 - dusted
Stabber 2 - dusted
Stabber 3 - dusted
Stabber 4 - dusted
Stabber 5 - dusted
Stabber 6 - dusted
Stabber 7 - dusted
Stabber 8 - dusted

Spook 1 - dusted
Spook 2 - 10 hits dealt - levitating

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190718#p190718)

Round 9

Seeing that Bowie was struggling to take the last Spook down quickly you decide to step in. "Hoboken!" You cry at the same time Bowie hurls his axe once again. Just like earlier both attack slam in to the Spook at once, your blast of raw shockamancy dealing 6 hits while Bowie's axe does 3. The Spook shudders in response and then explodes in a cloud of black. With the last opponent dusted you sigh in relief.

Congratulations you have won the battle. Exp gained

Erfman has leveled up to level 4
Bowie has leveled up to level 3

Erfman's Warband

Hog 1 20/30 hits
Hog 2 26/30 hits
Bob 9/15 hits
Billie 19/23 hits
Bowie 6/15 hits
Mahoganny 5/5 hits 50/50 juice
Erfman 1/6 hits 55/300 juice
Burp 5/5 hits

Durp 2/5 hits - unstacked

[Dark Ones Uncroaked]

Stabber 1 - dusted
Stabber 2 - dusted
Stabber 3 - dusted
Stabber 4 - dusted
Stabber 5 - dusted
Stabber 6 - dusted
Stabber 7 - dusted
Stabber 8 - dusted

Spook 1 - dusted
Spook 2 - dusted

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190720#p190720)

Searching among the remains of the uncroaked you are able to collect up 8 swords.

8 Stabber swords gained

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190721#p190721)

Turn 13 - in progress

Side: Fanon

Capital: Fanon City

Income: 500s / turn
Production: 50
Units available to pop;
Stabber (20) 5/10/4/8
Piker (20) 5/5/5/8 [Piker Defence]
Archer (20) 5/11/3/8 [Archery]
Scout (7) 2/2/2/8 [Scout]
Tower: Level 1, Juice Charge: 0
Dollamantic converter: The tower is able to convert schmuckers to power Golems. Dollamancy Golems may pay upkeep in schmuckers or juice.
Caster Bonus: Spells cast while in the tower are cast at caster level +1
Walls: Level 1
City Zone:Dwellings
Dollamancy Workshop - (Dollamancy crafting time reduced by 10%)
Dungeons: Level 0
Cells: 1 (crude cavern, low security) Capacity 0/2

Treasury: 1s



King Erfman
Level 4 Dollamancer (Adept)
Hits: 6 Combat: 7 (2+3+2) Defence: 1 (2-1) Move: 12 (8+4) Juice: 155/400
Upkeep: 150s
Special: Caster, Command, Infected
Purse: 0s
Equipped: Craftman's +1 Hammer, Motion Goggles
Exp: 23/800

Sir Bob
Level 3 Lancer (Knight)
Hits: 15 Combat: 24 (17+6+1) Defence: 6 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 40s
Special: Piker defence, Lancer, Knight
Equipped: Pikers +1 Spear
Exp: 173/400

Heavy Dervish Golem
Hits: 30 Combat: 43 Defence: 6 Move: 0
Juice Charge: 100/300
Upkeep: 100 juice
Special: Garrison, Heavy, Dervish Dance

Reinforced Wood Golem
Hits:8/ 22 Combat: 12 (10+2) Defence: 6 Move: 8
Juice Charge: 35/100
Upkeep: 30 juice
Special: Heavy
Equipped: +1 Animated Gobwin Axe

Wood Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 10 (9+1) Defence: 5 (4+1) Move: 8
Juice Charge: 20/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Equipped: modified Piker armor, crude Gobwin Axe

The Luggage
Luggage Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 5 Defence: 3 Move: 16
Juice Charge: 12/100
Upkeep: 23 juice
Special: Carnyed - Bigger on the inside, Dollamancy - moving parts, Capture, Mountain Capable

Level 2 War Goat
Hits: 23 (20+3) Combat: 15 Defence: 4 Move: 22 (20+2)
Upkeep: 40
Special: Self Sufficient, Mountain Capable, Heavy, WarMount (1 rider 1 passenger)
Equipped: Woolly Saddle
Exp: 173/200

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 8/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 8/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Equiped: Magic Helm (unidentified)
Exp: 18/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 9/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 8/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 8/100

Chief Bowie
Level 3 Gobwin Chief (Knight)
Hits: 15 Combat: 26 (19+6+1) Defence: 5 (4+1) Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 100s
Special: Natural Ally Chief, Command, Knight, Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe, Dark Breastplate
Exp: 39/400

Level 2 Gobwin
Hits: 5 Combat: 10 (7+2+1) Defence: 2 ( 3-1) Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Infected
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe
Exp: 89/200

Level 2 Gobwin
Hits: 5 Combat: 10 (7+2+1) Defence: 2 (3-1) Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Infected
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe
Exp: 89/200

Level 1 Hog
Hits: 30 Combat: 10 Defence: 3 Move: 8
Upkeep: 40
Special: Forest Capable, Heavy, Feral Rager
Exp: 50/100

Level 1 Hog
Hits: 30 Combat: 10 Defence: 3 Move: 8
Upkeep: 40
Special: Forest Capable, Heavy, Feral Rager
Exp: 50/100

Level 1 Dwyad
Hits:5 Combat: 3 (2+1) Defence: 2 Move: 8 Juice: 50/50
Upkeep: 100s
Special: Natural Caster (Flower Power / Datamancy), Forest capable
Equipped: Piker Spear
Exp: 50/100

Knitted Messenger Bird
Hits: 1 Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Move: 12
Juice Charge: 50/50
Upkeep: 4 juice
Special: Flight

Knitted Messenger Bird
Hits: 1 Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Move: 12
Juice Charge: 50/50
Upkeep: 4 juice
Special: Flight

In the Magic Kingdom

Dotti Crosst
Level 2 Signamancer (Novice)
Hits: 6 Combat: 3 (2+1) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2) Juice: 200/200
Upkeep: 150s
Special: Caster, Command
Exp: 100/200


Powerball x1
Shockamancy Gem x1

Fruit x7
Deseeded fruit x 20
Fruit seeds x30
Meat rations x4
Arkenfiend Mushroom x1

Stone x12
Pebbles x1
Wood x16
Wool x0
Metal Ore x0
Branches from a Bush x1
Goat Hide x1

Piker Spears x6
Archer Bows x8
Stabber Swords x14
Warlords sword x1
Ogwe Club x1
Bobwin axe +1 x2
Crude Gobwin axe x5
Shears x1
Harvesting claw x1
Tent x1

Leather case x1
Fanon area map x1

[Warlord Prisoner - Grim]


Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Compilation of Game Thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255904#p255904)

You slowly make your way up to the obelisk to investigate, now that you have time to properly look at it you realize just how big it is. It rises skyward easily as tall as a city tower. The obelisk itself seems to be made out of a light grey smooth stone and it's entire surface is covered in strange runes. Whoever made this structure was obviously a master in their art. After some investigation you realize the obelisk goes further and is actually sprouting out of the ground. Your caster senses allow you to work out that the obelisk is drawing juice from somewhere and then converting it to croakamantic energy. The obelisk then becomes charged and saturated in this energy which you can see as a pulsing black energy. The croakamantic energy is then released in to the air flooding the hex with croakamantic energy before it radiates out in to the surrounding hexes.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190735#p190735)

You tunnel down with one of the Gobwins in a spiral that follows around the outside of the obelisk. You have to dig for quite a long way and it takes a long time but you eventually hit bedrock and can go no further. The Obelisk seems to be coming out of the bedrock itself.

You currently own the obelisk. It counts as a structure. You may attempt to raze it like you could with a farm or city.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190742#p190742)

"Mahogany, what do you feel from this obelisk if you touch it? Does it cause the decay in nature in these hexes, or do you believe it can be used by you or us to restore the hexes back to life? If we need to, we can destroy it. " you question.

Mahogany has a thoughtful look for a few moments before slowly reaching out and touching the side of the obelisk. Dark energy as if drawn out by her touch suddenly flows out of the stone and begins spiraling up her arm. Mahogany jumps back in shock and quickly pulls her arm away. Once she is far enough away the energy drifts back in to the obelisk. Other than being frightened the Dwyad seems unharmed.

Erfman in the meanwhile studies the flow of energy through the bedrock and traces where it comes from exactly. He wonders if it acts as a magnifier for the Croakamantic energy.

The obelisk somehow seems to drawing up pure raw unrefined juice up through the bedrock. It is not until it is inside the obelisk itself that juice begins to change in to croakamantic energy.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190768#p190768)

Investing a sizeable dollop of juice you continue to investigate the obelisk. The first thing you realise is that while the Obelisk itself is giving off croakamantic energy there is a lot more going on beneath the surface. You are fairly certain that dirtamancy was involved in the obelisks construction and you detect the presence of Shockamancy, changeamancy and even carnamancy still active within the obelisk. There may still be more magics active but these are the strongest that you can detect.

As a Dollamancer your primary area of expertise is motion and as you continue to study the tower you discover that in the wall of the structure is something that was designed to move. Borrowing the spear from Mahogany you nudge a particular area that has drawn your attention with the staff of the spear. There is an audible click and a well concealed door swings open from the point that you struck. Carefully glancing inside you spot a number of strange, cogs, pieces of metal and stones lining the inside of the obelisk. There is also a ladder inside that leads straight up and out of sight...

Erfman 50 juice used

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190790#p190790)

With a mental command you order in a messenger bird from outside the hex. You have to wait for a bit but you soon see the knitted yellow form flying towards you.

Messenger bird 2 move used

Keeping the door propped open you direct the little bird inside, it flies in then up the inside of the obelisk and out of sight. While this is going on you take back your motion sensing goggles and peer inside the open doorway. You can see that the space inside the obelisk is rather narrow and there would only be enough room for a single light unit to squeeze up the ladder at a time. You notice that energy seems to be travelling through the walls but it does not seem to jump between the space between the walls.

After a while the little messenger bird flies back down and lands in front of you seemingly unharmed.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190794#p190794)

Having taken whatever reasonable measures you can think of to ensure it is safe to do so you step inside. Placing your hand on the ladder you find the metal cold to the touch, as you begin to climb you notice that black energy is beginning to seep out of the walls and gather around your body, clinging to your form, while it does not hurt you it does make you feel somewhat strange.

Stop and head back or keep climbing?

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190861#p190861)

Playing on the side of caution you quickly scramble back down the ladder and out the open door. As soon as you start moving away from the obelisk the black energy begins to drift away and return to where it came from.

"Mahogany, is the dark energy dangerous? Did you feel a corruption or harmful effect when it touched you? And could you possibly keep me safe from it with your Flower Power magics?" you question.

Mahogany has a confused and slightly nervous look on her face, she glances between you and the tower before shrugging her shoulders obviously unsure.

Wanting to experiment you call one of the scouts in from outside of the hex and a short while later Buster jogs in to view.

Buster 2 move used

You instruct Buster to place his hand on the tower and he obediently does so. When black energy starts coming out he pulls his hand away in surprise but seeing the look you give him he then places it on the tower once again.

Round 1

Black energy begins to creep up Buster's arm.

Round 2

"I feel a bit strange Sire..." Buster declares as the black energy is starting to swirl around his entire body.

Round 3

"My skin it's all tingly Sire..." Buster then adds

Keep going?

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=190864#p190864)

Ahm, we have our Goggles on, and are extremely attentive, what are we perceiving?

- The energy is definitely croakamantic

- The energy is starting to be absorbed through Busters skin, you do not think he has absorbed nearly enough to make him explode.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=191086#p191086)

After warring with himself

"Ok step back Buster." You call out and no sooner do you say it that Buster hastily jumps back and sighs with relief. As soon as he moves away from the obelisk the black energy begins to fade and Buster returns to normal.

Deciding the safest option would be to raze the obelisk you first decide to workout what it's worth. Trying your hand at a bit of moneymancy once again you cast a basic valuation spell and come up with a value of 2,500 schmuckers! The obelisk is worth as much as a city!

Erfman 10 juice used

Backing away to the relative safety of the edge of the hex you then give the command for the obelisk to be razed. As soon as the order is given the obelisk seems to implode inwards before crumbling down towards the ground until it disappears from view completely leaving no evidence that it had ever been there before.

Obelisk razed. 1,000 schmuckers gained!

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=191098#p191098)

"Great job Buster, you were brave! Want to the the first of the Scout Knights??" You declare.

"It would be an honour Sire!" Buster replies standing tall and proud. As you talk to Buster you inspect his condition using both your ruler and caster senses, he seems perfectly healthy and unnaffected by the croakamantic energies now that they have been removed.

Heading back across the hex boundary you return to the Luggage and climb inside.

Warband 2 move used

The Luggage then sets off heading to the south east bringing you to the ruins of the farm hex.

The Luggage 2 move used

Erfman 4 (12-8) actions 95/300 juice
Bob 1 (10-9) actions
Julienne 0 (2-2) actions
Woody 1 (8-7) actions
Jessie 2 (8-6) actions
The Luggage 2 (16-14) actions
Billie 18 (22-4) actions
Suresh 8 actions
Gopher 0 (8-8) actions
Bond 4 (8-4) actions
Scout 1 0 (8-8) actions
Scout 2 0 (8-8) actions
Buster 0 (8-8) actions
Scout 4 0 (8-8) actions
Bowie 6 (10-4) actions
Durp 0 (10-10) actions
Burp 6 (10-4) actions
Messenger bird 1 0 (12-12) actions
Messenger bird 2 8 (12-4) actions
Mahogany 4 (8-4) actions 50/50 juice
Hog 1 4 (8-4) actions
Hog 2 4 (8-4) actions

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=191110#p191110)

It would cost 500s to promote Bob to warlord it would then cost a further 500s to promote Bob to chief warlord.

Upgrading Fanon to level 2 would cost 4,000s

Gobwins cost 25s each, they will pop during the night after you pay the chief

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=191139#p191139)

"Mahogany we will be repairing the farm. Can you assist with your magic in any way to make it more productive?" You question.

The Dwyad nods in response to this and waits for orders.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=191199#p191199)

You direct your units to start repairing the farm with the wood you recently harvested. Lacking proper tools they end up using the Gobwin axes and borrowing the Craftman's hammer to do so. While your units are are hard at work you then turn to Mahogany.

"Mahogany they will rebuild the farm please assist in whatever manner you are able as you see fit." you declare.

Mahogany gives you a smile and a nod before stepping forwards and beginning to cast.

Bob 1 action used, Woody 1 action used, Jessie 2 actions used, Suresh 8 actions used. 10 units of wood used. Level 1 farm obtained!

Mahogany 4 actions and 50 juice used

Farm level 1 (enhanced growth): Rations produced per turn: 6 (5+1). Rations produced in this farm will automatically appear in the storehouse in Fanon. Cost to upgrade 200s. Harvestable resources straw.

Erfman 4 (12-8) actions 95/300 juice
Bob 0 (10-10) actions
Julienne 0 (2-2) actions
Woody 0 (8-8) actions
Jessie 0 (8-8) actions
The Luggage 2 (16-14) actions
Billie 18 (22-4) actions
Suresh 0 (8-8) actions
Gopher 0 (8-8) actions
Bond 4 (8-4) actions
Scout 1 0 (8-8) actions
Scout 2 0 (8-8) actions
Buster 0 (8-8) actions
Scout 4 0 (8-8) actions
Bowie 6 (10-4) actions
Durp 0 (10-10) actions
Burp 6 (10-4) actions
Messenger bird 1 0 (12-12) actions
Messenger bird 2 8 (12-4) actions
Mahogany 0 (8-8) actions 0/50 juice
Hog 1 4 (8-4) actions
Hog 2 4 (8-4) actions

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=191202#p191202)

Sending out a messenger bird on a short scouting run you do not have to wait long until your ruler senses alert you to something unexpected.

Your unit has encountered an unclaimed mine. Would you like to claim the mine?

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=191204#p191204)

"Uuh Bowie? The mine over there is unclaimed. Should the bird claim it for us? Will it produce stuff every turn even without you actively mining it? (if so, what?)"

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=191205#p191205)

"Mines owned by sides passively produce schmuckers..." Bowie explains.

*bird, claim the mine and continue*

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=191213#p191213)

Mine claimed

Mine level 2: Schmuckers produced per turn: 100. schmuckers produced by this mine will automatically appear in the treasury. Cost to upgrade 200s. Mineable resources; Gems, Ore, Coal, ???

Your ruler senses alert you that the bird has finished its journey and you send out Bob to collect it. After sometime Bob returns from his trip through the mountains with little to report.

Messenger bird 8 move used. Billie 18 move used

Erfman 4 (12-8) actions 95/300 juice
Bob 0 (10-10) actions
Julienne 0 (2-2) actions
Woody 0 (8-8&) actions
Jessie 0 (8-8) actions
The Luggage 2 (16-14) actions
Billie 0 (22-22) actions
Suresh 0 (8-8) actions
Gopher 0 (8-8) actions
Bond 4 (8-4) actions
Scout 1 0 (8-8) actions
Scout 2 0 (8-8) actions
Buster 0 (8-8) actions
Scout 4 0 (8-8) actions
Bowie 6 (10-4) actions
Durp 0 (10-10) actions
Burp 6 (10-4) actions
Messenger bird 1 0 (12-12) actions
Messenger bird 2 0 (12-12) actions
Mahogany 0 (8-8) actions 0/50 juice
Hog 1 4 (8-4) actions
Hog 2 4 (8-4) actions

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=191256#p191256)

"Bowie, we have claimed a level 2 mine to the south, near to your old mine. Do you think it is safe to mine there, given the presence of the Wyrm? How many Gobwin could it support do you think, could they provide their own upkeep and more? And importantly, how many more men or Gobwins would we need to take the Wyrm down should it be necessary?" You question as you turn to chief Bowie.

"That mine is actually the old Fanon mine and it is where we used to do most of our mining. Where you met me were the Gobwin caves, while it is possible for tunneller units to mine there we chose that as our home due to its increased pop rate for feral Gobwins" Bowie reveals. "When we were not allied we made upkeep by pillaging the mine, mining for gems and hunting feral goats... If you find gems or not depends on how lucky you are so it is hard to guess how many units might be able to support themselves through mining..." Bowie continues. "Not sure what we would need to croak the Dwagon Wurm but it was strong... Easily stronger than that Ogew..." Bowie answers.

Suddenly thinking of something else you turn to speak to Mahogany.
"Mahogany, have you eaten this turn already? Do these fruit sustain you for a turn as they sustain me?" you question.

Mahogany smiles and nods twice in response.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=191407#p191407)

If a command unit manages Fanon you get a 10% boost to both income and production.

It would take a command unit 6 actions to manage a city and they must both start and end turn in that city.

Wiz *Erfman ponders on the nature of scrolls, how could he make a scroll of Repair, for instance*

A caster can create a scroll by spending 50s in resources and the juice that would be required to cast the spell you want to make a scroll of. The light repair spell that you have been using for example would cost 25 juice and 50s to make a scroll of.

"Buster, I have some questions about your skills. First of all, what is your chance of hiding when troops pass through a hex, or even camp there? Does it depend on the number of troops? What happens if a Warlord is with the troops?" you ask Buster.

"When I attempt to hide every unit present gets to make a spot check. Warlords have a better chance of successfully making a spot check. Here I'll show you the numbers... Buster replies as he picks up a quill and starts writing out the mechanics.

Spot checks

Normal units

1 + (Unit making spot checks level) - (stealth unit hidings level) = % chance to spot unit

Command units

[1+(Unit making spot checks level) - (stealth unit hidings level)] x 5 = % chance to spot unit

Special units (lookamancers, scouts etc)

[1+(Unit making spot checks level) - (stealth unit hidings level)] x 15 = % chance to spot unit

"Alright Bob, close your eyes. Buster, hide in this hex. Once you're gone, I'll let Bob do a spot check to search for you. Let's repeat this process 5 times and see what it gives. Then I'll close my eyes while you hide 5 times to see if I can do better than Bob." You then instruct.

Buster then goes and hides, Bob despite his best efforts is unable to find the scout. When you try you are able to find him 2 out of 5 times.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=191408#p191408)

With a mental command you order the upgrade of the mine and instantly 200 schmuckers vanishes from the treasury.

Mine level 3: Schmuckers produced per turn: 150. schmuckers produced by this mine will automatically appear in the treasury. Cost to upgrade 200s. Mineable resources; Gems, Ore, Coal, ???

Climbing back inside the Luggage you then all head back to Fanon reentering the city without issue.

The luggage 2 move used

Erfman 4 (12-8) actions 95/300 juice
Bob 0 (10-10) actions
Julienne 0 (2-2) actions
Woody 0 (8-8&) actions
Jessie 0 (8-8) actions
The Luggage 0 (16-16) actions
Billie 0 (22-22) actions
Suresh 0 (8-8) actions
Gopher 0 (8-8) actions
Bond 4 (8-4) actions
Scout 1 0 (8-8) actions
Scout 2 0 (8-8) actions
Buster 0 (8-8) actions
Scout 4 0 (8-8) actions
Bowie 6 (10-4) actions
Durp 0 (10-10) actions
Burp 6 (10-4) actions
Messenger bird 1 0 (12-12) actions
Messenger bird 2 0 (12-12) actions
Mahogany 0 (8-8) actions 0/50 juice
Hog 1 4 (8-4) actions
Hog 2 4 (8-4) actions

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=191468#p191468)

Erfman ponders and tries to estimate action cost and Juice cost of:
- improving Hammer's action saving ability noticeably;
- of improving Goggles juice saving ability noticeably;
- And of improving Workshop's action saving ability noticeably.

The workshop is a structure and can not be upgraded as a whole using Dollamancy. There may be other ways to upgrade it though...

Improving the Hammer or goggles will cost a minimum of 8 actions and 100 juice and will be a difficult task. What improvements you will be able to make will depend on the dice roll.

Hmmm, I figured we can keep killing Uncroaked and melting their weapons if we need ore...

Ore makes a better crafting material than repurposed weapons.

"Hey Bowie, does having a full stack mining confer any bonus to the mining chance? Or it's basically 8 gobwins mining individually hoping to find something juicy?" you question.

"Stack bonus doesn't affect mining but the more Gobwins you have mining the more likely it will be that you'll find something..." Bowie replies.

"And that Wurm.. It almost got you, how many gobwins were involved in that fight? How many fell? How many Knight Gobwins would you like to have with you to take it down? How many Knights do you guess could match that beast?" you then ask.

"We had 13 including me and we lost 3. We weren't really fighting though just trying to get to safety" Bowie replies. "Guess I'd like a full stack of knights at least though as many as I can get really..." Bowie then adds with a noncommittal shrug obviously not sure just how many Gobwins he would need to croak it.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=191804#p191804)

Assembling Bowie, Burp and Bond in your workshop you set to work improving your hammer however despite your best efforts you can't quite improve it as much as you would like. Still you are able to improve the Hammer somewhat....

Please choose one of the following to add to the hammer

Dollamantic focus - Dollamancy spells cast through the hammer function at level +1

Erfman 4 actions and 90 juice used. Bowie 4 actions used. Burp 4 actions used. Bond 4 actions used.

Erfman 0 (12-12) actions 5/300 juice
Bob 0 (10-10) actions
Julienne 0 (2-2) actions
Woody 0 (8-8) actions
Jessie 0 (8-8) actions
The Luggage 0 (16-16) actions
Billie 0 (22-22) actions
Suresh 0 (8-8) actions
Gopher 0 (8-8) actions
Bond 0 (8-8) actions
Scout 1 0 (8-8) actions
Scout 2 0 (8-8) actions
Buster 0 (8-8) actions
Scout 4 0 (8-8) actions
Bowie 2 (10-8) actions
Durp 0 (10-10) actions
Burp 2 (10-8) actions
Messenger bird 1 0 (12-12) actions
Messenger bird 2 0 (12-12) actions
Mahogany 0 (8-8) actions 0/50 juice
Hog 1 4 (8-4) actions
Hog 2 4 (8-4) actions

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=191949#p191949)

Crafting done for the day you decide to turn your hand at interrogation and head down to the dungeons where you find Julienne standing guard over a chained up Grim.

"The treasury currently stands at one singular schmucker. What's your upkeep again?" you declare by way of greeting.

"Less than yours I'd wager!" Grim replies. "The Dark One will be very pleased to hear that your side is so close to crumbling!" the prisoner then adds with a satisfied smile.

"You don't fear croaking, since the Dark One would bring you back, but there is no coming back from depopment..." you declare with a small smile while playing with fruit, tossing it up and down.

"That shows how little you know! The Dark One can bring anyone out of the box, ANYONE!" Grim counters with obvious zeal. "Besides you can't disband me... You don't have the power!" Grim adds squaring his shoulders.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=192191#p192191)

Erfman nods, glumly. "I can have you executed and then will the body to depop for what it's worth through natural moneymancy... I doubt I would get a shmucker from it. But you would go back to the box." He said with iron in his voice. "This side is young, it can not afford you to take your time realizing turning is in your best interest. I give you one last chance to make a better contribution to the Erf then the mere experience one of my units will get sending you to the Titans, with no great story to earn your way into the City of Heroes." you declare trying to convince your prisoner that his best option would be to turn.

Grim hesitates and looks you straight in the eye obviously skeptical of what you have just said but unlike before he does not reject it outright.

Critical success on a natural Turnamancy roll

"If you want me to turn why have you not been torturing me..." Grim almost whispers obviously confused by the situation. "And you would take me on as a unit of your side despite knowing my allegiance to the Dark One?" Grim questions. "Why?"

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=192293#p192293)

"Because I would like you to turn because you feel it is in your best interest, even when you're not being maimed in a dungeon. I'm sure these aren't the methods the Dark One would employ, given your confusion... but are they worse... less in line with the words of the titans?

I got a second chance to live, a chance to redeem myself and my old side, Fanon, that fell to your Master because it trusted him, and was backstabbed in return. See my units. I care about them, I want each to prosper and make their mark on this Erf, help make something beautiful and good. I truly hope to be able to offer you the same opportunity, to live your life, find you passion, and see the fruits of your labor benefit the side you serve. Let you meet the Titans knowing you did on this Erf all your Fate and your Numbers would suggest, and so much more. That you are more then the unit they took out of the box, a person who deserves entry into the City of Heroes...

Your old Master only seems to think of death and destruction... of what you can do for him, rather than what he can do for you. "

"I value the thoughts and individuality of each person of Fanon, and if you joined, you'd too make your mark and be heard as a unique and not-expendable part of this family that is Fanon." you declare.

"Would you turn? Would you betray the side you were popped to just because you were captured and because of some pretty words..." Grim replies. There is little aggression in his voice surprisingly but actual honest curiosity and wanting to know. "I am a unit of the Darkside popped with both loyalty and duty to the side, what has the Dark One done that any other ruler would not do? What right do I have to betray him? The will of the Titans is to fight and win and the Dark One does that well. He has personally croaked more units and conquered more sides than any other I have ever heard of... surely he has the favour of the Titans and who am I to go against the will of the Titans..." Grim replies his voice surprisingly quiet and subdued.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=192304#p192304)

"It is by the will of the Titans you have a mind, the ability to reason, the ability to weigh your Loyalties to the Dark One against those you have for the other units of the Darkside and for Yourself. Loyalty was put in place by the Titans so a Commander could judge his Overlord. Maintaining a high Loyalty to a bad ruler is as against the Will of the Titans as a low Loyalty to a good ruler.

So tell me... besides the Dark One, how have things been going for the units of your side during his rule. Are they happy? Of healthy Signamancy? Able to use their Titan given minds and freedom without fear of unjust repercussions?" You argue.

"I'm... I'm not sure...." Grim replies hesitantly. "I have not met many other units popped by the Darkside. The Dark One pops nearly exclusively warlords and they pop slowly so there are not too many of us living units spread amongst the vast amount of hexes that the Darkside covers..." Grim admits. "The Darkside is strong surely that means the Dark One is a good leader doesn't it?" Grim questions.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=192457#p192457)

Erfman nods solemnly. "I don't think so... I believe the Titans demand more of their rulers then mere strength. A Ruler has a Duty to their Side, to their Units. While the Dark One has done well for himself, it seems like the Side, it's people and culture are suffering." You declare while mentally ordering someone to bring you a book of scripture. Your units begin to search the city looking for one and eventually Gopher finds that one of the rooms in the tower is in fact a library. While the shelves are rather bare the scout does manage to find a book of canon and he scurries back to the dungeon with it. Taking the book you silently place it next to Grim before walking away.

Once outside you begin directing your units to make a stable. Bowie and Burp begin chopping wood to size while the two Hogs are used to drag the supplies in to place. While you have a design in mind you are not able to get any further than the beginnings of a frame.

Bowie 2 actions used, Burp 2 actions used, Hogs 8 actions used. 6 wood used

2019-10-13, 04:44 PM
Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=192777#p192777)
Before the end of turn you place an hand on Julienne and charge her with your last remaining juice.

Erfman 5 juice used

You then go to see Bowie and hand over 150 schmuckers and give him instructions to pop 6 Gobwins that night.

150 schmuckers spent

With that done you finally end turn

End of turn[/quote]

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=192779#p192779)

Off Turn

It is another tense off turn with you half expecting to be attacked at any moment. The turn slowly drags on and it eventually becomes night and by now the Darkside's turn must surely have ended yet no move seems to have been made against Fanon.

With a sigh of relief you retire to the royal bed chamber though you have trouble settling due to intermittent twangs of pain and coughing fits. At some time in the night you are disturbed by raucous noise down below and you quickly realise the six new Gobwins have popped in to existence and are being greeted by their brethren.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=192797#p192797)

Heading down to the portal room you find a tired looking scout on guard, they stand to attention as you approach. Heading in to the portal room you find that the portal is looking healthier than the last time that you saw it but there are not yet any messages that have been posted through the portal.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=192856#p192856)

Turn 14

Side: Fanon

Capital: Fanon City

Income: 500s / turn
Production: 50
Units available to pop;
Stabber (20) 5/10/4/8
Piker (20) 5/5/5/8 [Piker Defence]
Archer (20) 5/11/3/8 [Archery]
Scout (7) 2/2/2/8 [Scout]
Tower: Level 1, Juice Charge: 0
Dollamantic converter: The tower is able to convert schmuckers to power Golems. Dollamancy Golems may pay upkeep in schmuckers or juice.
Caster Bonus: Spells cast while in the tower are cast at caster level +1
Walls: Level 1
City Zone:Dwellings
Dollamancy Workshop - (Dollamancy crafting time reduced by 10%)
Dungeons: Level 0
Cells: 1 (crude cavern, low security) Capacity 1/2

Farm level 1 (enhanced growth): Rations produced per turn: 6 (5+1). Rations produced in this farm will automatically appear in the storehouse in Fanon. Cost to upgrade 200s. Harvestable resources straw.

Mine level 3: Schmuckers produced per turn: 150. schmuckers produced by this mine will automatically appear in the treasury. Cost to upgrade 200s. Mineable resources; Gems, Ore, Coal, ???

Treasury: 1291s

1 - Portal room
2 - Dungeons
3 - Armoury
4 - Bunk room (16 beds)
5 -
6 -
7 - Bunk room (16 beds)
8 -
9 -
10 - Throne Room
11 -
12 -
13 -
14 - Map room
15 -
16 - Royal Bed Chamber
17 -
18 -
19 -
20 -
21 -
22 -
23 -
24 - Library
25 -
26 -
27 -
28 -
29 -
30 -
31 - Tower Roof


King Erfman
Level 4 Dollamancer (Adept)
Hits: 6 Combat: 7 (2+3+2) Defence: 1 (2-1) Move: 12 (8+4) Juice: 400/400
Upkeep: 150s
Special: Caster, Command, Infected
Purse: 0s
Equipped: Craftman's +1 Hammer (Dollamantic focus), Motion Goggles
Exp: 38/800

Sir Bob
Level 3 Lancer (Knight)
Hits: 15 Combat: 24 (17+6+1) Defence: 6 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 40s
Special: Piker defence, Lancer, Knight
Equipped: Pikers +1 Spear
Exp: 173/400

Level 1 Stabber
Hits: 5 Combat: 10 Defence: 4 Move: 8
Upkeep: 20s
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Archer
Hits: 5 Combat: 11 Defence: 3 Move: 8
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Archery
Exp: 0/100

Heavy Dervish Golem
Hits: 30 Combat: 43 Defence: 6 Move: 0
Juice Charge: 5/300
Upkeep: 100 juice
Special: Garrison, Heavy, Dervish Dance

Reinforced Wood Golem
Hits:22 Combat: 12 (10+2) Defence: 6 Move: 8
Juice Charge: 5/100
Upkeep: 30 juice
Special: Heavy
Equipped: +1 Animated Gobwin Axe

Wood Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 10 (9+1) Defence: 5 (4+1) Move: 8
Juice Charge: 0/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Equipped: modified Piker armor, crude Gobwin Axe

The Luggage
Luggage Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 5 Defence: 3 Move: 16
Juice Charge: 0/100
Upkeep: 23 juice
Special: Carnyed - Bigger on the inside, Dollamancy - moving parts, Capture, Mountain Capable,

Level 2 War Goat
Hits: 23 (20+3) Combat: 15 Defence: 4 Move: 22 (20+2)
Upkeep: 40
Special: Self Sufficient, Mountain Capable, Heavy, WarMount (1 rider 1 passenger)
Equipped: Woolly Saddle
Exp: 173/200

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 8/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 8/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Equiped: Magic Helm (unidentified)
Exp: 18/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 8/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 9/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 8/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 0/100

Chief Bowie
Level 3 Gobwin Chief (Knight)
Hits: 15 Combat: 26 (19+6+1) Defence: 5 (4+1) Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 100s
Special: Natural Ally Chief, Command, Knight, Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe, Dark Breastplate
Exp: 39/400

Level 2 Gobwin
Hits: 5 Combat: 10 (7+2+1) Defence: 2 ( 3-1) Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Infected
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe
Exp: 89/200

Level 2 Gobwin
Hits: 5 Combat: 10 (7+2+1) Defence: 2 (3-1) Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Infected
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe
Exp: 89/200

Level 1 Gobwin
Hits: 5 Combat: 7 Defence: 3 Move: 8
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Gobwin
Hits: 5 Combat: 7 Defence: 3 Move: 8
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Gobwin
Hits: 5 Combat: 7 Defence: 3 Move: 8
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Gobwin
Hits: 5 Combat: 7 Defence: 3 Move: 8
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Gobwin
Hits: 5 Combat: 7 Defence: 3 Move: 8
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Gobwin
Hits: 5 Combat: 7 Defence: 3 Move: 8
Upkeep: 20s
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Hog
Hits: 30 Combat: 10 Defence: 3 Move: 8
Upkeep: 40
Special: Forest Capable, Heavy, Feral Rager
Exp: 50/100

Level 1 Hog
Hits: 30 Combat: 10 Defence: 3 Move: 8
Upkeep: 40
Special: Forest Capable, Heavy, Feral Rager
Exp: 50/100

Level 1 Dwyad
Hits:5 Combat: 3 (2+1) Defence: 2 Move: 8 Juice: 50/50
Upkeep: 100s
Special: Natural Caster (Flower Power / Datamancy), Forest capable
Equipped: Piker Spear
Exp: 55/100

Knitted Messenger Bird
Hits: 1 Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Move: 12
Juice Charge: 46/50
Upkeep: 4 juice
Special: Flight

Knitted Messenger Bird
Hits: 1 Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Move: 12
Juice Charge: 46/50
Upkeep: 4 juice
Special: Flight

In the Magic Kingdom

Dotti Crosst
Level 2 Signamancer (Novice)
Hits: 6 Combat: 3 (2+1) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2) Juice: 200/200
Upkeep: 150s
Special: Caster, Command
Exp: 100/200


Powerball x1
Shockamancy Gem x1

Fruit x7
Deseeded fruit x 20
Fruit seeds x30
Rations (produced by farm) x6
Meat rations x4
Arkenfiend Mushroom x1

Stone x12
Pebbles x1
Wood x0
Wool x0
Metal Ore x0
Branches from a Bush x1
Goat Hide x1

Piker Spears x6
Archer Bows x8
Stabber Swords x14
Warlords sword x1
Ogwe Club x1
Bobwin axe +1 x2
Crude Gobwin axe x5
Shears x1
Harvesting claw x1
Tent x1

Leather case x1
Fanon area map x1

[Warlord Prisoner - Grim]


What do you do?

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=192867#p192867)

Not long after your turn begins a crisp white envelope with wax seal drifts through the portal.

[i]Good morning your highness,

I come with good news on two fronts firstly I have made contact with a Healomancer who would be willing to sell you an elixir of health for a price of three hundred schmuckers. Secondly I have found a caster interested in your offer of employment. His name is Cadaver and he is a level one Croakamancer, he asks for payment of upkeep plus 150 schmuckers per turn though I must admit he seems rather eager so you could likely haggle his price down a bit. What should I tell both parties?

Dotti Crosst

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=193051#p193051)

Carefully writing out a reply you post it through the portal.

Dear Dotti Crosst,

If the Healomancer is willing to accept payment after the elixir proves itself effective against the Mummy Rot, we would be will be willing to pay that much... though perhaps lessons on how to create such an elixir would be more economical in the long run. Could you inquire whether the Healomancer would teach us? If not, we would like to propose a future price of the potions of 200 shmuckers per potion if we buy at least two.

Please tell Cadaver we would like to give him a trial run to see if he and our side are good matches for each other. For now, we would propose to cover his upkeep for five turns and give him 150s after that time, then negotiate the terms for a more long term contract, if both parties are willing. Please let me know what you think of his Signamancy. Does he seem trustworthy?

Additionally, what do you know of the unit type 'Dwyad'. We have met such a unit in a forest, but it seems as if she can understand Language without being able speak or write, so understanding her and her abilities is a bit limited. I hoped that as she seems to have natural hippiemancy, you might know of them and their abilities.

Take a look at this helmet we've acquired, I can detect thinkamancy and croakamancy in it, but I haven't been able to tell what's its function.
Can you?
(please return it after inspection)

King Erfman of Fanon.

A short while later another neat looking envelope floats back through the portal.

Dear King Erfman,

The Healomancer insists upon payment in advance however he gives his word that the elixer will be able to cure a case of mummy rot. If you have your own healomancer he would also be willing to teach them how to create such a cure however such training would have to take place in the house of healing and he would charge 600s to provide such training. The healomancer has agreed to a discount if you buy in bulk, if you wish to buy a minimum of 3 elixirs he will charge 250s a piece and if you wish to buy a minimum of 6 he will charge 200s a piece.

Cadaver is very eager to have something to put in his purse, I have haggled him down but the lowest he will agree to is five turns at upkeep plus 50s before going up to upkeep plus 150s. As a sign of goodwill he has assisted me identifying the helm that you sent through the portal. Apparently it provides a +1 leadership bonus to led uncroaked, Cadaver was also able to remotely see through the eyes and issue commands to one of his uncroaked.

As for Cadavers signamancy it is not the best but that is not unusual for a naughtymancer... he is certainly desperate to make upkeep so his loyalty could well be linked to the amount of schmuckers he is able to earn.

Dwyads are very rare units, they are natural hippymancers more likely to flee than fight. Their most commonly noted abilities relate to increasing the growth rate of plants, creating plant based traps, creating plant based units and taming feral units.

Dotti Crosst

"Bowie, Bob, how does a Warlord bonus work? Is it just the Warlord's level gets added to Combat? Of his Stack only?" You question.

"A warlord is a command unit so his stack counts as led but in addition to this his level is added to the combat value of all units in his stack" Bob answers "Warlords also often gain extra specials..." he then adds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=193066#p193066)

"Counts as led... what is the differences between a led and unled stack? Assuming the stacks can both hear a Warlord's orders?" You question.

"Well a led stack will never autoengage also a led stack has a better progression of stack bonus" Bob replies as he quickly scribbles something down for you to look at.

Stack Bonus

Unled: 0/1/1/2/2/3/3/4 Over max stack 3/2/1/0
Led: 0/1/1/2/3/4/5/6 Over max stack 4/2/1/0

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=193680#p193680)

Carefully writing out a reply you post it through the portal.

Dear Dotti,

The bulk discount is a wonderful deal, and if you believe the Healomancer's word is good, I will make steps to budget the purchase of three elixirs next turn or the turn after. We don't currently possess a Healomancer, so this would be a bit tricky to manage the teaching.

I would very much prefer a contract with Cadaver that incentivizes his personal development and growing commitment to the Kingdom of Fanon. Do you think a wage of covering his upkeep, providing him a room in the Tower of Fanon, and fifty plus twenty five fold his level shmuckers per turn in exchange for his actions, juice, and expertise would be something he would agree to. While that pay might be lower then he likes on turn six of his employment, he should find the option to have his wage exceed one hundred fifty shmuckers per turn should be appealing. Additionally, later on we would be amendable to lowering his duties and pay so that he may spend a portion of his daily efforts on creating scrolls, gear, or other things he might be able to sell or take with him at such time he wishes to leave our employment entirely.

I am glad you are knowledgeable then, if they are rare units. I will insure that we don't harvest wood or rations from the hex she was found in, to encourage another to pop, even if it might take a while. You said they can create plant units... as in popping them, or by using Flower Power on existing plants? Does her juice reserve increase with level? Would a high level Dwayd be able to create an additional dwayd? Could we give her shmuckers to have more pop, like natural allies?
Should you have spare juice at the end of this or a subsequent turn, we would greatly appreciate your assistance in finding a means for her to communicate that is more effectively with her then pantomime.

A last point of interest; I have noticed a change in the appearance of my portal since we razed a magical building my enemy controlled a few hexes away. It no longer has a sinister/sickly hue. Do you detect any change for your end of the portal?

King Erfman of Fanon.

A short while later a crisp white envelope floats back through landing upon the smooth stone.

Dear King Erfman,

In my opinion the word of the healomancer can be trusted, the house of healing would lose a lot of business if they were seen to break their deals with sovereign sides so the Healomancer would have a lot to lose if he went back on his word. If you wish I shall express your interest that you will wish to make a bulk order on the future.

Cadaver seems open to such a proposal, if you wish to pen such a contract I can enforce it through signamancy.

I am no expert but I believe their flower power is able to convert already existing plants in to units such as turning trees in to Gumps. Again I am no expert but I believe just as a casters juice would increase with level so would a Dwyad's. I am unsure if a high level Dwyad could create another Dwyad but I do not believe that they can be popped in the same way as natural allies unfortunately. I shall give some thought in how signamancy could aid in your communication with the Dwyad unless you already have some ideas yourself...

Your portal on this side looks the same as it always has, it is a vibrant yellow colour.

Forgiving me for asking but will you be sending me through rations this turn or will you be paying my upkeep.

Yours sincerely

Dotti Crosst

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=193682#p193682)

Channeling 11 juice in to the Luggage the Golem suddenly activates.

Erfman 11 juice used

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=193807#p193807)

Writing out a reply you send it through the portal.

Dear Dotti Crosst,

Please do so. If he can benefit from the advanced notice, it is only courteous to grant it.

I believe that would be best. This is not a world where we can trust all units on their word, and although I would not break mine, he has no way of knowing that.

I believe your insight in how Language interacts with the Special of Speech might be an important step of creating an item that would give her voice. My Dollamancy has granted an axe the flight special before, so I do believe this is still within the limits of my class. However I fear it might be outside the bounds of Adept grade works without a better understanding of either Language, Rhymeomancy, or Weirdamancy.

Perhaps then, after Cadaver has joined us this turn, I will put my fears to rest and tour the Magic Kingdom this evening, meeting in person with you rather then through this limited means.

You are forgive of course as this is wholly a matter that is my fault. I failed to notice the golem who serves to deliver needed things around the city wound down last night and as such the whole hex is running slightly behind schedule.

King Erfman of Fanon

A short while later an envelope floats through the portal once again.

King Erfman,

If you are capable of dollamancy then perhaps if we were to combine our skills we could work together to create an accessory that would translate nonverbal forms of communication that are revealed by signamancy into words. I therefore look forwards to meeting you in person.

Thank you for the rations, meat is somewhat of a rarity in the magic kingdom so it is greatly appreciated.

I hope to see you soon.

Dotti Crosst

1x Goat meet rations given away

Mental guidelines
- Save actions for magical tasks, have non-caster friends do non-magical tasks.
- Save juice and actions of planned construction task for after Nightfall (and don't forget to use all the Juice before Dawn, charging Golems if leftover)
- Claim all bodies after a battle and remove their equipment
- For every Dollamantic endeavor: Construct in Workshop, cast in Tower.
- Keep a unit by the portal at all times, with orders to report immediately if something comes through.
- Keep a unit in the garrison at all times.
- Whenever not otherwise engaged, golems guard portal and garrison instead of living units

Luggage guidelines:
- Keep corpses nude and boxed of to a side (separate from other gear)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Compilation of Game Thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255905#p255905)

After carefully writing out a contract you post it through the portal.

"I apologize if the phrasing of this is rough, I do not yet have much experience with this mode of writing."

Contract of Employment between The Kingdom of Fanon and the Barbarian Croakamancer Cadaver

Section 1 – Terms

This magically Signed document shall be held by both signed parties in accordance with their respective naming policy. (Henceforth, "the contract".)

The contract stands in continuous effect for all signatories from the moment this contract is Signed by those parties until severance of the contract.

Section 2 – Identification

Party of the first part, The Kingdom of Fanon, is a side under the rule of King Erfman with a capital city at the time of Signing The City of Fanon.

Signatory unit for The Kingdom of Fanon shall be King Erfman, acting in capacity as King.

Party of the second part, Cadaver, a Barbarian Croakamancer resident of the Magic Kingdom.

Signatory unit for Cadaver shall be Croakamancer Cadaver acting in capacity as Barbarian Croakamancer.

Section 3 - Statements

This contract is made in recognition of these facts;
The parties have not made prior contact.
Neither party has Duty, Loyalty, or Obedience to one another.

That both parties shall be bound to automagically enforced Penalties for breach of this contract.

Section 4 - Obligations

Cadaver agrees to act as an allied unit of The Kingdom of Fanon for the duration of the contract. During such time, Cadaver will be obligated to lend his expertise in situations, both real and speculative, and to preform his Task as per the instructions of a Commander of the Kingdom of Fanon, or barring one able to instruct him, to his best judgement of the needs and interests of The Kingdom of Fanon.

Cadaver's Task will initially consist of use of his daily actions and juice and the daily actions and juice of any units created, animated, tamed, or otherwise acquired by Cadaver before or during the duration of this contract, to the betterment of The Kingdom of Fanon. To act as a commander over units both his own and those of The Kingdom of Fanon as needed.

Cadaver agrees not to act in a subversive manner against the property, units or interests of The Kingdom of Fanon nor Cooperate with the Dark Side, it's Overlord the Dark One, units of the Dark Side, or agent of the Dark One or the Dark Side. Doing so will be considered a Breach of Contract.

The Kingdom of Fanon agrees to act as an employer to Cadaver for the duration of the contract. During such time, The Kingdom of Fanon will be obligated to render on to Cadaver his Wage every day he completes his task. If The Kingdom of Fanon fails to render any part of the wage upon Cadaver on a given turn it is due, they will obligated to compensate Cadaver 110% of the undelivered amount upon the following turn. Should The Kingdom of Fanon fail to render payment for five consecutive turns, this will be considered a breach of contract.

Cadaver's Wage will initially consist of:
1) Rations or shmuckers sufficient to cover his upkeep
2) A room within the Tower of Fanon for him to sleep, keep his property, or otherwise make use of
3) A quantity of shmuckers equal to fifty plus twenty five fold his level

The Kingdom of Fanon will ensure that Cadaver has unrestricted access to the Magic Kingdom on turns Cadaver is in the City of Fanon and is complete with their Task.

Section 5 - Alterations

Under the mutual and unforced agreement of both parties, Cadaver's Wage and Task can be redefined.

Section 6 - Span

This contract will last until such time that one party chooses to terminate it.

After such a decision is made, Cadaver will no longer owe his Task nor be owed his Wage. For the subsequent ten turns, Cadaver has free pass through the territory of The Kingdom of Fanon, including to the Portal within the Fanon Capital. For the subsequent twenty five turns, Cadaver is still bound to not to act in a subversive manner against the property, units or interests of The Kingdom of Fanon nor Cooperate with the Dark Side, it's Overlord the Dark One, units of the Dark Side, or agent of the Dark One or the Dark Side.

Section 7 - Breach

The Parties agree to be bound by the universal principles, forces, actions and consequences of Signamancy, whereby the inherent magic of the contract shall serve as the sole mechanism for detecting, determining, and penalizing a breach or default of the contract's terms.
Parties should be clear on both the wording and the intent of the contract as to their particular obligations and restrictions at the time of Signing, as these shall constitute the basis upon which a breach is automagically adjudged.

Section 8 - Penalties

The Penalty for failure to meet obligations (Section 4, Obligations) of Wage, on the part of The Kingdom of Fanon, remuneration into a fund to be paid to Cadaver at the time of the breach of the full of the owed debt.

The Penalty for failure to meet obligations (Section 4, Obligations) of Task, on the part of Cadaver, shall be two days worth of juice and actions of Cadaver and all associated units, compensated only by a single turn of upkeep per turn.

The Penalty for acting in a subversion manner or cooperation with The Kingdom of Fanon's enemy the Dark Side, shall be automagic imprisonment by the side of Fanon if they with in the same hex as units of Fanon. If they are not, they are to pay Fanon a fine of shmuckers equal to all the shmuckers in their possession, until such time they are prisoners of Fanon.

In the event that a breach seems unavoidable or desirable, either Party may propose an alternative remedy. If, within 1 turn, both Parties are in full agreement, this remedy may be adopted in place of a penalty.

Section 9 - Severability

The Parties agree that breach or default of any part of the contract shall not constitute a termination of the entirety of the contract. Obligations, restrictions and penalties shall remain in place for the duration of the contract, even in the event of a breach or default of one or more of its parts. The contract is not rendered void by the subsumation of either party as a colony or unit to any other side, but in the event of the destruction of either side or signatory, the contract is voided. Neither Party may transfer their obligations to another part under any circumstances.

Section 10 - Actions Not Considered

Any actions not determined by the contract shall not cause the nullification of the contract.
This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to its subject matter and supersedes any other agreements between those parties written or oral.

Section 11 - Declaration

The contract shall be magically bound by Signamancy issued by an independent qualified barbarian Signamancer provided from the Magic Kingdom at the expense of The Kingdom of Fanon.

Authorized Signatures

Thus the contract is activated and executed by the will of the parties

Erfman, King of Fanon

Cadaver, Barbarian Croakamancer

A short while later a strange sensation washes over you as the contract is activated.[/quote]

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=193854#p193854)

The surface of the portal suddenly ripples before a unit emerges. The black clad and hooded figure offers you a respectful bow. "Greetings my lord, I am Cadaver and I am at your service..." the unit declares in a voice barely above a whisper. Cadaver steps forwards and there is a brief delay before the portal ripples once again and a small uncroaked unit suddenly appears and hops over to Cadavers side.

Level 1 Croakamancer (Novice)
Hits: 6 Combat: 3 (2+1) Defence: 2 Move: 8 Juice: 100/100
Upkeep: 150s
Special: Caster, Command
Equipped: Sickle
Exp: 0/100

Uncroaked Wabbit
Hits: 1 Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Move: 8
Croakamntic decay state: 9/10
Special: uncroaked

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=193888#p193888)

"Greetings Cadaver, I am King Erfman, Ruler of Fanon and a Dollamancer. I welcome you to the service of The Kingdom of Fanon." You declare as you begin to lead the croakamancer up the stairs and to one of the tower's unused rooms. "This room will be yours for the duration of your employment. I'm unsure as to how lodging in the Magic Kingdom works, but whether for you use it for bed or storage, we'll respect your rights to it." You say with a warm smile. "If you don't mind me asking, how long ago were you popped?" You then question.

"Thank you my Lord this room will be more than sufficient for my needs..." Cadaver replies as he follows after you. "I popped 77 turns ago though unfortunately my side fell shortly after that and I have spent the majority of my time trapped within the magic kingdom..." Cadaver replies quietly.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=193929#p193929)

"And you are still level one... there must not be many opportunities to train or ply your craft in the Magic Kingdom." You declare.

"There is not much demand for the skills of croakamancer in the magic kingdom and if it doesn't pay your upkeep then it is not worth wasting juice on..." Cadaver replies.

"Can you sense where croaked bodies are? Or what about other things? " You then question.

"If I am within the same hex as them then yes yes I can... why is there a body you need finding?" Cadaver asks in return.

[Croakmancy Helm given to cadaver, raiment changed to that of Fanon]


Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=193932#p193932)

"Cadaver, look at my Hammer. It is not just a +1 weapon but also a Dollamantic focus (increases the level I cast Dollamancy spells +1). I'd like to enhance your sickle thusly as well, but I'm unsure how to create a Croakamantic focus. What do you say to that?" you declare.

"It is not something I have done before either but it would definitely be something I would be willing to work on together" Cadaver replies.


"Cadaver, you brought one uncroaked with you through the portal. Could you take uncroaked with you into the Magic Kingdom?" you question.

"I uncroaked the corpse in the magic kingdom itself, I have never tried taking an uncroaked in to the magic kingdom through a portal, not sure if it would work but only non magical units that pose little military threat are allowed in to the magic kingdom itself..." Cadaver replies.

"Have you eaten already today?" You then ask.

"No I have not..." Cadaver replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=194190#p194190)

"Very well. We shall work on your sickle after breakfast then." Erfman said confidently. "To be honest, I don't think there is a type of caster my side needs more then a croakamancer right now. Our foe relies heavily on uncroaked troops, and your understanding of their function and weaknesses might be one of the most valuable things in our side's armory at the moment." You declare.

"You said allowed... by the portal, or by some governing body in the magic kingdom?" You question as you look at the uncroaked rabbit.

"I am unsure what the portal itself will allow but I was speaking of the various factions of the magic kingdom itself. As per the treaty of the Magic Kingdom it is designated as neutral territory and the presence of significant military forces bar casters themselves is not allowed" Cadaver replied.


Heading to the throne room you sit upon the royal throne and have a number of your troops line up in front of you. Most of these troops are new and you do not know their names however first in line you recognize the brave scout Buster, there is a newly popped stabber, a newly popped archer, Burp, Durp and five newly popped Gobwins and even Mahogany the Dwyad. After giving a brief speech you declare them all Knights of Fanon and as you do you feel the treasury plummet.

1100 schmuckers spent

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=194370#p194370)

Level 1 Knight
Hits: 15 Combat: 27 Defence: 5 Move: 8
Upkeep: 40s
Special Knight
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Keshik (Knight)
Hits: 10 Combat: 28 Defence: 4 Move: 8
Upkeep: 40s
Special: Archery, Knight, Rapid Shot
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Strider (Knight)
Hits: 10 Combat: 20 Defence: 4 Move: 16
Upkeep: 40s
Special: Scout, Knight, Sneak attack
Exp: 8/100

Level 2 Gobwin Knight
Hits: 15 Combat: 23 (19+3+1) Defence: 3 ( 4-1) Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 40s
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Knight, Infected
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe
Exp: 89/200

Level 2 Gobwin Knight
Hits: 15 Combat: 23 (19+3+1) Defence: 3 ( 4-1) Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 40s
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Knight, Infected
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe
Exp: 89/200

Level 1 Gobwin Knight
Hits: 15 Combat: 20 (19+1) Defence: 4 Move: 8
Upkeep: 40s
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Knight
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Gobwin Knight
Hits: 15 Combat: 20 (19+1) Defence: 4 Move: 8
Upkeep: 40s
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Knight
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Gobwin Knight
Hits: 15 Combat: 19 Defence: 4 Move: 8
Upkeep: 40s
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Knight
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Gobwin Knight
Hits: 15 Combat: 19 Defence: 4 Move: 8
Upkeep: 40s
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Knight
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Gobwin Knight
Hits: 15 Combat: 19 Defence: 4 Move: 8
Upkeep: 40s
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Knight
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Dwyad Fey Knight
Hits: 15 Combat: 13 (12+1) Defence: 4 Move: 8 Juice: 50/50
Upkeep: 200s
Special: Natural Caster (Flower Power / Datamancy), Forest capable, Knight, Forest Fighter, One with the land, Thorns
Equipped: Piker Spear
Exp: 55/100

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=194371#p194371)


Rapid shot: A unit may split its attacks between multiple stacks.

Sneak attack: A unit may make a sneak attack the first turn after breaking stealth, all successfully dealt hits deal double damage.

Forest Fighter: When fighting in a forest hex the unit adds +7 to its combat score.

One with the land: When in a forest hex the unit may act as though it had the stealth special

Thorns: Once per combat the unit may make an attack that automatically hits and deals 3 hits

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=194375#p194375)

After the promotion ceremony you head to the great hall and sit down for a meal with your units. You tuck in to some farm popped rations while Bob and Bowie tuck in to Goat meat and fruit.

1 farm ration, 1 goat meat ration and 1 fruit consumed
Erfman, Bob and Bowie upkeep paid

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=194377#p194377)

The rest of your units meanwhile tuck in to fruit while your scouts tuck in to popped rations

49 schmuckers and 16 fruit used

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=194383#p194383)

Bob collects his shears and sets about trimming some wool off Billie.

Bob 1 action used, 2 wool gained

Once Bob is done shearing he hands the wool over to you and you head down to your workshop along with one of the scouts. The scout sets to work preparing the wool and once it is ready you begin shaping it in to a knitted messenger bird.

Erfman 2 actions used 200 juice used. Scout 8 actions used

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=194384#p194384)

Next you have Cadaver meet you at the workshop and together you begin working on creating a +1 Croakamantic sickle. It takes some time to work out exactly what you need to do but eventually you have a plan and you set to work.

Erfman 2 actions and 50 juice used. Cadaver 2 actions and 50 juice used. +1 Sickle (Croakamantic focus) created

Finally you begin work on creating some weapons for your new knights and have each of them bring you their weapons. Calling in two scouts to help you then set to work on what now is a rather simple task for you.

Erfman 4 actions and 135 juice used. Scouts 16 actions used. 2 x +1 swords and 1 +1 Bow created

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=194417#p194417)

"Cadaver, shall we test if the Helmet allows you to see through the eyes of your wabbit across hex boundaries? Send it south, and check will you?" You instruct.

"Very well my lord" Cadaver replies as he send the uncroaked wabbit south across the hex boundary. "It works my lord, when I focus on the unit I can see what it sees. The hex to the south is a hill hex there are four bushes filled with fruit" Cadaver replies.

Uncroaked Wabbit 4 move used

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=194521#p194521)
[quote="wiz"]You carefully write out a letter before giving it to one of your newly created long range messenger birds, it then flies off and heads to the city to the Northwest. With your ruler senses you are able to sense that the bird reaches its destination and begins flying back though due to its lack of move it is not able to make it all the way back to Fanon.

To Whom It May Concern;

I am sending the message to inform you that the Kingdom of Fanon has been refounded on the original capital site. While the Dark Side has assailed us, we are now on the road to recovery.

As the new King of Fanon, I wish to see if cooperation between us is possible, and to that end, with you permission, will be sending this bird back and forth between out cities. It is able to carry letters between us, until we acquire a more direct channel of communication.

With Sincere Hope,
King Erfman of Fanon

PS: We have employed a signamancer to deal with our affairs in the Magic Kingdom, she would also be willing to ferry messages that you may toss through your portal to us. If this avenue is appealing (since the bird cannot do a round-trip in one turn), just describe your portal color, and tomorrow at nightfall toss a message addressed to "Dotti Crosst" through your portal

Long Range messenger bird 20 move used

You meanwhile send the remaining of the messenger birds out to scout. The first messenger bird you send west and it returns without incident.

The second long ranged scout you send north and when it returns it goes straight to the map and begins tapping on the two dead forest hexes north of Fanon before tapping four times each on the symbol of an uncroaked that you had drawn out.

The second standard messenger bird you send east, you sense it get as far as two hexes north of your farm when suddenly it ceases to exist.

Long Range messenger bird 20 move used
messenger bird 12 move used
messenger bird destroyed

2019-10-13, 04:46 PM
Turn 14 - update

Side: Fanon

Capital: Fanon City

Income: 500s / turn
Production: 50
Units available to pop;
Stabber (20) 5/10/4/8
Piker (20) 5/5/5/8 [Piker Defence]
Archer (20) 5/11/3/8 [Archery]
Scout (7) 2/2/2/8 [Scout]
Tower: Level 1, Juice Charge: 0
Dollamantic converter: The tower is able to convert schmuckers to power Golems. Dollamancy Golems may pay upkeep in schmuckers or juice.
Caster Bonus: Spells cast while in the tower are cast at caster level +1
Walls: Level 1
City Zone:Dwellings
Dollamancy Workshop - (Dollamancy crafting time reduced by 10%)
Dungeons: Level 0
Cells: 1 (crude cavern, low security) Capacity 1/2

Farm level 1 (enhanced growth): Rations produced per turn: 6 (5+1). Rations produced in this farm will automatically appear in the storehouse in Fanon. Cost to upgrade 200s. Harvestable resources straw.

Mine level 3: Schmuckers produced per turn: 150. schmuckers produced by this mine will automatically appear in the treasury. Cost to upgrade 200s. Mineable resources; Gems, Ore, Coal, ???

Treasury: 142s

1 - Portal room
2 - Dungeons
3 - Armoury
4 - Bunk room (16 beds)
5 -
6 -
7 - Bunk room (16 beds)
8 -
9 -
10 - Throne Room
11 -
12 -
13 - Great Hall
14 - Map room
15 -
16 - Royal Bed Chamber
17 -
18 -
19 -
20 -
21 -
22 -
23 -
24 - Library
25 -
26 - Cadaver's room
27 -
28 -
29 -
30 -
31 - Tower Roof


King Erfman
Level 4 Dollamancer (Adept)
Hits: 6 Combat: 7 (2+3+2) Defence: 1 (2-1) Move: 12 (8+4) Juice: 4/400
Upkeep: 150s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Caster, Command, Infected
Purse: 0s
Equipped: Craftman's +1 Hammer (Dollamantic focus), Motion Goggles
Exp: 76/800

Level 1 Croakamancer (Novice)
Hits: 6 Combat: 4 (2+2) Defence: 2 Move: 8 Juice: 50/100
Upkeep: 150s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Caster, Command
Equipped: Sickle +1 (Croakamantic focus), Croakamancy Helm
Exp: 5/100

Level 1 Dwyad Fey Knight
Hits:15 Combat: 13 (12+1) Defence: 4 Move: 8 Juice: 50/50
Upkeep: 200s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Natural Caster (Flower Power / Datamancy), Forest capable, Knight, Forest Fighter, One with the land, thorns
Equipped: Piker Spear
Exp: 55/100

Sir Bob
Level 3 Lancer (Knight)
Hits: 15 Combat: 24 (17+6+1) Defence: 6 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 40s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Piker defence, Lancer, Knight
Equipped: Pikers +1 Spear
Exp: 173/400

Level 1 Strider (Knight)
Hits: 10 Combat: 21 (20+1) Defence: 4 Move: 16
Upkeep: 40s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Scout, Knight, Sneak attack
Equipped: +1 Sword
Exp: 8/100

Level 1 Knight
Hits: 15 Combat: 28 (27+1) Defence: 5 Move: 8
Upkeep: 40s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special Knight
Equipped: +1 Sword
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Keshik (Knight)
Hits: 10 Combat: 29 (28+1) Defence: 4 Move: 8
Upkeep: 40s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Archery, Knight, Rapid Shot
Equipped: +1 Bow
Exp: 0/100

Chief Bowie
Level 3 Gobwin Chief (Knight)
Hits: 15 Combat: 26 (19+6+1) Defence: 5 (4+1) Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 100s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Natural Ally Chief, Command, Knight, Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe, Dark Breastplate
Exp: 39/400

Level 2 Gobwin Knight
Hits: 15 Combat: 23 (19+3+1) Defence: 3 ( 4-1) Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 40s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Knight, Infected
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe
Exp: 89/200

Level 2 Gobwin Knight
Hits: 15 Combat: 23 (19+3+1) Defence: 3 ( 4-1) Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 40s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Knight, Infected
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe
Exp: 89/200

Level 1 Gobwin Knight
Hits: 15 Combat: 20 (19+1) Defence: 4 Move: 8
Upkeep: 40s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Knight
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Gobwin Knight
Hits: 15 Combat: 20 (19+1) Defence: 4 Move: 8
Upkeep: 40s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Knight
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Gobwin Knight
Hits: 15 Combat: 19 Defence: 4 Move: 8
Upkeep: 40s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Knight
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Gobwin Knight
Hits: 15 Combat: 19 Defence: 4 Move: 8
Upkeep: 40s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Knight
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Gobwin Knight
Hits: 15 Combat: 19 Defence: 4 Move: 8
Upkeep: 40s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting, Knight
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Gobwin
Hits: 5 Combat: 7 Defence: 3 Move: 8
Upkeep: 20s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting
Exp: 0/100

Heavy Dervish Golem
Hits: 30 Combat: 43 Defence: 6 Move: 0
Juice Charge: 5/300
Upkeep: 100 juice
Special: Garrison, Heavy, Dervish Dance

Reinforced Wood Golem
Hits:22 Combat: 12 (10+2) Defence: 6 Move: 8
Juice Charge: 5/100
Upkeep: 30 juice
Special: Heavy
Equipped: +1 Animated Gobwin Axe

Wood Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 10 (9+1) Defence: 5 (4+1) Move: 8
Juice Charge: 0/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Equipped: modified Piker armor, crude Gobwin Axe

The Luggage
Luggage Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 5 Defence: 3 Move: 16
Juice Charge: 0/100
Upkeep: 23 juice
Special: Carnyed - Bigger on the inside, Dollamancy - moving parts, Capture, Mountain Capable,

Knitted Messenger Bird
Hits: 1 Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Move: 12
Juice Charge: 46/50
Upkeep: 4 juice
Special: Flight

Knitted Messenger Bird
Hits: 1 Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Move: 12
Juice Charge: 46/50
Upkeep: 4 juice
Special: Flight

Long Range Knitted Messenger Bird
Hits: 1 Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Move: 20
Juice Charge: 100/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Special: Flight

Long Range Knitted Messenger Bird
Hits: 1 Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Move: 20
Juice Charge: 100/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Special: Flight

Uncroaked Wabbit
Hits: 1 Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Move: 8
Croakamntic decay state: 9/10
Special: uncroaked

Level 2 War Goat
Hits: 23 (20+3) Combat: 15 Defence: 4 Move: 22 (20+2)
Upkeep: 40 - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Self Sufficient, Mountain Capable, Heavy, WarMount (1 rider 1 passenger)
Equipped: Woolly Saddle
Exp: 173/200

Level 1 Hog
Hits: 30 Combat: 10 Defence: 3 Move: 8
Upkeep: 40 - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Forest Capable, Heavy, Feral Rager
Exp: 50/100

Level 1 Hog
Hits: 30 Combat: 10 Defence: 3 Move: 8
Upkeep: 40 - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Forest Capable, Heavy, Feral Rager
Exp: 50/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Scout
Exp: 8/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Scout
Exp: 8/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Scout
Exp: 18/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Scout
Exp: 9/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Scout
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Scout
Exp: 8/100

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Scout
Exp: 0/100

In the Magic Kingdom

Dotti Crosst
Level 2 Signamancer (Novice)
Hits: 6 Combat: 3 (2+1) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2) Juice: 100/200
Upkeep: 150s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Caster, Command
Exp: 110/200


Powerball x1
Shockamancy Gem x1

Fruit x7
Deseeded fruit x 3
Fruit seeds x30
Rations (produced by farm) x5
Meat rations x2
Arkenfiend Mushroom x1

Stone x12
Pebbles x1
Wood x0
Wool x0
Metal Ore x0
Branches from a Bush x1
Goat Hide x1

Piker Spears x6
Archer Bows x8
Stabber Swords x14
Warlords sword x1
Ogwe Club x1
Crude Gobwin axe x5
Shears x1
Harvesting claw x1
Tent x1

Leather case x1
Fanon area map x1

[Warlord Prisoner - Grim]


What do you do?

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=194564#p194564)

You send out scouts to collect the returning messenger birds and they soon return though one of the birds appears to be carrying a letter.

Scout 4 move used

Gopher 8 move used. Letter gained

Greetings Erfman,

We have no part in your war with the Darkside, this city is now our own and we will defend it against all invaders whether they come from the Darkside or from Fanon.

We will tolerate these odd little birds of yours but send any other troops without permission and they will be croaked.

Warlord Burly of Fanart

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=194573#p194573)

"Buster, could you scout where the obelisk was and the hex north of where the obelisk was? Use your stealth and only attack if you can get away without enemies engaging. Unless it's Wavens, or a couple of uncroaked that you feel you can dust alone, those you can take.

Also, if there are enemies at the former-obelisk hex, that you cannot croak alone, return and report, instead of proceeding further." You instruct.

Buster offers you a nod and salute before hurrying on his way. He is gone for quite a while but eventually returns to the city looking rather pale.

Buster 14 move used

"Sire I'm sorry but I was spotted... If I didn't leave as quickly as I did I surely would have been croaked...." Buster replies. "There were a lot of units there... a hell of a lot of units there... I would guess its the Darkside's main army in the area..." Buster reports before grabbing a piece of paper and quickly and skillfully sketching out what he had seen.


Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=194580#p194580)

"Cadaver, bit of an important question. Do you think you could seize control of uncroaked from another croakamancer?" You ask of the croakamancer.

"It is possible but it depends on the skill and the level of the croakamancer. I am a level 1 novice so my chances are not that high but we do have some factors on our side; distance, the closer croakamancer to the uncroaked in question has an advantage and secondly numbers, the more uncroaked a unit has under its control the easier it is to steal a single one away..." Cadaver replies

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=194706#p194706)

Erfman smiles. "The Dark One is likely hexes away in his capital. Also recall your level will be three fold higher with your improved weapon upon our tower. Finally, I estimate about half of the Dark Side's units are uncroaked." He says, boosting the Croakamancer's moral. "Does the type of Uncroaked targeted effect success chance?" you then question.

"Yes the simpler uncroaked are easier to turn a unit like my wabbit would be the easiest followed by basic infantry. More advanced units would be harder..." Cadaver replies.

"Will one turn attempt take Juice? How much Juice?" you follow up.

"Yes attempting to seize control of an enemy uncroaked is a spell so it will take juice, a single infantry unit would cost 25 juice... more advanced units would take more juice..." Cadaver explains.

"Bowie, how many actions to build a mud wall blocking a tunnel? Like you've done before" you ask the Gobwin chief.

"A single section of mud wall should take about 5 actions to build" Bowie replies.

"Bowie, last time they brought planks for the siege to stand on, above the moat. We have to plan for that.Can you gobwins reach the planks (and attack them) from the bottom of the moat?" You question.

"Not from the bottom of the moat no but we could dig out and extend the moat so that the ground the plank is resting on is no longer there..." Bowie replies.

"Can you, on-the-fly, carve some sideways stairs on the outside side of the moat, such that you can in the same combat round get in reach of the planks (and attack them)? If not, let's permanently carve some hand-holds and foot-holds on the outside side of the moat? How many actions do so per each of the 6 sides of the city?" You add

"They would not be stairs as such but we would be able to tunnel up the side of the trench to reach the planks..." Bowie responds

"Mahogany, you once put Bob to sleep with a kiss. Was that a spell?" You question turning to the Dwyad. Mahogany nods in response.

"Did it cost Juice? If so, how much?" you then ask. Mahogany nods once again before holding up five fingers and thrusting them towards you five times.

"Could you do that again but in combat against a living unit?" you ask to which she nods once again. "or you could only do it to a prisoner?" you follow up to which she shakes her head.

"Mahogany, could you make a trap out of this mushroom?" you question. Mahogany carefully examines the mushroom and then nods. " Either animate it at a distance for it to move/grow and enter a units mouth, or have it explode at a distance, explode into a spore cloud?" you add to which mahogany nods twice.

*Erfman inspects the Hog's fur to determine if sheared it could be used similarly to Billie's wool*

The Hogs have bristles, you can shave the hogs if you wish but you will get bristles not wool.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=194800#p194800)

"Cadaver, in your turns in the MK, did you meet other croakamancers that would make scrolls for its cost in schmuckers plus rations?'' you ask.

"I know of other croakamancers... What they will make their scrolls for I'm not sure though. Give me 50 schmuckers and a few rations per scroll and I'll see if I can find anyone interested..." Cadaver replies. "A list of what scrolls you want would also be useful..." he then adds.

"And shockamancers that would charge a tower for several turns rations?" you then add.

"Hmmm that could be a bit more pricey but I can try..." Cadaver responds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=194890#p194890)

"OK Cadaver, here is 50$, and as much rations as you can carry. I'd say try to get 1 scroll of Seize Uncroaked, unless you can think of something else that might be useful given the pending attack.
And I mentioned Shockamancers due to some vague idea I have that naughtymancers usually have difficulty finding work, do try to find some will you?." you instruct.

"If you have trouble getting what you'll be needing with just these resources, you have the authority to promise on behalf of the Kingdom of Fanon ration upkeep over the next fiveturn or tenturn. But those could only be delivered if this city holds." you then add.

"Also, please make use of the Signamancer Dotti Crosst for magically enforcing whatever deals you make, and if you prefer, even have her do the talking" you finish.

"Very good my lord I shall set off now!" Cadaver replies as he collects the rations and schmuckers and heads through the portal.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=195228#p195228)
Cadaver returns through the portal with a scroll in hand. "My lord I was able to obtain the scroll you desired, it cost me 50 schmuckers and 3 pieces of fruit I hope that is ok?" Cadaver replies. "As for a shockamancer I found one by the name of AC who would be willing to charge the tower but he would want 5 turns worth of rations..." Cadaver reports.[/quote]

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=195234#p195234)

You head down to the dungeons and you find Grim sitting on the cold ground with his legs crossed as he awkwardly reads through the book that you left him

"Goodturn to you Warlord Grim, Did you find in the words of the titans, some passages that apply to our ongoing conversation?" You say by way of greeting.

"I have been reading...." Grim replies slowly "and I came across something in the Book of Ray..." Grim continues as he places the book in front of you.

Chapter 3:
14. Don't you come back no more.
15. No more, no more, no more

Grim then looks up at you with expectation.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=195428#p195428)

"Indeed you did well, 5 rations for a shockamancer's full turn's worth of Juice seems a great price for us! Please take a ration and confirm the deal with AC, let him come." you reply to cadaver.

Cadaver nods turns and heads straight back through the portal. As short while later he returns accompanied by a unit seemingly wearing shiny white plastic armour.

"wait up on charging the tower, we'd like to talk and learn a bit about shockamancy if you're willing." You declare as soon as the shockamancer arrives.

"As long as you are currently on turn I have time to talk" AC replies.

"how does charging the tower works? We've been Hobooking once a round for 25 Juice and ~3 damage, how could we use Juice stored in the Tower? Could we use it for an Air Barrage spell (hit all units in Airpace for dX damage) ?" you question.

"A charged tower can be used in a number of ways the first and simplest is that the juice can be released as ranged combat at a 1 to 1 conversion rate. 1 juice can be used to make an attack against a unit at a combat value of 1. All the juice can be targeted against a single unit or it can alternatively be divided among as many units as you like. It can also be released all in a single round or spread across multiple. A tower can usually be charged with 200 juice per level of the tower a shockamancer however can charge a tower with 300 juice per level of the tower. If a tower is manned by a caster the juice may instead be used to power spells that the caster knows." AC begins to explain.

"Alternatively instead of charging a tower I can place spells upon it, these spells can then be released by any caster at a later time" AC continues

"What spells do you as a shockamancer have? Do you have an Insta-croak spell? how much Juice?" you then ask.

"As a shockamncer the majority of my spells revolve around dealing damage though I do know a couple that can also be used to protect against shockamancy attacks" AC replies. "No I do not know an insta croak spell I am afraid that is a very high level shockamancy ability" AC replies

"Can you for 25 Juice deal more damage than our own Hobookens?" you then ask.

"The amount of damage a Hoboken can deal depends on a units level so I am not sure if I personally have an attack that can deal more damage than your own personal hoboken for the same cost however yes I have a spell that targets a single unit that deals more damage than a Hoboken for the same cost." AC replies

Walls - Courtyard - Garrison - Tower

Erfman tests: how fast can we move between them?

From the walls you can get to the courtyard or the garrison in a single round. To get to the towers it would take 2 rounds unless you can fly.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=195432#p195432)

"Shockamancer AC, I'm sorry for the abruptness, it was somewhat rude of me. We're still on turn, but feel pressed for time since we'll probably be attacked by (narrate Buster's report) next turn.

I'm Erfman, a level 4 Dollamancer, king of this newly refounded side of Fanon." You declare by way of greeting.

"No problem at all, I can be somewhat blunt myself as you already know my name is AC (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternating_current)"

"You may pick your promised rations from this selection *gesture to table*"
(ordered Jessie or Woodie to deseed the remaining 7 Fruits with the deseeded tool.)

Jessie 2 actions used 7 deseeded fruit and 7 seeds gained

(ordered Jessie and Woodie to bring and put on display 1 goat meat, 4 deseeded fruits, 4 farm rations)"

"Ah excellent!" AC declares as he steps forwards and selects 2 pieces of fruit, 2 farm rations and 1 piece of goat meat and packs them away.

2 pieces of fruit, 2 farm rations and 1 piece of goat meat given away

"What is your level if I may ask?" you ask.

" I am a level 3 adept shockamancer!" AC replies.

"Hmm, I also dabble in Mathamancy.. so let me think this through.. Charging the Tower with Juice or spells would be definitely useful against the Spook, but which would be more so.. hmm" you think out loud.

"You need not choose one or the other I could for example charge the tower with 150 juice and use the remaining 150 to place spells upon it..." AC declares.

(As far as shockamancy spells available think DnD evocation spells of 3rd level and below,

here are a couple for you

Gradoken 25 juice a hoboken that deals greater damage

Fiery blast 50 juice a shockamancy attack that can hit 4 units in a stack

Shock chain 75 juice a blast of shockamancy that deals full damage against the first unit it hits then half damage against all other units in the stack )

Dwagon Ball 100 juice a blast of shockamancy that hits an entire stack

(oh and for your mathamancy enjoyment here are the mechanics of Hoboken;

Hoboken (defence *1 to hit, deal 1d10xcaster level damage) i.e Erfman as a level 4 caster if he were a to use a hoboken on a gobwin would make the following attack 40d3 with any rolls of 1 dealing a hit)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=195438#p195438)

"Cadaver, from Strider Buster description, what do you think are those magenta wavens?" You ask the croakamancer.

"I am not sure my lord, I have never seen a magenta waven before... I would imagine they have an extra ability beyond that which a normal Waven has..." Cadaver replies.

"huh wait, you said Juice stored in the Tower can be used by a caster as he pleases? Could I use it to cast a Hoboken targeted at a land unit?" you ask AC.

"Yes as long as the spell in question can be used at range it can also be used against ground units." AC replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=195445#p195445)

"Oh.. I was going to ask for you to stay for the battle..
Because I was thinking without you here we'd not be able to strike the land units with your Juice.
But now.. Well, you staying would still be a boon of flexibility, so you'd be on site to cast the most appropriate spell, instead of having to pick now what to put into the tower..."

"Well, you're here, this is our tower, it's a straight run down to the portal. If you stayed, you'd likely spend all your Juice in the first few rounds of battle, so it's really unlikely enemy units would even have crossed the walls by the time of your retreat due to being out of Juice."

"If I pinky swear no unit of Fanon will impede you on your way to the portal at any point in time this turn, would you consider staying and employing your whole Juice to the greatest effect in the battle to come?" You offer.

"I'm afraid my in person combat solutions come at a much higher price, 1,000 schmuckers minimum paid in advance" AC replies

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=195458#p195458)

(A few more spells for you and a few more details...)

Shockamancy Spells

Hoboken 25 juice (defence *1 to hit, deal 10dxcaster level damage)

Gradoken 25 juice a hoboken that deals greater damage (defence *1 to hit, deal 15dxcaster level damage)

Fiery blast 50 juice a shockamancy attack that can hit 4 units in a stack (defence *1 to hit, deal 10dxcaster level damage)

Stun-gun 50 juice a shockamancy attack that also stuns the target for one round (defence *1 to hit, deal 10dxcaster level damage)

Shock-shield 50 juice protect a single unit or structure from a single shockamancy attack

Shock chain 75 juice a blast of shockamancy that deals full damage against the first unit it hits then half damage against all other units in the stack ) (Primary target: defence *1 to hit, deal 15dxcaster level damage. Secondary targets: defence *2 to hit, deal 15dxcaster level damage.)

Lingering static 75 juice a shockamancy attack that deals 1 hit to all units in a stack and reduces defence by 1 for a single battle (does not stack with itself)

Dwagon Ball 100 juice a blast of shockamancy that hits an entire stack (defence *1 to hit, deal 15dxcaster level damage)

"Also, Cadaver, you have the Juice to cast 2 Seize Uncroaked, plus 1 scroll. Each 50 Juice in the Tower would let you make more attempts. What do you think are those skeleton glowing yellow uncroaked?" you ask.

"I am unsure my lord, none of the spells that I know can make a glowing uncroaked or an uncroaked that already exists glow..." Cadaver replies. "Perhaps it is not croakamancy making them glow..." Cadaver then adds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=195461#p195461)

"AC... do you have a shockamancy spell in your arsenal that is good at incapacitating living units, rather then croaking them? I have to imagine something like that might be less juice intensive." you question.

"Hmm now let me think..." AC replies. "Now its not less juice intensive but there is this..." AC adds.

Tazer 25 juice a shockamancy attack that deals non-lethal damage (defence *1 to hit, deal 10dxcaster level damage) (units brought to 0 hits or below are incapacitated instead of croaked)

"AC, check these troops dispositions (show drawing Buster did), you see here? These stacks have each 4 archer units with 4 piker units screening the archers.

"If I target a Fire blast from the tower at the 4 archers in one of these stacks, could the pikers screen the archers? Or would it bypass them?" you ask.

"Hmmm unfortunately Fiery blast is still subject to screening so yes the pikers could possibly screen for the archers..." AC replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=195677#p195677)

Wiz, *Erfman ponders: can we make regular ranged attacks from the top of the tower? Do we still get the +2 Def from being semi-exposed?*

Yes you may make regular ranged attacks from the tower and in return enemy units may make regular ranged attacks against you. (You will have the +2 def while the city walls still stand)

Wiz: These mentions of Level... are they AC's level at time of casting, or the caster that discharges the spell off the tower?AC's level plus 1 due to the tower bonus so 4

"I'm gonna get me a boss man, one who's gonna treat me right.
I work hard in the day time, Rest easy at night."

"When you read this, do you think of how much of a better boss the Dark One could have been?" you ask of Grim.

"The Dark One's methods may seem harsh but he gets results...." Grim begins "If he had done things differently and he had lost then all of his units may have croaked...." Grim continues. "As a warlord I was never treated poorly... I must admit the regular infantry are not treated as well and are seen as somewhat expendable..." Grim admits. "But are any other side different?"

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Compilation of Game Thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255906#p255906)

"Fanon is, at the least." Erfman says simply. "I have spent juice and resources to save the lives of my infantry units. Not just to win a battle, but to ensure they are stabilized after. I have found someone in the magic kingdom who can heal the Mummy Rot, and I am getting that cure not just for myself, but for all affected units, even natural allies where it be objectively cheaper to just pop replacements." Erfman says passionately. "When the Titans judge me as a ruler, I will face them with a straight back and be able to declare that not one unit they put on Erfworld for me was wasted or abused. And I can not think of a better standard by which they might judge us."

Erfman looks Grim in the eye. "When the Titans ask you how you treated the troops you commanded, the units they crafted to serve you... What will you say? That the side you loyally serve had them thrown to their deaths even when not advantageous, because your master prefers uncroaked troops, lacking a mind given by the Titans to question their lot in life, to aspire for more, to have opinions on their ruler's treatment of them?" you declare.

"This is all a presumption on your part. Yes the Dark One may sacrifice his units when neccesarry but only when it is advantageous to the side. You presume it is uncroaked that he prefers... well it is not! The Dark One favours casters! It is why whenever possible he pops warloads in hopes that he will get another caster under his command! It is why he wages war with so many sides and why he wishes you to turn!" Grim declared. "As a Warlord I know I am not his favourite but I have done my duty and fought loyally for the betterment of the side. When I stand before the titans that I can say!" Grim replied. "If I were a scorist I know my score would not be that high but before the battle where I was captured I was only a level one... what great deeds can a level one be expected to have done!" Grim declares.


".. the more I think of it, the more I feel sure: I'm thinking that glow might be shockamancy, and those uncroaked are suicide bomber units, surrounding the living units to guarantee they obey.. If they obey, they are in front and croak first croaking us, if they DON'T obey? BOOM! and either way their bodies are uncroaked at a distance by the Dark One.. A win-win for him.."

"It's really quite ingenious of him, and terrifying."

"I'm thinking, an attempt at denying the Dark One the bodies, and the living army would be:
- We both stand at the top of the tower
- as soon as the living enter the hex I shout 'Living people! Why do you fight for the Uncroaked master?! If we remove those 4 glowing uncroaked would you turn? Or stand aside?'
- and we immediately cast: I cast the Seize Uncroaked scroll targetting the front right glowing uncroaked, and you cast Seize Uncroaked on the front left one.
- and I yell 'Run forward, we now control the front ones' as I order the right one to attack the back-right glowing uncroaked, and you order your left one to engage the back-left one."

"What do you think of that? If those are regular skeleton uncroaked with shockamancy cast on top of them, they should count as a simple uncroaked for purposes of the Seizing." you declare.

"The glow could indeed be shockamancy and if they are standard uncroaked charged with shockamancy then they should be easy enough to seize and take control of" Cadaver replies


"Mahogany, how much Juice would it take to prime the mushroom for detonation into a spore cloud, and to activate it at a distance?" You ask the Dwyad.

Mahogany holds up five fingers and thrusts them forwards five times.

"Also, what about turning some vines into units that are good at grappling and restraining man sized units?" you ask before you are suddenly struck by an idea "Oh, use your spear as a gauge, with it's full length being your daily allotment of juice." you add.

Mahogany has a thoughtful look for a moment before holding her hand to the end of her spear, she allows it to hover there for a moment before she then takes her hand far beyond the end of her spear.


Wiz, *Erfman ponders on the possibility of improving the Walls in small locations, such that they act as lvl 2 walls in those locations*

If your aim is to create something to provide better protection for your ranged units you could build a small structure on top of the walls. Just let me know what you want to make and out of what materials...[/quote]

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=196611#p196611)

Erfman nods. "I'm sure he does... A thinkamancer of Old Fanon is enslaved to him as we speak. Bound by turnamancy and duty magic against her will. Because he values her abilities, but not her. And when he has a level one warlord, he has no qualms about throwing them against a level one city to evaluated the city's defenses."

"But your story is just starting. In the grand tome of your life, this is but the third chapter. Don't focus on the grand deeds you have or haven't done... focus on your future. What you will or will not do."

"An heir should question their liege, for they must be the future of the side and they can not be that by blindly following their ruler. A chief warlord should question their liege, to temper the ruler's vision of the Erf with the reality the chief see's from the front lines. A fool should question their liege in all things, for that is the role they were popped for."

"These units do this because they know that loyalty to their side sometimes means disobedience to their ruler... when the ruler is messing up." Places the scouting report on the floor before Grim.

"Thirty two living Darkside units are being deployed as an expendable first wave... From what I and a shockamancer can posit, these uncroaked are charged with shockamancy to detonate when dusted. They are being used to ensure that all the sixteen are croaked when the Dark One Mass Animates the bodies in this hex. Perhaps the ogres and this knight or warlord will survive, but these twenty nine units... these living units who are probably also level ones with no great deeds yet to their name, will be dumped back into to the box because it will spare their ruler some juice."

"You are holding on to loyalty to the architect of this plan... of this sacrilegious waste of Titan given Life." Erfman said forcefully, accusatorially. "While I, your so called enemy, plan my defenses to save the lives of as many Dark Side units as I can."

The dollamancer lets out a heavy sigh. "There will be a few more Dark Side units in this dungeon or elsewhere in this city, by nightfall. But I can promise you this...if you turned, it would increase the number of survivors."

"I know of Lady Shipping, the Dark One values her greatly... so much so that he dares not risk her leaving the tower of Fanfic" Grim replies.

Grim then glances down at the scout report and studies it for a second. "Standard Darkside strategy sending living units first... they provide twice the power for once they fall the Dark One shall raise them up again. I recognise the shock troopers but you misunderstand their function... they are to be used against the walls or stacks of enemy units not the Darkside's own ranks..." Grim reveals.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=196638#p196638)

Erfman shakes his head. "He dare not let her leave, because he knows she would run through the portal and turn barbarian given half a chance. If she knows him better then you, and thinks that is a valid response to his leadership..."

"Of course that's standard Dark Side tactics... It is also horribly wasteful. Uncroaked units can't level, can't naturally last more then a handful of tenturns. If your overlord cared about his units, the uncroaked would be used to screen and sacrifice so the living troops would survive longer, level more. These uncroaked archers get a screen, because the Dark One cares about their survival during the battle far more then he does the living units." He said bluntly. "Uncroaked are the primary infantry, and living units are screens for them, means of dragging bodies onto the battlefield. Because the Dark One prefers the units he makes to the ones the Titans have given life."

"As for the shock troopers, I fear you're misreading things. If that was their function, would they not be in front, with a screen that can run with them, such as shield wielding uncroaked? Their orders and deployment would be maximized for them to reach the walls and detonated before archers could pick them off, to weaken a section for the wall for the siege units." Erfman asks, as if this were a simple tactical exorcise between warlords passing time. "That isn't what we see here... They are boxing all the living units beside a scant handful that aren't as cheap to sacrifice. If they were to detonate where they are, the shockamancy would injure or croak four fifths of the living compliment. Yet, they are in lone stacks, unscreened. The Dark One couldn't even spare wavens to screen these units from archers, even when a bow and a little luckamancy could croak any one of these unled stacks."

"They are deployed to croak stacks, mine or Dark Side's. I'm sure he'd refer mine, but I also that the Dark One will spend some juice animating every body in the hex so he would consider this unit croaking a tragedy." Points to a random stabber. "You think he even knows the name of this unit? Do you think this unit has ever been asked what he wants out of the Life the Titans have given him?"

"Would you be this callous with this unit's life, if it was your call?" Erfman asked, looking Grim in the eye.

"I have read the reports on the Dark Side's previous battles I know how the Dark One uses his units. Shock troopers are volatile units, a single hit can set off the shockamancy stored within them it is therefore not safe for them to be in a stack. They are however deadly against unled stacks who will often charge forward blindly to engage and then be wiped out in a single round" Grim replies. "Besides your capabilities have been scouted, the Dark One knows that you lack ranged combatants... this distribution of units would suggest that the Dark One intends to give you a choice of where to use your ranged units... Will you target the shock troopers or the more obvious seige? If you focus on those will you leave the flying units unchecked?" Grim replies."I can tell you this much, the Dark One is taking you seriously now if he is sending in Prince Redshirt... he is the highest level Warlord in the area!" Grim declares.

"How would I lead these units if this was my fight?" Grim then replies. "I would fight as I fought before. I would use the pikers to screen the Ogwe's and attack the walls. Once you reveal your ranged units I would then take them out with my own archers. With your archers busy I'd send in the shock troopers to further weaken your defences. Once a wall is breached I would then send in the infantry both living and uncroaked to swarm the city, using the natural croakamancy of the Spook I would also raise the fallen to bolster my numbers. I would then move my command stack in to the city and take the Garrison." Grim replies also as if he were discussing a theoretical exercise. "How would you do it if you were the one attacking." Grim then asks.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=196650#p196650)

Erfman smiles. "We're a young side... which means that scouting reports are quickly out of date as each turn allows for significant chance for us to better ourselves. Our ranged capacity this turn is far greater then it was a turn ago. And while I have no doubt he's taken me seriously now, the fact he didn't muster warlords and troops with nets the moment he realized I was here shows a lack of foresight."

Erfman looks at the scouting report, curiously. "I'm unsure... My goal would be to take the city with the minimum number of casualties among my living units. The uncroaked are more disposable." Points to the five dressed like Grim was. "Are these all warlords, or are most of them going to be stabber type knights? Do you expect many of them are uncroaked?"

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=196664#p196664)

"I would expect them to all be knights, it would make little sense to have so many warlords in a single stack..." Grim replies. "Other than Prince Redshirt the only other warlord seems to be with the Ogwe stack" Grim then adds.

2019-10-13, 04:47 PM
Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=197076#p197076)

Erfman Nods thoughtfully. "Well then... I would have started by bringing a very different army. Does the Dark Side have no flying mounts?" He says with a chuckle.

"If more Ogres could have been popped, a stack full, or seven and a warlord, could have barreled through our walls, as they were back when things were from the last scouting. Are Ogres popped in cities or are they a natural ally tribe?" Erfman asked, still playing this like an game of tactics.

"With this compliment the siege would take longer, but if they were to use those shock gems followed by a coordinated hit on the gate, they'd still make a hole. After that, a handful of these shock troopers could come in and set fires to the buildings of my city." He said with a playful grin, making things clear 'tactics as usual' were being thrown away.

"The spook would be sent here... it would repatriate you and hand you a hat. As the defenders engaged the uncroaked that swarm in from the breach and dealing with keeping the fires from going inferno, you would be receiving a large collection of bodies of ferals able to fit within the hats... Wavens, snakes, the like."

"Using our walls as a defensive barrier, your archers would attack structures with flaming arrows. Wavens could bomb the city with those shockamancy gems. The battle goes badly for us. But you would be in the portal room with stacks of uncroaked weenies. By the time I think to retreat, I would not have the forces to punch past your screening of the portal."

"I would be forced to retreat outside the walls while the fires got worse... where your living troops would be alive, fresh, and armed with nets to capture every unit that leaves this city."

"That would capture me... most living units under my command barring incidence in the attack. All with minimal risk to the living units of the Dark Side. Erfman said solemnly.

"Of course, to devise such a plan, the commander would have value the lives of the men and women they have the duty to command much higher then I have seen from the Dark Side, to justify spent resources. So I can at least be grateful that the Dark One will not think of such a thing."

"Plus, that plan fails to work given what I've acquired since the last turn. You'd be amazed how easy it is to hire barbarian casters when they don't think you will be capturing them. I am honestly wondering which one to name as chief caster should multiple decide to join us permanently." Erfman said with a smiling, looking at the scouting report. "This force is quaint, but I doubt Prince Redshirt has enough leadership to get them past our walls. Unless he is your chief warlord or something."

"Yes the Darkside does of course have flying mounts, the Dark One's favourites are the uncroaked Dwagons and you are fortunate that the Dark One has yet to use one for they are formidable..." Grim replies.

"Ogwes can be popped but to pop a whole stack would take some time..." Grim answers.

"A good point, Spooks are often used for infiltration and assassination using one for prisoner repatriation would not be beyond the realms of possibilities..." Grim comments. "I was not aware that corpses could be sent via hat but again that is another good strategy." he adds.

"As far as I am aware Prince Redshirt is not currently chief warlord though as the former heir of Fanon he is fairly high level... Last I recall he was level 5..." Grim reveals. "It would be easy enough for the Dark One to designate Prince Redshirt as Chief Warlord if he deemed this battle important enough though..." Grim then commented.

"So how do you plan to defend against this force?" Grim then asks in return.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=197113#p197113)

Erfman looks closely at the sketch of the vampire-looking Prince Redshirt. "Is he an uncroaked or did he turn?" He wondered. "As the utility of a uncroaked warlord seems... low. Sure units get the bonus... and I think a warlord of that level offers even a defense bonus... but doesn't the lack of an actually mind on the battlefield commanding means the Dark One and Lady Shipping have to spend time and juice micromanaging things?"

"As for the city's defense, my plans are reasonably potent. A croakamancer I hired from the Magic Kingdom will take control of the shock troopers, and destroy these unled uncroaked infantry stacks. Should he level from that and gain more juice, the spook becomes a useful extra target for such actions... Though if the plans truly fall apart, there will be an uncroaked warlord to turn." He says, pointing to the warlord with the axe in the siege stack.

"Depending on the changing needs, we will be hitting either the knights or the siege with some flower power which should render them confused and maybe incapacitated, but shouldn't be lethal."

"Our newly acquired ranged superiority, with the axe you know about and the Archery class knight and shockamancer support which you don't will keep the air clear from Darkside units, then allow us to pick of uncroaked survivors."

"That is how we plan to deal with the uncroaked... While that is happening, we have a powerful stack of knight class gobwins in the tunnel zones pulling in living troops and capturing them as fast as we are able. We can't assure the survival of non-prisoner units of Dark Side, especially if they're autoengaging and my troops need to defend themselves, so the tunnel fighting stacks success speed will be the main determiner in how many of your kinsmen survive this battle." Erfman said simply, very plainly even. Impressing upon Grim the gravity of the situation. That this warlord would not want the siege to succeed, or more of his troops would die.

"Prince Redshirt is uncroaked but he is one of the Dark One's more advanced uncroaked, he has truly been returned from the box, his mind is intact and he is as strong if not stronger than he has ever been" Grim replied.

"I see... your plans are interesting but there is much that could go wrong.. are you sure you truly have ranged superiority?" Grim comments

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=197201#p197201)

Erfman smiles. "Then perhaps he would be the best uncroaked to turn to Fanon... after we've dealt with the shock troopers. An honest conversation with him might tell us how the Dark One accomplishes that. I will admit I have yet the relaxed period needed to study general magic theory."

Erfman nods. "A knight class archer bolstered by a focused defensive implacement able to defend their stack. A naughtmancer discharging optimized shockamancy spells. The gem I took from you. I have the force needed to keep your fliers from being an issue, and then raining down arrows. The problem there being the the Dark Side archers. If the tunneling force can't deal with them in time, I will need to croak them to preserve the lives of my units."

Erfman looks at Grim, curiously. "Let's assume I win either way... how many living units of Dark Side would you prefer I capture?"

"You should not forget that it was the Dark One who created the shockamancy gem... you may find your one is vastly outnumbered..." Grim replies.

"While I am a loyal unit of the Dark Side I would have to hope that you did not croak or capture any Darkside units..." Grim replies.

[The turning of Grim has started to delay things... please make your final argument for this turn and I shall make a roll whether he turns or not this turn]

How much stone and action would it take to create a small emplacement on the wall able to house a stack and allow that stack to fire down onto either side. Probably with four arrow slits on either side, allowing for a row to fire, then let the other half step up and fire.

Stone archery tower – 20 stone, 32 actions (wall upgrade, houses 8 units, provides +2 def (stacks with def provided by wall))

How many arrow slits would fit in the tower? And how much would both making only 2 arrow slits, and covering the tower cost.

Arrow slit – 1 stone, 8 actions (tower upgrade, position for 1 unit, provides +2 def (stacks with def provided by tower)) [Attacks can only be made in a single direction N,E,S,W]

16 arrow slits may be made in each direction (N,E,S,W)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=197212#p197212)

Erfman smiles. "Well then, you could help with us striving for that goal. Turn to Fanon, and I will put you in the tunnel with our natural allies. Your Leadership will bolster their ability to pull from the battle field and safely detain the living Dark Siders." you declare.

"Your words are good and you make good arguments but I can not trust your words blindly. Prove your words through your actions and then and only then shall I turn. Successfully defend against this attack and capture instead of croak and then not only will I turn but I will do my best to convince whatever prisoners you take to turn as well!" Grim replies.

Turning attempt failed

[Sorry, we were getting good roleplay and good intel out of it, it seemed good to keep going.]

Not a problem it was supposed to be an opportunity for information gathering but I'm aware that it has been Turn 14 for a long while now...

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=197218#p197218)

"Cadaver, while conversing with our prisoner we've found out that this undead-" Pointing to Prince Redshirt. "- is an intelligent level 5 warlord type and formerly of Fanon. Being able to turn him would be a great boon." Erfman explained.

"Do you think you could funnel more juice into a uncroaked seizing spell to enhance the chance of succeeding?" He asked, curiously.

"I could try my lord though it would likely take all of my juice to stand a chance of success"
Cadaver replies

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=197235#p197235)

Erfman strokes his chin. "Is that including a scroll? Or the juice in the tower?" Erfman considers things... "Perhaps we should save it for after the battle. Costing them one of their only two Warlords is potent, but we have to deal with these suicide Skeles, and unless you level first, we don't have enough juice to go around for all the goals."

"Next turn, let's assume you've leveled from this little battle and we've captured him. What would you guess your success chance would be at level 2, with your scythe and the tower, and 200 juice?"

"I was just talking about my own juice my lord... If you wish me to use juice stored in the tower aswell it could certainly improve my chances" Cadaver replies "It's hard to put a figure to it my lord I have never encountered one of these advanced uncroaked before let alone try to seize control of one" Cadaver answers.


Arrow slits in the tower make the most sense for this battle:
- we only have two ranged units to protect
- we want both of them in the tower so we can cast Repair (on Julienne, and Woodie-the-screener) which we will ABSOLUTELY NEED given all their archers


Arrow slit – 1 stone, 8 actions (tower upgrade, position for 1 unit, provides +2 def (stacks with def provided by tower)) [Attacks can only be made in a single direction N,E,S,W]

16 arrow slits may be made in each direction (N,E,S,W)
Are these directions correct? Did you mean N, NE, SE, S, SW, NW?

Deck, with 2 arrow slits pointing N (covers NW, N, NE), and 2 pointing S, we guarantee our two ranged units can fire anywhere while protected, and it costs us
4 Stone, 32 actions

You have presumed correctly

N covers NW N NE
E covers NE E SE
S covers SE S SW
W covers SW W NW

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=197240#p197240)

Your only blind spot would be if the enemy were hugging the outside of the city wall though they would have to cross the moat first and they wouldn't be able to fire at you from there either.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=197296#p197296)

What I'm wondering is if we could get some nets made with our actions. Capture becomes easier that way

You can of course attempt to make nets. What do you want to make them from?

"Alleria, I'm sorry we have not properly welcomed you to this Erf.
But, a detail, as an archer, do you suffer any range penalties? Is it harder to hit units the farther they are inside the hex?" You question Alleria as you are thinking over tactics.

"There is no need to apologise sire." Alleria replies before considering the question. "A unit is either in range of a ranged attack or it is not, incremental range penalties do not apply." Alleria answers.

[Without a tactical hex map for combat it is too complicated to keep track of range increments so I will not be doing range penalties. I will simply let you know if the units are too far away from each other to engage in ranged combat]

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=198202#p198202)

[oh I thought you had decided to save that for later]

"AC, see Cadaver's scythe? It's a croakamancy focus, makes him cast spells at +1 lvl. We made it today. Would you consider a shockamancy focus item, plus a contract for 100 of your Juice for one ration per turn, in future turns, to be adequate payment for your presence in a battle? Instead of 1000 schmuckers?" You offer.

"It looks like a nice trinket but I am afraid I am going to have to stick to my guns and say the price for my presence for the battle is 1,000 schmuckers..." AC replies "If you make a Shockamancy focus though maybe I'd be interested in buying it from you..." AC then adds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=198405#p198405)

Smile warmly. "I understand of course. And as a friend of Cadaver, you would be one of the first people we would sell to... But given our side's current situation, the juice of it's casters, their ability to improve our functioning every turn, is currently a bit inflated over the going prices of the magical kingdom. What it's worth to me to make such a trinket will be far above what the Moneymancers appraise it for. As such, I don't know in how turns you would have to wait till I have the time to make things merely to sell them for shmuckers." you declare.

"Oh don't worry it's not like I'm desperate for it or anything just if you ever had one going spare and I had a few extra schmuckers we could make a deal..." AC replies.

(1) I'd suggest that AC charge the tower with one "Dwagon Ball" spell (100 Juice, damage to a whole stack, should wipe one), and 200 Juice (~100 Juice earmarked for Repair spells, 100 Juice earmarked for Seize Undead attempts)

AC heads to the tower and casts a spell storing it in the tower (Dwagon Ball, level 4 caster) and then funnels his remaining 200 juice and stores it in the tower.

"Nice doing business with you, if you ever need me again Cadaver knows where to find me!" AC then declares before heading back down to the portal room.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=198572#p198572)

Erfman quickly runs after AC before he steps through the portal. "AC, before you go, could you take a look at this? We know it's a Shockmancy Gem that can explode, but what more do you know of this? How do we set it off, just chucking it at something?" You ask before AC steps through the portal.

"Facinating, it looks as though any damage to the structure of the gem would cause it to explode so yes throwing it with sufficient force would cause it to explode" AC replies "What is more interesting though is there is literally juice stored within this gem... I would estimate about 100... if you were to draw out this juice you could use it to power your own shockamancy attacks if the juice is used immediately or perhaps even as a power source..." Ac adds.

"I really hope to see you again in one of the following Turns, perhaps we can work on a Lightning Rod for you together? If you supply the juice, I could give you a discount perhaps. That is, if we make it past this Turn..." You add.

"As I said earlier if you need me Cadaver knows where to find me..." AC replies.

"and! and! Have you looked at prices for shockamancy focus items in the MK? How much would such an item be worth to you?" You finaly ask.

"Can't say that I have... Maybe a few hundred schmuckers... though I would also be willing to trade in juice or scrolls..." AC declares.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=198578#p198578)

Ok I am hereby retconning arrow slits;

Arrow slit – 1 stone, 8 actions (tower upgrade, position for 1 unit, provides +2 def (stacks with def provided by tower)) [Attacks can only be made in a single direction NW,N,NE,SE,S,SW] [See division of hex below] [A max of 16 slits may be made in any direction]


"Wow.. 100 Juice? That's enough for a Dwagon Ball! Do you think such an explosion will affect an entire stack?"
Can you estimate how much damage this gem will do if thrown? (to see if it would be interesting to ask you to remove the Juice in the gem and channel it into a Dwagon Ball spell that you then cast into the tower)" You ask.

"Yes, yes it is but unless you know how to cast a Dwagon Ball spell it does not help you to do so" AC replies. "Hmmm I'd say less damage than a Dwagon Ball spell but not far off... and yes I would say it could damage an entire stack" AC ponders out loud. "I'm afraid not your tower is now fully charged and any additional spells would be wasted... If your tower was a higher level I probably could though..." AC declares.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=198588#p198588)

"AC! We can now spend actions and Juice to make a shockamancy focus for you. So the question of how much would it be worth to you is raised :). How about 600s?" you offer.

"Hmmm I could probably afford 300s right now maybe 350s at a pinch..." AC counter offers.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=198593#p198593)

Erfman nods, thinking for a moment. "What about a payment in scrolls? Any form of equipment or actions that could help turn the battle really." you ask.

"I have a couple of basic Shockamancy scrolls on me that I keep in case of emergency... I usually sell em for 300s a piece." AC replies as he holds out a few scrolls.

Fiery blast 50 juice a shockamancy attack that can hit 4 units in a stack (defence *1 to hit, deal 10dxcaster level damage)

Stun-gun 50 juice a shockamancy attack that also stuns the target for one round (defence *1 to hit, deal 10dxcaster level damage)

Shock-shield 50 juice protect a single unit or structure from a single shockamancy attack

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=198602#p198602)

"How difficult would it be for a non-shockamancer to funnel the energy from the gem into the tower or a spell?" you ask.

"As long as it's a shockamancy spell that you know not difficult at all..." AC replies. "As for the tower it's designed to receive shockamancy juice so I suppose it should work... If the tower wasn't already fully charged" he adds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=198673#p198673)

Nods. "And we don't need to use the juice put into the tower in this way for shockamancy?" you ask.

"Juice stored in the tower may be used to power any spell that you know..." AC replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=198711#p198711)

Erfman strokes his chin... "Is 100 juice the maximum capacity of that gem? What do you expect would happen if it was charged beyond it's capacity?" You ask.

"If over charged I would expect that the gem would explode..." AC replies


"Mahoganie, we will want you to toss the primed mushrooms into the Ogwes' stack (from the walls). Will you be able to cast and toss in a combat round? Do you prefer to cast now, and toss later? something else?" You ask the Dwyad.

Mahogany nods in response to the first question and then shakes her head in response to the second.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=198817#p198817)

Erfman smiles, a smile one recognizes when another caster makes a mistake while working in your discipline. He hoped by the end of the conversation, both he and AC would be sharing that grin at the Dark One's expense. "And they come fully charged? AC, I wish to amend my offer. A shockamancy focus we will construct next turn and an open ended contract allowing you to exchange 100 juice for upkeep as long as Fanon should stand, in exchange for you attempting two actions in the following combat, with no repercussion on the payment should the attempt fail. The first; using 100 juice from our tower to attempt to remotely charge the shockamancy gems the opposition will be bringing into this hex. The second; Moving 100 juice from the gem into the tower. Though if you feel confident it doesn't lower your chance of success using the juice straight from the gem would be allowed, and should take only one action." Erfman said, imagining a chain of explosives discharges consuming the rear of the enemy formation, the same moment the shocktroopers were detonating against uncroaked stacks or arrows and axes.

"Afterwards, you would be allowed to retreat to the safety of the Magic Kingdom. Even if the city falls after all your help, the experience would be yours, along with what ever knowledge you gained from the attempt."

"That is certainly a cunning plan however I fear that the only way to charge a gem is though touch" AC replies. "Needing to wade through the enemy would make the risk too great but on top of that I would not want to be touching the gem when I set it off!" AC declares.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=198967#p198967)

Gathering together your forces and whatever tools that you have access to you set them to work creating arrow slits in the tower where your archers will be able ton fire from while having a modicum of protection.

12 stone and 96 actions used. 12 arrow slits created


"You fear or you know?" Erfman asked calmly. "While I could see that these might be designed to be recharged or at least initially charged by a touch, are you certain that it is not within the realm of your discipline to deliver the needed juice to the right position on the battle field?"

"The gems are not of my creation so I can not even be sure I could charge one first time even if I held it in my hand... Doing so at range would be a lot harder if possible at all and I would at the very least need line of sight which would put me in range of enemy archer fire." AC replies. "I could try if you so wish but keep in mind I have already expended all my juice in to your tower and as there is risk involved it would count as an on location combat solution and as such cost the standard 1,000 schmuckers..." AC finishes.

Oh, just remembered a skill of Mahogany, Thorns. Once per battle, 3 hits assured. Who to pick? Also, can this hit a Spook? Would be nice to take it down before it Uncroaks anyone

Yes it can affect Spooks

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=199002#p199002)

Erfman takes the gem back, studying it. "Any damage to this, and the energy discharges... Could you make a shockamancy spell which would be assured to crack any such gems in it's area of effect. A sonic discharge or something?" You ask

"Yes I know just the spell" AC replies.

Sonic burst 50 juice an area based shockamancy attack that shatters fragile objects. This attack deals double damage against certain golems. If used against a structure it counts as a siege attack. (defence *1 to hit, deal 10dxcaster level damage)

And how about you make Erfman ask someone how much XP do they think a turn of training would give?

If a unit spends a full turn (all actions) training they gain 10xp. If they do so under the guidance of a command unit they gain 15xp

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=199276#p199276)

Erfman smiles. "Alright then. Could you use the juice from the gem or from the tower which will be recharged with the gem to create two scrolls of it for us? In exchange, we will work with you to construct you a shockamancy focus next turn." You request.

"very well I can make you two scrolls of sonic blast in exchange for a shockamancy focus next turn however as there is no gaurantee that you will be here next turn I will also want to keep the gem once it is depleted to cover the costs of making the scroll..." AC replies.

Oooooh, nice! How big is the area we can hit with Sonic Burst? One stack?

The area is fairly small, the amount of units you can hit will depend on their positioning, the max you can hit is 4.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=199596#p199596)

"That sounds fair. You keep the gem as insurance, and tomorrow we'll pay you the 100$ of the material costs in return for the gem." Erfman smiles satisfied

"Agreed" AC replies taking the shockamancy gem off of you. He then proceeds to drain juice from the tower before creating 2 scrolls of Sonic burst and handing them to to you. Draining the juice from the gem he then channels it in to the tower. With that done AC bids goodbye and finally heads through the portal.

Shockamancy gem given away. 2x scroll of sonic burst gained

Gathering your forces together you clamber in to the luggage for another round trip. The luggage first heads directly south taking you to a hilly hex that is now filled with bushes full with fruit.

The luggage 2 move used

Sending out one of the Gobwin knights with the harvesting tools you order him to harvest the fruit but not deseed it.

Gobwin knight 4 actions used 12 fruit gained

Once done the Gobwin climbs back in to the luggage and you head South west 2 hexes.

The luggage 4 move used

Arriving at a mountain hex where a river starts as you poke you head out of the luggage you spot a lone feral billy goat.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=199609#p199609)

Choosing Mahogany to attempt the taming you pass her several pieces of fruit and send her out of the luggage. Mahogany crouches down and rolls the first piece of fruit a short distance in front of her before calmly waiting. The feral Billy goat calmly trots up and tucks in to the fruit. Once the goat is finished Mahogany then places a second piece of fruit in the palm of her hand. The billy goat cautiously approaches before eating out of the palm of the Dwyads hand. With a gentle smile Mahogany strokes the goat on its back.

Mahogany 2 actions used. 2 pieces of fruit used. Feral Billy Goat tamed.

With the goat tamed Mahogany then leads it back in to the luggage. You then have the luggage set off once again and head south east 1 hex to the next mountain hex.

The Luggage 2 move used

Once in the next mountain hex you have the Gobwins climb out.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=199611#p199611)

When we took Grim Prisoner did bindings pop automagically?Yes

Could we take a body prisoner?No

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=199772#p199772)

The Gobwins set to work hacking in to the mountainside with their axes, at first they disturb nothing but dirt but soon enough they are bringing up chunks of stone.

Gobwins 24 actions used. 18 stone and 6 dirt gained

With your stone harvesting done all the Gobwins climb back in to the luggage and you set off once again crossing 3 hexes until you reach a hill hex filled with fruit bushes.

The luggage 6 move use

you are now in the highlighted hex


Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=199773#p199773)

Your archers have as many mundane arrows as they need

Trench around the Tower?
You could make a shallow trench but dig too deeply and it will be a new entrance to the tunnel zone....

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=199796#p199796)

Sending out Durp with a harvesting tool you have him collect fruit from 3 of the bushes.

Durp 3 actions used. 9 Fruit gained

The new goat's upkeep is paid for the turn Yes it is

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=199804#p199804)

Transferring the saddle to the new Billy goat Bob sets off on a scout run of the surrounding mountain hexes. A short while later the two return.

Billy goat 16 move used

"Sire feral gobwin two hexes away..." Bob reports as soon as he returns.


"Cadaver do you think you could cast a debuff spell on uncroaked with your remaining juice? using the tower bonus and your focus with the scythe. Something that would lower their attack or defense?" You ask Cadaver.

"Yes sire, I can cast an increase decay spell on them... the effect depends on how much decay they have already suffered and how much juice I have used." Cadaver replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=199812#p199812)

"Cadaver, what would your decay spell do specifically? And how many could you target for how much juice?" you ask.

"The base spell targets a single unit and has a minimum cost of 25 juice... there's a mass effect version but its more difficult to cast and has a minimum cost of 100 juice" Cadaver replies. "As I stated the effect can vary but decay works as follows..." Cadaver explains.

Decay level
10/10 – no change to stats
9/10 – combat -10%
8/10 – max hits -10%
7/10- def -1
6/10 – combat -25%
5/10 – max hits – 25%
4/10 – def -2
3/10 – combat -50%
2/10 – max hits -50%
1/10 – def-3
0/10 – unit dusted

Turning to Bowie, Erfman then asks "Chief Bowie, what can you tell us about feral Gobwins?"

"Feral Gobwins are gobwins that pop natural in the wild... they are exactly the same as the rest of us but they do not start off affiliated to a twibe" Bowie answers.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=199818#p199818)

"Hmm.. Grim once said that the Dark One's uncroaked don't decay.. He might have been boasting but perhaps we should consider the coming uncroaked as at 10/10 decay level? Or that they would be immune to more decay?" you declare

"Cadaver, what is the expected effect of one of your castings? Increase decay by 1? More if lucky? Or more almost always?" you question

"If I were to use the minimum amount of juice then the most common result would be to reduce decay level by my caster level..." Cadaver replies.

"Also, looking at the uncroaked Buster drew, what would you guess is the decay level of these uncroaked? The skellies? The piker and archers?" you then ask.

"Its hard to tell from the scouts sketch... these bone units may be designed to have this signamancy and it may not be due to decay..." Cadaver replies.

"Bowie, how easy is for you to recruit feral gobwins to your twibe? If you went and met them?" you then ask the Gobwin chief.

"If they have no prior affiliation then feral gobwins are usually very willing to join the first twibe they come across." Bowie replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=199843#p199843)

*Erfman looks at Billie and ponders, she has a carrying capacity of 2 now, but does she need a second saddle to make use of it? Or if Bowie rode out, could the extra gobwin be carried back with him?*When Billie has the saddle she can carry 2 light units, so yes Bowie and a Gobwin would be fine

"Cadaver, how many units could the mass version of the spell affect?" you ask.

"At my level of mastery it will affect a single stack but with greater mastery it could affect multiple stacks... the more stacks it effects though the more juice intensive it will be..." Cadaver replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=199859#p199859)

Bowie returns the saddle to Billie and climbs onboard before setting off to collect the feral Gobwin.

Billie 8 move used, Bowie 8 move used, Gobwin 4 move used

Once Bowie returns with your new Gobwin you all climb in to the Luggage and head back to Fanon

The Luggage 2 move used

Once back in Fanon you head straight to the portal room and post a letter through the portal.

Dear Dotti Crosst,

I find my side in a dire situation. We have a large enemy force near our city and require time to prepare. My knowledge of Signamancy is limited, but is there any spell you could cast that could give us more time. A forced contact that would give us a non aggression pact with the Dark one for a turn. Baring that could a contact be crafted that between my side and a prisoner we have. Stating that if he turns to our side we will take steps to capture as many living Dark one units as is possible. That if he isn't satisfied with how our side works after three turn he will be release and free to go barbarian or return to the dark one service, but having a non aggression pact with Grim "for three turns after he leaves our service? I understand this is a complicated request. Perhaps you would like to come to my city and discuss it in person. I will pinky swear no harm will come to you and no one in fanom will try and bar you from returning to the MK. I would of course pay for your services, but it would have to be in rations this turn or magic items or money next turn. Also any caster who would be willing to work for the same terms we would gladly hire for the turn. Please respond as soon as possible!

King Erfman

A short while later a scout runs up to you envelope in hand.

Dear King Erfman,

I am afraid signamancy enforced contracts require the other party to sign them before they can be enforced so unless you can get the Dark One or this Grim to sign a contract there will be little I can do. If however they do agree just let me know and I can easily enforce the contract with signamancy.

Yours sincerely

Dotti Crosst

Then estimate action cost of:
- harvesting hay,
- spreading it near and in the building in a manner a candle being toppled by a bunny would start a fire that can grow to inferno
- digging a hole big enough for a bird (should be free, non permanent tunnels were free)
- covering it up
- disguising the covered hole

-Harvest hay 1 action = 5 units of hay
-Spread hay 1 action to spread out 5 units of hay
-Dig hole and then cover it = 1 action
-Disguise hole - how do you plan to disguise it?

Erfman nods and smiles. What you're saying is that it is our best interest to have you rank up over subsequent turns. You as a level six master Croakamancer, on a level 2 tower with a level 2 focus... you could destroy every uncroaked in the hex, unless it saved against the effect?" Cadaver always seems a bit down on himself, so Erfman is going to try and inspire him to strive for something again.

"Isn't it always in your interest to have your casters rank up..." Cadaver replies "I'm sure a level six master dollamancer would be just as effective..." he adds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=199967#p199967)

Billie, Mahogany carrying a candle, the 2 Hogs, a Bird, and the Wabbit cross the border of Fanon and go to the farm hex.

All the above 2 move used

Once at the farm Mahogany takes her time gathering up as much hay as she can carry before carefully arranging it in such a way that they would later be easily able to start a fire that would quickly spread to the farm.

Mahogany 2 actions used

Bending down Mahogany then digs a shallow hole with her hands before placing a knitted messenger bird inside and covering it with dirt.

Mahogany 2 actions used

The Hogs meanwhile scratch around the place roughing up and disturbing as much ground as possible so that it would be hard to spot a single spot that has been dug.

Hog 1+2 4 actions used

Mahogany then places the candle inside the farm with the uncroaked Wabbit watching over it.

With their job done Billie, Mahogany and the two hogs head back to Fanon.

Billie, Mahogany, Hog 1+2 2 move used

(The trap is set!)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=200060#p200060)

"Cadaver, how much does it cost to uncroak one unit? How much would it cost to mass-uncroack all bodies in a hex?" you ask

"To uncroak a unit in a good condition I would need to use an amount of juice roughly equal to that units upkeep..." Cadaver replies. "I could cast a mass uncroaking with a minimum of 100 juice though due to a lack of focus they will usually already be in advanced decay..." Cadaver adds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=200125#p200125)

Heading down to the tunnel zone with a ramshackle collection of units you set to work reinforcing the tunnels building two dirt walls and a single stone wall.

18 actions, 10 dirt and 5 stone used

How much will it cost to promote a garrison unit to field unit?50s

"Mahogany could you make your attack with the mushroom from the tower. Also does the tower boost your caster level?" you ask.

Mahogany shakes her head in response to your first question then shakes her head in response to the second.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=200158#p200158)

End of Turn!

The Dark Sides turn begins

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=200160#p200160)

Heading to the tower to prepare your defence your ruler senses suddenly tingle as you realise Fanon's battle space has been encroached by enemy units, moments later Cadaver calls out to you.

"Sire enemy units spotted in the farm hex, one stack of four archers and four pikers" Cadaver reports. "Your orders?" he then asks.


Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=200218#p200218)

"Spy them from inside the building (next to the candle), if archers aim at you, knock down the candle"

"Sire the uncroaked stack has entered the farm building" Cadaver reported as he focused on the croakamancy helm and through it his Wabbit. "They are heading straight towards the Wabbit. We have lit the fire. The uncroaked are ignoring the flames and firing on the Wabbit" he then added.

"I'm sorry Sire I cannot see anymore as the Wabbit has been dusted" Cadaver declares bowing his head.

A short while later your ruler senses alert you to the fact that the farm has been destroyed and you are now the owner of a level 0 farm site.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=200224#p200224)

Wiz, *Erfman ponders, could he cast a Seize Uncroaked, while also ordering the Tower to spend the Juice in such a fashion, or would a caster need to spend his focus for the combat round solely directing the tower?*

You may order the tower to unleash it's stored juice as ranged shockamancy blasts as a free action but it will just blast what ever is closest.

If you wish to pick targets it will occupy a command units actions for the round though it need not be a caster.

Releasing a stored spell from the tower will take a casters action for the round.

Casting a scroll will take a casters action for the round.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=200322#p200322)

Erfman turns to Cadaver.
"You mentioned earlier that for more advanced units, you need more juice to turn. Do you think you could turn a Spook?"
Erfman then explains what they know of the Spooks, what they can do (turn invisible, Uncroak fallen units, fire energy attacks).
"Do you think the Spooks are Uncroaked?"

"I will not know if I am able until I try..." Cadaver replies. "One thing is certain, if they are indeed uncroaked they are the most advanced uncroaked I have ever heard of and surely made by a master at the art of croakamancy!" Cadaver declares.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=200335#p200335)
[quote="wiz"]"Are you willing to try Cadaver? This seems like an incredible challenge to you, and if you succeed, you will likely learn many secrets of Croakamancy from the Spook itself!
How much Juice would you like to have for one attempt?" you ask.

"I am willing to try Sire if that is what you desire" Cadaver replies. "But it must be your decision for it is your kingdom that is at stake..." he adds.

2019-10-13, 04:49 PM
Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Compilation of Game Thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255907#p255907)

Initial positions:



Stack 1- Hiding


Stack 2

Messenger bird
Messenger bird
Woody - screening
The Luggage


Stack 1 - hiding



Stack 1 - Hiding


Stack 2



Stack 1 - Hiding


Stack 2 - protected by crenelations, NOT looking out

Jessie - screening
Pan (new goat)

Outside walls



Stack 1 - Guarding Grim


Stack 2 - Hiding



Stack 1 - Hiding


Stack 2

Gobwin knight
Gobwin knight
Gobwin knight
Gobwin knight
Gobwin knight

Stack 3 - on lookout


Stack 4 - on lookout


Stack 5


Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=200339#p200339)

The battle begins!

You wait anxiously in Fanon's tower stacked up with your units expecting to be attacked at any moment. You resist the urge to pace back and fourth but you can't help but stare out through one of the arrow slits that you have stationed your stack by every so often looking to see if the enemy army is in sight. The presence of your golems in your stack is a calming one at least, you know they are well built and sturdy and with your caster bonus any units that dare attack your stack will surely regret it. The other thing that calms your nerves slightly is the presence of the juice that now flows through the tower itself that you know will respond to your command.

After what felt like a thousand turns your ruler senses suddenly tingle as the hex becomes contested and horns blare due to the presence of hostile units in the hex.

Staring out through the nearest arrow slit your eye is drawn to two hulking forms. The pair of Ogwe's move differently to the one that last attacked your city and this pair are dressed in thick black plate and are dragging something behind them. Around the brutes six infantry scutter. Although the most eye catching this is not the only stack to have invaded your hex, flanking this stack one on either side are two full stacks of infantry moving with military precision.

Almost unnoticed behind the stacks of infantry a line of tiny units flutter 8 black and two magenta. These little birds are single stacked and you just make out that they seem to be carrying something in their talons.


Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=200459#p200459)

Round 1

With the enemy in sight you are strangely finally able to relax as waiting for a battle to happen wore on your nerves a lot worse than actually fighting it.

The enemy begin their charge with their three stacks moving forwards, the two stacks of infantry run straight towards the walls while siege stack lumbers slightly slower behind them. The Wavens in their single stacks meanwhile begin to fly towards the walls.

You are prepared however and with a wave of a hand towards Alleria you command "take down the Wavens!" "Cadaver seize that one on the end!" you then add.

Closing his eyes to focus Cadaver begins to channel his juice and chant. "Cranium, Clavicle, Patella, Metatarsels!" Cadaver cries before his eyes fly open. "It's mine!" he then declared. (25 juice used)

Uncroaked Magenta Waven
Hits: 1 Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Move: 12
Croakamntic decay state: 10/10
Special: uncroaked, flight, Bubblegum blood

Quickly plucking arrows from his quiver the archer knight fires them one by one in quick succession. The arrows briefly fill the sky before raining down upon their targets. One by one the Wavens are dusted with not a single target missed. With the Wavens gone their cargo is abruptly dropped to earth. What you had feared to be shockamancy gems now appear to be small black stones. As they hit the ground however a series of clicks can be heard before before they begin to hiss. Thick black smoke is then released and begins to drift across the battlefield making it hard to see.

Raising his voice Erfman then makes a proclamation to the living troops. "Living Units of Darkside, our quarrel is not with you. Your overlord may not value your lives throwing you against our walls and swords as an expendable first wave... but we here of Fanon do. If you stand down, you will not come to harm. If you fake incapacitation in the battle, you will be treated well. Do not let your story end this day." you declare, however being safely away from the front lines and inside the tower you are not sure if your voice can be heard.

The enemy however continue charging forwards through the smoke. "Julienne croak the warlord!" You order causing the dervish golem to very carefully hurl her axe through the arrow slit. The axe flies down in to the smoke and you hear a cry of pain however a Stabber drops to the ground croaked instead of your intended target.

By now the two stacks of stabbers have reached the trench that surrounds the city and to your surprise without hesitation they all climb and jump down in to it. The siege stack is just behind and though they are one Stabber down they have not slowed. The two Ogwes then shove the trunks of the two large trees that they had been dragging straight over the trench and the stack begins to clamber over it.

Mahogany then makes her appearance popping her head out over the wall. Seeing the siege stack below her she reaches out her hand and drops the Arkenfiend mushroom while channeling her juice. The mushroom seems to glow for the briefest of moments before it erupts in a thick cloud of brown. The enemy stack begins to cough and splutter before the stabbers and one Ogwe come to a stop with vacant looks on their faces.

At the boundary to the hex through all the smoke you can just about spot more units crossing the border.


Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=200488#p200488)

1) is the smoke blocking our view of the units near wall and does it appear to be damaging or just a screen.

The smoke appears to be mildly obscuring your view of them. As far as you can tell it's just normal smoke.

"Cadaver, what does the special 'Bubblegum blood' mean?", Erfman asks Cadaver.

"Weird I have never heard of a croakamancy related special with such a name" Cadaver replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=200567#p200567)

Round 2

Seizing on the confusion of the stack at the wall and trying to rile up the dazed Dark units against their more resilient , Erfman shouts from the tower, "Oh no, the Dark One has sent a Warlord and an Ogwe to kill you, quick, get them before they get you!"

Your shout seems to have an immediate but rather varied effect. "The Darkside the Darkside is coming! Run run for your lives!" the first Stabber cries in hysterics. At these shouts a second Stabber goes very pale and abruptly faints. "Wait but were from the Darkside?" a third Stabber declares seemingly snapping out of his confusion only to jump back in surprise as the fourth Stabber lashes out grazing his chest and dealing 1 hit on the process. The Ogwe meanwhile wobbles back and fourth in a daze.

With the siege stack in disarray you turn to cadaver with a slight smile on your lips. "Shock troopers now!" you order as you pull out a scroll. In tandem you both begin to chant as you draw on the scroll while Cadaver channels his juice. You frown in annoyance as the scroll in your hand fizzles out without you having taken control of the uncroaked. Cadaver meanwhile has a look of concentration upon his face as the other Shock Trooper begins to turn around.

Julienne and Alleria meanwhile line up their shots at the biggest apparent threat. Releasing a volley of arrows Alleria watches as they bury themselves in to the Ogwe dealing 6 hits. Julienne meanwhile hurls her axe and it slams in to the Ogwe's shoulder dealing another 10 hits.

Uncroaked archers meanwhile oblivious of the approaching shock trooper raises their Bows and launch a volley of arrows straight towards the walls, straight at where Mahogany was last seen. The arrows are many and they rain down upon the walls straight towards the Dwyad. The Golem Jessie however does her job and shields the Dwyad with her body. Jessie ends up covered in arrows as she suffers 8 hits.

Engrossed in firing at the walls the archers don't notice as one of shock troopers charges in to their mist. There is a brief flash of light and a boom and when the smokes cleared all that is left of the stack is pair of pikers and a single archer standing in a burnt out crater.

Next there is a cry of surprise as the ground beneath the feet of one of the stacks of stabbers suddenly gives way. The ensuring fight is as brutal as it chaotic as the Darkside stabbers find themselves surrounded by Gobwin knights. The first kills however are claimed by Buster as he just seems to materialise out of the shadows and in the blink of the eye he had decapitated one Stabber and stabbed another through the heart. The Gobwins then set to work hacking their enemy to pieces and when they were done there was not a unit left standing and only two Gobwins had been hurt at 6 hits a piece.

Mahogany meanwhile leads a retreat abandoning the walls and pulling back in to the courtyard with her stack. The Magenta Waven meanwhile completely unnoticed dies the same and flies to the tower.

While this is going on the Darkside forces are not idle. The unopposed stack of stabbers in the trench each pull out a rope with a hook on the end and hurl it up the wall. Once they have caught a hold the Stabber stack begin to scale the wall.

"Bring it down!" the warlord commands in a gravely voice as he breaks stack and drops back forming up with the next rank of stabbers. The Ogwe obedient to the command slams it club in to the wall making it shake.

"Trooper into the hole, uncroaked cover him!" the warlord then commands pointing to the hole in the trench where a stack of stabbers were not long ago.

The shock trooper and the stack of uncroaked merge in to one as they dash in to the hole to be greeted by a rather surprised bunch of Gobwins.

Off in the distance yet more units can be seen crossing the hex boundary.


Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=200588#p200588)

"Cadaver! Peer down, can you Seize the Shock Trooper that jumped into the trench?? Do it NOW before it vanishes!"

"It's out of my line of sight Sire, I can sense 9 uncroaked down there but I'm not sure which one it is..." Cadaver replies "I could guess but I could end up taking control of the wrong unit..." Cadaver adds. "What do you want me to do?" he asks.
Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=200598#p200598)


U = uncroaked stack

G = Gobwin stack

L = lookout Gobwin

R = reserve stack

S = Scout

G = Grim

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=200785#p200785)

*Erfman ponders, is he aware of flanking combat bonus? Or when he dumped everyone out of the Luggage into the ground, did they suffer defense penalties?*

Both confer a penalty to defence

Shock Troopers, same stats as a stabber

Level 1 Stabber
Hits: 5 Combat: 10 Defence: 4 Move: 8

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=200976#p200976)

Round 3

"Cadaver send the Waven so that you can see then seize that shock trooper!" Erfman orders.

Erfman then begins to draw juice from the tower... there is a bright flash of light that shoots down from the tower arcing straight over the city walls before slamming in to the Ogwe. The Ogwe let's out a loud grunt of surprise and the air is filled with the smell of burning flesh but the powerful brute does not drop. (15 hits dealt)

Alleria focuses on the shock trooper on the right firing a single arrow. She manages to hit the shock trooper and despite arrows are not the best choice of weapons against skeletons she managed to pierce its skull. There is a loud bang and where one of the uncroaked stood moments before there is nothing but a crater. .

Julienne meanwhile focused on the shock trooper on the left. The axe seemed to be guided by some unseen hand and buried itself in to the uncroaked's skull. The resulting explosion sent the axe flying and rather than returning to its wielder it crashed down to the ground badly scorched.

Back on the ground the enemy warlord calls out in a deep gravelly voice. "Archers return fire!" he cries pointing straight towards you. Almost as one the uncroaked pull their bow strings back before releasing a volley of arrows straight towards the tower. The arrows sail through the air briefly darkening the sky though the majority of the crash vainly against the walls of the tower. Two lucky arrows however find their way through the arrow slit and bury themselves in to a golem. (Julienne 3 hits, Woody 3 hits)

With a silent command Erfman recalls Jessie to join him in the tower and she breaks stack to begin her ascent. Cadaver conversely silent orders the Waven away so that it can act as his eyes.

Meanwhile underground the Gobwins are fighting their own war. The Gobwin knights begin to back away having spotted the approaching shock trooper while a lone brave Gobwin steps forwards to slow them down. With a battle cry the Gobwin lashes out slamming its axe in to the first uncroaked that dare approach dealing 3 hits. The poor Gobwin however is quickly cut down in return.

While the uncroaked are busy the Gobwins in reserve attack the roof of the tunnel collapsing a portion of the ceiling between them and the uncroaked.

The Gobwin stack meanwhile digs their way further forwards until they are confident they can feel the vibrations of units overhead. There is no cry of surprise this time when the ground caved in as they seemed to be expecting such a tactic. Buster once again was the first to strike taking a Stabber by surprise and piercing his chest with his blade. The fight was then on as violent as ever. Every attack directed at the warlord however was intercepted by a Stabber. One by one the stabbers fell in defence of their lord and by the end of it six stabbers lay croaked with the seventh having sustained a wound (3 hits) the war, the eighth and the warlord however were completely unharmed. The brief exchange ended when the powerfully built warlord brought his axe down and split the Gobwin knight in front of him in two. Other than that only 1 other Gobwin had been hurt in the brief exchange suffering 6 hits.

"Pitiful!" The warlord growled out as the Gobwin's body dropped. "Stabbers to me!" he then bellowed as he gave a silent order.

The two nearest stacks of uncroaked stabbers marched over. The warlord and his two surviving stabbers dropped back replacing 3 uncroaked in the stack while the other stack marched in to the hole and engaged the Gobwins. Tired from their last fight the Gobwins found themselves on the defensive and despite their best efforts one was cut down and a second suffered 2 hits.

Back at the wall the badly damaged ogwe slams it's club in the wall once again causing cracks to spiderweb across its surface. The second Ogwe meanwhile abruptly collapses and falls to the ground unconscious. One of the dazed stabbers meanwhile drops it's sword and begins taking off its armour. "What's going on?" the second Stabber questions snapping out of its daze.

On the wall itself the stabber stack has now reached the top and takes a position looking out over the courtyard.

With the Waven in position Cadaver then draws juice from the tower and begins chanting. "Got it!" he then declares scrunching his eyes tightly shut.

Once again at the hex boundary more units can be seen entering the hex


Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=201127#p201127)

So after factoring in Erfman's goggles you spot a Spook hovering just behing Redshirt's stack

As a rule of thumb actions occur in the following order;

Your spells -> enemy spells -> your ranged attacks -> enemy ranged attacks -> your melee attacks that don't require movement -> enemy melee attacks that don't require movement -> your movement actions -> enemy movement actions -> post movement actions

you can wait for something to happen first before you take your specific action though i.e., what happened with Cadavers seize spell


ooh someone asked earlier if these batch of wavens were uncroaked... no they are alive... so are the knights

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=201307#p201307)

Wiz how are the wall looking?
They look like they could take another couple of hits from the Ogwe before falling

Also can the princes stack screen for the Spook if they are not stacked
It is possible but has a much lower chance of success

"Cadaver, if knight class archers like Alleria were mass-uncroaked, and were raised at the 1/10 level of decay, they would have -3 def, 50% hits and 50% Combat? Is this correct?" you ask.

"The amount of decay depends on the users skill at croakamancy, the amount of juice used and the number of units uncroaked but if they were uncroaked at their weakest then yes they would have -3 def, 50% hits and 50% Combat Cadaver replies

Wiz! does the Dollamancy focus help Erfman when casting hoboken?
No, Hoboken is shockamancy

"Alleria! Can you see the Spook behind redshirt?!"

"If you point it out Sire I'm sure I could get off a shot" Alleria replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=201389#p201389)

Round 4

Standing in the tower of Fanon Erfman watched over the battle like a Titan from on high. He carefully watched the best opportunity to release the full force of the power stored in the tower.

"Alleria the spook is about 12 foot behind and 5 foot to the left of Redshirt, hit him with everything you have got!" you instruct. Alleria gives a brief nod "I see it!" she declared as she pulls back her bow. The arrow whizzed out of the tower and over the wall, the ghost then let out a grief filled wail as whatever stuff it was made out of was torn as the arrow passed through it. (5 hits taken).

"So they can see the Spooks and they have weapons that can hurt them... this changes the plan somewhat..." Prince Redshirt declared. "Spooks take possession of a stack of uncroaked each!" he then commanded. The Spook then seemed to fade away as it drifted towards a Stack of uncroaked archers and pikers.

"Archers concentrate all fire on the tower, that's where their leadership is going to be" the gravely voiced warlord declared. The archers released their volleys and once again the sky was darkened by arrows. There were so many arrows in the sky that a few could not help but make their way through the arrow slits and the two golems were hit once again. (Julienne 11 hits Woody 4 hits)

Erfman meanwhile orders Mahogany to climb up the tower with a silent command. Taking Pan with her she sets off and climbs up the tower. By the time she reaches the top however the Spook is no where in sight but you are able to point out the uncroaked it seemed to disappear into.

"We take Redshirt out of this fight now!" You declare as you pass a scroll of sonic burst to Cadaver. You then begin the act of releasing the stored Dwagon ball spell from the tower. A tiny sphere of flame shoots out of the tower and rockets downwards straight towards Redshirt's stack. As it hits the ground there is an almighty explosion as the dirt is thrown up in to the air. When the dust cloud clears all but one of the Wavens have been completely roasted alive while the last looks badly burnt. (11 hits taken). The knights meanwhile have fared a little better one lies croaked while the rest are badly wounded (8,10,12 and 14 hits taken). Prince Redshirt however stands just the same as before though the last traces of a sphere of energy can be seen fading away from around his form.

Redshirt opens his mouth as if to speak but before he can there is an incredible boom like a rumble of thunder from the titans. The last Waven croaks in the blast as do two more knights. Redshirt himself looks most displeased as he takes 4 hits.

"Little brother what kind of welcome home is this!" Prince Redshirt calls out. "So intent to steal my throne that you would croak your own kin?" he calls.

Hardly noticed the magenta Waven flies over and drops its smoke pellet and then in the resulting smoke cloud it lands on the axe. Unable to activate it the Waven is however able to pick it up and begin flying back to the tower.

While this is going on a glowing uncroaked suddenly emerges from underground and charges towards the heavily built warlords stack. As soon as it reaches there is yet another blast. When the smokes clears the two stabbers lie croaked and three of the uncroaked have been dusted. Two badly damaged uncroaked remain (3 and 4 hits taken) and a pissed off looking warlord. (4 hits taken). "They're using our Damn uncroaked against us! They must have a croakamancer!" he bellows.

Meanwhile underground your reserve stack joins up with your main Gobwin strike force to fight off the uncroaked infantry. Without the element of surprise the fighting is tough. Five uncroaked are dusted and a sixth takes one hit but in return a Gobwin knight is croaked.

Meanwhile the lone Gobwin look out collapses another tunnel to slow the enemies advance.

With the Gobwins last ambush point still open however more uncroaked are able to march in to back up the uncroaked infantry. They were able to badly injure another two Gobwins (7 hits each)

The Ogwe meanwhile continued its assault upon the walls slamming its massive club against the foundations cause it to violently shake as it's surface splintered with cracks and chunks broke off. (Looks like 1 more good hit will bring the wall down).

The last Stabber affected by the mushroom cloud having by now completely stripped off, charges towards his stack mates in a mad rage wearing nothing and holding no weapons. With little other choice they quickly cut him down.

The two warlords then begin calling out orders and organising their stacks. Prince redshirt and the two remaining knights form a stack with the mummies and charge towards the cover of the wall leaving the archers of the mummy stack to form up with the remains of an uncroaked archer stack. The heavy set warlord meanwhile pulls together the remnants of a few stacks and forms a stack of his own. "Stabbers on the wall hold your position and call out enemy locations on the other side of the wall!" he then orders.

They then began moving infantry units up close to the wall in preparation for when it would fall while leaving their archer stacks in a position that they could still fire over the wall.


Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=201864#p201864)

Round 5

Deciding now you have no choice but to mass uncroak all the croaked units you turn to cadaver. "Wait until that Ogwe goes down and then uncroak everything!" You order.

"Do not let the fact that Fate left me in a better position to keep the throne of Fanon out of the hands of the Dark One come between us brother! Turn back to Fanon! The side that popped you, and we shall put this aside and come to know as brothers should! Every unit with you is welcome to do the same! Despite the efficiency of the tactics needed to even your Numbers advantage, the side of Fanon would prefer not to end any lives this turn!" you then shout out at the top of your voice.

Back at the Wall Prince Redshirt is giving orders of his own. "Get those mounts up and over here now!" he barks. In response one of the possessed uncroaked's eyes begin to glow with dark energy before all five of the giant Waven mounts slowly climb to their feet.

"Hit the Ogwe with everything you have!" you then order causing Julliene to unleash her axe and Alleria to fire his bow. Both axe and arrow hit the Ogwe dealing a combined 11 hits. The Ogwe wobbles back and fourth for a moment and then finally drops down croaked.

As soon as the Ogwe hits the ground Cadaver begins to draw juice from the tower and chanting at the top of his voice. There is a wave of croakamantic energy across the the hex and then the croaked begin to rise. (Ding! Cadaver is now an adept croakamancer)

Prince Redshirt sighs as the croaked rise up around him. "Archers maintain fire on the tower, infantry engage these pathetic attempt at an uncroaked!" he then orders.

The three archer stacks once again pull back their bows and release a volley towards the tower. A number of arrows find their way through the slits and in to the tower and Julliene ends up taking 7 hits while Woody takes 6.

Back at the wall one of the Darkside Stabber calls out. "My lord units in the courtyard heading for the walls!" he cries as Bob charges forwards seeking the protection of the walls.

Before Redshirt has a chance to do anything about it the recently uncroaked engage. The Ogwe clambers back to its feet along with two stabbers and is soon joined by a Gobwin and a stack of stabbers as they emerge from beneath the ground. As one they all converge on the burly warlords stack. An uncroaked is crushed by the Ogwe's club and 3 more and a living stabber are quickly cut down by the uncroaked but in return the warlord and his stabbers are able to dust an entire stack of uncroaked.

Meanwhile underground yet more uncroaked had risen. Letting the two groups of uncroaked fight Bowie led his stack back and collapsed a tunnel sealing off the entrance. Six badly decayed uncroaked however were never going to be a match for eleven in good condition and though they managed to dust one and damage another a single hit they were all dusted in return.

Back above ground Prince Redshirt's personal guard had risen again and along with two stabbers they marched towards an archer stack. The remnants of the pikers though were ready and lashed out with their spears dusting the two stabbers. The knights however dusted the Pikers in return.

While all the fighting was going on the Magenta Waven swooped down and dive bombed the warlords stack. As soon as it hit the Waven exploded covering the warlord and a nearby Stabber in sticky pink goo.

"Clean up this mess then bring down the wall, get the other Ogwe up... Croak it if you have to" Prince Redshirt orders before standing up and turning to face the tower. "Dearest brother let us discuss this as men shall we, you must remember you are after all sitting on my throne! " Prince Redshirt called back. "I'm coming up to talk!" he then declared. The five uncroaked Wavens swooped forwards and four mummies and one living knight climbed aboard a mount each. They then took flight flying straight over the walls accompanied by Prince Redshirt who flew completely unaided. The five Wavens flew out front in a vanguard formation screening for the prince as he flew. The stack then flew upwards until they were hovering above the tower.

Back on the ground a stack of uncroaked moved in on the uncroaked Ogwe's stack and quickly cut them down dusting all of them.

With the enemy getting closer you draw juice from the tower and begin to channel it in to Julliene repairing all the damage she has received so far. (18 hits restored)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=202294#p202294)

"Brother! Let us parley! Have your units retreat to the hex's edge and we won't shoot now!" you call out.

Erfman looks upwards through the arrowslit. "I am not the reason that you are a foreign warlord, rather then the sovereign or heir of this Kingdom, Brother. The blame for that lies with The Dark One. I am not the reason our Father croaked before I even had a chance to meet him... that too lies at the feet of the Dark One. Right where he wants to keep you." Erfman said, as the battle raged around him. Part of him felt like he should be congratulating Cadavar on making Adept, but it would be bad form to turn away from a conversation with another Royal, let alone with an enemy commander, and especially with his brother on their first meeting.

"But I have Faith brother. The Titans forged the Royals out of the most noble of Stuff, Fate, and Numbers. If you retain your memories, your honor, then the chains the Dark One have on your mind cannot hold you down forever. Let me help you, as brothers should." you declared.

"Brother you are not the one that is in the position of power here... it is you who must have all your units stand down or I shall destroy every last one..." Prince Redshirt replied in a cold and cruel voice.

"You do not wish to surrender to the Dark One I can understand that..." Redshirt called down. "But do not despair you do not need to! Hand the city back to Me and I shall rule it as it's rightful King!" Redshirt continued. "Choose to serve me aswell and I will even be able to protect you from the Dark One... I am the only one who can!" Prince Redshirt finished.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=202436#p202436)

Erfman smiles. "An interesting proposal. You are an older and more experience unit, having seen more than I of what Erfworld truly is. There is a good bet you might be a wiser ruler then I. However, as Fanon's current ruler I do have a duty to it and every one of it's units. I must take precautions which are reasonable. If you wish to go forward with a peaceful transfer of power, then land and turn to Fanon. Bring with you every unit you can. After we've been told by a croakamancer and thinkamancer examining you that you are not unduly susceptible to control by the Dark One or we after slay him, I will abdicate my rule to you and serve under you. I thus pinky swear!" Erfman says, with warm and hospitable voice, wanting to welcome his brother home.

"Is that agreeable, Prince Redshirt of Fanon?" you declare.

"No little brother, you and all your units will surrender immediately. I will claim the city and as I am generous I shall then allow you and your units to turn to me." Redshirt shot back. "You have five seconds to agree..." Redshirt then declared as he lifted up his sword and pointed it towards your stack. As he did so shockamancy seemed to dance around the blade.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=202684#p202684)

Round 6

As Prince Redshirt pointed his sword with shockamancy dancing all over its surface in your direction and began to count down you gave the mental order of "Now!". There is a sudden flurry of activity as Cadaver unfurls his final scroll and begins to cast. There is a loud boom and two Wavens go up in dust dropping their riders. The living knight's face hits the floor and he is instantly incapacitated, a mummy meanwhile awkwardly hits the ground and takes four hits. The blast from the sonic burst injured a third Waven dealing 5 hits and Prince Redshirt dealing 5 hits once again.

Mahogany meanwhile slams her palm on to the ground and in response a short distance infront of her a wicked looking vine covered in razor sharp thorns shoots out of the ground and strikes at Redshirt dealing 3 hits before disappearing back from where it came.

Your surprise attack is not over however and you cry "Hoboken!" As you draw juice from the tower. The blast of raw shockamancy slams in to the nearest remaining Waven instantly dusting it and sending its rider sprawling to the tower floor dealing it 5 hits in the process.

Julliene and Alleria then join in focusing their fire on yet another Waven. Despite both hitting their target they fail to dust the Waven and deal a total of 11 hits.

Prince Redshirt lets out a cry of pure rage in response to the focussed assault and thrusts the tip of his blade in your direction. The gathered shockamancy leaps from the blade dives straight towards you like a bolt of lightning! Before the bolt of Shockamancy is able to hit you however Jullienne steps infront of you and takes the hit. The hardy Dervish Golem is badly scorched and seems melted in places and the single blast managed to deal her 10 hits. What that would have done to you if she had not intercepted the attack is not worth thinking about!

Back on the ground the fighting continues. As the only obvious enemy units in sight the archers all focus fire on the uncroaked knights. The resulting arrow storm is somewhat of an overkill as the knights are dealt enough hits to dust them three times over.

Bowie's oversized stack meanwhile tunnels into the perfect position underground and then strikes. An archery stack suddenly disappears from sight and in the ensuring battle the archers do not stand a chance and are swiftly dusted, the pikers put up a better fight managing to deal 9 hits between them however they too are dusted. When the dust clears Bowie blinks in surprise realising he is now staring in to the eyes of a spook.

Back in the city Bob responds to your silent command and makes a mad dash across the courtyard, in to the garrison and up the stairs to the roof of the tower just in time to see your stack being engaged by knight class units. Erfman however is being valiantly defended by his Golems and between Woody, the Luggage and a brave messenger bird they are able to dust one of the mummys. The golems however do not get off unscathed and both Woody and Julienne take 3 hits each.

Now that reinforcements have arrived you quickly reorganise your stack.

Prince Redshirt however does not seem to fancy the odds he is facing and with one last scowl he turns from the tower and races back towards the walls.

At the base of the wall meanwhile the heavily built warlord shouts a string of curses as a stack of uncroaked attempt to cut him free from the gumming. At the same time a knight and a Stabber attempted to wake the last remaining Ogwe.

2019-10-13, 04:50 PM
Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=202946#p202946)

Round 7

With the threat posed by the mummies close at hand you reorganise your stack for both safety and to maximise combat though you take the risk of dividing the stacks attention to have Alleria target one of the smaller stacks on the ground. Drawing her bow back once again the archer knight is able to take the enemy completely by surprise croaking an already badly wounded knight.

Julienne breaks stack drawing all four of her blades and ploughs straight in to the enemy stack as she begins to spin like a buzzsaw her blades becoming little more than a blur of motion. Julienne manages to dust one Waven and land blows on all the other members of the stack dealing 3 hits to the other waven and 2, 8 and 8 hits to each of the mummies. Bob mounted on Billie then slams in to the enemy dusting a mummy and is then followed by his stack and Erfman's own stack. Between all of them they are able to dust the entire Darkside stack though while they are doing so they are able to deal 6 hits to Julienne.

Meanwhile underground Bowie is busy with a spook. The spook lets off a loud shriek before releasing a blast of energy dropping the nearest uncroaked gobwin like it had had its string cut while a second was dealt 4 hits. The Gobwin stack though surprised at facing a spook fought with surprising ferocity. The two remaining uncroaked Gobwins found themselves unable to hurt the spook as their weapons past through it. The rest of the Gobwins and knights with their magic weapons were another story and with a concerted effort were able to mist the spook leaving nothing but a rapidly dissipating mist.

Prince Redshirt meanwhile from his position perched upon the walls began calling out orders. "Stabbers advance and take the Garrison, Archers move up to the wall, uncroaked archers maintain fire upon the tower all uncroaked stabbers with me!" he cried as he leapt back from the wall and landed on the ground.

The uncroaked archers immediately did as instructed and released a volley of arrows at the tower. As the arrows rained down upon the tower they struck one of the screening Hog dealing 9 hits.

The stabbers on the wall as soon as they were ordered began charging down the stairs and across the courtyard until they reached the Garrison. When they got there they found the doors to the Garrison closed so they instantly began attacking the doors.

The living archers meanwhile dashed forwards to the ropes that the stabbers had left and quickly scaled the walls taking up the position that the stabbers had deserted.

Behind the walls Prince Redshirt could be heard shouting. "Why is that Ogwe not up? What do you mean you are out of juice... where is the other Spook?" Redshirt shouted. "His stack disappeared underground? Right time to deal with those ambushers once and for all!" Prince Redshirt declared as he gathered together all the uncroaked stabbers into a supersized stack.

The army of uncroaked were then marched in to the newly created tunnel in search of their missing Spook but instead they found Bowie's stack. "Croak them!" Redshirt barked as the uncroaked moved in to engage the Gobwins. Though there was hardly space for so many units to move the uncroaked surged forwards slashing with their swords or just trampling the enemy when there was not enough room to fight properly. The two remaining uncroaked Gobwins were quickly dusted, and two more gobwin knights and Durp soon fell afterwards, finally a lucky strike caught Lothar and he too was croaked.

Just as you thought the tower was secure of enemies Warden arrives dragging Grim in chains behind him.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=203003#p203003)

Looks at Grim. "Did you hear him?" Erfman asked, meaning Prince Redshirt. "We have incapacitated some of Dark Side's units for the turn, and the warlords you would call your fellows are ordering their deaths so that the spooks can uncroak them." He said bluntly. "Would you call that Loyalty, Duty, Honor? Do the living units who serve under your command deserve such little respect for their lives?"

"You could stop this you know... You are still a Commander of Dark Side. If you turn, you could cause a Moral Check among the living units of your side. I would like nothing more then to be able to spare them, to end this battle with no more thinking units having their story end. Even if you don't wish to work for me, you could save their lives. Next turn I could release you all as Barbarians if you don't wish to be a part of Fanon's story." Erfman looks over the battle field, worried about what is about to transpire. "As I said this morning, I will do what I can to save the lives of Dark Side units. I just know I would have more success with your help."

Grim only seems to be half listening to your words as he drifts over to the edge of the tower and glances over the side to survey the battlefield. "How goes the battle? Who is winning?" the Warlord questions before turning to look you directly in the eye. "How many Darkside units have you captured?" he then asks in a serious tone.

"If you wish to save lives then set me free from my bonds and as a free commander of the Darkside I shall order the unled to retreat!" Grim declared.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=203088#p203088)

Round 8 - part 1

Erfman looks at Grim. "We've only manage to capture a handful, as the Warlords that are in command of the battle have been ambushing our capture operations with indiscriminate uses of Shocktroopers and those Gems." Erfman waves his hand, ordering the manacles off the warlord. ""Have the stabbers and archers march South, exiting the gate, and the uncroaked archer-piker stack march South as well, going around the city. And do it quietly as to not call Redshirt's attention.You'll be saving their lives, as we are running out of chances to deal with them non-lethally." you declare.

As you wave your hands and dismiss the shackles Grim becomes a free unit of the Darkside once more. In response to his freedom new armour and weapons pop in to existence on the warlord and for a second you wonder if you had made the right decision. However the sound of the stabbers attacking the door down below soon ceases and as you glance down you spot them marching towards the city gates, turning the other way you spot the archers climbing down the walls and following after their fellow units. In fact all the Darkside units that you can see seem to be in full retreat.

At the same time you command a messenger bird to take the incapacitated knight on the floor of the tower captive. The little unit lands on the knight and instantly chains appear.

At the walls you mentally order the scout to gag the gummed enemy warlord. With the ropes still in place the scout is easily able to slide down the wall and dash over to the warlord. As soon as the scout places his hand on the Warlord's mouth chains once again pop in to existence.

Meanwhile underground Bowie and Buster break stack and sprint away from the approaching army down the tunnels while Burp bravely does his best to slow them down. The first uncroaked to approach Burp regrets it (or would if uncroaked felt regret) as it was swiftly dusted. The many that followed however quickly cut Burp down.

Bowie and Buster however were given the time they needed to reach a waiting Gobwin and as soon as they got there it collapsed the tunnel behind them.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=203394#p203394)

Round 8 - part 2

"Thank you, Grim. If you would like to join them, I would understand. Though your assistance may be helpful for this next segment of the fight, as we are going to attempt to capture Prince Redshirt from within his over full stack of uncroaked." You declare.

"It depends on what your plans are for the forces that fled. They are now likely out of move and will still be there on your next turn... What will you do?" Grim questions.

While the conversation is going on you silently order your scouts to secure the walls and remove the ropes hanging from them. A scout emerged from the garrison and meets up with one in the courtyard before ascending a set of stairs and on to the city walls.

At the same time you send Cadaver and his stack to reinforce the walls while your own stack stays in the tower to provide ranged support. A single messenger bird however breaks stack and flies away from the tower and over the walls until it is hovering above one of the newly created Gobwin holes. The bird then begins flying up and down (signaling the presence of uncroaked).

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=203486#p203486)

Round 9

"We'll do what we can for them. But a lot depends on you... If you choose to go barbarian, you could take them with you. I might even hire you, if the Kingdom can keep affording it after we lost the Farm." Erfman said, moving toward the next segment of this battle.

"If you join us, we'll work on getting them surrendered or captured next turn. I'll cover their upkeep and needs, and you and I can convince them to help you reclaim Dark Side from it's broken leadership." Erfman says, with a bit more vigor.

"What do you say?" You say to Grim.

"My purse is empty, I can not afford to go barbarian on my own let alone take a whole stack with me..." Grim replies "And as soon as the Dark One discovers that it was me who gave the order I shall be disbanded..." Grim continues. "I therefore formally request to turn to the side of Fanon" Grim then finished after a long pause.

As Erfman immediately mentally accepts Grim's form briefly seems to flicker going blurry before clearing up, once things are clear Grim's livery has changed to that of Fanon's and you can detect the presence and upkeep of another unit.

Level 2 Warlord (Knight)
Hits: 15 Combat: 30 (27+3) Defence: 5 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 100s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special Knight, Command, Leadership, Shared curse, Carnyed - scroll user
Exp: 0/200

Shared curse The unit may lower its own defence value and simultaneously lower the defence of a hostile unit that it is engaging.

You then order Alleria to ready an attack if Prince Redshirt comes in to view. There is then a slight shudder as what you presume is a blast of Shockamancy is released underground. Bowie however is close enough to observe as a bolt of concentrated shockamancy bursts out through a section of recently collapsed tunnel. Bowie and the remaining Gobwin fortunately have enough time to back away further down the tunnel and collapse yet another section. Buster then breaks stack and sprints through the tunnels, in to the dungeons up the stairs and in to the garrison.

Meanwhile you order Julienne down from the tower and outside the city walls. The dervish Golem hands off the axe to Woody, breaks stack and marches down the stairs.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=203487#p203487)


Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=203943#p203943)

"Grim, if a unit is being screened, and you try to engage it, will you be able to reduce its defense along with yours?" you ask

"As long as I am engaging that units stack my special cannot not be screened... of course regular attacks against that unit can still be screened for..." Grim replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=203959#p203959)

Round 10

Bowie and his last Gobwin continue their escape collapsing tunnels as they go, the enemy it seems is not far behind as it is not long until a bolt of Shockamancy burst through the dirt once again the sound of uncroaked forcing their way forwards can be heard.

Meanwhile with the enemy advancing through the tunnels you give out a silent order to converge on the dungeons to form a defence. You break stack leaving the more delicate units in the tower with Alleria who you give instructions to look out for any sign of Redshirt trying to escape and to shoot him down if he does. You then march down the stairs while your other units march back from the walls. Once in the dungeon you begin organising stacks. Julienne is out in front ready to wade in to the supersized stack of uncroaked, next is a stack of your best fighters followed by your own stack of more vulnerable units.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=204030#p204030)

Round 11

While you wait for the enemy to reach the dungeons you give an order for your scouts to pull back and hide themselves in the city which they obediently obey. You then anxiously wait as you hear the sound of many skeletal feet slowly approaching. Then finally you spot them moving in the gloom of the tunnels and they spot you... The uncroaked break in to a sprint as they charge out of the tunnels. Before they can reach your stack however they have to fight their way past Julienne who steps in to their path with four blades drawn. The dervish golem moves like a buzzsaw ploughing in to the enemy stack severing arms, heads and legs with every swipe. Soon the dungeon is obscured by the sheer amount of dust floating in the air. Suddenly however Julienne crashes to the ground completely spent huge chunks cut out of her form.

As the dust begins to settle four forms can be seen still standing, three uncroaked and Prince Redshirt himself who's eyes seem to glow crimson in the gloom. The newly turned Warlord Grim is the next to go on the offensive dropping his own defence in exchange for lowering Redshirts as he hurls the animated axe forwards. The Axe dusts one of the remaining uncroaked before flying back to the warlords hand.

Prince Redshirt however does not seem ready to surrender and raises his sword up pointing it forwards. "Two can play at that game..." he declares. Electricity seems to dance across the surface of the blade for a second before surging forwards as a bolt of pure shockamancy. The bolt slams in to Grim's stack striking one of the hogs and the air is filled with the smell of roasted hog as it takes 10 hits.

Grim's stack then charges forwards with Bob mounted on Billie leading the charge with the two hogs close behind. The two remaining uncroaked are quickly dusted leaving Prince Redshirt all alone.

Next, briefly warring within himself, between capture or croaking the Prince, Erfman orders Woodie, Jessie and Mahogany to move in. The two golems attempted to grab hold of the enemy warlord while Mahogany planted a kiss. (25 juice used) Mahogany then frowned as nothing seemed to happen which only intensified as the golems hold is quickly thrown off by Redshirt.

"Looks like I will have to take back this city single handed!" Redshirt growled "This is your last chance to surrender little brother..." The prince declared with a toothy smile as he adjusted the grip on his blade and slowly began drifting upwards in to the air.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=204108#p204108)

Round 12

Erfman glimpses his last chance to attempt capture his brother, but mentally orders the kill.
As Redshirt continued to float up in to the air Grim tightened his grip on the axe before hurling it forwards with all his might while simultaneously forcing down his own and Redshirts defence. The axe flew forwards and struck Redshirt cleanly in the chest. Redshirt threw one last glance in your direction his eyes seemingly briefly glowing red before his form abruptly erupted in to a thick mist that obscured your view and his sword clattered loudly on to the stone floor. You briefly feel as though you are caught in a storm with wind rushing past you before the mist dissipates.

The dungeons are now clear of movement besides that of your own units. Taking a moment you reach out with your ruler senses and find that the hex is no longer contested.



Tower 0/200 juice remaining

DS stack 1 - top of the tower

Knight 12 hits taken - incapacitated - prisoner

Stack 1- top of tower

The Luggage
Alleria - readying shot
Messenger bird
Messenger bird


Stack 1 - hiding





Stack 1 - hiding


Stack 2 - hiding


Stack 3 - hiding


Outside walls

DS stack 1 - on tree trunk over trench outside north wall

Warlord 4 hits taken - gummed - prisoner
Stabber - 1 hit taken - gummed - prisoner
Stabber - croaked
Ogwe - dazed and confused - fainted - prisoner
Stabber - dazed and confused - fainted - prisoner

DS stack 17 -

Knight - croaked


Stack 1 - Hiding


Stack 2 - out in front

Julienne -13/30 - destroyed

Stack 3 - 2nd rank - engaging Redshirt

Grim def -3
Hog 11/30 - screening bowie
Hog - screening mahogany
Woody - 6/22 - failed to grapple Redshirt
Jessie 2/10 - failed to grapple Redshirt
Mahogany - Juice 0/50
Bob -
Bowie 11/15

Stack 4 - 3rd rank

Erfman juice: 4/400
Cadaver Juice: 0/100
Buster 2/10
Pan (new goat)

DS stack 1 - engaging Grim's stack

Prince Redshirt - misted


Stack 1 - Hiding


Stack 2 - engaging uncroaked army

Burp - mummy rot croaked
Durp - mummy rot croaked
Gobwin knight croaked
Gobwin knight croaked
Lothar croaked

Battle over
EXP gained

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=204114#p204114)

Cadaver and Mahogany have leveled to level 2 (as have all your level 1 units) !

You loot the following items!
Shockamancy Sword x1
Battle axe x 1
swords x 62
bows x 11
spears x8
Ogwe clubs x2
Ogwe armour x2

You take the following units prisoner:
Level 2 Warlord
Level 1 Knight
Level 1 Stabber
Level 1 Stabber
Level 1 Ogwe

And you claim the following corpses:

Level 1 Stabber corpse
Level 1 Knight corpse
Burp's corpse
Durp's corpse
Lothar corpse
Gobwin Knights corpse
Gobwin Knights corpse

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=204154#p204154)

Production orders of 3 garrison archers and 1 scout.

Cadaver pumps 100 juice in to the tower and Mahogany pumps 50

The Shockamancy sword allows the wielder to fire a ranged shockamancy bolt using their combat score.

You have your units gather up the prisoners, the Warlord and the Knight you have brought down to the dungeons while the rest you bring to the empty dwellings in the courtyard. You then put both groups under guard.

Erfman ponders on Golem designs:

Shield Golem 15/2/6/8 (30 juice upkeep)

Ballista Golem 5/40/2/0 (60 juice upkeep) (Archery) (Garrison)

maximum Combat for 50J, with and without archery, with and without garrison:
- Garrison no archery ~46 combat
- Garrison archery ~44 combat
- No archery ~39 combat
- Archery ~37 combat

To have 7 defense would cost more than Julienne

maximum hits with max defense for 50J, with and without garrison:
- Garrison ~ 20 hits 6 def
- No garrison ~25 hits 6 def

1J non-garrison Golem (for disposable scouting):
- 1/1/1/8

Ball Golem to stack with Julienne as she dervishes:
- 4/1/2/0 (10 juice upkeep) (Dervish backup dancer) (Garrison)
- 12/1/4/0 (25 juice upkeep) (Dervish backup dancer) (Garrison)

And these base stats might vary based on materials used.

Adding Siege should be cheap.

To capture units:
- 10/1/4/8 - capture ~ 25 juice upkeep
- 20/1/4/8 - capture ~ 35 juice upkeep
Buildable with 8 actions and 100 juice

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=204251#p204251)

Erfman turns to Grim. "Grim, what can you tell me about the Dark One's city to the north? What units are probably in it? What defenses do you know it has? What defenses does the Dark One's cities typically have?" you ask.

"Last time I was there Fanfic was a level 3 city, it has strong walls and a powerful tower that's always fully charged with juice and under the care of a Thinkamancer" Grim replies. "The city itself always has a caretaker warlord and is mostly defended by uncroaked archers and stabbers" Grim continued. "It's only rumours but there are apparently a number of hidden shockamancy traps installed as well..." Grim revealed.

Also to make an animated rope for tying units would cost 50 juice and 2 actions.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Compilation of Game Thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255908#p255908)

Turn 15

Side: Fanon

Capital: Fanon City

Income: 500s / turn
Production: 50
Units available to pop;
Stabber (20) 5/10/4/8
Piker (20) 5/5/5/8 [Piker Defence]
Archer (20) 5/11/3/8 [Archery]
Scout (7) 2/2/2/8 [Scout]
Tower: Level 1, Juice Charge: 150 Spells stored:
Dollamantic converter: The tower is able to convert schmuckers to power Golems. Dollamancy Golems may pay upkeep in schmuckers or juice.
Caster Bonus: Spells cast while in the tower are cast at caster level +1
Arrow slits: NE (2), N (2), NW (2), SW (2), S (2), SE (2)
Walls: Level 1
City Zone:Dwellings
Dollamancy Workshop - (Dollamancy crafting time reduced by 10%)
Dungeons: Level 0
Cells: 1 (crude cavern, low security) Capacity 2/2

Farm level 0 (ash): Rations produced per turn: 0. Rations produced in this farm will automatically appear in the storehouse in Fanon. Cost to upgrade 200s. Harvestable resources ash.

Mine level 3: Schmuckers produced per turn: 150. schmuckers produced by this mine will automatically appear in the treasury. Cost to upgrade 200s. Mineable resources; Gems, Ore, Coal, ???

Treasury: 667s

1 - Portal room
2 - Dungeons
3 - Armoury
4 - Bunk room (16 beds)
5 -
6 -
7 - Bunk room (16 beds)
8 -
9 -
10 - Throne Room
11 -
12 -
13 - Great Hall
14 - Map room
15 -
16 - Royal Bed Chamber
17 -
18 -
19 -
20 -
21 -
22 -
23 -
24 - Library
25 -
26 - Cadaver's room
27 -
28 -
29 -
30 -
31 - Tower Roof


King Erfman
Level 4 Dollamancer (Adept)
Hits: 6 Combat: 7 (2+3+2) Defence: 1 (2-1) Move: 12 (8+4) Juice: 400/400
Upkeep: 150s -
Special: Caster, Command, Infected
Purse: 0s
Equipped: Craftman's +1 Hammer (Dollamantic focus), Motion Goggles
Exp: 399/800

Level 2 Croakamancer (Adept)
Hits: 6 Combat: 5 (2+1+2) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2) Juice: 200/200
Upkeep: 150s -
Special: Caster, Command
Purse: 75s
Equipped: Sickle +1 (Croakamantic focus), Croakamancy Helm
Exp: 13/200

Level 2 Dwyad Fey Knight
Hits:15 Combat: 16 (12+3+1) Defence: 4 Move: 10 (8+2) Juice: 100/100
Upkeep: 200s -
Special: Natural Caster (Flower Power / Datamancy), Forest capable, Knight, Forest Fighter, One with the land, thorns
Equipped: Piker Spear
Exp: 79/200

Level 2 Warlord (Knight)
Hits: 15 Combat: 30 (27+3) Defence: 5 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 100s -
Special Knight, Command, Leadership, Shared curse, Carnyed - scroll user
Exp: 108/200

Sir Bob
Level 3 Lancer (Knight)
Hits: 15 Combat: 24 (17+6+1) Defence: 6 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 40s -
Special: Piker defence, Lancer, Knight
Equipped: Pikers +1 Spear
Exp: 281/400

Level 2 Strider (Knight)
Hits: 10 Combat: 24 (20+3+1) Defence: 4 Move: 18 (16+2)
Upkeep: 40s -
Special: Scout, Knight, Sneak attack
Equipped: +1 Sword
Exp: 16/200

Level 2 Keshik (Knight)
Hits: 10 Combat: 32 (28+3+1) Defence: 4 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 40s -
Special: Archery, Knight, Rapid Shot
Equipped: +1 Bow
Exp: 8/200

Level 1 Archer
Hits: 5 Combat: 11 Defence: 3 Move: 8
Upkeep: 15s
Special: Archery, Garrison
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Archer
Hits: 5 Combat: 11 Defence: 3 Move: 8
Upkeep: 15s
Special: Archery, Garrison
Exp: 0/100

Level 1 Archer
Hits: 5 Combat: 11 Defence: 3 Move: 8
Upkeep: 15s
Special: Archery, Garrison
Exp: 0/100

Chief Bowie
Level 3 Gobwin Chief (Knight)
Hits: 15 Combat: 26 (19+6+1) Defence: 5 (4+1) Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 100s -
Special: Natural Ally Chief, Command, Knight, Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe, Dark Breastplate
Exp: 147/400

Level 2 Gobwin
Hits: 5 Combat: 9 (7+2) Defence: 3 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 20s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Tunneler, Tunnel Fighting
Exp: 8/200

Heavy Dervish Golem
Hits: -17/30 Combat: 43 Defence: 6 Move: 0
Juice Charge: 5/300
Upkeep: 100 juice
Special: Garrison, Heavy, Dervish Dance [destroyed]

Reinforced Wood Golem
Hits:22 Combat: 12 (10+2) Defence: 6 Move: 8
Juice Charge: -25/100
Upkeep: 30 juice
Special: Heavy
Equipped: +1 Animated Gobwin Axe

Wood Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 10 (9+1) Defence: 5 (4+1) Move: 8
Juice Charge: -20/100 [inactive]
Upkeep: 20 juice
Equipped: modified Piker armor, crude Gobwin Axe

[i]The Luggage
Luggage Golem
Hits: 10 Combat: 5 Defence: 3 Move: 16
Juice Charge: -23/100
Upkeep: 23 juice
Special: Carnyed - Bigger on the inside, Dollamancy - moving parts, Capture, Mountain Capable,

Knitted Messenger Bird
Hits: 1 Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Move: 12
Juice Charge: 42/50
Upkeep: 4 juice
Special: Flight

Long Range Knitted Messenger Bird
Hits: 1 Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Move: 20
Juice Charge: 80/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Special: Flight

Long Range Knitted Messenger Bird
Hits: 1 Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Move: 20
Juice Charge: 80/100
Upkeep: 20 juice
Special: Flight

Level 3 War Goat
Hits: 26 (20+6) Combat: 15 Defence: 4 Move: 22 (20+2)
Upkeep: 40 -
Special: Self Sufficient, Mountain Capable, Heavy, WarMount (1 rider 1 passenger)
Equipped: Woolly Saddle
Exp: 81/400

Level 2 Billy Goat
Hits: 9 (7+2) Combat: 8 Defence: 2 Move: 20
Upkeep: 25 -
Special: Self Sufficient, Mountain Capable
Exp: 8/200

Level 2 Hog
Hits: 32 (30+2) Combat: 10 Defence: 3 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 40 - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Forest Capable, Heavy, Feral Rager
Exp: 58/200

Level 2 Hog
Hits: 32 (30+2) Combat: 10 Defence: 3 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 40 -
Special: Forest Capable, Heavy, Feral Rager
Exp: 58/200

Level 2 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 3 (2+1) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 7s -
Special: Scout
Exp: 16/200

Level 2 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 3 (2+1) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 7s -
Special: Scout
Exp: 16/200

Level 2 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 3 (2+1) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 7s -
Special: Scout
Exp: 26/200

Level 2 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 3 (2+1) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 7s -
Special: Scout
Exp: 17/200

Level 2 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 3 (2+1) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 7s -
Special: Scout
Exp: 8/200

Level 2 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 3 (2+1) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 7s -
Special: Scout
Exp: 16/200

Level 2 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 3 (2+1) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2)
Upkeep: 7s -
Special: Scout
Exp: 8/200

Level 1 Scout
Hits: 2 Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Move: 8
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Scout
Exp: 0/100

In the Magic Kingdom

Dotti Crosst
Level 2 Signamancer (Novice)
Hits: 6 Combat: 3 (2+1) Defence: 2 Move: 10 (8+2) Juice: 100/200
Upkeep: 150s - upkeep paid for turn 14
Special: Caster, Command
Exp: 110/200

Actions remaining
Erfman 12 actions 400/400 Juice
Cadaver 10 actions 200/200 Juice
Mahogany 10 actions 100/100 Juice
Bob 10 actions
Buster 18 actions
Alleria 10 actions
Archer 2 actions
Archer 2 actions
Archer 2 actions
Bowie 10 actions
Gobwin 10 actions
Julienne 2 actions
Woody 8 actions
Jessie 8 actions
The Luggage 16 actions
Knited messenger bird 12 actions
Long Range Knited messenger bird 20 actions
Long Range Knited messenger bird 20 actions
Billie 22 actions
Pan 4 20 actions
Hog 10 actions
Hog 10 actions
Suresh 10 actions
Gopher 10 actions
Bond 10 actions
Warden 10 actions
Scout 10 actions
Scout 10 actions
Scout 10 actions
Scout 8


Powerball x1

Fruit x19
Deseeded fruit x 4
Fruit seeds x37
Rations (produced by farm) x3
Meat rations x1
Arkenfiend Mushroom x1

Stone x13
Pebbles x1
Wood x0
Wool x0
dirt x0
Metal Ore x0
Branches from a Bush x1
Goat Hide x1

Shockamancy sword x1
Battle axe x1
Piker Spears x14
Archer Bows x19
Stabber Swords x76
Warlords sword x1
Ogwe Club x3
Crude Gobwin axe x5
Ogwe armour x2
Shears x1
Harvesting claw x1
Tent x1

Leather case x1
Fanon area map x1

Level 1 Stabber corpse
Level 1 Knight corpse
Burp's corpse
Durp's corpse
Lothar corpse
Gobwin Knights corpse
Gobwin Knights corpse

Level 2 Warlord
Level 1 Knight
Level 1 Stabber
Level 1 Stabber
Level 1 Ogwe


Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=204323#p204323)

As your first course of business for the turn you fulfill your contractual requirement and pay cadaver his wages transferring Schmuckers directly to his purse.

Cadaver paid 100 schmuckers

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=204344#p204344)

Sending out one hog to the burnt out farm hex you order it to dig up the buried messenger bird.

Hog 2 move used

You then send out your messenger bird golems and have them scout the immediate area. They are gone for a while but eventually all three return to the city.

Messenger bird 12 move used, long range messenger bird 20 move used, long ranged messenger bird 20 move used


Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=204391#p204391)

Taking a moment you sit down and scribe a letter before handing it off to a scout to post through the portal.

Dear Dotti,

Would you be so kind as to inquire with a Moneymancer what's the difference in effect of a natural razing, and the razing effected by a Liquidate spell?
And would you negotiate a good price in shmuckers and rations for a Liquidate scroll?

After waiting a fair amount of time a scout returns with a letter.

[i]Good morning Sire,

Sorry about the delay but I had to run to the moneymancers guild to get the information you desired. Razing apparently grants you 50% of the shmuckers that a structure is worth. A liquidate spell however grants the caster between 50-100% of the structures worth depending on the skill of the moneymancer. The guild will sell a level four scroll of liquidate for 300s they will not accept rations as payment though they did mention they would accept gems, precious stones and certain precious metals. I'm afraid the guild has a very tight control of moneymancy in the magic kingdom so this will likely be the only place you can get it from.

Dotti Crosst

Once done with your writing you head down to the Dollamancy workshop where the majority of you Golems are currently idle and inactive. Deciding that the getting the Luggage up and running again is most important you pump just enough juice in to it to get it moving.

Erfman 23 juice used

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=204393#p204393)

"Congratulations on making adept Cadaver! " you declare happily.

"Thank you sire, uncroaking so many units has really expanded my understanding of them" Cadaver replies.

"Now with your newfound insights would you like to sit and instruct me on croakamancy in general and in specific? I'm deeply curious about the craft!" you then ask.

"Well as you know a mass uncroaking is the cheapest to raise a large number of units however it often leaves them in a advanced state of decay and they will not last long. The proper way to uncroak a unit is to uncroak them individually. To uncroak one in prime condition you must spend the upkeep that the living unit had in juice. Spend 50% of that juice and you will likely get a halfway decayed uncroaked, spend only 10% of that juice and the unit will likely only last a turn. Now if a croakamancer was to spend the correct amount of juice and pay extra attention to what they were doing (1 action) then after it's created it will not immediately decay. I believe a novice could delay the decay by 1 round an adept by 3 rounds and a master by 5" Cadaver explained.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=204423#p204423)

As your very first Warlord since the re founding of Fanon, Grim takes up the duty of city management and begins patrolling the city.

Grim 6 actions used. Fanon city income/production is now boosted

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=204449#p204449)

"Those skeleton uncroaked... we're they just advanced decay standard uncroaked, or a different type all together?" you ask cadaver.

"They were another type but seemed equally as powerful as the more fleshy kind" Cadaver replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=204476#p204476)

"Cadaver, is it possible to seize all uncroaked in an hex?"

To seize a single unit the minimum juice cost is 25

To attempt to seize all units in a stack the minimum juice cost is 100

To attempt to seize all units in a hex the minimum juice cost is 250

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=204484#p204484)

You order all the knight corpses brought up to the tower and laid out as you summon Cadaver to join you. With a nod of the head Cadaver sets to work carefully uncroaking the knights using juice from the tower. As he works you use your own juice to replenish the juice stored in the tower. When he is done six knights stand before you in a relatively good condition considering they were croaked the turn before.

150 juice used from the tower. Erfman used 90 juice. Cadaver used 6 actions

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=204638#p204638)

Scribing another couple of letters you once again have a scout post them through the portal.

Greetings Dotti

Thank you very much for you help over these last few turns. would not be where we are today without them. If you would be so kind to deliver the enclosed letter to AC. I would appreciate it. Also I would like to formally invite you to come to Fanon visit and discuss future business.
King Erfman

Greeting AC
We survived the battle much in part of your efforts. I would like to invite you to Fanon to create you focus and to discuss future business.

King Erfman

A short while later a scout comes back with the reply.

Dear King Erfman,

By all accounts you have just managed to survive a major threat to your side. As such I believe it would be safe to pay Fanon a visit but I shall only stay as long as it is your turn. I shall go fetch AC and see if he is available to come as well.

Yours sincerely

Dotti Crosst

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=204664#p204664)

Net crafting

A mundane net would cost ~2 actions and 25 juice to make.

Magically strengthening the net and granting the net some form of autonomous movement such as tightening itself round its target (that would give an additional bonus to your capture roll) or releasing its prisoner on a command word perhaps ~4 actions and 50 juice.

More advanced functions maybe 100 juice plus.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=204685#p204685)

What stat is the capture roll based off of?

It varies on the method of capture but things like nets, chains and grappling would use the attackers combat stat.

Avoiding capture would use be based on defence and combat with a modifier for % current hits.

There are also other factors that can affect it. Heavy units for example are harder to capture.

huh! Wiz, can The Luggage enter the tunnels? Erfman ponders

Yes the luggage can enter tunnels

You head to the portal room to post you latest letter but just as you arrive the portal ripples and two forms emerge. You recognise the form of AC in his eye catching white armour and he is accompanied by a blonde haired unit in a smart pink dress.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=204724#p204724)

"Welcome welcome!

AC! We lived!" Erfman guffaws!

"Yes that is quite apparent, thanks in no small part to my spells I would imagine!" AC replies with a hint of smugness.

"Dearest Dotti, so glad we can finally meet in person" Erfman takes her hands gently in his own with a warm smile
"Please come, let me show you the view of my kingdom, from the top of the Tower" says Erfman while gesturing towards the stairs.

"The pleasure is all mine your majesty" Dotti replies while giving a perfect courtesy. "But oh deary me... we must really do something about your signamancy... not only a king but a Dollamancer too and that is what you choose to wear..." Dotti replied studying you with a critical eye.

Dotti then obediently follows along a step behind you as you lead her up the stairs and towards the tower.

"Did you bring the gem AC?" You ask glancing back at the Shockamancer.

"I did..." he replies holding up the gem.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=204791#p204791)
Self-consciously Erfman ponders on the cost of altering his clothes to something fancy looking (duds).

An average set of duds can be made for ~5-10 juice
While basic magical raiment (+1) could cost between 50-100 juice and 4-8 actions to make.

"AC, would you like to start work on your focus? What item would you like to enhance?" you ask.

"I would" AC replies pulling out an item that looked slightly like a black elongated crossbow. "I'd like to add it to this... it already has some shockamancy enhancements on it... That won't be a problem will it?" AC questions. [/quote]

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=204795#p204795)

"AC, do you know of a Taser-like spell but that affects the whole stack?" you ask the Shockamancer.

"Hmmm something to incapacitate units rather than croak?" AC replies "I can think of a couple but they are both juice intensive."

Incapacitation mine. 150 juice a shockamancy trap that can be set on the ground. If triggered the mine deals non-lethal damage (defence *1 to hit, deal 10dxcaster level damage) to a maximum of 8 units in a single stack (units brought to 0 hits or below are incapacitated instead of croaked) The mine is permanent until set off.

Shock-wave 100 juice a shockamancy attack that deals non-lethal damage. This attack is short ranged, the caster releases a wave of static shockamancy that can be directed at a single stack (max 8 units) (defence *1 to hit, deal 5dxcaster level damage) (units brought to 0 hits or below are incapacitated instead of croaked)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=204796#p204796)

Having gathered together your casters, your commanders and Bob you sit down with your guests in the map room and begin to ask questions.

Erfman turns to Grim, handing him back the helmet. "Grim, this used to be yours, and it's yours again. If you want, I can change the livery to Fanon's. We tried investigating it a bit, but how does it work exactly, what can it do?"

"I am no expert but I believe it was made by Lady Shipping and the Darkone. It allows the wearer to see through the eyes of uncroaked and give them orders as though he was in hex with them. When stacked with uncroaked it also provides the wearer a +1 leadership bonus with the uncroaked" Grim replies. "If you wish for me to work with uncroaked I can certainly use it again..." Grim then adds.

Turning to AC you then ask about his weapon. "What specific enhancements does it contain? It might matter." you ask.

"It has a juice to shockamancy efficiency converter..." AC replies. "If you have a training dummy I could show you..." AC adds

2019-10-13, 04:52 PM
Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=204836#p204836)

"Buster, Grim, do you know of any way for a unit to mask their presence so that the enemy units in hex don't feel it as contested?" you question.

"A stealthed unit would not count as contesting a hex, if they did there would be no way for scouts to perform their duties undetected..." Buster replies.

"AC, Dotti, Cadaver, how about you? Do you know if perhaps Foolamancy or Signamancy could achieve that?" you then ask turning to the casters.

"I am no expert on foolamancy but yes I would think foolamancy would allow a unit to be in a hex without it counting as contested" Dotti replies. "And signamancy could be used to cause a unit to be recognised as a unit of another side so yes that would not cause an alert for a contested hex either"

"Also, Cadaver, could you feel both Spooks during the battle? Did you realize there were two spooks? (Bowie reported that they misted one apart from the one I saw)" you ask.

"I could feel a powerful presence but I could not detect their numbers or location... They are nothing like normal uncroaked!" Cadaver replies.

Erfman ponders if strengthening her joints and critical areas with reforged metal he would be able to get her to 5 def and 15 hits. He ponders how much Juice and actions that might take.~50 juice and 4 actions before your various discounts

"Do you want to lead uncroaked Grim or do you want to lead living troops. If you want to lead living troops leave the helm with Cadaver" you ask of the warlord.

"I do not mind I will lead whoever you order. I imagine at times I will be leading uncroaked and others living units" Grim replies.

Wiz, Erfman ponders if he would be able to reforge metal into a buckler, and if that would be enough to give a +1 to def. How much effort and Juice would that cost he ponders?
A buckler would not be enough to up Jessie's defence.... a shield however would work.

~25 juice and 2 actions for a shield.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=205003#p205003)

"Dear Dotti, I clearly am in lack of a lady's eye for when not out and about the woods. This outfit has served me well in my outings, but now that you mentioned it, I see that it clearly could do with some sprucing "

"A moment," you declare

Turn around and begin to cast when you turn back you clothes have been altered in to a stylish suit.

Erfman 5 juice used. Duds obtained


"Hmmm better but I do wonder what it is you are hoping your signamancy says about you..." Dotti replies with a small smile.

Getting back to business you then turn to Grim.

"Grim, look at them, do they look like Archer knights or regular archers to you? What would be their stats?" you question.

"I can not be certain but I believe they are regular archer units..." Grim replied.

"Now AC, I believe I promised you a shockamancy focus! If you would come with me... You declare as you excuse yourself and lead AC down to your workshop.

You then lead AC down a winding stair case and out of the tower leading him to your workshop. Once there he hands over the item he would like to work on. It is like no crossbow you have ever seen, there is no string and no place for a bolt to go. While the outside of the weapon is metal when you study the item you are surprised to find that inside are gems. While the item has been enhanced by shockamancy you are certain a Dollamancer has also been involved in its creation. Setting to work on the task at hand you and AC begin to channel your juice in to the weapon with you taking charge and leading the process. In no time at all you are done.

erfman 4 actions and 50 juice used. AC 4 actions and 50 juice used

Congratulations you have rolled a critical success while crafting!

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=205017#p205017)

Through working closely with a Shockamancer and getting a first hand look at a shockamancy enhanced item slowly you begin to understand just how shockamancy works. You are far from a master in the field but the first few bits of understanding regarding the basics of shockamancy have taken root.

Congratulations Erfman has achieved Novice level in shockamancy!

"AC, is there a spell that could both shield from shockamancy trap damage and hide the fact that it was triggered? A spell that could disable shockamancy traps in an area without knowing where they are and without revealing they were disabled?" you ask.

"Not one that I know I'm afraid, I specialise in dishing out damage but I could look in to it for you if you want..." AC replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=205374#p205374)

"Heres the 100 schmuckers that we owe you if you'd like to return the Shockamancy Gem AC" You declare as you transfer 100 shmuckers receiving the gem in return.

100 shmuckers transferred to AC. Shockamancy Gem gained

"Grim, would you talk to the prisoners now and try to get them to turn to our side?" You then ask of your warlord.

"I said I would and I will keep my word..." Grim declares as he stands up and excuses himself from the meeting heading down the stairs of the tower, out in to the courtyard and to the building that is serving as a temporary prison.

Grim is gone for quite a while but eventually your ruler senses alert you to the presence of 3 new units in the city, two stabbers and an Ogwe.

Next you head down to the workshop having some of the scouts bring you swords to be used for their metal. In the workshop you get your furnace going until it reaches such a temperature that you are able to melt down the metal in the sword. You then start channeling your juice and focusing on the liquid metal you begin to pull out strands of metal forming thin metal wires that you then weave in to a mesh. Next you begin forming small weighted balls of metal out of the remaining liquid. This you then connect around the edge of your newly created net. You repeat this process four times until you have four nets sitting in front of you.

Erfman 100 juice and 3 actions used. Scout 8 actions used. 12 swords used. 4 weighted capture nets obtained

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=205440#p205440)

"AC, shall we go up to the tower again?" you suggest. While climbing the stairs you continue to talk. "With your new-made casting level, we would ask for a scroll of Shockamancy Wave of you" you declare as you transfer 50 shmuckers "And after I'd invite you to lunch with us and dear Dotti as well" you then add.

"I usually charge 300 shmuckers to make scrolls for people but since I am already here I will make an exception just this once..." AC declares before setting to work creating a scroll.

50 shmuckers transferred to AC. 1 scroll of Shock Wave obtained

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=205462#p205462)

Gathering all your units together in the great hall you sit down to a communal meal your more expensive units tucking in to food from the stores while your cheaper units pop rations.

19 fruit and 3 deseeded fruit consumed. 56 schmuckers spent

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=205588#p205588)

"Mahogany, It would be helpful if more bushes pop in this and the surrounding hexes. Are you confident that more bushes planted will pop? Do you know of a reason why they wouldn't?" you question.

Mahogany looks at you blankly for a second before scrunching her face up in concentration. She shakes her head before holding up four fingers. She then pauses for a moment before holding her hand up high in the air. She then points at herself before holding up six fingers.

"My lord if you don't mind me saying you seem to be having some trouble communicating with your unit..." Dotti interrupts. "Would you like me to assist?" Dotti then offers.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=205626#p205626)

"Oh! Yes please!" you declare.

Dotti then begins to cast and places one hand on the back of your head and one hand on the back of Mahogany's. Once she is done a strange sensation washes over you.

"It's only a temporary solution but for the rest of the turn you should be able to understand her much better..." Dotti declares.

Mahogany then repeats her pantomime act though this time you notice every facial expression, every twitch of her lips every move of her eyebrows and everyone of them has a meaning that your brain is now able to instantly translate.

' A hex naturally can only support four fruit bearing bushes if I were to use my flower power however I would be able to up the natural limit to six fruit bearing bushes' Mahogany silently communicates to you.

"That is fantastic!"
lowering his voice
"I had completely overlooked how signamancy could help us even with our speaking units. Would you have a good look at everyone here gathered and later inform me of signamantic details of interest?" you then request.

"Certainly Sire, what did you wish to know..." Dotti whispered back somehow not moving her lips or making any apparent outward sign that she had spoken.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=205718#p205718)

You place your hand in your pocket and suddenly become aware that at some point someone has slipped a note in to it.

Bob - The Knight has a strong and healthy signamancy about him typical of a unit in his prime. He obviously wears the livery of Fanon with pride and he moves with great confidence. His weapon and armour are in perfect condition. He would make a good candidate for promotion to Warlord.

Grim - The warlords signamancy is conflicted. He seems unsure in everything he does and second guesses every action he takes. He does not seem comfortable in the livery of Fanon. He is constantly observing and evaluating everything occurring around him. I would suggest having a dateamancer check his loyalty.

Cadaver - The croakamancer has a sickly unhealthy signamancy about him most likely due to inactivity and struggling to make upkeep for a number of turns. He is uncomfortable talking to other units and would likely do poorly in diplomacy or leading troops. He seems more comfortable when being told what to do rather than acting on his own. He seems eager to please and responds well to praise.

Mahogany - The dwyads signamancy suggests she is not well suited to combat and would be reluctant to engage directly. She is somewhat uncomfortable among other units though she disguises it well. Her signamancy is very deliberate and most likely serves a purpose that relates to her powers as a natural caster. Her signamancy is of that of a forest and would likely perform a lot better in that setting.

Bowie - The Gobwin has a powerful signamancy hinting at his prowess in battle. He moves with confidence though is a little uncomfortable when talked to, obviously preferring to be on the battlefield than the negotiating table. He seems comfortable around units of Fanon though he is more comfortable around other Gobwins. He could be an inspiring figure on the battlefield. By improving the signamancy of the Gobwin chief you may be able to improve the signamancy of the Gobwins that he pops.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=205740#p205740)

"My lady Dotti,"

"You've been a great boon to us this turn again! Even more than before.
How much Juice did it take to enact me to understand Mahogany for the turn?" you ask.

"It was a simple act sire, it only cost me twenty juice"

"I am pondering on the possibility of building a little interpreter-scribe-box attuned to Mahogany. Do you think we could build a little box, where dollamancy made it capable of observing Mahogany and writing on a square piece of parchment (fed to it through a crack on top), and Signamancy made it capable of interpreting Mahoganies gestures. It would then be a matter of having paper and ink at hand to feed it when Mahogany would want to communicate with us." Erfman smiles warmly.

"This kind of Signamancy is the magic of perception, it is how you perceive and are perceived. In order for your box to work it would have to be capable of perception..." Dotti replies "Is this something you would be capable of making?" she then asks in return.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=205912#p205912)

"Mahogany, you have been helpful to Fanon in our founding war against the Dark One. I am sad to say that your combat assistance will likely need to continue. However, I would also like to start looking to Fanon's longer term future. Towards that end, I would like to grant you the title of Fanon's Keeper of the Lands. One of the constraints that we find ourselves under is the need for upkeep, and food is a good way to provide that. Your first task as our Keeper of the Lands is to increase our food production and variety. Any additional aid that you can provide to Fanon while keeping our lands would also be appreciated. Let me know what you will need, we can probably give you the assistance of a scout or two (scouting needs permitting); hopefully, you might even teach him how to move better in forests." you declare.

Mahogany looks at you and smiles before she begins gesticulating and pantomiming but with Dotti's spell active you are able to interpret every movement.

'There is much that flower power can do to help sustain the side, I can help more bushes grow, I can help the bushes produce more fruit, I can find rations in the wild, I can make things that would croak you good to eat.

I could teach others to be one with the forest but it would take a lot of training'


"As well as any Golem you see here, they have eyes. Is this what you're asking?" Erfman replies a bit confused.

"Hmmm a golem in a box? That just might work but keep in mind just because you have eyes does not mean that you can see... we will have to see if we can open the eyes of this golem of yours..." Dotti replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=206050#p206050)

"This is quite an unorthodox idea. It's not really a golem in a box. You see, when we think writing, we think of us with an arm and hand holding a quill or chalk, drawing letters with round and straight movements all around the paper. But you see, if a piece of paper is held down and we think of a phrase as a drawing of letters, you may draw the phrase's letters from top to bottom as a whole, one line at a time.. like this" Erfman tries to illustrate the way a printer draws a phrase on paper
"This makes the scribber-box much simpler mechanically, the quill holder only needs to move in a line sideways, as the paper is pulled through it, which should make it much cheaper to construct" you declare.

"Forgive me sire but it is not how the thing writes or draws or even moves that I am concerned about but how it thinks..." Dotti replies. "You see I have never granted the ability to read another units signamancy to anything but a living unit... this is all new ground for me..." Dotti declares.

"Hmm.. Dotti?"

"At what time is your Juice refreshing now? Is it at Fanon's start of turn since you're allied with us now?" you question.

"While I have a contract with you I still remain a barbarian and as such my juice refreshes at dawn" Dotti replies.

"Can you tell when the last turn on Erf comes to a close? (the time it is safest to cross a portal, since no side is actively taking its turn)"

"I ask to extend a permanent visitation invite at the end of each day, to drink wine if we ever pop some in the larders and just converse." says Erfman with a warm smile.

"The end of the last turn is accompanied by the coming of dusk, it is as true in the magic kingdom as it is here..." Dotti replies. "That is very generous of you sire, let us hope then that you begin to pop wine soon..." Dotti responded.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=206184#p206184)

" AC I would like to know how much it would charge to empower the tower with a hundred (or more) juice?" you ask of the Shockamancer.

"Hmmm since I'm already here I could charge the tower with juice for 300 schmuckers or enough rations for 2 turns..." AC replies.


"Hmm, interesting. But surely when you granted me the ability to read Mahogany's signamancy, it causes me to automatically 'translate' the movements and expressions on her face and hands, and even stance, into Language? So there would be some sort of dictionary then that allows the translation? If we were to create a sort of suit able to detect the position of physionomically important points to determine those movements, expressions and stance, then I think your dictionary could translate the data, perhaps even into speech.

I believe we both could learn tremendously from this, Dotti, cross-discipline studies have always fascinated me, and I just reached Novice in Shockamancy by working on AC's weapon, perhaps you could get some Dollamancy experience too." You reply to Dotti.

"I'm certainly willing to try sire but just keep in mind this is like nothing I have ever tried before so I do not know what the results will be..." Dotti answers.

"Improving units signamancy is worthwhile on it's own, but I do wonder: will changes in Bowie's signamancy could lead to popped gobwins having different specials? Or additional specials?" you ask.

"Signamancy can affect everything... it could change a units stats, it could affect their upkeep and yes it could change their specials" Dotti replies.


"Cadaver we have only know each other a turn, but it seems like we have know each other for weeks. My side would not be here right now if it wasn't for you. Your skill and intelligence was the key to our victory and I want you to know how much I appreciate it. That being said, I would like to formally invite you to join Fanon. If you would prefer maintain our initial deal I understand and will continue to honor it. So what do you say?" you good naturedly ask the croakamancer.

"That's very kind of you to say your highness but I didn't do that much..." Cadaver replies. "I am honoured by your offer but... could I have some time to think about it?" Cadaver replies.


"Mahogany, do you know of any way to get the various non-farm foods that grow nearby, which for now is just the fruit bushes, to appear into Fanon's food supply automatically like the farm does?" you ask.

Mahogany looks thoughtful for a second before she begins to gesticulate. 'Farm hexes are special kind of hexes that can be claimed by sides... it is the nature of the hex that allows food that pops there to be transferred to a city. If you could change a hex type then perhaps you would be able to cause the food that pops there to be transferred to a city though that would be powerful magic...'

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=206221#p206221)

"Of course Cadaver! There is no rush, and you'll get to prove yourself wrong this turn! You'll be one of the most useful units of the side again when you capture a whole stack by yourself!" you declare.

Cadaver awkwardly nods in response though he keeps his eyes trained on the ground.


"Miss Dotti.. do you have your juice earmarked for some project this turn? It would help immensely if we could count with some of your juice for this turn's preparation." you ask.

"Well there's always something I could invest my juice into... there is always a demand for signamancy after all!" Dotti replies. "What did you have in mind?" she then questions.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=206304#p206304)

Having talked for long enough you decide to head down to your workshop and clear your head by getting some work done. On your way down you gather together a few scouts and archers to act as your assistants. You send your helpers to the armoury and tell them to bring back as many swords as they can carry.

You get the furnace going and once it has reached an intense heat you have your units start to load swords in to it. Once the the metal is soft and pliable you begin to channel your juice and reshape the metal in to a new form.

Erfman 1 actions and 25 juice used. Bulls eye 2 actions used. Dead shot 2 actions used. 5 Stabber swords used. Metal shield obtained.

With the shield created you then turn your attention to the inactive Jessie. channeling some juice on to it you easily reactivate the golem.

Erfman 20 juice used

Next you turn your attention to reinforcing the golem and once again you use swords as a resource. Melting down two more swords with the assistance of a scout you begin the delicate process of creating flexible but sturdy metal joints that you then incorporate in to Jessie's form.

Erfman 2 actions and 30 juice used. Scout 4 actions used. 2 Stabber swords used

With Jessie in fighting form you next turn you attention to Woody. Once again you channel some juice and are easily able to reactivate the golem.

Erfman 25 juice used

Finally using the same principle as before you set to work making another shield though this one is much bigger. Your scout is kept busy keeping the furnace at an incredible temperature and constantly throwing in swords to melt down for their metal. Eventually however you have enough metal and you begin to channel your juice.

Erfman 1 actions and 25 juice used. Scout 4 actions used. 20 Stabber swords used. Ogwe shield obtained.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=206392#p206392)

"Dotti, come look." *showing Julienne's wrecked form*

"This is the finest Golem I have made so far. It single-handedly saved me from obliteration this past turn, when facing the enemy commander's shockamancy sword. And twice her blades twirled in a maelstrom that single-handedly dusted that commander's stack. It is safe to say that it changed the course of battle."

"I'd love to repair it, getting it ready for saving me once more."

"But repairing it and charging it up will take ~150 Juice. Juice I no longer have."

Looking into her eyes "Do you think that is a worthy application of your juice? Would you gift me that Juice, putting it into the tower for me to rechannel?" You declare.

"It is an impressive looking golem and I would imagine that if it was intact it's signamancy would be quite imposing!" Dotti replied as she looked over the broken golem.

Dotti then smiled and lightly patted you on the cheek "You need to work on your puppy dog eyes..." she declared with the slightest hint of a smirk. "I'd like to help you out your highness really I would but 150 juice is quite the investment and juice given away in charity may be noble but it does mean that I have less juice to spend to fulfill my other contracts..." She replied. "Perhaps I could interest you in a trade instead that would make my life easier... I could not help but notice your little flying woolly units, they would certainly help me with delivering my letters... If you would gift one to me I will in return gift to you 150 juice" Dotti offers.

Wiz, What does Erfman think he knows about the turn's start refresh and Golems?

An inactive golem with 0 juice is essentially an item and as such will not refresh/heal at the start of turn

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=206579#p206579)

"Oh.." Erfman is slightly stunned for a second "But of course! Here! This one has enough charge to last TEN turns! And I'll recharge it before it runs out. .. And the MK is just one hex isn't it?? Without move expenditures it can go ANYWhere in the Kingdom, wow.. how useful." you reply.

Dotti smiles sweetly. "You should remember that signamancers can read units like books..." Dotti commented. "Well thank you this little darling will be perfect" Dotti then replied. "Well a deal is a deal... I shall now charge your tower..." Dotti finished before doing just as she said.

Knitted messenger bird given away. Tower charged with 150 juice

*Summoning The Luggage, and taking 2 seeds from it*
"Mahogany, here. Work your magic and have them bloom in this hex" Erfman smiles as he carefully passes the seeds to Mahogany.

Mahogany carefully takes the seeds the seeds from you and with a smile heads off in to the courtyard. Infusing her juice in to each seed she then carefully plants them in the ground.

Mahogany 2 actions and 100 juice used 2 seeds used

"Hmm, AC? We already made the switch but would you mind keeping the gem for one more turn, while we keep your 100$?" you ask.

"I do not need to spend the schmuckers this turn so I could keep hold of the gem if you are in a desperate need" AC replies.

You next send a scout out to perform some mundane tasks. Taking the harvesting claw they first harvest the fruit from the 4 bushes.

Scout 4 actions used. 12 fruit gained

Next collecting the set of shears the scout sets about shearing some wool off of Billie and Pan

Scout 2 actions used. 3 units of wool gained

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=206830#p206830)

*Mentally ordering the Golems to lay out 2x Fruit, 2x Rations (produced by farm) and 1x Meat rations*

"Very well, that is kind AC. Here is the gem, and if you'd be so kind to pick your favourite two meals, please do and put the rest of your Juice in the tower"

AC nods takes the gem back and tucks it away in to a compartment in his belt before transferring 100 schmuckers back to you.

Shockamancy gem given away. 100 schmuckers gained

AC then carefully looks over the rations you have had brought out and selects 1 farm ration and 1 meat ration. With that done he then begins charging the tower.

1 meat ration and 1 farm ration given away. Tower charged with 100 juice.

Now that you have enough funds you give a mental order to upgrade the mine in the mountain hex to level 5 and you instantly feel the treasury plummet.

400 shmuckers spent. Mine upgraded to level 5

*Mentally order Julienne to be brought up the tower*

With a rather decent pool of juice in the tower you draw some of the juice and begin to use it to repair your broken golem. Though you are able to repair most of the worst cracks you are not able to get it in to a useable condition just yet.

25 juice used from tower. Julienne 16 hits restored

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=206843#p206843)

Drawing yet more juice from the tower you continue your repairs upon Julienne. This time you are able to leave the golem in a much better condition so much so that it would likely be able to function if it had the juice to do so.

25 juice used from tower. Julienne 14 hits restored.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=206959#p206959)

Drawing yet more juice from the tower you continue your repairs until Julienne is in perfect condition.

25 juice used from tower. Julienne 17 hits restored.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=207035#p207035)

"Mahogany, some of the trees have a fruit that looks like a pine cone. We've planted one of those. Do you know if a tree will grow from it?" You ask the Dwyad.

Mahogany begins to pantomime and once again the spell automatically translate for you. 'Just as bushes pop from seeds so to will a tree pop from the pine cone. A tree however will take at least three turns to pop naturally'

"If so, do you know if there is a limit of trees grown in such a fashion in a single hex?" you then ask.

'A plains hex may pop a maximum of three trees any more and it will become a forest hex...' Mahogany replies.

"Mahogany, in respect to your close-to-the-forest nature we've vowed not to croak any more trees heedlessly. But wood is still a precious material component to many things. Is there a way to harvest wood without croaking the trees? (how do you feel about the cutting down of a single tree in an hex, if we plant another)" you ask.

'Just as units pop, live and croak so too must the trees. As long as more trees are popped then take what you must from the forests...'

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Compilation of Game Thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255909#p255909)

Having spent some time in the map room planning out your route you have your units assemble in the courtyard. Selecting a few units such as your garrison units and the ogwe to stay and protect Fanon you order the rest to climb into the Luggage ready to travel.

The Luggage the leaves the city gates and heads northwest a single hex with you and your units inside.

"The luggage 2 move used"

Arriving in a hex filled with bushes and a single tree you send out a scout with the harvesting claw to gather fruit. With the claw the scout makes quick work of the bushes and soon returns with their arms full of fruit.

Scout 3 actions used. 9 fruit gained

You next send out a scout with instructions to retrieve the pine cone. The scout scratches their head unsure how to go about the task but eventually settles on trying to climb the tree. After a few mishaps the scout is eventually able to climb up in to the branches and pluck the pine cone free.

Scout 4 actions used and 1 hit lost. Pine cone gained

With the hex thoroughly harvested your units return to the luggage and you set off once again heading north west for the second time.

The Luggage 2 move used

Handing the animated axe to mahogany you send her out first to deal with the lone waven flying over the hex. With a quick flick of the axe she releases the axe and it flies up and hits the waven with unwavering accuracy.

Glancing around the hex you see another tree bearing a pine cone and 2 bushes full of fruit. You therefore send out another two scouts to harvest the hex.

The first scout makes quick work of the bushes and returns with yet more fruit

Scout 2 actions used 6 fruit gained

The next scout has the much harder task of collecting the pine cone and once again struggles to get up the tree and retrieve the cone.

Scout 4 actions used. 1 hit lost. 1 pine cone gained

You then send out Mahogany with instructions to dust the wavens in the next two hexes. She sets off and is gone for quite a while. For a moment you slightly panic as you sense Mahogany's hit drop by two. After a while however she does return.

Mahogany six move used

When Mahogany returns you can see that she is wounded though not badly. She makes her way over to you and begins to draw in the dirt.


Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=207103#p207103)

"Are these units new to you Mahogany, or you already know of them? What do you know of them?" you ask

'they are called Stingers, they are aggressive man sized light flying units. They are an annoyance on their own but deadly in a swarm'

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=207120#p207120)

"Man sized... so a gobwin might be able to mount one... Do you think you could tame one or both this turn, or should we return tomorrow?" you question.

'They might... I am out of juice for the turn so I would have to rely on mundane taming' Mahogany answered in her own way.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=207262#p207262)

"Do you believe that you could succeed? It would be good if you could, but it is not worth risking your survival on if they might get enraged or something." you ask.

'It would be possible, however for one unit on their own to tame two aggressive units at once without being attacked by one while they are taming the other would be very difficult...'

"Mahogany, do you know what is their preferred food? What should we offer for mundane taming attempt?"

'They feed on other units'

"Mahogany, do you know of any further uses for the pine trees? Do they have special features, saps with a certain function, or something else?"

'Trees have many uses... I am sure you could harvest the sap if you have need of sap...'

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=207279#p207279)

Taking out the stabber corpse from the luggage Bowie removes its armour and butchers it in to nice large chunks.

Stabber corpse used. Stabber armour and 6 stabber chunks gained

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=207398#p207398)

Bowie, Bob, Buster and Jessie climb out of the luggage and form a stack before marching across the hex boundary and in to the thick forest hex. The thick vegetation obstructs their movement and their vision but they make it in to the next hex.

Bowie, Bob, Buster and Jessie 4 move used

At first the stack do not see any signs of units amongst the thick vegetation though they do hear the sound of wood creaking and branches swaying in the wind. The half stack begin wandering through the forest hex in search of the elusive stingers and are soon rewarded by a loud buzzing sound that steadily grows louder.

Round 1

Bowie gives the signal and both he a Bob pull out a chunk of Stabber. They then wait until the stingers burst out in to the open and then they toss their grisly gifts forwards. Both stingers seem to completely ignore the offering and charge straight towards the stack. Jessie however is ready and jumps out in front blocking the insect units path with her new shield though she is damaged in the process. (1 hit taken)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=207419#p207419)

Round 2

"Try again!" Bowie barks determined to tame the ferals. He and Bob once again hurl a chunk of Stabber towards the two flying units but rather than calm them down it seems to anger them further and their buzzing gets even louder.

The stingers now desperately seem to lunge at the living units but Jessie time and time again places herself in the way taking two hits in the process.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=207551#p207551)

Round 3

"Plan B!" Bowie grunts as he pulls out a large metal net. Seeing this Bob did the same and both units stood ready. The Gobwin chief then gave Jessie the nod and the Golem stood back. Their path free the stingers then charged towards the living. Bowie and Bob however moved like matadors sidestepping the attacks as they brought their nets in to the stingers path.

What came next was a clumsy scramble as the winged units became entangled in the nets and crashed to the ground.

Now trapped in the nets the two stingers buzzed angrily as they thrashed about on the ground.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=207560#p207560)

Round 4

With the stingers trapped Bowie and his stack take the opportunity to dive on to them and begin pounding them with their fists. Trapped as they are the stingers can do little to resist and take a beating. Though still conscious the stingers quiet down somewhat.

Jessie then grabs hold of both nets to prevent them from escaping.

Two stingers are now your prisoners.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=207587#p207587)

Dragging their prizes in tow Bowie, Bob, Buster and Jessie march back to meet everyone else. As they cross the hex boundary there is some resistance but eventually they drag their captives across.

Bowie, Bob, Buster and Jessie 4 move used

Once they reach the luggage they climb inside with their captives before releasing them in to a sealed of section so that they are no longer occupying the net.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=207590#p207590)

"Chief Bowie, now that you've seen these creatures personally, do you believe they might serve as a mount for gobwin?" you ask.

"Give them a saddle and I don't see why not..." Bowie replies

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=207785#p207785)

Sending out a scout with a fistful of seeds you have him plant two new bushes.

Scout 2 actions used. 2 seeds used

With that done everyone climbs back in to the Luggage and you set off once again this heading south moving in to a hex that contains a river.

The Luggage 2 move used

Briefly stopping you send out a scout and they rush around hastily planting yet more seeds.

Scout 4 actions used. 4 seeds used

Knowing that you'll find the remnants of one of the Darkone's armies in the next hex you decide to tunnel across to the next hex. Sending out a uncroaked Gobwin knight, you have it dig down and excavate out a narrow tunnel. As the uncroaked digs its way under the hex boundary the Luggage slowly plods along behind and follows along in to the next hex.

Uncroaked Gobwin Knight 4 move used. The Luggage 2 move used

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=207787#p207787)


Round 0

Having tunneled in to the hex the uncroaked Gobwin comes to a stop and the luggage promptly follows suit lowering itself down and flicking its lid open.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=207804#p207804)

"Cadaver, do you feel a Spook?" you question as you begin moving your units out of the luggage.

"Not that I can sense..." Cadaver replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=207883#p207883)

Round 1

Forming two stacks and moving the luggage back to a safe distance you rely on the Gobwin's skills to detect movement up above. You then arrange your forces so that once you drop the enemy down they will be trapped between your two stacks.

You then give the signal and Cadaver's uncroaked Gobwins collapse the ground overhead and the tunnel is instantly filled by the surprised cries of archers as they crash down in to the hole. Cadaver directs his uncroaked to capture the surprised units though they are only quick enough to net two while the other two scramble backwards heading towards your own stack.

The free archers then retaliate firing shots at their would be captors but in their panic they miss their mark.

You and cadaver meanwhile hold off waiting for the perfect moment to cast your spells.

The unled units on the surface now aware of the presence of an enemy auto engage. The archers go first firing off a barrage of arrows in to the newly created hole dealing a total of six hits to your front rank of uncroaked. The stabbers then charge down the hole and clash with your uncroaked Gobwins. Their unled charge is furious and they manage to land 9 hits before they are truly taken by surprise as you begin casting from your unfurled scroll. The wave of shockamancy slams in to their backs and all but 1 Stabber drops and begins violently twitching on the ground.

Cadaver meanwhile casts his own spell though the croakamancer does not seem to be quite so lucky as you sense only two new units join your side in the hex.


Stack 1 - underground engaged by DS 1

Cadaver 50/200 juice
Uncroaked Lothar (screen Cadaver)
Uncroaked Knight
Uncroaked Burp - netted an archer 5 hits taken
Uncroaked Durp - netted an archer 4 hits taken
Uncroaked Gobwin Knight 3 hits taken
Uncroaked Gobwin Knight 3 hits taken

Stack 2 - underground

Jessie (screen Erfman) 12/15 hits
Erfman 7/400 juice
Mahogany 0/100 juice

Stack 3 - underground

The Luggage

Stack 4 - above ground

Uncroaked piker
Uncroaked archer

The Darkside

DS Stack 1 - underground engaging stack 1

Stabber - incapacitated
Stabber - incapacitated
Stabber - incapacitated
Stabber - 4 hits taken
Stabber - incapacitated
Stabber - incapacitated
Stabber - in capacitated
Stabber - incapacitated

DS Stack 2 - underground

Archer - netted
Archer - netted

DS Stack 3 - above ground

Uncroaked piker
Uncroaked piker
Uncroaked piker
Uncroaked archer
Uncroaked archer
Uncroaked archer

DS Stack 4 - above ground

Uncroaked archer

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=207898#p207898)

Round 2

Mass seizing uncroaked not having gone too well Cadaver decides to instead focus on a single unit. As he channels his juice he once again feels a large amount of resistance though this time he is just about able to wrestle control of the lone. uncroaked archer.

The free archers underground and the uncroaked archers standing by the hole above the ground meanwhile pester Cadavers stack launching volleys of arrows in to his stack that between them manages to deal 7 hits to his uncroaked.

You then lead your stack on the counter attack charging in to the back of the living archers though you give the order not to use weapons. Outnumbered the archers are quickly brought down by the fists of your units and they do not get up again.

Cadavers stack meanwhile disengages from the lone Stabber and the two uncroaked Gobwins that were not busy with captives attack the ground overhead causing it to collapse beneath the feet of the enemy. This time there is no cry of surprise as the uncroaked stack drops in to the tunnel. It is uncroaked vs uncroaked as Cadavers stack tears in to the enemy. Soon the tunnel is obscured by dirt and dust as uncroaked are dusted one by one. Three pikers end up dusted while a single archer is damaged for 4 hits.

The last remaining Stabber then calls out a battle cry and charges straight towards you. Fortunately Jessie steps forwards and blocks the attack though she takes a hit while doing so.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=207920#p207920)

Prisoner taking mechanics:
When a unit has been successfully netted they are essentially trapped or entangled. (Similar to a gummed unit but not as bad) A netted character however still has a chance of escaping if just left like that.

A unit may take an action to either release the netted unit or take the netted unit prisoner (ie have the manacles appear). Prisoners however may be immediately repatriated if they can stack up with other units of their side.

A trapped but conscious unit will take 1 unit the entire round to take 1 prisoner.

Up to 4 incapacitated units could be taken prisoner by a single unit (though they would not be able to move them all on their own during this time)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=207941#p207941)

Round 3

Despite the odds against them the unled units of the Darkside fight on. The uncroaked archers release another volley against cadaver's stack dealing another 2 hits as arrows pierce the uncroaked Gobwins.

Though the unled might not know it the fight is all but over. You order your stack to capture the final Stabber and your units all dog pile on top of him though he manages to land a hit upon Mahogany before he is pinned on to the ground. You then move in capturing the unit while he is held down.

Cadavers stack meanwhile charges down the uncroaked archers. They too forgo their weapons instead grappling their opponents. Outnumbered more than two to one and outclassed by knight class uncroaked the archers are easily restrained.

The lid of the luggage then flies open and your scouts begin to pour out. Rushing forwards they quickly claim prisoners though those unlucky enough to take the uncroaked prisoner end up with a bit finger or two

Battle over. Exp gained

2019-10-13, 04:53 PM
Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=207999#p207999)

With the battle over and the prisoners secured in the luggage you continue on with harvesting. Sending out two scouts, you have one harvest all the fruit with the harvesting claw, while the other plants the seeds to hopefully grow some trees.

Scout 4 actions used. 12 fruit gained

scout 2 actions and 2 pine comes used

With the hex now harvested of all fruit you all return to the luggage and set of once again heading south east.

The luggage 2 move used

There is nothing in the next hex apart from hills and you only briefly stop to let Pan and Bob out. Bob transfers the saddle from Billie on to Pan and then sets off.

Pan/Bob 20 move used

Without waiting for Bob to return you then set off once again heading South East to Fanon's mine.

The luggage 2 move used

Once you arrive at the mine you do not have to wait long until Bob also returns.

"Sire there was one goat in the hex south west of where I started" Bob reports.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=208645#p208645)

Bowie climbs aboard Billie and trots out of the hex on a scouting run of the mountains.

You meanwhile order the Gobwins and uncroaked Gobwins out of the luggage with instructions to harvest stone. As per your instructions the Gobwins do not venture in to the mine but instead begin digging at the surface. Progress is slow and due to digging at the surface they end up excavating a lot of dirt along with the desired stone. The Gobwins have only been digging for a short while when the sound of axe striking dirt and stone is interrupted by a sharp hiss.


The head of a strange creature erupts out of the ground and begins to frantically hiss at the Gobwins. It only comes up to about waist height but it mouth is filled with sharp teeth.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=208736#p208736)

Round 1

Quickly jumping out of The luggage along with your best units you hastily organise your stacks. The uncroaked are once again sent forward on a capture mission and an uncroaked Gobwin hurls it's net at the strange worm like feral. The net hits it's mark and the feral begins to emit a high pitched shriek and thrash around wildly. Cadaver then signals the stack to move and they all charge the trapped unit and begin to pound it with their fists eliciting yet more high pitched shrieks. At the same time one Uncroaked Gobwin hangs on to the net while another attempts to make the feral it's prisoner. Despite this action however no manacles appear.

Quite suddenly the Gobwin hanging on to the net and the one attempting to capture the feral disappear from view as something drags them underground. You quickly become aware of having one less unit in the hex and guess that at least one has been dusted.

Grim motions Cadaver to step back and the remaining uncroaked form a rank in front of the two command units. Now that they have done so you can see that feral and net are both gone as well and all that is left is two Gobwin sized holes in the ground.

The sole scout that you brought out meanwhile starts to tap dance nervously as ordered.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=208769#p208769)

Round 2

None too keen on the situation you find yourself in you give a mental order and the lid of the luggage flies open... a single messenger bird flutters out before you scramble inside followed by Mahogany, Jessie and the scout. You then go full on the retreat and the luggage scutters away fleeing across the hex boundary to the north.

As you are just about to cross the hex boundary you can no longer sense the second uncroaked Gobwin.

Battle fled!

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=208875#p208875)


After crossing a number of hexes without encountering anything of note Bowie enters a hex with units.


Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=209086#p209086)

'Bowie pauses upon seeing the huge beast. He unpockets the 4 fruits, raises them up in the air, and has Billie slowly trot forward.
As he gets to a ... (1 combat round move for a slow unit?) he bows and places two fruits on the floor before staying bowed as Billie slowly walks backwards

The Yeti sniffs at the air and turns its head towards Billie and Bowie, it snarls and looks as though it is going to attack before a look of confusion appears on its face and it watches what the Gobwin Chief is up to. Once the fruits are placed on the ground the Yeti stomps forwards with heavy booming footsteps. It leans down and sniffs at the fruit before scrunching it's face up in disgust and batting them away with the back of its hand. The yeti then rears up to its full height before pointing a fat clawed finger in Billie's direction and licking it's lips hungrily.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=209120#p209120)

Seeing that the yeti was not interested in the fruit Bowie retreated from the hex and continued on the scout run rejoining everyone else on hex away from Fanon.

Meanwhile while waiting for Bowie to rejoin you you send out a scout to harvest the fruit in the hex.

Scout 1 action used. 3 fruit gained

With the harvesting finished you then all return to the luggage and head back to Fanon.

The luggage 2 move used

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=209397#p209397)

Now back in Fanon you turn your attention to manually upgrading the city itself by constructing new buildings. You begin by finishing off the stables that you had started on a previous turn. Using the Hogs to drag the stone in to place you then have Stompy the Ogwe lift them up to build a wall while a couple of scouts hurry around finishing off the fine detail

Hogs 16 actions used, Stompy 8 actions used, Gopher 8 actions used, Bond 6 actions used. 14 stone used. Stables built.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=209470#p209470)

With the new stables complete you then turn your attention to the prisoners. You have have Cadaver take up position in the tower and have your golems bring up the uncroaked archers to him one at a time. Placing his hand on the uncroaked he channels his juice in to them and seizes control. This process goes smoothly for the first two uncroaked but on the third Cadavers eyes go wide and he suddenly gasps in surprise before promptly collapsing in a heap upon the ground.

Critical Failure!

The manacles on the uncroaked then vanish and a new bow pops in the units hand.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=209498#p209498)

Hastily drawing juice from the tower you quickly unleash it upon the uncroaked even before it has a chance to raise it's newly popped bow. The archer is blasted to smithereens in an instant and soon the only evidence that it ever existed is a cloud of dust.

EXP gained

You then rush over to Cadavers side and though you can not find any obvious injury he remains incapacitated and immobile.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=209781#p209781)

You attempt to reach out with your ruler powers and issue Dotti an order but you do not get the feeling that you usually do when one of your units receive their orders. It seems the contract that you have with Dotti does not allow you to use the natural thinkamancy of a ruler to issue her orders.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=209844#p209844)

Unsure how to proceed you have Cadaver brought to the Portal room along with a number of supplies that you could perhaps use for bartering. You consider sending an order to your messenger bird golem but realise it is now owned by Dotti and no longer a unit of Fanon. The fact that the messenger bird is no longer in the city however suggests that Dotti was able to bring it through the portal.

Ordering Jessie forward you have her test the portal with her finger. She pushes a single digit in to the portal and it disappears from sight. She then pulls it back out and the finger is completely whole and unharmed.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=209848#p209848)

Taking a deep breath you step forwards and step in to the portal, as your face hits the portal it feels as though you had stepped in to a wall of water though it feels both hot and cold simultaneously and you are left feeling slightly disorientated. The next moment you blink in surprise as your eyes adjust to bright sunlight. There is a blue sky overhead, soft green grass below your feet and as far as the eye can see portals glowing in every single colour known to man. There are casters too... Lots of casters! They are going back and fourth and just generally going about their business while paying you no heed.

Your attention is then stolen away as a loud crashing sound is made directly behind you, spinning round you spot the form of both Jessie and Cadaver crumpled in a heap upon the ground. Jessie is completely inert all her juice seemingly having been drained away while Cadaver is in the same condition that he was before.

Casters now seem to be paying you attention and you get the distinct feeling of being watched.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=209852#p209852)

Seeing that Jessie had collapsed you decide to quickly push it back through your portal and after a couple of solid shoves it rolls over and disappears through the glowing yellow portal. For good measure you then quickly remove Cadavers magic items and chuck them back through as well.

You then attempt to hoist Cadaver over your shoulder while at the same time raising your voice, but calmly, without alarm calling out "Could someone help?"

A nearby caster wearing light green robes glances over at you before casually making his way over. "Good choice sending your golem back, the MK folk get twitchy if you bring golems with you... particularly war golems...." the caster declares as soon as he is close enough. "The names Sage by the way, I'm from Herb Box" he reveals as he throws Cadavers other arm over his shoulder and helps you support his weight.

"I am looking for Signamancer Dotti Crosst, do you know of her?" you then ask.

"'fraid not..." the lightly built caster then replies.

"Could you point me to the Hippiemancers?" you then ask.

"Now that I can do..." Sage replies with a pleasant smile. "It's not too far just follow me!" he then declares as he begins leading your through the field of portals.

"So what happened to your friend?" Sage then questions.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=209857#p209857)

Erfman gives a little chuckle. "Jessie isn't much of a War-Golem. Her stats are below knight class. Though I could understand a twitchy reaction to an actual War-Golem."

"Well that might be true but you gotta remember casters in the MK don't have anyone to screen for them... they'd get twitchy over a Stabber if one turned up here..." Sage replies with a smile.

Taking his time answering, making pauses between each sentence.

"I don't know really... he was casting several spells... taking advantage of our Tower bonus... and suddenly he gasps and collapses... Some sort of magical backlash?" you explain.

"Magical Backlash is a boop" Sage replies nodding understandingly.

The dollamancer smiles. "Thanks for your help with him. I want to make sure he'll recover from this by tomorrow." He walks with Sage. "I take it you're a Florist, from your signamancy..." you then question.

"Last time I checked!" Sage relies with a grin.

As you talk with Sage you make your way through portal park and enter an area with small simplistic looking wooden buildings. You walk for a short while before Sage leads you away to a path that leads through a line of trees and on to another grassy field. Unlike where the portals were this field is full of life. Plants and flowers are growing around the edges and small ferals are scampering about. Cutting across the grass Sage leads you through another set of trees to where a large number of cloth tents have been set up.

"Well this is where most of the MK hippiemancers seem to live..." Sage declares with a nod of his head.

Glancing around there are a large number of tents but your eye is eventually drawn to a large pink tent that has a familiar looking yellow bird perched on top.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=209869#p209869)

"That tent is big... who does is belong to?" you ask.

Sage merely shrugs his shoulders or attempts to at least while supporting Cadavers weight. "Not sure... You gotta remember I'm a visitor here just like you..." the florist declares.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=210512#p210512)

You head over to the pink tent and stand outsides its entrance before loudly saying "Knock knock!" no sooner than the words leave your lips you spot a short rope hanging from the top of the tent. You then hear a small amount of shuffling inside followed by footsteps before the tent flap is thrown open revealing Dotti. "Ah Erfman what a pleasure!" Dotti declares with a big smile "And who's your friend?" she then adds as she gives Sage a quick once over.

"Please come inside..." she then offers holding back the tent flap. As you step inside you find the interior is surprisingly spacious and well furnished. There is a comfy looking pink armchair and sofa placed around a rich wooden small round table, at the back of the room there is a wooden cupboard and to the side a writing desk covered in parchment, quills,various pots of ink and a small chest. There is also a second larger chest that sits to the side of the writing desk.

"I presume this is not a social call? Has poor cadaver had a spot of trouble?" She questions as she waves a hand towards the sofa.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=210533#p210533)

"Ah, Dotti, this is Sage, a sided..." he pauses to let the man correct him is his assumption was flawed. "Florist. Sage, this is Dotti Crosst, signamancer of superb cunning." Erfman smiles a bit wishfully. "Indeed, indeed. He seemed to have a round of bad luckamancy with some spell work, and while I have made an item to help incapacitated wounded units, I have not the healomancy to know if it would be of any use in this case nor if Cadaver will just cleanse of this wound at dawn."

"Are you able to diagnose this kind of incapacitation or could you procure someone who is?" you ask.

"Lord Sage, Chief Florist of Herb Box pleasure to make your acquaintance my lady" Sage adds with a slight nod of the head as you introduce him.

"I am no Healomancer but I do not believe Cadaver has the signamancy of a unit about to croak..." Dotti replies as she casts a careful eye over the croakamancer. "I could of course procure your a second opinion, the house of healing after all not too far away..." she adds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=210998#p210998)

"I trust you Dotti, but I would also like to know what happen to Cadaver so I would rather have a Healomancer look at him. If you wouldn't mind leading the way or have the bird deliver a message. Do you think a Healer could diagnose him free of charge?

Alternatively, perhaps calling on a Croakamancer could be more insightful here? Since Cadaver collapsed while attempting to Turn an Uncroaked, perhaps they could recognize the injury better... and more cheaply, not that I want to be stingy when it comes to Cadaver's well being. I'm afraid our treasury is rather low at the moment until the next turn comes, but we have other ways to pay."

"The Healomancers charge for everything and it would be cheaper to go there rather than have them make a house call..." Dotti replies. "The croakamancers are less organised than the healomancers and more of a rabble but if I were to take you to the naughty corner I'm sure we could find one or two..." Dotti then adds.

"Which option would you prefer?" Dotti then asks.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=211166#p211166)

"Ok, let us all go to The House of Healing and see how much they shall charge to diagnose Cadaver, Would you be so kind as to do the talking Dotti?" You decide.

"Well as you appear to have everything in hand I shall take my leave..." Sage then declared giving you a respectful nod.

Dotti then took Sage's place and between the two of you support Cadaver's weight. Exiting the tent Dotti then leads you through the magic kingdom. As you travel you spot a large number of casters going about their business, a lot of them appeared to be Barbarian casters though a number seemed to be wearing the livery of various sides. As you walk you began to get the feeling of being watched and once or twice you catch sight of a hooded caster who seems to be paying you particular attention.

You eventually arrive at a large white building. "This is the house of healing..." Dotti reveals "It was built by dirtamancers and rumours are it cost quite a price..." Dotti continued to explain. "The healomancers are one of the more organised class of casters in the magic kingdom and they never seem to be short of work, they are therefore rather wealthy..." Dotti continues before taking a sideward glance and lowering her voice "You need to remember that nothing here is free, they may seem to do things out of the goodness of their hearts but there is always a cost." She reveals. Dotti then leads you through a door in to a large waiting room filled with chairs. Dotti walks straight up to a desk at the front of the room where a heavily set female unit in blue robes is seated. "Take this and fill it in!" The woman barks handing over a clipboard to Dotti.

Taking the clipboard Dotti then helps you lower Cadaver in to one of the chairs before whispering. "This is a signamancy item by signing it you are agreeing to pay their rates for treatment..." Dotti explains before flicking through the sheets of paper. "Standard rates for a magical diagnosis on its own is 150 schmuckers or 1 rand..." she points out before holding out the clipboard to you. "If you agree to their terms sign here..." she declares.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=211483#p211483)

Responding in an equally subdued voice "Hmm Dotti? Would you put up one of your Rand's for us? Would you later accept fruit or farm rations for it?"

"Also.. where do Rands come from? How are they produced? Do you know?"

"Who first invented the Rand I'm not sure a number of disciplines claim it was them foremost the changeamancers and the moneymancers... it is now however a simple piece of magic that any caster can cast. A caster who has already paid their upkeep can create a Rand at the cost of 10 juice however in doing so their upkeep becomes unpaid..." Dotti explains. Dotti then demonstrates doing exactly that before transferring 1 Rand in to your purse. "I trust you will cover my upkeep for the turn..." She then declares.

With the paperwork completed Dotti then returns it to the caster behind the desk and you are instructed to take a seat. After a short while of waiting a chubby caster who appears to be wearing a white bed sheet calls you over and leads you in to a small room with a bed where he has you lie Cadaver down.

"I am Healomancer Hippo Crates" he greets "Now lets take a look at you friend here..." he declares before casting and beginning to examine Cadaver. "Hmmm it seems the patient has suffered from a mild dose of magical backlash..." he mumbles "Not been in a Thinkamancer link up as he?" the healomancer questions. "No? Well that is strange it seems very similar to the kind of damage one might take from a badly broken link up, strings all roughed up and strained but still intact.... there was certainly a mental connection between the patient and another unit most likely a more powerful caster" he continues. "He has a mild case of incapacitation obviously but no risk of croaking by next turn... Should be easy enough to wake him up now... would you like me to?" the healer then questions.

At the question Dotti gives you a look and slightly raises an eyebrow in warning.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=211652#p211652)

"How much will it cost to heal him?" you ask out of interest.

"The diagnostic spell and an immediate restoration would bring the total price up to 3 Rands" Hippo Crates replies.

"If we assume this is the result of an enemy caster or casters, as we are aware of them possessing a Thinkamancer as well as a Croakamancer... we might need to consult with a Thinkamancer to prevent this from occurring again." Erfman muses, before facing the healer. "Is this an incapacitated condition that will likely resolve it's self by dawn cleansing?" you question.

"Yes by a new turn the incapacitation should be completely gone..." the healomancer replies.

To Dotti in subdued tone "Dotti, walking here I think I spotted a hooded caster in brown colored robes following us. On the walk home would you keep attentive and ready to dodge/Hoboken as you feel best?" You ask.

"Hmm I have been spotting more suspicious characters hanging around recently..." Dotti replies quietly.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=211822#p211822)

"Dotti would you be willing to come back to Fanon with me? There is a few things I would like to discuss, as well as provide for your upkeep" you ask of the Signamancer.

"Of course I would I can't leave you dragging poor Cadaver around by yourself can I..." Dotti replies with a smile as you both begin heading back to portal park while supporting cadavers weight. Along the way you spot a familiar hooded caster lurking about once again. "I recognise the signamancy my lord he's a resident of the naughty corner..." Dotti whispers hardly moving her lips. "What's worrying however is that's not the same caster that I spotted earlier..." Dotti then added as you reached the edge of portal park. As you head in to portal park the mysterious caster follows though he maintains his distance staying in sight.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=212944#p212944)

In a hushed tones facing forward (away from hooded caster) while walking, "Dotti, do you fear for your life right now?" you ask.

"No it would take a particularly bold and reckless caster to risk croaking another caster while inside the magic kingdom..." Dotti replied quietly.

"Could they be 'friends' of Cadaver looking out for him? Perhaps a secret Naughtymancy guild was formed?" you then question.

"It's possible... but my instinct tells me these are shockamancers not croakamancers..." Dotti revealed.

"Between leaving me to drag Cadaver the rest of the way while you go with a winning smile openly strike a friendly conversation with that hooded caster;
And we plopping Cadaver across the portal, and both of us openly friendly going to talk with him;
Which would think wisest?
We should loudly highlight that Cadaver just leveled and will recover next turn.." you ask.

"Everything is best with numbers I suggest we stick together..." Dotti answers.

Between the two of you you then quickly drag Cadaver back to Fanon's portal while having the constant feeling of being watched. As soon as you reach the portal you hastily shove Cadaver through before turning in an attempt to confront your pursuer. As soon as you take a step in the hooded casters direction though he quickly retreats and dashes out of sight.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=213068#p213068)

You and Dotti step back through the portal and after a brief feeling of disorientation you find yourself back inside Fanon's portal room. Cadaver is there being held up by a scout who undoubtedly found him after he was shoved through the portal. Giving the scout instructions to take Cadaver to his room you then set about retrieving rations. The first you give to Dotti while you take five for yourself. You then head up the stairs and in to the tower. Once there you begin drawing juice in order to create rands. Briefly pausing to eat a piece of fruit before creating the next rand.

6 fruit consumed. 50 juice used from tower. 5 Rands gained

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (http://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=213460#p213460)

"Dotti, I'm thinking now of carrying Cadaver to the thinkamancers, to expose to them the unduly ways thinkamancy seems to be being used by the Dark One. What do you think of that?" you declare.

"If that is what you wish to do your highness than I would be willing to accompany you" Dotti replies

"And also, how about calling AC to accompany us? To dissuade the apparent shockamancers that were spying on us, or directly contact them afterwards?" you then ask.

"I could do that sire, but keep in mind AC is not under contract and may wish to be compensated for his assistance" Dotti replied.

"Dotti, how is your Juice looking? I'm completely spent, so no Hobokens from me. But we have these two animated weapons that allow us to use our puny 7+3 Combat (+stack) at a distance, but... is this wise? Should we be considering attacking another caster in the MK? Running should be our first choice if attacked no? (And yelling, loudly)"

"I have 40 juice left, enough for a single Hoboken" Dotti replies. "I would carefully consider the implicit signamancy of bringing weapons in to the magic kingdom before making your decision..." she then declares. "If you were to croak a free caster while in the magic kingdom without proof that you were attacked first then you would be at risk of being barred from the magic kingdom or executed" Dotti explains.

"Hmm, Dotti? As a Signamancer, how good are you at detecting lies? If we ask AC to accompany us, and ask him about the shady casters, and if he's one of them, how confident are you that you could realise it?" you question.

"I am well versed in detecting falsehoods there are of course some that could slip lies past me such as experienced foolamancers but not many" Dotti replies. "I would however be careful of accusing AC of anything if you still desire to use his services in future" she then added.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=214396#p214396)

"I'm still uncertain if we should go to the Magic Kingdom this turn, but in any case, would you call AC here?" asks Erfman

"Very well Sire I shall send word to AC that you wish to speak to him..." Dotti declares as she takes out a piece of parchment and a quill and quickly writes a note before tucking it in to an envelope which she then writes AC, The Dwunken Dwagon, the naughty corner on before posting it through the portal. At the questioning look you give her Dotti smiles "I left the messenger bird instructions to wait for me at the portal and deliver any messages that are sent through" She explains.

You wait for a short while during which time Dotti engages you in polite conversation but eventually AC steps through the portal wearing his usual armour.


Taking advantage of the situation you reach out with your dollamantic senses and glance at his armour. Juice has been used to reinforce it and raise its defence but it also seems to provide basic protection against shockamancy. To learn any more you would have to expend juice.

"Hi AC, thank you for coming again this turn, I hope we didn't interrupt some of your other dealings, and we apologize if we did." you declare as AC approaches.

AC merely shrugs his shoulders "I'd already spent most of my juice for the turn in your city so I was just waiting for the turn to end." AC replies. "So what did you want from me you already know I don't have much juice left?" AC then asks.

"Did Dotti tell you? Cadaver suffered some thinkamantic magical backlash and is incapacitated for the turn, he will recover on his own tho. We would like to take him to the thinkamancers for their inspection, but noted some hooded casters, apparently shockamancers, following us in turn in the MK. Since the caster wouldn't talk to us, but dashed away when we made a motion to talk, we were thinking if you wouldn't accompany us, on our way to the Temple and back, and help clear any misunderstanding up. A Rand for a stroll in the Park :) what do you say?" Erfman smiles genially.

"No I didn't hear but as long as he ain't gonna croak, that's the most important thing" AC replies. "Hmmm sounds like the Blitzers, mercenary lot. They will take work from anyone for a price even if it steps on the toes of other casters or bends a few rules..." AC replies "Mostly low level though they stick together so can be dangerous" AC adds. AC then shrugs his shoulders "Sure I'd be up for a stroll... they know better than to cause trouble for me" AC declares confidently.

Pondering on what additional buildings to build:

Golem cold storage - Stores golems at no juice cost, but the golem can use no move that turn
Advanced Jail- holds more prisoners than two Advanced Prison 20 stone, 32 actions 16 prisoner capacity
Golem storage 20 wood, 24 actions or 20 stone, 32 actions - 64 light golem capacity

Pondering on researching a Golem Sleep Spell, you have a few ideas how you could deactivate a golem using an offensive spell however you suspect that deactivating one of your own golems may be a lot simpler.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=214404#p214404)
Pondering alternative sources of wood, Erfman evaluates the following:
Piker Spears x14 = ~1 wood
Archer Bows x19 = ~1 wood
Ogwe Club x2 = ~ 6 wood

So if you used them as a resource for constructing buildings you'd get about 8 wood out of all of that.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=214445#p214445)
Feeling more prepared for your trek through the magic kingdom you and AC take one of Cadaver's arms each before once again stepping through the portal with Dotti following closely behind. You feel a sense of disorientation before you once again find yourself in portal park. Once in portal park Dotti takes the lead and begins leading you in the direction of the Thinkamancers.

It is not long until you once again get the feeling of being watched, while some of it seems to be genuine curiosity at the fact your dragging around an incapacitated unit there are also others paying you closer scrutiny. Dotti gives a subtle cough and the slightest twitch of her head indicating in the direction of a particular caster. This time the caster is not hooded but you catch sight of him following the same route as you are one too many times for it to be pure coincidence.

You however manage to reach the area that the Thinkamancers call home without interruption. Before you can begin approaching the temple of the Thinkamancers however a caster wearing heavy grey armour and carrying a long staff strides towards you. The caster is heavily built, dark skinned and bears the symbol of an eye on his forehead. "That's Jafa a high level Shockamancer hired by the Thinkamancers..." Dotti whispers as the unit approaches.

"Hold! State your business!" Jafa barks as he physically blocks your path.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=214462#p214462)
"Greetings, my name is Erfman of the side of Fanon, this is Cadaver a barbarian caster. Cadaver has suffered what appears to be thinkamantic magical backlash from what we believe was an illegal use of Thinkamancy from a caster on the side of Darkside".
Erfman extends his pinky and states "I ready to pinky swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about this matter this turn."

"I believe the Great Minds shall be interested in inspecting Cadaver for confirmation of my suspicions, and I'm here with Cadaver to provide them with that opportunity." Erfman states clearly.

Jafa patiently listens as you explain why you are here. "Non Thinkamancers are not allowed in the temple you will wait here while I signal one of the Thinkamancers" Jafa responds. The Shockamancer guard then points skywards and a small amount of shockamancy is released from his fingertip and shoots skywards making a brief flash of green light in the air.

A short while later a female caster wearing light blue clothing and with dark curly hair casually strolls in your direction.

"Greetings friends how can I help you?" she greets offering a pleasant smile and a slightly concerned look in Cadaver's direction.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=214689#p214689)
Erfman smiles and starts more affably than before, "Greetings, my name is Erfman, King of the newly refounded side of Fanon. This here is Cadaver, a barbarian Croakamancy we've generously employed and who will recover at dawn. You may have already met Dotti, barbarian Signamancer, and AC, barbarian Shockamancer." you begin by way of greeting. Dotti offers a slight smiles and a tilt of her head as you introduce her while AC just grunts.

"A pleasure to meet you all I am Deanna, barbarian Thinkamancer and liaison to the Great Minds" The Thinkamancer replies. "It is a rare pleasure to meet a king, rulers so very rarely enter the magic kingdom themselves..." she declares.

Introductions complete, Erfman extends his pinky and states solemnly "I hereby pinky swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the following matter relating to Cadaver's incapacitation" you declare abruptly.

Deanna seems surprised by the sudden pinky swear but soon recovers her composure.

"We've captured uncroaked units from the side of Dark Side; At our tower, the uncroaked were brought one by one in prisoner' shackles, Cadaver cast Seize Uncroaked two times successfully​, on his third uncroaked he gasped and collapsed incapacitated; The uncroaked at that moment was repatriated, with no other Darkside units present." you begin to explain.

Deanna nods and motions for you to continue.

"We've taken Cadaver to The House of Healing and the Healomancer Hippo Crates diagnosed him with incapacitation resulting from a badly broken link. This is really bizarre, since he wasn't in a link up at the time, the enemy never entered our hex, and the only thinkamancer in our battle space we know of is the captured Lady Shipping of Fanon. We have come to see if there is aid which could be acquired from the Thinkamancers on this matter." you finish.

"Hmmm I'm sure this Hippo Crates is good at his craft but perhaps he is mistaken" Deanna replied calmly. "May I?" she then asked as she reached out in Cadaver's direction.

As you agree she then reaches out and places her hand upon Cadaver's head. "Hmmm... aah yes... there is indeed some similarities between the damage done to this units mind and the backlash damage from a poorly broken link." she declares. "You said that he was casting a croakamancy spell when this occurred correct? Could you tell me the mechanics of this spell?" she then questioned.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=214703#p214703)

"Perhaps we could invite another barbarian Croakamancer to better enlighten​ us. In any case, what we've seen is a spell that turns uncroaked to our side. Cadaver said he would need at minimum 25 Juice for an attempt at seizing a basic type of uncroaked, and that more advanced uncroaked should take at least 100 Juice if not more per attempt. He also showed us in our last battle a mass version of the spell, albeit only two uncroaked of a stack were turned in the middle of that battle, when all previous attempts by Cadaver at seizing single uncroaked were successful (hm, 3 or 4?). He also mentioned that the closer he was to his quarry, and the farther the enemy Croakamancer was, the easiest it would be to seize."

Erfman then pauses remembering that infinite moment that is spellcasting, and describes it to the Thinkamancer

"Hmm, also I now remember I actually cast the spell once from a scroll.. It felt like..."

"I see... I am no expert on Croakamancy but I believe there is a connection between the uncroaked and the croakamancer that created them. What this spell seems to do is sever the connection to the creator and replace it with a connection to the caster of the spell. Now this is just a theory but I believe what may have happened by accident or deliberate act is that Cadaver was it? Formed a connection with the enemy croakamancer and it was this connection that caused the magical backlash. Perhaps it was an accident, perhaps a deliberate attack by the enemy caster but it may have even incapacitated the other croakamancer as well..." Deanna thought out loud.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=214737#p214737)
"Do you have any idea for a magical way for us to find out if it incapacitated the other croakamancer too?" you question.

"I could thinkagram the other caster, I would know if they were unable to respond due to being incapacitated. Of course you would need to know the name of the caster and the name of their side..." Deanna replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=214741#p214741)
"Oh! That easy?! And if they don't pick up It wouldn't cost Juice would it?!" Erfman excitedly exclaims

"Would you be so kind as to try? To contact the caster Dark One from the side Darkside" you request.

"Such a Thinkagram would cost 2 rands" she replies with a smile. "I presume if the caster responds you do not want me to convey a message..." Deanna asks in return.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255917#p255917)


The entirety of the erf shakes and the world is whited out in an incredibly bright white light as though a titanic blast of thunder was released and unleashed upon the land. Briefly there is a moment of static and nothingness as the very laws of the world itself rewrite itself...

...and then everything returns to normal as though nothing had ever happened. (And as far as the Erfworlders were concerned nothing had changed things were as they always had been)


(From this point forwards a major retcon has taken place. This game will now use Cyper’s base mechanics/rulebase (with some differences). Any rule or mechanic or stats discovered before this point may now have changed.)

2019-10-13, 04:55 PM
Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Compilation of Game Thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255910#p255910)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255925#p255925)

Turn 15(in progress)



Side: Fanon

Capital City Fanon City 00.00
Level 1 (6,000 to upgrade to level 2)
City Zone upgrade 2/2 (Walls lv1, Tower lv1)
Building Slots 2/4 (Basic stable, Workshop)
Tower lv1 50/200 (Hoboken x2)
Income 1000/ 2000 Managed
Treasury: 61s

Tower: Level 1
Dollamantic converter: The tower is able to convert juice to power Golems. Dollamancy Golems may pay upkeep in schmuckers or juice.
Caster Bonus: Spells cast while in the tower are cast at caster level +1
Arrow slits: The tower is lined with enough arrow slots to allow 16 single stacked archers to fire at once. Workshop (1 building slot used. Provides a bonus to crafting and spell research.)
Garrison:Armoury (provides no bonus)
Basic Barracks (provides no bonus)
Basic Stables (allows the popping of riding goats. 1 building slot used)
Basic library (provides no bonus)
City Zone:Dwellings (provides no bonus)
Storehouse (provides no bonus)
Larder (provides no bonus)
Walls: Level 1
Dungeons: Level 0
Portal room: (basic, provides access to magic kingdom)
Cells: 1 (crude cavern, low security) Capacity 2/2

Farm level 0 (ash): Rations produced per turn: 0. Rations produced in this farm will automatically appear in the larder in Fanon. Cost to upgrade 1000s.

Mine level 5: Resources produced per turn: 25. Resources produced by this mine will automatically appear in the storehouse. Cost to upgrade N/A. Mineable resources; Gems, Ore, Coal, ???

Loot / Gear


Fruit x32
Deseeded fruit x1
Fruit seeds x29
Rations (produced by farm) x2
Meat rations x0
Pine cone x0
stabber chunks x2


Weighted capture net x3
Shockamancy sword x1
Battle axe x1
Piker Spears x14
Archer Bows x19
Stabber Swords x40
Warlords sword x1
Ogwe Club x2
Crude Gobwin axe x5
Ogwe armour x1
stabber armour x1


Store House

Stone x15
Pebbles x1
Wood x0
Wool x3
dirt x8
Metal Ore x0
Branches from a Bush x1
Goat Hide x1

Other loot

Powerball x1
Leather case x1
Fanon area map x1
Shears x1
Harvesting claw x1
Tent x1


King Erfman
Level 4 Dollamancer (Adept) Shockamancer (Novice)
Combat: 3 (4) Defence: 3 Hits: 9 Move: 9
Juice: 7/400
Upkeep: 150s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Caster - Dollamancy, Noble, Infected
Purse: 0s 5 rands
Equipped: Craftman's +1 Hammer (Dollamantic focus), Motion Goggles, Duds
Exp: 36/50

Level 2 Croakamancer (Novice)
Combat: 3 (4) Defence: 2 Hits: 7 Move: 8
Juice: 200/200
Upkeep: 110s (+100s contracted pay) - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Caster - Croakamancy
Purse: 175s
Equipped: Sickle +1 (Croakamantic focus), Croakamancy Helm
Exp: 9/24

Level 2 Dwyad Fey Knight
Combat:4 Defence: 4 Hits: 9 Move: 8
Juice: 100/100
Upkeep: 210s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Natural Caster (Flower Power / Dateamancy), Forest capable, Knight, Forest Fighter, One with the land, Thorns
Equipped: Piker Spear
Exp: 9/24

Level 2 Warlord
Combat:5 Defence: 5 Hits: 11 Move: 8
Upkeep: 130s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special Leadership, Shared curse, Carnyed - scroll user
Exp: 14/24

Sir Bob
Level 3 Lancer (Knight)
Combat: 5 (6) Defence: 5 Hits: 10 Move: 9
Upkeep: 120s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Lancer, Knight
Equipped: Pikers +1 Spear

Level 2 FarStrider (Knight)
Combat: 4(5) Defence: 4 Hits: 9 Move: 16
Upkeep: 110s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Scout, Knight, Sneak attack
Equipped: +1 Sword
Exp: 10/24

Level 2 Sniper (Knight)
Combat: 5 (6) Defence: 4 Hits: 9 Move: 8
Upkeep: 110s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Archery, Knight, Rapid Shot
Equipped: +1 Bow
Exp: 11/24

Bulls eye
Level 1 Archer
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits: 6 Move: 0
Upkeep: 7s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Archery, Garrison
Exp: 0/8

Dead shot
Level 1 Archer
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits: 6 Move: 0
Upkeep: 7s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Archery, Garrison
Exp: 0/8

Level 1 Archer
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits: 6 Move: 0
Upkeep: 7s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Archery, Garrison
Exp: 0/8

Level 1 Stabber
Combat:2 Defence: 2 Hits: 6 Move: 8
Upkeep: 14s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Exp: 0/8

Level 1 Stabber
Combat: 2 Defence:2 Hits: 6 Move: 8
Upkeep: 14s- upkeep paid for turn 15
Exp: 0/8

Chief Bowie
Level 3 Gobwin Chief
Combat: 6 (7) Defence: 4 Hits: 12 Move: 9
Upkeep: 140s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Sapper, Tunnel Fighting, Tribal Command
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe, Dark Breastplate
Exp: 36/48

Level 2 Gobwin
Combat: 3 Defence: 2 Hits:6 Move: 8
Upkeep: 35s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Sapper, Tunnel Fighting

Level 1 Ogwe
Combat: 7 Defence:4(6) Hits: 14 Move: 6(4)
Upkeep: 100s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Heavy, Siege
Equipped: Ogwe Armour, Ogwe shield
Exp: 0/8

Heavy Dervish Golem
Combat: 8 Defence: 6 Hits: 18 Move: 0
Juice Charge: 5
Upkeep: 165
Special: Garrison, Golem, Heavy, Two Weapon fighting, Dervish Dance

Reinforced Wood Golem
Combat: 4 (5) Defence: 6 Hits: 14 Move: 8
Juice Charge: 0
Upkeep: 110
Special: Heavy, Golem
Equipped: +1 Animated Gobwin Axe

Wood Golem
Combat: 2 Defence: 2 (4) Hits: 8 Move: 8 (6)
Juice Charge: 0
Upkeep: 20
Equipped: modified Piker armor, crude Gobwin Axe, metal shield

The Luggage
Luggage Golem
Combat: 1 Defence: 2 Hits: 8 Move: 14
Juice Charge: 0
Upkeep: 60
Special: Carnyed - Bigger on the inside, Dollamancy - moving parts, Capture, Mountain Capable,

Long Range Knitted Messenger Bird
Combat: 0 Defence: 1 Hits: 1 Move: 20
Juice Charge: 80
Upkeep: 30
Special: Flight, Golem

Long Range Knitted Messenger Bird - staying in mine hex
Combat: 0 Defence: 1 Hits: 1 Move: 20
Juice Charge: 80
Upkeep: 30
Special: Flight, Golem

Level 3 War Goat
Combat:6 Defence: 5 Hits: 14 Move: 11
Upkeep: 140- upkeep paid for turn 15
Special:Grazer, Mountain Capable, Heavy, Mount
Equipped: Woolly Saddle

Level 2 Billy Goat
Combat: 3Defence: 2 Hits:9 Move: 10
Upkeep: 45 - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Grazer, Mountain Capable, Mount
Exp: 9/24

Level 2 Hog
Combat: 3 Defence: 2 Hits:11 Move: 8
Upkeep: 45 - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Forest Capable, Feral Rager
Exp: 12/24

Level 2 Hog
Combat: 3 Defence: 2 Hits:11 Move: 8
Upkeep: 45 - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Forest Capable, Feral Rager

Level 2 Scout
Combat:1 Defence: 1 Hits: 5 Move: 14
Upkeep: 14s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Scout
Exp: 9/24

Level 2 Scout
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits:5 Move: 14
Upkeep: 14s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Scout
Exp: 9/24

Level 2 Scout
Combat:1 Defence: 1 Hits: 5 Move: 14
Upkeep: 14s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Scout
Exp: 9/24

Level 2 Scout
Combat: 1 Defence:1 Hits: 5 Move: 14
Upkeep: 14s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Scout
Exp: 9/24

Level 2 Scout
Combat:1 Defence:1 Hits: 5 Move: 14
Upkeep: 14s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Scout
Exp: 9/24

Level 2 Scout
Combat:1 Defence: 1 Hits:5 Move: 14
Upkeep: 14s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Scout
Exp: 9/24

Level 2 Scout
Combat: 1 Defence:1 Hits: 5 Move: 14
Upkeep: 14s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Scout

Level 1 Scout
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits: 5 Move: 12
Upkeep: 12s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Scout
Exp: 0/8

Level 1 Knight
Combat:5 (6) Defence:4 Hits: 8 Move: 8
Croakamantic decay state: 10/10 (III)
Special Knight, Uncroaked
Equipped: +1 Sword

Uncroaked Knight
Level 1 Knight
Combat: 5 Defence: 4 Hits: 8 Move: 8
Croakamantic decay state: 10/10 (III)
Special Knight, Uncroaked

Level 2 Gobwin Knight
Combat: 6 (7) Defence: 4 Hits: 9 Move: 8
Croakamantic decay state: 10/10 (III)
Special: Knight, Uncroaked
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe

Level 2 Gobwin Knight
Combat: 6 (7) Defence: 4 Hits: 9 Move: 8
Croakamantic decay state: 10/10 (III)
Special: Knight, Uncroaked
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe

Uncroaked Piker
Level 1 Piker
Combat: 1 Defence:2 Hits: 6 Move: 8
Croakamantic decay state: 9/10
Special Uncroaked

Uncroaked Archer
Level 1 Archer
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits: 6 Move: 8
Croakamantic decay state: 9/10
Special Archery, Uncroaked

Uncroaked Archer
Level 1 Archer
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits: 6 Move: 8
Croakamantic decay state: 9/10
Special Archery, Uncroaked

Uncroaked Archer
Level 1 Archer
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits: 6 Move: 8
Croakamantic decay state: 9/10
Special Archery, Uncroaked

Uncroaked Archer
Level 1 Archer
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits:6 Move: 8
Croakamantic decay state: 9/10
Special Archery, Uncroaked

In the Magic Kingdom

Dotti Crosst
Level 2 Signamancer (Novice)
Combat: 3 Defence: 2 Move:8 Hits: 7 Juice: 200/200
Upkeep: 110s - upkeep paid for turn 15
Special: Caster - Signamancy
Exp: 16/24

Dotti's messenger
Knitted Messenger Bird
Combat: 0 Defence: 1 Hits: 1 Move: 12
Juice Charge: 42
Upkeep: 20
Special: Flight

Level 2 Warlord - 120s
Level 1 Knight - 100s
Stinger - 40s
Stinger - 40s
Stabber x10 (10x14s) 240s
Archer x4 (4x14s) 56s

(Current location: Magic Kingdom, Eyemancy octant, outside Thinkamancer’s Temple)

(Unit’s present: Erfman, Dotti Crosst - Barbarian signamancer (MK representative for Fanon), AC - Barbarian Shockamancer, Cadaver - Barbarian croakamancer (under contract with Fanon, incapacitated), Jafa- Barbarian Shockamancer (hired by the great minds), Deanna - Barbarian Thinkamancer (liaison to the great minds))

Deanna blinks and shakes her head slightly before a pleasant smile crosses her lips. ”I’m sorry about that I must have zoned out there for a second. “ She replies sheepishly.

”So I believe we were discussing this Dark One who incapacitated your croakamancer friend while he was attempting to gain control of some uncroaked” Deanna recaps.

”Do you still wish for me to attempt to contact him via Thinkagram to confirm if he has been incapacitated as well?” the Thinkamancer then questions. ”If so what is the message you wish for me to convey if he does indeed answer?” she asks.

"Deanna, I wouldn't want to impose, but would you kindly tell me if my thought process is at fault (as it will weight in on which services we'd hire today)? Given the goal of talking to Lady Shipping without being listened in by her current ruler the Dark One
if we attempt to call the Dark One, and he *is* incapacitated we may get to talk to Lady Shipping (as a side's thinkamancer she might take the call) and could then get a rare chance to talk to her without the Dark One listening in

However, if the Dark One isn't incapacitated he perhaps may choose to have the Thinkamancer get the call anyway and we wouldn't know the difference"

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255940#p255940)
Deanna pauses for a moment and bites her lip slightly as she thinks of how to respond. ”When a Thinkamancer initiates a Thinkagram they are able to connect to the mind of a specific unit. Another Thinkamancer may be able to intercept the gram but not until the two minds have made contact will she know that there is a Thinkagram that she needs to intercept. In that brief moment I should be able to tell whether this Dark One is conscious or not even if the call is then immediately intercepted or terminated” Deanna carefully explains.

"Very good to know Deanna" says Erfman looking relieved. "We'll be definitely paying for a thinkagram to the Dark One then, we just need to figure out what should be said if he actually is up and picks up the call..." pondering rubbing his chin

"Deanna, this is just a supposition, and I do not wish to cause offence (note that I'm very new in the Magic Kingdom and uncertain of its customs) but should this event with Cadaver actually had been a purposeful attack from the Dark One's part through thinkamancy channels, would it be in any way fair to say 'the thinkamancers of the magic kingdom have detected your unorthodox Thinkamantic use and are displeased.' ?" says he a little bit anxiously

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255949#p255949)

A thoughtful look briefly crosses Deanna’s face as she considers what to say next. ”From what you have described and from what I have seen I would not say this is the result of an application of thinkamancy per se... thinkamancy after all is not capable of remote incapacitation. It is far more likely that this croakamancy spell creates a vulnerability that Cadaver was not aware of or ignored” Deanna replied carefully.

While listening to Deanna’s reply Dotti who was standing to Erfman’s side twitches slightly but does not comment.

”Without any further evidence of wrongdoing I am afraid that the great minds would not be willing to declare the ruler of a sovereign side as an enemy or subject them to any sanctions... I will however put a case to the great minds that the Darkside should at least be put under observation.” Deanna explains in a soft voice.

”I am however still willing to attempt to make contact if you still wish me to do so” Deanna then offers. ”I would be willing to say that we would like permission to invite their Thinkamancer to visit the temple if he responds. This after all is in part true. As we would appreciate it if the Thinkamancer were to visit. “ Deanna continues.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255957#p255957)
"Oh! That is a great suggestion! Very well, I think I'm ready" Erfman declares.

”Very good then I will attempt to contact the Darkone...” Deanna replies. ”If I get a response I will project using some minor foolamancy. Do not worry you will be able to see him but he will not be able to see you” Deanna explains ”You also need not worry about talking he will only hear what I send but try not to distract me too much” Deanna continues.

”If you are ready then I will begin!” Deanna declares as she places two fingers to her temple and a look of concentration crosses her face.

”He is conscious” Deanna declares with a slight frown. ”The call is being intercepted...” she quickly adds.

The Thinkamancer then holds both arms out and a semi transparent blue image of the head of a young woman with her hair tied back in a pony tail suddenly appears floating in mid air.

”Greetings on behalf of the Dark Side this is Lady Shipping the sides Thinkamancer what business do you have with the Dark One?” the floating head questions.

”Ah hello Lady Shipping I am Deanna Twy liaison of the great minds who think alike, it is actually concerning you personally who we would like to talk to the Dark One about. The Great Minds wish to request your presence in the temple of the Thinkamancers...” Deanna replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255974#p255974)

”Thank you Deanna I would of course be honoured to meet the Great Minds” the image of Lady Shipping replied. ”That is however something that the Dark One must give me to permission to do...” Lady Shipping replied. ”One moment, I will see if he is available” She then declared.

The image of Lady Shipping then vanished and a short while later was replaced by the image of a handsome man with a strong jawline, short dark hair and piercing eyes.

”Greetings Deanna Twy, my Thinkamancer has informed me of you’re request...” The image began in a powerful and commanding voice. ”I would of course like to cooperate with the Great Minds request however I am afraid Lady Shipping is of vital strategic importance to the side and can not be spared from her post at this time” the man explained. ”I would however be willing to receive a representative of the Great Minds and transport them via mount to Lady Shipping's current position.” the man then offered. ”I could have an escort ready to guide a representative to Darkside’s portal next turn...” he continued.

Deanna pauses and glances in Erfman’s direction before continuing.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256017#p256017)
”Is there anyway for the Dark one to hear one message and shipping to hear another?” Erfman asks from his position watching the Thinkagram.

”That would be rather unorthodox...” Deanna replies to Darkone by the Thinkagram, ”I would have to present your proposal to the Great Minds and they would have to decide” Deanna continues before turning to face Erfman.

”I could send a message on a channel only a Thinkamancer could receive but Lady Shipping could still choose to pass it on to the Dark One...” Deanna hastily replies. ”Decide quickly what it is you wish for me to say, the Dark One may break the call soon!” Deanna then warns.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256025#p256025)

”Maybe ask if Lady Shipping is currently very busy. When would be a good time for her to come to the Magic kingdom?” Erfman suggests.

Deanna quirks an eyebrow at Erfman’s suggestion. ”Do you wish for me to reveal who the message is from?” She hastily queries.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256073#p256073)
”Yes you may reveal that the message is from me...” Erfman replies getting the barest of nods from Deanna in return.

”I see, very well then I will be in touch once the Great Minds have reached their conclusion, may you have a pleasant turn” Deanna declares speaking to the floating man’s head before it fades away.

”Lady Shipping wishes for me to remind you that as a unit of the Dark Side her duty prevents her from revealing sensitive information to an opposing side” Deanna begins as she turns to face Erfman. ”She said and I quote were the Dark One ever to change his mind and allow her to enter the Magic Kingdom then she would not be allowed to share the scheduling of such events nor the information on any escorts she would likely be sent with...” Deanna continues. ”She also stressed that were the Dark One to discover that you were pursuing the ONE caster from old Fanon that he managed to obtain then he would be most displeased. She suggested that you cease your attempts to repatriate former fanon units IN the Magic Kingdom” Deanna recounts.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256078#p256078)
"Thank you so much, Deanna" Erfman says as the conversation draws to a close.

”You’re Welcome, it was a pleasure doing business with you” Deanna replies. ”If you ever need us again you know where to find us...” Deanna adds pleasantly.

Turning to Dotti and AC,
"I think it's time to go back to Fanon, yes?" Erfman then questions. Both Dotti and AC shrug and follow along while helping to support the unconscious Cadaver with the armoured form of Jafa following a short distance behind to make sure the group actually leave.

"Dotti, how easy juice-wise is it for you to craft a simple Non Disclosure Agreement (so everything spoken in Fanon cannot be shared outside of Fanon)?" Erfman questions as they head back towards the portal.

”A simple non disclosure contract? They’re really quite easy...” Dotti replies ”In fact I should have enough juice leftover to make one this turn” She adds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256129#p256129)


You are aware of Natural non aggression pacts and thanks to your abilities as a ruler instinctively know how to form one using natural signamancy. You are aware that while a natural Non Aggression Pact is in effect a side or unit in a pact would not be able to take aggressive actions against those they are in a pact with. A natural Non Aggression Pact however can be cancelled unilaterally with only ones turns notice. When one side decides to end a pact the other side becomes instantly aware of that fact.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256142#p256142)

"AC, that was a lovely stroll. Thanks for the piece of mind that your simple presence afforded us.
Now that we've found to have watchers, and enemies in the MK, I think we should institute a policy to have all non-sided casters sign NDA's, so you can't be coerced into revealing details of the side. Would you be willing to sign one?" Erfman declares once they had passed through the portal and into Fanon.

”Depends if there’s any extra terms but in principle I have no problem with it. I’m no gossip anyway...” AC replies with a shrug of his shoulders.


"Dearest Dotti, could I impose upon your Juice once more? How many rands would you ask for the remaining of your Juice?" Erfman asks turning to face the signamancer.

”Well as I said earlier I have already used most of my juice but if all you wanted was a simple piece of Contract work I suppose I could do it for a rand” Dotti replies.

"Also, it seems to me that the Natural Non-Aggression Pact seems perfect to have with non-allied barbarian casters. It's main limitation when dealing with sides, to be able to be dissolved with only a turns' notice, seems terribly adequate between two individuals.
However, can they be broken at a moments notice? Do you know?" Erfman then questions.

Dotti for a moment looks a little uncomfortable about the question but quickly schools her features. ”Under normal circumstances a non aggression pact would be very difficult to break...” Dotti begins ”but not impossible...” she finally admits. ”Think of it like this if you were to order one of your side’s infantry units to do something then they would be compelled to follow that order yet there could be certain circumstances where this compulsion is not absolute... a non aggression pact is much like this...” Dotti explains. ”Also a cunning opponent could still find ways to cause you harm despite the constraints of a non aggression pact.” Dotti continues.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256165#p256165)

"That sounds strong enough to prevent barbarian casters from attacking us on a whim" says Erfman sounding satisfied.

"Would you then spell up a simple NDA that would protect Fanon's details for AC to sign?" *passes over a Rand*

”Certainly” Dotti replies with a smile as she pulls out a large pink feathered quill and a piece of parchment from seemingly nowhere. Dotti then begins to write in an elegant script as juice flows through the quill and in to the paper.

”There we go one non disclosure agreement!” Dotti then declares pushing the parchment forwards once she had finished writing. ”If you’d both like to sign here” she indicated pointing to a space at the bottom.


"Here you go AC; Shall we top this off with a Natural NAP?" Erfman then suggests to the Shockamancer.

”Sure I’ve got no problem with that” AC replies as your ruler senses suddenly become aware of an offer of non aggression.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256167#p256167)

We are aware that we may construct buildings by hand. Simple buildings yes. More advanced buildings you may attempt but you won’t know if you will successful until you try. Even more advanced buildings may require some juice in some way shape or form.

You could build a ‘Golem hub’ (basically a room for golem maintenance and charging) however it would require a significant investment of Erfman’s juice as well as wood and metal to create. It would pay the upkeep for 16 light garrison golems and allow them to stay active.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256170#p256170)

Retconning the golem cold storage.

Golem cold storage:

20 wood or stone plus 2 metal and 1 gem of equal or greater value of the total upkeep of the units you wish to store there. Juice equal to the value of the gem is also required to prepare it for use. (Please note the gem is not used up and can be taken away at any time and converted to shmuckers though it would cause the room to stop functioning)

Up to 32 light golems may be placed in to cold storage. A golem must be placed in to cold storage at the beginning of the turn after their upkeep has been paid and must take no further actions on that turn in order to pay no upkeep on subsequent turns. A golem is placed in to a specially made alcove and their juice is drained through metal wires in to a central gem where it is stored until the golems are reactivated. Once a golem leaves the alcove their juice is restored and they resume paying upkeep.

(think of Borg powering down in their alcoves)

(Please note Erfman has never built one of these and may not be successful first time)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256174#p256174)

Taking the quill Erfman signs the contract and passes it on to AC who after a brief glance of the terms likewise signs it before handing it back to Dotti.

”So now that I’m under non disclosure was there something more private you wanted to talk about?” AC asks with a slightly raised eyebrow.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256183#p256183)

To Dotti:
”You said before that healamancer would want 300 shmuckers for the cure to mummy rot. Do you think they would accept 2 rands as payment?” Erfman asks.

”Well I couldn’t say for certain but I would imagine the Healomancer would want 3 rands if that was your preferred payment method” Dotti replies.

To AC:
”A few turns ago I gained novice in shockamancy. Do you know how common this is and how easy it is to learn the shockamancy spells now?” Erfman asks the Shockamancer.

”Well to be honest it’s quite rare for a non Naughtymancer to become a novice in Shockamancy.” AC replies with a thoughtful look. ”Learn a spell or two yeah but gain novice I’ve only heard of a few who have and I have never met one before!” AC declares. ”You’ve either spent a huge pool of natural luckamancy in order to do so or your just naturally suited to using it...” AC continues.

”I couldn’t say how easy it will be for you to learn new spells. But if your willing to pay I don’t mind teaching you a spell or two...” AC then offers.

Offer Dotti and AC a fruit seed
”I'm not sure if this plant will grow in the MK, but if it does it will give you an emergency source of rations and a easy way to help out friends of yours in the MK.” Erfman then offers.

”Well I’m not sure how easy it will be to grow one without the help of a florist but Thank you” Dotti replies as she accepts the seed.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256189#p256189)

- Deseeding fruits no longer cost move
- Harvesting a hex for wood costs 4 move
- Planting seeds is now movement free.
- We can pop:
2 piker, 2 scout, 1 stabber or 1 archer, riding goats 1 per 2 turns

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256192#p256192)

- A single humanoid unit can carry 0.5 units of wood easily. Or 1 unit if they were to drag it but they would be at risk of gaining a fatigued status.
- A single humanoid can carry up to 24 fruits if carrying nothing else.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256193#p256193)

Plan to:
- collects all the fruits that are collectable
- Plants, or finishes planting 8 hexes

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256197#p256197)

Organising his units in to a well organised work force Erfman begins to send them out of the city with instructions to harvest fruit, plant seeds and collect lumber from the nearby hexes.

The fruit pickers return first each with a healthy looking sack filled with fruit which they drop off in the city’s larder filling it’s barrels with the delicious fruit.

A short while later those on wood cutting and carrying duties start to return one by one like a line of antz either with arms full of wood or dragging large logs behind them. After much effort they manage to get the wood in to the storehouse and all the unit’s make it back in to the city.

27 seeds used
30 fruit gained

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256213#p256213)

1)All units collect lumber from -01,00
2)1 unit spends 4 move to chop wood the other units then carry wood out of hex until all chopped wood gone before next unit spends 4 move to chop more wood. Then repeat.
3)Keep chopping until only 1 tree left in hex.

Only 1 unit spent 4 move chopping
22 gathered wood
Your units report that the forest hex looks a lot more sparse.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256203#p256203)

Scouting paths:
- Pink : 14 move scouts (report in -04.-04 to -04.-03)
- Purple : 12 move scout (in -04.03, he does a circuit of the hex, and reports to -04.02 pink scout bf moving further in)

Scout orders:
- Prioritize being safe (don't go into hex if enemy spotted; retreat to closest hex boundary if surprised by enemy)
- Collect fruit

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256205#p256205)

Barren hexes = 1 move
Plains = 1 move
Light forest = 1 move
Heavy forest = 2 move
Corrupted forests = 2 move
Hills = 3 move
Swamp = 3 move
Mountains = 6 move
Snow capped mountains = impassable

"How many trees were chopped down? How many trees were left? (So we monitor the rate of recovery of the hexes and don't over chop)"

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256215#p256215)

2 large trees and 7 small trees were cut down. Your units did not take an exact count of the remaining trees though what was cut down looked to be a little over half of all the trees that were there to start with.

2019-10-13, 04:56 PM
Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256225#p256225)

Fanon Side Stats

Treas at beg of last turn:
Gifts - Expend last tu:
Treas at end of last tu: 61s
Income 1000 (2000 managed)
Upkeep 2914 ( 33 after rations)
Treasury: 2028s

Turn 16

Side: Fanon

Capital City Fanon City 00.00
Level 1 (6,000 to upgrade to level 2)
City Zone upgrade 2/2 (Walls lv1, Tower lv1)
Building Slots 2/4 (Basic stable, Workshop)
Tower lv1 50/200 (Hoboken x2)
Income 1000/ 2000 Managed
Production: 2x Pikers

Tower: Level 1
Dollamantic converter: The tower is able to convert juice to power Golems. Dollamancy Golems may pay upkeep in schmuckers or juice.
Caster Bonus: Spells cast while in the tower are cast at caster level +1
Arrow slits: The tower is lined with enough arrow slots to allow 16 single stacked archers to fire at once. Workshop (1 building slot used. Provides a bonus to crafting and spell research.)
Garrison:Armoury (provides no bonus)
Basic Barracks (provides no bonus)
Basic Stables (allows the popping of riding goats. 1 building slot used)
Basic library (provides no bonus)
City Zone:Dwellings (provides no bonus)
Storehouse (provides no bonus)
Larder (provides no bonus)
Walls: Level 1
Dungeons: Level 0
Portal room: (basic, provides access to magic kingdom)
Cells: 1 (crude cavern, low security) Capacity 2/2

Farm level 0 (ash): Rations produced per turn: 0. Rations produced in this farm will automatically appear in the larder in Fanon. Cost to upgrade 1000s.

Mine level 5: Resources produced per turn: 25. Resources produced by this mine will automatically appear in the storehouse. Cost to upgrade N/A. Mineable resources; Gems, Ore, Coal, ???

Loot / Gear


Fruit x21
Deseeded fruit x1
Fruit seeds x2
Rations (produced by farm) x2
Meat rations x0
Pine cone x0
stabber chunks x0


Weighted capture net x3
Shockamancy sword x1
Battle axe x1
Piker Spears x14
Archer Bows x19
Stabber Swords x40
Warlords sword x1
Ogwe Club x2
Crude Gobwin axe x5
Ogwe armour x1
stabber armour x1


Store House

Stone x15
Pebbles x1
Wood x22
Wool x3
dirt x8
Metal Ore x0
Branches from a Bush x1
Goat Hide x1
Gems x25 (50s each)

Other loot

Powerball x1
Leather case x1
Fanon area map x1
Shears x1
Harvesting claw x1
Tent x1

King Erfman
Level 4 Dollamancer (Adept) Shockamancer (Novice)
Combat: 3 (4) [3] Defence: 3 [2] Hits: 9 [8] Move: 9 [8]
Juice: 400/400
Upkeep: 150s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Caster - Dollamancy, Noble, Infected (3)
Purse: 0s 2 rands
Equipped: Craftman's +1 Hammer (Dollamantic focus), Motion Goggles, Duds
Exp: 36/50

Level 2 Croakamancer (Novice)
Combat: 3 (4) Defence: 2 Hits: 7 Move: 8
Juice: 200/200
Upkeep: 110s - upkeep paid for turn 16
(+100s contracted pay) Special: Caster - Croakamancy
Purse: 175s
Equipped: Sickle +1 (Croakamantic focus), Croakamancy Helm
Exp: 9/24

Level 2 Dwyad Fey Knight
Combat: 4 Defence: 4 Hits: 9 Move: 8
Juice: 100/100
Upkeep: 210s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Natural Caster (Flower Power / Dateamancy), Forest capable, Knight, Forest Fighter, One with the land, Thorns
Equipped: Piker Spear
Exp: 9/24

Level 2 Warlord
Combat: 5 Defence: 5 Hits: 11 Move: 8
Upkeep: 130s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special Leadership, Shared curse, Carnyed - scroll user
Exp: 14/24

Sir Bob
Level 3 Lancer (Knight)
Combat: 5 (6) Defence: 5 Hits: 10 Move: 9
Upkeep: 120s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Lancer, Knight
Equipped: Pikers +1 Spear

Level 2 FarStrider (Knight)
Combat: 4 (5) Defence: 4 Hits: 9 Move: 16
Upkeep: 110s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Scout, Knight, Sneak attack
Equipped: +1 Sword
Exp: 10/24

Level 2 Sniper (Knight)
Combat: 5 (6) Defence: 4 Hits: 9 Move: 8
Upkeep: 110s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Archery, Knight, Rapid Shot
Equipped: +1 Bow
Exp: 11/24

Bulls eye
Level 1 Archer
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits: 6 Move: 0
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Archery, Garrison
Exp: 0/8

Dead shot
Level 1 Archer
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits: 6 Move: 0
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Archery, Garrison
Exp: 0/8

Level 1 Archer
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits: 6 Move: 0
Upkeep: 7s
Special: Archery, Garrison
Exp: 0/8

Level 1 Stabber
Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Hits: 6 Move: 8
Upkeep: 14s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Exp: 0/8

Level 1 Stabber
Combat: 2 Defence: 2 Hits: 6 Move: 8
Upkeep: 14s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Exp: 0/8

Unnamed Piker
Level 1 Piker
Combat: 1 Defence: 2 Hits: 6 Move: 8
Upkeep: 12 - popped this turn
Exp: 0/8

Unnamed Piker
Level 1 Piker
Combat: 1 Defence: 2 Hits: 6 Move: 8
Upkeep: 12s - popped this turn
Exp: 0/8

Chief Bowie
Level 3 Gobwin Chief
Combat: 6 (7) Defence: 4 Hits: 12 Move: 9
Upkeep: 140s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Sapper, Tunnel Fighting, Tribal Command
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe, Dark Breastplate
Exp: 36/48

Level 2 Gobwin
Combat: 3 Defence: 2 Hits:6 Move: 8
Upkeep: 35s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Sapper, Tunnel Fighting

Level 1 Ogwe
Combat: 7 Defence: 4(6) Hits: 14 Move: 6(4)
Upkeep: 100s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Heavy, Siege
Equipped: Ogwe Armour, Ogwe shield
Exp: 0/8

Heavy Dervish Golem
Combat: 8 Defence: 6 Hits: 18 Move: 0
Juice Charge: 0
Upkeep: 165 - deactivated
Special: Garrison, Golem, Heavy, Two Weapon fighting, Dervish Dance

Reinforced Wood Golem
Combat: 4 (5) Defence: 6 Hits: 14 Move: 8
Juice Charge: 0
Upkeep: 110 - deactivated
Special: Heavy, Golem
Equipped: +1 Animated Gobwin Axe

Wood Golem
Combat: 2 Defence: 2 (4) Hits: 8 Move: 8 (6)
Juice Charge: 0
Upkeep: 20 - deactivated
Equipped: modified Piker armor, crude Gobwin Axe, metal shield

The Luggage
Luggage Golem
Combat: 1 Defence: 2 Hits: 8 Move: 14
Juice Charge: 0
Upkeep: 60 - deactivated
Special: Carnyed - Bigger on the inside, Dollamancy - moving parts, Capture, Mountain Capable,

Long Range Knitted Messenger Bird
Combat: 0 Defence: 1 Hits: 1 Move: 20
Juice Charge: 50
Upkeep: 30 - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Flight, Golem

Long Range Knitted Messenger Bird - staying in mine hex
Combat: 0 Defence: 1 Hits: 1 Move: 20
Juice Charge: 50
Upkeep: 30 - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Flight, Golem

Level 3 War Goat
Combat: 6 Defence: 5 Hits: 14 Move: 11
Upkeep: 140- upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Grazer, Mountain Capable, Heavy, Mount
Equipped: Woolly Saddle

Level 2 Billy Goat
Combat: 3 Defence: 2 Hits: 9 Move: 10
Upkeep: 45 - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Grazer, Mountain Capable, Mount
Exp: 9/24

Level 2 Hog
Combat: 3 Defence: 2 Hits: 11 Move: 8
Upkeep: 45 - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Forest Capable, Feral Rager
Exp: 12/24

Level 2 Hog
Combat: 3 Defence: 2 Hits: 11 Move: 8
Upkeep: 45 - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Forest Capable, Feral Rager

Level 2 Scout
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits: 5 Move: 14
Upkeep: 14s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Scout
Exp: 9/24

Level 2 Scout
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits:5 Move: 14
Upkeep: 14s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Scout
Exp: 9/24

Level 2 Scout
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits: 5 Move: 14
Upkeep: 14s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Scout
Exp: 9/24

Level 2 Scout
Combat: 1 Defence:1 Hits: 5 Move: 14
Upkeep: 14s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Scout
Exp: 9/24

Level 2 Scout
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits: 5 Move: 14
Upkeep: 14s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Scout
Exp: 9/24

Level 2 Scout
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits: 5 Move: 14
Upkeep: 14s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Scout
Exp: 9/24

Level 2 Scout
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits: 5 Move: 14
Upkeep: 14s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Scout

Level 1 Scout
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits: 5 Move: 12
Upkeep: 12s
Special: Scout
Exp: 0/8

Level 1 Knight
Combat: 5 (6) Defence: 4 Hits: 8 Move: 8
Croakamantic decay state: 10/10 (II)
Special Knight, Uncroaked
Equipped: +1 Sword

Uncroaked Knight
Level 1 Knight
Combat: 5 Defence: 4 Hits: 8 Move: 8
Croakamantic decay state: 10/10 (II)
Special Knight, Uncroaked

Level 2 Gobwin Knight
Combat: 6 (7) Defence: 4 Hits: 9 Move: 8
Croakamantic decay state: 10/10 (II)
Special: Knight, Uncroaked
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe

Level 2 Gobwin Knight
Combat: 6 (7) Defence: 4 Hits: 9 Move: 8
Croakamantic decay state: 10/10 (II)
Special: Knight, Uncroaked
Equipped: +1 Gobwin Axe

Uncroaked Piker
Level 1 Piker
Combat: 1 Defence: 2 Hits: 6 Move: 8
Croakamantic decay state: 8/10
Special Uncroaked

Uncroaked Archer
Level 1 Archer
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits: 6 Move: 8
Croakamantic decay state: 8/10
Special Archery, Uncroaked

Uncroaked Archer
Level 1 Archer
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits: 6 Move: 8
Croakamantic decay state: 8/10
Special Archery, Uncroaked

Uncroaked Archer
Level 1 Archer
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits: 6 Move: 8
Croakamantic decay state: 8/10
Special Archery, Uncroaked

Uncroaked Archer
Level 1 Archer
Combat: 1 Defence: 1 Hits: 6 Move: 8
Croakamantic decay state: 8/10
Special Archery, Uncroaked

In the Magic Kingdom

Dotti Crosst
Level 2 Signamancer (Novice)
Combat: 3 Defence: 2 Move: 8 Hits: 7 Juice: 200/200
Upkeep: 110s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Caster - Signamancy
Exp: 16/24

Dotti's messenger
Knitted Messenger Bird
Combat: 0 Defence: 1 Hits: 1 Move: 12
Juice Charge: 42
Upkeep: 20
Special: Flight

Level 2 Warlord - 120s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Level 1 Knight - 100s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Stinger - 40s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Stinger - 40s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Stabber x10 (10x14s) 140s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Archer x4 (4x14s) 56s - upkeep paid for turn 16

Current Mental guidelines
- Save actions for magical tasks, have non-caster friends do non-magical tasks.
- Save juice and actions of planned construction task for after Nightfall (and don't forget to use all the Juice before Dawn, charging Tower if leftover)
- Claim all bodies after a battle and remove their equipment
- For every Dollamantic endeavor: Construct in Workshop, cast in Tower.
- Keep a unit by the portal at all times, with orders to report immediately if something comes through.
- Keep a unit in the garrison at all times.
- Whenever not otherwise engaged, golems guard portal and garrison instead of living units
- Juice usage should first come from Tower (Tower can always be recharged later if person-Juice not used)

Luggage guidelines:
- Keep corpses nude and boxed of to a side (separate from other gear)


Natural ally "Gobwins - Labyrinth tribe" contract

Contract with Dotti Crosst Barbarian signamancer to act as Fanon’s agent in the magic kingdom in exchange for guaranteed upkeep.

Contract of employment with Cadaver the Barbarian croakamancer for upkeep +50s+(25s x Cadaver’s level)

AC nondisclosure contract plus natural non aggression pact


Deciding to conserve shmuckers before the start of turn Erfman went around and deactivated the majority of his golems so that they would not cost upkeep. With that done he set up a guard detail for the Darkside Warlord and knight in Fanon’s dungeon as well as for the Darkside unit’s that were confined to dwellings in the city. With all that done Erfman then retired for the night.


After what felt like an age a new turn finally dawned for Erfman and the side of Fanon, this turn however did not start well for the Dollamancer turned King. He woke up quite suddenly as he broke out in an abrupt coughing fit as his body was wracked with pain. The simple act of getting out of bed was now extremely difficult and took a concerted effort. As Erfman was struggling to stand his ruler senses suddenly went off! The city was contested. He felt a few of his unit’s briefly engage in combat before the city was once again secure.

A short time later a knock on the door signalled the arrival of a scout. ”I’m sorry your highness while we were feeding the prisoners a prisoner managed to get lose. We managed to capture him again but in the confusion one of the dwellings was damaged...” the scout reports.

”Ummm forgive me for asking your majesty... but err but did you know your skins looking a little green...” the scout asked nervously.


Sometime later one of the newly popped Pikers approached the king. ”Sire Signamancer Dotti Crosst And Shockamancer AC have just arrived at the portal.” the Piker announced.

”Your majesty... your signamancy is positively shocking!” Dotti declared with a gasp.


After a breakfast of healthy fruit the scouts were equipped with a sack each and sent out of the city gates in order to scout the nearby hexes (as well as gather fruit).

36 fruit gained, final hex locations of Scouts and fruits:
A (-04,-04) 3 fruit
B (00,-01) 9 fruit
C (-01,04) 6 fruit
D (02,03) 6 fruit
E (00,-01) 9 fruit
F (-04,03) 3 fruit

Not long later scout reports start coming in.


(-06,02) - Scout unknown livery spotted
(-07,-07) - 4x Riding goats spotted
(-02,-03) - Spidew spotted
(00,-04) - flying feral spotted
(01,-03) - waven spotted
(02,-04) - waven spotted
(03,-04) - waven spotted
(02,03) - holes in ground observed

Map: https://www.rpgcrossing.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=81061&stc=1&d=1563860922
(Map Not yet updated)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Compilation of Game Thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255911#p255911)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256230#p256230)

- The tower may store raw juice. If the tower is not managed when the city comes under attack the juice will be released as raw blasts of Shockamancy equivalent in power to Hoboken.

To Dotti:
”It seems the mummy rot has taken hold this morning I awoke in a great deal of pain. I would like to hire a healamancer this turn. Would you and AC like to accompany me? Also dotti what would you want in exchange for your juice this turn?

”Certainly your highness I would not mind escorting you to the house of healing once again” Dotti replies.

”For my entire juice pool?” Dotti questions. ”Well for something that used that much of my juice I’d usually charge 400s or 4 rand” Dotti replies. ”Was there something specific you have in mind for me?” Dotti then questions.

To Cadaver:
Glad to see you up and about, you worried us last turn.Took you to see a healamancer just to make sure you would recover. Is there anything you can tell us about what happen? Erfman.

”Thank you for that...” Cadaver replies in a slightly weak and shaky voice.

”I believe I encountered the Dark One...” Cadaver then began. ”He appeared as a colossal uncroaked with burning eyes and he was surrounded by a noxious black aura. He called me a foolish novice and then with a wave of an armoured hand he cast me out and everything went black.” Cadaver explained.

To Grim and Mahogany:
Grim could you go talk with our captured units see if you can convince any of them to join the side? Also Mahogany is there anything you can do with your juice to boost his attempt or improve their feelings towards the side? Also could you tame the stingers? Grim afterwards will you tour the city please.

”I can try...” Grim replied ”Anything you want me to offer them?” Grim then asked.

Mahogany meanwhile shrugged her shoulders at the first question though when asked about the stingers she nodded her head.

”Sure I can do that...” Grim then replied when asked about managing the city.

To AC:
”Thank you again for escorting us last turn. We talked about you showing us a few spells. What would you want in exchange my friend.”

” Depends what is it that you want to learn? Reckon its easiest if we do this on a spell by spell basis” AC replied.

"AC, we need to the House of Healing, would you accompany me? I hope none of the not-so-hidden watchers attack us; but if the worst happens, and you need to protect me, you mentioned before 1000s as your usual battle pay? How many Rands would that be? And would it be fair for Battle pay only to be owed if actual battle happens?"

