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2019-10-13, 10:40 PM
The adventure opens in a brightly-lit, noisy tavern known as the Copper Coin in the town of Torch. Currently, Torch seems downtrodden, likely due to its namesake purple flame going out or to the disappearances of many adventurers who’ve attempted to explore the hills under Torch, and so quite a few of Torch’s residents are currently drowning their worries in alcohol. The four of you are sitting at a table together, waiting for your drinks, when an old dwarven woman walks in and approaches your group. She’s dressed in a gold and blue robe, and she’s wearing golden earrings. “You must be the new adventurers, eh?” she says with a smile. “My name’s Dolga Freddert; I’m one of the town’s councilors.” Dolga pauses for a moment. “You’re all new to town, eh? I don’t remember any of your faces.”

2019-10-13, 10:51 PM
Kana orders tea, if they have it, or water if not, and sits down quietly, studying the table. When Dolga approaches, she looks up, quickly glancing over the councillor, before looking back at the table. "Yes. I am...a foreigner, to put it lightly, to your lands. I'd hoped to meet an acquaintance, but it seems he's not around right now." She fidgets with the string of her shirt, with her belt, with anything to keep her hands busy.

Queen of Sheba
2019-10-14, 02:00 PM
To say that Ilyrisse's arrival at Torch had been eventful would be an understatement. The creature of the forest and her hulking treant companion had stalked the town's streets demanding that Khonnir Baine show himself. When he had not answered her call, Ilyrisse had turned her blazing green gaze on the understandably unnerved townsfolk; although she never threatened them with violence, the Spring Child's passion and determination did make the possibility seem like a near thing. It took much convincing for Ilyrisse to accept that the oathbreaker she sought was missing and not merely hiding from her wrath, but all of her thundering had at least brought her to the attention of another group of people who were also searching for Baine, it seemed.

And so it is that the chartreuse-skinned woman finds herself seated rather stiffly at a table with three others inside of a public house. For a few moments, the dwarven woman—Dolga—receives only a couple of blinks from Ilyrisse in answer to her questions. She briefly glances at the other women seated with her to see if they are the "adventurers" Dolga seems to be expecting, for Ilyrisse herself certainly is not. Regardless, it appears she was right to tag along with them as it has lead her to one of the town's leader. Rising from her chair, the child of the forest stands up as she addresses the dwarf, eager to track down Baine and bring him before her people's council.

"Councillor, I seek the one known as Khonnir Baine. Do you know of him?" she asks, giving the woman time to consider the name before continuing. "Your people claim that they have not seen him in some time. Is this true?"

2019-10-15, 07:58 AM
The dark-haired woman remained quiet as the others spoke to their reasons for coming to the community. Caliber did not have a specific reason, other to learn more about the strange technology of the flame, why it would go out, and how it might be linked to herself. Jacyln would say that would be considered a selfish motivation, often frowned upon during social interaction. Best to keep such information to oneself. Instead, she motioned between herself and Jacyln as the dwarf mentioned adventurers.

"We were made aware of the situation regarding the flame and have come to offer assistance."

Her non-expressive facial features curled into a slight smile. It was forced and somewhat unnatural, but Jacyln said that making no expressions during social interaction resulted in confusion and discomfort for those she interacted with. She stole a glance toward the psychic, hoping she would give some kind of approval or correction if Caliber had not performed as expected.

2019-10-15, 05:29 PM
It was perhaps fortuitous that the events that preceded Jaclyn's arrival in Torch were so momentous. It wasn't every day that a town was awoken to sounds of a mutant tree trying to unearth an apparently noteworthy citizen. Among the hubbub that ensued, there were very few who noticed the pair of new arrivals from the southern road. Given their own unusual nature, this was likely for the best for all involved. However, subsequent inquiries as to the nature of Torch’s missing violet flame proved less than helpful. It did not take long for the pair to arrive here, the communal watering hole; while Jaclyn was not especially well versed in people, she understood that drinking in public tended to loosen the tongue when it came to gossip and rumors.

