View Full Version : Drow Against Midnight IC

2019-10-20, 03:14 PM
A pleasant perfume wafts through the cool air of this wholly unnatural cavern. Gone is the dark, worked stone and strange crystal of Tower Solacas, replaced by sleek seemingly organic walls — as though the chamber were inside a gigantic, glistening black beetle. Nearby stands a fanged portal, sanguine smoke billowing within. Alcoves divide the chamber, one filled with comfortable pillows and a low table set with familiar looking fruits and water; another dominated by a huge, ornate bed flanked by scandalously sculpted statues; and the largest filled with the sinister tools and devices of an arcane laboratory. At the rear of the hall’s heart stands a massive, ornate desk constructed of bone fused with crystal and littered with tomes and curios of obvious antiquity and dark power. Behind the desk presides an imposing throne of black metal and stuffed silks, sculpted to look like several contorted drow slaves.

Matron Pravora and First Daughter Alicavniss of House Vonnarc are both here. The former, mysterious and rarely seen, is an ancient matron priestess known to possess one of the most devious minds in all Zirnakaynin. The latter has cheeks high and imperious, her eyes blank and soulless; she strikes the very vision of dark elven beauty, and is known as a powerful mage.

Also present are three of the undead monstrosities known as devourers, a troll clad in armor and bearing a large battleaxe, obviously a servant of House Vonnarc, and three other drow besides yourself ...

It is Alicavniss who takes the lead for House Vonnarc while her mother merely watches. "You have heard about Allevrah of House Azrinae