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2019-10-25, 05:04 AM
When I first ported the Iron Chef Optimisation Challenge over to the Playground from Brilliant Gameologists, almost 10 years ago, I had no idea that it would take off so hard and become such a fixture of this subforum. I had no idea that it would continue long after I stepped down the first time, after five contests. I had no idea that it would cycle through another five chairs before I stepped into the seat again, and that I'd take it through another 40 contests and five years. There are so many ridiculous and terrible prestige classes in this game, there's ingredients to keep going for a long time to come. This contest has followed me through some enormous life events - I've come out, graduated, found a job, changed jobs, moved across the country, had surgery, and I imagine that all of you have changed similarly over the last ten years.

Some fun stats, powered by the incredibly useful spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oyjVU5JmeCnC8YTMqDArDqE5PszHl0Ysadz630kuTGk/edit?ts=59a4835f#gid=0) started by OMG PONIES and now maintained by Wolfem:

The Viscount has the most gold medals, with 10! Well done! Closely following are Piggy Knowles and OMG PONIES who have 8 each. Zaq has 6, and WhamBamSam, Macabaret, Darrin, Amphetreyon and Akal Saris all have 4 apiece.

In terms of overall podium places, the top three are the same, though in a different order! Piggy Knowles has 27(!) total medals, The Viscount has 21, and OMG PONIES has 17.

The most popular rounds were XXXIV: Dragon Disciple, XLV: Talon of Tiamat, and LII: Anointed Knight, which all had a whopping 23 entries! The smallest rounds were LXXII: Silver Key, LXXVII: Great Rift Skyguard, LXXXIV: Waverider, and XCV: Gnomish Artificer, which each had 4 entries.

The highest ever scoring build was Darrin's Maladrax SeDuplicus, in XCV: Gnomish Artificer, which scored perfect 5s across the board!

The most judges a single contest has had is 5; this has happened 10 times, the most recent being LXXII: Silver Key. The most prolific judge is OMG PONIES with 22 contests judged, followed by Kesnit with 11, and Darrin with 8.

It's been a privilege to be chair for almost half of the last hundred threads. Thank you for continuing to be enthusiastic about making wonderful builds out of awful prestige classes! I hope that someone else takes up the chair and leads the contest on into the future - and who knows, if it's still running in a few more years I might just sit in this seat again. Here's to another hundred threads! But for now, for the last time as your chairwoman:

A dimly-lit library. Rows of bookshelves line the walls, and as the camera slowly pans over them, we see that they are filled with gaming books. From the original brown-cover D&D manuals to the newest fifth edition supplements, we are given a brief but breathtaking history of over four decades of gaming in visual form.

A pair of feet, clad in Converse, appear. The camera pans back to reveal the Chairwoman as she strides out into Optimization Stadium. Slowly, she looks around at the battleground. Rapidly, we are shown shots of the gaming materials here assembled: books, miniatures, maps, dice. The Chairwoman reaches down and picks up a twenty-sided die. She rolls it, then turns to the camera... and smiles.

The camera pulls back from the smile to reveal... the Iron Gamers. Row upon row they stand, clad in the uniform of their trade: t-shirts with fantasy images, buttons with obscure quotes from novels and movies, dice bags at the ready. The shot dissolves into flames and the logo:

Iron Gamer

A montage of the contestants plays, with summaries of their optimisation triumphs and achievements. Interspersed are brief interviews. Finally, though, the introductions are over. The contestants stand arrayed before the Chairwoman.

Chairwoman: We unveil the ingredient!

Tense music plays as the pedestal containing the mystery ingredient rises from below. Stacked neatly on the pedestal are copies of the Wizards of the Coast online archives.

Chairwoman: This month's theme is... Swiftblade! (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070327) ALLEZ OPTIMISER!

Welcome, contestants, judges, and guests to Iron Chef C. Here in Optimisation Colosseum, contestants will endeavour to create an optimised and flavourful character using a specified D&D3.5 prestige class as a "Secret Ingredient".

Contestants: You will need to present a full 20-level build for your entry. Also required is a rundown of how your build works at lower levels, to demonstrate that it is a functional character that could be played from 1-20 in a real game. Traditionally contestants give "snapshots" of tactics and abilities at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20, as well as a "sweet spot" of their choosing that represents what they believe to be the high point of the build. The purpose of these snapshots is not just to showcase your use of the SI, it is to demonstrate that your character is playable at every level. For this reason, it's still worth giving a snapshot before you have entered the SI.

Menu: The "special ingredient" can be drawn from any legal source. Originally, the plan was to mostly use Core and Completes, but that was a long time ago, and we've started running out of interesting classes to use if we restrict ourselves to those.

32 point-buy is the presumed creation method, but we have generally allowed other levels of point-buy.
If you do use a different point-buy, please make your case for its necessity in your entry. Keep in mind that for using exceptionally large or small point-buys may warrant deductions in elegance and/or power.

Kitchen: Competitors will be free to use any official 3.5 rulebook in constructing their builds. Dragon magazine is disallowed, and Unearthed Arcana is allowed; but see Elegance below. Web-exclusive 3.0 or 3.5 materials by WotC are expressly allowed, but take care to verify that an updated version did not appear in print elsewhere, as this may cause an Elegance deduction at the judges' discretion. Alternate rule systems from UA such as gestalt or Generic Classes are not allowed, as they create a different playing field. Also, item familiars are forbidden because I hate 'em. Please refrain from using Taint unless it's necessary for the Secret Ingredient.
NB: Official Errata and 3.5 updates to 3.0 content are considered valid regardless of whether their sources would otherwise be legal. This includes the 3.5 update of Oriental Adventures given in Dragon Magazine, and the 3.5 updates of Dragonlance Campaign Setting content given in later third party Dragonlance books.

Cooking Time: Contestants will have until 07:59 GMT on Tuesday, November 19th, 2019 to create their builds and PM them to the Chairwoman, Heliomance. Please put the name of your build in the subject line of your PM. Builds will then be posted simultaneously, to avoid copying. Judges will have until 07:59 GMT on December 3rd, 2019 to judge the builds and submit their scores. If no judges have scored by that point, only the scores of the first judge to submit will be counted.

Judging: Judging will be based on the following criteria, with each build rated on a scale from 1 (very poor) to 5 (exemplary) in each area: Originality, Power, Elegance, Use of Secret Ingredient.

Power level is up to you. Cheese is acceptable, but should be kept to a sane level unless you're showcasing a new TO build you've discovered. In the words of one of my predecessors, a little cheddar can be nice, but avoid the mature Gruyere unless you're making a cheese fondue.
Elegance could bear a little elaboration. It basically measures how skillfully you put your build together, and whether you sacrificed flavor for power. We're cooking here - if your dish doesn't taste good, it doesn't matter how well-presented it is. Use of flaws is considered in poor taste, and judges are asked to take a dim view of this option, taking it into account while grading. Other things that will cause penalties here are excessive multi-classing, and classes that don't fit the concept - using Cloistered Cleric in a front-line melee fighter, for example, will lose you points.Please note the following change: a legal source's relative obscurity should not be considered as penalizing Elegance, excepting the aforementioned issues with Unearthed Arcana. Using too many sources may result in a penalty to Elegance at the judges' discretion, but a book's relative obscurity may not. In that same vein, drawing solely from the Core 3 (and the d20 SRD) should not be punished for lacking Originality.
Presentation: Builds will be posted anonymously, in order to avoid the potential of bias towards a particular competitor. For this reason, please don't put your name in the build, as I'm likely to miss it when reviewing the entries!

Due to concerns about standardizing entry format, I'd like everyone to try to use the following table for their entry.NAME OF ENTRY

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

Code immediately below (spoiler).

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

For entries with spellcasting, use the following table for Spells per day and Spells Known. (Spells Known only if necessary, i.e. Sorcerer or Bard, but not Wizard or Warmage)Spells per Day/Spells Known
Spells per Day/Spells Known






















Code immediately below (spoiler)Spells per Day/Spells Known
Spells per Day/Spells Known






















For other systems (Psionics, ToB, Incarnum, etc.) keep track of PP/maneuvers/essentia separately, preferably in a nice neat list.
Speculation: Please don't post or speculate on possible builds until the "reveal," in order to avoid spoiling the surprise if a particular competitor is producing a build along those lines.

Leadership is banned; we're producing a meal, not a seven-course banquet for a hundred diners. If your entry includes a prestige class or ACF that grants Leadership or a Leadership-like ability as a bonus feat, the feat should be ignored and is not eligible to be traded away for another feat or ACF through any means.

So! Who wants to sign up as a contestant, and who wants to sign up as a judge? Looking for as many contestants and judges as feel like playing!

We will award 1st through 3rd places, as well as a shout-out for honourable mention. The honourable mention prize is given to the most daring or unexpected build. Judges, contestants and guests alike are invited to vote for honourable mention via PM. If there are no votes, Honourable Mention will go to the chairwoman's favourite build.

The Builds

Past Competitions

Courtesy of some wonderful volunteers, there is a handy-dandy spreadsheet guide to all previous builds here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oyjVU5JmeCnC8YTMqDArDqE5PszHl0Ysadz630kuTGk/edit?ts=59a4835f#gid=0).

Iron Chef I: Entropomancer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=142470)
Iron Chef II: Psibond Agent (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=146583)
Iron Chef III: Cancer Mage (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148584)
Iron Chef IV: Stonelord (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=150595)
Iron Chef V: War Chanter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=152543)
Iron Chef VI: Master of Masks (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=156876)
Iron Chef VII: Green Star Adept (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=158633)
Iron Chef VIII: Pyrokineticist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=160266)
Iron Chef IX: Animal Lord (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=162702)
Iron Chef X: Mythic Exemplar (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=164381)
Iron Chef XI: Blade Bravo (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=166539)
Iron Chef XII: War Mind (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9426386)
Iron Chef XIII: Vigilante (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=172233)
Iron Chef XIV: Seeker of the Song (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=174434)
Iron Chef XV: Drunken Master (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=176049)
Iron Chef XVI: Assassin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=178202)
Iron Chef XVII: Ardent Dilettante (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=182492)
Iron Chef XVIII: Unseelie Dark Hunter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=186097)
Iron Chef XIX: Dread Pirate (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=190607)
Iron Chef XX: Incandescent Champion (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10976416)
Iron Chef XXI: Ghostwalker (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=198921)
Iron Chef XXII: Dervish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=206576)
Iron Chef XXIII: Divine Crusader (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=210071)
Iron Chef XXIV: Tactical Soldier (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=214198)
Iron Chef XXV: Scion of Tem-Et-Nu (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=217441)
Iron Chef XXVI: Shadowdancer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=220956)
Iron Chef XXVII: Mindbender (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=224008)
Iron Chef XXVIII: Cryokineticist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=227304)
Iron Chef XXIX: Consecrated Harrier (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=229688)
Iron Chef XXX: Initiate of Pistis Sophia (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=233346)
Iron Chef XXXI: Shadow Sentinel (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=236908)
Iron Chef XXXII: Temple Raider of Olidammara (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=239786)
Iron Chef XXXIII: Drow Judicator (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=243052)
Iron Chef XXXIV: Dragon Disciple (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=246072)
Iron Chef XXXV: Death Delver (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=249542)
Iron Chef XXXVI: Acolyte of the Skin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=252923)
Iron Chef XXXVII: Justiciar (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13865473)
Iron Chef XXXVIII: Hand of the Winged Master (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=255215)
Iron Chef XXXIX: Renegade Mastermaker (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=260333)
Iron Chef XL: Nightsong Infiltrator (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=263173)
Iron Chef XLI: Geomancer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=266709)
Iron Chef XLII: Shadowblade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=270196)
Iron Chef XLIII: Bladesinger (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=274122)
Iron Chef XLIV: Urban Soul (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=279116)
Iron Chef XLV: Talon of Tiamat (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15216595)
Iron Chef XLVI: Cipher Adept (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=287314)
Iron Chef XLVII: Cold Iron Warrior (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=291294)
Iron Chef XLVIII: Shadow Sun Ninja (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=297327)
Iron Chef XLIX: Thrall to Orcus (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=302487)
Iron Chef L: Corrupt Avenger (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=307823)
Iron Chef LI: Black Flame Zealot (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=312773)
Iron Chef LII: Anointed Knight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=317934)
Iron Chef LIII: Zerth Cenobite (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=325164)
Iron Chef LIV: Osteomancer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=330890)
Iron Chef LV: Mountebank (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?336373-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LV)
Iron Chef LVI: Dwarven Defender (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?342807-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LVI)
Iron Chef LVII: Darkrunner (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?349040-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LVII)
Iron Chef LVIII: Spellsword (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?357412-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LVIII)
Iron Chef LIX: Fleet Runner of Ehlonna (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?364667-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LIX)
Iron Chef LX: Lasher (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?371835-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LX)
Iron Chef LX(II): Acolyte of the Ego (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?372145-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LX)
Iron Chef LXII: Dungeon Lord (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?376810-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXII)
Iron Chef LXIII: Witchborn Binder (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?382632-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXIII)
Iron Chef LXIV: Slime Lord (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?387166-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXIV)
Iron Chef LXV: Thunder Guide (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?394981-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXV)
Iron Chef LXVI: Dwarven Chanter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?400810-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXVI)
Irogn Chef LXVII: Gnome Giant Slayer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?406613-Irogn-Chef-Optimisatiogn-Challegnge-ign-the-Playgrougnd-LXVII)
Iron Chef LXVIII: Fang of Lolth (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?412530-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXVIII)
Iron Chef LXIX: Shiba Protector (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?420165-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXIX)
Iron Chef LXX: Order of the Bow Initiate (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?425634-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXX)
Iron Chef LXXI: Silver Key (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?431484-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXXI)
Iron Chef LXXII: Spellfire Channeler (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?439020-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXXII)
Iron Chef LXXIII: Flux Adept (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?448596-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXXIII)
Iron Chef LXXIV: Crinti Shadow Marauder (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?458711-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXXIV)
Iron Chef LXXV: Thief of Life (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?472831-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXXV)
Iron Chef LXXVI: Legacy Champion (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?477153-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXXVI)
Iron Chef LXXVII: Great Rift Skyguard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?482249-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXXVII)
Iron Chef LXVIII: Risen Martyr (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?487560-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXXVIII)
Iron Chef LXXIX: Black Blood Hunter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?492923-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXXIX)
Iron Chef LXXX: Master of Many Forms (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?498359-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXXX)
Iron Chef LXXXI: Serene Guardian (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?502666-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXXXI)
Iron Chef LXXXII: Elocator (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?505762-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXXXII)
Iron Chef LXXXIII: Winterhaunt of Iboorighu (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?510581-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXXXIII)
Iron Chef LXXXIV: Waverider (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?514631-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXXXIV)
Iron Chef LXXXV: Astral Dancer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?519296-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXXXV)
Iron Chef LXXXVI: Twisted Lord (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?525401-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXXXVI)
Iron Chef LXXXVII: Shadowsmith (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?528361-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXXXVII)
Iron Chef LXXXVIII: Arboreal Guardian (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?533367-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXXXVIII)
Iron Chef LXXXIX: Thrall of Demogorgon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?536247-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LXXXIX)
Iron Chef XC: Bloodstorm Blade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?542380-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-XC)
Iron Chef XCI: Fatemaker (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?550203-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-XCI)
Iron Chef XCII: Eye of the Xanathar (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?556092-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-XCII)
Iron Chef XCIII: Hoardstealer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560330-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-XCIII)
Iron Chef XCIV: Doomlord (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?564804-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-XCIV)
Iron Chef XCV: Gnomish Artificer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?571065-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-XCV)
Iron Chef XCVI: Oozemaster (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?576075-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-XCVI)
Iron Chef XCVII: Aerial Avenger (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?579553-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-XCVII)
Iron Chef XCVIII: Visionary Seeker (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?583331-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-XCVIII)
Iron Chef XCIX: Life Eater (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?589964-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-XCIX)

2019-10-25, 05:07 AM
Q: What's this even about?
A: I'm glad you asked, actually... (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15415117&postcount=1)

Q: Is Dragon Compendium Allowed?
A: Yes (as well as its Errata), but individual issues of Dragon Magazine are not.

Q: What about 3.0 materials?
A: 3.0 materials, whether online or in printed form, are allowed unless they've been officially updated to a 3.5 edition.

Q: Are Dragonlance, Ravenloft, Planescape, Dark Sun, or Kingdoms of Kalamar allowable sources?
A: The Dragonlance Campaign Setting is allowed, but the subsequent books for Dragonlance are considered 3rd party, and are therefore not eligible, despite the "WotC approved" status of those books. The same holds for Oriental Adventures (1st party) and the subsequent Rokugan books (3rd party). Materials from Ravenloft, Planescape, Dark Sun, and Kingdoms of Kalamar are considered 3rd party for purposes of this contest, and are therefore not allowed.

Q: What about online sources in general?
A: If the online source is a) published by WotC, and b) not replaced by an updated version at a later time, it is eligible. Use it, link it.

Q: Where's the line drawn with "acceptable/unacceptable" for Unearthed Arcana? This will likely vary a bit from Chairman to Chairman. Item Familiars and Gestalt have always been verboten, since before IC migrated to GitP; don't expect that to change. Flaws have similarly always been noted as warranting a deduction; while I am Chairman, I'm extending that to Traits, though they warrant 1/2 the penalty in Elegance that a Flaw would because they're roughly 1/2 as useful. Alternate spell systems, alternate skill systems and alternate crafting rules all create an uneven playing field, and as such, will be disallowed for as long as I am Chairman. In a similar vein, LA buyoff and fractional BAB are also disallowed. Bloodlines and the Retraining options presented in the PHB2 are ripe for abuse, and will be strongly discouraged as long as I am Chairman. Note that judges are allowed to look askance at any use of Unearthed Arcana not specifically mentioned above, at their discretion, and otherwise penalize Elegance according to their preference.

Q: What, exactly, does the ban on Leadership mean?
A: As folks have started to try to work around the edges of this one, I'm forced to spell it out more plainly. No Leadership, Draconic Cohort, or Feats that grant a similar ability are allowed EXCEPT Wild Cohort while Heliomance is chairman. Any PrC you choose with Leadership or a Leadership-analog has that ability entirely ignored for this contest, as it may neither be used nor traded away via any means whatsoever.

Q: What's the minimum score in a category?
A: Assuming an entry is legal, the minimum score in any category is 1. If a judge is convinced that an entry is mechanically illegal by the RAW, the judge may give the build a score of 0 in Elegance, and proceed to judge the entry as if the offending material was not included. Failing to meet a special requirement for a prestige class does not merit a 0, but may qualify for a penalty, at the judge's discretion. Because this contest focuses on Player Characters, an entry that is not technically allowed for a PC, but is viable as an NPC, counts as a legal entry, but may receive a minimum score at the judges' discretion.

Q: Creatures and templates with no listed LA are playable, right?
A: No. No listed LA is equivalent to LA: -. It is not suitable for PCs. If you use it, expect judges to look extremely disfavourably on it.

Q: So what's the deal with equipment, anyway?
A: There is no official policy on how much equipment you should list. Historically, judges have frowned upon "item dependent" builds, but unfortunately the definition of that has been applied to mean anything from builds that don't function if you remove one very specific item, to builds that so much as mention a particular weapon. Builds that don't list gear should be assumed to buy useful generics - items to boost their primary stats, cloaks of resistance, appropriate magical weapons and armour, and so forth. If a build would find particular items useful, they should be listed, but experience suggests that the more generic you keep them, the more favourably judges are likely to look upon them, as a build being shut down because the Thundering Bagpipes of Urist McTrumpetbritches were unavailable is considered a weakness. Similarly, requiring items in order to be able to qualify for things tends to be frowned upon.

Q: Do you have any other rules and guidelines on how to judge?
A: We do, actually, designed to try and avoid unpleasantness we've encountered in past contests. The things we've come up with to avoid repeating this are given below.

One Mistake, One Penalty

Judges are only allowed to penalise once for a given mistake. If someone messes up their skills and doesn't qualify for a PrC, ding them as hard as you like. Once. In one category. You don't then get to declare that because they didn't qualify for that PrC, they don't get those levels, and thus don't qualify for anything else. If Ranger is a common ingredient, ding them for Originality. Once. Don't also take off points for Two-Weapon-Fighting being a common ingredient.

Non-exhaustive list of examples:



Giving a penalty for miscalculating the number of skill points gained
Giving a penalty for not having enough ranks to meet a prerequisite
Increasing the harshness of a skill miscalculation penalty if it affects critical skills including prereqs

Not allowed:

Giving separate penalties for miscalculating skill points and for non-qualification where the non-qualification is solely caused by the miscalculation



Giving a penalty for not meeting prereqs
Scaling the penalty depending on how important the item that the build failed to qualify for is
Giving minimum score in UotSI for not qualifying for the SI
Not giving credit for (note: not the same as penalising for) tactics using feats or classes other than the SI that were not qualified for (but see below)

Not Allowed:

"Cascading" failures to qualify - declaring that because a build doesn't qualify for a feat, for example, it also doesn't qualify for anything using that feat as a prereq
Treating a build as having fewer levels than it does because of FtQ for classes

Other general things that are no longer allowed:

Penalising because someone has chosen to build a tribute to an existing creative work
Deciding that a backstory has not met a fluff prerequisite well enough, or because its method of meeting it is "unrealistic". You may penalise if a fluff prereq is not addressed at all, but not for how well it is addressed.

Note that these are protections, not licenses. Deliberately taking a feat that you know you don't qualify for hoping to just suck up the judging penalty for a feat that you couldn't normally take is not okay, and may lead to your build being disqualified.

Q: Do you have any contest house rules or clarifications to ambiguous rules?
A: Some that have come up in previous contests and needed answers to:

All creatures are proficient with any natural weapons they may have or acquire.
Bonus feats that are granted even if you do not meet the prerequisites do not require you to meet the prerequisites in order to use.
Able Learner's benefit applies to the level you take it.

Q: Can I submit more than one entry?
A: You may submit up to two entries into a given competition.

2019-10-25, 05:10 AM
This is... surprisingly non-terrible for what it tries to do. I've got some vague build ideas in mind already.

Edit: I've got a question. The prerequisite states "Must have spent the entire previous level using all 3rd level spell slots to exclusively cast haste." Would using 0 of your 0 3rd level spell slots to cast haste count as filling this prerequisite?

2019-10-25, 05:17 AM
This is... surprisingly non-terrible for what it tries to do. I've got some vague build ideas in mind already.

Edit: I've got a question. The prerequisite states "Must have spent the entire previous level using all 3rd level spell slots to exclusively cast haste." Would using 0 of your 0 3rd level spell slots to cast haste count as filling this prerequisite?

No, I'm inclined to say not. You require both the ability to cast Haste, and 3rd level spell slots. It is acceptable to gain Haste at a different spell level, so long as you can still cast it out of a 3rd level slot.

My mind isn't set in stone on that, though, so if people feel strongly about it I might be persuaded to change that ruling.

2019-10-25, 05:55 AM
No, I'm inclined to say not. You require both the ability to cast Haste, and 3rd level spell slots. It is acceptable to gain Haste at a different spell level, so long as you can still cast it out of a 3rd level slot.

My mind isn't set in stone on that, though, so if people feel strongly about it I might be persuaded to change that ruling.

The only sources of different-level haste are [SCOURED]. I don't want to discuss much, considering some of these are very fitting theme-wise, but only those two classes suffer from the restriction, with other domains available for lower-level hastes.

2019-10-25, 06:53 AM
A pretty good class! I am going to try to cook. Do Not know if I will have time because work ramping up hard, but I want to get in. Have a few ideas.

2019-10-25, 08:04 AM
Have a few ideas, but away from books so I can’t recall if they’re possible

2019-10-25, 08:49 AM
Consider yourself wrapped in the biggest internet-hug you’re comfortable with, Helio. This really has become a big part of my life as well, and your opener made me a tiny bit emotional. But in a good way. I love this dang community so much.

And man, my life has changed a hell of a lot since I started, too. Some eerie parallels! I too have changed jobs several times, come out, experienced major surgery—which I sincerely hope was different from yours—entered grad school...

Anyway, I’m going to do my very utmost to enter this round no matter what. My schedule is already groaning under the weight of the aforementioned grad school (with a day job, mind you), but nothing’s gonna keep me away from round 1-0-0 if I get any say in the matter.

Now to find out if I get any say in the matter...

2019-10-25, 09:07 AM
Darn Helio, I didn't know you were the one to originally port the contest to GitP! Many congrats for your perseverance as a chair for all these years, all the fun and the laughs and the awesomeness you've brought here. I have quite a hard time imagining the subforum without an Iron Chef thread popping up on the first or second page. Hat's off :smallsmile:

No, I'm inclined to say not. You require both the ability to cast Haste, and 3rd level spell slots. It is acceptable to gain Haste at a different spell level, so long as you can still cast it out of a 3rd level slot.

My mind isn't set in stone on that, though, so if people feel strongly about it I might be persuaded to change that ruling.

For what it's worth, there was a CustServ answer somewhere I think where the very question of how do Trapsmiths qualify was raised. I remember the WotC guys answering that a reasonable take on the subject would be to replace the sentence about qualification with "Must have spent all his previous level filling his spells slots of the level the character has Haste as a known spell by Haste spells".

EDIT: ah, there it is. This quote comes from Minmaxforum actually. So the designer of the class said:

Speaking from an intent perspective (which I know counts for very little in the optimized forums) the idea is for the swiftblade candidate to use all spell slots (of the level in which haste is gained) to cast haste. The Dungeonscape book did not exist when Brian and I originally created the swiftblade, leaving us completely unaware of the trapsmith prestige class when it was finally released. If we had been aware, the special prerequisite would have read...

Special: Must have spent the entire previous level using all spell slots of the level in which haste is gained to exclusively cast haste.

As an aside, this class is so interesting and promising, we'll be sure to get a colorful round! I remember reading you've set your mind on the theme for IC C quite a long time ago, Helio. Is that why? :smallsmile:

The Viscount
2019-10-25, 09:57 AM
A very interesting ingredient for our historic round. I'll throw my hat to judge this round.

I hadn't stopped to think how long it's really been that I've been participating in Iron Chef, but it really is something that I always look forward to.

I'd love to be able to give back, and if you'd have me, I'd like to offer my services as the next chair.

2019-10-25, 09:58 AM
What a treat for round 100. Down to cook. Thanks, helio.

A very interesting ingredient for our historic round. I'll throw my hat to judge this round.

I hadn't stopped to think how long it's really been that I've been participating in Iron Chef, but it really is something that I always look forward to.

I'd love to be able to give back, and if you'd have me, I'd like to offer my services as the next chair.

I think you'd be a fine chair.

2019-10-25, 10:03 AM
Are we sticking with the web article prereqs or the customer service answer? I imagine the former but would like an official answer.

2019-10-25, 10:07 AM
Darn Helio, I didn't know you were the one to originally port the contest to GitP! Many congrats for your perseverance as a chair for all these years, all the fun and the laughs and the awesomeness you've brought here. I have quite a hard time imagining the subforum without an Iron Chef thread popping up on the first or second page. Hat's off :smallsmile:

For what it's worth, there was a CustServ answer somewhere I think where the very question of how do Trapsmiths qualify was raised. I remember the WotC guys answering that a reasonable take on the subject would be to replace the sentence about qualification with "Must have spent all his previous level filling his spells slots of the level the character has Haste as a known spell by Haste spells".

EDIT: ah, there it is. This quote comes from Minmaxforum actually. So the designer of the class said:

As an aside, this class is so interesting and promising, we'll be sure to get a colorful round! I remember reading you've set your mind on the theme for IC C quite a long time ago, Helio. Is that why? :smallsmile:


Ah, in that case I'll go with the designer's intent - the special requirement is reworded accordingly.

Yes, I've wanted this for a while now. I wanted to continue the tradition of having a decent class every 10 contests, and Swiftblade is popular, has really interesting, flavourful, and unique abilities, and is a good level of decently powerful without being boringly OP. Also, it has that trade-off of whether you go for all 10 levels or 9th level spells!

2019-10-25, 10:18 AM
MisterKaws, can you remove your speculation, please? I want to be surprised by peoples' dishes.

2019-10-25, 12:23 PM
Viscount will make an excellent chair.

But first, we've got to send Helio out in style. Nothing's quite clicking the way I want it to yet, but I'm hopeful.

EDIT: Swiftblade is post-3.5 transition, but Sudden Casting is essentially referencing 3.0 rules for Quicken Spell. Is it a free action that's limited to 1/round or does it eat your swift action?

2019-10-25, 01:24 PM
Heliomance - thank you so much for running this competition so faithfully and for so long. Reading through old ICOC threads is what got me interested in this forum, and in many ways interested in DND. Thank you for that.

I'm absolutely going to put something together for this round!

2019-10-25, 02:08 PM
i may have an idea. if i can't get it together in time, I'll also judge this round.

2019-10-25, 03:30 PM
Definitely have some ideas, but time is the issue.

2019-10-26, 05:55 PM
It's been a long time since I prepared a dish, but for the centennial I find myself inspired.

2019-10-26, 09:16 PM
I have to say, I really like the special requirement for Swiftblade.

The Viscount
2019-10-27, 09:39 AM
Very thematic for a class that's all about one spell. Reaping maximum power requires focus. While you were partying they were studying the blade haste.

2019-10-28, 06:50 PM
MisterKaws, can you remove your speculation, please? I want to be surprised by peoples' dishes.

Oh, sure, doing it now.

2019-10-28, 06:55 PM
Oh, sure, doing it now.

Thank you.

My first two ideas aren't as viable as I thought. Back to the drawing board! losing that 4th cl hurts.

The Viscount
2019-10-28, 08:12 PM
The hardest choices require the strongest wills.

2019-10-28, 09:01 PM
Still kinda struggling. I keep ending up in it’s very nice, but what does it DO? hell whenever I try to stray from the mold too much.

Also, I really wanted to [REDACTED], but it turns out that haste doesn’t [REDACTED], which is not even close to helpful.

Hiro Quester
2019-10-28, 10:04 PM
Oooohhhhh Swiftblade!! Yummy. This has long been the class I have wanted to play, but have never had the opportunity. I have been thinking about build ideas for this for a while. Maybe I'll try to make time to put an entry together.

I'm a huge fan of the full 10 levels, since the capstone is even better than the 9th level spell you would often want to cast (a time stop, but one whose duration is predictable, not random). this, IMHO, more than makes ups for not getting 10th level spells. Plus it can come online earlier, at 16th level.

It strikes me from discussions and disagreements we have had at our table, that there exists some ambiguity and house-ruling around how Time Stop is supposed to work, that might be worth ruling on for the purposes of this contest, so that we are all on the same page about how powerful this ability is.

This becomes even more ambiguous because the Innervated Speed (Ex) ability isn't literally a time stop, but an Ex ability that functions similarly "as time stop".

e.g. you are not supposed to be able to cast spells that affect others:

While the time stop is in effect, other creatures are invulnerable to your attacks and spells; you cannot target such creatures with any attack or spell

Some groups play this as spells that break this rule just fail (you cannot target others) and have no effect. Some groups play this as causing the time stop to end immediately, a penalty for trying to do something improper (if you target others, this violates the Time stop's limitations and it ends). The latter always seemed an incorrect interpretation to me, but perhaps its worth clarifying?

You cannot move or harm items held, carried, or worn by a creature stuck in normal time, but you can affect any item that is not in another creature’s possession.
Some groups rule that casting silence on a small pebble and slipping it into the pocket of the enemy mage is a legal move. But some would argue that you are affecting an item that is (i.e. becomes) in another creature's possession.

You cannot enter an area protected by an antimagic field while under the effect of time stop.

A swift blade's Innervated Speed (Ex) is an EX effect of Haste, cast in a higher-level slot, not a spell or supernatural ability. And thanks to Fortified Hustle, your own haste spell cannot be dispelled by any means. So anti-magic fields (which do not affect Ex abilities) have no effect on this ability. So you can still have Innervated Speed active, giving you an effective time stop, and then move into and take your extra rounds inside an AMF, right?

But can you cast the haste spell in the AMF? Sudden Casting (Ex) says you can caste haste as a free action. Is the whole act of casting Haste now an Ex ability? Or is the ability to cast it still casting a spell, but the ability to do it as a free action is an Ex ability?

2019-10-29, 03:58 AM
This is a weird question, but I don't think it reveals much of anything and I think it needs to also be answered. Once you are a Swiftblade, are you forevermore banned from casting non-Haste third level spells (in 3rd level slots), or else you lose qualification for Swiftblade after you level?

Special: Must have spent the entire previous level using all 3rd level spell slots to exclusively cast haste.

"Previous level" isnt well defined here.

2019-10-29, 04:24 AM
This is a weird question, but I don't think it reveals much of anything and I think it needs to also be answered. Once you are a Swiftblade, are you forevermore banned from casting non-Haste third level spells (in 3rd level slots), or else you lose qualification for Swiftblade after you level?

"Previous level" isnt well defined here.

I assume this refers to the level before you entered swiftblade, but there might indeed be some ambiguity here if you sue the complete warrior (?) ruling that you always need to meet the prerequisites.

2019-10-29, 06:30 AM
This is a weird question, but I don't think it reveals much of anything and I think it needs to also be answered. Once you are a Swiftblade, are you forevermore banned from casting non-Haste third level spells (in 3rd level slots), or else you lose qualification for Swiftblade after you level?

"Previous level" isnt well defined here.

I think the usual IC ruling for these cases is: the class can never remove the qualifications for itself. Same as Dragon Disciple.

2019-10-29, 08:36 AM
Oh this one has my name written all over it. Gish are my trademark almost on MMF, and the Swiftblade is the top of the food chain for gish :D

2019-10-30, 02:28 PM
I might have an idea that is super thematic, but swiftblade isn’t really the centerpiece... I’ll keep tinkering.

2019-10-30, 06:47 PM
I think it is relevant to hear from the chair, do we need to fill all out level 3 or whatever slots with haste always or we lose qualification? I read the recommendation as all slots the previous level as something to do like climbing the highest mountain, it's an achievement that gets you in not a hard requirement that you must maintain.

Also why are there never enough feats?! So many stubs that need like 5 more feats to do what I want.

2019-10-31, 01:55 AM
Consarnit! [REDACTED] isn't [REDACTED], despite all appearances! That makes the joke significantly less interesting...

Anyone know a way to arbitrarily change [REDACTED]?

2019-10-31, 02:17 AM
Consarnit! [REDACTED] isn't [REDACTED], despite all appearances! That makes the joke significantly less interesting...

Anyone know a way to arbitrarily change [REDACTED]?

Pff, that’s easy... just take [redacted] levels of [redacted] and [redact] [redacted]

2019-10-31, 04:01 AM
Viscount will make an excellent chair.

But first, we've got to send Helio out in style. Nothing's quite clicking the way I want it to yet, but I'm hopeful.

EDIT: Swiftblade is post-3.5 transition, but Sudden Casting is essentially referencing 3.0 rules for Quicken Spell. Is it a free action that's limited to 1/round or does it eat your swift action?

Sudden Casting directly references Quicken Spell, and thus the most recent version of the Quicken Spell rules apply. I believe that means it costs a Swift Action.

It strikes me from discussions and disagreements we have had at our table, that there exists some ambiguity and house-ruling around how Time Stop is supposed to work, that might be worth ruling on for the purposes of this contest, so that we are all on the same page about how powerful this ability is.

This becomes even more ambiguous because the Innervated Speed (Ex) ability isn't literally a time stop, but an Ex ability that functions similarly "as time stop".

e.g. you are not supposed to be able to cast spells that affect others:

Some groups play this as spells that break this rule just fail (you cannot target others) and have no effect. Some groups play this as causing the time stop to end immediately, a penalty for trying to do something improper (if you target others, this violates the Time stop's limitations and it ends). The latter always seemed an incorrect interpretation to me, but perhaps its worth clarifying?
It is impossible to cast targeted spells on others during Time Stop (or Innervated Speed), the targeting just fails and the spell cannot be cast. It is possible to cast area of effect spells, however all targets are completely invulnerable for the duration of the Time Stop, so effects that end before the Time Stop will do nothing.

Some groups rule that casting silence on a small pebble and slipping it into the pocket of the enemy mage is a legal move. But some would argue that you are affecting an item that is (i.e. becomes) in another creature's possession.
That is fine, so long as you can access the pocket. It is not possible to, eg, open a pocket flap or undo a buckle, however you can put things in containers - even those in the possession of others - so long as you can do so without having to move anything.

A swift blade's Innervated Speed (Ex) is an EX effect of Haste, cast in a higher-level slot, not a spell or supernatural ability. And thanks to Fortified Hustle, your own haste spell cannot be dispelled by any means. So anti-magic fields (which do not affect Ex abilities) have no effect on this ability. So you can still have Innervated Speed active, giving you an effective time stop, and then move into and take your extra rounds inside an AMF, right?

But can you cast the haste spell in the AMF? Sudden Casting (Ex) says you can caste haste as a free action. Is the whole act of casting Haste now an Ex ability? Or is the ability to cast it still casting a spell, but the ability to do it as a free action is an Ex ability?
Innervated Speed references Time Stop, and Time Stop explicitly calls out that you can't enter an AMF in the spell description, so that prohibition remains despite the effect being (Ex). You also cannot cast Haste inside an AMF, it is still cast as a spell, but Fortified Hustle makes it (Ex) once it's in effect. The ability to cast Haste as a free action is (Ex), the ability to cast it at all is not - the only real effect of this is that you can still use your class features if you use Invoke Magic to cast Haste inside an anti/dead magic zone.

What you can do, however, is use Innervated Speed and then cast AMF without dispelling your own Time Stop, as Fortified Hustle makes it (Ex) once cast. You can't enter an AMF, but there's nothing to forbid casting one on yourself - it's just that if you leave the area of it, you can't get back in again.

I think it is relevant to hear from the chair, do we need to fill all out level 3 or whatever slots with haste always or we lose qualification? I read the recommendation as all slots the previous level as something to do like climbing the highest mountain, it's an achievement that gets you in not a hard requirement that you must maintain.

It's an entry requirement - once you're in, you're allowed to use your spell slots for other things again.

2019-10-31, 04:39 AM
Regarding Innervated Speed:

If you prepared Haste (a 3rd level spell) in a 6th level slot and used it for Innervated Speed, then would the use of an effect that restores a level 3 spell restore Haste to its previous 6th level slot, or just put in a new level 3 slot?
Essentially, does regaining Haste via a Pearl of Power III grant a reuse of Innervated Speed? Going by the Pearl of Power wording, a Pearl of Power VI wouldn't restore it because the spell level is still third, no matter what slot it was prepared in.

2019-10-31, 10:40 AM
I've got a really fun idea, but I don't think it's actually any good without Dragon Mag material :/

My other plan also isn't really about Swiftblade...

Back to the drawing board!

2019-11-01, 03:40 AM
Regarding Innervated Speed:

If you prepared Haste (a 3rd level spell) in a 6th level slot and used it for Innervated Speed, then would the use of an effect that restores a level 3 spell restore Haste to its previous 6th level slot, or just put in a new level 3 slot?
Essentially, does regaining Haste via a Pearl of Power III grant a reuse of Innervated Speed? Going by the Pearl of Power wording, a Pearl of Power VI wouldn't restore it because the spell level is still third, no matter what slot it was prepared in.

pearl of power only checks the slot. you're casting it out of a 6, so you'd need a pearl of power 6.

2019-11-01, 04:12 AM
pearl of power only checks the slot. you're casting it out of a 6, so you'd need a pearl of power 6.

You sure?

Pearl of Power
Once per day on command, a pearl of power enables the possessor to recall any one spell that she had prepared and then cast. The spell is then prepared again, just as if it had not been cast. The spell must be of a particular level, depending on the pearl. Different pearls exist for recalling one spell per day of each level from 1st through 9th and for the recall of two spells per day (each of a different level, 6th or lower).

I guess the other interpretation would let you use a Pearl II to recall a level 2 spell with a pile of metamagic on it, so I guess not.

2019-11-01, 04:19 AM
You sure?

Pearl of Power
Once per day on command, a pearl of power enables the possessor to recall any one spell that she had prepared and then cast. The spell is then prepared again, just as if it had not been cast. The spell must be of a particular level, depending on the pearl. Different pearls exist for recalling one spell per day of each level from 1st through 9th and for the recall of two spells per day (each of a different level, 6th or lower).

I guess the other interpretation would let you use a Pearl II to recall a level 2 spell with a pile of metamagic on it, so I guess not.

Right, the level refers to the slot you're casting it out of. A level 2 spell with metamagic on it would need a higher lvl pearl of power. Yeah, that's the reason.

Hiro Quester
2019-11-02, 11:16 AM
A question about the interactions between Perpetual Options and Innervated Speed.

If a Swiftblade 10 casts Innervated Speed, subsuming Haste that she prepared in a 7th level slot, let's say, it grants her two full rounds of actions, in the equivalent of a time stop.

How many actions does she get each round of the Time Stop?

Perpetual Options grants her extra actions whenever she is under the effect of a Haste spell she has cast herself. For instance, an extra Standard Action each round. So her turn could consist of a swift action, two standard actions, and a move action, for example.

Does Perpetual Options mean that she gets an extra standard action during the extra Innervated Speed rounds, so she could effectively cast a swift action spell, and two standard action spells each round of the Time Stop?

If so, does it apply automatically, because Innervated Speed is itself a Haste spell she has cast herself? Or would she need also be under the effect of a normal Haste spell she has cast herself (she would almost definitely cast one anyway, to have it active after the Time Stop)?

Or (the less OP interpretation) is Innervated Speed already a maximal speed increase, such that a Haste spell's Perpetual Options can't increase her speed any further, and she can't gain any extra actions from a Haste Spell while Innervated Speed is in effect?

The rules are unclear about how these interact. IMHO, it seems that RAW she should get the extra standard action. But I could see a reasonable DM, who is trying to keep the action economy only seriously broken, rather than completely smashed to encounter-ending smithereens, ruling that Innervated Speed is already maximally fast, and so that she only gets a regular round (swift, standard, and move action; or swift and full round action) each round of the Time Stop.

We should probably have a ruling to clarify how this works for the purposes of this competition.

Piggy Knowles
2019-11-02, 11:22 AM
Not the chair, but I definitely don't think it will automatically apply:

Any time you prepare or spontaneously cast haste in a 6th level spell slot, you can subsume the spell at the moment of casting instead, increasing your speed so greatly that other creatures seem frozen in time, as the time stop spell, but for one round.

Seems pretty clear to me, instead of casting haste you subsume the spell for innervated speed and get those effects instead. Since you aren't under the effects of haste (unless you cast it again and/or before), perpetual options doesn't apply.

Now, if you have an active haste already before using innervated speed, then in that case I don't see any reason why perpetual options wouldn't apply during your stopped time rounds.

2019-11-02, 12:26 PM
Welp, by the time the combo is online, I’ve run out of space for the SI. Next idea...

I may have an idea that pushes some boundaries. But I’m not sure if it actually does what I’m arguing it does. It’s a Plan B. Maybe a Plan C.

I’ve already thrown out another idea that’s a riff on the same joke because swiftblade ended up not mattering to it.

So many dead ends in this brainstorming process! Like, dead ends are normal and natural here, but I feel like I usually don’t go through quite so many. But I am determined.

Hiro Quester
2019-11-02, 12:40 PM
So many dead ends in this brainstorming process! Like, dead ends are normal and natural here, but I feel like I usually don’t go through quite so many. But I am determined.

I’m having similar issues. There are so many good uses of the SI, but many that have it as an intensifier of another star ingredient. Or that need just a few more levels beyond 20 to get all the class abilities together.

Still I have a few ideas. But at least one depends on something working a particular way, but which it would also be reasonable to interpret as not working that way. That might also be my plan B.

2019-11-07, 07:28 PM
I think I miiiight have something if I can find a way to crowbar in several more feats. Parts of it are freaking stupid, though.

The real challenge is crowbarring in several more hours in which to build. Stupid schedule. There may be some late nights in my future.

The Viscount
2019-11-07, 09:30 PM
I've lost count of how many builds I've completed in the late hours because that's when I could find several uninterrupted hours to hammer out the playtips and story.

2019-11-07, 10:13 PM
I might be able to actually spend a few hours with my collection of stubs this weekend. Wish I had about 4 more levels and feats on each of them. SI is a great force multiplier for so many things, problem is those things tend to outshine it, unless I go to level 24 or 25 =/.

I just need like 4 or 6 flaws and I think I can fit feats in. >.>

Hiro Quester
2019-11-08, 09:54 AM
SI is a great force multiplier for so many things, problem is those things tend to outshine it, unless I go to level 24 or 25 =/.

I think we are all feeling that. It's hard to satisfy three constraints: assemble an awesome build, give it original flavour, and also make good use of all the SI's levels.

To satisfy the first two, I'm having to use less of the SI. There are natural "break points" in Swiftblade, where losing a caster level hurts enough that its' worth considering not including more levels of Swiftblade. But what's after that lost caster level is awesome enough that it hurts to not include it, too.

Or to make the best use of the full 9 or 10 levels of the SI (without simply reproducing an unoriginal standard handbook build), you have to sacrifice the power and flavor that makes a build worth building and sharing. Or take it to epic levels; to level 21 at the very least.

Would it be too inelegant to highlight what could be possible if we took the build into a few epic levels?

2019-11-08, 05:28 PM
i'm currently buried in the details of my one solid idea, and for the moment at least, feats aren't even a problem this go around...

as to epic levels, every build could benefit from a few epic levels for sure, my thought is that if you want to include that, go for it, but it should be a seperate optional misc tab since IC is based off a 20 lvl build.

2019-11-08, 09:43 PM
EDIT: My idea is looking more rules-sketchy by the minute. In particular, the part that brings Swiftblade into it looks outright illegal. I think I'll sit on the idea for a later competition rather than try to crowbar it into this one.

2019-11-10, 02:58 AM
I have officially lost track of which of my builds is the serious one and which is the jokey one. Is that a good sign or a bad sign?

The Viscount
2019-11-10, 08:51 AM
Definitely a good sign.

2019-11-10, 02:07 PM
Specific skill question: is REDACTED available as a skill for the purposes of the Iron Chef Challenges?

The Viscount
2019-11-10, 02:46 PM
The answer to your question is yes.
I'd recommend you edit your post to avoid speculation/recognition.

2019-11-10, 02:48 PM
The answer to your question is yes.
I'd recommend you edit your post to avoid speculation/recognition.

Thanks, and reference removed!

2019-11-11, 02:06 AM
Build alpha: Table set but needs to be formatted. Tactics writeup complete; fluff writeup in the works.

Build bravo: Feats and level order almost all set; tinkering with skills. Fluff written in my head but not actually put on the page yet; same with tactics.

I... think the serious one and the jokey one have either switched places or merged into a terrifying unity. I'm only partially the one in control now. Which is the best feeling when Iron Cheffing. That's what this is all about. Set up that problem and let the optimization wave carry you where it will; who needs to predict the endpoint from the start?

'Course, I've got midterms this week, but dammit, I've come too far to fail now.

2019-11-11, 01:04 PM
Brace yourself buddy, I want to get to read these damn entries :smallsmile:

2019-11-12, 11:59 AM
Is a haste spell cast from a magic item (wand or scroll) eligible for the enhancements this class provides?

Hiro Quester
2019-11-13, 02:13 PM
Is a haste spell cast from a magic item (wand or scroll) eligible for the enhancements this class provides?

I have been wondering the same. If I have boots of speed, or a wand of haste, do they grant all the haste bonuses granted by "a haste spell that you cast yourself".

My default assumption is that they don't, much though I want them to. The class abilities listed all seem to derive from a synergy you learn to develop between your experience of being hasted and your knowledge of the spell. It's the particular way your distinctive way of casting haste, interacts with your particular physiology and knowledge.

The boots enable you to act "as though affected by a haste spell". That's different from a haste spell you cast yourself.

Though if there are classes that grants the Su ability to haste yourself, that innate class ability should probably count IMHO.

I... think the serious one and the jokey one have either switched places or merged into a terrifying unity. I'm only partially the one in control now. Which is the best feeling when Iron Cheffing. That's what this is all about. Set up that problem and let the optimization wave carry you where it will; who needs to predict the endpoint from the start?

'Course, I've got midterms this week, but dammit, I've come too far to fail now.

Haha. I'm a professor who is supposed to be grading midterms, and I'm caught in that same wave of ideas.

My two potential builds are optimization waves that keep crashing together and switching aspects with one another. It's getting hard to keep them separate, but also hard to completely fuse them together. My alpha build might be the only one I have time to complete.

2019-11-13, 02:26 PM
I think I'm happy to sit this one out and watch the entries. The build I was working on doesn't focus on Swiftblade, but more on the other stuff I was going to use...

2019-11-13, 04:22 PM
Had a random thought last night that might make me abandon all the builds I started before since I think it's a pretty weird way to use the SI that lets it shine. Comes online really late though.

2019-11-14, 08:27 AM
Apologies for the late update. The ICO Spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oyjVU5JmeCnC8YTMqDArDqE5PszHl0Ysadz630kuTGk/edit?ts=59a4835f#gid=0&range=A1032) has been updated with a holder in place for this cook. Good Luck everyone, looking forward to the dishes.

2019-11-16, 06:30 PM
would it be possible to get a 2-3 day extension?

2019-11-17, 02:02 AM
Still waiting on that rules clarification...

2019-11-18, 06:13 AM
Is a haste spell cast from a magic item (wand or scroll) eligible for the enhancements this class provides?

I'm inclined to say that spell completion items count, due to the line in the description of scrolls that says "Using a scroll is basically like casting a spell", but spell trigger items do not.

@jdizzlean: Yeah, I'm fine to give an extension if people would like.

2019-11-18, 06:24 AM
An extension would be appreciated. I am about halfway there after this weekend despite a major setback but work as usual is interfering with IC and life in general.

Why won't the world just let me nerd out in peace without distraction?!

Hiro Quester
2019-11-18, 06:57 AM
@jdizzlean: Yeah, I'm fine to give an extension if people would like.

I would appreciate an extension, please and thank you. I have a build and concept I’m looking forward to sharing. But it has taken all weekend to create a solution to a serious problem, and I still haven’t filled out the table, and I have work work I have put off that needs to be done today.

2019-11-18, 10:46 AM
I'm hopeful that I can finish my builds tonight (my time). There's definitely some imperfections, but I don't usually participate in Iron Chef when I'm in school anyway, and of course I just HAD to have two ideas. I'm a busy boy these days. (Not missing round 100, though. I'm determined.)

Of course, even if I don't personally take advantage of it (I have zero free evenings after tonight for the rest of the week, as is typical--yay evening program grad school!), I have no objections to other folks benefiting from an extension. Who knows, I may even end up using one myself, though my current schedule would make that a bit challenging unless it stretches all the way through the weekend.

2019-11-18, 02:49 PM
I've been slacking off on actually writing up, and would appreciate an extension as well.

Hiro Quester
2019-11-18, 08:32 PM
@jdizzlean: Yeah, I'm fine to give an extension if people would like.

I’m going to assume that’s an official declaration of an extension (with new date to be announced soon), rather than just a question about whether people would like that, right?

The original deadline is less than seven hours away. For me, the welcome implication that an extension might be granted, led me to assume I could prioritize my actual paid job, today and tonight, planning to get the build finished after my Tuesday meetings.

i hope that’s a safe assumption, Heliomance. And thanks again for that.

Otherwise I’ll just share my idea unofficially, later, rather than submit it as an entry. I can’t get it done before 7:59 am GMT.

2019-11-18, 11:02 PM
I’ve got 99-100% of the writing done.

Now for everyone’s “favorite” part: the formatting. Gag.

That said, necessary evils aside, I’m having a blast with this round and I’m really looking forward to seeing the spread of entries!

Hiro Quester
2019-11-19, 01:47 AM
If anyone has advice for newbies about a good process for doing the formatting in the least painful way, I’d appreciate seeing that.

Has anyone written about how to optimize getting nice-looking tables and spoilers etc out of one’s word processor and into GitP personal message format?

2019-11-19, 02:46 AM
If anyone has advice for newbies about a good process for doing the formatting in the least painful way, I’d appreciate seeing that.

Has anyone written about how to optimize getting nice-looking tables and spoilers etc out of one’s word processor and into GitP personal message format?

I just do them as I'm typing them up in Word. Takes a bit of getting your head around, but it's ultimately a lot better than going back through in the reply and changing everything all at once (and hoping you're not forgetting some snippet you wanted italicized somewhere). That said, if someone has a better way... I'm all ears!

2019-11-19, 04:06 AM
I just do them as I'm typing them up in Word. Takes a bit of getting your head around, but it's ultimately a lot better than going back through in the reply and changing everything all at once (and hoping you're not forgetting some snippet you wanted italicized somewhere). That said, if someone has a better way... I'm all ears!

For the tables, I suspect (but haven't tested it yet) that it might pay to just write a bit of code to turn it into the correct GITP table format. i generally make the build in an excel file first, so I think it should be possible to use the tabel from excel as input and build the GITP table around it using Python or whatever. If I ever get around to coding this, I'll make sure to share it here :P

Edit: So I was kinda joking when I said 'Just create a piece of tabel generation code', but then I decided to do it anyway. This is coded in python 2.7, but it should probably work in 3.X as well.

path='C:/Wherever/You/Want/' #path to CSV file (change '\'to '/' to avoid errors)
file_name='test2.csv' #name of csv file

firstline = True
with open(path+file_name, 'rb') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')

f= open("table.txt","w+")
f.write('\n\nLevel\nClass\nBase Attack Bonus\nFort Save\n\
Ref Save\nWill Save\nSkills\nFeats\nClass Features\n\n'

for row in reader:
if firstline: #skip first line with header info
firstline = False




...okay, you might need to open this post in a reply to copy-paste the code, as I can't figure out how to stop it from displaying sections of table.

Anyway, this piece of code requires a .csv file that resembles the table to run. Here is an example of a properly formatted .csv file (https://www.dropbox.com/s/zfmealcgym82jt5/Example.csv?dl=0) (links to dropbox, if you check this thread a long time from now, this link might no longer work). It outputs the result in a .txt file in the same folder as the one in which the code is located.

