View Full Version : What Can You Do With A Catfolk Pelt?

2019-10-25, 09:24 PM
More precisely, is there anything inherent in a catfolk pelt that would lend itself to any particular enchantment?

There is a catfolk pelt in my game, and I’d like my players to encounter one of their adversaries wearing it. I’d like it to be enchanted…somehow, but not sure what it should be. Is there anything a catfolk pelt would be especially well-suited for, magic-wise? I’m open to all 3.X and Pathfinder content.

2019-10-25, 09:48 PM
As in a skinned humanoid? That's a bit squick, but there's probably something in BoVD?

You could probably use Pelt of the Beast (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Pelt%20of%20th e%20Beast) as a basis for modifying something, but even if you wanted something more intense than a regular tiger, I'd lean closer to a weretiger than a catfolk there.

2019-10-25, 10:40 PM
An enchantment spell for a cat? Dominate person sounds about right, given how they seem to feel they own the world and we're just there for changing the litter and feeding time.

2019-10-25, 10:45 PM
This isn't a RAW answer at all, but i feel like you give it the stats of masterwork leather armor, flavor text it to look how you want it to, and then give it the shadowed and silent moves traits without it being +1 armor (which is specifically against the magic items rules). I would say in the flavor text you make for it, this should be the pelt of a particularly powerful catfolk assassin or something, it should not apply across the board for all catfolk pelts (otherwise you may have your PCs go nuts skinning everything and making weird items from it... unless that's what you want).

Like Psyren said though, the concept of wearing/using a sentient creature's skin is rather macabre and should probably only be done by the most vile of evil creatures, unless your standard of evil in your game is that level, and that's a very dark game indeed (make sure your players know that and are actually ready for it).

2019-10-25, 10:51 PM
The intelligent pelt should dominate anyone who wears it to do its bidding; also polymorph the wearer into a catfolk, which is obviously superior in all ways to other species.

2019-10-26, 06:31 AM
Isnt there an undead that's just animated skin?

2019-10-26, 07:26 AM
Two of them, both from Libris Mortis.

The Skin Kite


is basically a mass of skin bits, united as one entity.

The Forsaken Shell


is a single flayed skin.

2019-10-26, 07:52 AM
An enchantment spell for a cat? Dominate person sounds about right, given how they seem to feel they own the world and we're just there for changing the litter and feeding time.

The intelligent pelt should dominate anyone who wears it to do its bidding; also polymorph the wearer into a catfolk, which is obviously superior in all ways to other species.

Thanks Maxi, I needed a laugh this morning ;-)

Catfolk get a dex bonus so giving the wearer a dex bonus wouldn't be out of order.

Cats stalk their prey so giving the wearer a plus to hide and move silently would be reasonable.

Cats get their domination (charm) skills from being just too damned cute so giving the owner a charisma bonus wouldn't be too far out of line

+2 Dex, +2 Cha, +2 to Hide and Move Silently checks, Damn, Now I want one for my Gestalt Rogue/Bard ;-D

Just a couple of coppers, YMMV ;-)

2019-10-26, 09:11 AM
Optional metamagic component (Extend) for Find the Path. Since there's more than one way to skin a Catfolk.

2019-10-26, 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by Psyren
You could probably use Pelt of the Beast as a basis for modifying something….

This is perfect, a great starting point.

Originally Posted by AnimeTheCat
Like Psyren said though, the concept of wearing/using a sentient creature's skin is rather macabre….

The pelt is from a catfolk the party used to know. My players have seen worse.

Originally Posted by unseenmage
Isnt there an undead that's just animated skin?

Apart from the examples that hamishspence gave, I think there’s an undead like this from one of the Bestiaries as well.

Originally Posted by lylsyly
+2 Dex, +2 Cha, +2 to Hide and Move Silently checks….

Also very good, although I’m wondering about the gp value for this as a magic item.

What would be the gp value for each of those components? I’m wondering how many of these I can stack on without overloading the treasure value, since the party is only third level right now.

Originally Posted by Telonius
Optional metamagic component (Extend) for Find the Path.

That’s...weirdly appropriate, thanks. Although extremely specialized.

2019-10-26, 12:35 PM
Isnt there an undead that's just animated skin?Yes - Hollow (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20021021a).

