View Full Version : Agents of the Emporium

2019-10-25, 06:51 PM
”Good, you’re all here. Each of you have come to the attention of the Emporium as accomplished in your field, let us take that out of the way. The task, as it were, is thus: to go to a remote mountain valley and explore a ruin that has been newly discovered. The depths are as yet unplumbed, so you will have to open or excavate it yourselves. Go there, discover what lies within, solicit it to our cause… and you will be rewarded by the Emporium.”

Supplies, horses, a wagon, and a cover story for a group of merchant scholars traveling to a distant mountain range all await you as you stepped forth from the immense doors of the Library. The cover is important, or so you have learned over the past years... and yet somehow it also is always the exact truth or a shade of it. The journey out of the City and out through civilized lands was simple and unexciting, a pleasant walk under gleaming sun and fluffy clouds over rolling fields of grains and produce. Thick forests split by wide smooth roads, rocky hills with goat-picked bushes and grasses, and slowly your path took you closer and closer to the edge of civilized lands... and then beyond it.

The first fetishes had warned that you walked in lands claimed. The Emporium's needs outweigh the words of a priest or king, and so warnings of tribal lands were disregarded and you proceeded through the foothills and up into the arching mountains. The first night your glittering fire had cast shadows up onto the slopes of the mountains and the first raid had snapped jagged teeth at your ranks. Agents of the Emporium stood tall and the dog-faced bravados were driven back, but this was only the beginning. The map you followed was clear, and laid out the road... a road that seemed hell-bent on passing through the heart of these gnoll's lands.

The following week of travel passed in a blur of spell-flare, swinging weapons, snapping teeth, and loss. The common-folk you had brought with you fell one by one, followed by your horses. The gibbering bark of the gnolls now tightens your hands and shoulders with reactive stress. The wagon left behind on a slope, the ox pulling it arrow-pierced and slumped in the eternal sleep of death. A fierce frantic battle at the crest of a pass, the gnolls attacking with a ferocity that seemed almost desperate, their barks inspiring fear not from the sound but from the frantic tone of panic. The leader of the gnolls, or at least you presume it to be such from its plumage, falls with a savage wound across its face and you are freed to step finally down into a valley.

Before you lies a wide... courtyard? A broad smooth expanse of gleaming stone, each corner of the hundred yard square marked with a pillar of equally smooth stone. The land around it is thick with lush grass and brilliant white flowers unmarked by the touch of man or beast. No sign can be seen of the tribal markers you have passed nor of the gnolls who so fiercely resisted your progress to this place.

The moment stretches, the sun slowly settling in the west and casting gleaming shadows across the stones. Your bodies ache, you are weary and worn, but you have arrived at the beginning.

Welcome to the game! We start after a fierce conflict. This has been a wearying experience, and has had impact on you. Everyone starts at 1/3 max hit points. Spell-casters roll 1d6, that is the number of spell-levels you have left unspent, allocated among your spell levels as you choose.

It is late afternoon. Introduce yourselves, react, and act!

Mr Adventurer
2019-10-25, 07:37 PM

"Hhhh." The rangy man leaned forward onto the hilt of his long sword, its point wedged amongst some rocks, and a weary hiss escaped his lips, his heavy blue-grey laquered plate armour creaking slightly. Even so focused as they'd all had to have been, these last days amongst the gnolls, and with the odd sight laid out in front of them now, he seems slightly distant, distracted somehow, as though there was something inside his skull that only he could hear.

After surveying the scene ahead for a moment, he stood up and wiped sweat from his brow with a filthy scarf and combed his fingers through his dark, grey-streaked beard.

"What do you make of that, Coraz?" He asked the woman behind him - the only other human in their motley crew.

He regards the strange sight a second longer. "Or anyone else, for that matter."

11 of 33 hit points remain.

Currently active effects:
- Dark One's Own Luck (Reflex saves)
- Devil's Sight

Use Detect Magic on the off-chance there's an aura in 60 feet that might tell us something.

2019-10-25, 08:47 PM
6 spell levels left unspent (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24225155&postcount=1)

"I..." Coraz swallowed and flinched. Her body ached as she pulled her robes around her protectively. "...I am not sure. These gnolls fought like they were fiends possessed though. Before we tread further, it would be best to tend to our wounds first and see if there's anything worth salvaging from the fallen that might aid us..."

She began to walk among the last of the dead commoners that fell during that final, frantic battle, closing their eyes and murmuring a soft prayer to Boccob that they would find peace -- and that their deaths wouldn't have been for nothing. A tiny part of her felt that the Uncaring One would have paid little mind to such concerns, but the ritual was more for her own sense of well-being.

2019-10-25, 10:07 PM
Nobuyuri pulled out a cleaning cloth, wiping the blood from the blade of his spear. The hallucination of green flames once again flashed before his eyes, seeming to engulf the assorted corpses. His blade clean, he switched to his quarterstaff, gently pushing dead bodies out of the way to clear a path to the rest of the group.

That, I'm afraid, is one thing I cannot aid you with. Though their possessions belong to this world, their spirits are destined for the next, and we of the spirit world should not interfere with that process. I only hope that their souls find the peace in their next life they could not in this...


HP: 7/21
Remaining spells:
Jet of Steam
Summon Monster II

2019-10-26, 10:59 AM
Parnaso walked among the bodies of the dead gnolls.

Poking them with the butt of his ax to make sure they were done, indifferent and stoic. He would have never come, but his brother had debts, and the family honor was at stake.

His armor was dented all over. And a spear had pierced it just below the liver. Lucky hit that critical.

He approached the others and an aura of vigor extended from him to the rest of the group.

Here, that should help a little bit with the pain.

He didn't roll the r's like dwarves did, he was too dignified for that and spoke in elegant common.

He took a wand from his backpack and used it to heal himself.

2019-10-26, 12:19 PM
Kard Rockwell dusts himself off and winces imperceptibly as his wounds remind him of their presence. He consider dismissing his rolling stone sphere but instead causes it to move along towards the courtyard. Stone courtyard, at least ...

"Thanks Parnaso. We'd best find some shelter and hole up in there until we can heal up a bit."

Was coming here a mistake? Sure, but we're here. Best not let it be for nothing.

Spot [roll0], listen [roll1]
Spell levels remaining [roll2]

2019-10-27, 04:57 PM
Grik wasn't happy about the cover, initially, but once he started running alongside as a dog, he cared not, it didn't matter that one of their number was not present, and everyone seemed to absently stroke him when he was around, forgetting, that he was in fact, Grik, one of the 'scholars', which was fine with him, allowed him to go unnoticed, but, with all things, that changed with the gnolls.

He bounded, and flew across the battlefield, scouting, eviscerating, and ambushing gnolls with abandon, it was glorious, and more than a few nights, he came back to the campfire, literally covered in gore, he would forget, and often was confused at the queazy nature of humans, who seemed to turn a funny color and sometimes even vomit their meal.

The final battle had him running from gnoll to gnoll, tearing guts with claws and teeth, and sometimes, it was hard to see where the gnolls began, and where Grik ended.

As the crescendo fades, he came out of the smoke and fire, greeting the others with a wolfish grin, blood and viscera trailing him.

He stopped, wounds still seeping, blood mixing the gnoll blood, but his wounds began to knit themselves together as Parnaso moved closer, he nodded to him with a thanks.

"Well that was a wonderful fight" he declared, caring not at all about the commoners they lost on the way, casualties of the mission, a calculated cost. "Shall we rest here a while?"

Fast healing 2 from aura

Mr Adventurer
2019-10-28, 05:22 AM

Hechtor stares at the pristine, ancient, untouched courtyard ahead of them with an expression of foreboding on his face, but shakes himself out of it.

"I..." Coraz swallowed and flinched. Her body ached as she pulled her robes around her protectively. "...I am not sure. These gnolls fought like they were fiends possessed though. Before we tread further, it would be best to tend to our wounds first and see if there's anything worth salvaging from the fallen that might aid us..."

She began to walk among the last of the dead commoners that fell during that final, frantic battle, closing their eyes and murmuring a soft prayer to Boccob that they would find peace -- and that their deaths wouldn't have been for nothing. A tiny part of her felt that the Uncaring One would have paid little mind to such concerns, but the ritual was more for her own sense of well-being.

"Fair enough," Hechtor nods slowly, then clears his throat. "Good idea. The damn things protected this place hard enough, maybe they're carrying something that'll tell us a little bit more about it." With a groan, he stands up and resheathes his long-bladed sword - too large for a man to wield in one hand, but perfectly balanced for Hechtor to wield with speed and precision, and goes about helping Coraz investigate the fallen gnolls - starting with the ones they can identify as higher-ranking.

If he notices the small prayers to Boccob as they go about the grisly task, he doesn't mention it.

Nobuyuri pulled out a cleaning cloth, wiping the blood from the blade of his spear. The hallucination of green flames once again flashed before his eyes, seeming to engulf the assorted corpses. His blade clean, he switched to his quarterstaff, gently pushing dead bodies out of the way to clear a path to the rest of the group.

That, I'm afraid, is one thing I cannot aid you with. Though their possessions belong to this world, their spirits are destined for the next, and we of the spirit world should not interfere with that process. I only hope that their souls find the peace in their next life they could not in this...

Bent over a gnoll - it twitches, and he grabs its muzzle and twists sharply, snapping its neck - Hechtor looks up at Nobuyuri. Even after seeing him around the Emporium, and the long hard journey they'd just shared, Hechtor still wasn't completely sure what to make of the man and his rituals. But then, he was no stranger to ritual.

"'We of the spirit world,' eh?" he repeats back quizzically, looking around. "If this is the afterlife, I think I'd hoped it would be at least a little bit... less bloody?"

He suppresses a shudder. Or at least I hope there even is an afterlife that isn't endless nothing in a twisting void... he shakes his head distractedly, banishing a vision.

Parnaso walked among the bodies of the dead gnolls.

Poking them with the butt of his ax to make sure they were done, indifferent and stoic. He would have never come, but his brother had debts, and the family honor was at stake.

His armor was dented all over. And a spear had pierced it just below the liver. Lucky hit that critical.

He approached the others and an aura of vigor extended from him to the rest of the group.

Here, that should help a little bit with the pain.

He didn't roll the r's like dwarves did, he was too dignified for that and spoke in elegant common.

He took a wand from his backpack and used it to heal himself.

Hechtor grunts in thanks as the healing aura washes over him. His plate armour had turned many a blow, but there had simply been too many of them. Now the armour hid the damage he'd taken, and the respite was welcome.

He turned over another gnoll that looked bigger - and, he therefore assumed, more important - than some of its brethren.

Kard Rockwell dusts himself off and winces imperceptibly as his wounds remind him of their presence. He consider dismissing his rolling stone sphere but instead causes it to move along towards the courtyard. Stone courtyard, at least ...

"Thanks Parnaso. We'd best find some shelter and hole up in there until we can heal up a bit."

He stopped, wounds still seeping, blood mixing the gnoll blood, but his wounds began to knit themselves together as Parnaso moved closer, he nodded to him with a thanks.

"Well that was a wonderful fight" he declared, caring not at all about the commoners they lost on the way, casualties of the mission, a calculated cost. "Shall we rest here a while?"

"Right," Hechtor agrees uncertainly. "We need to rest. But... look at that place." he shrugs toward the eerie courtyard, "Don't we need to take a look to make sure nothing's going to come crawling out of it, at least?"

He adds, "You never know, it might actually just offer a bit of shelter from all this damn dust."

2019-10-28, 09:33 AM
Coraz paused, eyes squinting towards the courtyard. Her mind whirred as she tried to remember what their superiors had told them about this place and what her initial research had uncovered beforehand.

"It may provide us some distance from any carrion hunters -- or worse -- that come out tonight when we camp." She glanced up at the late afternoon sun. "Still, it would be best to be at full strength before fully delving into this place."

Parnaso's aura gave some relief, but Coraz knew it wouldn't be enough. She sighed "I can default what magicks I have left for healing, so should anyone need it now, please speak up. All I ask is that I take either first or last watch when we finally camp for the night to refresh and meditate."

Lore check (1d20+6)[21]

2019-10-28, 10:54 AM
Grik looks to Coraz, "I believe we are all in need."

And with that, he jumps into the air, quickly turning into a bird, and circles up, flying high above the area, looking down and scouting the immediate surrounding.

Fly up and take a look, 300 ft or so.

Grik R'vasala (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2010548)

Male Duskling Druid (Incarnum;Shapeshifter) 5
LG, Medium, Fey (Extraplanar; Incarnum)
Init +3; Senses spot -1, listen -1, lowlight vision
Languages Common, Sylvan

Humanoid Form
19 (+3 Dex, +3 Armor, +3 Natural), touch 13, flat-footed 16
Wolf Form
23 (+3 Dex, +3 Armor, +7 Natural), touch 13, flat-footed 20
Bird Form
21 (+3 Dex, +3 Armor, +5 Natural), touch 13, flat-footed 18
HP 14/38 (5d8)
Fort +6, Ref +4 (+6 in Bird Form), Will +3
Base Atk +3; Grp +10 (+12 in wolf form)

Humanoid Form: 35
Wolf Form: 55
Bird Form: Fly 40 [good]

Humanoid Form:
Claws +8/+8/+8/+8 (1d4+4/20x2; Magical, Piercing, and Slashing)
Wolf Form:
Bite +9 (1d6+6/20x2; Magical, Piercing, Slashing, & Bludgeoning)
Claws +10/+10/+10/+10 (1d4+6/20x2; Magical, Piercing, and Slashing)
Bird Form:
Talon (1d6+5/20x2; Magical, Piercing, Slashing, & Bludgeoning)
Claws +9/+9/+9/+9 (1d4+5/20x2; Magical, Piercing, and Slashing)

Wolf Form (+4 STR, +4 Natural Armor, base speed 50ft, Bite attack, and Mobility Feat)
Bird Form (+2 STR, +2 Natural Armor, +2 Reflex, Fly speed 40 [good], Talon attack)
Nature Sense, Wild Empathy (+4), Woodland Stride, Trackless Step, Resist Natures Lure, Chakra Binds (Totem, Crown, Feet, Hands), 4 soul melds, 4 essentia, 1 bind.


ShouldersKruthik Claws1/1
ArmsGirallon Arms0/1
WaistWormtail Belt1/1
HeartAstral Vambraces1/1
FeetDusking Speed1/1

Humanoid Form
Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 8
Wolf Form
Str 20, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 8
Bird Form
Str 18, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 8


Climb +9 (+3 str, +4 Girallon arms)
Climb +11 (+5 str, +4 Girallon arms)[In wolf Form]
Hide +13 (+3 dex, +4 ranks, +6 Kruthik claws)
Move silently +13 (+3 dex, +4 ranks, +6 Kruthik claws)
Survival +7 (-1 Wis, +8 ranks)

Feats: Shape soulmeld: Astral Vambraces, Weapon Focus: Claw
Possessions: +1 Glamored Leather Amor + Wilding Clasp, Belt of Healing [3/3], Amber Amulet of Vermin: Giant Wasp [1/1], Crystal of Adaption, Least, coin purse (9 pp).

2019-10-28, 01:28 PM

Bent over a gnoll - it twitches, and he grabs its muzzle and twists sharply, snapping its neck - Hechtor looks up at Nobuyuri. Even after seeing him around the Emporium, and the long hard journey they'd just shared, Hechtor still wasn't completely sure what to make of the man and his rituals. But then, he was no stranger to ritual.

"'We of the spirit world,' eh?" he repeats back quizzically, looking around. "If this is the afterlife, I think I'd hoped it would be at least a little bit... less bloody?"

He suppresses a shudder. Or at least I hope there even is an afterlife that isn't endless nothing in a twisting void... he shakes his head distractedly, banishing a vision.

The fox man turned towards Hechtor, looking first quizzical and then sheepish. I... apologize. I may have spoken a bit too poetically. My own magical ability comes from my connection to the spirit world, and with that power comes certain taboos I must not break; one of them being that I cannot touch the dead.

2019-10-28, 01:48 PM
"Fair. Some rituals and vows hold much importance to people," said a nodding Coraz in a quiet tone. "I will do better to keep that in mind."

She pursed her lips and looked up at the soaring Grik.

OK, Parnaso's aura should have gotten us all to half our HP & Parnaso then used his wand on himself. What's everyone else's HP now at so I know how to divvy up Coraz's Cures? I'll hold off her for last regardless

Mr Adventurer
2019-10-29, 05:29 PM
Coraz paused, eyes squinting towards the courtyard. Her mind whirred as she tried to remember what their superiors had told them about this place and what her initial research had uncovered beforehand.

"It may provide us some distance from any carrion hunters -- or worse -- that come out tonight when we camp." She glanced up at the late afternoon sun. "Still, it would be best to be at full strength before fully delving into this place."

Parnaso's aura gave some relief, but Coraz knew it wouldn't be enough. She sighed "I can default what magicks I have left for healing, so should anyone need it now, please speak up. All I ask is that I take either first or last watch when we finally camp for the night to refresh and meditate."

"Hnh," Hechtor grunts, "Or we could let Parnaso do his thing, then see if there's space inside we can use before deciding how to empty your magic out." He shrugs, "You know what I mean?"

The fox man turned towards Hechtor, looking first quizzical and then sheepish. I... apologize. I may have spoken a bit too poetically. My own magical ability comes from my connection to the spirit world, and with that power comes certain taboos I must not break; one of them being that I cannot touch the dead.

"I got nothing against poets, friend," Hechtor says with a wave of his hand. "And believe me, I understand."

2019-10-31, 10:19 PM
I am in need of healing, if you have some to spare. Beyond that, if we are to make camp, we should first scout the surrounding area and make sure there are no stragglers. I would not mind going to take a look; since this mission began I have not been able to stretch all four of my legs.

HP is currently 10/21.

2019-11-01, 06:32 AM
Parnaso used his wand on those still needing some healing.

Cygna, [roll0]
Hecktor, [roll2]
Dragon samurai,[roll3]

45 charges left

etting up camp in here does not seem a good idea, if only for the bodies. I'm not a looter, but perhaps they hold valuable information, papers, messages, keys.

With a face of disgust, parnaso proceeds to search the bodies.

2019-11-01, 01:39 PM
"Many thanks..." Coraz nodded as the wand's power washed over her. Still, she kept in mind to default to healing if needed should they progress further this day. Who knew what dangers lurked beyond the courtyard?

19/26 HP now
Taking 20 to search the dead.

2019-11-01, 06:46 PM

A chill wind blows across the narrow path that had led the final steps towards your destination, a blessing that carries away the rancid smells of battle that give truth to the final conflict that led you to this place. Unwilling or perhaps unable to leave behind the fallen, you turn away from your destination and lay to rest those last few who fell supporting you to this place.

The gnolls, it would appear, took the majority of their dead with them and left little behind. You easily recover what supplies were being held by those more common folk who had accompanied and arrange them in a manner appropriate to your preference.

Eyes that look with magic towards the courtyard perceive nothing strange... or a flicker... or an aura... or nothing... it is unclear what is truly there. For sharp eyes in the sky, the valley has the shape of a teardrop with your allies clustered at the most narrow point. The courtyard takes up much of the body of the tear, and nothing moves that you do not already know.

2019-11-01, 09:58 PM
Though it pains him, almost as much as the wounds do, to admit it, Kard Rockwell tells Parnaso "I could use a bit more healing, too."

OOC: hp 16/32

After allowing Parnaso the chance to react to that and to provide what healing he deems appropriate, Kard says "I think someone will have to walk into the middle of that 'courtyard' to really see what it's all about. And that should be me. It's stone after all, and I know stone. Any objections? I only ask that because doing so might summon a monster or something, so it's not without risk for all of us."

Mr Adventurer
2019-11-04, 10:43 AM
Hechtor shakes his head, "Can't let you do that. I'll come too." He forms an arcane sigil with one of his hands, and chaotic energies ripple over him like oil on water, making his outline flicker ever so slightly.

He claps Kard on the shoulder, then hefts up his long-bladed sword. "Come, then! Let's see what happens, and maybe why these gnolls haven't befouled this place like they have everything else they've touched..."

Activate Entropic Warding, which gives a 20% miss chance to incoming ranged attacks.

Hi points 22 of 33.

2019-11-04, 11:27 AM
"Both of you, be careful..." Coraz looked grim. "...we've lost so many already. Perhaps Grik should remain overhead and slightly in front of you, just in case. Especially if there appears to be any differences in those upcoming stones."

She hated feeling paranoid about this place, but without enemies barrelling down on them, they at least had the luxury of being cautious.