Anyway, this can speed up table creation if you use Excel to make the table during building, like I do. Otherwise it might make things slightly less fiddly as copying into excel is easier than copying it into the proper code on the forums.

2019-11-19, 09:58 AM
One build in. Gonna have to format the other one tonight. The extension is greatly appreciated because you folks WANT to see this second build, I promise.

DeTess, can you explain to me like I'm stupid EXACTLY how to use that code you posted? I'd looooove to have a tool like that but I don't really get what you actually do with it.

Hiro Quester
2019-11-19, 03:34 PM
My way of making the chart, which seems reasonably easy.

First, change your settings in your account to have a WYSIWYG editor. (Full disclosure: I did not know that was an option until today. :smalleek: )

Copy the chart from Heliomance's first post. Paste it into word (excel would work too). Make the chart there.

Copy the chart. open a private message in GitP. Paste the chart there. It fills in, but without formatting.

Click the "Switch Editor to Source Mode" button at the top left of the toolbar.

Each row in the chart code begins with [TR]. In the first row, and every second row afterwards, paste ="bgcolor: #DCCDAD" (with the quotes) so the entry says [TR="bgcolor: #DCCDAD"].

Click the source Mode back to WYSIWYG Mode. It should look right.

Click the Source mode button again. Copy the contents of the PM back into your build document.

2019-11-19, 03:47 PM
DeTess, can you explain to me like I'm stupid EXACTLY how to use that code you posted? I'd looooove to have a tool like that but I don't really get what you actually do with it.

Sure, I can do that.

Before I start, here's a link to the file on dropbox (https://www.dropbox.com/s/dffu6b5y7brd2k5/auto_table.py?dl=0), which might be easier to use than having to copy paste the not-quite correctly formatted code I posted before.

First, the set-up. The code is written in python, so you need a python interpreter. I use the Anaconda package, which is available here: https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/ I coded this in python 2.7, so if that's all you're interested in, just pick that version for your OS of choice.

Once you've got the interpreter, using the code works as follows:

1. create a copy of the build table in your spreadsheet program of choice. If you're like me and build in Excel, then you should already have it there. otherwise this is going to cost some time. The table should have the exact same order of rows as the official build table, and should look like this (https://www.dropbox.com/s/zfmealcgym82jt5/Example.csv?dl=0) when you're done

2. Save this file as a .CSV file. .CSV is a file extension that most spreadsheet programs should be able to save files as. you might get a warning that information will be lost, but this is fine (and you won't lose any info). For more info, see for example this explanation: https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch001356.htm

3. Open the auto_table program (the very original name for the code I shared) in your python interpreter of choice.

4. Below the header marked 'variables' there are three variables named 'path', 'file_name' and 'output_name', like this:


4a. Change the path variable to the path leading to your .csv file. You can get the path by right-clicking on the .csv file, clicking on properties and then looking for the part marked 'location'. Put this in the path variable. You need to swap all the '\'s for '/'s because of something python does, and you need to make sure you end on a '/'. So, for example, I've got the file I want on my desktop, and it has the location 'C:\Users\DeTess\Desktop'. What I'd have to put in the path variable is 'C:/Users/DeTess/Desktop/', so it should then look like this:


4b. In file-name, put the name of your .csv file in quotation marks, including the file extension. If my file was called 'super_awesome_swiftblade.csv' that's exactly what you should put in there. If the name doesn't list the file extension (so just 'super_awesome_swiftblade') then that's not a problem (it means you've got a setting set to hide the extensions), but it means you still need to add the .csv to the end. So the piece of code with the variables would then look like this:


4c. optionally, you can change the name of the output text file. Just put whatever name you want after output_name= in quotation marks. For example:


This code will automatically overwrite the .text file with the indicated name if it already exists, so you might want to change the ouput names if you want to keep the different tables already formatted around.

5. Run the program. If everything goes well you'll get no errors and a .txt file with the set output name ('table.txt' if you didn't change things around) should be in the same folder as where you saved the 'auto_table.py' program. Just copy-paste the contents of the .txt file into the forum and it should contain a ready-formatted table.

And that's it. I swear, it's nowhere near as complicated as the wall of text might suggest it is.

edit: it should be noted that this code can create tables with fewer rows without needing adjustment. If you feed it an e6 table it'll just have rows for the 7 levels, or if you took some strange race with RHD and LA and decided to condense things down a bit, it should take that without issue as well.

Hiro Quester
2019-11-19, 04:27 PM
Newbie Presentation Question:

Should you include in your chart for saving throws, the actual saving throws you would have, including any bonuses you have from abilities, feats, class levels, etc? Or just the base, unaugmented, ones from class levels alone?

And the same for spells per day. Do you include bonus spells per day that you get from a high ability score (int, wis, Cha)?

2019-11-19, 04:34 PM
Newbie Presentation Question:

Should you include in your chart for saving throws, the actual saving throws you would have, including any bonuses you have from abilities, feats, class levels, etc? Or just the base, unaugmented, ones from class levels alone?

And the same for spells per day. Do you include bonus spells per day that you get from a high ability score (int, wis, Cha)?

The base saving throws should be in the chart, but it's often a good idea to include at least some of the total stats elsewhere in the write-up if they're relevant (if you optimized one of your saves, or if the chart shows a weak save that you compensated for it'd be a good idea to also list your total at level 20 or at your sweet spot, for example). In the spell chart, I think it's best to include bonus spell slots, but I'm not 100% on the official preference.

2019-11-19, 07:49 PM
The base saving throws should be in the chart, but it's often a good idea to include at least some of the total stats elsewhere in the write-up if they're relevant (if you optimized one of your saves, or if the chart shows a weak save that you compensated for it'd be a good idea to also list your total at level 20 or at your sweet spot, for example). In the spell chart, I think it's best to include bonus spell slots, but I'm not 100% on the official preference.

On the topic of bonus spells, usually what I've seen and done is include the bonus spells in the table but indicate how many are bonus, e.g. saying you have 3+1 1st levels spells as a first level Sorcerer with a Charisma of 18

2019-11-19, 09:43 PM
Newbie Presentation Question:

Should you include in your chart for saving throws, the actual saving throws you would have, including any bonuses you have from abilities, feats, class levels, etc? Or just the base, unaugmented, ones from class levels alone?

And the same for spells per day. Do you include bonus spells per day that you get from a high ability score (int, wis, Cha)?

Put the base saving throws from your classes and nothing else.

Put the spells per day from your chart and nothing else. No high ability score, no rings of wizardry, none o f that. If you have an extra slot from domains, then put x+1 as normal like on the cleric chart.

The base saving throws should be in the chart, but it's often a good idea to include at least some of the total stats elsewhere in the write-up if they're relevant (if you optimized one of your saves, or if the chart shows a weak save that you compensated for it'd be a good idea to also list your total at level 20 or at your sweet spot, for example). In the spell chart, I think it's best to include bonus spell slots, but I'm not 100% on the official preference.

On the topic of bonus spells, usually what I've seen and done is include the bonus spells in the table but indicate how many are bonus, e.g. saying you have 3+1 1st levels spells as a first level Sorcerer with a Charisma of 18

No. For a 1st level sorcerer, you have 3 slots, so put 3 on your chart. This is what everyone does. The judge will see your high cha in abilities and will understand you have bonus slots accordingly.

The reason this is done is so the judges can have a good idea of how much magic/ saves your guy h as without having to do math to subtract out your equipment/feats/etc and can compare them to other characters accurately.

re: formatting, I do mine in notepad because the program is too dumb to mess up formatting with extra indents or what have you and won't correct my complicated D&D words. When i have my draft finished, I go into PMs and preview to make sure I didn't delete a bracket and send.

The Viscount
2019-11-19, 09:45 PM
Newbie Presentation Question:

Should you include in your chart for saving throws, the actual saving throws you would have, including any bonuses you have from abilities, feats, class levels, etc? Or just the base, unaugmented, ones from class levels alone?

And the same for spells per day. Do you include bonus spells per day that you get from a high ability score (int, wis, Cha)?

I'v always written the base saving throw bonus, both because it's simpler and because it makes it easier for the judge to check if i'm qualifying for anything with a base save bonus requirement.

With spells per day I usually just put what's written, again for simplicity, but mark with an asterisk if I have 0 on the chart but at least one from the bonus. It should be fine either way, just make a note somewhere if you're adding in bonus spells.

2019-11-20, 12:44 AM
For saves, yes, just use the base saving throw bonus.

For spell slots, to me it makes sense to include high stat bonuses, class bonuses, and so on as long as you can guarantee them on a build level. So no items, no temporary effects, nothing like that, but if you know you've got 14 WIS on a WIS-based caster, then sure, give yourself a bonus level 1 and level 2. But either way, yeah, definitely say whether you're doing so or not.

That's just me, though. I can 100% understand an argument that you shouldn't include bonus spells on the table as well.

2019-11-20, 01:26 AM
Okay. Both builds submitted. Breathe that sigh of relief.

Entering while school is in session was a bad choice. Entering twice while school is in session was probably an even worse choice. But dammit, it's round 100. No regrets. Few things give me as much joy as this contest, even if it's bloody impossible to explain to someone who isn't into D&D. Helio, thank you again a thousand times for nurturing and fostering this competition. I swear it's made me better at my paying job.

Can't wait to see the dishes! I will freely admit to having gotten just a wee bit self-indulgent in a few places. Hopefully I make a few people laugh or at least smile now and again.

2019-11-20, 10:46 AM
i am nearly done, if not today, first thing in the morning tomorrow will see it complete

xoxo helio

2019-11-20, 01:11 PM
plugging away at mine. ought to be done by tonight. excited to see yours, zaq

2019-11-20, 02:09 PM
I, too, am finding that this point in time of the calendar is making my build more 'blade' than 'swift'. Still, I'm chipping away at it when free time rears it's head. So thank you for the extension. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish in a reasonable amount of time.

2019-11-21, 04:42 AM
got my rough done. my eyes are bleeding so i'll proof it and send it in in the morning. excited to see all t he dishes

Hiro Quester
2019-11-21, 11:42 AM
I'm almost done. I have made all the decisions, but have to finish and proof the writeup. I should be able to get that done in the next day or so.

Heliomance, Judges, are you okay with this looseness, or would you like a firm deadline? I know I will want to keep polishing until I have to let it go. Deadlines are helpful to focus your efforts, sometimes.

2019-11-21, 11:44 AM
I've got everything but my background ready to go. Hope to have that tonight, but I firm deadline for the extension would be helpful in planning! Super excited to see what folks came up with!

2019-11-21, 01:11 PM
I advise submitting as soon as you can, just in case. That's what I did.

My dish is in. Can't wait for the reveal :smallsmile:

2019-11-21, 05:15 PM
finished, whew.

thanks :)

2019-11-21, 06:02 PM
Almost done with the table and the tangle of skills, gotta do fluff and spells which is not too bad...hopefully. Should have it in tonite or tomorrow afternoon as the latest.

The Viscount
2019-11-21, 08:52 PM
I'm almost done. I have made all the decisions, but have to finish and proof the writeup. I should be able to get that done in the next day or so.

Heliomance, Judges, are you okay with this looseness, or would you like a firm deadline? I know I will want to keep polishing until I have to let it go. Deadlines are helpful to focus your efforts, sometimes.

As a judge I can wait until the weekend (which is honestly when I'll have the time to review builds) but of course it's Heliomance's decision.

2019-11-21, 10:45 PM
I will have mine in tomorrow afternoon/evening. I need to finish the level by level breakdown and do fluff but all decisions are made and tables done. Thanks for the extension.

2019-11-22, 02:40 AM
Current plan is to extend until after the weekend

2019-11-22, 03:31 AM
Thanks for the update.

2019-11-22, 11:30 AM
Current plan is to extend until after the weekend

Thank you!!

2019-11-23, 03:04 PM
Made it in. Should be formatted correctly. A day later than I wanted but it is done. Thanks a tons for the extension. Super excited about the round.

Hiro Quester
2019-11-24, 04:16 AM
Mine's in too. Hopefully I got the formatting to work. That was fun. But a few late nights to get it all decided, built, illustrated and explained.

Looking forward to seeing what y'all have cooked up.

2019-11-24, 11:41 AM
Helio, your PM box is full. Don't worry about the one I was trying to send you, though! It was just a request for you to confirm that my images were visible, but then I realized that I could just go on a different computer (that didn't have the images cached) and look at my own sent items folder, so that's not something you need to concern yourself with. I'm satisfied with my entries and you need not delay anything on my behalf.

Of course, I can't say whether or not there will be other people trying to flood you with last-minute entries and updates at this point, but since I know you get an automated email when someone tries and fails to send you a PM and my name will be on that email, I figure it's worth telling you not to be concerned just out of courtesy.

The Viscount
2019-11-24, 06:44 PM
Looks like we're shaping up to have a pretty big round. I eagerly await the opportunity to sample them.


Hiro Quester
2019-11-24, 09:23 PM
Helio, your PM box is full.

I just had the same issue. I noticed a small error with my entry (reading the sent message), in that one of the saving throws is higher by one point. Also a minor presentation issue could be fixed.

Tried to send you a replacement with the error corrected just now, but the system says your inbox is full and you need to clear some space before you can receive messages.

I have the corrected version ready to send to you. When you are able to receive messages, please let us know.

Piggy Knowles
2019-11-24, 10:00 PM
One entry done, though getting the same full inbox issue. Another build mostly done but I still need to do skills and fluff, which I likely won't have time to finish.

2019-11-25, 12:48 AM
Build is done and will be submitted once Heliomance's inbox has space!!! Really excited to see what everyone came up with!

2019-11-25, 09:47 AM
Sorry about the inbox, it now has space!

Hiro Quester
2019-11-25, 10:26 AM
Sorry about the inbox, it now has space!
Awesome! Thanks again.

I am at work right now, but I will try to resend mine in the next couple of hours

Piggy Knowles
2019-11-25, 11:56 AM
Mine is in! Thanks, Helio. Work is a bit busy so I doubt I'll have time to finish the second build, but I'm glad I got my main idea completed.

Looking forward to the reveal!

2019-11-25, 12:13 PM
Build submitted! :)

Hiro Quester
2019-11-25, 12:26 PM
Sent. I'm kind of proud of this, my first ever entry. And really curious what others have cooked up.

2019-11-27, 04:33 AM
I have 27 unread messages in my inbox, you filthy keeners O_o

Alright, one last time, let's do this!

2019-11-27, 04:36 AM
Right, entry number 1:

Myra Dale

Henry Hartog considered himself a lucky man. Not a month ago his fortunes as a merchant had been waning. It had seemed like all he had built for himself would collapse. But then that woman had come into his life.
The thief was moving quickly through the large mansion. The initial approach had been quick, with magical passageways prepared in advance granting the intruder access to the mansion’s interior. Soon, the most infamous burglar in the country overlooking the vault room.
The merchant looked over the duke’s selection of wines. She’d been rather specific about the wine she wanted, but he could forgive her her eccentricities. It was her advice that had restored his fortune after all. He’d never met someone as bright and intelligent as her, and the way she’d predicted the market had been nothing short of magical.
The room below seemed to contain only a couple of guards, but the intruder wasn’t fooled. A quick burst of magic, and the guards previously hidden by magic became visible as well. Among them mages with the tell-tale glow on their eyes of detection magic. The thief suppressed a sigh of disappointment. The baron had been warned about her coming, yet this was all he’d done to protect his treasure? With a shrug, she leapt from her perch down into the room below.
“Henry, you old miser, I’ve just heard the most delightful rumor.” An old friend approached the merchant as he stood at the buffet, waiting for a servant to return to him with the wine he had requested. “Apparently, the phantom thief has announced a visit to the Baron. He even gave a date, being tonight. So naturally the old man arranged this party. He thinks he’ll catch the thief and be able to present him to all of us before the night is over.”
As the phantom thief leapt, everything in the room below came to a standstill. Even the flames in the fireplace stopped moving. The burglar landed quietly in front of the vault. Two quick hand movements followed, and the vault door opened. As it did, the thief noticed an odd device at the door’s corner, which caused a chuckle. It was one of the College Arcanum’s devices, one likely intended to deploy some kind of paralyzing magic shortly after the vault door opened. The device would have an in-built delay to ensure it caught whoever entered the vault. That delay was too long however. The thief stepped into the vault, and quickly swapped the baron’s medal with the thief’s signature, a single red scale.

Then the thief rushed out of the vault and climbed back up to the perch from which the raid had started. A last burst of magic, and the vault closed again. And everything in the room below started moving again.

Now, all that was left to do was to make sure her alibi remained intact.
Henry finally returned to where he’d left his companion. She was standing exactly where he’d left her, a pensive expression on her scarlet face as she stared off into the distance. “I hope I haven’t made you wait for too long, my dear.” He said as he handed her the glass of wine.

“Oh, it felt like no time at all, dear Henry.” She smiled. “No time at all.”

Stub: CN lesser Tiefling beguiler 5/warblade 1/jade phoenix mage 4/swiftblade 10

Ability scores

Level 4
Level 8
Level 12
Level 16
Level 20







Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

beguiler 1
concentration 4, spellcraft 4, knowledge(arcana) 4, knowledge (religion) 2 (CC), spot 4, move silent 4, sleight of hand 4, jump 4, tumble 4, search 4

weapon finesse
armored mage, trapfinding

beguiler 2
concentration 5, spellcraft 5, knowledge(arcana) 5, knowledge (religion) 2, spot 5, move silent 5, sleight of hand 5, jump 5, tumble 5, search 5, gather information 1

cloaked casting (+1 DC), surprise casting

beguiler 3
concentration 6, spellcraft 6, knowledge(arcana) 5, knowledge (religion) 2, spot 6, move silent 6, sleight of hand 6, jump 6, tumble 6, search 6, gather information 1, skill trick: conceal spellcasting

midnight dodge
advanced learning(dead end)

Beguiler 4
concentration 7, spellcraft 7, knowledge(arcana) 7, knowledge (religion) 2, spot 7, move silent 7, sleight of hand 7, jump 7, tumble 7, search 7, gather information 1, skill trick: conceal spellcasting


Warblade 1
concentration 8, spellcraft 7, knowledge(arcana) 7, knowledge (religion) 2, spot 7, move silent 7, sleight of hand 8(CC), jump 8, tumble 8, search 7, gather information 1, knowledge(history) 3, skill trick: conceal spellcasting

battle clarity (reflex saves), weapon aptitude

beguiler 5
concentration 9, spellcraft 9, knowledge(arcana) 7, knowledge (religion) 2, spot 9, move silent 9, sleight of hand 9, jump 9, tumble 9, search 7, gather information 1, knowledge(history) 3, skill trick: conceal spellcasting

silent spell

Jade phoenix mage 1
concentration 10, spellcraft 9, knowledge(arcana) 7, knowledge (religion) 2, spot 10(CC), move silent 9, sleight of hand 10(CC), jump 9, tumble 10, search 7, gather information 1, knowledge(history) 3, skill trick: conceal spellcasting

arcane wrath, rite of waking

jade phoenix mage 2
concentration 11, spellcraft 9, knowledge(arcana) 7, knowledge (religion) 2, spot 11(CC), move silent 9, sleight of hand 11(CC), jump 9, tumble 11, search 7, gather information 1, knowledge(history) 3, skill trick: conceal spellcasting

mystic phoenix stance

swiftblade 1
concentration 12, spellcraft 9, knowledge(arcana) 7, knowledge (religion) 2, spot 12, move silent 9, sleight of hand 12(CC), jump 12, tumble 12, search 7, gather information 1, knowledge(history) 3, skill trick: conceal spellcasting

practiced spellcaster (beguiler)

spring attack, swift surge+1/+0 ft.

swiftblade 2
concentration 13, spellcraft 9, knowledge(arcana) 7, knowledge (religion) 2, spot 13, move silent 10(CC), sleight of hand 13(CC), jump 13, tumble 13, search 7, gather information 1, knowledge(history) 3, skill trick: conceal spellcasting

blurred alacrity

swiftblade 3
concentration 14, spellcraft 9, knowledge(arcana) 7, knowledge (religion) 2, spot 14, move silent 11(CC), sleight of hand 14(CC), jump 14, tumble 14, search 7, gather information 1, knowledge(history) 3, skill trick: conceal spellcasting

sudden casting

swiftblade 4
concentration 15, spellcraft 9, knowledge(arcana) 7, knowledge (religion) 2, spot 15, move silent 12(CC), sleight of hand 15(CC), jump 15, tumble 15, search 7, gather information 1, knowledge(history) 3, skill trick: conceal spellcasting

shape soulmeld(impulse boots)
arcane reflexes, swift surge +1/+10 ft.

swiftblade 5
concentration 16, spellcraft 9, knowledge(arcana) 7, knowledge (religion) 2, spot 16, move silent 13(CC), sleight of hand 16(CC), jump 16, tumble 16, search 7, gather information 1, knowledge(history) 3, skill trick: conceal spellcasting

evasive celerity

swiftblade 6
concentration 17, spellcraft 9, knowledge(arcana) 7, knowledge (religion) 2, spot 16, move silent 14(CC), sleight of hand 17(CC), jump 17, tumble 17, search 7, gather information 1, knowledge(history) 3, skill trick: conceal spellcasting

fortified hustle

swiftblade 7
concentration 18, spellcraft 9, knowledge(arcana) 7, knowledge (religion) 2, spot 18, move silent 15(CC), sleight of hand 18(CC), jump 18, tumble 18, search 7, gather information 1, knowledge(history) 3, skill trick: conceal spellcasting

open least chakra (feet)

bounding assault, swift surge +2/+10 ft.

swiftblade 8
concentration 19, spellcraft 9, knowledge(arcana) 7, knowledge (religion) 2, spot 19, move silent 16(CC), sleight of hand 19(CC), jump 19, tumble 19, search 7, gather information 1, knowledge(history) 3, skill trick: conceal spellcasting

diligent rapidity

swiftblade 9
concentration 20, spellcraft 9, knowledge(arcana) 7, knowledge (religion) 2, spot 20, move silent 17(CC), sleight of hand 20(CC), jump 20, tumble 20, search 7, gather information 1, knowledge(history) 3, skill trick: conceal spellcasting

perpetual options

swiftblade 10
concentration 21, spellcraft 9, knowledge(arcana) 7, knowledge (religion) 2, spot 21, move silent 18(CC), sleight of hand 21(CC), jump 21, tumble 21, search 7, gather information 1, knowledge(history) 3, skill trick: conceal spellcasting

martial stance (flame's blessing)

innervate speed

jade phoenix mage 3
concentration 22, spellcraft 9, knowledge(arcana) 7, knowledge (religion) 2, spot 22, move silent 19(CC), sleight of hand 22(CC), jump 22, tumble 22, search 7, gather information 1, knowledge(history) 3, skill trick: conceal spellcasting


jade phoenix mage 4
concentration 23, spellcraft 9, knowledge(arcana) 7, knowledge (religion) 2, spot 23, move silent 20(CC), sleight of hand 23(CC), jump 23, tumble 23, search 7, gather information 1, knowledge(history) 3, skill trick: conceal spellcasting

empower strike

punishing stance
flame's blessing (feat)

claw at the moon (warblade)
sudden leap (warblade)
steel wind (warblade)
burning blade (JPM)
ring of fire (JPM)

Spells per Day (includes bonus spells from high INT)






















Levels 1-4
For the first 4 levels, you’re just a beguiler. What that means is that you’ve got a boatload of utility and stealth spells, as well as some low-level crowd control staples like color spray and sleep. Your skill kit is focussed on stealth, with the conceal spellcasting trick facilitating the casting of spells without that immediately being noticed.

Levels 4-8
This is where the transition to a more gishy build begins. We take a level in Warblade to qualify for jade phoenix mage. Warblade is chosen because of the small intelligence synergy it gets, as that works well with the beguiler, which is an int caster. For maneuvers, sudden leap provides a bit of swift action maneuverability, while claw at the moon and steel wind provide strikes for different situations. We also get a maneuver from the levels in jade phoenix mage, for which we take burning brand. This maneuver isn’t too useful yet, but it’ll come into its own later.
For stances, punishing stance is a nice offensive stance, while the mystic phoenix stance (which technically isn’t a stance but a class feature) is more defensive, giving extra AC and DR if we expend a spell slot.
During level 8 we get drafted into a big war against kobolds. As the most efficient way to kill kobolds is to just stab them, the most efficient buff for killing kobolds is haste, so we spend all of the 8th level casting that spell, and the spell alone. This does leave us with a bit of an addiction to the feeling of going fast, but I’m sure that won’t impact the way the build develops.

Levels 9-15
This is where swiftblade comes into the build. It does a couple of things for us. Primarily, these levels turn haste into an omni-buff, combining offensive benefits with defensive stuff from miss chances. The spring attack and bounding assault bonus feats aren’t exactly good, but they can be useful on a turn where we want to recharge our maneuvers. Lastly, the bonus damage from swift surge can easily be triggered by sudden leap, allowing for its use in a full round attack. Picking up the impulse boots soulmeld and corresponding chakra bind means we can now leverage our high Reflex save to actually take no damage as well, which is nice.

Level 17 *sweet spot*
This level brings a couple of really nice things. First of all, we get Swiftblade’s actual capstone, which allows us to take an extra standard action each turn, which means we can double up on strikes if we want to, or pair a strike with a full-round attack, or cast a spell and a strike, or cast two spells, or whatever else we might feel like. A this level we also get our 6th level spells, most of which are nice, though not exceptional (and imagine casting mislead and then veil in the same round to make everyone look like you while you’ve just gone invisible :P).

Level 18-20
In the final levels we get just a bit more of what we already had. The final level of swiftblade gives us the ability to cast short-duration time-stops, which can be useful foe buffing if we get caught off guard, but this ability will likely seem more sue as an utility tool outside of combat. The final two levels of jade phoenix mage gets us another maneuver, ring of fire, which allows us to set an area on fire with eh size determined by how fast we can move, which means we can fill quite a decent area thanks to swiftblade and haste. The damage is decent, but the save will be passed more often than not. Still, AoE damage is one thing the beguiler lacks.
Finally, we get 7th level spells, which has some nice tools, but nothing that stands out.

Putting it all together
One thing to note is tat there are two general play-styles for this build. If you’re in a party, you’re mainly a buffer and debuffer, who can also contribute more directly to combat by being not all that terrible at stabbing people. Out of combat you’ve got a lot of utility spells and you make for a good scout thank to your movement speed allowing you to get out of (and into) trouble very quickly.
As a solo-build, this character becomes really interesting. You’re not really build for sustained combat, but you’ve got all the tools to make an excellent thief or assassin. The beguiler spell list is tuned to stealth and avoidance, while the combat benefits of swiftblade give you some staying and stabbing power when you attack a target, while being able to do more in less time is very useful as a thief. In this role, the temporary time-stop can also be fantastic for getting out of trouble or grabbing what you want without anyone noticing.
Imagine, for example, a locked vault surrounded by alert guards. You pre-buff with haste, then subsume a 7th level slot for 2 rounds of doing whatever you want. You then dart in with your haste-enhanced speed, cast knock on the vault to open it and grab what you came for (end of first round). Then, you close the vault and gtfo, leaving the site itself seemingly undisturbed. Total cost: a 2nd and 7th level spell slot. The look on the vault owner’s face when he finds the vault empty and every guard swearing nothing happened: priceless.

all these numbers are for level 20, and with haste and mage armor active.
HP: 115
AC: 22
Fort save: 13
reflex save: 17
will save: 12
to-hit: +25/+20/+15
Other defenses: 50% miss-chance against attacks and targeted spells, resist cold, electricity and fire 5 (immunity to fire in flame's blessing stance)

monster manual: Tiefling
players guide to Faerun: lesser planetouched
Tome of battle: warblade, jade phoenix mage, martial stance, all manevers and stances
PHB2: beguiler
complete scoundrel: conceal spellcasting
spell compendium: dead end
magic of incarnum: midnight dodge, shape soulmeld, open least chakra, impulse boots

2019-11-27, 04:37 AM
Entry number 2:

Fëanáro Swiftfoot
Chaotic Neutral Fire Elf Wizard 6 / Swiftblade 10 / Abjurant Champion 4

Starting Abilities: STR 14, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 16, WIS 10, CHA 10
After Racial Mods: STR 14, DEX 16, CON 12, INT 18, WIS 10, CHA 8
All lvl increases to INT
Final Abilities: STR 14, DEX 16, CON 12, INT 23, WIS 10, CHA 8

Fëanáro Swiftfoot looked hard at the cavernous room filled with drow. He and the two archers that accompanied him were here to rescue the chieftain's daughter, and it looked like the drow planned to sacrifice her, probably to summon some horrible demon. "Can't let that happen," Fëanáro thought, and cast his favorite spell, letting the sweet rush of haste flow through him, along with a shield spell and a spell of ferocity. As the bowmen started to loose, Fëanáro stopped time, became a Sun Giant, and proceeded to cut his way towards the altar...

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Spot: 2, Listen: 2, Know (Planes): 4, Know (Nature): 4, Know (Religion): 4, Concentration: 3, Spellcraft: 4, Craft (Painting): 1
Guerrilla Scout, Dodge
Spells, Focused Specialist Transmuter (banning Evocation, Enchantment, Illusion), Rat Familiar, Fighter Feats

Spot: 2, Listen: 2, Know (Planes): 5, Know (Nature): 5, Know (Religion): 5, Concentration: 5, Spellcraft: 5, Craft (Painting): 1

Spot: 3, Listen: 3, Know (Planes): 5, Know (Nature): 6, Know (Religion): 6, Concentration: 6, Spellcraft: 6, Craft (Painting): 1
Extend Spell
Elven Substitution Level (Double Familiar Bonus)

Spot: 3, Listen: 3, Know (Planes): 7, Know (Nature): 7, Know (Religion): 7, Concentration: 7, Spellcraft: 7, Craft (Painting): 1

Spot: 4, Listen: 4, Know (Planes): 7, Know (Nature): 8, Know (Religion): 8, Concentration: 8, Spellcraft: 8, Craft (Painting): 1

Spot: 4, Listen: 4, Know (Planes): 9, Know (Nature): 9, Know (Religion): 9, Concentration: 9, Spellcraft: 9, Craft (Painting): 1
Practiced Spellcaster (Wizard)

Spot: 5, Listen: 5, Tumble: 6, Know (Planes): 9, Know (Nature): 9, Know (Religion): 9, Concentration: 9, Spellcraft: 9, Craft (Painting): 1
Spring Attack
Swift Surge

Spot: 8, Listen: 8, Tumble: 9, Know (Planes): 9, Know (Nature): 9, Know (Religion): 9, Concentration: 9, Spellcraft: 9, Craft (Painting): 1

Blurred Alacrity

Spot: 11, Listen: 11, Tumble: 12, Know (Planes): 9, Know (Nature): 9, Know (Religion): 9, Concentration: 9, Spellcraft: 9, Craft (Painting): 1
Minor Shapeshift
Sudden Casting

Spot: 13, Listen: 13, Tumble: 13, Know (Arcana): 4, Know (Planes): 9, Know (Nature): 9, Know (Religion): 9, Concentration: 9, Spellcraft: 9, Craft (Painting): 1

Swift Surge, Arcane Reflexes

Spot: 14, Listen: 14, Tumble: 14, Know (Arcana): 10, Know (Planes): 9, Know (Nature): 9, Know (Religion): 9, Concentration: 9, Spellcraft: 9, Craft (Painting): 1

Evasive Celerity

Spot: 15, Listen: 15, Tumble: 15, Know (Arcana): 14, Know (Planes): 9, Know (Nature): 9, Know (Religion): 9, Concentration: 10, Spellcraft: 10, Craft (Painting): 1
Elusive Target
Fortified Hustle

Spot: 16, Listen: 16, Tumble: 15, Know (Arcana): 15, Know (Planes): 11CC, Know (Nature): 9, Know (Religion): 9, Concentration: 11, Spellcraft: 11, Craft (Painting): 1
Bounding Assault
Swift Surge

Spot: 17, Listen: 17, Tumble: 15, Know (Arcana): 16, Know (Planes): 13CC, Know (Nature): 9, Know (Religion): 9, Concentration: 12, Spellcraft: 12, Craft (Painting): 1

Diligent Rapidity

Spot: 18, Listen: 18, Tumble: 15, Know (Arcana): 17, Know (Planes): 15CC, Know (Nature): 9, Know (Religion): 9, Concentration: 13, Spellcraft: 13, Craft (Painting): 1
Combat Casting
Perpetual Option

Spot: 19, Listen: 19, Tumble: 15, Know (Arcana): 19, Know (Planes): 17CC, Know (Nature): 9, Know (Religion): 9, Concentration: 14, Spellcraft: 14, Craft (Painting): 1

Innervated Speed, Swift Surge

Abjurant Champion
Spot: 20, Listen: 20, Tumble: 15, Know (Arcana): 20, Know (Planes): 19CC, Know (Nature): 9, Know (Religion): 9, Concentration: 14, Spellcraft: 15, Craft (Painting): 1

Abjurant Armor, Extended Abjuration

Abjurant Champion
Spot: 21, Listen: 21, Tumble: 15, Know (Arcana): 21, Know (Planes): 21CC, Know (Nature): 9, Know (Religion): 9, Concentration: 14, Spellcraft: 16, Craft (Painting): 1
Persistent Spell
Swift Abjuration

Abjurant Champion
Spot: 22, Listen: 22, Tumble: 15, Know (Arcana): 22, Know (Planes): 22CC, Know (Nature): 9, Know (Religion): 9, Concentration: 14, Spellcraft: 19, Craft (Painting): 1

Abjurant Champion
Spot: 23, Listen: 23, Tumble: 15, Know (Arcana): 23, Know (Planes): 23CC, Know (Nature): 9, Know (Religion): 9, Concentration: 14, Spellcraft: 22, Craft (Painting): 1

Arcane Boost

CC: Purchased cross-class

Spells per Day (Only base + focused specialist)


0 + 3

1 + 3

1 + 3
0 + 3

2 + 3
1 + 3

2 + 3
1 + 3
0 + 3

2 + 3
2 + 3
1 + 3

2 + 3
2 + 3
1 + 3

3 + 3
2 + 3
1 + 3
0 + 3

3 + 3
2 + 3
2 + 3
1 + 3

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2 + 3
2 + 3
1 + 3

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3 + 3
2 + 3
1 + 3
0 + 3

3 + 3
3 + 3
2 + 3
2 + 3
1 + 3

3 + 3
3 + 3
2 + 3
2 + 3
1 + 3

3 + 3
3 + 3
3 + 3
2 + 3
1 + 3
0 + 3

3 + 3
3 + 3
3 + 3
2 + 3
2 + 3
1 + 3

3 + 3
3 + 3
3 + 3
2 + 3
2 + 3
1 + 3

3 + 3
3 + 3
3 + 3
3 + 3
2 + 3
1 + 3
0 + 3

3 + 3
3 + 3
3 + 3
3 + 3
2 + 3
2 + 3
1 + 3

3 + 3
3 + 3
3 + 3
3 + 3
3 + 3
2 + 3
1 + 3
0 + 3

3 + 3
3 + 3
3 + 3
3 + 3
3 + 3
2 + 3
2 + 3
1 + 3

At this level, you're pretty much a standard wizard, though with some interesting feat choices. Glitterdust and haste are staples here. The only thing that really stands out as different is the choice to ban illusion instead of necromancy. While we lose some powerhouse spells (mirror image, bladeweave, shadow conjuration), staples like blur and displacement are covered by the blurred alacrity feature of swiftblade. Even the loss of mirror image isn't huge, considering evasive celerity will help with targeted spells. What we gain with necromancy is damage and temp hit points. Spells like blade of blood, vampiric touch, and false life help provide damage and shore up those d4 hit dice and low con. Speaking of low con, your fortitude save is better than it looks, since you'll get +4 from elven generalist and good ol' Rattata (your familiar).

Some other spells to include in your spell book are whirling blade, the beloved wraithstrike, and burning rage. All are transmutation, and in burning rage's case, it's all upside for Fëanáro, since as a fire elf he has fire resist 5. While the standard action is a bit painful, if you have a good way to quicken it, burning rage is offense and defense in one, and it's at a level where that DR/magic is useful. All of the aforementioned spells will allow you to gish it up for a round or two, but you're still probably better staying out of melee range. Another deadly combo is blade of blood and vampiric touch. Casting the former and saccing 5 hp means your vampirc touch will do 5d6 of damage and give you that much in temp hp, which should be quite a lot for level 5.

You can finally start to mix it up in melee! You're likely to go first in combat thanks to arcane reflexes, you've got many many sources of temporary hit points, the ability to cast haste as a swift action, and enough 3rd and 4th level slots to see you through fights. Blurred Alacrity means every casting of haste also gives you 40% concealment that can't be negated by see invis or true seeing, while spells like sonic weapon (extended) and ferocity of sanguine rage provide respectable damage boosts. If you can move and full attack, you've got three attacks and get an extra d6 to all damage! You can likely afford a +2 weapon, so something like a +1 bloodstone longsword is an excellent choice.

THIS. This is the sweet spot. You can stop time - as a swift action! If you have haste up and running before you do, you can take 2 standard actions for each round! That's an extra spell to be cast! One of the most common complaints about gishes is that it's hard to balance buff up times with actually killing the enemy. At this level, you have the ability to do both, and do it extremely effectively. In the space of one round, plus the swift action of the next round, you can cast haste + 4 or 5 other spells. Shield, Draconic Polymorph (into a Firbolg or Sun Giant), Burning Rage, and Ferocity of Sanguine Rage means you've got a strength of 44, +10 bonus damage (from the rages), +1 to attack, +15ish (shield and natural armor) to ac, and an extra 2d6 non-precision damage if you move 20ft. Add sizing to your weapon and go to town! Plus you're incredibly mobile: you can spring attack twice, and with bounding assault in the mix, you get 4 attacks, same as you would with full attacking. Except these attacks are at your very respectable BAB and BAB - 5, instead BAB/-5/-10/-15. You also have freedom of movement and a 50% miss chance vs damn near everything.

The abjurant champion levels add a bit of defense, that and persist spell add even more action economy, and you can boost saves if need be with arcane boost. Plus you get a d10 hit dice, which is a welcome change of pace. Level 7 spells offer up some nice spells for offense - bite of the werebear and waves of exhaustion are fun! - but for the most part these levels are mostly all about shoring up your defense a bit.

On Buffing: While it is important to buff yourself to deal adequate damage, don't forget the cardinal rule of buffing - every round you buff is a round your enemies have free reign to act appropriately (at least until level 16). I've mentioned good buff spells here that I think are worth the action it takes to cast them, and while I didn't mention it, Fëanáro can act like a normal wizard if he has to. He'll still be quite good too, since all his level bumps go to INT.

2019-11-27, 04:38 AM
Entry number 3:

The Whispering Wind
TN Raptoran Beguiler 7/Swiftblade 10/Unseen Seer 3


The trees whipped back and forth with the breezes outside, and combined with the whistle of the wind itself it almost sounded like someone talking, from a far, far distance.

The little girl was alone with her grandmother tonight, but that was fine now, because her grandmother knew many things. She could ask, and perhaps she would get an answer. “What is the wind saying?”

“You are not the first little girl to ask that question,” her Grandmother replied. “Her name was Whispering Wind.”

“Is that the name of the wind?” Her grandmother had taught her that true names were important things.

She did not answer this question though, and instead she began a story. That was fine, because a story was even better than an answer. “Whispering Wind was born in this village long ago, but that turned out to be a very big name for a little, quiet girl, so everyone called her Whisper. Whisper was even more curious about the wind than you, for that is the way of people about their names.

“Whisper would listen to the song of the wind every day, and she tried her hardest to tease out little meanings from its tiny voice. At first, she couldn’t make out anything at all, but she tried and she tried. She strained her ears listening, and she also strained her muscles learning to be very still, making no noise of her own. And still, she could not hear most words of the wind, but the few she did were worth much, and from them she learned many things.

“Some would be content with such prizes, but not Whisper. She thought perhaps she could not hear the wind because it was so fast and she was not, so she worked hard to fly fast every day. She tried and tried, and eventually she was the fastest flier in the village, but this was not enough for her, because still, she could not hear the wind. But one day, she prized another secret from it, and with that she became much faster indeed.

“This secret was a true one, not just a small one, and so its use could lead to many others. Whisper learned to be quiet however she moved. Whisper learned how the wind slips through hand and trap, never to be caught. But most of all, Whisper learned to be faster and faster, because she still needed to understand the wind. She became so fast she bent time itself, and oft returned to the village the night before she had left. But no matter how fast she went, or how quiet she was, she still could not hear enough. She started to think the wind was merely playing with her, and didn’t want her to hear the words it said.

“Whisper was so fast now that when she moved she was barely a blur to the villagers, and when they told her this it gave her another idea. None could see the wind, and she was already partway there, so perhaps if she could also keep herself unseen, the wind would finally tell her all its secrets. So she learned to be unseen, and as with everything she worked for, she learned it very, very, well. And the villagers never saw her again.”

After this her grandmother stopped, silent, and the little girl was dismayed. “But what happened next? Did Whisper finally get to talk to the wind?”

Her grandmother laughed then, but not cruelly, and she was quick to answer afterwards. “Oh my little girl, don’t you see? I told you when the story began, Whisper was the Whispering Wind all along.”

Being a Raptoran, Whisper has no Stat Adjustments, but does eventually receive a Flight Speed and has low-light vision. Also note that Whisper has an important racial bonus of +2 to Spot, as well as less important ones of +10 to Jump and +2 to Climb.

Level 01: STR 16 | DEX 14 | CON 14 | INT 16 | WIS 08 | CHA 08
Level 20: STR 16 | DEX 14 | CON 14 | INT 21 | WIS 08 | CHA 08

Mean Hit Points: 6 + 16d6 + 3d4 + (2*20) = 6 + 16*3.5 + 3*2.5 + 40 = 109

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Beguiler 1
Concentration 4, Disable Device 4, Hide 4, Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Listen 4, Move Silently 4, Search 4, Spellcraft 3, Spot 4, Tumble 4
Armored Mage, Trapfinding

Beguiler 2
Concentration 5 (+1), Disable Device 5 (+1), Hide 5 (+1), Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Listen 5 (+1), Move Silently 5 (+1), Search 5 (+1), Spellcraft 4 (+1), Spot 5 (+1), Tumble 5 (+1)
Cloaked Casting (+1 DC), Surprise Casting

Beguiler 3
Concentration 6 (+1), Disable Device 6 (+1), Hide 6 (+1), Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Listen 6 (+1), Move Silently 6 (+1), Search 6 (+1), Spellcraft 5 (+1), Spot 6 (+1), Tumble 6 (+1)
Advanced Learning (Shock and Awe)

Beguiler 4
Concentration 7 (+1), Disable Device 7 (+1), Hide 7 (+1), Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Listen 7 (+1), Move Silently 7 (+1), Search 7 (+1), Spellcraft 6 (+1), Spot 7 (+1), Tumble 7 (+1)

Beguiler 5
Concentration 8 (+1), Disable Device 8 (+1), Hide 8 (+1), Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Listen 8 (+1), Move Silently 7, Search 8 (+1), Sense Motive 2 (+2), Spellcraft 6, Spot 8 (+1), Tumble 8 (+1)
Silent Spell

Beguiler 6
Concentration 9 (+1), Disable Device 9 (+1), Hide 9 (+1), Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Listen 9 (+1), Move Silently 7, Search 9 (+1), Sense Motive 4 (+2), Spellcraft 6, Spot 9 (+1), Tumble 9 (+1)
Air Heritage
Surprise Casting (Move Action)

Swiftblade 1
Concentration 10 (+1), Disable Device 9, Hide 10 (+1*), Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Listen 10 (+1), Move Silently 7, Search 10 (+1*), Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 6, Spot 10 (+1), Tumble 9
Spring Attack
Swift Surge +1/+0 ft

Swiftblade 2
Concentration 11 (+1), Disable Device 9, Hide 11 (+1*), Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Listen 11 (+1), Move Silently 7, Search 11 (+1*), Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 6, Spot 11 (+1), Tumble 10 (+1)
Blurred Alacrity

Swiftblade 3
Concentration 12 (+1), Disable Device 9, Hide 12 (+1*), Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Listen 12 (+1), Move Silently 7, Search 12 (+1*), Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 6, Spot 12 (+1), Tumble 11 (+1)
Power Attack
Sudden Casting

Swiftblade 4
Concentration 13 (+1), Disable Device 9, Hide 13 (+1*), Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Listen 13 (+1), Move Silently 7, Search 13 (+1*), Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 6, Spot 13 (+1), Tumble 12 (+1)
Arcane Reflexes, Swift Surge +1/+10 ft

Swiftblade 5
Concentration 14 (+1), Disable Device 9, Hide 14 (+1*), Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Listen 14 (+1), Move Silently 7, Search 14 (+1*), Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 6, Spot 14 (+1), Tumble 13 (+1)
Evasive Celerity

Swiftblade 6
Concentration 15 (+1), Disable Device 9, Hide 15 (+1*), Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Listen 15 (+1), Move Silently 7, Search 15 (+1*), Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 6, Spot 15 (+1), Tumble 14 (+1)
Arcane Strike
Fortified Hustle

Swiftblade 7
Concentration 16 (+1), Disable Device 9, Hide 16 (+1*), Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Listen 16 (+1), Move Silently 7, Search 16 (+1*), Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 6, Spot 16 (+1), Tumble 15 (+1)
Bounding Assault
Swift Surge +2/+10 ft

Swiftblade 8
Concentration 17 (+1), Disable Device 9, Hide 17 (+1*), Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Listen 17 (+1), Move Silently 7, Search 17 (+1*), Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 6, Spot 17 (+1), Tumble 16 (+1)
Diligent Rapidity

Swiftblade 9
Concentration 18 (+1), Disable Device 9, Hide 18 (+1*), Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Listen 18 (+1), Move Silently 7, Search 18 (+1*), Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 6, Spot 18 (+1), Tumble 17 (+1)
Perpetual Options

Swiftblade 10
Concentration 19 (+1), Disable Device 9, Hide 19 (+1*), Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Listen 19 (+1), Move Silently 7, Search 19 (+1*), Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 6, Spot 19 (+1), Tumble 19 (+2)
Innervated Speed, Swift Surge +2/+20 ft

Unseen Seer 1
Concentration 20 (+1), Disable Device 11 (+2*), Hide 20 (+1), Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Knowledge (Nature) 1 (+1), Knowledge (The Planes) 1 (+1), Listen 20 (+1), Move Silently 7, Search 20 (+1), Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 6, Spot 20 (+1), Tumble 19

Unseen Seer 2
Concentration 21 (+1), Disable Device 14 (+3*), Hide 21 (+1), Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 1, Listen 21 (+1), Move Silently 7, Search 21 (+1), Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 6, Spot 21 (+1), Tumble 19
Versatile Spellcaster
Advanced Learning (Find the Gap)

Unseen Seer 3
Concentration 22 (+1), Disable Device 17 (+3*), Hide 22 (+1), Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 1, Listen 22 (+1), Move Silently 7, Search 22 (+1), Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 6, Spot 22 (+1), Tumble 19
Divination Spell Power +1

Beguiler 7
Concentration 23 (+1), Disable Device 23 (+6), Hide 23 (+1), Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 1, Listen 23 (+1), Move Silently 7, Search 23 (+1), Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 6, Spot 23 (+1), Tumble 19
Advanced Learning (Superior Invisibility)






















Whisper complements the Beguiler’s strong suite of mind affecting and battlefield control effects with direct melee offense enabled by the Swiftblade. While one of these attack modes can often be foiled by the wrong enemy, it is much rarer that the same enemy will be able to deal with both, and so Whisper will rarely be stymied in combat. In addition to this, both packages complement each other; the Swiftblade’s surplus of time stop actions lends itself to using Beguiler spells to lay down battlefield control effects or to self buff.

On defense, the synergy between high tactical speed and stealth capabilities can make engaging this character effectively almost impossible, and the miss chance based defensive bonuses a Swiftblade gets help to regularly negate attacks even when the opposition does manage to engage. Spells from the Beguiler such as Nondetection, Shadow Walk, and eventually Mind Blank and Discern Location provide strategic supremacy on this front to complement tactical supremacy.

Even in terms of building the character, Beguiler is elegant. It naturally has some martial weapon proficiencies to ease qualification, and Haste is automatically a Beguiler spell known.

Level by Level and Tactics

At first, Whisper is a normal Beguiler casting low level Beguiler spells, and her melee abilities complement them well. A big reaching longspear and reasonable strength allows for some consistent damage when spells are run out or inappropriate without fully engaging. Dodge complements the light armor a Beguiler can wear, giving Whisper enough AC to avoid folding too easily to an attack. Mobility can help Whisper skirmish effectively as well, avoiding being stuck on the front line with her reach weapon. Trapfinding, high ranks in a variety of key skills, and both the Invisibility and Silence spells let Whisper function in the normal utility role of the Rogue. Shock and Awe as an advanced learning choice synergizes well with her stealth use and remains relevant for her entire career.

Whisper gains flight for short intervals at level 5 and the Air Heritage feat at level 6 increases her flight speed to 70 feet. With an additional 30 foot speed boost from casting Haste, Whisper can truly race the wind at 100 foot speed. Using reach with the longspear, it’s more practical to full attack and get the extra swing from haste despite the relative frailty of a Beguiler, and if things get too hairy Whisper can disengage easily.

Swiftblade brings a lot of immediate benefits. Spring Attack continues to emphasize the skirmishing theme, letting Whisper strike like the wind in cases where remaining close to the front line is inadvisable, and sometimes even kiting enemies from the air or darting out of and back into hiding. Swift Surge synergizes with using it and bolsters some of Whisper’s mediocre melee numbers. Blurred Alacrity allows for an extra defensive filter without the need for spell slot expenditure. The other 3rd level Beguiler spells are available now too, and while the list is lacking in direct options, many of them do excel in pinning enemies down (Hold Person, Legion of Sentinels, and Slow especially.) There are also a variety of utility options, and Zone of Silence in particular is ridiculous as a stealth aid (so ridiculous that the Move Silently skill is allowed to decay into a stub.) Overall, Whisper’s damage dealing might not be great right now, but she can play for the long game and wear the enemy out, with numerous ways to avoid taking damage herself.

The inclusion of Power Attack here puts some life back into Whisper's melee abilities, and the quick Hastes from Sudden Casting let her get into the swing of that sort of combat without a buff round now. Additionally, the new ability to fly indefinitely (and with an extra 10 feet of speed now) can make the hasted full attacks safer in some circumstances, using the reach of the longspear from the air. Dive Attacks (which provide an overall x4 Power Attack multiplier) are viable now too, and can be done from extreme heights, possibly even with surprise (Arcane Reflexes combines nicely with Shock and Awe to almost ensure you act before the opponent in the round after surprise.)

Spring Attack (which will activate Swift Surge bonus damage) continues to do a good job of using air distance as an extra defensive filter, in combination with the growing miss chances provided by Blurred Alacrity and Evasive Celerity. And finally, when melee isn’t going to work too well at all, Whisper now has 4th level Beguiler spells, which include both good options for big bruisers like Confusion and hard control like Solid Fog.

At level 12 Whisper takes Arcane Strike, allowing her to both cancel out the accuracy issues of Power Attack while adding more bonus damage, and the new Bounding Assault upgrade to Spring Attack synergizes well with Arcane Strike affecting all attacks in a round. Fifth level Beguiler spells introduce more devastating Will targeting options for enemies with high AC, and Diligent Rapidity lets Whisper move easily through the Solid Fog she spreads around the field.

Perpetual Options is of course very strong, and Whisper can use it responsibly, preserving her endurance. She can spend one action per round to cast a spell and the rest of her actions on melee activities. Even if using Arcane Strikes, Whisper can keep it reasonable with 1st and 2nd level slots that weren’t going to do much else anyway.

Darkstalker is a necessary tool for any build that cares about stealth at this level, and the 6th level Beguiler Spells available now offer utility and strategic options such as True Seeing, Greater Dispel, and Shadow Walk.

Innervated Speed is the other real power class ability Swiftblade gets, and Whisper has strong options to use with it right from the time she gets it. The Beguiler spell list is full of the two best types of spells to use inside a time stop: field control like Solid Fog, and self buffs like Greater Invisibility. Casting Innervated Haste as a swift action with Sudden Casting and then using some of these options (remember, you will get an extra standard action per round as long as you have a real Haste on yourself too) is an expensive but effective way to nova in an important battle. Less obviously, but more cheaply, just using a 6th level Haste to RUN for a full round as a swift action is very good. With her speed now increased to 120 feet with haste on, that’s 480 feet of distance which flies and isn’t subject to opportunity attacks, and in addition to that, you still have your extra standard too! It’s like a Quickened Dimension Door as a 6th level spell that also gives you an additional (time stop limited) action on top.

Whisper becomes an Unseen Seer now, which gives her full progression of spells along with reasonable BaB and skills, making for a good base without anything serious in the way of prereqs. Most of the rest of the class isn’t that valuable (the Damage Bonus technically can’t count for Swift Surge, though some lenient DMs may let this RAW issue slide), but Unseen Seer has one gem that justifies the trip: Advanced Learning, which we can use to pick up the rarely seen spell Find the Gap. A cheap to cast 3rd level spell, Find the Gap is another great buff spell to use inside of time stop, and an excellent accuracy enabler to help make Power Attack good for a whole battle, and to make those Dive Attacks really deadly.

Versatile Spellcaster is a feat choice good for really grinding the most high level slots Whisper can when she needs to, and another way to efficiently use low level ones. Innervated Haste in particular is very demanding of high level slots for efficiency (using two 6ths as a 7th to get two rounds instead of one is just strictly better, if you think about it), and her 8th level spell options are about to be outrageously good.

The other reason Whisper took 3 levels of Unseen Seer is that she had to delay Beguiler 7 until level 20, so that she can take an 8th level spell for her advanced learning. While the Beguiler 8ths are amazing strategic options (Moment of Prescience is even there too), the perfect complement to Whisper’s setup is actually Superior Invisibility. Critically, the only common counters to Superior Invisibility are True Seeing and Mindsight, but True Seeing only has a range of 120 feet, and Mindsight is often 100! Since Whisper’s speed is 120 feet already, and Whisper has a surplus of both extra actions (especially movement in time stop) combined with Bounding Assault, it’s easy to spend a whole battle far outside this range, forcing the enemy to make spot checks against hide+20 at ridiculous range penalties to find a hiding Whisper through the invisibility. This is obviously a brutal defensive filtering effect, and combined with the anti-divination capability of Nondetection or even Mind Blank it can make for a brutally unfair fight. You can't catch the wind.

Haste Personified Web Enhancement: Swiftblade (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070327)
PHB II: Beguiler class and some Beguiler spells, Bounding Assault feat
Complete Mage: Unseen Seer prestige class
Races of the Wild: Raptoran race
Planar Handbook: Air Heritage feat
Complete Warrior: Arcane Strike feat
Lords of Madness: Darkstalker feat
Races of the Dragon: Versatile Spellcaster feat
Spell Compendium: Shock and Awe, Find the Gap, Superior Invisibility spells
SRD: All other feats and spells

2019-11-27, 04:39 AM
Entry number 4:

Name: Socko, the Wind Sock


This build uses the Phaerimm's ability to gain sorcerer spellcasting for each character level it takes. However, none of what it does is functionally dependent on it.

Spells: A Phaerimm casts arcane spells as a sorcerer (caster level equals phaerimm's character level). Phaerimms use their sorcerer spells as if they were spell-like abilities, so they require no verbal, somatic, or material components.
Phaerimm Characters
A phaerimm's favored class is sorcerer. Its sorcerer levels stack with its base spellcasting ability for the purpose of determining spells known, spells per day, and other effects dependent on caster level.

If you do not agree with this as a judge or find that it would warrant too many penalties, feel free to evaluate it as a build using any race with natural weapons and no LA. It will function exactly the same with the exception that it will get access to spells later and never be able to cast higher than 8th level spells (by foregoing the levels in Paladin of Tyranny, Arcane Duelist, and Warblade)--which is all it needs for its highest level tricks (Greater Arcane Fusion and/or Greater Bestow Curse).

A second thing to consider is the feat and class feature choices. Weapon Finesse and Metamagic Specialist are both on the table if using Limited Wish for Psychic Reformation is allowed. The build presented has feats and class features ideal for the final build, but would traditionally take the aforementioned feat and class feature in the early levels if using Limited Wish in such a manner was allowed later on. Weapon Finesse can also be kept for good if magical location options are on the table. For example, visiting a Metamagic Storm allows us to replace Extend Spell with Weapon Finesse and swap the order in which we take it with Poison Spell.

Socko's natural enemy is the chaotic good dreamcatcher or lucky rabbit's foot. As a wind sock, all such charms are his sworn enemy. His goal? To move like the wind and spread disastrous curses among the masses in order to better serve his dark lord. Socko is also disappointed that his chef ran out of characters and thus had to remove the backstory from their entry.

Hatchling Phaerimm +2 LA
-6 Str, +6 Dex, +2 Wis, +2 Cha

2 claws (1d2 each) + [any grafts]
Detect Magic (Sp) at will
Flight (Ex)
Immunities (Ex) polymorph and petrification
Spell Resistance (Ex) 11

Unseelie Fey +0 LA
-2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Cha

Interestingly, the only fleshed out description of the abilities we roll for allows the option of selecting one or rolling randomly:

Select the wings or roll randomly
Assuming this is precedence, we could choose for each of them. Either way, it doesn't matter as a Phaerimm has alternative means of detection and the build does not rely on ranged combat.

Season's Power: Winter Chill (Su): Living, nonfey creatures within 5ft of her take a morale penalty on saves equal to the windsock's Cha bonus (minimum 1).

Winter's Chill is the reason we took this template. Nothing else is really that important.

DR None - 15/cold iron
Iron Vulnerabilitiy

32 Point Buy
Str 14 -8 = 6
Dex 10 +8 = 18
Con 14 -2 = 12
Int 10
Wis 8 +2 = 10
Cha 18 +4 = 22 (all points from levels here)

Hatchling Phaerimm +2 LA / Sorcerer 1 / Paladin of Tyranny 3 / Sorcerer +1 / Swiftblade 10 / Arcane Duelist 2 / Warblade 1

Base Attack Bonus
Base Fort Save
Base Ref Save
Base Will Save
Class Features

LA +1

LA +2

Sorcerer 1
Concentration 4, Spellcraft 4
Expeditious Dodge

Paladin of Tyranny 1
Concentration 5, Knowledge (religion) 1
Aura of evil, detect good, smite good 1/day

Paladin of Tyranny 2
Concentration 6, Perform (any) 0.5
Divine grace, deadly touch

Paladin of Tyranny 3
Concentration 7, Perform (any) 1
Aura of despair, divine health

Sorcerer 2
Spellcraft 6

Swiftblade 1
Concentration 9, Tumble 2
Poison Spell
Spring Attack, swift surge +1/+0 ft.

Swiftblade 2
Concentration 10, Tumble 5
Blurred alacrity

Swiftblade 3
Concentration 11, Tumble 8
Sudden casting

Swiftblade 4
Concentration 12, Tumble 10, Knowledge (arcana) 1
Extend Spell
Arcane reflexes, swift surge +1/+10 ft.

Swiftblade 5
Concentration 13, Tumble 12, Use Magic Device 0.5
Evasive celerity

Swiftblade 6
Concentration 14, Tumble 14, Use Magic Device 1
Fortified hustle

Swiftblade 7
Concentration 15, Tumble 15, Craft (alchemy) 1
Twin Spell
Bounding Assault, swift surge +2/+10 ft.

Swiftblade 8
Concentration 16, Perform (any) 2.5
Diligent rapidity

Swiftblade 9
Concentration 17, Perform (any) 4
Perpetual options

Swiftblade 10
Concentration 18, Perform (any) 5, Tumble 16
Rapid Metamagic
Innervated speed, swift surge +2/+20 ft.

Arcane Duelist 1
Concentration 19, Tumble 18
Chosen weapon, Enchant chosen weapon +1

Arcane Duelist 2
Concentration 20, Spellcraft 8
Apparent defense

Warblade 1
Concentration 21, Tumble 21
Practical Metamagic (Twin Spell) with appropriate ritual or spells to grant subtype OR reallocate skillpoints into Knowledge (arcana) and take Arcane Thesis (Bestow Curse) OR Residual Magic
Battle clarity (Reflex saves), weapon aptitude

Key Spells
1st - Spell Flower
2nd -
3rd - Haste, Girallon's Blessing
4th - Bestow Curse
5th - Arcane Fusion, Trait Removal
6th -
7th - Limited Wish, Ability Rip
8th - Greater Arcane Fusion, Greater Bestow Curse
9th -
(see part 2 for spell chart)

Your career starts as a sorcerer wearing the heaviest armor you can bear as soon as you take your first paladin level--which is why we invested so many points on strength. Your physical ability scores won't matter by the time you're able to cast 5th level spells. At ECL 5 you get Charisma to saves, giving you good saves in addition to good AC. However, you still don't have the greatest hit points due to being 2 levels behind, so you'll want to rely on area control spells early to help aid your ability to draw attention to yourself. Getting close to enemies can be an important part of our playstyle if we want to affect them with our Winter Chill save reducing aura, which is currently reducing their saving throws by 6. The Paladin of Tyranny levels allow us to reduce their saves by another 2, for a total of -8. This allows us to cast extremely debiliting spells while close to nearly guarantee a fail. Favorites like Charm, Color Spray, Grease, Glitterdust, etc. come to mind. We gain access to Haste just before taking our first Swiftblade level, though it isn't much use until we get our second Swiftblade level.

Lots happens here, and this could arguably be the beginning of the "Sweet Spot" for the build as soon as you are able to cast Bestow Curse (see the Bestow Curse spoiler for details).

At our second Swiftblade level Haste grants us a miss chance, which we use in tandem with Bestow Curse's ability to prevent enemies from acting 50% of the time. Since Bestow Curse is not a miss chance, it stacks with Haste in all the right ways. If we were able to use the curses from Secrets of Xen'drik, we've also cursed ourselves (or paid someone to curse us) with the aura of menace, which makes hostile enemies attack us in preference to any other members of our party. This will effectively be our party role from here on out. Gaining and applying "miss" chances and making enemies attack us or drawing fire for our allies so that they can finish the job and/or act freely.

As a touch spell, we're able to hold the charge on Bestow Curse once cast. We can even hold multiple curses at the same time if we're able to get Spell Flower up. This allows us to enter any combat with at least one Bestow Curse spell at the ready. Since we're a Phaerimm we also don't need to use our hands to cast spells, allowing us to "pre-buff" with Spell Flower and fill all of our hands with a charge of Bestow Curse for combats where we deem it necessary. Spell Flower also allows us to cast other spells without losing any of our held touch spells. Spring Attack is also granted to us during these levels and allows us to discharge our touch spells as part of an attack with our claws while avoiding the attacks of opportunity we would normally provoke as a tiny creature entering another creature's square to make our attacks. Without Spring Attack, we can use our points in Tumble to move through, into, or around enemy spaces without provoking attacks of opportunity. Haste is cast as a free or swift action, depending on how your DM rules, so it's no hassle for us to cast it during the first round of combat to further increase our chances of hitting with our touch spells and increase the distance we can move with Spring Attack.

Since we learn Arcane Fusion at this level range, our action economy gets another boost, allowing us to cast Spell Flower and Bestow Curse simultaneously, or True Strike and Bestow Curse if we're facing enemies that are particularly troublesome to hit. Trait Removal also becomes an option allowing us to remove our Phaerimm immunity to Polymorph for an entire adventuring day. This means we can take macho melee forms or snag racial bonus feats like Weapon Finesse for free if we need to increase our chances to hit, fast forms for the speed of our movement, or any other variable we find ourselves lacking in any given combat. Speaking of spell options, Bite of the Wererat with or without Quick Potion is another great combination that allows us to pick up Weapon Finesse during the buff round of any combat we find ourselves needing a little extra oomph.

Let's also talk about our Familiar. The action economy advantages it provides us with are huge. For example, we can share our Arcane Fusion (a personal spell) with it to also allow it to apply curses to our enemies. Also consider the fact that Spell Flower is a personal spell, and that Girallon's Blessing is a touch spell. This means it can benefit from both spells, thus holding multiple curses for us simultaneously while reducing the number of spells we have to cast (since they're all being shared). Since it uses our base attack bonus, it also stands to have a good chance of connecting. We can also transport it with us during Spring Attacks via Familiar Pocket while also keeping it safe from harm. It can then pop out as a free action and tag an enemy with a curse before ducking back to safety. It benefits from our ranks in Tumble as well, allowing it to get in close and apply touch attacks on its own. When nearby, it will even benefit from our save reducing aura when applying curses or other debilitating spells for us. When hanging back it can use spells like Benign Transposition to get us out of trouble or into it, or even spells like Dimension Step to provide the rest of the party with a similar benefit. The possibilities are endless. It can even hold the charge on another instance of Bestow Curse for us to keep it ready for our next combat. This frees us up so we don't have to use Spell Flower every time we want to cast a spell when holding the charge, since our familiar is holding it for us. What's more, all of these tricks only get better as the build progresses and we're able to share more buffs and higher level Arcane Fusion combinations with our familiar.

If you're following my preferred build discussed in the variants and premise sections, you'll have Weapon Finesse naturally available at level 6 (ECL 7) and Poison Spell available at level 9 (ECL 11). However, since the build chart follows the competitions ideals Poison Spell happens during this level range as opposed to during the next one. So let's talk about it now. With the penalty to saves we're giving to enemies hovering somewhere around -10, and the fact that we're using touch spells gratuitously, Poison Spell becomes extremely potent at reducing enemies' saves even further, or reducing their chances of harming us (or one of our allies) even further if we target an attribute like Strength. We can even take Minor Creation as a spell known to conjure up plant-based poisons and alchemical items of any kind to this end. However, do note something special about the Poison Spell feat: it makes contact or injury poisons material components of our melee touch spells. Since a Phaerimm explicitly ignores material components for their sorcerer spells, we can now arguably use any contact or injury poison as part of our touch spells without having to take Minor Creation (or buy a ton of poison) in the first place.

Charisma to initiative rolls happens now, ensuring that we go first during most combats to be able to implement our plan. Being able to go first means we're able to pick out the deadliest enemy and immediately tag them with a Bestow Curse effect. Once we get Bounding Assault we can do this to the two deadliest enemies for any fight in which we have Spell Flower up. Our claws and touch attacks are also now dishing out an extra 1d6 damage thanks to the continued upgrades to Swift Surge.

Evasive Celerity means even targeted spells are at the mercy of the miss chances we maleficently manifest, making nothing short of area effects subject to multiple percentile rolls to be effective.

Since we'll almost always have Haste up, Diligent Rapidity effectively saves us from having to enchant our armor with a Freedom of Movement effect or waste a spell known on something like Heart of Water. Furthermore, since Haste is now extraordinary, we're also able to make use of this defense in nearly any situation. In fact, because all of the Swiftblade's abilities are extraordinary, we are able to use Antimagic Field as yet another defensive tool in our arsenal while losing far less than other spellcasters would.

Of course, the most potent tool we gain at this level range is Twin Spell and Rapid Metamagic. Twin Spell in particular allows us to further increase the potency of our save reducing auras and double the effectiveness of the Poison Spell feat. With the save penalty easily in the teens, and the fact that we can force two saves against a high DC Bestow Curse (due to maxing our Charisma), odds are slim that our targets aren't affected by our double miss chance strategy. Of course, with options like Black Lotus Extract applied to Poison Spell--possibly in combination with touch spells like Parching Touch--we also have instant kill options available to us by way of Constitution damage.

The spell options at this level give us a lot to consider in terms of possibilities. Thanks to our Phaerimm spellcasting, we're also hitting 9th level spells already. That being said, four options in particular stand out from the others: Limited Wish, Greater Bestow Curse, Greater Arcane Fusion, and Ability Rip. Limited Wish allows us to switch up our build on the fly (thanks to Psychic Reformation being a 4th level effect). It also allows us to grab immunities and spell combinations from other classes' lists. Limited Wish also fits neatly inside Greater Arcane Fusion for even more spellcasting combinations and buff round(s) options. Meanwhile, Greater Bestow Curse provides us with another means of action denial by giving us access to the ability to prevent targets who fail their save from casting spells, using spell-like abilities, or activiating spell completion or spell trigger items. It also allows us to turn all of a target's allies against them. Ability Rip allows us to shuffle our save reducing auras (both Supernatural abilities) to our familiar while it's Shapechanged, thus allowing it to never have to lose any real abilities while still allowing us to benefit from the auras' save reducing effects regardless of what form we take.

This is where our "Sweet Spot" ends and everything comes together for a climactic finish. With Perpetual Options and Innervated Speed in addition to Arcane Fusion and Greater Arcane Fusion, we can effectively set up all of our tricks from previous levels in a single round. If need be, we can even use our attack patterns (Spring Attack/Bounding Assault) as part of a round in which we use Arcane Fusion or Greater Arcane Fusion to fill our arms with Bestow Curses, Parching Touches, or any other defensive buff combination we need. Once we have access to Practical Metamagic or Arcane Thesis, we can even put Twinned Bestow Curses in our Arcane Fusion. Alternatively, we can go the Residual Magic route to allow repeated use of choice metamagic. Just remember to adjust your skillpoints accordingly, we have plenty to spare and we don't need as many points into Tumble as we're taking to help us flip around the battlefield.

The last levels after we're done with the secret ingredient are really of little consequence. That being said, they do a nice job making us better at some of the things we were already good at. Arcane Duelist gives our AC a significant boost, allowing us to apply our Charisma to it regardless of what we're wearing, while also providing us a minor to-hit bonus. Warblade gives us even more (Ex) options that pair well with the nonmagical abilities of the Swiftblade when we need them. White Raven Tactics and Iron Heart Surge are both available to us to allow us to perform our duties as tank and action economy manager. Since it's our last level, we also don't have to worry about multiclass penalties.

Bestow Curse is one of the cornerstones of this build that allows us to get the most synergy out of the secret ingredient. If you were reading the level breakdown and came across an effect you weren't familiar with, it was likely from one of the alternative curse rules spread through out various splats. But those aren't the only uses it has. There are even more synergies with our race choice and build goals by using it as a "buff".

The first option comes from the Book of Vile Darkness, whereby a curse can be used to increase the target's age category by one step (for Bestow Curse) or two steps (for Greater Bestow Curse). Phaerimms are similar to dragons in that each time they increase an age category they gain HD and a number of other benefits including spellcasting. This allows us to temporarily "power up" for difficult fights by applying curses to ourself to increase our spellcasting ability. This is most effective early on, and can be used to give us higher level spells significantly earlier.

The second option comes from Secrets of Xen'drik. The book presents a number of curses that may or may not be useable as alternatives for your own Bestow Curse or Greater Bestow Curse spells. Unlike the Book of Vile Darkness, it's never spelled out. So we're never certain whether or not any given curse would be most applicable to Bestow Curse or its greater version. That being said, most of them are in line with alternative effects for both. Regardless of which version of Bestow Curse you're allowed to apply each additional effect to, placing the following curse on ourself to make all hostile enemies attack us is desirable:

The character is surrounded by an unnerving aura of menace. Lower the starting attitude of NPCs and animals toward this PC by one step. If a creature is already hostile, it attacks this character in preference to any others.

While this curse isn't necessary to make the build function in it's role, it does provide a unique means for us to carry out our duty in an absolute sense and let's us get even more use out of Blurred Alacrity and Evasive Celerity, in addition to our increased mobility in a "catch me if you can" fashion.

Spells per Day/Spells Known
Spells per Day/Spells Known


LA +1

LA +2



















Use of Secret Ingredient:

Spring Attack and Bounding Assault: Move and tag enemies with your touch spells, applying debilitating effects as you go.

Swift Surge: Increased AC and Reflex saves are great because we want to be the one drawing all of the enemies' attention. Since area effects are the only attack types that have a decent chance of connecting, our Reflex saves are all the more important. The to-hit bonuses help with the touch attacks we're always using, while the damage bonus is a nice extra boost to nearly any attack we make. The extra speed helps us clear distances on the battlefield with ease, increases the chances we'll be able to apply one or more curses to choice enemies on the battlefield with Spring Attack or Bounding Assault.

Blurred Alacrity: Get enemies to target you and double up on "miss" chances by using spells like Bestow Curse to make them roll to act and then roll to see if they can hit. Reducing their ability scores can also increase "miss" chances by making it harder for them to hit your AC before having to roll a miss chance.

Sudden Casting: This build relies a great deal on action economy, setting everything up before the fight or in the first round of combat with relative ease. Since most of our spell combinations and attacks are standard actions, and we'll almost always want to use our move actions to move, Sudden Casting fits perfectly into our preferred action combinations.

Arcane Reflexes: Since our goal is action denial and action failure, going first is extremely important to us as it allows us to debilitate key targets before they have a chance to act.

Evasive Celerity: Functionally amazing for us for all the same reasons as Blurred Alacrity. Make enemies roll to act, then roll again to see if their spell fails.

Fortified Hustle: Gives us even stronger defenses by providing us with mundane means to act. Best of all, since we're a Phaerimm and cast spells as spell-like abilities, our spells cannot be counterspelled thus covering the one countermeasure Fortified Hustle leaves enemies to stop our Haste spell and its rider effects.

Diligent Rapidity: Since we rely so much on movement to apply our effects, having Freedom of Movement up ensures that we're never have to worry about someone stopping us from doing our job. Since this is also (Ex), we can even avoid antimagic grapplers and other such nuisances.

Perpetual Options: Increases our effective combinations dramatically, allowing us to forget about spending our first round of combat or out of combat resources preparing for the current/next fight. Allows us to cast Arcane Fusion or Greater Arcane Fusion to greater effect. Possibilities include Arcane Fusion (Spell Flower + Bestow Curse), move close to enemies, then Greater Arcane Fusion (Twin Bestow Curse + Snake's Swiftness). Etc. The possibilities are literally endless. The beauty of all of this is that we can effectively share this extra action with our familiar via the Share Spells feature, doubling its value.

Innervated Speed: Perpetual Options inside a lower level Time Stop effect means we can have a held touch spell ready for every enemy on the battlefield at the start of combat via Spell Flower, Girallon's Blessing, and grafts that grant additional arms. Alternatively, we can use this time to tailor our defenses to our enemies before drawing fire, or make the battlefield more favorable to us and our allies.

Buy as many arm-related grafts as possible, preferrably with claw attacks. More arms means more touch spells can be held at the same time with your Spell Flower inside Arcane Fusion + Perpetual Options combinations.

Metamagic Storm is nice since it provides us with a free metamagic feat to qualify for Twin Spell, thus giving you an extra feat to spend elsewhere.

The weapon Rapid Wrath from Ghostwalk is another nice option as long as you have it on you it doubles your effective speed, making you even better at tagging enemies.

Since we don't have to worry about spell failure as a Phaerimm, we can wear any type of armor without having to worry about spell failure.

A Ring of Evasion helps us avoid area spells, the one attack type our build is conditionally vulnerable to.

Weapon Finesse: If you want to get into your touch range spells right away you can also dump Strength and put the points into Intelligence while taking the Metamagic Specialist ACF. This saves you a feat on Rapid Metamagic and allows you to take Weapon Finesse, which works with Touch spells per the Rules Compendium. This will be significantly weaker than having a familiar later on, but is still an option. If retraining wasn't looked down upon by the chair, I would have presented this as a retraining option. It still remains an option via Limited Wish -> Psychic Reformation. Alternatively (and this is my preferred build), we could use the Metamagic Storm magical location to avoid the need for the Extend Spell feat to qualify for Twin Spell and take Weapon Finesse at level 6, while delaying Poison Spell until level 9.

Paladin ACFs: There are quite a few to choose from here, I intentionally didn't include any apart from the Tyranny variant because this greatly depends on what your DM allows. For example, would they allow you to swap Deadly Touch with variants for Lay on Hands? Or Smite Good for the Smite Evil ACF options? It depends, so I decided to leave it be, but these could be sources of other minor benefits for the build.

Non-Phaerimm: As mentioned in the premise, this build is fully functional without taking levels in Phaerimm. You can go regular sorcerer, Stalwart Battle Sorcerer, or any other such combination of classes that progress your sorcerer casting. You'll only have 16 effective sorcerer spellcasting levels this way (all 4 lost by the Swiftblade progression), but it's still functionally the same build with lower saves, AC, and BAB. If you do go this route, consider investing more heavily in Craft (alchemy) or (poison) and be sure to pick a race with natural weapons or obtain them via grafts and the spell Girallon's Blessing.

Secrets of Xen'drik (curses of Xen'drik)
Book of Vile Darkness (alternative curses)
Lost Empires of Faerun (Phaerimm)
Serpent Kingdoms (Trait Removal and Ability Rip)
Web (Swiftblade and Arcane Duelist articles)
Unearthed Arcana (Paladin of Tyranny)
Tome of Battle (Warblade)
Complete Mage (Arcane Fusion, Rapid Metamagic, Metamagic Storm, [possibly] Residual Magic)
Complete Arcane (Twin Spell)
Drow of the Underdark (Poison Spell)
Races of the Wild (Expeditious Dodge)
Spell Compendium (Spell Flower and a number of our spells known)
Rules Compendium (weapon-like spell rules and other rules in general)
(Possibly) Player's Handbook II or Races of the Dragon (Metamagic Specialist, Arcane Thesis or Practical Metamagic)

2019-11-27, 04:40 AM
Entry number 5:

Chad the Fur(r)y
TN Human Fighter 1/Wu Jen 5/Swiftblade 10/Abjurant Champion 4

Str 13
Dex 8
Con 14
Int 18 (22)
Wis 8
Cha 13 (14 at 20th)

Professional wrestler [Chad] sports the body of a mountain, but beneath his hulking appearance is a man with an extreme affection for animals. Facing off his opponents in the ring as the legendary "Animal Mask," [Chad] wins the hearts of crowds everywhere with his iconic tiger persona.

During the bout for the title of World Champion against his greatest rival, the Macadamian Ogre, [Chad] is suddenly summoned to a fantasy world by a princess. With her kingdom being threatened by a monster infestation, she pleads the wrestler for assistance—to which he answers by knocking her out with a German suplex! Escaping the castle and finding himself stranded in a mysterious land, [Chad] decides to begin his career as a beast hunter to [Spirit Bind] and befriend creatures far and wide.

Chad the Fur(r)y

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Fighter 1
Balance 2, Concentration 2, Handle Animal 4, Intimidate 4, Jump 4, Ride 4, Spellcraft 2
Expeditious Dodge, Mobility
Power Attack

Wu Jen 1
Balance 2, Concentration 5, Handle Animal 4, Intimidate 4, Jump 4.5, Ride 4, Spellcraft 5
Watchful Spirit, Still Spell

Wu Jen 2
Balance 3, Concentration 6, Handle Animal 4, Intimidate 4, Jump 6, Ride 4, Spellcraft 6
Improved Bull Rush
Intuitive Spirit

Wu Jen 3
Balance 3.5, Concentration 7, Handle Animal 4, Intimidate 4, Jump 7, Ride 5, Spellcraft 7
Spell Secret: Extend Spell Bull's Strength

Wu Jen 4
Balance 5, Concentration 8, Handle Animal 5, Intimidate 4, Jump 7, Ride 5, Spellcraft 8

Wu Jen 5
Balance 5, Concentration 9, Handle Animal 5, Intimidate 5, Jump 8, Ride 5.5, Spellcraft 9
Leap Attack

Swiftblade 1
Balance 5, Concentration 10, Handle Animal 5, Intimidate 5, Jump 8, Ride 5.5, Spellcraft 10, Spot 7
Spring Attack, swift surge +1/+0 ft.

Swiftblade 2
Balance 5, Concentration 11, Handle Animal 5, Intimidate 5, Jump 10, Ride 6, Spellcraft 11, Spot 11
Blurred alacrity

Swiftblade 3
Balance 5, Concentration 12, Handle Animal 5, Intimidate 5, Jump 11, Ride 9, Spellcraft 12, Spot 12
Shock Trooper
Sudden casting

Swiftblade 4
Balance 5, Concentration 13, Handle Animal 5, Intimidate 5, Jump 12, Ride 12, Spellcraft 13, Spot 13
Arcane reflexes, swift surge +1/+10 ft.

Swiftblade 5
Balance 5, Concentration 14, Handle Animal 5, Intimidate 5, Jump 13, Listen 2, Ride 14, Spellcraft 14, Spot 14
Evasive celerity

Swiftblade 6
Balance 5, Concentration 15, Handle Animal 5, Intimidate 5, Jump 14, Listen 6, Ride 15, Spellcraft 15, Spot 15
Practiced Spellcaster
Fortified hustle

Swiftblade 7
Balance 5, Concentration 16, Handle Animal 5, Intimidate 5, Jump 16, Listen 10, Ride 16, Spellcraft 16, Spot 15
Bounding Assault, swift surge +2/+10 ft.

Swiftblade 8
Balance 5, Concentration 17, Handle Animal 5, Intimidate 5, Jump 17, Listen 16, Ride 16, Spellcraft 17, Spot 17
Diligent rapidity

Swiftblade 9
Balance 5, Concentration 18, Handle Animal 5, Intimidate 5, Jump 18, Listen 18, Ride 18, Spellcraft 18, Spot 18
Combat Casting
Perpetual options

Swiftblade 10
Balance 5, Concentration 19, Handle Animal 5, Intimidate 5, Jump 19, Listen 19, Ride 18, Spellcraft 19, Spot 19, Tumble 4
Innervated speed, swift surge +2/+20 ft.

Abjurant Champion 1
Balance 5, Concentration 20, Handle Animal 5, Intimidate 5, Jump 20, Listen 20, Ride 18, Spellcraft 20, Spot 20, Tumble 5
Abjurant Armor, Extended Abjuration

Abjurant Champion 2
Balance 5, Concentration 21, Handle Animal 5, Intimidate 5, Jump 21, Listen 21, Ride 18, Spellcraft 21, Spot 21, Tumble 6
Echoing Spell
Swift Abjuration

Abjurant Champion 3
Balance 5, Concentration 22, Handle Animal 5, Intimidate 5, Jump 22, Listen 22, Ride 18, Spellcraft 22, Spot 22, Tumble 7

Abjurant Champion 4
Balance 5, Concentration 23, Handle Animal 5, Intimidate 5, Jump 23, Listen 23, Ride 18, Spellcraft 23, Spot 23, Tumble 8
Arcane Boost

Spells per Day/Spells Known






















Chad gets off to a slow start; at level 5 he's only at +3 BAB and 2nd level spells but that still gives him access to Alter Self and between the AC bonus from a Blended Quartz Chain Shirt and the natural armor of something like a Wereboar, Hybrid Form, he can wade into combat with an AC of about 21. If there's enough prep time he can even alter self first and then have a buddy help him with his full plate for 25 AC and the rest of his level 2's used for Still Spell'd Hail of Stone or something.

Chad is officially a charger; he's got Shock Trooper, Leap Attack, a Valorous Lance, and 7 BAB to feed in. Arcane Reflexes from the SI coupled with Watchful Spirit means he rolls initiative at +5 and gets to re-roll. Additionally, since the SI is all about personal buffs Chad's going to earn his name by habitually polymorphing into a centaur so that he gets the lance bonus on his charges without relying on a mount (although he could with all the skill points he has). But optimally he can poly a mount, poly himself, and then charge with high AC and the 40% miss chance from Blurred Alacrity which makes the Shock Trooper AC drop a lot less significant.

Picking up Practiced Spell caster helps fill the lost caster levels from the SI and 6th level spells means Spirit Binding is on the table to get some pretty baller mounts. He still has all the charger tricks except his BAB is now +12 and between Diligent Rapidity and Perpetual Options he can charge just about every turn.

4 levels of Abjurant Champion means picking up Arcane Boost just in time to leverage Innervated Speed, Polymorph, Giant Size, and Body Outside Body. Oh and since he got Practiced Spellcaster that's still Colossal Size. Greater Spirit Binding means an even better mount and his last ability point boost is to CHA in order to make convincing that epic ha-naga a little easier. +17 BAB with 8th level spells and enough effective time stoppage to set up all the silly buffs that Wu Jen gets.

Blended Quartz from Arms and Equipment Guide decreases ASF by 20% so Chad can keep wearing a chain shirt past level 1 without worrying about anything at all but since he took Still Spell early on he's probably *rocking* Full Plate and either using the feat on the important stuff or trying to roll above a 3 on the rest.

PHB: Lots
Complete Arcane: Wu Jen, Practiced Spellcaster
http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070327: SI
http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20070227x: Intuitive Spirit
Complete Mage: Abjurant Champion
Races of the Wild: Expeditious Dodge
Complete Adventurer: Leap Attack, Sizing
Complete Warrior: Shock Trooper
Secrets of Xen'drik: Echoing Spell
Arms and Equipment Guide: Blended Quartz
Unapproachable East: Valorous
Hataage! Kemono Michi: Backstory

2019-11-27, 04:42 AM
Entry number 6:

Ferdinand Aloysius Sebastian Thennibyne
(mostly known as F. A. S. T.)
The Word On The Move

One of the hardest notions for a human being to shake is that a language is something that is, when it is actually something always becoming. They tell you a word is a thing, when it's actually something going on. (pg. 3)

[. . .]

That term may seem like a bit of a stunt. Yet it represents a perfectly normal phenomenon: the meanings of words are ever on the move. (pg. 56)

[. . .]

But beyond a few words like these, change is the default; it's stasis that is weird. (pg. 60)

[. . .]

Since words can't sit still [. . .] a word is a thing on the move. (pg. 99)

Illumian, uurnaen, lawful good
Monk 2 / truenamer 6 / fighter 1 / swordsage 1 / swiftblade 10

6 pts: 14 STR
10 pts: 16 DEX (increase at 4th. 8th, 12, 16th, 20th)
4 pts: 12 CON
10 pts: 16 INT
2 pts: 10 WIS
0 pts: 8 CHA


LevelClassBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveFeatsClass FeaturesSkill PointsTumbleTruespeakHideConcentrationSpellcraftMo ve SilentlyBalanceKnowledge (arcana)
1Monk 10+2+2+2IUS (B), Dodge (B), Combat ExpertiseCobra Strike bonus feats [UA], decisive strike [PHB2], unarmed strike284244244
2Monk 21+3+3+3Mobility (B)Cobra Strike bonus feats [UA], invisible fist [EoE]75 (+1)5 (+1)5 (+1)2.5 (+0.5 cc)5 (+1)5 (+1)1 (+1)
3Truenamer 11+3+3+5Ancestral Relic [BoED]Known personal truename, utterances76 (+1 cc)6 (+4)6 (+1, prereq for swiftblade met)
4Truenamer 22+3+3+6-Knowledge focus (Arcana)77 (+1 cc)7 (+1)7 (+2 cc)
5Truenamer 33+4+4+6-78 (+1 cc)8 (+1)8 (+1 cc)3.5 (+1 cc)
6Truenamer 44+4+4+7Combat Reflexes79 (+1 cc)9 (+1)9 (+1 cc, prereq for Gloom Razor met)4.5 (+1 cc)
7Truenamer 54+4+4+7-710 (+1 cc)10 (+1)10 (+1 cc)5 (+0.5 cc)2 (+1)
8Truenamer 65+5+5+8Truename Research (B) [ToM]711 (+1 cc)11 (+1)11 (+1 cc)5.5 (+0.5 cc)3 (+1)
9Fighter 16+7+5+8Spectral Skirmisher (B) [PHB2], Sidestep [MinH]Skilled City Dweller [Cityscape web], Bonus Feat, Hit-And-Run Tactics [DotU]512 (+1, prereq for Word Given Form met)12 (+1 cc, prereq for Word Given Form met)6 (+0.5 cc, prereq for swiftblade met)6 (+1)
10Swiftblade 17+7+7+10Spring Attack (B)Swift surge +1/+0 ft713 (+1)13 (+1 cc)13 (+1 cc)
11Swiftblade 28+7+8+11-Blurred alacrity714 (+1)14 (+1 cc)14 (+1 cc)6 (+2 cc)
12Swordsage 18+7+10+13Shadow Blade [ToB], Weapon Focus (Shadow Hand weapons) (B)Quick to Act +1, Discipline Focus (Weapon Focus), 6 maneuvers, 1 stance915 (+1)15 (+1 cc)15 (+1)11 (+5)
13Swiftblade 39+8+10+13-Sudden casting716 (+1 cc)16 (+1 cc)9 (+3)
14Swiftblade 410+8+11+14-Arcane reflexes, swift surge +1/+10 ft717 (+1 cc)17 (+1 cc)12 (+3)
15Swiftblade 511+8+11+14Gloom Razor [ToB]Evasive celerity718 (+1 cc)18 (+1 cc)15 (+3)
16Swiftblade 612+9+12+15-Fortified hustle719 (+1 cc)19 (+1 cc)18 (+3)
17Swiftblade 713+9+12+15Bounding Assault (PHB2) (B)Swift surge +2/+10 ft720 (+1 cc)20 (+1 cc)20 (+2)7 (+1)
18Swiftblade 814+9+13+16Karmic Strike [CWar]Diligent rapidity721 (+1 cc)21 (+1 cc)21 (+1)12 (+1 cc)
19Swiftblade 915+10+13+16-Perpetual options722 (+1 cc)22 (+1 cc)22 (+1)13 (+1 cc)
20Swiftblade 1016+10+14+17-Innervated speed, swift surge +2/+20 ft723 (+1 cc)23 (+1 cc)23 (+1)14 (+1 cc)

TN 1 (ECL 3): universal aptitude
TN 2 (ECL 4) inertia surge
TN 3 (ECL 5) strike of might
TN 4 (ECL 6) lesser word of nurturing, keen weapon
TN 5 (ECL 7) silent caster
TN 6 (ECL 8) greater speed of the zephyr

island of blades
shadow jaunt
cloak of deception
insightful strike
emerald razor
ruby nightmare blade
burning blade

On Your Mark (1-2)
Early play sees a bit of setup, but F. A. S. T. is still likely to survive. Monk's defensive abilities are put to good use; in particular, invisible fist adds both offense and defense in a single package. F. A. S. T.'s monk features are carefully chosen to not go away when using light armor, so once level 3 rolls around and he picks up proficiency, wearing light armor is a smart choice. Overall, though, monk's job is to get prereqs and get them right away, and boy does that ever happen. Say what you will, it's efficient.

Get Set (3-9)
Illumians, born of the Ritual of Word Made Flesh, have a natural affinity for Truespeak, both mechanically and by fluff. F. A. S. T.'s grandmother left him a precious amulet, which he'll enchant via Ancestral Relic to be an amulet of the silver tongue (and, eventually, a +competence item)—it's about the most efficient method in the system to ensure that you've got a halfway decent bonus to Truespeak. Some utterances are stock-standard: everyone loves universal aptitude and inertia surge as general-purpose utility, for instance. Some are a bit out of the ordinary: strike of might is appropriate for F. A. S. T.'s vaguely gishy nature (and, if he happens to be in perfect position, it aligns nicely with decisive strike), and silent caster will make thematic sense in a bit. (There's gonna be some hiding later on.)

The real joy, though, comes with greater speed of the zephyr. But perhaps that is its own story.

For some incredibly stupid reason, truenamer doesn't get Spellcraft as a class skill, so F. A. S. T. handles the HD limitation with a level of fighter, since he needs a martial weapon for swiftblade, a bonus feat to get his fun tricks online, and a point of BAB to make that bonus feat the one he really wants, so fighter it is. Skilled city dweller turns Ride into Tumble.

At 9th level, F. A. S. T. is very careful to make sure that he uses all 0 of his 3rd level spell slots to cast haste. Every single none of them. There are no spell slots that F. A. S. T. uses this level to cast any spells other than haste. This is very important.

And We're Off! (10-15)
So much comes together now! F. A. S. T. dives into swiftblade as quickly as a truenamer can.

Let's dive deeper into the secret ingredient! As noted above, F. A. S. T. used all 0 of his 0 3rd level slots casting haste. Quick rules citation from Complete Arcane:

Specific Spell Requirements: A requirement based on a specific spell measures whether the character or creature in question is capable of producing the necessary effect, and as such, invocations and spell-like abilities that generate the relevant effect meet the requirements for specific spell knowledge.

Since greater speed of the zephyr generates the effect of haste, we're golden for the prereqs. So let's keep uttering that bad boy and see what happens!

Spring Attack is the last piece of the puzzle to get F. A. S. T.'s martial arts mastery online. As a reminder, martial arts styles are not feats; they are benefits that are received automatically upon meeting the onerous prereqs. Ritual of Word Made Flesh, meet Word Given Form:

Prerequisites: Truespeak 12 ranks, Tumble 12 ranks, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility, Spring Attack
Benefit: When using the Dodge feat against an opponent, in addition to the +1 dodge bonus to AC, you also gain total concealment (50% miss chance) from that opponent as your form blurs and shifts.

As John McWhorter will tell you, nothing is more changeable than words. They're incredibly slippery and mobile, so to me, this makes perfect sense from a fluff standpoint. You can't look directly at a word; at best you can observe its effects on the environment. They're just moving too fast.

Here's another relevant rules quote:

If you're successfully hidden with respect to another creature, that creature is flat-footed with respect to you. That creature treats you as if you were invisible.

Total concealment allows for hiding. Hiding is treated as invisibility. Invisibility allows F. A. S. T. to trigger the benefits of Spectral Skirmisher. Oh, and since the Rules Compendium also indicates that the target is "flat-footed" with respect to you, F. A. S. T. can use hit-and-run tactics for a little extra oomph, because why not?

So to spell this out a bit more, F. A. S. T. can turn invisible from invisible fist (against everyone, 1/3 rounds) and can constantly get total concealment (enabling hiding, which is treated as invisibility per the Rules Compendium) against one opponent at a time from Word Given Form. When an opponent attacks him while he's invisible, Spectral Skirmisher allows him to hit back, and Sidestep allows him to then shift away (often out of range). Since Sidestep is movement, that can enable another Hide check. If he happened to have set up decisive strike (which is sometimes, but not always, wise), all AoOs will deal double damage. Combat Reflexes allows him to make lots of AoOs (you're full-attacking me while invisible? I'ma full attack you right back!). Hit-and-run tactics adds a small but meaningful amount of extra damage.

(Optional side piece: If you happen to have access to a sparring dummy of the master, F. A. S. T. has levels in monk and therefore can train with it to turn Sidestep into a 10-ft step, which is truly awesome. Alternatively, if you can freely add other +competence bonuses to your Ancestral Relic, getting a big enough bonus to Tumble to reliably hit DC 40 and therefore turn a 5-ft step into a 10-ft step can serve much the same purpose, and skill bonuses are very cheap to put into an Ancestral Relic. The build functions just fine without invoking either option, but the benefits are prodigious enough to be worth mentioning, and Ancestral Relic really does go a hell of a long way.)

Spring Attack, in addition to being a prereq for Word Given Form, is useful when doing a long dodgy battle.

Swift surge is passive, but numbers are useful. Never going to turn down AC, bonus damage, accuracy, or movement.

Blurred alacrity, on the other hand, is the good stuff. It's thematic as hell. Indeed, it's the guiding inspiration for this entire build. To misquote the great poet Muhammad Ali, "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee; his hands cannot hit what is too fast to see!" F. A. S. T. leans into being too fast to see, just like the word (flesh and form) that he is. This is a critical defense as well; after all, sometimes invisible fist is recharging and there's more than one opponent to be Dodging against. Also, stick around for how we're going to bring this back in. The fun doesn't stop here.

A quick jaunt into swordsage in time to pick up some prereqs is in order. Shadow Blade is well-known and well-loved; +DEX to damage adds up! Island of blades is chosen as the stance because child of shadow is redundant with blurred alacrity. (If your GM allows a character who multiclasses into swordsage to start with a stance that is not level 1, take assassin's stance instead; the build is presented with the uncontroversial option instead.) For maneuvers, shadow jaunt is mostly left unreadied and is primarily used out of combat; in combat, cloak of deception adds more invisibility, ruby nightmare blade and insightful strike are a lot of fun in general (especially once perpetual options hits the field), and burning blade is nice when you've got a ton of attacks going off at once. Emerald razor is mostly left unreadied but can be useful in certain contexts.

Back into the SI: sudden casting is like Quicken Utterance for your best utterance only without the stupid +20 to the DC. That's amazing and stands on its own merits! F. A. S. T. uses this with no trouble.

Arcane reflexes probably doesn't work, sadly, so instead, F. A. S. T. is designed to have cobbled together a bunch of other initiative bonuses that will serve a very similar purpose: +2 from the Uur sigil, +2 from hit-and-run fighter, and +1 from swordsage. Look, I'm trying here, okay? Same net effect, anyway. I'm bringing the right energy to the table. I'm clearly working with you, so please work with me.

Evasive celerity is, when combined with blurred alacrity, word given form, and F. A. S. T.'s naturally obnoxiously high saving throws, a truly impressive defensive feature. It's passive, as most defensive features are, but F. A. S. T. is still dodgy enough in the aggregate that this really does close off what would otherwise be a key weak point.

Also at 15th level, F. A. S. T. accesses Gloom Razor, which is perfect for the increased miss chance he gets from blurred alacrity by now.

Lingering Gloom: To use this option, your opponent must miss you due to concealment. On your next turn, you can make a Hide check opposed by your foe's Spot check as a swift action. If this check succeeds, you gain the benefits of an invisibility spell against that foe until the end of your turn.
Moving Shadows: To use this option, you must deal damage to an enemy with a melee attack and move at least 10 feet during your turn. On your next turn, you can treat that enemy as flat-footed against the first melee attach you make in that round.
Shadow Slip: To use this option, you must make a successful melee attack against an opponent you flank. On your next turn, you can make a DC 20 Tumble check if you are adjacent to your foe. If this check succeeds, as a free action you can move to any square adjacent to your opponent without provoking attacks of opportunity from any opponent.

Was this feat just made for swiftblades? It was sure as hell made for F. A. S. T., or at least it looks that way.

First, Lingering Gloom. Someone misses F. A. S. T. because of blurred alacrity? Now we're gonna turn that into full invisibility, because F. A. S. T. is just too fast to see. (How else do you actively leverage a passive SI ability like that?) I love this part, to be honest. It's the most thematic bit.
Next, Moving Shadows: F. A. S. T. fights a mobile battle anyway, and there's that power word "flat-footed" again, so that helps trigger bonus damage from HaRT.
Finally, Shadow Slip: island of blades makes flanking trivial, and F. A. S. T. can autosucceed on a DC 20 Tumble check (ranks + DEX + Uur is enough on its own). Free movement means free pseudo-skirmish damage from swift surge, so this directly triggers the use of the SI's offensive abilities! Nailed it. This also means F. A. S. T. can often get decisive strike (making his AoOs deadlier) and the swift surge bonus at once, thereby making swift surge even more effective. Yes, I did choose this feat on purpose.

Not bad!

The Long Run (16+)
6+ is where swiftblade's weird abilities start to lurk.

Fortified hustle is, admittedly, hard to proactively abuse. Goodness knows I tried. That said, the fact that all three of the effects of greater speed of the zephyr, the swiftblade class features, and Word Given Form are technically nonmagical means that F. A. S. T. is somewhat harder to shut down than normal, and that's good stuff.

Bounding Assault is simply a good option when you're not starting where you think you'd like to start. It plays nice with burning blade, swift surge, and similar options.

18th is a fun level! Diligent rapidity is not at all bad for someone who isn't afraid to hide and who's willing to get dirty. Saving an action not needing to cast inertia surge is great action economy! Furthermore, Karmic Strike ups F. A. S. T.'s already formidable AoO game. Like, by a lot. Decisive strike is extra-spicy here, and remember that Spectral Skirmisher is still in place, as is Sidestep. F. A. S. T. is simply too fast to pin down.

Perpetual options just gets goofy, and if you don't love it, you're not creative enough. You want standard action strikes? F. A. S. T. delivers. You want to spend the action buffing? F. A. S. T. delivers. You want to use the super-obscure "start/complete a full-round action" rules (PHB pg. 142)? My friend, F. A. S. T. delivers: decisive strike is an attack that takes a full-round action, but it is not a full attack, so you can use that there and get an extra decisive strike every other round, which is going to make your regular full attack on that round just delectable (especially if you can activate burning blade, swift surge via Shadow Slip, and so on). Alternatively, you want to just move and decisive strike? Say no more. F. A. S. T. got u, fam.

Finally, level 20, the stupidest of all possible class features: innervated speed. Consider this: greater speed of the zephyr creates the effect of haste. The spell level of an utterance can be increased (arbitrarily, even!) by increasing the Truespeak DC by multiples of 4 (ToM pg. 233). Can F. A. S. T. use this rule to get the effects of innervated speed? I think so. It's too damn funny not to try. Depending on just what items and other bonuses you're packing, you can get a long, loooong time stop (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sZsJyCyGBSI&feature=youtu.be) effect just by being really good at words. Which I think is damned appropriate for an illumian truenamer swiftblade at level 20, and again, it's too funny not to share.

Also, please watch that video. All of it. You will not regret it. You have my word as an Iron Chef.

Notes that have nowhere else to go
Didja know that the sai and the siangham are both monk weapons (for decisive strike) and Shadow Hand weapons (for Shadow Blade, Gloom Razor, and Discipline Focus)? F. A. S. T. certainly can use an unarmed strike, but if you'd prefer to use something that actually has the potential for magical enhancement, you've got options. (None of F. A. S. T.'s abilities actually require an unarmed strike.) When's the last time you saw a build with a legit use for a siangham? That's what I thought.

As mentioned, starting at level 3, just wear some dang light armor already. Even if you're invisible most of the time, that doesn't mean you need to be flopping around naked all over the place. You're made of words, but you don't need to leave your participles dangling! Have some decency, and by decency I mean a way better AC and the ability to have someplace to put magical enhancements. Neither decisive strike nor invisible fist go away when armored. Heck, you can even use a shield once you take your level of fighter. No meaningful downside to doing so. Not like you've got somatic components or ASF.

Decisive strike is cool when you're getting lots of AoOs. It's absolutely not needed when you're not getting lots of AoOs, so if the extra swings from full attacking (with greater speed of the zephyr) are likely to give you what you need, then by all means, do that! Just because the build uses monk as the intro doesn't mean you have to act like a monk every round.

Although you should be able to bootstrap your Truespeak mod into relevance with your ranks, INT, Naen sigil, and Ancestral Relic, you can get into the lower ranks of the Paragnostic Assembly starting at level 6-7 or so, depending on if you want to really devote yourself to Boccob. Might be worthwhile if you feel like making the effort; doing so does not change the build table as presented and is completely up to you.

Note that in combat, you're not going to be using Move Silently super often. You're making loud unsubtle utterances, after all; you're unseen, not unnoticed. It is, nonetheless, the occasional option. Spectral Skirmisher helps a bit, as does Uur.

Your power sigils, Uur and Naen, are simply chosen to give you a bonus to all DEX checks/skill checks (including Hide, Tumble, and initiative) and all INT checks/skill checks (including Truespeak). The combined word Uurnaen is not used on this character.

Check it out: no multiclass penalty! Favored class: any means truenamer doesn't count, and all my other base classes are within 1 level of each other.

Midnight Dodge (Magic of Incarnum) might be able to be used to get Word Given Form's total concealment against a second target at once. Not very common to take both Dodge and Midnight Dodge, but I'm pretty sure this works. I chose to leave it out of the build to keep things nice and unambiguous, but if you're actually trying to play this character or something similar and the GM is cool with it, that's worth taking a flaw for. (You'd need to shuffle a stat point or an ability score increase into CON, but that's not the end of the world.)

Works cited
D&D sourcebooks in build:

Tome of Battle (swordsage, maneuvers, Shadow Blade, Gloom Razor)
Book of Exalted Deeds (Ancestral Relic)
Miniatures Handbook (Sidestep)
Tome of Magic (truenamer, utterances, Word Given Form, Truename Research)
PHB2 (decisive strike ACF, Spectral Skirmisher, Bounding Assault)
Complete Warrior (Karmic Strike)
Races of Destiny (illumian)
Unearthed Arcana (cobra strike monk ACF)
Exemplars of Evil (invisible fist ACF)
Cityscape web enhancement (skilled city dweller ACF)
Drow of the Underdark (hit-and-run fighter ACF)
WotC Web Archive (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070327) (swiftblade)
PHB/SRD (all others)

D&D sourcebooks used but not in build table:

Complete Arcane (rules)
Rules Compendium (rules)
Complete Champion (optional use of Paragnostic Assembly)
Arms and Equipment Guide (optional use of sparring dummy of the master)
Oriental Adventures (optional use of Tumble rules)

Non-D&D material:

John McWhorter, Words on the Move
Sakeru Gumi commercials

"Gotta go, F. A. S. T.!"

2019-11-27, 04:44 AM
Entry number 7:


https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fquickman.gameological.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2013%2F05%2F130509_short_harde r_featured.jpg&f=1&nofb=1


Alignment: LE
Wizard 5, Warblade 1, Bloodstorm Blade 4, Swiftblade 10

LevelClassBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveFeatsClass FeaturesSkill PointsBalanceConcentrationSpellcraftCraft (blacksmithing)TumbleKnowledge (arcana)SpotListenSkill Tricks
1Focused Specialist Transmuter Martial Wizard 1+0+0+0+2Point Blank ShotDodge (bonus), specialty school (banned schools: necromancy, enchantment, illusion), immediate magic (sudden shift)2024444
2FSTM Wiz 2+1+0+0+352.55555
3FSTM Wiz 3+1+1+1+3EWP: Talenta Boomerang536666
4FSTM Wiz 4+2+1+1+453.57777
5FSTM Wiz 5+2+1+1+4Rapid Shot (bonus)548888
6Warblade 1+3+2+1+4Power AttackManeuvers, battle clarity, weapon aptitude7899
7Bloodstorm Blade 1+4+4+1+4Returning attacks, Throw Anything (bonus), weapon aptitude710104
8Bloodstorm Blade 2+5+5+1+4Martial throw, thunderous throw711119
9Bloodstorm Blade 3+6/+1+5+2+5Boomerang DazeMobility (bonus)71212122
10Bloodstorm Blade 4+7/+2+6+2+5Lightning ricochet71313136
11Swiftblade 1+8/+3+6+4+7Swift surge +1/+0, Spring Attack (bonus)714141410
12Swiftblade 2+9/+4+6+5+8Two-Weapon FightingBlurred alacrity715151514
13Swiftblade 3+10/+5+7+5+8Sudden casting71616161Acrobatic Backstab
14Swiftblade 4+11/+6/+1+7+6+9Swift surge +1/+10, arcane reflexes71717173Back on Your Feet
15Swiftblade 5+12/+7/+2+7+6+9Ironheart AuraEvasive celerity71818185Spot the Weak Point
16Swiftblade 6+13/+8/+3+8+7+10Fortified hustle71919197Clarity of Vision
17Swiftblade 7+14/+9/+4+8+7+10Swift surge +2/+10, Bounding Assault (bonus)720202011
18Swiftblade 8+15/+10/+5+8+8+11Stormguard WarriorDiligent rapidity721212115
19Swiftblade 9+16/+11/+6/+1+9+8+11Perpetual options722222219
20Swiftblade 10+17/+12/+7/+2+9+9+12Swift surge +2/+20, innervated speed723232323

They say… he appeared in a doorway… Early on, I get to be a wizard and act like a wizard. Transmutation is so nice I specialized in it twice; spells solve all kinds of problems. Scribe Scroll won't let me go fast, so I trade it out for something that does (or will, at least). Robot masters don't need familiars (not that kind of master), so I take sudden shift instead. Never know when you need an alternative movement mode.

Once I get my fundamentals in place, though, I start itching to use the boomerangs. You know, like the one built into my head. I mean, not literally that one, but ones that are just like it. They call to me. I wasn't created to just mess around with magic: I was created to stop The Man In Blue. And to do that, I need to throw more boomerangs than anyone else possibly could.

Problem is, boomerangs don't work nicely as written. So I bring in a tool to solve the problem: bloodstorm blade! Now my Quick Boomerangs actually return to me with returning attacks. And I can use Iron Heart strikes through them, which is satisfying. And I can throw more of them, because they're fast. And then I get lightning ricochet, thereby allowing me to actually make my Quick Boomerangs quick.

