View Full Version : DM Help Red Hand of Doom/Legacy of Fire mashup?

Mad Max
2019-10-24, 12:34 AM
This is a bit of a weird situation, and I'll be kind of surprised if anyone can actually help out, but I figured it's worth a shot! I've offered to run a game for my d&d group, and they are kind of split down the middle about whether they want to play Red Hand of Doom or Legacy of Fire. One of them asked if we can combine them, and I dismissed the idea at first, but then I got to thinking...

Would it be possible to combine them in a way that gets the best of both worlds? I was thinking this:
Legacy of Fire #1-#2, Red Hand of Doom (relocated to a desert/jungle, adding in some Djinn elements and storyline ties to the Legacy of Fire), then back to Legacy of Fire #5-#6 for the finale (removing the Fane of Tiamat and replacing the Tiamat elements with Fire-Plane themes). Obviously it would take some elbow grease, but is anyone familiar enough with these adventures to say whether it would or wouldn't work? I would appreciate any ideas you guys have on the subject.

I have about two months before I take over fully, so I have plenty of time to experiment. My alternative is trying to get my group to compromise, which is notoriously difficult :smalltongue:.

2019-10-24, 03:16 AM
Red Hand of Doom is such an easily discerned adventure template you can pretty much replace everything in it if you want, and the fane at the end is kinda superfluous to the point that it's better left aside unless you make an effort to set it up as important before the big battle. Bookending it with another adventure should have zero problems.

I don't know anything about this Legacy of Fire, but that's going to be the only real potential problem I'd think, since you're cutting out the two middle chapters. So is it like War of the Burning Sky where you could skip the chapters you don't like and still have a decent story whatever filler you used, or is it a proper continuing narrative that will need to be transposed into RHoD?

Mad Max
2019-10-24, 11:51 PM
So is it like War of the Burning Sky where you could skip the chapters you don't like and still have a decent story whatever filler you used, or is it a proper continuing narrative that will need to be transposed into RHoD?

It's a little of both. It is a continuous narrative, but of it's 6 chapters, the middle two aren't that vital. The first two chapters establish the story, and the final two conclude it, but the middle ones just connect the other parts.

LoF is about a Jaan who's trying to invade the material plane with an efreeti army. In theory, I figured I would just sprinkle a bit of Efreeti stuff throughout Red Hand of Doom, and then rewrite it so the hobgoblins are a spearhead for the Efreeti. Then, instead of going to the Fane, the party would go to the City of Brass (which is what happens in Legacy of Fire) to confront the villain.

2019-10-25, 09:27 AM
Legacy of doom and red hand of fire both work. There is no problem with either.

2019-10-25, 09:53 AM
It's a little of both. It is a continuous narrative, but of it's 6 chapters, the middle two aren't that vital. The first two chapters establish the story, and the final two conclude it, but the middle ones just connect the other parts.

LoF is about a Jaan who's trying to invade the material plane with an efreeti army. In theory, I figured I would just sprinkle a bit of Efreeti stuff throughout Red Hand of Doom, and then rewrite it so the hobgoblins are a spearhead for the Efreeti. Then, instead of going to the Fane, the party would go to the City of Brass (which is what happens in Legacy of Fire) to confront the villain.
I think this will work fine. Maybe repurpose the Fane as the gateway to the City of Brass?

Are there any encounters from LoF that can be sprinkled throughout the encounters for RHoD? There would give you some continuity for LoF and help leaven the RHoD encounters.

2019-10-30, 08:58 AM
Also, huge thread of suggestions, ideas, and accounts here: