View Full Version : DM Help Summon natrual ally and variant summoning.

2019-10-17, 08:06 AM
So I'm starting a game with someone who wants to summon a lot, so i wanted to use the variant summoning rules from the DMG pg.37.

I'm adding that she will have to find creature on the list and befriend it first before she can use it to summon. the rules say that the only way to make a creature truly come to the MP is lesser planar ally or binding, but that should only effect animals from different planes correct, a simple run of the mill wolf or rat shouldn't have to be summoned from a different plane.

the other rule i read is that she can actually give the summon equipment, but unless she gives it to the "real" animal it just falls off when it poofs. could she theoretically just have this wild animal with her at all times full of equipment and when she gets into battle just summon it so it can't really die?

This is going to be a solo campaign, and she already has greenbound summoning, so her summons are strong, adding equipment would make them stronger, but not come into play until later on. I'm making her have to befriend the animals because she will need to convince them to come when she calls, and that the will feel their bodies being turned into a plant creature. I made the check on animals a Wild empathy check so it was easier to convince them. some animals will just want to without any real convincing, other more prideful animals such as lions or tigers, might have small quests for her. I'm thinking it will be a great why to build relationships with the animals and not be so much of random meat shields.