The reason why the OG Quick Boomerang (https://megaman.fandom.com/wiki/Quick_Boomerang) is quick is actually because it's a boomerang. The short range means that you don't run as much of a risk of running into the processor's limit of 3 projectiles on-screen at once, so they can go helluva quick. Lightning ricochet is how to represent this. These ain't just boomerangs. They're Quick Boomerangs. That's the whole point.

Why do the boomerangs matter? Ease up on that talk, pardner. In this town, I am the law, and you will respect that or you will stand around like a dazed cretin. Yup, Boomerang Daze. Plays very nicely with the spammy style I've got going. Spam haste (I don't need to cast anything else!), spam 'rangs, life is good. Except for you. You're just standing there like the idiot you are. You're not quick on the draw at all. Or if I'm feeling merciful, I'll just use a disarming strike to knock your gun out of your shootin' hand. Your slow, slow shootin' hand. Which will still leave you dazed. You look like my brother, that flipper-and-snorkel geek. I miss that old sonuvagun… damn that Man In Blue!

Soon, swiftblade becomes a reality and I embrace my destiny as the Quick Man. The Man In Blue don't stand a chance. What they say ain't true.

Swift surge stacks with haste and makes me quicker than him. Blurred alacrity makes me a dodgy mofo. My circuits slow… what they say is a lie. The shots are heard, and the bullets scream death as they fly. And since the bullets scream death as they fly, I can hear them coming, and I'm fast enough to dodge them. You see how that works? I mean, he won't, but maybe you're quick enough to get it.

Sudden casting is because I'm quick on the draw. A quick pose and I'm off to the races. I've got slots to spare. Same with arcane reflexes. I'm gonna get the drop on ya. Reach for my weapon and in turn you're reachin' for yours…


Evasive reflexes mean The Man In Blue ain't gonna be able to shoot me, no matter which of my brothers he's stolen toys from. I'm not scared anymore. I see the faces of my brothers that have fallen before…

Fortified hustle just plain makes sense. You can't make the Quick Man stop being quick. And since I'm eventually gonna get antimagic field under my own power, I can ensure that I'm the only quick one on the field.

Diligent rapidity means that if I need to kite ya, I'm gonna kite ya and there's not much you can do about it. Especially since I've got a nice range increment on my Quick Boomerangs and I can still daze you. Especially especially with perpetual options. Should I throw all the boomerangs, or should I throw more than all the boomerangs? Should I cast while attacking or attack while casting? Fire a Quick Beam (https://megaman.fandom.com/wiki/Force_Beam) or a barrage of Quick Boomerangs? Move and full attack? Por que no los dos?

And then… it happened. The Man In Blue has arrived. He thought he was clever. He thought he was "The One." He thought killing my poor, poor insecure brother Flash Man and taking his Time Stopper would give him a leg up on me. Me!

Turns out what they say ain't true. Death don't wear blue. He can fall.

Rest in peace, Flashy. I got back yer Time Stopper from him. Might be too late for ya, but I'll take good care of it anyway.

Flashy always wanted to be like The Man In Blue… now they're both in the same condition, I s'pose. You'll get your moment together now, you old miseryguts.

I'm not crying.

Robot Masters don't… cry…

poor Flashy…

Point Blank Shot: Prereq for bloodstorm blade, but every +1 counts early on.
Dodge: Prereq for swiftblade, but every +1 counts early on.
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: What, you want me to throw my Quick Boomerangs without proficiency?
Rapid Shot: I'm the danged Quick Man. I'm gonna throw more 'rangs than you.
Power Attack: I can treat thrown weapons as melee and I'm only a few points off full BAB. I'm also a focused specialist transmuter with slots to spare and access to wraithstrike. Yeah, those 'rangs are gonna hit pretty damn hard. Makes Boomerang Daze better, too.
Throw Anything: Well, it didn't cost me nothin'.
Boomerang Daze: Gee, I dunno, tacking a save-or-lose-your-turn on every single attack I make in my big suite of attacks, is that worth it? This is kind of my main jam.
Mobility: Prereq for swiftblade, and it's also not bad if something decides to get cute and get up in my grill.
Spring Attack: You know what's cool about treating thrown attacks as melee? This works. There's no actual definition of "melee weapon" in the PHB aside from on pg. 112: "melee weapons are used for making melee attacks." Which I am, thanks to thunderous throw. This. Works. Helps a ton if there's any cover on the battlefield: run out, throw a Quick Boomerang, and run behind cover.
Two-Weapon Fighting: I'm the danged Quick Man. I'm gonna throw more 'rangs than you.
Ironheart Aura: Mostly just a prereq for Stormguard Warrior.
Bounding Assault: Like Spring Attack, but more attacks!
Stormguard Warrior: When I turn on Flashy's Time Stopper (*sniff*), this is a fun option. Maybe I can't damage anyone while it's on, but making a whole bunch of non-damaging touch attacks (which, thanks to thunderous throw, I can make at range despite still being "melee") isn't damaging anyone. Then time starts again and my Quick Boomerangs are massively powered up for a full attack. I love that image, to be honest. Why am I so deadly? Because I'm basically going to stop time, use it for target practice on you, and then follow through faster than you can comprehend.

Punishing stance: Prereq for Ironheart Aura and bloodstorm blade. Plus, you know, bonus damage is nice. Turn it off if you're getting hit a ton, but if you're successfully kiting (or once blurred alacrity is online), -2 AC is worth the extra pain.
Steel wind: Primarily used as fodder for returning attacks.
Disarming strike: Very nice to use at range. Kind of a Batman-like feel.
Steely strike: Sometimes ya just need to hit.

Level 164-----
Level 275-----
Level 3754----
Level 4765----
Level 57654---
Level 67654---
Level 77654---
Level 87654---
Level 97654---
Level 107654---
Level 117654---
Level 127665---
Level 1377653--
Level 1477653--
Level 1577664--
Level 16777643-
Level 17777643-
Level 18777654-
Level 197777543
Level 207777543

Note: This table includes extra spells for 16 INT and also includes bonus spells for being a focused specialist.

A few highlighted spells:
Haste: I mean, of course. Note that I cast nothing else at ECL 10.
Heroics: Nice for bootstrapping into something you don't have just yet. Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Martial Study, whatever's needed just at this moment. (SpC)
Wraithstrike: This makes you truly deadly with Power Attack. (SpC)
Greater magic weapon: (Note: don't cast at ECL 10.) Lasts basically all day; makes the 'rangs better.
Mage armor: Not transmutation, but it pretty quickly lasts nearly all day, so there's not much reason not to cast it.
Nerveskitter: There are hardly any better ways to be quick on the draw.
Antimagic field: This is awesome once fortified hustle is available.
Alter self: On a construct, eh? Hmm…
Unseen servant: This is mostly amusing because disarming strike works at range. Just have your servant go fetch the weapon they dropped.
Blink, greater: Hard to top this kind of defense. (SpC)
Repair damage line: A little bit of self-healing can matter. Get on a wand if you can. (SpC/ECS)
Unseen crafter: Fun for healing at night. At 1 day/level, doesn't cost much in terms of resources. (RoE)
Stat-boosting spells: Great for you and for your allies. Hitting more often and hitting harder are both good uses of long-duration transmutation slots.

There are many others, of course. Transmuters are great party buffers and great out-of-combat problem solvers.

For nonmagical equipment, Quick Man just needs his trusty Quick Boomerangs: Talenta boomerangs, of course. Fits the visuals. A spellbook too, naturally, but that goes without saying for a wizard.

If magic items are available, stat boosters (DEX, INT, and STR) all help out, magic enhancements on the Quick Boomerangs are highly desirable, standard defensive gear (save boosters and AC boosters in particular) will never go amiss, and of course every 'forged wants a wand or two of repair light damage.

Metamagic rods of Extend are super valuable for this kind of character.

Although Quick Man has lots of slots thanks to being a focused specialist, more is always better, so pearls of power and rings of wizardry might be worth the investment if that's an option. Pearls of power in particular can help with non-transmutation spells.

Of course, magic covers a heck of a lot of bases, so even in an item-poor environment, all Quick Man needs are the 'rangs.

Why not ban evocation? Simple thematics. Quick Man needs the ability to create the occasional line of death (even if it's not the primary strategy). Them Quick Beams are iconic. What else can we burn this town with if it comes to it? So I keep the occasional big line attack on tap just to get the visuals right. (No, I don't use any lightning bolts at level 10. That's all haste all the time. But afterwards? Maybe one or two line attacks here and there sneak their way in.)

Why not use the Xen'drik boomerang? I'm sorry, you're looking for Shadow Man. He'll be built sometime next game. (Also, the tactical flexibility of a longer range increment is more important than the average extra 1 damage. Do recall that you pick targets in a full attack one at a time; if your first target fails their save and becomes dazed, you can switch targets on subsequent attacks to spread out the control a little bit.)

Why not take Quick Draw? Because it's just plain not needed once I get bloodstorm blade 4. Until then, if I really need it, I'm a focused specialist transmuter. I can easily spare a 2nd level transmutation slot for heroics if it's that important. I don't need Quick Draw to be quick on the draw. I'm still the Quick Man.

Why not Boomerang Ricochet? Space, basically. It's easier to just get more attacks (Rapid Shot, TWF) than to ensure that targets are adjacent to each other. Plus, I also mean feat space. I'm not made of feats over here.


Craft: Blacksmithing is just for self-healing, of course. The skill tricks feel thematic, and most of my skills don't need to be 100% maxed by that level, so it gives me somewhere to stick my skill points without just starting over.

Prestige classes:
Bloodstorm blade
Balance 8 ranks: met at ECL 6
Point Blank Shot: met at ECL 1
One Iron Heart stance: met at ECL 6
One Iron Heart strike: met at ECL 6

BAB +3: met at ECL 6
Able to cast haste: met at ECL 5
Spellcraft 6: met at ECL 3
Concentration 6: met at ECL 3
Dodge: met at ECL 1
Mobility: met at ECL 9
Proficient with at least one martial weapon: met at ECL 6


Point Blank Shot: N/A
Dodge: DEX 13. Met immediately.
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: BAB +1. Met at ECL 2.
Rapid Shot: DEX 13, Point Blank Shot. Met after taking PBS at level 1.
Power Attack: STR 13. Met immediately.
Throw Anything: DEX 15, "proficiency with weapon" (?), BAB +2. Met at ECL 4.
Boomerang Daze: Proficiency with boomerang, BAB +4. Met at ECL 7.
Mobility: DEX 13, Dodge. Met after taking Dodge at level 1.
Spring Attack: DEX 13, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, BAB +4. Met after taking Mobility at level 9 (even though the prereqs are ignored).
Two-Weapon Fighting: DEX 15. Met immediately.
Bounding Assault: DEX 13, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, BAB +12. Met at ECL 15 (even though the prereqs are ignored).
Ironheart Aura: One Iron Heart stance. Met with Punishing Stance at level 6.
Stormguard Warrior: Proficient with Iron Heart preferred weapon, BAB +6, two Iron Heart maneuvers, Ironheart Aura. Met after taking Ironheart Aura at level 15.

[ED: Apologies, this was an embedded video in the original submission, but the forum apparently only allows one video per post so I had to change it to a link. ~Heliomance]

Complete Mage: Focused Specialist
Complete Scoundrel: Skill tricks
Complete Warrior: Throw Anything (reprinted in Tome of Battle)
Eberron Campaign Setting: Warforged, Talenta boomerang
Online: Swiftblade (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070327)
PHB2: Instant Magic (sudden shift), Bounding Assault
Races of Eberron: Boomerang Daze
Tome of Battle: Bloodstorm Blade, Warblade, Maneuvers, Ironheart Aura, Stormguard Warrior
Unearthed Arcana: Martial Wizard (fighter bonus feats)

Several spells are referenced above; they are cited in-line when not in the PHB.

Other feats, spells, classes, etc. originate in the PHB.

I would like to thank The Megas (https://themegas.bandcamp.com/) for providing the inspiration. I basically listened to The Quick And The Blue a thousand times while writing this, and no, I'm not sick of it yet. I'm not affiliated with them in any way, but I heartily, heartily recommend you check them out. There's definitely a few parts of this build that were inspired (or affected) by songs other than just TQATB.

Credit to Capcom for creating the Mega Man series, which inspired The Megas and some other parts of this build. And of course, the images used originate with Capcom as well.
urse, the images used originate with Capcom as well. [/spoiler][/QUOTE]

2019-11-27, 04:46 AM
Entry number 8:

Persephone Scourge

"Are you nervous about your first day?" Persephone's dad asked. He refilled his wine glass as though he weren't coiled and ready to strike regardless of her response.

"Not really," she said and picked at her fingernails with her knife, a bad habit she knew would get under her mother's skin and perhaps earn her a lecture.

"Are you sure, Purse?" her mother said. "No questions you have for me or your father about any particular . . . forbidden types of magic?" she said as naturally as she could, which wasn't very natural at all.

"Mo-om!" Persephone groaned. "Come on, you've already given me the haste talk. Dad gave it to me too when we were in the carriage to visit granny for Discordsmight." So she couldn't get away.

"Well, we only want you to be prepared because we love you and we're we care about you. Your grandfather told me he saw someone in his sect use it once. It made his hair turn white overnight. Every time you use it, it takes years off your life. Hextor doesn't look kindly on His faithful making themselves weaker on purpose, no matter the short term gain," her mother said.

"I kno-ow!" Persephone rolled her eyes. "Relax, mom, I'll stick to normal stuff like making pacts with devils and heedless blood orgies with anything that crosses my path."

"That's all we ask," her father said with a guarded kindness in his eyes. He took her mother's hand in his. Gross. "Would you like to carve, Purse?"

Persephone took the knife, hoping that once it was time to eat, it'd mean an end to the lectures. "Hextor, we thank ourselves for showing greater strength than what lies before us. Through Your teachings, we uphold the order of the world and remember always that justice is a shadow the strong cast upon the weak. Until I lie upon the table of another, I partake of this meat in Your name." Persephone put up her ceremonial hood and cut the throat of the sacrificial victim that lay bound and gagged on their dinner table. She dredged a pretzel roll in the blood from his neck and offered it to her father, the eldest at the table. He took it without thanks, as was his right, and chewed it.

"Tangled flail, I wish Thayan wasn't so salty," he said and sipped his wine, setting the hollow skull cup down on the blood red tablecloth once it was empty.

"We can only hope someone else is slower next time, dear," her mother said. "We'll get something special when Purse is home for Blooding Week. Won't that be nice?"

Persephone nodded and forced a smile.

Persephone pored over her notes for the thousandth time. The light from the continunal flame on her holy symbol flickered steadily despite the wear on the iron brooch. A few of the arrows in Hextor's hand were bent. It had belonged to her grandfather, once, before he'd fallen for the final time in battle. Now it was hers. A knock at the door wrested her attention from the details of extraplanar gravity.

"Hey." A Rashemi girl gave her a chin nod from beneath her furred cap. Persephone didn't recognize the pelt. The ermine trim complemented the girl's blood-red eyes beautifully. Persephone felt her own blood rising to her cheek and knew she couldn't blame it on the cold.

"Oh, um, hey. Your eyes are, uh-- you're one of those demonsworn knights, right? I've heard all kinds of stuff about you," Persephone said lamely.

She laughed, a sound literally like bells tinkling. Probably some obscure bard spell. The girl had the look of a bard about her, though Persephone knew it would be rude to ask. "Hellbound knight, actually. My sister's demonsworn if that's more your speed," she said with a wink of that ruby orb, like a ripe pomegranate seed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean--" Persephone didn't have a chance to finish. The girl came in from the hall and sat on her war chest.

"Relax, I'm just pulling your reins. Your door was open, so I figured you might want to hang out. Me and my sister and a bunch of us are gonna go to the faculty monster farm and try to get some practicum in. She caddies there on weekends, so she's got a set of keys. You wanna come? I found getting my head around some of Konek's stuff was easier with a little blood under my fingernails," she said with a nod toward Persephone's messy notes.

"Am I that obvious? I couldn't figure out what he was talking about when he was on summons." Persephone lifted her hands from the eagle's blood she'd written her notes in, still damp and tacky.

"Hey, it's not your fault, Konek's the worst. I hear he was a lot better when he was alive. Whatever he turned into rotted his brain I bet. You can have my notes from last year if you can find them. My room's kind of a mess." Her fur boots were almost touching Persephone's elf leather sandals.

It sounded like an invitation. "Sure," she said as evenly as she could.

"It's a date."

Persephone wasn't sure what they'd be killing on the farm, so predictably overprepared, bringing her army surplus backpack with a zillion pounds of gear for every imaginable obstacle. She felt ridiculous when her canteen clacked against her thigh as she tried to keep up with the upperclassman, whose name she'd finally learned was Stennefra. A neglected graveyard loomed before them, circled by a huge wrought iron fence. It looked like a wonderful place for a picnic. Her parents' wedding portrait had been in someplace much like it.

"Don't worry, it's just a style," Stennefra said.

"A what?"

"A fashion?" Stennefra reached down her shirt and drew out a key with a death's head design. "Y'know, one of those illusion whosits."

"A glamer."

"Yeah, that's it." She opened the gate and the inside revealed itself to them, rolling green hillocks bathed in sun despite the late hour. "Welcome to the teacher's lounge," Stennefra said with an elbow just under Persephone's ironwood cuirass.

The others were waiting for them, idly sniping at monsters with rays or tearing into them with weapons.

"Look who finally showed up," said a girl who looked exactly like Stennefra but for her eyes, black instead of red. She introduced herself as Nyx and exposed a mouth of teeth small and triangular at least three rows deep, like a shark's when she smiled.

"Come on, I was just saying hello to the fresh meat," Stennefra said and playfully snapped her teeth.

"We just finished the fourth, you wanna join us for five?" Nyx asked. Persephone nodded and tried not to look too eager.

"I've got um, cold iron and silver and other stuff. What's on five?" she asked. Nyx laughed, a reassuringly unwholesome sound.

"What would be the fun in telling you?" Nyx touched a glowing stone with a 5 on it with her high heeled boot and monsters coalesced around them, some Persephone had never seen before.

"Knowledge monkey, do your thing," Nyx shouted to a hadozee in a tree above the monsters.

"They're spellwarped donkeys, and you're a pathetic racist," he said. "All right, you guys'll be hitting harder now. Donkeys are indegenous to flat and arid climes and are especially comfortable in scrub areas. They subsist on fruits and grasses."

"Any like, special powers or anything?" Nyx said and shot a ray of light through the first donkey's brain, killing it instantly.

"They're donkeys, stupid." The hadozee transformed the earth below them to a giant, muscled fist (also hadozee) and strangled the nearest donkey.

"This guy. Hey, could use some H down here," Nyx said, leaping over a donkey kick.

"I've gotta do everything." Stennefra swirled her arms, the leather fringe that hung along her bracers dancing in hypnotic patterns as she moved. Persephone wasn't sure whether that part was magic or not. "Hey guys, this is a buff. Do you all consent to it?"

"Gimme," Nyx said, driving her thumbs into a donkey's eyes.

"Yo," said the hadozee in the tree, shooting an arrow with the hand at the end of his ankle.

"Sorry, I conscientiously object to divine magic. No, thank you," murmured an elf who was doing his best to hide from the donkeys behind the trunk of the tree.

"I still can't believe you joined the Athar. You're so screwed on next week's test on the pact primeval," the hadozee taunted from above.

"Don't mock my beliefs, you sheep," the elf said and let out a yelp as a stealthful donkey bit him from behind.

"I accept," Persephone said, balling her fists around her grandfather's flail. Magic wrapped around her with a solemn hum, and the world around her, but for her allies, slowed. She stepped between donkeys on all sides and caved their heads in as easy as a bound sacrificial victim. She scarcely knew what had happened before the glowing 5 on the lodestone dimmed, signifying the onslaught was over.

"It's just theory," the elf said. "Not like it's a practical exam. As long as I can memorize all the names and dates all that nonsense was supposed to have happened, I'll squeak by."

"You have to be the dumbest person at this school." Nyx quaffed a potion and a hoofprint disappeared from her cheek.

"What was that amazing spell you just cast on everyone?" Persephone asked Stennefra, feeling like there were still stars in her eyes from the tiny motes of light that had seemed to stand still as they scythed through their enemies.

"Make that second dumbest," Nyx said. "Have you really never cast haste?"

"Oh, no, of course not." Persephone felt sick, despite all this wonderful blood staining her toe to tip. "Haste is really dangerous. It turns your hair white and kills you. I'd never cast that on a friend."

"Haha what." The elf came out now that it was safe. "Look around, no one's hair is white. And if it killed you, how would anyone ever learn to cast it? You see what I mean? This religion stuff rots your brain. Where'd you hear a stupid thing like that?"

Persephone was grateful for the sheen of gore on her face to hide her blush. "My grandfather, Knight Tyrant in Hextor's army told me so. If you besmirch his honor again, I'll show you how real Hextor's power is."

Stennefra interposed herself. "Relax, we're all friends here." She took off her fur hat and shook out her raven locks. Not a streak of white anywhere. "See for yourself. You aced that spell ID pop quiz the other day, you can see I don't have any cosmetic glamers on. I don't want to talk bad about your folks, but maybe they were confusing it with a different spell? There's like a million of them. I don't think clerics can learn it. Maybe it was something that just sounded like haste."

"I guess," Persephone said, not wanting to make enemies this early on, especially ones stronger than her. "But that's what it does? It makes you faster in a fight?"

"Yeah. Why'd you think it was called that?" Stennefra mopped at the sweat on her brow with a handkerchief.

"Because it like, hastened your demise."

To Stennefra's credit, she did an admirable job trying not to laugh.

Persephone took to haste like it was her first time doing magic. When practicing her weapon drills in the dojo, she found herself casting it sometimes without even thinking. Touching her foil to the instructor that extra time or two always gave her a little thrill. It helped with other areas of study as well. When she was doing her lab for summoning, it let her cast another spell to contain the horrible thing she'd made just as quick as she'd called it. That really impressed the other students. Even Professor Konek raised what was left of his eyebrow on his rotting visage. When the others asked how Persephone was able to do that, she hadn't had a good answer. Konek said he recalled that's how the spell used to work, a very long time ago, and theorized Persephone might be casting some primordial version of the spell. He then drifted into some personal anecdote that ate up the rest of the class, so her curiosity remained unquenched.

Persephone couldn't believe how quickly the term had flown by. That, she couldn't blame entirely on the forbidden magic she'd learned. This was the only thing she'd left out of the letters she wrote home to her parents every week. Everything else, her qualms about being ready for her test next month on conjuration, the food in the canteen, her relationship with Stennefra (and her willingness to convert to revering Hextor down the line), everything except the fact that she'd been been using the one spell her parents had asked her not to. There was a while when she'd cast nothing but haste. She'd been so attuned to it, it was like a part of her now, like the blood of her inferiors she had taken into herself over the years.

She packed the sword she and Stennefra had forged together in metal shop to show her family she had some practical skills. She knew her granny didn't care much for bards. Persephone checked around her bed for her sacrificial dagger. She last remembered using it to open her mail. That, she might keep to herself.

Stennefra walked into her room. The two of them had long since dispensed with knocking. "You left this in my room. wouldn't want to go without it," she teased.

Persephone grabbed it and tucket it into her belt. "Thanks. Granny would've killed me if I hadn't brought it." Stennefra kissed her forehead. "What, and she won't kill you if you bring it?"

"Well, she will, but not like, kill-kill. It's fun, you'll like it. It's like the farm. She breaks into the house a day or two before we're expecting her and then pops out and attacks us when we're not expecting it. Listen to me, I must sound crazy."

Stennefra nodded gamely. "How's my scarification?" she raised her palm, a crooked symbol of Hextor slightly too far to the left of center.

"It's perfect." Persephone locked up and they went down the hall to wait in line to use the teleportation circle.

"You're sure you don't mind visiting my family this weekend?" Persephone asked for the hundredth time.

"Yeah. My parents are just gonna be picking grapes. Nothing special on the calendar. It's fine. Really. And I promise I won't use any H while we're there. I'll be good," Stennefra said with a wink.

The two of them arrived in Persephone's kitchen with her mother stirring a pot of blood, making the air rich and coppery and delicious.

"Oh, you must be Stennefra. Come and give me a hand. Add a measure of those oats and a half measure of the brown sugar. That's my secret ingredient when I make black pudding. If you tell anyone, no one will ever find your body," her mother said.

Persephone bit her tongue before she could spit out that her mother was being lame and embarrassing. Stennefra had told her being more patient with her family might help smooth things over. Stennefra was silent a beat and then laughed.

"Of course, Matriarch Scourge. Just gotta pay homage real quick." Stennefra knelt before the shrine to Hextor in the corner and pricked her finger on the edge of her knife and bled onto the empty dish clutched in His six arms. While Stennefra's back was turned, Persephone's mother gave an appreciative nod.

Stennefra walked over to the hob and a dark shape dropped from the ceiling. Persephone recognized the leather cowl obscuring the figure's features, hooked and sharp like a bird of prey.

"Blessed Blooding, granny!" Persephone said and got on the balls of her feet in a battle stance.

"Blessed Blooding, you li'l anklebiter. Bringin' loved ones over when kinfolk're visitin'? Yer showin' weakness. I taught you better'n that." Granny kicked Stennefra in the tailbone with her hobnailed boot and knocked her to the floor.

Stennefra coughed and caught her breath. "Oh, we're starting already? I've heard so much about you. You'll have to show me how to make those sesame buns you sent Purse last month. They were so good." She drew her viola and conjured her collapsible bow. With an evil hiss she drew the bow across the strings and launched an invisible auger of force that bored into granny's gut.

Persephone drew her sword, resting her thumb on the arrow motif on its guard. She slashed across granny's back and narrowly cracked her armored shell, baring the demon flesh beneath.

"Oh, ma, do we have to play this game while I'm cooking?" her mother whined and guarded the pot of black pudding from their roughhousing.

"Ain't a game, kid. We do this because we don't know when death's comin' for us." She kicked Stennefra's bow from her hand and grabbed a cleaver from over the stove. "Looks like yer goin' in the pot, kid."

Persephone acted before she knew it, and H flowed through her blood and her bones. She leapt through the air and sliced off granny's arm at the elbow. As she cursed and leaked her foul-smelling black ichor on the floor, thick as mud, Persephone helped Stennefra up.

Her mother gasped and put her hand over her chest, even as the blood and oats boiled over.

"Purse, was that--tell me that wasn't--" her mother couldn't bring herself to say it. She already had tears in her eyes.

Granny grit her teeth as her arm started to grow back with a wet, disgusting sound Persephone for once found disquieting. "H-ste! My own kin usin' h-ste against me! How dare you! Get out of this house!" She gripped at the edge of her cloak, threatening to tear it off and discard the human shape she took for her family's comfort.

Stennefra saw Persephone was frozen. "Look, it's not her fault. I'm the one who--"

"Both of you, get out! I ain't havin' this magic in my house!"

Persephone touched Stennefra's wrist and spoke the word of recall to take them back to school.

"Sorry," she said once they were back in her room.

Stennefra shrugged. "It happens."

Persephone knocked on the door for the new freshman's room.

"Cramming for Konek?" she asked, recognizing the spidery writing and diagrams even from ten paces.

"Awaiting execution more like. My family's gonna kill me if I fail this final. Sorry to get heavy on you this early in the term. I probably sound nuts."

"Not at all. A bunch of us are going to the farm later to blow off some steam. You should come."

"Are you sure? I got a lot of notes left."

Persephone smiled. "Trust me. You'll love it."

LE human cleric of hextor 4/ordained champion 5/swiftblade 1/nar demonbinder 1/swiftblade 10

str 13
dex 13
con 14
int 12
wis 14
cha 14 (increases here)

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

cleric 1
concentration 4, k (religion) 4, k (planes) 4, spellcraft 4
heretic of the faith (celerity, greatsword), iron will
rebuke undead, domains (war and celerity), spontaneous domain casting (celerity)

cleric 2
concentration 1 (5), k (religion) 1 (5), k (planes) 1 (5), spellcraft 1 (5)

cleric 3
k (religion) 1 (6), k (planes) 1 (6), spellcraft 1 (6), sm 1
power attack

cleric 4
concentration 1 (6), k (religion) 1 (7), k (planes) 1 (7), sm 1 (2)

ordained champion 1
intimidate 4
expeditious dodge (bonus), mobility (bonus)
Bonus domain (domination), combat feats (celerity and domination), continued advancement, modified spontaneous casting

ordained champion 2
concentration 1 (7), intimidate 1 (5), k (planes) 2 (8)
spring attack, diehard (bonus)

ordained champion 3
concentration 2 (9), k (planes) 2 (10)

channel spell, divine bulwark

ordained champion 4
concentration 1 (10), tumble 3

fist of the gods, rapid spontaneous casting

ordained champion 5
tumble 4 (7)
divine might
holy warrior, war caster

swiftblade 1
balance 5, tumble 1 (8)
spell focus (conjuration) (bonus)
spring attackbonus feat, swift surge +1/+0ft

nar demonbinder 1
concentration 4 (14)

fiendish familiar, inimical casting

swiftblade 2
balance 5, concentration 1 (15)
arcane disciple (celerity to nar demonbinder)
Blurred alacrity

swiftblade 3
concentration 1 (16), jump 5

Sudden casting

swiftblade 4
concentration 1 (17),tumble 3 (13) swift concentration

Arcane reflexes, swift surge +1/+10 ft.

swiftblade 5
concentration 1 (18), tumble 3 (16), nimble stand
practiced spellcaster (nar demonbinder)
Evasive celerity

swiftblade 6
concentration 1 (19), tumble 3 (19), back on your feet

fortified hustle

swiftblade 7
concentration 1 (20), k (arcana) 2, tumble 1 (20), acrobatic backstab

Bounding Assault, swift surge +2/+10 ft.

swiftblade 8
concentration 1 (21), k (arcana) 4 (8), tumble 1 (21)
planar touchstone (Oxyrhynchus)
Diligent rapidity

swiftblade 9
concentration 1 (22), k (arcana) 4 (10), tumble 1 (22)

Perpetual options

swiftblade 10
concentration 1 (23), k (arcana) 4 (14), tumble 1 (23)

Innervated speed, swift surge +2/+20 ft.

































four 4s
haste, lesser planar binding, summon monster IV, magic circle against good
four 5s
plane shift, summon monster V, dispel good, spell resistance
three 6s
planar binding, summon monster VI, fiendform
two 7s
blasphemy, summon monster VII
one 8
greater planar binding

Buckle up, because this isn't your father's cleric of Hextor. Heretic of the faith lets you grab the celerity domain for cool spells (expeditious retreat, cat's grace, blur, and haste are the ones you'll be accessing as a cleric) plus for now it gives you +10 to your land speed which stacks with other stuff by virtue of being untyped making you highly mobile.

Heretic of the faith also lets you change your weapon to the more gish-friendly greatsword to put your power attack to work for you.

Iron will shores you up defensively, and spontaneous domain casting means you can use your domain slot for war, safe in the knowledge that you can throw celerity in whenever you like.

The very cool ordained champion prc is already online by level 5, rare among prcs. It grants you the domination domain, adding command, enthrall, suggestion, and dominate person to your cleric list. You miss out on the domain power and ditch celerity domain's speed boost, but it's worth it. The taxes for swiftblade, expeditious dodge (which is identical to dodge for prerequisites) and mobility, are both fighter bonus feats, so you can purchase them as bonus feats by forsaking your domain powers. pretty good deal. It also advances your rebuking and lets you cast war domain spells spontaneously too if you want, which is super.

Hop around, chop people into tiny pieces, and use your domains to augment your versatility both as a caster and a brute. Things will only get better.

Ordained champion has given what it has to give, and boy is it a lot. You pick up diehard to further shore up your survivability. Channel spell allows you to prebuff with powerful offensive effects or even statuses that normally aren't single target. Extremely handy when an enemy buffs with ray deflection. This synergizes well with your extra actions from swiftblade later on. Speaking of synergy, since ordained champion provides access to ride, you can use skilled city dweller to change this into the more useful tumble, allowing you to spend swiftblade points elsewhere.

Divine bulwark grants dr when you need to beef up your defenses. Fist of the gods will give you a boost to your melee damage, which is what you're all about. When spontaneously casting war domain spells you can do so as a swift. Holy warrior can put your wis into play instead of your strength to greater increase melee damage, and your cl improves when casting war spells.

At 9, you unlock 4th level slots and are able to cast haste, so for this level, you must put your additional options on hold for your 4s. You can only prepare haste in your domain slot, but you can spontaneously convert your prepared 4s into haste, which you must do and can thanks to spontaneous domain casting. Your very next level is swiftblade, so your casting is restricted for the shortest possible time.

You take spring attack at 6 with a feat slot so you can get spell focus (conjuration) as a bonus at 10 in preparation for nar demonbinder. You are no longer flat-footed while balancing thanks to swiftblade's skills

Enjoy y our increased mobility and greater access to spells alongside your boosted melee power. Later levels improve this synergy.

Swiftblade can only progress arcane casting, so this is the end of your journey as a cleric. It is the beginning as a nar demonbinder. Swiftblade grants 6 levels of casting. That, alongside 1 level of nar demonbinder allows you to complete 100% of its spellcasting advancement, losing nothing.

Thanks to earlier groundwork adding celerity as a domain available to your patron deity, Hextor, you are able to select arcane disciple (celerity) and learn spells from it as a nar demonbinder, most importantly, haste as a 4. Now you have access to it to cast normally and later use for innervated speed using your higher level slots, since you are entitled to one slot at each spell level. Due to you being a spontaneous caster, you can cast this as often as needed. Practiced spellcaster beefs up your caster level to get it as high as possible to allow more use out of your spell effects.

In addition to this, nar demonbinder offers a great number of powerful summons. Summoning monsters is one of the best things you can do with your extra actions while enjoying enhanced haste from swiftblade especially while under innervated speed. Your imp familiar provides a great deal of utility as well, able to fly, be invisible, scout, use wands, speak, have opposable thumbs, use wands, and more, plus enjoy haste alongside you.

Blurred alacrity makes you harder to hit, sudden casting lets you make better use of your extra actions, and evasive celerity helps out against targeted effects, making you very hard to pin down.

Spring around the battlefield with the aid of your devils, 6th level spells including planar binding, and destroy enemies with melee when needed.

Swiftblade has allowed you to complete nar demonbinder's casting progression, granting you access to the powerful blasphemy (which you can cast as any of its variants depending on what kind of enemies you encounter, damaging all alignments depending on your whim thanks to inimical casting) and the extremely important greater planar binding, enabling access to a variety of useful and dangerous monsters.

Bounding assault in tandem with planar touchstone oxyrhynchus allows extra attacks when catching enemies flat footed, which will happen often thanks to your bonuses to initiative. Acrobatic backstab provides another way to render enemies flat-footed, which thanks to your high tumble mod, you will be able to do reliably. Tumble continues to work for you with nimble stand and back on your feet to avoid the prone condition as much as possible since being tripped sucks.

You can use your extra actions for a great number of things due to your complementary classes, boosting your melee prowess with ordained champion, casting spells more quickly from it and supplementing them with things from nar demonbinder and combining either or both of these with full attacks enhanced by oxyrhynchus.

Your mobility continues unleashed and you can tumble more or less at will now due to ranks, dex bonus, synergy, and the freedom of movement effect from swiftblade.

Leap around, cast spells, summon monsters, and chop enemies with your blade, it's all possible now.

srd: human, cleric, iron will, spell focus, power attack, mobility, diehard
power of faerun: heretic of the faith
complete champion: ordained champion
online: swiftblade (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070327)
phb2: spontaneous domain casting
complete scoundrel: skill tricks
cityscape web enhancement (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a)
complete divine: arcane disciple
complete arcane: practiced spellcaster
complete warrior: divine might
planar handbook: planar touchstone
races of the wild: expeditious dodge
unapproachable east: nar demonbinder

2019-11-27, 04:47 AM
Entry number 9:


Venerable Desert Loredrake DWK Battle Sorcerer 4/Swiftblade 10/Abjurant Champion 5/ Paragnostic Apostle 1

Desert Kobold: (SRD, RoTD 39)
-4 STR, +2 DEX, -2 WIS (Venerable adds +3 WIS/INT/CHA) -4 STR, +2 DEX, +1 WIS, +3 INT, +3 CHA
Small, (+1 attack/AC, -4 grapple, +4 hide) Humanoid (Dragonblood, reptillian)
No light sensitivity, +2 survival, Heat Endurance (+4 Fort vs hot weather)
Speed 30, +1 NA, Darkvision 60

Loredrake: (DoE 31)
Cast as a Sorcerer 2 levels higher, add Spellcraft to skills list, reduce any RHD to d10’s

Dragonwrought Kobold (DWK) (RoTD 100)
Type changes to Dragon (humanoid, reptilian), retain kobold racial traits, immune to magic sleep/paralysis. Darkvision 60, Lowlight. +2 skill bonus related to dragon ancestry (p103).

Battle Sorcerer:
d8 HD, 1 less spell known (minimum 1)/spell slot (minimum 0) per level, use Cleric BAB progression, remove Bluff from class list, gain proficiency with any light or 1h martial weapon of choice (rapier), and light armor. Can cast in light armor w/o ASF.

Draconic Right of Passage (RoTD 43)
can cast any 1st lvl sorcerer spell as a SLA 1/day, CL=char lvl
Ghostly Tail – RoTD: tail of force can make AoO, deal 2d6 +1/lvl damage

Divine Companion ACF: CChamp 52
Replaces familiar:
cast targeted spells at companion who then stores the spell levels for later use. Can store a number of spell levels equal to your caster level. Companion can’t be affected by spells, SLA’s, anti-magic effects, dispel checks. Uses your CL for any checks required.
(Su) Healing: standard action, heal you for 1d6/spell level released
(Su) Shielding: swift action, Deflection bonus to AC, and Resistance bonus to saves equal to spell levels released. Lasts 1 rd/CL

Magical Affinity (Dead Levels)
Starting at Sorc 2, gain +2 on Know Arcana checks to identify dragons, total of +4 on check at 4th

Full BAB/ 6/10 CL
-Spring attack at 1st, Bounding Assault at 7th as bonus feats
-Swift surge grants a bonus to attack rolls, dodge and REF saves. An extra 1d6 damage if you move 10ft, and later at 10th 2d6 if you move 20ft, and stacks with Haste
-Blurred Alacrity starts at 20%, and ends at 50% miss chance for melee and ranged attacks
-Sudden Casting allows for casting Haste as a free action 1/rd
-Arcane Reflexes adds a total of +6 to Initiative w/o stat boosting equipment
-Evasive Celerity starts at 20%, and ends at 50% miss chance for targeted spell defense
-Fortified Hustle means your Haste can no longer be dispelled by any means, and Haste becomes an (Ex) ability.
-Diligent Rapidity grants Freedom of Movement while under the effect of Haste, and lets you walk on water as a double move action
-Perpetual Options allows you to trade the extra attack you’d make, from haste, for various actions
-Innervated Speed allows you to cast Haste in a 6th slot or higher and replicate Time Stop for 1-4 rounds

Abjurant Champion: CMAGE 50
Full BAB/CL progression
Abjurant Armor: any abj. spell that grants armor/shield bonus to ac, (bonus) is increased by AbCh level
Extended Abjuration: double duration of all abj spells you cast
Swift Abjuration: cast all abj spells as a swift action, max spell lvl 1/2 class lvl (rounded up)
Arcane Boost: burn a spell slot to gain 1 of the following: bonus on attack rolls = spell lvl, weapon damage = 2x spell lvl, AC = spell lvl, saves = spell lvl, Resistance = 5xspell lvl
Martial Arcanist: CL = BAB

Paragnostic Apostle: CChamp 94
Knowledge is Power – Penetrating Insight: +1 to CL checks to overcome SR/dispel checks
Lore: (like Bardic Lore) 1d20+1+INT


Point Buy:
STR 10, DEX 16, CON 12, INT 11, WIS 11, CHA 16
STR 6, DEX 18, CON 12, INT 14, WIS 12, CHA 19
4=WIS, rest into CHA

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Loredrake Battle Sorcerer
Conc 4, Know Arc 4, Spellcraft 4, cc-Tumble 2
Dragonwrought, (B)Expeditious Dodge
Divine Companion ACF, Spells, Draconic Rite of Passage – Ghostly Tail

Battle Sorcerer 2
Conc 5, Know Arc 5, Spellcraft 5, cc-Tumble 2.5

Magical Affinity - Dragons

Battle Sorcerer 3
Conc 6, Know Arc 6, Spellcraft 6, cc-Tumble 3

Battle Sorcerer 4
Conc 7, Spellcraft 7, cc-Know Rel 1

Balance 1, Conc 8, Jump 1, Tumble 4, cc-Know Rel 2
(B)Spring Attack
Swift Surge +1/0ft

Swiftblade 2
Balance 2, Conc 9, Tumble 5, cc-Know Rel 2.5, cc-Sleight 1
Assume Supernatural Ability
Blurred Alacrity (20%), +1 SC

Swiftblade 3
Balance 3, Conc 10, Tumble 7, cc-Know Rel 3, cc-Sleight 2

Sudden Casting, Blurred Alacrity (30%), +1 SC

Swiftblade 4
Balance 4, Conc 11, cc-Sleight 3, cc-Know Rel 4

Arcane Reflexes, Blurred Alacrity (40%), Swift Surge +1/10ft

Swiftblade 5
Balance 5, Conc 12, cc-Sleight 4, cc-Know Rel 5
Elusive Target
Evasive Celerity (20%), Blurred Alacrity (50%), +1 SC

Swiftblade 6
Nimble Charge, Tumble 9, cc-Sleight 5

Evasive Celerity (30%), +1 SC

Swiftblade 7
Conceal Spellcasting, cc-Know Local 2
(B)Bounding Assault
Evasive Celerity (40%), Swift Surge +2/+10ft

Swiftblade 8
Tumble 11, cc-Know Local 4
Combat Casting
Evasive Celerity (50%), Diligent Rapidity, +1 SC

Swiftblade 9
Conc 15, Tumble 12, cc-Know Local 5

Perpetual Options, +1 SC

Swiftblade 10
Acrobatic Backstab, Conc 16, Spellcraft 8, cc-Sleight 6

Innervated Speed, Swift Surge +2/+20ft

Abjurant Champion
Swift Concentration, Conc 17, Spellcraft 9
Craft Contingent Spell
Abjurant Armor, Extended Abjuration, +1 SC

Abjurant Champion 2
Conc 18, Spellcraft 10, cc-Tumble 13

Swift Abjuration, +1 SC

Abjurant Champion 3
Conc 19, Spellcraft 13

+1 SC

Abjurant Champion 4
Conc 20, Spellcraft 14, cc-Tumble 14
Arcane Strike
Arcane Boost, +1 SC

Abjurant Champion 5
Conc 21, Spellcraft 15, cc-Tumble 15

Martial Arcanist, +1 SC

Paragnostic Apostle
Conc 22, Spellcraft 16, Know Arc 9

Holy Texts, Knowledge is Power – Penetrating Insight, Lore, +1 SC

Spells per Day/Spells Known


















Spells Known:
0- Caltrops, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Open/Close, Read Magic, Resistance, Sonic Snap, Touch of Fatigue
1- Color Spray, Nerveskitter, Protection from Evil, Shield
2- Alter Self, Shatter, Touch of Idiocy, Wings of Cover
3- Haste, Blink, Dragonskin
4- Dimensional Anchor, Greater Invisibility, Polymorph
5- Baleful Polymorph, Feeblemind, Spell Theft
6- Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability, Disintegrate
7- Limited Wish, Antimagic Ray
8- Greater Shadow Evocation
9- Shapechange

Alter Self: since we’re a dragon, we can turn into other dragons:
Wrymling: Black, Green, White, Brass, Copper, Fang, Battle, Ethereal, Styx, Shadow, Mercury, Steel, Mist, Song, Crystal, Sapphire, Orange, Yellow, Incarnum, Rattelyr, Sand, Spire. As well as Crested Felldrake, Spitting Felldrake, Horned Felldrake, Portal Drake, Pseudodragon.
Humanoid side gives:
Gnomes, Goblins, Halflings, Hobgoblins, Kobolds, Lizardfolk, Locathah, Merfolk, Orc, Troglodyte, Bugbears, Dwarves, Duergar, Elves, Githyanki/ziri

Fun w/ Alter Self/Polymorph, and Assume Su:
Hydras of various Heads, Wyvern, Remorhaz, Roper, Thoon Elder Brain, various dragon forms, Mind Flayer, Annis Hag, War Troll, Legendary Ape, Sun Giant, Rust Monster, Folugub, Basilisk, Gauth, Beholder, Choker, Cloaker, Displacer Beast, Gorgon, Sea Hag, Cryo/Pyro Hydra, Lamia ETC (http://minmaxforum.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=3squj11dvsn5irbq773h8n0631&topic=9399)
Hydras can attack w/ all their heads at no penalty, even after a move/charge, which synergizes nicely w/ spring attack/bounding assault.

Displacer Beast gets 50% miss chance, combine that w/ Swiftblade for 100% miss chance total…
Blurred Alacrity and Evasive Celerity both state that their bonus doesn’t stack w/ spell effects but the displacer beasts miss is a (Su) ability, not a spell effect… further, shapechange would allow the pack lord instead of the base beast.

Greater Shadow Evocation: Contingency Spell, Delayed Blast Fireball, Forcecage, Mage’s Sword, Prismatic Spray, Reality Maelstrom (MoTP, 3.0 but updated to a 9th in SpC, so may be inelligible), Slashing Dispel

Some fun things from Limited Wish:
Absorb Mind, Alert Bebilith, Animate Dread Warrior, AMF, Antipathy, Archon’s Focus, Armor of Darkness (+13 to AC at 19th level), Awaken, Banishment, Battletide, Bewildering Mischance, Blinding Beauty, Break Enchantment, Call Lightning Storm, Celestial Aspect (pair w/ multiheaded hyrda and Horns of Cervidal), Commune, Control Winds, Greater Bestow Curse (demonologist 3rd, lol, 8th lvl sorc spell), Greater Blindsight, Greater Blink, Permanency, Devil’s Ego (to become an outsider for alter self/polymorph fun), Dispel Evil/Good/Law, Greater Dispel Magic, Disrupting Weapon, Divine Retribution, Dominate Person/Living Construct, Draconic Polymorph, Entomb, Eyebite (which by strict RAW “the effects are cumulative” means that something failing the save each round takes cumulative penalties…), Fabricate, Favor of the Martyr, Flesh to Salt/Stone, Forbidden Speech, Gemjump, Ghost Storm (www.archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20041022a), Ghould Gauntlet, Guards and Wards, Heal, Heartfreeze, Greater Luminous Armor, Mineralize Warrior, Minor Servitor, Mummify, Plane Shift, Reciprocal Gyre, Refusal, Revivify, Righteous Might, Skyhurling (www.archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20050114a), Slay Living, Spectral Touch (if you allow it to work w/ Ghostly Tail), Spell Resistance, Symbol of Pain/Spell Loss, Wall of Greater Dispel Magic ( which is a 5th Bard spell in the Underdark, but 8th and therefor ineligible in SpC)

And of course, anything else in line w/ any of these varying power levels as you deem fit to “wish” for. How about, “the next attack by X is automatically a confirmed critical”?
How about, “

1-Expeditious Dodge (Req dex 13) +2 dodge bonus to AC vs 1 opponent when moving 40ft in a round
1- Dragonwrought
3- Mobility (Req dodge) +4 dodge bonus vs AoO
5- Spring Attack – can move before and after an attack, doesn’t provoke AoO from your target
6- Assume Supernatural Ability
9- Elusive Target
11- Bounding Assault
12- Combat Casting
15- Craft Contingent Spell
18- Arcane Strike

this build requires a flaw to function, it could literally be anything available and really not matter once you start the shape changing shenanigans.

Skill Tricks:
Conceal Spellcasting: make a sleight of hand check vs spot check. If successful, observer can’t make AoO, or attempt to counterspell.
Swift Concentration: maintain concentration as a swift action
Nimble Charge: run or charge across difficult terrain w/o needing a balance check
Acrobatic Backstab: succeed on a tumble check to move through an opponent’s space. Treat them as flat footed against the next melee attack you make during this turn.

Skill Synergies:
Know Arcana 5 = +2 to spellcraft
Know Local 5 = +2 Gather Info
Tumble 5 = +2 Balance and Jump

5-Behold the power of Loredrake. At 1st level, you’re casting as a 3rd level sorcerer. At 2nd Level you have access to Alter Self forms of 4 HD. Divine Companion turns spell ranks into healing or saves/AC which can’t be dispelled or affected by AMF or similar effects, this will be more important later. And at 5th, albeit with the use of a flaw, you’ve qualified for the SI a full two levels before anyone else could, this becomes important later on. As such, you gain +1 to attacks and do +1d6 damage whenever you move 10ft in a round while hasted. All the feats in this block w/ the exception of DWK are taxes for later on.

10- 6 ranks into Swiftblade, and picked up both Assume Supernatural Ability, and Elusive Target. The first opens a bajillion options for both in combat as well as out of combat options. The second gives you 3 tactical maneuvers. Elusive Target’s maneuver’s don’t specify that they can only be used 1/encounter, so they should be usable every round. Already topped out at 50% miss chance for ranged/melee combat, and at 30% for spell combat. Nimble charge negates difficult terrain, and Arcane Reflexes adds +5 to initiative (+6 at 16th), (if casting nerveskitter, the init bonus is now +14). 7th level brings Polymorph, which among other things replaces your own physical scores w/ that of whatever you turn into, thus negating your weak STR score for melee combat. 10th level brings Baleful Polymorph to the field.

15- Completed all 10 ranks in Swiftblade, and get access to the Time Stop ability at level 14, 3 levels before a pure wizard, and 4 levels before a pure sorcerer. Picked up Craft Contingent Spell for all the shenanigannery that can cause. 3 skill tricks in this block, Conceal Spellcasting can make all spells un-counterable, and prevent AoO’s for using them in combat. Acrobatic Backstab makes enemies flat footed (no dex to ac), and Swift Concentration makes that a swift action. Diligent Rapidity is free freedom of movement while hasted, and if it comes up, walking on water. Perpetual options is maximized action economy. Moved into Abjurant Champion, the 1st level of which grants class level in bonus to any ac/shield spell affecting you. As early as level 12, you have 6th level spell slots. If you chose to take Imbue w/ Spell Ability before Disintegrate, you could imbue spellcasting to your divine companion, who because it isn’t affected by anti-magic effects, could then cast spells (max 5th level) within an AMF or similar environment even if you couldn’t yourself. Rocks fall, DM dies.

20- Finished off Abjurant Champion, all our abjurations can be cast as swift actions (up to 3rd level), and last 2x as long. You can now burn spell slots for more options than those granted by your divine companion. Martial Arcanist makes your CL equal to your BAB, which is 18. And, because you get to apply effects in the order most advantageous to you, Loredrake adds 2 to that, and you’re at a CL of 20, thus replicating the Practiced Spellcaster feat w/o actually taking it. The last rank is taken in Paragnostic Apostle, which grants you a further +1 to your CL, so 21, to overcome SR or for dispel checks. The last feat taken is Arcane Strike, which allows yet another way to burn spell slots, this time for direct to hit and plus damage per spell rank. End up as an 18th level sorcerer for casting progression, at a CL of 20 (21) with a BAB of +18 with full alter self/polymorph/shapechange/Haste abuse in place.

Sweet spots:
2- at level 2, you’re casting as a 4th level sorcerer, with access to Alter Self forms of 4HD.
6- Assume Supernatural opens a massive can of options/abilities
14- essentially at will time stop online, although only a few uses a day right now, still massively OP, combined w/ Imbue familiar to negate AMF's or other like abilities.
15- Craft Contingent.
19- Martial Arcanist essentially deletes lost caster levels, even if a tad late.

This build focuses on having as many possible options for any given situation. Alter Self, Polymoprh, Shapechange, Divine Companion, Assume Supernatural Ability, Imbue Familiar, Arcane Boost, Perpetual Options, Limited Wish, Greater Shadow Evocation, Craft Contingent and all the things you can do with Haste. You have an overwhelming array of options for any situation.

Craft Contingent + Limited Wish/Gemjump = automatic greater teleport to a specific location w/o any miss chance.

Limited Wish to attach metamagic to a spell and have its altered level be in line w/ the restrictions on LW.

Limited Wish to cast Planar Binding to call an Efreeti for 3 full wishes…and use those for 3 staffs of 50 wishes… this is really the fallacy of Limited Wish, and doesn’t really relate to the SI except that you can use it to duplicate some really zany magic items or outright create them this way.

Complete Arcane: Craft Contingent Spell 77/139
Complete Champion: Divine Companion 52, Paragnostic Apostle 94
Complete Mage: Abjurant Champion 50
Complete Warrior: Arcane Strike 96, Ellusive Target 110
Dragons Of Eberron: Loredrake 31
Races of the Dragon: Dragonwrought 100, Draconic Right of Passage 43, Ghostly Tail 113, Kobold 39
Races of the Wild: Expeditious Dodge 150
Savage Species: Assume Supernatural Ability 30
SRD/PHB: Feats (Mobility, Combat Casting)

http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/environmentalRacialVariants.htm Desert Kobold
http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm Battle Sorcerer
http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20061013a Dead Levels (Magical Affinity)
http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070327 Swiftblade

as always for CHA based characters, the slippers of battledancing (DMG2) are advantageous as an equipment option, more so for a swiftblade.

The build is pretty feat starved, having already used a flaw. But recreating a feat as a weapon enhancement to gain weapon finesse would benefit this build in allowing your rapier to use that.

2019-11-27, 04:48 AM
Entry number 10:

Zagzag the Lightning Lizard
CE Venerable Dragonwrought Arctic Kobold Battle Sorcerer 8/Swiftblade 10/Dragonslayer 1/Thrall of Demogorgon 1
Dedicated to Pandorym
“Killtheenemy!” rang out an uncharacteristically high-pitched voice from the hulking, monstrous blur as it passed by with flashes of light and the ring of heavy blows.

