View Full Version : Wild Magic Fiendish Sorlock

2019-10-26, 04:33 PM
My characters wild magic powers were dampened in her youth due to a pact struck between her parents and a fiend but as she has aged they have come to the fore along with a few powers stolen from the patron in the process. I debated whether I should have forgone the warlock powers and treat this as story over mechanical benefits but think I like the story of the patron losing power to her not of its free will.
Not sure whether a level 20 build will have 2 or 3 warlock but that's a long way off for now.
Im considering a sans eldritch blast build prefering chaos bolt for the theme but im aware this is not optimal. The question is whether its practical, workable, sustainable.
I see her more as a controller, supporter, trying to hide and not stick her shy nose out.

Im torn between scrouge aaismar (although wont have the hp to survive long), a tiefling (subtle physical features, a result of the pact perhaps?), And human (which feat?)

But really the only absolutes are her classes. Id welcome your suggested build ideas (without, or with eldritch blast), but I really want to drive the chaotic wild magic nature (dm will surge after each casting).

2019-10-27, 02:39 AM
Sorlock is totally workable, even if you're not doing Coffeelock cheese.

As far as races go, I think there's additional flavor to be mined from going Tiefling, as it further plays into the idea of your character's dueling natures. Perhaps the Wild Magic comes from a particularly chaotic demon and your patron is a devil seeking to harness that power?

Forsaking Eldritch Blast is totally viable if you're fine giving up the extra damage/type, though you should still absolutely pick up a good damaging cantrip just in case. Warlock has plenty of utility Invocations to use frequently!

2019-10-27, 03:08 AM
I will make sure to convert all my warlock slots to sorcerer slots in order to have more rolls in the wild magic table.

About feats:
In my opinion CBE is great for acting in melee range if someone got to you.
War Caster for concentration.
Spell Sniper for extra range and ignoring cover.
+2 cha for the goodies.
Res wisdom for not being a pool of flash on the floor in fights at high level.

About race:
If you feel the need of a feat take human. If not then tiefling have some good options.
And it's casting is nor sorcerer so the spells from your race will be your safe spells because they were from the fiend(stolen or stuff).

2019-10-27, 04:35 PM
Sorlock is totally workable, even if you're not doing Coffeelock cheese.

As far as races go, I think there's additional flavor to be mined from going Tiefling, as it further plays into the idea of your character's dueling natures. Perhaps the Wild Magic comes from a particularly chaotic demon and your patron is a devil seeking to harness that power?

Forsaking Eldritch Blast is totally viable if you're fine giving up the extra damage/type, though you should still absolutely pick up a good damaging cantrip just in case. Warlock has plenty of utility Invocations to use frequently!

Some good suggestions. Yeah I'm pretty sure ill forgo eb. If I take it as a backup ill just end up using it so I'm going to focus on the wild magic with spells like chaos bolt and as many damage types as I can, from chill touch, fire bolt and others.

2019-10-31, 05:07 AM
I've narrowed down my options.

Flavour wise im going to introduce a little chaos of my own between rounds and roll (beat spell level on a d6) to whether i cast as intended or an eldritch blast (telekinetic force wave). She is also perhaps going to be less naive than i once intended, more manipulative but continue the patterns of the past (trying to remain hidden, unnoticed, forgotten). This is a young woman discovering she is powerful, having discovered she can at times control this wild magic.

The other major change i have thought of is to not treat the warlock levels exactly as warlock levels, but rather as controlling the power she has (learning how to recover spell slots eg warlock slots), and taking power from the fiend binding her (dark ones blessing).
Id also like to have the dm grant me the appearance (not use of) the imp from the pact of the chain. A spy for the patron on this plain who will change its allegiance when she goes to warlock 3 to her. That could open up some roleplaying especially as the deal brokered isnt with her anyway. This would play into her understanding that SHE controls the power within.

Race: Tiefling or Human (resiliant Dex)...still cant decide

Building to 6 (4 Sorcerer /2 Warlock) but eye to 12+ (10/2)

Invocations: Repelling Blast to tie in with my telekinetic outbursts, and ???
Metamagic: Subtle and maybe Twinned?

Spells (based on 10/2), 11 (+3) and can include a couple of 5ths:
Synaptic Static,
Greater Invisibility, Polymorph, Banishment
Fear, Haste (good spell for party light on magic but doesnt fit theme well), Counterspell
Suggestion, Shatter, Mirror Image, Darkness,
Catapult, Chaos Bolt, Command,

Drow with High Magic could potentially remove the need for counterspell (dispel magic instead) and darkness AND open up some other options with detect magic, levitate and fairy fire

Spell selection is REALLY hard with so few to have and so many that fit.

2019-10-31, 05:30 AM
Invocations: Repelling Blast to tie in with my telekinetic outbursts, and ???
Metamagic: Subtle and maybe Twinned?

If you forgo Eldritch Blast, then Repelling Blast makes no sense from RAW point of view, unless your DM allows it to work with other spells? Instead of the EB powerup invocations, you can take the at-will spells like Mage Armor, False Life, Speak with Animals, Detect Magic, Disguise Self, Silent Image or you can use the utility of Devil's Sight, Runekeeper, and Beguiling Influence. You can trade one of those invocations for another one once you roleplay into Warlock lvl 3.

p.s.: As for cantrips, Firebolt is the only one that can target objects, which might be very useful when blasting down doors.

2019-10-31, 05:42 AM
If you forgo Eldritch Blast, then Repelling Blast makes no sense from RAW point of view, unless your DM allows it to work with other spells? Instead of the EB powerup invocations, you can take the at-will spells like Mage Armor, False Life, Speak with Animals, Detect Magic, Disguise Self, Silent Image or you can use the utility of Devil's Sight, Runekeeper, and Beguiling Influence. You can trade one of those invocations for another one once you roleplay into Warlock lvl 3.

p.s.: As for cantrips, Firebolt is the only one that can target objects, which might be very useful when blasting down doors.

I changed my mind on eldritch blast. Going to have it used as part 'uncontrolled' magic and as she learns to control it to force push enemies i think.

She is part Jedi, part scarlet witch lol. I was going to have her part Reese (Stargate) and have her make tiny spiders for use with animate objects but best leave that for another build i think.

2019-10-31, 11:20 AM
My favorite invocation to take at Warlock 2 is mask of many faces. It'll save you slots out of combat and keep you from surging when you're trying to be covert.

The at will detect magic is awesome if your DM leaves magic stuff hidden everywhere.

Being able to read any writen language comes up more than most players think.

Subtle and twin are perfect for casting Hex.

Also both the Teifling feats in XGtE would be good for you.

Maybe take a look at the UA Abyssal lineage Teifling. They get random spells everyday so that's super thematic for a chaos sorcerer.

Chaos Bolt is awesome and anyone who has it should cast it as much as they can. And Twin it.