View Full Version : Do Warlocks with Devil's Sight "see" the darkness?

2019-10-15, 09:41 AM
Hey, yesterday at my table we had this doubt. Let's say that an area is shrouded in magical darkness: a Warlock with Devil's Sight sees "normally" through it, but does she realize that there's a darkness effect in place?

The DM ruled (and we were comfy with this) that the Warlock does NOT notice the darkness, so she couldn't understand why her comrades were cautious about it.

2019-10-15, 09:47 AM
Not clearly stated in the rules, so up to DM ruling. Both cases have merit to them, i'd expect it often to be up to fluffing for your character. As in, it might even be different for different characters in the same world, with their warlock powers from different patrons functioning differently.

2019-10-15, 09:54 AM
It depends whether you follow the bloody stupid tweet of JC's or not.
If you're sensible, the Warlock can see in Dim Light and Darkness as if in full light, in which case, no. For them, the world is always fully lit. Side note, this may affect their ability to see shadows too.
If you're sticking to the rules exactly as written, the Warlock can see in Darkness as if in full light, so would be able to tell when moving from dim light, but not whether into darkness or bright light.

2019-10-15, 10:05 AM
I'd just go with Occam's Razor and let them be as aware of their environment as those with lesser senses are.

2019-10-15, 10:24 AM
It depends whether you follow the bloody stupid tweet of JC's or not.
If you're sensible, the Warlock can see in Dim Light and Darkness as if in full light, in which case, no. For them, the world is always fully lit. Side note, this may affect their ability to see shadows too.
If you're sticking to the rules exactly as written, the Warlock can see in Darkness as if in full light, so would be able to tell when moving from dim light, but not whether into darkness or bright light.

Curious question; what happens if they come across a Shadow - the creature? Do they see it?

2019-10-15, 10:26 AM
Curious question; what happens if they come across a Shadow - the creature? Do they see it?

They see what it actually looks like, I guess.
And if they are just mimicking shadows, then the Warlock sees a really obvious Shadow :P

2019-10-15, 10:46 AM
I let them see in the darkness, but be aware that it is dark.

I don't doubt one of my players will come to me with a character who cannot tell the difference, and have it be absolutely crucial why they don't.

2019-10-15, 11:34 AM
Usually it isn't an issue since at a table with people with devils sight and those without, everyone is aware that there is magical darkness, but only the warlock can see through it.

The rules themselves don't specify whether the warlock is aware when their ability is in use or not.

You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet."

"Normally isn't defined". However, with normal illumination, there is always a gradation in lighting, even in bright light. There are always shadows under tables, in the cracks on the floor or wall, around ANY sort of object if there are any light sources at all.

However, in total darkness there aren't. There is no illumination and no shadows.

As a result, I would say that the warlock would usually be completely aware that devils sight is being used because there would be no shadows. The cracks in the wall would have no shadows. There would be no shadows on the floor or ceiling. No light sources would be visible. There would be no significant variation in the level of lighting. The view would be perfectly clear, in color, but when devils sight is being used in a dark area there would be NO shadows and that would be a dead giveaway since if there is ANY sort of light source present there are always shadows.

2019-10-16, 03:10 PM
Usually it isn't an issue since at a table with people with devils sight and those without, everyone is aware that there is magical darkness, but only the warlock can see through it.

The rules themselves don't specify whether the warlock is aware when their ability is in use or not.

You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet."

"Normally isn't defined". However, with normal illumination, there is always a gradation in lighting, even in bright light. There are always shadows under tables, in the cracks on the floor or wall, around ANY sort of object if there are any light sources at all.

However, in total darkness there aren't. There is no illumination and no shadows.

As a result, I would say that the warlock would usually be completely aware that devils sight is being used because there would be no shadows. The cracks in the wall would have no shadows. There would be no shadows on the floor or ceiling. No light sources would be visible. There would be no significant variation in the level of lighting. The view would be perfectly clear, in color, but when devils sight is being used in a dark area there would be NO shadows and that would be a dead giveaway since if there is ANY sort of light source present there are always shadows.

Based on what Keravath said, I would say that Devil's Sight is a toggable ability that is a free action to use. So then the warlock has a choice, the word CAN being the reasoning, it doesn't say "You see normally" but "You CAN see normally" so this works RAW. Flavoring I would say Devil's Sight works kinda of like magical nightvision goggles.

2019-10-16, 06:17 PM
Since devil's sight doesn't help with dim light, I would treat it as darkness effectively illuminating areas and the character being as aware of an area being dark as we are aware of an area being lit.

2019-10-16, 08:21 PM
Devil's sight has a range of 120', so the user would know there is darkness beyond their range and should therefore know there is darkness around them, they just happen to see clearly through it.

The same question could be asked about darkvision. Do those that have it know they are in dim light since it's considered bright light for them within their darkvision range?

Lord Vukodlak
2019-10-17, 01:15 AM
The same question could be asked about darkvision. Do those that have it know they are in dim light since it's considered bright light for them within their darkvision range?
You can ask the same question but there's actually an answer. Darkvision can't discern color.

2019-10-17, 02:12 AM
You can ask the same question but there's actually an answer. Darkvision can't discern color.Darkvision can't discern color in darkness, and KnotaGuru's question is about dim light.

2019-10-17, 03:45 AM
I had this in a campaign I ran. One of my players was running a warlock of Shar, leaning heavily into the darkness/shadow side of things. I ran it that when Shar came to her she did so as an avatar in shadow form. I reasoned that though she had devil’s sight, she saw darkness and shadows differently to everyone else. To her it was like smoke in water; transparent, fluid, but discernible. She could also touch it, to her it felt like the most delicate silk. I flavoured it that she could manipulate darkness to a degree and could make shadow coalesce into her pact weapon. As she progressed I planned to give her some shadow based boons. She’d have got shadow step from the drow for example had she not had a bit of a falling out with her patron… The other PCs saw an aura darkness around her most of the time (the other boon she had was adv on stealth checks when in shadow/darkness). It just made her seem like she wasn’t as well lit as anyone else. Shar only visited her in the darkness so no-one else could see her avatar.

2019-10-17, 08:28 AM
I would imagine they could tell darkness was there but could just see through it with no issues, kind of like being able to tell the difference between when something has normal daylight on it or in the shade of a tree.

They can tell it is there but it does not bother them.

If they just completely ignore all darkness it would really throw them off considering things would not have shadows.

2019-10-17, 09:44 AM
Based on what Keravath said, I would say that Devil's Sight is a toggable ability that is a free action to use. So then the warlock has a choice, the word CAN being the reasoning, it doesn't say "You see normally" but "You CAN see normally" so this works RAW. Flavoring I would say Devil's Sight works kinda of like magical nightvision goggles.

If going with this, the DM would need to track when it’s on or off. If the PCs get surprised, for instance, and that surprise includes an enemy caster dropping Darkness in the group, then an “off” toggled Devils Sight Warlock is, indeed, in magical darkness.

Note: I personally see it as an always on ability, and that includes not being aware of what other conditions affect the lighting in the area (though as others pointed out, the Warlock could deduce such things (possibly with a Investigation check).