View Full Version : Infernal War Machine Tips and Tricks

2019-10-17, 03:50 PM
I'll be running through BG:DIA soon and I after reading through it I am very excited for the Infernal War Machine part of wandering Avernus. However I forsee me having a little trouble in running combats or chases with the actual machines.

Usually we play with a battle mat and my players are very tactical who love exact positioning. As soon as I move to theater of the mind for some things half the group is confused every single round about what is going on. The other half gets annoyed they cant perfectly place themselves for the optimal move.

It seems the entire war machine concept should be played fast a loose with distance and such.

So my question is to those who have run this part of the adventure and would impart some advice. What general tips would you give on running war machine encounters? Dont worry about exact distances and just use something like close/medium/long?

What are some hurdles and issues you had trouble with along the way? Got any new war machines? Four is cool and all but I would like more diversity.