View Full Version : Night Below (IC)

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2019-10-25, 10:23 AM
The road is beaten dirt. If you'd been pulling a wagon, you'd probably have made camp by now, as the moonlight isn't quite up to the task of lighting the path forward and you can't be sure that it's safe. But at a walking pace, it's not so bad. As you're walking the path you see a fire, tended to by a man who does have a cart and so must have set up camp some time ago.
The man is middle-aged, with dark hair and skin. He is slightly portly, and is not tending to his own fire or the stew cooking above it. Rather, it seems to stir itself. Upon seeing you, he lifts a hand. "Hello, the road!"
"Will you share my fire?"

2019-10-25, 11:30 AM
"Aye, we'd be glad to." Emrig looks over to the rest of the party. "Unless ye wanna keep going? Be rude to refuse a stranger's hospitality, but we've got much ground to cover yet." Despite his relaxed attitude towards the man, Emrig keeps his eyes and ears open. Not all travellers on the road are friendly, and even lonesome men cooking stew could easily be a part of an ambush, or poison the meal they were offering.

2019-10-25, 01:15 PM
Mirafa accepts the offer of the fire graciously. With a shrug oh her shoulder, she slings her shield down from where she had it resting against her back. She then undoes the frog holding her sword at her side and props it and the shield against a nearby tree, and settles down next to her things.

Thank you, she says as she holds her hands out to the flame, warming them.

Are you traveling alone?

2019-10-25, 03:18 PM

Avaris approaches cautiously and thoughtfully the fire. His fellows were too casual in sitting with a wizard all alone by the road. When he speaks, Avaris 's voice as always is smooth, slow, arresting

"Thank you for your offer. There is strength in numbers and in companionship. Allow us to share our food also."

As he brings out his rations, Avaris asks

"What is a practitioner of the Art doing here, all alone?"

Insight [roll0] if needed

2019-10-25, 04:15 PM
"What is a practitioner of the Art doing here, all alone?"

The man graciously nods at the offer of more food for the camp and nods toward a small tin platter of ingredients by the fire, which one at a time were floating into the stew. Beans, carrots, and sliced turnips were present, but no meat.
"You flatter me. I am merely a dilettante and peddler traveling the road through Milborne up through Thurmaster. At least, most years."

His left hand is shaking a bit from time to time, and he looks over his shoulder and toward his cart, small enough for a man to drag alone, enough to send the message that he is nervous. Looking at you, he's noticeably more hopeful - though not necessarily of his own safety.

Are you traveling alone?

"Ah, not for much longer. I was headed up my usual yearly route through Haranshire - North from Harlaton up to Milborne, then following the river to Thurmaster - but my friend who follows the same route, Kavi - he's also a peddler, but we trade different goods - passed me by about an hour ago." The man pauses a moment, then thinks to introduce himself.
"I'm Gordrenn. These roads are generally pretty safe - the lizardfolk raid what little farmland there is here, and tend to leave us journeymen alone - but Kavi passed on some rumors of more danger up the road. Kidnappings, disappearances. Mostly, I don't mind turning back to Harlaton and waiting for the Carmans to clear up the danger, but I have one scheduled delivery that's already been paid for that simply can't wait."

Realizing that he'd been rambling a bit, Gordrenn waits a moment to give you all a chance to speak.

The Carman family is one of the two families that dominate the lands of the Haranshire, owning most of the farmland and copper mines west of the Thornwood. They employ the majority of the constable in this region, as well.

The lizardfolk raids Gordrenn is referring to haven't been a problem for four months - based on what he's said about traveling here yearly, it seems his information is out of date.

Ricky S
2019-10-25, 11:04 PM
Liara moves closer to the fire, taking advantage of the warmth.
"I have some food I can add as well." She produces a ration of elvish bread and cheese. This should make our meal that little bit more fulfilling"
She nods to Avaris, noting the ration he produced as well.

"I am sure that our group would be happy to escort you to where you need to go, if there are missing persons perhaps its not safe to travel alone"

"Haranshire sounds familiar"

[roll0] +5 history check to know about haramshire

2019-10-25, 11:25 PM
Gordrenn smiles at this suggestion from Liara. "A distinct possibility, but I'd be mush safer heading back. However, while the goods have already been purchased there is a sizable delivery fee, if you'd be interested in delivering a chest to Tauster in Thurmaster, the fee is yours." His eyes slide largely toward Avaris and Mirafa as he concludes his statement, paying special attention to their holy symbols.

Ricky S
2019-10-26, 01:35 AM
An expression crosses Liara's face as if she is deep in thought but it is only momentary.

"I would be happy to accept this task." Liara states happily, oblivious to Gordrenn directing his gaze to Avaris and Mirafa. "As long as everyone else is in agreement? Im sure a little extra gold is never to be missed out on"

2019-10-26, 03:01 AM
Emrig thoughtfully pulls on his beard. "It's a bit of a walk, but we could use the gold." He nods. "Though I'd like to know what exactly we'd be transporting. Wouldn't wanna be arrested by the town guard for moving contraband."

2019-10-26, 05:52 AM

Avaris just nods affirmatively and continues to prepare the dinner. His points are been made by his teammates.

2019-10-26, 09:03 AM
"Oh no, nothing like that. I don't suppose there's much harm..."
The soup stops stirring itself as Gordrenn looks back at the cart. After a moment, a 2'x1'x1' chest lifts itself off the wagon and places itself in front of Gordrenn. He produces a key from a chain around his neck to open the chest with a soft click, allowing you all to see the contents.

There are two distinct sides, blocked off by a band of wood built into the middle of the chest. On Gordrenn's right, the chest contained smaller glass boxes, containing various odds and ends such as a silver whistle, cloth, a small collection of diamond dust matched on its left by a similar amount of ruby dust, powdered silver, charcoal, incense, and herbs. On the left was only a single object on a pillow of its own. An immaculate ball of quartz roughly the size of a human head, a perfect sphere of crystal. Gordrenn leaves the chest open for a few moments before once again closing it and locking it.

"You can imagine why the delivery fee alone is two hundred gold coins," Gordrenn says. The pot begins stirring itself once again. The chest hasn't moved back to the cart.
"It's the biggest purchase I've ever had, you see."

2019-10-26, 09:59 AM
Mirafa nods her agreement after seeing the contents of the chest.

I would be more than willing to do this for you, but I must ask. As you said, there is a sizable fee for its delivery. Why not deliver it yourself?

2019-10-26, 10:31 AM
"The roads are simply too dangerous now, and I've already been paid for the items, just not the delivery." Gordrenn looks about at all of you.
"You all seem much more equipped to deal with danger than myself."

2019-10-26, 10:45 AM
Very well. I am willing to deliver it for you. You said it was for someone named Tauster? Where can we find them when we arrive?

2019-10-26, 11:00 AM
"Yes, Tauster. He's a wizard taking residence in Thurmaster. Once you reach Milborne up north, it will be down the river. He resides in the tallest tower there, you should have no difficulty finding him."

The stew finishes cooking, and five bowls are taken from the cart and filled with some to be passed out among you all.

2019-10-26, 04:37 PM
Passing the bowls to his companions, Emrig takes his own and smells it before tasting just the smallest bit. He's not a picky eater, but he still doesn't completely trust the old man. Better to be safe than sorry. After making sure the meal is safe, he happily digs in. "Thank you for the generosity, friend. Some folks wouldn't share their fire and food so freely. We'll do our best to see your wares delivered safely."

Ricky S
2019-10-26, 08:22 PM
Liara looks in awe at the contents of the chest. "That is certainly impressive"

Liara takes one of the bowls from Emrig with a slight nod and sips on it slowly enjoying the stew.

She turns to Gordrenn "Will you head back in the morning then? It is fortuitous that you found us, and that we could finish the trip for you"

[roll0] +5 Arcana check to discern possible uses for the contents of the chest

2019-10-26, 08:27 PM
"Yes, I'd say it was quite a lucky coincidence," Gordrenn agreed. "I'll be headed back in the morning, yes." Gordrenn looked between Avaris and Mirafa before eventually handing the key to the former.

These are the components that are consumed for spells such as Protection from Evil and Good, Find Familiar, Continual Flame, and a few other spells of lower level. The real prize, the ball of quartz, could be used as a focus for Scrying.

2019-10-26, 10:36 PM
Well, the tiefling begins. It is fortunate for all of us to have met then. But I am sure we are all weary from a days travel. Who would like first watch? I can take the second.

This has been common in your travels together. Mirafa often takes the second shift, because she does not often use her magic. So she volunteers for the second watch, because her sleep being interrupted won’t deprive her of the opportunity to recover spent energies.

2019-10-26, 11:14 PM
"Yes, I've been ready to sleep for some time now I suppose," Gordrenn agrees, unfolding his own bedroll rather than leaving it to the invisible force that seems to be missing now.

Let me know which shift you want to take, we'll be using Passive Perception for this.

2019-10-26, 11:38 PM

With a spoon in his hand, Avaris looks up

"I can take the second watch. The darkness is no problem for me.

But before we retire, can I myself ask a question? What is that intrigues you so much in our medallions, friend Gordrenn?"

Ricky S
2019-10-26, 11:52 PM
Liara pulls out a rug and her bedroll. "I will take first watch, I do not need to sleep anyway, only trance"

2019-10-27, 12:10 AM
"Hm? Oh, it's just... you seem to be people of faith and good standing with your gods, so I feel better about trusting you with this. And didn't your friend already ask to take second watch?" Gordrenn asks Avaris.

2019-10-27, 01:31 AM
"Hm? Oh, it's just... you seem to be people of faith and good standing with your gods, so I feel better about trusting you with this. And didn't your friend already ask to take second watch?" Gordrenn asks Avaris.

"That is true. I wasn't paying attention. I will take third watch then. I like to greet the sun when I can."

Finishing his food, Avaris ritually throws some left overs to fire, alongside some twigs and he prays.

"Mithras, Lightbriner, Radiant Herald, enfolds us in your warmth, guide us with your light and protect us in your radiance."

Ricky S
2019-10-27, 01:44 AM
"If any of you should need assistance during the night you have but to ask."

Liara sits cross legged on the rug she has while she pulls her cloak around her for the first watch. She is ready to cast a light spell should something disturb the group.

[roll0] passive perception check

2019-10-27, 05:54 AM
Emrig looks around with a grin. "That leaves me with last watch, then. Best one too, if ye ask me." He pulls out a pipe, and with a nod retires for the evening as well. Privately, he murmurs his own prayers to Gorm, Marthammor Duin, and Thard Harr.

2019-10-27, 11:40 AM
The night passes. Liara traces the constellations in the heavens, and for just a moment she thinks she sees a red star. But just as suddenly it's gone. Perhaps she'd blinked looking at the fire and the reflection in her eyes had made it seem like a red star was there.

Mirafa's watch is uninterrupted by outside intrusion, and she is left alone with her thoughts.

Avaris sees a figure coming nearer during his watch. A lizardfolk sniffing the air. As soon as the lizardfolk sees that you've noticed them, the creature turns around and returns to the night. If you follow it for a few steps, you find that it truly has run off rather than just running back to where it thinks it can pass unseen.

This lizardfolk is scared, though not necessarily of you. The fight's been taken out of them.

Aside from this, the night passes with no danger and the sun rises on a new day.

Gordrenn starts packing up his cart nearly immediately. He may have been a bit more scared of the road than he immediately let on and is packed within three minutes.
"I wish you all luck, and I want to express my sincerest gratitudes."

2019-10-27, 02:10 PM
And I thank you. For the food, the fire, and the company.

Ricky S
2019-10-27, 05:56 PM
"Farewell" Liara says after Godrenn

Liara waits until he is out of earshot

"It seems we should make our way to the wizards tower. strange that he was so trusting of strangers, though you both be people of faith he still took a gamble. Perhaps his fear took the better of him. And if he is afraid we should be wary"

Liara stops for a moment not sure whether to say more "I saw a red star last night... Or i thought I did. Perhaps an omen or perhaps a trick of the light..."
She folds up the rug and packs away her bedroll.

She takes a piece of the bread she had from last night and eats it as she waits for the others

Rolling for my divination arcane tradition

2019-10-27, 06:19 PM
Gordrenn moves along slowly, still being in vision long after he is out of earshot as he drags his cart behind him. As he vanishes, you are indeed left alone to discuss amongst yourselves.

2019-10-27, 07:58 PM
"A red star? Doesn't sound familiar to me. If it is an omen, I'd ask the gods for a clearer one." He coughs, and looks over to Avaris and Mirafa. "No offence, of course." As he watches Gordrenn leave, he packs up the few things he has. "And I agree; omens or no omens, we should keep our eyes open. Let's hope our package doesn't attract unwanted attention."

2019-10-27, 09:56 PM
Mirafa returns her things to her now customary traveling position, shield slung over a small pack on her shoulders. The gods are often vague, sending a warning, but with few details. It is up to us to remain vigilant. Shall we be off?

2019-10-28, 01:27 AM

His packing mostly done, and having said goodbyes to the peddler, Avaris joins the conversation

"Well said, Mirafa. But on the topic of vigilance, yesterday on my watch, a lizardman came near our fire and left without coming too close. I think he was afraid of something. There is a thick atmosphere of fear in these parts and I would dearly like to know why. Our host was also too keen to leave.

I hope we will find out more when we deliver the package."

2019-10-28, 11:46 AM
Speaking of the package, how should we carry it?

2019-10-28, 11:50 AM
As the group travels north toward Milborne along the path the peddler had described, they note the rarity of farmland in the area. Haranshire, at least the parts that you've seen, is high elevation. The whole place is on a plateau with rolling hills. You're nearly always traveling up or downhill.
It isn't until almost sunset that you see any farmers. Three of them are trudging down the road headed towards you. You're about close enough that one of them - holding a pitchfork - raises her hand in greeting right about when Emrig and Avaris simultaneously call out a warning. They point toward a group of people who are trying (and failing) to conceal themselves behind the thin shrubbery off of the road. Two of them spring up with bows, and slowly rising between them is a man clad in scale mail with a greatsword hefted over his shoulder. None of them speak, but arrows are drawn. The two unarmed farmers scour along the ground, one picking up a long stick that could be used as a club, the other picking up a larger branch that he is wielding like a greatclub.

And it's initiative.

1. [roll0]
2. [roll1]
Leader: [roll2]

1. [roll3]
1. [roll4]
1. [roll5]

They were waiting in ambush for the greatsword wielder to be able to reach you easily, so they're about twenty feet off the road.

Ricky S
2019-10-28, 04:45 PM
Liara is taken aback by the sudden appearance of bandits despite expecting some sort of trouble.
She immediately takes some sand from a pouch and begins casting a spell. Her eyes glow gold as the magic surges through her.

She is casting a sleep spell on her turn, she rolled a 12 in the ooc but has a +3 to her initiative so 15 total. She will target the archers

[roll0] hit points worth for the sleep spell

2019-10-28, 04:56 PM
The leader points his greatsword right at Mirafa in a challenge.
"You two put the mages to sleep. I'm playing with this one."
He moves directly up to Mirafa and swings his greatsword in a broad arc, but Mirafa has fought brutes like him before, and pushes the blow aside with her shield.

The farmers are a bit too far off to melee. The two with improvised weapons dash up and end up behind the leader, panting a bit, the woman with the pitchfork a beat behind them.

The fastest of the archers, a male half-drow with a shortbow, follows the leader's orders and looses an arrow that grazes Liara's ribcage. Instantly she can feel her blood burning at the unwelcome intrusion.

On a failure, you take one poison damage. If you fail by five or more, you are unconscious.

And you already took 4 piercing damage.

Next up is either Liara or Mirafa.

EDIT: Liara is unconscious, Mirafa is up.

2019-10-28, 07:47 PM
Mirafa has been challenged. And true to Helm’s edicts, she will answer the challenge. She deflects the leader’s sword handily, then swings her sword in to strike his side.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Crit: [roll2]

Wel, ****.

2019-10-28, 07:51 PM
The leader, while put off-balance for a second by the weight of his swing, was a practiced warrior and twisted his body so that the sword bounced harmlessly from his armor.

((Avaris is up.))

2019-10-29, 11:14 AM

Amidst the missed blows and the chaos of the melee, Avaris looks as if enraptured around him. It takes him a bit to process what is happening, but as he does, he voice starts ringing around the battlefield:

"Those who walk with the Light have nothing to fear
I am the Lantern in the Dark
I am the hammer of the Sun
And I will smite thee, cause I have judged you and I have found you wanting.

Luminas Es!"

With the last syllable, a great wave of shimmering light fills the area, burning the bandits

Cast Radiance of Dawn as Channel Divinity.
All hostiles in 30 ft make a Con save vs DC 13 and suffer [roll0] or half if successful

2019-10-29, 11:21 AM
Hostile creatures... interesting.
Farmer 2: [roll0]
Farmer 3: [roll1]
Leader: [roll2]
Archer 1: [roll3]
Archer 2: [roll4]

Narration to follow.

About midway into the speech, the leader laughs.
"And by whose power do you - " his grunts interrupt his own taunt as he averts his eyes, taking the full force of Mithras's light. The two archers backing him up cry out - the half-drow and goblin alike crumple to the ground behind the foliage. Surprising some of you, the farmers who had ostensibly been charging in to help you ward off the bandits also take the light of the sun, one of them collapsing as though their soul has simply been burned out of his body, the other remaining in position, gasping as though he'd briefly glimpsed death.
The leader looks back, surprised that the farmers were hit.

The "farmers" were part of the ambush, and therefore hostile creatures.
the leader’s grunts are off-time. He started reacting to the pain just a bit late. He’s faking it, though his body is certainly taking the punishment.

The remaining farmer calls out to the man who challenged Mirafa: "You're on your own, Carlanis!" It seems likely that on her turn she'll be running the other way.

((Emrig is up. The remaining "farmer" and Carlanis are directly adjacent to one another.))

2019-10-29, 11:51 AM
Emrig mutters a few words, and a thin dark mist starts to emanate from the bandit leader. The dwarf notches an arrow, aims, pulls back, and lets go.

Bonus action --> cast Hunter's Mark
Action --> attack with longbow


[roll1] piercing from bow +
[roll2] piercing from mark

2019-10-29, 12:29 PM
The arrow flies straight and true toward Carlanis’s head, but at the last moment he lifts his left hand, which is impaled palm-first. You hear bones crack and muscles tear, but no groans. He grips his greatsword in both hands, snapping the arrow in half to allow this.

The woman with the pitchfork was lucky enough not to have charged in yet, and turns away, running off as quickly as she can. ((Dash away. She's out of sight behind the slope of a hill.))

Carlanis lifts the greatsword over his head and brings it down on Mirafa. The blow cuts her through the chain mail and blood pools through the chains.

The standing "farmer" with a large club drops it and ducks away from the conflict, running off the way he'd come. ((Disengage, retreating 30 feet.))

((Mirafa takes 9 slashing damage and is up. Next hit on him is almost certainly lethal.))

2019-10-29, 01:46 PM
Mirafa grunts as the sword tears into her. But she isn’t dead. Far from it. And so the paladin raises her sword, and brings it down, slashing toward the leader, this Carlanis.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2019-10-29, 05:00 PM
As Mirafa swings, something odd happens. She's certain she was about to kill him anyway, but Carlanis moves his head directly into the path of the blade. Her sword buries itself partway into his skull, and the man dies, his body still twitching. He falls to the ground, and with a loud CRACK the man's skull breaks further, and out of it comes...
No, that couldn't possibly be his brain. It's got legs.

((Avaris is up. Strike that. You're all before its next turn except Mirafa and Liara, go as you arrive.))

2019-10-29, 07:03 PM
"What in the nine hells is that?!" Not wanting to loose momentum, Emrig pulls out the two small axes at his sides, and charges the creature. He swings one in a sweeping arc, then tries to bring the other one down on top of the brain.

Action --> attack with handaxe
Bonus action --> off hand attack with handaxe

Main hand:
[roll0] attack roll
[roll1] handaxe damage
[roll2] hunter's mark damage

[roll3] attack roll
[roll4] handaxe damage
[roll5] hunter's mark damage

2019-10-29, 08:29 PM
Emrig's first handaxe chop cuts into the right hemisphere of the four-legged brain, causing purple ooze to seep out of the thing's frontal lobe. A hissing sound fills not the air but your mind. The four legs scuttle rapidly, and Emrig's next chop clangs into the dirt road.
You've taken my suit, you each hear whispered in the back of your heads.
Your mage will make a fine replacement.

2019-10-30, 03:16 PM

Continuing to recite in a clear voice, Avaris points at Liara and targeted beam of sunshine engulfs her.

"And the Herald said
Those who walk in the Valley of the Shadow
Have no fear, cause I am there
With comfort, warmth and light

Therapeia licht!"

Even as some of the wounds of Liara start to mend, Avaris then turns his light to the weird creature. He has had no time to think what it is, but there is no point now, His light becomes hot and intence

"The Bearer looked and said:
By the Lantern and the Light
You have wounded my brethen
So I shall wound you too

Hiera ignis!"

Casting Healing Word on Liara as a bonus action, healing [roll0] and Sacred Flame at the thing, ST vs Dexterity or suffer [roll1] damage

2019-10-30, 03:31 PM
Blinding light descends toward the four-legged brain, but it scuttles sideways and is untouched. While the "farmer" continues his full-on retreat, the brain runs directly for Liara's head, running around Mirafa's legs.

Emrig can make an attack of opportunity on the brain. If you hit an AC 12 and deal at least 7 damage, nothing beneath this spoiler can happen.

Rather than attacking Liara, it simply leans toward her head. Liara feels her mind going numb as something foreign is trying to consume it, replace it. It is trying to dominate her intellect.

I need you to make an Intelligence check against this thing's [roll0].

Ricky S
2019-10-30, 03:49 PM
Though unconscious, the portents she read in the morning flicker through her mind. Things which made no sense at the beginning of the day become clear and she steels her resolve against intrusion.

2019-10-30, 05:15 PM
This thing, whatever it is, wants Liara. And Mirafa is not going to let it have her. She pulls her sword up, and channeling the night of her devotion to Helm, slams it down, bringing the cutting edge of the old blade down to the brain.

Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

If the attack hits, I am also going expend a 1st level spell slot to use Divine Smite. [roll2]

And I it counts as a fiend (probably not) it takes an additional [roll3] Radiant damage.

2019-10-30, 05:24 PM
The blade slices until it's embedded halfway into the monster, and when the radiance of Helm's power bursts from the weapon, the brain is torn apart by the forces and scatters in five pieces, each oozing purple blood.

((We're out of initiative.))

2019-10-30, 06:51 PM
Seeing the deed done, Mirafa bends down and wipes her blade off on what is left of the former bandit leader’s clothes before returning it to her scabbard.

She then kneels down over Liara, places a hand on her shoulder and gently shakes her.

Wake up, sleepyhead, we haven’t made camp yet.

Ricky S
2019-10-30, 07:16 PM
Liara wakes with a start "What happened?" She looks up at Mirafa with a confused expression.

She sits up and looks around noting whats left of the brain and the general mess of the fight. She touches her chest where the arrow grazed through. The cloth torn but only a faint mark on the skin underneath.