“Nonono! Smashtheprison! Freepandorym!” The blur stilled momentarily, resolving into the shape of some scaled monstrosity in a wind-up position, then uncoiled, the flash of light striking the glowing crystal, straining and stretching an already ominous crack on its surface.

Garrik steadied himself from and cut down the demon before him, only for something translucent to lash out across his face. A flicker of one of Vaela’s spells fizzled just off the mark. “Seeseeseesee? Gottakillemfirst!”

“Finefinefine!” The creature was upon them once more, laying about with the strange beam. Baua looked as though he might be able to evade the blow leveled at him, but in an instant the stroke twisted to catch him. “Whydyadothat? Nowegotta…” A red glow seemed to fade from the enemy’s eyes, but in the span of a blink it had not only returned, but returned to a wholly different set of eyes, as the shape blurred around them had resolved into a distinct one.

“Hahahahahah” the voice cackled to itself, joined by several new demons that hadn’t been there a moment prior.

Ability Scores32 Point-Buy: 16 Str, 12 Dex, 14 Con, 9 Int, 9 Wis, 16 Cha
After Adjustments for Arctic Kobold: 14 Str, 14 Dex, 12 Con, 9 Int, 7 Wis, 16 Cha
After adjustments for Venerable Dragonwrought Kobold: 14 Str, 14 Dex, 12 Con, 12 Int, 10 Wis, 19 Cha
Venerable stat adjustments are assumed to occur between 1st and 2nd level. Increase Cha at all level-up opportunities.

Build Table

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Battle Sorcerer 1
Concentration 4
Dragonwrought, Thrall to Demon (Demogorgon)
Summon Familiar, Martial Weapon Proficiency (Longsword)

Battle Sorcerer 2
Concentration 5, Spellcraft 2

Battle Sorcerer 3
Concentration 6, Spellcraft 4
Expeditious Dodge, Iron Will (Otyugh Hole)*
Ghostly Tail 1/day (Draconic Rite of Passage)**

Battle Sorcerer 4
Concentration 7, Spellcraft 6

Battle Sorcerer 5
Concentration 8, Spellcraft 8
Evil Brand

Battle Sorcerer 6
Concentration 9, Spellcraft 9, Knowledge (Arcana) 1

Swiftblade 1
Concentration 10, Spellcraft 9, Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Tumble 2, Balance 2
Spring Attack
Swift Surge +1/+0 ft

Swiftblade 2
Concentration 11, Spellcraft 9, Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Tumble 3, Balance 5
Blurred Alacrity

Swiftblade 3
Concentration 12, Spellcraft 9, Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Tumble 7, Balance 5
Draconic Reservoir
Sudden Casting

Swiftblade 4
Concentration 13, Spellcraft 9, Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Tumble 11, Balance 5
Abyss-Bound Soul (Demogorgon)
Arcane Reflexes, Swift Surge +1/+10 ft

Swiftblade 5
Concentration 14, Spellcraft 9, Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Tumble 14, Balance 5, Jump 1
Evasive Celerity

Swiftblade 6
Concentration 15, Spellcraft 9, Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Tumble 15, Balance 5, Jump 4
Power Attack
Fortified Hustle

Swiftblade 7
Concentration 16, Spellcraft 10, Knowledge (Arcana) 2, Tumble 16, Balance 5, Jump 5
Bounding Assault
Swift Surge +2/+10 ft

Swiftblade 8
Concentration 17, Spellcraft 11, Knowledge (Arcana) 2, Tumble 17, Balance 5, Jump 5, Knowledge (Religion) 1cc
Dilligent Rapidity

Swiftblade 9
Concentration 18, Spellcraft 12, Knowledge (Arcana) 2, Tumble 18, Balance 5, Jump 5, Knowledge (Religion 2)cc
Combat Reflexes, Willing Deformity
Perpetual Options

Swiftblade 10
Concentration 19, Spellcraft 13, Knowledge (Arcana) 2, Tumble 19, Balance 5, Jump 5, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (The Planes) 1cc
Innervated Speed, Swift Surge +2/+20 ft

Dragonslayer 1*
Concentration 19, Spellcraft 13, Knowledge (Arcana) 2, Tumble 20, Balance 5, Jump 5, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (The Planes) 2cc
Aura of Courage, Damage Bonus

Battle Sorcerer 7
Concentration 21, Spellcraft 14, Knowledge (Arcana) 2, Tumble 20, Balance 5, Jump 5, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (The Planes) 2
Martial Study (Defensive Rebuke***)

Battle Sorcerer 8
Concentration 22, Spellcraft 16, Knowledge (Arcana) 2, Tumble 20, Balance 5, Jump 5, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (The Planes) 2

Thrall of Demogorgon 1
Concentration 23, Spellcraft 16, Knowledge (Arcana) 2, Tumble 20, Balance 5, Jump 9, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (The Planes) 2
Rapid Blitz, Demonsworn Knight
Scaly Flesh +1, Hypnosis

*The Otyugh Hole visit can come anytime prior to taking the Dragonslayer level, which can be pushed back as far as 19th if necessary.
**Similarly the Draconic Rite of Passage can be undergone at any convenient point during the early levels, but level 3 is the point when the Concentration check is guaranteed to succeed without items, and the stint in the Otyugh Hole seems like a convenient and flavorful time to perform the ritual.
***Having a different Devoted Spirit maneuver through Martial Study by way of Heroics at the time of attaining 18th level allows for taking Martial Study (Defensive Rebuke), which will then self-qualify once the Heroics spell expires, as Defensive Rebuke will meet its own prerequisite for a single Devoted Spirit maneuver.

Spellcasting Spells per Day/Spells Known


















*Level of casting progression from the Greater Draconic Rite of Passage.
**Does not include bonus spells for a high Cha score.

Spells Known
0th: No Light, Message, Mage Hand, Daze, Prestidigitation, Stick, Amanuensis, Detect Poison, Ghost Sound
1st: Sleep, Fist of Stone, Blood Wind, Benign Transposition, Charm Person
2nd: Alter Self, Heroics, Wraithstrike, Wings of Cover
3rd: Haste, Greater Magic Weapon, Ferocity of Sanguine Rage
4th: Polymorph, Thunderlance, Wings of Flurry, Enervation
5th: Draconic Polymorph, Teleport, Summon Monster V
6th: Anti-Magic Field, Disintegrate
7th: Limited Wish
8th: Mind Blank

Level 5Battle Sorcerer makes Zagzag a bit more durable than your average Sorcerer and makes qualifying for Swiftblade less of a hassle. Enjoy Sleep for the levels it’s good before trading it away to make way for gishier spells. Ghostly Tail as a Draconic Rite SLA gets you a lot of bang for your buck, as it’s hours per level. Between a simple longspear and his Bite or a Fist of Stone Slam, Zagzag threatens everywhere out to 10ft, so he’ll probably get his chances to deal the 2d6+level touch attack. Enjoy the utility of Dragon-type Alter Self forms as well.

Level 10Zagzag enters Swiftblade with all possible haste. With the Greater Draconic Rite of Passage, he’s only behind one caster level at this point. Pledging fealty to an Elder Evil pays its first real dividend, as Pandorym and Demogorgon furnish him with a summoned demon of CR up to half his character level for a full hour every day, serving as a good candidate for one of the 8 additional creatures that Zagzag can buff along with himself and his familiar (which is now a serious threat as it can share Polymorph) when he casts Haste as a swift action in pretty much every encounter.

Level 15More Swiftblade, getting up to the deservedly beloved Perpetual Options. With Wraithstrike Power Attacks and huge Strength from Draconic Polymorph or Cha SADness from Thunderlance (which can be further augmented with Greater Magic Weapon), Zagzag has become a lot more dangerous. He’ll also be enjoying much wider reach a lot of the time as a result of polymorphing and Thunderlance, so Combat Reflexes will come in handy as well. Anti-Magic Field is a nice little situational thing to have as well. While most of Zagzag’s buffs won’t work in it, Haste will as its effect is now (Ex).
Level 20Innervated Speed means always having buff rounds for powerful short-term buffs (or Summon Monster V for more Haste buddies) when you need them. It’s also handy for re-upping Ferocity of Sanguine Rage to get the damage bonus back should you choose to subsume it for a True Strike. Zagzag also has other spells that he can cast out of high-level spell slots. Limited Wish is always nice for filling in gaps in a Sorcerer’s spells known when necessary, and Mind Blank gives nice necessary protection for one spell slot each morning (so the rest can be reserved for Innervated Speeds). A Dragonslayer dip and continuance of Battle Sorcerer allow for keeping BAB up and hitting 8ths by level 19, so he’ll sacrifice a caster level (and an intelligent being) to get an unspecified bonus feat from Thrall of Demogorgon. This allows Zagzag to take Rapid Blitz, something most Swiftblades aren’t able to pull off. By way of a little bait and switch with Heroics, Zagzag snags Defensive Rebuke for just one feat, comboing nicely with his Ghostly Tail and allowing him to hit enemies even out of Thunderlance reach if they attack his allies after being tagged on a Rapid Blitz, or even by a Wings of Flurry blast (since it explicitly uses the same verbiage of ‘strike’ that Defensive Rebuke does). Within Thunderlance reach, having a Devoted Spirit maneuver also means that Martial Stance (Thicket of Blades) is just a casting of Heroics away, which can make closing with Zagzag as he darts around the battlefield even more frustrating.
AdaptationsIf you aren’t allowed to use the Otyugh Hole, you can always take Iron Will as your 18th level feat instead of mucking about with Martial Study shenanigans. If you have access to the hole, but your DM puts the kybosh on said shenanigans, you can take Foehammer with Martial Study at 18 and pull Defensive Rebuke out situationally with Heroics (potentially in Innervated Speed buff rounds).

If your DM rules that Dragonwrought Kobolds are True Dragons, or otherwise capable of accessing Sovereign Archetypes, then you should take one. Loredrake is the classic, and would get Zagzag to 9th level spells, but if you want something a little less cheesy, any of the ones that grant Cleric spell access would open up some decent upgrades to spells known. One notable one that I’d have liked to have is Surge of Fortune, which can be put up and expended more freely by a Swiftblade with Innervated Speed just like Ferocity of Sanguine Rage as mentioned above.

Book of Vile Darkness: No Light, Thrall of Demogorgon
Champions of Ruin: Demonsworn Knight
Draconomicon: Draconic Polymorph
Dragons of Eberron: Sovereign Archetypes
Dragon Magic: Ferocity of Sanguine Rage
Elder Evils: Dedication to an Elder Evil
Fiendish Codex I: Abyss-Bound Soul, Thrall to Demon, Evil Brand
Heroes of Horror: Willing Deformity
Races of the Dragon: Draconic Rite of Passage, Dragonwrought, Ghostly Tail, Wings of Cover, Wings of Flurry
Races of the Dragon Web Enhancement (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060420a): Draconic Reservoir, Greater Draconic Rite of Passage
Races of the Wild: Expeditious Dodge
Spell Compendium: Amanuensis, Blood Wind, Benign Transposition, Fist of Stone, Heroics, Stick, Thunderlance, Wraithstrike
Tome of Battle: Defensive Rebuke, Foehammer, Martial Study, Martial Stance, Thicket of Blades
Web Archive (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070327): Swiftblade
Everything else can be found in the SRD.


2019-11-27, 04:52 AM
Entry number 11:

Glozar Dunal
TN Human Bard 1/Binder 2/Anima Mage 6/Swiftblade 10/Sublime Chord 1
Stats 32 pb: Str 8, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 18
Increase Dex at 4, Cha every other time. Speaks Common, Giant and Draconic.
Glozar was apprenticed to an old slightly mad bard, who had no problem pushing the boundries of what his student could safely master. Having an intense interest in magic and more esoteric lore he learned an ancient song from his master describing summoning a weird being with a complex ritual spelled out in song. On a drunken lark one night, Glozar tried it out to prove his mastery of the bardic arts. It worked and he managed to summon and bind Naberius.
As he spent more time with vestiges he learned how they experience existence, and was saddened at their tortured state of non-existence. Throwing himself into more experiences he endeavored to find a way to give them to these weird non-beings. He started looking at a lot of transmutation magic to given a broader depth of experiences to each of them.
Learning to blend magic and his soul binding in a way that enhances both, he learned to boost both using the other. Still there seems too little time to have the most experiences, so he began looking deeper into ways to grant more time. Most of the methodologies of immortality did not appeal to him, so instead of looking for more time he found a way to do more with the time he was given.
He being intensely researching haste and other time altering magic, and continuing with his form altering magics as well, and found the ability to do more in a limited frame of time by subsuming haste. This, combined with near constant form altering magic, gave the widest depth of experiences. He refound his love of music as an enabler of a wider variety of possible experiences and forms. He learned to use his own soul in a methodology similar to what the vestiges do to communicate with everything and widen his experiences farther, and continues adventuring in an almost fervent need to experience as much as he can in what time he has left.

Level by Level Table

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Bard 1
Bluff +4, Concentration +4, Diplomancy +4, Knowledge: Arcana + 4, Listen + 4, Perform: Sing +4, Professon: Astrologer +4, Spellcraft +4, UMD + 4
Precocious Apprentice: Whirling Blade, Extend Spell
Bardic Music, Inspire Awe, Healing Hymn, Loresong, Mimicking Song, Spellcasting

Binder 1
Bluff +4, Concentration +4, Diplomancy +4, Intimidate + 4, Knowledge: Arcana + 4, Listen + 4.5, Perform: Sing +4, Professon: Astrologer +4, Spellcraft +4, UMD + 4

Soulbinding (1 Vestige)

Binder 2
Bluff +4, Concentration +4, Diplomancy +4, Intimidate + 4, Knowledge: Arcana + 4, Knowledge: The Planes +4, Listen + 5, Perform: Sing +4, Professon: Astrologer +4, Spellcraft +4, UMD + 4
Improved Binding
Pact augmentation 1 ability, Suppress Sign,

Anima Mage 1
Bluff +4, Concentration +6, Diplomancy +4, Intimidate + 4, Knowledge: Arcana + 4, Knowledge: The Planes +4, Listen + 5, Perform: Sing +4.5, Professon: Astrologer +4, Spellcraft +6, UMD + 4

+1 Soul binding, +1 Spellcasting

Anima Mage 2
] Bluff +4, Concentration +6, Diplomancy +4, Intimidate + 4, Knowledge: Arcana + 4, Knowledge: The Planes +4, Listen + 5.5, Perform: Sing +5.5, Professon: Astrologer +6, Spellcraft +6, UMD + 4

Exploit Vestige, soul binding +2, +1 spellcasting

Anima Mage 3
Bluff +4, Concentration +6, Diplomancy +4, Intimidate + 4, Knowledge: Arcana + 9, Knowledge: The Planes +4, Listen + 5.5, Perform: Sing +5.5, Professon: Astrologer +6, Spellcraft +6, UMD + 4
Soul binding +3, Vestigial Awareness, +1 spellcasting

Anima Mage 4
] Bluff +4, Concentration +6, Diplomancy +4, Intimidate + 4, Knowledge: Arcana + 10, Knowledge: The Planes +4, Listen + 6.5, Perform: Sing +6.5, Professon: Astrologer +6, Spellcraft +6, UMD + 4
Retrain Precocious Apprentice to Shape Soulmeld: Shedu Crown
Soul binding +4, +1 level of spellcasting

Anima Mage 5
Bluff +5, Concentration +6, Diplomancy +4, Intimidate + 4, Knowledge: Arcana + 11, Knowledge: The Planes +5, Listen + 7, Perform: Sing +7, Professon: Astrologer +6, Spellcraft +6, UMD + 4

Sould Binding +5, +1 level of spellcasting, Vestige metamagic 1x/day

Anima Mage 6
Bluff +5, Concentration +6, Diplomancy +4, Intimidate + 4, Knowledge: Arcana + 12, Knowledge: The Planes +5, Listen + 8, Perform: Sing +8, Professon: Astrologer +6, Spellcraft +6, UMD + 4
Soul Binding +6, +1 level of spellcasting

Swiftblade 1
Bluff +5, Concentration +6, Diplomancy +4, Intimidate + 4, Knowledge: Arcana + 13, Knowledge: The Planes +5, Listen + 13, Perform: Sing +8.5, Professon: Astrologer +6, Spellcraft +6, UMD + 4
Spring Attack (bonus)
Swift Surge +1/0ft

Swiftblade 2
Bluff +5, Concentration +6, Diplomancy +4, Intimidate + 4, Knowledge: Arcana + 13, Knowledge: The Planes +5, Listen + 13, Perform: Sing +10, Professon: Astrologer +6, Spellcraft +6, UMD + 8

Blurred Alacrity, +1 spellcasting

Sublime Chord 1
Bluff +5, Concentration +6, Diplomancy +4, Intimidate + 4, Knowledge: Arcana + 13, Knowledge: The Planes +5, Listen + 13, Perform: Sing +10, Professon: Astrologer +6, Spellcraft +6, UMD + 15
Persistent Spell
Bardic Lore, Bardic Music, + 1 spellcasting

Swiftblade 3
Balance +5,Bluff +5, Concentration +6, Diplomancy +5, Intimidate + 4, Knowledge: Arcana + 13, Knowledge: The Planes +6, Listen + 13, Perform: Sing +10, Professon: Astrologer +6, Spellcraft +6, UMD + 15

Sudden Casting, +1 spellcasting (sublime chord)

Swiftblade 4
Balance +5,Bluff +5, Concentration +6, Diplomancy +5, Intimidate + 4, Knowledge: Arcana + 13, Knowledge: The Planes +13, Listen + 13, Perform: Sing +10, Professon: Astrologer +6, Spellcraft +6, UMD + 15

Arcane Reflexes, Swift Surge +1/+10

Swiftblade 5
Balance +5, Bluff +5, Concentration +6, Diplomancy +5, Intimidate + 4, Knowledge: Arcana + 13, Knowledge: The Planes +18, Listen + 13, Perform: Sing +10, Professon: Astrologer +6, Spellcraft +8, UMD + 15
Open Least Chakra: Crown
Evasive Celerity, + 1 spellcasting (sublime chord)

Swiftblade 6
Balance +5, Bluff +5, Concentration +6, Diplomancy +5, Intimidate + 4, Knowledge: Arcana + 13, Knowledge: The Planes +19, Listen + 13, Perform: Sing +10, Professon: Astrologer +6, Spellcraft +14, UMD + 15

Fortified Hustle, +1 spellcasting (sublime chord)

Swiftblade 7
Balance +5, Bluff +5, Concentration +6, Diplomancy +5, Intimidate + 4, Knowledge: Arcana + 13, Knowledge: The Planes +20, Listen + 13, Perform: Sing +10, Professon: Astrologer +6, Spellcraft +20, UMD + 15
Bounding Assault
Swift Surge +2/+10

Swiftblade 8
Balance +5, Bluff +5, Concentration +6, Diplomancy +5, Intimidate + 4, Knowledge: Arcana + 18, Knowledge: The Planes +21, Listen + 13, Perform: Sing +10, Professon: Astrologer +6, Spellcraft +21, UMD + 15
Diligent Rapidity, +1 spellcasting(sublime chord)

Swiftblade 9
Balance +5, Bluff +5, Concentration +6, Diplomancy +6, Intimidate + 4, Knowledge: Arcana + 22, Knowledge: The Planes +22, Listen + 13, Perform: Sing +10, Professon: Astrologer +6, Spellcraft +22, UMD + 15

Perpetual Options, +1 spellcasting(Sublime chord)

Swiftblade 10
Balance +5, Bluff +5, Concentration +6, Diplomancy +10, Intimidate + 4, Knowledge: Arcana + 23, Knowledge: The Planes +23, Listen + 13, Perform: Sing +10, Professon: Astrologer +6, Spellcraft +23, UMD + 15

Innervated Speed, swift sugre +2/+20

Early Levels 1-5

Level 1
You start as a human bard who trades most everything from bard for something else. We keep bardic music, but we trade inspire courage for inspire awe, Bardic Knowledge for Loresong, Fascinate for Healing Hymn, Coutersong for Mimicking song. Fascinate is not great so healing hymn helps a little bit with sustain, Mimicking Song Helps the party and you if absolutely necessary, Inspire Awe gives you something to do in many circumstances and helps you survive, and losing bardic knowledge hurts but +4 to most anything is sorely needed because early on your offense is Terrible.
Precocious Apprentice gets you part one of easy entry shenanigans, extend is likewise a prereq.
Your primary attack method is whirling blade if you can make the CL check, which with lore song should easily clear out mooks. You grab a shortbow otherwise, stay away and pray. Pick up a dagger for whirling blade or whatever else you can afford, best armor you can get and a masterwork diplomacy tool. Your skills are all over the place because prereqs, but you are a pretty decent face if needed.
Level 2
You now to learn to bind, and it fixes so many of your issues. Amon’s breath weapon though it places you too close for comfort currently is a nice thing to do when you cannot whirling blade. Leraje Gives you precise shot so your bow is not as bad and a bit of hide to help with your mimicking song plus a minor to hit bonus which is very much needed. But your stand out is of course Naberius Silver 10. Diplomancy as a standard action and ability to take 10 hits DC 20 always, which turns hostile to unfriendly, and is unlikely to physically harm you, just insult you or wish you ill. And of course you can keep going as needed, subject to your DM saying they can only be persuaded so far, but watch for flying books. You can also get minor aid from any indifferent or better NPC. Diplomancy breaks games so use with caution.
Level 3
Improved binding, part two of early entry. Also opens up a ton of options since you get the next tier of vestiges. Amon still is safe reasonable at 4d6 fire in a 40 ft. line now every 5 rounds, but your options have improved. Leraje is pretty much useless now unless you are married to your bow, but even with pact augmentation into attack your to hit is suffering greatly. Whirling blade is ok, with loresong especially but its falling off as well. You can still talk your way out of or into things pretty easily with Naberius if needed an it is not a terrible thing to do in non-adventuring days.

Dahlver-Nar gives an AoE save or daze which can be ok if you can get away from your party, and his shield other ability with your charisma focus is pretty neat, but that does require you to be hit. A friendly psicrystal or mongrelfolk barbarian however can help. Haagenti gives you tower shields for safety, and you can upgrade to a greataxe for your whirling blade. Malphas lets you scout fairly well though you lack ranks in spot to take full advantage from it, but invisibility and sudden strike can help your damage. Savnok can make you super tanky with plate, DR, and provide a get out of jail free card/pseudo pounce if you have a natural attacker. As usual for binder pick your poison (Malphas lets you use it if you have a friendly poisonmaker. Psionic minor creation from your psion friend?)
Level 4

Ah Anima Mage, how I love you and your cheese entry. If only We had flaws. Your casting starts advancing again and you also know how access to next vestige tier. Charm person plus your diplomacy makes you an ideal person to talk your way out of many thing, and expedious retreat for when you get in too deep. Amon is still decent with a 5d6 breath weapon at 50 feet, and silver tongue is amazing. However your versatility increases again.

Andromalus gives you a respectable 2d6 sneak attack, equal to your party rogue, and with your loresong or your whirling blade you have a pretty decent chance to hit. No easy way to activate it however. See invisibility is nice to have always on, and tasha’s hideous laugher should have an ok save as needed, despite giving free saves each round, and your have inspire awe to help. Locate item is phenomenal power if you are creative. 500 ft. is not the longest distance but its decent enough. Focalor gives another save or suck which is better because of his aura, plus you are a living tazer. 3d6 every round is fine. If you have a bunch of consumables (and its not a bad idea) Karsus makes them all better, plus constant detect magic and spell trigger and spell activation as if you were a wizard is nice. Paimon is a dear friend who we will see a lot of later, and he is ok now as well. +4 dex, weapon finesse with rapier or shortsword, uncanny dodge, tumble bonus, and whirlwind attack are all great, and dance of death combos well with expedious retreat. Also it’s a natural follow up to whirling blade.
Also pump dex here to meet prereqs, be on the look out for a MW/magical slashing weapon, short sword or rapier ideally, or greatsword for later. See if your party BSF will let you use his old one as you advance. MW tools for every skill because your ranks are so constrained, especially your face skills. Upgrade to the gold standard of mith chain around here as well, and keep your eyes open for +stat items, prioritizing cha, and anything for saves or AC.

Level 5
Time to make your vestiges hate you. Exploit vestiges gives you and extra spell slot of your highest level, and you have the charisma to take advantage of it most of the time. Also loresong, etc. You pick up improvisation here, which is a nice buff that keeps your gishy dreams alive. Consumables are your friend for the next few levels, especially with Karsus. Bard scrolls, wands, etc. are fine since you do not need to UMD them, as are Wizard stuff with Karsus. Anything else your UMD is going to be a bit rough. If you have a Cha item, a MW tool and roll average you still activate which is nice but your ranks are sadly too tight to invest into UMD for a while.

Mid Levels 6-10

Level 6
More vestiges! More options! Grab Dodge here cause you need to. You also get Alter Self for movement modes, and Swift Fly. Though they are similar in what they can do each has perks. Troglodyte form shores up your flagging AC and gives some natural attacks, but other forms give you swim, burrow, etc. as needed. Unfortunately you are not an outsider or a aberration to get the super tasty goodies. Vestigal Awareness gives you more initiative which is nice.
Agares gives you a summon buddy for flanking, trapfinding, and tongues. Sadly cannot combine with Narberius yet. Andras makes you a pretty decent mounted combatant, can mess with enemies minds and make them fight one another (great with dinosaurs and their handlers), and with a shield of mercy can provide unlimited out of combat healing. Buer gives healing if you cannot find a shield of mercy but is otherwise pretty bad. Tenebrous is pretty nice, always being in a cloud of deeper darkness having total concealment versus all non-devils. Which makes you immune to tons of things, plus you get the nope button of flicker, and can minionmance a bit with rebuke undead, or fuel divine feats. It also lets you target Flat footed AC most time. Its best with another vestige but is a strong contender for a slot even at later levels.
Level 7
You retrain Precocious Appretice for Shape Soulmeld: Shedu Crown here. Its shape effect is kind of mediocre, but it makes up for it with its bind later. You could have swapped this last level I think but I never remember the order in which all that applies so this guarantees you do not lose your qualifications for Anima Mage. You pick up whirling blade here again so you have it as an option.

Level 8
Pump your Charisma here. This level is similar to the last with one important key which will be huge later: Vestige Metamagic. Supress a Vestige for 5 rounds to get any metamagic for free. You technically get this at Anima Mage 4 but cannot use it until Anima Mage 5(text trumps table), yaay wotc editing. Pick up comprehend languages here as your final Level 1 spell, its never bad to have. Easily replacable however.
You also finally meet the requirements for binding Astaroth. Astaroth gives you back bardic knowledge, the ability to craft if you provide the spells, suggestion, and an okay Save or Suck in Nauseous breath
Level 9
Ah ha! Here we are. Pick up Mobility, and haste and dispel magic. All your slots are haste. Also of note, you get your final tier of vestiges here and you can now bind 2, which opens up your options considerably.
Acerak makes you a wanna be lich which is ok I guess? With tenebrous you can hit flatfooted touch and force a save vs. paralysis, sadly its not technically an attack so no AoE save or suck with Paimon. Immunities are nice though. Balam gives you an always on gaze, a reroll every 5 round, more initiative reflex and ac, and is a fine support for any attacking vestige. Dantalion is your ultimate NOPE button as you get a no save shut down to be ignored for a turn as a move action none the less. Giving you time to buff. You also get read thoughts and a huge bonus to knowledges, plus thought travel which can get silly with malphas. Use your bird as a mobile drop point. Malphas also works tactically with Savnok’s swap with any ally for limitless tactical teleportation. Geryon is mediocre but you can have him and Balam together and just look people to death, best if flying overhead. Otiax gives you a minor reach weapon which is not the worst but unimpressive. It does combine with Paimon for a bit more reach on dance of death however, and it’s a touch attack. There are dozens of others, naberius and agares combine into a hell of a diplomancer, and focolar and anything that requires, saves, etc. Paimon + flavor of the month is likely your go to but there are a lot of other options.
You could take a mobility piece of armor and take something like weapon finesse here instead, or even open least chakra to get mindsight sooner, but I do not like qualifying with items in case you lose them.
Keep upgrading your charisma items, look for a circlet of persuasion if you are lucky, and keep your weapons and armor magical. Wand chambers and wands of wraithstrike with karsus or just working with your UMD are nice, as are any caster level boosts, pearls of powers, or rings of wizardys. Rings are far down on the lists but if you get one its not awful you do not have many slots. Save items are also great; your will save is spectacular but the rest is pretty meh. Any stat items work for you but charisma first. Be the person who grabs all the leftovers from the team there is nothing you actually cannot use.
Level 10
And we Enter SI. You get some BaB finally due to all your ½ bab classes and your terrible strength. Paimon is likely at least one of your vestiges so you get finesse plus your dex, and with Swift surge and haste you have an ok chance to hit. Tenebrous lets you get dex denial on nearly all attacks and a bunch of safety, or Balam and Otiax for melee touch letting you use dex. You could just stick to being a Tazer with Focalar and focus on save vestiges. A wand of whirling blade could also become your offense for the next few levels since it does not care about caster level. You can even make it as needed. Otherwise, your attack routine is mostly the same, but when you have no whirling blade or dance of death, spring attack actually is huge for keeping you safe. Denying AoO is very nice since you want to be moving a LOT. Haste gives you the speed to stay mostly out of reach and clever use of alter self or concealing vestiges should keep you safe, or you can tank with troglodyte from alter self.

Upper Levels 11-15

Level 11
You finish out prereqs for Sublime chord here, and get a huge defense tool in Blurred Alacrity. Concealment is always good and lets you free up from using Tenebrous, though you still can. More BaB is nice and you get another juicy casting of Haste here. Consider Dantalion here, letting you always get haste before anything matters. Paimon is still his buddy in most cases, but anything else works. Dantalion should probably always be bound starting next level at the latest.
Level 12 Sweet Spot 1
Sublime chord is here and you just got a stupendous power boost. Both 4th and 5th level spells, and things now turn on hard. Most importantly is the all important Persistent spell. With Vestigal Metamagic from Anima mage, at the start of the day you persist a haste on you and the team. You now get all of your swiftblade abilities pretty much at all time. Currently what that means is as long as you move you have 20% concealment. You get telepathy from open least chakra and binding your Shedu crown, which means you can diplomance anything now, Narberius pulling weight still.
You do really want +2 CL by now with an ioun stone and a tatoo likely. Otherwise your form access is delayed by 1 or 2 levels, I am assuming both by this point.
More importantly however if your 5th level spell of choice, Draconic Polymorph. You have 2 forms at this level with CL 11, Cave troll for good damage, pounce, rake, and humanoid enough to cast, and 11 headed hydra for more attacks.
Draconic Polymorph gives them 37 and 31 strength respectively, and that makes your to hit either +20/+20/+15 with claw claw bite, for 2d6 +13 on claws with a 4d6+19 rend if both hit, and a 1d8 + 6 bite. Or a greatsword for +20/+15 and 2d8+20 with nothing but a leftover +1 greatsword. And you still can bite. Also pounce. And your dazing blow DC is actually 23 if you use claws.
Your Hydra is 11 attacks even after moving at +16 for 1d10+10 each.
Sadly Haagneti does not make this into ghetto shapechange since the magic is a one time effect, though if anyone can prove me wrong she becomes a vestige of choice at next level.

Level 13 Sweet spot 2
Back to SI for the rest of the levels, advancing sublime chord for all future levels. You get the wonderful sudden casting for free (actually swift since it references quicken spell) haste up to 1x a round. This opens up better than you think. You can instead now persist a draconic polymorph to be in a form of choice (war troll) all day, also cast overland flight which lasts nearly all day so that is taken care of, swift haste each combat for all the goodies, and still have Dantalion if needed, or swap to something more to your style. If you are a war troll always you get pretty obscene defenses since your magic armor resizes to fit you and you can don it early. Savnok’s +2 light fortification full plate on top of your war troll form and with concealment from haste and/or tenebrous makes you extremely durable.
Look into spellblade spikes on your armor with dispel magic. Add gauntlets with it with greater dispel as well. If your spells get hit you become very vulnerable.
Also not sure how if you do an extended haste and then persist it with Anima Mage, is it still 24 or 48 hours? You normally apply beneficial stuff in the best order but because you are cheating persist not sure. If so that gives you a 2 day buff which works wonders with any of your other spells and gives even more flexibility because you know have 2 all day buffs of choice. Start doing that if you can.
You have 3 forms at 12 HD that are all good for various reasons, and because of big daddy Dantalion, you will always be able to shapeshift and your abysmal physical scores no longer matter. 12 HD gets you War troll, thoon elder brain, and 12 headed hydra. Oh and they all get a +8 untyped bonus to strength and a +2 constitution. Chose form on what you need.
Still want some casting or otherwise be humanoid? War troll. You get proficiency in all martial weapons as a Giant, and with Draconic polymorph you now get to be a troll with 39 strength and 31 constitution, which means you swing at +23/+18 despite your 6 BAB, for 2d8 + 22, assuming only a +1 (large) greatsword. Your Daze DC is also one higher because it is con based and that is a DC 26 fort save which you can hit everyone within 70 feet assuming no armor on your form. You can also use whirling blade to get the effect for a second turn on nearly as many targets. And you can still cast.
Want to just get pounce so you can spike damage something, and not bind paimon? 12 headed Hydra is your go to. 12 attacks no matter your move, at +17 for 2d8+10 each. Only within 60 feet but you are piling on damage and it does free a vestige slot. Target FF AC with tenebrous, to make it easier or use on lower AC targets.
Want to go ham? Thoon Elder Brain. 12 HD, 8 tentacles with reach, + 20 to hit 1d6 plus 12 plus 2d6 acid, 4d6 acid next turn. Oh and dual actions. So 16 attacks a round. Actually 18 with haste. Likely your strongest overall form but you lose casting.

Level 14
More swiftblade and you get a ghost buff to DPR with swift surge.The 10 foot movement is very nice for all your paimon shenanigans, but and extra 1d6 on all attack when you move adds up pretty substantially, especially with thoon elder brain or even hydra. It is not as great on War troll but if you go with persistant haste and Dantalion to change as needed in battle. Free damage is free damage however. You also get your charisma to your intitative which should be at least +7 by now, more if you bought or made the +6 cloak or any tomes. This is also a great boon to war troll form because you can just wear your cha item because humanoid shape. But if you go thoon elder brain or hydra you just want damage so the bonus while not as good is still decent since your base should be minimum 20 without items right now.
And who says you cannot be super hydra and wear a cape? I mean, you fly, have some pretty neat powers, and got a lot of necks to tie it to. Just need a bit of help fastening it.
You also get young red dragon with the 150 ft. fly speed, capped at 120 I believe since that is the alter self limit, which is your go to form for eating your share of armies. 120 feet (150 with haste) is a lot of squares to go through and dance of death and eat armies.

Level 15
6th level spells come online, and your spell of choice is Otto’s irrestible dance. It’s a very nice no save just suck, and gives you another option as a war troll to help keep something distracted while you finish off its friends. Plus free hits each turn though the daze rider is mostly irrelevant. Evasive celerity gives a pretty solid miss chance vs. spells, and frees you from tenebrous if you desire. You also get mindsight here if you want, but open least chakra gives you another spell to play with since your spell slots are very limited. Plus the ambiguity of qualifying while not having the spell active is taken care of. It is another greater mirror image which should make you extremely tough to take down. Or a regular polymorph if you get dispelled. Spellblade stuff is your friend.

High Levels 16-20

Level 16
Globe of invulnerability pick up here negates a ton of spells and is never a bad thing to have, it’s a short duration but its nice to have in your pocket with Dantalion. You can swift haste, be in war troll form, give the baddies the hold up sign and drop it to keep a lot of things at bay. It is also a canidate for persisting over your form and using Dantalion to get your form as needed. All spells 4th and lower being unable to affect you, as well as needing a targeted dispel to bring down which your spellblade items will counter gives a fair bit of breathing room. Fortified hustle is another boost, your haste is now EX which is very nice.
You also finally get your 3rd attack which is nice. It does not matter most of the time but is nice to have. You also pick up teleport which is nice.
Your final form you will use comes online here, which is young gold dragon. It has a higher fly speed but that may not matter, since I believe the alter self limitation is still in effect, but if nothing else you can look like a good dragon as you rip an army apart.
Level 17
Bounding assault is neat if not spectacular, and gives you another way to engage with minimal risk. The bonus to hit from Swift surge also helps here a bit but does not matter much yet.
Level 18 Sexy sweet spot 3.
And the best payoff here. First off, swiftblade gives the much valued Freedom of movement. Now nothing is stopping you from running around. Your flight and everything else gets you around most things and your massive will save helps vs. the hold x spells, but it is still nice to have blanket immunity. Especially because with diligent rapidity your FoM is EX.
You also pick up mindsight which is great so it is near impossible to surprise you and you can be ready for whatever with your buff stack.
You get the best offensive spell to use with your persisted war troll form. Bite of the wearbear, which gives a +16 enhancement to strength, +2 dex, +8 con, 2 claws and a bite, only the bite of which you will be using, and +7 NA, power attack and blind fight. Wow. A war troll with 39 strength is great, a war troll with 55 is amazing. A +22 strength mod plus power attack means you can easily be swinging at +24/+19/+14 with a great sword and +19 with a bite while taking a 12 point power attack. That is just a MW greatsword. That’s 2d6 + 46 on each swing, and a bite of 2d8 + 23. Plus save versus daze at dc 30. On each weapon hit. Or double that on diving cause you know, overland flight. You pick up your final sixth level spell and fanfare gives you an AoE pretty great save and still suck with a minor damage rider.
Level 19
Swiftbalde 9 gives you another amazing ability which works great for gishing, perpetual options. You get effectively pounce, or yet another attack, or a full round action and a standard, or two standards, etc. You also get your best defensive buff here in Elemental Body. Choosing Air for Perfect flight at your speed, or fire for fire immunity. It lasts all day at this point and has tons of other goodies.
You also get an amazing combat routine with Dantalion. Persist draconic polymorph, use awe as a move, swift haste, cast bite of the werebear, and another spell to be ready for next turn, globe of invulnerability, improvisation, etc. Or persist haste, move action Awe, draconic polymorph and bite of the werebear, etc.
Level 20
Final level of SI comes with a few things. Innervated speed is a one round (or 2) of time stop to set up a buff routine. It is more of a reset than a primary strategy, Dantalion gives you a free round as is, but if you want to swap vestiges around, you have the flexibility. It is also a nice oh *&^% reset if you need it. Dimension door back far and reset, teleport out, or whatever you need.

Final Thoughts
Glozar ends with (1d6+2d8+6d4+10d6+1d6+40 HP) HP 109 Average Before any magic. Every +2 con gives 20 HP so you have more, and you can make the items as needed with downtime so you can stretch WBL. Karsus + scrolls/wands + Astaroth lets you make most any item you may need but it costs a bit more because providing spells. However you can Chain craft, make a wand of a spell at minimum CL that you need to craft something else at a later date, or a few scrolls depending on how many castings you need.
Fully buffed out you end as a war troll with your +6 cloak of Charisma on, you get attacks of +36/+36/+31 for 2d8 + 34 + 2d6 if you move 20 feet with just a +1 (large) greatsword plus a DC 30 daze on each hit, and a bite of +30 for 2d8 + 11 + 2d6. Before power attack. You get also effective pounce with your 9th level swift blade ability. Your AC is 41 with just a regular mith chain shirt, or 45 with savnok’s +2 light fort full plate.
You have 50% concealment from blurred alacrity, and a 50% miss chance of all targeted spells from Evasive celerity. You also can have Dantalion for a no save nope to leave you alone to always have your buffs, greater mirror image as an immediate action to make it even harder to actually hit you, plus the flicker mystery depending on your binds, mindsight to keep from being surprised, emergency time stop with your capstone if needed to get out of or buff stuff. Immunity to critical hits, sneak attack, poison, paralysis, stunning, sleep, stunning, flanking, and freedom of movement as an EX from the swiftblade. You have at least 2 layers of dispel/g.dispel protection from spellblade spikes on your gauntlets and armor spikes.
You fly at either 90 ft. good or perfect depending on overland flight vs. elemental body air, and air mastery or fire immunity. Or a bit more natural armor and free bull rushes with 55 strength and large size is pretty likely to work.
You can craft mind blank or a continuous protection from X spell item (or a banner of the same from heroes of battle) which will do most of the same things, and your saves are pretty decent. Coming in at Fort + 21, Reflex + 14, Will + 16. A +5 cloak is easily affordable/craftable if wanted.
You also have an initiative of + 13 (14 with pact augmentation) because just with a +6 cloak and your dex to give you a pretty good chance of going first and using your Dantalion Awe to get set up.
You end with 3/6/5/3/6/5/4/3 Spells per day before pearls and rings. Not a lot, but considering you persist either a haste or a draconic polymorph, or both depending on your interpretation of extend plus Vestigal Metamagic. At 4 encounters a day you need to persist haste and Dantalion awe into draconic without a pearl, since because of sublime chord you have more high level slots than low level slots. Or just cast haste out of higher slots. You do not have a lot of use for your fourths as is. Greater Mirror Image is your stand out, or an emergency dimension door, but once you get teleport you can just forget about that since you will have more than enough 5th level slots. You cast overland flight once a day and can persist your polymorph so that leaves 3 teleports for emergency.
There you have it a pretty reliable gish that can put out pretty solid numbers and who is a monster defensively. Despite your low HP you survive a lot due to massive miss chances, greater mirror image, Dantalion’s Awe, Diplomancy with Narberius (which with dantalion gives you an instant situation de-escalation), globe of invulnerability, FoM, teleport or dimension dooring away, +50 ft. speed to run away, flight, resistances from elemental body, time stop for a few rounds, and Otto’s as needed. That is a lot of ways to stay alive. Also 41 AC is pretty nice as well. That should make up for your lackluster HP.
Glozar can be adapted in several major ways to get a different but similar builds of varying power.
I try to get mindsight or another special sense on most characters, especially on humans with their lack of anything special in that regard. The shape soulmeld, open least chakra and mindsight feats can be replaced with practiced spellcaster, surrogate spellcasting and eschew materials. That shores up CL, for wealth free form access, and allows thoon elder brain to be a primary form other than war troll, for dual actions and casting.
You can also go wizard 1(either focused specialist transmuter(banning enchantment, necromancy, and evocation) or elvan generalist) /binder 2/Anima Mage 7/swiftblade 10. Trade familiar and scribe scroll for fighter bonus feats plus whatever. That was an alternate build I was working on. That gives you zycrell and all the next tier of vestiges, and a higher power level overall but loses a bit of the gishy feel IMO. Your skill requirements are far less and you lose the ability to just bind narberius and dominate socially as easily. Your spells will be better and you have unlimited summons, but again that does not feel swiftblade like. Go azurin instead for the focused specialist and take midnight dodge for a bit of extra AC, or gray elf for the intelligence. The loss of the Cha focus does not hurt too much you will just make more bad pacts, but your power level will be higher but again less gishy.
Spells Known/per level

Spells per Day/Spells Known
Spells per Day/Spells Known






















*: Precocious Apprentice Slot
Spells known in order learned
0. Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Light, Mage hand
1. Charm Person, Expedious Retreat, Improvisation, Comprehend Languages
2. Alter Self, Swift Fly->battle hymn, Whirling Blade , Tongues
3. Haste, Dispel Magic
4. Open Least Chakra, Greater Mirror Image, Polymorph, Dimension Door
5. Draconic Polymorph, Overland Flight, Teleport, Greater Dispel Magic
6. Otto’s Irresistable Dance, Globe of Invulnerability, Fanfare
7. Bite of the Werebear, Elemental Body

Swiftblade: Chairwoman
Binder, anima mage, vestiges, improved binding, flicker mystery: Tome of Magic
Vestige quick reference list was a huge help every binder should use it: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?358392-The-new-quick-vestige-list
Bard, dodge, mobility, human, some spells, Hydras, young red and gold dragons, troglodyte, eschew materials (for adaptation): SRD
Sublime chord, practiced spellcaster (for adaptation): Complete Arcane
Shape soulmeld, Shednu crown, open least chakra (feat and spell) midnight dodge, azurin (for adaptation): Manual of Incarnum
Draconic polymorph: Draconomicon
Bite of the werebear, battle hymn, improvisation, swift fly, whirling blade, elemental body, wraithstrike: Spell Compendium
Greater mirror image: PHB 2
Fanfare spell: Song and Silence, a Guidebook to Bards and Rogues
Loresong acf, Mimicking song acf: Dungeonscape
Healing hymn acf: Complete Champion
Inspire Awe acf: Dragon Magic
Spellblade weapon ability: Players guide to Faerun
Cave troll, War troll: MM3
Thoon Elder Brain: MM5
Focused Specialist (for adaptation): Complete Mage
Elvan Generalist(for adaptation): Races of the Wild
Surrogate Spellcasting (for adaptation): Savage Species

2019-11-27, 04:53 AM
Entry number 12:

Caerulean LaRue, the Cloudthief
Azurin, Beguiler 7/Swiftblade 10/Mindbender 1/Unseen Seer 2

”All of this belongs to the night.”
--Caerulean LaRue, the Cloudthief

“Blast this fog,” Lewis grunted, straining forward against the thick pea-soup fog that had sprung up around him. With a bark of effort he managed to push forward a few feet, but the fog fully enveloped him once more until he could no longer see what was behind him. “Lark, where’re you?” he shouted into the impenetrable vapors.

“I’m here,” came Lark’s thin voice, somewhere off to Lewis’ left. “Can’t see a bloody thing, though. You know what this means, yeah?”

“Aye, I know what it means,” Lewis grumbled. “Well, we ‘spected the Cloudthief to show up, so we shouldn’t be surprised by her hallmark. Can y’do somethin’ about these damned clouds?”

“I think so,” Lark said. “Just give me a minute. I have a spell that should let us waltz right through them. I just… Oh! Ow!”

“Lark! Lark, you OK?”

“I’m OK, yeah,” Lark’s voice panted. “Just startled. I saw her, Lewis! I saw LaRue! She just danced through this fog like it wasn’t even there. Took a swipe at me, too, before disappearing. It’s just a scratch, barely worth a healing spell, but I’ll have it fixed in a jiffy. But first let’s do something about…” A pause, and then Lewis could hear the frantic sounds of someone rapidly searching all their pockets. “What in the bloody nine hells?”

“What! Speak t’me, Lewis.”

“My… my pendant! The sovereign symbol of Kol Korran. It’s gone!”

“Whadda ya mean?”

“I just had it, and it’s gone! And my wallet, too, and the bag of diamond dust. All gone!”

“That ruddy thief,” Lewis grumbled. “Well, banish this fog and we’ll truss ‘er up good and get back what’s yours.”

“You don’t understand! I need that pendant to cast my freedom of movement spell! I use it to channel Kol Korran’s divine spells!”

Lewis sighed. “Well, she can’t be far away, and I ain’t ‘bout to let a little girl like that stop me. I’ll push through this pea soup th’ old fashioned way if I haveta.” Lewis settled back, closed his eyes and adjusted his fighting stance. He focused his mind, sharpened and polished it until it reflected light as bright as a diamond. The world came roaring into his ears. He could hear Lark’s breathing, enough to pinpoint him fifteen feet to his left. He could hear the flies buzzing blindly through the sudden fog, the subtle shifts in the winds, the confused mice scurrying in the gutter below him. But for the life of him, he could not hear Caerulean LaRue, the Cloudthief.

“She must’ve run away, the yellow-bellied little thief,” he said. “She ain’t close by at least. Let’s just push through. We’ll get yer gear back, blast it, and everything else, too.”

Just then the fog shifted and stirred, and the slender form of Caerulean LaRue stepped through. “Looking for me?” she smirked. He could hear her speaking, she the flash of her blue eyes, hear her words, see her oddly blurred form right in front of him… and yet she hadn’t registered to his highly-honed senses. He snarled with outrage, but she slashed at him with her puny little knife, her hands dancing through the air, and then retreated back through the deep fog before he could make a counterstrike.

“Y’missed, you little twerp!” he shouted. “Stay here ‘nd fight me proper! I’ll show y’good! I --” He stumbled as his pants shifted oddly. He glanced down and roared with anger. His belt was missing! He could see the pouches and daggers it had been holding in place scattered on the floor. Taking one hand off his waraxe to hold his pants up, he shouted into the mist: “Blast it, ‘m gonna bash yer head in the next time I see you, y’runty little fool!”

Somewhere, behind the deep clouds, he could hear the tinkling laugh of Caerulean LaRue washing over them like rain...

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Beguiler 1
Hide 4 ranks, move silently 4 ranks, sleight of hand 4 ranks, concentration 4 ranks, spot 4 ranks, search 4 ranks, spellcraft 4 ranks, sense motive 4 ranks, diplomacy 4 ranks, bluff 4 ranks
Midnight Dodge, Able Learner
Armored mage, trapfinding

Beguiler 2
Hide 5 ranks (+1), move silently 5 ranks (+1), sleight of hand 5 ranks (+1), concentration 5 ranks (+1), spot 5 ranks (+1), search 5 ranks (+1), spellcraft 5 ranks (+1), bluff 5 ranks (+1), intimidate 2 ranks (+2)

Cloaked casting (+1 DC), surprise casting

Beguiler 3
Hide 6 ranks (+1), move silently 6 ranks (+1), sleight of hand 6 ranks (+1), concentration 6 ranks (+1), spot 6 ranks (+1), search 6 ranks (+1), spellcraft 6 ranks (+1), intimidate 3 ranks (+1), balance 2 ranks (+2)
Advanced learning (shock and awe)

Beguiler 4
Hide 7 ranks (+1), move silently 7 ranks (+1), sleight of hand 7 ranks (+1), concentration 7 ranks (+1), spot 7 ranks (+1), search 7 ranks (+1), spellcraft 7 ranks (+1), balance 5 ranks (+3)

Beguiler 5
Hide 8 ranks (+1), move silently 8 ranks (+1), sleight of hand 8 ranks (+1), concentration 8 ranks (+1), spot 8 ranks (+1), search 8 ranks (+1), spellcraft 8 ranks (+1), intimidate 4 ranks (+1), Conceal Spellcasting skill trick
Silent SpellB
Silent Spell

Mindbender 1
Hide 9 ranks (+1), move silently 9 ranks (+1), sleight of hand 9 ranks (+1), concentration 9 ranks (+1), spot 9 ranks (+1), spellcraft 9 ranks (+1)

Beguiler 6
Hide 10 ranks (+1), move silently 10 ranks (+1), sleight of hand 10 ranks (+1), concentration 10 ranks (+1), spot 10 ranks (+1), search 10 ranks (+2), spellcraft 10 ranks (+1), sense motive 6 ranks (+2)

Surprise casting (move action)

Swiftblade 1
Hide 11 ranks (+1), move silently 11 ranks (+1), sleight of hand 11 ranks (+1), concentration 11 ranks (+1), spot 11 ranks (+1), search 11 ranks (+1), spellcraft 11 ranks (+1), listen 2 ranks (+2)
Spring AttackB
Spring Attack, swift surge +1/0 ft.

Swiftblade 2
Hide 12 ranks (+1), move silently 12 ranks (+1), sleight of hand 12 ranks (+1), concentration 12 ranks (+1), spot 12 ranks (+1), search 12 ranks (+1), spellcraft 12 ranks (+1), listen 4 ranks (+2)
Blurred alacrity

Swiftblade 3
Hide 13 ranks (+1), move silently 13 ranks (+1), sleight of hand 13 ranks (+1), concentration 13 ranks (+1), spot 13 ranks (+1), search 13 ranks (+1), spellcraft 13 ranks (+1), listen 6 ranks (+2)

Sudden casting

Swiftblade 4
Hide 14 ranks (+1), move silently 14 ranks (+1), sleight of hand 14 ranks (+1), concentration 14 ranks (+1), spot 14 ranks (+1), search 14 ranks (+1), spellcraft 14 ranks (+1), listen 8 ranks (+2)

Arcane reflexes, swift surge +1/+10 ft.

Swiftblade 5
Hide 15 ranks (+1), move silently 15 ranks (+1), sleight of hand 15 ranks (+1), concentration 15 ranks (+1), spot 15 ranks (+1), search 15 ranks (+1), spellcraft 15 ranks (+1), listen 10 ranks (+2)
Penumbra Bloodline
Evasive celerity

Swiftblade 6
Hide 16 ranks (+1), move silently 16 ranks (+1), sleight of hand 16 ranks (+1), concentration 16 ranks (+1), spot 16 ranks (+1), search 16 ranks (+1), spellcraft 16 ranks (+1), listen 12 ranks (+2)

Fortified hustle

Swiftblade 7
Hide 17 ranks (+1), move silently 17 ranks (+1), sleight of hand 17 ranks (+1), concentration 17 ranks (+1), spot 17 ranks (+1), search 17 ranks (+1), spellcraft 17 ranks (+1), listen 14 ranks (+2)
Bounding AssaultB
Bounding Assault, swift surge +2/+10 ft.

Swiftblade 8
Hide 18 ranks (+1), move silently 18 ranks (+1), sleight of hand 18 ranks (+1), concentration 18 ranks (+1), spot 18 ranks (+1), search 18 ranks (+1), spellcraft 18 ranks (+1), listen 16 ranks (+2)
Master Pickpocket
Diligent rapidity

Swiftblade 9
Hide 19 ranks (+1), move silently 19 ranks (+1), sleight of hand 19 ranks (+1), concentration 19 ranks (+1), spot 19 ranks (+1), search 19 ranks (+1), spellcraft 19 ranks (+1), listen 19 ranks (+3)

Perpetual options

Swiftblade 10
Hide 20 ranks (+1), move silently 20 ranks (+1), sleight of hand 20 ranks (+1), concentration 20 ranks (+1), spot 20 ranks (+1), search 20 ranks (+1), spellcraft 20 ranks (+1), listen 20 ranks (+1), sense motive 8 ranks (+2)

Innervated speed, swift surge +2/20 ft.