19/26 HP

2019-11-05, 10:31 AM
Seeing nothing from up above, Grik flies downward, and lands as they discuss where to go, and who to send.

"I also can go, perhaps we should all go? I am not fond of breaking up our group."

And with that, he launches himself back up into the air, but this time, hovers around 20 ft from the ground. This time you have a chance to see the magnificence of his plumage, it almost shined purple in the light, his body was a large beautiful raven, with sheer yellow piercing eyes.

I have good flight, so I can hover

Grik R'vasala (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2010548)

Male Duskling Druid (Incarnum;Shapeshifter) 5
LG, Medium, Fey (Extraplanar; Incarnum)
Init +3; Senses spot -1, listen -1, lowlight vision
Languages Common, Sylvan

Humanoid Form
19 (+3 Dex, +3 Armor, +3 Natural), touch 13, flat-footed 16
Wolf Form
23 (+3 Dex, +3 Armor, +7 Natural), touch 13, flat-footed 20
Bird Form
21 (+3 Dex, +3 Armor, +5 Natural), touch 13, flat-footed 18
HP 38/38 (5d8)
Fort +6, Ref +4 (+6 in Bird Form), Will +3
Base Atk +3; Grp +10 (+12 in wolf form)

Humanoid Form: 35
Wolf Form: 55
Bird Form: Fly 40 [good]

Humanoid Form:
Claws +8/+8/+8/+8 (1d4+4/20x2; Magical, Piercing, and Slashing)
Wolf Form:
Bite +9 (1d6+6/20x2; Magical, Piercing, Slashing, & Bludgeoning)
Claws +10/+10/+10/+10 (1d4+6/20x2; Magical, Piercing, and Slashing)
Bird Form:
Talon (1d6+5/20x2; Magical, Piercing, Slashing, & Bludgeoning)
Claws +9/+9/+9/+9 (1d4+5/20x2; Magical, Piercing, and Slashing)

Wolf Form (+4 STR, +4 Natural Armor, base speed 50ft, Bite attack, and Mobility Feat)
Bird Form (+2 STR, +2 Natural Armor, +2 Reflex, Fly speed 40 [good], Talon attack)
Nature Sense, Wild Empathy (+4), Woodland Stride, Trackless Step, Resist Natures Lure, Chakra Binds (Totem, Crown, Feet, Hands), 4 soul melds, 4 essentia, 1 bind.


ShouldersKruthik Claws1/1
ArmsGirallon Arms0/1
WaistWormtail Belt1/1
HeartAstral Vambraces1/1
FeetDusking Speed1/1

Humanoid Form
Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 8
Wolf Form
Str 20, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 8
Bird Form
Str 18, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 8


Climb +9 (+3 str, +4 Girallon arms)
Climb +11 (+5 str, +4 Girallon arms)[In wolf Form]
Hide +13 (+3 dex, +4 ranks, +6 Kruthik claws)
Move silently +13 (+3 dex, +4 ranks, +6 Kruthik claws)
Survival +7 (-1 Wis, +8 ranks)

Feats: Shape soulmeld: Astral Vambraces, Weapon Focus: Claw
Possessions: +1 Glamored Leather Amor + Wilding Clasp, Belt of Healing [1/3], Amber Amulet of Vermin: Giant Wasp [1/1], Crystal of Adaption, Least, coin purse (9 pp).

2019-11-05, 09:09 PM
ooc: Kard used his healing belt instead

"Very well" Kard says, and heads onto the 'courtyard', accompanied by his stone ball and his companions.

2019-11-11, 11:42 AM
Grik flies up in a swoop, hovering over the others as they made their way across the courtyard

2019-11-21, 06:06 PM

The wind carries you forward as you descent into the valley, leaving behind the narrow passage that brought you here. Before too long smooth stone replaces the soft grass that had cushioned your steps to this point, and you stand a the edge of the wide courtyard at the middle point between the pillars that mark the corners of the space.

Your footsteps echo strangely in the space. An open space such as this would not normally echo something so faint as a footstep, but you hear each step clearly echoed as though walking in a tiled hallway. Standing just within the edge, the space appears large and empty but something tells you that your goal is somewhere within this space.