Also, you can stuff that pelt and animate it as Medium Animated Object (IIRR, some adventure included possible encounter with stuffed monsters, who have all the statistics of Animated Objects)

Trophy Hunter feat (Dragon #332): for a Pelt - +2 moral bonus on attack for one encounter (if Catfolk is your Favored Enemy)

Trophy Collector feat (Players Handbook II): craft Belt, Cloak, Necklace, or pair of Boots out of this pelt, and you will get:
+2 bonus on Intimidate checks vs. creatures of the same type
–4 penalty on Diplomacy check vs. creatures of the same type
+1 bonus on saves vs. Fear effects
Morale bonus on a Will save equal to the number of trophies you are wearing, 1/day

2019-10-26, 02:05 PM
The pelt is from a catfolk the party used to know. My players have seen worse.

Still seems pretty gross/evil to me, but, you do you. Don't see much difference between this and wearing the skin of an elf or some other humanoid...

Isnt there an undead that's just animated skin?

Shredskin (https://aonprd.com/MonsterDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Shredskin) from Bestiary 4

2019-10-26, 02:21 PM
More precisely, is there anything inherent in a catfolk pelt that would lend itself to any particular enchantment?

There is a catfolk pelt in my game, and I’d like my players to encounter one of their adversaries wearing it. I’d like it to be enchanted…somehow, but not sure what it should be. Is there anything a catfolk pelt would be especially well-suited for, magic-wise? I’m open to all 3.X and Pathfinder content.

You can wear it and look good. Also, enchant it with this as a 1/day ability:


2019-10-26, 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Psyren
Still seems pretty gross/evil to me….

Yes. The villains in my game are often quite evil.

Originally Posted by Psyren
Shredskin from Bestiary 4….

That’s the one I was thinking of, thanks.

Originally Posted by MaxiDuRaritry
An enchantment spell for a cat? Dominate person sounds about right….

I would say Suggestion would be appropriate, with the verbal component being repeated yowling.

At two in the morning. Right outside the bedroom door.

Originally Posted by MaxiDuRaritry
…given how they seem to feel they own the world and we're just there for changing the litter and feeding time.

And doors. Don’t forget opening doors.

2019-10-26, 05:28 PM
Yes. The villains in my game are often quite evil.

Fair, I suppose it's their choice whether to wear the thing or burn it upon looting :smalltongue:

2019-10-26, 05:37 PM
If the pelt is magically enhanced, what happens if it's used as the material component for a resurrection-type spell?

Something like this, perhaps? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?177889-Brainstorm-for-Psionic-Tricks-Tactics-and-Combos-Handbook&p=23285432&viewfull=1#post23285432)

2019-10-26, 08:40 PM
Once found a Cape from human skin on an orc. It was enchanted to give intimidate checks a boost and three times a day cause fear 1st level spell 20 wisdom caster. DC 16.

Cat skin lends itself to a dexterity boost and maybe some sort of hide ability boost. Most would be allow you enlarge or shrink 4 times a day for 10 rounds. Cats after all enlarge when facing a dog or squeeze into tiny hole when running.

Honestly your in homebrew territory here.

2019-10-26, 09:20 PM
There's a cheap 1/day polymorph item in the A&EG, the phylactery of change. You could reduce the price even further if it's polymorph to catfolk only. Have it use the wearer's base scores (sans racials) and add the catfolk racials on top. And while wearing the skin, you automatically take catfolk form.

Maybe add a few minor benefits on top of it, too. Maybe a few negatives, like being immune to beneficial form-shifting magic (disguise self, alter self, polymorph, even things like reduce person and enlarge person). Maybe immunity to negative form-shifting magic, as well. Then you could add one or two other minor abilities, to boot.

One more negative could be that anyone who recognizes exactly what it is you're wearing would consider it an evil act, like wearing the skin of a human or elf, even if it might not actually be so on an elemental, cosmic, metaphysical level.

Maybe it's cursed to make it difficult or impossible to remove? And like certain other alignment-shifting items, you are forced to like your new form, even if it's a bad thing (such as on a high-LA character).

2019-10-27, 02:26 AM
If the pelt is magically enhanced, what happens if it's used as the material component for a resurrection-type spell?

Something like this, perhaps? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?177889-Brainstorm-for-Psionic-Tricks-Tactics-and-Combos-Handbook&p=23285432&viewfull=1#post23285432)

Speaking of which, if they have the pelt can they resurrect the person it used to be the pelt of?

2019-10-28, 07:04 AM
Put the lotion on the skin