Beguiler 7
Hide 21 ranks (+1), move silently 21 ranks (+1), sleight of hand 21 ranks (+1), concentration 21 ranks (+1), spot 21 ranks (+1), search 21 ranks (+1), spellcraft 21 ranks (+1), listen 21 ranks (+1), sense motive 12 ranks (+4)
Shape Soulmeld (theft gloves)
Advanced learning (greater shadow conjuration)

Unseen Seer 1
Hide 22 ranks (+1), move silently 22 ranks (+1), sleight of hand 22 ranks (+1), concentration 22 ranks (+1), spot 22 ranks (+1), search 22 ranks (+1), spellcraft 22 ranks (+1), listen 22 ranks (+1), sense motive 16 ranks (+4)

Damage bonus +1d6

Unseen Seer 2
Hide 23 ranks (+1), move silently 23 ranks (+1), sleight of hand 23 ranks (+1), concentration 23 ranks (+1), spot 23 ranks (+1), search 23 ranks (+1), spellcraft 23 ranks (+1), listen 23 ranks (+1), sense motive 20 ranks (+4)

Advanced learning (foresight), Silent Spell

BBonus feat

32 point buy:
Str 8/Dex 14/Con 14/Int 18/Wis 12/Cha 8

Boost Intelligence at every available level. With items, prioritize Intelligence first, then Dexterity.

Caerulean LaRue’s only alignment requirement is that she be any non-good. I’ve envisioned her as true neutral, but she can be adjusted as needed.

Spells per Day (does not include bonus spells due to specialization or high Int bonus)






















As a near-full caster with access to 8th-level spells off an interesting and varied list, you are not particularly item-dependent, but there are a few things that will not go amiss.

On the non-magical side, you’ll want a light armor with the lowest possible armor check penalty, as well as masterwork tools to boost all relevant skills (especially those that require opposed checks, such as sleight of hand). A light feycraft weapon would not go amiss either, as it will allow you to use your Dexterity instead of your Strength when attacking. While attacking is not a priority for you, this can still come in handy. A hand crossbow or shortbow will also be useful at low levels in particular.

As far as magical items go, look specifically at items that improve your skills, such as silent and shadow moves armor or a collar of umbral metamorphosis. As with any caster, metamagic rods will never go amiss. A ring of the darkhidden is another great item choice. You can also expand your spell list considerably via runestaffs.

LEVELS 1-5: Beguiler 5
Low levels are kind to the beguiler: with first level powerhouses like sleep, color spray and charm person, as well as a high number of spells per day, you should do well here. Your best piece of battlefield control will likely be silent image at these levels, and don’t be afraid to use it creatively, such as giving yourself hiding places in combat or using it to seemingly block off parts of the battlefield.

With your first advanced learning you’ll take shock and awe, which is best thought of as a reverse-nerveskitter for the whole party. If you can use your stealth and spells to start the encounter on your terms, you can give a huge debuff to the initiative of all your foes, giving your own party a major advantage. And shortly thereafter you pick up 2nd-level spells, which are also fantastic: glitterdust, fog cloud and silence are particular standouts.

LEVELS 6-10: Beguiler 6/Mindbender 1/Swiftblade 3
Your scouting takes a huge bump with your immediate mindbender dip, giving you access to telepathy and the always-powerful Mindsight. Any scout-style character would love Mindsight, but it’s particularly great for you, since it allows you to keep track of foes you’ve surrounded with vision blockers like fog cloud.

3rd-level spells are great for you, including your first taste of scrying and access to fantastic debuffs such as dispel magic and slow. This is also when you get access to haste. This is a fantastic full-party buff that should make everyone else in your party love you, and comes with a huge boost to your movement as well, letting you easily get to where you need to go in a hurry. It also qualifies you for swiftblade, which even in these low levels starts paying off almost immediately: a bonus feat that benefits your supercharged movement speeds, always-on blur and the ability to cast haste as a move action. Since you have Mindsight, don’t be afraid to drop fog clouds on your opponent and then harry them with Spring Attack and your super high movement. They won’t be able to see you (even with alternative means such as blindsight thanks to Darkstalker), but you know exactly where they are and can dart in and out of the fog as needed.

And while you did delay your spellcasting a bit with swiftblade, you do still get 4th-level spells in this range. Fourths are particularly great for beguilers, including one of the absolute best lockdown spells in the game: solid fog. This one in particular is going to stay good for the whole rest of your career.

LEVELS 11-15: Beguiler 6/Mindbender 1/Swiftblade 8
Everything keeps getting better and better. Your constant blur effect increases to 50%, and you get a 50% chance to avoid targeted spells, too. Oh, hey, and +Int to initiative… pretty nice that you’re an Int-focused caster who gets particular benefits for acting before your enemies. But the absolute best thing it gives you is diligent rapidity.

Let’s look at this a bit closer. Diligent rapidity is essentially near-constant, undispellable freedom of movement. You have access to FoM from your beguiler spells, but there’s always an action cost associated with it. With diligent rapidity, you immediately set it at the beginning of every encounter with a swift action alongside haste, and it’s (Ex) to boot. Now, notice that you have Spring Attack and Bounding Assault, as well as Mindsight. You can now lock foes down with spells like solid fog, trapping them in place and blocking their vision, and thanks to diligent rapidity spring in and out completely undeterred. You’ll be able to pinpoint them with Mindsight even when they’re completely hidden in the fog, and they can’t pursue you or even see you between solid fog and Darkstalker. But wait, isn’t your damage kind of piddly by this level? Even with your pseudo-skirmish boosting things a bit, at worst you’ll just kind of annoy people. But take another look at Spring Attack and Bounding Assault. One interesting side effect is that your movement will not provoke AoOs from your targets. Why is this important? Well, you’ve been investing heavily in sleight of hand, and Master Pickpocket letting you make SoH checks as a free action with only a -10 penalty and letting you steal anything not held in hand. Lock your opponents down with solid fog, then spring up to them, swiping at them and robbing them blind with free actions. Then disappear back into the fog with all their stuff. They can’t attack you for moving up to them or away from them, and they can’t locate you or chase you after, either.

All of this is on top of the fact that you’re a high-Intelligence, high-skills beguiler with 6th-level spells, including some lovely goodies like greater dispel magic just in case you encounter someone packing a freedom of movement effect of their own. And thanks to the touch of shadow from your Penumbra Bloodline, you even have access to expanded spells like shadow evocation, plane shift (pro-tip: use it offensively by holding the charge and delivering it with a touch attack during your Spring Attack routine) and black tentacles.

LEVELS 16-20: Beguiler 7/Mindbender 1/Swiftblade 10/Unseen Seer 2
Finishing out swiftblade gives you some fantastic bonuses. Perpetual options is about as good as it gets; as you were never making full attacks anyhow, the extra attack from haste was always just a boon for your party instead of anything that helped you, but now you can instead use it for an extra standard action. Congratulations, you can now open up a combat with swift action haste, standard action solid fog and immediately perform a Bounding Assault to rob your opponents blind. And you can keep it up all combat long, too. (Oh, and with theft gloves and the essentia from your race and Midnight Dodge, you get a very nice +6 insight bonus to SoH checks from your theft gloves, eliminating more than half of the penalty you take for making the checks as a free action.)

And while you gave up 9th-level spells when you decided to go swiftblade, innervated speed makes up for that by giving you an improved time stop (extraordinary, no variable time, doesn’t require a 9th-level slot). Considering that time stop was the beguiler’s best 9th anyhow, that goes a long way toward soothing things. Speaking of high level spells, your advanced learning lets you pick up a 7th-level spell, and there is no better choice than greater shadow conjuration. Your penumbra bloodline gives you access to the regular and greater versions of shadow evocation (the latter of which is particularly powerful, even providing access to powerhouses such as contingency and forcecage), but this is your first access to the incredibly flexibly conjuration line.

And finally, unseen seer is a perfect fit for those last two levels. See if your DM allows its damage boost to increase your swiftblade’s swift surge, but even if they don’t, it’s not a big deal; your main focus isn’t damage regardless. More important is the extra divination spell. Nabbing foresight off the Time domain gives it to you as an 8th-level spell. With innervated speed duplicating time stop and foresight as an 8th-level option, plus the incredible flexibility of greater shadow conjuration and greater shadow evocation, I promise you you’ll never miss 9ths.

Swiftblade is traditionally thought of as a gish PrC, and with good reason. There’s a ton that it offers to the standard gish, to the point where there is an entire handbook of swiftblade gishes, and it’s one of the most oft-recommended options when people express interest in gishing it up.

That said, I wanted to do something a little bit different here, and put together a swiftblade that still used all of its elements, but was NOT particularly interested in being a gish. I also wanted to build something that actively used Spring Attack and Bounding Assault, rather than treating them like afterthoughts. That’s where I got the idea to focus on theft, using the swiftblade’s increased speed and diligent rapidity to drop BFC spells like solid fog and then spring at foes through the fog, robbing them with free action sleight of hand checks before melting away into the mist.

Here are the various elements of swiftblade, and how they will benefit you if you run this build:

Spring Attack: Spring Attack is a pain. It’s considered a poor feat at the best of times, restricting you to a single attack and preventing you from using common damage boosters such as charging. Worse still, it’s given to you on a prestige class that wants you to cast haste, but it can’t actually benefit from haste (at least until you get perpetual options at swiftblade 9). However, there’s something particularly interesting about Spring Attack: your movement flat out does not provoke AoOs from the target of your attack. This means that you can freely close with your opponent, take a passive swing at them or hit them with the held charge of a touch attack spell (plane shift is particularly deadly), rob them blind with free action sleight of hand checks and then dance away without ever provoking any AoOs.

Swift Surge: While the damage bonus you eventually obtain isn’t of much interest, increased defensive bonuses are certainly nice. The real draw, however, is the boosted speed. Combined with your haste spell, this is an impressive +50’ enhancement bonus to your movement.

Blurred Alacrity: A flat 50% miss chance is pretty fantastic, and should stack with other defensive boosts you have like greater mirror image and combine with your BFC and stealth to make you almost impossible to kill.

Sudden Casting: You’re primarily an infiltrator, scout and BFC specialist. This lets you boost your whole party and increase your own speed and defenses considerably without wasting actions to do so.

Arcane Reflexes: You’re an Int-focused scout with decent Dex and abilities like cloaked casting that benefit from you acting first in a round. This will definitely come in handy.

Evasive Celerity: See blurred alacrity but you know, better.

Fortified Hustle: An interesting thing about swiftblade is that all of its abilities are (Ex)... and now haste itself is, too.

Bounding Assault: Remember what I said about Spring Attack being useful for letting you jump in, rob someone blind and spring away without allowing counterattacks? Now with Bounding Assault you can do it to two targets.

Diligent Rapidity: Probably the single most important build element. You should pretty much always have haste active in any combat at this point, meaning that you will always have (Ex) freedom of movement. Go ahead and drop big fat BFC spells like solid fog. You can still pinpoint your enemies thanks to Mindsight, and now thanks to diligent rapidity you can sneak through the fog unhindered, rob them blind and then spring away, leaving your foe unable to pursue you or even see you. (And thanks to Darkstalker, this is even effective against foes with blindsight or similar abilities.)

Perpetual Options: Honestly, you are unlikely to have ever gotten much use out of the extra base attack when you make a full attack aspect of haste, instead preferring it as a way to buff your party while boosting your own mobility. You should basically never be making full attacks. But with this, you instead get an extra standard or move action… and damn, there are a LOT of things you can do with an extra standard action.

Innervated Speed: 9th-level spells were already out of reach once you decided to drop 3 CLs, so go ahead and drop one more for innervated speed, which essentially gives you back an improved version of what is arguably the best 9th on the beguiler list (and gives it to you at the same level that wizards get access to it).

The biggest thing missing from this build is Versatile Spellcaster. After all, with it Caerulean LaRue can access 9th-level beguiler spells, which should be a fantastic boon! However, as she already has the ability to emulate time stop via innervated speed and can cast foresight as an 8th, 9ths do not offer her very much. The only other spell worth noting that she misses is dominate monster, which does not actually fit her M.O. very well and which she shouldn’t mind skipping. However, if flaws are on the table, it is still a great option for its ability to increase her castings of mid-level spells per day.

Caerulean primarily either attacks solely to qualify for Spring Attack (and therefore completely avoid any possible AoO for entering and leaving her enemy’s threatened area), or else uses it to deliver a touch spell such as touch of idiocy or plane shift. Damage is of little interest to her. If playing her with a more evil bent, however, one way to expand her offensive presence a fair bit is to introduce poisons. This will make her otherwise passive attacks far more dangerous. She has more than enough skill points to become a talented poison crafter herself, and can use her beguiler spells to locate relevant ingredients or charm venomous creatures into providing the necessary components.

City of Stormreach: Master Pickpocket
Complete Arcane: Mindbender
Complete Mage: Unseen Seer
Complete Scoundrel: Skill tricks
Lords of Madness: Mindsight, Darkstalker
Magic of Incarnum: Azurin, Midnight Dodge, Shape Soulmeld, theft gloves soulmeld
Player’s Handbook: Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Silent Spell
Player’s Handbook II: Beguiler, Bounding Assault
Races of Destiny: Able Learner
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1: Penumbra Bloodline
WotC Website: Swiftblade

2019-11-27, 04:54 AM
Entry number 13:

Caelum Swyft, The Eldritch Storm

Build Stub: Chaotic Good Human Duskblade 1/Totemist 2/Warlock 4/Wyrm Wizard 2/Swiftblade 9/Hellfire Warlock 2

Sasha sniffled as quietly as she could, tears rolling down her chin and onto the manacles chained to the person ahead of her. She had learned quickly to not cry if possible, and when it wasn’t, to do so silently; the men who had taken her and the other survivors from her village had no tolerance for the sound of sobbing. Sometimes it felt like forever since the slavers came and killed most of the village, rounding up the survivors and putting them in chains to march the long miles to an auction block, and others she could still hear the cries of family as they died. It was hard to believe it had all happened; sometimes she’d catch motion out of the corner of her eye and turn expecting to see her papa or mama there. She wasn’t sure if she was glad or heartbroken that they never were.

A flicker off the shoulder of the road had Sasha turning her head, not expecting to see anything, but instead she beheld a specter unlike anything she’d seen before. The person had two sets of arms, the lower glowing faintly and seeming to fade in and out of sight as she looked. Ghostly forms obscured the face, changing from moment to moment, and the whole form shimmered and blurred such that she wasn’t certain what she saw was wholly there. The figure raised a finger from one of its hands to its lips before flickering and disappearing.

Sasha turned her gaze forward to the back in front of her, heart pounding. She wasn’t sure what she’d seen, but a wild feeling was rising when a commotion at the head of the band had the entire group coming to a halt. Straining her head Sasha saw standing in the road blocking the way the figure she’d seen earlier, several of the slaver band limbering bows while their leader promised death should the way not be left open.

Arrows loosed, and Sasha gasped as the figure blurred into motion, moving faster than she had ever seen anything move, seeming to dance around the volley of shafts and dashing through the slavers leaving screams and blood flying in its wake. The figure came to a stop before the chained villagers and a shout of fury cascaded over them, shattering their chains with its potency. The figure spun back to the slavers, all four of its hands beginning to glow with sworls of eldritch energies, until with quick motions four beams of energy churning with fire and actinic green shot out to spear the nearest slavers, jumping again and again, leaving behind smoking ruins.

Impossibly quickly Sasha’s world changed again, left standing with the other survivors of the village amidst the shards of their shackles and the corpses of their captors. The figure that had saved them so inexplicably turned to the shocked villagers, dipped its head in what might have been a bow, flickered, and was gone.








All inherent bonuses to CHA

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Skills (Spent)
Class Features

Duskblade 1
Balance 2(4cc), Bluff 2(4cc), Concentration 4, Knowledge (Arcana) 4, Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 4
Expeditious Dodge (F), Mobility (F), Sudden Extend (1), Arcane Preparation (H)
Spellcasting, Arcane Attunement, Armored Mage (Light)

Totemist 1
Concentration 5(1), Knowledge (Arcana) 5(1), Knowledge (Nature) 2, Knowledge (The Planes) 1, Spellcraft 5(1), Sense Motive 5(2cc), Balance 2, Bluff 2

Wild Empathy, Soulmelds

Totemist 2
Balance 3(2cc), Bluff 3(2cc), Concentration 6(1), Knowledge (Arcana) 6(1), Knowledge (The Planes) 2(1), Spellcraft 6(1), Knowledge (Nature) 2, Sense Motive 5
Multiweapon Fighting
Totem Chakra Bind (+1 Capacity), Soulmelds

Warlock 1
Concentration 7(1), Knowledge (Arcana) 7(1), Spellcraft 7(1), UMD 3, Balance 3, Bluff 3, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Knowledge (The Planes) 2, Sense Motive 5

Eldritch Blast 1d6, Invocations (Least) +1, Beguiling Influence

Warlock 2
Balance 4(2cc), Concentration 8(1), Knowledge (Arcana) 8(1), Spellcraft 8(1), UMD 4(1), Bluff 3, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Knowledge (The Planes) 2, Sense Motive 5

Detect Magic, +1 Invocation (Least), Baleful Utterance

Warlock 3
Concentration 9(1), Knowledge (Arcana) 9(1), Spellcraft 9(1), UMD 7(3), Balance 4, Bluff 3, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Knowledge (The Planes) 2, Sense Motive 5
DR 1/Cold Iron, Eldritch Blast 2d6

Warlock 4
Balance 5(2cc), Concentration 10(1), Knowledge (Arcana) 10(1), Spellcraft 10(1), UMD 8(1), Bluff 3, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Knowledge (The Planes) 2, Sense Motive 5

Deceive Item, +1 Invocations (Least), See the Unseen

Wyrm Wizard 1
Concentration 11(1), Knowledge (Arcana) 11(1), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 2, Knowledge (Local) 2, Knowledge (Religion) 1, Spellcraft 11(1), Balance 5, Bluff 3, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Knowledge (The Planes) 2, Sense Motive 5

Knowledge of the Wyrm, Spellcasting +1 (Warlock) -> Eldritch Blast 3d6

Wyrm Wizard 2
Concentration 12(1), Knowledge (Arcana) 12(1), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3(1), Knowledge (Local) 3(1), Knowledge (Nature) 3(1), Knowledge (The Planes) 3(1), Knowledge (Religion) 2(1), Spellcraft 12(1), Balance 5, Bluff 3, Sense Motive 5
Spell Research(Haste, Trapsmith)

Swiftblade 1
Concentration 13(1), Knowledge (Arcana) 13(1), Spellcraft 13(1), Tumble 3, UMD 9(2cc), Balance 5, Bluff 3, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3, Knowledge (Local) 3,Knowledge (Nature) 3, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Sense Motive 5
Spring Attack (B)
Spring Attack, Swift Surge +1/+0ft.

Swiftblade 2
Concentration 14(1), Knowledge (Arcana) 14(1), Spellcraft 14(1), Tumble 6(3), UMD 10(2cc), Balance 5, Bluff 3, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3, Knowledge (Local) 3,Knowledge (Nature) 3, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Sense Motive 5

Blurred Alacrity, +1 Spellcasting (Warlock) -> +1 Invocation (Lesser), Fell Flight

Swiftblade 3
Concentration 15(1), Knowledge (Arcana) 15(1), Spellcraft 15(1), Tumble 9(3), UMD 11(2cc), Balance 5, Bluff 3, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3, Knowledge (Local) 3,Knowledge (Nature) 3, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Sense Motive 5
Improved Multiweapon Fighting
Sudden Casting, +1 Spellcasting (Warlock) -> Eldritch Blast 4d6

Swiftblade 4
Concentration 16(1), Knowledge (Arcana) 16(1), Spellcraft 16(1), Tumble 12(3), UMD 12(2cc), Balance 5, Bluff 3, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3, Knowledge (Local) 3,Knowledge (Nature) 3, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Sense Motive 5

Arcane Reflexes, Swift Surge +1/+10ft.

Swiftblade 5
Concentration 17(1), Knowledge (Arcana) 17(1), Spellcraft 17(1), Tumble 15(3), UMD 13(2cc), Balance 5, Bluff 3, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3, Knowledge (Local) 3,Knowledge (Nature) 3, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Sense Motive 5

Evasive Celerity, +1 Spellcasting (Warlock) -> +1 Invocation (Lesser), Eldritch Chain, Beguiling Influence --> Dark One's Own Luck

Swiftblade 6
Concentration 18(1), Knowledge (Arcana) 18(1), Spellcraft 18(1), Tumble 18(3), UMD 14(2cc), Balance 5, Bluff 3, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3, Knowledge (Local) 3,Knowledge (Nature) 3, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Sense Motive 5
Fortified Hustle, +1 Spellcasting (Warlock) -> Eldritch Blast 5d6

Swiftblade 7
Concentration 19(1), Knowledge (Arcana) 19(1), Spellcraft 19(1), Tumble 19(1), UMD 16(4cc), Balance 5, Bluff 3, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3, Knowledge (Local) 3,Knowledge (Nature) 3, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Sense Motive 5
Bounding Assault (b)
Bounding Assault, Swift Surge +2/+10ft.

Swiftblade 8
Concentration 20(1), Knowledge (Arcana) 20(1), Spellcraft 20(1), Tumble 20(1), UMD 18(4cc), Balance 5, Bluff 3, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3, Knowledge (Local) 3,Knowledge (Nature) 3, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Sense Motive 5

Diligent Rapidity, +1 Spellcasting (Warlock) -> +1 Invocation (Lesser), Walk Unseen

Swiftblade 9
Concentration 21(1), Knowledge (Arcana) 21(1), Spellcraft 21(1), Tumble 21(1), UMD 20(4cc), Balance 5, Bluff 3, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3, Knowledge (Local) 3,Knowledge (Nature) 3, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Sense Motive 5
Shape Soulmeld (Strongheart Vest)
Perpetual Options, +1 Spellcasting (Warlock) -> +1 Invocation (Greater), Eldritch Blast +6d6, Vitriolic Blast, Fell Flight --> Hellrime Blast

Hellfire Warlock 1
Concentration 22(1), Knowledge (Arcana) 22(1), Spellcraft 22(1), Tumble 22(2cc), UMD 21(1), Balance 5, Bluff 3, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3, Knowledge (Local) 3,Knowledge (Nature) 3, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Sense Motive 5

Hellfire Blast +2d6, +1 Invocations (Warlock)

Hellfire Warlock 2
Concentration 23(1), Knowledge (Arcana) 23(1), Spellcraft 23(1), Tumble 23(2cc), UMD 22(1), Balance 5, Bluff 3, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3, Knowledge (Local) 3,Knowledge (Nature) 3, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Sense Motive 5

Hellfire Blast +4d6, Hellfire Infusion, Resistance Fire 10, +1 Invocations (Warlock) -> +1 Invocation (Greater), Incarnum Blast

Spells Per Day: Duskblade




Invocations Known:
Least: Baleful Utterance, See the Unseen, Beguiling Influence -> Dark One’s Own Luck
Lesser: Eldritch Chain, Walk Unseen, Fell Flight -> Hellrime Blast
Greater: Vitriolic Blast, Incarnum Blast

We’re starting off with a bit of an awkward hodgepodge of meeting prerequisites and prerequisites of prerequisites. Full BAB and the ability to ignore Arcane Spell Failure in light armor are both useful to our eventual schtick. The two levels of Totemist are this build’s preferred manner of acquiring extra arms (See the ‘Build Options’ section for additional discussion on this topic) through binding the Girallon Arms to the Totem Chakra, and the versatility of the Soulmelds will help make the character more useful throughout its career. At this point while we’re a front-line melee fighter, we’re likely to mostly run around with the Three-fold Mask of the Chimera and the Wormtail Belt for immunity to flanking and extra AC. The Warlock levels start transitioning to the eventual main point of the build, and picking up Baleful Utterance and Beguiling Influence give us a lot of utility as a secondary face and a remover of obstacles. In terms of feats, we have taken the Elegance hit to pick up both Expeditious Dodge and Mobility for eventual qualification for Swiftblade, Arcane Preparation and Sudden Extend to qualify for Wyrm Wizard, and Multiweapon Fighting, which after these levels will become mostly secondary as we aren’t speccing for a melee build and we can’t afford multiple magic weapons. On the skills front, we’re mostly meeting prerequisites as well, though a few social skills are thrown in to work with Beguiling Influence so you can operate as a secondary Face, though that role will fall by the wayside in a few more levels due to lack of Class Skills.

Two more levels of Warlock get us the ever-useful Deceive Item, which we’re going to be shamelessly falling back on to shore up weaknesses throughout our career, and also lets us pick up See the Unseen at ECL 7, about the time that Invisibility becomes highly probable, not just possible. Two levels of Wyrm Wizard lets us snipe Haste as a level 1 spell from the Trapsmith spell list and add it to our Duskblade Spells Known, while applying the increase in caster level to our Warlock progression. With the acquisition of Haste, we have now entered the SI. The first level gives us Spring Attack, which we will be keeping in mind for Dark Chaos Shuffling purposes only, as well as Swift Surge +1, which is nice in that it makes it a little easier to hit things and a little harder to be hit. At this point our main combat schtick is probably still as a melee combatant, using Multiweapon Fighting and Mutliattack to get a number of attacks off. With a BAB of only +6, we’re not doing great, but with the pickup of Multidexterity at level 6 we’re actually not too badly off, as it allows us to ignore all penalties for fighting with off-hands a la Tormtor School. Thus our full attack with Swift Surge and Haste up is three main-hand attacks at +7/+7/+1, one off-hand attack at +7, and two claw attacks at +5/+5. If for some reason Dragon Magazine material is on the table sign a Faustian pact at this point to sell your soul for Eldritch Claws. At range our Eldritch Blast is only 3d6, but with items we can boost that pretty high. Skills-wise, we’re continuing to max our pre-req needed skills, and for want of any better options based on available class skills we’re going to become a budget knowledge bank as well, taking a couple of ranks in the primary Knowledges. We’re abandoning any and all social skills, but we’ve picked up enough UMD that with the ability to take 10 from Deceive Item we can auto-succeed on wands and up to level 2 scrolls

Five more levels of the SI with 4/5 spellcasting progression and a couple of important feats make these levels pretty good to us. Blurred Alacrity is fantastic, giving us up to 50% miss chance while under the effects of a Haste spell. Sudden Casting means we can now cast Haste as a swift action (I believe we decided that the free action called out was an artifact of 3.0 that got updated). For Arcane Reflexes you can likely choose either of your spellcasting stats (INT and CHA), whichever has been boosted higher by this point, and extra initiative is always appreciated. Evasive Celerity is also fantastic, though at only 10% miss chance at this level it is only occasionally so. The four spellcasting levels bring us to Warlock Caster level 9, which boosts our baseline Eldritch Blast damage to 5d6 and means we’ve started to pick up Lesser Invocations, specifically Fell Flight for always on fly speed at level 11, and Eldritch Chain at level 14, where we’re also swapping out Beguiling Influence for The Dark One’s Own luck, as a floating +CHA to any save is much more valuable than the increases to social skills we’ve stopped being able to maintain. While said skills have fallen by the wayside, we’ve managed to get Tumble up to a useful level by this point. Improved Multiweapon Fighting at level 12 gives us another off-hand attack for our melee routine, which is still pretty decent, but it’s the pickup of Multitasking at level 15 that we’ve been waiting for. This little gem lets us use each set of arms (of which we baseline have 2, more with arm grafts or other shenanigans) to make independent standard actions (if you don’t subscribe to this interpretation feel free to give me zeroes across the board, because without this the build is NOT GOOD). It just so happens that Eldritch Blast is a standard action, so we now can start to transition to a ranged blaster build without being horribly bad at damage output. With Eldritch Chain we can hit up to four targets once with Eldritch Blast, or two targets twice with Eldritch Blast (more with Caster Level increases from items).

We’re taking the SI only to level 9, in part because it’s got the ability we’ve been looking for, and partially because with only level 1 spell slots we can’t actually use the 10th level ability. Level 18 is the sweet-spot of this build, as with Perpetual Options we now get an entire extra Standard Action to play with each turn we have Haste up, which with Multitasking turns into two additional standard actions. This can be used in myriad ways; extra invocations/Eldritch Blasts, UMD Scrolls/Wands, Full Attack + 2 Eldritch Blast, with additional actions Bounding Assault isn’t quite as awful as it might be, etc. We also get to pick up Vitriolic Blast at this point, which is fantastic since our Caster Level has fallen so far behind the curve without items or a way to get Practiced Spellcaster (Warlock) the ability to ignore Spell Resistance is a godsend. As you might have noticed, our action economy – and thus damage – at this point scales off of 2x the number of pairs of arms you have, so spend your gold accordingly. Probably the most efficient use of your cash is to buy two successive applications of Polymorph Any Object (or scrolls to UMD) to turn yourself into an Animated Object with an arbitrary number of arms, but then you will likely have books heading your way with lethal intent. Moving on. Level 18 also sees us swapping out Fell Flight for Hellrime Blast (if you can’t find another way to get flight by level 18 something is wrong), and Shape Soulmeld (Strongheart Vest) in preparation for taking two levels in Hellfire Warlock to round out the build. Whether or not the Strongheart Vest trick works to mitigate the ability damage from Hellfire Blast is an argument for another thread, so rule whichever way your heart desires; I will not contest you on this one. These final two levels add an additional +4d6 damage to our Eldritch Blast through the application of Hellfire Blast. I’m not entirely certain whether or not you can apply both Hellfire Blast and an Eldritch Essence such as Vitriolic Blast to the same attack, but while it seems slightly suspect from a RAI perspective, the RAW of Hellfire Blast is that it adds damage, is not itself an Eldritch Essence, and doesn’t seem to change the baseline Eldritch Blast, so you should be able to double up. At level 20 we pick up our final Invocation, which we’re going to take as Incarnum Blast, since the ability to hit minimum three people with minimum 4 saves vs Daze is pretty nuts. If that’s less to your speed you can also pick up Chilling Tentacles for fairly nuts BFC and low-level no-save damage. So, to sum it up; without any shenanigans or items, we have the ability to unload 10d6 damage to up to twelve targets (minimum three targets), for a maximum single target damage of 40d6 with either 8d6 damage/round residual damage or 4x save vs Daze. With shenanigans you can reach NI damage at level 15

Level Adjustment: If LA buyoff is available, you can use either the Aberrant Limbs (DMG2) or Insectile (SS) templates to get yourself additional arms; 2 and 4 respectively. You can also use Diopsid (LA +1), or Thri Keen (2RHD, +1/+2 LA) if that’s too your liking. This potentially frees up the Totemist levels for something else, though you then need to find another way to get the Natural Attacks to qualify for Multiattack (Dragon Disciple does this in two levels as well as adding two bonus spell slots). Also, more arms is always better in this build, so keeping the Girallon Arms Soulmeld might be worthwile.

Two Weapon Fighting vs. Multiweapon Fighting: There’s some potential oddities here that I just decided to avoid in the presented build. The Mutliweapon Fighting line has a special entry that states that they ‘replace’ the corresponding TWF feat for creatures with three or more arms. This could mean that any creature with TWF feats has them automatically change to MWF if/when they get more than two arms. This could be useful, since there are requirements differences between the two feat lines, namely that Improved Two Weapon Fighting needs only BAB +7, rather than the BAB +9 of Improved Multiweapon Fighting. In this build this could allow the use of Focused Specialist (Transmutation) Combat Wizard in place of Duskblade, which gives us more uses of Haste per day natively, as well as removing the need for Arcane Preparation and giving another bonus fighter feat at level 1. These changes could open up Practiced Spellcaster and/or Mortalbane as additional feat options, or myriad other combinations.

Items: As mentioned in the build write-up, your primary item goals are going to be Eldritch Blast boosters such as (Greater) Chasuble of Fell Power, Gloves of Eldritch Admixture, and Caster level boosters. You also want to pick up Caster level boosters for Duskblade as well as Pearls of Power and a Ring of Wizardry to increase the duration and number of castings per day of Haste. After that, graft as many additional arms as your DM will allow you to get. Other items follow standard kit-out priorities.

Player’s Handbook 2 (PHBII) – Duskblade (p19), Bounding Assault (p75),
Races of the Wild (RotW) – Expeditious Dodge (p150)
Complete Arcane (CAr) – Sudden Extend (p83), Warlock (p5),
Player’s Guide to Faerun (PGtF) – Arcane Preparation (p32),
Monster Manual (MM) – Multiweapon Fighting (p304),
Monster Manual II (MM2) – Multidexterity (p18)
Savage Species (SS) – Improved Multiweapon Fighting (p36), Multitasking (p37)
Magic of Incarnum (MoI) – Shape Soulmeld (p40), Totemist (p29)
Dragon Magic (DrM) – Wyrm Wizard (p55)
Web – Swiftblade ("http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070327”)
Fiendish Codex II (FC2) – Hellfire Warlock (p89)
Dungeonscape (Ds) – Trapsmith (p53)

Items not called out are either in the PHB or sub-items of higher level callouts (e.g. Warlock Invocations)

2019-11-27, 04:56 AM
Bloody hell, this entry is long enough to not fit in a single post!

Entry number 14, part 1:

Pahika Kanikani, the Wardancer
(Pronounced Pah-hee-kah Kah-nee-kah-nee)

Art by James Dimitri “Maori Warrior!”
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/xRykE (https://www.artstation.com/artwork/xRykE)

You might underestimate us at first. A band of tattooed “savages” emerging from the dawn forest, my song blending with the birds’ dawn chorus.

My song becomes a loud discordant wail. As I cut it off, we all—together—drop to one knee with a loud breath of fire “HA”, weapons drawn, staring at you, ferocious and disciplined.

I rise among the kneeling warriors. A young woman, with dark swirling tattoos carved into the right side of my face, arms and legs, standing tall.

I begin my wardance, as I chant my challenge. The warriors call out, slap their chests, and stomp their feet as percussive emphasis:

We represent the mana of great ancestors of our tribe. (“HA!”)
The mighty Taniwha Dragon Kamate lives on in us. (“HA!”)
The great and fearsome god of war himself empowers us. (“HA!”)
His might, his ferocity, and his merciless fury are ours. (“HAAA!”)

The warriors leap to their feet. Together, we slap our chests and legs, and stomp our feet, shaking the earth, our synchronous dance emphasizing the challenge we chant together:

You will not just die here today. Though you will die.
Your death will be thoroughly degrading and humiliating.

We will not just kill you; when the battle is over, you will become food.
We will consume your spirit and energy. What remains will be excrement.

There will be no memorial stone. Your people will never mourn you properly.
Your blood and bones will fertilize our gardens. Your grave will be our latrine pit.


As I roar like a Taniwha, our weapons burst into flame; they rumble like an impending storm.

At my gesture, our bodies and faces glow like hot lava, our eyes are twice normal size with the whites bulging and the irises glowing with fire, and our tongues seem longer and made of fire. Everyone who sees our grotesque faces and fails a will save is shaken.

I wardance towards you, graceful and fierce, my dance expressing ferocity and martial skill. You make another will save. Many of your comrades are frightened. They run.

I challenge: “send your leader forward”. Your remaining comrades nudge you to the front. Holding your gaze, I place a token of peace, a feather, on the ground between us. I step back, standing poised and ready.

Your choice is clear: pick up the feather and negotiate surrender, or refuse the feather and attack. I appear completely ready for your attack.

(To be continued…)

Buffing your comrades (and yourself) can reduce your fun, especially if you are good at it. By the time you have cast three or four buffs, the encounter is over.

While you have many useful options during encounters, you often don’t have time to use them. Today’s SI, helps get out of that rut, and gives you some serious options for when you do.

Bard/Sublime Chord, was my original chassis. It had flavor, but was generic and cheesy. It needed flaws and Sanctum spell to fit in what I’d need to make it less generic, and then and had too few 3rd level spells.

This build even better the SI in serval ways. It also naturally lends itself to a fun and complexly flavored build.

Some can’t imagining how dancing can inspire courage. This is how.

A Maori haka is a pre-battle wardance that both inspires courage on your side and intimidates your enemy.

This ritual war dance, draws on the mana (spiritual energy and reputation) of your ancestors. It draw on the gods’ mana (tapu), to enhance your morale and solidarity. It also threaten your enemies, not just with death, but degradation and humiliation. Sticking out your tongue is threatening “I will make you my food”. (To understand this ultimate degradation, think about what food becomes once it’s digested and expelled.)

Explanation and example of a Maori haka, as traditionally performed: https://youtu.be/a5oidQAyLQw(2 min).
A short written explanation of the meaning and history: https://www.dangerous-business.com/ka-mate-ka-mate-ka-ora-a-haka-history-lesson/

That is how dancing inspires courage, and fear: a Maori Haka.

News story about Te Amo Tāmainu, 17, whose skill led her to be the first woman in generations to lead a ceremonial Haka challenge, a role usually reserved for men: https://youtu.be/GarQkzA0BQs(2m46s). Watch to the end.

This gives us some very fun-to-roleplay uses of Inspire Courage (Inspiring Wardance) to increase mana and morale in yourself and your allies. Haunting Melody ACF (Intimidating Wardance), makes enemies within 30 feet shaken if they fail a will save. You draws on the God of War (Tu Matuenga) to empower your abilities (Arcane Disciple). Doomspeak bardic music taunt completely demoralizes your enemy (-10 to saves and all checks and attack rolls).

Maori culture and traditions can further flavor the character and build: perform oratory (telling stories of the great deeds of tribal ancestors), weaving skills in traditional Maori crafts baskets, tools, clothing, and wall panels (for War Weaver).

Dragonfire inspiration can have a traditional Maori Taniwha as a dragon ancestor. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taniwha

Power wise, a pyroclastic dragon is cool; half fire and half sonic damage. But, for silverbrow human, a silver dragon is traditional. Your damage would be cold. That would be ok.

But having flaming, thundering, weapons would sure be intimidating. The rule of cool might apply to this refluff.

WJ has some delicious unique spells for a Swiftblade, and some usually-druid elemental spells are nice too.

Body outside Body especially, is rather superpowered on this build. It seriously complements the SI’s last two levels, and so many other aspects of this build and theme.

The Watchful Spirit class ability is perfect on a swiftblade. Reroll an initiative roll 1/day. That is huge. Combining that with Swiftblade’s bonus to initiative, and high dex, you definitely go first!

The Wu Jen’s design also fits with minimal refluff to a Maori context, especially the Wu Jen taboos.

A Wu Jen’s magic must abide by certain taboos to maintain her supernatural status. A Maori spiritual leader (Tohunga) must also strictly abide by Tapu restrictions. Tapu is supernatural respect and authority (Mana) derived from closeness to the gods. (Explanation: https://media.newzealand.com/en/story-ideas/tapu-sacred-maori-code/) A Wu Jen/Tohunga is highly tapu.

People and things with high tapu need to be kept away from things with low tapu (noa). Anything or place related to death is tapu. A Haka puts warriors into a highly tapu state. Certain substances (water, food) are noa, so can cancel tapu. (also why making enemies into food is the ultimate degradation.) The extra tapu of battle must be removed before it’s safe to enter the mundane world again.
· Wash after battle: After a battle, especially if anyone dies, you must leave the area and wash your hands and face with fresh water, before you touch a person who did not participate in the battle. (Being unintentionally splashed or submerged doesn’t affect your tapu, though.)
· No food carried in battle: You cannot knowingly carry any food into battle (edible spell components must be properly blessed).

The metal silk scarf spells (entangling scarf, decapitating scarf) are refluffed as Poi: a string with a hard ball on the end of it used in dance and in martial arts training, especially by women. See https://bit.ly/37xFE9u

Note: I’m a Kiwi but not Maori. This build is offered with respect and a sincere desire to share this aspect of our culture. Kia Kaha!

CN Silverbrow Human Wu Jen 3/ War Weaver 2/ Binder1/ War Weaver +2/ Prestige Bard 1/ War Weaver +1/ Swiftblade 10/

Party role: Buffer, Face, BFC, Melee.

Point Buy












Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save (actual +1 Con)
Ref Save (actual + dex)
Will Save
(actual -1 wis)
Class Features

Wu Jen 1
0 (1)
0 (2)
2 (1)
Concentration 4, Craft Weaving 4, Intimidate 2 (cc), Knowledge (Arcana) 4, Perform (dance) 4, Spellcraft 4
H: Apprentice Entertainer (as Apprentice Wardancer)
B: Enlarge Spell
Watchful Spirit, Bonus Metamagic Feat,
Race: Featherfall 2/day
+2 Disguise
Tapu: Wash after battle

Wu Jen 2
0 (2)
3 (2)
Concentration 5, Craft Weaving 5, Intimidate 2.5 (cc), Knowledge (Arcana) 5, Perform (dance) 5, Spellcraft 5

Wu Jen 3
1 (2)
1 (3)
3 (2)
Concentration 6, Craft Weaving 6, Intimidate 3 (cc), Knowledge (Arcana) 6, Perform (dance) 6, Spellcraft 6,
Spell Secret: Apparition spell is always extended 2 rounds/level
Tapu: no carrying food

War Weaver 1
1 (3)
5 (4)
Concentration 7 , Craft Weaving 6, Intimidate 3.5 (cc), Knowledge (Arcana) 7, (cc), Perform (dance) 7
Perform (Oratory) 1, Spellcraft 7,

Eldritch tapestry

War Weaver 2
1 (3)
6 (5)
Concentration 8, Intimidate 4 (cc), Craft Weaving 6, Knowledge (Arcana) 8,
(cc), Perform (dance) 8, Perform (Oratory) 2, Spellcraft 8

Quiescent weaving 1

Binder 1
3 (4)
1 (7)
8 (7)
Concentration 8, Craft Weaving 6, Intimidate 8, Knowledge (Arcana) 8, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Perform (dance) 8, Perform (oratory) 2, Spellcraft 8, Tumble 0* (usable untrained
Improved Binding,
B: Weapon Finesse (rapier and shortsword),
B: Weapon Proficiency (rapier and shortsword),
B: Whirlwind Attack
Soul Binding, Paimon’s Dex (+4) Paimon’s skills (+4 dance
&tumble), *Tumble usable untrained, Uncanny Dodge, Dance of Death

War Weaver 3
4 (5)
3 (5)
8 (6)
Concentration 10, Craft Weaving 6, Diplomacy 1, Intimidate 8, Knowledge (Arcana) 10,
Knowledge (Religion) 2, Perform (dance) 10, Perform (oratory) 2, Spellcraft 10, Tumble 0*

Quiescent weaving 2

War Weaver 4
4 (5)
3 (5)
9 (8)
Concentration 11, Craft Weaving 6, Diplomacy 1, Intimidate 8, Knowledge (Arcana) 11,
Knowledge (Religion) 2, Perform (dance) 11, Perform (oratory) 2, Spellcraft 11, Tumble 0*

Quiescent weaving 3

Prestige Bard 1
4 (8)
11 (10)
Concentration 12, Craft Weaving 6, Diplomacy 2, Intimidate 8, Knowledge (Arcana) 11, Knowledge (History) 1, Knowledge (Religion) 4, Perform (dance) 12, Perform (oratory) 2, Spellcraft 11, Tumble 0*, Use Magic Device 6
Extra Music (5/day)
Bardic music: Inspire Courage (as Inspiring Wardance) +1, Haunting Melody (as Intimidating Wardance ACF), Fascinate, Bardic knowledge, +2 CL for div, ench, & ill. -2 CL for evoc & necro.
Cast any arcane spells in light armor.

War Weaver 5
4 (8)
11 (10)
Concentration 13, Craft Weaving 6, Diplomacy 2, Intimidate 8, Knowledge (Arcana) 13, Knowledge (History) 1, Knowledge (Religion) 4, Perform (dance) 12, Perform (oratory) 2, Spellcraft 13, Tumble 0* Use Magic Device 6.5(cc)

Quiescent weaving 5

Swiftblade 1
4 (5)
6 (10)
13 (12)
Balance 1, Concentration 14, Craft Weaving 6, Diplomacy 2, Intimidate 8, Jump 2, Knowledge (Arcana) 13, Knowledge (History) 1, Knowledge (Religion) 4, Perform (dance) 12, Perform (oratory) 2, Perform (sing) 1, Spellcraft 14, Tumble 4, Use Magic Device 6.5(cc)
Spring Attack
Swift surge +1/+0 ft.

Swiftblade 2
4 (5)
7 (11)
14 (13)
Balance 1, Concentration 15, Craft Weaving 6, Diplomacy 2, Intimidate 8, Jump 5, Knowledge (Arcana) 15, Knowledge (History) 1, Knowledge (Religion) 4, Perform (dance) 12, Perform (oratory) 2, Perform (sing) 1, Spellcraft 15, Tumble 5, Use Magic Device 7(cc)
Arcane Disciple (can cast Divine Power; resulting BAB is noted in parentheses)
Blurred alacrity

Swiftblade 3
5 (6)
7 (11)
14 (13)
Balance 5, Concentration 16, Craft Weaving 6, Diplomacy 2, Intimidate 8, Jump 5, Knowledge (Arcana) 16, Knowledge (History) 1, Knowledge (Religion) 4, Perform (dance) 12, Perform (oratory) 2, Perform (sing) 1, Spellcraft 16, Tumble 5, Use Magic Device 8(cc)

Sudden casting

Swiftblade 4
5 (6)
8 (12)
15 (14)
Balance 5, Concentration 17, Craft Weaving 6, Diplomacy 2, Intimidate 8, Jump 5, Knowledge (Arcana) 17, Knowledge (History) 1, Knowledge (Religion) 4, Perform (dance) 12, Perform (oratory) 2, Perform (sing) 1, Spellcraft 17, Tumble 9, Use Magic Device 9(cc)

Arcane reflexes,
swift surge +1/+10 ft.

Swiftblade 5
5 (6)
8 (12)
15 (14)
Balance 5, Concentration 18, Craft Weaving 6, Diplomacy 2, Intimidate 8, Jump 5, Knowledge (Arcana) 18, Knowledge (History) 1, Knowledge (Religion) 4, Perform (dance) 12, Perform (oratory) 2, Perform (sing) 1, Spellcraft 18, Tumble 13, Use Magic Device 10(cc)
Dragonfire Inspiration
Evasive celerity

Swiftblade 6
6 (7)
9 (13)
16 (15)
Balance 5, Concentration 19, Craft Weaving 6, Diplomacy 2, Intimidate 8, Jump 5, Knowledge (Arcana) 19, Knowledge (History) 1, Knowledge (Religion) 4, Perform (dance) 12, Perform (oratory) 2, Perform (sing) 1, Spellcraft 19, Tumble 16, Use Magic Device 11(cc)

Fortified hustle

Swiftblade 7
6 (7)
9 (13)
16 (15)
Balance 5, Concentration 20, Craft Tattoo 1, Craft Weaving 6, Diplomacy 2, Intimidate 9(cc), Jump 5, Knowledge (Arcana) 20, Knowledge (History) 1, Knowledge (Religion) 4, Perform (dance) 12, Perform (oratory) 2, Perform (sing) 1, Spellcraft 20, Tumble 19, Use Magic Device 12(cc)
Bounding Assault
Swift surge +2/+10 ft.

Swiftblade 8
6 (7)
10 (14)
17 (16)
Balance 5, Concentration 21, Craft Tattoo 2, Craft Weaving 6, Diplomacy 2, Intimidate 10(cc), Jump 5, Knowledge (Arcana) 21, Knowledge (History) 1, Knowledge (Religion) 4, Perform (dance) 12, Perform (oratory) 2, Perform (sing) 1, Spellcraft 21, Tumble 21, Use Magic Device 13(cc)
Diligent Rapidity

Swiftblade 9
7 (8)
10 (14)
17 (16)
Balance 5, Concentration 22, Craft Tattoo 4, Craft Weaving 6, Diplomacy 2, Intimidate 11(cc), Jump 5, Knowledge (Arcana) 22, Knowledge (History) 1, Knowledge (Religion) 4, Perform (dance) 12, Perform (oratory) 2, Perform (sing) 1, Spellcraft 22, Tumble 22, Use Magic Device 14(cc)

Perpetual Options

Swiftblade 10
7 (8)
18 (17)
Balance 5, Concentration 23, Craft Tattoo 4, Craft Weaving 6, Diplomacy 2, Intimidate 13(cc), Jump 5, Knowledge (Arcana) 23, Knowledge (History) 1, Knowledge (Religion) 4, Perform (dance) 12, Perform (oratory) 2, Perform (sing) 1, Spellcraft 23, Tumble 23, Use Magic Device 15(cc)

Innervated Speed,
swift surge +2/+20 ft.

Bolded spells are ones you might prepare regularly at this level, until you get better ones.
*One spell can be cast into tapestry, affects whole party
Note: From level 9 onwards, CL for necro & evoc are -2CL/ trans, conj, & abjur are normal CL/ ench, ill, & div are +2 CL.

Caster Level
Significant Spells Known That You Might Often Prepare


0: Resistance*, Ghost sound, Message, Prestidigitation, Detect Magic

1: Jump*,
Protection from Evil*(+AC, saves and counter mind-affecting)*,
Secret Signs* (message to your whole party, cast silent and still),
Scales of the Lizard*,
True Strike



2: Lightning blade*(everyone gets a lightning bolt to cast, or a touch attack lightning longsword), Apparition*(everyone gets extra face tattoos that give frightful presence), Blur*, Bull’s Strength*, Bear’s Endurance*, Cat’s Grace*, Invisibility*, Protection from Arrows*, Fire Shuriken, Hold Person, Spider Climb*, Entangling Scarf (as Entangling Poi)





3: Haste, Haste, Haste!!!
But also Displacement*, Tongues*, Dispel Magic, Protection from Energy*, Remove Curse*, Suggestion, Fire Wings, Elemental Eye, Plant Growth, Thornskin, Keen Edge

(Note: Haste is the only 3rd level spell you prepare or cast at 10th level)




4: Dancing Blade*, Polymorph* Good Hope*, Greater Invisibility*, Dimension Door*, Creeping Darkness, Lesser Spirit Binding, Solid Fog, Rain of Spines

(Note: Haste is the only 3rd level spell you prepare or cast this level)



From Arcane Disciple:
4: Divine Power
3: Magic Vestment,
2: Spiritual Weapon


5: Metal Skin*, Flame Strike, Teleport*, Dominate Person, Spirit Self,

CL 7/9/11


CL 9/11/13

6: Fire Seeds, True Seeing, Greater Dispel Magic, Eyes of the Oracle (+3 AC and Ref; Ready an extra standard action at the end of your turn),

CL 9/11/13

CL 10/12/14

CL 11/13/15
7: Body Outside Body, Haste , Giant Size, Decapitating Scarf (as Decapitating Poi), Limited Wish, Disintegrate
6: Haste

CL 11/13/15

Bonus spells from high Int:
At level 19 & 20: Starting with 18 intelligence, plus 5 from levelling, plus a +6 int item gives 29 int.

18 base+5 levelling+6 item=29 int:

Add a +5 tome or 5 wish spells = 34 int:

Add a Ring of Wizardry 3

2019-11-27, 04:58 AM
Entry number 14, part 2:

Your father is chief, a talented orator, inspiring war dancer, and fierce warrior. Your mother is a talented dancer and traditional weaver. You have been taught by both, including things girls don’t usually learn. Your tribe’s oral traditions and stories, traditional war dances and martial arts, and weaving and dancing. You incorporate martial arts and dance together, choreographing Haka.

You are not a skilled warrior (yet). Battle is not for girls. Instead, you help lead the haka challenge, and buff your warriors with your spells.

You remember the stories. You notice each warrior who falls in battle, you will tell the story of their glorious death to the rest of the tribe.

You are skilled, knowledgeable, inspiring, and the chief’s daughter. If you were his son, you would be expected to become chief. But the idea of a woman as leader is met with hostility and derision.

You create an adventuring party of your own. You will show them you can lead.

Levels 1-3 You are party face, buffer, and a standard caster. By 5thlevel (Wu Jen3/War Weaver 2), you can pre-cast a useful 1stor 2ndlevel buff spell and release it as a move action (though you have to high-five everyone for touch spells). Usual first round is a move action to release your Quiescent Weave and standard action to cast another buff into your tapestry that affects everyone.

Notable buffs to cast into the tapestry (aside from stat boosts, invisibility, etc.):
Apparition. You make everyone’s faces extra grotesque; anyone who views them must save or be shaken. This makes your warriors intimidating to observe.

Fear effects stack. Seeing one apparition makes you shaken. The next makes you frightened. A third makes you panic. On your whole party, it would shut down many encounters. But RAW, they should stack, especially if the enemy sees each new person in a different place, on subsequent rounds.

Lightning Bladecast into your tapestry gives everyoned a lightning bolt (or a touch attack lighting sword) that they can each cast, doing d6/CL of damage each(max 10d6). That’s up to d6/CL simultaneously from each member of your party. From a second level spell. War Weaver and Wu Jen makes a massive damage multiplier.

A visiting wizard joins your tribe or party in a battle, casting haste, including you in the effect. WOW!!! This feeling of speed and grace makes your Wardance smoother and faster, your leaps are higher, your gestures more energetic, and you cannot stay on the sidelines. You draw your taiaha spear/staff and dance across the battlefield, while beating several enemies to pieces. That was amazing!!!

After this experience, you spend much of your spare gold on scrolls of haste. You and your friends pool your money to buy a mostly-depleted wand of haste, and spend the entire night swiftly dancing around with your friends, gleefully taking extra attacks when sparring, and even picking a fight with an NPC warrior (which you lose). You spend the rest of the night in jail.

You cannot help wanting more and more of this speed.

Lots of changes in these levels, to set up the stuff that synergizes with the SI.

6: Binder 1. You take Improved Binding (+2 to the level of vestige). Every morning you make a pact with Paimon, the dancer. The pact grants you +4 untyped bonus to dexterity, weapon finesse and proficiency with shortsword; +4 to Perform (Dance) and to Tumble which you can use untrained; Whirlwind attack; and Dance of Death ability (1/5 rounds move your speed and make one attack on every opponent you pass).

If you fail a DC20 Binding check, you get the benefits of the pact, but one side of the mouth is pulled, a little open and a little longer. You drool a little. Your one-sided tattoos make your grin look even more intimidating (the fiercest warriors are often the ugliest). You are also lascivious and bold (that’s you anyway). You must dance when you hear music (you would dance anyway). Not a huge problem.

8. (Wu Jen3/Binder1/War Weaver 4) Able to hast Haste! Cast 3 spells of up to 3rd level into your Quiescent Weave (e.g. haste, Apparition and Cat’s Grace or Bear’s Endurance).