Of the two companions, Jaclyn is slightly less likely to be noticed. She slouches slightly in her chair - the better to be unobtrusive - and sips in silence at a mug of local brew in a way that only hints at distaste. Brown curls of unwashed, travel-stained hair tumble down Jaclyn's cheeks, highlighting features too dark to be a year round tan. Her strange reflective blue spectacles stare out at the patrons of the Copper Coin, as the mind behind them performs idle calculations about the likely tensile strength of the support beams versus the potential force of Caliber's marksmanship.

Jaclyn does not even notice the arrival of the other adventurers for a little while, but offers the perfunctory greetings. It is only when Dolga Freddert arrives at the table and introduces herself as a councillor of Torch that the woman perks up and pays the situation her full attention. Glancing about the table, the mind mage notes belatedly that the very same tree-woman that caused a quiet uproar earlier. Giving her a puzzled look, she notes that Caliber is looking in her direction. Suddenly, Jaclyn allows herself permission to devote the conversation all of her focus. She nods briskly at her android companion before turning back to Dolga.

"My friend here is correct; we have indeed come some way due to the rumors surrounding your violet flame. When we heard that it had gone out, both of us decided that we might want to investigate." A gloved hand indicates herself first, and the gunslinger second. "My name is Jaclyn, and this is Caliber. I suppose you'd call us adventurers."

2019-10-16, 11:06 PM
Dolga turns to Ilyrisse, nodding sadly. ”Ah, so you’re looking for Khonnir. He disappeared a couple of days ago, poking around in the Black Hill Caves. He’d been there before, a couple days prior, and discovered odd creatures and metals down there. He brought back some old automaton; I can bring you to it if you’re interested.” She then addresses the group as a whole. ”If you all would be willing to explore those caves and find Khonnir, the town would pay you well.”

2019-10-16, 11:16 PM
The offer of pay means virtually nothing to Kana, much less the prospect of the citizens' goodwill. The short tiefling just nods. "As I am looking for him as well, it would make sense for us to work together, unless you are opposed," she says to Ilyrisse. "One thing life has taught me: there is always someone better than you are. I would prefer not to encounter such a person without assistance." Her tone makes it very clear that she's willing to do this alone if necessary.

She then looks back to the councillor. "It would be helpful if you show us the automaton. I know a little about such creations, it may be informative."

Queen of Sheba
2019-10-17, 03:49 PM
The demi-fey regards the dwarven woman for a few moments before giving a small nod. Dolga's words rang true to Ilyrisse's ears, and so she decides that Khonnir Baine's untrustworthiness is a personal failing of his and not necessarily indicative of the people of his village. The tension she has been radiating since her arrival in Torch bleeds away, the fire in her eyes dimming now that she truly knows her quarry is nowhere near.

But the calm that she feels is fleeting, gone as quickly as it had come when Dolga makes mention of an automaton somewhere in the village. "Another metal creature?" she asks, voice deceptively even. When her fears are confirmed, Ilyrisse trains her green gaze on Kana, then Jaclyn and Caliber. "I welcome your aid. If this ...thing... is anything like the one I have encountered, then destroying it will require all of us working together. And even that may not be enough."

Looking back to Dolga, Ilyrisse says, "Please, take us to it."

2019-10-18, 07:37 AM
The one introduced as Caliber stood up. She paused for the briefest moment upon hearing Ilyrisse's reaction to the presence of a machine. While she did not speak, there was a raised brow directed toward Jaclyn. She hefted her pack and stepped away from the table, giving Dolga room to lead them to wherever she had offered.

Caliber carried no visible weapons or any sort of adventuring gear, for that matter. Her only possessions were the clothing worn and the backpack slung over her shoulder.

2019-10-18, 01:47 PM
Jaclyn does not react at the information that Khonnir Baine has gone missing, but mere mention of odd creatures and metals has her eyes narrowing in barely concealed interest. Even as she devotes her machinist's mind to hypotheses, the traveler gauges the responses of the other hopefuls that have converged here by happenstance. On their words alone, Jaclyn gets a better idea as to what has brought them to Torch. The warrior woman with the black eyes and copper scent seems to be looking for a challenge. It's curious, that she expresses no rancor at being outmatched; such musclebound types usually are. Meanwhile, the person of unknown green heritage - Jaclyn makes a mental note to inquire as to her pedigree - appears to have immediately assumed that the automaton Dolga has mentioned at Khonnir Baine's home is to be destroyed. And of course, she does not miss the raised brow from Caliber, although she doesn't reply openly here.