She smiles at seeing her companions standing there. "Thank you, I thought I was prepared for the road ahead. I was clearly not."

She dusts herself off and collects her belongings that may have fallen down. She casts mage armour on herself.

"I am ready to keep going, we should search the remains of those here.

2019-10-30, 07:18 PM
Indeed. And we must be wary as we go. One of them ran away. There may be more bandits about. But hopefully not more of... these Mirafa says, pointing at the brain oozing purple blood.

2019-10-30, 07:43 PM
Emrig cleanes the blades of his axes on his sleeves, before collecting his arrow from the fallen bandit captain. "Aye, don't think I'll have a good night's sleep in a good long while after seeing that." he says, pointing at the remainders of the creature. He nodges it with the tip of his bow to make sure it isn't moving. "We should get moving; I'd rather have a roof over me head and a couple walls around me if things like this are running around these parts." He looks over to Liara. "If yer feeling fit to travel, of course. Gods know anything that messes with yer mind is nasty business."

Ricky S
2019-10-30, 08:49 PM
"My mind is strong it appears though my body is more frail. In amy case it is preferable to keep moving than tarry on the side of the road"

2019-10-30, 09:22 PM
Liara begins searching the bodies. Between all of the bodies, Liara locates 9 gold and 32 silver coins. In addition, the goblin and half-drow (the archers) each have handwritten journals. The goblin's is in Goblin, and the half-drow's is in Elvish.

It details various alchemical formulas struggling to replicate Drow Poison, with the last entry talking about a weakened version that the owner of the book, Zeresh, had managed. It would have to do for now, Carlanis just told him of a necromantic threat that Zeresh was going to have to gear up to face.

The archers have leather armor, shortbows and 39 arrows between them, two of which have that poison drying out on them. Zeresh has three empty bottles and Poisoner's kit. The dead "farmer" intentionally didn't bring any gear for the con to work. Carlanis had that big greatsword and was wearing scale mail.

Ricky S
2019-10-30, 09:57 PM
Liara hands out 3gp and 10 silver to each party member only keeping 2 silver for herself "It is not much but without the three of you I wouldnt be here."

She relays to the group what she read in the half drows journal. "I dont suppose anyone can read Goblin? If not then im ready and good to leave"

2019-10-31, 08:38 AM

Avaris hands back Liarra her fair share.

"Don't be silly. You were just unfortunate. I don't agree to start apportioning shares according to perceived usefulness. Take your fair share. You have earned it.

Now, I am most interested on what happened here. This ...creature is not something we should have met in a roadside ambush.And the existence of a half-drow here trying to replicate drowish poisons I find most disturbing"

Avaris tries to think if he knows anything about such a creature.

Intelligence [roll0] , +2 if religion is applicable

EDIT: Hah! I learned its name and its favorite hobbies!

2019-10-31, 09:25 AM
Mirafa also hands over one gold piece and six of the silver.

Dont be ridiculous, Liara. The same could have happened to any of us. In fact, it only didn’t happen to me because he told them to not target me at all.

You need the money just as much as any of us. Don’t argue with us about it, take it, and let’s be off, away from this brain thing.

2019-10-31, 10:09 AM
As your party draws near Milborne you finally come across honest-to-gods farmland as the elevation of the land drops. Farmsteads are littering the land as it grows greener. As the town comes into view you all see a bridge - or rather, half of one stretching from the other end of the river. The construction of the bridge must have been halted some time ago - the supports underneath the bridge are new and solid, clearly improved regularly while the half-bridge itself has visible rot from being left alone. A hint of why the bridge project was abandoned can be seen momentarily as a cloaked figure leading a donkey simply wades through the river next to the bridge and heads toward the town.

Like I said OOC, none of you know what that was. It's not undead, and it's not a fiend of any kind because it left a body...ish. That's all you can really determine.

2019-10-31, 01:56 PM
"Should we look for lodgings? It's early still, but I'm not much of a sight seer." Emrig stops for a moment, taking in the town and its surrounding lands from afar. "Looks peaceful enough, though I still think a good n' proper city should be build underground." he says with a chuckle. "Or into a mountain, at the very least. Too open like this, yer practically inviting trouble."

2019-10-31, 02:25 PM
I think most people would feel entirely too uncomfortable being in the dark all the time. Especially humans, because they cannot see in the dark. And yes, lodgings would be nice. I’d prefer a bed to sleeping on the ground again.

And with that, Mirafa begins to cross the river.

Ricky S
2019-10-31, 07:42 PM
"Thank you Avaris, that means a lot. I guess I have much to learn about adventuring. So far ive been more of a wanderer than an adventurer. I'll have a good at researching the subject if we can find a suitable library nearby"

"Emrig you dont understand the joys of sleeping in the open under the night sky. The lodgings here should be good enough for our needs"

Liara watches as Mirafa starts wading into the river. "Eurgh I guess we must cross the river though Im not a fan of wading in dirty waters"

Liara lifts her backpack and bow well above the water and wades through it after Mirafa.

Liara will cast multiple prestidigitations to clean her robes once she exits the waters

2019-10-31, 10:37 PM
You wade through the stream and find yourself in the unwalled town of Milborne. The first building apparent is the Mill House, just a bit down the river in a deeper portion, with the mill being pushed by the light current of the shallow river Churnett. A few farmers and going to and from the millhouse, leaving with crushed grains or entering with grains in need of being crushed. A few people without grains are simply leaving with bread in hand - you even see a pie being carried by a little girl.

Past the mill is the first stone building you have seen. Hay and animal feed are being carried into the limestone granary as you are passing by, with the keys being held by a young man who looks unready for his task of guiding in and keeping closed the doorways of the granary.

Closer into the town proper are warehouses. One is wide open and being loaded with crates as you pass by.

Asking about for lodging gets you directions to the Silver Crown and the Baron of Mutton, the former of which is slightly cheaper but considerably less reputable, from what you've heard.

2019-10-31, 11:58 PM

Still troubled by the fact that he has never heard of the mind-stealing creature that attacked them, Avaris joins only late in the discussion.

"People are indeed afraid of the darkness. In many cases, rightly so. This is why me and my brothers strive to bring them the Light.

But I say we stay in this Silver Crown inn. We carry valuables, perhaps we should not tempt the local ruffians.

Also, should we sell the various things are assailants carried? Does anyone need them? We could acquire supplies that way."

2019-11-01, 12:54 AM
"I've use for the arrows; but that's about it. I prefer to travel light, anyway. I'm in favour of selling whatever ye won't need; maybe we'll even find some decent supplies to barter for." Emrig considers for a moment. "Ye think we should talk to the town watch about the creature we saw? Or whoever's in charge, even. If they already know, they might tell us what that was, and if they don't, they could use a warning."

Ricky S
2019-11-01, 05:21 AM
"I agree Avaris, I would prefer nicer lodgings anyway, the added security is a bonus. Though I think its the other way around, the Baron of Mutton is the nicer place"

Liara studies her environment as she continues talking

"So perhaps we should visit the town guard tonight, inform them of the occurence then make our way back to the inn. And in the morning sell the unwanted wares at the market before making our way to the wizards tower to deliver the items?"

2019-11-01, 07:45 AM
On the other hand. If they are not aware of these things, it could set off a panic. People will start questioning anyone who acts even the slightest bit differently. I think we should see if anything unusual has been going on first, before we divulge anything to anyone.

2019-11-01, 03:47 PM
Some matters yet unresolved, you head to the more highly recommended of the two inns, the Baron of Mutton. It is oddly silent as you enter, seeing that the inn doubles as a tavern, as the attention of all of the patrons are squarely focused on the bar itself, where the young woman behind it and the middle-aged man in front of it are holding back panic.
"-haps she just got an emergency summons from Tauster," the woman behind the counter tried.
"She left her things, Andrea! She's vanished!"

2019-11-01, 04:11 PM
Well, this is awkward...

Mirafa strides into the room and takes in the scene. Deciding that it would probably be best to wait, Mira turns to a nearby empty table and sits down.

Ricky S
2019-11-02, 12:56 AM
Liara follows Mirafa to the table but puts down her backpack on the chair and props her bow against it.
"Of course I did not prepare charm person this morning" she mutters to herself.

She walks over to the those gathered by the bar and listens to what they are saying but does not interrupt.

2019-11-02, 10:22 AM
Emrig nods to Liara, preferring to stay out of social situations, and sits down next to Mirafa, lighting his pipe. Still, he keeps his eyes and ears open to the conversations around him.

Just in case its relevant; disregard the roll if it isn't.


2019-11-02, 12:04 PM

Never one to hesitate or question his social skills, Avaris strides towards the group of people and bows slightly

"I am sorry to interrupt, good masters. My name is Avaris and I am here with my companions to do some business with the mage Taucer. It seems that you know of him. Could you direct us to any associate of his?

We would also appreciate some lodgings and food, as we are weary. Where is the proprietor of this fine establishment?"

Avaris waits to see what impression his words have. Will they make him privy to their thoughts?

If needed
Insight [roll0]
Persuasion [roll1]

EDIT: I sure hope that Persuasion roll was needed

2019-11-02, 12:40 PM
"Wait, she left her things?" the woman whose name was apparently Andrea says in shock before Alaris speaks.
The instant he mentions having business with Tauster, both of the people he's approaching begin speaking over each other, with words to the effect of-
"Please let us know-"
"-if she's gotten lost along the way..."
"If anyone can find Jelenneth it's Tauster..."
Before they look at each other and take a breath.

"My name is Haldelar," the middle-aged man begins once he calms down somewhat.
"My daughter, Jelenneth, is Tauster's apprentice. This morning she disappeared, leaving behind everything. If you're going to Tauster, please see if she's there, or if she's gotten lost on the way. It's just... the disappearances and..." The man becomes too troubled to speak and Andrea takes over from there.
"If you help us find Jel, I'd be happy to provide you with a room for the night, Master...?"

Andrea is deeply troubled by the idea that Jelenneth might be missing, and clearly knows her well. Probably the reason Haldelar came to her.

2019-11-02, 02:58 PM
Seeing that Avaris’s interruption did not upset the pair, Mirafa stands and joins him.

Of course. We would happily inquire with Tauster about his missing apprentice. But just now, you said something about other disappearances? How many others have gone missing?

2019-11-02, 03:27 PM
"Mostly we just hear rumors. Travelers on the road who leave behind packs or blood for us to find later. But sometimes someone vanishes from in here. Semheis's old master, Matthias. Totila and Narsus went down into the mines with Old Grizzler, found a new tunnel. Only Old Grizzler came back." Andrea doesn't speak for a bit after this, then she speaks to Haldelar.
"Go back home, Haldelar. Rest and tell your wife you've got people heading to Tauster. I'll get my brother to manage the inn and start a search party in case she's in the area."
Haldelar nods, basically pushing himself toward the door from the bar. He looks back at Andrea, then all of you, and opens his mouth as if to speak. But he doesn't, and simply walks out of the door.

2019-11-02, 03:51 PM

"I wonder if we should visit these mines before we go on, or the places of the other disappearances. Perhaps we have a day or so to spend before going on"

2019-11-02, 04:45 PM
And perhaps we will, but I think it would be best to check with Tauster first. For all we know, he sent her a message by magic that she was needed urgently, which would explain why she left without anything. And if she is not there, he may have a way for us to track her by magic. She is his apprentice, after all. He would be inclined to provide whatever help he could muster without much persuasion.

Mirafa turns to address Andrea.

Is there anyone in the town who has swift horses we could borrow to reach there and back quickly?

2019-11-02, 05:17 PM
Emrig sighs and gets out of his chair to join the conversation. "It's about three days total to get there and back again. Are the mines close? Or on the way to Thaumaster? I'd look into this sooner rather than later." He looks to the party, not wanting to mention the brain-creature in front of these villagers.

