View Full Version : St. Cuthbert Sect

2019-10-24, 02:13 PM
So I’m incorporating a sect of St. Cuthbert into my campaign. In this setting, St. Cuthbert is said to have gained his godhood by giving his mortal life to banish dragons and yuan ti from the material realm.

I don’t like the feel of Cuthbertines being ascetic lawful do-gooders, and wanted to add a bit of interesting flavor to the sect. Maybe some “good morals in theory, bad deeds in practice”.

I really value the suggestions of the playground and can’t wait to hear some input. Thanks in advance!

2019-10-24, 02:15 PM
So I’m incorporating a sect of St. Cuthbert into my campaign. In this setting, St. Cuthbert is said to have gained his godhood by giving his mortal life to banish dragons and yuan ti from the material realm.

I don’t like the feel of Cuthbertines being ascetic lawful do-gooders, and wanted to add a bit of interesting flavor to the sect. Maybe some “good morals in theory, bad deeds in practice”.

I really value the suggestions of the playground and can’t wait to hear some input. Thanks in advance!

Perhaps you could add some "Mage vs Templar" conflict in the setting, similar to Dragon Age, Origins. Basically, there's some kind of over arching threat that the Cuthberites are standing against, and while that is a noble goal, they could be doing iffy/not so good ethically questionable things to protect others.

2019-10-24, 02:17 PM
What always works is somekind of double standard. Let them demand tolerance towards their faith, while absolutely not giving it in return.

Other people converting to “us“? Let them go, fellow gods, and follow their own conscience. Our followers leaving our church? The cudgel of St Cuthberth awaits you, if you dare to leave!

2019-10-24, 03:10 PM
Mödley Crüe: As Cuthbert is an established D&D deity, this is permissible discussion for now. Pre-emptive warning: keep ALL real-world references and discussion of the identically similarly named religious figure off of the forums.

2019-10-24, 07:26 PM
Here I thought St. C was LN, but I looked at a wiki page and IDK anymore.
How about St. C commands his followers to destroy the enemies of the good races, which the Cuthbertites often take too far?
Wild sorcerers. Warlocks of any kind. Anyone who knows a necromancy spell - not just zombie making, but like 'false life' or 'enervation'.
If it is at all tangentially related to stuff that could be bad, they want to destroy it.

2019-10-25, 10:40 PM
I played a cleric of St Cuthbert in a 3.5E game. My concept was he belonged to a sect called the "Fist of St Cuthbert" - which took the law and order part of his message a bit too far. They viewed themselves as morally justified to pass judgment on anyone, and then administer what they viewed as appropriate punishment. Basically, like Judge Dredd - judge, jury, and executioner.

He was a very LN character, interestingly over time he became a good friend with a CG character. They started rubbing off on each other - my character became a little less "law and order" (more good) and the other character became a little less free-wheeling (less chaotic but still good).

2019-10-25, 11:17 PM
I think "the LG organization is secretly corrupt" is old hat. I wouldn't do that.

I'd be more inclined to make them either unabashedly LN or perhaps LE. "The Law is the Law, regardless of what it costs us. Or you."

2019-10-26, 09:54 AM

If you haven't seen it, take a look at the entry above, especially about the Worshipers and different orders within his church, and the scriptures and dogma.

Saint Cuthbert's priesthood is divided into three major orders.

The Chapeaux, whose symbol is a crumpled hat, seek to convert people into their faith. They are equally divided between lawful good and lawful neutral characters. Paladins of Saint Cuthbert, known as Votaries or Communicants, have an honorary position in the Order of the Chapeaux. Their role is not just to convert others, but to actually fight enemies of the faith.
The Stars, whose symbol is a starburst, seek to enforce doctrinal purity among those already dedicated to the saint. Most are lawful neutral, and they do not shy from using mind-reading magic in order to ensure that even the private thoughts of their flock are pure.
The Billets are the most numerous of Saint Cuthbert's clergy. Most are lawful good, and they seek to minister to and protect the faithful. These are well-beloved by the common folk. Their symbol is a wooden club. The Chapeaux often come into conflict with the Billets, because the former order wants to seek new converts while the latter wants to care for the worshipers they already have.