"I think that Caliber and I would be well suited to neutralizing the danger," Jaclyn replies to the group, "provided that I am able to study the remains of automaton after we are finished with it. I'm... something of an enthusiast when it comes to the engineering of strange constructs."

Keeping her face neutral behind her spectacles, the psychic follows her companion's lead in standing up from the table. If she's being entirely honest, it is as much an excuse to stop drinking the beer in front of her than anything else. She falls in behind Caliber, still considering everything that has been said and left silent.

2019-10-19, 12:02 AM
”Alright, then, if you’ll follow me,” Dolga says, turning and waiting for the group outside the tavern. After the party joins her, she starts walking towards the Foundry Tavern, a venue owned by Baine, but currently boarded up by his adopted daughter, Val Baine. As you approach the venue, you hear a scream of terror coming from the back of the small house next to the tavern!

https://i.ibb.co/zSZss7b/DC9-E9-FFB-580-B-45-F5-B4-AC-828-DAD7-A0-C4-F.jpg Please place yourself somewhere in the last 4 rows, with the top left square being A1, the one to the right of it being A2, and so on. Also, roll initiative.

2019-10-20, 01:13 AM
A girl runs out of the little house, flustered and out of breath. She says in a youthful voice “Please help me! Mr. Khonnir’s old robot just got up and started attacking me!”A few seconds later, you hear a large crashing noise coming from the house, and as you watch, an automaton tears its way through the wall of the house and begins to attack the walls of the foundry.

You’re each the color of your speech (broot is brown), and I’ll move players and enemies after each round of combat.
You’ve won initiative, so go ahead and take your actions. You can just indicate where you want to move (for example, up 4 squares and right 2 squares), and I’ll edit the map each round.

2019-10-20, 02:28 AM
The walk to the scene has been uneventful enough for the Numerian woman, although speculations and hypotheses have carried the river of her thoughts far beyond its intended course. All the same, Jaclyn snaps back to the world the instant she hears the scream. Pulling out an object that looks suspiciously like a crossbow bolt from a nearby pouch, the psychic is the first to step forward. She nods to Caliber - affirmation and call to arms both - before addressing the girl.

"Child, does this automaton have any known weak points? My friend and I hope to neutralize with minimum damage to it, any structures, or you." Jaclyn only realizes after she finishes speaking that the order in which she has made that list does not likely inspire confidence.

"I’ll keep you safe," dark-skinned woman adds belatedly, "the others here will deal with the problem at hand." Beckoning Val with her, Jaclyn begins to make her way north around the side of the tavern while motioning for the others to take the more direct route.

Jaclyn is going to take Val and head north (assuming Val does not resist), pulling out a crossbow bolt so that she can get telekinetic projectile ready. If we hang back, Jaclyn can offer some support while keeping Val close.

2019-10-20, 11:42 AM
Kana breaks instantly into a run, moving remarkably quickly as she bolts forward and draws her dark sword. She doesn't say anything, but her expression shifts to a wide and terrible grin, and there is no hesitation at all in her movements. She hasn't had a good fight in ages, hasn't gotten to let the monster within off its leash, and the prospect of doing so now is enough to make her...very excited.

Moving fourteen north and two east. (Kana has fast movement so she has a base move speed of 40.)

2019-10-21, 07:41 AM
Having received the go-ahead to engage from her companion, Caliber went into motion. While Kana seemed to fly with lightning speed to meet the construct head on, Caliber went around the building to flank it.

Once she was a good distance from the remainder of the group, violet tattoos flaired to life on her arms. The skin and flesh opened to reveal mechanical inner-workings as a pistol flipped into each of her hands.

