View Full Version : New Feats - Replace Class Abilities?

2019-10-22, 09:18 PM
So I have a player that really wants to play a Legendary Captain style character but does not want to go down the PrC.

I have generally not had much of an issue with giving players extra feats as rewards, would it be too powerful to make a feat line to mimic a classes abilities?

For example a new feat that gives a player this sort of ability:
Wind at Your Back (Ex): On reaching 4th level (REMOVE THE LEVEL REQ), you can use your mastery of navigation to coax additional speed from your ship by directing the most efficient placement of sails or encouraging rowers to exert themselves. A ship you captain moves 20% faster (minimum of +5 feet).

Perhaps add in some pre-requisites but would that be too OP or anything? I dont think it would but...as abilities get stronger, just add more pre-req's maybe?

2019-10-22, 09:22 PM
It's a really weak ability, only relevant in a small number of situations, and otherwise purely for flavour. I would say it's too weak to be a feat.

2019-10-22, 09:25 PM
It was just a sample.

How about this:
Fleet Admiral (Ex): At 10th level, your phenomenal leadership skills allow you to assist the crews of allies' ships as well as your own. You can use the aid another action to confer a +2 morale bonus on checks made by the crews of a number of additional ships equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum one extra ship) within signaling distance (1 mile in clear conditions). You grant a +4 morale bonus on allied captains' Profession (sailor) checks to gain the advantage in combat, and they gain the same benefits you confer. In addition, when aiding the actions of your own crew, you confer a +4 bonus instead of +2 on a successful check.

2019-10-22, 09:42 PM
Or another example would be the Collective ability from Pathfinder is one I have been asked about recently.

2019-10-22, 11:15 PM
Replacing feats with class features is basically what Variant Multiclassing does. (They're pretty uneven in terms of how good they are though.)

2019-10-22, 11:58 PM
The pre-reqs for feats below should include Great Captain, and perhaps only require that feat.

I'd allow as individual feats Legendary Captain's Leadership, Luck of the Wind 2/day and Fleet Admiral. Since Fleet Admiral is a sort of capstone it might require other feat(s) here as pre-reqs. Perhaps any X number of them. Legendary Captain's Leadership of course has regular Leadership as a pre-req. To avoid confusion you might call it "Improved Followers".
I'd group Weather Gauge, Uncanny Navigation, Wind at Your Back, Legendary Helm and Misdirect into a single feat. Perhaps "Legendary Navigator".
I'd group Accelerated Firing, Rake and Splice the Main Brace into a single feat. Perhaps "Ship Command".

So 5 feats total, 6 including Great Captain. For easier access perhaps you could let other classes take them as bonus feats in place of their regular bonus feats. If you squint really hard I think all except Luck of the Wind could be made available to fighters, for example. And it's not that much of a stretch when you consider the prerequisites of Great Captain are still required.