2019-11-02, 08:02 PM
On foot. Three days on foot. Hence my question about horses.

2019-11-02, 11:04 PM
Is there anyone in the town who has swift horses we could borrow to reach there and back quickly?

"Swift horses? I suppose there's a chance Nafton has a few, but mostly he has plow-horses. But if you're looking for fast transport, the river gets deeper further out. Capella runs a boathouse on the western edge of town."

"Are the mines close? Or on the way to Thaumaster?"

"Haranshire is a mining county, friend. You'll find mines all throughout it. Old Grizzler doesn't travel much, and helps out the miners just a bit northeast of here, a few hours out of your way."

2019-11-03, 02:02 AM
River travel will still be too slow, I think. Downstream, perhaps not, but upstream? No.

Mirafa sighs.

No, I think we have no choice but to search for ourselves. But it has grown too late to start now, and I still have yet to recover from our run in with bandits earlier. But you have my word that I will do everything I can to find Jelenneth.

2019-11-03, 02:10 AM

"Perhaps we should adjourn to our table, eat and make plans there, Mirafa.

Could we have some food and drink, master Andrea?"

Avaris returns to the table, and if they are all together, he says.

"If there is something more than a person missing, we should take the time to investigate before we go. I suggest we search the dwelling of Jelenneth before we go. Perhaps she just run off. And that we make the detour to meet with this fellow Grizzler, since it is just a few hours from here.

Then let's ask the locals about using boats. They know best, if they say it is faster by boat, then they probably know better"

2019-11-03, 02:35 AM
I would prefer wine, if you would be so kind.

Mirafa returns to the table, and sits.

I doubt she just ran off. She is apprentice to a wizard. They don’t tend to be impulsive. Impulsive wizard apprentices tend to not be wizard apprentices for long. She does, however, live here in town. We could yet see if her father will let us search her room tonight.

2019-11-03, 09:36 AM
"I agree with Mirafa; even under normal circumstances it'd be suspicious. But if there's more of the things like the one we encountered, and they're all after arcane practicioners..." Emrig trails off, not wanting to imagine the specifics. "Maybe it's nothing. But I'd much rather be safe than sorry. So that's the plan, then? Ask the locals, head to the mine, then go by horse or by boat to Thurmaster and back?" He puts his pipe down on the table they're sitting at. "But first, drinks." he says, with a nod towards Avaris and the woman Andrea. "Come on, first round's on me."

2019-11-03, 11:21 AM
"Could we have some food and drink, master Andrea?"

I would prefer wine, if you would be so kind.

"Yes, my brother will attend to you." Andrea nodded and vanished behind the bar up a staircase, to be replaced shortly by a man with enough resemblance to her to be a twin.

"Come on, first round's on me."

"Unnecessary," Andrea's brother, who introduces himself as Barthelew, assures you. He brings by four glasses along with a bottle of ale and wine, then stops by again with smoked cod and turnip slices with two loaves of bread for the table.

2019-11-03, 10:43 PM
That works enough for me. Shall we eat, and then see if we can check Jelenneth’s room?

Ricky S
2019-11-04, 01:22 AM
Liara moves back to the table and places her belongings on the floor before taking a seat. "Food would be nice"

She drops the volume on her voice and whispers to the group "I was thinking more about the attack, we do not know who else might have the brain creature inside them. We should be very careful in what information we divulge."

She talks normally again "Yes and wine too" before partaking in some of the food and drink before them.

2019-11-04, 02:58 AM

Avaris nods

"This is very true. I have been negligent.

We could also ask if they know the person who attacked us. His attitude probably changed recently, if they do. Carlanis was the ringleader's name."

2019-11-04, 10:27 AM
"Carlanis?" Barthelew confirms as he stops by with a sweet pie for the table.
"Crazy fellow. Goes about describing himself as a 'knight errant, in seek of adventure and good deeds.'" Barthelew snorts.
"When he's in town, he stops by the Silver Crown where some of the patrons are fool enough to go with him on his little adventures."

2019-11-04, 08:13 PM
If you have more questions for Barthelew put them in a Spoiler tag marked Flashback and we'll say they've already happened while I move us on a bit.

You all eat your meal, then get directions to Jelenneth's home, a wooden but sturdy house built near the Mill House you passed by on your way in. When you knock on the door, a woman about the same age as Haldelar opens it. Her eyes are puffy and her nose is red from being rubbed raw, but her back is straight.
"Haldelar told me about... some of you," she says, looking to Mirafa and Avaris.
"I'm mistress Parella, at your service. How can I help you?"

2019-11-04, 08:29 PM
Mira bows at the introduction. My lady. I am Mirafa, a servant of Helm, and these are my compatriots. We have only recently arrived in town, but arrived in time to hear of your daughter’s disappearance. We have agreed to take on the search for her, and we’re wondering if you would be so kind as to answer a few questions and perhaps allow us access to her things that we may search for any clue as to where she may have gone.

2019-11-04, 09:00 PM
Parella steps back to let you all in.
"Of course. You'll excuse my husband's absence, he couldn't bring himself to stay home while Andrea organized a search around the outskirts. I suppose it may be best to talk in Jel's room." She leads you all unsteadily up a flight of stairs which do not creak, a sign of good craftsmanship.
She opens the first door up the stairs and leads you, only pausing a moment, into a bedroom. This is likely the first house that is not an estate you've seen wherein a daughter has a separate bedroom, and the interior continues the trend of surprising wealth without nobility. The bed has a mattress of straw wrapped in sheets. Folded neatly in the corner are two dresses - one white, and one black - and a traveller's cloak dropped haphazardly next to them. Next to the doorway is a desk which would look quite nice if it weren't for all the clutter. An emptied component pouch and all of its contents are shoved off to both sides while pages of notes are underneath the beginnings of a spellbook. About the only part of the desk that isn't touched by ink, ripped paper, mangled spell components or a faint burn mark is a miniature portrait leaning on the wall where it and the desk intersect. It's clearly of Andrea.
Parella sits on the bed, leaving the rest of the room to you.
"I'll... I'll take your questions," she offers, resolve overcoming the fear and sorrow on her face.

2019-11-04, 09:27 PM
Well, first a few details would help. When did you notice she was missing? I am guessing that she isn’t the type of gir to just run off without notice, but has she done this before? And we also know she is the apprentice to the mage, Tauster. Has she ever received an urgent summons from him before?

I know I just jammed these all together, but for role play sake, I am saying that I let the mother answer before I continue to my next question.

2019-11-04, 10:07 PM
When did you notice she was missing? I am guessing that she isn’t the type of girl to just run off without notice, but has she done this before?

"No, not run off, exactly. This town is very small most of the time. The miners haul off in the morning, come back at night, and those of us who maintain the town have a quiet place to ourselves. She memorized Milborne shortly after she could run, and we saw no need to stop her as long as she was content to stay in the town. We often awaken - as we did this morning - to find that she's already gotten a fresh start. Generally she either meets us up at the Millhouse - she runs our finances." Parella's brave face slips for a moment.
"She's such a smart girl." A deep breath.
"-or we find her at the Baron of Mutton. Today, my husband tried doing just that and... well, I heard that's when you met him."

And we also know she is the apprentice to the mage, Tauster. Has she ever received an urgent summons from him before?

"No, he's never involved her directly in his research. It's a bit beyond her, at least he says. He has her run errands and such, but that's generally after she's already arrived in Thurmaster."

Ricky S
2019-11-05, 08:03 AM
"If I may?" Liara waits for a gap in the conversation before indicating she wants to look through items.

Assuming she is allowed to go through her things, Liara will read through the pages and try to discern if there is anything that could notify them of her whereabouts.

[roll0] +5 investigation check

2019-11-05, 09:01 AM
Well, first a few details would help. When did you notice she was missing? I am guessing that she isn’t the type of gir to just run off without notice, but has she done this before? And we also know she is the apprentice to the mage, Tauster. Has she ever received an urgent summons from him before?

I know I just jammed these all together, but for role play sake, I am saying that I let the mother answer before I continue to my next question.

The scattered notes are botched attempts at spell formulas, while the spellbook has four completed spells: Comprehend Languages, Silent Image, Unseen Servant, and Identify. The last of these two are found in various incorrect forms throughout the desk along with several failed tries to replicate the Magic Missile spell.

2019-11-05, 10:41 AM
"Have other people left suddenly and without a seeming reason?"

2019-11-05, 11:15 AM
She shakes her head.
"No, not from inside the town before. The disappearances have taken place on the roads, in the mines."

2019-11-05, 05:47 PM
And she’s always been content to stay in town? Aside from when she goes to study with Tauster, I am assuming?

2019-11-05, 06:20 PM
"She's never been anywhere that doesn't lie between here and Thurmaster," she confirms.

2019-11-05, 07:42 PM
Mirafa absentmindedly reaches up and rubs a spot just behind one of her horns.

Thank you, mistress. You have been a great aid to us. Anything, Liara?

2019-11-06, 12:29 AM

Listening carefully to the conversation, Avaris is searching discreetly the room.

Investigation [roll0]

"Do you know if she ever had any track with Carlanis, the eccentric fellow in Silver Swan?"

2019-11-06, 01:29 AM
The blankets are not strewn apart, but they are lifted to allow somebody to get out of that bed. If there was a struggle, it was cleaned up perfectly.

Parella blinks once.
"I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with any Carlanis, though I think you may be referring to the Silver Crown."

Ricky S
2019-11-06, 04:17 AM
Liara looks up from the papers and books "Mmm? Oh, no, sorry I was just absorbed in reading. There is nothing that I can see which would help us. A spell book with some spells and notes"

Liara closes the book "If people have been going missing it is surely related. If we find one we will find them all. We need to make haste and find them.

Should we head to the thurmaster and make his delivery? Perhaps he can aid us in finding her?"

2019-11-06, 07:17 AM
I was thinking that we needed to be quick myself. If we don’t have anything else for the good lady here, we should take our leave, and make plans.

2019-11-06, 03:28 PM
Parella nods, somewhat relieved that the questioning is over, and walks you back out.
"Thank you so much for your help. I don't..." she stops there, not sure of what to say.

Where to?

2019-11-06, 04:10 PM
Hush, dear lady. Do not worry. We will find your daughter. You have my word as a servant of Helm. Go. Try and rest.

After Parella goes inside and closes the door, Mirafa walks away for a few steps before turning to the others.

I do not like this. I am fairly certain that it was those brain things that are abducting these people. The question though, is why haven't they come back? Carlanis did, and he had one of them in him. But either way, I do not think we have time to wait. We need to go now.

2019-11-06, 06:48 PM
Emrig waits until the group is outside to speek. "Aye, I believe ye may be right about the reason of the disappearances. Though we ran into Carlanis outside of town; we should ask around, maybe he'd been gone for a bit. I still think we should speak to someone in charge as well."

Ricky S
2019-11-06, 07:32 PM
"I think if we tell someone in charge what occured we shouldnt tell them about the brain thing. One it could mean a panic and two we dont know if they are one of those things. We dont yet know how to check if someone is possessed. We should tell them Carlanis attacked us though.

We could maybe question them and see if they are lying to determine if they are possessed.

Ok, so notify the town guard and then make our way to the mines?"

2019-11-06, 07:50 PM
Yes. We can find the town guard, inform them that we were attacked, and then get directions to the mines.

2019-11-06, 10:20 PM
You haven't seen anyone you'd describe as a "guard" since you've arrived, and that continues for a little while. In towns of this size, particularly one where most of the residents have physically active jobs like mining, the town has a militia that can be called by one or two people. Asking around for that person, you quickly receive directions to the carpentry shop of a man named Garyld.

