View Full Version : [Empires 5] The Dragon's Gauntlet

2019-10-20, 04:50 PM
Welcome to The Dragon's Gauntlet

For the first time in Kronin history, their planet was opened to outsiders. Others had been allowed to come to the diplomatic centers just off-world. This was partly due to the extreme temperatures making it difficult to simulate a habitable environment and also for security reasons.
As the ship passes the asteroid belt marking the beginning of the Kronin homeworld airspace The homeworld itself comes into view. It's black surface broken up by seas and rivers of glowing red lava and red sand deserts. It is a terrifying but beautiful sight.
Meanwhile, on the Kronn homeworld, only a few tencycles before they had finished the construction of the new Arena. Before they discovered other races, the Kron had no such thing as pleasure, games, or entertainment. Only recently, in the past 20 galactic years, had they learned of the things on their world which others might find entertaining, so they constructed and Arena.
The main building itself is a large circular building around 5 stories tall, with 3 large circular buildings surrounding it but are only 3 stories tall. The bottom 2 levels of the large center buildings are docking centers. The 3rd floor is full of private rooms for discussing trade and other dealings. The top two floors are walled with reinforced clear plating and have tables, food, among other things, to make it moderately comfortable. On these floors, can be found certain Kron who will broker bets between any powers who would like to add a little bit extra to their experience.
Additionally, these floors overlook the 3 arenas so anyone interested can view any matches in progress. Each arena also has seating for viewers to get an up-close look at the action. The arenas are large circular rooms with red sand floors and a full 360° seating, The main arena as a ring of lava in the center, forming a small island in the middle. Each room has multiple armed Kronin guards, and the use of violence outside the arena will be taken as a threat, and the aggressor will be eliminated.

The Kronin King general stands in the main hall watching his troops prepare for their guests. He had told them to be ready for anything due to the mishap at the pan-galactic auction. He didn’t actually think anything would go south, though. They had arenas to settle their disputes. When a decent amount of people had arrived, he began to speak. His booming voice, trained through years of directing troops, echoed through the room. “Welcome people of Axiom. I am king-general Krazkul of the Kronin Empire. If you wish to participate in any of the events here, please talk to a Kronin representative. I hope you will enjoy our festivities.”

How the event will work

The event is comprised of two main activities. The Arena events and a hunt. Each power can take part in a total of 4 possible events. 1 is used for the Bracketed match. 2 can be used to do a personal match. The last event Is the Dragon Hunt.
Any power can enter a representative in this battle. Once all entries are in (Thursday the 24th), the battle will begin. The representatives will be randomly paired, and each player participating will roll 2d6+mil. The highest score wins. The winner of the final round wins the Grand Prize.
The second arena activity is the less organized Personal Arena match. In these two willing powers may choose a competition they wish to compete against each other in and may carry it out in an arena. The competition can be for any stat, not just mill. For example, 2 diplomacy powers can have a debate, or 2 intrigue powers can complete a moc infiltration. For this, both powers roll 2d6 and add the respective modifier.

You may be thinking, Ivor, didn’t you mention betting. If so, then yes, yes I did. Any power participating in a Personal match may place a bet with the other (both parties must attend as an action if the contents of the bet require it). These bets will be monitored and brokered by a Kronin staff member.

In this event, each power goes out with a Kronin guide onto the planet's surface and into the Obsidian forests to find and kill/capture a dragon. When a dragon is found I will roll 2d20 to determine the size of the dragon's size and the player must roll 2d6+mill to capture or kill it if you roll too low things may go south (2-10 TN 5, 11-20 TN 10, 21-30 TN 14, 31-39 TN16, 40 TN 20). Once all the powers have rolled, The biggest dragon brought back wins a grand prize. If you want, after learning the size of the dragon, you may roll again to find a different one.

At the end of the event. Winners will be declared, and prizes shall be given.

2019-10-21, 07:36 AM
With the fleet gathering in its home sector in the event of war, the Ninurtine Emprie has sent only the venerable Penetrator to represent the Emperor officially at the Games, but that has not stopped a number of private travellers from making the trip.

Most notable among these is a squat individual, only around 140cm tall and seemingly almost as broad, although his diminutive height is offset by a great spike of garishly dyed hair, which sits above a huge beard of similar colour. he made his way through the crowd to reach one of the Kronin representatives, and placed down a large axe with an audible clang.

"Guid morn. Aam Dub an' ah want tae hunt yer dragons."

A number of more conventionally human individuals instead headed to the arena, where they stood around, waiting either for the spectacles to start, or for worthy challengers to emerge.

Admiral Sharugin (Malakid, M) is around if anyone wants to speak to him.
Torkan of Kara (Kuvetli, M) is the delegation leader for diplomacy purposes. Those characters present at the Auction may remember him from the general melee. He will fight in the arena but would prefer not to.
Dub will talk to anyone who wants to speak to him but is mostly interested in fighting dragons.
Ayaka Plakida (Tabine, F) will duel anyone who wants to fight.
Mária and Dónes are a couple from Pokól, here to watch the arena combats and general entertainment. They might also be tempted on a dragon hunt for sport.
General hangers-on

Gaius Hermicus
2019-10-21, 08:32 AM
The Kron homeworld was an interesting sight to the Rothuun. Though much warmer and more wild, it was in some ways similar to the planet of Phaktal, the seat of government on Taurina I. As soon as the cruiser landed, it became obvious that this was not some minor diplomatic expedition. The cruiser was double the size of a normal pleasure craft and equipped with far more defenses. Upon the opening of the side hatch, a blast of perfumed scents and sounds of laughter emerged. Stepping out of the craft was an Ikhuun wearing a huge, iron crown and attended by a pair of handmaidens with fans. She is followed by a short, hunched-over female chomping on an enormous cigar, and a wild-eyed warrior wearing Microplating armor. The warrior carries a basket, in which sits... something. The object stored inside the basket is, for the moment, difficult to distinguish, but the sounds of squealing and moaning appear to have their origin there. The procession of minotaurs stops in front of the Kronin King-General.

<I am very pleased to meet you, King-General Krazkul,> says the crowned minotaur. <Allow me to introduce myself. I am Urthuun Kzarna Harpooner, mistress of all the Rothuun holdings. Next to me is Autha Snapneck, Diplomatic Envoy to the region of Niconia. In the back is Herthaela the Strangler, keeper of the mighty Ty-Rone, the Horned Capybara. She is an accomplished warrior, and will be competing in your competition of physical strength and skill. For my part, I will be content to observe, and to perhaps start a few challenges of my own.>

The basket is lifted for Krazkul's viewing pleasure, revealing a large, short-furred rodent with a pair of spiraling horns rising from its head. The Horned Capybara squeals with pleasure and attempts to lick Krazkul's face before Herthaela restrains it.

Urthuun Kzarna Harpooner (if you want to curry favor, talk to her)
Autha Snapneck (will be handling all tech trades)
Herthaela the Strangler (will be challenging people to duels)
Ty-Rone the Horned Capybara (Talk to him and find out!)

2019-10-21, 12:38 PM
Krazkul salutes the small pointy individual who goes by Dub as he approaches. "I'm glad you are so enthusiastic about the hunt. The prestige of killing one of these beasts would be quite fitting for a warrior such as your self."

When Dub leaves he turns to the Rothuun. He had had several experiences with them before and knew that they were well known warriors. He would be very interested to see how they perform in the day’s events "Good to meet you Urthuun. I am glad you are able to attend." He turns to tha capybara. He had heard roumors of this creature. It was known to single handedly usurp governments. Truly a creature of legind. "It is a pleasure to meet you too" he responds to the enthuseastic capybara.

2019-10-21, 01:40 PM
A small, unassuming black triangular ship, identifiable as an Etherite personal transport glides into the landing area and the sight of the Kron homeworld was something rather unique. A world with that much heat presented interesting issues and Trask and his party were rather happy they didn't have to deal with those rather unique challenges.

"Good day king-general Krazkul, my name is Trask Shu'Petarn and my friends and I are here to lend your medics a hand if you so desire. A combative encounter such as this generally has a need for extensive services."

2019-10-21, 03:16 PM
If the intelligence reports were to be believed the Kronin were a warrior people, albeit less bombastic in their violence than those such as the Rothuun or Celenians, relying on a carefully plotted struggle forward in the name of their stellar ambitions than on cheap theatrics and intimidation intended to frighten any would be foe. As the eyes of Tediret human registered the molten homeworld of the Kron however the UPT representative Fex K'bit of Foreign Relations Division found himself more intimidated by the warriors than he'd ever felt regarding the more bombastic warrior races of Axiom. To emerge from these molten fires and seize the cold black vastness of space was a testament to their fortitude and resilience in the face of adversity. Perhaps the Transcendence Division Head had been wrong to seek the Rothuun as war god allies when the Kronin stood so much nearer to the perfection of a warrior race. Alas, such thoughts would remain only that as the fervor of ideological purity had gripped the capital for some time now and to suggest TD may have veered off course in their pursuit of divine truths was to ask for accusations of heresy and treason.

Indeed it was this sort of conflict between ideologues and practical politicians that now gripped the capital in the wake of Svaatyr investigations into Shimmering Light. It was not so much the practical faction disagreed with distrust of the Sisterhood and its ilk, distrust which had purportedly prompted a quiet branch of TD to take violent acts of intervention against the monastic order, but rather disliked the light it's discovery had now placed UPT in. The Same within the Core were undeniably a demonic horde and the desire to take action was strong among true believers but high office holders held a distrust for the Wardens, Geleans, and the Sisterhood-now-Core-Patrol believing these non-believers in their own divinity had invested their faith in dangerous idols. News of the Wardens actions, disclosed by the Sisterhood of all investigators, had revealed a blatant attempt to convert the Same to follow the dark energy of the Source. This secretive manipulation had seemingly been swept under the rug by propaganda mills all around the Core territories which emphasized the Wardens "sacrifices" in dogpiling greatly outnumbered escaped Same factions and beating their chest about their own daring heroics. Now UPT's name was to be dragged through the mud by these very same propagandists for taking action against one of their own secret hoarding Core manipulating enemies already struck down by the proponents of "Core Patrol." It was an unfortunate situation to be in compounded in its complexity by the assault on the High Dreamer, no doubt by one of the Corewards propagandists, which had shaken the Spiral Dancers wherever they made their home.

Perhaps that's why Fex had been sent with such a small compliment of less ideologically devout Symbraum and Dream Children to meet with a number of ideologically curious entities to try and avoid setting off the torch of an ideological debate between Spiral Dancer and Shadow & Flame, In Accord. With the Kamasati on a precipitous decline there was something of an unspoken desire to find a new ideological underpinning to latch onto for future growth. A small number of transmissions between UPT and the Tezh had occurred in recent years mostly exchanges of star chart information given the Consensus now occupied more or less the region of space claimed by UPT pre-Revolution which had prompted a number of biological and spiritual questions regarding the unusual creatures' biology, or lack thereof, to pop up in UPT discourse. Likewise there was both a political and ideological drive to meet with a representative of Iteusism most especially a Rothuun who might be capable of discussing the political future of Aneb Two-Gun in minotaur politics.

Fex K'bit - Lead Ambassador, Foreign Relations Division - Symbraum bonded with a human from Demon's Fall. Here to meet with a number of ideological representatives and represent UPT in this difficult moment.
Klo J'van - Representative, Protection Division - Symbraum bonded with a Catarin from Polisto in the capital. Here to observe the hunting and possibly participate.
Nuk Tel - Unbonded Sonic observer and servant. Here to attend to the needs of the Ambassador and Representative and to attest to the positive treatment of his brother and sister Dream Children.

The reigning Urthuun herself had come to attend? Truly this was an intriguing scenario. Had she no fear that the competition among pretenders to her throne would carry on without her presence and she might return to find herself declared an outlaw by an unfriendly successor? Perhaps Rothuun politics were more complicated than they seemed and this transition of power was less noteworthy than it had been perceived. Fex approached the large minotaur woman carefully, bowing deeply as Nuk introduced the female human form as "Laurice of Port Klein" followed by announcement of her honorable symbiosis with the Ambassador.

"Mighty Urthuun, we are surprised to see yourself here among the festivities. Does the political turmoil we have heard rumor of demand no greater attention? Truly yours is a powerful leadership that does not concern itself with the machinations of underlings to seize power."

2019-10-22, 07:29 AM
"I think this must be the most tedious planet in the galaxy," Mária said, as she and Dónes took their seats in the arena. "When does this all start, anyway?"

"You can't really be surprised," Dónes said. "Until now they apparently had no concept of entertainment at all."

Mária shuddered. "Can you imagine?" She looked out over the arena again. "Are they going to throw somebody into that lava? That would liven things up at least."

"I'm sure they'll start soon enough," Dónes said, though he looked scarcely more patient, and they sat in silence for a minute or two.

"BORED!" Mária yelled, and rolled her eyes as heads turned in her direction.

"Well, if nobody else is going to do anything-" She stood up and shouted to those assembling for bouts.

"The first person to win a fight gets to spend a night with me and my brother!"

"You could at least ask me before doing that," Dónes pouted.

"Oh, be quiet. At least you have a reason to be interested now."

2019-10-22, 12:28 PM
The Duenem were likely one of the few races who could survive unaided here, but even they would find it hard. That the Kron had managed to come so far from such a hostile enviroment was a wonder to Radiance. The last few months had not been kind to his software, and it knew it would soon require mandatory fragmenting to remain sane. That was possibly why he had decided to lead this delegation personally.

Radiance quickly made its way to the Kronin King. "Greetings King-General Krazkul," he began. "You have much here of wonder and interest. The Duenem are glad to be invited here. We shall be taking part in as much as possible."

Behind him, a large range of Duenem scuttle, most observing the surroundings, though a few look ready for combat.

Telescopic Radiance: Leader of the Duenem, but will be doing a lot of fighting due to limited memory capacity.
Mint Conditoner: Head of trades and more traditional diplomacy. Also likely the next leader of the Duenem.
Jet Stability: Now a mobile, scuttling shuttle, is the head of security here with some interest in fights not to the death.
And some extras if a lot of major characters die and replacement fighters are needed.

Gaius Hermicus
2019-10-22, 12:39 PM
The Duenem:

Herthaela stomps over to the Duenem leadership. This could end up being a real fight. The Duenem were not enemies of the Rothuun, however, so there was no reason to fight to the death. Looking up at Mária above, she shouts, <Your offer still stand, Ninurtine?> She slams one meaty fist onto Radiance's body. <I challenge you to a sparring match! Just a warm-up for the tournament to come. Do you fight?

The Symbraum:

Kzarna looks bewildered. <What do you mean, Ambassador? I have nothing to fear from my own people. I hold legitimate power and have done so for a long time. While I still breathe, none will be able to usurp me. The traitor Peelskin attempted to do so last year, and he is now dead. No, I have nothing to worry about in my visit to this planet.>

The Kronin:

With Herthaela distracted by the Duenem, Ty-Rone is free to escape the confines of his basket. It squirms out and crawls onto Krazkul's face, licking it furiously. When it speaks, however, its voice is far deeper than it should be. In fact, it sounds surprisingly menacing. <CUT OFF YOUR HAND AND GIVE IT TO ME, KRONIN. I FEEL THE WEAKNESS INHERENT IN YOUR RACE SIMPLY FROM THE TASTE OF YOUR HEAD. I DEMAND TRIBUTE, UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO...> Its voice cuts off suddenly, to be replaced by a much higher and squeakier voice with a much friendlier tone. <Hi-hi, friend! I'm Ty-Rone, the Horned Capybara. Let's all be friends forever!>

2019-10-22, 04:55 PM

We appreciate the aid. The dragons can be... testy.

Unified public trust.

Krazkul looked at the approaching Symbraum; he had not heard many things about their kind. To the Kronin their race was shrouded in mystery. He would be very interested to see how they win their fights.

He turns at the shout of the Ninurtines. That should be interesting, he thinks. He notices a few of his own troops perk up at this.

Now that more people were starting to show up, the games can almost start. He signals to Nozdak, who walks off to prepare for the dragon hunt. He walks down a hall and heads the lower levels where the vehicles are stored. The vehicles are just troop transport vehicles sicles but their heavy armor and carrying capacity make it an effective tool. Each transport is shaped like a brick with the front, and back edges cut off. Both sides have a large sliding door and ramp to allow troops to deploy. On top, the transport is a large high powered supersonic rail gun turret controlled from the cockpit. The transports hover a few feet off the ground and can move at around 30-40 miles per hour. Each expedition will be lead by 5 Kronin solders who will act as guides.


For all people interested the dragon hunt will start tomorrow at about 1:00 Eastern Time
The big arena match will start probably Thursday, but I need to know who wants to do it so I can set up the bracket. I'll send out a message on the discord, and for those not on the dispute, you can write it into a post.
Meanwhile, enjoy the festivities

2019-10-23, 10:35 AM
The Lyraen ship that slides into orbit is, for once, not Ool's riotously decorous one. This one has no decoration, no extra ornamentation. It is, however, bristling with weaponry. This is the personal transport of Tra Gutri, the great general of the Lyraens and conqueror of several systems.

However, there are two different delegations that disembark. The first is composed of Ool's crew, including Rhia and the twins. They are, overall, a cheerful and boisterous lot. The second group marches in silent, lock-step with each other, dressed in armor, visors over the top half of their faces, and acting like an army on parade. Every buckle is polished, every strap in the right place. They of House Gutri are the military might of Lyrae and they stand in stark contrast to the members of House Vulk.

At the King's prononcement, House Vulk cheers. Tra Gutri looks at them with an unreadable expression, then looks back to his hosts. His forces salute instead.

2019-10-23, 02:17 PM
The lower levels were alive with activity. Kronin ran around loading the ships with supplies and weapons and making sure that the transports AC's were going full blast. On the main floor, the King-General stepped up on his podium and addresses the crowd. "For those who are interested in the challenge that is hunting one of our lands dragons, that shall start promptly. Each interested party will be assigned a small troop of 5 Kronin who will act as guides and will help to track and kill the dragon if necessary."

The transport glides along the blackened surface of the planet. From the clear panels in the walls of the transport you can see the landscape as it hurtles past. At first, you are on the flat plane black sand and volcanic rock that is home to the Arena and other command bases but this eventually gives way to a more hilly expanse of red sand. Soon you notice spires of glistening black glass protruding from the sand. They grow bigger as you go reaching 50ft in height and look as if a giant knife is trying to pierce the sky.

The transport finally stopped at the base of a small hill of black lava rock with jagged blades of obsidian protruded from the side of the hill. A 30 foot round pool of lava sits at the base fed by a small stream of lava meandering slowly downhill. About halfway up the hill a large dark cavern has been scraped away in the side of the hill. One of the Krokin, who appears to be the one in charge turns to the group."Here we are. This should be a suitable cave. The dragon may or may not be home. We could wait here and trap it when it arrives or we could go off to find it. Careful though, they are ambush predators." He grins at this last statement.

OoC. The above is just a general "Setting the scene" type thing. I will roll to determine the dragon size that each person finds. Whenever you can you can write your fluff and roll 2d6+mil based off the TN, If you want I can reroll once to find a new dragon.
So far I have
Dragon Sizes
(LYR): 31,000Kg TN-16
(NUT): 27,000Kg TN-14
(RTM): 30,000Kg TN-14
(DNM): 34,000Kg TN-16
(NDA): 30,000Kg TN-14
(GLR): 24,000g TN-14

2019-10-23, 03:51 PM
Dub looked at the dragon his guides had found.

"Ah dornt want tae soond ungrateful, but it's a bit oan th' small side, isnae it? it seems almost unsportin' tae barnie wit th' wee hin'. Dae ye hink ye can fin' me a bigger a body?"

2019-10-24, 07:06 AM
The Guide nods to the Ninurtine. "Let's see what we can find." After a little while longer the Transport comes up to another lair. "Judging by the tracks and the claw marks on the walls, I would say we got one about 27Kg

2019-10-24, 12:37 PM
The Duenem:

Herthaela stomps over to the Duenem leadership. This could end up being a real fight. The Duenem were not enemies of the Rothuun, however, so there was no reason to fight to the death. Looking up at Mária above, she shouts, <Your offer still stand, Ninurtine?> She slams one meaty fist onto Radiance's body. <I challenge you to a sparring match! Just a warm-up for the tournament to come. Do you fight?

Radiance sized up the Rothuun. It was true it needed a warm up to calibrate its weaponry to suborbital combat, and the Rothuun were certainly good figthers.

"Very well Rothuun." Radiance replied. "I do need to do some calibrations before the event bzzt. I shall turn off my cutting tools so no lasting harm is dealt."

When the fight began, it took less than a second for Radiance to realise that it had also turned off its right sensors by accident. Its fragmentation must have been developing faster than it thought. The charging Herthaela certainly highlighted the issue. Radiance attempted to keep Herthaela on its left side, although it was only a matter of time before she noticed.

2019-10-24, 01:10 PM
The Symbraum:

Kzarna looks bewildered. <What do you mean, Ambassador? I have nothing to fear from my own people. I hold legitimate power and have done so for a long time. While I still breathe, none will be able to usurp me. The traitor Peelskin attempted to do so last year, and he is now dead. No, I have nothing to worry about in my visit to this planet.>

Were Laurice of Port Klein alone inside her head she perhaps would not have been able to subdue the quirk of an eyebrow that would betray the surprise at Kzarna's blase attitude towards the machinations of rival clan leaders. Luckily for Laurice's continued survival before this massive alien and diplomatic relations between UPT and Rothuun the cool measured mind of Fex repressed this instinct and Laurice instead merely bowed her head.

"Mighty Urthuun, we apologize for any offense inferred. We in UPT are unfamiliar with the mechanisms directing 'legitimate power' among the Rothuun as our first brush with the late Urthuun Thrikar Fleshgorger at the Simulacrum and your own ascent to power appeared predicated on rivalry among warriors with the strongest determining rightful rule. It is obvious you are the mightiest of your race or you would not be Urthuun and the maneuvers of your foes and followers are naught but the squabbling of takhaun over scraps fallen from your prestigious dinner table."

"We in UPT are quite curious to know, the Nephret Pact has become bound up with the chest beaters who call themselves the Wardens. Are the Rothuun as committed to these glory hounds who would seize all credit for all fighting along the Core as they are to their brothers and sisters in faith within Itea and the Protectorates?"

2019-10-24, 01:20 PM
Following the relative disaster at the Auction, Pontiff Malicha has resolved to delegate diplomatic affairs among her underlings. It is for this reason that the arrival of the Church on the Kronin homeworld is very subdued. One shuttle arrives, bearing a meager three individuals: two enforcers and an Archdeacon. With the Library of Peace snatched from the Church's grasp, diplomatic events are still a high enough priority to warrant an Archdeacon's presence abroad. If Celestia Enterprises makes an appearance, all diplomatic offers are at the Archdeacon's disposal to secure the fragment.

However, there are other priorities to resolve. The Urthuun was to be present, and there are lingering conditions of the Nephret pact that are overdue to be resolved. As the shuttle touches down, the Archdeacon braces himself against the heat and strides forth to meet the Church's ally.


As soon as the Urthuun is sighted, the trio hastens to her side from across the arena. In that time another human seems to have taken up conversation, though during a lull the Archdeacon speaks up. "Apologies for the intrusion, Urthuun. I an Archdeacon Provis of the Church of Iteus. On behalf of the Pontiff, I wish to thank you for your representative's generosity at the Zara auction. The services of the Church are at your disposal."

2019-10-24, 01:54 PM
The Mier Formica vessel approached the hostile planet the Kronin called home and halted in orbit for a moment to calculate the losses that could be occurred attending this gathering, after all the last one proved to be more hostile than anticipated and that had no mention of combat against dragons. In the end the risk was worth it and the ship set course for the newly build arena.

Arriving in the docking center the Mier Formica set down and any that had observed the previous two gatherings could tell the ship was significantly smaller than at those times. The reason for this was that only Mier Formica ants made up this ship and the representatives from other races were left at home for their own safety. As the envoy was created from the ants aboard the ship it was clear that this envoy was build different from the previous ones, its skin had a more metallic shine and the glow of small energy discharges could be seen within the arms that formed. One thing was clear this envoy was better prepared for combat than the last one was. After the first one finished forming a second one formed with the same specifications and then finally an envoy was created that looked more like the normal envoy who would be the diplomatic face of the gathered party.

Walking through the halls of massive arena the Mier Formica found several representatives of other galactic power and would attempt to communicate with each of them. The conversations would start always start the same way. For any party not encountered before it would be "Greetings we are the Mier Formica we have not met yet but i am sure we could find a common ground to build on, who do i have the pleasure of speaking to.".

As it would seem no previous acquaintances of the Mier Formica are present par the Kronin themselves the greetings for previously encountered races are as follows "Greetings representative of the Kronin, we have not forgotten the kindness you showed out kind during the auction not to long ago. We are honoured to attend your event and have prepared this more combat attuned envoy to participate in the festivities. We would like to register for the dragon hunt and the Bracketed Battle to ensure that your event is as spectacular as possible." the two envoys that were more prepared for battle stood at attention behind the diplomatic envoy awaiting a response.

2019-10-24, 03:05 PM
The King-General saluted the Mier Formica as they came in. "We are glad you have decided to attend our competition. I shall send for a group to aid you in finding one of our dragons." He turns and beckons to a solder standing by the elevator. "The Mier Formica would like to hunt a dragon." She nods and walks off.

(The Bracketed match will start when i get enough people. If I cant then it will be a 1v1v1v1v1 etc)

Gaius Hermicus
2019-10-25, 08:19 AM

<The Eye are our allies and our friends-in-arms against the Same. It would be foolish to attack them now. But they are no true Nephret Pact members. They are untrustworthy and hypocritical, and our commitment to them is nothing near our loyalty to the Syndrome or the Church of Iteus.>


<You are welcome to it, Archdeacon. As a protectorate of the Rothuun Galactic Holdings, you can expect such benefits. Welcome to our honorable nation.>


Haerthala charges furiously at Radiance, moving far faster than would have been expected from her size. She catches the Duen by surprise, who is forced to swivel to keep her on the left side. Haerthala hits him thrice with her meaty fists; glancing blows, but they reveal her immense strength. Retreating, Radiance tries to knock the minotaur down, but she dodges the blow and slams him with her hoof. Knocking Radiance to the ground, Haerthala stands atop him until he signals submission. <You fight well, Duen, but you are no match for a Rothuun,> she says, winking up at the Ninurtine spectators.

2019-10-25, 09:46 AM
A small one-person ship had arrived at the perimeter of the Kronin home-system. It broadcast diplomatic signals on all frequencies as it approached their homeworld. Assuming it was permitted past the defensive perimeter the vessel entered into as low an orbit above the arena as it could before it suddenly exploded in a shower of iridescent sparks. Most of the fragments burned away into nothing, but one was quickly revealed to be a drop pod and it descended at high speed towards the outskirts of the arena complex.
The pod shattered upon impact to reveal a glowing ellipsoid that just as quickly faded away to reveal a tall Tal-Amanyn. He was garbed in a uniform of deepest blue and his hair was worn in two long braids that reached almost to his boots. The copper of his buttons and chains glinted in the light. He drew his sword and raised it high before bringing it crashing against the nearest piece of wreckage whereupon it shattered into a thousand pieces.
Assuming that he is now surrounded by guards poised to shoot him he gave a toothy grin.
"I bear a message from the Conclave."

2019-10-25, 11:39 AM
The King General nods to his guards who follow him as he heads for the exit. He turns and says the assemballed hall, "Something has come up thar requires my imediate attention." "If you need anything plaese talk to Admiral Nozdak" With this he leaves. He stepps out of onto the planets surface and walks out to meet the figure. "You have a message?"

2019-10-25, 11:47 AM
The King General nods to his guards who follow him as he heads for the exit. He turns and says the assemballed hall, "Something has come up thar requires my imediate attention." "If you need anything plaese talk to Admiral Nozdak" With this he leaves. He stepps out of onto the planets surface and walks out to meet the figure. "You have a message?"

The draconic humanoid stood tall and straight. He placed his left hand over his chest and raised the other into the air still holding the hilt of his broken sword in salute.
"Your Illustrious Majesty," he said, his voice loud and clear, "The Conclave has received word of your intention to intercede on behalf of the Antillians. They have sent me to bear their request that you desist."

2019-10-25, 12:35 PM
Ool rides out with the guide, claws gripping the edge of their little vessel. It is a long journey, or so it seems to those waiting in eager anticipation. And soon, perfection! A tremendous dragon, a true drake among drakes, rears up below. A grin slowly spreads over Ool's face. "A fantastic view!" he declares. He points back to the red-suited female twin. "Larm! You know what to do!"

With a sigh, she raises her hands as a red glow surrounds both her and the others. "This is a..."

"Horrible idea," her brother finishes.

"You really should reconsider," Rhia adds quietly.

Ool strips off his protective suit. His fur hardens, taking on the consistency and density of a sun-skiff's hull, one of those ships designed to siphon gas off stars themselves. The transport's supports groan a little bit from the added weight. "I'll be fine," he insists, "Besides, what's life without a little risk?"

"Safe? Warm? Comfortable?" Rhia supplies.

"No, that's a desk-job," Ool says, having no idea what a desk job is actually like. With a whoop he runs out the door to the transport and leaps into the heat beyond, armed with nothing but his implant and a heat-resistant set of pants. "Lorne!" he shouts. The male twin raises a claw casually and a strong wind hoists Ool higher into the air, over the dragon's head. She barely has time to lift her head before the super-dense Lyraen's knee slams into her chin and rides it all the way down.

Yet it is not a decisive blow. She weathers the assault and returns the favor. She flings her head upwards and tosses the unwelcome attacker against the nearest cliff. The outer layer shatters. With all the power her evolution gave her, she moves to crush the attacker, rampaging towards him with heat and wrath in equal measure. Down comes her jaw, but four Lyraen claws meet it. Ool holds it open, the strength of his hyper-dense muscles an equal match for the moment.

"Watch out, pups!" he calls with a laugh, "This ones a bit stroppy!" With a twist of his torso and legs, he shifts aside and slams the dragon's head into the cliff beside him. She roars, unhurt but very mad.

But when she looks around for him, she cannot see him. All she can sense is a weight that has suddenly appeared on the back of her neck. Strong limbs reach around and begin to choke her. She lets out a hoarse bellow and tries to push off whatever thing this is, but cannot shake it. Harried, she turns to dive into the lava, but finds that the pool has closed over. "No escape that way!" Ool calls.

In its last moments of consciousness, the dragon rampages through her territory, shattering stone, smashing anything she can get her claws on, and making scars in the earth that the land will remember long after she is gone. But in the end, it does fall. Ool stands triumphant.


Tra Gutri watches the Rothuun and Duen fight with an impassive expression. "Every time," he mutters to himself.

"Sir?" one of his soldiers asks.

"Every time I come to one of these, there is always someone fighting one of the Rothuun."

2019-10-25, 03:43 PM
Haerthala charges furiously at Radiance, moving far faster than would have been expected from her size. She catches the Duen by surprise, who is forced to swivel to keep her on the left side. Haerthala hits him thrice with her meaty fists; glancing blows, but they reveal her immense strength. Retreating, Radiance tries to knock the minotaur down, but she dodges the blow and slams him with her hoof. Knocking Radiance to the ground, Haerthala stands atop him until he signals submission. <You fight well, Duen, but you are no match for a Rothuun,> she says, winking up at the Ninurtine spectators.

"Ugh, really?" Dónel said, as Haerthala's victory became apparent. "That... creature?"

Mária shrugged. "It'll be an experience, anyway." She took their room key from her bag and threw it to Haerthala. "Come up and see me, honey, make me smile!"

As Telescopic Radiance left the arena, Sharugin approached and spoke quietly.

"Is all well, Radiance? You seem troubled."

2019-10-25, 04:59 PM
Above the planet, a ramshackle starship bearing the marks of the Federated Churches of Origin's End has been directed into a stable orbit. The thing looked more like a great catamaran than a spaceworthy vessel, with two jury-rigged hulls bridged by tubes and cables all along their length. From within that tangled nest of wiring and attachments, a heavy-set shuttle detaches with surprising agility, before setting an approach to land on the surface. When it reaches the surface, several individuals disembark carefully, only one of whom appears to be Rass.

Perhaps the most notable of these was the four meter tall armored suit that appeared - and sounded - more like a war machine than a dignitary. Six tiny ports were set near the top of the suit - each glowed brightly enough with an orange-yellow heat as to leave afterimages in the eyes of those who stared too long. Even in the Kronin heat, the air was visibly hotter around the machine, and several exhaust ports would on occasion open and violently expel gas upwards. Alongside - for a certain, broadly-defined understanding of the term - mechanical monstrosity were three more persons of note - the Living Reliquary and mechanical bodyguard of the God-Speaker and their representatives, Grace-Which-Is-Beauty's-Sustenance (more commonly just called Grace); the Dasari Sorren Caxton Elien, skin a dark blue from the Rhoshan sun, in a Dawnstar pilot suit, though it bore the markings of the Federated Churches alongside those of the Dominion, now; and the Rass Feminine-Glitter-Fruit-Blossom EdgeSkimmer TwinFords, a Speaker of the Convocation and a very highly placed representative of the Church of the Balanced Edge.

Cold-Storm-Rider, Sun Speaker and guest of the Federated Churches. Uninterested in fighting due to likely results of damage to suit. Interested in talking to and learning about the many strange non-plasmoid races of Axiom.
Grace, representative of the God-Speaker themselves and security for other members of the delegation. Likely to be conducting any serious non-ideologically focused diplomatic talks. Available for Diplomacy Competitions.
Vigil Keeper Sorren Caxton Elien, pilot, officer, and favorite alien of Zkiel, the Most Vigilant, one of the Revered Ones of the Federated Churches. Interested in non-fatal displays of martial skill, and has significant influence over Federation military policy. Available for Military Competitions, willing to participate in bracket if probability of death for any participants is sufficiently low.
Speaker Feminine-Glitter-Fruit-Blossom EdgeSkimmer TwinFords, prominent member of the Church of the Balanced Edge. Eager to prove themselves, make deals for technologies, and in philosophical negotiations. Available for Philosophy or Intrigue Competitions.

The behemoth of the group pauses for a few moments as a ring around the uppermost portions of the suit swivels, before turning and stomping towards the Lyraen Delegation. When they spoke, the light showing through their viewports changed colors, intensities, and polarizations rapidly, though the level to which this was visible to unaided eyes was minimal. The voice itself was artificial sounding, though deep, booming, and very much fitting their apparent size as they loomed over Tra Gutri, extending one massive mechanized claw and bending over to touch the ground with it. Fortunately, the damage to the Kronin's floor is minimal.

" >>> I give greetings! I find good in meeting you, if you will find it in me. I am told that you are like me adjacently, and live by the grace of Great Stars! I am Cold-Storm-Rider - " a pause as a loud hissing accompanies venting gases - " - First Void Speaker of my people. May I ask to speak with you concurrently? <<<"

2019-10-25, 08:54 PM
Krazkul stared at the Draconic figure that stood before him. "That is an interesting request you bring. One which I must decline." He pauses for a moment to collect his thoughts. "I began training as a warrior from the moment I could walk. That is the way of our people. From the day we can understand we learn that this world has a balance. The things that are strong kill the things that are weak. The things that are weak must adapt and become strong. In our harsh world, you live or die, fight or perish, kill or be killed. We have learned to value resolve and strength. When we see that we move toward it. We see it in the Antillions. We also learn not to back down. If we lose grasp of the laws that we hold dear we are nothing. Surely your kind values your own morals." He pauses again. "Tell your leader that to back down would be to lose the values that we hold dear and to denounce or age-old beliefs forged in fire. To desist means to lose who we are, a fate worse than death." He nods and salutes the figure. "Will that be all or will you join in the festivities."

2019-10-27, 07:52 AM

Haerthala charges furiously at Radiance, moving far faster than would have been expected from her size. She catches the Duen by surprise, who is forced to swivel to keep her on the left side. Haerthala hits him thrice with her meaty fists; glancing blows, but they reveal her immense strength. Retreating, Radiance tries to knock the minotaur down, but she dodges the blow and slams him with her hoof. Knocking Radiance to the ground, Haerthala stands atop him until he signals submission. <You fight well, Duen, but you are no match for a Rothuun,> she says, winking up at the Ninurtine spectators.

Radiance gives out a 'exhasperated sigh' sound. "That is fair, but every fight is one more for my memory. And now my sensors are realigned, so expect a different result in the fights themselves." It picks itself up, and turns on its tools, beginning to repair the minor damage inflicted. "I would wish you luck in your own fights, but you clearly do not need it bzzt."

"Ugh, really?" Dónel said, as Haerthala's victory became apparent. "That... creature?"

Mária shrugged. "It'll be an experience, anyway." She took their room key from her bag and threw it to Haerthala. "Come up and see me, honey, make me smile!"

As Telescopic Radiance left the arena, Sharugin approached and spoke quietly.

"Is all well, Radiance? You seem troubled."

"I am not troubled," Radiance replies passively. "I am just near my next refragmenting, as my memory banks are near capacity. It's occuring at the onset of a new task, so I can relearn from my next position, it is just the annoyance at the setbacks it will cause.. I thank you for your concern though."

2019-10-27, 09:51 AM
Krazkul stared at the Draconic figure that stood before him. "That is an interesting request you bring. One which I must decline." He pauses for a moment to collect his thoughts. "I began training as a warrior from the moment I could walk. That is the way of our people. From the day we can understand we learn that this world has a balance. The things that are strong kill the things that are weak. The things that are weak must adapt and become strong. In our harsh world, you live or die, fight or perish, kill or be killed. We have learned to value resolve and strength. When we see that we move toward it. We see it in the Antillions. We also learn not to back down. If we lose grasp of the laws that we hold dear we are nothing. Surely your kind values your own morals." He pauses again. "Tell your leader that to back down would be to lose the values that we hold dear and to denounce or age-old beliefs forged in fire. To desist means to lose who we are, a fate worse than death." He nods and salutes the figure. "Will that be all or will you join in the festivities."

The Tal-Amanyn soldier listened to Krazkul's speech in respectful silence and did not interject.
"Then in defiance of your own agreement with the Conclave you have chosen to side with cowards, murderers and poisoners. You speak of honour and strength, but you will find neither among the Antillians. They attacked us with the intention of overthrowing our ways and once their efforts failed they immediately sought to flee our rightful vengeance. Since then they have engaged in a campaign of underhanded tactics and if not for their reliance on poisons and trickery we would not be in conflict now.
"We will have justice for the blood spilled by the treachery of the Antillians. Rest assured our resolve has stood the test of aeons and calamities like nothing you or your entire kingdom has ever witnessed. Protect these weak cowards as you see fit Your Majesty, we of Amanyk are not impressed by your arbitrary views and your failure to uphold our bargain."
He reached into a pocket and pulled out a crystal scroll-case which he handed to Krazkul.
"Our official declaration Your Majesty. One last time I urge you to reconsider."

2019-10-27, 01:51 PM
Archdeacon Provis bows his head. "I am sure the Pontiff would extend her well-wishes." He then turns to the Symbraum delegate. "I apologize for my interruption, fellow dignitary. What brings you before the Urthuun today?"

2019-10-27, 05:33 PM
The Conclave

As long as I remain the leader of this nation I will not see us turn and run. I have no fear. I would rather die than run. I think I speak for all of my kind when I say this. He turns to his troops, they salute and respond. "We would die than run." They salute. The king general takes the scroll. "Tell your leader that we will not strike the first blow, if he still wishes for war we will not deny him. Krazkuls voice changes, taking on a menacing tone, you can feel the fire in his words. If it is war you want then let it be known that we will deliver with the force of a thousand suns. If you dare cross us we will show you are true steel. When we come, we will bring with us a fire that will raze all that stands before us to the ground. By the end of his speech the already hot air around him ripples with heat, you know this is not an empty threat.

2019-10-28, 03:40 PM
Arrival to the Kronin homeworld

The Tezh Consensus arrives in orbit over Kroznar in typical fashion; empty space one moment, occupied the next. The sleek non-reflective diamond shape of Garrote simply appears outside the defensive perimeter and immediately begins broadcasting clearance codes, diplomatic identification credentials, and a passenger list.

Upon being vetted and given directions to land, the delicate looking space frame descends through the atmosphere in a steep plunge that doesn't begin to slow until a good 80% towards the surface has been traversed, after which there is a tight radius turn as the 'nose' of the frame pulls up and shoots flatly over the landscape towards the event grounds at rapid speed. Banking to the left, Garrote pulls an even tighter turn which bleeds speed and drops elevation even more to reach a final stop over Their designated pad, holding position four meters above the ground in silence as the lower portion of the hull opens and debarking steps drift down to the ground.

Talotius exits first, the 'cloak' of the shoaling sub-frames drifting in the heated wind and steaming briefly as the humidity from the passenger cabin burns off by the time they reach the ground. The head of state turns after reaching the bottom and turns back towards the steps as another figure emerges, feet lightly touching each step as they descend rapidly. Hopping off the last one into a crouch as if to kiss the ground and then leaping up to slap four hands on the hull with a whoop of exhilaration.

"Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about!" exclaims the Stozudal female as she lands again and turns to face Talotius with a broad fanged grin "Space travel is so damn boring that I don't know how people who can't 'turn off' do it, but the descent can be worth the wait. Thanks for indulging me, Talotius" she looks up to the frame and laughs "And of course you too, Garrote."

The gangway raises out of sight and the hull closes silently behind it "No problem, Brigid. It's been pleasant to serve the Consensus and see so many new things, but We look forward to our future travels and having a little.. fun.. now and again. No offense, Talotius."

The Speaker is silent the whole time but the motes twinkle briefly as They are addressed "None taken, We look forward to all the things that can be accomplished with new perspective and even a bit of.. fun." While the delivery is completely deadpan, Brigid's ears flick and lip curls up in amusement as the notoriously dry head of state pokes fun at themselves.

"SO" clapping all four hands together in a single moment "Shall we get under way? After being cooped up in the passenger cabin I'd love to see the local color!" and the two figures make their way off towards the arena

Garrote's meta-material hull ripples silently as the Tezh adjusts it to the local world's heat and begins running diagnostics on equipment "We will be here."

Brigid, aka ‘Spokelse’ - Exceptionally tall for a Stozudal, at almost three meters, she comes off as distinctly Tezh-like what with being slender and lithe, more than likely easily underestimated when it comes to physical prowess. She walks with the upright ready posture of someone tuned into their surroundings at all times, all four of her arms moving freely rather than having the lower two clasped across her midriff as most tend to. Of those four, both left arms are prosthetic - the upper being replaced entirely including the shoulder and the lower being artificial from just above the elbow. They are clearly high tech synthetic limbs without effort to make them look biological.

She wears a sleeveless jumpsuit with a short non fold-down collar, fastened from groin to neck and festooned with pockets - some appearing more packed than others. The tendrils sprouting above her scapula just behind the neck drape down her back serenely, and her tail curves up just before touching the ground. All three exit the jumpsuit via a horizontal flap in the fabric. On her chest to the left of the zipper are an array of small multi-colored strips and a few uniquely shaped pins; if there was any need of clearer indication that this woman is a veteran warrior, this is it.

Her body is covered in a silken silver-grey coat of fur, with striking feline features starting at the black tips of her ears and bright blue eyes with vertical slit pupils, below which sits an expressive set of whiskers and a blunt muzzle filled with sharp predator's teeth.

Talotius, Speaker for the Tezh Consensus - The Tezh currently serving as prime leader for the Consensus is back to Their normal polished perfection. The dust, burns, dents, and damaged/destroyed sub-frames have all been restored or replaced. The 12 sided Aether stone that makes Talotius' head hovering about two meters above the ground, with the myriad of parabolic disc sub-frames shoaling around the stone and settling into place to give the traditional appearance of a scaled cloak draped around humanoid shoulders. The sub-frames pick up the light of the environment, with reds, tans, and other colors from the landscape almost making the Speaker appear almost draconic themselves.


Talotius and Their taller companion pass through various checkpoints and make their way towards the King. When they are granted an audience and acknowledged the Speaker opens first "We offer greetings Grazkul, King-General of the Kronin. We are Talotius, Speaker for the Tezh Consensus. It is Our pleasure to make your acquaintance in person."

Brigid, standing tall off of Talotius' right 'shoulder' clasps her four arms across her chest and tilts her head forward in a gesture of respect. One of the apparently 'decorative' pins on her chest begins speaking in the local tongue in smooth tones as the Stozudal's throaty growling language is spoken quietly so as not to overlap and confuse things

"Greetings, King-General Grazkul. I am Brigid, and it is my honor to receive the mantle of Speaker in the near future. I understand that there is business to be conducted between Tezh and Kronin nations, and I requested to join Talotius for this gathering so that They and I may work together during transition and so that the efforts of our two nations could hopefully be the first of many points of respect and prosperity moving forward.

If you have a few spare moments to conduct business while we are in attendance, it would be very much appreciated. Until then, I have heard tell of 'dragons'?" There is a bit of predatory spark in her eyes at the mention of sport and the foreign word is audible from her throat clearly with a rumble of anticipation.


In the course of meandering through the halls, greeting the various representatives and making introductions, they come across the UPT envoy. Talotius' motes glimmer briefly among themselves before Their choral voice speaks politely, the sub-frame cloak shifting slightly to give a perception of addressing each member of the group for at least a moment.

"We offer greetings to the Unified Public Trust. We are Talotius, Speaker for the Tezh Consensus. This is Brigid, Transitive Speaker."

The cloak sweeps towards the Stozudal female as if an arm was gesturing beneath it, but when the 'cloak' parts there is no body beneath it. Brigid clasps arms across her body and tips her head respectfully, but does not speak as Talotius continues

"We are pleased to have the chance to make introductions in person, and hope that the Revolution has not placed too much strain on Our fellow siblings."

2019-10-28, 03:43 PM
Shashagoona, tentacles regrown, and two other Rocthurhi disembarked from their landing craft, and were grateful for intervention of the Etherites. One of the Shu archmages had given them a blessing that allowed them to not lose the moisture from their skin that a place this hot and dry would normally extract. This was turning into a positive working relationship for the Rocthurhi.

The Iteans
After greeting the Etherites the Rocthurhi delegation searched for a representative of the Itean people. Upon seeing the Archdeacon, all three Rocthurhi approached, tentacles pulled close so they were only 3 meters tall, and Sashagoona bowed before speaking.

Greetings, Archdeacon <a firm handshake>. This one is Shashagoona, representative of Faugloglys <an image of the Faugloglys imitating a bow> and the Rocthurhi people <many Rocthurhi swimming in the ocean>. Would you have a moment to talk of the space between our peoples <an image of nebulas, solar systems, comets, and empty blackness>?

The Lyrae
Shashagoona is pleased to see Ool again, and approaches him with congratulations.

Greetings, friend <a memory of them talking at the coronation>. It has been many years <missing someone gone too long>. I hear tell that you bested a dragon today <Ool riding a winged dragon to the ground while standing on the back of its neck>. Has the rest of the galaxy not learned that they stand no chance <a congratulatory pat on the back>? But, How fare you and yours <Ool with his family>?

Shashagoona reaches out a tentacle for a pawshake.

2019-10-28, 05:08 PM
The Conclave

As long as I remain the leader of this nation I will not see us turn and run. I have no fear. I would rather die than run. I think I speak for all of my kind when I say this. He turns to his troops, they salute and respond. "We would die than run." They salute. The king general takes the scroll. "Tell your leader that we will not strike the first blow, if he still wishes for war we will not deny him. Krazkuls voice changes, taking on a menacing tone, you can feel the fire in his words. If it is war you want then let it be known that we will deliver with the force of a thousand suns. If you dare cross us we will show you are true steel. When we come, we will bring with us a fire that will raze all that stands before us to the ground. By the end of his speech the already hot air around him ripples with heat, you know this is not an empty threat.

The draconic individual's personal shield ripples slightly in the heat produced by the King-General, but overall he does not seem too impressed.
"We have weathered forces more powerful than your kind and we will weather this storm as well," he said with his own menacing tone, "Our fleet will meet yours in battle and though your treachery and dishonour will mean our deaths we will fight 'til the last."
He placed the ruined and broken remnant of his sword back in its scabbard and bound his hands in golden cord.
"As an agent of a foreign adversary you had best place me under arrest Your Majesty."

2019-10-28, 08:48 PM

As soon as the Urthuun is sighted, the trio hastens to her side from across the arena. In that time another human seems to have taken up conversation, though during a lull the Archdeacon speaks up. "Apologies for the intrusion, Urthuun. I an Archdeacon Provis of the Church of Iteus. On behalf of the Pontiff, I wish to thank you for your representative's generosity at the Zara auction. The services of the Church are at your disposal."


<The Eye are our allies and our friends-in-arms against the Same. It would be foolish to attack them now. But they are no true Nephret Pact members. They are untrustworthy and hypocritical, and our commitment to them is nothing near our loyalty to the Syndrome or the Church of Iteus.>


<You are welcome to it, Archdeacon. As a protectorate of the Rothuun Galactic Holdings, you can expect such benefits. Welcome to our honorable nation.>

Archdeacon Provis bows his head. "I am sure the Pontiff would extend her well-wishes." He then turns to the Symbraum delegate. "I apologize for my interruption, fellow dignitary. What brings you before the Urthuun today?"

Fex examined the minotaur and the Itean closely during their exchange as he simultaneously turned over what the Urthuun had said about the Wardens. As it became apparent something akin to a formal pledge of vassalage was being thrown on the table the UPT representative sharpened his attention.

"Forgive our intrusion Archdeacon, we sought only to speak of petty concerns unbefitting the attention of the mighty Urthuun from whom we beg forgiveness for our bold assumptions. We are glad to hear the bonds of Iteus are strong in your part of the galaxy and they stand stronger than any bonds with the Wardens at World's End. We shall leave you to private conversations as to befit the Nephret Pact, no?" the human eye winked conspiratorially, "We do enjoy reading alien treaties and contracts forgive again our boldness."

With that the representative extricated themselves from the conversation seeking to return to the crowd. The politics around the "southeast" of the Core were highly complex and it certainly appeared the many players were all playing different games but ones that could at any moment spark into conflict. Iteus had interested some of the minds deployed among the psychic web to seek a new truth by the Transcendence Head as a path towards the godhood the Kamasati had promised in the now but failed to deliver. It had seemed however before departing for Kronin space that favor among the Head's elect few "chosen" was favoring the Nine Lights. The virtues of the Nolkir's Sphinx Gods had shined clearly to the truth in Shimmering Light and it was the most natural Symbraum policy; don't beat them, join with them.


In the course of meandering through the halls, greeting the various representatives and making introductions, they come across the UPT envoy. Talotius' motes glimmer briefly among themselves before Their choral voice speaks politely, the sub-frame cloak shifting slightly to give a perception of addressing each member of the group for at least a moment.

"We offer greetings to the Unified Public Trust. We are Talotius, Speaker for the Tezh Consensus. This is Brigid, Transitive Speaker."

The cloak sweeps towards the Stozudal female as if an arm was gesturing beneath it, but when the 'cloak' parts there is no body beneath it. Brigid clasps arms across her body and tips her head respectfully, but does not speak as Talotius continues

"We are pleased to have the chance to make introductions in person, and hope that the Revolution has not placed too much strain on Our fellow siblings."

Fex, whose eyes were Laurice's, examined the floating elements of the Tezh with an analytical glaze as the Speaker introduced themselves. Wordlessly through their mind Fez instructed Nuk to examine the floating pieces which sent the furry blue alien scurrying around to all sorts of angles. Fex could examine those memories later to create a detailed memory portrait within the web. He addressed now the Speaker through a spoken language.

"Tezh you say? Yes, we've read about your kind. Highly unusual. Forgive my manners, we are Fex K'bit hosted by Laurice of Port Klein, a human," the word was said almost contemptuously and perhaps it was as Fex did find other species more appealing for being bonded with, "You are not beings of flesh nor, as we are led to believe, of artificial construct?"

The Mier Formica vessel approached the hostile planet the Kronin called home and halted in orbit for a moment to calculate the losses that could be occurred attending this gathering, after all the last one proved to be more hostile than anticipated and that had no mention of combat against dragons. In the end the risk was worth it and the ship set course for the newly build arena.

Arriving in the docking center the Mier Formica set down and any that had observed the previous two gatherings could tell the ship was significantly smaller than at those times. The reason for this was that only Mier Formica ants made up this ship and the representatives from other races were left at home for their own safety. As the envoy was created from the ants aboard the ship it was clear that this envoy was build different from the previous ones, its skin had a more metallic shine and the glow of small energy discharges could be seen within the arms that formed. One thing was clear this envoy was better prepared for combat than the last one was. After the first one finished forming a second one formed with the same specifications and then finally an envoy was created that looked more like the normal envoy who would be the diplomatic face of the gathered party.

Walking through the halls of massive arena the Mier Formica found several representatives of other galactic power and would attempt to communicate with each of them. The conversations would start always start the same way. For any party not encountered before it would be "Greetings we are the Mier Formica we have not met yet but i am sure we could find a common ground to build on, who do i have the pleasure of speaking to.".

As it would seem no previous acquaintances of the Mier Formica are present par the Kronin themselves the greetings for previously encountered races are as follows "Greetings representative of the Kronin, we have not forgotten the kindness you showed out kind during the auction not to long ago. We are honoured to attend your event and have prepared this more combat attuned envoy to participate in the festivities. We would like to register for the dragon hunt and the Bracketed Battle to ensure that your event is as spectacular as possible." the two envoys that were more prepared for battle stood at attention behind the diplomatic envoy awaiting a response.

Klo J'van had been quietly observing through his host body's Catarin sharp eyes when he was made aware of the Mier Formica's arrival. The small insects had taken over nearly ten times their original territory since Maturation and people higher up than Klo spoke in hushed whispers about the psychic capabilities of Aptinoma Mier. Klo and his fellows in Protection however were far more concerned with the shapeshifting ant swarms so when a representative of the Formicans approached him he bowed and introduced himself as Klo J'van bonded with Delrik of Polisto before asking hesitantly.

"How large do the Mier Formica plan to grow? Will you one day rule the entire galaxy as the Callers once did?"

Klo was not a licensed diplomat and clearly should not have been left alone. He was here to provide protection to the Ambassador and represent Protection Division interests. The size of the Formican empire was certainly of interest to Protection.

2019-10-28, 09:54 PM
The sleek modified patrolcraft touched down smoothly on the 2nd floor of the Arena. Four figures emerged; Marius, hair beginning to cop streaks of grey, in sharp naval dress. He took in the sight, eyes narrowed in the heat. Jack, his bodyguard, in drab, functional body armour, two plasma pistols at his side. He kept a watchful eye on their surroundings. A step behind, Officers Victoire & Gladien, in similarly sharp naval dress, exited the craft. The four strode forth, Gladien drifting just above the surface, and entered an elevator. Arriving at the 5th floor, they paused overlooking the Arenas just in time to catch the tail end of the King-General's announcement.

Marius turns to Jack. "Well, that gives you something to do other than worry about me. Honour to the 'Dominion and all that. Do me proud." Jack looks a little hesitant. "I still think your security should be our first-" Marius claps Jack on the shoulder, interrupting him unceremoniously. "Look around. If anything goes wrong, there's little you'll do the Kronin won't do first. Go on." Jack sighs, salutes, and strides off to join the bracket matches.

Marius looks to the Officers with him. "Now; to business."

