View Full Version : Zone of Truth - OR - Dare

2019-10-15, 08:41 PM
My party is level three right now all with extensive backstories. Everyone is trying to keep something secret, but really wants to find moments to release that information. We have now played 6 sessions with very little backstory impact right now as we are just blazing through content instead of spending a lot of time on the intricate conversations.

In one of the travel periods where we were going to a quest location, we had about a two day journey on horse. We rest for the night, and I’m redoing my spells and just happened to see I had Zone of truth prepared for the day.... before I get rid of this ... I offered to play a game with everyone... truth or dare. At first it was a joke , but then I realized I could actually make it one hundred percent truth or dare.... we all agreed , if anyone resisted or failed the save they were out. Then ensued a series of dares and questions that players wanted to know ... some people evaded the questioning which is fine with the spells parameters but no lies took place.

It made for a really cool use of the spell to learn a bit more about the group.

Anyone else ever heard of anyone doing this? I did some googling and I couldn’t find anything on someone making this a game in Dnd ... did I just create a new thing?!

2019-10-15, 08:55 PM
That's a really cool idea. Never heard of using the spell that way, but I might try this next time I get the chance because it sounds really fun.

2019-10-15, 09:17 PM
It should be noted that at clever caster can place the AoE so they aren't inside it, no one but the caster can tell who has made saves and who has not. Also, the save repeats every round until you fail, after which you are subject to the effects for the duration. (as long as you're inside the area)

2019-10-16, 02:14 PM
Yea the main thing is , I’m the caster of it. I don’t care so much about lying because I’m not playing that game. Our main issue in the past has always been playing our own characters agendas to somewhat of a fault. This time we are really trying to be the party who sticks together. So it’s legitimately now forcing us to learn more about the characters and also makes for fun with the dare side too. We discussed it and are probably gonna do it in a city setting when we can... the dares may cause some trouble :)