9: Prestige Bard: all arcane casting in light armor; bardic music; +2 CL to ill, ench & divspells. Necro & evoc at -2CL; lightning blade’s peak cooperative blasting of 10d6 each won’t be until 18th level (your DM will be relieved).

Your Haka Inspires Courage +1. (With Vest of Legends and Badge of Valor it’s +3.) Extra Musicfeat, for 5 uses per day. Haunting Melodyas an ACF (refluffed as Intimidating Wardance): enemies within 30 feet of any performance who fail a will save are shaken. Fear effects stack. Apparitionin your Quiescent Weave makes them shaken. Your Intimidating Wardancewill thus make them frightened. Moreover you have a decent Intimidate check (+11 without item boosts). Intimidating someone who is frightened, that you threaten in combat, makes them Panicked. Blocking their exit with an Entangling Poior a Wall of Gloom orWall of Bones(looks extra scary, too) , or by running faster stending in their way makes them cower.

10. Finish War Weaver (for better casting in the mid teen levels). You no longer have to high-five your whole party. And you can cast 4 spells of up to 5th level into it (when you get 5th level spells).

You have 4th level spells. Dancing Bladein your tapestry gives everyone a second weapon fighting for them on its own (using their BAB , but without strength modifier). Can’t be flanked, and twice as many attacks in a round.
Good Hope’s +2 morale bonus to attack and damage alleviates the need for Inspireing Wardance sometimes, saving your limited bardic music supply (also +2 to all saving throws and skill checks, and lasts much longer; 10 minutes/level.)
Polymorphyour whole party with one spell. (After the DM ask you please never again polymorph everyone into 10 headed hydras, you could limit it to making everyone into Giant versions of themselves, which is still pretty awesome.)

11. Swiftblade 1. Now we are cooking. Spring attack and +1 to attack and AC. You start dumping all skills that aren’t concentration, knowledge Arcana or spellcraft into tumble. Over 11 and 12, invest in jump and balance to 5 ranks each for synergies.

12. Miss chances. Take Arcane Disciplefeat. (You have 4 ranks in Knowledge: Religion.) When you call on your War God, he responds. You can cast Divine Power, making your BAB equal to your character level, +6 Strength and temporary hit points. Prepare that often. You can also call up a Spiritual Weapon(level 2 spell) to fight with you, alongside your dancing blade. And you get Magic Vestment, so your light armor can be enchanted with things like fortification, rather than enhancement bonuses to AC.

13. 30% miss chance to direct attacks. Swift action Haste. No need to cast Haste in your Quiescent Weave. Haste and four buff spells for everyone as a swift and move action. Your obligation to the party well satisfied, and you are free to melee, or cast a personal buff (Divine Power) or BFC in the first round of combat.
You get 5th level spells. Cast Metalskininto your weave to give everyone +8 Natural Armor. Scales of the Lizard(2 level) enhances that by +4 (at CL9). Teleportthe whole party and a few NPCs by casting it into your weave.

14: No casting progression again. But extra skirmish damage is nice.

15. 50% miss chance on attacks; 20% vs spells. Dragonfire Inspiration can add up to +3d6 of sonic and fire damage to every hit you and your allies make. That’s a lot of extra damage. All those Dancing Blades should benefit from this, too.

16 Swiftblade 6: Your haste is undispellable, and will even function in an AMZ.
6thlevels spells. Until you prepare Haste in this slot later on, Eyes of the Oraclegrants you +3 to AC and Reflex saves (you have Dragonblood), and an extra readied standard action. Fire Seeds(prepare earlier in the day for massive fire damage holly berry bombs). You also get True Seeing.

At 17 No casting progression. Bounding Assault(spring attack with an extra attack against a second target). And another +1 to attack, AC and reflex saves.

18: 50% miss chance on spells and attacks. Freedom of movement when hasted. Now you can cast a Solid Fog to hold your enemies in place, while you dance through it slicing them to pieces.
If you cast lightning blade in your weave, every party member would get a 10d6 lightning bolt. From a 2ndlevel spell.
Doomspeakfeat: your curses and taunts demoralize an enemy with -10 to all skill checks, ability checks, attack rolls and saving throws for a round.

19. Swiftblade 9. Perpetual Options. An extra standard action when hasted. That is huge. Cast a standard action spell and also make a full round attack or dance of death.

The usual limitation to Doomspeak is that it takes your standard action to perform, and only lasts one round, ending at the beginning of your next turn. So unless you have a swift action Save or Lose spell, only other party members can take advantage of your enemy’s massive -10 to saving throws attack rolls, skill checks and ability checks.

But Perpetual Options gives you a swift action and a standard action to take advantage of this demoralization yourself. Plus if you have Eyes of the Oracle active, you can ready a third standard action to take against them when they act (ready to cast Decapitating Poi when they start to perform any action).

7thlevel spells come on-line also at 18. Giant sizedis nice, but you have mass polymorph from a 5thlevel spell and your tapestry. Decapitating Poi(decapitating scarf; targets fort, use after Doomspeak).

But Body Outside Bodyis just nuts. It’s generally an awesome spell. For you it’s superpowered.

The whole schtick of Swiftblade at high levels is taking advantage of the action economy.
War Weaver directly sits the action economy down and tells it who’s boss.
Swiftblade would normally have it lying on the couch, hoping this would all just stop soon.
Body Outside Body normally sends it into the corner to cry quietly to itself.

But Body Outside Body on a Bardish Wu Jen Swiftblade, War Weaver, Wardancer, takes the action economy out behind the bikesheds, kicks its ass, and sends it bawling home to its mother.

BOB is a 7thlevel spell that "creates one or more indistinguishable duplicates of you, all of which share your ability scores, personality, class levels, skills, feats, and memories."

You would get two duplicates. With a Ring of Arcane Might and an Orange Ioun stone you’d get three.

They can't cast spells. But they can be affected by buff spells and bardic abilities, though. Like Haste.

Most haste-derived class abilities apply if you are under the effect of a haste spell you cast yourself.

The effects of your own Haste on you result from your particular physiology and knowledge and your casting that spell in your particular personally-tuned way.

If that is how this works (RAW it should—see the spoiler below), then Body outside Body is super-powered awesome on a Swiftblade gish!
[SPOILER=Justifying interaction between BOB and the Haste spell you cast yourself]
RAW note: The class abilities from haste apply "while under the effect of a haste spell that you cast yourself". It doesn't not say that you "cast onyourself".

The class describes the particular class abilities that are effects of Haste you cast yourself as being due to the way “your body is augmented with the residual energy of previous haste castings” (Swift Surge); "your understanding of the haste spell" (Blurred Alacrity); infusing "the energy of previous haste castings into your natural reaction time" (Arcane Reflexes); "your knowledge of the haste spell" (Evasive Celerity); knowing "how to intuitively absorb the haste spell into your body" (Fortified Hustle); that you know how to "automatically overcome magic and mundane obstacles with the haste spell" (Diligent Rapidity); and that you know how to "perform even more actions with the haste spell" (Perpetual Options).

These all seem to be the result of the way your particular haste spell, as you know how to cast it, affects your particular frequently -hasted physiology. It’s the synergy of your haste-addicted body and your haste-aficionado casting that makes the difference.

So your duplicates would also be attuned to the particular way that you cast Haste.

So if you cast BOB, to create duplicates of yourself, and then cast Haste targeting your duplicates as well as yourself, it seems that those duplicates should also count as "under the effect of a haste spell that you cast yourself", and gain all those sweet hasted abilities and protections.

Your duplicates, each have all your class abilities, feats, physiology and knowledge, and so each could benefit from all your haste-derived class abilities (50% miss chance vs attacks and spells, freedom of movement, extra actions when hasted by you).

The pact with Paimon is a class ability also. (But does each have a copy of your soul, and thus a soul bound to Paimon? That’s your DM’s call, and I could see them saying no, for power reasons.) But RAW, all the benefits of that pact are based on your class abilities and feat, so should be shared with your duplicates.

So you and your three copies have your +dex and feats, and can togetheruse dance of death. Each enemy gets a full-powered attack from each of you.

Furthermore, BOB multiplies bardic music. Each duplicate has your remaining uses of bardic music that day. They can each use Doomspeak, since it’s a feat and class ability!!! Each of them targeting one of the enemy group’s leaders, then you and your allies blast them and they all fail their saves.

Doomspeak is a demoralization. You can be demoralized twice and the effects stack (shaken becomes frightened). Do two different copies of you both cursing out the enemy mage make him -20 on all his saves for that round?
The rulebook your DM throws at your head probably implies that they should.

Your eldrich tapestry is also a class ability. Your inclusion is the result of a class ability! So the duplicates should also be attuned to the tapestry. So if you release Quiescent Weave after BOB, your duplicates get buffed too.

20. Swiftblade 10. This is why we are here. Some think 9thlevel spells are better, and worth more than taking this last level of Swiftblade. But recognize the value here. Swiftblade 10 has a class ability that’s better than one of the best ninth level spells.

What makes it better is that you can cast it as a swift action (you have Sudden Casting for haste), and you can choose exactly how long your time-stop will last. The predictable (chosen) duration (for you 1 or 2 rounds) depending on the spell level at which you cast Haste.

Here’s how this particular build, with War Weaver and Wu Jen, is especially well set up to take advantage of Innervated Speed.

On your turn, cast BOB, then take a move action to release your tapestry of buff spells, then cast haste (a swift action) in a higher-level slot (lets’ say 7thlevel, for 2 bonus rounds of time stop). This leaves a standard action after the time stop ends.

Cast a regular Haste again (swift action); it affects your duplicates and party when time resumes. Now you have Perpetual Actions during the time stop. Each round in the time stop, you have a swift action, a move action and two standard actions.

Having War Weaver makes you a hyperbuffer. You have already released your weave once. You could use some of the time stop (two standard actions in a round) to charge your Quiescent Weave with more buffs to release after time resumes.

You could also do the usual BFC (solid fog is nice since you have FoM).

As the time stop ends, you have a standard action left. This can be two move actions.
Move1: Releasing the raft of buffs you just cast into your tapestry, for yourself and your allies.
Move 2: Start a bardic music. E.g. use Doomspeak on your enemy caster. If you have Eyes of the Oracle running now (you should), ready to cast a Save or Lose at the enemy when he acts in any way.

As shame and regret wash over you in the afterlife, you recognize how foolish you were to not pick up the feather that young woman laid in front of you.

As you went to attack, everything happened in a flash. Suddenly, as though no time had passed, she was 20 feet away, shouting and dancing. And giant sized.

And there were three more of her, also giant-sized. All her warriors were also giants, and moving faster, their lava skin also metallic and tough. Extra weapons danced independently, beside the ones they each brandished.

Two of the versions of her danced through the solid fog that surrounded your comrades, attacking every one of your soldiers that they passed.

As she passed one also shouted out a stream of awful curses and epithets directly at you. Failing an impossibly high will save, your ability to defend yourself was scared right out of you. Her “sister” then flashed a ball on a string towards you, that stiffened into metal as it caught around your throat.

And that was it. The last thing you experienced was your head rolling away from your body across the battlefield, the dying screams of your comrades fading from your ears.

Some time later, as you contemplate what it’s like to have a detached head in the afterlife, you sense that back in the world of the living, that young woman has washed the tapu of battle away, and is steeling herself for the grisly task of eating your heart, roasted with sweet potatoes.

If only you had picked up the feather instead. Then you would be alive, and she would be eating roast pork….

Slotless: Orange Ioun stone.
Head: + intelligence item; add the Circlet of Persuasion ability to it (+3 to Cha based skill checks)
Shoulders: +Charisma item
Hands: +Gloves of Dexterity
Wrist: Counterstrike Bracers
Ring of Wizardry III ( at higher levels for extra castings of haste spells)
Ring of Arcane Might (+1 CL for level-based aspects of spells).
Throat: Badge of valor (3/day +1 to the bonuses from Inspire courage). A +Con Amulet of Health with this ability added would be a good idea at higher levels.
Torso: Vest of legends (another +1 to IC, by treating you as a bard of five levels higher than you are; also +5 to diplomacy and perform checks)
Waist: Belt of Battle (extra actions; I have not even factored that in in the awesomeness above)
Feet: Sandals of the Vagabond, until you can afford Slippers of Battledancing.

Masterwork tools for diplomacy (nice clothes), tumble (special socks), perform dance (Te Kanawa’s “Haka Chorography and Performance”), Spellcraft (Snizerenko’s guide to Somatic Movements and their Interpretation), Knowledge Arcana (Ignatious’s “Arcane spells and their obscure uses”), perform oratory (a flask of really good whiskey to clear your throat), and intimidate (your face tattoos).

Handy Haversack
Tempo Bloodspikes (for extra move actions)
Metamagic rod of Extend Spell and Lesser MM rod of Extend Spell (buffs last longer.
Lesser Metamagic Rod of Chain Spell (for non-tapestry buffs like Greater Magic Weapon)

Custom Magic Items:

Make it slotless (wear it as an earring). Undersong enables you to make a perform check in place of a concentration check anytime you need one.
Should cost 1.5(10 min/level spell) x1(spell level) x2(caster level) x2000 x2(no space limitation)= 12000 gp. If allowed one, you can dump concentration, maximize perform (dance), and free up some skill points (also, perform checks are much easier to boost).

Custom Runestaff for attuning to each morning.
· Harmonize (start bardic music as a move action)
· Heroics (fighter feats for everyone)
· Nerveskitter (cast into your weave for everyone!)
· Craft Magic Tattoo (+1 CL tattoo DC 20 can be tapped, taking 10, at 13CL)
· Assay Spell Resistance; cast this on yourself, while looking at an enemy, to give yourself +10 vs their SR.

Mithril chain shirt with Fortification (75% miss chance for critical hits and sneak attacks) and healing (heal 2d8+5 if you are -1 to -9 hp). Cast Magic Vestment on it. Armor crystal of lifekeeping (+5 save ands instant reroll save vs death effects)
Mithril buckler (Reflecting +5, Aporter (dim door20,000gp), with Crystal of Arrow Deflection )

Weapon Enhancements:
Eager +1 (+2 initiative, +2 dam in 1st round)
Warning +1 (+5 insight to initiative)
Holy +2 (you fight against the Bad Guys)
Shattermantle +1 (each hit reduce SR by 2)
Wand Chamber (Wand of Wraithstrike)
Good (from a sacred scabbard),
Keen crit 17-20 (keen edge spell),
Greater Magic Weapon (+3 enh)

You gain some very sweet goodies for a wardancing swiftbladefrom your daily pact with Paimon. Every one of them augments this character very well. It’s also nice to have them early. But you lose one more level of casting. Wu Jen 13 casting at the end is still very good. You still get 7thlevel spells. A deciding factor is that even without Binder, you would not get to 8thlevel spells anyway.

So I’d take the Binder level. But you might not.

If you didn’t, take another +casting class after the SI capstone, and take Practiced Spellcaster feat at 6th.

If you can persuade your DM to open Dragon Magic #314, and let you take two flaws (shaky and inattentive), you have the HeartFire Fanner Prestige Class. This requires two feats you would not otherwise take: Negotiator and Skill focus (perform). And an extra 10 ranks in Diplomacy, which you could do, with minor effort, since it’s an in-class skill thanks to Apprentice Wardancer.

Take this instead of Prestige Bard at 9. It grants the bardic music abilities of a 5thlevel bard. And it doesn’t delay spellcasting. It also grants access to ALL the bardic music effects as long as you have the required ranks in perform. Keep maximizing perform and you can Inspire greatness (etc.) through your wardances.

It also grants a new bardic music effect that grants your party members a temporary use of a Fighter Bonus feat (their choice). This would be worth it, if your DM let you take two flaws and use this Dragon Mag class.

And if that issue is open, check out the Gauntlets of Heartfelt blows. Add your Charisma Bonus as fie damage to all attacks.

Take Necropolitan Template at 3rdlevel. (Fluff it as a way to ensure you never break the “carry no food” tapu: you never eat or drink again). You lose a level and 1000 XP, but you can earn that back.

You get sweet undead immunities (especially immune to things your weak fort save would have failed to resist has you stayed alive). Replace your d4+1 and d6+1 with d12 hit dice. Plus your undead nature should make you more intimidating and scarier.
Your comrades will have to eat fallen enemies for you.

But protect against disintegration (ring of spell turning), since it’s a fort save effect that also affects objects. And murder the enemy Cleric before he turns you.

· PH
· DMG2
· Web (Swiftblade)
· HoB (War Weaver)
· UA (Prestige Bard)
· ToM (Binder)
· CA
· SC
· DM
· Fr
· CoR
· CM
· RotW

(As a note, this is the second time in my memory that I've had to split an entry across two posts!)

2019-11-27, 04:59 AM
Right, I think that's all the dishes, but there were a lot of entries, a lot of two-part messages, and a lot of resubmissions, so if you think I've missed anything please shout!

In the meantime, over to our judges!

2019-11-27, 05:05 AM
Healthy looking round. Can't wait to see what the other chefs made. Table of contents for the round:

1 Myra Dale
CN lesser Tiefling beguiler 5/warblade 1/jade phoenix mage 4/swiftblade 10 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281629&postcount=112)

2 Fëanáro Swiftfoot
CN Fire Elf Wizard 6 / Swiftblade 10 / Abjurant Champion 4 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281630&postcount=113)

3 The Whispering Wind
TN Raptoran Beguiler 7/Swiftblade 10/Unseen Seer 3 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281631&postcount=114)

4 Socko, the Wind Sock
(alignment LE?) Hatchling Phaerimm +2 LA / Sorcerer 1 / Paladin of Tyranny 3 / Sorcerer +1 / Swiftblade 10 / Arcane Duelist 2 / Warblade 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281633&postcount=115)

5 Chad the Fur(r)y
TN Human Fighter 1/Wu Jen 5/Swiftblade 10/Abjurant Champion 4 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281637&postcount=116)

6 Ferdinand Aloysius Sebastian Thennibyne
LG Illumian, uurnaen Monk 2 / truenamer 6 / fighter 1 / swordsage 1 / swiftblade 10 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281639&postcount=117)

7 Quick Man
LE Warforged Wizard 5, Warblade 1, Bloodstorm Blade 4, Swiftblade 10 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281641&postcount=118)

8 Persephone Scourge
LE human cleric of hextor 4/ordained champion 5/swiftblade 1/nar demonbinder 1/swiftblade 10 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281642&postcount=119)

9 Rukamuk
(alignment)Venerable Desert Loredrake DWK Battle Sorcerer 4/Swiftblade 10/Abjurant Champion 5/ Paragnostic Apostle 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281643&postcount=120)

10 Zagzag the Lightning Lizard
CE Venerable Dragonwrought Arctic Kobold Battle Sorcerer 8/Swiftblade 10/Dragonslayer 1/Thrall of Demogorgon 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281644&postcount=121)

11 Glozar Dunal
TN Human Bard 1/Binder 2/Anima Mage 6/Swiftblade 10/Sublime Chord 1

12 Caerulean LaRue, the Cloudthief
TN Azurin, Beguiler 7/Swiftblade 10/Mindbender 1/Unseen Seer 2 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281648&postcount=123)

13 Caelum Swyft, The Eldritch Storm
CG Human Duskblade 1/Totemist 2/Warlock 4/Wyrm Wizard 2/Swiftblade 9/Hellfire Warlock 2 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281649&postcount=124)

14 Pahika Kanikani, the Wardancer
CN Silverbrow Human Wu Jen 3/ War Weaver 2/ Binder1/ War Weaver +2/ Prestige Bard 1/ War Weaver +1/ Swiftblade 10/ (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281650&postcount=125)

With a cursory glance, I didn't see alignments for socko, chad, or rukamuk As I read or people notice them let me know and I'll edit the post accordingly. I assume socko is LE being a paladin of tyranny

2019-11-27, 05:07 AM
I've done a very quick scan of the entries, and there's some pretty funny stuff here. I'm fairly sure the lightning lizard is a reference to a some MOBA or another, with a funny write-up to boot, and I loved the 'haste-talk' from Persephone's writeup. Also, apparently it's possible to use truenamer to get into swiftblade?

2019-11-27, 05:09 AM
You're a fast reader. I'm still making the table of contents

2019-11-27, 08:41 AM
This looks fabulous.

Fascinating how allllmost everyone finished the SI! I was expecting more variation there.

From a 30-second scan of the stubs, looks like no one else did my fundamental joke. Looks like quite the variety, in fact. Marvelous. I’m looking forward to going through the builds in detail.

2019-11-27, 08:55 AM
If your dish is the one I suspect it is, well done I had quite a laugh

2019-11-27, 10:58 AM
Healthy looking round. Can't wait to see what the other chefs made. Table of contents for the round:

1 Myra Dale
CN lesser Tiefling beguiler 5/warblade 1/jade phoenix mage 4/swiftblade 10 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281629&postcount=112)

2 Fëanáro Swiftfoot
CN Fire Elf Wizard 6 / Swiftblade 10 / Abjurant Champion 4 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281630&postcount=113)

3 The Whispering Wind
TN Raptoran Beguiler 7/Swiftblade 10/Unseen Seer 3 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281631&postcount=114)

4 Socko, the Wind Sock
(alignment LE?) Hatchling Phaerimm +2 LA / Sorcerer 1 / Paladin of Tyranny 3 / Sorcerer +1 / Swiftblade 10 / Arcane Duelist 2 / Warblade 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281633&postcount=115)

5 Chad the Fur(r)y
(alignment)Human Fighter 1/Wu Jen 5/Swiftblade 10/Abjurant Champion 4 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281637&postcount=116)

6 Ferdinand Aloysius Sebastian Thennibyne
LG Illumian, uurnaen Monk 2 / truenamer 6 / fighter 1 / swordsage 1 / swiftblade 10 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281639&postcount=117)

7 Quick Man
LE Warforged Wizard 5, Warblade 1, Bloodstorm Blade 4, Swiftblade 10 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281641&postcount=118)

8 Persephone Scourge
LE human cleric of hextor 4/ordained champion 5/swiftblade 1/nar demonbinder 1/swiftblade 10 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281642&postcount=119)

9 Rukamuk
(alignment)Venerable Desert Loredrake DWK Battle Sorcerer 4/Swiftblade 10/Abjurant Champion 5/ Paragnostic Apostle 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281643&postcount=120)

10 Zagzag the Lightning Lizard
CE Venerable Dragonwrought Arctic Kobold Battle Sorcerer 8/Swiftblade 10/Dragonslayer 1/Thrall of Demogorgon 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281644&postcount=121)

11 Glozar Dunal
TN Human Bard 1/Binder 2/Anima Mage 6/Swiftblade 10/Sublime Chord 1

12 Caerulean LaRue, the Cloudthief
TN Azurin, Beguiler 7/Swiftblade 10/Mindbender 1/Unseen Seer 2 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281648&postcount=123)

13 Caelum Swyft, The Eldritch Storm
CG Human Duskblade 1/Totemist 2/Warlock 4/Wyrm Wizard 2/Swiftblade 9/Hellfire Warlock 2 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281649&postcount=124)

14 Pahika Kanikani, the Wardancer
(alignment) Silverbrow Human Wu Jen 3/ War Weaver 2/ Binder1/ War Weaver +2/ Prestige Bard 1/ War Weaver +1/ Swiftblade 10/ (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24281650&postcount=125)

With a cursory glance, I didn't see alignments for socko, chad, rukamuk, or pahika. As I read or people notice them let me know and I'll edit the post accordingly. I assume socko is LE being a paladin of tyranny

I've had a PM informing me Pahika is CN

2019-11-27, 11:19 AM
Corrected accordingly

2019-11-27, 11:36 AM
Done a first read through and these are lovely! Really fun to read, and interesting mechanics across the board. I'm going to throw out an Honorable Mention vote for F.A.S.T right now, because that is awesome and a bold deviation from anything I had expected, as well as really enjoying the fluff!

2019-11-27, 12:30 PM
Fiddled a bit with an Beguiler/Totemist/UnseenSeer/Swiftblade that was based around getting as many attacks as possible and learning Hunter's Eye via UnseenSeer and boosting the duration of it so I could sneak attack with a ton of weapons, but never got the time to actually sit down and hash it out

Hiro Quester
2019-11-27, 02:22 PM
Wow. There are some fun ideas here.

Persephone: I was hoping someone would manage to include a cleric with Celerity domain. I couldn't see how to make that work since SI progresses arcane casting. Nar Demonbinder. Cool.

Cerulen. La Rue: using spring attack to pick pockets is funny!

Zagzag's visual joke of the lizard running on water is great. Kudos. (I was expecting more people to use venerable;e dragonwrouught kobold, to be honest.)

Socco the Phaerimm is very interesting. I had never heard of that race before. But I'm struggling to understand how the Phaerim's doesn't lose casting progression for taking Paladin, and Swiftblade levels.

Is this based on the rule under "spells"? "
A Phaerimm casts spells as a sorcerer (caster level equals phaerim's character level)

I get that its 2 racial dice also stack with levels you take in sorcerer. But that rule about spells seems to apply to a pure Phaerim, not one that takes other class levels. C an it also increase sorcerer casting on levels tat normally don't progress casting?

How does it accelerates sorcerer casting progression (getting 9th level spells at 14th level)?

It's a really neat trick if it works. But I don't understand how it works. Can anyone explain this? I'm missing or misunderstanding some detail there, I'm sure.

Edit: oh and kudos to FAST for using Truenamer, in an interesting and potentially effective way. I need to read up on TN; I have always taken the conventional wisdom warning against them seriously, so have never looked closely at the class. I'm always happy to see folks defying conventional wisdom in interesting ways. (Plus as a linguistics and philosophy of language geek, I'm extra happy to see anyone using John Mc Whorter as inspiration.)

2019-11-27, 03:46 PM
My Build stub was Beguiler 6/Swiftblade 10/X 4...where X may have been anything that provided full casting and at least +3 BAB.

The build was more focused on being a Beguiler, and didn't really use Swiftblade all that much.

2019-11-27, 04:25 PM
I'm actually kind of surprised no one went trapsmith and focused more on the martial character aspect of the class. The trapsmith list isn't the greatest but it's solid and you can do a lot with 9 levels of martial classes.

2019-11-27, 05:25 PM
One of my discarded ideas was a trapsmith but it did not come together. And Piggy with his latest optimization showcase stole another one.

Hiro Quester
2019-11-27, 06:03 PM
Two different builds (Persephone and Pahika) make reference to cannibalism. I find that amusing theme I wouldn’t expect in a swiftblade.

2019-11-27, 06:34 PM
I was trying really hard to make a Tefflamar shadowlord work, but I gave up. I’m a bit surprised not to see anyone else succeed where I failed, especially because I was intentionally adding a few obtuse elements that someone else could easily have dropped.

Two different builds (Persephone and Pahika) make reference to cannibalism. I find that amusing theme I wouldn’t expect in a swiftblade.

That happens now and again. The first time I competed (ardent dilettante, eight long years ago!) we had two prostitutes with Vow of Poverty, which still makes me giggle now and then.

2019-11-27, 07:31 PM
I was trying really hard to make a Tefflamar shadowlord work, but I gave up. I’m a bit surprised not to see anyone else succeed where I failed, especially because I was intentionally adding a few obtuse elements that someone else could easily have dropped.I was thinking about it, but scrapped the idea when I realized Perpetual Options arguably made it worse (an extra attack at highest bonus on two or three full attacks is usually going to be better than a third or fourth full attack without the extra attack) unless I went for a probably wrong cheese reading where I got the extra standard on every full attack for unlimited Shadow Pouncing.

Hiro Quester
2019-11-27, 07:37 PM
I have read and re-read the “cautionary tale” fluff/background for Persephone three times now. Seriously, there are some very amusing, intriguing and ingenious elements, put together very smoothly and clearly. This is excellent character creation, storytelling and world-construction.

The foreshadowing of “caddy” on the monster farm is perfect.

It’s a great short story on its own merits. I would read a novel about that character/world.

Kudos to whoever wrote that. You should be proud.

2019-11-27, 08:16 PM
Kudos to whoever wrote that. You should be proud.

Very much seconded. I'm quite certain I've never been quite so charmed and creeped out by cannibalism

Piggy Knowles
2019-11-27, 08:32 PM
One of my discarded ideas was a trapsmith but it did not come together. And Piggy with his latest optimization showcase stole another one.

Ha, sorry about that. Actually the team irony is that we had a trapsmith swiftblade build pretty much ready to go, but when Helio revealed that this round would be swiftblade, we decided to shelve it until after the round was over and do some other showcases instead. Turns out our other idea ended up causing problems too...

2019-11-28, 04:40 AM
Chad has been updated to be TN

2019-11-28, 05:17 AM
One thing I'd tried to do was incorporate divine crusader into the build. This seemed to fit perfectly (including getting 9th level spells by the time I finished swiftblade), until I realized that swiftblade only advanced arcane casting.

Hiro Quester
2019-11-28, 09:19 AM
Finally, level 20, the stupidest of all possible class features: innervated speed. Consider this: greater speed of the zephyr creates the effect of haste. The spell level of an utterance can be increased (arbitrarily, even!) by increasing the Truespeak DC by multiples of 4 (ToM pg. 233). Can F. A. S. T. use this rule to get the effects of innervated speed? I think so. It's too damn funny not to try. Depending on just what items and other bonuses you're packing, you can get a long, loooong time stop (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sZsJyCyGBSI&feature=youtu.be) effect just by being really good at words. Which I think is damned appropriate for an illumian truenamer swiftblade at level 20, and again, it's too funny not to share.

Also, please watch that video. All of it. You will not regret it. You have my word as an Iron Chef.
Okay. That video was indeed worth it. Hilarious. A long loooong time stop....

The Viscount
2019-11-28, 12:28 PM
I'll be judging this round. I realized I forgot to announce and post my criteria earlier so I'm posting it now. Scores at some point in the near future.

Criteria are as follows, a modified version of the criteria from OMG Ponies. All builds will start with a base score of 12, representing 3 points in each category. Those category scores will change based on my answers to a series of questions, presented below. An answer of "Yes" will earn a +0.5 boost to that category, an answer of "No" will earn a -0.5 penalty to that category, while an ambivalent "Yes and no" will not change the score of that category at all. If there's a yes or no with a big but, it may merit 0.25 bonus or penalty. Thus, it is possible for a build to score anywhere between 1 and 5 points in each category. The questions are below:

1 Does the build present a compelling backstory or concept?
2 Does the build enter the Secret Ingredient through interesting or distinctive classes, or use interesting or distinctive means to fulfill prerequisites?
3 Does the build make use of any interesting race, class, feats, or mechanical tricks that the judge hasn't seen in common use before?
4 Does the build avoid "known cheese" and overused optimization suggestions?

1 Is the build capable of doing what it claims to do?
2 Does the build function at the same power level throughout an entire adventuring day, rather than relying on "nova" powers?
3 Does the build thrive without requiring specific magic items, templates, or other "add-ons" to qualify for anything?
4 Does the build contribute significantly in terms of offense, defense, and utility?

1 Does the build qualify for all classes taken outside the Secret Ingredient?
2 Does the build qualify for all feats taken?
3 Does the build avoid any rules errors, questionable rules interpretations, cross-setting material, or material specifically disallowed from this competition?
4 Does the build avoid excessive dipping (defined as taking 2 or fewer levels in 2 or more base/prestige classes)?

Use of the Secret Ingredient
1 Does the build qualify for the Secret Ingredient and make special use of entry requirements?
2 Does the build complete the Secret Ingredient or present a compelling reason why not doing so is actually a better use of the Secret Ingredient?
3 Does the build pair mechanical abilities of the Secret Ingredient with the rest of the build in unique ways (e.g. do something not every other entry can do)?
4 Does the build complement the concept of its chassis through use of the Secret Ingredient (i.e. does the entry feel like a Swftblade)?

Vincent Dragon
2019-11-28, 01:54 PM
Nobody thought of Spelldancer for Metamagic shenanigans? It is 3.0 but shares Dodge and Mobility as required feats with Swiftblade.

I was thinking about it, but scrapped the idea when I realized Perpetual Options arguably made it worse (an extra attack at highest bonus on two or three full attacks is usually going to be better than a third or fourth full attack without the extra attack) unless I went for a probably wrong cheese reading where I got the extra standard on every full attack for unlimited Shadow Pouncing.

You can use a magic weapon with "Speed" special ability to add 1 or Persisted Sakkratar's Triple Strike to add 2 extra attacks at full base attack bonus that doesn't stack with Haste's extra attack, which is no problem since Perpetual Options swaps Haste's extra attack for an extra action!

2019-11-28, 02:11 PM
Thought of spelldancer but if you want the most out of the SI it really limits options. Spelldancer requires 4 feats, plus 3rd level spells, and to get the most out of it you want minimum 2 metamagic feats in extend and persist. So 6 feats. That is a lot to grab.

2019-11-28, 04:45 PM
I was toying with a shadowcraft mage, with the joke being that I only knew how to cast two spells (silent image and haste), but shadowcraft mage ended up overwhelming swiftblade.

Hiro Quester
2019-11-28, 05:40 PM
I also considered spelldancer a few ways. It’s excellent if you are going the persistomancy route. Persisting Hunter’s Eye on an unseen seer can augment a sneak attack swiftblade well. But it does eat up feats you need to do something original. And it’s been done.

2019-11-28, 05:49 PM
I was thinking about it, but scrapped the idea when I realized Perpetual Options arguably made it worse (an extra attack at highest bonus on two or three full attacks is usually going to be better than a third or fourth full attack without the extra attack) unless I went for a probably wrong cheese reading where I got the extra standard on every full attack for unlimited Shadow Pouncing.

Hmm, could work if you added Totemist 2 for standard and move action teleports. Perpetual Options then gives you a full extra full-attack. Something like Totemist 7/ Teflammar Shadowlord 4/ Swiftblade 9. Kind of wastes the extra casting, though.

Piggy Knowles
2019-11-28, 05:55 PM
I toyed with a spelldancer but didn't like how it pretty much locked you in 100% to a very specific build.

I also played a bit with a minionmancer, under the idea that a character who spams haste likes having lots of warm bodies on the field to benefit from that. I had a build stub I liked that used a savage bard with Greenbound Summoning and Green Ear to buff her summons, and with diligent rapidity to move through the walls of thorns her monsters created.

I got a bit stuck on how to make Spring Attack work well, though, and while I was thinking about it I had another idea that I liked more. I was hoping to maybe do two entries, but it wasn't really in the cards for me...

2019-11-28, 07:25 PM
Hmm, could work if you added Totemist 2 for standard and move action teleports. Perpetual Options then gives you a full extra full-attack. Something like Totemist 7/ Teflammar Shadowlord 4/ Swiftblade 9. Kind of wastes the extra casting, though.The problem wasn't getting the standard/move/swift teleports. I was pretty confident I could do that. The problem was that three full attacks in a round with an extra attack from Haste was going to be better than 3 full attacks in a round without that extra attack, plus an extra full attack from a Perpetual Options Shadow Pounce. If, as Vincent Dragon says, I could get the extra attack on each full attack that doesn't stack with Haste from items, then something like PsyRogue 1/Monk 2/Totemist 2/Hit-and-Run Sneak Attack Fighter 1/Warblade 1/Shadowlord 4/Swiftblade 9 (qualify for Shadowlord with Lesser Mark of Passage or Catalogues of Enlightenment, swift teleports via Hidden Talent (Dimension Hop)) is decent, though it doesn't get that much out of Swiftblade until the 4th full attack comes online.

2019-11-28, 08:38 PM
I was trying to use Death Master's 3/4 BAB to get into Swiftblade a level earlier than standard entry, but it was hampered by only having Haste via Arcane Disciple, and I couldn't really make it do anything interesting.

Still, it did amuse me from the PoV that sacrificing everything to get into Swiftblade as fast as possible seems like a very Swiftblade-ish thing to do.

Hiro Quester
2019-11-28, 09:51 PM
Still, it did amuse me from the PoV that sacrificing everything to get into Swiftblade as fast as possible seems like a very Swiftblade-ish thing to do.

I had a build idea similar to this POV. The idea was to play it as a speed addict. After being the recipient of a haste spell, he does everything he do can to get that speedy feeling again. Scrolls, offering “services” to wizards. Cast haste himself as early as possible, then swiftblade ASAP.

And role play this as a speed addiction. He is irritable and distracted and impatient all the time, unless hasted. No planning. All live-in-the-moment. Only when hasted can he plan, think clearly, act with grace and skill, etc. He is graceful and charming when hasted, and clumsy and grouchy when not hasted.

But I couldn’t think of anything other than kobold sorcerer to build this on. And the roleplaying flavor of a kobold haste addict just wasn’t enough to carry that through any interesting build that hadn’t been done before.

I'm surprised that haste addiction wasn’t a theme in more builds, to be honest. Persephone vowing to not do any “H” around her parents, and Pahika obsessively buying wands and scrolls until she can cast it herself, are the only ones that even hint at it, as I recall.

((Note: I recognize that speed addiction isn’t funny IRL. But this is roleplaying. Pacts with demons, worshipping a god of slaughter, or being a murderhobo aren’t that funny IRL either.))

2019-11-28, 11:00 PM
I was trying to use Death Master's 3/4 BAB to get into Swiftblade a level earlier than standard entry, but it was hampered by only having Haste via Arcane Disciple, and I couldn't really make it do anything interesting.

Still, it did amuse me from the PoV that sacrificing everything to get into Swiftblade as fast as possible seems like a very Swiftblade-ish thing to do.I played with Death Master entry as well, but it turns out there are no evil deities with the Time domain, so since your alignment has to match your deity's for Arcane Disciple, you can't actually qualify. I think I might've found one Celerity option, can't remember offhand, but since that delays entry to level 7, it defeats the point anyway.

2019-11-29, 10:03 AM
I played with Death Master entry as well, but it turns out there are no evil deities with the Time domain, so since your alignment has to match your deity's for Arcane Disciple, you can't actually qualify. I think I might've found one Celerity option, can't remember offhand, but since that delays entry to level 7, it defeats the point anyway.

Alignment changes could handle that, though probably with an elegance penalty. I forget, does having the [Evil] subtype allow you to count as evil for prereqs even if you're not?

2019-11-29, 10:38 AM
I was thinking about doing something with Primal Scholar to recur Hastes using Secret of Power, but getting to 6th level slots would require levels in Legacy Champion or similar as well which I wasn't able to get to fit with Innervated Speed.

2019-11-29, 11:10 AM
Alignment changes could handle that, though probably with an elegance penalty. I forget, does having the [Evil] subtype allow you to count as evil for prereqs even if you're not?

Not sure, but Heretic if the Faith could do the trick

2019-11-29, 01:18 PM
Alignment changes could handle that, though probably with an elegance penalty. I forget, does having the [Evil] subtype allow you to count as evil for prereqs even if you're not?
Since the succubus paladin counts as all 4, I think it does.

Not sure, but Heretic if the Faith could do the trick
It could, but it'd be easier to just change your alignment from death master since there's no verbiage on ex-death masters

Hiro Quester
2019-11-29, 01:20 PM
The Persephone build uses Heretic of the Faith to get haste as a domain spell on a cleric of Hextor/ordained champion nar demonbinder. But that and arcane disciple is feat-heavy. Persephone uses OCs bonus feats to solve that problem.

2019-11-29, 02:25 PM
Not sure, but Heretic if the Faith could do the trickHeretic of the Faith requires you be a divine caster, and also makes one feat too many for a Human Death Master 5 to qualify.

2019-11-29, 03:08 PM
Alignment changes could handle that, though probably with an elegance penalty. I forget, does having the [Evil] subtype allow you to count as evil for prereqs even if you're not?

It does. I don't have the citation to hand but I'm quite certain of it.

2019-11-29, 04:37 PM
Alignment changes could handle that, though probably with an elegance penalty. I forget, does having the [Evil] subtype allow you to count as evil for prereqs even if you're not?

Makes you count as evil for all "effects". SRD being helpfully precise as always. Considering class levels to be an "effect" is a little sketchy... but technically legal! (The best kind of legal).

2019-11-29, 07:50 PM
I really love some of these builds. If I had entered, it would have been with a spin on an old favorite character of mine (Wizard into runesmith into Swiftblade to be a dwarf running around with 70ft move speed in dwarven stone plate just baffling everybody), but the idea just honestly isn't that original and I didn't feel was worth doing.

Meanwhile, I am reading through these entries... my favorites are all of the really unusual entries. Particularly F.A.S.T. (seriously, a truenamer? And it's functional? What?!), Caelum (I love the use of Wyrm Wizard to enter with such low level Duskblade casting, and focusing on Warlock EB shenanigans instead), Glozar Dunal (Anima Mage into Swiftblade is a combination I never would have considered, but the binding adds a fair bit of flexibility and gishiness that just works), and Socko (honestly I have almost no idea how this character functions, and had never heard of the race, but I love the slightly creepy vibe and debuffing focus of the build).

I was also surprised at the number of beguiler entries. It's not an entry I would have even considered personally, so it was an interesting take for me.

Hiro Quester
2019-11-29, 11:22 PM
The anima mage’s binding is fun. Lots of gishy options there. The Vestige Metamagic ability to apply 1/day Metamagic at the cost of only 5 rounds without access to the bound vestige, is interesting. I had never looked at the class before, so never noticed that as a source of Metamagic shenanigans.

It doesn’t seem to matter, as written, which Metamagic you use. So persistent spell without raising the level. That is awesome. Esp if you can use it on higher level spells that are not normally persistable. Persistent shapechange!!

Though using it to persist a haste spell seems like it should not work. It’s normally only for personal spells. Is there a trick to persisting haste we should know about? It seems like swiftblade would of course want to do that (a few builds here are examples). But I don’t see how that’s possible without some tricks I don’t understand yet.

Edit: I’m also intrigued by the anima mage ability to give up an ability from binding, in exchange for an extra spell of any level. That’s useful, since most vestiges supply at least one meh ability it would be worth trading.

2019-11-29, 11:47 PM
Its a bit of a stretch but vestigal metamagic lets you apply "any metamagic you know to a spell you cast this round. " it doesnt spell out anything like "that you normally could". Shaky at best but an argument can be made.

Hiro Quester
2019-11-30, 04:04 PM
Yeah. It does seem a stretch though, to apply metamagic to a spell that metamagic feat explicitly cannot apply to. Persisting a level 4+ spell seems legit. The normal constraint of adding +6 levels is a problem for lack of 9+ level spells., not because of the feat’s rules.

But persisting a spell that isn’t personal or fixed range, when the feat is explicitly limited to such spells, seems to be pushing it.

2019-11-30, 05:15 PM
Ocular Spell is the typical way to persist most things, with Spellguard of Silverymoon shenanigans a close second if I recall correctly (never done this myself).

Hiro Quester
2019-12-01, 12:07 AM
Ocular Spell is the typical way to persist most things, with Spellguard of Silverymoon shenanigans a close second if I recall correctly (never done this myself).


Spellguard can cast a personal range spell on another as a touch spell. I don’t see how that enables you to persist normally non-persistable spells.

Ah.... ocular spells makes a non-personal range spell into a ray of 60 feet, thus a fixed-range spell, and that is then a valid target for persist? Can you hit yourself with a ray spell?

Or are these both enabling you to persist spells cast on other folks?

either way, I don’t see these abilities being usable for builds like Glozar to persist a haste spell.

2019-12-01, 12:57 AM
Spellguard can cast a personal range spell on another as a touch spell. I don’t see how that enables you to persist normally non-persistable spells.

Ah.... ocular spells makes a non-personal range spell into a ray of 60 feet, thus a fixed-range spell, and that is then a valid target for persist? Can you hit yourself with a ray spell?

Or are these both enabling you to persist spells cast on other folks?

either way, I don’t see these abilities being usable for builds like Glozar to persist a haste spell.

Ocular Spell makes spells a fixed range (ray 60') and thus Persist-able (So Haste would be Persist-able). Consensus seems to be that you can point at yourself and hit with a Ray spell. With Spellguard you can then persist personal spells on allies, but yeah, I don't think Spellguard helps you persist on yourself unless I've forgotten something about the combo.

2019-12-01, 12:58 AM
Ocular Spell makes spells a fixed range (ray 60') and thus Persist-able (So Haste would be Persist-able). Consensus seems to be that you can point at yourself and hit with a Ray spell. With Spellguard you can then persist personal spells on allies, but yeah, I don't think Spellguard helps you persist on yourself unless I've forgotten something about the combo.

Couldn't you just shoot your familiar and then have the familiar share it with you?

Akal Saris
2019-12-01, 12:58 AM
Hey everyone! I just wanted to pop into the thread to say congratulations to all the chefs participating in Iron Chef and making sure that it's still running strong all this time! And thank you to Heliomance for organizing the contest :)

Btw, speaking of persisted spells, one of my favorite combos for Swiftblade is the Spell Dancer prestige class. The prereqs and flavor both match well, and you can build a gish with tons of persisted spells by ECL 11 or so :) For example, Fire Elf Wiz 6/Swiftblade 9/Spelldancer 2/Abjurant Champion 3 would work as a build, though I think it would need a flaw to get Aerenei Focus for skills proficiency in dance.

2019-12-01, 02:18 AM
i'd considered a wand wielder entry into swiftblade, and abusing that mechanic, however after my initial build, i both ran out of time, and brain power to make it work. i also think i needed a few more levels to get it all in how i was thinking. having recently read up on warforged, that seemed a fun route to take, and the fluff would've been interesting, but no steam left for a second entry

Hiro Quester
2019-12-01, 08:24 AM
i also think i needed a few more levels to get it all in how i was thinking

That describes the common problem with Swiftblade, I think. there are so many fun things it would combine with. But to make that an interesting combination you need a couple more levels. Swiftblade 9 and 10 are the sweet spot in most builds. But combining them with other flavors often meant you get swiftblade 10 at 21 level.

The Viscount
2019-12-08, 11:29 PM
Hey guys, sorry to disappoint but I'm still working on judgings (current status 1.1/14) and won't realistically have time to pick back up until the end of the week. I'm still going to finish, it just might take a little while.

2019-12-08, 11:31 PM
Thanks for the update.

Hiro Quester
2019-12-09, 12:49 AM
Yeah. Thanks for the update (it will save me obsessively reloading the page a few times a day to check).

And thanks again for making the time to judge even though it's a busy time.

Better to take the time to be thoughtful and careful. Take your time.

I know we took extra time to get builds written, And I appreciate the time. So it's only fair, IMHO, to be very forgiving on the judging end too.

2019-12-09, 07:06 AM
Aye, take your time judging. Holiday season slows stuff down at the best of times on top of any other RL stuff.

2019-12-09, 02:36 PM
Honestly I wouldn’t even have time to read and properly digest the judgments this week anyway.

The update is appreciated, but no need to sweat it!

2019-12-27, 04:34 PM
While The Viscount has been doing us all a solid and slogging through judging the 14 builds we collectively submitted, my brain has been stuck on the Swiftblade and all the other ways I could have used it. I've come across an Iaijutsu Focus build (two variations actually) that I thought was kinda fun and I would share. If anyone else has Swiftblade ideas that didn't make the final cut I'd be interested in seeing them as well.

Build Stub #1:

Race: Kalashtar
Classes: Savant 1/Fighter 1/Soulknife 6/Swordsage 1/Trapsmith 1/Swiftblade 9/??? 1
ACFs: Drow Hit and Run Fighter, Sneak Attack Fighter, Unarmed Swordsage

1: Weapon Finesse
F: Expeditious Dodge
F: Mobility
3: Craven
6: Psionic Meditation
9: Psychic Renewal
11B: Spring Attack
12: Staggering Strike
15: Shadow Blade
17B: Bounding Assault
18: Snap Kick

The full trick here comes online at Swiftblade 9, with Perpetual Options. Basically, each turn you can manifest two Mindblades into your empty sheathes as a free action, use Bounding Assault to get two attacks as a Standard Action, allowing you to use Sapphire Nightmare Blade for the first one to force Flat Footed on the target to trigger Iaijutsu Focus and Sneak Attack, Staggering Strike then makes the target Flat Footed for the second attack, triggering Iaijutsu Focus and Sneak Attack again. Once you've done that, you can expend your Psionic Focus as a Swift action to recover Sapphire Nightmare Blade with Psychic Renewal (Kalashtar gives you the pp to use this trick reliably) and then use your extra partial action from Perpetual Options to become Psionically Focused as a move action through Psionic Meditiation. Rinse and Repeat. You also get Dex to damage twice from Hit and Run Tactics and Shadow Blade (if your DM allows you to take Assasin's Stance, do so (I don't believe you can personally), otherwise Child of Shadows will do just fine), Sneak Attack damage from Craven and any additional SA you can pick up, and Snap Kick can give you extra attack(s). All in all, not too shabby, and actually makes use of Spring Attack/Bounding Assault in a manner that is preferably to a full attack since you cannot use a Martial Strike on a full attack. I used Soulknife here because i like the flavor of the class, and finding ways to reliably trigger iaijutsu Focus without Gnomish Quickrazors is somewhat difficult. However, if you're not adverse to the Quickrazors and standard CharOp cheese, this can get quite a bit better:

Build Stub #2:

Race: Kalashtar
Classes: Savant 3/Monk 2/Swordsage 1/Trapsmith 1/Swiftblade 9/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2
ACFs: Cobra Strike Monk, Wolf Totem Barbarian, Crafty Hunter (you can't use Iaijutsu Focus while raging), Drow Hit and Run Tactics Fighter

1: Weapon Finesse
F: Psionic Meditation
F: Combat Reflexes
2B: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Gnomish Quickrazor)
3: Staggering Strike
4B: Dodge
5B: Mobility
6: Shadow Blade
8B: Spring Attack
9: Psychic Renewal
12: Craven
14: Bounding Assault
15: Elusive Target
18: Knock Down
18B: Improved Trip
19B: Snap Kick
20B: Open

This version comes online earlier at lvl 16, and has many more ancillary bits on the top end. Getting Knock Down means that depending on how you read everything, you might get up to eight attacks out of Bounding Assault (Sapphire Nightmare Blade Strike into Snap Kick into Knock-Down into Improved Trip attack into Snap Kick, followed by Bounding Assault second attack, etc.) assuming that you don't allow Knock-Down and Snap Kick to iterate to infinity. Elusive Target helps make you even harder to hit (Swiftblade's 50% miss chance, plus DEX primary and twice WIS to AC can add up). This version is just generally better, but I still like the Soulknife version, if only because it doesn't rely on equipment to function.

Anyways, I wanted to get this out of my head/computer onto the page so that it would hopefully stop keeping me up at night. If anyone else has builds they didn't submit that are ready to share I would be interested in seeing them!

2020-01-08, 06:00 AM
Hey, Viscount! First of all, a happy new year to you (as well as everyone else that's part of this competition). Do you have any updates on how the judging is going, even if it's just a 'still working on it, but life is stil getting in the way so it'll take a while still'?

The Viscount
2020-01-11, 10:14 PM
You've essentially got it right there. I am still committed to and working on judging this round. Unfortunately I haven't made much progress since last update with the holidays and me getting sick getting in the way. I am hoping to be more productive in the near future; I can't give a good estimate on when I'll be done though. Thank you for checking in, and thank you for your patience.

2020-01-12, 03:36 PM
No pressure, mate. It's worth the wait! Thanks for the update! (This didn't originally rhyme but now it's too late. Don't hate.)

Hiro Quester
2020-02-23, 01:38 AM
The site is back from hiatus. I’m partly posting to bump this back onto the first page for ease of finding it again.

I expect while the outage gave our judge time to work on scoring the entries, it probably also made it impossible to access them. So I’m guessing it could still be a while.

No pressure either way. But some news about how things are progressing would be welcome.

2020-02-25, 12:08 PM
Feels good to be back!

2020-03-05, 09:44 AM
Apologies for not posting this much sooner. Haven't visited the site in awhile.

ICO Spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oyjVU5JmeCnC8YTMqDArDqE5PszHl0Ysadz630kuTGk/edit?ts=59a4835f#gid=0&range=A1032:A1045) has been updated with the dishes from this cook.

The Viscount
2020-03-13, 08:58 PM
The site is back from hiatus. I’m partly posting to bump this back onto the first page for ease of finding it again.

I expect while the outage gave our judge time to work on scoring the entries, it probably also made it impossible to access them. So I’m guessing it could still be a while.

No pressure either way. But some news about how things are progressing would be welcome.

Unfortunately, the outage did hinder my work. I'm at 3 entries completed right now, but I'm still working on them. I appreciate everyone's patience with how long this is taking.

2020-03-14, 03:41 AM
Courage, mate :) thanks for the ongoing effort!

2020-03-14, 06:34 PM
The fact that you’re alive and kicking is enough for me!

2020-03-20, 03:26 AM
If judges are needed i can try i have a lot of free time for now

2020-03-20, 03:41 AM
If judges are needed i can try i have a lot of free time for now

More judges are allways welcome!

The Viscount
2020-03-24, 04:42 PM
I'm back! Thank you everyone for you patience over this. I'm sorry it took me so long. I love all of you. Be proud of what you did. Don't let my criticisms detract from that. Check my math.