Marius Thresher Nox, Master of the Order of the Dawn and thus Leader of the Dawnstar Dominion.
Jack Ackar Silver, Longtime friend of Marius and his bodyguard. Former Officer of the Dawnguard Brigade until his resignation last year.
Victoire Valar Khorre, newly appointed Officer of the Dawnguard Brigade. Young and inexperienced, she is rumoured to have been chosen as a concession to the Valar family, who have grown rapidly in influence since Victoire's uncle Khorus was appointed Officer of the Aurelian Order 9 years ago.
Gladien Xareia Bladed-One, Officer of the newly formed PsiCorps, following overtures with the Mindbreakers of U7. Pale-skinned with electric blue lines coursing with energy cris-crossing from crystal-gem to crystal-gem embedded in her flesh, Gladien's loosely humanoid form bears four sleek, sharp appendages that curl from her upper back, currently undulating slowly by her side, but clearly razor-sharp. The tips crackle intermittently with blue energy. She does not appear to have a mouth.

The Rothuun

Marius moseys on over to Urthuun Krazna. "Honoured friend of the 'Dominion, I have a proposition to make. I believe you have recently acquired an area of space in a position that... interests our interests, as it were. I've quite an offer for you, if you'll permit 'Dominion forces to peacefully occupy the region. If we might more privately discuss this arrangement..."

The Federated Churches of Origins End

Officers Victoire and Gladien approach the delegation from the Church of Rust. They bow, Gladien gracefully, her unblinking solid-white eyes fixed on Cold-Storm-Rider's suited form, Victoire keeping her eyes downcast. Gladien tilts her head slightly forwards, and Speaker Feminine-Glitter-Fruit-Blossom feels in her mind a sharp voice, echoing faintly, say \\We come in peace, honoured one. Long have the Eris sensed the faint disturbance your Revered Ones cause in the Lines. It is good to come face-to-face with their people. In the name of the Master's Dasari, and all Eris, I request an audience with your Godspeaker.//

2019-10-28, 10:24 PM
The behemoth of the group pauses for a few moments as a ring around the uppermost portions of the suit swivels, before turning and stomping towards the Lyraen Delegation. When they spoke, the light showing through their viewports changed colors, intensities, and polarizations rapidly, though the level to which this was visible to unaided eyes was minimal. The voice itself was artificial sounding, though deep, booming, and very much fitting their apparent size as they loomed over Tra Gutri, extending one massive mechanized claw and bending over to touch the ground with it. Fortunately, the damage to the Kronin's floor is minimal.

" >>> I give greetings! I find good in meeting you, if you will find it in me. I am told that you are like me adjacently, and live by the grace of Great Stars! I am Cold-Storm-Rider - " a pause as a loud hissing accompanies venting gases - " - First Void Speaker of my people. May I ask to speak with you concurrently? <<<"

Tra takes a few steps back as the behemoth approaches. He scrutinizes the stranger, someone he has not seen before, and raises an eyebrow. He signals his guards to stand at ease. "Indeed. I am Tra Gutri, lord of House Gutri."

He stands upright, or as upright as a male Lyraen can. The males do have a bit more of a natural stoop to them compared to the females. "Yes. I will speak with you. Your power seems...admirable." He extends his paw as if to shake. "Cold-Storm-Rider. It is good to meet you. I am glad to see that Ool has not entirely dissuaded other nations from wanting to interact with us."

Shashagoona, tentacles regrown, and two other Rocthurhi disembarked from their landing craft, and were grateful for intervention of the Etherites. One of the Shu archmages had given them a blessing that allowed them to not lose the moisture from their skin that a place this hot and dry would normally extract. This was turning into a positive working relationship for the Rocthurhi.

The Lyrae
Shashagoona is pleased to see Ool again, and approaches him with congratulations.

Greetings, friend <a memory of them talking at the coronation>. It has been many years <missing someone gone too long>. I hear tell that you bested a dragon today <Ool riding a winged dragon to the ground while standing on the back of its neck>. Has the rest of the galaxy not learned that they stand no chance <a congratulatory pat on the back>? But, How fare you and yours <Ool with his family>?

Shashagoona reaches out a tentacle for a pawshake.

Ool, shirtless and panting after his time in the heat, grins up at Shashagoona and eagerly takes their tentacle. "Shash!" he says, shaking it vigorously, "Good to see you, good to see you!"

He laughs. "Yes! I did capture a dragon, no less! And, as far as I know, it's the biggest that's been brought in. Though I must admit, I've been having too much fun to pay too careful attention." He releases their tentacle and stands proud. "And I believe the implants have, once again, proven their usefulness."

He looks Shashagoona over. "How are things back home?"

2019-10-29, 12:17 AM
UPT - The Nature of Tezh

Fex, whose eyes were Laurice's, examined the floating elements of the Tezh with an analytical glaze as the Speaker introduced themselves. Wordlessly through their mind Fez instructed Nuk to examine the floating pieces which sent the furry blue alien scurrying around to all sorts of angles. Fex could examine those memories later to create a detailed memory portrait within the web. He addressed now the Speaker through a spoken language.

"Tezh you say? Yes, we've read about your kind. Highly unusual. Forgive my manners, we are Fex K'bit hosted by Laurice of Port Klein, a human," the word was said almost contemptuously and perhaps it was as Fex did find other species more appealing for being bonded with, "You are not beings of flesh nor, as we are led to believe, of artificial construct?"

Brigid's ears and tail flick in discreet amusement as Talotius fields the questions from the UPT envoy.

"That is correct" the Speaker's choral voice responds "We Tezh live at the fundamental harmonic of physicality. In order to interact with Our siblings in Axiom, we require a frame - a 'vehicle' as it were - to traverse and communicate through physicality at a scale that is relevant. We are capable of inhabiting biological ones, but found that Our siblings are disconcerted at having Tezh inhabit such frames, as it required supplanting the sibling that was inhabiting it prior to the Tezh."

One of the sub-frames lifts away from the cloak to hover quietly in the air between them, patiently allowing inspection by the creature scurrying around the Speaker curiously.

"So instead, Tezh participate and contribute alongside Our siblings by inhabiting technological frames which can be built to suit whatever task is needed. Our task as Speaker is social and requires adaptability to the various conditions and habitability profiles of Our siblings, so Our frame is capable of adopting many shapes and sizes and resisting the influence of many hostile environments."

"We recently suffered damage during a conflict when We decided to intervene and prevent the destruction and death of other siblings. The impairment has since been corrected, but We do not bear ill sentiment towards the other party in the conflict; We were the one to place Ourselves in harms way and take responsibility for Our losses, wishing them a safe return to the fundamental harmonic."

Brigid's eyes and ears had been tracking the little blue creature constantly as it scurried about, the Stozudal language rumbling quietly underneath the translator when she speaks up "The Stozudal were developing 'smart computing' at the time of First Contact with the Tezh, it took almost a generation before people finally stopped considering Tezh to be AI. We do still have some of those computing systems but there is no longer interest in exploring full Artificial Intelligence as the Tezh have been able and interested in taking up those tasks that would have needed it."

"I rather enjoy having conversations with the vacuum frames as they keep my quarters tidy" Brigid continues with a grin "And being able to converse with your translator on an otherwise long and boring journey around the cosmos of Axiom is a sanity saver." The pin at the top right of her decorated chest panel twinkles briefly as if in recognition to the friendly commentary but remains silent as it is dedicated to the importance of its duty.

Rocthurhi - Hugs all 'round!

Talotius and Brigid are making their way across a large hallway when the Stozudal woman suddenly perks up, her ears flicking radially trying to pin down the sound "You didn't say anything about the akkar being here too, Tal" she remarks informally a moment before zeroing in on the tall shape of the Rocthurhi delegation just entering the passage. The three meter tall forms of Shashagoona and company bring a smile to her face, turning smartly on the spot and leaving the Speaker's side to close the distance quickly.

"Friends!" she roars, drowning out the translator on her chest and using all of her arms and both tendrils to grab multiple tentacles from each of the Rocthurhi delegation and draws them against her body in a giant communal hug "So good to see you! I was worried it would be all formality and bowing but your presence here lifts my spirit."

After a few more moments of reveling in the bodily contact Brigid releases them and takes a step back, nearly as tall as the stooping dodecapods "I am Brigid, Transitive Speaker. Talotius and I are here on business with the Kronin. I hope the conditions indoors are enough to keep you comfortable, I would be happy to wrangle some personal humidifiers from Garrote if they are needed."

2019-10-29, 12:38 AM
The Gelean Ambassadorial ship touched down, the heat shielding flaring. The Kronin homeworld was hotter than anything it'd been rated for, and some hasty upgrades had been made for this particular excursion. The suits of those aboard had similarly been upgraded with stillsuit layers for a high-heat environment, a far cry from the subzero temperatures of Aurgelmir and many other Gelean Core Worlds. Eight figures emerged from the saucer, foremost among them recognizable as once-Admiral, now just Elizabeth. Beside her was a hulking woman with skin of silver, not like an android but like a canvas painted with mercury. Of the other six, two were Geleans wearing military-grade suits and clearly serving as bodyguards; the other four were Grays, presumably Auroran.

Though she did not choose to approach or provoke any of the other delegations, she soon found her way to the seating to watch the Arena games. The stoic silver woman with her and the rest of the procession followed, as if daring others to approach.

Gaius Hermicus
2019-10-29, 12:16 PM
The Dawnstar Dominion:

Extricating herself from the Archdeacon of Iteus, Kzarna nods to Marius. <Yes, I hear you are interested in purchasing the region? I will be happy to acquiesce to your request. In exchange, would you mind looking into this for me? Your scientific resources would be well used to produce a new technique, which we have been working on for a while.>

DSD creates one Military and one Economy tech, results to be determined by RGH, and will give them to RGH once they have been created. In exchange, RGH gives DSD control of region D24.

2019-10-29, 03:12 PM
Trask approaches Fex K'bit. "I was hoping to take a moment of your time. While I am not a diplomat in any real sense of the word, my government was hoping to open something of a dialog with the peoples of the Unified Public Trust and come to some form of understanding regarding territory and economics in the space between our peoples."

Trask later approaches Autha nodding up at the larger Rothuun. "My name is Trask Shu'Petarn, let us know if you need any medical attentions here at the event. I did receive a missive while in transit that to help protect our holding we were looking to acquire access to some of your Takhaun to help us continue. With your people's endorsement of course."

2019-10-29, 03:58 PM
Brigid's Dragon Hunt - Talk about 'fun'!

The guide led Brigid through the halls to the transportation yard, calling an attendant over to have them bring a vehicle around.

The Stozudal had donned a thermal suit and goggles to deal with the heat, a near-full-body affair that was insulated with Tezh metamaterials. The deserts back on Yutov were brutal in their own way, and the cooling system was running just under maximum limits - well beyond where it would have to work back home - but the system could keep her uncooked (if a bit overly warmer than usual) for at least a few hours in this hellscape.

“You guys have quite the world, here! The view was pretty intense when we were coming in to land” she says over the sound of wind and engines as the transport arrives to take them into the field and she clambers into the open deck nimbly and looks over the equipment.

“Now that is a damn big gun, but I suppose the critters we’re going after require that kind of kit. Shall we be off?”

With extensive military service under her belt, Brigid was no stranger to large caliber weapons - still, something not quite as long as she was tall and a reinforced bi-pod deserves healthy respect; as does the target it’s meant for. It also meant she was no fan of extraneous safeguards, let the celebrities and rich folk use those so they could ‘feel’ dangerous while living in a bubble. She was also not doing this for bragging rights among the other nations present - having waived any hint of reward and competition away when offered, this hunt was for her.

The little bit of exposure the environment suit left around her neck and face meant that the hot wind blasted her senses mercilessly and would have dried her eyes out if not for the goggles as the vehicle traveled away from the complex and skimmed the ground carefully searching for sign of quarry. Her nostrils flared and whiskers blew in the breeze contentedly for the experience of it all as her eyes darted back and forth searching for the signs her guide had commented about, wanting to contribute to the hunt.

She spotted some marks and called attention to them, garnering praise from the guide but unfortunately they were old enough to not be useful, but on his way back to the prow of the skiff the Kronin called her over and pointed “There 300 meters, it’s likely the same one that made the tracks you found - they don’t like sharing territory.”

“Excellent” Brigid says, the growling chirp from her throat betraying her eagerness as she took up the weapon and laid out on the near-searing deck for a long range shot.

“C’mere, big guy.” adjusting the optics focus and dialing in the crosshairs, something didn’t feel right. “Hey - you said these were pretty territorial, right?”

“Yes. Why?

“Well.. it’s looking right at me and doing nothing but trying to be scary from way over there.”

“That’s not good..” the guide suddenly starts calling out orders to the crew of the skiff and everyone is scanning for another dragon. They don’t have to search long as the vehicle suddenly veers wildly to one side, voices call out in alarm, and the engine starts revving fiercely to get them under way; it’s not fast enough.

Lying prone is great for target acquisition but when the whole world moves out from under you there’s not much you can do about it. The steep bank of the skiff as it was struck from below and then swung around to recover tumbled Brigid right up to the edge of deck where she managed to get a tenuous grasp on hull mounted railing probably used for rapid boarding mesh, her body cartwheeling over the edge and giving her a good look at the dragon that decided to hunt her instead.

“Grab her!” shouts the guide as the rattling of the gun across the deck lets him know his charge is not where she needs to be - ie ‘safe’ - and just as one of the crew comes to help her back onto the skiff the dragon strikes again.

At first it was going to drive away this hovering interloper, but now there was a possible snack to be had and it was very interested in getting to it. With a great leap the giant creature lunges at the skiff with jaws wide, but in the moments of stability Brigid managed to get a couple more hands on the railing. Unfortunately she was in no position to clamber up and avoid being a mouthful, which only left one option; the crewman got to the edge of the deck just in time to see her draw her legs up and shove.

She vaulted away from the skiff and down towards ironically the safest place that wasn’t the skiff: the dragon’s big body. Since touching the ground meant lava that would turn her to a crisp in an instant, Brigid’s entire chance for survival meant maintaining her position on the creature itself. At first it seemed like the beast wouldn’t notice that her slight weight had hitched a ride, but when it did not see anything interesting up above, and nothing was on the ground, it soon caught onto the ploy and began thrashing around trying to get at her.