”Most casters will consider 100s equal to 1 Rand so 10 Rand ” should cover it. ”Hmmm how about 2 rand for escort duty in the MK with a bonus payment of 8 rand if there’s actual fighting” AC suggests.

Your hard working units once again sit down and begin the laborious task of deseeding fruit.

(21 fruit deseeded )

Titanic retcon being implemented. A unit may only pay their upkeep with rations four times per turn. (If you were to create 4th rand you would then have to start paying your upkeep with shmuckers)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256234#p256234)

Heading to wherever the stingers were kept Mahogany cautiously approaches with one arm held out in front of her. The first Stinger instantly calms down and a second later. Ding! A new unit has joined the side.

Level 1 Stinger
Combat: 3 Defence: 2 Hits: 8 Move: 16
Upkeep: 40
Special: Poison, Flight
Exp: 0/8

Mahogany 75/100 juice

The second stinger however was much more stubborn and continued to buzz loudly and thrash about as the Dwyad approached. Mahogany however was equally as determined and would not give up and was successful in the end though it cost her the rest of her juice.

Mahogany 0/100 juice

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256251#p256251)

Erfman blows out his cheeks "so many things! Are you willing? We'd start by 2 NDAs for your and Cadaver's protection" Erfman replies.

”Very well then we have an agreement, 4 rands for my exclusive services this turn” Dotti replies as she pulls out her pink quill and begins to carefully write out two new contracts one of which she signs before handing it over.

"That seems quite fair. How about we go even further?
You've offered your whole Juice pool yester-yesterturn for 5 rations, and yester-turn you were kind to take us on a stroll for 1 rand.
How about 6 Rands or Rations (your pick) to earmark your Juice for us, and escort duty in the MK? Then if battle does happen, you get 4 more Rations or Rands or 400s (your pick) to bring the total up to your battle pay?" Erfman offers

”So let me get this straight. You’re offering 6 rands a turn upped to 10 rands if there’s any combat involved?” AC questions. ”Sure I can live with those terms” AC agrees as he pushes himself up from a slightly slouched position and holds his hand out to shake.

- Scouts count in -01.00 this turn 2 large trees 5 small trees

- Mundane shield extra (+1 def -1 Damage die)

- Mundane armour extra (+1 def -2 move)

- Creating a magic item that grants a common special will use between 300 - 500 juice.

Grim heads out and first does a quick tour of the city managing it and increasing the amount of shmuckers it will produce this turn.

(Grim 4 move used)

The ex-Darkside Warlord then pays a visit to the prisoners confined to the dwellings in the city zone.

”Sorry couldn’t convince any more to turn yet...” Grim reports after he returns.


On a successful hit the unit has a random chance of inflicting the following. On a critical hit roll twice and take the better result

1-3) no added effect ( unit makes its save against the poison
4) unit takes a minus one to its defense score.
5) unit is staggered. It takes a minus two to its defense score and can no longer take AOO
6) unit is incapacitated and may croak at start of turn.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256261#p256261)

As the NDA's are made ready Erfman signs both of them
"Thank you so much Dotti; Now not only we're protected by these physical walls, but we also have walls in our minds!" Erfman declares with a satisfied smile.

Cadaver carefully signs his contract before Dotti offers a pleasant smile and a nod before collecting up the signed contracts.

"Please, let's all tuck in some more fruit and make some Rands." Erfman declares.

AC and Dotti both look at Erfman in surprise at the request. ”Huh hiring us to actually make the money to pay us with... well that’s a new one...” AC comments with a hint of amusement in his voice.

”I hope you don’t expect me to eat this much fruit every turn...” Dotti comments with a slight smile. ”A Lady has her signamancy to maintain after all...” Dotti adds.

The four casters then tuck in to a small feast of fruit pausing every so often to expend some juice and create a rand. By the end of the process the four casters are feeling full and Erfman is 12 rands richer.

(12 deseeded fruit consumed, 12 rands gained)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256270#p256270)

"Oops, I do not wish to cause offence." Erfman exclaims looking surprised himself. "Please, all my requests to you will always be that: requests; and I humbly ask that you be very frank in letting me know when one such request is unsavoury, so we can iterate to a request that is not so.
Our relationship is important to me.
I may be level 4 and a King, but I am still very young and naive in many ways." say Erfman.

”Oh King Erfman you’re so easy to tease sometimes...” Dotti replies while shaking her head in amusement. ”But there was a hint of truth to what I said, if done too often over eating can affect one’s signamancy... particular for non combat units...” Dotti explains.

"For instance, in the foreseeable future we'll keep having a surplus of fruits that we'd like to use as barter in the Magic Kingdom. What would be a good way to go about it?
Do you know of casters that would be happy to covert food into Rands for a fee? (Perhaps 1 Rand to turn 3 rations into Rands? Or 2 Rands for 100 Juice, 3 Rand convertions included?)" Erfman enquires.

”Hmmm I can look in to it...” Dotti offers ”There’s certainly a few units that I can think off that a bit of over eating would actually improve their signamancy like dear Cadaver here.” Dotti replies. ”There’s a chance I might be able to find a few casters that would be interested....” Dotti finishes.

To AC and Grim
"We're hoping for the best, but it occurs to me we should plan for the worst. AC, you're our man in this possible fight, should we be stacked? And in a particular formation?” Erfman questions.

”Violence in the MK beyond the odd fist fight is rare and it’s rarely organised enough to involve stack formations” AC replies. ”You ain’t gonna have your golems with you so if there is a fight (which I doubt there will be) I suggest you make a break for it and dive for cover.” AC continues. ”I can absorb most shock attacks so I’ll be fine out in the open”

”Grim! Your tactical knowledge is valuable in this, given us 3 casters, attacked likely by ranged units, how should we react? What's your tactical assessment?" You ask turning to address the warlord.

”That depends. What three units are you talking about?” Grim questions.

- The Stingers with a magic saddle you think they should be big enough to support a rider.

- Rebuilding the farm building manually would cost 40 units of either wood or stone or a combination of both. (The more stone uses the sturdier the building)

You may attempt to build:
- a garrison Barack’s (min 10 wood, 20 stone, 5 metal)
- a training ground (min 10 wood, 10 stone, 10 metal)
- a dungeon prison complex (min 30 stone, 10 metal, 5 wood)
- a Lookout tower (min 20 wood).
There may also be other options that you are not yet aware of.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256279#p256279)

To Grim:
"Me, Dotti and AC here. With the potential attackers being casters firing hobokens. Do you agree with AC's tactical assessment?" Erfman replies.

”I see...” Grim responds. ”Is there a reason you are not taking the croakamancer? Is he not trusted?” Grim questions.

”Tactically the conditions are not ideal, in such a situation you would lack screeners. Personally I would use the Shockamancer as a screener as he has stated he can absorb Shockamancy however I doubt he could screen for two units at once...” Grim replies.

To Dotti:
Erfman smiles abashedly and then ponders. "Hm, even me? You think I'm going to get fat by eating 4 fruits a turn? Even me that are fairly active and has and will participate in every battle?" Erfman questions.

”Oh your highness you are not immune to such things, taking part in battle will help stave of such effects but do not worry too much such a change in signamancy would not be instant nor permanent.” Dotti replies.

"Do you think training with the warlords would help?" Erfman then asks.

”Oh I’m sure it would” Dotti then answers.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256290#p256290)

To Grim:
"Your mind is worth its weight in gems, that's a great point! Which suggests Dotti shouldn't be next to us at all! She should be much safer going first, as the perfectly respectable Magic Kingdom citizen that she is" Erfman finishes smiling warmly at her

Erfman then turns to AC, "What do you think AC? If the goal of the escort job is to protect me, and it's just you and me, how do you think you'd better accomplish that? With us unstacked and me diving for cover, or us stacked and you screening?" Erfman questions.

”It depends on the situation, if we’re facing an assault from one direction I could screen for you no problem” AC answers. ”If however we’re attacked from more than one direction there would be no way I could screen against all attacks short of dittomancy AC continues. ”I’d say start up stacked but if things get hairy then you make a break for it” AC finishes as he crosses his arms in front of his chest.

"And would you prefer that, with only us two present, or to also have Dotti and Cadaver with us?" Erfman then asks.

”That’s your call to make ill do my best either way” AC replies a little bluntly.

(in another conversation, later. About Armor)

"AC, with the looming possibility of being attacked by casters, your armor looks shockamancy resistant. May I ask what does it do exactly? Would you let me inspect it to attempt to reproduce it in the future?" Erfman asks.

”That’s because it is!” AC replies proudly. ”It’s a custom piece of work this, that I had commissioned by a Dollamancer and I’ll tell you it cost more than a few shmuckers...” AC replies proudly. ”It’s custom made to not interfere with movement or spell casting, it boosts my defence and grants me shock resistance 3!” AC reels of.

”Hmmm maybe... but I might need one of Dotti’s contracts to ensure that if it is damaged in the process you cover the costs of getting it repaired or replaced” AC answers.

(in another conversation later. About teaching)

"You said you could *absorb* shockamancy attacks?? Wow.. How? Is that a Shockamancer's secret? Or something you could teach me in the future?" Erfman questions.

”Not exactly a secret but it is a Shockamancy spell and a tricky one to boot” AC answers. ”Sure I could try and teach you it but it’s going to be an interesting process given that the only real way to learn is to have live Shockamancy fired at you” AC declares.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256295#p256295)

(About Armor and Teaching)
Erfman chuckles "It looks like we're going to have a contract signed, so I can duplicate your armor, and you can shoot at me without breaking our NAP during 'training' sessions" he says smiling

”Hmmm I can’t help thinking if you’re going to get a nice new set of armour out of this deal I should be getting something of equal value. So what can you offer me?” AC then asks.

"What's the least damaging spell you have that we could use for training? (or can you produce sparks that deal 1 damage that could be absorbed by the spell-to-learn?" Erfman questions.

”Oh don’t worry I have the perfect spell in mind...” AC declares ominously while cracking his knuckles and giving Erfman a sinister look. ”But seriously I know a Jolt spell that deals minimal damage, come to think of it Jolt might actually be the perfect spell to teach you first it should be pretty easy to learn...” AC declares.


"Ok, that sounds good enough.
Cadaver, do you want to go for a walk with Dotti to the House of Healing? It's up to you.” Erfman asks.

”I don’t mind sire...” Cadaver replies rather noncommittally.

”Dotti, please lead the way to the House of Healing, and we'll follow a good ways behind.” Erfman requests. ”AC, shall we? Stack and march through the portal 10 beats after Dotti goes?" Erfman then suggests.

Despite his less than positive answer as Dotti makes a move to head through the portal Cadaver joins her and together the pair of casters disappear through the bright yellow portal.

A short while afterwards both Erfman and AC follow suit and head through the portal. When they arrive in portal park both Dotti and Cadaver are nowhere in sight but there are plenty of other casters milling about or heading in to or out of portals.

About halfway to the house of healing Erfman once again get’s the feeling of being watched and every so often he catches sight of a hooded caster out of the corner of his eye.

Erfman however is eventually able to arrive at the large white building of the House of Healing and both Dotti and Cadaver are there waiting for him to arrive.

"I was attacked and given the Infected special. Please remove it." Erfman declares once inside only to be interrupted.

”Take this and fill it in” a heavily set female unit in blue robes barks as she thrusts a clipboard forwards.

- Ruler senses will reveal when a hex becomes contested, when a battle occurs, when a unit croaks and when a hex becomes uncontested. Stealth or infected units may prevent this however.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256299#p256299)

The form is a list of services and prices that you must agree to in advance before receiving treatment. You must also fill in your details such as name and side you belong to.

The services that catch Erfman’s eye are as follows.

Standard rates for a magical diagnosis on its own is 150 schmuckers or 1 rand

Low grade disease removal is 300 schmuckers or 2 rand (common diseases)

Medium grade disease removal is 450 schmuckers or 3 rand (uncommon diseases)

High grade disease removal is 600 schmuckers or 4 rand (successful removal of any disease guaranteed)

Stat debuff removal is 150 schmuckers or 1 rand per casting

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256307#p256307)

Erfman signs the contract without specifying what level of service he requires. Dotti who was watching over his shoulder flinches slightly at the action of signing a contract while leaving the details vague and open to interpretation.

”Wait here, someone will be out to see you shortly...” the woman behind the counter declares as she snatches the clipboard back.

"Dotti, is there a central place for posting and checking job offers? Like a 'Board'? (If we wanted to make a blanket offer of 2 Rands for 100 Juice, what would be the way to reach the most people?)" Erfman asks in a lowered voice while waiting for treatment.

”Oh what you want is the Message Boards” Dotti replies. ”They are just off portal park and are run by the signamancers. I actually have some space there myself” Dotti then adds.

A short while later a brown haired man wearing a blue and black uniform walks out. ”So which one of you has the mummy rot...” he asks before cutting himself off upon spotting Erfman’s slightly green complexion. ”This won’t take long!” he then declares as he walks right up to Erfman and begins to cast.

Erfman is suddenly overcome by an absolutely excruciating pain than travels in waves throughout his entire body and he drops to his knees in pain as a scream escapes his lips.

”What’s happening?” Dotti asks looking worried while AC lunges forwards ready to intervene and Cadaver hesitates unsure what to do.

”Damm it! This shouldn’t be happening!” The Healomancer shouts out.

(Erfman’s stats are now reduced to the following;)

3 (4) [2] / 3 [1] / 9 [7] / 9 [7]

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256310#p256310)

Erfman huffs and sweats with the pain but controls his reaction. Breathing in short gasps and with his eyes almost closed from the pain he says "Dotti, help me understand. I signed The House of Healing contract expecting to have this rare disease removed for 4 Rands. Will they be in contract-breach if they fail to do so?" and without waiting for a response he slightly turns to the Healomancer "Please do your best, I'd really appreciate to have this Infected special removed.. I'll try to handle the pain."

”Damm it Jim, I’m a Doctor not a miracle worker” the Healomancer declares in response as he starts to pace back and fourth.

Dotti meanwhile places a hand on Erfman’s shoulder and helps to steady him. ”Not in breach exactly, the terms of that service would not have been met so they could not charge you that price... however they have met the terms of the lesser services so you could in theory be charged a lesser price.... ” Dotti whispers.

”How did you get infected? Tell me man? This infection is not reacting to my spell as it should!” the Healomancer declares as he stops pacing and approaches Erfman.

With a bit of difficulty, Erfman gets back on his feet while starting to relate the details known
"A greenish skinned unit, wrapped in bandages, from Dark Side, jaw's dropped and extended to an unnatural degree as a thick putrid cloud of brown gas was released, and enveloped me. I began to splutter and cough uncontrollably and gained the Infected special. The attacking units then ceased their attack and surrendered. Dark Side's thinkamancer then told us that we seemingly had been infected with a bout of Mummy rot. That it is apparently one of the Dark One's favorite creations, which would cause my signamancy and stats to degrade over the coming turns much as a standard uncroaked would normally degrade. And that the Dark One is supposed to keep a supply of the cure." he finishes a bit expectantly

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256317#p256317)

”Wait right there!” the Healomancer orders before disappearing out of the room. He is gone for quite some time but he eventually returns and when he does he is joined by a group of Healomancers talking amongst themselves including the plump form of Hippo Crates.

”With your permission I’m going to try again...” the caster then declares as the group falls quiet. He then begins to cast but while he does so a second Healomancer seems to cast a different spell.

Once again Erfman’s entire body is wracked by an incredible pain causing him to stumble and come close to collapsing.

(Erfman’s stats are now reduced to the following;)

3 (4) [1] / 3 [0] / 9 [6] / 9 [6]

”Carnymancy!” the second caster suddenly calls out with a slight look of disgust on his face. ”The infection has been carnyed somehow to prevent healomancy spells from being able to remove it...” the caster explains with a frown.

”Damm it, how do we remove it if healomancy won’t work?” the first caster then questions.

There is a growing murmur as the Healomancers start talking amongst themselves once again. A pale skinned caster suddenly calls out from the back of the group. ”We could croak him...” the caster declares drawing all eyes to him. ”When a unit croaks you see all buffs and debuffs are automatically removed... it’s not a spell so it should still work even with the carnymancy ” the pale skinned caster explains. ”Now what good is this if you’re croaked you ask? Well there just so happens to be a spell that a Master class Healomancers can cast that will automatically revive a unit the instant they are croaked...” the caster continues.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256324#p256324)

"Surely there is a less extreme measure than croaking me (Weirdomancy to remove the Infected special or carnymancy to break the carny effect?). I'm the ruler of my side and we have no heir. I'm not sure what croaking me even for an instant would do? However If there is no other idea I have another: What if we ditto myself. That way during the instant I'm croaked my side still has a ruler even if that ruler is a ditto?" Erfman suggests.

Hippo speaks up from among the crowd of Healomancers. ”It is indeed a rather extreme solution and not one we would usually suggest...” he states while throwing the pale Healomancer a look. ”I am also unsure what would happen to your side should you croak no matter how temporarily.” he adds.

”The problem we are facing is that this carnymancy has essentially removed from us the normal means we would use to remove the infection. Healomancy simply will not work on it. In fact it seems to make it worse. Using carnymancy in this way is rather nefarious” Hippo thinks out loud.

”Weirdomancy or Carnymancy are indeed options you could explore however we are Healomancers and do not have either weirdomancers or Carnymancers among our ranks” Hippo explains. ”Weirdomancers are rather rare and one of the most poorly organised class of casters in the magic kingdom and as for a carnymancer you would have to find one that you could trust...” he adds. ”If however you are able to obtain one of these casters to either suppress or bypass the carnymancy we would be willing to cast once more.” the rotund Healomancer then offers.

In a moment while the Healomancers are talking amongst themselves Erfman whispers to Dotti in a lowered voice. "Did the contract specify payment for means used or by end result?" Erfman questions.

”Means used for the most part but there were certain services that guaranteed success” Dotti replies.

2019-10-13, 04:58 PM
Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256389#p256389)

"Removal of this disease by Healomancy is being prevented by Carnymancy. I'd expect, stat debuff removal will also be prevented (as that is the obvious second thing an infected victim would try)"
Erfman begins.

”You are correct the stat debuff is a part of the infection and trying to remove the debuff with healomancy would likely bring about the same result” Hippo replies.

"Nevertheless, I'm much weaker than I was when I came in. That has affected how long I have to find a cure. I understand that carnymancy is being used to hamper your efforts, however you did guarantee removal of any disease. While you don't currently have a contact with a carny or a weirdamancer, I'm sure at some point you have healed one? One that might not mind being on contract with your group from now on?Since you now know you might have need of it in the future?" Erfman questions.

As soon as Erfman mentions the guaranteed removal of any disease finally cementing the service that he requires within his head he suddenly feels the four rands disappear from his purse.

”As I said weirdomancers are rare and free Carnymancers are rarely willing to pay for healing. I believe we may have healed one or two sided Carnymancers before but they are more difficult to make contact with and less likely to sell their services.” Hippo replied.

"I'm sure me walking out of here looking worse than when I entered will not be good for the House of Healing's business. I would prefer to have this issue solved or at least ameliorated before I leave. Nonetheless, I'm explicitly not hiring the 'stat debuff removal' service. Is there anything you wish to attempt of your own volition before I leave to search for a Weirdomancer?" Erfman finishes with a laboured breath

The Healomancers all fall silent as the implied threat leaves Erfman’s lips and Hippo throws a stern look in Erfman’s direction. ”I will presume that is the delirium due to you sickness speaking and you did not just make a threat against the house of healing!” Hippo replies in a firm tone. ”I will remind you we are a guilded organisation and attempting to unfairly tarnish our reputation will result in you being barred from services in the Magic Kingdom” he adds with a disapproving look.

”Now all options have yet to be explored and as per the terms of our agreement no time frame for the removal of the disease was stated...” Hippo declares before picking up a piece of paper and a quill and writing something out. ”Here take this, This is a letter of credit with the house of healing. You may offer it to whichever Carnymancer or weirdomancer that you find in exchange for their services.” Hippo offers.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256399#p256399)

”Hippo no threat was intended. I wasn't planning on saying anything. But if we walk out of here obviously still sick and looking worse than we entered It doesn't look good for the house of healing despite your best efforts.” Erfman responds.

”I see...” Hippo replies. ”Well let us consider it a misunderstanding and forget about it...” Hippo adds.

”Also Hippo while you couldn’t remove the mummy rot can you tell us what the end result of the spell is and who the pale caster is?” Erfman questions.

”The end result of the mummy rot you mean? Well as far as I’m aware mummy rot will continue to degrade your stats and your body until you eventually croak” Hippo replies.

"Well then... It seems I'll have to find a Weirdomancer first. Thank you for your efforts." He says turning painfully to his friends, "It seems we're done here, let's go back" Erfman declares.

”Wait!” the pale skinned Healomancer who suggested croaking Erfman calls out. ”If your willing I’d like to try something...” he declares.

As Erfman allows him to, the pale skinned caster begins to cast and suddenly Erfman is in pain once again, at the same time Cadaver gasps in surprise. This time the pain is different and it feels as though Erfman’s skin, muscles and even his bones are being pulled tight. When the process is over Erfman finds he can actually move much more easily.

King Erfman, Level 4 Dollamancer (Adept) Shockamancer (Novice)
3 (4) / 3 / 9 / 9 / 400J / 36/50xp / 150s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Caster - Dollamancy, Noble, Infected (5), Rewrapped
Erfman currently looks rather pale and has greenish tint to his skin. He also looks skinnier than he did before.

”Croakamancy is a bit of a hobby of mine...” the pale skinned caster then declares with a slight shrug.

"Would you introduce me?" asks Erfman to Hippo glancing at the pale caster

”Oh Silas you mean?” Hippo answers. ”He’s a new recruit to the House of Healing, his side fell not too many turns ago. His methods tend to be somewhat unorthodox but so far have proved quite effective “ Hippo answers.

Turning to Dotti Erfman asks
”Is there anything you could do to my signamancy to make it look like the mummy rot was removed? This will help protect the house of healing (and confuse the dark one!)"

”A simple cosmetic spell should be enough to make you look like your old self to most. I could place one on you for just 25 juice” Dotti answers. ”If you wanted something harder to see through I could do that too but a disguise spell would cost at least twice the juice” Dotti adds.

"I think the 25 juice version will be fine." replies Erfman

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256415#p256415)

Dotti nods her head and then with a look of concentration begins to cast. When she is done Erfman is back to looking as he usually does.

”The cosmetic spell is only temporary so it will only last for the rest of the turn” she explains once she is done.

(Dotti 95/200 juice)

Heading out side the House of Healing Erfman then calls out. "Ha! Take that Dark One! Onwards to our next order of business!" he states loudly.

Erfman then begins to head back towards portal park. "It seems the burden of my health is now on your hands dear Dotti, in finding the scattered Weirdomancers that should exist. How can we increase your chances? Is there Juice you may invest in some way? (In putting up a signamantically enhanced eye catching sign perhaps?)" Erfman questions.

”I could of course place an advertisement on the message board but it could take several turns to get a response from a weirdomancer unless we are lucky and their just so happens to be a weirdomancer that is currently looking for work.”Dotti replies. ”Of course there are other ways to find the exact type of caster you’re looking for much more quickly if you are willing to pay for it...” she suggest. ”One of my contacts just so happens to be a findamancer...” she reveals.

Almost as an afterthought Erfman then asks. "AC, Cadaver, do you happen to know a Weirdomancer we can call on?"

Both casters frown and shake their heads. ”Fraid not” AC replies. ”Sorry Sire I was not exactly popular in the magic kingdom” Cadaver responds.

Pondering Erfman then says to Dotty "Hm, I wouldn't like to leave any stone unturned. Dotty, would you procure a Carnymancer? I'd offer him or her 2 farm rations just to discuss details of carnymancy (with its secrets protected by NDA), with the possibility of more for hired services, does that seem reasonable and appealing in your view Dotti?
Oh! And what about a Carnymancer friend? Do you happen to have one AC, Cadaver?"

”I have a carnymancer contact who I’m on somewhat friendly terms with. I could take you to her now if you don’t mind going to the carny vale...” Dotti then replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256415#p256415)

Dotti then takes the lead with Cadaver following closely behind while AC stacks up with Erfman and the pair follow from a distance. Dotti leads the group through a part of the Magic Kingdom that Erfman had never been to before and eventually they reach a field filled with small tents and four wheeled caravans.

”Here we are!” Dotti declares leading the group up to one of the caravans before gently knocking on the wooden door. A few moments later the door swings open revealing a blonde haired caster wearing high heels, fishnet tights, a short skirt and a sparkly top.

”Dotti dear what brings you to my humble abode with so many strapping young men” the caster declares with a bright smile and a mischievous gaze that seems to dance across the group.

”Trixy it’s good to see you again, this here is Erfman he’d like to have a little talk about your trade if you have the time...” Dotti replies.

”Anything for a friend of Dotti’s...” Trixy replies with another bright smile. ”Come in sugar...” She then declares as she pushes the door open revealing a small table inside with a few chairs around it.

"Nice to meet you Caster Trixie." gently holding her hand.

"We've run afoul of a little bit of Carnymancy and thus we're here to learn more about your craft. For a frank and instructive discussion I'm happy to offer 2 farm rations and a pinky swear not to share, or even go as far as have Dotti here whip up a NDA for us all to sign. (now that I consider it, an NDA to protect both your and our secrets would be really better, so we can share our story completely)"

"Does that sound appealing? I would not want to impose unduly on a friend of a friend" gesturing and smiling in Dotti's direction

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256420#p256420)

”Trixy or just Trix is fine” Trixy replies as Erfman takes her hand.

”A handsome man wants to buy me dinner and all he wants in return is the pleasure of my conversation... How could I say no?” Trixy replies while Dotti slightly rolls her eyes at the antics.

”Come inside handsome and make yourself comfortable...” Trixy then declares beckoning Erfman inside.

Dotti meanwhile pulls out her quill and awaits confirmation that she should write up an NDA.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256430#p256430)

Erfman nods to Dotty, "Both for Trix's protection, so she can't be coerced to reveal Fanon secrets, and thus can be invited into Fanon and hired in the future, and us all so we can't reveal her secrets to others" Erfman elaborates.

Dotti nods and quickly sets to work writing up a new non disclosure contract. Trixy meanwhile ***** an eyebrow and shoots Erfman a curious look. ”Fanon?” she questions. ”Don’t tell me there’s a problem old Lou can’t fix?” she questions.

Finishing the perfectly written contract Dotti then carefully places it on the table inside of Trixy’s caravan.

Dotti 70/200 juice

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256439#p256439)

Erfman signs, pauses waiting for Trix to sign. Trixy then reaches over and slides the contract towards her. She briefly reads the contract over before slightly smirking and signing with a flourish.

"Well well well lady, you're already being a boon to us! Long story short Fanon fell.." Erfman declares bluntly before leaving a pregnant pause.

"I was popped in the very moment of its fall and survived it to refound Fanon only recently, having no knowledge of Old Fanon." Erfman continues. "Please, would you tell us what you know of old Fanon and old Lou"? Erfman asks.

”Don’t get your hopes up too high sugar...” Trixy begins. ”I’m only guessing that this Fanon of yours is the same one as the one I’ve heard of” Trixy explains. ”To answer your first question I didn’t know much at all about Old Fanon I’m afraid other than what I’d heard old Lou say about it” She continues. ”Now Lou or Lord Pole as he would often demand to be called (he was a bit of a stuck up jerk about it really, so proud about being popped a noble he was) was a sided caster but he spent a lot of time in the Magic Kingdom and he looked out for us Barbarian carnies. Made sure we could always make upkeep and stuff like that, he would always moan about what a burden we all were and how we should be able to take care of ourselves but he would always come back to help.” Trixy reveals.

”Now I can’t say him and me were ever that close but I did pick up a few snippets of information about him if you’re interested?” Trixy asks ”I know for example he thought he should have been his side’s Chief caster and he was always moaning about a Chief Dozer I think his name was? I also know he liked to experiment with other classes of magic. He was always looking for other casters who would be willing to combine their arts with his carnymancy. You can guess how that often turned out though” Trixy recounts.

”Listen to me prattle on about all this unimportant stuff...” Trixy then declares. ”Was there something specific you wanted to know about Lou?” She then asks.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256457#p256457)

"Only everything..." Erfman smiles "Worry not about boring us, everything you said and speculated is precious to us."

Trixy chuckles ”well as much as I like the sound of my own voice I couldn’t possibly recount every last recollection I have of the man” Trixy replies. ”I can remember a few stories he told me, I’m not sure if they’re true or not though... the man liked to boast!” Trixy continues. ”I particularly liked the one about how he foiled an assassination attempt on his king by drinking the poison that was intended for him” Trixy reveals.

"This Lou, he was supposedly a Carnymancer? Then supposedly there was a Dozer (a Dirtamancer's name by Signamancy?)" he says wonderingly glancing at Dotti inquiringly.

”There’s no supposedly about it, he mast certainly was a carnymancer.” Trixy replies.

Dotti then nods ”Dozer would Indeed be a fitting name for a dirtamancer” Dotti agrees.

"Do you remember any other mentioned casters? And if they might have survived in the MK? (supposedly there was a Thinkamancer, Lady Shipping, who was captured)"Erfman then questions.

”Shipping huh? Name doesn’t ring a bell but I do remember that Fanon popped a Thinkamancer though. Boy was Lou excited about that one! He had all these crazy ideas about what he could achieve in a link up but obviously no barbarian thinkamancer would ever even consider linking with a carnymancer” Trixy replies. ”Can’t say I’ve heard of any of them being in the Magic Kingdom recently but then again I haven’t exactly been on the lookout for them...” Trixy adds.

”Also trixy what can you tell us about carnymancy. I understand that your art is about breaking or bending the rules of erf. Would it be within you power to to bypass or break another carnymancers work?” Erfman questions.

”Well there’s a lot more to carnymancy than that but yes being able to bend the rules a little is a large part of carnymancy...” Trixy replies.

Trixy then let’s off a slight whistle. ”Break another carnies work? I couldn’t rightly say... it would come down to who was the more powerful carnymancer...” Trixy answers. ”Bypass it though? Now that’s entirely different matter. A smart Carnymancer could bypass anything... Even another carnies work. You just need to work out what the correct rule to bend is. So what’s the challenge? What do you need bypassing?” Trixy then questions. ”Oh guess I should ask whose work I’ll be bypassing... if they’re a friend I might not be able to do it for moral reasons...” Trixy then declares.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256462#p256462)

"Very well, do you know Dark One? Of Dark Side? Is he a friend of yours?" Erfman asks.

”Oh he’s a sided carny huh... well in that case we should probably be good.” Trixy replies.

"Basically there is this disease, supposedly called Mummy Rot, that causes an infected unit to at turn start to have their stats decay as if they were uncroaked. This Dark One apparently created a carnyed version of it that whenever Healomancy is cast on it, instead of being healed, the stats are reduced as if at turn start. You see our dilemma?" Erfman explains.

”Hmmm interesting... “ Trixy replies slowly, ”Is it only when healomancy is cast or is it when any spell is cast?” Trixy asks.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256469#p256469)

"Apparently only Healomancy, we've had Signamancy cast on us fine, and also.. Croakamancy cast on us, and it worked! (a spell to rewrap an uncroaked and restore an uncroaked's decayed stats to max)" Erfman replies.

”Hah! Then the solution is a simple one.” Trixy declares with a wide smile. ”So it sounds to me that the rule that has been bent is that mummy rot can be cured by healomancy...” Trixy explains. ”Now There’s nothing I can do about that without trying to overpower the other carny’s spell with brute force. What I can do however is bend another rule say the rule that states a certain spell IS healomancy. Theoretically with the spell not counting as healomancy it should then work...” Trixy finishes.

”So wanna take a gamble?” Trixy then asks. ”How much is this gig paying anyway?” She then quickly adds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256471#p256471)

Erfman surprisingly taken aback, slightly smiling ".. That sounds eminently possible. I guess we'd need first to ask what's the Healomancy spell's name is? And would you need to cast on me, or the Healomancer?" Erfman questions.

”I’d need to cast on the spell itself, so I would have to cast in tandem while the Healomancer casts their spell...” Trixy answers. ”I could cast on the Healomancer themselves to make anytime they cast the spell it not count as healomancy but it would actually be more difficult...” Trixy adds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256484#p256484)

"About payment.." Erfman scratches his head, "you tell me?" he says with a slight bewildered smile. "How about a recurring invitation to have breakfast in Fanon with me and other Friends of Fanon?" Erfman suggests.

”Well as lovely as that sounds it doesn’t really help me build my nest egg...” Trixy replies. ”My preferred payment method is gems, shall we say 400 shmuckers worth?” Trixy then offers.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256517#p256517)

♫"diamonds are a girl's best friends"♫ blurts out Erfman in a sudden bout of rhymeomantic inspiration.

"Yes I can see that.. but gems are a deal breaker, as they are being saved for a city upgrade. We can pay in fruits today, or Rands tomorrow. Which would you prefer?" Erfman then offers.

Trixy pouts slightly at the offer before responding. ”I could live with 4 rands...” she eventually replies. ”But if you’re paying tomorrow I’m casting tomorrow” she adds. ”Unless of course you’re also offering signamantic guarantee of payment” Trixy finishes glancing at Dotti.

”I could make a simple payment contract for 25 juice” Dotti whispers from Erfman’s side.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256523#p256523)

"Thank you Dotti, but no need. We can live with this disease one more turn." he says with a nod
Turning to Trixie "Will you come over for breakfast tomorrow anyway? My treat. Dotti will be there. We can listen to the scout reports, and if you identify some place your Art would be useful I'll be happy to hear it and consider hiring even further services" he says with an affable smile

”Sure I’ll be there sugar, Dotti can pick me up on the way there” Trixy replies flashing a smile.

The group then say their goodbyes and make their way back to portal park.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256491#p256491)

"I must say I was surprised by Trixie's ask of 400s. For a single spell attempt? Guaranteed upkeep does indeed help build a nest egg.. by not spending it." Erfman blurts, his aggravation slipping through "Do you think she was just testing how rich we were? Or desperate?" Erfman then asks.

”What you need to understand about Trixy is as friendly as she may seem she does not trust others very easily. She would rather have something physical in her hand now than a promise of something that as far as she is concerned may never come.” Dotti explains. ”She is also fiercely independent and was likely resistant to any action that would tie her to a side in the long term no matter how loosely ...” Dotti reveals.

”Another thing you need to know is Carnymancers are natural hagglers. They are always trying to get the best price. By asking her to name her price you essentially left yourself open to such...” Dotti adds.

”I’m sorry your highness, If I had thought of it I could have briefed you on all of this beforehand so that you would have been better prepared to negotiate...” Dotti finishes.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256523#p256523)

On their way back, other than once again getting the feeling of being watched the trip is uneventful and soon enough the group of casters are back in the portal room of Fanon. Heading straight up to the tower Erfman then has Cadaver charge the tower with 75 of his juice before having AC overcharge the tower with 175 of his own.

With the tower fully charged to it’s maximum possible level Erfman then heads to his workshop and has a Piker bring him a unit of wood and a goat hide from the store house and sword from the armoury. Drawing juice from the tower Erfman begins to cast first transforming the goat hide in to high quality leather before reforming it around the wood as it quickly takes the shape of a saddle. At this point the spell begins to slip and Erfman almost loses control but by injecting in some of his own juice he is able to keep control of the process. Finally Erfman repurposes the metal from the sword to form stirrups and his creation is complete.

(450 juice used. 1 unit of wood, 1 goat hide and 1 Stabber sword used)

Erfman’s multipurpose saddle: This expertly crafted saddle is designed to adjust to fit any beast unit of large enough size to act as a mount. When worn by a beast unit this saddle grants the mount special.

Tower: 0/200 J
Erfman: 220/400 J
Cadaver: 95/200 J
AC: 95/300 J
Dotti: 70/200 J

With the saddle made AC then sets up a number of small clay targets.

”Now the first thing you need to learn how to do is to convert your raw juice to elemental Shockamancy. Electricity is the easiest as it’s the closest to natural Shockamancy... now watch carefully as I cast” AC instructs as he creates a small amount of electricity in the palm of his hand letting it dance there for a moment before dissipating. ”Now the next step is firing it, to do that you simply need to expel it away from you with more juice” AC adds as he blasts one of the targets with a tiny bolt of Shockamancy instantly destroying it.

AC: 75/300 J

It is then Erfman’s turn to cast and while it takes him significantly longer he is able to eventually form a small amount of elemental Shockamancy.

Erfman’s first shot misses the target and dissipates against the wall, his second shot hits the target but barely causes it to wobble as static dances across its surface, Erfman’s third shot however is finally strong enough to split the target in two.

Erfman: 190/400 J

Erfman has learnt Jolt

Class: Shockamancy
Juice: 10
Range: short
Casting time: 1 rounds

A very basic single target spell. This spell deals 1 point of electrical damage. Attack roll of combat + caster level vs targets defense. This spell has the added effect that it will wake up sleeping units.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256540#p256540)

Putting the Saddle on a Stinger, it can now transport 1 unit

Turning to Cadaver "Last turn, the Dark One only reacted to us converting his uncroaked after a while. I think if we attempt to capture 1 and only 1 uncroaked per turn we will likely surprise him. Are you willing to cast your spell again today and claim us an Uncroaked waven?" Erfman asks.

”I would be willing to try Sire, as long as you promise to have me healed should anything go wrong again...” Cadaver replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256542#p256542)

"Definitely" nods Erfman seriously, "I pinky swear it"

Green planting by Pan, and red scouting by birds Plan:

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256566#p256566)

Collecting a small sack and filling it with seeds Buster throws it over his shoulder before picking up a knitted messenger bird and placing it in his pocket. Mounting one of Fanon’s riding goat mounts Buster then rides out of the gates and heads off on a patrol.

Buster is gone for some time though he eventually returns with a sackful of fruit which he deposits in the larder before reporting to Erfman.

(23 seeds used, 12 fruit gained)

”It was mostly quiet your highness, I did spot a few holes in the hilly hexes but I didn’t investigate any further than that...” Buster reports. ”The bird golem managed to spot something in 06,04... I think it indicated there were 8 units but I don’t know what.” Buster continues.

Units spotted in (06,04)

Pan 0/10 move
Messenger bird A 17/20 move
Messenger bird B 0/20 move

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256569#p256569)

Moving with Luggage and planting 2 more hexes plan:https://www.dropbox.com/s/zbgrglahna77kdh/capture%20waven%2C%20plant.png?raw=1

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256583#p256583)

"Dotti, while we go on our sortie would you do your tour of the MK looking for any that will take the following?
- 3 rations for 2 Rands (or 1 Rand for 3 Rand conversions)
- 3 rations for 100 Juice and 1 Rand (or 2 Rands for 100 Juice with 3 Rand conversions)" Erfman asks before pausing and counting "We currently have 40 Fruits, and will use tomorrow... 37.." *sheepish look* "Which means you are looking for just 1 such caster" Erfman adds.

”I can ask around...” Dotti replies. ”Would you like me to take the fruit with me and perform the exchange immediately?” Dotti then asks. ”Also while I am looking is there any other services you might need from the Magic Kingdom this turn?” Dotti asks.

"Wait.. 18 fruits are actually going to pop here at dawn that we'll be able to use for upkeep." *mental order to have 21 desseesed fruits be brought in a sack*
"Here. You may have the casters that prefer the first offer to perform the conversions immediately. Those that prefer to sell their Juice, I think best to wait for my return, so we'll have them sign one of your NDA's (you may use tower Juice if needed) and a natural NAP, and have a unhurried discussion on the applications of their respective crafts"

"Hmm... wait, I'm not thinking correctly. A caster may produce 3 Rands from Rations, but they actually can eat 4 times paying upkeep. So we should actually offer 4 rations in return for 3 Rands, so the trade is '1 ration for 30 Juice'.
So, re-stating:
- 4 rations for 3 Rands (or 1 ration for 3 Rand conversions)
- 3 rations for 100 Juice and 1 Rand (or 2 Rands for 100 Juice with 3 Rand conversions)
There. That's correct now."

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256626#p256626)

Dotti gingerly picks up the sack of fruit. ”I’ll see what I can do...” Dotti then promises before making her way down to the portal room and disappearing through the yellow portal.

After a quick search of the garrison Erfman is able to find the deactivated form of The Luggage and with the application of of decent amount of juice he is able to reactivate it.

Erfman 130/400 Juice

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256628#p256628)

Luggage Plan
- First stop: Farm; Rebuild Farm with Stone first (and Wood second)
- second stop: 02.-04, Cadaver capture Waven

From 02.-04: Grim on Stinger, with Shockamancy Sword, with Waven in pocket (so Cadaver can Look, tell us what he sees, and we can mentally order Grim) -> into 02.-05, report what he sees through hex boundaries

If 02.-06 looks empty: Grim into 02.-06, Look into 02.-07, and show through waven's eyes

Repeat for 02.-07 and 02.-08, and let's see if we lay eyes on that city

Later, if possible, repeat for 01.-08, 01.-09, 01.-10

If no ranged/flying units defending Obelisk/Farm, Stinger has the Move for Capture/Raze one of them


Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256637#p256637)

Dotti is gone for quite some time and Erfman is just starting to worry that perhaps something went wrong in the magic kingdom when Fanon’s portal ripples and Dotti steps through. She is still carrying the sack of fruit however it does not look as full as before.

”I managed to find three casters that were willing to perform rand conversions...” Dotti declares as she transfers nine rands in to Erfman’s purse. ”I was also able to find three casters who would be interested in selling their juice, a Croakamancer, a Luckamancer and Shockamancer. The Croakamancer and the Luckamancer are both asking for a minimum of four rations in payment though and I’m pretty sure that the Shockamancer is a member of the Blitzers.” Dotti reports.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256642#p256642)

"4 rations for 100 Juice and 1 Rand? We can do that." Erfman replies.

"Hmm, one of the Blitzers? Shall we go out and welcome them all? NAP and NDA them all? And then invite them in one at a time? (So we can have conversations with the Croakamancer and Luckamancer without the Blitzer hearing? (Our foe is fond of Carnymancy, a NDA may not protect us) )" Erfman thinks out loud.

"Any objections? Grim? Cadaver? Dotti? AC?" Erfman then asks.

”Your highness, I have already used 12 of the 21 fruits that you gave me. That leaves only 9 fruits so we have only enough to pay two casters unless you have more fruit you wish to offer?” Dotti replies. ”I also only have 70 juice remaining and a non disclosure contract costs 25 juice so again I only have enough for two casters...” Dotti adds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256644#p256644)

"Oh, right! Well, you already brought them to our door, and we don't want to alienate any of them, least of all our mercenary friend. Perhaps an acceptable solution is first-come-first-serve, and the last one gets an offer for tomorrow.
Which of the three casters was the last to accept you offer Dotti?" Erfman asks.

”Well to be honest I haven’t actually brought them to the door...” Dotti replies ”But I have arranged a way to contact each of them” Dotti explains.

”The Shockamancer was first, then the Croakamancer was next and the Luckamancer was last” Dotti replies.

”Would you like me to start work on two non disclosure contracts and send a message to the first caster to come to the portal?” Dotti then asks.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Compilation of Game Thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255912#p255912)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256646#p256646)

"Yes please" Erfman replies.
"And diplomatically, as only you know how, let the Luckamancer know we've run out of rations for today, but will have more tomorrow, and he will be the first in line if he still wishes to sell his Juice" Erfman adds.

Dotti nods and sits down writing out a quick note which she then places in an envelope and posts through the portal. Next she sets to work careful writing up the two new non disclosure contracts.

”The first caster is Roman Candle, I believe he is a level one novice Shockamancer and I strongly suspect he is a member of the Blitzers... Dotti briefs as she works. ”Of all those I talked to he seemed the most keen to sell us his juice...” Dotti adds.

Once she is done Dotti hands over the two new non disclosure contracts to Erfman before heading through the portal in order to meet Roman.

A few moments after Dotti leaves Erfman senses the request for a natural non aggression pact from a unit by the name of Roman Candle.

As Erfman accepts, Dotti then returns through the portal with a caster wrapped in a brown cloak. The caster is a male of average height and build with strawberry blonde spiked up hair. As soon as Roman spots Erfman he lets his cloak fall back revealing a red tunic underneath and a metal breastplate covering his chest.

Meanwhile Chief Bowie leads the Gobwins in to the tunnels under the city and they attempt to dig straight down. The two uncroaked are rather uncoordinated and make little progress with their digging. (The uncroaked Gobwins no longer have the sapper special).

Bowie and Forman meanwhile are much more successful and between them are able to dig a spiralling pit that heads straight down. At first they are digging up a fair amount of dirt but eventually they begin excavating stone.

(10 units of dirt and 6 units of stone obtained)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256664#p256664)

- To charge the tower you must be in the tower zone of the city (so yes above the 3rd floor) and in physical contact with an external wall (or the floor or spire if you are on the roof)

- You can reach there by going through empty stairwells and corridors. (No need to go through any sensitive rooms).

"Welcome Caster Candle." says Erfman, he glances at AC while continuing "One can't ever have enough Shockamancer Juice. Shall we go up so you can charge our tower?" Erfman says gesturing towards the stairs.

”Greetings and well met” Roman replies as he gives a strange one armed salute. ”Is all you require the tower to be charged with raw Shockamancy or were you requiring the hanging of spells?” he asks as he glances around the portal room. ”You’re representative did not specify” he adds as his gaze lingers briefly on each of the units in the room.

”Please lead the way...” Roman then declares.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256677#p256677)

"Raw Juice for today is fine" says Erfman as he leads the way with his Bob shadow.

”Very good” Roman replies with a slight nod as he follows through the empty passageways and up the sets of staircases until they reach the tower level.

”I believe the price for my services was three rations correct?” Roman then declares.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256690#p256690)

Before giving him the rations and he charging the tower
"Didn't Dotti mention the Rand conversions? Here are the 3 rations for your base pay, and 3 more fruits to be converted into Rands, if you're willing, as many as you're willing. Then the remaining Juice indeed into the Tower." Erfman interrupts.

Roman looks at Erfman for a moment before shrugging. ”If that is what you wish...” he finally replies.

With that said Roman begins to slowly create rands before taking a break to eat a piece of fruit and then starting on the next rand.

(3 fruit used 3 rands gained)

Tower 70/200

Once paid Roman places his hand on the wall and begins to channel his juice in to the tower. Soon enough Roman is done and the tower is filled with 70 juice.

”Objective completed as requested” Roman then declares.

”If you’re tower requires further charging I should be available next turn as well...” Roman then adds.

When he leaves

"What did you get from his Signamancy Dotti? That salute?
And how did he feel relative to us Mahogany? Hostile?" Erfman questions.

”The salute appeared to be an ingrained action, likely something he has either done for a long time or a mannerism he was popped with. The Blitzers are not known for being organised or regimented so I would theorise that it is a remnant of Caster Candle’s former side. This may suggest that he has not been a barbarian long and is likely a new recruit to the Blitzers” Dotti reports. ”His signamancy suggests that he prefers structure and order, two traits that are unusual for Blitzers. He came across as cautious and curious but not overtly hostile. He was constantly observing and studying us while attempting to not draw too much attention in return.” Dotti reveals.

Mahogany then gives a wide eyed look at the question directed at her before a thoughtful expression crosses her features. Finally she smiles before moving to stand very close to Erfman before vigorously shaking her head. She then hurriedly moves to the far end of the room and stands in the corner as far away as she can get from everyone else and gives Erfman a meaningful look.

Meanwhile in the stables a Piker with a set of shears arrives and begins shearing the goats and collecting their wool.

(3 units of wool obtained)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256703#p256703)

"So, he was not hostile?" Asks Erfman asks pausing for a clear response, while also glancing at Dotti.

”He was not overtly hostile” Dotti replies. ”And he did not display any obvious signs of anger or aggression towards you or your side...” Dotti clarifies. ”If he is indeed working for the Dark One then it is likely that he sees it as strictly business...” Dotti finishes.

"And he.. wanted to belong? (was that what you mimed?)" asks Erfman uncertainly.

Mahogany looks at Erfman for a moment and then shakes her head before looking towards Dotti with slightly wide eyes.

”I believe the word she was trying to convey was distant...” Dotti reveals.

”Did you want me to send a message to the next caster now?” Dotti then asks. ”Next is a miss Kelly Ton Level 1 Novice croakamancer “ Dotti adds.

"Yes please" Says Erfman while *mentally ordering Gopher to give his fruits to Fert, and Fert to bring all 18 fruits 1 hex south into the Capital*

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256707#p256707)

Dotti carefully writes out another letter before heading down to the portal room and posting it through the yellow portal.

Meanwhile scout Fert returns to the city with a sack filled with fruit and deposits it in the larder.

(18 fruit added to the larder)

Dotti then heads through the portal and a short while later Erfman is greeted by an offer of non aggression from a Kelly Ton before Dotti returns with a pale skinned and very gaunt looking woman wearing white robes.

”King Erfman, may I present to you croakamancer Kelly Ton” Dotti declares by way of introduction. The caster gives an awkward curtsy and looks expectantly in Erfman’s direction.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256711#p256711)

"Welcome, welcome" says Erfman affably gently taking her hand in the courtly gesture as if to kiss it.

”Thank you for your kind welcome your majesty” Kelly replies in a weak voice barely above a whisper. ”I look forward to working with you as simple as my task may be on this occasion” she adds looking more at Erfman’s feet rather than towards his face.

"Dotti, if you would do the honours?" says Erfman as he gestures to the table.

”Certainly your majesty...” Dotti replies as she pulls out a seat. ”Please take a seat” she then offers Kelly, ”Now before you are hired I’m afraid we must take care of the prerequisites. In the interests of the intellectual security of both parties you are required to sign a non disclosure contract before any work is performed or any pay is received” Dotti explains ”It is rather standard stuff and nothing to be worried about but you are of course welcome to take your time reading the contract through before signing.”

Dotti then walks up to Erfman and with an amused smile reaches in to his jacket and pulls out one of the two non disclosure contracts she had given him earlier before careful placing it on the table along with a quill.

Kelly takes a quick glance at the contract and her eyes seem to briefly glide over it before she suddenly nods, picks up the quill and signs.

2019-10-13, 04:59 PM
Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256716#p256716)

"Lovely!" Exclaims Erfman.

"Now, did Dotti inform you about the Rand Conversions?" and he continues as a scout brings 3 deseeded fruits "If you are willing, the first use for your Juice would be in the conversion of fruits into Rands, as many as you are willing." He smiles affably.

”She mentioned one rand conversion...” Kelly replied with a thoughtful look. ”Since you have already paid for or will be paying for my juice in advance I see no reason that I couldn’t convert a full three rations to rands as long as you are providing the rations and that the rations you intend to pay me with will last more than a turn...” Kelly adds giving Erfman a long searching look.

"I'd join you myself, but I'm quite full already" he says patting his belly with a sheepish smile.

Kelly then concentrates as she creates her first of the rands before she tucks in to the provided fruit with a surprising amount of vigour.

Another two rands produced and another two fruit devoured later and Kelly is done and has a slightly satisfied look on her frail looking face.

"Okay!" exclaims Erfman while he claps his hands! "Onward to the tower! Come come!" He continues as he leads the way up the steps with Bob in tow.

Kelly goes somewhat paler (a difficult task considering her already very pale skin tone) at the mention of having to climb stairs but she struggles to her feet nonetheless and hobbles after the king.

Kelly’s pace is rather slow and is punctuated with stops to rest but the trio eventually reach their destination. As they reach the third floor Erfman speaks up. "Would you like to see the view from the top? It's not the tallest tower, but I find the view refreshing nonetheless!" Erfman declares.

Kelly gulps at the prospect of more stairs but gives a weak nod in response not wanting to say no to her employer before the job is complete.

At the top of the tower
"Aah, I love the wind in my face" Erfman declares pausing briefly.

While Erfman is busy enjoying the view Kelly drops to her knees and places her hands upon the stone floor at the top of the tower. Letting her juice flow out and in to the stone of the tower Kelly fills it with her remaining juice.

Tower: 140/200 Juice

"Okay, today charging the tower is all we need from you. But tomorrow we would perhaps benefit of castings in the field if you feel up to it." Erfman declares before pausing, "actually, did you see caster Cadaver down there? He currently has a contract with us for upkeep plus extra shmuckers per turn. I don't know if this is something you'd be interested in the future, but he and Dotti will be available to answer any questions you may have." Erfman finishes good-naturedly.

”I do not do field work...” Kelly replies in a weak voice looking down at the ground letting her long white hair pool around her face obscuring it from view. ”I am not suited for combat and I have had rather bad experiences each and every time that I have attempted to take part. I do not believe I was popped to fight.” Kelly reveals in a somber tone.

”I would not be opposed to a longer term contract but now that you know that I am useless as far as combat goes I’m sure you are no longer interested...” She declares glumly. ”Besides I am a croakamancer... I am sure you do not want your sides reputation tarnished by being associated with me...” she continues.

"Hah!" Erfman guffaws good-naturedly "Tarnished? Really? If that happens, that ship has sailed! Since we have Cadaver with us! But I haven't felt any prejudice at all so far from having Cadaver accompany me." he finishes more gently with a soft smile.

"How about this: We agreed with Cadaver on a 50 shmuckers plus 25 per level a turn for his wages, besides his upkeep that is. And he is willing and able to fight (I can honestly say the side would have fallen without his presence in the last battle, but instead it was a resounding victory!). There is always plenty of work around the Capital even without fighting: uncroaking bodies after skirmishes, and making preparations for the next battle. So, talk with Dotti, talk with Cadaver, and tomorrow come to see us and tell us what you think would be a fair wage for each turn you'd offer your services to us without fighting." he finishes brightly

"Shall we go back down?" Erfman gestures to the stairs smiling. Kelly merely nods her head silently in response and trudges after the king.

"Dotti is very easy to find, with her huge pink tent in the Hippie octant; Cadaver has been staying here, actually his room is in this floor through there" Erfman declares while walking down the stairs and gesturing to an intermediate door.

Reaching the portal room
"Cadaver, I mentioned your contract to Lady Ton; If she is curious, would you freely answer her questions?" Erfman then asks of the other croakamancer as soon as they reach the portal room.

”Of course Sire...” Cadaver rasps in response. ”That is of course if the nondisclosure contract that I am under will allow me to do so...” he adds with a thoughtful look.

Finally as she approaches the portal,
"Lady Ton, with our NDA and NAP in place, you are more than welcome to visit at any time. Just step through the portal and someone should be here to receive you." Erfman finishes affably.

”Thank you highness, but I would not want to be a burden...” Kelly replies weakly as she heads towards the portal.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256718#p256718)

Erfman’s units begin moving the prisoners one by one from their current confinement in the empty dwellings and in to the luggage. The prisoners try their best to resist but shackled as they are they are eventually dragged to where Erfman wants them to go. Inside The Luggage walls begins to shift and move as each prisoners is put inside and walled of. When the process is completed the space within the luggage seems to have been reduced by roughly a quarter.

Out in the garrison courtyard Stompy the Ogwe stomps about randomly swinging his club while Billie the wargoat remains in the stables resting.

Bowie and the Gobwins meanwhile settle down to guarding the remaining two prisoners in the dungeon.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256722#p256722)

”Kelly I don't think you have to worry about tarnishing our image " Erfman declares as he orders some uncroaked in to the room and points at them "Croakamancy is just another branch of magic. Just like Dollamancy or Dateamancy. As for not fighting I would still be willing to hire you on. Just having you make rands, charge the tower, and make scrolls would be worth it to us!" Erfman adds while giving Kelly a cheerful smile. "Why don't you return next turn and let me know what you would want as payment.” Erfman then suggests.

”I did not realise you already had uncroaked in your service...” Kelly replies slowly. ”And not many think the way that you do, not even in the magic kingdom...” she adds looking downcast.

”I will have conditions...” she eventually replies ”And I do not wish to be merely a juice pool on legs to be used by another caster... I wish to use my art!” she declares in a slightly stronger voice.

”I will give this much thought tonight and return with my conditions next turn...” She then offers. ”Cadaver will you visit me in the naughty corner tonight?” She then asks.

Cadaver looks surprised at the request and glances over at Erfman for guidance on how he should respond, while Erfman nods encouragingly at him


"Dotti, I miscalculated. With the last load Scout Fert brought in we actually have plenty of fruits for the Luckamancer too. Would you kindly, and apologetically inquire with him to see if he still has his Juice and is still willing to come? If you succeed you may the make an NDA with Juice from the tower." Erfman declares once Kelly has left.

”I had planned on informing her in person that we could not hire her this turn so I have not yet broke the news to her...” Dotti replies. ”I will therefore write her a message to come to Fanon’s portal immediately” Dotti adds as she takes a seat and begins writing out a letter. Once done she then stands up and posts it through the portal.

”Her name is Lottie Rey and she is a level one novice Luckamancer” Dotti then informs while the group waits.

"AC! I was forgetting we owe you 100s. Here, today we have to spare. Do you have the gem with you?" Erfman declares while waiting.

”Yeah I’ve got it right here...” AC declares as he pulls the drained gem out of one of the pouches on his belt and quickly hands it over.

Dotti then heads through the portal and a short while later Erfman is greeted by yet another request for a non aggression pact. Once Erfman accepts Dotti steps back through the portal accompanied by a woman in a white dress with spots of different colours all over it.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256725#p256725)

"Welcome welcome!" says Erfman cheerfully to the new caster before turning to Dotti "Shall we all go up so you can pen that NDA?" Erfman then declares.

Dotti turns to face Erfman and raises an eyebrow. ”You wish for me to make another non-disclosure contract?” Dotti questions ”You still have not used the second one I made earlier or did you want to keep a spare one?” she adds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256731#p256731)

"Oh! Then we can sign right here!" He says unfurling the scroll on the table.

”Oh that’s lucky...” Rey declares as she prances over and quickly signs the document barely spending anytime at glancing at what she was signing.

"Wonderful!" exclaims Erfman. "Here, you may take your base pay from here" he says as the sack with fruits is brought. "And the first use for your Juice today would be in converting further fruits into Rands, as many as you are willing" he continues. "Please, take your time, we'd join you, but we're all quite full already" he says amusingly while gesturing to the people around the room.

”Well that’s a bit boring but ok...” Rey replies as she dips her hand in to the bag without looking and pulls out the four juiciest fruit. Rey then sets to work creating rands as she one by one plucks more fruit out of the bag.

"What can you tell us of your discipline? (Note your secrets are protected by NDA as well) How can Luckamancy be used to the good of the side?" Erfman then asks as the caster begins eating.

”Luckamancy?” Rey replies between mouthfuls. ”Well it’s all to do do with chance...” she begins. ”Anything that has a degree of random chance to it can be manipulated by luckamancy. Luckamancy can be used to shift the odds to make something more or less likely to happen. It really doesn’t matter what, it could be the chance that one unit will hit another, the chance that a unit will spot a veiled unit or the chance a unit will make a save against poison... the action doesn’t matter as long as there is an element of chance to it...” Rey explains.

As Rey eats Erfman turns to the rest gathered in the Portal room
"Okaay! What a humongous success Dotti! 12 Rands to spend!" He bursts out gleefully
Sobering up, he continues "I think the priority is getting information on Fanfic, the Dark Side city and surrounding hexes" he pauses considering his options
"I guess our best bet is Lookamancy.. and Turnamamcy." He finishes turning to Grim

"Grim, how do you feel about using Turnamamcy on the Warlord?" he asks seriously, looking him in the eye "Does your duty compels you to say we should use it? Or do you think any information he may that you don't already know would be too outdated already to matter?" Erfman questions.

”He is a low level Warlord it is likely that the information that he would know is similar if not the same to the information that I know.” Grim replies. ”I would think the main advantage of turning him would be his use as a military assets rather than a source of information...” Grim adds.

Remembering the words of the Croakamancer Erman asks his audience "There is a detail that Kelly mentioned that is nagging me: Does food go bad? I've never seen food going bad in our larder, or before that"

”Everything decays...” Cadaver replies somewhat morbidly.

”Ahem, I believe what Cadaver means is that all food stuffs have a predetermined expiry date if you will. Go beyond that date and the food will depop” Dotti clarifies.

”Providing rations for living troops is one of the logistical problems that you must consider when planning a war” Grim adds. ”Taking enough rations to reduce the upkeep of your troops in the field but not too much as to risk wasting it due to dropping is a situation I have faced before...” Grim answers weighing in on the question.

A bit after that
"Friends," looking to each caster in turn "do you know if there is a market for +1 Weapons in the Magic Kingdom? (if yes Who buys them? And for how much in general?)" Erfman questions.

”MK barbarians ain’t usually the ones buying they do the selling, you might have some luck selling to other sides via the MK but you might ruffle a few feathers of the barbarian Dollamancers” AC replies. ”As for how much we’ll I guess that depends on how good a salesman you are... seen them go for anything from a couple of hundred shmuckers up to around a thousand....” AC adds.

Then, letting Rey take her time, Erfman nudges Dotti aside for a private chat
"Dotti would you help me understand? Simplifying, did you offer (and Roman accepted) 2 Rations for 100 Juice? And for Kelly and Rey, 3 Rations for 100 Juice?" Erfman questions.

”The offer you had me originally make was 3 fruit for 100 juice and 1 rand” Dotti replies. “As the cheapest way to produce rands is using rations that resulted in a net gain of 2 fruits for the employed caster. Of course Roman was the only caster that accepted such a deal while both Kelly and Rey required that their pay be increased by the sum of one fruit before they would accept.”Dotti explains.

And after a bit of time
"Dotti.. It occurs to me, I've been offering contracts left and right.. Is a long term contract guaranteeing shmuckers for Juice something that you would prefer, versus our current relationship?" Erfman asks.

”The security of a long term contract is always preferred however I have other contractual commitments that I would have to extract myself from before I could offer you exclusive service...” Dotti replies. ”I would also have my own conditions that I would require be met before I could sign a long term contract...” Dotti replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256796#p256796)

Rey, so you boost the odds of success for a given action. Is there any draw back? Like boost the odds of one unit hitting, but another takes a negative. One idea I have is we have a warlord we captured. Could you boost our odd of turning him when I go to talk with him? Erfman questions.

Rey goes quiet and gives Erfman a long searching look. ”Strange you should ask that...” Rey finally responds. ”A mathamancer once explained to me that the numbers must always balance... in order to increase one number you must decrease another. Some believe that increasing the chance of one action occurring reduces the chance of another occurring. Now personally I don’t know if that’s true... I have never personally had bad luckamancy as a result of boosting the luckamancy of an action” Rey replies.

"and you say 'chance', as in 'there is a possibility for success'? If say, turning the warlord by talking has a possibility for success, could you make that chance 100% (rolling a crit)? (If so, for how much Juice?)" Erfman then questions.

”Nothing is ever one hundred percent certain. I could boost the chance of a turning attempt being successful and while the more juice that I use the better the chance will be it will never be one hundred percent no matter how much juice I use...” Rey explains.

- XP is gained at the end of the battle
- Level ups occur at the beginning of a turn

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256799#p256799)

"Okaay.." says Erfman while pondering, "I think we'll ask you to boost my chances of turning the warlord. Now, what's the minimum amount of Juice your spell takes? And do you have an idea of the effect of using double that Juice? Quadruple? (If you had to choose how much would you spend?)" Erfman questions.

”I have different ways of boosting a unit’s luckamancy... the cheapest way would cost me 25 juice but that spell would not benefit from any extra juice being invested. My next cheapest spell costs me 50 juice a casting. Doubling the juice cost of that spell would double the effect...” Rey replies. ”If you really want to succeed I’d invest as much juice as possible...” Rey then answers.

”Just out of curiosity... Are you skilled at Turnamancy?” Rey then questions. ”The base likelihood of an action being successful plays a big part in how likely it will be successful after your luckamancy has been boosted...” Rey explains.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256829#p256829)

"Well, we've convinced Grim here to join us in only two turns, and that with just the power of the spoken word." Erfman responds.

”I see...” Rey responds as she glances at Grim.

"Grim, do you know the warlord's name? What did you gather from your two conversations with him?” Erfman asks.

”His name is Strife, he seems more loyal to the Dark One personally than he does to the side... When I’ve talked about the units under his command he doesn’t seem to care about what will happen to them...” Grim answers. ”From what I know of him he loves to battle and he loves the action of croaking units” Grim adds. ”I also believe he was not popped in Fanfic but brought here from elsewhere... and from some of his responses I believe he used to work in the dungeons turning enemy prisoners...” Grim reveals.

”Dotti, to improve our chances we should first scout the terrain so to speak. Would you come down and observe as others interact with the Warlord, so to gleam part of his nature?" Erfman then requests.

”Certainly, I would be more than happy to share my insights with you” Dotti responds.

"Rey, I think that's it, please boost my next turn attempt with 50 Juice, and then lets go up so you can pour the rest into the tower, yes?" Erfman declares.

”Very good!” Rey declares with a smile as she follows after Erfman almost skipping up the stairs. She then channels 20 juice in to the tower saving the remaining 50 for her spell.

Tower 160 / 200 Juice

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256835#p256835)

"Ah, that's an important detail I was forgetting: what is the timing, and targeting of the casting of you Luckamancy enhancing spells? Do you need to see the target to cast? Do you need to cast in tandem with the action being boosted?
Or could you cast now, benefiting from the tower boost?" Erfman questions.

”The spell works best if I am able to observe the action being performed” Rey answers. ”I could cast now but the greater the time between the casting and the action the greater the risk that the spell could go astray and you could end up boosting the wrong action...” Rey explains.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256796#p256796)


"Grim, when you came on turn 12 you brought
4 wavens,
8 Uncroaked Stabbers,
8 Uncroaked Pikers,
8 Uncroaked Archers,
1 Uncroaked Ogwe, 2 Mummies
Two turns later, on turn 14, Redshirt appeared with
2x 8 Wavens
2 Magenta Wavens
4x 8 Uncroaked Stabbers
2x 8 Uncroaked Pikers
2x 8 Uncroaked Archers
3x 8 Stabbers
2 Ogwes
4 Shock Troopers
5 Large Wavens, 5 Knights
4 Mummys, 4 Archers
2 Spooks
Do you remember how much of that army was already stationed at Fanfic, and how much must have come from other cities?" Erfman questions.

”The majority of the forces that I brought were either stationed in Fanfic or the surrounding hexes before the attack” Grim replies. ”As for Redshirt’s forces I can’t say for certain as I had already been captured by then but I would imagine they were also mustered from Fanfic or the surrounding area” Grim begins. ”The living stabbers are likely what Fanfic was popping, the Wavens I know are flown in, whereas as the mummies I know were not in Fanfic when I left and I was never informed as to the movement of the Spooks.” Grim continues.

"I think we didn't remember to ask you: what do you know of the obelisks? (What is their purpose? Who built them? When?)" Erfman then questions.

”I don’t know too much of their origins but I know they are old... very old. They have likely lain dormant for thousand upon thousand of turns before the Dark One managed to activate them again.” Grim replies. ”Now they are conduits of his power. They allow him to be everywhere at once... to unleash the full extent of his powers even when he is not there...” Grim recites with some obvious awe in his voice.

"Also, where did all those uncroaked troops came from? Did you see the uncroaker?" Erfman asks.

”A lot of them came from the fall of old Fanon. The Dark One was here that turn. I hear he single handedly started a uncroaking cascade. The remnants of old Fanon were used to build the bones of the Dark Ones army in this area.” Grim replies. ”In his absence scrolls are sent to Fanfic to uncroak additional forces... Also the Spooks are capable of uncroaking” Grim adds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256888#p256888)

"Ok, given what Grim told us of Strife lets test the hypothesis of him liking to turn prisoners" Erfman declares.

"First, lets isolate him. I'm ordering Chief and his gobwins to move the knight outside and keep guard on him." Erfman says while mentally commanding the Gobwins.

"Now, let's all go down and stand back, out of sight, but in hearing range, while Bob and Dotti go talk to him." Erfman adds.

"Bob, I suggest you say something similar to 'So, you're the big shot warlord that likes to turn prisoners? Hah! You'd never turn *me* if you had the chance!', sounds good everyone?" Erfman then instructs.

”I’ll do my best Sire” Bob replies as he stands to attention. The group including Rey then heads down to the dungeon level and are soon passed by Bowie and his Gobwins (both living and uncroaked) dragging the manacled form of a knight away.

While the majority of the group hang back out of sight Bob and Dotti head towards the cell where Warlord Strife is being kept with Bob taking the lead.

”So, you're the big shot warlord that likes to turn prisoners? Hah you don’t look like much! You'd never turn *me* if you had the chance!” Bob declares as he steps out of the darkness and in to the view of the prisoner.

Strife straightens his back and throws a glare in the Lancer’s direction before moving his arms pulling his manacles taught with a loud metallic clink. ”Oh you’d be surprised how convincing I can be. Why don’t you come a bit closer and I’ll show you...” the Warlord replies with a sinister looking smile.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=256947#p256947)

After listening in from a distance Erfman, and thinking that sufficient to get a read on his supposed liking of turning, he silently orders Bob to threaten the prisoner, to test his supposed love for battle.

"Heh, I'm stronger than you, I would croak you with my bare hands if my King would allow me to" Bob threatens while doing his best to look intimidating.

”Hah that’s a laugh, a mere piker thinks he’s a match for me!” Strife retorted with a dismissive sneer. ”Why not come here and try... If by some miracle you actually won you could always tell your king I was trying to escape...” Strife suggests as he once again strains against his restraints.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257005#p257005)

Still listening in, and thinking that sufficient Erfman gives another mental order 'Threaten and retreat'

"Perhaps I will... Don't let me catch you sleeping.." Bob declares ominously.

”Hah you fear me so much that being chained down is not even enough, you must wait until I am asleep as well before you dare face me... Now I see why your side is so pathetic...” Strife retorts.

Leaving the cells behind everyone then retreats before gathering at the portal room. While Erfman and his group get there first Bob and Dotti arrive only a short while after.

"You did good Bob! Very convincing!" greets Erfman smiling with a slap on the shoulder.

”Thank you Sire but I must admit that he did not seem that intimidated by my threats” Bob replies with a slight frown.

"What did you get from that Dotti?" Erfman questions.

”I fear you need not be a Signamancer to be able to read this Strife. He is proud, stubborn and aggressive and very confident in his own abilities, I would say overly so...” Dotti replies. ”I believe you will find turning him to be a real challenge. I may not be a Predictamancer but I would not be at all surprised if he soon attempts to escape.” Dotti adds with a slight frown.

A look of concentration then spreads across Dotti’s face. ”If you are determined to turn him however I believe his key motivators are fear and power. His words centred on these two facets. It was important to him to establish himself as the more powerful unit and the one to be feared. If you are to gain his obedience you will likely need to prove that it is in fact you that are the more powerful though even then he may only obey out of fear. Offering to help him gain power himself would of course be another route you could take.” Dotti finishes.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257036#p257036)

- Heavy units may go to the area directly below the garrison (the part contained within the hexagon on the map)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257151#p257151)

Erfman silently gives a mental command for Strife's shackles to be attached to the ceiling of his cell. There is a brief clank of metal and a grunt of surprise that echoes through the empty dungeons before everything falls silent once again. Next Erfman orders an uncroaked knight down with instructions to bring a table from one of the empty rooms. The uncroaked stumbles down the stairs with a wooden table but eventually manages to drag it outside of the cells. Next a second uncroaked knight follows and lays out a number of items on the table. Unfortunately the items that Erfman is after can not be found so instead a shortsword, an axe, a spear head, a couple of arrows and splinters of wood are placed on the table. The uncroaked then shambled over to Strife and ties a piece of cloth to cover the warlord's eyes. There is a brief struggle but the uncrokaed eventually shambles away and stands guard outside of the cell.

"Friends, let's put on an Act. I think this Strife might have used torture to turn prisoners. And I assume units that employ such devices, fear having such methods applied to them. So we're going to have him believe he is to be tortured, while Dotti watches unseen, to evaluate this assumption" Erfman declares. "Is this Okay Dotti?" Erfman then questions.

"If this is the strategy you wish to employ I am willing to observe and offer my insights..." Dotti replies "However I must warn you that in order for such a strategy to be effective the act must be convincing else you will likely weaken your hand and make any future attempts that more difficult..." Dotti comments.

Erfman then silently orders the two stabbers Tex and Mex to report to the dungeons. "Stabbers Tex and Mex, attention!" Erfman then orders as the two stabbers come in to view. Both stabbers instantly stand ramrod straight as they stare at Erfman with expectation.

"We're putting on an Act to make the prisoner Warlord believe he is to be tortured. I need you to patrol the lower level of the Garrison, passing by the cell door three times, so he hears you. On the fourth time, I need you to pause at the cell door and chat. After a bit, mention 'you saw how the King was practising turning on the stabber prisoners?', 'Yeah, too bad he took it too far', 'Well, at least we gained a few new uncroaked out of it.' Can you do so?" Erfman then asks.

