View Full Version : Tanarii version of Constitution for 5e

2019-10-17, 10:37 AM
I did not came up with this variant Tanarii did. Here is his version quoted directly from his post.

Quickest fix for Con would be to change all HD to d8, eliminate Con, and use Str any time you would use Con.

Except concentration checks. Make them based on casting stat, and raise the DC by 2.

What does the homebrew section of the Playground thinks of this? For me it's terrible or at the very least poorly explained

2019-10-17, 12:34 PM
I don't like it because it lumps physical strength with physical endurance and there are no shortage of examples of people who display one and not the other.

Evil DM Mark3
2019-10-17, 03:21 PM
I don't understand why you would need a fix, in any case doing this is like fusing Charisma and Wisdom because they are both to do with being aware of and and manipulating your social enviroment (after all, if you can understand how people think surely you can understand how to manipulate them).

2019-10-17, 03:38 PM
I don't like it because it lumps physical strength with physical endurance and there are no shortage of examples of people who display one and not the other.

In the real world you can find people with poor reaction speed but good hand-eye coordination or vice versa. In game, those both get lumped under Dex. The supposed rule isn't that good, but the problem isn't the level of abstraction.

What does the homebrew section of the Playground thinks of this? For me it's terrible or at the very least poorly explained

The point of the original post was that constitution is handy but boring. It's useful for not getting taken out of a fight too easily, but you can't really solve a problem by being healthy at it.

Still, just from a gameplay perspective, it isn't like the game doesn't have default dumpstats. Merging Str and Con just makes Int an even more tempting dumpstat target, and merging Int with other things quickly changes the game into something very different from what everybody understands as D&D. (Body, Quickness, and Mental/Spirit sounds like it'd be easier to balance each, but would be a massive break from tradition.) Trying to fix the one issue just opens up plenty of others, and D&D right now is good enough.