Ricky S
2019-11-07, 01:20 AM
"Let us speak quickly with Garyld and inform him of the attack before moving to the mines. Did we want to rest for the evening or make our way there tonight?"

2019-11-07, 01:54 AM
As much as I would like to rest for the night, I fear that if we are to have chance at rescuing anyone who has been taken, we need to go now.

Ricky S
2019-11-07, 05:08 AM
"Agreed" Liara nods with conviction, "As the old human adage goes, time is of the essence"

Is my mage armour still active? If not I will cast it again

2019-11-07, 11:33 AM
Most of the Carpentry shop is a work studio, littered with planks and shavings of wood. The station has two people inside of it at this late hour: a 50 year old man with graying hair and a young lad, cutting away at what looks like will soon be a chair leg with a sawblade. The fifty-year old man is sitting down, but has a cane loosely held in one hand. He is absently observing the young man's work but turns toward you all when he arrives. He takes in your arms and armor in just a moment with quick, keen eyes.

"How can I help you all?"

2019-11-07, 12:18 PM
I am Mirafa, a servant of Helm, and these are my companions. You know Carlanis, yes? What kind of person was he?

Mirafa puts a slight emphasis on the ‘was,’ hoping to convey that this was a matter best talked about alone.

2019-11-07, 12:29 PM
Garyld stares at you for a moment, then speaks without looking at the boy.
"Terence, it's nearly sunset. Why don't you head home early, pick up a loaf of bread from the Millhouse before it closes."
After the boy filed out, Garyld motions you all in nearer. There are chairs scattered throughout the studio, with enough of them finished that you could all sit.

"So I take it he's dead. I figured this would happen eventually, but... I really thought the kid had what it took."

2019-11-07, 12:45 PM
Had what it took? For what?

2019-11-07, 02:54 PM
“I first met Carlanis two months ago. He said he’d heard of me and my days of adventure.”
Garyld patted his left leg, shorter than the other.
“Those are done now. He asked me all about the area, what threats I’d faced and such. The disappearances were only rumors at that point. Carlanis said he was a knight errant, in search of adventure and good deeds.”
Garyld’s mouth twisted in a half-smile.
“He wanted to pick up where I’d left off. When he came back a few weeks later he had a half-drow following him, said he was going down to the mines to find two of our miners. He came back empty-handed, and hasn’t come by to see me since.
“He had a dangerous line of work. It got him killed, I take it. Do you know how he died?”

2019-11-07, 03:10 PM
His body? My sword. But I believe he was already dead when I did it. After he was killed, his skull split open and a creature that looked like a brain with legs came out. It attacked us and I cut it to pieces. If you have any authority around here, as we were led to believe you do, I would advise everyone to stay indoors at night, to not go anywhere alone, and to begin some kind of night watch. I do not know what this creature was, or if there are more, but I believe they are the source of these disappearances. My companions and I are going to go to the mines and see if we can find where these things are coming from and to save whoever we can.

2019-11-07, 03:21 PM

Before going in, Avaris says

"We should also check at the inn Carlanis was staying. Perhaps his belongings are still there"

As the discussion with Garyld takes off, Avaris nods his agreement.

"As my companion says, there are strange tidings afoot. We are to press on shortly, but we need to know more of what has happened in the mines. And warn someone of what is happening.

Did the half-drow have a name? An explanation of what he was doing here?"

2019-11-07, 05:19 PM
His body? My sword. But I believe he was already dead when I did it. After he was killed, his skull split open and a creature that looked like a brain with legs came out. It attacked us and I cut it to pieces. If you have any authority around here, as we were led to believe you do, I would advise everyone to stay indoors at night, to not go anywhere alone, and to begin some kind of night watch. I do not know what this creature was, or if there are more, but I believe they are the source of these disappearances. My companions and I are going to go to the mines and see if we can find where these things are coming from and to save whoever we can.

Garyld balks a moment when it sounds as though Mirafa is confessing to murder, but after that he calmly listens. He nods at her advice and simply responds; "far be it for me to tell others not to throw their lives away."

"Did the half-drow have a name? An explanation of what he was doing here?"

"I'm not sure what his name is, and I don't tend to ask people that sort of thing."

2019-11-08, 07:33 AM
"We heard he was an aspiring adventurer. A knight errant, or something along those lines?"

2019-11-08, 01:25 PM
“Heh. That’s right. Idealism at its most pure, there wasn’t a drop of cynicism in that boy. Now,” Garyld pushes himself to his feet with his cane.
“I need to mobilize a night watch. If there’s nothing else, I’ll be closing presently.”

2019-11-08, 02:57 PM
Before you go, some directions to the mines would be helpful.

2019-11-08, 03:13 PM
“In Haranshire? Pick a direction and have some patience. In this particular case, you’ll want to go Northwest for a little under an hour. The miners should be on their way back now, you’ll probably pass by them on your way.”

2019-11-08, 03:37 PM
Thank you, sir. Good luck.

Mirafa makes to leave.

Ricky S
2019-11-08, 05:37 PM
"If we meet some miners on the way we can ask for directions, that would expediate our process"

2019-11-10, 01:53 PM
You indeed run by miners on your way north in a large group that crowds you off of the road for a time, but they do show that you're on the right path. When you ask about the people who went missing, their faces fall.
"No one will work in that mine anymore," you're told.
"Old Grizzler said he found rubies, rare in mines here. Got two of the newer miners to follow him, came back alone, only told the new priest about what happened."
When asked to clarify that the disappearances hadn't happened at the mine they were coming from, they reaffirm this.
"No, though people who've never dug under the dirt would only hear 'the mines.' You'll want to go about two miles further north to the Garlstone mines, then a little east."
As you're on your way, one of them calls out after you.
"Keep an eye out for any lizards. If they didn't move in after we left, that means something worse did."

The entrance to the Garlstone Mine is easily found, set back a bit from the edge of the hills. Around the mine entrance the vegetation is discolored from mine waste. Looking into the immediate entrance, marked by a faded sign reading "Garlstone Mine", all that is apparent is darkness.
But you are at the mouth of the main entrance to Garlstone Mine.

Ricky S
2019-11-10, 06:57 PM
Liara wary of danger approaches slowly. She picks up some rocks, casting light on each of them in turn and hands them to each member of the party.
"These should light our way well enough and if we need to move in darkness you can simply put them in your pocket"

She turns to Emrig, "I can cast invisibility on you if you like so you can scout ahead? Let me know"

Liara prepares herself and prepares her spells.

Liara will cast invisibility if Emrig wishes. Im not sure how long her mage armour will last assuming she cast it around midday it will last until 8pm. She will cast it again if it is about to expire.

2019-11-10, 07:31 PM
Emrig nods. "Aye, that'd be helpful, thank ye. If everyone's agreed, I'll head inside first; wait some ten or fifteen seconds, then follow me. I'll keep an eye out for traps, or trouble."

Emrig has dark vision out to 90 feet; he'll head inside if everyone's alright with that, waiting for Liara to cast invisibility first. He'll use a light stone only if the darkness is such that he'd have disadvantage on perception or investigation checks. 10 - 15 seconds is about two turns of movement; so he'd be staying some 60 feet ahead. Checking for traps, noises, movement, anything, the whole way; and moving as silently as possible.

2019-11-10, 07:45 PM
Alright, a perception check.

2019-11-11, 10:37 AM
Emrig slips into the darkness, walking over smooth, widened stone. For a moment, nothing happens. After a moment, nothing continues to happen, but... quieter, as though a hush fell over the caverns the moment Emrig stepped into the cave. Invisible, he continued on until he came to a crossroads: behind him and to the right, the tunnel continued narrowly on a downward slope. Ahead of him, the cavern was wide and spacious, the walls possessing broad ruddy striations that make the wall look something like a cured side of bacon. In either direction, the darkness extends past Emrig's range of vision.

2019-11-11, 01:27 PM

Avaris helps Liara, making another luminous pebble. As Emrig is about to head in, Avaris approaches him and with his symbol traces the Rune of Competence on his forehead.

"Go with the Light, and the Light take with you"

He then stands back, ready to head in if he hears anything strange.

Only one Light can be active per caster. Avaris also casts Guidance on Emrig, he may roll a d4 and add it in a check in the next minute.

2019-11-11, 02:22 PM
The two of you should hold onto your lit stones. I can see in the darkness as well. Plus, I will need both hands free.

And with that, she draws her sword and grips her shield as she begins to move into the mines after Emrig.

Let’s go.

Xihrli, on the way to the mine, I would use lay on hands on myself to heal 5 hp.

Does anyone else need any healing?

2019-11-12, 07:26 AM
Emrig takes a moment to carve a clear marking into the ground to show which way he's headed, and then proceeds along the left hand side, into the cavern.

He'll use his axe to carve an arrow or something along those lines in a clearly visible spot; if the ground and walls are solid rock he'll lay out some stones or twigs in the same fashion. If there is absolutely no way of marking which way he went, he'll head back to the group instead.

2019-11-12, 10:59 AM
As Emrig carves into the stone the scratch echoes decently throughout the cavern as it looks as though a line is being etched into the stone by nothing whatsoever. Emrig looks up and sees that he is not as alone as he may have immediately assumed. Moving as silently as they can, a lizardfolk is approaching the partly-made arrow from the narrow tunnel behind Emrig and to the right, staring distrustfully. As they grow nearer, it becomes apparent that this is not a standard lizardfolk - their horns are... well, not. Rather, two octopus-like tentacles are sprouting from the back of its head as it lowers its nose down to the stone and sniffs twice.

It hasn't located you yet, but it's about to.

Ricky S
2019-11-12, 03:06 PM
Liara follows behind Avaris and Mirafa. She has one light stone in her left hand partially covered so it does not radiate light everywhere but only forward. Her right hand is free to cast.

She walks as quietly as possible and does not say a word knowing it could affect Emrig further down the passage.

2019-11-13, 06:50 AM
Biting back a curse, Emrig tries to back away in the direction of the party. He slowly pulls out his axes, ready to strike if the creature charges. He moves as silently as possible; he knows he probably can't outrun the lizardfolk, but he might be able to sneak away and re-join the group.

2019-11-13, 01:32 PM
As Emrig moves back toward the group, the altered lizardfolk sharply bends its head toward the footsteps and lunges out with a bite that goes wide. As Emrig moves back to the rest of the group, the creature didn't follow, but stared right up the passageway he's heading down. His last glance before uniting with the rest of the party behind a turn in the tunnel sees the snout of a second lizardfolk-like creature approaching from that same tunnel.

2019-11-13, 02:43 PM
Still invisible, Emrig catches up with the group."We've got trouble ahead, lads. A couple o' lizardfolk; and it seems one of them suffered a similar fate as Carlanis." He glances back to gauge the distance, and the time they have to prepare, as he stows his axes and notches an arrow. "Liara, keep up the invisibility just a bit longer, if possible."

Ricky S
2019-11-13, 04:50 PM
"Will do" Liara whispers to Emrig. "Everyone ready?"

She concentrates on holding the invisibilty spell until Emrig attacks. She prepares herself mentally to cast magic missile the moment she drops the spell.

She places her right foot back and braces herself for the possibility of attack.

2019-11-14, 08:43 AM
As Emrig reapproaches the spot he'd left the altered lizardfolk, he sees that they are gone. However, as he steps slightly closer he sees that they have simply moved back about fifteen feet into an area where they could stand shoulder-to-shoulder with one another even though there were now four of them, each with a set of tentacles growing out of its horns.

2019-11-14, 02:48 PM
Not wanting to waste any time, Emrig immediately lets loose an arrow. As it flies through the air, he whispers a few words, and the arrow shatters in a hail of piercing wood. As the hail runs through the lizardfolk, he immediately lets loose another one.