Double move directly East - 12 squares (60 ft)
Swift Action: Draw Internal Tool pistols

Queen of Sheba
2019-10-21, 10:58 AM
Ilyrisse goes still as a scream cuts through the air, the fearful sound and the knowledge that somewhere nearby is another metal abomination bring back the too fresh memories of her last bloody encounter with such a monstrosity. Hearing the girl's plea steels the spring child's resolve, the frightened look on Ilyrisse's face quickly morphing into one of cold determination. Although her instincts as a preserver of life urge her to tend to the young girl's wounds (if any) and ask after any other injured parties, she knows from experience that the loss of life will likely be far greater if the group doesn't focus their efforts on destroying the creature first. "Broot!" Ilyrisse calls as she runs toward the sound of the machine's rampage, that simple command all it takes for her treant companion to fall into a lumbering stride behind her. Ilyrisse and Broot will both take a double move action. 3 squares to the northeast, 8 to the north.

2019-10-22, 09:00 AM
“I- I don’t know. It’s never moved before” the child says in a shaky voice, as she’s led by Jacyln around the side of the building. You can hear more crashing noises, as if the robot is attacking one of the buildings.


2019-10-22, 10:45 AM
Kana breaks into a dead sprint, drawing her blade as she moves with fluid grace. She moves far too quickly, and throws herself into an overhead slash at the automaton with all the force of her charge behind it, and no concern for leaving herself open to a counterattack.

Charge attack, because my charge speed is frankly absurd.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2019-10-23, 07:38 AM
Seeing the lightning fast woman cross her line of sight, along with the clashing of metal, Caliber calculated that advancing north through the narrow alley was relatively safe. She moved up as quickly as possible to get a clear shot at the threat.

Knowing that Jaclyn desperately wanted to keep it as intact as possible, Caliber attempted to recall any information on this design.

Double move directly north - 12 squares (60 ft)
Knowledge (Engineering) on robot [roll0]

Queen of Sheba
2019-10-23, 08:33 AM
Ilyrisse and Broot move closer to the source of the bedlam. The sound of walls being battered and broken down is a welcome one compared to the screams of terror and agony that she had expected to hear by now. Structures can easily be rebuilt, but the damage left behind after the loss of a loved one is not so easily mended, Ilyrisse knows. Ilyrisse will move 20 ft. Northeast and 40 ft. East; Broot will move 15 ft. Northeast and 45 ft. East.

2019-10-24, 04:19 AM
“There is no need to fret,” Jaclyn replies as she continues to guide the girl. “As you can see, the situation is being addressed.” Pulling Val by the hand, the technologist lengthens her strides and breaks out into a near jog.

Jaclyn is going to double move north 9 and east 3.

2019-10-25, 11:20 PM
As Kana’s longsword cuts into the machine’s metal, it turns to face her, pausing its attack on the wall of the foundry. It suddenly rushes towards Kana, attempting to slam her to the ground.
Attack vs Kana’s AC for [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

You can hear a garbled voice coming from the robot in Androffan: “Anjlcxa . . . lxan . . . mjvjpnm . . . ”
You can quite clearly see that this robot is nowhere near as functional as it would be at its peak, and that in addition to its power supply, its hydraulics and programming seem to be damaged as well.

Val says nothing, allowing herself to be dragged along by Jaclyn. When she sees the robot attack Kana, she gives a little gasp of fright, but doesn’t otherwise say anything.

2019-10-25, 11:56 PM
Kana grunts as the robot connects with a heavy hit, but though it's clearly a sound of pain, she doesn't seem upset or frightened or anything of the sort. Instead, her expression is...excited, and eager. Her smile is wide and calm and disturbingly enthused. Her features take on a slightly paler cast, if such a thing is possible, and shadowy chains seem to follow her movements. One hand brings the longsword around in another slash, while the other lashes out in a short, heavy blow, the chain following it and striking at the robot.

Masquerade with the kyton mask, 6/7 rounds remaining. Full attack on the robot.
Longsword: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Slam: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2019-10-26, 02:56 AM
Still pulling Kana along, Jaclyn rounds the corner of the inn to witness the scene in full. Her eyes widen as she takes in the form of the robot itself, although thanks to her glasses her expression does not outwardly change.

"I recognize the language," the psychic calls to the others as she continues to step closer. "It is clearly malfunctioning, but the error message reads that its reactor core is especially damaged. We should be wary of doing too much harm to it!"

Jaclyn is going to keep approaching, taking her full move and making a Knowledge (Engineering) check to see what she can find out about this automaton.

