View Full Version : Do 3.5 Duergar get Dwarven Weapon Familiarization for free?

2019-10-15, 04:36 AM
All -

A player in my campaign is creating a 1st level Duergar character for play in our campaign, and I'm in the midst of reviewing his character. I've been searching the books/references (including GiantsITP), but I can't seem to find a legitimate reason to grant Duergar the Dwarven Weapon Familiarization racial trait for free.

Given that there are multiple rules references for 3rd Edition, the most recently published rules reference is generally considered the official/relevant reference for in-game use. There are multiple references for Duergar as PCs; notably The Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (publication date 2001, which actually makes it a 3.0 document) and the Underdark accessory (publication date 2003).

If we agree that the correct reference for Duergar under 3.5 rules is the Underdark accessory.

Note that the older reference (ref FRCS pg 13) has the following statement under the Racial Abilities heading/section: “Duergar have all the dwarven racial traits given in Chapter 2 of the Player’s Handbook except as follows:” There is no such statement in the Underdark accessory (ref Und pgs 11-12). Duergar are not Dwarves (per se). They are two different Player Character races. Each has their own racial traits/characteristics. Racial traits from one do not automatically apply to the other, and the Duergar as listed in the 3.5 reference does not include a statement indicating that they get all the same racial traits as the standard 'Dwarve'. Note also that the Duergar of 3.5 was reduced from a LA of +2 to an LA of +1. One would assume that this was done in part as a result of removing racial traits that were 'inherited' as a result of the aforementioned quote.

With the Dwarven Weapon Familiarity, I believe someone playing a Duergar (under 3.5 rules) would need to select a Feat: 'Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Dwarven Waraxe)' in order to have proficiency with the Dwarven Waraxe. Can you/anyone think of any other way that a player/character might acquire proficiency with the Dwarven Waraxe (or Dwarven weapons) without selecting the appropriate weapons proficiency feat?

Evil DM Mark3
2019-10-15, 05:10 AM
I looked this up on the SRD:

Unlike other dwarves, durgar do not have weapon familiarity with the dwarven waraxe or dwarven ungrosh
Seems fairly clear cut. They would need Exotic Weapon Proficiency like anyone else, although of course you can 2 hand the waraxe as a Martial weapon.

Can't think of any other way to do it.