Tex and Mex glance uncertainly at each other before looking back at Erfman. "We'll do our best Sire..." Tex replies while fidgeting slightly on the spot.

"The prisoner should now be blindfolded after having witnessed random instruments (that could be used for torture) being placed in front of him. Dotti, please go spy on him. Tex, Mex, do your Duty well! And we'll see you all here afterwards" Erfman declares.

Tex and Mex then head in the direction of the cell and are immediately followed by Dotti. The sound of footsteps can be heard as the pair of stabbers walk back and fourth before they eventually come to a stop. "You err saw how the King was practising turning on the stabber prisoners?" one voice declares from somewhere in the darkness. "Yes it was too bad he went too far" a second very monotone voice replies. "Well err, at least we gained a few new uncroaked out of it." the first voice is heard saying.

There is a brief pause before a very loud exaggerated yawn can be heard coming from the cells.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257228#p257228)

"(Hm, I'm a Dollamancer, and Turnamancy is also Spookism. I should be able to actually learn proper turnamancy if I put my mind to it.)" Erfman mutters audibly while pondering. "And that should be even easier with a tutor." he continues in a louder voice.

"Okay, with the latest additions by Rey, we now have 14 rands that we can put to use." speaking to his audience. "Dotti, I think our main priorities for today are Lookamancy towards Fanfic, and Turnamancy of our prisoners. Do you know how much an Eyemancer that can Look would charge for his entire Juice pool for the day? We have at minimum 7 hexes to lightly Look (these in red), and 3 to Deep Look (in pink), but there is much more to Look if we have the resources." says he pointing towards the map.
"If not, would you find out for us? And also check on a price of a Turnamancer willing to tutor us, perhaps cast in tandem with us as we learn? We have 16 units to turn as of now." he finishes.

”I actually have a Lookamacer contact” Dotti replies with a smile. ”Her name is Bea and I believe she recently levelled up to level three” Dotti adds as she begins to rummage through her pockets before suddenly pulling out a piece of parchment. ”Here we go her price list!” she declares as she lays it on the table.

Mapping scan of 10 hexes - 3 rands or 450s
In-depth scan of 4 hexes (non concealed units identified) - 3 rands or 450s
Deep Look of 1 hex (include concealed units) - 3 rands or 450s

(range of scan depends on level of city tower the scan is performed at)

”I believe each listed item costs her 100 juice so she would be able to cast three if she has not already spent any of her juice this turn.” Dotti explains.

”As for a Turnamancer I have one in mind but he is a little expensive... I would have to go and negotiate with him in person...” Dotti adds.

"Rey, now that I really thought on it, it's way more reasonable to wait for a tutor before attempting to turn the Warlord. Given our NDA, my house is now your house" Erfman smiles affably "you are welcome to stick around, and look around, while we wait for Dotti, to then cast for us. But if you'd rather not wait, we won't begrudge you putting the rest of your juice in our tower and going home for the turn." Erfman continues.

”I’m in no hurry, you have already paid for all my juice so I’m happy to hang around...” Rey replies with a slight shrug of her shoulders.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257325#p257325)

"That is most useful Dotti!" Erfman happily exclaims. Then as he ponders the list Erfman cups his chin. "Hmm, I think when we do Look we'll have to devote 9 Rands for Bea, for three Deep Scans on the Obelisk, Fanfic and Farm (to get a more accurate estimate of number of Spooks and troops around), but that would leave you only 5 rands to negotiate with your Turnamancer contact for this turn."

"Instead, we'll leave Lookamancy for next turn and focus this turn on learning and turning prisoners.
So, given we wish for tutoring, we expect it to take more than one turn. Use that if you feel it is advantageous." Erfman states with confidence in her skills.

"Would you pen one more NDA with Juice from the tower and then go negotiate with the Turnamancer for his services?" finishes Erfman.

”Of course” Dotti replies with a smile before hurrying off and using the last of her juice and some juice from the tower to create two new non disclosure contracts.

( Dotti 0/200 Juice, Tower 155/200 juice)

”Sire, if you could sign this in advance I will get the Turnamancer to sign it before sending them through the portal...” Dotti declares as she hands the contract over.

A short while later Erfman feels another request for a non aggression pact from a caster by the name of William Spinner.

Once Erfman accepts the pact the portal ripples as a caster steps through. A dark haired man in a black suit strides confidently forward before bowing deeply in Erfman’s direction. ”Your highness, I am Sir William Spinner it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance” he declares as he straightens back up. At the same time Dotti steps through the portal and steps to the side.

”The good Lady Dotti informs me you are looking for an education” William declares. ”How may I help you in this endeavour. What is it that you wish to learn?” William then questions.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257336#p257336)

"Thank you for coming Sir William" says Erfman quietly pleased with a curt nod.

”It’s a pleasure” William replies with a polite smile.

"I have managed to convince a Warlord to turn just through conversation before, but now that I have 14 infantry, 1 knight and another warlord in my dungeons, I'd like to learn how to apply Juice to the turning process." Erfman proceeds in a succinct manner

"Everything you say is protected by our NDA. Would you instruct us in the basic theory of Turnamancy, and help us learn at least one spell?" Erfman inquires

"I've heard casting in tandem is an effective way to learn a new spell, but we defer to your expertise on how to go about it." Erfman finishes in a pondered fashion.

”So you wish to learn the secrets of Turnamancy...” William begins. ”To expand one’s repertoire of skills is a worthy goal but if I were to teach you I would be depriving myself of a potential long term client...” William continues as he strokes his chin. ”I would of course still like to help you my friend but the loss of future earnings will have to be factored in to the price...” William adds.

”Now one of the best known abilities of a Turnamancer is the ability to turn prisoners and it is indeed one of the pillars of the art. I believe this is what you wish to learn yes?” William continues. ”For the knowledge of how to cast this spell I would charge you a mere 6 rands...” William begins before pausing. ”However time and juice are also money... each turn you require my consultation will cost a minimum of two rands and each time I am required to cast will cost an additional rand... “ William continues. ”Are these terms agreeable?” the Turnamancer then questions.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257351#p257351)

"So 6 Rands today for teaching, and in the future 3 Rands for casting, or 2 Rands for questions? That seems very reasonable." Erfman nods decisively.

”Yes of course quite reasonable, quite reasonable indeed!” William replies. ”But in order to avoid confusion I fear I must clarify... for six rands I will share with you the details of the spell... however if you require me to cast in order to help you learn the spell that will cost an additional 1 rand per casting. “ William explains. ”And If you require my assistance to learn the spell over future turns my consultancy will cost two rands plus 1 rand per spell I am required to cast to help you learn the spell...” William continues.

Erfman nods and replies "I wouldn't be too concerned about loss of revenue. Juice limit is the great equaliser, and I'll expect a master like you to always be more efficient and effective with the same Juice than a novice like I aim to be. So, whenever I am working on my Golems and have prisoners, you can expect to receive a call" Erfman smiles with the knowledge of doing and offering good business.

”You're too kind but I am not master of Turnamancy... well not yet at least...” William replies.

"Here" Erfman then declares as he transfers 6 Rands."and let us begin." he states.

”Well as you may be aware Turnamancy is all about movement but unlike Dollamancy it does not focus on the movement of mere objects, no Turnamancy can move the intangible such as motivations and loyalty. “ William begins.

"I am academically curious about Turnamancy senses; those that I shall never have, what do they reveal to of the world to a proper Turnamancer?" Erfman questions.

”Now that is a hard one... how do you describe to a man with no tongue what taste is like? How do you describe the colour blue to a man that can not see...” William continues.

"How hard is it to turn a unit such as a Warlord? (is it harder than an Infantry?) How many castings does it usually take you, an experienced Turnamancer, to break down such a unit's defenses?" Erfman asks.

”Well it all depends on the loyalty of a unit but to simplify matters as a general rule basic infantry are the easiest to turn, knight class units are more difficult and command units even more difficult still. The greatest challenge however is provided by certain casters, heirs and rulers” William explains. ”Now as for a Warlord as I have already stated it depends on their loyalty but on average it could take up to as many as four castings of the basic Turnamancy spell” William adds after some thought.

"I asked because we have Rey here," Erfman says gesturing to the Luckamancer "who is a Luckamancer that we hired to boost such a Turnamancy attempt, if it usually took more than one attempt, then Luckamancy use would be warranted" complements Erfman.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257388#p257388)

"Onward to the practical details? Would you detail the basic Turnamancy spell? (particularly its Juice cost)" Erfman asks.

”Of course, please let me explain...” William replies before going in to the details of the spell and explaining how it works.

Turn prisoner
Class: Turnamancy
Juice: 25
Range: close
Casting time: 5 rounds

On a successful turning attempt reduce units loyalty (to current side) by caster level x 10. When loyalty reaches 0 unit turns. (Prisoners may resist turning attempts and on an unsuccessful turning attempt loyalty remains unchanged. )

"I think, if you don't disagree, that our first practical lesson could be one by example. Would you show us how it's done, by casting on the warlord prisoner?"
Erfman then requests.

"Dotti here has analysed his Signamancy while he interacted with others and has inferred that he seems to be proud, stubborn and aggressive and overly confident in his own abilities. His key motivators seemed to be fear and power. So to gain his obedience I would likely need to prove that we are the more powerful one, or offer to increase his power." Erfman relays.

"I had thought to shock-and-awe him by manhandling him with my Golems, that obey to me alone, and offer him magical gear that I can produce if he would turn, but now that you are to have central stage, we defer to your expertise" Erfman finishes.

”Hmmm yes such mundane Turnamancy might have worked on some units however juice allows me to work a little differently... William replies.

"Here and Rey, would you boost Caster William's attempt?"
Erfman asks as he transfers another rand to William.

”Oh of course!” Rey replies happily as she prepares to cast at the most opportune time.

William then makes his way in to the cell, he doesn’t say anything but silently begins to circle the prisoner. Strife doesn’t say anything either but once again tests the strength of his restraints but his shackles hold firm.

After a couple of minutes of silent circling Strife begins to grow agitated and begins to fidget and struggle.

”What are you doing back there? That cowardly king sent you to stab me in the back rather than face me himself?” Strife growls. William does not respond but lingers behind Strife where the prisoner can’t quite see him. ”Answer me dammit!” Strife then barks. William however suddenly bursts in to action thrusting one arm forwards as he slams his palm on to the back of the prisoners head. Strife’s eyes go wide and slightly dazed looking before he begins to thrash about.

”Stubborn but by no means the most difficult challenge I have faced” William declares as a look of concentration spreads across his face. At the same time Rey from her position outside the cell completes her spell.

Strife’s head then slumps forwards and William pulls back his hand. ”I’ll be seeing you soon...” he then declares before calmly walking out of the cell.

”Demonstration complete...” William then declares as he brushes off his suit. ”I have made progress but the Warlord is not quite ready to turn just yet...” he then adds.

”Now that you have seen how it works, would you like to make an attempt of your own? Perhaps in tandem or on an easier unit?” William then questions.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257406#p257406)

"Huh, what a curious thing, by your explanation Caster William, the only random element to a turning attempt (that could in turn be boosted by Luckamancy) is in the resist attempt check. Hm" Erfman muses "I wonder if there is a critical success bonus.. Did it ever occur to encounter a prisoner that from your initial examination seemed like he should have high loyalty, and thus be a particularly difficult nut to crack, but then you succeeded in turning him at your first attempt?" Erfman asks with curious but serious eyes.

”I prefer to think of it as a result of one’s skill rather than a random act of chance but yes a turning attempt can fail or be resisted by the subject” William replies. ”Well of course Turnamancy is subject to critical successes just like anything else and unfortunately critical failures as well...” William adds.

"Also, Caster William, what would be a normal loyalty level for a unit? Are we looking at something in the 200 range or more like 50?" Erfman inquires curious.

”Well it of course can vary from unit to unit but if I were to pluck a number out of my head basic infantry on average often have a loyalty of around 50, Knights are often twice that and command units at least twice that again.” William replies.

"What if the spell was used on a barbarian? Have you had to do so in the past?" Erfman then asks.

”Ah yes barbarians an interesting question, an interesting question indeed. What people often don’t realise is barbarians have loyalty just like anyone else. A barbarian popped with a command unit often have loyalty to their commander equal to that of a side. A barbarian without a commander (and yes there are certain circumstances where that can occur) have loyalty only to themselves. They often have much lower loyalty values often less than half of a sided unit” William explains.

"Finally, when we learn this spell would our caster level even count? (since we are not even a novice in Turnamancy)" Erfman questions.

”A true Turnamancer counts as twice their actual level for this spell. A non Turnamancer I believe would expend twice the amount of juice and their level would not be doubled.” William answers.

”I will trust your judgement on how our Juice should be spent during our education Mr. William, but I was hoping to have Strife turned this turn. Is there any chance we can focus on that?” Erfman finishes

”Why of course I suggest we tandem cast or the Warlord and turn him together” William replies. ”As per my terms however that will cost you one rand per casting that I have to make” William adds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257415#p257415)

"Of course, let's do this, I'll follow your lead" Erfman declares as he transfers a rand.

”Very good then follow me Sire” William declares as he leads Erfman back inside the cell and takes up a position behind the still dazed looking Strife.

William reaches out and takes a hold of one of Erfman’s hands with his left hand while he places his right on to the back of Strife’s head. ”Place your other hand on the back of the prisoners head and I shall attempt to guide you in how to use your juice...” William instructs.

Both casters begin to channel their juice and just as Erfman is getting a feel for what he is supposed to be doing he suddenly sneezes and his concentration is broken and the spell slips away.

”How unfortunate... a failure...” William declares. ”You must maintain your focus. Again?” he then questions.

(1 rand spent, Erfman 105/400 Juice)

2019-10-13, 05:01 PM
Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257423#p257423)

”Yes" Erfman nods resolutely transferring another rand

"Does having the prisoner dazed like this makes it easier to apply Turnamancy on him?" Erfman asks. "and is a prisoner becoming dazed a usual outcome of a successful Turnamancy attempt?" Erfman quickly adds.

”It is merely a brief side effect of the spell, it will wear off very quickly” William replies.

”Come let us try again, channel your juice like so...” William instructs as he begins to guide the flow of juice. Erfman does as instructed this time feeling much more confident in what he is doing. As he works Erfman begins to get brief flashes of what motivates Strife before William begins to guide his hand. Slowly Erfman begins to feel those motivations shift and change.

(1 rand spent, Casting successful Erfman: 80/400 Juice)

”Very good we are making progress” William declares ”Once more or do you wish to try on your own this time?” William then questions.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Compilation of Game Thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=255913#p255913)

--- Talking privately with AC ---

Erfman chuckles "It looks like we're going to have a contract signed, so I can duplicate your armor, and you can shoot at me without breaking our NAP during 'training' sessions" he says smiling

”Hmmm I can’t help thinking if you’re going to get a nice new set of armour out of this deal I should be getting something of equal value. So what can you offer me?” AC then asks.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257424#p257424)

".. I have no idea" says Erfman at a loss. "You already have armor, a weapon and a spell focus, what more would you need?" Erfman continues honestly curious.

”Hmmm if we are talking of things that you could create with Dollamancy I would not object to a light golem mount...” AC replies.

Erfman continues to muse "A jetpack that grants the flying special perhaps?" Erfman muses out loud "Note that I don't yet know how to do one, but after replicating your armor I believe my skills should increase considerably. Would a contract promise to make it my research focus and give you the first one I produce when I finally learn how suffice?" Erfman suggests.

”A jet pack that grants the flying special... now that is tempting....” AC begins. ”What guarantee is there that you’ll ever learn how to make one if you don’t know how to make one now though? I can not be waiting for payment indefinitely. If you put in a clause if your unable to make it in a set amount of turns then you have to provide alternate payment that might be acceptable...” AC replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257508#p257508)

"Hmm, I think I could do that." he muses

"What would be the goal? Transportation in the MK and screening in the MK? (given that going through portals seems to unjuice them golems)" Erfman questions.

"Transportation both in and out of the MK" AC replies "If it could be used for screening all the better" AC adds. "I'm not worried about the portal absorbing the golems juice... I'd most likely charge it after passing through a portal..." AC responds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257530#p257530)

"I expect any Mount to be able to screen the rider if ordered, so the follow up question would be on the details: Would you want the strongest light golem possible (and thus the more expensive maintenance-wise), or as long as it can carry you a few hexes (while still looking impressive) you'd prefer to minimize it's maintenance cost?” Erfman questions.

”I wouldn’t say strongest... what I’m looking for is fastest. I already pack a punch... I don’t need a war golem I need a ride” AC replies.

”The cheapest Mount Golem I could make should have 15 Juice upkeep." Erfman finishes with passion for his craft in his eyes.

”Hmmm ideally I’d like the upkeep to be 25 or less... that way maintaining it would only cost me a single spell...” AC replies.

"Then finally, would you like the Mount's stats to be focused on Move, or on Hits+Defense? Or a balanced mix of the three? (or even 4 if you'd like it to be able to kick :D)" Erfman questions.

”Move definitely move...” AC responds. ”Oh and it needs to be small enough to fit through portals...” AC adds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257663#p257663)

To pay AC with Golem mount. Basis of comparison, bird:
0/1/1/12 Flight (20 upkeep) does not need [Adept]

Erfman ponders, a golem without Flight special, but with Mount special, made of Wood, with a woolly saddle built in. What stats could he secure with 25 or less upkeep, maximizing Move?

And if the base material was Metal? Could the Golem be more elegant? (2 legged ostrich-type, thinner structure, more stats? and need [Adept]?)

Erfman can not be 100% sure of the stats until he spends Juice crafting however he is able to come up with the following rough designs:

Wooden Horse
1 / 1 / 4 / 12 / 0JC / 25s
Specials: Mount

Materials required: 6 wood 125 juice

Metal runner
1 / 1 / 4 / 13 / 0JC / 25s
Specials: Mount

Materials required: 4 metal 150 juice

With special materials Erfman believes he could improve these stats)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257675#p257675)

"AC, I think for 25J maintenance I would be able to squeeze 12 Move out of a Wooden Horse for you. Alternatively, if you find at least 4 metal, or special materials for me, I should be able to do even better for the same maintenance level" Erfman says felling satisfied "How does that sound as payment for studying your armor until I can replicate it?" Erfman then asks.

”12 move? Not great but I guess it’s the same as basic low level mounts...” AC replies with a shrug. ”If I do go for it though could the mount be upgraded later?” AC questions. ”Huh my armour is a work of art, if you want to learn it’s secrets I’d expect you to provide the materials for the mount” AC counters.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257680#p257680)

"Of course AC." Erfman states in a soothing voice. "I have the wood and wool to make you a Wooden Horse with 12 Move." Erfman states placatingly.

"What I meant was, I'm an artist too," Erfman smiles slightly "And I can only work with what I have, and I currently only have Wood." he clarifies "If you get me better materials, I would be able to make you an even better Mount without 'charging' you extra for it."

"So, Wooden Horse it is? And indeed it could be upgraded afterwards (albeit, upgrading to a better Golem would likely increase its maintenance cost over the 25 limit)" Erfman.

”Sure why not...” AC grunts with a slight shrug of his shoulders.
----- End of private talk with AC -----

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257457#p257457)

"I have yet to actually learn the spell, and for turning him I'd like to benefit from your level, so please, together one more time." Erfman finishes transferring another Rand.

The pair of casters once again begin to cast and all seems to be going well until Erfman begins to lose control of the spell he tries his best to keep hold of it but despite his best efforts the spell slips away and fails.

(1 rand spent Erfman 55/400 Juice)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257479#p257479)

Erfman wonders to himself what the effect of casting in tandem is actually being, since he was expecting one caster to pick up the slack when the other is floundering, and have the spell be cast successfully anyway. "William, why did the spell fail just now? You weren't able to pick up my slack? The warlord resisted us both? (Or me casting makes it harder on you?)" Erfman questions.

William raises an eyebrow as he looks back in Erfman’s direction. ”The prisoner did not resist, the spell failed to be cast correctly due to you losing control” William replies. ”Ah, I had presumed you knew how tandem casting worked as you were the one who suggested it...”. William begins. ”My mistake, when two or more units work cooperatively to cast a spell they spread the juice cost between them. One caster may take the lead and guide the other casters in casting making it easier for them to perform the spell however if one caster loses control of the spell the entire spell will fail” William explains. ”If you were hoping for two chances of succeeding then you may have been better served by both of us casting separately though this would have cost twice the amount of juice...” William adds.

"William, my priority is really having this Warlord turned. Please go ahead and turn him by yourself." Erfman then requests as he transfers more rands.

”Very well then stand back and you may observe while I complete the turning process” William declares as he places both hands on the back of Strife’s head. William then concentrates and closes his eyes as he begins to channel juice once again. It takes a while and actually two more castings of the spell before William steps back with a small smile on his face.

”It is done...” he declares as Erfman feels a new unit join the side.

Strife, Level 2 Warlord
5 / 5 / 11 / 8 / 10/24xp / 130s
Special Leadership, Torturer

Torturer: Unit may make a non magical turning check on a prisoner once per level per turn. In order to perform this check the unit must inflict a minimum of 1 point of damage to the prisoner.[/quote]

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257508#p257508)

"Fantastic William, thank you so much. I believe I'll attempt to turn some infantry by myself later, to finally learn the spell. Now, we need to debrief Strife, and with our NDA you are welcome to stick around." he says with a nod. Then he turns to Strife.

William gives a polite nod before stepping back.

"Warlord Strife, accompany me." Erfman declares while mentally ordering one of the uncroaked knights to fall in formation as he marches towards the Portal room.

Strife takes a moment to recover from the dazed state he was in but he eventually stands up and shakes his head before slowly trudging after Erfman.

At the portal room, as Strife enters
"Everyone, meet our newest member."

"Warlord Strife, report. Turn 14 of Fanon you were detected nearby with Redshirt and the army of
- 2 spooks
- 4 mummies
- 2 Ogwes
- 5 knights
- 5 waven mounts
- 29 stabbers
- 4 archers
- 40 uncroaked stabbers
- 16 uncroaked archers
- 4 shock troopers
- 11 wavens
- 2 magenta wavens"

"I expect that army took 3 turns to cover the distance from Fanfic to here. Do you confirm?
How many troops remained behind in Fanfic and surrounding hexes on Turn 12?
What fraction of the Dark Side's total forces did that army comprise?
How many cities of what levels did the Dark Side contain 4 turns ago?
Did you visit the Capital of Dark Side? And what is its location in relation to here?"

"Yeah the march took three turns, it would have been quicker if not for the Ogwe's...." Strife replies with a noncommittal shrug. "When I left? one caster, one warlord, 1 uncroaked warlord and about three stacks of uncroaked were left in the city" Strife answers "Not sure what was in the surrounding hexes at the time but it would have been mostly uncroaked" he adds. "What fraction? not a clue but it would have been a very small fraction" Strife answers. "I couldn't say a couple of dozen cities I guess...." Strife. "Never been to the capital but it's far from here... over the water at the very least..." Strife reveals.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257530#p257530)

"What about production? Is Fanfic's production standard for a lvl3 city?" Erfman continues his queries.

”I recon so...” Strife replies with a bored look on his face.

"How was the Dark Side fielding so many uncroaked, where did the bodies come from? And uncroaked raised by Spooks also did not decay?" Erfman asks.

”Some the Dark One brought with him from over the sea, most however are former units of Fanon or nearby sides” Strife reveals still looking rather disinterested. ”None of the Dark Side’s unit’s decay no matter how they were uncroaked” he adds.

"What about the uncroaked wavens, do you know their provenience?" Erfman then asks.

”The Wavens? They’re ferals... the Dark One has learnt the secret of how to breed them as though they were natural allies” Strife reveals. ”When he needs scouts he has them harvested and uncroaked” Strife then adds.

"What are the baseline stats for any side specific unit produced by the Dark One? What level cities are necessary to produce them, and how long do they take to produce, or are they caster made?" Erfman questions.

”The majority of the Dark One’s speciality units are uncroaked, they are not popped but created by the Dark One” Strife answers. ”The abilities of Spooks are a closely guarded secret, Mummies have equivalent stats to a knight and basic uncroaked have equivalent stats to those they had before they were croaked” Strife answers. ”As for living units Ogwe’s which you know of can be popped in Level 2 cities and Giant Wavens can be popped in Level 3 cities. Fanfic can pop an Ogwe ever other turn and giant Wavens they can pop every turn.” Strife answers.

"What contractors does the dark one have that you are familiar with?" Erfman asks.

”not a clue...” Strife replies with a shrug of his shoulders.

"What details can you give us regarding the dark one's casters?" Erfman questions.

”The only true caster he has in the area is Lady Shipping a Level three Noble Thinkamancer” Strife answers.

"Are there any hidden resources, features, or special hexes in the Dark One's domain? where and what are they, if so?" Erfman questions.

”I don’t know about hidden but he has plenty of farms, mines, lumber mills and the like” Strife answers. ”There’s also the obelisks and there is a ruins hex not far from fanfic” Strife adds.

"Does the Dark One seem to favour specific types of troops, barring uncroaked infantry? if so, what, and how are they used?"

”Yes casters...” Strife replies. ”Oh and I hear he also likes uncroaked Dwagons” he adds.

"What standing orders do troops of the Dark One have? What orders were you under before you were sent here?" Erfman questions.

”Defend the cities and the obelisks, croak or capture all units that approach, extra care should be taken in capturing any casters encountered” Strife reveals.

Erfman nods and turns to the rest present
"We have 4 plains hexes and 5 double-move forest hexes from here to the Obelisk or to Fanfic, our main targets. If not for these forest hexes we have the mobility to surprise the defenders." Erfman declares stating the problem. "How to deal with these forest hexes to make crossing them 1-move?" Erfman then asks.

"Given that cut trees in an hex grow back slowly, would cutting down the trees in a path through the center of the hex solve this for us? (would it make the path 1-move to cross? Does anyone have that experience?)" Erfman asks the room.

Mahogany steps forwards and holds up four fingers she then makes a cutting motion with her other hand before dropping down two fingers leaving only two fingers pointing up. With her index and middle fingers she then walks it across her palm before holding up a single finger.

Dotti then coughs and speaks up. ”I believe miss Mahogany is trying to say that you need to cut down half of a heavy forest hex in order to reduce it to one move” Dotti translates getting a nod from the Dwyad.

"Does anyone have knowledge of Infernos and turning a hex into an Ash hex? If a single forest hex goes up in flames, will the neighbor hexes also catch fire? What's the move cost of an Ash hex?" Erfman questions.

”Sire our farm is currently an ash hex, units that have moved through it spent only one move” Bob answers speaking up for the first time in a while. ”I’m not sure if an inferno can spread to other hexes though...” he adds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257542#p257542)

*mental order to two scouts to go undress Jessie of her Armor*

Receiving the order the two scouts scurry off to carefully remove the armour from the inactive golem.

*Have Scout F move down the mountain on the other side of the river, and harvest the 3 fruits there*

Receiving the order the scout heads out of the mountain hex and down on the other side of the river before setting to work harvesting fruit from the bush.

(3 fruit gained)

"Okaay, very nice" Erfman rubs his hands looking serious but with contained excitement

"Check this" He says pointing at the map

"If we figure out a way to safely start an inferno from the air, Grim would be able to set these hexes ablaze, while we cut a path on that regular forest hex. This would allow on the next turn The Luggage to move us all the way here, which leaves our whole army able to strike Fanfic or the Obelisk, while also putting the Farm and the Ruins in range of a mounted force." Erfman declares.

(Is Erfman aware if there is flammable liquid available in Fanon? (a jug of lamp oil?) )

(No there is not any flammable liquid available)

"Grim here is a scroll user. AC do you think one Fiery Blast would be enough to set one tree ablaze? (if not, do you have a more suitable spell to starting fires?)" Erfman then questions.

”One fiery blast should be more than enough to set a tree alight” AC replies. ”I can’t guarantee it will start an inferno though” AC then adds.

To Strife

”What cities have you been at?” Erfman questions.

”I was popped in Sacra but after that I spent some time in Odveig before being brought to Fanfic and now Fanon” Strife replies

”What do you know of the side/city to the west of Fanfic?” Erfman then asks.

”Which one?” Strife asks in return.

”What do you know of the warlord at Fanfic?” Erfman then questions.

”Bran? He’s a level one caretaker Warlord... he’s little better than a courtier but he makes sure the city is managed...” Strife scoffs.

”What do you know about prince Redshirt?” Erfman then asks.

”He used to be Fanon’s heir until the Dark One turned him in to an advanced thinking uncroaked” Strife answers.

”Can you expand our current map north of Fanfic?” Erfman questions.

”Doubt I could map it out but I know what’s up there roughly...” Strife replies.

”Do you know of any natural allies that the Darkside has?” Erfman finishes.

”None that I’m aware of...” Strife responds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257617#p257617)

"Strife, describe roughly what is to the North of Fanfic, and what you know of this city" he states pointing to -06.-09 in the map "And then tell us the rough direction and hex distance of Sacra and Odveig from Fanfic." he adds.

"North of Fanfic is a large forest and beyond that there is another obelisk, the city of Fanboy and a lumber mill...." Strife replies. "That's the city of Fanart..." Strife then replies as he looks at the map. "It's a former city of old Fanon, I believe it was claimed by barbarians after the fall of old Fanon" Strife then adds. "Sacra and Odveig? North west I think... must be 100 to 200 hexes away..." Strife thinks out loud.

"Finally, describe the traps and other static defenses that are currently implemented in Fanfic." he concludes

"Well there's archery towers and miniature shockamancy towers. There's also a large number of shockamancy traps on both the floor and in strategic locations..." Strife answers.

Thinking back to how to attack Fanfic by creating a path with Infernos

"Hmm, if we make a road for ourselves, it will go both ways. The most optimal solution would be making The Luggage Forest Capable" he ponders out loud.

"Let me analyse to see if and how possible that could be" he states while ordering a Hog and The Luggage to join them in the Portal room. He then proceeds to do a more thorough inspection and estimation.

(Erfman has already, in passing, thought it could be possible if expensive; Does he still think so? If so, how expensive roughly?)

- The cheapest and easiest option would be to replace The Luggage's mountain capable special with forest capable

Erfman recons it would be possible to add forest capable and have both specials however the craft check would have a higher difficulty. Erfman estimates that the maintenance cost of The Luggage could increase from anywhere from 20 to 40 juice

- The requirements to ride a mount are that they are a light unit AND humanoid

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257663#p257663)

"Strife, last question, what do you know of the obelisks?" Erfman asks.

”They are weapons of the Dark One, only he knows how they truly work. They have something to do with the Dark Ones magic... they make it stronger or reach further perhaps...” Strife replies. ”He values them greatly though... that much I do know...” Strife the adds.

Looking again at The Luggage

"Yes.., yes I could add Forest Capable to The Luggage, either by swapping the Mountain Capable out, or directly adding, but both for uncertain Juice cost.."

"An alternative would be dabbling directly in Weirdomancy. The simplest Weirdomancy spell might be 'Add 1 Special, to 1 unit, for 1 turn, for 25 Juice' (50 for me), I might actually succeed at that. If we have spare Rands we could ask your Findamancer contact to point us to the closest Weirdomancer, and ask them for lessons." He finishes glancing at Dotti.

”Weirdomancers are rare but yes with a findamancer I believe we should be able to locate one” Dotti replies with a slight nod.

"Hmm, the possibility of adding specials to a unit opens a lot of possibilities.." Erfman muses "Does anyone know of a unit that is immune to Shockamancy? A Blue Dwagon perhaps?" Erfman questions.

”I have never met a unit that was immune to all forms Shockamancy” AC replies. ”Resistant yes or immune to one form such as fire or lightning. But completely immune? No” AC answers.

Struck by a thought, Erfman turns to William
"Caster William, is it within your power to increase a city's production? If so, what is its exact effects, and how much would you charge for that service?". Erfman questions.

”At my current level and mastery I could boost the production rate of a city by 75%... what does that mean in terms of units for a level one city?

Pikers (2/turn) would become 3/turn
Scouts (2/turn) would become 3/turn

I would charge 4 rands for this service...” William replies.

Thinking to secure the Lookamancer for the next turn, Erfman turns to Dotti
"Dotty, would you let Bea know that if she's willing, we'd be happy to hire her tomorrow for two Deep Look castings? (So she doesn't use all her Juice before)" Requests Erfman.

”Certainly I will send her a message right away” Dotti replies as she takes a seat and pulls out her quill.

"That will be early in the turn, just after we ask you to seek casters willing to make Rand Conversions in exchange for fruits" Erfman then adds

A bit after, motioning Dotti to a quieter corner out of the Portal Room.

"Dear Dotti, tomorrow, I'd call upon your full services again, just as today. Are you willing, and will be able to?" he inquires in a soothing voice, thinking of her previously mentioned contractual obligations

”Yes I believe I should be able to make myself available next turn” Dotti replies with a smile.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257728#p257728)

Later in the Portal room, with his allies around him, Erfman suddenly goes very still looking at the map "..." and then he begins to mutter with contained excitement "(...we have the Juice to try, yes, I could make it, yes, I could Weirdomancy The Luggage into a Forest Capable today, and we have the funds, and the stone! 3000 in cash, make a building reducing the cost to upgrade to 4000, and attack the Obelisk with all our forces today! Razing it for the last 1000!)" Erfman mutters. Erfman then turns quickly towards Dotti "Dotti! Change of plans! We have 3 Rands with Bea's name on them for Deep Look on the Obelisk right now! If she has the Juice" he quickly blurts excited.

"Of course I will send the message now..." Dotti replies as she once again.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257748#p257748)

"If Bea is available you can already pen her NDA with tower Juice for me to sign" he continues, riding the euphoria high.

After sending the message Dotti hurries up to the tower to begin writing out yet another NDA. A short while later Dotti returns with contract in hand.

Tower: 130/200 Juice

Erfman then receives a request from a unit by the Name if Bea Nocular for a non aggression pact which he immediately accepts. A caster wearing beige shirts and a beige shirt then steps through the portal with a strange device hanging around her neck. Dotti then hurries forwards and quickly gets her to sign the non disclosure contract.

”King Erfman I presume?” Bea then declares by way of greeting.

Erfman gently takes her hands in his, "Caster Bea, I'm King Erfman, thank you for coming, we are most grateful for your presence, as upon your Eye rests the lymphchin of a plan that would allow us to upgrade our Capital while dealing a significant blow to our enemies in one fell swoop!" Erfman begins with a large smile

"Come" he lightly pulls her towards the table with the map, and points "Here, look, we plan to transverse these hexes and strike here, at this Obelisk, which we'd have you Deep Look" he continues losing the smile "Be wary as there may be more than one Spook in the hex: ghostly creatures capable of turning completely invisible, and crossing solid objects, thus allowing them to hide inside structures, the ground, or even other units!" he explains

"Will you cast? Does it help to do so from the tower" Erfman questions.

”Yes I will need to stand upon the top of the tower in order for my spell to work at it’s most efficient” Bea replies.

"Lets go then" Erfman says leading the way.

Once at the top of the tower Bea looks north and raises the strange device to her eyes before she begins to cast.

”Ah yes the hex is defended...” Bea begins. ”I count two full stacks all uncroaked. Each stack consists of 1 Knight, 3 stabbers and four Archers. I also detect two presences within the structure though even my sight can not see them clearly.” Bea reveals.

(3 rands spent)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257767#p257767)

As Bea reveals our foes, Erfman calculates "Caster friends, if AC makes us a scroll of Gradoken, an Adept Shockamancy spell, will there be a chance that me, a novice Shockamancer will fail to cast it? (What of Cadaver, a non-shockamancer?)" Erfman questions.

”The difficult part is making the scroll not casting it” AC replies. ”I mean you could still miss but it’s very unlikely you would fail to cast the scroll completely...” AC adds.

Mentally checking the Larder Erfman muses "hmm.. we still have 9 Fruits.. Caster Bea, have you eaten today? Would you accept 3 rations of Fruits for 70 of your Juice?" Erfman questions.

”Yes I have already eaten Thank you” Bea replies with a polite smile. ”I am afraid I prefer my payment in either shmuckers or rands” Bea then answers. ”If that was the only spell you needed casting I should move on to other clients before turn end...” Bea finishes.

--- Start of turning attempts ---

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257675#p257675)

- When Strife turned he regained his armour (chainmail with shoulder pauldrons), his helmet and his axe. All equipment is mundane, was in our Armory, and was transported to him.

Then Erfman nods decisively back to Strife.

"Time to turn some prisoners. Caster William, I plan to draw out one stabber prisoner, and give him a speech prompting him to turn. If he doesn't then I'll apply your lessons and attempt to turn him with Juice. Would you watch and discretely give me directions if you feel they are warranted?" Erfman questions.

”Certainly” William replies with a polite dip of his head.

Having received a silent order a scout hurries in to the room carrying the Shockamancy sword retrieved from the armoury. With a bow the scout holds out the sword for Erfman to take.

"Here Grim, wear this proudly, you'll be making use of it later today in your foray, and in the future" Erfman says with a decisive nod as he picks up the sword and offers it to the Warlord thinking he would make a good show to the prisoners, wearing Redshirt's sword.

Grim looks a bit hesitant but he eventually picks up the sword and holds it up in the air almost reverently. ”Thank you your majesty...” he eventually replies.

"Okay, Strife, Grim, please join me." says Erfman as he mentally orders Bob to go first into The Luggage, and then climbs in right behind him. As Grim, Strife and William enter The Luggage, Erfman is also mentally pinging two uncroaked Knights, the uncroaked archers and piker, and Tex and Mex into The Luggage, and Stompy into the Portal Room, to peer into The Luggage open maw, being visible from below.

Erfman orders the turned uncroaked archers and piker to line the opposite wall, and as all the turned Dark Side units are present and visible, Erfman nods, and turns to the first closed off cell where a Stabber resides. He mentally orders the uncroaked knights forward to grab the prisoner, as he also have The Luggage open up the first cell with a Stabber.

The wood slides back revealing an unarmed Stabber who struggles slightly as he is pulled forwards by the uncroaked.

"Prisoner, know that I am King Erfman of Fanon, and you were led here by your warlords to capture me."

"Know that Redshirt is vanquished and both Warlord Grim and Warlord Strife have decided to join me." Erfman states gesturing to the present Warlords behind him without breaking eye-contact

"Turn. Turn and join your stack brothers and sisters in stabbing our new enemies under our leadership."

"Do not force us to have to proceed to more drastic measures" Erfman finishes in a low voice glancing at Strife. Strife for his part pulls out a wicked looking dagger and grins maliciously as he eyes the Stabber.

The Stabber gulps and stumbles slightly before standing straighter and glaring back in Erfman’s direction. He doesn’t speak but he resolutely shakes his head.

”Want me to work him over? I’ll get him to turn easy... I won’t even have too break too many bones...” Strife declares as he takes a step forwards.

- Golems do not have to be in the city in order to have their Upkeep paid in schmukers.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257676#p257676)

Pondering his craft, erfman starts to wonder about the details of golem crafting.

All costs are estimates;

What is the cheapest, weakest golem he could make?

Etsie 1 wool 50 Juice
0 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0JC / 1s
Special: Immobile, Non combatant


Crude wood Golem: 3 Wood 75 juice. 1 / 1 / 6 / 0 / (5s upkeep)
Special: Garrison


Crude wood Golem: 3 Wood 75 juice. 1 / 1 / 6 / 8 / (10s upkeep)

The base golem, but with forest capable? mountain capable? both?

Crude Forest Golem: 4 Wood 100 juice. 1 / 1 / 6 / 8 / (30s upkeep)
Special: Forest capable

Crude Mountain Golem: 3 Wood 1 metal 125 juice. 1 / 1 / 6 / 8 / (30s upkeep)
Special: Mountain capable

Crude All terrain Golem: 4 Wood 1 metal 150 juice. 1 / 1 / 6 / 8 / (70s upkeep)
Special: Forest capable, Mountain capable.

base golem with flight? mount? both?

Crude Flying Golem: 2 Wood 2 leather 2 cloth 150 juice. 1 / 1 / 4 / 8 / (30s upkeep)
Special: Flight

Crude Wooden Mount Golem: 6 Wood 125 juice. 1 / 1 / 6 / 8 / (25s upkeep)
Special: Mount

Crude Flying Mount Golem: 4 Wood 2 leather 2 cloth 200 juice. 1 / 1 / 4 / 8 / (65s upkeep)
Special: Flight, Mount

base golem with archery

Crude wooden archer Golem: 4 Wood 100 juice. 1 / 1 / 6 / 0 / (10s upkeep)
Special: Garrison, Archery


Crude wooden archer Golem: 4 Wood 100 juice. 1 / 1 / 6 / 8 / (20s upkeep)
Special: Archery

base golem with heavy


Crude Heavy wood Golem: 8 Wood 300 juice. 1 / 4 / 12 / 0 / (40s upkeep)
Special: Garrison, Heavy


Crude Heavy wood Golem: 8 Wood 300 juice. 1 / 4 / 12 / 8 / (80s upkeep)
Special: Heavy

base golem with mining


Crude Mining Golem: 4 Wood 2 metal 150 juice. 1 / 1 / 6 / 8 / (30s upkeep)
Special: Sapper

Erfman then begins to compile this into a list of estimated juice cost by specials, and corresponding changes to upkeep, and ponders if combining would cost more than just the costs of the base specials

After some more consideration, Erfman starts most lists and makes more charts:

Wearable golemancy

Erfman imagines helmet or gauntlet golems, etc, should be possible. However he will need to have a design and function in mind before he could estimate proper stats or cost.

wooden Equipment golem ?2 wood ?100 Juice
0 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0JC / 5s
Special: non combatant

Equipable item

Forest capable ~500 juice
Mountain capable ~500 juice
Sapper ~500 juice
Flight ~500 juice
Archery ~200 juice and item must also be +1
One point of extra defence, at no move penalty
+1 ~100 juice (item must be masterwork)
as above, but offense
+1 ~100 juice (item must be masterwork)

Estimates on costs for an item that:
Improve the effective caster level of a caster: 200 juice (item must already be +1)

Estimates on costs for facilities that:
General purpose dedicated caster's workshop: ~20-30 wood, stone or metal plus construction knowledge required

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257680#p257680)

Erfman will give the stabber a level look while putting a hand up to halt Strife.

"You know Warlord Strife's reputation. Do you really doubt he could convince you to join the side?" he questions

The Stabber clenches his jaw and silently glares back stubbornly refusing to turn.

"You will join the side. I don't want to resort to the same tactics the dark one is willing to use so easily, however I have a duty of my own. So you can join the side willingly or become another notch on Warlord Strife's belt. So again stabber, Turn!" he orders, projecting force into his gaze

”NO!” the Stabber shouts backs as he begins to struggle against the undead holding him in place.

Erfman then looks at Strife and states “I’ll go first. Watch. Watch and see what was done to you.”

”Pfft just let me cut him... it’s not like anything I cut off won’t come back...” Strife retorts with a frown.

Erfman then prowls forward around the Stabber in a similar fashion as William did before, circling him once, twice, and settling behind the Stabber as the uncroaked hold him in place

When the Stabber seems most uncomfortable, Erfman then channels Juice into him as he touches the back of the Stabber’s head.

As soon as Erfman touches the back of the Stabber’s head a rush of understanding rushes through Erfman’s head as everything clicks in to place.

<Critical Success>
<Level 1 Stabber has turned to Fanon>
<Turn prisoner Spell learned>

Erfman: 55 / 400 Juice.

The Stabber stumbles forwards as his livery changes to that of Fanon and his armour and sword reappears. Recovery from a slightly dazed state the Stabber then stands to attention

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257681#p257681)

- Estimated costs are base costs to build these golems from scratch, with no bonuses taken into consideration. Upgrading one golem to another may be more expensive than creating it from scratch.

Non Combatant: Unit cannot Attack and does not provide or receive a stack bonus.

- Upgrades may cost more than the difference between the two models due to wasted materials and juice.

- Crude Metal golems may have better stats than their wood golem equivalents and cost more juice to create.

- The more specials the more expensive it would be. The increase is not linear.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257728#p257728)

"Welcome. Stabber, state your name, age, and cities visited." Erfman orders

"Rex, 12 turns old, Fanfic and Fanon" The stabber answers rapidly as he stands to attention.

Erfman nods and motions towards Tex and Mex, "go stand with your brothers" he orders.

Rex gives a quick salute and hurries over to join the two other Stabbers.

He then turns to William "Thank you, I just learned the spell with that attempt. I won't be casting anymore today, so you may linger and observe our efforts, but I won't ask you to stay any further." Erfman finishes with a small nod.

"Very good your highness, if you no longer require my services I shall take my leave..." William replies. "If you require me again Miss Dotti knows how to contact me..." William adds before making his way towards the portal

Erfman then checks that all turned Dark side units are visible (Stompy as well at The Luggage's entrance) and then motions the uncroaked into position for the next stabber, and orders The Luggage to open the cell.

"Stabber, how much did you hear of Stabber Rex's turning?" Erfman questions.

The Stabber remains quiet and looks away.

"Know that I am King Erfman of Fanon, and you were led here by your warlords to capture me." Erfman declares.

"Know that Redshirt is vanquished and both Warlord Grim and Warlord Strife have decided to join me." Erfman states gesturing to the present Warlords behind him without breaking eye-contact

"Turn. Turn and join your stack brothers and sisters in stabbing our new enemies under our leadership." Erfman adds.

"Do not force us to have to proceed to more drastic measures" Erfman finishes in a low voice glancing at Strife.

"I..I.. I'm not turning..." The stabber stutters.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257748#p257748)

Erfman will give the stabber a level look while delivering his next line "You know Warlord Strife's reputation. Do you really doubt he could convince you to join the side?" Erfman declares.

”I..I... w..would rather croak than betray my side” the Stabber stutters back while shaking like a leaf.

"You will join the side. I don't want to resort to the same tactics the Dark One is willing to use so easily, however I have a duty of my own. So you can join the side willingly or become another notch on Warlord Strife's belt. So again stabber, Turn!" he orders, projecting force into his gaze

”N...N...No” the Stabber replies going pale and looking a little sick.

"Strife will see you later." Erfman finishes ominously as he orders the prisoner sealed away into isolation again

As the wooden walls swallow the prisoner Erfman half turns and addresses Strife in a low voice as to not carry to the other prisoners "Lets do a first pass just with psychological Turnamamcy, and then you can start to apply your craft by the archers first" Erfman reveals.

A wicked grin spreads across Strife’s face as he eyes the prisoners.

Erfman then rinses and repeats for each Prisoner Infantry

Most of the prisoners refuse Erfman’s ultimatum though two stabbers and two archers do decide to turn rather than risk being tortured.

<2 Stabbers and 2 Archers turned to Fanon>

Finish this first pass, it's time for Strife to torture a prisoner. Erfman grimly make himself watch, just like if he ever needs to execute a member of the side he will have to do it with his own hands by disbandment.

”My turn! Strife then declares as he cracks his knuckles and strides forwards. Unsealing one of the Archers Strife does not hesitate and punches the Archer straight in the throat before dragging him out in to the middle of the room while he struggles to breath. Pinning the archer to the floor with his foot Strife twists the Archers arm behind his back and pulls out a wicked looking dagger from his belt and holds it up to one of the Archer’s fingers.

”Turn or I will take you apart piece by piece!” Strife growls. Before the archer can even respond Strife cuts and a severed finger drops to the floor while the archer howls in pain.

Bob and some of the casters fidget uncomfortably while this is going on and keep glancing between Strife and Erfman.

”Turn!” Strife then bellows as he wrenches the Archers arm higher behind his back. When the archer does not immediately turn Strife cuts again and a second finger falls to the floor.

Strife then flips the prisoner pinning him to the ground once again before holding the tip of his blade millimetres away from the archer’s eye. ”Turn...” Turn Strife then whispers in a cold voice. There is a moment of hesitation before the prisoners livery flickers as he turns to Fanon.

<1 archer turned to Fanon>

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257767#p257767)

After the Archer turns, Erfman approaches and offers a hand to the archer's respective undamaged hand, to help him up, and waits for the archer to take his time doing so with a patient and sympathetic expression.

As the archer stands, "Welcome. I commend you and your Duty that forced you to endure such before joining us. State your name, age and cities visited." ”Archie, 14 turns old, Fanfic and Fanon Sir” the archer replies.

Erfman nods "Tomorrow, as your wounds are cleansed, and my Juice is restored, I'll make a magical bow, and it will be yours." Erfman nods to the Archer and motions to his stack brothers "Go stand with your stack brothers as we continue." Erfman adds.

“Thank you Sir” the archer replies in surprise not quite believing that he’ll be getting a magical weapon. He then hurries off to join the other units.

As the mangled archer goes and stands, Erfman then turns to his older friends. "Friends, it seems this is the reality of Erf, specially when faced with a vastly superior force assaulting us. As a Ruler, I feel that if I ask these tactics be used, then I must not advert my gaze, it should never be easy for me to order such. You however, need not witness this. This burden is mine to carry, and I choose to carry it for Fanon." he solemnly states. "Please, wait for us in the Portal Room." he gently asks.

All the units leave and climb out of the luggage except for Bob and Strife. Strife takes a moment to look Bob up and down before issuing an order. ”Piker leave us!” the Warlord orders. Bob looks reluctant to do so but eventually complies.

”Good finally alone” Strife declares as he turns to look at Erfman. ”Now I can’t help noticing we don’t have a Chief warlord’s bonus. From what I’ve seen I’m now you’re highest level Warlord. I suggest you make me the Chief” Strife declares getting straight to the point

Erfman ignores Strife for the moment, as after all living non-turned-Dark-Side units climb out of The Luggage, he orders her and Stompy out into the courtyard. While they are moving Erfman goes again to the hurt archer, he asks for his hand, and looking at it and then him "Can you fire your bow?"

”I believe so...” Archie replies hesitantly as he looks at his hand.

- Only hits were lost

He walks back into position and says to Strife "Don't damage their Move or offensive ability, we will see battle today" and motions to the cell with the last archer.

Strife grins sinisterly before striding forwards and setting to work. After several minutes of rather anguished screams another archer joins the side.

<Archer turned to Fanon>

---- End of turning attempts ----

2019-10-13, 05:04 PM
Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257840#p257840)

Erfman approaches and puts a hand on the archer's shoulder, "Welcome. I also commend you and your Duty that forced you to endure such before joining us. State your name, age and cities visited." Erfman declares.

”Richie, 14 turns old, Fanfic and Fanon.” the archer replies.

Erfman nods "Tomorrow, as your wounds are cleansed, and my Juice is restored, I'll also make you a magical bow." Erfman nods smiling.

”Thankyou Sir” the archer replies seemingly once again surprised by the offer of a magical weapon.

In the meanwhile, Erfman ordered The Luggage back to the Portal Room, and as he starts to climb out he says over his shoulder, "That is a very good point Warlord Strife, specially since we shall see battle this turn" Erfman continues towards Grim and clasps his shoulder looking him in the eye and states "Grim. I'll make The Luggage Forest Capable, and we'll strike the Obelisk with 4 perfect stacks, three of them led, against their 2 unlead ones; with two casters and 3 ranged magical weapons at the ready to one shot each Spook. When we take and raze that Obelisk we'll have the funds to upgrade our Capital this very turn (after we build a building)" Erfman declares.

"Will you take point? Will you lead our forces to take and Raze that Obelisk?" Erfman asks solemnly "Will you be our Chief Warlord?" Erfman finishes with a small smile and glint in his eye.

”If that is what you wish then yes, yes I will” Grim replies softly.

Strife however growls out in annoyance and shoots Grim a murderous look before stomping off.


"Dotty, we still have 9 fruits, would you be willing to going into the MK again and casting your net wider? This time being able to offer one step further:
in order of desirability: 1 fruit per 3 Rand Convertions; 2 fruit per 100J; 3 fruit per 100J; 2 Rands per 100J (with 3 fruit eatings)" Erfman asks delicately, thinking that casters that did not accept 3 fruit per 100J as Kelly and Rey did might accept 2 Rands.

”It is now late in the turn you’re highness, many casters will have now spent their juice but I will try my best...” Dotti replies.

"And if you think you've exhausted your list of acquaintances, AC, Cadaver, Caster Rey, is any of those options something you'd think is interesting to an acquaintance of yours? Would you be willing to introduce Dotti to such individuals?" Erfman says with a hopeful expression.

Cadaver hangs his head looking a little depressed obviously not having any names to suggest. ”Guess I could suggest one or two...” AC declares as he makes his way over to Dotti. ”Me too!” Rey adds as she practically skips over to Dotti.

"Finally, even if we fail to secure more Rands this turn, with the 3 Rands we still have, do you think your Findamancer contact would take 1 Rand to pinpoint you a Weirdomancer in the MK, and then you'd secure that fellow's cooperation with the final 2 Rands plus Fruits? To cast on The Luggage, or even better, to tutor me into doing so." Erfman finishes he finishes while ordering scouts to refill the bag with 9 desseesed fruits, and being ready to transfer 3 Rands to her if she accepts

”Do I have any room for negotiation with the findamancer? One rand could be a rather hard deal to make” Dotti replies. ”As for the weirdomancer I couldn’t say how much they would charge...” Dotti replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread) (https://forums.erfworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=257876#p257876)


Erfman then wills Grim to be Chief, and as he does so a look of surprise spreads across Grim’s face as Erfman now becomes aware that he has a +1 Chief Warlord bonus.

He then mentally orders the healthy turned Archer to Portal Room

"Archer report. Name, age, cities visited, and the Dark Side's out-of-hex Chief Warlord bonus last you knew" Erfman orders once the archer enters the room

”Pierce, 14 turns old, Fanfic and Fanon.” the archer replies before hesitating. ”The Darkside’s our If hex Chief warlord’s bonus?” Pierce questions. ”I believe it was plus two...” he answers.


And then he turns back to Dotti, and frowns a bit, "Of course, of course Dotty, you have all the leeway necessary. I'd feel a bit cheated if the simplest Findamancer's spell (expectedly 25J) was sufficient and got charged more than 1 Rand for it, but if as you discuss with your contact you perceive that he must spend more Juice than that then of course pay him fairly. In any case you might be lucky in your search for Rands" he says smiling at the small pun as he winks to Rey

Dotti heads through the portal and is gone for quite some time before returning.

”Your highness” Dotti greets when she does return. ”I have made contact with Findamancer Krystal Ball... she is willing to both locate a weirdomancer who would be willing to be hired this turn and to charge the tower with 100 of her juice. In exchange for both of these services she would want either four rands or 3 rands and two rations in payment.” Dotti reveals.

2019-10-13, 05:08 PM
"The finding *and* 100 Juice? That's a very good deal for us" he smiles before continuing, "as we only have 3 Rands to our name it will depend on you now" he smiles kindly "If you manage to exchange any fruits today for more Rands, hire the lady with the 4 Rands, otherwise, 3 Rands and 2 Fruits, and we'll just have to be on a harder position to negotiate later with the Weirdomancer" he finishes

2019-10-14, 11:55 AM
”I have tried your highness but I fear there are no more casters willing to perform rand conversion to be found this turn...” Dotti replies.

”Do you wish for me to write up a non disclosure contract with juice from the tower before I retrieve the findamancer?” Dotti then questions.

2019-10-14, 12:54 PM
"Worry not, we'll make do" says Erfman pleasantly before continuing "and yes indeed, please whip up an NDA for Caster Ball from the tower"

2019-10-15, 02:07 AM
Dotti heads up the tower and drawing juice from it she quickly writes up yet another non disclosure contract before returning to the portal room. Once there she heads through the bright yellow portal and disappears from sight.

A short while later Erfman receives a request for a non aggression pact with a barbarian caster by the name of Krystal Ball. Dotti then returns through the portal with a signed contract in hand closely followed by another caster. (Presuming the NAP was accepted). The woman has a large red and blue dress on and a red head scarf covering her hair aswell as a set of large dangly earrings.

”Greetings seeker, I am Krystal Ball cross my palm with rands and I shall help you find that which you seek...” the caster declares in a very unusual way as she strides forwards straight towards Erfman.

”I ofcourse know what you seek but please speak and tell me what it is that you desire...” Krystal declares as she locks eyes with Erfman.

Tower: 105 / 200 juice

2019-10-15, 12:24 PM
Erfman looks bemused for a moment before turning serious and delicately taking Krystal's hand in his own, turning it palm up and slowly tracing a W as he says in a low voice "What I seek is the Weird; I seek the path to BE Weird; and a guide to Weird me on my way" he then smiles and winks mischievously

2019-10-16, 09:24 AM
Krystal nods her head slowly before her head suddenly jerks up and her eyes shoot wide open as they begin to glow with a bright blue light. ”If a teacher of the Weird is what you seek you shall not find it in the Kingdom of Magic” Krystal declares in a strange distant voice. ”No what you seek lies to the west in the city of Caltis” Krystal then adds. ”This is the path you will take but it is not your first step towards the Weird. For what you need now you must seek Cyan the Collector. Look for the hatch beneath the dead tree in the Carnyvale. But be warned Cyan is not your friend” Krystal finishes before the light in her eyes fades and her head drops.

2019-10-16, 03:34 PM
Erfman looks surprised and taken aback but still smiling a little bewildered "No Weirds in the MK? At all? Wow.." he exhales

"And a Scroll of.. 'You're Special(?)'? In the hands of a 'Collector'? Ha!" he barks "That will prove a challenge" he says rubbing his chin.

He then takes Krystal's hand in his own again gently "Thank you for this bounty, that is more than we expected to receive" he says solemnly

"Dotti said you promised 100 Juice besides this seeking, and when you entrust it to us, we shall transform it into Dollamancy wonders. However, before you do so, if we'd ask you to pinpoint the nearest unclaimed object of value (gems or magic items if specificity makes it easier) could you do so? For how much of that Juice?" he asks intently

"and it occurs to me, is summoning an item from the hands of an enemy a power under the purview of Findamancy?" he finishes with curiosity

2019-10-17, 01:51 AM
”That is not what you asked for... you asked for a teacher... There is no one in the Magic Kingdom that would teach you weirdomancy” Krystal clarifies as she raises her head.

”I made no mention of a scroll, though a scroll may be the answer to what you seek...” Krystal comments. ”This Cyan I believe is a collector of specials not scrolls though I have seen that he does also have a rather fine collection of scrolls” Krystal adds.

”I was asked to provide raw juice not to cast more spells....” Krystal replies with a brief frown. ”But you are fortunate for I do enjoy performing my crafts. For half the promised juice I could locate you an item of your desire if it is indeed present. Though I would caution you to be more specific in what you seek, many items have value and perhaps not all are what you are looking for” Krystal answers.

”Alas, though I may find an object in the hands of your enemy you must be the one to retrieve it” Krystal replies.

2019-10-17, 02:58 AM
"Ahh.. Krystal" he says while taking his googles and rubbing his eyes "you may have given us more.. *and* less than what we expected; perhaps you gave us what we need, instead of what we want even." he says a little ponderingly, but mainly serious "But my *want* here is fueled by Duty, and Duty compels me to be much more specific when asking you for a new Seeking, and ask again I must." he states with certainty

"Please, Caster Ball, from your remaining Juice, Find me a caster in the Magic Kingdom that knows how to cast a spell to give a unit the Forest Capable special. Note that this caster may already be Juiceless, as we will offer our Tower Juice for him to cast if needed."

(Both Dollamancers and Turnamancers are possible candidates to know such spell besides proper Weirdomancers)

--- after finishing with Krystal ---

"Dotti, tomorrow I'd like to train with AC to learn the Shockamancy spell that allows one to absorb and ground shockamancy damage. This will necessitate him firing at me with the Jolt spell. Will you be able to write up a contract to allow that to happen while keeping a natural NAP? Or do you suggest we cancel the natural NAP and you type up a custom NAP into a contract?" he inquires

2019-10-17, 12:47 PM
”Please, Caster Ball, from your remaining Juice, Find me a caster in the Magic Kingdom that knows how to cast a spell to give a unit the Forest Capable special. Note that this caster may already be Juiceless, as we will offer our Tower Juice for him to cast if needed." Erfman declares.

Krystal blinks and looks at Erfman questioningly ”That I have already done... his name is Cyan the collector... I can however look for another if he is not to your liking” Krystal replies.


”Dotti, tomorrow I'd like to train with AC to learn the Shockamancy spell that allows one to absorb and ground shockamancy damage. This will necessitate him firing at me with the Jolt spell. Will you be able to write up a contract to allow that to happen while keeping a natural NDA? Or do you suggest we cancel the natural NDA and you type up a custom NDA into a contract?" Erfman inquires

”The non disclosure contract is completely separate from the non aggression pact so you need not worry about that. The simplest option would be to cancel your Natural Non-aggression pact now. I could have a new one ready for next turn... However what would you wish the terms to be?” Dotti questions. ”Perhaps I could set the terms so that the contract is only breached and a penalty paid if a unit is croaked?” Dotti suggests.

2019-10-17, 05:13 PM
"Heh.." he chuckles "Language is such a finicky mistress, but if we keep trying, we succeed in the end." he says with a tired smile

"Okay!" He barks as he claps his hands "We have what we need! Now we'll just have to seduce this Collector with our many expectedly rare specials" he says with a bright voice
"Back to Seeking then!" he says focusing on Krystal "I think I'm happy with a little vagueness on the 'value' of an Seeked object, as long as it is closer. So! 'closest gem cache or unclaimed object of value not in the mine hex', if you're willing" he says pointing out the mine in the map*


>*”Perhaps I could set the terms so that the contract is only breached and a penalty paid if a unit is croaked?”*Dotti suggests.

"AC, what say you? You're fine with that?" he asks looking at AC

2019-10-18, 01:52 AM
"Heh.." he chuckles "Language is such a finicky mistress, but if we keep trying, we succeed in the end." Erfman says with a tired smile

"Okay!" Erfman barks as he claps his hands "We have what we need! Now we'll just have to seduce this Collector with our many expectedly rare specials" Erfman says with a bright voice

"Back to Seeking then!" he says focusing on Krystal "I think I'm happy with a little vagueness on the 'value' of an Seeked object, as long as it is closer. So! 'closest gem cache or unclaimed object of value not in the mine hex', if you're willing" Erfman says pointing out the mine on the map.

Krystal nods and steps forwards before pulling out a small crystal on a chain from a pocket in her dress. Holding the crystal out Krystal let’s it dangle from the chain as it slowly begins spin round the map. Lowering the chain the crystal suddenly snaps in to place on a particular hex on the map. (02,03)

”Gems are buried beneath the mountain here” Krystal declares confidently without even looking down at the map.


"AC, what say you? You're fine with that?" he asks looking at AC.

”A contract penalty is no use to me if I am already croaked...” AC grunts. ”Make it so that any hostile action against me counts as a breach on the part of Fanon but I only cause a breach if I croak a unit of Fanon and then I’ll sign.” AC replies.

2019-10-18, 09:22 AM
"Great success!" he exclaims brightly before continuing "Thank you so much Krystal! We'll definitely be calling you again in the future! Come, come, let me show you the tower where you can deposit the rest of your Juice" he says leading the way up

(after the Juice is poured into the Tower)

"Here, I love company! And with our NDA you're welcome to stick around and be entertained by our antics, or come and go as you please" he says walking down the stairs towards the Portal Room

(at the Portal room)

"OKAY! Final challenge to be overcome before we set out to raze our enemies! To haggle a casting to make The Luggage Forest Capable." he states taking a piece of parchment and a quill and starting to write a list of specials at the table

"So, we have, starting by me,"

- Infected
- Rewrapped
he enunciates while writting "These aren't the common-est, but you'd need some particular circumstances to witness either." he thinks aloud "So as to not give away the witnessing of a Special for free, we should probably inquire with this Cyan if he's interested on them without me being present" he continues

"Then, The Luggage, as he will have to see The Luggage to cast on her"

- Carnyed - Bigger on the inside
- Dollamancy - moving parts
- Capture
again saying the specials aloud as writting "I wonder if Carny or Dolla produced specials will be something that can be reproduced with Weirdomancy (and if he will be interested in them even if not)" he muses


- Grazer
- Natural Caster (Flower Power / Dateamancy)
- Forest Fighter
- One with the land
- Thorns
- Shared curse
- Carnyed - scroll user
- Torturer
- Tribal Command
- Two Weapon fighting
- Dervish Dance
- Feral Rager
"Okay!" he exclaims as he finishes the list "There should be some pretty rare specials here! Specially Grim's, Mahogany's and Julienne's" he says satisfied

"Dotty, what do you think of going first, to establish first contact, and probe this Collector, going one by one on the list, seeing how he reacts, to find one (and only one) special that he hasn't already seen? And then proposing to allow him to witness that particular Special, in return for a casting out of a tower's Juice, to give a unit Forest Capable for 1 turn" he inquires before continuing "'exchanging a bit of your time to gain something forever..'" he waxes a bit poetically "and you can throw in some rations, if you fell that will help"

(after she replies, if yes "Then do make another NDA from tower Juice, to take with you before you go")

(and finishing AC's conversation)

"Right-o! Tomorrow Dotti whips it up and we sign. For now, let this be the official 1-turn notice of ending our natural NAP" he states

2019-10-20, 12:19 PM
"Great success!" Erfman exclaims brightly before continuing "Thank you so much Krystal! We'll definitely be calling you again in the future! Come, come, let me show you the tower where you can deposit the rest of your Juice" Erfman says leading the way up.

”You are most welcome, it was only small thing...” Krystal replies with a far away look. ”Yes ofcourse let us complete our agreement” Krystal replies before following along and depositing her juice in the tower as instructed.

Tower: 155/200 juice

"Here, I love company! And with our NDA you're welcome to stick around and be entertained by our antics, or come and go as you please" he says walking down the stairs towards the Portal Room

”That is very kind of you but I have other places I must be” Krystal declares dreamily. ”We will meet again!” Krystal then states with the upmost confidence before heading through the portal and back to the magic kingdom.

"OKAY! Final challenge to be overcome before we set out to raze our enemies! To haggle a casting to make The Luggage Forest Capable." Erfman states taking a piece of parchment and a quill and starting to write a list of specials at the table

"So, we have, starting by me,"

Erfman enunciates while writting "These aren't the common-est, but you'd need some particular circumstances to witness either." Erfman thinks aloud "So as to not give away the witnessing of a Special for free, we should probably inquire with this Cyan if he's interested on them without me being present" Erfman continues.

"Then, The Luggage, as he will have to see The Luggage to cast on her"

again saying the specials aloud as writting "I wonder if Carny or Dolla produced specials will be something that can be reproduced with Weirdomancy (and if he will be interested in them even if not)" Erfman muses


"Okay!" Erfman exclaims as he finishes the list "There should be some pretty rare specials here! Specially Grim's, Mahogany's and Julienne's" Erfman says satisfied

"Dotti, what do you think of going first, to establish first contact, and probe this Collector, going one by one on the list, seeing how he reacts, to find one (and only one) special that he hasn't already seen? And then proposing to allow him to witness that particular Special, in return for a casting out of a tower's Juice, to give a unit Forest Capable for 1 turn" Erfman inquires before continuing "'exchanging a bit of your time to gain something forever..'" he waxes a bit poetically "and you can throw in some rations, if you fell that will help"

”I can do that” Dotti replies with a polite nod of her head.

"Then do make another NDA from tower Juice, to take with you before you go" Erfman declares.

”Very good Sire” Dotti then replies before hurrying up the tower to make another non disclosure contract. Soon enough she returns with a new contract in hand.

Tower: 130/200 juice.

Dotti then heads through the portal to meet and negotiate with Cyan the collector.

After a while the portal ripples and Dotti steps through with a frown on her face.

”Cyan is rather... unique!” Dotti declares in explanation. ”He refuses to leave the magic kingdom and seems reluctant to leave even his hidey hole” Dotti continues. ”He is however willing to trade a scroll of forest capable but in return he wants both Dervish Dance and Shared Curse.” Dotti explains.

(and finishing AC's conversation)

"Right-o! Tomorrow Dotti whips it up and we sign. For now, let this be the official 1-turn notice of ending our natural NAP" Erfman states.

AC grunts in reply and nods his head in acknowledgment.

2019-10-20, 01:11 PM
Erfman frowns taken aback "That is.. confusing?" he blurts

"If he won't come... Did you gather how the act of collecting takes place?" he then asks Dotti

2019-10-20, 01:38 PM
Erfman frowns taken aback "That is.. confusing?" he blurts out.

"If he won't come... Did you gather how the act of collecting takes place?" Erfman then asks Dotti.

”He gave me these two scroll...” Dotti replies as she pulls out two scrolls. ”Apparently each one is capable of copying a single special” she explains.

2019-10-20, 01:49 PM
That's an interesting workaround. Do the scrolls store the special to be used later, or do they copy the specials to a unit, to then meet up with Cyan later? Seems like it would be cheaper than a standard you're special spell, due to having to have access to the special directly, rather than just having studied it before.
Just some weirdomantic pondering, not likely erfman would know the details. Mostly I'm just checking in

2 specials for one casting is a high price, but...I'm willing to sign off on it unless someone gives a very good reason not to. Burning that obelisk and maybe leveling the city is worth a lot in the near to mid term, probably more than having more specials to negotiate with will be.

Edit: "Do the scrolls copy the special onto the caster, or onto another target?"

2019-10-20, 01:54 PM
"Dotty, were you able to gather what specials he hadn't witnessed? It really was only these two? Or he haggled for these two but also is lacking the Infected and Rewrapped ones?" he asks

"Okay" says Erfman nodding decisively "Let's do this."

"May I cast the scrolls?" he says holding his hand to Dotty

(then cast scroll on Grim's Shared Curse, and ponder aloud what we felt and retained of the spell used [at least the name])

(then go to Julienne's resting place and cast the second scroll)

2019-10-20, 03:12 PM
(Welcome to the new thread someguy, were those internal pondering or were they questions for Dotti?)

"Dotti, were you able to gather what specials he hadn't witnessed? It really was only these two? Or he haggled for these two but also is lacking the Infected and Rewrapped ones?" Erfman asks.

”He did not seem interested in infected or rewrapped” Dotti replies ”He attempted to remain neutral to the entire list so as not to tip his hand in negotiating however I suspect he does not have the torturer special either...” Dotti reveals.

"Okay" says Erfman nodding decisively "Let's do this."

"May I cast the scrolls?" Erfman says holding his hand to Dotty.

”Ofcourse...” Dotti replies with a slight bow as she hands over the scrolls.

Taking the scrolls Erfman careful unfurls the first one before activating the scroll and directing the spell contained within towards Grim. While Erfman does not gain any sudden understanding of the ‘Copy Special’ spell he does suddenly gain an understanding of how Grim’s Shared Curse special works and when he focuses he realises that he has gained the special.

Erfman then makes his way to Julliene and unravels the second scroll and activates it once again. For the second time Erfman feels a rush of understanding of a special as he realises that he now has that special.

2019-10-20, 03:28 PM
Only the part in quotes was spoken. ill have to remember to bold it in the future as per established convention-I had some concerns about whether the caster learns the special or another target, given I'm not certain Cyan will be willing to meet us, as well as concerns of overpaying by bringing specials he hasn't seen before (at least the infected special is likely to be new. rewrapped is pretty easy to find)

2019-10-20, 03:47 PM
"FUN FUN FUN!" He squeals*elated "I've gained both Specials!"

"Okay!" he smiles widely "Time to go collect our bounty!"*

"AC, Cadaver, shall we go for another jaunt?" he asks brightly and turns to Dotti

"And as long as we're going, there is one final optimization detail i think we should secure." he shares*"Moneymancy has a spell 'Liquidate' that I know turns objects into shmuckers. I suspect it also makes the razing of buildings more efficient, recovering its full value instead of half. If this is true, and the Moneymancers sell scrolls of Liquidate for less than 1000 shmuckers it is worth paying cash for such a scroll, as we'll recover its cost and more when we raze the Obelisk." he finishes

"Dotti, are the Moneymancers centralized? To attempt to verify the full effects of such a liquidate spell, and then attempt to buy a scroll, where do you suggest we go?" he asks

(after reply)

"Very well" he nods and slightly bows "please lead the way m'lady" gesturing forward*in a flowery way with a smile

(on the way)*

"You said this caster was 'unique'? Please take the lead of the conversation, I'll follow your indications" he assures

2019-10-21, 08:31 AM
"FUN FUN FUN!" Erfman squeals elated "I've gained both Specials!"

"Okay!" Erfman smiles widely "Time to go collect our bounty!"

"AC, Cadaver, shall we go for another jaunt?" Erfman asks brightly and turns to Dotti.

AC gives a noncommittal shrug while Cadaver nods politely. ”Ofcourse your highness, whatever you want” Cadaver rasps out as he quickly moves forwards and falls in to line with Erfman.