“Get clear!” she roars at the skiff, the crew having attached a rope ladder to the railing and trying to maneuver nearby for her, but the dragon’s flailing and general hostility made it far too dangerous to get close enough to help. With great effort she manages to not get thrown into the lava, maneuvering over the expansive body rapidly as it suddenly rolls and tries to squash her with its armored bulk “Hah, you’re too slow, bastard!”

As the dragon goes through its roll she is able to look up and locate the skiff still circling nearby; too far to make a direct leap and too much lava for any chance of a run for safety. She ponders calling them over if the dragon rolls again when suddenly the head comes up right next to her and allows barely enough time to dive to the side as the jaws snap shut where she used to be, now grasping one of the horns extending from its head with her both her right arms.

Feeling the imbalance the dragon begins to thrash its head back and forth violently, slamming her body against the armored plates again and again with every back and forth motion and Brigid feels things start to give. Breath knocked out of her, hands beginning to slip, and help now completely off the menu she desperately makes a grab under the Dragon’s chin with her lower left arm, gripping the chitin so hard that the prosthetic claws find a fraction of purchase in the rock hard hide.

From the skiff’s perspective Brigid is flung about like a rag doll, miraculously keeping her grip and in a moment of reprieve reaching under to cling to the monster and avoid getting tossed around more. Then she reaches up with her free upper left hand and touches the great beast behind it’s jaw and there is a blinding pulse of light, the dragon bellows in rage and pain for a moment before there is a great concussive blast of pressure and it falls silent. As everyone’s eyes recover from the burst of light they find the armored behemoth dead on the ground with half its head missing. Brigid was apparently thrown off by the collapsing spasm but landed on one of the clawed legs a few meters above the intense heat of the ground, where she lays motionless for a few moments before showing signs of life.

The skiff warily starts coming closer and the crew and guide all start yelling at her, calling her name as she staggers to her feet and looking around dazedly. Her environment suit is fairly well shredded from being battered against the harsh scales of the dragon, her right arms hang limp and the left are completely exposed from where the prosthetic arm discharged at point blank range into the beast - waving at them unsteadily. The crew brings the vehicle in low while keeping a wary eye out for the other dragon and the guide hops down next to her as she turns and kneels on the creature’s elbow and lays the exposed mechanical hand - no longer glowing - against its flank.

“Well fought, brother. Safe return to the fundamental harmonic” the Stozudal murmurs quietly to herself before getting shakily to her feet, steadied by the guide “So… that went well. I trust the Kronin will not let this carcass go to waste?”

The guide looks at her incredulously “You’re insane..” he mutters “but yes, since you weren’t after a trophy we have other things that can be done with the remains.”

Brigid chuckles at the commentary “Not the first time I’ve been called that, to be honest. But that’s a story better told over a drink. For now… I think a trip to the infirmary is in order” wincing as she cradles her useless arms to keep them from swinging painfully with every motion.

Etherites - 'Hey Doc, fix a girl up?'

The trip back was uneventful, if really painful and really REALLY hot now that the environmental suit had been all but destroyed. The crew had tried to make Brigid comfortable while the guide supervised the rest and then they set off back to the vehicle depot. Upon arrival, Talotius stands silently waiting at the berth for her.

"Don't give me that look.." she says quietly as she is helped off the skiff and an attendant arrives to lead them to the infirmary "I'm still upright. More than can be said for the other guy."

The motes within the Aether Stone glimmer erraticly for a few moments before the Speaker's choral voice chides her "The risk was unwarranted, you must think beyond yourself. You know this."

She nods with a grimace of discomfort and guesses how many cracked - if she's lucky - ribs there are. "Yes, I do. But you know the full story, so I'd appreciate a little breathing room." Hah.. breathing.. yeah that hurt. Definitely at least one broken bone. "I'll be fine - made it back in one piece after all."

They arrive at the medical wing and are greeted by the very non-Kronin Etherites and the Stozudal woman blinks in confusion for a moment "Uh.. hi. I'm Brigid, Transitive Speaker for the Tezh. Who do I speak to for first aid?"

2019-10-29, 05:17 PM
The King-General saluted the Mier Formica as they came in. "We are glad you have decided to attend our competition. I shall send for a group to aid you in finding one of our dragons." He turns and beckons to a solder standing by the elevator. "The Mier Formica would like to hunt a dragon." She nods and walks off.

The diplomatic envoy returns the nod and turns to the soldier

"One of our envoys more prepared for combat will hunt the dragon"

One of the more armoured and clearly weaponized envoys steps forward.

"We are in your care please direct us to the location of the hunt." The envoy follows the soldier leaving the other two behind. (i will write up the dragon hunt in a later post when i have some more time)

Klo J'van had been quietly observing through his host body's Catarin sharp eyes when he was made aware of the Mier Formica's arrival. The small insects had taken over nearly ten times their original territory since Maturation and people higher up than Klo spoke in hushed whispers about the psychic capabilities of Aptinoma Mier. Klo and his fellows in Protection however were far more concerned with the shapeshifting ant swarms so when a representative of the Formicans approached him he bowed and introduced himself as Klo J'van bonded with Delrik of Polisto before asking hesitantly.

"How large do the Mier Formica plan to grow? Will you one day rule the entire galaxy as the Callers once did?"

Klo was not a licensed diplomat and clearly should not have been left alone. He was here to provide protection to the Ambassador and represent Protection Division interests. The size of the Formican empire was certainly of interest to Protection.

This was one of the first replies the envoy had gotten all night, other parties had made efforts to avoid it when making contact. It quickly replied with what could be interpreted as a sigh of relief and said

"We will only grow as large as we need to be. We initially aimed to have a defensive ring around our home world as a buffer for those that would do us harm. We were then invited to govern C19 by our halfling friends and now we grow to assist the galaxy against the threat of the same. We have no indention of ruling the entire galaxy we would much rather see one where all of our neighbours can live alongside each other, we have also already learned that this is not possible so we aim to make sure our direct neighbours are as friendly as possible."

After giving Klo J'van a moment to absorb the answer it follows up with

"The public trust occupies region far to our south but these regions are next to our vassal the Melfynians so we have to ask what drives you and yours?"

Speaking with some of the other races the Mier Formica had learned that most are driving by Greed, violence, entertainment or a combination of the three and would be very interested in the answer given by Klo.

Arrival to the Kronin homeworld

The Tezh Consensus arrives in orbit over Kroznar in typical fashion; empty space one moment, occupied the next. The sleek non-reflective diamond shape of Garrote simply appears outside the defensive perimeter and immediately begins broadcasting clearance codes, diplomatic identification credentials, and a passenger list.

Upon being vetted and given directions to land, the delicate looking space frame descends through the atmosphere in a steep plunge that doesn't begin to slow until a good 80% towards the surface has been traversed, after which there is a tight radius turn as the 'nose' of the frame pulls up and shoots flatly over the landscape towards the event grounds at rapid speed. Banking to the left, Garrote pulls an even tighter turn which bleeds speed and drops elevation even more to reach a final stop over Their designated pad, holding position four meters above the ground in silence as the lower portion of the hull opens and debarking steps drift down to the ground.

Talotius exits first, the 'cloak' of the shoaling sub-frames drifting in the heated wind and steaming briefly as the humidity from the passenger cabin burns off by the time they reach the ground. The head of state turns after reaching the bottom and turns back towards the steps as another figure emerges, feet lightly touching each step as they descend rapidly. Hopping off the last one into a crouch as if to kiss the ground and then leaping up to slap four hands on the hull with a whoop of exhilaration.

"Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about!" exclaims the Stozudal female as she lands again and turns to face Talotius with a broad fanged grin "Space travel is so damn boring that I don't know how people who can't 'turn off' do it, but the descent can be worth the wait. Thanks for indulging me, Talotius" she looks up to the frame and laughs "And of course you too, Garrote."

The gangway raises out of sight and the hull closes silently behind it "No problem, Brigid. It's been pleasant to serve the Consensus and see so many new things, but We look forward to our future travels and having a little.. fun.. now and again. No offense, Talotius."

The Speaker is silent the whole time but the motes twinkle briefly as They are addressed "None taken, We look forward to all the things that can be accomplished with new perspective and even a bit of.. fun." While the delivery is completely deadpan, Brigid's ears flick and lip curls up in amusement as the notoriously dry head of state pokes fun at themselves.

"SO" clapping all four hands together in a single moment "Shall we get under way? After being cooped up in the passenger cabin I'd love to see the local color!" and the two figures make their way off towards the arena

Garrote's meta-material hull ripples silently as the Tezh adjusts it to the local world's heat and begins running diagnostics on equipment "We will be here."

Brigid, aka ‘Spokelse’ - Exceptionally tall for a Stozudal, at almost three meters, she comes off as distinctly Tezh-like what with being slender and lithe, more than likely easily underestimated when it comes to physical prowess. She walks with the upright ready posture of someone tuned into their surroundings at all times, all four of her arms moving freely rather than having the lower two clasped across her midriff as most tend to. Of those four, both left arms are prosthetic - the upper being replaced entirely including the shoulder and the lower being artificial from just above the elbow. They are clearly high tech synthetic limbs without effort to make them look biological.

She wears a sleeveless jumpsuit with a short non fold-down collar, fastened from groin to neck and festooned with pockets - some appearing more packed than others. The tendrils sprouting above her scapula just behind the neck drape down her back serenely, and her tail curves up just before touching the ground. All three exit the jumpsuit via a horizontal flap in the fabric. On her chest to the left of the zipper are an array of small multi-colored strips and a few uniquely shaped pins; if there was any need of clearer indication that this woman is a veteran warrior, this is it.

Her body is covered in a silken silver-grey coat of fur, with striking feline features starting at the black tips of her ears and bright blue eyes with vertical slit pupils, below which sits an expressive set of whiskers and a blunt muzzle filled with sharp predator's teeth.

Talotius, Speaker for the Tezh Consensus - The Tezh currently serving as prime leader for the Consensus is back to Their normal polished perfection. The dust, burns, dents, and damaged/destroyed sub-frames have all been restored or replaced. The 12 sided Aether stone that makes Talotius' head hovering about two meters above the ground, with the myriad of parabolic disc sub-frames shoaling around the stone and settling into place to give the traditional appearance of a scaled cloak draped around humanoid shoulders. The sub-frames pick up the light of the environment, with reds, tans, and other colors from the landscape almost making the Speaker appear almost draconic themselves.

The Mier Formica had seen Androids and Robots before but when spotting the Tezh they knew that were different. Approaching the speaker it said with an almost curious voice

"Greeting we are the Mier Formica and are intrigued. You walk around in this metallic form but that is not you it seems more like an anchor to the here and now. Would you be willing to explain how this works?"

There were plenty of rumours floating around about the Tezh but those could be exaggerated or just outright untrue. It was always better to learn about your neighbours face to face.

The Gelean Ambassadorial ship touched down, the heat shielding flaring. The Kronin homeworld was hotter than anything it'd been rated for, and some hasty upgrades had been made for this particular excursion. The suits of those aboard had similarly been upgraded with stillsuit layers for a high-heat environment, a far cry from the subzero temperatures of Aurgelmir and many other Gelean Core Worlds. Eight figures emerged from the saucer, foremost among them recognizable as once-Admiral, now just Elizabeth. Beside her was a hulking woman with skin of silver, not like an android but like a canvas painted with mercury. Of the other six, two were Geleans wearing military-grade suits and clearly serving as bodyguards; the other four were Grays, presumably Auroran.

Though she did not choose to approach or provoke any of the other delegations, she soon found her way to the seating to watch the Arena games. The stoic silver woman with her and the rest of the procession followed, as if daring others to approach.

When the Envoy walked into the arena to watch the games it was hard to miss the gathering of Gelean force. The Gelean were one of the main forces when it came to containing the same in the north western region of the galaxy. Having a conversation was a must. The envoy walks up to what seems to be the woman in charge and says

"Greeting, mind if we watch the game with you?"

2019-10-29, 07:26 PM
Curious Mier Formica

The Mier Formica had seen Androids and Robots before but when spotting the Tezh they knew that were different. Approaching the speaker it said with an almost curious voice

"Greeting we are the Mier Formica and are intrigued. You walk around in this metallic form but that is not you it seems more like an anchor to the here and now. Would you be willing to explain how this works?"

There were plenty of rumours floating around about the Tezh but those could be exaggerated or just outright untrue. It was always better to learn about your neighbours face to face.

Talotius faces the being asking questions and bows slightly "We offer greetings to the Mier Formica, it is good to greet our stellar neighbors once more. We regret not being able to spend more time with the Mier Formica which we met at the Pan Galactic Auction, although we understand the extenuating circumstances of that gathering."

The choral voice pauses to consider the best way to answer the question, the multicolored motes twinkling among themselves during the quiet until they all settle to a smooth glow.

"You are correct that We are not the construct present before you. Tezh are beings of energy, who exist natively in reality alongside quanta - packets of information that make up matter and photons - a place we call the fundamental harmonic. We cannot perceive this scale of reality - which We call physicality - without an interface, a frame. Some frames are inhabited by few Tezh, some are inhabited by legions. The difference in numbers that inhabit any frame is usually dependent upon the complexity and capabilities of the frame itself - from simple machines up through deep space war frames."

The Speaker gestures to Brigid, standing next to Them "It was through pure chance that the Stozudal and Tezh ever began to communicate, and later cohabitate in physicality with the development of frames and materials that allow us to migrate out of the Conflux. We Tezh that inhabit this frame - known as Talotius - could be considered as pilots."

2019-10-29, 08:36 PM
When the Envoy walked into the arena to watch the games it was hard to miss the gathering of Gelean force. The Gelean were one of the main forces when it came to containing the same in the north western region of the galaxy. Having a conversation was a must. The envoy walks up to what seems to be the woman in charge and says

"Greeting, mind if we watch the game with you?"

Elizabeth turned to the mass of ants, a susurrus of psionic noise emanating from the pendant about her neck. Her encounter suit gleamed orange, the photium steel fishbowl helmet twinkling slightly in the light. She stared for a long moment while the rest of the group looked around uncomfortably, before a smile graced her lips.

"By all means. I take it you represent the, ahm-" Ants, she thought with suppressed distaste, though the proper name was on the tip of her tongue. "-the Mier. I am Elizabeth of Rios Arcology, a prominent citizen in the Gelean Empire. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

2019-10-29, 10:02 PM
Shashagoona, tentacles regrown, and two other Rocthurhi disembarked from their landing craft, and were grateful for intervention of the Etherites. One of the Shu archmages had given them a blessing that allowed them to not lose the moisture from their skin that a place this hot and dry would normally extract. This was turning into a positive working relationship for the Rocthurhi.

The Iteans
After greeting the Etherites the Rocthurhi delegation searched for a representative of the Itean people. Upon seeing the Archdeacon, all three Rocthurhi approached, tentacles pulled close so they were only 3 meters tall, and Sashagoona bowed before speaking.

Greetings, Archdeacon <a firm handshake>. This one is Shashagoona, representative of Faugloglys <an image of the Faugloglys imitating a bow> and the Rocthurhi people <many Rocthurhi swimming in the ocean>. Would you have a moment to talk of the space between our peoples <an image of nebulas, solar systems, comets, and empty blackness>?

Archdeacon Provis' lips purse in annoyance at the telepathic imagery, but he elects to say nothing of how intrusive an effort it was. "In the past the Church has been very accommodating of potential neighbors, though I will say that it has never been as... personal... a conversation as this. May I ask, dear representative, for what reason do you seek dominion over the sector between us?"

2019-10-29, 10:26 PM
The Conclave

The King-General looks at the draconic figure. "I have no need for prisoners of war yet. You are just a messenger. Go if you can or join in the games if you wish to do so. If you are still here at the end we will arrest you.

The Tezh

He nods as Brigid comes up. "Off to kill a dragon are you? A few have already returned with some catches. Think you can match the dragon the Lyreans caught? I wish you good luck."

Nozdak was walking through the hangers, looking at the catches people brought in when the door opened and the small group came hauling the carcass of a dragon behind them. The group looked like they had taken quite a beating. Kzhel, the Tezh's guide walked up to him, "Crazy. The lot of them." he walks away shaking his head. Nozdak was quite confused by the officer's remark until he saw the other side of the dragon, or what was left of it. Almost the entire left half of its head had appeared to have been blown off. "What the hell did you do to it? shoot it with an anti-ship missile? He laughed, "I have seen someone blow the head of one of these without some very large guns. I am impressed." He walks away laughing to himself.

Mier Formica

Nozdak nods as the King-General returns from his diplomatic escapade. He stepps aside so that the King-General may take his place. Krazkul greets the Mier Formica delegate. "Good to see you join us for the festivities. I shall find you a guide so you may partake in the hunt." An old soldier named Nyx comes up. He is getting on in his years and like most older kronin, joined the front lines. He salutes the delegate as they come up. "Ready?" he beckons them to follow as he gathers a few more troops and hops in the transport with the humanoid pile of ants. He would be quite curious to see how this will go. He had never seen a pile of ants fight before.


The King-General stands up on his podium of sorts and addresses the crowd. I am glad all of you could make it to our event. I hope you all are finding the climate suitable. I would just like to announce the beginning of the tournament. You still have time to join if you wish.

If you want to join I have changed the rules slightly. You no longer need an action to attend but the people who do attend will still win the prize as normal. If you attend and you come second to someone who won first but didn't attend you still win the prize. If you want to enter, with or without an action please inform me somehow by noon (EST) tomorrow. Thank you!

2019-10-30, 01:07 PM
The Tezh

He nods as Brigid comes up. "Off to kill a dragon are you? A few have already returned with some catches. Think you can match the dragon the Lyreans caught? I wish you good luck."

Nozdak was walking through the hangers, looking at the catches people brought in when the door opened and the small group came hauling the carcass of a dragon behind them. The group looked like they had taken quite a beating. Kzhel, the Tezh's guide walked up to him, "Crazy. The lot of them." he walks away shaking his head. Nozdak was quite confused by the officer's remark until he saw the other side of the dragon, or what was left of it. Almost the entire left half of its head had appeared to have been blown off. "What the hell did you do to it? shoot it with an anti-ship missile? He laughed, "I have seen someone blow the head of one of these without some very large guns. I am impressed." He walks away laughing to himself.

Brigid is making her way slowly away from the hunting party with the attendant when the question is heard behind her. She pauses long enough to turn to Nozdak with a battered grin and raises her upper-left arm with palm pointed away from anything like one would do with a properly handled weapon, the Tezh-tech prosthetic is pristine and unblemished compared to the rest of her as the lower-left arm still works to cradle both her limp right arms against her body

"That dragon was a crafty one, had to use the very last trick I had - literally up my sleeve. Only the full combat frames tend to do it at point blank range because of the conversion blow-back, but I didn't have any other options. Please let the King-General know that I will still make our arranged audience time to discuss business."

With that she continues on towards the infirmary with Talotius at her side, feeling much better already having returned to a cooler setting where - so far - nothing is out to kill her.

2019-10-31, 11:56 AM
The arenas are cleared, the dragons are prepared and the stands of the largest arena fill. The King-General stands on a platform on the center island of the arena.AND NOW, TO CLOSE OFF OUR EVENT, THE GRAND TOURNAMENT!.


He steps down and walks to his spot in the stands. 5 kronin race around the arena setting up the weapon racks, and preparing the arena for the fight. The 2 contestants stand at either end of the arena. Choose your weapons!

Let the games begin.
Winner of round 5 faces

Round: 1 Gaius vs Milt
Winner: Gaius
Round: 2 Tent vs Role
Winner: Tent
Round: 3 Blade vs Moriko
Winner: Blade
Round: 4 Ausar vs Ty-Rone
Winner: Ausar
Round: 5 Aed vs Moos
Winner: Aed
Quarter-Finals: Aed vs Ausar
Semi-Finals: 1 Gaius vs Tent
Winner: Gaius
Semi-Finals: 2 Blade vs Ausar
Winner: Blade
Finals: Gaius vs Blade
Winner: Gaius

2019-10-31, 12:39 PM
In the first round, Tra Gutri, head of House Gutri faces off against Herthaela the Strangler. The Lyraen takes a few moments before the battle to adjust his battledress in the mirror. Out of the corner of his eye, he spots the terror of every warrior in his own reflection. A patch of grey fur clings to the end of his muzzle. He stares at it, frozen. A snarl crawls over his face and his fist goes through the glass.

"Ool," the growls, "You'll see how a true Lyraen carries himself!" He turns on his heels and storms into the arena.

Herthaela is already in the ring, snorting impatiently and stalking up and down her side of the line. When she sees her opponent, a vicious grin splits her face. Tra Gutri regards her, the picture of discipline and proper decorum. The perfect vision of a Lyraen officer. He slips his paws into dulled 'cyberclaws', a pair of gauntlets designed for the Lyraen form of close combat. Herthaela needs no weapons.

At the signal, they charge towards each other. Wind swirls around Tra's footpaws, boosting his speed. In a moment, he crosses the distance and slams his shoulder into Herthaela's gut. Yet, for all the force in the blow, he bounces off. Herthaela takes a single step back and bellows. She lowers her upper body into a crouch and lunges forward, massive arms reaching for the Lyraen.

Tra leaps back and curses. Now, his shoulder throbs and she seems none the worse off. Didn't even manage to drive the wind from her lungs. He looks into her eyes. He's looked into the eyes of many opponents throughout his life. They've held everything from fear to righteous zeal to sullen resignation. Her eyes, though, are filled only with a mixture of rage and joy. Suddenly, the battle is no longer about winning. The battle is about surviving.

"Too slow," Tra spits. He circles her, that patch of grey at the forefront of his mind. "Too old. Stupid old wolf. Duels are a younger pup's game."

Unfortunately, she thinks he is taunting her. Her fists slam into the ground, denting it, and she gallops forward, rampaging towards him. Winds surround his leg, and he whips it upwards. His knee catches her on the side of the face and snaps her head to the side. Her horn, however, catches the armor on his chest and yanks him off balance. Old instincts take over and he rolls backwards.

Pain lights up his brain as her foot slams down on his tail. With one meaty fist, she hauls him into the air by his tail and swings him once around her head. The centrifugal forces claw at the edge of his vision, threatening to force him into unconsciousness. She lets go. Like a slingstone, she sends him flying into the wall.

Stunned, but conscious, he staggers to his feet and tries to crouch into a fighting stance. Like a bulldozer, she slams into him. With one arm, she pins him by his neck to the wall. Her other fist draws back and piledrives into his stomach. The breath leaves his lungs. With her arm around his neck, he cannot get more. The darkness at the edge of his vision takes him entirely and he slumps down, unconsciousness.

2019-10-31, 03:06 PM
Round 1: Telescopic Radiance vs Sorren Caxton Elien

As both Sorren and Telescopic Radiance enter the arena for their fight, each selects their weapons. Sorren selects a combination of a double-barreled trivolver with a hand-peeler. Radiance takes no weapons, already carrying all it needs. They both take to their seperate sides.

At the signal, neither charges in, both taking to circling around to test the other's defences. Sorren lets off her first shots to test how thick Radaince's plating is, as well as landing a flashbang shot next to it. The flashbang goes off, but Radiance is entirely unaffected. Radiance takes this opportunity to close, slamming into Sorren's chest and knocking her back a good few metres. With a graceful flip, Sorren activates her anti-grav boots and regains her footing, firing off explosive buckshot to retaliate. She curses under her breath as she sees Radiance shrug it off with its thick microplating.

While Sorren changes cylinders, Radiance stays unusually quiet, saying nothing at all, only occasionally letting off a slight "bzzt."

Sorren can see how the fight is progressing, and takes the initiative to stop the relentless Duen. She launches a charge of his own, firing off two more shots, one cryogenic, the other incendiary. Both bounce off of Radaince's armour, doing little more than leave a dusting of frost. Sorren curses a lot more audibly this time. She had forgotten to properly align her EMP rounds, a critical mistake against her electronic opponent. This does however allow Sorren to close, and she nimbly jumps on the backside of the Duen, and begins to cut away with the hand-peeler. "Sorry about this, but that's game," she smirks, as the plasma arc makes contact with Radiance's top-plating.

It's at this point that Radiance ran an electric current through itself.

Stunned and shocked, Sorren reels, but is thrown fowards as her boots short circuit and drive her legs backwards. Her head slams into Radiance's armour. Luckily for her, her helmet prevents more than a concussion, but it's little consolation as she is pulled around by her feet.. Radiance pulls her down easily with this distraction and pins her to the ground, an appendage for every limb. With a far more considerate electric current, it fully short out the boots, preventing them from driving her legs about any further.

"QUESTION, bzzt," says Radiance. "Do you submit?" holding a clasper near her neck.

Sorren hisses, craning her head back against the sand. "Blinding...yes, I submit! Rotten oaths, my head..." she spits after a second, her boots smoking slightly.

2019-10-31, 08:04 PM
(OOC: Ivor has requested that I submit a combatant to allow Aed to enter the fray of the competition, so I'm adding a character to this event)

As the Grand Tournament is announced, a new electronically projected voice begins speaking to the arena. "You are fools! The lot of you!" The voice can be traced back to a far wall of the arena, where a man wearing charred garb of the Church of Iteus has taken to standing on the railing. "My kindred sought ascendance by looking to a long-dead creature polluting the oceans with its seed, but BEHOLD!" He tears off the outer robe, revealing a disturbing mechanization of his flesh. "I have tread the path they will not! THE SAME ARE ASCENDANCE!" He points across the arena to where Archdeacon Provis is spitting out his drink in shock. "That FOOL and his lackeys would see us chase the Callers, but they knew not true greatness! THE SAME IS TRUE GREATNESS!" A variety of weapons sprout from his body as he laughs at the Archdeacon. "I AM CARANUS, ARCHDEACON OF THE SAME! SEND FORTH YOUR CHAMPIONS, AND SEE THEM RUINED!"

By the time Caranus finishes his speech, Provis and his henchmen are sprinting as fast as possible to the Kronin leader. If only the knowledge parasites boosted endurance in addition to intelligence! Quite exhausted by the time he arrives, the Archdeacon breathlessly attempts to explain. "Caranus... had a scheme... to convert the Same..." Provis coughs profusely, silvery phlegm splattering on the floor. "He was supposed to be dead... don't let him leave alive... give us the body..."

2019-10-31, 09:03 PM
Jack Ackar Silver vs Ty-Rone

Jack stepped into the arena, rolling his shoulders back, surreptitiously switching his pistols to 'stun'. Looking across at his opponent, he sees... a rodent? Ty-Rone, the horned capybara, crawls towards him. He glances around, but no-one seems to be stepping into fight him instead. He turns back to Ty, just as the little rat springs forth with alarming speed, right at his face! Jack rolls left, as Ty goes flying through where his head used to be.

Shrugging, Jack whips up his right pistol, and fires twice at the capybara. There is a slight crackle of energy as Ty shivers, and as the second bolt hits, jerks back three feet, falling still at the edge of the arena, seemingly unconscious. Jack drops the pistol back into his holster, and walks out, shaking his head, hoping for a more normal opponent next time.

2019-11-01, 05:55 PM
The Guide nods to the Ninurtine. "Let's see what we can find." After a little while longer the Transport comes up to another lair. "Judging by the tracks and the claw marks on the walls, I would say we got one about 27Kg

"Cheers, let's see whit he can dae," said Dub, as he stepped into the lair. "Whaur ur ye, ye great beastie?" As he looked around, his axe purred into life, a power field crackling along the blade edge.

The attack came suddenly, as the dragon lunged at him. "Och, yoo're faster than Ah thooght!" Dub cried, as he just leapt aside from the dragon's jaws. "Eh'd raither ye come back in one piece, but if yoo're gonnae be loch 'at-"

The head followed him, and he bashed it on the snout with the butt of his axe. Undeterred, the dragon lunged again, and he stepped aside before stepping back in at the base of its skull. Apparently realising what he was trying to do, the dragon twisted, but he managed to retain a decent grip, and hauled himself up until he was aside the dragon's neck.