Knowledge (Engineering): [roll0]

2019-10-26, 09:34 AM
Caliber almost hesitated upon hearing the warning. Still, if this robot continued to run rampant, it could detonate it's core in a much more deadly area. A panicked market would be the worst possible outcome. Her logic board quickly calculated that the more damage the machine inflicted, the less likely she would be accepted. Jaclyn had called it guilt by association.

Her arms both raised up, as the targeting protocol activated. Two shots rang out in rapid succession. She did not need to go through the process of reloading the barrels. The internal components of her arms were already readying the next volley.

Attack Action: Dual Wield (ranged touch) [roll0] | [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] | [roll3]
Free Action: Expend charge to reload

2019-10-27, 01:23 AM
As Kana slams into the malfunctioning robot, it falls to the ground, unmoving. Suddenly, a small shower of sparks bursts from some battery within it. A few of the sparks land on Kana, and while the sparks are few in number, they hurt. Kana takes 1 fire damage.

After confirming that the robot is well and truly finished, Val gives Jaclyn a hug, thanking her and her friends for stopping the robot before it could hurt any of the townsfolk. In return for the service, Val offers up Khonnir’s tavern as a place for you to rest up, recover, and use as a base of operations.

At this point, the sun is starting to get low on the horizon. Val offers you all some food from the tavern, but requests that you not take any of the more profitable alcohol. Her slight wink, however, implies that the tavern’s other drinks are free for you all to drink as you please, though not to the point of black-out drunkenness.

Queen of Sheba
2019-10-27, 06:50 PM
Ilyrisse slows to a jog, then ultimately stops a few paces away from where Kana is engaged with the creature, the spring child's features screwed up in confusion as she at lasts gets a glimpse of the "monstrosity". It is... much smaller than she had imagined it would be. But the true, insidious danger posed by these metal beings is not the damage their size can wreak, but the vile energy that gives them their false semblance of life. Her hands glow green as Ilyrisse calls on the destructive power of nature, but the automaton is already dropping to the ground before she can blast it. The feyblooded woman warily watches as the others make certain the creature is no longer functional before willing away the destructive power she had gathered. "You did well ending that creature's unnatural existence," Ilyrisse tells Kana, focusing her emerald gaze on the shorter woman. "But it looked like it struck quite a blow against you as well. Let me ease your pain." The ever-present scent of leaves and flowers intensifies as Ilyrisse calls on the nurturing power of nature this time, healing Kana's wounds with a touch.

Inside the tavern, Ilyrisse thanks Val for her hospitality but doesn't take the girl up on her generosity. It feels strange for her to accept the food and drink of a man she is on a mission to capture and possibly kill, after all. Besides, the land has always met her needs. Rather than indulge in the human's alcohol, Ilyrisse asks Val and the other women the foremost question on her mind. "What is the nature of your relationship to Khonnir Baine?"
Cure: [roll0]
Wild Magic Chance: [roll1]

2019-10-27, 08:21 PM
Kana grunts in annoyance as the sparks land on her, and brushes them out, leaving not even a scorch mark on her skin. Ilyrisse's magic soothes the pain of the bruising as the shadowy chains fade, and she nods her thanks. Once inside, she looks disdainfully at the alcohol, and then drinks tea if the tavern has it, or water if not.

"Khonnir is an...associate of my former liege, Inareth," she says, looking at the table rather than the others present. "We corresponded from time to time. He was something akin to an acquaintance, you might say." She shrugs, the motion loose. "I don't have many acquaintances."

2019-10-28, 08:12 AM
Upon the machine detenating it's core, Caliber looked back toward the others for a brief moment to see their reactions. It appeared as if they were busy with the destroyed robot, allowing her to turn away and stow her weapons back into her arms without much attention being drawn to her.

Once back inside the tavern, she sat near Jaclyn again.

"The results from the damaged core were... underwhelming."

She was lost in thought for a moment, pondering if her own systems would do something similiar if she were destroyed.