"And as long as we're going, there is one final optimization detail i think we should secure." Erfman shares "Moneymancy has a spell 'Liquidate' that I know turns objects into shmuckers. I suspect it also makes the razing of buildings more efficient, recovering its full value instead of half. If this is true, and the Moneymancers sell scrolls of Liquidate for less than 1000 shmuckers it is worth paying cash for such a scroll, as we'll recover its cost and more when we raze the Obelisk." Erfman finishes

"Dotti, are the Moneymancers centralized? To attempt to verify the full effects of such a liquidate spell, and then attempt to buy a scroll, where do you suggest we go?" Erfman asks.

”Oh yes the moneymancers are one of the most organised and strictly regulated of all the disciplines” Dotti automatically answers. ”They are not cheap and they are not open to negotiation of prices unless you are dealing in very large amounts of shmuckers but what you are looking for is Knocks Bank in the clevermancy octant” Dotti reveals. ”I believe they even have a dedicated counter for the purchasing of scrolls” Dotti adds.

(I presume you plan to go to the Bank after meeting Cyan?)

"Very well" Erfman nods and slightly bows "please lead the way m'lady" gesturing forwardin a flowery way with a smile.

Dotti gives a pleasant smile in return and leads the small group out of portal park and towards the carnyvale going around a number of tents and wagons aswell a number of casters going about their business.

(on the way)

"You said this caster was 'unique'? Please take the lead of the conversation, I'll follow your indications" Erfman assures.

”He seems to be somewhat eccentric and I get the impression he is also fairly high level” Dotti replies. ”I would be careful in what you say and how you act...” Dotti then warns.

After a short while of walking across the carny vale Dotti leads the small group to an old dead looking tree. Bending down infront of the old tree Dotti then brushes back some long grass revealing a wooden trap door buried in the ground. Reaching out Dotti knocks lightly on the wood before taking a step back.

”What’s this a raiding party?” A decrepit sounding voice suddenly declares from all around. ”Are you here to steal from me you freshly popped box fodder?” the voice shouts angrily. ”Well you have another thing coming if you think I will let you get away with that. I’ll croak you to your last and then I’ll have you uncroaked so I can croak you once again!” the voice shouts once again.

Dotti however rises a hand to her mouth and politely coughs. ”I am sorry Master Cyan it is me, Dotti Crosst. I have returned to make the trade that we discussed” Dotti declares calmly.

”All of you?” the voice then declares in disbelief. ”No that is just not acceptable!” Cyan declares with a huff. ”Which one of you am I dealing with? Which one of you are in charge?” Cyan then demands.

2019-10-21, 10:49 AM
Erfman leans back to AC and Cadaver "Let's give him some space yes?" he whispers as he gestures them to step back

Then he turns to the trap-door "Honored Master, I may be a King, but I defer to Caster Crosst here for all things Magic Kingdom related. For the purpose of this transaction, I'm just the vessel of the Specials owed" he says slightly bowing to Dotti and gesturing her forward

2019-10-22, 01:41 AM
Erfman leans back to AC and Cadaver "Let's give him some space yes?" he whispers as he gestures them to step back.

AC and Cadaver do as instructed and back off a short distance though Cadaver looks a little disappointed and AC seems to be on the look out for trouble.

Then Erfman turns to the trap-door "Honored Master, I may be a King, but I defer to Caster Crosst here for all things Magic Kingdom related. For the purpose of this transaction, I'm just the vessel of the Specials owed" Erfman says slightly bowing to Dotti and gesturing her forward.

A loud sigh can be heard before the voice speaks up once again. ”Verywell come down then, both of you but leave the stack padding up there!” Cyan demands before the trapdoor suddenly pops open. Dotti takes the lead and moves forwards before carefully climbing down a ladder and in to the room below.

Once inside the trapdoor suddenly snaps shut and for a moment everything goes black. Dotti however continues forwards towards a light coming from the end of a short passageway. The passage opens up to a small roughly circular room that is filled with bookshelves and each individual shelf is packed full of scrolls. In the centre of the room is a wooden desk and sitting at that desk is a caster. He is short, bald with a face that is heavily wrinkled and rather unusually has skin that is slightly tinted blue.

”You know I told You to cast the scrolls... bah casters these turns can’t get anything right... not like they used to be” Cyan complains loudly.

”So you’ve got my specials!” Cyan then declares pointing a stumpy finger in Erfman’s direction. ”Hold still I’m going to cast on you!” Cyan then orders as he climbs to his feet and immediately begins to cast. Erfman feels absolutely nothing but Cyan casts twice in quick succession before stomping over to one of the many book cases before pulling out a particular scroll.

”Here, as agreed!” Cyan shouts as he hurls the scroll straight at Dotti. Dotti jumps slightly at the sudden action but quickly scrambles to catch the scroll. ”Thankyou Master Cyan” Dotti declares with a slight bow once she had recovered. ”We appreciate you taking the time to see us...” Dotti adds politely.

”So we done then?” Cyan barks as he looks between Erfman and Dotti.

2019-10-22, 11:11 AM
Erfman nods and says "Thank you so much for your time, I hope Dotti here can return to inform you of new Specials we come across" as he turns to go


"We're safe!" in a bright voice to AC and Cadaver

"Onwards to Knott's Bank!"

"Dotti, at the Bank, what do you think of this approach; 'Greetings, I've been led to believe the Moneymancy spell Liquidate would allow me to raze a building and recover it's full 2000 shmucker value. Would you be able to confirm that would be so? If yes I'd like to purchase one such scroll.' ?"

2019-10-23, 02:02 AM
Erfman nods and says "Thank you so much for your time, I hope Dotti here can return to inform you of new Specials we come across" as he turns to go

”Well get out then!”[/b/] Cyan barks as she shoos Erfman away before returning to his desk.

As soon as Erfman and Dotti step outside the hatch immediately slams shut behind them.

[B]"We're safe!" in a bright voice to AC and Cadaver.

Cadaver breathe a sigh of relief and AC grunts before before casters rejoin Erfman and Dotti.

"Onwards to Knott's Bank!" Erfman then declares.

"Dotti, at the Bank, what do you think of this approach; 'Greetings, I've been led to believe the Moneymancy spell Liquidate would allow me to raze a building and recover it's full 2000 shmucker value. Would you be able to confirm that would be so? If yes I'd like to purchase one such scroll.' ?" Erfman asks.

”I see no problem with that line of enquiry” Dotti replies. ”The moneymancers are usually very professional and do not take offence easy and as I have already stated their prices are pre set so you need not worry about affecting the price of a scroll.” Dotti continues.

The group eventually comes to a large white building sitting on a field of green grass. The building itself is pristine looking as though it was brand new.

”Knott’s bank” Dotti declares with a wave towards the building. ”We will need to go through the main entrance and scroll acquisition is one of the smaller rooms I believe.” Dotti informs the group. ”Oh I should warn you they operate a no weapon policy inside the building Dotti adds.

[b]”Yeah and if you don’t cooperate you’ll be having a run in with the guards...” AC cuts in as he points out a small number of uniformed casters who seem to be patrolling the grounds.

2019-10-23, 02:24 AM
"If you're fine with that, I'm fine with that" he says comfortably ready to follow their lead and deposit his hammer where it is appropriate

(Onwards to the scroll acquisition! :D to blurt out our inquiring line)

2019-10-24, 08:14 AM
"If you're fine with that, I'm fine with that" Erfman says comfortably ready to follow their lead and deposit his hammer where it is appropriate.

”I’ll wait outside” AC declares as he crosses his arms over his chest obviously not wanting to deposit his weapon.

Dotti however merely nods and leads the small group inside. A large wooden door is pushed open and just inside the entranceway stand two casters behind a wooden desk. One of the casters wears the same uniform as those outside and gives the impression of being a guard. The other caster is dressed smartly though is not in a uniform. Whenever someone enters the smartly dressed caster carefully looks them up and down.

”Lookamancer...” Dotti whispers as she leads the group inside. The lookamancer gives Erfman a slightly strange look but once he and Cadaver deposit their weapons they are allowed to pass without incident.

Dotti leads the group to a small room where a few casters are queuing up infront of a small hatch that has another smartly dressed caster sitting behind. Erfman is forced to wait but it does not take too long before he reaches the front of the queue and can approach the hatch.

”Welcome to Knotts Bank, how may we be of service today?” the smartly dressed female caster declares by way of greeting.

”Greetings, I've been led to believe the Moneymancy spell Liquidate would allow me to raze a building and recover it's full 2000 shmucker value. Would you be able to confirm that would be so? If yes I'd like to purchase one such scroll.' ?" Erfman replies.

”Ah yes liquidate” the caster quickly replies with a slight nod. ”Yes if you have a sufficient level a basic scroll of liquidate should allow you to recover the full value of razing a building” The caster adds. ”However the bank makes no such guarantees that you will receive the full value if you are of an insufficient level and in that situation the bank will not offer refunds for the scroll” the caster warns. ”The price of a liquidate scroll is 300 shmuckers. Would you like to go ahead with this purchase?” she then questions.

2019-10-24, 09:57 AM
Erfman nods and transfers over the 300 shmuckers

(After they leave and meet up with AC)

"Huh, that was my first encounter with casting-caster level making a difference during scroll-casting. What do you people know about it? Do you have other examples?" he questions his companions

2019-10-24, 09:59 AM
If we get a partial success we leave with more knowledge and get our money back. Only a full failure makes this a bad move. I'm willing to sign off on this as well.

I second asking for information, but if they ask a price, as they almost certainly will, I'd recommend backing off for a turn, since the city upgrade is on a tight enough margin as is

2019-10-24, 04:46 PM
(I think Wurm is suggesting asking Dotti, AC and cadaver about scrolls. Someguy are you suggesting asking the moneymancer?)

2019-10-25, 11:26 AM
(I think Wurm is suggesting asking Dotti, AC and cadaver about scrolls. Someguy are you suggesting asking the moneymancer?)
I have got to stop looking at this when I just wake up. I misread things.

Yes, lets just ask our companions. They are probably familiar with enough different spells to know something

2019-10-26, 12:44 PM
Erfman nods and transfers over the 300 shmuckers.

”Very good sir one moment please” the moneymancer replies as she accepts the payment. She then disappears from view for a few moments before returning with a neatly rolled scroll in hand which she then pushes through the hatch.

The trio then leave the building and quickly meet up with AC who was still lingering outside. "Huh, that was my first encounter with casting-caster level making a difference during scroll-casting. What do you people know about it? Do you have other examples?" Erfman questions his companions.

Dotti raises an eyebrow slightly before replying. ”I sometimes forget that your knowledge of magic is not as thorough as a resident of the magic kingdom” Dotti replies. ”Basic scrolls do not convey the caster level of the caster who made them and instead use the caster level of the one who activates them” Dotti explains. ”There are ofcourse advanced scrolls that can retain the caster level of a caster though the process to make one of these is a closely guarded secret and are usually made by only high level casters or masters of a discipline” Dotti adds.

2019-10-26, 02:23 PM
"Oh interesting.. And does the discipline of the caster matter? Do you know? (And I wonder what level will Grim's scroll casting be equal to)"

(When we arrive back in Fanon)

"Grim, do you know what caster level you cast scrolls with? Your own level?"


Cadaver put 20J into Gem (to get a feel for it);
Erfman put 5J into Gem;
Ask AC to transfer 75J from tower to Gem;
Ask AC to make scroll of Gradoken;
Erfman cast Give Forest Capable Special scroll on Luggage;
Promote 3 garrison archers to field (42s);
Cadaver with 75J and 100J Gem, Erfman with 50J and scroll of Gradoken, rest of army in image into Luggage;
Verify remaining fruit, and Multi-purpose Saddle are in Luggage;
Stompy guard prisoner knight;
Luggage 3 hexes north;


EDIT: editted it in :)

2019-10-26, 05:47 PM
Just...don't forget to forest capable luggage so we don't get bogged down in the forest. I'd hate for us to not have the move to get back, and find some wavens burned the city

2019-10-27, 03:44 PM
"Oh interesting.. And does the discipline of the caster matter? Do you know? (And I wonder what level will Grim's scroll casting be equal to)" Erfman questions.

”I believe the caster is treated as though they were the one casting the spell so theoretically anything that caster has that effects caster level such as a shockamancy special should still apply...” Dotti replies with a thoughtful look.

The group are able to make their way back across the magic kingdom though as soon as they get close to portal park they once again get the feeling of being watched though they are able to make it back to Fanon’s portal unobstructed. Stepping through the bright yellow portal the group then reappear in Fanon’s portal room.

As soon as he is back in his city Erfman then seeks out his chief warlord. "Grim, do you know what caster level you cast scrolls with? Your own level?" Erfman questions.

”I’m not sure sire... I’ve only ever cast a scroll as a first level caster however I must admit that every time that I have used a scroll I was level one...” Grim answers.


Cadaver put 20J into Gem (to get a feel for it);
Erfman put 5J into Gem;
Ask AC to transfer 75J from tower to Gem;

”Let us charge up this gem!” Erfman then declares as he gathers up Cadaver and AC in the tower. ”20 juice to start Cadaver” Erfman then instructs. Cadaver slowly reaches out and very timidly takes the gem. With a look of utmost concentration he then begins to channel his juice. The act appears to be more difficult than charging the tower and Cadaver is visibly struggling with small sparks of juice going astray every now and then but Cadaver is able to maintain his focus and eventually sighs in relief. Erfman then takes the gem back and attempts to add a little more juice. Cadaver’s and Erfman’s juice however did not seem to want to mix and Erfman suddenly finds himself stumbling backwards as he is forced back and the juice escapes in to the air. ”Interesting... How unfortunate...” Erfman mutters. ”AC please fill the rest of it with juice from the tower...” Erfman then instructs.

AC nods and steps forwards and takes the gem in one hand while he places the other hand on the wall of the tower. AC’s body then acts as a conduit as he syphons 80 juice out of the tower and in to the gem.

Shockamancy gem: 100/100 juice
Erfman: 50/400 Juice
Cadaver: 75/ 200 Juice
AC: 75/ 300 Juice
Tower: 50/200 Juice

Ask AC to make scroll of Gradoken;

”AC could you please make us a scroll of Gradoken” Erfman then asks. AC grunts but sets to work and quickly writes up a scroll which he then thrusts in Erfman’s direction.

AC 25/300 juice

Erfman cast Give Forest Capable Special scroll on Luggage;[/quote]

Pulling out the weirdomancy scroll Erfman then casts it on The Luggage granting it the forest capable special for the turn.

Promote 3 garrison archers to field (42s);

With a quick mental order Erfman then promotes three garrison archers to field units and he feels 42 shmuckers disappear from the treasury.

Cadaver with 75J and 100J Gem, Erfman with 50J and scroll of Gradoken, rest of army in image into Luggage;
Verify remaining fruit, and Multi-purpose Saddle are in Luggage;
Stompy guard prisoner knight;
Luggage 3 hexes north; Grim on Stinger A to NE, croak Waven, scout hex borders, report back at hex border;

The army then begins marching in to the luggage and loading all of their needed supplies. With so many units it is a tight but they just about manage to all squeeze in. The luggage then heads out and proceeds to move three hexes north before coming to a stop in a forest hex. (00,-03). Grim and one of the stingers then climb out of the luggage and the warlord equips the stinger with the saddle before mounting it. Across the hex boundary a single Waven is perched on a branch of one of the leafless trees calmly watching all that is going on. Taking flight on his black and yellow mount Grim flies forwards and crosses the hex boundary into (01,-03). As soon as Grim crosses the hex the Waven hops in to the air and takes flight. Suddenly loud raucous cawing that sounds almost laughter can be heard from all around Grim as from out of the depths of the dark forest multiple forms appear. In total another seven Waven’s appear and they quickly form a single stack.

Combat begins! Orders?

Darkside Stack 1

Uncroaked Waven (front)
Uncroaked Waven (front)
Uncroaked Waven (front)
Uncroaked Waven (front)
Uncroaked Waven (back
Uncroaked Waven (back)
Uncroaked Waven (back)
Uncroaked Waven (back)

Fanon Stack 1

Warlord Grim

2019-10-28, 02:51 AM
Warlord's intuition!
'Will this Waven stack behave as a regular stack in which the *back* units cannot melee attack?'

(It's not Erfman in hex after all :D)

2019-10-28, 03:12 AM
(As long as they remain in a single stack and the back rank do not possess a ranged attack then Grim believes they will not be able to attack)

2019-10-28, 07:10 AM
Grim's orders are to *Retreat!*
Warlord Intuition! 'Can I fire and retreat with impunity? Or must I retreat without firing to guarantee zero hits taken?'

Grim fires and retreats only if he thinks he can get away with not being touched
otherwise just immediately fly back

2019-10-28, 01:08 PM
Deciding to be cautious Grim immediately pulls his mount around and retreats. The Wavens immediately give chase racing after the fleeing Stinger cawing loudly as they go though they are forced to stop once Grim crosses the hex boundary. The Wavens then maintain their position stacked up close to the hex boundary.

2019-10-28, 01:24 PM
"Good call Grim, maybe we'll try again on the way back"


Alleria (stacked with Grim and 6 archers, injured archers in back) on brim, Luggage steps North into Vulture hex;

If Vulture immediately visible, shoot, stack step out, all archers shoot;*

All 4 stacks step out, restack as image, carefully scout hex borders, collect body on the way;

2019-10-28, 01:28 PM
It's in the way, and has to go. We find light opposition anywhere on the path to the obelisk, I say we punch through.

2019-10-28, 04:53 PM
"Good call Grim, maybe we'll try again on the way back"


Alleria (stacked with Grim and 6 archers, injured archers in back) on brim, Luggage steps North into Vulture hex;

If Vulture immediately visible, shoot, stack step out, all archers shoot;*

All 4 stacks step out, restack as image, carefully scout hex borders, collect body on the way;

Not sure I understand these orders. Where is Grim’s stack?

2019-10-28, 05:27 PM
Alleria (on Luggage brim, looking out)
Archer (in stairs, to be in front)
Archer (in stairs, to be in front)
Archer (in stairs, to be in front)
Archer (in stairs, to be in back)
Archer (in stairs, to be in back)
Archer (3hits) (in stairs, to be in back)
Grim (in stairs, to be in back)

2019-10-29, 01:57 AM
(Ok they will not count as being in a stack but they will be in a position to be first out of the luggage. Proceed with original orders?)

2019-10-29, 03:05 AM
Yup proceed

2019-10-29, 03:24 AM
Reorganising the troops within the luggage Erfman has Grim form a stack and position them close to the opening at the top. Alleria the Sniper Knight then climbs to the top and pops open the hatch before leaning out of the luggage with her bow drawn. The luggage then begins to move and marches across the border and in to (00,-04). As soon as they are across the border Alleria spots a flying feral perched atop one of the trees.

Round 1

Acting on her orders Alleria immediately draws her bow and fires. The sniper’s aim is terrible and not only does she miss the feral but she hits the completely wrong tree. (Critical failure). Disturbed by the bow shot the feral spreads it’s large dark wings and takes flight swooping straight towards the archer with its talons extended. Alleria however is able to duck and the feral barely misses her head.

Feral stack

Carryon Bird

Fanon stack 1 - At melee range with feral.


Fanon Stack 2

The luggage

(Moving a stack out of the luggage will take one round and use their actions for the round. Only one stack can be orderly marched out of the luggage per round.)


2019-10-29, 05:08 AM
Hm, given this new understanding, the best move would have been to Round1 simply 1 stack walk out of luggage

Something for next time

Warlord's Knowledge! 'Can a unit do a *Total Defense* action in combat?' (take no attacks to get a bonus to AC)

Orders: 1 stack move out
Bob (in front, Total Defense if possible)
Alleria (in back)
Grim (in back)
archer (in back)
archer (in back)
archer (in back)
archer (in back)
archer (in back)

2019-10-30, 03:29 AM
Hm, given this new understanding, the best move would have been to Round1 simply 1 stack walk out of luggage

Something for next time

Warlord's Knowledge! 'Can a unit do a *Total Defense* action in combat?' (take no attacks to get a bonus to AC)

(I have given this a lot of thought and gone back and forwards several times. I have eventually decided to allow a total defence action but it will only give a minor benefit. Performing total defence will increase a units defence by 1 for 1 turn. (I have limited it at plus 1 as this is relatively a lot when you consider some units only naturally have a defence of 1). Infantry units will also not take the total defence action on their own they have to be commanded to do so by a command unit.)

Round 2

Deciding to go on the offensive Erfman sends a stack marching out of the luggage they quickly stack up with Alleria and form a long line while Bob takes a defensive position infront of them. The feral however completely ignores Bob flying over his head as it swoops at Alleria once again. Although it was a well aimed dive Alleria is able to dodge out of the way at the last moment.

Feral stack

Carryon Bird

Fanon stack 1 - At melee range with feral.

Bob (in front)
Alleria (in back)
Grim (in back)
archer (in back)
archer (in back)
archer (in back)
archer (in back)
archer (in back)

Fanon Stack 2

The luggage

2019-10-30, 04:41 AM
Warlord knowledge! 'Can all flyers skip screeners like that?'

- Fire!
- Cadaver's stack step out

2019-10-30, 09:05 AM
Warlord knowledge! 'Can all flyers skip screeners like that?'


Round 3

The archers open fire on the Carryon bird and despite the birds best efforts to pluck out Alleria’s eye as she draws her bow back the feral is promptly struck by every single arrow fired with one even burying itself deeply in the ferals eye (critical hit). Pierced all over the feral does the only thing that it can and promptly falls down croaked.

Cadaver’s stack then marches out of the luggage but by this point it is too late, the battle is over and the feral is croaked.

2019-10-30, 09:13 AM
All 4 stacks step out, restack as in original image, mindful of potential hidden enemies carefully scout hex borders, collect body on the way;

"Grim, Strife, what was that?? Can any flier just bypass screeners like that? Can you mounted on a Stinger hit an enemy Warlord in the backlines?" he grills them

2019-10-31, 03:10 AM
All 4 stacks step out, restack as in original image, mindful of potential hidden enemies carefully scout hex borders, collect body on the way;

The stacks continuing to march out of the luggage and form up in to neat orderly stacks. While this is going on the hex is quiet, nothing else seems to be move. The body of the Carryon bird is quickly retrieved and placed in to the luggage.

The army then moved out and begins to carefully scout the borders of the hex

(-01,-03) Nothing but thick forest can be seen
(-01,-04) Nothing but thick forest can be seen
(00,-05) Nothing but the dark twisted trees of the dark forest can be seen
(01,-04) Nothing but the dark twisted trees of the dark forest can be seen
(01,-03) A stack of Wavens hover at the border of the hex all intently staring in to the hex the army are currently in. Behind them yet more dark twisted trees can be seen.

"Grim, Strife, what was that?? Can any flier just bypass screeners like that? Can you mounted on a Stinger hit an enemy Warlord in the backlines?" he grills them.

”Fliers tend to have greater manueverbility and can outmanoeuvre units on foot easier letting them choose which direction to attack from” Grim replies.

”Yeah and you’re front rank was only one unit... not exactly much of an obstacle ! strife adds.

”Course we could...” Strife then replies to the final question. ”If we then wanted to get attacked by the entire stack in return” Strife then adds with a hint of mocking.

2019-10-31, 05:46 AM
"That is very good and very bad to know." he replies seriously

"First the bad: How will you protect me, and other valuable units, besides positioning them in the back row? Would being mounted guarantee safety? (Fliers attack from above, and a mount is below..)"

"Then the good: We *will* have a stack of flyers, and this means they can hit valuable targets Round 1 bypassing the front lines. Yes?"

Everybody into the Luggage
Luggage step North, Everyone out of Luggage, Grim's stack first
Scout hex borders

2019-10-31, 08:44 AM
"That is very good and very bad to know." Erfman replies seriously

"First the bad: How will you protect me, and other valuable units, besides positioning them in the back row? Would being mounted guarantee safety? (Fliers attack from above, and a mount is below..)" Erfman questions.

”There are a number of ways to protect against fliers...” Grim begins. ”Personally I would form three ranks with the valuable units in the middle and equip the front and rear ranks with reach weapons...” Grim continues.

"Then the good: We *will* have a stack of flyers, and this means they can hit valuable targets Round 1 bypassing the front lines. Yes?" Erfman then asks.

”If the right situation presents itself... yes” Grim replies.

Everybody into the Luggage
Luggage step North, Everyone out of Luggage, Grim's stack first
Scout hex borders

The army then returns to the luggage before the golem marches across the border and comes to a stop. The army then quickly marches out of the luggage one by one and quickly forms in to neat stacks. The stacks then repeat the process of scouting the hex and it’s borders. Other than the trees nothing is found in the hex itself.

(-01,-05) Another deep forest hex however a couple of canine ferals are spotted at the border of the hex. They quickly disappear in to the depths of the forest as soon as they are spotted.
(00,-06) Another dark forest hex filled with twisted trees.
(01,-05) Another dark forest hex filled with twisted trees.

2019-10-31, 08:47 AM
Everybody into the Luggage
Luggage step North, Everyone out of Luggage, Grim's stack first
Scout hex borders

EDIT: if nothing spotted ahead (00.-07)
Everybody into the Luggage
Luggage step North, Everyone out of Luggage, Grim's stack first
Scout hex borders

2019-10-31, 03:27 PM
Everybody into the Luggage
Luggage step North, Everyone out of Luggage, Grim's stack first
Scout hex borders

EDIT: if nothing spotted ahead (00.-07)
Everybody into the Luggage
Luggage step North, Everyone out of Luggage, Grim's stack first
Scout hex borders

The army once again marches back in to the luggage before it starts moving and crosses over in to the next hex. (00,-06) This time however something is different and alarm bells instantly start going off in Erfman’s head. The hex is contested! Some one or something is here!

(Please confirm you wish to go ahead with unloading troops)

2019-10-31, 04:29 PM
I can think of exactly 0 situations that we don't unload the troops. AoE? It'll hit them in luggage. Mass charm? Hit them in luggage. Enemy army? We want to be stacked up and ready. Single scout? Honest mistake, you walked right into the middle of the column. Feral? More bows means better chance to hunt the thing down.

2019-10-31, 04:46 PM
Unload troops plx, Grim stack first
(Note, Grim stack includes Multi-purpose Saddle in Hog)

2019-10-31, 05:56 PM
The troops once again start marching out of the luggage though this time there is is tension in the air from the knowledge that there is a hostile unit in the hex. The units form in to neat stacks but as they do so Erfman begins to realise just how dark this twisted forest hex is and everytime that he looks in to the distance the shadows seem to move.

All the of the units however finally manage to make it out of the luggage and get in to position without incident.

2019-10-31, 09:35 PM
Slowly march around the hex close to the hex borders (expecting something to jump out at them)

"Steady.." says Erfman to his troops "We'll clear this hex before we proceed, even if we have to burn it down, so we can return through it unmolested"

2019-11-01, 02:57 AM
Slowly march around the hex close to the hex borders (expecting something to jump out at them)

(I presume you are moving as one large group with the luggage following you)

"Steady.." says Erfman to his troops "We'll clear this hex before we proceed, even if we have to burn it down, so we can return through it unmolested"

The army begins to slowly move marching cautiously around the borders of the hex. Slowly moving one step at the time they make their way around the hex and eventually they complete one full circuit. During their patrol they spot no signs of life either in this hex or any of the ones surrounding it yet Erfman still has the feeling that the hex is contested.

”What now my liege?” the loyal lancer asks as he makes his way over with a concerned look on his face.

Edit: (Please note that if you manage to start an inferno in this hex it will burn until the end of the turn)

2019-11-01, 03:09 AM
"Now we cut some wood. Was planning on doing this on the way back, but now seems a useful time"

Luggage regurgitates Jessie,
"Cadaver, please wake up Jessie with 20 of your Juice" Erfman requests, inquiring with his look if he needs directions

As Jessie powers up, have her start cutting the closest tree, then move the wood units into the Luggage, then proceed in an enlarging semi-circle.
4 stacks always nearby and at the ready

Luggage kept close and between two stacks at all times

(The last and only time we used 4 move to cut wood, over 21 units of wood were cut)

2019-11-01, 09:26 AM
(Jessie was not on the list of units you brought with you. Also the luggage is currently full of units there will not be much room for wood. Please reconfirm the units with you so that I can calculate how much space for wood is left.)

2019-11-01, 09:33 AM
(hm, the first iteration of the plan included taking 40 units of wood and stone to Farm, to rebuild it
So I think it's a good time to compute and make clear the actual capacity of the Luggage in "medium" units and in wood/stone units )

EDIT: if Jessie and Woodie were not stored in Luggage as assumed, AND/OR 4 Stacks of units + 2 Stingers + prisoners don't fit in Luggage alongside 40 units of wood, then

- Everyone carefully walks around the hex to the North boundary
- Everyone into Luggage, Grim at the brim looking out
- Luggage steps North
- Everyone out and carefully scout hex boundaries

2019-11-02, 03:32 PM
(There is definitely not enough space for the army plus 40 units of wood. Please confirm the units that should be in the luggage)

2019-11-02, 04:00 PM
The army: 4 stacks, 1 with 9 units = 33 units
Extras: 2 stingers, 2 golems = 4 units
Prisoners: 7 stabbers = 7 units

So currently 44 units.

How many units we estimate can fit in an empty Luggage?
How much space does a unit of wood/stone take in comparison to a unit? (can be stacked up vertically to more efficiently fill the space? But with Luggage Moving Parts special we can accommodate units in two floors)

2019-11-04, 03:39 AM
The army: 4 stacks, 1 with 9 units = 33 units
Extras: 2 stingers, 2 golems = 4 units
Prisoners: 7 stabbers = 7 units

So currently 44 units.

How many units we estimate can fit in an empty Luggage?
How much space does a unit of wood/stone take in comparison to a unit? (can be stacked up vertically to more efficiently fill the space? But with Luggage Moving Parts special we can accommodate units in two floors)

For simplicity’s sake 1 unit will occupy the same amount of space as a unit of wood or stone.

A heavy unit occupies 2 spaces.

Moving parts can not currently form an entire floor and I imagine much of the wood used to create the extra internal features are currently being used to form cells for the prisoners.

You currently have 6 spaces left

2019-11-04, 03:41 AM
- Everyone carefully walks around the hex to the North boundary
- Everyone into Luggage, Grim at the brim looking out
- Luggage steps North
- Everyone out and carefully scout hex boundaries

2019-11-04, 09:33 AM
- Everyone carefully walks around the hex to the North boundary
- Everyone into Luggage, Grim at the brim looking out
- Luggage steps North
- Everyone out and carefully scout hex boundaries

The army carefully tip toes around the edge of the hex not wanting to disturb any units that might be present deeper in the hex. They are able to make their way north and are soon facing the northern hex boundary in to (00,-07). The army then carefully and quietly climbs back in to the luggage leaving Grim at the brim as the luggage marches in to the next hex.

As they enter the next hex Erfman has to resist the urge to groan, this new hex is giving off the feeling of being contested aswell! The army once again disembarks and form in to stacks before carefully and quietly scouting the borders of the hex. They come across nothing in the hex itself but once they reach the northern boundary they can see out of the forest and on to barren earth.

(FYI the luggage has now used 7 move)

2019-11-04, 10:34 AM
Erfman scowls and says "Okay, we can't march to the Obelisk and leave The Luggage and Stingers in this hex if it is contested." while he mentally orders The Luggage to regurgitate Jessie

"Cadaver, please wake up Jessie with 20 of your Juice" Erfman requests, inquiring with his look if he needs directions

As Jessie powers up, have her start cutting the closest tree, then proceed in an enlarging semi-circle.
4 stacks always nearby and at the ready, expecting Jessie to spring a trap or be attacked at any moment

Luggage kept close and between two stacks at all times

(The last and only time we used 4 move to cut wood, over 21 units of wood were cut, which was half a Light Forest hex)

2019-11-04, 01:47 PM
I don't like using jessie as bait, but at the moment that is our most expendable asset in the field. I'll second waking them up

2019-11-04, 03:54 PM
Erfman scowls and says "Okay, we can't march to the Obelisk and leave The Luggage and Stingers in this hex if it is contested." while he mentally orders The Luggage to regurgitate Jessie

The luggage does exactly as instructed and soon enough the inert form of Jessie is spat out and left lying on the muddy ground of the dark forest hex.

"Cadaver, please wake up Jessie with 20 of your Juice" Erfman then requests, inquiring with his look if he needs directions.

Cadaver does indeed require instruction on how to properly charge a golem and does struggle somewhat with the act though thanks in part to his experience at charging Fanon’s tower he does eventually manage it and Jessie suddenly sits up as her motion is restored.

(Cadaver: 55/200 Juice)

As Jessie powers up, Erfman then has her start cutting the closest tree, then proceed in an enlarging semi-circle. While he orders 4 stacks always nearby and at the ready, expecting Jessie to spring a trap or be attacked at any moment with the Luggage kept close and between two stacks at all times.

The support stacks move in to their defensive formations first and then Jessie sets to work attacking the nearest tree, a large croaked looking monstrosity of a tree. It takes quite some time but Jessie eventually brings it down and it hits the ground with an Erf shattering thud. The support stacks jump slightly at the noise and prepare to fight, the noise was so loud that any unit in the hex (or even surrounding hexes) would have had to lack a sense of hearing not to hear it yet there is no immediate attack brought on by the noise.

After a tense few moments Jessie then sets to work on the next tree. Again it takes quite some time to bring the tree down but the tireless golem seems to be in no rush. There was a moment of panic when the tree began to fall in the direction of one of the stacks though fortunately they were able to scatter before being struck.

Jessie 4 move used. 2 large trees chopped down. Continuing chopping?

(The last and only time we used 4 move to cut wood, over 21 units of wood were cut, which was half a Light Forest hex)

(Multiple units cut wood last time not just one)

2019-11-04, 04:11 PM
Estimate how many units of wood those two felled trees would translate to

2019-11-04, 04:28 PM
Estimate how many units of wood those two felled trees would translate to

8 units of wood

2019-11-04, 04:46 PM
Wood cutting rules known:
- 4 move to cut 8 wood
- carrying capacity of medium unit: .5 wood, or 1 wood with risk of exhaustion

"I believe we're out of cards to play. I suggest a square formation with the 4 stacks. Luggage in the middle of the 4, Jessie in front, always in view of the front 2 stacks. And we carefully sweep the hex for hidden units. Grim, Strife do you concur? Cadaver, can you sense hidden uncroaked with your Croakamancy senses?"

2019-11-05, 08:43 AM
Wood cutting rules known:
- 4 move to cut 8 wood
- carrying capacity of medium unit: .5 wood, or 1 wood with risk of exhaustion


"I believe we're out of cards to play. I suggest a square formation with the 4 stacks. Luggage in the middle of the 4, Jessie in front, always in view of the front 2 stacks. And we carefully sweep the hex for hidden units. Grim, Strife do you concur?” Erfman questions.

”The luggage may be safer if it were part of a stack. It would then benefit from a stack bonus to defence and screening” Grim replies.

”Cadaver, can you sense hidden uncroaked with your Croakamancy senses?" Erfman then asks.

”I’m sorry your highness my croakamancy senses are not that strong but I will try my best...” Cadaver replies with a dour look before a look of concentration spreads across his face and he closes his eyes.

”Yes there are uncroaked in the hex...” he finally replies. ”I can not pin point their location but I might be able to do so if I used some juice...” Cadaver then reveals.

2019-11-05, 10:35 AM
"Good suggestion Grim." says Erfman as he orders the stacks to reorganize thusly https://www.dropbox.com/s/qba9yp8pvzf9xbm/4%20stacks%20small.png?raw=1

"That's even better than what I was asking for Cadaver! You know of a spell to detect uncroaked that you have yet to learn?"

(after reply)

"Lets keep that in out back-pocket for now, lets sweep the hex carefully, and if nothing is found, then we have you attempt to cast the spell" he finishes, motioning to Grim to direct the sweep

2019-11-05, 01:20 PM
"Good suggestion Grim." says Erfman as he orders the stacks to reorganise. The stacks then quickly reform in to four stacks with only Jessie remaining unstacked.

"That's even better than what I was asking for Cadaver! You know of a spell to detect uncroaked that you have yet to learn?" Erfman then asks.

”I guess it could be considered a spell...” Cadaver answers. ”It is not something I have been called on to do before though...” he admits.

"Lets keep that in out back-pocket for now, lets sweep the hex carefully, and if nothing is found, then we have you attempt to cast the spell" Erfman finishes, motioning to Grim to direct the sweep.

The four stacks then began to carefully sweep the hex searching for any sign of hostile units. It is a slow process and filled with opportunities for the searching stacks to be ambushed as they move between the trees but fortunately no such ambushes occur. It looks as though it is going to be a fruitless search until both Grim and Strife suddenly notice something.

”Foots prints...” Grim mutters as he looks down at tiny indentations in the muddy ground. ”The ground here has been recently disturbed...” Strife then adds as he looks a short distance ahead of where Grim has spotted the ‘footprints’

2019-11-05, 01:43 PM
We have no miners, diggers, or sappers. So, I suggest we get the archers ready to knock arrows, and everyone else starts digging

2019-11-05, 01:57 PM

"Well, no-one here has the Sapper special, but lets do our best and try to dig the unit that was hidden here up" chirps Erfman "Archers at the ready!" he then barks

2019-11-06, 02:31 AM
(Who is digging? Who is on guard? Are you changing the stack formations?)

2019-11-06, 02:42 AM
Lets maintain stack formations
Erfman's stack facing hole
Jessie + Hog + Stabber dig
If there is room to help, Cadaver's stack facing hole opposite to Erfman, front line of Cadaver's stack help dig

with their hands, and snout, and whatever tools seem useful that are at hand

2019-11-06, 08:39 AM
Lets maintain stack formations
Erfman's stack facing hole
Jessie + Hog + Stabber dig
If there is room to help, Cadaver's stack facing hole opposite to Erfman, front line of Cadaver's stack help dig

with their hands, and snout, and whatever tools seem useful that are at hand

(I presume that means the hog that was being used as a mount and the spare Stabber from the luggage)

"Well, no-one here has the Sapper special, but lets do our best and try to dig the unit that was hidden here up" chirps Erfman "Archers at the ready!" Erfman then barks as one hog breaks stack while a line Stabber climbs out of the luggage and move to join Jessie before all three units begin to dig in the disturbed dirt. The hog begins to dig with its nose and front feet while Jessie and the Stabber begin to dig with their hands.

None of the three units are particularly well suited to digging but fortunately the ground is soft and fairly easy to dig up. They make steady progress until suddenly a hand bursts out of the ground and grabs the Stabber by the throat. A second set of arms then burst up out of the ground and the Stabber is just quick enough to pull his leg out of the way in time though the first set of arms pulls his head down towards the ground.

Three sets of arms then burst up around Jessie and grab ahold of both arms and her legs and she is suddenly pulled downwards until over half her body is submerged in the dirt.

The Hog meanwhile lets out a panicked high pitched squeal as it completely disappears from sight and us sucked down below. The ground.

Stabber - face in the dirt
Jessie - Half Submerged
Hog - Underground

Readied action

Archers may fire as a readied action but misses may hit grappled targets. Please confirm you wish them to fire.

Round 1


2019-11-06, 04:26 PM
After deliberations:
- No firing into grapples
- Cadaver's stack into the hole, attack enemies
- Other stacks melee engage grappling units

2019-11-08, 03:05 PM
After deliberations:
- No firing into grapples
- Cadaver's stack into the hole, attack enemies
- Other stacks melee engage grappling units

Cadaver orders his stack forwards towards the struggling diggers, as they approach the hands withdraw and the Stabber stumbles back gasping for breath as soon as he is freed. Jessie however remains stuck in the mud and the Hog does not reappear.

As Cadaver’s stack continues to advanced the ground suddenly bursts upwards revealing a stack of 8 uncroaked. The bodies are surprisingly well preserved (if not a little dirty from being underground) what however is most surprising is that they are (or had once been) Gobwins wearing yellow livery. The uncroaked Gobwin’s slam in to Cadaver’s stack with axes swinging but under Cadaver’s control the uncroaked knights are able to put together a coordinated defence and manage to block or parry every blow. The knights then fight back each strike hitting its intended target. Two of the opposing uncroaked are dusted outright while two are left damage.

The three remaining stacks then move in with Erfman’s and Strife’s stacks attacking from the flanks while Buster’s stack circles round and attacks from the rear. On the left Grim and the Stabber’s swing goes wide and misses but Bob’s spear pierces one of the Gobwin’s head dusting it instantly. The hog meanwhile slams into a badly damaged uncroaked dropping it aswell. On the right Strife and Stabber bring down another of the uncroaked while another Stabber finishes off another of the damaged uncroaked.

Buster’s stack then slams in to the remains of the Gobwins from behind. The charge is uncontrolled and Buster and one of the Pikers miss their target. The other two however managed to hit their targets though they fail to bring them down.


Uncroaked Gobwin (front) (dusted)
Uncroaked Gobwin (front) (dusted)
Uncroaked Gobwin (front) (dusted)
Uncroaked Gobwin (front) (dusted)
Uncroaked Gobwin (back) (dusted)
Uncroaked Gobwin (back) (dusted)
Uncroaked Gobwin (back) (2 hits taken)
Uncroaked Gobwin (back) (3 hits taken)


Stack 1 - left flank

Stack 2 - front
Uncroaked Knight
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer

Stack 3 - rear
Uncroaked Piker
Uncroaked Archer

Stack 4 -Right flank

Round 2


2019-11-08, 03:52 PM
Cadaver's stack focuses on digging to save sunken Hog
Other 3 stacks Regular auto-attack, no limitations

2019-11-08, 03:59 PM
There are 2 uncroaked left. My call is to just dust them and keep moving. No need to do anything fancy, we have a nastier fight ahead of us

edit: if we can dig up the hog, that would be good. I'd rather not lose units we don't have to

2019-11-09, 03:12 AM
Round Two

Cadaver’s stack breaks away from the fighting leaving the the uncroaked Gobwins surrounded by the three other stacks. With their original targets now out of reach the remaining uncroaked turn on Strife’s stack and lash out with their axes. One Stabber is caught on the arm while the other takes a direct hit to the chest seriously wounding him. Strife’s stack then counter attack with the warlord himself immediately beheading one of the Gobwins and one of the Stabber’s piercing the final enemy’s chest with his sword and dropping him.

Cadaver’s stack meanwhile are tearing furiously at the ground throwing dirt in to the air. They eventually come across the missing Hog and hastily pull it out of the hole. The Hog hardly moves and it takes a long gasping breath when brought above the ground but it is still alive.


Uncroaked Gobwin (front) (dusted)
Uncroaked Gobwin (front) (dusted)
Uncroaked Gobwin (front) (dusted)
Uncroaked Gobwin (front) (dusted)
Uncroaked Gobwin (back) (dusted)
Uncroaked Gobwin (back) (dusted)
Uncroaked Gobwin (back) (dusted)
Uncroaked Gobwin (back) (dusted)


Stack 1 - left flank

Stack 2 - front
Uncroaked Knight
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer

Stack 3 - rear
Uncroaked Piker
Uncroaked Archer

Stack 4 -Right flank
Stabber 3/6 hits
Stabber 1/6 hit

With the last uncroaked having been dusted the hex no longer feels as though it is contested.

2019-11-09, 05:36 AM
Great Success ^_^

- Help Jessie out
- Everyone to the North hex border
- Luggage, Stabber with 1/6 hits, 2 stingers out and stacked
- Give +1 Hammer to Uncroaked Knight A "(I won't be casting Dollamancy spells in this fight)"

(does Alleria have a melee weapon?)
"Alleria, can you fight in melee with the same damage and to hit as if with a bow? (damage and to-hit)"

- 4 stacks march North, with hurt Stabbers in back rows
https://www.dropbox.com/s/nnbve3dkelk2o96/4%20stacks%20march%20north%2C%20hurt%20stabbers%20 back.png?raw=1

2019-11-09, 07:08 PM
Great Success ^_^

- Help Jessie out
- Everyone to the North hex border
- Luggage, Stabber with 1/6 hits, 2 stingers out and stacked
- Give +1 Hammer to Uncroaked Knight A "(I won't be casting Dollamancy spells in this fight)"

(does Alleria have a melee weapon?)

(No Alleria does not currently have a melee weapon)

Jessie is quickly fished out of the mud, other than being a little dirty she is no worse for ware. The Stabber too quickly recovers though the hog that was buried does some to take a bit more time to return to normal.

Erfman then organises a half stack to hold the hex while he gives out his hammer to be used by one of the uncroaked knights.

"Alleria, can you fight in melee with the same damage and to hit as if with a bow? (damage and to-hit)" Erfman then questions.

”If I had a weapon to fight with.” Alleria answers. ”Ofcourse I would not benefit from any of my specials”

The army then marches forwards across the hex boundary and in to (00,-08). The hex is completely barren and empty and the hexes that surround it also seem to be devoid of units.

(Presuming you keep going)

The army then marches in to the next hex (00,-09). Once again the hex is completely barren and devoid of life or feature. As soon as the army crosses over in to the hex though they can see the towering obelisk standing tall in the very next hex. As they approach they can spot two stacks of uncroaked standing at attention infront of the obelisk. Each stack consisting of a heavily armoured knight, three stabbers and four archers with bows drawn.

As the army draws closer still an additional detail can be seen. Lying on the ground at the base of the obelisk is a single body. It appears to be the body of a recently croaked knight or warlord wearing some unknown livery. As the army draws closer to the border the tower suddenly glows with a black light before emitting a dark pulse of energy. The body then climbs to its feet as a newly animated uncroaked before taking two large strides towards the hex boundary. ”So you have come!” the uncroaked booms with a surprisingly powerful voice. ”And you have brought me an army. Turn now and end this foolishness Tinker!” the uncroaked booms.

2019-11-10, 04:03 AM
Innate knowledge! How to turn and how to accept being turned? Can it happen between hex boundaries? In same hex, can we say yes and mean no (and thus not turn)?

2019-11-10, 05:31 AM
Interesting questions;

- Given that Parson turned to Charlie’s comm without there being a Charles Comm commander in hex I am going to say the requirement is that the unit is in direct communication with a command unit of the side they are turning to. ie across a hex boundary would work as would via thinkagram.

- You can say whatever you want but you will only turn if you truly intend to.

2019-11-10, 05:51 AM
"(yeey, more XP for us)" Erfman stage whispers to his closest units while they keep marching, mentally ordering the stacks further back to speed up so all 4 stacks are in a line and able to cross the hex boundary at the same time. He immediately also shouts "I shall accept! I come to kneel at your feet!" marching at a steady pace until crossing the hex boundary, planning to shoot as soon as able

(Do we get a "surprise" round of ranged fire on the unstacked warlord? (Where their archers would also fire since bows drawn))

2019-11-12, 03:20 AM
(You will not get a surprise round (as you attacking is not exactly a surprise) but the archers actions will occur before any other actions that round. Please confirm you wish to go ahead with the orders.)

2019-11-12, 03:28 AM
(it would just be a plus. Confirmed)
In addition
- As we step into hex, if Spook not visible, Cadaver's to cast Mass Seize Undead on unlead stack from Gem Juice

2019-11-12, 05:56 AM
Well finally had a chance to join it
I will support firing on the warlord and mass seize uncroaked. Have erfman in the back and screened. Give the goggle to alleria.have her wait to shoot the spook.

2019-11-12, 06:03 AM

Hm, Erfman's job in this fight is Gradoken/Hoboken Spook, so I'd say the Goggles stay with us :), yes?

And I'd not ready-action-Alleria-shoot-Spook (and perhaps lose the action if one doesn't show); we haven't seen Spooks with Spring Attack, so we should be good attacking normally, and when Spook shows up we shoot it normally

2019-11-12, 06:19 AM
(I’ll let you argue about who gets the goggles.

You have provided orders for the archers and cadaver what about everyone else?)

2019-11-12, 06:35 AM
(I’ll let you argue about who gets the goggles.

You have provided orders for the archers and cadaver what about everyone else?)

Goggles can stay with erfman

Mass fire on the warlord

Mass seize on the stack the warlord is heading towards " if able"

Grim use shared curse on warlord tonlower defense for sword blast.

Other troops just head in and attack focus on the warlords stack.if unavle to croak him with mass fire

2019-11-12, 06:40 AM
That sounds good to me.

And spells usually have happened first

1. (if no Spook) Mass Seize on Warlord stack
2. Shared curse on Warlord
3. Archer and ranged melee fire on Warlord
4. All stacks attack Warlord stack if able
EDIT: Erfman and Mahogany are saving their ranged attacks for Spook, which means we can actually ready action :D
5. Erfman ready actions Gradoken scroll fire on Spook; Mahogany ready-action fire Thorns on Spook

2019-11-12, 01:10 PM
Seems like a decent plan. I'll sign off on it.

2019-11-13, 08:27 AM
Round 1

"(yeey, more XP for us)" Erfman stage whispers to his closest units while they keep marching, mentally ordering the stacks further back to speed up so all 4 stacks are in a line and able to cross the hex boundary at the same time. "I shall accept! I come to kneel at your feet!" Erfman also shouts as he marches with his units at a steady pace until they cross the hex boundary. As soon as they cross the hex boundary Erfman then feels the tingle of being in a contested hex and he immediately gives a silent order to open fire on the uncroaked warlord. As one the archers raise their bows and unleash a hail of arrows that fly straight towards the uncroaked warlord. The warlord’s body shows little emotion and merely raises up its sword in the face of the sea of arrows flying towards him. The arrows then rain down upon him but as they strike the majority of the arrows bounce off of his armoured form or actually shatter upon impact. Out of all the arrows only Alleria’s finds it’s target and it buries itself in the shoulder of the uncroaked. Just as the surprise attack seems to be over an axe suddenly flies out of the air and slams in to the uncroaks shoulder briefly buckling it’s knees before the axe then pulls itself free and flies back to the outstretched hand of Warlord Strife.

In response to the archers attacks the uncroaked archers then return fire targeting the front row of two of Fanon’s stacks. About half of the archers are on target and a number of infantry are left injured after the attack.

Cadaver then pulls out a bright glowing gem and attempts to draw juice from it to power a spell however despite the look of intense concentration that covers the caster’s face nothing seems to happen.

”FOOL YOU WOULD CHALLENGE ME HERE!” the uncroaked warlord roars at the top of his voice. In response the entire tower then begins to glow with a dark malicious energy that then shoots down and engulfs the warlord. The warlord is briefly obscured completely by a glowing orb of darkness before it explodes outwards shooting in all directions.

Erfman then gives the order to charge and his stacks charge forwards. The defending uncroaked however do not sit idle and they charge forward to meet the charge with one stack intercepting Buster’s Stack and the other intercepting Strife’s. There is a clash of blades as the four stacks collide and they fight for dominance. A number of blades strike home on both sides of the conflict though it is only on Fanon’s side that units drop to the ground. A glancing blow to one of Buster’s pikers causes him to fall while one of the uncroaked knights lands a devastating blow on a Stabber and croaks him outright.

Erfman’s stack meanwhile manages to break through the opposing charge and manages to reach the puppet warlord. Grim activates his shared curse special and then the front rank attacks! The hogs both charge forwards though one slips in the mud and misses while the second collides with the warlord’s legs though he just seems to bounce off. ”For Fanon!” Bob then cries as he steps forwards and thrusts his spear forwards piercing the puppet warlord through the shoulder and out through his back though he does not even flinch. Grim then steps forwards and almost slips though he recovers just in time and manages to bring his sword up and slash it straight through the uncroaked’s arm severing it completely before slamming his sword in to the uncroaked’s ribs digging it deeply in to his flesh. ”Grim, I am very disappointed in you...” the uncroaked then declares as he stares straight in to the opposing warlord’s eyes still with weapons piercing his body. Grim shudders in response and takes half a step back as he pulls his sword free. The puppet takes half a step forward and reaches out for Grim with it’s one remaining arm before suddenly crumpling to the ground...

With the chaos of the battle going on all around him Erfman finally realises that Cadaver’s stack did not make the charge with the rest of his army. Glancing back Erfman can see that Cadaver is on the ground with all of his uncroaked standing around him.


Stack 1
Dark One’s puppet 16 hits taken. - collapsed

Stack 2 Vs Fanon 3
Uncroaked Knight
Uncroaked Stabber 4 hits taken
Uncroaked Stabber 2 hits taken
Uncroaked Stabber 3 hits taken
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer

Stack 3 Vs Fanon 4
Uncroaked Knight
Uncroaked Stabber 5 hits taken
Uncroaked Stabber 4 hits taken
Uncroaked Stabber
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer

Stack 4 - around Cadaver
Uncroaked Knight
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer

Stack 5 - around Cadaver
Uncroaked Piker
Uncroaked Archer


Stack 1 engaged with DarkOne’s puppet

Stack 2
Cadaver - on the ground

Stack 3 vs Darkside 2
Piker 0/6 hits - incapacitated
Piker 1/6 hits
Archer 3/6 hits

Stack 4 vs Darkside 3
Stabber croaked
Stabber 2/6 hits
Stabber 2/6 hits
Archer 3/6 hits


2019-11-13, 09:44 AM
Innate knowledge check!
- Hoboken is Shockamancy spell that deals 2d6+˝ caster level
- Shockamancy "special" makes Shockamancy spells cast at double caster level
Is Erfman dealing 2d6+4 (due to being Novice Shockamancer) or 2d6+2?

2019-11-13, 11:23 AM
Innate knowledge check!
- Hoboken is Shockamancy spell that deals 2d6+˝ caster level
- Shockamancy "special" makes Shockamancy spells cast at double caster level
Is Erfman dealing 2d6+4 (due to being Novice Shockamancer) or 2d6+2?

It is the Shockamancy special that allows a caster to double their caster level. Erfman does not have this special so he would still deal 2d6+2

2019-11-13, 11:27 AM
- Erfman's stack to support busters'
- Gradoken scroll on that stack's uncroaked knight (hoping to dust knight before melee damage happens, as spells can shoot first)

Thorns: Once per level per turn the unit may make a ranged attack by firing small wooden thorns.
Hm, this special changed, it's no longer an insta hit, nor seemingly magical, so might as well use it now as well

- Mahogany fires thorns

Just to make sure it's happening: Grim is mounted on Hog with Multi-Purpose saddle

Warlord Innate Knowledge!
- What's the current stack bonus of the units in Buster's stack? (max stack bonus bc there was no restacking nor end of combat?)

2019-11-13, 12:25 PM
Warlord Innate Knowledge!
- What's the current stack bonus of the units in Buster's stack? (max stack bonus bc there was no restacking nor end of combat?)

Last turn Buster’s stack benefitted from the full stack bonus. This turn however restacking did occur. (Unless you would like to still be stacked with two hostile uncroaked?) The stack bonus will therefore be +5. (No penalty for the incapacitated unit)

Please confirm are archers targeting the opposing stacks they are engaged with?

Which units are in the front ranks of each stack?

2019-11-13, 12:40 PM
- Erfman's stack to support busters'
- Shared Curse on that stack's uncroaked knight
- Gradoken scroll on that stack's uncroaked knight (hoping to dust knight before melee damage happens, as spells can shoot first)
- Mahogany fires thorns

- No special orders for archers

Stack 1
Bob (front)
Hog, Grim (front)
Hog (front)
Stabber (front)
Stabber 1/6 hits

Stack 3
Buster (front)
Piker 0/6 hits - incapacitated
Piker 1/6 hits (front)
Archer 3/6 hits

Stack 4 vs Darkside 3
Strife (front)
Stabber croaked
Stabber 2/6 hits (front)
Stabber 2/6 hits (front)
Archer 3/6 hits

EDIT: New Standing Order:
- Units with Rapid Shot, always Rapid Shot by default

2019-11-14, 12:54 PM
Lets go for it!

2019-11-14, 02:25 PM
We're kinda committed, mostly against weaker troops. Rapid fire away.

2019-11-15, 06:53 AM
Round 2

With the puppet defeated Erfman pulls out a scroll, activates it and begins to cast. With a cry of ”Gradoken!” Erfman then unleashed a blast of pure Shockamancy and hurls it straight towards the stack attacking Busters stack. The blast of energy slams straight in to the uncroaked knight leading the enemy stack and vaporises it in an instant leaving only a pair of smoking feet.

The archers on both sides then open fire sending hails of arrows flying in opposite directions. Both Erfman’s and Buster’s stack targets one stack of uncroaked while Strife’s stack targets another. Despite Archers’s from two stacks focusing fire on a single target each fail to hit their mark. Fortunately however Mahogany decides to join in and with a wave of her hands she unleashes a wave of wooden thorns that dusts one of the uncroaked.

Strife’s archers have better luck with the skilful Alleria quickly dusting two uncroaked with well placed shots while another of the archers manages to dust a third with a lucky shot.

The return fire from the uncroaked however is just as deadly and a number of units end up being hit including both Buster and Bob and another infantry unit is dropped by an arrow.

The melee units still standing meanwhile continue to exchange blows. Strife and his last remaining Stabber double team an uncroaked knight, the Stabber stabs the knight through the chest and Strife follows up with a quick decapitation.

Buster and a Piker meanwhile are duelling a pair of uncroaked. Buster is able to quickly dispatch his opponent but takes a bad wound while doing so, the piker however misses his target and pays for it with his life as a sword is thrust in to his chest.

Erfman then orders a charge and his stack goes charging in to the rear of the stack attacking the remnants of Buster’s stack. Bob’s spear finds the back of an uncroaked archer and it is dusted where it stands. Grimm meanwhile cuts another down and even one of the hogs managed to slam in to a uncroaked though it manages to stay standing.

Erfman is then taken by surprise as what was Cadaver’s stack slams in to the back of his stack. Despite the surprise Erfman can almost sense the weapons that he made personally coming towards him and he is able to turn around just in time and dodge out of the way. The rest of the back rank quickly follow suit and dodge however the archer isn’t quite quick enough and sustains a nasty wound.

Erfman’s goggles then suddenly glow as they detect movement. A Spook completely invisible to all but Erfman begins to drift out of the tower and float high above the battle.


Stack 1
Dark One’s puppet 16 hits taken. - collapsed

Stack 2 Vs Fanon 3 +1
Uncroaked Knight (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber 3 hits taken
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer 4 hits taken
Uncroaked Archer

Stack 3 Vs Fanon 4
Uncroaked Knight (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer

Stack 4 - Vs Fanon 1
Uncroaked Knight
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer

Stack 5 - around Cadaver
Uncroaked Piker
Uncroaked Archer

Stack 6

Spook - invisible.


Stack 1 VS DS 2+4
Bob 8/10 hits (front)
Hog 8/11 hits , Grim (front)
Hog (front)
Stabber (front)
Archer 2/6 hits
Stabber 1/6 hits

Stack 2
Cadaver - on the ground

Stack 3 Vs DS 2
Buster 2/9 hits (front)
Piker 0/6 hits - incapacitated
Piker croaked
Archer 1/6 hits

Stack 4 vs Darkside 3
Strife (front)
Stabber croaked
Stabber 2/6 hits (front)
Stabber 0/6 hits (incapacitated)
Archer 3/6 hits


2019-11-15, 05:40 PM
Known knowledge
How much damage does Lothar, Knight A, Burp, and Durp deal with their current weapons?
EDIT: and Bob, Hog, Grim, Strife, Alleria? (Alleria with Rapid Shot)
EDIT2: Hog with full Hp, Hog with current Hp

2019-11-15, 06:09 PM
Known knowledge
How much damage does Lothar, Knight A, Burp, and Durp deal with their current weapons?
EDIT: and Bob, Hog, Grim, Strife, Alleria? (Alleria with Rapid Shot)
EDIT2: Hog with full Hp, Hog with current Hp

All knights have a base damage of 1d6+1

+1 weapons add +1 damage

Hogs deal 1d4 damage

Rapid shot does not affect the damage just the to hit

Feral rager does not increase the base damage just the to hit.

2019-11-15, 06:20 PM
- Erfman Hoboken Spook mentally ordering Grim to shared curse and shoot Spook, Alleria and Strife to shoot on Spook that is revealed by flash of Hoboken hitting
- No special orders for archers
- Mahogany fires Thorns

Stack 1 vs DS4 (focuses on our stolen uncroaked)
Bob 8/10 hits (front)
Hog 8/11 hits, Grim (front)
Hog (front)
Stabber (front)
Archer 2/6 hits

Stack 2
Cadaver - on the ground

Stack 3 vs DS2
Buster 2/9 hits (front)
Stabber 1/6 hits (front) (left Erfman stack to help Buster)
Piker 0/6 hits - incapacitated
Piker croaked
Archer 1/6 hits

Stack 4 vs DS3 (now with no screeners, forcing Uncroaked Archers to fight in melee or provoke attacks of opportunity)
Strife (front)
Stabber 2/6 hits (front)
Stabber croaked
Stabber 0/6 hits (incapacitated)
Archer 3/6 hits

2019-11-15, 07:12 PM
Lets go for it

2019-11-17, 12:54 PM
Round 3

Focusing on the Spook that only he can see Erfman begins to gather his juice before releasing a blast of pure shockamancy with a cry of "Hoboken!" The blast of Shockamancy flies straight up in to the air seemingly towards nothing but empty air. However it does indeed make contact with something and with a blast of released shockamancy the Spook flickers in to existence. Giving out orders to Grim, Strife and Alleria Erfman has them focus on the newly revealed Spook aswell. Grim activates his shared curse special and raising up his sword he points it towards the Spook before releasing a blast of shockamancy that strikes the Spook like lightning. Strife then sends his axe flying through the air while Alleria makes two rapid shots from her bow. The first arrow harmlessly passes through the Spook though the second appears to do some damage. Finally Strife's axe makes contact and with a wail the Spook fades away.

Meanwhile the stacks reorganise themselves with Erfman's stack shifting positions to face off with the more powerful stack that used to belong to Cadaver while a stabber breaks stack and joins Buster's stack. The archers and other ranged attackers then open fire picking out their individual targets. An Archer hits Lothar right between the eyes (critical hit) and while it would have croaked most units the uncroaked remains standing. Mahogany meanwhile points and a hail of thorns bombard Durp dealing a good amount of damage. The archers in Buster's disorganised stack do not have as much luck and all of their shots miss their targets with one arrow flying dangerously close to Erfman's stack. Strife's stack has a little more luck and two of his archers hit their mark dealing a small amount of damage on the apposing archers though they do not drop any of them.

The uncroaked archers meanwhile also open fire launching arrows in all directions. Buster barely avoids being hit by an arrow while his lone stabber takes an arrow to the chest and is croaked. Strife is hit and takes a light wound while his last stabber is croaked aswell (despite both making attacks of opportunity with Strife missing and the stabber only dealing a single point of damage) and one of his archer is hit leaving it on only a single hit and in Erfman's stack both Hogs are hit by arrows.

The melee units then exchange blows, one of the hogs slams in to Durp and dusts him while a stabber lands a good hit on Burp, however the uncroaked fight back ferociously and Bob and the two hogs are wounded in return. One hog collapses from his wounds while the one Grim is riding is left on a single. Meanwhile Buster dances around his enemies weapon and finishes off the last stabber facing him.


Stack 1
Dark One’s puppet 16 hits taken. - collapsed

Stack 2 Vs Fanon 3 +1
Uncroaked Knight (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer 4 hits taken
Uncroaked Archer

Stack 3 Vs Fanon 4
Uncroaked Knight (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer 1 hit taken
Uncroaked Archer 1 hit taken
Uncroaked Archer 4 hits taken
Uncroaked Archer

Stack 4 - Vs Fanon 1
Lothar 6 hits taken
Durp dusted
Burp 4 hits taken
Uncroaked Knight
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer

Stack 5 - around Cadaver
Uncroaked Piker
Uncroaked Archer

Stack 6

Spook - misted


Stack 1 VS DS 2+4
Bob 5/10 hits (front)
Hog 1/11 hits , Grim (front)
Hog 0/11 hits(front) incapacitated
Stabber (front)
Archer 2/6 hits

Stack 2
Cadaver - on the ground

Stack 3 Vs DS 2
Buster 2/9 hits (front)
Piker 0/6 hits - incapacitated
Piker croaked
Stabber croaked.
Archer 1/6 hits

Stack 4 vs Darkside 3
Strife 9/11 hits (front)
Stabber croaked
Stabber croaked
Stabber 0/6 hits (incapacitated)
Archer 1/6 hits


2019-11-17, 05:03 PM
- Erfman Hoboken undamaged Uncroaked Knight (hoping to dust it before melee damage)
- Grim’s Hog step back and Grim dismount
- Mahogany step forward (so she may attack now that she is out of thorns, she *is* a knight)
EDIT: Strife's stack units fire on 2 uncroaked by Cadaver (fearful of Dark One's potential orders to croak, but keep engaged with archers to AOO them)
- Erfman passes his Goggles to Grim after Grim shoots

Stack 1 VS DS 4
Bob 5/10 hits (front)
Hog 0/11 hits(front) incapacitated
Stabber (front)
Mahogany (front)
Archer 2/6 hits
Hog 1/11 hits

Stack 2
Cadaver - on the ground

Stack 3 Vs DS 2
Buster 2/9 hits (front)
Piker 0/6 hits - incapacitated
Piker croaked
Stabber croaked.
Archer 1/6 hits

Stack 4 vs DS 3
Strife 9/11 hits (front)
Stabber croaked
Stabber croaked
Stabber 0/6 hits (incapacitated)
Archer 1/6 hits

2019-11-18, 02:31 AM
I agree and support!

2019-11-20, 08:21 AM
(Sorry about the delay will try and get a post up soon)

2019-11-21, 01:47 PM
Round 4

Drawing on more juice Erfman once again formed another ball of raw Shockamancy and hurled it towards one of the remaining uncroaked knights with all his might. The ball of energy hits the uncroaked and there is a bright flash of light before there is nothing left but a pile of dust. Erfman then reorganises his stack having Grim retreat in to the back rank and dismounts while Mahogany takes a firm grip of her spear and steps forwards to meet the uncroaked. Grim then points his sword forwards which releases a blast if Shockamancy which strikes the uncroaked Lothar and finishes him off while an archer in their stack fires an arrow striking Burp though the uncroaked gobwin hardly seems to notice the arrow buried in its chest. The archers in the opposing stack then open fire though every last shot is clumsy and badly miss their targets striking nothing but the ground or flying far off in the distance.

Buster’s archers meanwhile open fire on the last two uncroaked they are up against an arrow buries itself in each of the uncroaked’s chests but they are not enough to finish them off. The uncroaked then draw their bows back in retaliation, Buster raises his sword to take an attack of opportunity in the archers but the first archer fires dropping him with an arrow to his chest. The second uncroaked then fires and an archer from Buster’s stack falls to the ground.

Strife’s stack then turn and open fire on the uncroaked standing guard over Cadaver’s body. Alleria planted two arrows in the piker swiftly dusting it while the three archers followed up with an arrow each that hid the line uncroaked archer quickly dusting it aswell. The stack facing Strife’s however took this opportunity to fire. Strife managed to bring one archer down with a quick attack of opportunity but still two archers hit the warlord in the chest leaving him dangerously low on hits.

Bob, Mahogany and a Stabber then advance ganging up on Burp the uncroaked Gobwin knight but he heroically parries every blow before decapitating the Stabber with a single blow.

Strife meanwhile strikes another archer with a glancing blow but fails to bring it down.


Stack 1
Dark One’s puppet 16 hits taken. - collapsed

Stack 2 Vs Fanon 3 +1
Uncroaked Knight (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer 5 hits taken
Uncroaked Archer 2 hits taken

Stack 3 Vs Fanon 4
Uncroaked Knight (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer 4 hits taken
Uncroaked Archer 1 hit taken
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer

Stack 4 - Vs Fanon 1
Lothar dusted
Durp dusted
Burp 6 hits taken
Uncroaked Knight dusted
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer

Stack 5 - around Cadaver
Uncroaked Piker dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted

Stack 6

Spook - misted


Stack 1 VS DS 2+4
Bob 5/10 hits (front)
Hog 0/11 hits(front) incapacitated
Stabber (front) croaked
Mahogany (front)
Archer 2/6 hits
Hog 1/11 hits

Stack 2
Cadaver - on the ground

Stack 3 Vs DS 2
Buster croaked
Piker 0/6 hits - incapacitated
Piker croaked
Stabber croaked.
Archer croaked

Stack 4 vs Darkside 3
Strife 2/11 hits (front)
Stabber croaked
Stabber croaked
Stabber 0/6 hits (incapacitated)
Archer 1/6 hits


2019-11-22, 02:26 AM
Not bad not bad.

Stack 1 have grim move back to the front.

After stack 2 fires maybe have them move to support cadavar

Stack 3 have archer and aleria move to front strife can still throw the axe from the back

2019-11-22, 03:16 AM

- Strife steps back, while Alleria and 2 fresh Archers step forward to screen
- Strife’s stack moves and envelops Cadaver’s position, Strife kicking him once to awake him as he gets to Cadaver
- Grim steps forward to share the hits with Bob and Mahogany

Stack 1 VS DS 4 (1 knight 3 archers)
Bob 5/10 hits (front)
Hog 0/11 hits incapacitated
Stabber croaked
Mahogany (front)
Grim (front)
Archer 2/6 hits
Hog 1/11 hits

Stack 2
Cadaver - on the ground, covered by Strife

Stack 3 Vs DS 2 (2 archers)
Buster croaked
Piker 0/6 hits - incapacitated
Piker croaked
Stabber croaked.
Archer croaked
Archer (front)
Archer (front)

Stack 4 vs Darkside 3 (3 archers)
Stabber croaked
Stabber croaked
Stabber 0/6 hits (incapacitated)
Alleria (front)
Archer (front)
Archer (front)
Strife 2/11 hits
Archer 1/6 hits

2019-11-25, 06:06 PM
Round 5

Quickly taking stock of how the battle is going Erfman hastily gives out some mental orders to reorganise the ranks of his stacks. In a response a number of units quickly shift positions. The archers and ranged units then open fire.

In Erfman’s stack the lone archer shots at Burp hitting the uncroaked Gobwin in the chest but still he does not drop. Three uncroaked archers return fire against Erfman’s front rank. Both grim and Mahogany are able to agile dodge out of the way but Bob takes an arrow to the arm and loses another hit.

The two remaining archers in their own stack then exchange fire with two uncroaked archers. The first archer misses but the second archer hits his target right between the eyes dusting it instantly. (Critical hit) one of the uncroaked scores a glancing shot in return though the archer only loses a single hit.

Strife’s stack meanwhile has by far the most remaining archers. Alleria rapidly fires two shot and dusts two of the opposing uncroaked. The three archers meanwhile focus on the last uncroaked in the stack and while one arrow flies wide the other two manage to dust it. The uncroaked has already fired their bows however and two arrows find their targets though they both only deal a single hit each. With the opposing stack now dusted to completely Strife looks for a target of his own and spitting a line uncroaked archer in another stack he throws his axe taking it by surprises and dusts it as it’s head is cleaved in two.

The last few remaining melee units meanwhile continue their duel, Grim rushes forwards and with a mighty swing of his sword he cleaves the uncroaked Gobwin knight in two. Bob and mahogany then go charging past. Bob dusts an archer in the Rio of his spear while Mahogany is too slow and misses her target.

Strife’s stack and the two lone archers then move to encircle the prone Cadaver. Strife gives Cadaver a swift kick as they form a defensive position around the croakamancer though as he does the former Darkside warlord notices the caster is covered in wounds. He does not stir after being kicked!


Stack 1
Dark One’s puppet 16 hits taken. - collapsed

Stack 2 - dusted
Uncroaked Knight (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)

Stack 3 - dusted
Uncroaked Knight (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)

Stack 4 - Vs Fanon 1
Lothar dusted
Durp dusted
Burp dusted
Uncroaked Knight dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted
Uncroaked Archer
Uncroaked Archer

Stack 5 - dusted
Uncroaked Piker dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted

Stack 6

Spook - misted


Stack 1 VS DS 4
Grim (front)
Bob 4/10 hits (front)
Hog 0/11 hits(front) incapacitated
Stabber (front) croaked
Mahogany (front)
Archer 2/6 hits
Hog 1/11 hits

Stack 2
Cadaver - on the ground

Stack 3 around Cadaver
Buster croaked
Piker 0/6 hits - incapacitated
Piker croaked
Stabber croaked.
Archer croaked
Archer 5/6 hits

Stack 4 around cadaver

Alleria (front)
Archer (front) 5/6 hits
Archer (front) 5/6 hits
Stabber croaked
Stabber croaked
Stabber 0/6 hits (incapacitated)
Strife 2/11 hits
Archer 1/6 hits


2019-11-26, 01:12 AM
Alright have bob drop back finish off the last archers and stack up. Combine stacks 1 and 3 so we habe a full stack there.