Mr Adventurer
2019-11-22, 02:53 AM
Hechtor looks uselessly out over the stones for only a second, then shrugs, "Got to be something here. The aura's all wrong." He waves at Grik in the hopes the shapeshifter will come down to check in so he can ask him if he sees anything. But, assuming the negative, he sighs.

"Guess we'll just have to start searching. Maybe there's something on the pillars? Come on then." So saying, he makes to lead the delegation the hundred or so feet to the corner of the square to better examine a pillar, then, if there's nothing fruitful there, leads a slow and careful foray out onto the flagstones themselves, looking for markings, doorways, or signs of mechanisms.

2019-11-24, 09:43 AM
Kard says ”Could be an illusion here.”

He casts detect magic and scans the ‘courtyard’.

2019-11-25, 03:53 PM
Coraz's face dropped into a look of thoughtful concern. The open courtyard had her on edge. "What do you mean 'the aura's all wrong', Hechtor? Are you 'seeing' something sorcerous then?"

Taking 20 to Search the area

Mr Adventurer
2019-11-25, 04:45 PM
Seeing the first gestures forming in Kard's hands, Hechtor shakes his head, then, in answer to them both, "Kard, you're can use your spell if you want to double check, but let me tell you - I've done the same thing already and the auras..." he nods to Coraz as he goes on, "They're not coming through as they should, or if there's nothing, that's not coming through properly either."

He shrugs, "I haven't seen anything like it before. Maybe something is confusing the magic. It's only a simple weaving. I don't use it like a wizard would, but I've learned enough." He grunts. He doesn't say where he learned it from. He doesn't carry books.

PeacefulOaks, if OK can we assume that Hechtor uses Detect Magic whenever he's searching something, unless I say otherwise, assuming there is time for him to do so? He has it as an at-will spell-like ability.

2019-11-27, 12:18 PM
Pausing in her search, Coraz's frown deepened with even more concern. "If there is any magic here, it may be that the surrounding stones are too thick to let any auras be known. Or, there may not be any magicks at all, at least in this particular area."

She looked over to the dwarves, wondering if either man had found anything odd among the stonework. It was something that she had read that their people were skilled at determining...

2020-01-02, 02:36 PM

As you each step onto (or soar above) the flagstones the sounds of your footfalls fill the air, breaking the otherwise soundless state of the area. It takes a moment for you to notice that there is a sound that is not connected to any footfalls, a rhythmic beat that is staggered like a drunkard stumbling from side to side.

Thump-thump.... thump-thump.... thump-thump....

Not steps, but the longer you hear it the more it sounds like a heartbeat. Even as you think to comment a sibilant voice enters your minds, somehow seeming to bypass your ears.

"Welcome, ssservantsss. Ssseekerss of knowledge, ssseekerss of truth, be welcome. You ssseek something now, yesss? Then enter, prove true, and sssee the Truth you ssseek."

A sudden grinding sound comes, and sharp eyes in the sky witness a section of the stones at the center of the space collapsing down to form stairs that lead down into a shadowed darkness.

2020-01-04, 11:55 AM
"Well … No turning back now."

Kard dismisses his stone sphere and heads to the stairs. He'll head down once the others catch up.

Spot [roll0] 60' darkvision
Listen [roll1]
Search [roll2] auto-search vs stonework, can find traps as rogue

Mr Adventurer
2020-01-05, 07:50 AM
Hechtor freezes as the rumbling voice echoes around his skull, but shakes his head.

No. No, it's something else.

He notices Kard heading for the new opening and glances to the others and gives a nod, before jogging to catch up to the dwarf, his armour clanking despite its craftsmanship.

"Let me stand alongside you, Rockwell." He brandishes his heavy-bladed sword as they step forward together.

2020-01-06, 06:42 PM
"A moment...let me light my lantern. And I'll take rear so as not to disturb anyone's darkvision." Coraz shook her head in concern. She felt so out of her depth right now. But she did her best to push aside her discomfort to fill and light her lantern.

2020-01-21, 05:05 PM
Grik sees the stairs forming in the center of the stones, and is about to warn his allies, but stops short, they form and nothing else is amiss, excepting of course, the voice.

He simply flies down, and shifts into a panther, as black as nice, his padded paws landing on the ground with barely a soft *thud*.

Not needing light, or at least as much of it, he begins to head down as the others prepare theirs.