My criteria are found here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24283651&postcount=150)

Myra Dale 17.25

Originality 3.5
1. Nice story, and I like the idea of using time stop for theft. I wish there was more of it, though. +0.25
2. I can’t say I see a lot of Tieflings, that’s worth something. +0.25
3. I’m not seeing anything particularly special going on here. -0.5
4. Normal stuff, nothing crazy. +0.5

Power 5
1. Your tricks are all legal and feasible. Using extra actions to buff is a sensible and good use of your actions. +0.5
2. Beguiler’s got a healthy amount of spells, and maneuvers are of course bottomless. +0.5
3. You don’t need anything but the basic gear. +0.5
4. You’ve got all three areas covered. +0.5

Elegance 4
1. You qualify for Jade Phoenix Mage; thank you for tagging your maneuvers. +0.5
2. I’m sorry, but no. Weapon Finesse requires a BA of +1, which you do not have at level 1. -0.5
3. Everything clear and straightforward. +0.5
4. Only the one dip with warblade, and there’s a clear reason. +0.5

UotSI 4.75
1. You qualify for the ingredient. You can use midnight dodge’s essentia for your impulse boots and that’s something. I wish there was more. +0.25
2. You completed the SI, a wise choice. +0.5
3. You make use of the time stop to steal, which is a nice way to do stuff during the freeze. Using your improved speed to run bigger circles with ring of fire is a nice touch. +0.5
4. Speed is definitely the focus here, and Jade Phoenix Mage certainly fits the gish nature. +0.5

Fëanáro Swiftfoot 16

Originality 2.25
1. We’ve got the settings of a scene here, but I need more to get an idea of who this is. It’s not nothing, but it’s not enough. -0.5
2. Wizard is a very standard entry. Not using a Full BA class is surprising, but you probably should have. Martial wizard for feats makes clear sense but isn’t the first thing I think of. Elf for martial weapon proficiency is neat. Plus and minus on this one.0
3. Fire elf and burning rage is a small combo, but a nice one. +0.25
4. Abjurant Champion is the first class you think when you hear gish. I’d be kinder if it did something for you, but it’s just progressing BA and casting with a bit of health. It’s a filler class without its capstone (which I understand that you don’t need), and ending on filler is like polenta for dessert. -0.5

Power 4.75
1. You make reasonable statements about your abilities. I appreciate you pointing out favorites and combos to help me gauge what you’re like. +0.5
2. There isn’t really anything single use here, but as a wizard you’re not exactly made of spell slots. You’ll survive just fine for most of the day, but I could see a long adventuring day with a few encounters draining your resources. You’ve got persist and extend of course, but that means you’re running out of high level slots for lower level buffs. +0.25
3. The only equipment you mention is a sizing weapon, which it’s not like you need to make the gimmick work. Worst case scenario you can find swords that big. +0.5
4. You’ve certainly got offense and defense covered as a focused transmuter, and even though you’ve banned illusion (which I took a hard look at) you’ve still got conjuration to fill in the cracks with defense and utility. I appreciate you explaining why you chose to keep necromancy over illusion. It makes my job easier when I don’t have to guess what you’re thinking. +0.5

Elegance 5
1. Abjurant Champion is your only other class and you certainly qualify. +0.5
2. You qualify for your feats. Not penalizing, but I’m confused at what Guerilla Warrior is doing for you. Are you prioritizing spot/listen to avoid ambush or just as a place to put your points? While I’m whining, please cite your sources. +0.5
3. I was getting ready to ding you for specializing with elven wizard, but you only do it at level 3 and it surprisingly allows you to do this. Sneaky. +0.5
4. Clean and dry, no dips here. +0.5

UotSI 4
1. You do use the prerequisite feats to get you in to elusive target, but I’m not sure how often you’re really going to be using it. +0.25
2. You complete the SI. I’d be sad if you didn’t. +0.5
3. You helped yourself by talking about specific spells you use, but there isn’t much here that would set you apart from another wizard/swiftblade. -0.25
4. I can’t say abjurant champion doesn’t go with swiftblade, it’s the gish your gish wishes it could be like. Wizard goes because it doesn’t have an overriding flavor. Looking from afar the straight wizard entry is a little weird, but martial feats help add in those gish aspirations, and the build comes together once you’re in the SI. This is a build about going fast and hitting hard, and that’s swiftblade. +0.5

The Whispering Wind 18.75

Originality 4.25
1. I love this backstory. Concept is clearly presented and cool. Top marks. +0.5
2. Beguiler’s not necessarily obvious, but it makes a little too much sense to give you a lot of credit for using it. You get a little credit for toughing it out waiting to enter instead of tossing in a level of something brutish. -0.25
3. Using your speed as a method of evading detection is clever, and it ties back into your concept, too. +0.5
4. Nothing overused here. +0.5

Power 4.5
1. You’re certainly a good sneak, but maybe not quite as good as you say. You have Darkstalker, but you start needing it basically from level 1. Beguiler’s spell list won’t help you enormously offensive-wise, and you’re struggling a little for oomph when you hit your foes. +0.25
2. You’re not using your nova trick often as you explain, and beguiler has the slots to last you through the day. +0.5
3. Nothing you need besides the absolute basics. +0.5
4. You’ve got defense and utility down, but offense is lacking. Beguiler has almost no damaging spells, and a distressing number of enemies will be immune to all the mind affecting spells you have. You do still have options for dealing with them as you discussed, but your hits don’t have much behind them. UMD could have helped you cover this if you had invested in it, which I’m surprised you didn’t. +0.25

Elegance 5
1. You put your skills to good use qualifying for Unseen Seer. +0.5
2. You qualify for all your feats. I cry for you being unable to trade unseen seer’s superfluous silent spell. +0.5
3. You are very fastidious with your rules, especially the bit about skirmish. For what it’s worth, I would give you the extra die from Unseen Seer. +0.5
4. You don’t dip, and it pays off. I don’t love going back into beguiler at the last level, but you have a very compelling reason to do so. +0.5

UotSI 5
1. You qualify for the SI, and your build is centered around the hit and run tactics of the Spring Attack line, which is good enough for me. +0.5
2. You complete the SI, the only sane choice. +0.5
3. You center your build around the speed. Using the increase in movement speed is hard to showcase, but you did it. Well done. +0.5
4. This certainly feels like a Swiftblade. Move fast as hell, and never stop. +0.5

Socko, the Wind Sock 12

Originality 1.75
1. You didn’t really give me anything, so I can’t really give you anything. This character is evil and spreads curses, which isn’t really different from the default phaerimm fluff. They’re even described as looking like windsocks in their entry. I’m not trying to shame you here, you clearly did a lot of hard work on other aspects, but I wished you’d devoted some attention to this part of your build. -0.5
2. Sorcerer is not much more distinctive than wizard when it comes to starting classes, and sorcadin is such a well-known gish setup it has a portmanteau. It was at least a non-vanilla paladin, and phaerimm is certainly not a common starting race. I would have given you more points if you could use your phaerimm casting alone to enter swiftblade, but you still need levels in sorcerer to qualify, so I can’t give you much. -0.25
3. Spell flower actually making use of Phaerimm’s form and not just its casting is pretty nice, and you do heavily emphasize it in your build. A lot of the rest of this is very standard “optimized spellcaster” fare. 0
4. Phaerimm is notoriously odorous cheese, and Unseelie Fey is also well known for being pretty cheesy. You knew this was coming. -0.5

Power 4.25
1. Yes and no. You can cast your spells and debuff enemies. However, in talking about how hard you are to hit, you kind of gloss over getting hit with area spells, which will remain a problem since you’re always 2 HD behind. You give it brief attention when you say you’ll negate it with a ring of evasion, but that’s kind of dodging the issue. I’ll give you that miss chance goes a long way for protecting you, but it’s not as impenetrable as you say. There are ways of negating miss chance, especially if your enemies have magic (and many will at higher levels). You’re very focused on making contact with your enemies to use touch spells, which I will remind you is not a given. Some enemies will have abilities or spells to hinder you from moving in close. If you had some spells in your spells known list to address these I could be more forgiving, but you didn’t fill in most of your spells known. To use the cooking analogy, I can’t taste what you didn’t plate, even if I could imagine what you might have placed there. More pressingly, your to-hit suffers from a significant strength penalty. You talk about means of getting Weapon Finesse, all of them pretty cheesy. Regardless, they’re not on the table for the early levels, when you need bonuses the most. Your junk only works if you hit your enemies. 0
2. You’ve got enough spells per day to make for good survivability, and you don’t talk about spending too many spells per encounter. +0.5
3. You don’t need any items or templates to qualify, but your writeup discusses specific magic items (particularly grafts) as a given, which they aren’t in this contest. +0.25
4. You’ve discussed well how the SI helps you in both offense and defense, and limited wish will cover most utility. I’m not deducting anything, but I’d be happier if I had a full spells known list to judge. +0.5

Elegance 2
1. You qualify for arcane duelist. I agree with your reading that the bit about weapon proficiency is a 3.0 quirk, meaning you don’t need to waste a feat on it. +0.5
2. Rapid Metamagic requires 12 ranks in spellcraft, which you do not have. You similarly don’t have the ranks for Residual Magic if you took that as an option. I’m not inclined to give you Practical Metamagic without you telling me what the appropriate rituals or spells to grant you dragonblood subtype would be. You can’t leave the remainder as an exercise to the reader; I can’t judge you based on what things I might think of. Finally, please don’t give me multiple choice for your feat at level 20. I’m judging one build, not a theoretical multi-build. -0.5
3. Your casting is doing some strange things. I’m having difficulty deciphering exactly how your progression goes, but in 12 levels you gain 9th level spells. It seems to me that you’re advancing your casting every level, and then at levels where casting is advanced adding another level. This is, I’m assuming, based off the fact that phaerimm has racial casting as a sorcerer that stacks with other sorcerer levels. I do not agree with your interpretation that states this means you advance it with every level you gain, and I think a significant percentage of DMs would also not agree. Your caster level increases, certainly, but not necessarily your effective sorcerer level. The book states that “a Phaerimm’s innate magical ability develops with age.” You seem at least partially prepared for this problem, and you tell me to evaluate as if a race with a natural attack, saying it functions the same. Firstly, as I’ve said, you don’t get points for making me come up with things to make your build work. Secondly, your spell flower trick is based around you having multiple arms to begin with, which I know you can simulate with girallon’s blessing, but the level of debuffing you talk about assumes phaerimm’s multiple arms. Thirdly, without Phaerimm you tell me to sacrifice all the other classes besides sorcerer, which now leaves you without a martial weapon proficiency for entry. This is a significant revision, not just a minor adaptational quirk to preface the build with. I’m judging the build you wrote up for me. -0.5
4. Two levels of Arcane Duelist and one of Warblade are dips, and as you mentioned you don’t really care about them, they just have a goody or two you like. That’s a dip not just in name, but in spirit. -0.5

UotSI 4

1. You make use of your dodge and mobility to enter Arcane Duelist, which is good using every part of the buffalo. I’ve already penalized you for the Phaerimm casting, so I can’t ding you again here. +0.5
2. You complete the SI, because it’s the right thing to do. +0.5
3. Swiftblade helps you load up your debuff touches and deliver them well, and you have more to spend those extra actions on than most, but there’s not much about what you’re doing that’s really using swiftblade to stand out.0
4. This is the hardest one to really define why it works or why it doesn’t, but this just doesn’t feel all the way Swiftblade to me. You talk a lot about the miss chance it gives you, but that’s only one aspect. It moves and it casts spells in combat, but the approach is very much about the spells, and swiftblade’s kind of helping rather than carrying the build. It’s not nothing, but it’s less than what I want. 0

Chad the Fur(r)y 13

Originality 2.25
1. Your backstory is the premise of an anime, same names and everything. I suppose that the brackets are there to indicate that’s the “joke”, but I’m not laughing. It’s also so short that I barely get a concept from it. You did at least cite it in your sources. -0.5
2. Fighter is a very bland starter indeed, especially without ACFs to spice it up. Wu jen is a nice change of pace. I know it may be “wizard but OA” but it’s different enough for me. Expeditious Dodge works as an alternative and fits mechanically. Call it more good than bad. +0.25
3. This is all standard fare, and you seem to know that. -0.5
4. Abjurant Champion on gishes is pretty well known, but it’s not cheese. The charging this does is again not egregious but very by the numbers. 0

Power 4.25
1. I don’t have any objections to your abilities as you stated them. +0.5
2. You’re not shooting all your bolts at once, but the limited spells per day of your highest levels means you’ll be running out of your coolest tricks before the day is through. -0.25
3. You don’t need any gear to pull off your tricks or qualify for anything. +0.5
4. Offense and defense are handled pretty well by the SI, and Wu Jen will give you sufficient amounts of all three. +0.5

Elegance 3.5
1. You qualify for Abjurant Champion. +0.5
2. You qualify for your feats as well. +0.5
3. You have leap attack in your build for more damage when you charge, but you also talk about using mounts regularly. These two don’t go together. As for the bit about using alter self to change to a hybrid form wereboar, you cannot do this. Alter self cannot give you templates (like lycanthropy) and even if it could, it would give you a special quality like alternate form. -0.5
4. The dip in fighter at the beginning stands out. I’m presuming you put it first to represent your characters beginnings, but it means sacrificing skill points. That makes me very sad, and it just isn’t pretty. 0

UotSI 3
1. You qualify for the SI, and you do at least get expeditious dodge to fire off with all of your charging. I suppose mobility helps when charging foes with big reach, but I don’t see it coming up all the time. +0.25
2. You completed it, as everyone should. +0.5
3. You use the time stop for buffstacks, which is the most direct and common use of it. You charge as your default combat, and you can’t spring attack or bounding assault when charging. The class features get token mention, if that. -0.25
4. Can’t exactly put numbers behind it, but this doesn’t feel like a Swiftblade. It’s a gish, and Swiftblade helps, but it seems like this would work just as well with other classes that advance casting along with full BA. The central setup works just fine, if not better, with eldritch knight. -0.5

F.A.S.T. 17.75

Originality 4.75
1. The idea of using truenamer for swiftblade is utterly insane. I’m in. Your backstory as a capsule summary of concept is neat. I’m going to sound greedy because I keep saying this, but I just wanted more. +0.25
2. Cobra Strike for Dodge and Mobility certainly makes sense. Truenamer to enter is so out of left field it’s practically out of right field. You earned this. +0.5
3. Illumian is fairly rare but always good. Optimizing around Word Given Form is hard, especially since you aren’t using Disciple of the Word, and I can count on one hand the times I’ve seen it discussed. That bit in Complete Arcane isn’t something I think I’ve seen used in a very long time, if at all. You definitely earned this. +0.5
4. Nah, you’re good. Cobra Strike monk is common, but not overused. Goodness knows I’ve used it plenty. +0.5

Power 4.75
1. You make reasonable claims, and you make sure to explain everything you’re doing, along with relevant excerpts. I really appreciate that, it makes reading and judging much easier. This must have been a lot of work, and it pays off. +0.5
2. You don’t really have limited abilities, though the law of resistance will start nipping at your heels if you adventure too long. +0.5
3. Ancestral relic means you make your own stuff, and I can’t ding you for that. +0.5
4. You’ve got offense covered, and you’ve got defense front and center. Utility suffers given that you’ll be understandably stingy with your utterances, but 2 out of 3 ain’t bad. +0.25

Elegance 3.5
1. You only take base classes and the SI, and without any alignment hang-ups you qualify. +0.5
2. You qualify for your feats. +0.5
3. The very specific reading you take for entering the class is funny, and you’re exploiting their wording. I have no problem with that. I don’t agree with your wording for innervated speed. You can’t not have 3rd spell slots, but then also have 6th spell slots. I get the feeling you knew this was coming, and it was a valiant try, but since it’s presented in your main writeup and not in an optional sidebar like the sparring dummy, I’m going to have to penalize you. I did watch that video. It was great. Thank you for that. You were wise to avoid Arcane Reflexes, because I wouldn’t have given it to you. Picking up other initiative bonuses to fake it is really going the extra mile. 0
4. The rest of your build is so tight, it makes those two single-level dips stand out all the more. You didn’t need the fighter for martial weapon proficiency given that monk provides with handaxe. The swordsage level I’m more understanding of as it plays into your concealment game. Your fighter level does more for you than I initially realized, especially since you cannot go back into monk. -0.25

UotSI 4.5
1. Your entry method, though wild, passes muster. You qualify for the SI in an audacious manner. You make good use of the prereq feats with other feat choices and combat style. +0.5
2. You complete the SI. You may be mad, but you’re no fool. +0.5
3. Everything in this build weaves together to return to the core concept. It’s very impressive and displays attention to the class not everyone took. You tied in the miss chance and managed to showcase defensive features, which is damned hard to do. That deserves credit. However, I can’t overlook the fact that you cannot make use of the Swiftblade’s casting. You wisely knew not to try to argue it progressed your truespeaking, but that is still a chunk of the class you left off the plate. 0
4. You’ve certainly got the speed and elusive quality down, and you can hit hard, too. You’ve got buffs through Truenamer to rope in that magical quality of the gish. I’m satisfied. +0.5

Quick Man 16.75

Originality 4.25
1. Recreating an existing character is always risky. You did tell a story in your entry, and it even tied into abilities, so I’m satisfied. I respect you using Talenta boomerangs for conceptual fidelity instead of going for that extra damage. +0.5
2. Wizard is kind of the default entry casting wise. Warblade’s better than fighter, but I’m not exactly electrified. -0.25
3. It’s always nice to see warforged, and it does tie in to your concept. Boomerang daze with a warblade actually being used on the boomerang instead of transferred to other weapons is more refreshing than the alternative. Making Bloodstorm Blade throw things you’re supposed to throw is pretty interesting. Using it to not need shot on the run is neat. +0.5
4. No cheese, you’re fine. +0.5

Power 4
1. I can’t gauge this as effectively as I want to because your entry doesn’t have your stats in it. I have enough to tell that your build is legal, but you do need to include that. You do make reasonable statements about your power and explain how to use your build. I appreciate the inclusion of some important spells in your build. It helps me. 0
2. You don’t have nova tricks, but you will have to parcel out your abilities. With only 3 time stops in a day, you can’t run as far or as long as other characters. Endurance matters as well as speed. 0
3. Your discussion of items is all in the conditional. There’s nothing you need beyond basic equipment. +0.5
4. You’ve obviously got offense and defense through the SI, and the wizard spells you discuss provide sufficient utility to satisfy me. +0.5

Elegance 4
1. You qualify for Bloodstorm Blade, and wizard and warblade don’t have restrictions. +0.5
2. As you helpfully lay out, you do. +0.5
3. You tried to pull a fast one here, but it didn’t evade my gaze. You talk about charging up with Stormguard warrior on a foe after using time stop. Unfortunately, time stop says “While the time stop is in effect, other creatures are invulnerable to your attacks and spells; you cannot target such creatures with any attack or spell.” Touch attacks are still attacks. No dice. -0.5
4. One level in warblade, but it does do multiple things for you, so it’s more palatable. +0.5

UotSI +4.5
1. You qualify for the SI, but you don’t do too much with the prereqs. Yes Dodge and Mobility benefit you, but you’re more suited to full attacks than spring attacking. +0.25
2. You completed the SI. We’d need to have words if you didn’t. +0.5
3. The trick that you do with Time Stop and Stormguard Warrior is a unique spin, even if it doesn’t technically work. Using Swiftblade for ranged combat instead of melee is not something I would have thought of. +0.25
4. It’s Quick Man; of course it feels like a Swiftblade. +0.5

Persephone Scourge 17.5

Originality 5
1. Great story. I got a very Addams Family vibe from it, and I love me some Addams Family. Full marks. +0.5
2. I certainly didn’t expect a cleric entry into this class. Not using any brute classes for the martial weapon proficiency or BA was a pleasant surprise. +0.5
3. I don’t recall ever seeing Ordained Champion being used. I’ve only glanced at the class previously, and you extract a lot of goodness out of it.+0.5
4. Nar Demonbinder may be powerful, but not crazy, and it requires significant investment to enter. For once, a cleric isn’t a cloistered cleric! +0.5

Power 4.75
1. Your playtips make sense, and you don’t claim to do anything outside your capabilities (other than legalities, but this isn’t the place for that) +0.5
2. Nar demonbinder’s a bit short on spells per day, especially at the higher levels, which will limit your most powerful spells. +0.25
3. You don’t mention needing any equipment to do your tricks. +0.5
4. The SI covers you for offense and defense, supplemented with your own abilities. Nar Demonbinder covers everything. +0.5

Elegance 4.5
1. You qualify for both Nar Demonbinder. I’m not so sure about Ordained Champion with you throwing in Heretic of the Faith. You traded your deity’s favored weapon for the greatsword, but the wording of the feat doesn’t make it entirely clear what that means. I could see some people agree with you that when Ordained Champion checks it would check against Heretic of the Faith, but I can also see some disagreeing. That’s a walk into some thorny territory for not much benefit. The flail’s one handed so you can still 2 hand it for better power attack returns. +0.25
2. You qualify for your feats. I’m a little puzzled by the little dance you do taking Spring Attack and making Swiftblade give you Spell Focus. I know it means it helps you enter Nar Demonbinder, but you could have just taken Spell Focus at that level and let the SI give you it’s bonus. Not penalizing, just strange. +0.5
3. Your dual casting pulls your casting stats in different directions, compounded by the fact that you take arcane disciple. In order to cast haste in a 6th level slot you’d need a Wis of 16 as per arcane disciple, which you don’t have or address. +0.25
4. One dip into Nar Demonbinder, but it’s got your build centered around it, so it’s not like it’s meeting one prereq and then gone. +0.5

UotSI 3.25
1. As per changes to qualification by the Chairwoman, you do qualify for the SI, though I'm not seeing much done with the requirements.0
2. You complete the SI, the only logical choice. +0.5
3. You certainly get use out of Swiftblade, as does everybody, but it’s more supporting than being highlighted here. -0.25
4. Story-wise, Swiftblade is given lots of attention and you see how the character slides into it. I don’t see the same in the mechanical side. This build uses haste to be more effective, but it just isn’t shouting “Swiftblade” to me. 0

Rukamuk 11.5

Originality 2
1. You didn’t give me anything for concept or backstory. -0.5
2. Using Battle Sorcerer is an interesting way to enter the SI single classed, and expeditious dodge instead of dodge is nice. +0.5
3. This is a lot of standard op stuff. Nothing’s really surprising me as neat new tricks. -0.5
4. This build is like a greatest hits of cheese. -0.5

Power 4.5
1. You list an honestly overwhelming amount of options for what your character can do, but you make your point. +0.5
2. You’ve got a pretty good number of spells per day, but I don’t know that you have enough to be doing all of the various things you do to use up your slots. 0
3. You pull a lot of things from a lot of sources, but that’s not grounds for penalties. You draw on your own power, and you don’t have to go to other places for it, which is the point. +0.5
4. The SI provides, abjurant champion also strengthens attack and defense, and sorcerer goes a long way toward fulfilling these. +0.5

Elegance 2.5
1. You qualify for Abjurant Champion and Paragnostic Apostle. +0.5
2. We’re encouraged to take a stern view on flaws, and I’m going to do just that. You’re giving yourself a bonus feat, and don’t even do me the courtesy to choose one. I realize it doesn’t really matter, but you did a lot of work you didn’t “need.” You could have done a little more. It wouldn’t have saved you, I’m just whining. -0.5
3. Dragonwrought Kobold is infamous for the amount of controversy it generates. They say if you say it three times in a thread, a moderator will appear and scold you. Many DMs would not let you treat yourself as a true dragon, which you do for the purpose of loredrake. More minor, but you took Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability, but you don’t have a familiar. Your divine companion is specifically unable to be affected with any spell, so this trick doesn’t work. -0.5
4. You have a dip in Paragnostic Apostle for a boost on caster level, which does very little for you. 0

UotSI 2.5
1. As presented you only qualify via Loredrake, which we’ve discussed isn’t above board. You could qualify if you shuffled your levels. Your prerequisites aren’t given much attention. 0
2. You complete the Secret Ingredient, as well you should. +0.5
3. You are aided by Swiftblade, because it’s so good, but you don’t showcase it, and kind of breeze past its features. -0.5
4. This build is an extremely optimized sorcerer that happens to have taken levels in Swiftblade. I’m not feeling it. -0.5

Zagzag the Lightning Lizard 17.5

Originality 4.5
1. A manic and evil swiftblade dedicated to freeing Pandorym. That’s distinctive. I appreciate you including Thrall of Demogorgon and devotion to an elder evil in your story. The story’s brief, but I can get enough from it that I have a picture of what this character is like. Having a picture is a pleasant addition. Sweet basilisk gif. +0.5
2. Battle Sorcerer’s a pretty neat way to enter the SI, and single class entry just looks nice. +0.5
3. A Dragonwrought Kobold that isn’t trying to be treated as a true dragon is sadly pretty rare, and you actually do stuff with it besides just getting free points from venerable. Maybe I’m just running in the wrong optimization circles, but I haven’t seen huge use of Greater Draconic rite of passage. That’s nice. +0.5
4. Using venerable on Dragonwrought Kobold is cheesy, but not noxious. That and dedication to an elder evil are starting to wear out their welcome. I’m especially leery of dedication to an elder evil when you’re also a thrall to a demon lord, pleasant as it is to see a blast from the IC past. 0

Power 4
1. Yeah, you’ve got some strong stuff going on here. +0.5
2. You’ve got the spell slots to deal with a full adventuring day. +0.5
3. As presented, you require the use of the Otyugh Hole, a special location I lump in with “other add-ons.” I recognize that you presented an alternative in adaptations, but I judge what you presented in the main writeup. You had the sense to keep out loredrake, I wish you had done the same here. -0.5
4. The SI plus sorcerer 8ths mean you’ve got all fields covered. +0.5

Elegance 4
1. You qualify for Dragonslayer and Thrall of Demogorgon. +0.5
2. You qualify for your feats. +0.5
3. Nothing that I haven’t penalized you for elsewhere. The bit with martial study has a whiff of the old fromage, but since you self-qualify when heroics elapse, I’ll let it slide. +0.5
4. Two one-level dips, and dragonslayer’s really just there to keep up your BA and casting, as you said. -0.5

UotSI 5
1. You qualify for the SI, and you use the prereqs and features to qualify for Dragonslayer and Rapid Blitz. That’s using every part of the buffalo. +0.5
2. You complete the SI. Your character may be nuts, but not that nuts. +0.5
3. The trick with Rapid Blitz is, as you said, hard to pull off. I respect it. +0.5
4. Slippery? Irritating? Gets everywhere? That sounds like sand Swiftblade to me! +0.5

Glozar Dunal 12.75

Originality 2.75
1. Backstory gives me the setup, explains your class choice, and links the SI in. I’m satisfied. +0.5
2. Bard isn’t exactly unexpected (after all it’s mentioned in the SI writeup), but it’s little different from wizard, and binder is especially different. +0.25
3. Not as such, no. This is familiar stuff. -0.5
4. Anima mage is fairly tired, and sublime chord is on the same level. Sure they’re good, but everyone knows it. -0.5

Power 2.75
1. Some of your tricks aren’t as neat as you make them out to be. Otto’s irresistible dance may not offer a save, but it’s a short duration and like most enchantment spells is mind effecting. You demonstrate yourself how common immunity becomes with mind blank or type immunities. Diplomancy is good, but not this good. Firstly, moving a character to unfriendly when you’re already facing off might not end the encounter, especially if you or your allies have already attacked them or theirs, to say nothing of a situational penalty for using this in combat. Furthermore, it’s not a matter of the DM objecting, the text for diplomacy says “even if the initial Diplomacy check succeeds, the other character can only be persuaded so far.” Focalor’s debuff aura hits all adjacent characters, which makes cramped combat hard for your friends. Dantalion’s ability might be no save, but the enemy is still able to move, use non-targeted spells, or attack your allies. Flicker only offers a 50% miss chance when used as a “nope” and you can only use it once per day. -0.5
2. You say yourself that your spells per day are limited, especially at higher levels. Low level survivability is a problem for you, which you yourself make clear. 0
3. You make numerous and varied references to specific items, and you make clear that you take them as given. You don’t need them to qualify for everything, but you make clear how much you rely on them to cover your weaknesses and buoy your build. -0.25
4. The SI, mid level spells, and vestiges cover all three reasonably enough. +0.5

Elegance 3.75
1. You use precocious apprentice to enter Anima mage, which requires the ability to cast 2nd level spells. Setting aside for a moment that you can only cast a single 2nd level spell and not multiple, the more important piece of text is in the feat itself, namely “when you become able to cast 2nd level spells.” This indicates that precocious apprentice doesn’t mean you can cast 2nd level spells, or else it would use this language. -0.5
2. Yes. I’m not going to go after using Shedu crown for Mindsight; it’s clear it’s giving you the telepathy ability, same wording as the srd. I’m not that mean. +0.5
3. Not that I haven’t already dinged you for. +0.5
4. You’ve got a one level dip in Sublime Chord, but you do base your casting off it from here on, so it’s something. +0.25

UotSI 3.5
1. You qualify for the SI, but the prereqs aren’t put to much use. 0
2. You complete the SI, and just in time. +0.5
3. Not particularly. You use the abilities to cast and fight better. You use it to advance two different classes, which is something. 0
4. It sure is gishy, and swiftblade’s a gish. But not much attention is given to your swiftblade powers, and it’s side dish more than main course. 0

Caerulean LaRue, the Cloudthief 17.5

Originality 4.75
1. Swiftblade as thief is cool, and something that doesn’t immediately spring to mind. The backstory gives me a pretty good idea of what this build is about, but I’m a little unclear as to her goals. Is she a highway raider? A targeted thief? A little more in the story and I would have given you full points. +0.25
2. Beguiler’s a nice class, and it’s distinctive enough to be more than just “not wizard.” Midnight dodge is a pleasant alternative, and Azurin makes it more than just a token “not dodge.” +0.5
3. Azurin’s rare enough to be refreshing. Using freedom of movement to run through your own fog clouds is a neat trick. You’ve given a solid concrete reason to have mindsight rather than the general anti-stealth. +0.5
4. Nothing really overused here. +0.5

Power 4
1. I’m not fully convinced this works as well as you claim. I don’t see a means of negating the miss chance from solid fog here. Funnily enough, diadem of purelight would have helped you, which I think Lewis is using? Mindsight only acts as blindsense, not blindsight. Furthermore, there are mindless foes that you won’t be able to spot using this. Your trick with master pickpocket only works so far as the enemy has stuff to steal. Against many undead, you’re having a rough time. Also, darkstalker is something you should be moving up. Enemies start having scent at level one, and you don’t have it until 6. -0.25
2. Nothing really nova based here. +0.5
3. You sequester your items to an optional section, and even then you make some pretty reasonable statements. You work well without needing anything. +0.5
4. You’ve got good defense and utility from the SI and beguiler. The master pickpocket trick is cool, but I hesitate to call it offense. You can strip down your foes, but if you need to actually hurt them, you’re going to have some problems. No weapon finesse hurts me, and it hurts your ability to make touch attacks. +0.25

Elegance 4
1. You qualify for Mindbender and Unseen Seer. +0.5
2. You qualify for your feats. +0.5
3. Not that I haven’t already gotten you for. I’d give you Unseen Seer boosting pseudo-skirmish, for what it’s worth. +0.5
4. You’ve got two dips in your build. Mindbender might as well be a level long for all the 1 level dips it gets. -0.5

UotSI 4.75
1. You qualify for the SI, and you center around spring attack, which I’ll count as using the prereqs. You can also use midnight dodge’s essential to power the theft gloves. +0.5
2. You complete the SI. This round, you kind of have to. +0.5
3. Using Spring Attack to pull off hit-and-run theft is neat, and you use the perpetual options for a nice blitz of action. You can’t make use of the pseudo-skirmish in your operations since you can’t deal precision damage to foes that have concealment against you. +0.25
4. Fast, elusive, magical, and roguish. I like it. +0.5

Caelum Swyft, the Eldritch Storm 12

Originality 4
1. Neat story. He’s terribly mysterious, but I can see what he’s about. +0.5
2. Duskblade into Wyrm Wizard was not something I expected to see. +0.5
3. Multitasking isn’t common, because it’s so hard to get. It is pretty neat. +0.5
4. Hellfire Warlock and Strongheart Vest are an infamous cheese pair. I’m more for binding Naberius. -0.5

Power 1.75
1. Multidexterity doesn’t let you act as you claims it does. It’s a 3.0 feat that interacts with 3.0 rules. The 3.0 to 3.5 conversion book states this feat was folded in to multiweapon fighting and improved multiweapon fighting. Due to your low Con score you can only shape 2 melds, missing out on what Totemist can give you. You mention that you can find other ways of flight by the time you trade invocations, but your character as presented can’t fly without ditching Girallon arms, which you’re obviously not going to do.-0.5
2. Your Duskblade caster level is 1, so haste only lasts for a single round every time you cast it. Once per day you can extend it to 2 rounds. You’re going to run out of uses very fast with that. Warlock and Totemist of course last all day, but that’s a lot you’re missing. -0.25
3. Flaws comfortably fit into the “add-on” territory, and you knew I was penalizing you for them. -0.5
4. You’ve got offense covered well, but to the exclusion of the others. Without haste running much of your defense from Swiftblade is out, and your invocations are too few to cover much for utility. 0

Elegance 2.75
1. You qualify for Wyrm Wizard, but you lack the ranks in Intimidate or Knowledge (the Planes) to enter Hellfire Warlock. -0.5
2. I’m not comfortable using Girallon Arms to qualify for multiweapon fighting, which calls for you to have 3 or more hands. We don’t get any information about the claws being able to be used for anything but making natural attacks. It’s not clear-cut, and I’m not going to cascade it down to multitasking, but I still can’t award full points. +0.25
3. Not that isn’t penalized elsewhere. A stray observation: with how much you’re hurting for eldritch claws, I’m curious as to why you didn’t take eldritch glaive to make use of your iteratives. +0.5
4. Two two-level dips and a one-level dip. -0.5

UotSI 3.5
1. As per the changes to prerequisites by the Chairwoman, you qualify for the SI, though I don't see use being made of the prerequisites 0
2. You didn’t finish the SI. Not being able to benefit from the capstone is a fairly compelling reason, if made less so by the fact that it’s a consequence of the entry you chose. I’m not mad, just disappointed. 0.25
3. You make very good use of perpetual options. That’s impressive damage output. However, openly admitting you can’t do anything with the feats except trade them away wasn’t the best choice. 0.25
4. The hard-hitting aspect is there, but the embracing of the mobility and speed isn’t. 0

Pahika Kanikani, the Wardancer 16.25

Originality 5
1. I love this concept. D&D can be kind of bad at representing non-European roles and characters, but this refluffing works great. Incorporating the Wu Jen taboos, which are often neglected, is a very nice touch. +0.5
2. Wu Jen is always a welcome alternative to wizard when we talk about qualifying, especially given the effort you put in to make it mesh with your concept. +0.5
3. Body outside body to keep your copies benefitting from your casting is a neat trick. +0.5
4. Some of these options are talked about for bard, but they’re just good choices. I wouldn’t say they’re overused. +0.5

Power 4.25
1. You are capable of some pretty neat stuff. As written, your dragonfire inspiration would actually be fire, not cold. I’d give you that the multiple copies of Apparition would count as separate effects for stacking on an enemy. Your fear stuff has the problem of all fear stuff, in that immunity to it or to mind-affecting effects seriously cramps your style. +0.25
2. Your bonus spells only go so far, especially for higher slots and if you don’t have the items you discuss. You’ll hold up pretty well, but your highest level stuff could certainly run out during a day. +0.25
3. You don’t need anything extra to qualify for things, but I’m not a fan of the assumption that you’ll have all these pieces of gear peppered in to the playtips. +0.25
4. You’ve got Wu Jen 7ths on top of the SI. That’ll cover you. +0.5

Elegance 2.25
1. War Weaver requires 3rd level spells, which you do not have at level 3. -0.5
2. You qualify for your feats. +0.5
3. Arcane Disciple requires you have the wisdom score sufficient to cast the spells from your selected domain. You do not have this. You also add the entire domain to your spell list when you take the feat, for future information. -0.5
4. You’ve got 2 dips here, but one is at least central to your concept. -0.25

UotSI 4.75
1. You qualify for the SI, but I don’t see much use being made of the prereqs, especially since you can Dance of Death rather than Spring Attack. +0.25
2. You complete the SI. I mean, you gotta. +0.5
3. Using the time stop ability to buff more than one character efficiently is indeed an impressive insult to the action economy. I like it. +0.5
4. Focusing on buffing is an interesting spin, but it’s still a gish about moving fast, hitting hard, and looking cool. +0.5

2020-03-24, 04:50 PM
Worth the wait. Thanks for judging. No disputes from me. Can't wait for the next round.

2020-03-24, 04:53 PM
Thanks for judging, Viscount! No disputes from my end.

2020-03-24, 05:37 PM
I'm at 2.5/12 builds (with something different for example on F.A.S.T) but do you want that i continue , or do you want to go at the next round( the thing about F.A.S.T i will explain later if i stop the judgement)

2020-03-24, 05:38 PM
I would like to go to the next round.

2020-03-24, 06:00 PM
I'm at 2.5/12 builds (with something different for example on F.A.S.T) but do you want that i continue , or do you want to go at the next round( the thing about F.A.S.T i will explain later if i stop the judgement)

I would like to go to the next round.Yeah. I appreciate the offer, but I think we've let this round go long enough. I'm ready to move on to the next one, especially as I suspect a lot of us would benefit from having something to do.

2020-03-24, 06:11 PM
Minor disputes viscount, I PMed. Thanks again.

2020-03-24, 06:17 PM
New here. Is there a vote for next contest, or does The Viscount decide?

The Viscount
2020-03-24, 06:56 PM
The chair for the contest decides which ingredient to use for every round, but people can always make suggestions for what they want to see.

2020-03-24, 07:21 PM
My request: Dragon Samurai! (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20030906c) :smalltongue:

2020-03-24, 07:41 PM
My request: Dragon Samurai! (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20030906c) :smalltongue:

Gods that's terrible. I have some ideas already :P

Edit: Also, no disputes!

2020-03-24, 09:08 PM
Thank you very much, Viscount! One small dispute has been sent to Helio.

Piggy Knowles
2020-03-24, 09:39 PM
Thanks for judging, Viscount! No disputes here.

2020-03-25, 07:12 AM
no dispute

2020-03-25, 06:41 PM

The Whispering Wind (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24281631&postcount=114)
TN Raptoran
Beguiler 7/Swiftblade 10/Unseen Seer 3

Ferdinand Aloysius Sebastian Thennibyne (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24281639&postcount=117)
LG Uurnaen Illumian
Monk 2 / truenamer 6 / fighter 1 / swordsage 1 / swiftblade 10

Zagzag the Lightning Lizard (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24281644&postcount=121)
CE Venerable Dragonwrought Arctic Kobold
Battle Sorcerer 8/Swiftblade 10/Dragonslayer 1/Thrall of Demogorgon 1

Persephone Scourge (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24281642&postcount=119)
LE Human
cleric of hextor 4/ordained champion 5/swiftblade 1/nar demonbinder 1/swiftblade 10

Caerulean LaRue, the Cloudthief (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24281648&postcount=123)
TN Azurin
Azurin, Beguiler 7/Swiftblade 10/Mindbender 1/Unseen Seer 2

Myra Dale (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24281629&postcount=112)
CN Lesser Tiefling
beguiler 5/warblade 1/jade phoenix mage 4/swiftblade 10

QUICK MAN (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24281641&postcount=118)
LE Warforged
Wizard 5, Warblade 1, Bloodstorm Blade 4, Swiftblade 10

Pahika Kanikani (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24281650&postcount=125)
CN Silverbrow Human
Wu Jen 3/ War Weaver 2/ Binder1/ War Weaver +2/ Prestige Bard 1/ War Weaver +1/ Swiftblade 10/

Fëanáro Swiftfoot (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24281630&postcount=113)
CN Fire Elf
Wizard 6 / Swiftblade 10 / Abjurant Champion 4

Chad the Fur(r)y (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24281637&postcount=116)
TN Human
Fighter 1/Wu Jen 5/Swiftblade 10/Abjurant Champion 4

Glozar Dunal (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24281647&postcount=122)
TN Human
Bard 1/Binder 2/Anima Mage 6/Swiftblade 10/Sublime Chord 1

Socko (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24281633&postcount=115)
LE Unseelie Fey Phaerimm Hatchling
Sorcerer 1 / Paladin of Tyranny 3 / Sorcerer +1 / Swiftblade 10 / Arcane Duelist 2 / Warblade 1

Caelum Swyft (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24281649&postcount=124)
CG Human
Duskblade 1/Totemist 2/Warlock 4/Wyrm Wizard 2/Swiftblade 9/Hellfire Warlock 2

Rukamuk (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24281643&postcount=120)
[Unknown Alignment] Venerable Desert Loredrake Dragonwrought Kobold
Battle Sorcerer 4/Swiftblade 10/Abjurant Champion 5/ Paragnostic Apostle 1

The Viscount
2020-03-25, 09:03 PM
Thank you for making a table, Sam.

Hiro Quester
2020-03-26, 11:29 AM
One minor dispute (something called illegal that is or should be legal); not about my dish. We send those to Heliomance, right?

And Sam, thanks for building the table. But you left one build off the list (Pahika the Wardancer).

2020-03-26, 01:20 PM
One minor dispute (something called illegal that is or should be legal); not about my dish. We send those to Heliomance, right?

And Sam, thanks for building the table. But you left one build off the list (Pahika the Wardancer).I somehow cut out a "[tr]" in the table code which kept her line from rendering. It's fixed now.

No disputes from me, but I am noticing that Heliomance hasn't been on the forums for almost a week and hasn't posted in about a month. We may end up needing to work through the dispute/reveal process some other way.

The Viscount
2020-03-26, 02:34 PM
One minor dispute (something called illegal that is or should be legal); not about my dish. We send those to Heliomance, right?

That is correct.

I somehow cut out a "[tr]" in the table code which kept her line from rendering. It's fixed now.

No disputes from me, but I am noticing that Heliomance hasn't been on the forums for almost a week and hasn't posted in about a month. We may end up needing to work through the dispute/reveal process some other way.

If we did, we'd need someone in the thread who didn't compete as a go-between to keep disputes anonymous.

That being said, I'd like to wait at least a few more days, especially with all that's going on, before we try something else.

2020-03-26, 08:47 PM
Well because i'm not judging at the end i can post the disputes if needed but is ok even to wait

Hiro Quester
2020-03-27, 09:50 AM
That being said, I'd like to wait at least a few more days, especially with all that's going on, before we try something else.

That seems fair. I know I’m snowed under with my IRL job converting to on-line work.

But reporting disputes by PM to Quentinas, who posts them anonymously for judge consideration, seems a reasonable back up plan.

2020-03-27, 11:26 AM
I'm here! Sorry, haven't been keeping a close eye on the forums since they went down.

Three disputes for you today!

Thank you very much for your hard work, Viscount! It was 100% worth the wait and I can tell a ton of effort went into it, no joke.

I would like to discuss F.A.S.T.'s level of fighter, which you penalized for in Elegance. Before taking that level, he does not qualify for swiftblade simply because of HD limitations on skill ranks; something else is necessary. Because of the stupid "once you multiclass out of monk you can't come back" rule, monk is off the table (and wouldn't do much good anyway). Another level of truenamer would not give us the BAB we need to qualify for Spectral Skirmisher, and since Spectral Skirmisher is crucial to the entire build, that's a problem. Sidestep is slightly less mission-critical than Spectral Skirmisher, but it's still pretty dang key to what we're trying to do here, so I think that the fighter bonus feat is structurally relevant.

I argue that given what we need to achieve in that level, there is no option that would fit the bill better than fighter would. Your point about monk giving handaxe is well taken (also, seriously, what? I guess I can still be surprised), but the fact remains that we needed another HD to qualify for the SI, monk is illegal to dip back into (and loading it up early would have neither have improved the power nor the flow), and truenamer doesn't give the BAB necessary to make the build do its core swiftblade-like joke. No other option exists but to dip, and in light of the fact that the bonus feat directly makes the build more swiftblade-y, fighter is elegant here. I ask you to reconsider the penalty.

Regarding innervated speed, to be honest it's just kind of a throwaway joke at level 20, but I won't fight that too hard. I just knew I had to try!

Thanks again for your work!

Precocious apprentice is a very common early entry, if you do not subscribe to it I understand but it is often used as such. Familiar but generally legal.

Flicker lasts for rounds/level, so 11 usually, and you would be in a globe of deeper darkness pretty consistently so it's just a further layer of protection if you need it. 50% from concealment then another 50% from flicker.

I mention items that help because you can wbl mance a bit with handling your own crafting to an extent. The build can function pretty easily with nothing but the big 6. Pretty much everyone covers weaknesses with items, I just give options.

I understand debuffing allies with aura of sadness, but I generally build considering that it is a lone character, not accounting for party members. You can help them in some cases but I build on the assumption that its just me in a vacuum without taking into account their capabilities and lack thereof.

As for diplomacy early on, srd says Try Again
Optional, but not recommended because retries usually do not work. Even if the initial Diplomacy check succeeds, the other character can be persuaded only so far, and a retry may do more harm than good. If the initial check fails, the other character has probably become more firmly committed to his position, and a retry is futile.

I would not retry, I would attempt to move them up from unfriendly to whatever with successive attempts. I cannot flail to hit 20 at level 2. Only so far is a thing, but I cannot fail the check ever. Diplomacy is borked.

in posts #9 it was suggested that, and you agreed in Post #13 Swiftblade casting haste from slots other than 3rd would be fine, if that's when the class gets Haste. (As per the class designer's famous comment.)

Persephone and Caelum Swift are being penalized by The Viscount for using other slots, which doesn't seem quite fair, in the light of your ruling.
(I've only just seen the judging had been posted, I haven't read them yet, but I do recall making that ruling)

The Viscount
2020-03-27, 05:12 PM
A Concerned Citizen: Well, that's egg on my face. I had forgotten that our Chairwoman had made this change to rules. In light of this, +0.5 to UotSI for Persephone Scourge and Caelum Swyft.

F.A.S.T. I had forgotten about monk getting weird and jealous about you entering other classes. I see that fighter is doing more than just providing another HD for you. +0.25 to Elegance.

Glozar Dunal I understand what you're saying about Precocious Apprentice, but given that the text includes the words "When you become able to cast 2nd-level spells" I'm not reading it as actually allowing you to cast 2nd-level spells.
You've got me that Flicker lasts multiple rounds, but your once per day limitation means it's only good for one encounter. As per the Rules Compendium page 32, you cannot stack your miss chances. Layers of redundancy can be helpful if your enemy is seeing through your darkness, I agree.

You're right that we all build our characters as functional in a vaccuum, but when an ability like this is detrimental to other creatures, it's worth mentioning. It also affects creatures summoned via Zceryll or Agares's elemental, if you want me to tie it back to your build specifically.

I understand that you're trying to move them up from unfriendly with successive attempts, which is why I linked the srd. In the passage we both linked, I'm reading the words "Even if the initial Diplomacy check succeeds, the other character can be persuaded only so far" to mean that a creature won't move from unfriendly up if you put it there from hostile, and you may easily find your enemy slipping back to hostile if their goal is against yours. Diplomacy is indeed borked (as represented in full credit for covering all three spheres in Power question 4), and famously so, which is part of the "familiar stuff" I mentioned in Originality question 3. It does still have limitations, such as when you are faced with mindless foes or placed in other situations where your use of telepathy to communicate is blocked.

On Items, and a peek behind the curtain.: I understand that you don't need them which is why I didn't give you the full penalty. Part of the reason items are discouraged in this contest is because not every campaign has the opportunity to buy what you want. I discourage chefs from acting as if they'll have access to the full list, because not all campaigns work that way. It's also because a lot of basic items help out all builds, so without our rules we'd see a lot of discussion for the same stuff, and everyone would have to talk about them or fear losing points for not covering their bases. This is why I recommend cutting down on gear discussion if you're not making it yourself, and placing that along with other adaptations/optional stuff.
My penalty in power was for a number of things added together, and I still see enough to keep me from removing the penalty. This was a lot of words, but I want to make clear why I'm scoring the way I do, with no ill will. Score stands

Score adjustments edited into the original post.

2020-03-27, 05:24 PM
Table is edited accordingly.

2020-03-27, 06:42 PM
Thank you, Helio, Viscount, and Sam!

2020-03-29, 11:28 AM
Whaddaya say we get some HM votes up in here? I love basically all of these but of the [currently] non-medaling builds I think I have to throw in a vote for Pahika Kanikani. I really love the imagery and it just feels like a fun concept.

The Viscount
2020-03-29, 12:20 PM
If judges are allowed to vote, I'll second for Pahika Kanikani.

2020-03-29, 06:27 PM
Judges have always been allowed to vote. I'll third.

Hiro Quester
2020-03-30, 02:49 PM
Are we going to call an end to the secrecy of who cooked what builds at some point?

I’m itching to give credit to people, ask questions of chefs, and and talk about options considered but not taken (esp asking advice for ways to difficult things I tried but couldn’t quite make work).

The Viscount
2020-03-30, 05:25 PM
Assuming there's no more disputes, Heliomance will post reveal. By my count most entrants have announced no dispute or sent their message, but there might be a couple in the pipe. Should be soon either way.

2020-04-01, 04:11 PM
Now's as good a time as any for the reveal. I'd love to congratulate our chefs.

2020-04-02, 07:28 AM
After the reveal, how long does it usually take for the next competition to pop up?

2020-04-02, 09:23 AM
Not very long

2020-04-09, 12:23 PM
So what SI do we think Viscount's going to give us for his first round as chair?

The Viscount
2020-04-09, 12:39 PM
I'll give you a hint: You probably won't like it.

2020-04-09, 12:55 PM
Participating in this one reminded me how fun I find partial casting progression classes in this contest (though obviously Swiftblade is way more overtuned than most of the ones we'd normally see.) The choice of how heavily to invest in spellcasting becomes a lot more real when you're on a slowed progression, maybe even more slowed because of non-casting dipping necessary to qualify for the PRC.

2020-04-09, 01:23 PM
I'll give you a hint: You probably won't like it.I dunno man, I've got two stubs each locked and loaded for Shining Blade and Spinemeld Warrior. Do your worst.

2020-04-09, 01:40 PM
C'mon thayan gladiator!

The Viscount
2020-04-09, 01:46 PM
C'mon thayan gladiator!

Thayan gladiator's pretty functional for SI material. Plus we already did a full BA class, so I figure a non-full BA is in order. Since our last one was a caster as well, I'm also going with non-caster.

2020-04-09, 03:03 PM
Thayan gladiator's pretty functional for SI material. Plus we already did a full BA class, so I figure a non-full BA is in order. Since our last one was a caster as well, I'm also going with non-caster.Watch Detective maybe?

The Viscount
2020-04-09, 03:08 PM
Watch Detective maybe?

I'll never tell.

2020-04-09, 05:58 PM
I vaguely recall you threatening thrall of eltab once, so that's my guess.

2020-04-09, 06:14 PM
Watch Detective maybe?

I think I made a stub for that once...

2020-04-10, 01:37 AM
I think I made a stub for that once...

I actually used it in a build for a different round, but ended up shelving it because it was more a watch detective build than the acrual SI.

Needless to say, I'd enjoy a watch detective round, as I really like that class.

2020-04-10, 01:43 AM
I used it way back in nightsong infiltrator. What a round that was. Watch detective utterly fascinates me as a class. I can't wait for the reveal so we can wait to see what the Viscount inflicts on us.

2020-04-11, 01:17 PM
I feel like watch detective is so circumstance-specific that it's going to end up as a contest of who can tell the best story about how they found situations in which to use the abilities rather than about making general-purpose builds. This isn't intended, but I predict it as an emergent property, which is why I'm a little wary.

That said, if I have time after I finish grad school (28 days remain!), there's a good chance I'll get involved in some capacity or another. Might be the following round, though, depending.

2020-04-11, 01:20 PM
I feel like watch detective is so circumstance-specific that it's going to end up as a contest of who can tell the best story about how they found situations in which to use the abilities rather than about making general-purpose builds. This isn't intended, but I predict it as an emergent property, which is why I'm a little wary.

I can see why you're worried about that, but I reckon there's still more room for originality than you're giving it credit for. It might work well as a high-originality round though, to encourage going the extra mile in giving things your own spin (for those not following the appetizer, that's a round in which originality is worth double points, so 10 instead of 5).

Hiro Quester
2020-04-11, 04:32 PM
I’m already having weird ideas about how to build using watch detective. Some really interesting possibilities here. Some marginally cheesy and delicious.

And I’m finding frustrations about interesting, flavorful, complementary ingredients that have restrictions incompatible with it.

can we announce the new SI soon, so I know whether or not to go further down this fascinating rabbit-hole?

The Viscount
2020-04-11, 06:19 PM
Watch Detective is a fascinating PrC. It might make an interesting SI someday, but not this time.
If you'd like some distraction, here is the next round (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?610308-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-in-the-Playground-CI).

Piggy Knowles
2020-04-12, 08:43 AM
Just want to say thanks to Heliomance for the many years she's put into this competition. It's the thing that keeps bringing me back to this site and to 3.5 in general, and it wouldn't be what it is without her. Thanks for providing countless hours of book-diving, speculation and fun.

The Viscount
2020-04-12, 10:24 AM
Just want to say thanks to Heliomance for the many years she's put into this competition. It's the thing that keeps bringing me back to this site and to 3.5 in general, and it wouldn't be what it is without her. Thanks for providing countless hours of book-diving, speculation and fun.

Hear hear!

2020-04-12, 12:01 PM
Just want to say thanks to Heliomance for the many years she's put into this competition. It's the thing that keeps bringing me back to this site and to 3.5 in general, and it wouldn't be what it is without her. Thanks for providing countless hours of book-diving, speculation and fun.

I absolutely cannot agree more. 100% this! She has done so much for me and for this community by tending to this competition. (And I know that doing so is more work than it first appears!)

Thank you so much, Helio! Pretty sure we’re not even on the same continent, but after social distancing is over, if we ever find ourselves in the same city, lunch is on me. We all owe you big time!

2020-04-12, 12:11 PM
Watch Detective has been on my list of weird crap to include in my guide to weird crap buried in useless classes...and one of the Mask Death Nightbringer's abilities will too. Of particular interest regarding Watch Detective are:
The utterly nonsensical code they have to abide by.
DC 15 Gather Information check to summon a passable mental image of the perp, even if nobody saw them and there's no clues to go off of.
DC 20 Search check to learn murder method, size/str of perp (even if those were unrelated to cause of death), and any other clues the DM wants to share - and again, this literally just requires a bit of the corpse, with no other clues related to the murder being necessary to gain the above information.

It's some hot nonsense.

2020-04-12, 07:50 PM
Just want to say thanks to Heliomance for the many years she's put into this competition. It's the thing that keeps bringing me back to this site and to 3.5 in general, and it wouldn't be what it is without her. Thanks for providing countless hours of book-diving, speculation and fun.

I would also like to add my thanks to Heliomance for hosting this competition for so long! The ICOC is what brought me to this forum, and indeed in many respects to dnd, so thank you!
