View Full Version : Botanical Homunculus

2019-10-24, 11:34 AM
So I recently started a new campaign with a new character: Elmer the gnome artificer. He is an alchemist that is marrying the worlds of both the tinker and forest gnomes through the power of BOTANY. He recently got to level 3 and now i need ideas for a homunculus assistant.

Im thinking something plant or garden themed.

Any suggestions?

2019-10-24, 01:03 PM
How about made from reeds and flowers with acorn eyes?

2019-10-24, 01:28 PM

2019-10-24, 01:47 PM
Have a look at the 3.5 spell “beget bogun“, or just make a picture search of it via google. It was printed in Spell Compendium.

The bogun was actually some kind of druid homunculus in 3.5, but perhaps thematically fitting for you!

Ah, I found it. Thats the picture I remember:

2019-10-24, 02:44 PM
Bill and Ben the flower pot men?

2019-10-24, 03:17 PM
Treat it like a mount, then get your hands on a Golem Arcana piece called the Zikia Nightshade.

2019-10-26, 04:34 AM
Well, lets see.

The alchemical homunculus is a tiny flying construct. As such, I've created four for you with their own theme. Cause I'm silly.

A small, floating flower bud (think a lotus) that uses the bottom petals as psudo-propellers. The bud itself is shaped almost like a cauldron, where it holds it's alchemical substances. When it isn't flying, it rests behind your ear, or looks like an button or broachlike ornament on your outfit (https://en.bcdn.biz/Images/2018/3/20/9a6379ec-e95e-4685-b523-09725d0508de.jpg)

A small, floating, lion like creature. It's mane has been replaced with the cotton like spores of a dandylion, which it uses to float thanks to it's latent use of the bouancy ability. It typically shakes it's mane to share it's spores, all of which contain it's alchemical abilities. He's a rowdy fella and over protective of his creator. It adores your alchemical sachel and rides there, peaking out of the top to be mistaken as some kind of plush toy.

This is a more typical look familiar design. Basicly a pixie or spirte (perhaps even doll like), dressed in flowery garb and a matching set of flower wings. Dusts people for the little alchemy pouch it has. It has a habit of trying to mimick your clothing style, as if it is a junior alchemy apprentice learning from a master.

A garden spider, suspended from small vinelike web that acutally originates from you. You'd managed to create a creature that is able to make near invisible but delicate threads. It uses this thread to simulate flight to the naked eye, though it is really just swinging and crawling from vine to vine. It's favourite place is your shoulder or your hair. It's stores all of it's alchemical contents in it's thorax, and uses spittle transfer it

Dandy is my favourite, followed by Buddy =p