Knowledge: Engineering vs robotic cores [roll0]

2019-10-31, 08:49 AM
As the four of you are sitting in the tavern, the dwarven woman from earlier returns, along with a younger human who introduces himself as Joram Kyte, the local priest of Torch and a member of the town council. “I heard about your actions in dealing with Khonnir’s old robot. He brought it out of the cave system through the Weeping Pond a couple of days ago, but it hadn’t done anything until now,” he says with a slight frown. “About three days after he returned with the robot, Khonnir took another band of explorers back to the caves, and we haven’t seen or heard from him since. ” He pauses for a moment. “Ah, but I forget, Dolga has told you all this. Forgive me; my memory isn’t the best.”

While Joram talks, Val looks up. She had been, at first, intimidated by the tree-looking person, but now she responds to Ilyrisse’s question. “Mister Baine is my mentor. He’s starting to teach me magic, but I still have a ways to go.”

2019-10-31, 09:10 AM
Caliber's attention was on Val, despite the man's introduction. The machine suddenly starting after being dormant for so long was strange. She recalled Jaclyn's story of finding her within the metal cylinder. It took interaction with the equipment to trigger the start-up cycle. It shouldn't have just started attacking things.

"Had you touched the robot at all, or practiced your magic around it. Anything that might have transferred some energy...?"

She was certain that she knew what was coming. They were going to ask this group to go to the caves where the others went missing. Caliber had already determined it would be the best place to seek information of her origin, considering the finding of the robot. Now she just waited for the ask, or Jaclyn to offer their services.

2019-10-31, 02:54 PM
Jaclyn returns the hug stiffly at first, not exactly sure she knows why the girl is doing it. Val's grip is too tight, and for a brief second the young woman considers the best way to extricate herself from the grasp. But after a few heartbeats, Jaclyn realizes that she doesn't mind the physical contact. When she eventually breaks contact, it's done with a halfway smile. She refuses any credit for aid, instead letting the rest of the group take the laurels for their 'victory'. Of course, the impoverished traveler in her wins out when presented with an offer of free lodging and food. One look at Caliban tells her that the android is just as interested in sticking around to learn more for now.

Once inside the tavern, Jaclyn ignores the rest of the group and makes her way to any stool or table near a low table-like surface. Adjusting blue-green lenses, she puts down her bag and begins to rummage around, pulling out an assortment of wrenches, springs, and assorted tools that can't possibly be for any purpose other than the construction of mechanical parts. What was once an organized arsenal is now a clanking of haphazard pieces, but Jaclyn has it back into a semblance of order soon enough.

"Right then," she mutters to anyone listening, "let's see what we're dealing with." After pressing out her elbows and filling the tavern with the sound of knuckles popping, Jaclyn takes what she needs and approaches the damaged body of the robot outside. Kneeling before the 'corpse', the psychic slowly takes off her glove and touches the hot metal with her fingertips.

It starts with her breath. Deep in her chest, the lungs stutter as they pump out vital blood to the rest of her. Jaclyn exhales in short bursts, forcing her eyes closed even as behind them the gears begin to turn. Every inch of her body is an instrument, calculated to follow instructions to the letter. Her hands heal. Wait, that isn't right. They restructure broken things, put them back the way they used to be. Or rather... they used to. There is an emptiness at the heart of her now, as though such a purpose has been burned away and lost. The red edges of her, the jagged parts, linger only in memory. Whatever function she had before is gone now.

First of all, Jaclyn is going into a sort of trance and casting Technomancy (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/t/technomancy/). She will then make an enhanced Knowledge (Engineering) roll on the damaged robot's core. Once she has a better sense for its purpose and function, she will try her hand at putting it back together with a Craft (Mechanical) roll and her engineering kit. These might be doomed to failure, but I had to at least give them a try!

Knowledge (Engineering): [roll0]

Then afterwards, to repair the drone!

Craft (Mechanical): [roll1]

2019-11-02, 08:35 PM
"I see. I am a very strong swimmer; I should be able to enter the cave system through the pond, if required." Kana's voice is calm; it's clear that not going into the caves hasn't even occurred to her.

2019-11-02, 09:31 PM
Joram’s face changes to a slightly pained expression as he responds to Kana. “If you wouldn’t mind searching the cave systems, that would be a great help to Torch. I can help you get into the caves— I’ve got a spell that allows you to breathe underwater, and I can cast it on however many of you are willing to go. The town will pay you for your troubles, of course, and if you can bring back Khonnir alive, we’ll give you the scroll that we would have otherwise used to resurrect him.” He then turns towards the android. “No, no one touched the thing after Khonnir brought it out of the caves. I’m not sure how it got the energy it needed, or why it only activated just now.”

Through her magic-induced trance, Jaclyn determines that the robot they had just fought was created to function as a repair drone, fixing and modifying other robots, and that its core exploded due to its old age, along with the damage that Kana dealt to it. But, try as she might, the combination of the robot’s ancient, dilapidated technology and the damage inflicted upon it during their brief skirmish prevents her from fixing the drone.

There are generally only two cases where a robot’s core could explode: if a robot was malfunctioning, or if a robot had a self-destruct function built into its core. Otherwise, cores are too durable to explode when damaged.

2019-11-05, 09:59 AM
Caliber rubbed her temple slightly as she tried to understand why the machine had suddenly become aggressive. Once she saw that Jaclyn had completed her magic, she asked a question.

"Did the robot have a self-destruct, from your reading? I don't feel like it was damaged enough for the core to actually detonate... additionally, it gave us warning regarding it."

Queen of Sheba
2019-11-05, 08:54 PM
It does not sound to Ilyrisse as though the ties that bind the people around her to Khonnir are particularly strong, which is assuring given her less-than cordial intentions toward the man. If anything, it seems as if the councillors will be more likely to take issue with her mission of escorting Baine back to the Smokewood to stand trial than the women who also volunteered to find him. For the moment the normally artless spring child keeps silent regarding her plans for Khonnir, especially since she will apparently require Joram's aid to reach the caves where her quarry was last rumored to be.

"Is there anything more you can share with us about these caves? Perhaps what other hazards we may find in there, aside from more of those things," Ilyrisse asks, uttering the last word like a curse as her narrowed gaze briefly flicks toward the door outside which the robot sat inert. Only the knowledge that there was little in the way of flora around the town to spoil prevents the self-styled warden of nature from demanding the immediate disposal of the creature's remains. Turning her attention back to the others, Ilyrisse asks, "How soon will we be ready to leave?"

2019-11-06, 01:09 PM
Kana shrugs. "I can leave immediately. I have no pressing business here."

2019-11-09, 05:06 AM
Returning to the Foundry tavern only after she is sure she has exhausted all use of the robotic remains, Jaclyn finds her place at the table and greets the arrivals with a quiet wave. "Sorry about that," she tells the group, "I wanted to analyze the automaton’s core systems to see if I could isolate any change in its decision matrix. However, the damage was too great for me to learn anything new."

Jaclyn looks to Caliber. "I did not see any self-destruct mechanism in my investigations. Whatever it was that prompted the malfunction, I don’t believe the automaton would have been able to stop."

When the topic of delving into the Black Hill Caves in search of Khonnir is raised, the psychic leans forward with a barely concealed hungry look in her eyes. The possibility of more technological finds beneath Torch is more of a near certitude, so when Ilyrisse asks everyone how soon they will be ready to leave, her answer is immediate.

"I’m ready to go now, if that works for everyone."

2019-11-13, 08:46 AM
Caliber nodded slightly to Jaclyn as she explained what she had found by delving into the mind of the wrecked robot.

"I have no need to delay departure. I am ready."

She was both slightly surprised and relieved that none of the other people in this group had questioned where her weapons had appeared and disappeared from. Even without accurate shots, the roar of the pistols tended to draw attention.

2019-11-16, 12:56 AM
Having decided on your course of action, you rise early the next morning and walk down to the Weeping Pond of Torch, where Joram is waiting for you. He pulls out a rune-etched rod as he casts his spell, and you feel the magic wash over you.

Joram has cast Water Breathing, modified with a Lesser Rod of Extent Metamagic. You all gain the effects of the spell for 6 hours.

You sink beneath the surface of the pond and swim for what feels like 10 minutes, and emerge in a cave. Dampness hangs in the air, condensing into heavy moisture on the slick, stone walls. The calm, dark waters wind around to the east up north, along a stony, soot-scarred beach. A five-foot-high ledge sporting several stalagmites rises to the east, beyond which a low-ceilinged cave beckons. It looks like there’s another chamber, or at least more space, beyond where you exited the river.