"Quieten yerself doon," he said, and brough the axe down on the dragon's head, ending its struggles.

"Aye, nae bad," he observed to the guide as he emerged, "but ah daresay someain will hae taken a bigger un".

(OOC: Ivor has requested that I submit a combatant to allow Aed to enter the fray of the competition, so I'm adding a character to this event)

As the Grand Tournament is announced, a new electronically projected voice begins speaking to the arena. "You are fools! The lot of you!" The voice can be traced back to a far wall of the arena, where a man wearing charred garb of the Church of Iteus has taken to standing on the railing. "My kindred sought ascendance by looking to a long-dead creature polluting the oceans with its seed, but BEHOLD!" He tears off the outer robe, revealing a disturbing mechanization of his flesh. "I have tread the path they will not! THE SAME ARE ASCENDANCE!" He points across the arena to where Archdeacon Provis is spitting out his drink in shock. "That FOOL and his lackeys would see us chase the Callers, but they knew not true greatness! THE SAME IS TRUE GREATNESS!" A variety of weapons sprout from his body as he laughs at the Archdeacon. "I AM CARANUS, ARCHDEACON OF THE SAME! SEND FORTH YOUR CHAMPIONS, AND SEE THEM RUINED!"

By the time Caranus finishes his speech, Provis and his henchmen are sprinting as fast as possible to the Kronin leader. If only the knowledge parasites boosted endurance in addition to intelligence! Quite exhausted by the time he arrives, the Archdeacon breathlessly attempts to explain. "Caranus... had a scheme... to convert the Same..." Provis coughs profusely, silvery phlegm splattering on the floor. "He was supposed to be dead... don't let him leave alive... give us the body..."

Against the bluster of Caranus, Ayaka stepped into the arena silently. Humiliated at Nera, this was her people's first chance to demonstrate the value of the Tabine on the galactic stage, and to regain honour for the House of the Unconquered Crane. She discarded her hooded cloak, revealing her horns, and took what appeared to be a short rod from her belt before bowing to her opponent.

Then she moved. The rod extended into a flickering spear, which she launched at the priest of the Same even as he began to train his weapons. Without pausing to see whether she had struck home, she drew her sword and charged, coming just within range of Caranus's melee weapons before dropping to one knee and sliding to evade his counterattacks.

The Same priest was faster than she had thought - much faster. Two blades found their target, slashing her sleeve and cheek. But it was clear that for all his augmentations and enthusiasm, the priest had no true martial ability, and neither wound was sufficient to incapacitate. She lashed her own blade to the back of his legs and sprang to her feet. In a moment, she stood above him, sword raised over her head.

"Do you yield?"

2019-11-01, 07:17 PM
Bizarre Battle

Against the bluster of Caranus, Ayaka stepped into the arena silently. Humiliated at Nera, this was her people's first chance to demonstrate the value of the Tabine on the galactic stage, and to regain honour for the House of the Unconquered Crane. She discarded her hooded cloak, revealing her horns, and took what appeared to be a short rod from her belt before bowing to her opponent.

Then she moved. The rod extended into a flickering spear, which she launched at the priest of the Same even as he began to train his weapons. Without pausing to see whether she had struck home, she drew her sword and charged, coming just within range of Caranus's melee weapons before dropping to one knee and sliding to evade his counterattacks.

The Same priest was faster than she had thought - much faster. Two blades found their target, slashing her sleeve and cheek. But it was clear that for all his augmentations and enthusiasm, the priest had no true martial ability, and neither wound was sufficient to incapacitate. She lashed her own blade to the back of his legs and sprang to her feet. In a moment, she stood above him, sword raised over her head.

"Do you yield?"

The sword held above her head was her great mistake. Rocket thrusters emerge from Caranus' mechanized shoulders, and in the time it takes Ayaka to swing the blade downwards the lunatic has jetted away on the floor. "USELESS! You are no match for my power!" Caranus' thrusters take him up into the sky, a missile launcher emerging from his chest. "Your blood will stand as a testament to TRUE GREATNESS!"

A gust of smoke sputters out of the launcher, sparks flying from the damage Ayaka has done. "WHAT?!" Suddenly one of his thrusters explodes, the other one spiraling him out of the arena uncontrollably. "You fool! You only delay your demise at the hands of the Same!" He quickly falls outside of the arena, and it is well apparent that Ayaka is the victor.

As soon as Caranus is out of view, Archdeacon Provis has also vanished in pursuit.

2019-11-03, 07:08 PM
Mechanically Minded - Dawnstar Dominion

Feminine-Glitter-Fruit-Blossom EdgeSkimmer TwinFords, nineteenth Speaker of the Church of the Balanced Edge, and a Once-Proven Saint, was comfortable here. It wasn't the tournament that made her feel at home - though such contests were certainly familiar, EdgeSkimmers more pitted their Creations, not themselves, against each other. No, it was the slow tension in the air, sharp as a spring morning, that put her at ease. She'd made her way to Speaker through such affairs as this, and she wore the role of 'beleaguered diplomat' like a second coat of scales. So her cheeks lift as the Dasari approached with...she remembered reading about them. The Errys? Something like that. The Dasari officer appeared to be the less dominant of the pair, which was certainly unusual.

And then she heard a voice, without seeing any corresponding movement from the Dasari. Immediately, it sounded...wrong, somehow. Her scales itched. It was the Eris, speaking, then - she spoke as though she were subservient to the Dasari, at least, calling them 'Master'. She glanced at her companions - Sorren appeared unimpressed, and Feminine-Glitter-Fruit-Blossom was accustomed enough to tell that she was hiding both impatience and curiosity. A good trait, the latter, but in this case it told the Speaker, to her concern, that the Dasari general had not heard the same thing Glitter-Fruit-Blossom had, at the very least. Grace was, of course, the picture of propriety, meanwhile. As the traditional representative of the God-Speaker, she would be obliged to be the one to respond if she'd heard what Glitter-Fruit-Blossom had. The Eris could speak directly and selectively, then, without letting others hear. And with a cowed Dasari officer...it set her on edge.

Very well. This conference had been too comfortable for her liking anyway.

"Unfortunately the God-Speaker was unable to accompany us here, but if you'd like to arrange transport to Rhosh, I'm sure she would be happy to meet with you. Though it is not my place to say, the Revered Ones would almost certainly be happy for the opportunity as well."

As she'd thought, Grace's head turned very slightly towards her, with one eyebrow raised. The EdgeSkimmer pretended not to notice, but was pleased, on some level, to see her theory proven correct so rapidly. Someone with these abilities wouldn't be meeting her God-Speaker in unfamiliar territory if she had anything to say about it. Sorren, on the other hand, was distracted by the call to the tournaments beginning.

Children Of Stars - Lyraens

">>> Your name is a good name, Gutri-House-Lord, and my gratitude is given for your admiration! <<<"
Cold-Storm-Rider extended one arm in a similar fashion to the Lyraen, though with their significantly greater height, it was nowhere near enough to shake Tra Gutri's paw. Perhaps, given their size and apparent temperature, this was the better option?

">>> The Rust-Speakers of my Hosts have much illuminated me of your people, Gutri-House-Lord! I have been hopeful to meet one like you throughout our journey to this planet! They have told me - " another pause as more gases are vented, before they continue. The residual heat is almost oppressive, offset only by the robot(?)'s very apparent good cheer. " - that your people are born of the Stars, as are mine! Is this Ool you speak of also born of Stars? Into your birth-star, may I inquire? Never have I tasted the ground of any star but my people's - would a visit to Lyrae be conceived? <<<"

As they speak, their form gradually got closer; the viewports brighter, their posture more looming, until they were practically crouched over Tra Gutri like a child over a new toy. The climate control did not keep it from being sweltering, in such close proximity to their suit.

2019-11-03, 09:03 PM
Tezh - 'Well, that's unique'
Taking note from doing general care from the partying around the festivities as the Tezh delegation approaches, Brigid in the fore her body showing obvious injury. "Hello Brigid, my name is Trask, and I would be happy to help you out. Let me just take a look at what is wrong, just stand there for a moment and let me get a full look at what's wrong."
In comparison to Brigid the just over one meter tall Shu, snaps a pair of goggles down over his eyes and mutters a few words and then a holographic representation of Brigid's internal systems appears next to her, mirroring her moves.
"Well, Transative Speaker, I must say that you did quite a number on several things here. I see 2 broken ribs with several others fractured, a broken arm, in a way that I must say, you are a very tough female to even be alive after, bruising over, well, let's just say extensive bruising and what I would normally judge to be a concussion, but I'm never truly certain with alien anatomy. The left arm, I will leave to the Tezh as that kind of prosthetic is outside my direct abilities to adjust. Now, just hold still here for a moment, and do try not to itch."
Trask tabs some of the blood from an exposed cut and puts it into a compartment on his gloved hand then looks to concentrate. Brigid feels her ribs moving slightly and then snap back into place, with an intense itching sensation following. Looking to the image shows the fractures and break to be completely healed. His hand then moving over the right arms make quick pulling motions and put them back to rights with itching to follow. A nearby floating drone then mists a light glowing liquid over the back and side where all of the bruising was present and while not healed, the pain and heat from them die down.
After completing an assistant hands both Trask and Brigid a cup of a lightly glowing liquid. "To your health, " Trask says raising his cup and starts to drink. Sitting down on a nearby stool he looks up to the looming figure with a smile, "So, tell me a story."
As they talk all materials with any trace of blood or bio matter are visibly destroyed with any other tools cleansed within the sight of Brigid.

2019-11-04, 06:08 PM
Wait.. what?

Tezh - 'Well, that's unique'
Taking note from doing general care from the partying around the festivities as the Tezh delegation approaches, Brigid in the fore her body showing obvious injury. "Hello Brigid, my name is Trask, and I would be happy to help you out. Let me just take a look at what is wrong, just stand there for a moment and let me get a full look at what's wrong."
In comparison to Brigid the just over one meter tall Shu, snaps a pair of goggles down over his eyes and mutters a few words and then a holographic representation of Brigid's internal systems appears next to her, mirroring her moves.
"Well, Transative Speaker, I must say that you did quite a number on several things here. I see 2 broken ribs with several others fractured, a broken arm, in a way that I must say, you are a very tough female to even be alive after, bruising over, well, let's just say extensive bruising and what I would normally judge to be a concussion, but I'm never truly certain with alien anatomy. The left arm, I will leave to the Tezh as that kind of prosthetic is outside my direct abilities to adjust. Now, just hold still here for a moment, and do try not to itch."
Trask tabs some of the blood from an exposed cut and puts it into a compartment on his gloved hand then looks to concentrate. Brigid feels her ribs moving slightly and then snap back into place, with an intense itching sensation following. Looking to the image shows the fractures and break to be completely healed. His hand then moving over the right arms make quick pulling motions and put them back to rights with itching to follow. A nearby floating drone then mists a light glowing liquid over the back and side where all of the bruising was present and while not healed, the pain and heat from them die down.
After completing an assistant hands both Trask and Brigid a cup of a lightly glowing liquid. "To your health, " Trask says raising his cup and starts to drink. Sitting down on a nearby stool he looks up to the looming figure with a smile, "So, tell me a story."
As they talk all materials with any trace of blood or bio matter are visibly destroyed with any other tools cleansed within the sight of Brigid.

Brigid shrugs as she looks down at the comparatively short Shu, the tatters of her environment suit shifting as she makes the unconscious movement and then immediately regrets it as everything hurts "A healer and a sweet talker, you are.." the translator talks over her growling feline voice then stops as the woman chuckles "Yeah.. that dragon gave me what-for, alright - though I've had worse. And don't worry about this thing, it's practically indestructible - far more than I am" raising her still pristine looking Tezh-tech prosthetic left arms slightly to illustrate the point.

Nodding slightly at the instruction to hold still, she draws herself up to a neutral pose, right arms dangling limply - still useless - while her left rest comfortably. As Trask starts to work, her eyes squint and she grits her teeth from the weird sensations as things are put back in place. As bones are knit it's more a bizarre kind of tickling than itching and she can't help but draw a deep breath as her short pelt stands on end and whiskers bristle, gasping like she was just dunked in cold water. Tail and tendrils all writhing slightly at the intensity and uncontrollable adrenaline surge, all four hands clenching and clawing the air at her sides as the effect ends.

Pulse racing, pupils dilated, tail thrashing, she looks down at the Shu and growls impishly as she takes the offered cup "Normally there's dinner and other adventures involved before someone gets under my skin and sets my heart racing like that." knocking the drink back in a gulp and licking her lip to clean a spot before handing the vessel back with her now functional hand "To health."

She looks the Etherite doctor up and down as if considering and then begins unfastening the remains of the environmental suit. The fastener gets stuck about a third the way down her chest and she growls in irritation, getting a grip on the material with all four hands and ripping it open with a violent jerk, shredding the suit to below her waist. Shrugging out of the damaged gear and shucking it down to her feet she steps to the side and kicks it away a short distance, now fully unclothed. Looking down to find herself still grungy and caked with dried blood though thankfully no longer losing any of the precious substance, muttering something in the throaty Stozudal language - something that doesn't get translated.

Right as she shifts her glance back to Trask, an oblong object floats into the room about hip height to Brigid. It is about half a meter on it's longest edge with overall 2:3:5 proportions and the Consensus Diplomatic seal glowing softly on the flat top, with a soft hum of energy systems it moves over to the Stozudal woman and waits.

"Thank you, perfect timing" she says politely to the apparent Tezh service frame and lays a palm to one side of the top surface, which prompts a panel to pop open. Reaching inside she pulls out a garment that she snaps in the air to unfold before bending over to don the replacement clothes - a comfortable looking loose BDU style jumpsuit with no arms.

Looking back to the Shu "A story, huh..? Maybe a meal to go with that drink, as well" Brigid flashes a fanged devilish grin at him "As long as we're all out of whack on the order of things, why not add a shower too.." tail flicking with mischievous amusement.