Bonus action --> cast Hail of Thorns; the first ranged attack that hits during the next minute forces the creature it hits and every creature within 5ft to succeed on a DC 12 Dex saving throw or take 1d10 piercing damage (half on a success).
5 piercing damage; rolled in the OOC thread

Action --> attack with longbow; + dread ambusher attack
[roll0] to hit;
[roll1] piercing damage, + [roll2] on a crit


21 to hit;
8 piercing damage

2019-11-14, 05:51 PM
Two arrows fly true into the gut of one of the altered lizardfolk, and when one shatters the pellets spread out to the two on either side of it as well. However, the worst of it deflects off of their scales. Now that Emrig is visible, the lizardfolk (or something very similar) look up to him. Two of their tentacle-horns twist to aim at Emrig, and nothing seems to happen.
Then Emrig's head starts screaming in pain as his mind feels like it's being shredded from the inside out.
Emrig takes 27 psychic damage, Avaris and Mirafa are up, a little more than 60 feet away.

2019-11-14, 10:29 PM
Mirafa doesn’t hesitate. Her sword and shield are already drawn.

She braces herself before charging straight in.

For Helm!

I will use the dash action, and charge straight at the nearest lizardfolk. Which will use all my movement, so that’s my turn.

2019-11-15, 12:44 AM
AC:16 HP:18

Avaris sees Emrig stumble, and understands that there may be no time to do much. Delving deep into Mithras' Light inside him, he starts to recite

" Mithras said:
The Light nourishes, the Light punishes
Do not retreat into the Dark
I will find you there
And my wrath will blaze"

With that, three rays of fire burst from his outstretched hand and sizzle the lizardmen. A fourth materializes next to the one that is most hurt, and takes the shape of a crossbow bolt speeding in its direction.

Casting Scorching ray hitting the most hurt lizardman until he dies and then moving to another one
Atk1 [roll0] dmg [roll1]
Atk2 [roll2] dmg [roll3]
Atk3 [roll4] dmg [roll5]

As a bonus action, casting Spiritual Weapon, targeting whichever lizardman is most damaged
Atk [roll6] dmg [roll]1d8[+3/roll] force damage

2019-11-15, 01:04 AM
Fire envelops two of the lizards in three surges, each making contact as the most damaged of the altered lizardfolk collapses on its face, its skin shriveling in the heat.
The other lizard that was scalded roars in anger, then ducks its head sharply to avoid the flaming crossbow bolt.

When Mirafa reaches melee range with the lizardfolk, she sees to her right that three more of the creatures are waiting down the narrow tunnel that the first had come from. One of them charges at her and tackles her from the side pushing her to the ground.

Mirafa is being shoved prone, she can resist with athletics or acrobatics of her choice against the not!lizardfolk's 19 athletics.

Liara is up.

Ricky S
2019-11-15, 04:36 PM
Liara runs towards the battle, balling her hands up with magic before releasing three glowing darts which race towards the creature closest to Emrig.

liara moves 30ft then casts Magic missile

2019-11-15, 06:38 PM
Two darts careen into the lizard that dodged the magical crossbow bolt, and it collapses with two forceful holes in its body, dead.

One of the lizards in the formation breaks to run to Mirafa's side and tries planting a foot on her shoulder to keep her down. Both of its tentacles point at Emrig, and nothing seems to happen. Emrig is left undamaged.

[roll1] or [roll2]; [roll3]

Liara, you can redirect the last dart as you desire. Mirafa, one of the lizards is attempting to grapple you with a 20. Same rules as shove for you.

Emrig, you're up.

2019-11-16, 10:55 AM
With his head feeling like it's going to split in two, Emrig's trembling hand pulls out another arrow, ready to fire. He aims for the lizardfolk grappling Mirafa, and lets it fly.

[roll0] to hit
[roll1] piercing damage; + [roll2] on a crit

2019-11-16, 02:26 PM
Emrig is pretty sure he hit a lung with how strained the creature's scream is, but it keeps one foot firmly planted on Liara's shoulder while two more of the things run in from the same direction and take up position in between the rest of you all and Mirafa. Their tentacles point at Emrig, but once more he seems to have lucked out. However, the lizards' bites dig into Mirafa's stomach, some of which she can feel through the armor. Then one of the first four of the creatures you saw joins in on the fun and attempts to dig its teeth into Mirafa's neck, but is bashed aside by her shield.

Mirafa takes 13 peircing damage, aside from that everyone seems fine. Avaris and Mirafa are up.

2019-11-16, 04:11 PM

Avaris once more tries to thin the heard. He chooses the most wounded lizardman and takes aim with his crossbow. At the same time, he wills the spiritual weapon he has willed into existence to also hurry the creature.

After the shot, with sure and practices movements, he starts reloading. All the while, his lips are mouthing prayers.

Atk with crossbow [roll0] dmg [roll1]
Bonus action atk with Spiritual Weapon [roll2] dmg [roll3]

2019-11-16, 08:03 PM
With the forceful crossbow bolt in one shoulder and a normal crossbow bolt in the other, the lizard with a foot planted on Mirafa's shoulder sways, dizzy. It barely clings to life, but its foot plants if anything more firmly on its enemy.

2019-11-17, 12:29 AM
Brandishing her shield up before her, Mirafa does not bother trying to get out from under this creature. Not yet, anyway. The time isn't right. Instead, the young tiefling woman focuses on her faith in and devotion to Helm.

Ward me, Helm, for but a moment!

Feeling the warmth of her faith flood through her, she then places her fist still holding her sword over her chest and pours more of her faith into her wounds, feeling some of the pain recede in the burning light of her faith.

As a bonus action, I will cast Sanctuary. For one minute, or until I make an attack or cast a damaging spell, any creature attacking has to make a Wisdom saving throw, DC 13 or else choose another target. And then as my Action, I will use Lay on Hands to heal 14 points of damage to myself.

2019-11-17, 12:52 AM
The lizard that had initially thrown Mirafa onto the ground attempted to bite down at her but it became unable to do so, its jaws freezing in place. It shook its head and walked away from Mirafa, aiming its tentacles at Emrig as it moved 30 feet nearer to the rest of the party. Emrig felt a single spike in the pain in his head, then hit the ground, unconscious.

Emrig takes 6 psychic damage, Mirafa can make an opportunity attack at disadvantage if she desires.
Liara is up.

Ricky S
2019-11-17, 11:33 PM
Liara once again unleashes a barrage of magic missiles towards the lizard creatures ahead of her. She directs them at the creature that seemed to take down Emrig.

Multiple balls of magic energy shoot foward.

she stands in place and casts magic missile [roll0]+1

2019-11-18, 12:16 AM
The three bolts leave darts in the flesh of the lizard, and it screeches at her. The four lizardfolk surrounding Mirafa aim their tentacles at Liara, but nothing seems to happen. They all then turn their attention to Mirafa, whose magical defenses left her once she attacked the creature that Liara had shot. Even though she is on the ground and unable to move, one of them loses teeth on her armor but doesn't manage much else. However, even more of the attacks break through to some degree.

Mirafa takes 20 piercing damage; Emrig you are not currently making death saves for reasons unknown. Mirafa and Avaris are up again.

2019-11-18, 12:41 AM
Right. It’s tome to do something. Mirafa swings her sword up toward the lizard pinning her to the ground.

Attack (disadvantage): [roll0] or [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]

2019-11-18, 12:53 AM
Even as close to death as it is, it's still able to shift its weight enough that most of the force of the blow bounces off of its scales.

2019-11-18, 02:35 AM

Things are getting hectic. Avaris has not time to even guide his spiritual weapon as he utters a quick prayer of healing for fallen Emrig. He the takes aim at the lizardman just barely holding on to life.

"The Light soothes, the Light heals, the Light restores.
By Mithras' grace, you are healed"

Healing Word to Emrig for [roll0] HP
Atk [roll1] dmg [roll2]

2019-11-18, 07:30 AM
Avaris's crossbow bolt flies into the eye of the lizard on Mirafa and it immediately collapses, still twitching due to the bolt in its head but obviously dead.
The lizard that had run up to you all looked directly at Avaris, its intelligent eyes filing away everything it knew about him. Its tentacles point back at Emrig to keep him down but they fail to do so, so it charges at Avaris and sinks its teeth into his left arm. '

Avaris takes three entire damage. Mirafa is no longer grappled.
Liara and Emrig are up.

Ricky S
2019-11-18, 05:31 PM
Liara mutters under breath,"Ridiculous lizard creatures, wont stop attacking..."

She balls her hands again and pushes more magic into her spell, before releasing a flurry of magical darts.

"Hang on a bit longer everyone!"

She casts a level 2 spell slot for magic missile directing two darts into each lizard. (I believe there are two still standing correct?)

2019-11-18, 05:57 PM
Emrig nods towards Avaris as thanks, before pulling out another arrow. Still trembling, and on unsteady feet, he aims for the weakest looking foe, draws, and shoots.

Longbow attack
[roll0] to hit
[roll1] piercing damage; +[roll2] on a crit

2019-11-18, 06:30 PM
Liara's bolts fire into the two weakest altered lizardfolk, but neither falls. The one that charged Avaris sways a moment, stumbling and near-death. Emrig aims an arrow to end it as it sways, but at the last moment it regains its footing and ducks under the shot.
One of the creatures surrounding Mirafa bites into her and makes contact, but doesn't manage to bring her down. It hisses and aims its tentacles at her head. Mirafa's brain screams once, then she collapses unconscious. The lizard that downed her steps over her toward the rest of the party.
The next lizard to act simply doesn't, closing its eyes for a moment before approaching the rest of the party as the former. To most of you, nothing happens. Mirafa, something alien, foreign, other is in your mind. It feels almost slimy. It says nothing, but its presence is palpable nonetheless, like an interested but silent eye staring through you.
The next lizard steps over Mirafa's prone form and joins the other two in a formation of three, aiming its tentacle at Emrig to put him back down, but fails.

Avaris and Mirafa are up, Mirafa you are not making death saves and if you are healed you can act as normal, Avaris is a bit ahead of you in initiative. However, your opponents are now about 25 feet away from you.

2019-11-19, 12:03 AM

Continuing to pray under his breath, weary of the Light dimming inside him as he has drawn more than ever, Avaris once again ignores his spiritual weapon and prays for the health of Mirafa. At the same time, he sends another crossbow bolt at the most hurt lizardman.

Healing Word at Mirada as Bonus Action heals [roll0]
Atk [roll1] dmg [roll2]

2019-11-19, 12:26 AM
The most injured of them twitches its tail once, then slumps over, nearly collapsing on top of Avaris before clattering on the ground.

Liara and Emrig are now after Mirafa, rather than that lizard.

2019-11-19, 01:17 PM
Mira, now free of the foot holding her to the ground, gets up, and begins running toward the nearest lizardfolk.

Ricky S
2019-11-20, 03:09 AM
Liara indescriminately unleashes her final preapred spell. Yet another magic missile flies from her hands towards the remaining lizard creatures.

"Will you not yield?!" she screams at them, anger flaring through her.


2019-11-20, 03:22 AM
The creatures hiss as Liara's shots scatter across them. One of the bolts sink into the head of the most exhausted of the lizards, and for a second you are certain it will die. But poking out of the hole in its skull, a tentacle reaches out of its brain and expands to stop the bleeding.
The nearest lizard to Liara hisses and screeches in a more focused manner.
Surrender/supplicate/heresy? Our deaths/ends mean nothing/little/mortal, our Overseer/genius/demigod will/is/has/can learn/take/strengthen* all/needed** to destroy/end/complete you***

*Root of this form of strengthen is parasitic in nature, implying the taking of strength from others.
**The lesser form of Deep Speech's "all," referring to day-to-day "alls," separate from their higher "all" which would be all/wholeness
***Derogative familiar "you," as though addressed to someone who is already a slave.