After comabt have strifes stack gather up weapons. And incapactated units while we check cadavar. Check if the gem is still charges maybe we can do something with the juice

2019-11-26, 05:30 AM

Bob step back,
Rest auto attack.
Strife restack, attempt to include cadaver in stack

Remain stacked even if hex feels uncontested (fearful of second hidden spook)

Stack 1 VS DS 4
Grim (front)
Mahogany (front)
Bob 4/10 hits
Hog 0/11 hits incapacitated
Stabber croaked
Archer 2/6 hits
Hog 1/11 hits

Stack 2
Cadaver - on the ground

Stack 4 around cadaver
Alleria (front)
Archer (front)
Archer (front) 5/6 hits
Archer (front) 5/6 hits
Archer 5/6 hits
Strife 2/11 hits
Archer 1/6 hits

Bodies on the floor
Stabber 0/6 hits (incapacitated)
Stabber croaked
Stabber croaked
Buster croaked
Piker 0/6 hits - incapacitated
Piker croaked
Stabber croaked.
Archer croaked

2019-11-26, 03:44 PM
Round 6

Erfman once again reshuffles his stacks pulling Bob back in to the safer back rank while he has the other two stacks combine in to one. The archers then open fire and a hail of arrows fly towards the last two uncroaked standing while only two fly back in return. The uncroaked’s attacks miss their marks however the archers of Fanon do not and the two uncroaked are swiftly transformed in to pun cushions before they are dusted.

Erfman then realised that Cadaver was not able to join Strife’s stack as he had hoped and infact Cadaver is still not moving.

There are no longer any uncroaked in sight that are still standing however the hex still feels like it is contested to Erfman’s senses.


Stack 1
Dark One’s puppet 16 hits taken. - collapsed

Stack 2 - dusted
Uncroaked Knight (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)

Stack 3 - dusted
Uncroaked Knight (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)

Stack 4 - Vs Fanon 1
Lothar dusted
Durp dusted
Burp dusted
Uncroaked Knight dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted

Stack 5 - dusted
Uncroaked Piker dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted

Stack 6

Spook - misted

Stack 1 VS DS 4
Grim (front)
Mahogany (front)
Bob 4/10 hits
Hog 0/11 hits incapacitated
Stabber croaked
Archer 2/6 hits
Hog 1/11 hits

Stack 2
Cadaver - on the ground

Stack 4 around cadaver
Alleria (front)
Archer (front)
Archer (front) 5/6 hits
Archer (front) 5/6 hits
Archer 5/6 hits
Strife 2/11 hits
Archer 1/6 hits

Bodies on the floor
Stabber 0/6 hits (incapacitated)
Stabber croaked
Stabber croaked
Buster croaked
Piker 0/6 hits - incapacitated
Piker croaked
Stabber croaked.
Archer croaked


2019-11-26, 03:54 PM
- Erfman stack inspect Cadaver, and Gem
- Strife's stack move towards downed puppet and attempt to take it prisoner

"Keep your eyes open, Grim, Strife, Alleria"

The Goggles are already with Grim

2019-11-29, 12:46 PM
Round 7

Fanon’s two stacks split up with one stack moving to inspect Cadaver while the other moves to investigate the Dark One’s uncroaked puppet.

Erfman arrives at Cadaver’s side and he kneels down to inspect the fallen Croakamancer while the rest of his stack screen the pair. Cadaver has a number of nasty looking wounds on his body that look as though they were inflicted by a large blade or an axe. He is barely breathing but he is not yet croaked only merely incapacitated. Still gripped tightly in his hand is the Shockamancy gem that he attempted to use. With his newly emerging senses as a Shockamancer Erfman is able to sense that there is still raw Shockamancy juice stored within the gem.

Strife meanwhile moves towards the Uncroaked Puppet and attempts to take it prisoner. As it is not alive nothing happens though unlike the other uncroaked it has not fallen to pieces and is still mostly intact. Strife bends down to inspect the puppet quickly pats it down before standing back up now carrying the sword it had been using.

”Keep your eyes open, Grim, Strife, Alleria" Erfman then shouts in warning.

No sooner does Erfman shout his warning then the entire obelisk begins to give off a very faint black glow.


Stack 1
Dark One’s puppet 16 hits taken. - collapsed

Stack 2 - dusted
Uncroaked Knight (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)

Stack 3 - dusted
Uncroaked Knight (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)

Stack 4 - Vs Fanon 1
Lothar dusted
Durp dusted
Burp dusted
Uncroaked Knight dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted

Stack 5 - dusted
Uncroaked Piker dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted

Stack 6

Spook - misted

Stack 1 around Cadaver
Grim (front)
Mahogany (front)
Bob 4/10 hits
Hog 0/11 hits incapacitated
Stabber croaked
Archer 2/6 hits
Hog 1/11 hits

Stack 2
Cadaver - on the ground

Stack 4 around Puppet
Alleria (front)
Archer (front)
Archer (front) 5/6 hits
Archer (front) 5/6 hits
Archer 5/6 hits
Strife 2/11 hits
Archer 1/6 hits

Bodies on the floor
Stabber 0/6 hits (incapacitated)
Stabber croaked
Stabber croaked
Buster croaked
Piker 0/6 hits - incapacitated
Piker croaked
Stabber croaked.
Archer croaked


2019-11-29, 01:24 PM
Erfman seeing Cadaver’s eyes are not Xed breathes a sigh of relief. He pockets the gem and motions to Bob, and both quickly haul Cadaver onto the Hog’s Multi-purpose saddle, mentally ordering Bob to keep a hand on Cadaver so he doesn’t fall.

That done, he grimly turns to the Obelisk and shouts “We’re not leaving this hex with that Obelisk intact! Grim blast it!” (hoping to force the Dark One’s minions hand, and reveal themselves to protect the structure, and also hoping that a few shockamancy blasts don’t actually destroy it before the hex is secured) while having his stacks hunker down anticipating something to blast outwards

(how much Juice does Erfman feel is still in the Gem?)

2019-11-29, 01:49 PM
I support the plan

2019-11-29, 01:50 PM
(Erfman is not sure how much juice is still in the gem without inspecting it more closely. (He is still very new to Shockamancy senses) however he feels that there is still a decent amount contained inside)

(Will Wait a bit before locking in your orders for the round)

2019-11-29, 01:58 PM
Erfman seeing Cadaver’s eyes are not Xed breathes a sigh of relief. He mentally orders Bob and archer to haul Cadaver onto the Hog’s Multi-purpose saddle and keep a hand on Cadaver so he doesn’t fall, while turning grimly to the Obelisk and shouting “We’re not leaving this hex with that Obelisk intact! Grim blast it!” (hoping to force the Dark One’s minions hand, and reveal themselves to protect the structure, and also hoping that a few shockamancy blasts don’t actually destroy it before the hex is secured).

Grim and Strife have their stacks hunker down anticipating something to blast outwards.

As Erfman hunkers, he inspects the Gem to determine its Juice content.

(there :), that should be doable ^_^)

2019-11-29, 07:52 PM
Lets add im some readied actions archers ready to fire on new uncroaked. Strif and alleria to fire on buster if he rises. Melee units strike if enemy in range

2019-11-30, 02:59 AM
Good idea, and it's free right now


Erfman seeing Cadaver’s eyes are not Xed breathes a sigh of relief. He mentally orders Bob and archer to haul Cadaver onto the Hog’s Multi-purpose saddle and keep a hand on Cadaver so he doesn’t fall, while turning grimly to the Obelisk and shouting “We’re not leaving this hex with that Obelisk intact! Grim blast it!” (hoping to force the Dark One’s minions hand, and reveal themselves to protect the structure, and also hoping that a few shockamancy blasts don’t actually destroy it before the hex is secured).

As Grim shoots, Grim and Strife have their stacks hunker down, and ready actions to shoot and strike when-if enemies become visible or in reach, anticipating something to blast outwards.

As Erfman hunkers, he inspects the Gem to determine its Juice content.

2019-12-05, 03:17 AM
Round 8

At Erfman’s command Bob signals an archer to help him and together they careful haul Cadaver up off of the ground and prop him up on top of the hog. Taking one arm each they then hold him in place. (If the stack is engaged Bob the archer and the Hog may have to break stack or risk dropping Cadaver back to the ground)

Erfman then turns grimly to the Obelisk and shouts out loudly. “We’re not leaving this hex with that Obelisk intact! Grim blast it!” Erfman cries.

Grim then obediently raises up the Shockamancy sword and points it towards the obelisk. Raw Shockamancy briefly dances around the blade before shooting forwards like a bolt of lightning and striking the tower. The shockamancy briefly races around the surface of the obelisk before fading from sight leaving it seemingly unharmed. The dark glow of the obelisk then intensifies bathing the entire hex in a dark glow with croakamantic energy hanging thick in the air.

”You shouldn’t have done that...” Strife mutters to himself before jumping back in surprise as the body of the puppet is slowly enveloped in darkness.

Bob then cries out in alarm. ”Your highness, his helmet!” Bob then cries pointing at Cadaver’s helm that is now glowing black just as strongly as the obelisk.

Erfman meanwhile can feel the croakamantic energy in the air make contact with his skin, it causes every inch of his skin to tingle in a strange but not unpleasant way. The most surprising fact however is that it is making Erfman feel stronger and more energised. His body feels stronger than it has ever done and if he did not know he was already out of juice he would have swore he was currently on full.

Pulling his attention back to the gem for a moment Erfman squeezes his eyes tightly shut and intently focuses on the gem. Erfman is somewhat surprised to find that the gem is infact still fully charged with not even a single drop of juice having been spent.

2019-12-05, 05:00 AM
A Moment's Insight!
Do we have anything in the units possessions that could be used to strap Cadaver to the saddle?

2019-12-05, 06:47 AM
Throw cadavars helmet away!

Use juice in gem to temporary modify our goggles ( afterngrim returns them) to see and identify currents of magic.

Maintain distance from obilisk.

Ask strife if he knows what this is since he commited on it.

2019-12-05, 07:29 AM
0. Erfman gets the Goggles back from Grim while shouting “What's happening Strife?”
0. Archers maintain ready actions to fire on enemies *not* puppet
0. Alleria and Strife ready action to fire on puppet or enemies if any
1. Strap Cadaver to saddle OR Bob lay him on the ground again if nothing useful is at hand
1. Archer take Cadaver's helm off and toss it away from the stack
1. Strife’s stack steps away from Puppet
2. Erfman then curious about the energy empowering him attempts to channel it and cast a variant of Identify spell, with the Goggles as a focus, to see and identify currents of magic, to better understand what’s going on

2019-12-11, 09:19 AM
Round 9

Ordering Strife to throw back his goggles Erfman catches them before shouting to the warlord. ”What’s happening Strife?” Erfman calls.

”What’s it look like is happening? The obelisk is powering up, the Obelisks are HIS weapons and he is about to use it!” Strife shouts back.

Bob meanwhile takes off his belt and picks up a bow from one of the fallen archers and rips of the bowstring. Using the two items Bob the lashes Cadaver throughly to the Hog’s saddle. The archer then takes of Cadaver’s glowing helmet and hurls it away.

Strife and his stack meanwhile slowly back away from the inert form of the Dark Ones puppet.

Erfman himself meanwhile attempts to channel the energy that is flowing in to him. The dollamancer is unable to cast a spell with the energy however he can tell that the energy is croakamantic in nature and that it is flowing from the obelisk in waves that are steadily growing stronger. Erfman can also sense that the juice levels within the tower are growing.

The puppet on the ground then twitches and without waiting for it to move any further Alleria fires two arrows in to it’s back while Strife hurls his axe down and buries his axe in to the body’s back aswell. The puppet then slumps and stops moving once again.

Fanon’s fallen then suddenly lurch back to their feet their bodies still covered in wounds. The former units of Fanon are clearly now uncroaked and they turn as one to stare straight at Erfman. Fortunately Erfman’s earlier orders then kick in and the archers in Strifes stack open fire peppering the newly created uncroaked with arrows striking a number of them though failing to bring any down. The uncroaked then form up in to a single stack and the lone archer that was uncroaked then returns fire managing to strike one of Strife’s archers in the shoulder with a well placed shot.

The uncroaked then charge forwards with unnatural speed ploughing in to Strife’s relatively unprotected archers and began tearing them to pieces, in the blink of an eye two archers were croaked and a third was left badly wounded.

The obelisk meanwhile continues to glow black radiating with energy that hung thick in the air. Cadaver from his position strapped to the Hog then begins to mutter to himself almost incoherently. ” Croakamancy cascade...”[/b] Was all he says before falling silent once again.


Stack 1
Dark One’s puppet 16 hits taken. - collapsed

Stack 2 - dusted
Uncroaked Knight (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)

Stack 3 - dusted
Uncroaked Knight (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)

Stack 4 - Vs Fanon 1
Lothar dusted
Durp dusted
Burp dusted
Uncroaked Knight dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted

Stack 5 - dusted
Uncroaked Piker dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted

Stack 6

Spook - misted

Stack 7 vs stack 4
Uncroaked Stabber (front) 2 hits taken
Uncroaked Stabber (front) 5 hits taken
Uncroaked Buster (front)
Uncroaked Stabber (front)3 hits taken
Uncroaked Stabber
Uncroaked Piker
Uncroaked Archer


Stack 1
Grim (front)
Mahogany (front)
Bob 4/10 hits
Hog 0/11 hits incapacitated
Archer 2/6 hits
Hog 1/11 hits

Stack 2
Cadaver - strapped to hog

Stack 4
Alleria (front)
Archer (front) croaked
Archer (front) 3/6 hits
Archer (front) croaked
Archer 5/6 hits
Strife 2/11 hits
Archer 1/6 hits

Bodies on the floor
Stabber 0/6 hits (incapacitated)
Piker 0/6 hits - incapacitated[/spoiler]


2019-12-11, 09:42 AM
Innate Knowledge!
- After a body is claimed, may it be ordered to depop?
- May we claim a body in a contested hex?

2019-12-11, 12:47 PM
I think we overreached. Order of priority for retreat: Casters, warlords, and magic items? I think at this point we aren't turning this around, but we can at least minimize our losses.

Edit: General consensus is the costs are too high for us to survive the fallout if we just fall back, so this is now an all or nothing gambit. Suggestion rescinded.

2019-12-11, 12:52 PM
1. Erfman Hoboken Buster from Gem
2. Alleria step back
3. Archer 5/6 steps forward
4. Front archers Total Defense
5. Alleria targets 2 front stabbers, Strife targets 3rd front stabber
6. Erfman stack closes, Grim takes back stabber, Mahogany takes back piker (back archer is expected to be taken out by AOO)
7. If uncertain or possible to claim body in contested hex and order depop, Archer 1/6 hits reaches from the back row and taps a body at his feet (behind the cover of the front row) to claim a body and have it depop instead of firing

Stack 1
Grim (front)
Mahogany (front)
Bob 4/10 hits
Archer 2/6 hits
Hog 1/11 hits
Hog 0/11 hits incapacitated

Stack 2
Cadaver - strapped to hog

Stack 4
Archer (front Total Defense) 3/6 hits
Archer (front Total Defense) 5/6 hits
Strife 2/11 hits
Archer 1/6 hits
Archer croaked
Archer croaked

Bodies on the floor
Stabber 0/6 hits (incapacitated)
Piker 0/6 hits - incapacitated

2019-12-13, 11:39 PM
+1 press the attack

2019-12-14, 07:12 PM
Round 10

Erfman attempts to draw juice out of the Shockamancy gem and use it to power a Hoboken and the juice contained within instantly responds flowing out smoothly and in to Erfman’s hands. ”Hoboken!” Erfman then cries thrusting one hand forwards releasing a blast of pure Shockamancy. The uncroaked Buster still seems surprisingly nimble and he attempts to dodge out of the way however the blast catches him in the side vaporising his ribs. Buster stumbled forwards with sword raised before collapsing and breaking down in to dust.

With a silent order Erfman then has Strife’s stack reshuffle once again. While they are reorganising the only remaining uncroaked archer opens fire. The uncroaked’s shot is a good one and he plants an arrow in the leg of one of Strife’s remaining archers. The archer cries out in pain and then drops to the floor incapacitated. With a cry of rage Alleria returns fire quickly planting an arrow each in the chest of two uncroaked stabbers. The first defiantly remains standing while the second crumbles in to dust. Strife then takes his shot hurling his axe forwards beheading the third Stabber in the line instantly dusting it.

The lone archer in Erfman’s stack adds support fire but his shot is wide and ends up missing his target.

Charge!” Grim then cries as he leads his stack in charging in to the back ranks of the uncroaked. With a mighty swing Grim cuts one of the uncroaked down, Mahogany then followers the warlords lead and skewers one of the uncroaked with her spear however it does not drop and instead twists round and lashes out with a spear of its own just catching the Dwyad’s arm. The last remaining uncroaked in the front rank meanwhile throws itself against Strife’s stack raking it’s sword across the defending archer’s chest leaving him badly wounded but somehow still standing.

At the rear of Strife’s stack one of the archer’s drops to the ground and grabs ahold of one of his fallen kin claiming the body for Fanon. The archer then attempts to depop the body but finds he is unable to do so and infact suddenly realised that despite the order he does not know how to do so.

The two croaked archers then twitch before suddenly lurching back to their feet much to the panic of the archer that had attempted to depop one and now found himself face to face with an uncroaked. Rather curiously however the uncroaked that he had attempted to depop has shackles around his arms and legs.


Stack 1
Dark One’s puppet 16 hits taken. - collapsed

Stack 2 - dusted
Uncroaked Knight (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)

Stack 3 - dusted
Uncroaked Knight (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)

Stack 4 - Vs Fanon 1
Lothar dusted
Durp dusted
Burp dusted
Uncroaked Knight dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted

Stack 5 - dusted
Uncroaked Piker dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted

Stack 6

Spook - misted

Stack 7 vs stack 4
Uncroaked Stabber (front) 5 hits taken
Uncroaked Stabber (front) dusted
Uncroaked Buster (front) dusted
Uncroaked Stabber (front) dusted
Uncroaked Stabber dusted
Uncroaked Piker 5 hits taken
Uncroaked Archer

Stack 8
Uncroaked Archer

[b]Stack 9[/u]
Uncroaked Archer - shackled


Stack 1
Grim (front)
Mahogany 8/9 hits(front)
Bob 4/10 hits
Archer 2/6 hits
Hog 1/11 hits
Hog 0/11 hits incapacitated

Stack 2
Cadaver - strapped to hog

Stack 4
Archer (front Total Defense) incapacitated
Archer (front Total Defense) 1/6 hits
Strife 2/11 hits
Archer 1/6 hits

Bodies on the floor
Stabber 0/6 hits (incapacitated)
Piker 0/6 hits - incapacitated[/QUOTE]

2019-12-15, 01:54 AM
Ranged fire resolves before melee damage correct? Melee units dusted by ranged fire don't attack that round correct?

New standing order:
- Units with Shockamancy sword or animated weapons ranged attack by default (exception: when their target is a ranged unit in melee range)

- Alleria: stabber piker
- Strife, Grim: archer each
- back Archer 1/6 destacks and circles around the enemies to tap and claim the downed puppet
- Erfman ready action Hoboken surprising enemy (like a Spook)

2019-12-15, 02:47 AM
+1 lets finish this

2019-12-15, 04:31 PM
Nothing for it. Let's do this. We can go back to strategy once we see if these tactics pay off, if we survive

2019-12-18, 01:48 PM
Round 11

Deciding to go for one final push Erfman readies himself for any surprises while he sends his units on the attack. Alleria opens fire with a rapid barrage of shots but this time the shots are too rushed and neither hit their mark and instead go flying off in to the distance.

Grim then points his sword and begins to charge it with Shockamancy while at the same time an opposing uncroaked archer pulls back its bow. The Uncroaked piker in the enemy stack lunges at Grim and misses (AoO) while both Grim and Mahogany take a swipe at the archer. (AoOs) Mahogany misses but Grim strikes the uncroaked down with a single blow. With his target taken down Grim then quickly adjusts his aim as there is a bright flash as a blast of Shockamancy is released from the sword and one of the uncroaked archers standing on it’s own is turned to dust.

Strife then hurls his axe just clipping the badly damaged uncroaked Stabber finishing it off. The lone archer in Erfman’s stack then takes his opportunity to fire and he plants an arrow in the chest of an uncroaked’s piker dropping it to the floor and dusting it.

The shackled uncroaked archer then turns and begins hobbling slowly towards the still glowing obelisk.

At the same time one of the archers from Strife’s stacks breaks stack and dashes towards the downed puppet body and quickly taps it and claims it for Fanon.


Stack 1
Dark One’s puppet ?? hits taken. - collapsed - claimed

Stack 2 - dusted
Uncroaked Knight (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)

Stack 3 - dusted
Uncroaked Knight (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Stabber (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)
Uncroaked Archer (dusted)

Stack 4 - dusted
Lothar dusted
Durp dusted
Burp dusted
Uncroaked Knight dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted

Stack 5 - dusted
Uncroaked Piker dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted

Stack 6

Spook - misted

Stack 7 - dusted
Uncroaked Stabber (front) dusted
Uncroaked Stabber (front) dusted
Uncroaked Buster (front) dusted
Uncroaked Stabber (front) dusted
Uncroaked Stabber dusted
Uncroaked Piker dusted
Uncroaked Archer dusted

Stack 8 - dusted
Uncroaked Archer - dusted

[b]Stack 9[/u] - fleeing to Obelisk
Uncroaked Archer - shackled


Stack 1
Grim (front)
Mahogany 8/9 hits(front)
Bob 4/10 hits
Archer 2/6 hits
Hog 1/11 hits
Hog 0/11 hits incapacitated

Stack 2
Cadaver - strapped to hog

Stack 4
Archer (front Total Defense) incapacitated
Archer (front Total Defense) 1/6 hits
Strife 2/11 hits

Stack 5
Archer 1/6 hits

Bodies on the floor
Stabber 0/6 hits (incapacitated)
Piker 0/6 hits - incapacitated

2019-12-18, 03:01 PM

Correction to standing order
- Units with Shockamancy sword or animated weapons ranged attack by default (exception: when in melee range)

2019-12-18, 08:34 PM
So, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't cadaver's hog part of erfman's stack? Would that not either make cadaver part of erfman's stack, or cargo for the hog, rather than his own stack? Seems weird to me how it's marked currently

2019-12-18, 08:53 PM
- Stack moves, Grim grab shackled archer and execute it
- restack into oversized stack
- Erfman attempts cast variant of Identify, using Goggles as focus, from Gem Juice, to better understand what's going on, and perhaps divine why hex still contested, and the secret door to interior of Obelisk

Stack 1
Grim (front)
Mahogany 8/9 hits (front)
Bob 4/10 hits
Archer 2/6 hits
Hog 1/11 hits (w/ Cadaver strapped to saddle)
Strife 2/11 hits
Archer 1/6 hits
Archer 1/6 hits

Bodies on the floor
Stabber 0/6 hits (incapacitated)
Piker 0/6 hits - incapacitated
Hog 0/11 hits incapacitated
Archer 0/6 hits incapacitated

2019-12-18, 11:25 PM
Plus one except for the outsized stack put the two archer with 1 hit each into cadavars stack they can screen and still provide range support.

Edit never mind plus on it all

2019-12-19, 02:53 AM
It's either Cadaver can be stacked, and thus he be stacked with Erfman's stack
Or he can't be stacked, he's cargo, a body, and the 2 1/6 archers have no reason to be unstacked

EDIT: OH ****, Maybe there is something possessing Cadaver! And he is the reason hex contested!
EDIT2: What? Cadaver's contract has no penalties for Fanon, and does not prevent us taking him prisoner here
It just states "The Kingdom of Fanon will ensure that Cadaver has unrestricted access to the Magic Kingdom on turns Cadaver is in the City of Fanon and is complete with their Task [aka acting as a loyal unit of Fanon]"
So this would seem, as long as we release Cadaver before entering Capital there is no Breach. Also, Contract does not break on Breach, and there is no Penalty for breaching that particular clause

Erfman quickly thinks about taking Cadaver prisoner, thinking of releasing him after Obelisk razed, does his Ruler sense warn him of impending Breach?

2019-12-19, 09:43 AM
(Cadaver currently counts as Cargo, the fact he is listed as a stack is a remnant from earlier in the battle please disregard it)

(You receive no warnings about the possibility of a contract breach)

2019-12-19, 10:05 AM
Cool stuff, then proceed

- Stack moves, Grim grab shackled archer and execute it
- restack into oversized stack, with 3 layers
- Erfman attempts cast variant of Identify, using Goggles as focus, from Gem Juice, to better understand what's going on, and perhaps divine why hex still contested, and the secret door to interior of Obelisk

Stack 1
Grim (front)
Mahogany 8/9 hits (front)
Bob 4/10 hits
Archer 2/6 hits
Hog 1/11 hits (w/ Cadaver strapped to saddle)
Strife 2/11 hits
Archer 1/6 hits (back)
Archer 1/6 hits (back)

Bodies on the floor
Stabber 0/6 hits (incapacitated)
Piker 0/6 hits - incapacitated
Hog 0/11 hits incapacitated
Archer 0/6 hits incapacitated

2019-12-19, 03:58 PM
Round 12

Erfman’s stack advances with Grim in the lead. They are able to easily catch up with the shackled uncroaked as it attempts to flee and with a single swing of his sword Grim ends its existence leaving it as nothing but dust.

Slipping on his goggles and using his experience from examining the previous obelisk Erfman is able to relatively easily locate the secret door and under his directions Mahogany is able to slip the point of her spear in to the seam of the door and with a little application of force she is able to pry the door open. Curiosity getting the better of her Mahogany leans forwards and pokes her head inside as she glances in to the darkness.

At the same time Bob places his hand on the strapped down croakamancer. ”Sorry Cadaver...” Bob then mutters as he takes the caster prisoner. Instantly shackles appear on Cadaver’s wrists and ankles and his yellow livery fades to grey.

Erfman meanwhile is still struggling to draw juice out of the gem when he suddenly becomes aware he is now the owner of an obelisk and the hex no longer feels contested.

Stack 1
Grim (front)
Mahogany 8/9 hits (front)
Bob 4/10 hits
Archer 2/6 hits
Hog 1/11 hits (w/ Cadaver strapped to saddle)
Strife 2/11 hits
Archer 1/6 hits (back)
Archer 1/6 hits (back)

Bodies on the floor
Stabber 0/6 hits (incapacitated)
Piker 0/6 hits - incapacitated
Hog 0/11 hits incapacitated
Archer 0/6 hits incapacitated

End of Combat

Mucho experience gained

2019-12-19, 07:03 PM
”Well, that was unusual... An allied and liveried unit counting as hostile.. So much Carnymancy abound.”

“Lets take a breather everyone, it cost us, but we succeeded! We will upgrade our Capital this-turn due to your efforts!” He shouts as he pumps his arm, victorious.

2019-12-19, 11:16 PM
I think casting identify on the obilisk is our first step. Identify before going inside. Also see if we can sense any traps sense we own the obilisk. Im against going inside after what happen to. Buster last time.

Gather up all the fallen weapons and armor.

The sword the heavy warlord had is it special in anyway?

2019-12-20, 01:36 AM
While I'm in favour of IDing the obelisk...what do our ruler senses tell us about it? We own the site, it's now a feature we control, we should be able to discern a fair bit about it's base potential. Production rate, output, types of output, if it can be upgraded and at what cost, that kind of thing. I suspect upgrade is no and cost is N/A, and I know it produces some manner of croakamantic energy pulled as juice from somewhere deep in erf and converted, but little beyond that.

2019-12-20, 03:00 AM
Go :)
- Ruler sense report of Obelisk
- Do we feel ruler sense would report on traps in a captured hex?
- Attempt cast variant of Identify on it, with Goggles as focus, from near the door, looking inside

EDIT: Looking inside, does the open interior continue downwards, under the ground?

2019-12-20, 02:13 PM
- Using your ruler senses you can not sense the presence of any traps in or around the obelisk.
- Your units gather up all the fallen weapons of both your own fallen units and the defending uncroaked. The Uncroaked were equipped with standard swords or bows. Both the sword and armour of the puppet seem to be of superior quality.
- The obelisk does not have a production rate.
- The obelisk can not be upgraded.
- The obelisk can be razed. (for 2,500 schmuckers)
- The obelisk is charged with 1000 units of croakamantic energy
- Ruler senses would alert you to the presence of your own sides traps.
- Erfman has 0 juice and therefore can not currently cast identify.
- The open interior does not continue downwards but parts of the obelisk rises up from beneath the ground.

2019-12-20, 03:13 PM
Erfman has no juice, but the gem has 75 still, correct? We can use gem juice

Is one croakamantic energy equal to one juice that can only be used for croakamancy? Can we siphon it into the gem?

2019-12-20, 04:21 PM
- Attempt cast variant of Identity, with Goggles as Focus, from Gem, near door able to look inside

2019-12-20, 04:52 PM
Erfman has no juice, but the gem has 75 still, correct? We can use gem juice

-All attempts to use gem as a power source for a variant identify spell have so far failed. Do you wish to attempt it again?

WIs one croakamantic energy equal to one juice that can only be used for croakamancy? Can we siphon it into the gem?

Yes one unit of croakamantic energy is essentially equivalent to one unit of raw juice but it has already been converted to be used for croakamancy.

You may attempt to siphon it in to the gem. How do you wish to do so?

2019-12-20, 11:24 PM
- Erfman re-equip Hammer
- Remove weapon and Armour of Puppet
- Place all extra basic weapons and armour, and puppet at feet of Obelisk
- Cast Liquidate on Obelisk and pile of equipment and puppet

2019-12-21, 01:17 AM
Some consensus on the plan, though I'll specify we're erring on the obelisk first, then the others, for targetting on the spell, on the off chance we can't hit everything. I'd rather miss melting a few weapons down because we hit the limits of the spell than miss the obelisk.

Given it's croakamancy aligned juice, as we can actually identify that much, is the gem shockamancy aligned? Given a hoboken, the simplest shockamancy spell, is just a ball of raw juice thrown at something, would shockamancy not be the closest thing to pure juice we can find? Do we think we might be able to convert the croakamancy aligned juice, even at a loss, to what is stored in the gem? Casters are natural channels for juice, and we're already walking around with a nimbus of croakamantic energy. I have no doubt it can be done, but I'm not sure if it can be done by Erfman. Cadaver would likely be better at it, but....kinda incapacitated at the moment.

Also, what school is Identify aligned as, anyway? Dollamancy? Lookamancy? weirdomancy?

2019-12-21, 03:16 AM
Identify: Dollamancy / 25 / touch / 1 round
The caster is able to identify one magic item.


2019-12-21, 12:35 PM
Identify: Dollamancy / 25 / touch / 1 round
The caster is able to identify one magic item.


d'oh! Thanks

2019-12-21, 04:57 PM
Vote raze the oblisk, common weapons, bodies of the croaked, and rocks.

However before we do that there is 1000 croakamancy units in this building. Three ideas for its use and one question.

Q1) can we use the croakamancy juice when we are not in the hex?

1) attempt to learn croakamancy spells trial and error we have seen alot of croakamancy so this seems a worth it.

2) attempt to craft croakamancy scrolls

3) see if we can return the juice to erf ( I think the dead hexes are caused by the obilisk and maybe returning the juice would restore them. I am most in favor of this for several reasons. One its a slap to the face for the dark one. Two it shows our turned unit that we are differnt from the darkone. Three mahogany will love it and it could cause more ferals to pop for taming.

2019-12-21, 06:59 PM
Huh, good call

Pause on the Razing

2019-12-22, 12:22 PM
Hm, after discussing, it's likely Juice will be returned to the land naturally after razing so

Proceed with razing

2019-12-22, 02:22 PM
Officially seconding the liquidate order. I think the gem will be incompatible with the energy from the obelisk, and we're no shockamancer to on the fly convert it properly.

2019-12-23, 01:36 AM
3rd on the road to home again

2020-01-09, 02:39 AM
(Sorry about the big Christmas delay, getting back in to the swing of things now. Will answer your questions / process your orders soon.)

2020-01-09, 03:04 AM
Happy New Decade!
Take your time :) everyone's equally busy

2020-01-10, 02:21 AM
Given it's croakamancy aligned juice, as we can actually identify that much, is the gem shockamancy aligned?

Yes the juice in the gem is Shockamancy aligned.

Given a hoboken, the simplest shockamancy spell, is just a ball of raw juice thrown at something, would shockamancy not be the closest thing to pure juice we can find?

A Hoboken is indeed the closest thing to pure juice that you are aware of.

Do we think we might be able to convert the croakamancy aligned juice, even at a loss, to what is stored in the gem? Casters are natural channels for juice, and we're already walking around with a nimbus of croakamantic energy. I have no doubt it can be done, but I'm not sure if it can be done by Erfman. Cadaver would likely be better at it, but....kinda incapacitated at the moment.

Erfman believes this is theoretically possible but would be difficult.

Also, what school is Identify aligned as, anyway? Dollamancy? Lookamancy? weirdomancy?

The version that Erfman knows is Dollamancy... there may be other spells that perform a similar function that belongs to other schools...

Q1) can we use the croakamancy juice when we are not in the hex?

Erfman is not sure. Someone was operating the tower before you claimed it. Whether it was one of the units in the hex or the Dark One from a distance you do not know.

2020-01-10, 03:09 AM
(The liquidate scroll you purchased was for the basic spell and it is designed to target a single item but I am feeling generous...)

Deciding to liquidate as much as possible Erfman has his units strip the puppet’s body before throwing it inside of the obelisk. Briefly glancing at the recovered items Erfman notices that both the puppet’s sword and armour seem to be of a superior quality to that of a regular infantry unit.

Erfman then has his units collect up all of the fallen weapons. Any of the magic items that his fallen units were carrying they keep a hold of while any excess mundane weaponry is also thrown inside the obelisk.

Once everything to be liquidated is inside the obelisk Erfman has everyone restack and they pull back to the edge of the hex. Erfman then pulls out a scroll and carefully unfurls it. Casting from the scroll there is a slight rumble as the obelisk suddenly implodes shrinking downwards until it completely disappears. Erfman then fills a sudden influx in the treasury as it suddenly shoots up by 4,281 shmuckers.

With the obelisk gone Erfman now finds himself standing in a completely barren hex. The dark glow from the tower that had been permeating the hex immediately started to fade and the hex is steadily growing lighter as the gloom fades away.

Erfman is now left with the issue of having five incapacitated units in the hex with him. (Only one of which is strapped to a mount)

2020-01-10, 03:52 AM
Wood carrying rules:
a medium unit can carry 0.5 units of wood normally;
a medium unit can carry 1 unit of wood while risking exhaustion

The only time we used these rules, several units made 1-wood-carrying-trips and no exhaustion happening was noted. (Base exhaustion chance may be low for full hp units)

1 unit of wood takes similar space to 1 medium unit.
Carrying a person is arguably easier than a block of wood (haul it over shoulder, or pull by arms)

EDIT: Ruler knowledge! do we know the effects of "exhaustion"?
If not "Grim, Strife, what are the effects on a unit of it becoming 'exhausted'?"

2020-01-10, 03:49 PM
(Exhaustion causes a temporary reduction in a unit’s stats)

2020-01-10, 04:08 PM
Ruler's knowledge! Can exhaustion reduce a unit's Move?

If don't know "Grim, Strife, do you know if exhaustion can reduce a unit's Move?"

2020-01-11, 06:22 AM
If our units cant carry them out alt plan use the remaining stingers move to ferry the unit back and forth. We can then place them in luggage for transport home.

2020-01-11, 06:48 AM
Good backup plan.

Let's see if we can carry as cargo safely first

2020-01-12, 02:29 AM
Ruler's knowledge! Can exhaustion reduce a unit's Move?

If don't know "Grim, Strife, do you know if exhaustion can reduce a unit's Move?"

Yes exhaustion can reduce move

2020-01-12, 04:40 AM
Let's see

Grim managed Capital
Everyone but Grim spent 3 Move to get to Obelisk, and needs 3 Move to get to Luggage

Grim has 4 Move
Everyone else has 5 Move

Mahogany 8/9 hits
Bob 4/10 hits
Archer 2/6 hits
Hog 1/11 hits (w/ Cadaver strapped to saddle)
Strife 2/11 hits
Archer 1/6 hits
Archer 1/6 hits

Pretty straightforward to carry the fallen as cargo, we have 2 upright ppl for each downed body, with 1 left over.

"Okay everybody, time to go home. Pair up and lets carry our fallen home" Erfman says while gesturing to Bob and grabbing hold of a downed archer's arm

2020-01-13, 03:16 AM
"Okay everybody, time to go home. Pair up and lets carry our fallen home" Erfman says while gesturing to Bob and grabbing hold of a downed archer's arm. Everybody does as ordered and pairs up picking up one of the incapacitated units between them. (Though the pair that end up with the incapacitated hog seems to struggle). Everybody then slowly trudges back to the hex border and crosses over, as they do Erfman senses all units move drop by one including those of even the incapacitated units. The group are eventually able to make it back to where The Luggage and Jessie are waiting though it costs the majority of the units 4 move to get there.

As the group re-enter the croaked forest hex they find The Luggage and Jessie waiting exactly where they left them. The croaked trees still fill the dark hex and they loom over the units casting dark shadows.


2020-01-13, 03:30 AM
With Bob in tow, Erfman goes to the unconscious Cadaver and touches him while saying "Be free my friend.. (*are* you free of the Dark One's possession?)" hoping the hex does not become contested as he does so

- Load up the 8 units of cut wood
- Collect the dusted gobwins equipment (that was not yet noted as collected even tho it's in our standing orders)
- Give Alleria and each archer a leftover stabber sword
"Alleria, Archers Fletch, Pierce and Robin. These are now yours. Do you confirm you can fight with them effectively?"

If hex not contested and confirmed Alleria can fight with sword
- Everyone into the Luggage, Grim looking out
- Luggage walking home towards hex boundary. Remembering the following hex is contested, cross the boundary slowly at the hex corner, as to minimise walked distance in-contested-hex
- 1 Stack move out of Luggage
Alleria (in front)
Grim (in front)
Erfman (in middle) w/ gem in hand
Strife 2/11 hits (in middle)
Archer 2/6 hits (in middle)
Luggage (in middle)
Mahogany 8/9 hits (in back)
Bob 4/10 hits (in back)
- Move cautiously, close to the hex boundaries, ready actions fire at the ready, until at corner that allows traveling South
- Everyone into the Luggage, Grim looking out
- Move until 00.-04

- Grim mounts full Move Stinger, pockets the 7 fruits, and flies to -07.-07
"Fly high, fly true" says Erfman clasping him on the forearms "and if you feel it would help avoid engagements, stay close to the hex boundaries on your way"
"Take no risks when attempting to tame, show them the fruits, and let them come to you" he councels. "After a sufficiently long time, even if none take your invitation, croak the untamed from the air, and then harvest them."
"Afterwards, if successful, and if the goats still have full move, you'll have the option to avoid the heavy forest if you felt the way was unsafe."

2020-01-14, 07:47 AM
That works would add bringing the capture nets as well just in case.

2020-01-16, 03:41 AM
(Slowly working on processing your orders)

2020-01-17, 03:29 AM
With Bob in tow, Erfman goes to the unconscious Cadaver and touches him while saying "Be free my friend.. (*are* you free of the Dark One's possession?)" hoping the hex does not become contested as he does so. The manacles and chains disappear from Cadaver’s arms and legs but he is still unconscious so he does not respond or react in any other way. Fortunately however the hex does not immediately become contested.

Erfman then has his units load up the wood that was chopped earlier in to the Luggage taking advantage of the extra space due to having lost some units in the battle for the obelisk. Likewise Erfman has his units collect up the axes from the dusted Gobwins. As all the spare mundane weaponary from the obelisk battle was liquidated along with the obelisk Erfman passed out the axes to his archers.

"Alleria, Archers Fletch, Pierce and Robin. These are now yours. Do you confirm you can fight with them effectively?" Erfman then declares.

Alleria gives the axe an experimental swing before nodding. ”We should be able to use these...” Alleria replies.

Erfman then has everyone climb back in to the luggage Leaving Grim at the opening. The Luggage then cautiously creeps forwards and begins the return journey. As soon as they cross the border Erfman immediately becomes aware that the hex is contested. Sending out a stack they then cautiously skirt the hex until they reach the southern border. The stack then climbs back in to the luggage and the luggage crawls across the hex boundary. They are able to proceed in this way until they reach. (00,-04)

[The Luggage 4 move remaining]

Erfman then sends out Grim and one of the Stingers equipped with the multipurpose saddle and a bag of fruit.

"Fly high, fly true" says Erfman clasping him on the forearms "and if you feel it would help avoid engagements, stay close to the hex boundaries on your way. Take no risks when attempting to tame, show them the fruits, and let them come to you" he councils. "After a sufficiently long time, even if none take your invitation, croak the untamed from the air, and then harvest them."
"Afterwards, if successful, and if the goats still have full move, you'll have the option to avoid the heavy forest if you felt the way was unsafe." Erfman instructs. Grim nods obediently before climbing on to the stinger and flying out of the hex to the west.

[The results of Grim’s journey to follow]

(Please confirm if Grim is to head back to (00,-04) after the taming attempt or if he is to head back to Fanon or if he is just to hold position and wait for further orders.)

2020-01-17, 07:33 AM
Stinger's move only allows for a straight line to goats, and then straight line back to Luggage
If tamed goat still has 10 move left (shouldn't, they grazed/moved) then it could reach 00.-01 without passing through heavy forest

So, if no 10-move Goat, come back to Luggage afterwards

2020-01-19, 05:30 AM
I thought the plan was that grim move to the goats then back to the capital but doesnt matter much.

2020-01-19, 02:06 PM
Grim has to return to the column to make it back to the city this turn, abusing luggage's carry ability.

I suggest, if a goat is tamed, one is sent to -06,-04 (check the voting page for my reason)

2020-01-20, 05:33 PM
I think you meant -04.-04 (which is 1. with Scout, 2. 5 move away from city scouting, half move of Goat)

2020-01-22, 03:34 AM
Grim is gone for some time before Erfman is suddenly aware that a new unit has joined the side this is swiftly followed by another and then another. In all three Billy goats join the side. Erfman then becomes aware that a battle has broken out in the goat’s hex. It is brief and by the time the battle is over Fanon has not lost any units.

3 x Level 1 Billy Goats
2 / 2 / 8/ 10
Special: Grazer, Mountain Capable, Mount
Billy Goat A 0/8xp / 40s
Billy Goat B 0/8xp / 40s
Billy Goat C 0/8xp / 40s

[All goats currently have full move]

[Please confirm the movement orders of Grim and the goats.]

2020-01-22, 11:15 AM
Full move!! This turn just keeps on giving XD

I suggest this:
- Grim mounts 1 Goat with the saddle, and goes around city (hopefully scouts some units in walls, and can tell us later if they were frozen or moving)
- 2 other goats go to Scout
- then Grim exchanges mounts, and rides with the extra 2 goats to 00.-01
- Stinger flies to Luggage
- Luggage goes home and picks up Goats and Grim on the way
"Good job on the taming!" congratulates Erfman "What did you see when you spied Fanart Grim? Did you spot anyone on the walls? Were they frozen?"

2020-01-22, 06:56 PM
I vote no on this. I think all goats head back to the capital here are my reasons

1) we were warned by the new owner of that city to stay away we dont need any more enemies

2) we habe no idea the defenses or eneimes around that city. Risking our chief warlord on a useless scouting is not a good idea.

3) we leave a unit in the field. After our losses we may need ever unit we can muster soon.

2020-01-22, 07:35 PM
Oooh, there definitely could be units in the unscouted hexes.. Good catch. Abort scouting plan with Grim.

EDIT: Updated plan
- Grim mounts 1 Goat with the saddle, him and goats go to Scout
- 1 goat stays with Scout
- then Grim rides with 2 goats to 00.-01
- Stinger flies to Luggage
- Luggage goes home and picks up Goats and Grim on the way
"Good job on the taming!" congratulates Erfman "Next turn we'll see what our scouts can spot of Fanart and plan from there"

As the Luggage arrives at the Capital with everyone, have the incapacitated be carefully lay down in a row in the portal room

If Dotti not around, go with AC call Dotti.
“Dotti, things did not go as well as expected” Erfman says with chagrin “We succeeded in razing the enemy's power structure, but took heavy looses. Please, inspect our incapacitated fallen, do you detect the signamancy of lethal incapacitation?”

Then Ask Dotti “When we went to the House of Healing, Magical Diagnosis was 1 Rand or 150s, but I don’t remember the price listed for Stabilizing an incapacited unit that is about to croak. Do you?” (expect it to be 1 Rand)

2020-01-23, 01:03 PM
Works for me also im going to suggest we upgrade the city. If our units including cadavar will survive until start of turn.

2020-02-22, 07:06 AM
(Fragment’s orders)

EDIT: Updated plan
- Grim mounts 1 Goat with the saddle, him and goats go to Scout
- 1 goat stays with Scout
- then Grim rides with 2 goats to 00.-01
- Stinger flies to Luggage
- Luggage goes home and picks up Goats and Grim on the way
"Good job on the taming!" congratulates Erfman "Next turn we'll see what our scouts can spot of Fanart and plan from there"

As the Luggage arrives at the Capital with everyone, have the incapacitated be carefully lay down in a row in the portal room

If Dotti not around, go with AC call Dotti.
“Dotti, things did not go as well as expected” Erfman says with chagrin “Please, inspect our incapacitated fallen, do you detect the signamancy of lethal incapacitation?”

Then Ask Dotti “When we went to the House of Healing, Magical Diagnosis was 1 Rand or 150s, but I don’t remember the price listed for Stabilizing an incapacited unit that is about to croak. Do you?” (expect it to be 1 Rand)

(Titan’s Post)

After giving out his mental orders Erfman waits for them to be obeyed. After a while of waiting the stinger flies back in to the hex completely unharmed. The stinger then obediently climbs in to the open hatch of the luggage and and the luggage sets of once again. Once they reach (00,-01) Erfman finds Grim and two riding goats waiting for him along with one harvested goat.

[3 meat rations and 1 goat hide obtained]

“Mission complete!” Grim declares as he deposits the harvested goat in the luggage.

"Good job on the taming!" congratulates Erfman "Next turn we'll see what our scouts can spot of Fanart and plan from there" Erfman then declares getting a nod from Grim

Grim and the goats then pile in to the luggage and everyone returns to Fanon. The luggage heads straight through the gates and straight to the portal room where Dotti and AC are waiting. All the incapacitated units (including Cadaver) are carefully unloaded and laid out on the floor.

“Dotti, things did not go as well as expected” Erfman says with chagrin “Please, inspect our incapacitated fallen, do you detect the signamancy of lethal incapacitation?” Erfman asks.

“I am no healamancer but their wounds do appear serious” Dotti replies. “There is a chance that they will heal at the beginning of the turn but there is also the chance that they will croak” she adds.

“When we went to the House of Healing, Magical Diagnosis was 1 Rand or 150s, but I don’t remember the price listed for Stabilizing an incapacited unit that is about to croak. Do you?” Erfman questions.

“I am afraid I do not but perhaps now would be a good time to use your letter of credit with the house of healing. I believe there is a mass stabilisation spell and we do have a number of units that are incapacitated…” Dotti replies.

(Fragment’s orders)

"Good suggestion Dotti" breaths Erfman showing a bit of the tension he was feeling as that weight is lifted from him.
"Would you take the note and procure a Healomancer to come here?" he says while extending the note to her

As Dotti walks out we turn to Chief Bowie “While we wait, Chief, on our outing we’ve encountered sapper units that performed a maneuver where they grabbed and sank a unit down into soft soil, and the unit was trapped and suffocating in such soil; Can you reproduce such a maneuver?”

(Titan’s Post)

"Good suggestion Dotti" breathes Erfman showing a bit of the tension he was feeling as that weight is lifted from him.
"Would you take the note and procure a Healomancer to come here?" he says while extending the note to her

“Of course your highness” Dotti replies with a slight curtsy before collecting the note. “I presume as we will only be bringing them to the portal room a non-disclosure contract will not be necessary?” Dotti then asks. Once she has the answer to her question Dotti slips through the portal and disappears from sight.

As Dotti walks out Erfman turns to Chief Bowie “While we wait, Chief, on our outing we’ve encountered sapper units that performed a maneuver where they grabbed and sank a unit down into soft soil, and the unit was trapped and suffocating in such soil; Can you reproduce such a maneuver?” Erfman questions.

“Hnngh, sounds like a quicksand trap” Bowie replies with a frown. “Could probably do it with time to prepare…” the chief answers. “But Gobwins need to breath too. We get stuck aswell we croak too” The Gobwin chief adds.

(Fragment’s orders)

To Dotti: "Correct" says Erfman while slowly nodding

Erfman nods to Bowie pondering, and leaves it at that for now, as he turns to Grim.

"Grim, you mentioned reach weapons to protect against flyers. Would the spears our pikers and Bob yield qualify?”


Good with hiring the healomancy. For our downed units. I will insist on taking care of erfman infection first thing next turn. Vote after we take care of our units we upgrade the city and pop pikers or archers. For next turn.

2020-02-22, 07:10 AM
To Dotti: "Correct" says Erfman while slowly nodding

Erfman nods to Bowie pondering, and leaves it at that for now, as he turns to Grim.

"Grim, you mentioned reach weapons to protect against flyers. Would the spears our pikers and Bob yield qualify?”

”The standard Piker spear is too short, you would need them to be longspears...” Grim answers.

2020-02-22, 07:14 AM
Innate knowledge! What *are* Long-spears compared to standard spear? How to procure Long-spears? Upgrading Piker to Knight (lancer) didn't produce one, or did it? Can we produce one with Minor fabrication spell? (With what quantity of materials)

EDIT: Also, does Erfman remember the stats of the magenta Waven, from the rounds it belonged to the side?

Upgrading the Capital, funds: 2028 - 100 -100 -300 -42 +4281 = 5767, 233s short.
Build building (save 2000s in upgrade), options:
- Infantry Barracks (24 garrison infantry upkeep free): 10 wood, 20 stone, 5 metal
- Training ground (double training xp) : 10 wood, 10 stone, 10 metal
- Lookout tower (3 Hex view): 20 wood

Innate knowledge! What will be the practical benefits of a Lookout tower, as in, can the scouter reasonably expect to spot movements off turn?

EDIT3: Regardless of knowledge, build Watch Tower, wait for Dotti to come, and Healomancer to leave, then upgrade Capital

2020-02-22, 04:23 PM
Innate knowledge! What *are* Long-spears compared to standard spear?


How to procure Long-spears? Upgrading Piker to Knight (lancer) didn't produce one, or did it?

No Bob did not get one when he was promoted.

Can we produce one with Minor fabrication spell? (With what quantity of materials)

Yes. (1 wood and 1 metal for a standard longspear.) 25 juice.

EDIT: Also, does Erfman remember the stats of the magenta Waven, from the rounds it belonged to the side?

Magenta Waven
0 / 1 / 1 / 12
Special: Flight, Uncroaked, Bubblegum blood

Upgrading the Capital, funds: 2028 - 100 -100 -300 -42 +4281 = 5767, 233s short.
Build building (save 2000s in upgrade), options:
- Infantry Barracks (24 garrison infantry upkeep free): 10 wood, 20 stone, 5 metal
- Training ground (double training xp) : 10 wood, 10 stone, 10 metal
- Lookout tower (3 Hex view): 20 wood

Innate knowledge! What will be the practical benefits of a Lookout tower, as in, can the scouter reasonably expect to spot movements off turn?

Units in the lookout tower will be able to see all hexes in a 3 hex radius. This includes non-concealed units (stealth, units burrowers etc might still not be detected). You suspect there may also be a bonus to spot checks...

EDIT3: Regardless of knowledge, build Watch Tower, wait for Dotti to come, and Healomancer to leave, then upgrade Capital

Are you purchasing the watchtower and having it automagically created or are you attempting to have units manually build it.
If so who is being assigned to do the building?

2020-02-22, 04:48 PM
Attempting to build it from materials
- Erfman to be the architect, engineer and foreman, and direct all other undamaged units as felt needed during construction, likely Stompy will do much of the heavy lifting

2020-02-22, 08:19 PM
Have dotti give advice if she is able and willing.

" dotti im building a watchtower in the city. Any advice of style or design you would be willing to share would be welcome"

2020-02-23, 02:23 AM
Good idea!

As the Healomancer leaves "Dotti, I'm about to have a watchtower built, to then upgrade the Capital. A Signamancer's eye and input would be most welcome in both endeavours" says Erfman with a kind smile, while pondering (as I first claimed this site, I focused more on the Tower, and the unique Dollamantic converter sprung into being... I wonder if she can manage the upgrade together with me, leave her mark, and the Capital benefit from it)

EDIT: "Is there a Signamancy spell to make a city more efficient?" he then wonders, remembering they still had 75 Juice available in Tower and with AC

2020-02-23, 05:49 PM
If, instead of making one from scratch, we use an existing spear as a base material, what would it cost to make a longspear? Would there be less waste if we do it in batches (and if so, how much for 5 or 10 longspears, assuming an identical number of starting spears?)

2020-02-24, 03:05 AM
After a while of waiting Erfman suddenly receives a request for a non aggression pact from a unit by the name of Hippo Crates. (Presuming the request is accepted). Dotti steps back through the portal accompanied by a familiar rotund unit in a white toga. ”Ah my friend I was not expecting to see you again so soon. You are fortunate that I still have some juice remaining for the turn” the portly unit declares before glancing over all incapacitated units laid out on the floor. ”A word of warning my friend, though this spell will stabilise all these units know that they will not awake until the beginning of the turn.” Hippo Crates explains. Once given the go ahead to do so Hippo then begins to cast.

As the Healomancer leaves "Dotti, I'm about to have a watchtower built, to then upgrade the Capital. A Signamancer's eye and input would be most welcome in both endeavours" says Erfman with a kind smile, while pondering (as I first claimed this site, I focused more on the Tower, and the unique Dollamantic converter sprung into being... I wonder if she can manage the upgrade together with me, leave her mark, and the Capital benefit from it)

”I would be delighted to lend my assistance your majesty” Dotti replies with a smile. ”Are you merely looking for advice or are you wanting me to use juice?” Dotti then asks. ”If so is there something in particular that you are hoping to achieve?” Dotti then questions.

"Is there a Signamancy spell to make a city more efficient?" he then wonders, remembering they still had 75 Juice available in Tower and with AC.

”There are many signamancy spells that exist...” Dotti replies carefully choosing her words. ”However what you are asking depends on your definition of efficiency...” Dotti continues. ”If you are hoping to reduce the upkeep or increase the income of a city that more falls under the purview of moneymancy, if you are hoping to increase the production rate that is more Turnamancy...” Dotti continues.

Attempting to build it from materials
- Erfman to be the architect, engineer and foreman, and direct all other undamaged units as felt needed during construction, likely Stompy will do much of the heavy lifting

Between them Erfman and Dotti are able to come up with a design for a simple watchtower. Gathering together a sizeable workforce Erfman then has Stompy move all the materials in to place which he is able to do quite easily. Tools are somewhat in short supply but the workforce do their best with a few Gobwin axes and the Craftman’s hammer. Despite the workforce’s best efforts they are able to erect little more than the foundations of a tower before the entire workforce is exhausted.

If, instead of making one from scratch, we use an existing spear as a base material, what would it cost to make a longspear? Would there be less waste if we do it in batches (and if so, how much for 5 or 10 longspears, assuming an identical number of starting spears?)

Erfman believes he might be able to change a spear in to a longspear using juice alone. (it is very similar to a spell he already knows)

Batch modification might be cheaper... Erfman would have to try...

2020-02-24, 04:06 AM
> before the entire workforce is exhausted.
Oh noooes! Exhausted as in "temporary reduction in a unit’s stats"?

Innate Knowledge! What may happen to an exhausted unit when it performs an action that would cause it to be exhausted?

Undamaged exhausted:
- Grim
- Alleria
- Bowie
- Forman
- Stompy (even Stompy?)
- Lizer
- Fert
- Scout G

Jessie is not exhausted correct?
Is Stompy exhausted?

Not exhausted humanoids:
- Jessie
- Erfman
- Mahogany
- Strife
- Bob
- Fletch
- Pierce
- Robin
- AC
- Dotti
Non humanoids (helpful as supports?)
- Wargoat Billie
- 3 Goats
- Stingers (helpful when mounted to carry things up if Stompy unavailable?)

Continue work with unexhausted units, but not hurrying, supporting Jessie and letting her do most of the work?

EDIT2: "(Wow, this seems much harder than expected..)" Erfman says to himself. "but we must persevere, getting the Capital upgraded was most of the reason for our battles today, we must not let down our fallen, we can do this" in a booming voice to all present.

2020-02-24, 05:19 AM

first question could we pay woody upkeep to charge him up now to do some construction.

Edit( paid in shmuckers)

2nd would tools geared towards construction speed the work along making it faster and less exausting for our units. What would it cost to make these tools juice wise.

2020-02-24, 07:30 AM
Good questions!

Info found at compilation thread

. Pondering alternative sources of wood, Erfman evaluates the following:
Piker Spears x14 = ~1 wood

> Erfman believes he might be able to change a spear in to a longspear using juice alone. (it is very similar to a spell he already knows)
Does Erfman think changing a spear into a longspear will be a spell very similar to this?

Resize armour: Dollamancy / 10 / close / 1 round
Magically adjust the size of a set of armour to fit a unit of similar body type.

>”There are many signamancy spells that exist...” Dotti replies carefully choosing her words. ”However what you are asking depends on your definition of efficiency...” Dotti continues. ”If you are hoping to reduce the upkeep or increase the income of a city that more falls under the purview of moneymancy, if you are hoping to increase the production rate that is more Turnamancy...” Dotti continues.

Erfman's eye twinkle as he tries to hide an excited smile "Dotti.. you know of my insatiable curiosity for all matters magical. Now I'm utterly curious to know if albeit one falls under the wing of Moneymancy, and the other of Turnamancy, if either could not be achieved through Signamancy albeit in a less direct fashion (with perhaps more subtle results for the same effort expended). Are you implying Signamancy upgrades to a city would only give intangible benefits (perhaps morale bonuses, or maluses for enemies)?" Erfman asks with a mischievous smile

"And will any such casting benefit from being cast during an upgrade, versus at any other point of time?"

2020-02-24, 02:31 PM
> before the entire workforce is exhausted.
Oh noooes! Exhausted as in "temporary reduction in a unit’s stats"?

They have not gained the exhausted status. They are merely unable to make any further progress on construction this turn.

Innate Knowledge! What may happen to an exhausted unit when it performs an action that would cause it to be exhausted?

The level of exhaustion could increase.

Continue work with unexhausted units, but not hurrying, supporting Jessie and letting her do most of the work?

You currently have no units that are able to make any progress on construction this turn.

Alright first question could we pay woody upkeep to charge him up now to do some construction. ( paid in shmuckers)

A deactivated golem would normally have to be reactivated with juice.

2nd would tools geared towards construction speed the work along making it faster and less exausting for our units. What would it cost to make these tools juice wise.

This would depend on which tools you are attempting to make.

Good questions!

Info found at compilation thread

> Erfman believes he might be able to change a spear in to a longspear using juice alone. (it is very similar to a spell he already knows)
Does Erfman think changing a spear into a longspear will be a spell very similar to this?

Yes that is indeed the spell

Erfman's eye twinkle as he tries to hide an excited smile "Dotti.. you know of my insatiable curiosity for all matters magical. Now I'm utterly curious to know if albeit one falls under the wing of Moneymancy, and the other of Turnamancy, if either could not be achieved through Signamancy albeit in a less direct fashion (with perhaps more subtle results for the same effort expended). Are you implying Signamancy upgrades to a city would only give intangible benefits (perhaps morale bonuses, or maluses for enemies)?" Erfman asks with a mischievous smile.

”If applied correctly Signamancy can be used to mimic the effects of some spells from other disciplines though usually to a lesser extent... I am afraid this is not something I am very experienced with though.” Dotti replies. ”Ohno I wouldn’t say only intangible benefits though morale bonuses are something that signamancy can achieve” Dotti quickly adds. ”The real benefit of signamancy is having more control over how to customise your city. It can even give areas without purpose or function true purpose...” Dotti reveals.

"And will any such casting benefit from being cast during an upgrade, versus at any other point of time?" Erfman then asks.

”Changes are much easier during an upgrade and their effects can be more widespread... While similar spells can be cast at other times during an upgrade is certainly the best.” Dotti reveals. ”It is a shame you do not have a Thinkamancer I hear truly amazing things can be achieved while using a link during an upgrade...” Dotti adds with a faraway look.

2020-02-24, 05:26 PM
To clarify something we players had misunderstood but Erfman knew clearly

- Building buildings out of materials costs Move

How much Move? (we've built 1 building before)

Since we didn't have enough Move to build, Erfman wouldn't have ordered it. However since we liked the idea of a WatchTower we may still build it out of shmuckers. What say you Fragments? :) Build or no build Watch Tower

EDIT: or Erfman would have ordered it started to complete next turn after the upgrade was done :)

We're ready to Upgrade Capital with gems, just need to finish conversation with Dotti to see if she will be part of the upgrade

2020-02-25, 01:41 PM

W21. How much Move did it take to build the Basic Stables?
W22. How much Move do we estimate it should take in total to build Watch Tower?
W23. How much Move was expended today towards the building of Watch Tower?

"Dotti, 'give areas without purpose or function true purpose', would this translate into a larger total capacity for active buildings in our Capital? (currently at level 1 we could manage 4 active buildings)"

2020-02-25, 03:44 PM

W21. How much Move did it take to build the Basic Stables?

[The stables were built before the reboot of the game and the retconning of the majority of the mechanics/rules]

Your memory of this event is vague and fuzzy. You do remember however it took multiple units working over two turns to build the stables.

W22. How much Move do we estimate it should take in total to build Watch Tower?

You do not know.

W23. How much Move was expended today towards the building of Watch Tower?

You are not aware of any move being expended.

"Dotti, 'give areas without purpose or function true purpose', would this translate into a larger total capacity for active buildings in our Capital? (currently at level 1 we could manage 4 active buildings)" Erfman asks.

”Now that is an interesting question...” Dotti replies with a thoughtful look. ”Perhaps it would be possible to increase the maximum capacity for buildings through the use of clever signamancy...” Dotti thinks aloud. ”But using your vocabulary I was more referring to altering what buildings are considered to be active...” Dotti adds ”Or even granting features or decorations function...” the Signamancer continues to explain.

2020-02-25, 03:58 PM
Alright so we have 1250 shmuckers worth of gems. Here is what I suggest.

Dotti: using the juice in the tower (75 )and AC juice (25) to increase the number of building slots using signamancy. Or atleadt starting the project during the upgrade. If this doest work. Instead see if she could grant a signamancy camo bonus to troops on our wall. If both option dont work. Just keep the 100 juice in the tower. We were planing on a reserve anyway.

Edit: have dotti use her juice to modify our portal room during the upgrade. Desk, chair, nice carpet, drapes, good lighting, and maybe a fire place. This is done in the hopes to improve future negotiation with mk casters. This has my vote. Kind of a building slot without using one.

Convert 500 shmucker worth of gems. Then upgrade the city.

Give 750 shmuckers worth of gems to Bowie. Have him pop 3 new gobwins ( assuming 250 shmuckers for each gobwin)

2020-02-25, 05:59 PM
I agree with all of that

"AC, would you deposit the last of your Juice in the tower, to make it available during the Capital upgrade?"

"And Dotti, how about improving the Signamancy of the Portal room to give it a warm and welcoming feeling, and give us a definite bonus on negotiation with Barbarian casters?" he asks cupping his chin and looking up eyes unfocused. "Is this something you believe you could make happen with your Juice? And it would be enhanced by being done during the Capital upgrade?" he turns focusing on her with an intense gaze
*Tomorrow we'll have Kelly over and she will name her terms to work with us; plus if all goes right, we could even negotiate something long term with Trixie* Erfman thinks as Dotti starts to respond

Units with Move to put into WatchTower construction:
- Erman 2
- Mahogany 1
- Strife 1
- Bob 2
- Stompy 4
- Alleria 1
- Fletch 1
- Pierce 1
- Robin 1
- Bowie 1
- Lizer 14
- Scout G 14
- Dotti
- AC

"No sense letting Move go to waste. Let us see how far we get in this watch tower's construction" says Erfman prompting his still-with-Move side members to methodically do what needs be done, in the numbered sub-tasks specified in the watch-tower design he and Dotti came up with.

2020-02-27, 12:05 PM
Gobwins can mine. Can that be used to tunnel under walls, and maybe even undermine them? What would the tactical implications be, good and bad? slow? limited zone access? unit size restrictions? limited units at a time entering?
edited for clarity

2020-02-28, 03:04 AM
Alright so we have 1250 shmuckers worth of gems. Here is what I suggest.

Dotti: using the juice in the tower (75 )and AC juice (25) to have dotti use her juice to modify our portal room during the upgrade. Desk, chair, nice carpet, drapes, good lighting, and maybe a fire place. This is done in the hopes to improve future negotiation with mk casters. This has my vote. Kind of a building slot without using one.

"AC, would you deposit the last of your Juice in the tower, to make it available during the Capital upgrade?" Erfman requests.

AC deposits the last of his juice in to the tower and then turns to face Erfman. ”Well I think that’s it for me for the turn... I’m going to head back to the MK and get some rest...” The Shockamancer declares before heading back through the portal.

Convert 500 shmucker worth of gems. Then upgrade the city.

Erfman then heads to the gem store and immediately converts some of the gems boosting the treasury by 500 shmuckers.

(Going to process running expenses for the turn now and will handle the upgrade in my next post)

Give 750 shmuckers worth of gems to Bowie. Have him pop 3 new gobwins ( assuming 250 shmuckers for each gobwin)

The rest of the gems are then given to Bowie for more Gobwins. The Gobwin chief grunts in acknowledgement as he accepts the gems before turning and heading for the tunnels.

Units with Move to put into WatchTower construction:
- Erman 2
- Mahogany 1
- Strife 1
- Bob 2
- Stompy 4
- Alleria 1
- Fletch 1
- Pierce 1
- Robin 1
- Bowie 1
- Lizer 14
- Scout G 14
- Dotti
- AC

(Huh I had missed that Lizer and Scout G still had move. I had thought all scouts had already used up their move)

"No sense letting Move go to waste. Let us see how far we get in this watch tower's construction" says Erfman prompting his still-with-Move side members to methodically do what needs be done, in the numbered sub-tasks specified in the watch-tower design he and Dotti came up with.

Recruiting a couple of scouts to help with the construction project the work force are able to make a little more progress and the wooden walls of a somewhat crude tower begins to rise up though by the time the scouts can make no more progress for the turn it is still far from complete.

[Watch tower ~20% complete]

Gobwins can mine. Can that be used to tunnel under walls, and maybe even undermine them? What would the tactical implications be, good and bad? slow? limited zone access? unit size restrictions? limited units at a time entering?
edited for clarity

Yes it can. It allows Gobwin’s to bypass the walls (and therefore tower defences aswell) and instead enter the city via the tunnel zone. Gobwins can lead other light units in to a tunnel zone but heavy units may not go with them.

2020-02-28, 03:25 AM
W23. How much move was spent by whom?
W24. Does it seem only fresh units can participate in building construction?

2020-02-28, 05:38 PM
W23. How much move was spent by whom?
W24. Does it seem only fresh units can participate in building construction?

Both scouts used their full move, no other units used any move.

"And Dotti, how about improving the Signamancy of the Portal room to give it a warm and welcoming feeling, and give us a definite bonus on negotiation with Barbarian casters?" he asks cupping his chin and looking up eyes unfocused. "Is this something you believe you could make happen with your Juice? And it would be enhanced by being done during the Capital upgrade?" he turns focusing on her with an intense gaze
*Tomorrow we'll have Kelly over and she will name her terms to work with us; plus if all goes right, we could even negotiate something long term with Trixie* Erfman thinks as Dotti starts to respond.

”I will do my best your highness...” Dotti replies ”but we will have to relocate to the tower so that I can utilise the juice stored there...” Dotti adds before heading up to the stairs. Once in the tower Dotti waits for Erfman to join her and then holds out her hand. ”This will allow us to both direct aspects of the upgrade...” Dotti explains. ”I will focus in particular on the portal room while you may direct the rest of the upgrade...” Dotti then declares.

With a mental command Erfman then wills the city to be upgraded. The treasury suddenly plummets by 6,000s shmuckers and the entire city begins to shake. In the next moment all the juice in the tower is drained away to nothing

[City upgrade underway...]

[You may upgrade one city zone for free during upgrade please choose Walls, Tower, tunnels/dungeon, garrison or city]

2020-02-28, 08:32 PM
Hmm guessing walla will increase thier height and strength. Tower will increase the height and power of our town. Dungeon/ tunnels will give us an expanded tunnel area and maybe more cells. Does erfman know what the city and garrison upgrade will do?

2020-02-29, 01:58 AM

Innate Knowledge! Does erfman have an inkling of what the city and garrison upgrade could do?

Armoury (provides no bonus)
Basic Barracks (provides no bonus)
Basic Stables (allows the popping of riding goats. 1 building slot used)
Basic library (provides no bonus)
City Zone:
Dwellings (provides no bonus)
Storehouse (provides no bonus)
Larder (provides no bonus)

Both are currently just a collection of buildings. Perhaps a possible bonus of one of them is increased building slots?

EDIT: Stompy all had his full move available (his total move was artificially lowered to 4). Did he really not spend any Move in construction? Does Erfman have an inkling as to why?

2020-02-29, 02:39 AM

Innate Knowledge! Does erfman have an inkling of what the city and garrison upgrade could do?

Armoury (provides no bonus)
Basic Barracks (provides no bonus)
Basic Stables (allows the popping of riding goats. 1 building slot used)
Basic library (provides no bonus)
City Zone:
Dwellings (provides no bonus)
Storehouse (provides no bonus)
Larder (provides no bonus)

Both are currently just a collection of buildings. Perhaps a possible bonus of one of them is increased building slots?

You are not certain however you suspect a city upgrade may affect buildings in some way and a garrison upgrade will boost the defences of the garrison itself and may affect your units in some way.

2020-02-29, 02:57 AM
Stompy also had his full move available (his total move was artificially lowered to 4). Did he really not spend any Move in construction? Does Erfman have an inkling as to why?

2020-02-29, 05:56 AM
My vote is garrison. Chance of boosting our units, the buildings, and enhancing the defenses there.

2020-03-01, 02:24 PM
My first preference would be tower. But I don't object to Garrison :) and thus let's go with Garrison so we may advance ^_^

2020-03-03, 08:57 AM
Stompy also had his full move available (his total move was artificially lowered to 4). Did he really not spend any Move in construction? Does Erfman have an inkling as to why?

That is correct. For some reason he did not meet the required conditions.

The city continues to shake for a good few minutes before Dotti’s grip on Erfman’s hand suddenly falls slack and she collapses to the ground in exhaustion. Once the shaking finally comes to a stop the passageway in the tower that they are standing in seems a little wider and glancing out of the window they seem a little higher up. Erfman also immediately becomes aware that he has more options with regards to what units he can pop.

Capital City: Fanon City (00.00) Level 2 (20,000 to upgrade to level 3)
City Zone upgrades: 3/4 (Walls lv1, Tower lv1, Garrison lv1)
Building Slots: 2.2/8 (Basic stable, Workshop, Watch tower (~20%))
Income: 2000 (3000 Managed)
Production: ?
Production capacity: Scouts (4/turn)
Pikers (4/turn)
Stabbers (2/turn)
Archers (2/turn)
TrapSmith (1/turn)
Negotiator (1/turn)
Riding Goat (1/turn)
Racing Goat (1/turn)
War Goat (1 per 2 Turns)
Knight "champion" (1 per 2 Turns)
Knight "Lancer" (1 per 2 Turns)
Knight "Sniper" (1 per 2 Turns)
Knight "Far strider" (1 per 2 Turns)
Heavy "Twoll" (1 per 2 Turns)
Warlord (1 per 4 turns)

Tower: Level 1,0/200 (Raw juice:0)
Dollamantic converter: The tower is able to convert juice to power Golems. Dollamancy Golems may pay upkeep in schmuckers or juice.
Caster Bonus: Spells cast while in the tower are cast at caster level +1
Arrow slits: The tower is lined with enough arrow slots to allow 16 single stacked archers to fire at once.
Workshop (1 building slot used. Provides a bonus to crafting and spell research.)
Watchtower (1 building slot used. Allows 3 hex view from tower)(20% built - all construction materials provided)

Garrison:Level 1 (reinforced structure)
Tinker’s Armoury (provides advanced equipment for 8 units, equipment can only be used in the city)
Basic Barracks (provides no bonus)
Advanced Stables (allows the popping of riding goats, racing goats and Wargoats. 1 building slot used)
Basic library (provides no bonus)
City Zone:
Dwellings (provides no bonus)
Storehouse (provides no bonus)
Larder (provides no bonus)

Walls: Level 1
Tunnels/Dungeons: Level 0
Portal room: (luxurious, provides access to magic kingdom, guest suite, conference room, grand doors.)
Cells: 1 (crude cavern, low security) Capacity 1/2