2019-11-17, 01:35 AM
"I am capable of seeing in the dark," Kana says, as the group emerges from the water. "It may be for the best that I take the lead." She draws her blade and rolls her shoulders, moving up onto the beach.

2019-11-18, 10:51 AM
"Lead on then."

Caliber made little effort to dry herself. It wouldn't matter if they had to return through the water to exit. She took a moment once she was on dry land to retrieve her weapons. The circuitry tattoos on her arms glowed as they opened and extracted the pistols, placing them into her hands with a mechanical motion.

Once armed, she fell in behind the sword-wielding Kana. She kept at her weapon's maximum range to allow Kana a chance to jump any threats without alerting them too soon.

Queen of Sheba
2019-11-18, 11:05 AM
Ilyrisse's bare soles leave wet footprints on the stony shore for only a couple steps before the water clinging to her mysteriously wicks away, leaving the spring child completely dry just moments after climbing out of the pond. After trying to take in what she can of this new, subterranean environment, and being momentarily distracted by the strange lights that flare to life along Caliber's arms, Ilyrisse's head eventually swivels around toward Kana's voice at the other woman's admission. "What a boon to have. Fortunately the rest of us will be able to make do without." With a beckoning gesture, a quartet of magical lights like little will-o'-wisps light up the cavern, floating lazily around the group. "Broot will be happy to accompany you if you still wish to lead." On cue, the massive treant ambles forward, the creaking and groaning of his wooden limbs echoing off the walls.

Using her Cantrips (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/general-feats#toc11) feat to replicate dancing lights for 1 hour.

2019-11-18, 02:38 PM
Jaclyn takes a deep breath before taking the plunge into the endless darkness of the depths. She has faced inhospitable environments in her admittedly short sojourn as a traveler in Numeria. However, the dark is still a particular hurdle she hasn’t yet crossed. When she joins the rest of the group in the suffocating cavern, lack of oxygen is not the only cause for her shortness of breath.

"Thank you," she says with a quick smile towards Ilyrisse as the latter produces globules of light to guide the way forward. The psychic nods in further gratitude at Kana and Broot stepping forward to defend anyone from the inevitable threats beyond.

When Caliber draws her own pistols, Jaclyn falls in directly beside her android companion and places a hand gently on her shoulder. She’s taught Caliber the gesture, and what it means among humans. Support, presence, understanding. Having no weapon to wield save her mind, the psychic instead pulls out a crossbow quarrel and gets ready to fire it should the need arise.

2019-11-19, 11:48 AM
"Yes. It would be better for me to go first, in any case - the light will warn anything down here that we are coming, otherwise." She smiles, a grim sort of smile, and walks into the darkness.

2019-11-21, 12:17 PM
As you start to walk further into the cave, a red glow appears before your eyes— all of you can see it, not just the people with darkvision. A second or two later, and you see that the light is being produced by three small, glowing bugs. The bugs wave their glowing tendrils in the air for a second or two, then rush at you.

Roll initiative.

2019-11-28, 11:28 PM
Kana just laughs, high and more than a touch mad, and leaps into motion. She charges at the nearest of the bugs, and brings her sword down in a heavy slash at it from above. Her grip on her blade is firm, her stance balanced; she is taking this seriously, for all that the opponent would seem less than truly threatening.

One learns not to trust such things, with the fey.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Queen of Sheba
2019-12-02, 05:22 PM
Ilyrisse is initially fascinated by the bug's bobbing red lights, thinking that the insects were trying to greet them. Then, when they show more hostile intentions, the druidess becomes noticeably upset. It simply isn't in her nature to relish the death of any living creature, even one as lowly as an insect. But without the ability to communicate the group's peaceful intent, what was there to do but defend themselves. Seeming to sense his tender's distress, Broot turns to look at Ilyrisse with a deep, questioning rumble. "Just make it quick," the spring child answers his unspoken question with a nod. The hulking sapling stomps toward the oncoming bugs, each step ringing with finality as he raises the great boughs of his arms overhead before bringing them down on one of the skittering critters.
Slam (Broot): [roll0] Damage: [roll1]