2019-11-20, 06:23 PM
Frowning at the unfamiliar and alien tongue, Emrig lets loose another arrow at the creature that just spoke, hoping to silence it.

Standard attack with longbow
[roll0] to hit
[roll1] piercing damage; + [roll2] on a crit

2019-11-20, 07:03 PM
Emrig's arrow flies into the hole in the head of the lizard that had just... spoken? It embedded itself in the tentacle, and a squeal invades each of your minds. The lizard itself makes no scream of its own, and unlike the others that died violently, it simply crumples onto the ground as if it were switched off. Even so, the tentacles at the end of its horns thrash a moment before finally resting.
One of the last two points its tentacles at Emrig to put the dwarf back on the ground, and though the mind spike does occur he remains on his feet. The lizard charges up to Emrig and tries to bite into the dwarf, but Emrig manages to backpedal out of the way. The other one also runs toward Emrig, abandoning its fight with Mirafa. During its run it aims its tentacles at Emrig but fails to hurt him. Finally it bites down on Emrig's neck and the dwarf collapses once again.

Emrig takes 1 psychic damage and then 5 piercing, the party is up.

2019-11-21, 12:48 AM

Seeing Emrig go down again, Avaris reaches in the Light inside him for the last time. He has no more power to spend after that. He blesses Emrig with a Healing Word, even as he steps back to send a bolt to the lizardman.

Disengage if needed, then Healing word on Emrig for [roll0] hps and then atk [roll1] dmg [roll2]

2019-11-21, 01:16 AM
Emrig is stirred awake once more, perhaps for the last time.

This should've happened a bit ago but please make a deception check as the alien presence in your mind attempts to decipher your thoughts.

2019-11-21, 10:33 AM
Mirafa continues her run, reaches the nearest lizardfolk, and brings her sword down.

Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1] Crit: [roll2]

2019-11-21, 11:05 AM
Liara's sword sinks into the shoulder of the lizard that had failed to bring down Emrig, and its left arm dangles uselessly as a result. It remains upright and dangerous.

2019-11-21, 01:40 PM

Avaris has no strength to call the grace of the Light. He mentally directs the spiritual crossbow to fire on the lizardman. He then follows with the crossbow he holds in his hands.

Spiritual weapon targeting the weakest survivor [roll0] dmg [roll1]
and crossbow atk, switching if the first one dies [roll2]
dmg [roll3]

2019-11-21, 05:23 PM
The forceful crossbow bolt embedded itself in the lizard's neck and it gurgled as it hit the ground.

In Mirafa's mind she heard squelches and gurgles in what sounded almost like a more complicated version of the lizard's speech. Then after a moment this sound stopped and instead she could understand the message.
A necromancer... a captain... that old sword of yours really means quite a bit to you, doesn't it?

Ricky S
2019-11-21, 10:07 PM
Liara expended of her more powerful spells draws flames to her hands and points towards a lizard. A bolt of flame shoots from her finger tip.

Before even stopping to see if it hits her target she begins to cast again.

"I can do this all day!" She shouts at the creatures though clearly her fatigue from the fight is showing.

Fire bolt to hit[roll0]+5
Damage [roll1]

2019-11-22, 02:16 PM
Surrounded and uninterested in surrender, the creature falls to you all just like the rest.
And as you stand among a pile of lizardfolk bodies, felled by various injuries, we are out of initiative.

Ricky S
2019-11-22, 08:16 PM
Liara breathes a sigh of relief and kneels down on the ground taking a few moments to regain her composure.

"Is everyone alright?"

"I was not expecting something like that to occur. I know we were expecting some sort of resistance but there were so many. Should we risk exploring further? I am all but spent."

She looks at the bodies on the ground, "Are they being controlled by the brain creatures as well?"

She puts a hand on her knee and pushes herself off the ground before inspecting the bodies. She uses her dagger to prod the bodies and inspect them.

Investigation check to discern if there are brain creatures inside the lizards [roll0]+5

2019-11-22, 08:46 PM
Liara pries open one of the skulls and within it she finds that the brain is indeed missing from the lizard, but instead of being replaced with a walking brain within is a pulsing octopus-like creature beating like a heart. Listening closely it sounds almost like it's gasping. This thing is dying.

2019-11-22, 09:41 PM
What in the nine hells is that thing? Mirafa shouts as Liara reveals the pulsing creature inside the lizards head.

2019-11-23, 07:55 PM
"Whatever it is, I'm glad it's breathin' its last. Nasty buggers, these." Emrig spits on the ground as a sign of disaproval. "That was some skirmish, eh?" he says with a grin, which quickly becomes a grimace. "Got a headache like the worst kinda hangover. Ye think we should take a breather, or head on?"

2019-11-23, 09:14 PM
I think we have exhausted ourselves for the day. It would be foolish to press on now.

Mira then looks from one of her comrades to the next.

I... am also leery of the idea of staying in this mine while we rest. We are far too exhausted to mount a proper defense should anything come.

Ricky S
2019-11-24, 12:17 AM
Liara continues looking at the creature for a few more moments.

"I have no idea what this is." She says seriously to Mirafa. "All I know is that they are dangerous. There seem to be too many creatures inhabiting other creatures bodies"

She turns to Emrig "Yes definitely some skirmish. I am not used to such heavy fighting but it seems our path is a dangerous one.

Mirafa is right, we shouldnt stay here, I have depleted my spells for the day and will be of little more use until I can rest.

We should probably stay the night somewhere nearby but away from the mine entrance."

2019-11-24, 12:21 AM

Avaris was not really hurt, but he was spend indeed.

"I concur. We must rest and regroup. Is it worthwhile to go back to the inn to do it, or should we set camp somewhere around here?

I would suggest the inn. In our current state, we will not easily fend off another attack in the wilds."

Avaris searches the bodies as he speaks.

2019-11-24, 12:38 AM
As Avaris searches the bodies he observes the tentacles on some of the lizardfolk's horns squirm their last. However they carry no weapons or gear.

2019-11-24, 04:24 PM
Yes. Perhaps the inn would be best. In addition to resting comfortably, we could perhaps better equip ourselves for a better expedition come morning. Maybe we could also pay a visit to the old man, what did they call him, Grizzly? He may be able to give us an idea of just how large this mine is, as well as perhaps, a map.

2019-11-24, 05:24 PM
You make your way back to the baron of mutton, where you have rooms promised you. It is late into the night when you arrive and you'll probably miss breakfast unless you make a point to wake up in time for it, but Andrea is awake and lets you in. She guides you to two two-bedroom rooms that you can take for the night.

Is there anything in particular you'd like to do before going to sleep?

2019-11-25, 12:39 AM

Avaris asks for a bowl of water to wash. Other than that, he puts his things down and gets some much needed rest.

2019-11-25, 01:13 AM
Those of you who sleep awaken late into midmorning, your muscles sore. Emrig's headache is finally beginning to subside. In some ways those of you who were brought down by the altered lizardfolk are still feeling your wounds, in other ways you feel like you are stronger now than you ever have been.

As you benefit from a long rest, everyone advance to level four.

The new day is yours.

2019-11-25, 10:50 AM
Mira awakens. Her body is sore. Her mind is still aching from... whatever that was she heard the night before.

With stiff, aching muscles, Mira pulls on her chain. Girding herself in her armor, and donning her pack and her shield, she straps her sword on as she heads downstairs.

Good morning.

Ricky S
2019-11-25, 09:48 PM
The bed was extremely comfortable after the late night and Liara had a very comfortable trance. She woke earlier than the others to study her spellbook.

After studying her spells she made a breakthrough in her work and madly began scribbling two new spells down before neatly writing them in her spellbook.

"Good Morning Mirafa, I shall join you for a late breakfast momentarily. But then we really do need to move again."

She returns to her writing, finishing up before joining the others

2019-11-25, 11:17 PM
Mira nods to Liara, and heads downstairs to see what could be had for breakfast.

2019-11-25, 11:30 PM
The inn portion of the Baron of Mutton is emptying out as Mirafa heads downstairs. The best of the breakfast is already eaten, leaving behind only some day-old bread to split as a spare meal.

2019-11-26, 12:32 AM

Despite staying up late, Avaris was up to greet the sun. He meditated deeply, more deeply than ever before. Perhaps it was the way he all but exhausted himself harnessing the Light of his faith, but today, Avaris felt his devotions and incantations resonate deeply within him.

He went down, suddenly famished. Brewing his tea, he split the bread among all the others. Catching the eye of a passing server, he asked

"Is there any butter, cheese or honey to go with this? We would pay extra, if needed"

He then addresses the others

"What are your thoughts? Should we go down once more? If yes, I would suggest we buy some transportation."

2019-11-26, 11:45 AM
Barthelew is running the inn at this point, and manages to locate some cheese for the table.
"It seems we're out of honey, so thank you for letting me know that before lunchtime."

Ricky S
2019-11-26, 10:18 PM
Liara finishes writing her spells and rushes downstairs after taking up probably too much time already.

"Morning all," She says quickly grabbing a hunk of cheese before they are all gone "Tranportation sounds like a great idea"

2019-11-27, 02:49 AM
You may recall that I did ask about that last night. Of course, this a bit earlier in the day, so we may be able to catch a ride in a cart.

2019-11-28, 12:37 AM
"There's stables by the smithy, or I suppose you could ask to hitch a ride with some of the mining carts that will be leaving all morning," Berthelew muses while refilling your drinks.

2019-11-28, 06:22 AM

Avaris nods his agreement and listens carefully to Berthelew's words.

"I do recall, yes. And it seems that some carts will be going that way, which we can hire. I do not have sufficient funds for a horse now, so it is the cart for me."

Ricky S
2019-11-28, 09:10 PM
"Indeed, I am rather poor in funds at the moment. Shall we get a cart now and see if we can venture further into the mines than last night?"

She turns to Berthelew "Any idea of the cost to hire it? And thanks for the refill"

2019-11-28, 10:23 PM
"You're quite welcome. As far as cost goes, a lot of the carts are empty on the way up so you might persuade someone to let you ride free... though I suppose a lot of the miners would want the seat, too."

2019-11-29, 11:31 AM
You go out the same way you'd headed to the mines the previous evening, and this time it isn't long before you encounter a large group of miners this time headed the same direction as you.
None of them are going to Garlstone mine, but they can bring you to Carman's operable mines, which is most of the way.
"If you can get a few of the miners to give up their seats, you can ride in this cart. Nothing explosive in that one."

Ricky S
2019-11-29, 04:56 PM
Liara walks up to the cart, "Good Morning, would any of you be interested in trading your seats for a ration of food? I have four rations available as we need four seats."

Liara presents four pouches of rations hoping some will accept her offer.

2019-11-29, 06:14 PM
A middle-aged man looks expectantly at a seventeen year old sitting next to him, who stands.
“Far be it for me to sit while a lady stands, ma’am.” He nods to you and lets Liara have his spot on the back of the wagon. The older man, who looks to be the boy’s father, follows suit upon seeing Mirafa.

2019-11-29, 07:52 PM
Mira graciously accepts the offer. But before she does, she takes out a gold piece, and places it in the older mans hand.

You have my thanks. Take this, and tonight get you and your family something better than simple rations.

2019-11-30, 12:22 AM
He accepts your thanks and your coin with a small smile.

Two of you now have seats for the majority of the trip.

2019-12-01, 02:20 AM

Seeing that paying off works, Avaris approaches a different team of miners.

"Go with the Light, friends. May I entice you to give me your seats, for me and my friend? In return, I would give each one a silver piece. I will also give you another silver, which will shine like a torch for 1 hour. Would that be a fair trade?"

Offering 3 sp, one with Light cast, for two seats. Persuasion [roll0]

2019-12-01, 03:30 PM
"Right kind of you," another miner says, and he and a friend of his vacate their seats.
You all receive a ride up to the Carmen mines and from there make your way back to the Garlstone mines. As you approach it in the daylight, the inner mine remains just as dark as when last you saw it. As you approach,

There are some specks of jade on the ground.
And some honey.

2019-12-03, 11:27 AM
Seeing nothing immediately amiss about the entrance, you head inward only to see something immediately amiss. A loose stone by your feet grows an octopus-like beak before your eyes, and then it begins to speak.

"I saw your exploits here, and would like to start by saying that I am on your side. Say “understood” to hear the next message."
I would not recommend going through these mines at this time. If you meet with Tauster, he can help. Please say “message received.”
Tauster can connect you with allies who can help you through these mines. With their help you might not die. Please say “next message.”
I assure you that Jelenneth and all other arcane casters kidnapped are alive and physically unhurt. I will notify you of changes. Say “Jelenneth.”
The Tzakandi you faced are nothing to what awaits within those mines. You need allies to make it further. This is the final message.

2019-12-03, 01:28 PM

Avaris looks in wonder and then in concentration as the scripted message plays forth. He says the code-words until the end of the message.

When it ends, frowning, it turns to the others.

"This is an unexpected development. Whoever send this seems to know quite a bit, and does not seem to be in league with the so called Tzakandi.

What do we do? It would be a shame to come all the way here only to go back. However, our initial errand was indeed with Taucer, and this is what this girl's relatives asked us to do. So far, we have been negligent. "

Ricky S
2019-12-03, 09:04 PM
"If they are truly safe for the moment as was suggested then it makes sense for us to return and speak with Tauster. Though it took us a while to get here it seems safer to return. Tzakandi seem like a real threat and I know nothing of them.

Who do you suppose left the message for us?"

Liara shifts uncomfortably while speaking her mind. The presence of a deeper threat weighs heavily on her mind.

2019-12-03, 10:13 PM
Mira shifts uneasily as the messages keep going.

I would not say we were negligent. Ill prepared, perhaps, considering what we have learned of the threat thus far. But not negligent.

Mira considers the messages carefully.

I do not trust these messages myself. They reveal far too much knowledge to be anything less than dangerous. They named our enemy. And spoke of the apprentice, as well as other casters who have been taken. They know far too much to not already be involved somewhere.

I know I had suggested heading for the mage earlier, but I do not think it would be wise to go now, not on the word of someone who would not even reveal their identity to us.

Ricky S
2019-12-04, 11:08 PM
Liara ponders on what Mirafa just said, "It is a difficult prospect, we are more prepared than yesterday for what to face in the mines but we do not know the numbers of the Tzakandi. There could also be other threats that we do not know of yet.

The voice had a great deal of information but why would someone divulge all of that knowledge if they did not wish to warn us? It seems an odd way to ward off intruders.

Mirafa if you do not wish to seek out the wizard then do you have an alternative plan? We can venure into the mines again or return to town. I do not know what returning to town would achieve.

I could research if we return to town I suppose...

Perhaps we could learn more about the wizard in town, whether Taucer is a friend or foe and then maybe seek him out?

Emrig, Avaris?"

2019-12-05, 12:24 AM

Avaris looks thoughtfully ahead.

"We are rested and prepared and we came all the way here. We can at least venture a bit onwards. However, I suggest prudence. If we see that our resources or our stamina has been drained. we should turn back and go visit Taucer."

2019-12-05, 01:24 AM
Myself and Emrig can scout ahead. We have the ability to see in the dark, and can warn you of danger ahead. The two of you can stay back with your light, so you can see. Of danger does present itself we can form a defensive unit and hold them off while we fall back if the tide turns against us.

Ricky S
2019-12-05, 06:27 AM
"I can see in the dark too" Liara says with a smile, "but I will stand back and rain spells from a distance. I tend not to do too well in combat."

Liara casts mage armour on herself, the magical armour shimmers in the light before becoming opaque and barely noticeable.

"I am ready, I have some new spells which should be quite effective."

Perception check to watch out for opponents [roll0]

Foresight rolls

2019-12-06, 12:23 AM

"I can also see in the dark, quite well. But I am not very good at melee combat, so I will indeed stay behind.

May I suggest that you do not venture too far afield? A leap-frogging movement would be best. You can go 60 steps ahead, scout and then call us. Then 60 steps more and so on. This way, we will not be too far behind, if something happens."

2019-12-06, 09:11 AM
Emrig nods in agreement. "After yesteday's fight I'm not all too keen on encounterin' these things again, but hopefully we'll be more prepared than last time. All the same, we shouldn't push too far ahead. We don't know who left that message, but with regards to the warning I'd say better safe than sorry." With that, Emrig moves ahead.

[roll0] perception
[roll1] stealth

2019-12-06, 11:38 AM
Mira and Emrig remain ahead of the group as you all once again enter Garlstone Mines. Once more you come uninterrupted to a crossroads; behind you and to the right, the tunnel continues narrowly on a downward slope. Ahead of you, the cavern is wide and spacious, the walls possessing broad ruddy striations that make the wall look something like a cured side of bacon. In either direction, the darkness extends past your range of vision.
At your feet are blood and scales, but no bodies.

2019-12-07, 12:29 AM

Avaris points to the tunnel ahead.

"I say we go on on this level, before going on downwards."

2019-12-08, 02:13 AM
As the party goes forward, Emrig for a moment sees what must be a 20 foot tall cat's head... no, false alarm. It's a rock formation that looks a lot like a cat's head. Then the party comes along a narrow passageway dominated by stalactites and stalagmites which end in globe-like protrusions. Emrig doesn't see anything, but does hear light breathing when things are still. There's certainly an ambush clumped up behind the stalagmites.

2019-12-11, 10:14 AM
Emrig turns to the rest of the group, speaking in as low a whisper as he can. "Seems like we've got a bit of a welcome party waitin' fer us up ahead." He notches an arrow, just in case there's sudden movements. "Don't suppose any of ye carry any alchemist's fire or the like? Something to draw the buggers out?" He looks over to Avaris and Liara. "Maybe some bursts of flame?"

2019-12-11, 01:12 PM

Avaris smiles a grim smile at the mention of flames.

He suddenly starts chanting and reciting Mithras' Holy Cannon.

" All you Faithfull, go forth and bring your Flame
Light those who live in darkness and Burn those who would prey upon them"

As he speaks and gestures, a large ball of pure flame appears where the ambush is expected, hovering stationary.

Cast Flaming Sphere dmg [roll0] Dex save for half on all in 5ft

Ricky S
2019-12-12, 03:18 AM
Liara nods at Emrigs suggestion and hurls a bolt of flame in the general direction she thinks they are in. "That should be sufficient enough, i'll save my good spells for when they appear.

firebolt [roll0]

2019-12-13, 06:08 PM
As the light of Mithras harshly illuminated the gloom, screams are heard from five creatures clustered behind the stalactites.
They don't sound like lizards.

Now it's surprise round time, everyone go ahead and post your actions with initiatives.

2019-12-15, 12:41 PM
Emrig is taken aback by the screams; unsure what else could be hiding in these caves. He draws back the arrow, but waits until a creature shows itself with harmful intent before firing.

[roll0] for initiative

Holding action to fire the bow, only if a creature comes out that clearly means to attack or harm the group.

2019-12-18, 10:43 PM
Avaris, hearing about the ambush from Emrig, placed a ball of fire in the midst of the stalactites.

[roll0] of them end their Surprised turn within 5 feet of it and take [roll1] fire damage; Liara's target will hurt [roll2] in particular

As Liara hears a scream she aims a blast of fire in that direction and hears the sizzle of flame on flesh. A halfling corpse collapses and rolls out of hiding, coming into the view of the party. Another halfling-pitched voice gasps in shock.

Nobody is surprised anymore, but Liara is going before any of the people who were previously surprised.

Ricky S
2019-12-19, 08:39 AM
Upon seeing the corpse of a halfling collapse Liara stops her attack momentarily and shouts out "Surrender and we shall not harm you!"

A spell forms between her fingers but Liara is unsure of how to proceed. Perhaps they are innocent she thinks to herself.

2019-12-19, 12:49 PM
My mistake on that one - the enemy who came in between Liara and Avaris just died. Avaris and Emrig are up.

2019-12-20, 12:26 AM

Avaris keeps his flaming sphere at bay, and shouts

"Come out and surrender! Noone else must die!"

Ready action to thrust the Flaming Sphere among the enemies, if the do not surrender
[roll0] dmg if needed
Persuasion [roll1]

2019-12-20, 11:36 AM
Emrig doesn't say anything, but keeps his fingers on his bowstring, and his eyes open for movement.

2019-12-20, 11:42 AM
One half-orc man charges from the stalactites to attack, battleaxe drawn. When he falls in fire, three others emerge from the stalactites, slowly. A halfling and two humans drop their weapons - a sling With a set of daggers, a longsword, and a mace, respectively - and lift their hands over their heads in surrender.

((We’re out of initiative.))

2019-12-20, 02:18 PM
Sword half drawn, Mira lets the blade slip back into its scabbard. She looks briefly to the ones who have surrendered, then kneels down by the half orc to see if he is completely dead, or whether he might be healed.

Making a medicine check on the half orc.


2019-12-20, 03:24 PM
He’s breathing, but fading quickly.

2019-12-20, 03:50 PM
Mira, sensing some life left in the half orc, reaches out with her hand, placing it on his head. She then channels some of her strength into him, letting the healing power Helm had given her wash into him.

Lay on Hands for one point. Enough to stabilize him and not die.

Who are you, and what are you doing here?

2019-12-20, 03:53 PM

Avaris let's his fire wink out, with a single word and a gesture. He also approaches carefully, making sure the weapons are out of reach.

"Explain yourselves. Why did you try to ambush us?"

2019-12-20, 03:57 PM
Shuddering, the half-orc returns to his senses and nearly goes for his axe, but one of the humans say, "Gorb. We lost."
The half-orc stops going for his weapon, but scowls.
The three most consistently conscious people look at one another and they let the halfling speak.
"The same as you, I suppose. We came here investigating the disappearances and it seems there was a huge misunderstanding were each of us assumed the other was one of them."

The halfling corpse has a gold amulet with a J emblazoned on it. If you turn it over, there is a small print of Haldelar and Parella.

2019-12-20, 04:02 PM
How long have you been down here?

Investigation: [roll0]

And for good measure, I will use one of my uses of Divine Sense.

2019-12-20, 04:12 PM
"Two days," the halfling said while one of the humans chimed in "four hours."
They looked at one another, and the human decisively closed his mouth.
"He only recently joined us, it's why we were so near the entrance," the halfling said.

None of them are undead, fiends or celestials. None are within 60 feet.

2019-12-22, 01:00 AM
Mira rises back to her feet. She looks from the halfling to the human, and then back. That's funny. No one mentioned to us there were others searching.

Mira drops her hand to rest on the hilt of her sword. Without taking her eyes off this group, Mira turns her head slightly to speak behind her. Gather their weapons. Something isn't right.

2019-12-22, 01:02 AM
"They didn't? How unfortunate how easily this whole disaster could have been avoided..." the halfling insisted, but one of the humans had clearly given up on this and was just closing his eyes and mumbling nonsense.

2019-12-22, 01:03 AM
Mira pulls her sword and holds it to the human mumbling.

I would stop that if I were you.

2019-12-22, 01:27 AM
He does, biting his thumb instead.

2019-12-22, 02:28 AM
Good. Now, let's start over. Mirafa says.

Who in the hells are you, and what are doing here?